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> *
WW,•»«*■>» W' W; Mtsweff rmt vino*
aAikv v*vEa, i n
bOUNTM H1*na, ! I
4;i ; Milt«OLliJ«.
: i : rm nor, t. An*.
TO T|l XWTOX* or TH* 0X0RGIAK. ,
Miu.EnnETiLi.*. DM. Id, 18*8.—The ds
tele upon the subject of tlie Bank of Darian
commenced on Wednesday. on the report of
the eommiUae as mentioned in a subsequent
pari ofthis loMer. and judging from the varie.
te dtreeted uvenqniroleto the propriety Md fleerliln Wr Will tetd the reoweal iri ihe
necessity of providing by. law to compel'*•
Attorney and Solicitors General/ Mini, or hartal) hr may be in oflloe. to *t»-
eount H>r and pay war to (be. Treasury all
pobtte moniee collected, or that may be
bent after collected or received by Ibeiu
from Sheriff., collector! or other person*.
The Joiqt Committee ua Agricultgwfijkdffoe oreditora of tlie Halt.
Internal l.nptovement, to trhom wa'aSifor* K'fbe neat substitute offered by Mr. D.tugh-
..... ’ ti.'.L „r
itMitutiiM—in cape of reAnal the prosecution
lo be dlreeted against the Bunk, an provided
for above. This resolution alio provide, that
the Treasurer shall be inatructed In Continue
tlie receipt of Darien Notes, until notified by
ihe Governor of the owninenocihdnt ot .ucl.
Miit. and to pay out apeoieor current bill, to
ty of pleasuresproponed, the oooclu.ionmo't
he that the opinion, of the member. of ^***|eemity of the tame ebould not be superceded
red by the Sonata tho aubject of cutting a
canal from that Alatamnha to the Turtle
River, Reported, that they had, the earn,
under consideration, and . believed it to
be a aubject worthy the aiteniion of the Le
gielaturo i bpt inasmuch aa there ia a bill
iiow before tint Houaefor the
of a Boatd of Public Works,they recommend
i he aubject. to the early attention of thui
Board, when csubRsliod, provided the lie
fcegialalure are mach divided. Aa far oa
these opinions were expressed in Ilia debate,
it appeared that a portion of the houte were
Satisfied of if. competency loanalaio its bred
it by paying its note, in apooie, on a given
day,, which they were vati.fied ihould be bv
the first of May neat—another clau consid
ered that the best mean, of restoring the
bank way ita immediate removal—a. third that
.ft ahutild be imnMiately taken under the
guardianship ofthe Slate, having forfeited it.
Charter—and another that all legislation. . . ,
... . I ot Brtgados.
went to destroy entirely the credit which .
™» ». ,1 younger cli
had already .been to aertoiuly affected, and
that interference in any ahapo, wax unneoes
aery. The opinion, of the house,, however,
may be beat judged of from the substitutes of
(bred to the original resolution. I think it
moat likely itbat the first substitute will be the
measure adopted. I'oannot pretend even to
give you an idea of the debate, but tho fol
bowing Cole of it from recollection may giro
1 an idea of the opinions of the speaker.,
M r , Spalding having been admitted to a
goat in tbe House, opened the discussion bv
explaining the present situation of the Back,
and the solvency ofthe persons indebted to
it. He aim dwelt upon the measures of
the Bank to retrieve ita affairs since Uie
statements submitted to the Legislature —
He supported the solvency of the institution,
asserted the correctness of the statement in
bis letter, a copy of which I furnished yon in
tty last—and refei red lo the cafaptities expo
Henced by the-part of tlie country iq which
Mr. Harden examined the situation of the
Bank according to the statement made to the
Legislature, expressed his opinion that ita af-
ffura were in inch a situation as to dpbar the
hepa of retrieving them, and dwelt upon
Ihe subject of hanking in general,the amount
ofita notes oat, and the imposaibility of re-
’ deeming them.
Mr. Hudson, as one of the committee ap
pointed to enquire into the affairs of the Bank
. whose report had been presented to the house,
explained the circumstances connected witli
that examination, and contended for its cor
Mr. jtrailsford contended for the solvency
dr rtie Bank and recurred lo the early history
of Ihe institution and Ihe benefits derived
Oh Wednesday last, Lengdou Chaves
and. Georg* M’Duffin E-quira*. passed
ihrougli this place for* Washingtnn Wc
learn fruin Mr M. that any disr.iiasinn of
the Creek Qaetlim in Congress, would be
pope reeded by a neut treaty that.. would aa
tialy.all parties concerned.—■Chenne Oat
mohg which were an Gael liidiaman that I Natc«R*. Nov. 7.—The health of Match-
had been lengthened IS feet and fitted up ne Ira seems completely restored s and the fears
Fokuion SflWnt rwiTmtciriW at ]
t.lNItyttil'M,-' i -
Inrffeetual exertions had bean made to|
release f wo ships in the DowqeJ freighted
with’arm* for the Groelia, on the ground
i hat they cleared bdforo the King's precis
motion wan issued.
Several vestals lying, at Gravesend, a-
ions which were an Ei
by the Canal proposed to bo cut by thoMeX
ico-Atlantic Company, The repurt was
agreed lo,
A resolution was introduced by Mr. Sel
lore, instructing Iho Joint Military Commit-
tee, to enquire into the propriety and ne
comity of so amending the Militia law. ui
this state, as to make it the duty ofthe Cap
taina commanding, to class ihe several per
sons subject to their respective command,
agreeable to their age and of Oummundents
to assemble the militia ofthe
younger clan annually in the oentrb ol
Brigade-, far the purpose of instructing them
in such military Wtics as may be though:
useful and necessary
The bill from the form 2 new conn
ties/rom the counties of IrWirt and Decatur
was read the third tiino and passed.—
The new counties are named Lowndes and
Tn the Sonste yesterday, the following
resolution was introduced by Mr. Darnell,
and laid on Ihe table.
Resolved. Ttixt Hie Excellency the Go
vernor, be authorised to Inin to the several
Banka of this state, whose hills are-in good
credit, auchqmrtiom of the monies nowin
t he Treasury as he may deem fit and pro
per, atthe.rateof tint less than — per cent,
upon condition thsl the same be repaid upon
six mouth* notice being given, of any por
tion. or all ofthe said mnniea.
A bill has been read the third time in the
Senate, in committee of tlm whole, further
ttf define the duty^of Receivers of Tax Re
turns—which makes it the duty of Receivers
in the state to inform against all command
ing officers of Districts, who shall fail tore,
turns list ofthe inhabitants of his District
liable to pay taxes, under a penalty of thir
ty dollars.
The act to extend the time for fortunate
drawers in the Land Lotteries of 1818, 1819
and 1821. tn take out their grants, which
had previously passed the UuiHo.waa yester
day read tlie third time and passed in Sen
ate—thetime is extended to 28th Decem
ber, issj; t
In the House,on Wednesday, Mr Camp
bell, from the Joint-Committee bn Public
Education and Free Sphoo'e. presented
long report upon the aubject of the General
erty, was a bill to remove the Batik of Dari
en (with tlie content of — tenth* of ttf Mock)
to the town of ——. to Change it* name
and to authorise the Bank, in case of it. remo
sal, to eyluBliah (wo additional offices of dia
count qftd deposit, to authorise the bank to
hold real estate, and in case of non-removal to
control its banking operation*.
The third substitute wai offered by Mr.
Poster. *nd provide, tliat the Bank *h»H
have till the lit day of June to yesuma .pacie
payment., and that after the 1st Monday in
Decambei, it. bill, not ,to be received Into the
Treasury *r paid out,
Tlie fourth substitute offered by Mr. Har-
deli, goes to declare the charter forfeited, and
to appoint Commissioners lo take Uie Bank in
'o poss avion and aettle it. affairs*
The fifth substitute was a hill by Mr. fort,
to remove the Bank to Milledgeville.
And Mr. Campbell moved that the whole
matter be laid upon the table for the remain
der of the session.
In the Home on Thursday, on motion of
Mr. Cone of Camden, the Joint Coinmitttee
on Agriculture and Internal Improvement,
tve'e directed to enquire into the expediency
'and practicability of cutting a canal from Ihe
Altamalia to the town of Brumnvick, io the
county of Glynn.
On rnolioo ofMr. Burnside, it was resolved,
That Ilia Excellency the Governor, be re
quested to inform the house, whether, under
tlie appropriation of the last aessioo of the Lo
gislalnre, he has obtained the service* of a
competent engineer, and if not,what obstacle.
Interpose themselves to prevent him from do
ng so, and wliethr any additional ebactmenls
of this Legislature will aid him in the attain
inent of that object,
Mr. Hulsey laid on the table a resolution lo
dispense with the tittle of “honorable" in the
Idrest of mem tiers of this house.
Mr. King, of Monroe, introduced a bill
from ,ii—He also dwelt upon the visitation, of Lueralure of the Ststei , nd r e C0 „ imBn di np
tho Deity, which had fallen upon that part
of the country, and destroyed the hopes of
the planter.
Mr. Sparks expressed his Conviction of the
solvency of the bank, and adverted to the
efforts now made to destroy it—believed that
it could and Would surmount them and
tablish itself
Mr. Dougherty adverted to the sympathy
excited in behalf of the Stockholder* of the
Bank, apd referred to the boldera of its bills
Who were equally entitled to consideration
He expreaaedr bis opinion at some length, and
concluded by offering a substitute., which will
be found below.
Mr. Campbell dwelt upon the evil eonse
quencei which have arisen from Legislation
in relation tn banks—considered . that they
•r^est managed when left to themselves—
lo the adoption of the House three Bills; vix :
The firm ia an act to amei d an act pro
viding for the permanent endowment of the
University. -This bill provides that the per
manrnt endowment of (lie University shall
consist of ayum not loss than ten thousand
dollars per annum, the deficit to be paid ou l
of the treasury, when the dividends furnish
nd by the Bank Stock granted to tlie Uni-
versify, do not amount to that sum.
The second is a bill to increase the funds
heretofore set apart for; the endowment oi
County-Academies and support of Free
Schools, in Bank Stock.
The third is an act to establish a seat of
learning in this state for the education
females. This bill contemplate* the estab
lishment of a Public Seat of Learning frn
Females, under the name of “ The Female
Compared the , situation of the Bank of the. I Seminary of Georgia," to be managed by
Staleof Georgia, from 1818 to 18tt, and tie'
depreciation of its stock, with that of the
Board of Trusteee, enneisting ot fifteen
malea and fifteen females—who ate to be
Bank of Darfan at tho present period—and I entnieted with very thing appertaining lo
ftorn analogy argnedkllat Iho latlpr might be I the management of tho institution—an an
recovered lo the same situation as the former I nual examination to be held at the Semi
now—referred to the report of the Commit nary. i 1
tinners appointed on the part of the Slate to I The House on Wednesday, took up and
examine into the affairtofihe banks,It argu-’d, concurred in the Report of the Committee
an Banka, to whom was referred the exliih
its submitted tn the Legislature by the State
and Planters' Banks, and the Bank of Au
giistn. ,
The House then, resolved itself intea Com
mittee of the whole. Mr, Hull in the Chair,
that even in tile morat possible point of view
still Ihe bank of Darien might, by proper meat
urea recover its credit—Compared the anxi-
sty of the Slate which holds half the Stock
to iolariiare with the Bank, and the Stock-
balden wfio bold the other half, and : who do
noteomplafn—referred to the Stale's interest I,m thn Report ’of the‘Joint-Committee on
in (he direction, and their, poorer, if their di- I Banlts, to whom was referred the. Report of
ronton are nfifoithfal, to elect qthen., apd the Spccial Commlttee relative Ip the, Darien
closed bv moving fogt pH the; paper* be laid Bank. A copy of thia report 1 tranatnitted
on lhetaj|)e for tka raiiteiaderofilieae*tioni jin my Iasi—il gives to the first day o( Feb-
Id the Senate on Wednesday,30th—A bill rruary to tlm Bank, to ritsuma specie pay
was passed to add iha’t pirtoftfin fondi herv ments. when it shall be the duty of the Soli
tofora eeif apart for, the eupport of Cqiinfy citor General tq commence suit for a violation
' Academies in the free school fint|k eo for ee of the etertef, lie.
respects the cou'miee of Tnjfpif, Obktbttan.i TotH^'kiaUbstitute wa* offered by Mr.
Irwin end Ware. I Sparks, giving to tlie Bank uotil lhe first d»y
‘ He following resolution was on motioli of May, U> resume payments ia specie—aftar
of,Mr. Stock's read and agreed to i . | wbiob, if thay are not resumed, the Gersruor
remove the seat of Government lo Macon,
which was read the first time.
The Appropriation Bill was taken np in
committee of the whole and the usual blanks
filled up.
, i N
A debate of considerable length ensued on
bill to form a new county nut of the coun
ties of Wilkes, Warren, Ogletlmrne, Greene,
and Hancock, to be called Taliaferro, when
was determined by a vote of 80 to SO to
strike out so much of the hill as included parts
ifllancock and Warren—thus destroying
the bill. Il will be reconsidered this morn
ing. The representation from Hancock and
Warren were the principal oppnsnrs—those
from Wilkes and Greene its snpnonera.
The hill for Districting the State in the or-
terof the day, for to-day—we expect odnsid
arable deebate.
The flags of the various vessels in nur
harbor, were displayed during yesterday ai
half mast, in token of respect in the memory
of the much lamented McDonovan.
The dwelling house of Gnonox Jones
Esq. on his plantation at Newtnrl, 7 miles
from town, was burnt down on Monday.
28th ult. Most of the furniture was saved
The fire is supposed til have been enmmuni
cated from.the chimney. Insurance to the
amount of $2000 existed, but the loss for ex
ceeds that sum.
The steam-boat B»!ixe, on the 8th ultimo
while towing a ship from Now-Orleans
town the river, nccidonlely took fire and
was totally destroyed. The B. was patlly
insured in New York.
a man of war and a man of war brig belong
ing to Lord Ha rhorough, had sailed for
Greece before the order* of detention from
the Bi.mrolsry of 8 ate reached there.
Tiled at Vvndermnut, in Lnrraine a sur
geon,eelleil Pulo-Timan, aged 148years —
lie. the evening before, with much dexterity
and firmneiM of hand, pepformnd the opera
lion for esneer on an old woman.
The expedition for Cuba, consisting ul
three brig* and two frigates, the Ibciiii and
Lealla. with 3000 troops, sailed ou the 26th
Sept, The nomination of Gen. Crux to
succeed Gen- Vives hail not boencnnfirined-
The commissioners from llayti, had made
proposals for a loan of 30,000,000 of franc,
lo be paid in 28 years; with 6 per cent in-
The Paris Monileur of 16th October con
tains an officml resort of Iho state of th
revenue of France for the first nine months
of the year. The produce for the first ihre
quarter- of 1824 amounted to 799, 773, 000
franc* (or JE32. 670. 90 and that for the
aume period in 1825 to 779, 101.000 francs
There haa thus been an increase of mor
than half a million sterling, in the course of
nine months.
It is slated in the papers, (hat Mr. Prjc
had offered Madame Catalina a very liberal
engagement, and that she would finback
for New-York. si the close nftlieir concert
nd performances in London, during th
It was reported in London, that Mr, Hus
kiason’i visit in Paris was c hiefly for the
purpose of neg,dialing a treaty of commerce
with ihe Frnnoh government.
A letter from Pnris'aJdressed to a very
rote ctalde house in F,oiid'in, holds nut a con
fidetit expectation that the French Gahinet
will Ite sncin able to claim the honor of linving
snlidued tlm nh-tinaev of the Spanish Moo
arclr on Ihe subject of Ids ridiculous claims
in tlie sovereignly of the new stales of Amcri
ca.. It savs, tliat Ferdinand has so far yield
„d a* to consent that Ihe Cabinet of the Tuil
leries -linuld sound those slates, whether they
would agree to give him a pecuniary jndetnni
tv to 9|>ain, should lie recognize their iede
Tier Pope was dangerously ill on the 28tb
The following remark! horn the Evening
Port shews that (lie pre-u-c of the enuney
market in New York had been considerably
Lisv.nAt.iTV.—We are pleased tn be able
lo slain that our citv banks have extended a
liberal hand tn ijieir mercantile friends win
were applicants at their counters. Wed
nesday was a jo, ful day, and yesterday was
and alarms nf' it* inhabitants to have sub
ided. Wn have had thn gratification of
greeting with a hearty welcome the return
of most of nnr enterprising oitixcnsi some,
whose journeys ware distant, have not yet
MAjon-Gr-NKUAi, Gaivxs.—Major Gen-
eraFOuinek arrived in this city on Friday
night, in the steam boat from B liimoro
and nn Saturday evening was presented
with the lisndsnine Sword, which had been
made for him by order of I lie Legislature nf
Virginia. The presentation w*s made by
the Governor in the Coum-il Chamber in the I ho presence ofthe Members ofthe
Executive Council, and a number of ladies
and jentlrineb. Wc arc favored with cop
i«t of the Governor's Address and the Gen
eral’s Reply.—Rich■ Compiler, 28(8 but.
Mkrcsntii.k Disturbs.—Wp have heard
n remarked by urany intelligent merchants,
tlist the distress ofthe m reaniile classes of
this city haa exceed' d for the last four
months any period since the hard times of
MllGund 1817. Since the beginning of Au
post no fewer llion./i/ly mercantile failures
uve taken place in New York, and about
thirty in tho southern cities connected with
i hem, making in the short space of three
iiionths not far short nf a hundred, il'th
minks do not extend a liberal hand it is
feared that more failures will be the copse
quence.—JVal. Arfv
Nsw-Yonx, .Nov. 25. —.Moenttern of n
Mte.—tOil the 18lli instant a certain heiisi
in this city, then in good circumstance-, call
cd at the Manhattan (lank to take up thei
note, which according lo their memorandum
book, fell due that day, for $12,500, but
application at the Bank, they were ns-ureb
by I he dork that nn such note was there
they then applied to th' ir endorser tn learn
what Bank it was lodged in, and wore io
formed the Manhattan Bank. Rin k they
went to thn Manhattan, and receiving th
nino answer as before, they desisted from
any further search. But on the 2l*t Inst
they received a notice, that the note had bo
crime due. and was soon the 16th, hut thn
it had been entered by the mistake of thi
clerk as arriving at maturity on the 2lat.—
Bmalns! in the mean lime the house had
aecome bnnkriipi, owing In th" misfortune
nf a disinnt Arm.—Quern.—The endorser
linving been hy this accident exonerated
who hears Ihe loss f
At onr paper was going tn press, we hnye
just learned that (he U S. Branch Bank in
this city, have extended their discumit this
AWOrbans, JVb*. 14—Cotto
have been unable to bear of moreth,„ ,
sales during the week, one of70 balm
tenie, and another 75 bales at t«cm,u h,!w
the growth of Louisiana and in quality #1?
«1>>*I to Ihkl sold last week it 17 » |i f I
” nt V. T ! ia r< " 'bis article cm, !nt b |
considered ae fairly opened, nor the n rK „
“ * ny ? rit * ri0D <* «• valmut
the tune when purch.ser. will venture !»
ship for England, whither nearly one half rf
nnr annual exports are made direot. W.
of opinion will, many others, that were„ U(
supplies equal to those of this lime leu
say 8000 bales, and near that am,mm f, m ,J
into market, that prices would be liit| e „,„
I4ets. owing to the temporary enib» m "
inents occasioned by the heavy speciilati,,. „
high prices last summer, and rerent fad,.."
in Liverpool, which are beginning to be*,?
"ball felt in many of the commercial cilia, j
the Union, our own not excepted Arrival
since our last from Mississippi and the ||, tPr ."
598 hale*, Pensacola Sea Island) 10. (o.,„
ed fur New York 282 bales, Boston is*
together 518 bales.
Sngnr.—We have heard of 30 lil, da . „ c _
ctsip, made near the city, selling f W j
cents per pound oasli, to a grocer for retail
ing.i which makes the only transaction ,,
that of the ribbon cane, noticed t*o
ago. We are still unahle to ssy *t ,1,,.
price the market will open hy the quantity ua
Ihe plantations The crops, so far. pro,'n, st
well, particularly up the coast; whilst >unn
few below the oily will fall short of the gcn er .
a I expectation. ^
Molatsn.—on the plantation will toon h«
ready for sale; A- yet, ulirr much inquiry
we are unable to state at what price tln- nmr!
ket wilt open; but presume il will ,, e ,^ l1r 14
a 15 cents per gallion, the same as Iasi , rasu0 ,
JVew Orlenm, Me. 11.—By *11 »•„ nM1
Icar from the different cotton giuivin.r pnr .
inhesof onr at.ate, thin loir's crop Mill bs
more abundant than even tin lost. Tl,t
i sobjecta of regret nmv arc t he ,| 0 .
laya likely to bn experictm d in selling,
tip lowness nf the prices,
obi Ip. JV ov. 22.—fifipincvs nf every drs-
criplinn continues very ilnll—Nn cotton of
cnimcquencH Ims vet come i„ market, mil
nothing doing in the article.
no less *u. Tlie extraordinary scarcity ol I fir.'imno to a lion I ^IQO.Ck'iO an instance of
money for some time pest, has been a serious
inconvenience to all classes. A deficiency
in any other commodity is felt but by a lew
comparatively; and al all events a proper
adaptation of price snon regulates the con
sumption : hut every fluctuation iu the mo
net inarUet extends its evils over (tie whole
oommunitv. A promise three months ago to
pav one thousand .dollars haa now become »
promise to pay eleven hundred t and the foil
-in the value of money, which must inevitably
occur sooner or later, trffl cause another do-
range uent, the reverie ofthe present—then
the debtor waill gain and the creditor lose
These variances, however, are rather the ne
oe-sary result of the commercial intercourse,
than lo be attributed to any of the local tan
barrasinent* No currency can be sniinde
than ours, (the hank paper of this eiiy .gener
ally ia her* intended,) not better adapted in
lesson the power of those fluctuations, which
if gold and silver constituted the only cjrcula
ting medium, would be constantly and severe-
iy fell on every export of specie. ' The confi
dence placed in the banks it such as enables
thorn tn neutralize, in a great measure, the
evils of th.-se constant variations; but occa
sions may h ppen when snfety may absolutely
require a withdrawal of their paper. Such
an occasion has been felt; heavy draft- have
been made by the French merchants nn Iho
Spanish coin, while the custom house bond,
have absorbed the American dollars. Under
such circumstances, to which should be ad
ded the diminutions of confidence in each
oi tier, if the banks or any one of them had
Continued 1 linntinconul* without restriction,
very great inconvenience In say tlie least,
would have been the consequence; but like
prudent individuals they have limilted their
means and deserve in turn the confidence and
gratitude nf the public. Tlie extreme pres-
The Mobile Register etxtea upon itithnr
ily, that-Todox Tait oftlin United'States
Court, for the District of Alabama will re
sign the Qffiae in the course of the ensuing
Boston Monrt Maukrt Degrand's
Price Current says, considerable pressure in
felt in consequence of the heavy draws from
New-York, and reports money as scarce.
The editor of the Baltimore Gniette has
received via New-York. files of Bogota pa
pore to the 7ih O t. and Carlhagena to the
20th ofthe same month.
The American Secretary ofLqgalion Mr
(Patti and Signor Miranda editor of th,
1 Constitutional.’ haa had a horse-whipping
match ou the race course, Mr. Andersen, th<
American Minister, was anxiohsly looked
for to alley the excitement thereby produ
oed—A meeting between the parties had
been fixed upon.
The Comet had attracted great notice; a
Mr. Mill* lietl arrived frno5London, and had
token his ilatinnat the top of the Pupa tn
make observations, The Pops is a hill near
to Carihsgehs, and rise* shout SO feet above
the level of the sea—Upon the top of which
there was formerly a convent situated —
Mr, Mills came out tn Colombia, to offer hi*
servirextothe government tor seining mo*
my from Platfn*.
liberality anil good sense that deserves and
will receive the highest prnisn.
Launch.—A ship of tun: thuueand hm» bur
then huilt by Messrs. C. Bxnua & Cn. will
he launched this morning at half past nine
''cluck, from their ship yard, Corlaer’a
00 rlftlQHOIAXi.
Mu> York. 28 Jloo.—Midnitei.—Tlie im
port whs from Porlo Rico, 23 hhds ; N. Or
leans 24 tilids. and 121 bbla; Coastwise 164
hhds. Our supplies have been mostly coast
wise, and the sales have been in small parcel,
of from 5 to 10 hhds. from the warvet. The
river trade being nearly at a a close, the de
mand is m>itall. and as the supply ,is trifling
the transactions cannot be extensive until
liienew crop arrives, which will not be be
f ire the nmnlh of January. Martinique mid
Gsndal.iupe, 33; English Islands, 33*34;
Havana and Malanzaa, 26 a 30; New Or
leans, 3?J a 36.
Spii ite The holders ofBurdennx Brandy.
generally, are holding the article at froin 95
to 106. and in small lots it goes ulf at that rate.
A sale of 50 ptpea, however, lias been made
at 95 since nur last. Seignelte is steady al
from 112 to 115 cents. St. Croix Rum lias
fallen uif about 3 cents, sales having been
moderate ai 85 a 88, Whiskey is a trifle
lower. Gin continues very dull and dept ea
Sugar.—The import was from Porto Rico,
185 hhds. 69 bills. 5 tierces ; Jamaica. 8 Itlids,
10 bids. ; St. Croix, 2 hhds. 78 bbls.; New
Orleans. 80 hhds. 48 bbls.; Neuvitas. 16 hhla
62 kegs. 75 bags. Owing to tlie want of cqn
fidenre tlie holders have been desirous of sel
ling for cash. The transactions in Porto Ri-
PcUnburt. Mov. ‘29.~Cntlon.-The de.
maud for this nrtinle I'oiitiniies animated 1
very littlp variation in price—snv from lift
to according to quality nuit’patltageA.
Wo would recommend nur country in noil
tn pack their cnnnn bv a screw nr other
ores*, in well formed square hales, witii it
least five ropcson p»rh tied on separslcly.
Bttleanf tlii‘description hive brought front
aqiiirter to i half cent per pound more than
hut of similar quality in round and tint
bnlna. or mnl rnsma ns they are called.
' Among the advantageshrising from pack,
ing in squxrn hales, are. ilie uniformity uf
size, and easy storage on shipboard—mill in
waggons enabling the planter lo send a
larger qiianti' y lo market by the ssron meat*
-savi ng of bagging, profit on the rope, ant
ready sale at an uncrossed price.
Macon, (Go.) Xae. 36 —‘The price nf Cot
ton has varied very little for two nr thrM
weeks past. In this place from 16 to ll|
ent* is offered —The shove prices, in r«,h,
would be readily paid for it. yet most that it
brought in is stored, with the hope that a
rite may take place.
The Nashville Whig of Oct. 31. sav*. 500
or 600 hales cotton have reached town, sail
that sales havehepn modest 11 s 11 j rents.
sure is now Fiver and llie result lias been | have beeD extensive fur the southern mar-
highly beneficial. We have been inform,’,I
that many stockholders have fell much alarm-
ed at the depressed state oi slocks ; hut we
believe we can assure them thejr fears arc
groundless; the foil of price is not so much
iwmg to any want of confidence in the insti
tutions, as to the high value of money ; and
thia will be apparent in due time.
Pnii. snEi.PHiA. Nov. 25—Extract of a
letter from York, [Pa.)—Tile Sheet iron
Steam Bind Codorui, was put into the river
ihe (Susquehanna) on Monday the 14th
lost. She commenced running on Saturday
last, and both Boat and Engine answered
the expectation of the makers fully. The
Engine being new and rough, with half tho
ileum applied, the Boat went at the rate
of5 or 6 miles an bnur ogaiml the current.—
The boat without the machinery, drew three
awl one quarter inchet in the water—without
her machinery, (which weighs three tons)
on board she drew six and me quarter inches
and with forty paneagere on hoard, the drew
between eight and nine inches.
Tlie Engine, made by Mr. Dons, answers
hie expectation fully.
U. 8. Conoaess.—From the number of
mi-inhers daily iryiviugin Washington city,
there can be no doubt that a quorum uf both
houses of Congress wilt be formed on the
first day; in which went, the. President’s
message will be delivered on the day follow
ing [lliia day week]'and we tMI probably
receieve il in time to lay it before our rea
ders n Friday week. <
Some diilay may, however, take place, in
making clmtee of a speaker, to succeed Mr.
Clay. A number ot candidates are spoken
of; and amntig those named, are, Mr. Ing
ham of Pennny'vania, Mr; Taylor of New.
York, Mr. M’tiane of Delaware; Mr. Web
ster of Mansachueetti. Mr Campbell of
Ohio, end Mr. Stevenson ofthis state- The
contest Vill probably lie between Messrs.
Taylor, M'Ltne, and Stevenson.
' Peterebug Republican
ket, and as the sales have mostly been for
caslr, a reduction of about a cent have been
ubmitted; nur rates are reduced according
ly. The supplies of St. (Iroix and New Or
leans are small, but the sales that are making
are at u reduction nf at IcaM a cent. M.fsi of
the while and brown Havanas have been ta
ken out nf market foi export, and the supply
now nn IfbifiI ..uppnrt last prices.
British Island, lb. 9 a 10; St. Croix. 9 a
11 ; New-Orleaiis, 8 a 10 ; Havana, while 12
14 1-2; do. brown. 10a 10 1-2; do. Mu
envado, 8 a ' 0; Porto Rico, 8 a 9 1 *2 ; Bra
zil white, 11 a 12; do. nrnwn, 10 a—; Manilla
brown,—; Lump 17 a 18 ; Loaf, 19 a20.‘
Coffee.—Importation. 31 tierces and 2 bbls
Jamaica, 54 hags Laguira. The markci
continues nnusnally dull and heavy. HiiFce
Our last about 800 bags middling Citba Coffee
have been sold ibrexnnrtal'on at 15 1-8 cents
cash, and some email lots to lire gnreersat va
rious prices within the range (if our quota
tions. A parcel of about 200 'bags St. Do
mingu was sold yesterday at 16 I-™, 2 per
cenf. off lor cash and 89 bags of Cuba of fair
quality at 18 1-3, 90 day*. The market is
entirely bare for prime green We douot
vary rates, but consider them ss nominal.
Cuba, Laguira, Brasil, die. inferior, lb. 14
a 15; do. do. mid. to fair 16 Its 111; do. do, none; S' Domingo lb. 15 3-4
tO; Java,19.
Xorfolk, Aoe. 26. —Cotton—Ten bale* of
Cotton, railed on the plantation of Mr. Wm-
Milton, in 'Nanaemnnd Couutv. wan brought
into this market yesterday, and readily sold
at 14^ pants per pound. The staple was
very good. We hope that our fatmera in
the neighboring counties will see the pro*
priety of turning their attention immediately
In the cultivation of thia valuable staple,
which; if we lire not misinformed, is a more
profitable crop even at Ip cenia, than corn
at $3—Children being profitable hands in
cultivation ofthe former whereat full grown
and vigorous labourers are requited for.
latter. *
Onboard the schooner Marv M’Koy,it
Apalachicola. West Florida, nn the 2d Oc
tober last, ^aptaiu Peter I)ouvm.i,e. of this
. '.tBiHBFBHg
PORT OP SAV A Iff Iff ft-I.
Ship Garonne, Story, Havre.
Hull Sl Hoyt.
"Schooner Spartan, (reponod yester'M
Hatch, from Charleston, with salt, lo J. t.
Bur rill.
S, liooner Flora. Toincrsiiu, 3 days fens
Ricflbornugh, with Colton, to Bulloch h
Dmiwody. and P Dcvillers.
Sloop Sea Serpent, \V md. 38 h»«r« fm«
St. AugFistinc.with machinery and furniture.
In Mr. Hunnnn. Spoke nn Friday U*'. off
Si. Augustine Bar, schr Amanda M-li'inii.
from Key West bound tn Baltimore, laying
to far an opportunity to land passengers.
stoop itercy. Bnles.Ricphorougli 36hour*
wirh Cotlnn and Rice,to J. A. Maxwell,ant
B. Fort. . ,
Petersburg boats from Augusta. wi
halea entton, to T. Butter Sica. H. II- “aril*
man. G. Gordon, and l<>order.
PffIc boat Rnh Roy. from Augusta. ’" u -
B. Lamar, with'ion bales Cotton, tn Gea.
Gordon. F, Knight, G. B. Lainar, and
& Padleford.
•hip Garonne. Story, tor Havre-
Brig Samuel Smith. West, for Bm'nS'
H AVING procured Mr. Ugeh hiacm-
bty Room, respectfully pr< | P<>’™
the citixens ot Savannah, to tnvea
ai that place on Thursday SeeningJN 11
at seven o’clock, upon the subject « •
John iClevea Symrnee’ Theory of the
Col. Symmes has for many y Mfl< , e * ^
much interest throughout the Unilro ,
aa well as abroad; but the real rh* r »'
thia i entlemnn has been hut 1("]*,* ,
out of the immediate circle of Ins h ,,!
bin theory still lew understood. Mr.
ton having been favored with » P er *’...
qua,IF,.nee with Col. Symm-f. and l>s"JJ
received from him a f*H expl»n*t ,1, <' |P
dnetrinej would do. himself the bon ,
lustrite the same to the T adte»
men ofthis city, at the time and pi*«
The eubject receives additional iijj^
from the considerarion that Col. 8- lPl
Iv received an official mvilsUon ^
Emperor of Ri^i. io proceed '^ f f0T .
royal pntronsge tothe P" 1 ".*£*Jrture W
age of discovery, and that ^^jjntjngakk*
been accepted on the part?
en, 50 cents—bsJirt
_ ’"Tickets' may be
rcity Hotel, ExcliangJ. '
ed eonntryman.
Tickets, to Of)
'admitted grd _
theBnreX^j'.m Hm^.sod st Mc»«-
ud Schenk’s BoukSWrw.