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HOtNlMO.PBC. *3, ms
iumwiHn«M for County 8ur
wjwvuttikiw » JvMiy Ml
povantett**** he* hesa dangerously ifi
•iM0adg*»m», *4 * wrwyort*»
hr bed nCmIim
M w* tr.iM MckiiMt da fed, M Mir lei
hqm written previous to thnclostag of the
tend en MM*y, nmlj toy-* T# Gov
ernor ha bee* confined lo his bed fora'week
dll nil ha will probably ha aMotoria* in a
day or two.* They also elate, that Mr
Powsll, the Pleaidaataf the Senate. had
baaa aaahle to attend toi.hia duties for a
i&j or two, owing to tadispocitien. and that
aaearal other whew of tha Legislature
dare UL .
Wa have see* a letter flaw MiDedgeviJte
which autos aa.followe ;—•* Class ia in the
Lakh; everyday, *«*■* hi* troop*. It ap
. poaie that he had teen heard in converse
. boa with A. B. foeiu, to urge the taller
ta p* Wen old Pstbb Caawroau and Dr
Dtrnbt Tbia reached the ear* of the
laMr ( who without mentioning name*, hold
ly aaaoaoced it to the Senate, during
agaach on tha Diatrict Bill, when Clow
wee in the Lobby. - ttimm ia one of the
mdwtiioaa aod uaeful own in the
■ihe Dube of Sana Wvima*. left Charles
ton an Taeaday morning, in the st*g*,ou It
Wiyto tbie city.
. W« H. Cnawvoan. arrired ia AeguU:
-an Saterday hat.
The Grand Jury of Richmond 'Canal?
ban made the following presentment:
“An aril of great and growiag magnitude,
the fraudulent packing of cotton, baa wo luag
•aimed ia thi* etett, to obviate which we
woald euggeet the paieageaf no act, bcmpell
lag every permo owning a gin, to record the
aaiie ip the County Court, sad to give secu
fit? for the feithfal picking of all cotton, at
>aajd gin ; mad that the owner thereof be fur
ther obliged to trend the bale* with hutuair
and that of tbe county, preriunel? to their be
ing eeot to market” '
the nomination of Mr Kna. aaya the
latelligaacer, ae Mmieter to London, ia an
daiataud pot to hate been acted on pester-
day in tbe Senate: from which it is pro-
mimed that it will meet with qppositiao,
A letter received in Ckarlcetan from Ha
-Taaa, says—'“Anew Captain General has
auecendad Vises in Havana, and moch aal
(■faction fait in tbe peace of Ceba, to he
■ guaranteed by the Brilieb Government to
‘ ».w
n h* * * - ••’
Millspcevills, Dec:' 19.—On Friday
last cam# on the election of a Principal
Keeper to the Penitentiary,. end three In
■pectora. Contrary lo egpectatioa Peter
WiWame wa* re-elected to tha first office—
the Inspectors vM removed. The fallow
lag ■ the »ote>^r
Keeper of the Pmileniiarp.
Williams, (re-elected) »|
Ford, 40
Bortwiek, *7
Birgop, 8
. Boteman, ‘ io» 1 th | Green,
' Hopburo,, 99 > ? I Carer,
Atkinson, *5 \ j | Gum, 07 ? j
And Mr. 1 Hatcher was elected ■ Comma
miesioner of the Lend Lottery to fill tha re
caay occasioned by the decease of a former.
Ar the time of adjournment approaches
the number of bills acted upon proportion*
My inereaaea—both Huusa* hare found
Wcaamry to hold evening sessions, and
Ok way many hill* are brought op, which
jptberwiee would havo boon consigned to the
tenth of tbe oaphleto. Although tbe day
•djoanmont knot lastly agreed apoa.there
Ml be no doubt that it will ha nithar Friday
gr Saturday next,
Of the moasureo which harp been pro-
yose<aad■acted on during the section
popn PhapP, feu hare been ndtiacd. Tbbee
of most general latorCst ar* tbe District
Ml—the Bill toeatabttha Jhyird of Public
Work*—the Mexico-Atlantk Bill—and the
HarWisBank. Those. mtiai intcretring
_ sw gr PL
aurpartof the eounlrf aye without doubt
linckss* Canal, the tnaurpnee Company BilJ
•ad the Rill to atneed and consolidate the
pptomgarpwrating.thp.CUy of Sayannah.—
YowbpypjPdeived a notice of the srgu
con on the first of those—it
has p«aaed, and will shortly bicitots law
iMcopwrii MMHmwwk ' • t
. •< JMft*%totMfs .«ffi Mr. Utt. (
TboIWdlgp ofth* middle CUcait. having
rafueadto carry i«o aaeotioa thp rapototiop
Ifarp ia evpif ieptanop fhikA HeteslUr,
tko aneh abased name of the” Prople" and
Paapkkmpp,*! hop* will be hatter
dpdemooi, at least ia thkatatt.
1 Tha Bill to ectibliak a Beard of tPUie
Worha, from the Haas*, has paaard tbe Sen
ate with an aasendasoat, incseaeisg the
iMuahataf the Boasd from hat ta seven.-
pnn ftamnneh CnugrueshmsIDtmrirt, and
taakiag tha electione nnnusl. Whether
theee smsnkaests will hn concurred in b?
UaHonM, itkdUBdtilttoefiy.' Thedeeire
however, to da something oa tbe subjept nf
lidsraal Improvement ia an great that
will paan in aoma shape.
Of the Darien Bank, ar rather of what
measure* will be adoptad.ia relation to it, it
is now aa difficult to speak as it ever wa*.
The only paertien decided is that H will not
be removed, and probably U may escape any
further legisloUo* a! this time than ia con.
Mined in tbe resolutions relative to tbe re.
-eeipt of current or uncurveat not** into tbs
The liexiee-Ailantie Bill has passed in
Senate, and is hafova the House for a
cond reading—it will pass, if it eaB bn gone
throngh with hefoen the adjournment
Of local bilk, the Insurance BUI from Sea
ate, * copy of which l formerly soot yen, has
passed the House without amendment.—
Jencbes* Canal Bill, which originated in the
House baa passed that body, k beet rend once
in Senate, where no doubt it wUl pass. TV
bill grants to Jenckes a proprietary inters*;
in a Canal from the Savaneah tojthu Alsta
maha (hr sixty year*, and appropriates fifty
thoasaud Dollars in Darien notes as i lean
—for which oecarity is to be given as it is
diawa from tbe Treasury—it k to bn psi‘
io instalment* of five thousand dollars, at
required, the fiiat to be paid when the plan
anrveys am aabmitted to the Execntire
The loan to he without interest ae long as
th* money draws is below par, after which
aft interest of five per cent is to be paid.
The bill relative to th* Corporation of 8a
vannah has passed the Settle, and been
read io the hoiMe, where it now lies. It
will be brought up I presume, but I have no
means of forming a judgment aa to its pas.
With lM* I send yon a copy of Mr. Poll
bills rasoleliaae—they will be taken op this
day or toHnorrow. You will perceive that
they are ie landed as a kind of counterbalance
to tbe rewdutione inlmduoed at an early pe
ried ef th* session by Gen. Hardam
I add a lew extracts from, the journals,
which I believe, I hove not be five furnished
In the House on Thursday,* meastgn was
received from tbe Senate, that they had
con earn'd by way of substitute in the reso
lution relstive to the payments rf mono?
from the Treasury—ho specie or current
Bills. This substitute will be found below.
Mr. Patter, upon learn reported instants
a Bill to altar aod (Is tha time of electing
Represent at ivee from thie State to Con
gnwa, which wee read the first time. The
ohjeet of thie bill wa* to defer the time of
electing the next Representative* to Cen
to order that th* will of the people
might be ascertained.
On Fridiy, On motion of Mr. Hudsoo, thr
House agreed to reconsider so much of the
journal of the piecediug dey es related to
•he rejection of the bill to add to the per
manant endowment of the University, which
was agreed to si to 48.
The appropriation bill wae taken up and
passed. A motion to appropriate £10,000
to enlarge the Representative Hall, was ne
gatived7l to 41.
The Seaate by their Clerk, announced to
the House that they had paraed the BUI to
divide the State into (even Congressional
Districts, with an amendment to add the
counties of Baker. Decatur, Thomas and
Lowndes, to the 4tbline of the second page
and two additional sections to the bolding
the elections, and for the election by the pm
sent mod* to any vacancy of members elec
led in 1824—in which the House concurred,
Mr. Foster moved to strike from tbe
fourth section of the bill, as reported from
Sedate, the time of bolding the election
(next October) and insert the first Monday
in February, which was negatived, &8 to S3.
Mr. Fort moved that the Rule of the
Huuie be dispensed with, and that the Clerk
be directed to inform the Senate ef the con
correnc v of the House—negatived 69 to 54.
The bill authorising Ebeoexer Jencks to
construct a Caual from tbe Ogechento the
Alsta maha upon certain conditions, eras
passed 81 tajt.
Inlthe House on Saturday, Mr. Tarne
tooted to reconsider the rot# ofthcpreced
tag 4»J eo the Districting Bill, mrotate*
the agreement to the amendments ufien^e
negatived ayes 56—nays <1.
The bill to compeosata Petit Jarett, wav
taken op and passed—yeas 76, nay* 24.
Tht following communication was broqgbt
from tha Governor by Mr. Pforoa, hkSecre-
‘fF- '
*• »
1623, for the tranapertatka. nf moviita h?
the Pmitantiary Guard, from the place of
conviction lo the place of canfiaaweat, it k
nnceasary. ia order toeetablwhoaifbvmity in
thie respect, aithsr to make th* non conform
ie tht practice of th* many, or the meuy
conform their practice to that of the one.
The biH from Senate to amend aa ato,an.
titled an act to establish an Insurance Com
pany in th* City of Bevahnab, and to grant
Banking power* to tha same, was read the
third time, and pasted without amendment
Tbe hill to lay out a new eonaty from tbe
ootwtiesef Henry and Monro*, was passed.
The name ef the new eaaoty ia Lee.
The bijl to establish a new market Hon^e
in the City of Augusta, pasted 52,to 30.
ife biH to add to the number of the En
gine Company of Savannah, ana mad the
thint li ne and passed.
In 8*Data on Thursday, Mr. Branham
from the Joint Judiciary-Committee, to
whom were inferred the claim of William
Bowen, in relation >o certain Afrit*n» now
in the piwacssien of tbe state, sod the fond*
arising from the sale of othejs, reported that
from the facts disclosed. the Commute* is of
opinion, that the right to said Africaas and
fund*, ia naithar in aaid Win. Rowea, act
in the State ef Georgia, bofia one Juan Ma
draxo, in whose favor, as totha right of raid
Africans and finds a decree has been ren
dered by the Sixth Circuit Court of the U
8. on the clecrnt evidence, but from which
decree the State, from some cause (which
iiic a* yet been explained to tha Commit
tee) appealed—aod that the Committee lias
bat little doubt, that aaid dacre* will be coo
firmed by the Supremo Court against the
state, and possibly with damages. The re*
report further states that Juan Madraso
W'lKog to compromise with the elate, and
concludes will) the following resolution :
Rerohed. That the Governor be authoris
ed to withdraw the appeal in the cats depeo.
mg io Supreme Court of the United Stales
between llie State and J. Madras,,, respect
ngsald Africans and funds, on the said Joan
.(rosing to take the Africaas remaining in
Mvemoa of the state, and the balance of the
funds—end on his compil ing with the requi
sition of the Coo t, from which tbe appeal
was taken, as to the removal of the said Afrh
cans out of the United States.
Tbs resolution from (be Haase to author
ise the Treasurer to pay out to those baring
claim* on tbe Treasury, current notes or ape-
cie, was taken ap, when the folio wing resolu
tion* were offend as a substitute sad agreed
to—35 to 22.
Rtnlvoi, That person* haring claim* or
lemanda against the state, payable at tbe
Treasury, shall not in return be compelled to
receive soy depreciated ourreucy in payment,
but the Treasurer shall pay tha same in spe
cie or current bilk.; and be it further reaolr
ed, that tbe Treasurer shall not, from and af
ter tbe first day of January next, receive in
payment for debts due the state, payable at
the Treasury, hills af any depreciated curren
cy : Provided, however, that nothing hc^|rn
contained shall be to construed aa to author
the Treasurer to refuse tbe reception of Da-
M*d With
Ia the same
from the ifcwee, to
the Superior Court* of
■avSjiha third
Th# *6 from the Haas*, to lay off s new
county, (Taliaferro) from tbe counties of
Wilkes, Warren, Hancock, Greene, aod
(Igktbrirpa, taw road tha third lima ana
So much of the message ef tha Governor,
ralstiva to the Judge of the Wester* Circuit,
a copy of which will |* (bund to the pro
ceed ing* of the Hoot*, a* relate* to ooq
keying prisoners to tha Penitentiary, was
referred to a Select Committee, caaaktiog
of Mewrs. Branham, Walker aad Craw
ford »
The bill taargaatoethaeoaatieaaf Baker
and Early, wa* passed.
The bill to add to th* nambar of ^Treaties
of Franklin College, waa read a thied lime
passed—yew 32. days »9—and seat to the
H<»>ae foreoBctqroooa,
The Committee on the oommpnication of
the Governor, on the subject of transporting
convicts lo the Peoitontiary, reported tb<
following resolutions:
Remised, That the Gorsrnor is hereby re
qoeated and authorised, to reiuse compeoca
lion in future for (he transpartatiaa nf Con
vkts from any part of this state, to the Pen
■tentiary, otjihr than thoa* conveyed lo lb
invtitotioo under th* direction ofths Ionpec
Mrs and Principal Keeper of the Fonitan-
tiaiy, in conformity with a recolulion of the
Legislature, passed 22d Dee. 1823; and be
it farthtr rcselred, that hi* Excellency the
Governor, direct the publication of this res
olution, three lioms in the Georgia Journal
Read nnd ordered to lie on the table,
the instance referred to, I understand lb,-
Sneriff had been charged with th* convey
nice of certain convicts to the Penitentiary
by dip Judge.
to tha Mmv afoibo
Canhagona, W
.. - waapavaba-
ted for this government, but has not ^*t
changed her gag.—The Bopact corvette of
war arrived a few days alter the Chapman,
aad no Friday the JWactar, formexly thi
FafawutA sloop af war, mounting twenty
giro* entered this harbour from England.—
Jh* i* also for this goreraawot should the
b' wanted —A ship of tha line for tha Co
lombian service sailed two days before the
Protector aad other* were on th*
Three battalion* of Infantry aad two
■qpadron* of Cavalry of the Colombian *r
my from Peru, have arrived at Panama—
more were to foHew—It is really astonish
ing to seek the vigor and prompiiiud* of
actioo displayed by tbia iafsot Rspuh'io—
securing Independence aad liberty at
aod abroad,-wo bcaccaly hear ortho com
pleto conquest of Pore by tbe Libumtob.
whanw* warn that tha conquerors are*,
gain in Colombia and ready, at a moment's
notice, to ptae over from one
Senor Gcai. leaves this about the I8tb for
Panama, and Mr. AnDgaaov about tlva aaqie
lime to embark ou board th* stoat' boat at
Bafreooa on the 25th-
\ fire broke out n few night* since, on
board tbs brig Schuylkill, lying in the North
Hirer N- York, while the crew were all
aalepp. The British packet Swallow pa*
lying at coma distance, and her watch first
perceived the fire. Lieut. Balduck. corn
mender of tbe packet, inatamiy want on
hoard, with his crew, aud succeeded in sub-
duiug it. The Mohawk Insurance Coups
oy subsequently seat a latter af lhauk* to
the British officer, enclosing a sum of mone?
for tli* crew, sod concluding with the fol
lowing language:
“ They request Lieutenant Baldock to dis-
ribute the accompanying sum amongst
,uch ol'his crew as aided him on the occa
,k»n, conscious, however, that British sea-
wen require oa pecuuiary stimulus to the
performance of deed* of gallantry and bu"
In reply to this paragraph.Liant Baldock
“ProndaB Lieut. Baldock would have been
of the kind and honorable lestimuny con
tained in the latter part of their note, what
iver had been its source, yet still more gra
lifting areaucb •entimunts, when expensed
by those whose anna are second to auoe in
I omitted to mentinn in my lost, that the
bill to increase the fund heretofore set a par,
for the endowment of County Academies J heroism and honor.”
end th.eoconreg.umut aud support of Fraej - The umierwnter, ako presented to Lieu,
Schools, was passed,
Conancm.—The Senate, an Wednesday,
<4ib last, was chiefly occupied io preventing
len Bills for taxes for tbs political year 1624, -^cations and offering resolutions. Mr. Ben
or any time previous (hereto.
A ineuage waa received from the Honse,
announcing its concurrence in the resolution
relative to opening ■ road from Savannah to
The bill to lay off the slate into seven Con
gressional Diitricti, was taken up, when auU
•titotaa wars offered, leverally, by Means.
Daniell, Powers, Burton, Stocks, aqd Jones
which, it is unnecessary to repeat, their ob
jeot being lo attcin the tame end by different
modes, ■ reference of tire quotum to tbe peo
ple, aod tbe whole of them being negatived
by rote* of 24 to 33. Tbe yeas and aaya on
th* final paas*gfi of tbe bill, were—
Yeas.—Meswo. Adrian, Alsteo, AtKjerapo,
Brodnax, Brown, of Camden, Bn ao. Burney
Cleveland, Coffee. Crittenden, Fraser, Grif
fin. Groves, Hilhsrd, Johnson, of Do Kalb,
Liddell, Lockhart, Matthew, Mitchell, Mob
ley, Phillips Sellars, Spaon, Straws, Swaim,
Swilley. Teeille, Walker, Wclbora, of Mon
roe, Welbore, of Houston, Wilkinson, Wor-
ihyj Wooten—33.
Naya.—Baker, of Liberty, Baker, of War-
ren, Beall, Bird,Btackthear, Branbam, Brown
of Decatur, Brown, of Hancock, Barton,
Crawford, Dsoiell, Fort, Gibson, Hardeman.
Hannoo, Harris Johnson, of Tattnall, Jones,
Law too, Millar, Fewer, Stock*, Stokts, Young
la tbe asm* body, oa Friday, Mr. Braa
bam offered a aabstilnto to the reeohuioos of
fered by him tbe preoedfeg day, which.fa*
adopted, providiof that the cUim of th* stale
of Georgia, to the Africans shoe Id be retfe-
qnivbed to William Bowen, on the said Will
iam Bowen filing ia th* ExqpatiT* Office
<* foU and oomplete rahnqnhhmont by JeaC
Madraxe. of»H claims or loin .whatever,'#
th* fitate of Georgia, Bowse filing at''the
same time a like reUnqnislimeatoahM part.
Tbhhia into th* Haaaa, to mUMitk i
I regret to have to aanooaee the death oi
the Hon. John Abercrombie, (Speaker el
the Hooae dnriog tb* last session.) member
from Hancock, after a short aqd painful ill
ness. His remains were aocompanied yes
terday on their Hancock County, an
far as tbe bank of the Oconee, bj the mem
hers of both Houses of tbe General Aanem
bly, beaded by their President aod Speaker,
aud by a groat number nf eitixcoi.
raoMoua conacaroxDEKT,
AcqtrsTi, 19tb Dec. 1825.—Our Cotton
Market has declined j cents per lb. since the
early part of last weak, and pries* may he
quoted at ll| a 12 j; the latter price for choice
uni). Tli* stock in store is immense and ac
cumulating fsal—Hie receipts thi* day are es
timated at about 1600 bales, but little howev
er, will come iu from 22d inst. till 4th or 5tb
of Jaunary, in consequence of the holidays.
Thr quantity here now cannot be far plant of
32.000 bags.
Freight to Savannah, £< 50. Charleston
ton offered a resolution much the same as
■ hat offered by him twoyeare ago, contempts
ling the election of a President and Viet
Prrsidegt, directly by the people, io Districts,
without tbi-Uittr.o tiooofam electoral body-'
A recolntiuo was uffered by Air. Johnston, o:
Loc. which proposes a general amendment of
our esisling" Judiciary Stalein. and », in
some respects, therefore, similar to thatoder-
ed by Mr. Eaton, which was agreed to, sue
to tlie one submitted by Mr. Kane. Thr
resolution offered by Mr. Lloyd, ef Masse
cbnsetts. in relation to Commodore Porter,
was agreed to, Mr. L. stated to the Senatr
Ibat that part of the resolution which called
for information relative ro the employment of
the squadron under Com Porter, was aubmit
ted at the solicitation of the ( ammndore him
self, tad ihe other parts af it. with bis aooeiir
re Dee. About half ao boar was passed ia the
consideration of Exeentive basin ess.
In tbe lloase of Repreaeatatirm, Mr. Tom
linson presented a petition from tbe servhring
officers of th* Revolutionary Army in
Connecticut; and Mr. Barges* presented »
similar petition from those residing in Rhode-
lviand ; which were referred to the Select
Committee on the claims of Revolutionary
Officers. Tbe residue of the business can-
anted of Ihe iattodoction aod adoption of re
Untras Stitu' ImaToa.—Among the
first detie* devolving on onr 8tate Legista-
tnre, will be tb* alectioo ,4 a Senator to fill
the vacancy of Mr.Kiag. Tim country pipers
have already broeebad the subject, aod a
monf the names awn turned ar* those of
Chancellor Seaferd, Col. Yonog. Gao. For
ter, Mr. Talmadge, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Keyes’,
Hi Seymour and Mr. Erast of Batavia;
there are doubtless other* wbaaejmmeo ia lime,
will be laid before the Caucus, .We like that
word) aod tbe one regularly eotnioated, will
uadaobtedly bo' chosen.—Mxtk'i side.
CtTBoy-ic Assoc i at tors—On the eve
ning of Nov. I,a very large and moat res
pectable meating of tbe Liverpool Catholic
Association leek place; aad we find froml-
riah paper*, that the Asiaciatieas of that
eoobtryare coming into action. The Lie
erpool Advertiser aaya, " by those .mean we
hive ao deabt that Catholic etaaaciaatior
win ba speedily abtaiqed ; foe, although pd»
•ion and prejsdio* may rale for a season
(rath and jeetie* will aitimOtofr yNsaii.”
Baldock-a piece nf plate for hi* meritorious
and succes-flil eaertiona on this occasoo.
It was stated tame months since, that Gee
BtSTav, the. officer of tlic Recolttliea wiv,
captured freaoolt on Loog Islaod. was then
and bad been for many yean, the tenant of a
Jail, in Danville, in the State of Vermont.
Wb (earn by the Danville, Vermont Star,
of Dec. 6, received yesterday, that white ou
ooard the Brandywine, Gun- Lsrsttm,
wntte la Geo, Fletcbur. of Vermont, eo
cloving * draft, with s request that tha mmt
for which Geo. Barto.v wp, confined slionid
be paid. This request waa complied with in
a most delicato manner, anf| Barton now eo*
joy* freedom. How is tbe oaueofLarAr
ktti connected with all that i* reallygreti
tu public, and good in private life-
* U.S. dot.
wbieli draw ooba each other according. u
the dwta.teaof inlerert or neoessity.
Jta#dk Thar tho LagwUnn *f Hi
State have wen aethiag ta tb* Dovewran -
of the armed forces oftbeUtatad Statm, d«u
gerou* to the ooastitatisoal righto sad litas;
tie* of the states,
Raohtd, That the doctrines cf the a*,
qaslified sovereignty of Urn States, aad n-
the States are vefSrsU and dhtiacl powna
possessing the Mtribtaw of independent a*
tioni, are doctrioe* out derived from tht Cum
atitatioo of the United States—that they u
dmtrttolive of th* bast interests and destest
right* of the free wople of these Stttas,ud
, have a direct tendency to a dmolatimof Uut
Uaioo, which was bought by the tail lu (
cemented with the bfooduf thepatriouiftta
Retulocd. That we regard, with drop ud
unfeigned regret, all attempts made te weak
en the oonfideooe of the good people of nra
State hi the General Guvernmaai; lu d U4 .
maiatainiog ef all ductruiea whick tare a ten
dency to produce so unhappy an efect-th.t
while we off# an aiding hand to all iu cun*
a Rational measures, we will still louk u> it
fur safety and protectiuo—and that we mil
cling to tbe Union of Ihe Slates at the ark o
our political safety .
Rewtoed, That every free citizen of our
sitter Mates ia aa deeply mieroated in ,u ( ,.
porting foe right# •• reumdto the iMi, n-
epeditelp or to the people." as the citixuu ui
Georgia, aod that we rupme too high a cun-
(dunce in them to believe that they would
aabtiiu to toy improper curtaiiineut uf Ilwc
Reeoletd, That tbe Slate of Georgia,
whenever site may ace Imr right* improperly
invaded, will tie among the rust tu auut
and maintain them by every cuustit utiuaal aud
honorable menus.
Retained therefore, Proi* the foregoing
couaiderAliurw, lhal the Geucral Aiu-ttibU,
repealing the feeliugv and u|uuiuus of th*
people of Georgia, eulertaiuing tbe highest
Veneration forlue principles uf uur happy
form of guveraiuen—That we cauiv.n- . a
rigiite cf individuate aa well ay those of the
state., most effectually and beat secured hy
Ihe Constitution of cur common country, m
which, we until, are copiauied the original
and fundamental principle* if uur guccrnm- at
And that ae atiterlaio too high a revpeut for '
the intelligence, virtue, justice aud patriutum
at' tlie grsst hxly uf uur felluw-ciiizunt
tbroughuut the tilkles, aud Cur their ltepie-
a otatives in Congress, (who are equally in
terested *ilb uuiaeivea iu prceertiug Umir
righta) to apprehend auy lufrmgi u.eut upon
tbe rights of tlie Stale of Georgia, or any
other member of uur gloriuus confederation.
And wbereaa, the Treat) lately concluded
A-itb the Creek Nation of Indians by theUniv
ted Status’ Commiuiuners, w highly benefi-
i:ial to the State uf Georgia, tbe Ceuaral
Jevuroinent, and tlie Indians theimelvet—
And when.*.- the State of Georgia is deeply
interested in obtaining early aod peaceabla
iAKvetaiu* of a territory of snub vital impur-
tauce to her cjliaeoa.
PcnsAcoLd, 0*e. 3.—CWfao.—Wo
informed that upward* uf au hundred bales
ofCottoobare come to market here this sea
son—th* quality ia similar to that brought
iu two years ago, and mncli superior to Iasi
yearb era ). Thirteen cents may be consid
ered tb* price for prime.
Iu the House of Representatives Dec. 15.
1825—Reaii, and ordered to be printed.
Whereas, it is highly oeceeaary for the
tranquility, happiness and existence of alt
governments that the confidence of its citi
zens should be repueed in its public officer,
and agents-—And whereas it ia of the first
importance that the people uf every country,
and more particularly in the Uuited Stales,
where public opinion, under the salutary
restrictions of the Constitution, direct* and
regulate* the administration pf the public
affairs, should entertain true and just views
and conceptions of tbe nature and powers of
1 lie government under which .they live.—
And whereas it is the solemn duty uf thoa*.
whom the peopla, trusting in their wiedom,
tirmuea* and integrity, have delegated to
protect their interests, to promote their we)
fare, dt lo represent their view*, their wish
es and their civil, political and re|iginu>
righta. in the discharge of theee high doties
vnd im;<nt&nt treat*, to endeavor to direct
the public mind to a clear, simple and per
feet understanding of Ihe happly institution*
of their country—to oppoae tbe diasemiua-
tionof false and delusive doctrines—to dis
sipate those dangerous prejudices which are
founded on a miaeoaeeptiun of their rights
and substantial interests, and to dcvelope
to Ihe people their true situation, and tne
pure end lofty principle, of oar unparalleled
Constitution, so that all rettlost and uofouo-
• i compLiiuts against the application of
the fundamental rules of the government b)
• constituted aolhoritiea, may be satisfied
•nd quieted.
Aud where**, it i* our opinion, (and it
with painful regret that we are bound to
acknowledge it) that lb* present crisis of
->ur political affaire, and tha doctrines lately
maintained; bulb in private and in public
life, by gentlemen among ua standing high
ta the confidence of a large pnrlioaof our
fellow-cftiiena, require a decided, but tem
perate and dignifies! expression of opinion,
upon some ef the prevailing political due.
rioea of the day—doctrines which ia eur
opinion, involve the very existence oa de
,truction of oor happy font ef go*ere
Retained therefore ku the Smeaft and Hemet
f Representative! of At Stale ef Oeorpia s*
Otnend Aeeemkipmtt, That we are ignorant
of any improper interference ef th* Genera)
Government in our local concerns; or soy
of its acta, or any derisfent of lb* Supreme
Court of the United Rato*, destructive of the
right* of the State* as defined and gwarao-
teed by the Const it ati oe of the Unitetl
St alee, and that we regard th* tadicisl de
partment pf the goveroamot, (filled, m it
now iq, with aoma of th* most dignified apd
virtuous republican* of tb* age,) a* on* f
the meat important bulwarks of oor cooetitu
t tonal righto and tha safety of put property,
lives aqd lihertM*. -
Retained. That fbeOgb th* as*nag
of the Rank pf tha Paithd Ststre, a few
mn #M0, fparafod hyaripogly u Ih*
Reeolvcd therefore, Th*t the President cf
the lloited States be respectfully requested
te iartrvet ihe Agent for ludisn Adairs or bio
successor, to tree tut almost exertions to re-
coosile the lodiqat to the provisions ef the
Treaty lately concluded with them; and io
coo, inca them of tbe liberal and philanthrop
ic views aod feelings of toe General Gov
ernment, m making prorisidq for tlwm in i
section of country, where (Iiey will he free is
pursue the dictatct of tbeir own ioclinatiom,
uninterrupted and unembarrassed by the sur
rounding sett|einenU uf tbe whites, and that
it be fql(y impressed Upon their minds that
the Treaty having became the law of tbs
land can never be auuulled.
Reeoletd. That it it t# ardent ao I sin
cere deriro of the people of Georgia. aaJ tbeir
Bepressnlatives in General Assembly mot,
and they respect'ttUy request, that tlie Con-
I rr, as at the Uuited stales should uot so inter-
ore av to delay Gsorgis in the acquirement
of the territory wilhiu her limits lately trea
ted for. hut that they rttoqld make such oibcr
aud furlhiT prey istoa- fc appropristioov (-h)iiht
they be found necewary. as may be required
tu reconcile the Indians to tbe true meading,
spirit and inienl of foe Ijeaty. and such as
will induce Ibem, at the stipulated time pea
ceably to retire to the ample refuge prepar
ed for thcem beyond tbe Mira-rippi-
Retailed further. That .the General Gor-
eminent be respectfully requested to maha
early provision* forth* extingsi-bment of tlie
Indian titles to all lanffif wilbin tbe Ittnits of
Georgia: And that copies of the*# Pream
ble, C Resolutions be forwarded 10 the Presi
dent of the United States, and our Seqstot*
and Representative io Cong rut’i hJ tw "**
celleocy the Governor.
raOM Tux paMwaaa waTCutiAX ;
Pray tell me, Mr. Printer.
Whit’s an houret matt to do 1
All qiy neighbor’s, all the winter.
With tp hear the ovwa from you.
Rut among o*. (nearly twenty,)
I alone your paper take;
So that news-day I’ve a plenty,
Sure to folio* ■» m J *rk*.
uTell meanighbor, what the eewa ia^ 1
Every one daeires to know;
ThinkB I, if* nan refuse*.
He perhaps might make a tot.
So I am coaqwlled te low it.
Till it goes the ureal roond :
Then when I, who really owa it, ,
Want to road, it oanh b# taiutd.
Ten aa, Mr Printer, tell me,
(I’m com pelted to a* of yoa.)
ffyoobre aay pity,t*H \
What's ao h««ert *» «* •
I can tell yoa. Mr. C*wm,
What to *> >■•***, e—,1
B* resolute, and dare dear teta
Keap your paper in it* pfeeta
Tdl year nrlgsbera tea t» twenty,
That Jf«w & yoqtjapew pay» .
Where you rH com* from there are ptactf-
Lst the* ausag* tfi* aaate way.
Tslltkamto behave hk* yea, air.
Uy them where they eta hefouH,