Newspaper Page Text
f - j ', 1 I V'.’ V' :. ' ' ’ J;.'..’ 1 -.’ .'ViV'^ijI* VW■ , C ■ V 1
fTxiEfcV. ’ -. ' ■ ^A^AHNAH, GEdtimA, Tyiff
*»V % t" ' w • » i •
^ii*wr.iiiiwSS?*fo »^2f9ifr.w
mor mil tio«»*y W**
. 1 ’ AUiY '‘£
I » MUhdil every morning Mid evening. Sunday* except*
I 11 mnrnlw* • IHIon iMtml to city Subscriber*. and
K; iMiSSI wublnfsubscribort who can bo reached
I&IfSifl* whieh Inwli# everytaomlng. Tho evening
K n'ied exolasMyfor oountry readers. and I*
Ww I,. *11 oHIcm not ombraced In the morning ichedule.
rSo®r oMUon, 6tXDOlM«3poT annum,
■ T W R TBS commit . •
.. ..Wished to meet the arrangement of the matt*, throe
i (Tuesday. Thursday and Snturdqy*) and con*
P®" f, me InlelUgeuce. Commercial. Political and Mlicella.
* ‘raMudlwt new Adrertlsemonta In the. Dally, aent to
Cl of K State and Union, or deleted In (ire city, at
jl pan* 0, ruim waA iiB ran aicwu, in ju>taho».
‘ r
lehtd erery- o pjtR AXSDMi |Jf a D vAXCTt.
I n»ment I* not made In advance, the chargee will
LSSrS ially Georgian $S, forTrl-Weekly |S, and
, r \v*k1t83. :
casks ais and porter, pints and
.... ’fASfRj^Jo »l'rocstred..t'doiten A»®Uuvie,
A^Paste,(doFrcne^ll^etardi 8 doCdrraht^.tell jrV^fbr
““^All^mKToXSpI^--*lOO boxes. 2d/ab. r $3 VhdTo
’Vsi’ARAUUa ROOTS,—1 case aeparagu* root*. In lino
A order, Juet received per Philadelphia alonmer, and for
sate by W, W. LINCOLN, 1 .
' 1 Nonumcnt Square,
tiXcoN ANh LAtlD—20 cnslis choice 4iepi*j6 hlide aide*]
’ IJ 96 do ihouldera, 20 bble choice leaf Inrd. ,'ocolved and
for wile by mhl McMAHON MM)YUS.,
B iUtTER ANtTcubBSR—to flrtln* (iosW butter, 50
» boxea cliceie, received and for ante bv
mhl . McMAHON ft DOYLRv
B ACON—86 hhd* prime aide*, for sale, to an Wo - tier schr
Martha Jane, from New Orleans. hr 1 •
mhl ■.••':• ■ WIL1J8 ft BRUNDAOE.
B ACON AND lard!—20 hhd* prlmonew Shoulder*. 20
bble No. 1 Lard, received per steamer State of Georgia,
and for eale by febW VADKLFOUD. FAY ft CO.
B ALTIMORE FIAjUR—100 bble Flour In stare, and 100
do to arrive, for sale by
Price only $26—P,Vented Oct. 10,1852.
I Tht« rouhlot l* acknowledged by all wlto have need It to
ieiup«rlorlo that of any other Sewing Machine ever In
haled. Itt simplicity, compactness, the beauty ahd
' rtb of >•* *tlteh * nJ ll * clien P neM - 14 wci 8h» about
u lb ,. U,J costs only from W to $30. It will work neatly
Lltli the smsIWt thread, the flnest cambric or silk, as well
is linen, woollen and cotton goods, and all kinds of leather.
It Is *0 simple, that a child of 10 jears of age _ can under-
Tod sod work It rapidly, without any dahgcr.of lU getting
ttiof onlvr, and can do the work of more than twenty.
t»nntrwe« much better In every respect than It can be
Jons br hsnd. Tlie stitches are Independent of each other,
Jo much so. that If every other stitch Is cut. the aoatti still
Lfc go oil and strong. It l* unlike and much better than
r ther sewing machine ever Invented. The machine Is
• ir ly adapted to family and plant ition use, as It will
), n ,l» of sewing, and when known will be generally.
Jh2l j Into families and plantations.
BHlj tj Sewing Msrhine Company have perfected their
entsfor manufacturing on the largest scale, and
,dy any number of machlnosat the shortest notice,
addressed to Charlss. Nmutro.v, 261 Uroadway.N.
’’1 receive prompt attention. doc28—IsOm
iSIlUIlY HULL. President and Treasurer.
.U0N’ CILtSK,Scc’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary,
undersigned. Agent of the above Company, oontlnues
,ko the following Risks, vlx.: Marine, River and Fire
,0 on the Live* ofServants. •
I livesot White Persons aro also taken by this Company
■0 extra premium for residing In the South.
Corner of Ray and Drayton-streets.
ipon'tlielt NEW SrORB. 'nearly opposite 8t. An-
f’s llallj west sldo, or Monday, the IMth instant.
B lima AND CHEESE.—25 firkins prime and choice
Butter 5 60 boxes Cheese, just received and for snlo by
feVU McllAll r'* ft DOYLE.
TIACON SHOULDERS AND LAUD.—16 hhd* prime old
J3 Bacon Shoulders. 50 half bbls I*rd. Just received and
for sale by febO
B UTTER AND CHEESFz—30 Orklns oholce Goshen butter,
60 boxea oheese, received and for sale by
feb7 - MoMAHUN ft DOYI.R.
B ACON 8IDES--27 hhda iandlnR from sehr. B. E. 8harp0,
from Philadelphia, and for sale by ■
• COHEN ft
B UTTER ANI) CHEESE.f-20 kegs choice Goshen' Butter,
.60 boxes do Cheese, landing from stoamship Florida,
It F08P1CK.
wiigrethey ivlll offer, at tholr usual low pricks, for cash or.
city acoeutanbes. an entire pew stack bf : •
Staple and Faney Dry Goods,
to which they would rospectfuly luvlte the attention of
the ellisens or Savannah, and the merchants and plantars
of thin and the neighboring Btatas The stack Is large and
well selected, consisting In part of:
Dress Goods.—Black nnd Fancy‘Silks of overt width
and description, French and Kngllsh Merinos, Cashmeres.
D'Lajnes. Mous Ii'Uarege,' Barege D’Lnlnes, Bombasines.
Chamboro Cloth. Alpaccaa of every description. White and
ColM. Plain Slid Embroidered Tarletans and Swiss.
Eiuhratderlesv—Unen Cambric Hd’kfs, Erab’d, Plain
and Hom-8tltah,' ^Collars. CutEi; Undersleeves, tliimasets,
Firm nclng.' Bands. Jnoimfet and Swiss Edgings gnd Insertions.
MnntlUns and Shawls—^Blank and colored crops
and silk Mantillas 5 plain and embro dered crape Bhnwlai ol
every descrlntton; broche Shawls; square and long Shawls;
black and colored mantilla Velvets abd talma cloths,
Hosiery.—Lsdios’ and gentlemen's kid, sewing silk,
silk, irayi attk Lisle, cotton, Berlin and caahmero Oloven •,
raw silk and merino Vests 1 genltamen’H raw silk, merino,
lamb’s wool.wml cotton Undershirts ond Drawers.
Xilncn-Damiukk.—8, in, 12. and 104 Damask and
snow drop table Cloths. 8 and 104 brown Damask Cloths,
bleached and brown Damask of event do-crlptlon. Damask
and snow drop Napkins, and Dolllo’s birds eyo Diaper, linen
Diapers of every description.
Sheeting and Shirting—10 and 12 4 linen Sheet
ing. llllowcase- Linens 1 8.0.10,11 ahd 124 bleached and
brown Allendale and Hamilton Shootings, bleached and
brown 8hlrtlng of every description.
Irish Linen—From the best manufacturers.and war
ranted all lino (lux Cloth*. Oasuhnerea. and eatings; Black
and Blue Broad Cloths, black and fancy Casslmores, fancy
Vestings, white and colored Marseille* Vestings.
Counterpanes aad Blankets—8.10.11 and 12-4
Marseilles and Allendale Counterpanes \ Paris and Whllnoy
family Blankota.
Negro lllankqts of-everv description. * *.
Georgia Plains, KerseyJllTix and Cotton Osnaburgs.
jau22 ' / > ■>., M. PRENDKRQAST A CO.
Farm street, West end of the Plank Bond.
RS. WILDMAN ft GANAHL l aving completed the ar-
Isngrmcnts fur a private hospital, and Htted up the same
Kith all the uppllancesof hygiono. good nursing, and medi
al sml surgical attendance, now offer the benefits of the
Kutltutlon to the public.
I The tena* of admission are $1 per day. This will secure
Jonstant and effleient medical attendance, medicines, board
■ad lodging. Ten dollars will bo required In advance, which
Jill not be subject to reclamation. Apartments perfectly
Irivate may be obtained on reasonable extra terms.
| That the inslitution may partako as much as poasTblo of
lie benevolent public clmractor which tho orginator* in-
mded, they have solicited the following gontlomon to act
I* a board of visitor*, who will at all and any time Inspect
le premises.and whose names are guarantees to tho pub
ic of its efficient management:
Hod. Uncuun Cukves, Jonx W. Axnmso.v,
Justrn 8. Fat. A. A. Smkw,
Qiarus Cheex. JonxW. RaBI'K,
MoxrnnMxnT Ccumiso.
I Amngement* have also been made for the nccoinmoda-
■on of uegrocs. P. H. WILDMAN. M. IK,
corner Abcrcrnn and South Broad *treat.
I iec2l South Broad street East of Barnard.
TJACON BIDES. HAM8 AND hlols bacon sides,
JJ-27 barrels •’CliJ<aard' , hnm». 10 barrels inrd.iandlug
frtfm sohr N Berry, ftohl Baltimure, and for sale by
.fcbie COIlEN ft FtWDICK.
B LACKWOOD’S MAGilZINE. for February ; also, tho Two
Merchants, or Snlvont and Insolvent, a grent novol, by
T. 8. Arthur, received by 8. 8. SIBLEY. .
mU2 135 Congress street.
B AOIN,'SUGAR' AND MOLASSl-M —20~casks prime new
Sides. 20 do do Shoulders. 24 hhda New Orleans Sugar.
113 bbls do Molassos. landing from sclir Patrick Henry, and
for sale by mh2 COHEN ft FO8D1CK.
B UTTER. CHEESE. &c.—30 kegs selected Goshen Butter.
60 boxea FmgUxh Dairy Cliea*o/100 do now xetded Her
ring 20 quintals new Codfish. 100 boxes and 16 half boxes
bunch Raisins, received per steamer, and for sale by
others arc Invited to call end examine the One "tack of
Blank Books, Paper and Stationery, for sale st tho lowest
rales, at tha book store of
janl4 H. 8. SIBLEY, 135Pmgre*a-Btrcet.
C OAL—100 tans rod asli coal, broken and screened, for
sale, to arrive per schr 8 N Smith, from Philadelphia,
by mhl WlfJ.18 ft BRUNDAGE.__
C LARET WLNE—60 boxes Chateau Morgaut. Chateaux
laQtte, St. Julien aud St. EmilUon, for salo by
fcb'24 A. BONAUD.
C OFFEE—<00 bags Rio coffee, 76 sacks Java do, 16 do .
superior Old Government Java do. for into by
OMPOUND Wild Cherry I»xenges. r very efflencious ar-J
t ele for Coughs. Colds. Influents, ftc. A fresh supply'
received this day. per steamer, and for sale by
fob 10 W. W. LINCOLN. MonumenU^uaro^
C HOICE GOSHEN BUTTERf ftc.—Just'receive^ 10 kegs
choice Goshen Butter. 10 cakes Dairy CheqsoH an* 10
do Leaf l*ird. Tor aale at the corner Broughton and Dmytan
streets, by mbl2 DAVID O'CON.VER.
Cui-taina, Cartaln Gnorla. ,&c.
Na. 140 Cvnyits* and Nci?f>T Si', Juliuiilttredi.
fpiIE -suhscriber. knowing that tho dthteiw of Savannah
X have felt a groat Inte eat In the establishing of a OAR
PET ’’’AREHOUSE. In this city, and belngnwaro that many
have been nwuitlug tho completion of the new stare, so
that they could make their Selection of the various arti
cles for furnishing their houses would respectfully Inform
the public, generally, that he will this, day open the most
complete assortment of all the various styles of GOODS
usually kept iu similar establishments: The stock of the
different departments will consist, in part, of the following
Goons, vlx:
Carpet Department—Royal velvet, tapestry Brus
sels. mocet Brussels, Brussels, velvet, tapestry and Brussels
for stairs, three ply- superfine, fine an A common ingrain,
plain and twilled Venitlan for stairs, hulls, ftc., druggets.
04.124 and 10-4 In width, of every variety 4 of patterns,
hearth rugs, parlor and stoop mats, table and piano covers,
silver and brass oval and octagon stair rod*, stair linen, kg.
Oil Clutlu—Of every width from one to eight yards,
for halls, dining rooms, steamboat*, salooris ftc,. rose
wood, ninhogany and small figured furniture oil cloths, 44.
5-4 and 0-4 wide, figured India rubber doth for Htairs,
Curtnlna—Silk nnd worsted dnma*k,'delalno.\ worsted
and linen damask delnlno. figured and plain damasks, va.
rletv of colgH, white nnd bull, for shades/, v.• _ ..
\Vlii<ld^Shn(lc«,—‘Transparent, landscape,’medal•
Uon. garland, and whlto and gold, onllrely now stylo, cord,
loops.tassels, together with all the various, trimmings for,
curtains nnd.shade*. * - v.
.raf tiTOs ,
F nESH Lobster and Salmon, just received by
feb24 A. 1
I We have for sale a Washington hand Press, line’s make.
Klilrli we will dispose of at a bargain. It la partially worn,
■b as good as new. and in complete running order,
te of bed 37, l JX24J£. and w 11 print a form 23X35>{
I ptMioutc* all lb* htest improrements of Iloe’i Press, and
|ill bc*«ld for less than its value for cash or approved pa-
e btring no further use for It. We also have chases,
m side sad foot sticks, column and head rules, dash and
Iberlisetnent rules, loads, cuts and many other articles
Isceswy to the establishment of n newspaper, which we
■ill sell st s handsome discount from original coat. Also,
ro wit iron roller moulds.
I Further particulars will bo given on addressing this office.
Office 118 Bag-sireet.
’ompany will take Fire. Marine and Rlvor Risks on
favorable terms.
-Henry I). Weed.Hiram Roberts. II. F. Waring. I.
obnW. Anderson. N. B. Knapp, Honry Lathrop
' 1O1I.
HENRY D. WEED. President.
HIRAM ROBERTS, Vine President
. nn8
•dug to send for their friends and desirous of
. jiu out by first class packet shins, are informed
. te subscribers arc the only Agents for the above agen-
1 . ihi* City.
I They are alsoauthorired to drawon Messrs. Wm. Tapscott
l Co., Liverpool. In sums from £1 and upwards, which
jnfls are negotiable iu any town throughout Ireland and
trat Britain. Drafts on Franco and Germany, payable in
■llparts of the Continent, also for sale. Apply to
L d<c24- ]£ • BUNKER ft OOI)F.N. 80 Bay-atreet
tale by fobl6 C(|HEN_& TARVER.
F LOUR—160 barrels Baltimore Flour, for sale .by.' . ■ j,
fcblfl ROWLAND ft CO. *
1 70RSALE.—A superior Cook, aged 20 year*. Apply tc ,
Hiivl- n ,
' ‘Wa We tot sale tbitertei
— . •• (Miniernal
YX7IIICH has gained such great popujl,
V,V trnduced. as the only specOlc known
—dyer In:
cure of this jalnful tllsenso. 7 rbla remedy bM'alroady
clired thousands of casta, comprising bverjr teeming form
of this complaint, from the fn/utmniator-y (acute) form, at- -
tended wltb swelHogaandenlargotnent ofthejomta, to old
eAhmie casta of from tfntgtwmg lindlAfrtykmrt'atandlng.
Those who had for years'resorted te tho^ various celobrated
springs.had tried all thoHnimenU and external appllca-
springs.lmd tried all tho HnimenU and externa) applica
tions, nnd been under treatment of some of the ablest phy*j<
Inm hnth ln UtliMiinlrv nml Knmtut anR WorSi nmnniin.
Nrm Sork ahDtrtiBtttunts.’;
wojtwini «*WaU)'e*mya»TOwdg^l02y*a»AP4rr,,yi v,
To Furniture Buyers.
• • ■.'W.mmmw,"!
ITb. irttjJJiwdiroyi jFfitf Vflk 'ZvtffVi
Wopld Invtte iho attention of atra»gta« ti»llln*Now. York'
to hCs large assortment of ‘
whldt for richness and workraansWp compare with
any In this oountry or Europe, ! feb24—8m
clans both lb this country and Europe, and 'were pronoun
ced incurable 1 still, after all tboao enortr-had-Called, this
compound haa cured them. Mauy who have been' cripples,
oithor hobbling upon crutches or confined to their beds fur
•years.'certify to a con * ‘ ‘ "
of this remedr.
a complete and pefmaneht oure by the use
We have not space, In a newspaper advertisement; to In
sert the accumulated evidence In IU behair.' This evidence
comes from sources which must Inspire confidence in every
mind. The conductors of hlgb-touud publlo joitrnala have
published to the world tia wonderful gnd beneflctal effects
upon themselves and those around thorn, and la tome in
stances apeak of hundred* of cures. Physlplan* have resort-
ed to It, and certify that, even In extreme casetj Where con
sultaMon* had been hold, and they had doddod that there
were na kopeio/ recovery, even then, they procured this
medicine and administered it, and It effected a complete
»FareAowie8fl OourUand-U..Hutory 186 Duane- it, Jf) F.
T HE application of Machlnery to the construction of
Looklog Glasses has indeed worked an entire revolu
tion In their manufactiiye, by. which I am enabled' to pro
duce the 'inbst perfect and beautiful articles, ahd to sell
thorn at rates drying compdilion. Jobbers. Country Mnr-
chants and buyers generally, aro respectfully invited to call
and examine this extensive 'stock, consisting of every, style
and stso. from fifty cent* a doxento ve hundred dollars
each. The Trade supplied at the lowest prices, with frames,
ftc., of ere y description in their composition state ./
ENAMELLED FUHNrtUU&-U4 Grand-ttnH, New
medicine and administered it, and it effected a complete York—Vi. W. gives hla wholo attentton to manufacturing
cure. Ministers of various, denominations have written and using the best materials. He is euabled to selLbetter
and published what It has done fbr themselvta and tlieli goods at the samp prices, than can bd found elsewhnre.
friends; whllo merchants; olHeera. mechanics, end private Suits finished to match; from $26 to $260 per suit, comprla-
clt Irens, have furnished volumes of ovldenco of the highest J log dressing bureau with glass, bedstead, washstand. com-
clmracter, such as accompanies no other preparation In mode, toilet tablo, towel stand, nursa rocker and four chairs
America. *>■ all of tho boat materials, and finished in the highest style 0
Wo will give a snort synopsis pi a small portion of the -* 1
orideuce. and request all who are afflicted, to send to the
agent aud get a circular, and road whrt those who were
long afillctvd have said of this remedy.
Mr. N I’aschall. one of the editors of tho St. Louis (Mo,)
Republican, gives a long editorial stating his afUictloni,
and that he whs cured by this.remedy. The editor of tho
St. IsjuIs Inidligmctr'u.ho glves’notice’qtlts wiktarful ef
fects In curiiW »severe case of chrunic rheumUifm, The
editor of the St. Lout* Organ and Reddle . devotes a' long
editorial In beha'f of Its wonderful effects In . curing Aun-
dreds4>fcases m that city. Tho editors of the St. Louis
American Banner, Thmperancr. Battery and 8t. Louis Union.
have all awarded to It unprecedented success in curing this
diseaso. Theodltor of Belleville (III.) Adoocale writes and
publishes Its magical effects in curlngW n ar d many around
him. Thoodltor* of the Glasgow Time*. American Eaole
and others of the South and West, havo given voluntary
evidence of their knowledge of Its virtues. Tho editor of the
German National Ornette published at No. 21 Spruce-street,
Iu the city of New York, under date of Sept. 0, 1862, gives"
the history of two Important cases of which he has person
al knowledge. lino, the wife of a wealthy tqprchnnt who
art- . . . s - : .r...
No. 144 Grand-streot, one block east of Broadway,
No. 76 am! 11 King ttred. near Jludion street. New York.
BRUNER ft MOORE Invito thou in
•want of durable.andfkshlonablofurnl-, call aithalv haV* ypkcloua wate-
,. w ,"v •'Tmhouse No. 76 and 77 KlngatreeL near
Hudson. New York and exnmtne their large assortment of
rich aud elegant furniture. In suites for parlprs. cliambers,
and dining rooms—In rosewood, mahogany, black walnut,
and oak—made In modern stylo and warranted to stand
furnace bent.
Book cases. Elageres. and a great variety of substantial
and cheap furniture, sqltablo tor the country and shipping.
Having a large manufactory and warehouse, they make
to order, and keep on hand a general assortment, and sell
wholesale or retail at very low prices.
They will also continue business at tbelr old stand, No.
174 Fulton street, (near Broadway.) until the first of May,
and then remove wnolly to King street mhl—8m
had for years tried tho springs, and had the treatment of tha • ENAMELLED ORNAMENTAL COTTAGE
most eminent physicians of our country; they could ef- V ANI) .CHAMBER FURNITURE.
feet nolhing, She \yaa afflicted with chronic rheumatism In • sms imdk kxprhwlt roa thr soltuirx iurkct.
its worst forms. He was Instrumental in Inducing s trlnl No* *0)4 Broadway,
of this compound, and It effected a compete cure. Ho also I Katl tide, below Grand tired. Manufactory No. 49 Green-
states that, _ , . T
,U to a gentleman, a friend of his. who seemed A vlctl
this disouso ; this one bottle cured him.
We might add editorials, and fill this entire sheii. bn
will give a fow names of prominent physicians, merchant*,
nndotlicrs.curedbyit. - •
New York.
GIIJJES ft BYRNE tako pleasure In In-,
EP^jCKrormhg their old patrons and the public
f " y tip general, that they continue to offer a
* Ja * — *f»wcu finished, warranted article of their .
own manufsclure. at prices below all competition. Our re
putation for making an article that has stood the test for
years of patent heated rooms and tropical climes, has, we
As we havo the most extensive stock of any estahlish-
ted States, persons of tho mos
roent In tho United
F OR SALE.—Three likely women, aged 30.32 and 18 yra.
Apply to feblO WYLLY ft MONTMoLLIN ' *
Cotton Shirts, at 147 Bay Htreet.
I ?OR SALE.—Avery likely man. aged 25 years, A cooper
\ by trade. Apply to
F OR SALE—A negro woman aged 28 years, and five chil
dren, A girl 10. boy 8, girl 0. boy 2. and nn Infant. Ap-
J>UR AND BACON.—30 bbls Hiram Smith’s Hour; 60
do Gonessee do ; 10 hhds Bacon Sides j 15 do Shoulders,
received ami for sale by fe!4 McMAHON ft iHlYLE.
F LOUR and BACON.—200 bbls superfine Hownrd-Rtrect
l lour, 60 hhds prirao Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders,
received and for sale by
F LUID EXTRRCr OF SF.NN A—This extract possesses tho
active properties of Senna in concentrated£pnn. and Is
n mild and pleasant suirgative. just reeoirtrd smYfrr sals by
feb’21 W. w. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
F RESH PATE DE FOIE GRAS'.—8 dozen Psfto de Foie
with Truffes. 2 do do De Callles do. 2 dodo De Prairie
Hens do, 2 do do De Pcrdreaux, 2 dodo Do Pldgeons. for snlo
by fob3 •, A. BONAUD.
F OREIGN LIQUORS.—20 hnlf pipes and 16 quarter pipes
(Hard. Dupuy ft Co.’s Brandy, our own Importation; 10
pines Meder Swan Gin. landing and for salo by
fcblT scbaxtoN. JtillNaTQX .ft CO.
I ?IX)UR AND RICE.—60 barrels Hiram 8mith’s premium
Flour. 60 do Irving Mills and Henry I). Stone's do, 611
do Muskingum do. 200 do UuUhuore do, 60 tierces Rice, juat
received aud for salo by KIBBEE ft RODGERS.
feb22 142 Bay-street.
H AY—100 bales prime Northern Hay. for sule by
feblfi ROWLAND ft CO.
TTENRY I A.THR0P .ft CO., offer for sale at lowest prices:
Ll Dreu Gooff*—French printed moustin de ialnes.
English and American do. new designs; Persian doth, high
. jolured niousl)n de lain, plaid raw silks. French nnd English
merinos. French and Scotch'ginghams. English and French
prints, changeable glade silks, rich brocade do, plain and
figured black do. •' : -
Embroideries—MusUn nnd lace collars, chlmlsettes.
unite? 8leeves.cnps and capes. Swiss and cambric edgings
dn'Adhaertjngs; thread vnlendns and lisle laces, black silk
itidulnndd edgings, rich laun nnd linen cambric hdkfs.
y .Hoalery—ladles’, misses’, mens’ ami boys’, a full as
sortment of English and German; ladles’,misses’, mens’and
boys’merino vesta.
Glovea—Hoikln. silk cashmere, beaver, ladles’ riding
White Gooff*—Jaconet plain nnd plaid cambrics.
Swiss muslins plain and figured, cambric dimities, corded
and embroidered skirts, ftc.
Linen*, die.—44 super Irish linens best mark. 3-4 and
7-8 long lawns. 04 to 12-4 barnsly sheetings, jdllowi n*e
dnens. Scotch nnd Iridi dinners, hnenbue*. 6-8 to 3-4 dn-
iniisk napkins, brown and blue check dovles. 8-4 to 10-4
bleached and brown table damasks. 8-4 to 124 bleached da
mask cloths, cotton and worsted table and piano covers. 104
to 134 toilet and Imperial quilts. 7-8 to 6-4 furniture dimi
ty. cotton shirtings sheetings nnd tickings. American. Eng
lish and Welsh Uannels. colored French do. fancy wool plaids
for boys, plain ond fancy casslmores, tweeds. Kentucky sati
nets and JeanH. . cell
F AIRBANKS Patent Platform Scales—(Improved inqual
By and reduced In nrico)—Adapted to every reuulred op
eration of weighing, as RailroadScnlus for tminsor single cars
In use the ]irinci;iAl railroads In the United States and
Grent Britain. Warehouse Scales. Heavy Portable Scales. or>
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills, ftc. Store Scales, various
modifications; Counter Scales. Hay and Coal Seales, ftc.—
These Scales have been long known and severely tested; and
the ulHvoniH confidence felt (n^tliolr accuracy an;l herfec'
adjustment'. Is such tliat they are now regarded as the stand
ard, from which there Is no npiienl.
my 12 PH1LBRICK ft BELT ..Agent*
A SSORTED GOODS. -Justreceived 30bbta Ftunrt’s crash
lx. Sugar and clarified A. B. ft C. Sugar; 3 hhds choice
N. O. Sugar; 15 bbls. targe No. 1. Mackerel and Scotch Her
rings; 2000 lbs. Codfish; V5 boxes Smoked Herrings; 50 bar-
re’s 1 otatoes; 25 boxes ground Rio nnd Java Coffee; 20 bbls
Baltimore Flour; 10 barrels nnd half barrels extra Buck
wheat Flour: 30 do*, targe wire bound Brooms; and 13 hoop-
ed Water l*nlls; Rferklns choice Goshen nutter: 10 cakes
dairy Cheeso; and 5 bbls. white leaf Lard For sale by
W. S. White, M. p.. an eminent physlclqn W St. Louis
writes to n brother moiubcr of that profession. Dr. Reese, of
Now York : '• 1 havo witnessed t)|£ effects of this compound
In several cases; and so successful have been ils operations
in performing a perfect qure. when every other remedy had
been iucJToctual. that I would not hesitate to recommend or
prescrilw it. I think, when its Tirtueft'nrcKascertahied by will supersedo taery other remedyln the
treatment of rheunuitism. It is artspted to. every furm of
the desensu, and I know no complication contra-indicating ;
Its uso. 1 hold It to bo tho duty of a physlcan. whe» con- f .. .
vlnced of the offlcacy of a remedy, and Its superiority over ' Boxing and shipping carefully attended to.
" " ‘ “ if humanity to use lt.(’ j “ GlLubS ft BYRNE 452 Broadway, N. Y.,
Robert Giuifs. . 1 • below Grand street, east side.
Diomab Jay, Btbxh. j , . 8m febl
most peculiar
biu nitraja uuDunoii 111 rvgnrii w siyies. colors, shad
ing. ftc. The latest Parisian and Italian styles always on
hand and made to .order. Particular attention paid td»or-
dera through the pbst,
Matrasses, patlltaflsta. &c;. at tlie lowest rates. Tho trade ■
supplied as usunl in unlimited qqanitiss.
all others, at least fbr tho sake of humanity to use It.y
J. M. Rose'.M. D.. writes from Centre College, Danville,
Ky.," that a young man. a member of the College, was so
low. that, iu consultation, he and other professor* lud de
cided that lie could not recover. They finally concluded to
try this remedy,*nd to their great nstonishment onebottle
restorat him sotrrul aipf well, although ho had not walked a
step for six months previously ; and that, during twon jy*five
years practice, ho had never before witnessed such a re
markable cure.”
Professor H L. Dunham. M. D., near Cincinnati, phlo.
Joins inn certificate for publication with two ctergymcd of
S2tt JlnadiMy.-eiruar Spring dral. New .York, oppnuiu St.
Nicholas Hotel Prescott and Callamore Houses.
N OW offer at wholesale ond retail the.niJsl extensive as
sortment of Enameled Furniture Uj*"be found in the
1110 Baptist enuren. stating me case -i a uigmy rtspeotauie United States, all from original- designs;Including Oriental.
&dy who was for eighteen years afflicted, and had Income . Serpentine. Open Cottage High and other pattei ns.
helpless, and that all other remedies known, as welltstbe Also. Rosewood.Mahogany, Oak aud EaC’- • — •---
skill of the most eminent physicians, had failed, and there
seemed ho hope of recovery, until ther finally obtained this
remedy, and it cured her sound anti well.
Mr. P. Price, merchant of New Orleans, writes that lie was
fen years a cripple from chronic rheumatism, and foj three
years could scarcely turn himself in bod ; it had affected his
whole system. He treld all remedies he could hear bf. and
all tlie most celebrated physicians, but found norellif until
hw nbtninrd this compound, and O cured Mm ejfeduallg. We
might give hundreds of such cases cured in NewOrlcass nnd
tho .South.
I**vi Hills, merchant at Ottawa. Illinois, writes that he
. Mahogany, Oak and Black Walnut chamber
and parlor suites *■-
M. ft 8., devoting themselves exclusively to tho.manufnc-
taring department of this business assure purchasers Uiev
con procure of tjiem well Kaaaoned.durahleHnd elegant fur-
nlture. at prices varying from $25 to $500 per suite.
N. B.—No connection with any other firm in the city.
H ARPER’S MAGAZINE, for March, received bv
■ Maria Morton, for sale by
[VSABlliGS. fcC._Plnlnand striiwd cotton o-nsburgs,
m.A t. x sliirting stripes, heavy brown shlrtinag
■na »lwtia ? , blue drillings ami denims, with a lair as
•onment of plantation dry goods for sale by
St**? VAXKEF. IN TEXAS, by Philip Paxton,
rilllre tb ° " oods > or l * 18 Jibbonalnosay, byj)r. Bird,
J 1 )? °r an investlgallon Intolherecon-
with Scripture, by Crofton, with an In-
v u, D W ,r Bitchcoek. .
J*'!?* * History of English Literature.
I "" Ancient Egypt explained by modern discoveries,
raysM s nsbvlnn and N'laevnh. now supply,
nnual of Scientific Discovery for 1853 aud previous.
... r „ .. . „ LAW BOOKS,
in tuMitng a Massacliusets Rcjmrts to November terra,
rwTu.- ^ wy °f Common Law.
Mfr I’reeodonts.
H/ttnfr ° r Cont , ra cts.. by John Wm. Smith, author of
\VK. , • ’ r,u ' n(l, c^byRawle. i n « , AmPrlc »n Criminal Law ; Wharton’s Preca
Wtof mirinvilts and Pleas.
aUTi Uw anJ Mtj Reports, vol. 11th.
Reduced Prlcos—Tlie subscribers
H AMS AND SHOULDERS.—10 hhds new Baltimore
Shoulders ; 500 do do Hams, landing nnd for salo by
H AMS—70 tierces Charles Duffleld ft Co’s sunerlor sugar-
cured hums, also 30 hhds, same brand. snnuMers. for
sale, to arrive, by feb21 COHFN ft FnSDlCK.
H ARPER’S MAGAZINE for February, received nnd for
sale by 8. S. SIBLEY,
fet>2 136 Congress-street.
H igh proof whisky. & c .—eo t5)'iThigh~i^fwhis-
ky. 80 do white do. 160 do New Orleans do. 40 Monon-
gnhela do. 10 do pure old Bourbon do. 120 do Phelps' Gin.
60 domestic Branby, 30 quarter casks do. for sale bv
feb21 WEBSTER ft PAtMES,
J UST RECEIVED by steamer Alabama a fresh supplv of
Pates, for salo by fob24 A, BONAUD.
do do Beef, just received and for snlo by
M ARCH PERIODICALS.-— Harpers’ Mngazlne. for March:
Putnam's Magazine, for March ; Bnrnum’s H ustratcu
News: Gleason’s PictoriaL received and for sale by
“>h2 S. S. SIBLEY. 136 Congress-st.
at the New Store, 140 Broughton-street, a targe
assortment of Muslin Trimmings, consisting, in part, ot
Extra wide Swiss Muslin Edgings ;
“ “ u •* Insertlnga;
“ '• Oimbric “ Edgings;
Also, a few more of those very much admired Swiss and
Cambric Muslin BaudH.
mh 1 J. H. COHEN ft CO
TMTECHANICAL PICTURE.—A beautlfurpalnting. with
LVL moving figure*, windmill, watermill, clock and music
an elegant specimen of French mechanism, can he seen a
tho store of F. ZAUGBAVM ft OK.
•loeSO 74 Bt. Julian and 107 Brynn-strecta.
Thd Lofty and the Lowly, by Miss McIntosh.
Heart Histories and Life Pictures, by T. S. Arthur.
Da Qulncey’s Narrative nnd Miscellaneous Papers, 2 vols
his Opium Enter and all his other works.
Goathn’* Foust, translated by Hayward.
Memoir of the Physical and Political Geography of Xe
Grenada, by Gen Mosnucra. translated from tlie Spanish
Theodore Dwight, with a map.
—' tionary.
Blanca, a tale of Erin and Italy, by Howard Mnturin, Esq
author of Montezuma. Eva. ftc
Punch’s Prize Novelists, tlie Fat Contributor nnd Travels
in Isindon,by Tliackoray.
Garden Walks with the Poets, bv Mrs. C. M. Kirkland.
A further supply of Grace Agullln’s works.
Tlie Vale of Cedars. Women of Israel.
A Winter In Madeira. Home and its Influence.
Parisian Rghts and French Principles. Men’s Wives."
Yellow Plush Papers ; Tho Lady Bird, by Lady Fullerton
History of Pen lcnnls. by Thacknray : Stern’s Works.
Pope’s’Poetical Works, Bums’ do, Youg, Gay, Bealy and
Col'ins. " ,
Plutarch’s I Ives. Mysteries of Paris, the S itfire. ftc., for
sale Ht tho bookstore of S. 8. SIBLEY,
nih-4 136 Congress-street
‘ - My success In the Carriage business in the
, )iwv of Savannah,,1s no longer and experimept,
It la a "Jbxeil fart."
For tho considerate, generous confidence, and liberal pa
tronage that I have receivod from factors, merchants and
citizens generally, I desire In this public manner to express
my thanks, and to renew my assurances of Increased deter
mination to give tlie most entire satisfaction to nil who may
favor me with their custom I have devoted the past sum
mer to getting up a largo aud splendid stock of everyklnd
of Carriage now in use. All of these carriages are well
suited to this market, and for neatness, lightness nnd dura
bility. they cannot be surpassed. Rockawnys of every style.
Coaches ind Pleasure Wagons; also Boggles of every con
ceivable shape and kind, (among them Mime from J. n.
Godwin's celebrated establishment. In New York.) nnd a
very neat, light and convenient style ot Sulkey. for physi
cians and others J. C. THORNTON,
ne.’ifl Corner of West Rrnnd and Bay-streets.
,,i URGVESTELN ft CO.. No 481 Broadway.
aBpmglVew York, would call tho attention of those
7V*|fabout purchasing, to their snlondld stock of
was severely afllicted for thirty years and for seventeen t *1 ^ eil’voimf? inkin’?
vein.could Hcorccl; -elk » ilcp. 11,o noli Imd .Wt.nk ■ cknnotta .xocllcd bj.» f olh.r !u IU. city. sIHik Intone,
from Ills limbs ; the most expensive efforts had been tried finish, quality or mau
Tor years, bpt he had Install liopo of recovery. A merchant
belngln St. Louis, heard of this remedy, bought It and took
Ithome, nnd prevalle on him to use It. He certifies tha,
it cured him sound and well; tho tlosh lmd relumed to hi'
limbs, which had become strnngaa over. lVn might detail
one thousand oases more, fo equnl Importance.
We most respectfully osk those who are ntllicted to sene
to the agentin their vicinity nnd get,a circular, nnd road
thulettersnndcIrtificaleso’fRey. Jaa. Milchel. Rev. N. G.
Berryman. Ilev. J. II. Linn. Rev. J. JJ, Kelly^JteVi R. A. Co?*.., '
bum. nnd other.cltfrgymen; wlille we'add the namei br Him
•I. Smith, late I’resident of the Bank of the State of Missouri •
Geo. ft. Atherton.olllcerin th**Bank In St- Louis 5 Mesn*
Ins. H. Eddy, S. Downing. AT Holland. C. W. Stone. J. IV. ;
Christy. Joseph Southack. with other prominent merchants •.
of St. I/ also vast numbers of other citizens.
‘•’his is Itame evidence.aad these are Hiring witness**, where
this great remedy was first Introduced, and where many
thousands have been cured during the List two years, Tlie
proprietors have now spened their Great Central Ofllceat No.
I Barclay street. (Astnr House.) in the city of Neft York,
where all orders for this modiclno wlllbe promptly attend
ed to. 5 *.
This Is a vegetable spirit—nn internal remedy, prepared
and recommended fur this one disease alone. This it toil
cure I .
Thick. $5 per slnglo bottle ; or three bottles for $10.
W. V ALFXANDEP ft Cft Proprleto-
No. 1 Barclay street. New Yori City.
Constantly on hand audfor salo by the following Drug
gists, viz: ’
l.v Savanvsv.—A. A. SOMIMONS. J. H. CARTER.
.J*,"’ ■ ■ [So, s
ai thouiual tom*; 1.000
ftesSfiioi T*»i°o» frum low, q.nal- j
‘1600'baioii low,'robdium and heavy browri sheetings, • 'V
!.(• 600 bale* low, medium, heavy and fitter brown shirting.»
800 bales'broWBdriUandJsimsi ■ r.,
150 bales medium abdlow'Tlfcks. V S..', ,
260 bales low priced twilled shirtings ktripM.' ■ '
Allendale bleache*t and brown sheetings, of all widths.
Denim*.canton Flannels; and Osnaburgs, colored Cambrics, 1
1 orset Allendale quilts of all stow. ■
Jeahs and drUla; itiron aod furniture cheeks, pantaloons
stuflfii.ftc. ■ , feb21—8m.-
, • ' . LINEN GOODS. ~
X for sale a frill Assortment of the most approved manu
factures. consisting In part aa follows:
Bnnwx ant ULKAOim Diarnt aim Damabk—all widths.
Tabus Cwnpa-^'f *U qualities and sizes.
NAPK1.V8 ajto Dorurn—Snowdrop and Satin Damask.
BtRwnnra DuPi8fr*-Darrow to vsry wide, and from coarso
to fine.
PttxowcAtm Utonm ahd Pmocm-aa,
Dmuwon—Plain and Fancy Irish. French and English,
Hollands—Brqwn. bleached, black and slata,
PantAU>int Lwjws—84.7^8 and 4-4 blay and yellow,
Lwiw CA*woIlAt«t)KKRonw»—A largo variety.
Samnjto I4?nw8—Light, medium and heavy.
Pwxt d Shirtino Lwe«—Cliolce and now pattern*.
Mo6Qorto Nmao.
feb3—3m 24 Park Place and 10 Barclay-st,. N. Y.
Hughu, Dnpny ft Urthaiige,
73 William-sired. New York.
TMPORTFRS nnd Wholesale Dealers in French Fancy Goods,
X have how In store and are receiving by every packet
from Havre, a large and desirable assortment of Goods for
ia7 J—_—ny bi
sionCa|Hi'.GDand 8BT ribbed' and ribbed and split; Fans
of all descriptions, a most complete assortment; Brushes,
.teeth, hair, nail and shaving; Aceordeous and Flutlnas of
the fiiost superior quality; Purses, silk, blsck and cotton; '
kid and leather Garters; Imitation Jewelry. Bone Bracelets,
Jot Goods, ftc.; Suspenders, from low to high prices, a com
plete assortment; Silk Guard*. Steel Pen9. Vest Chains. VI*
ollnStrlngs.ftc.; Game Bags, lMce. Mirrors. Eyelets, Pen
holders. ftc.; together with many other fancy articles.
(Late Jllivcn i£ Douglass.)
C OM&fTSSION MERCHANT, Manufacturer and wholesale
denier In every description of America* HAtmwAHB. No.
6 Platt-atreet. four doors from Vearl, New York. Manufac
turer of the Premium Steel Squares, ^gent for Bee’s Bra
ces, TurnsCrews, ftc. Also. Kendall ft Taylor’s Thermome
ters. Barometers. &c.; Union Butt Company’s Butts. Gate
Hinges, Brackets, ftc. Brown ft Brothers’ Sheet Brass,
Brass and Copper Wire. Rivets, ftc. N. Newcomb’s Smiths’
Bellows, ftc.* THOMAS DOUGLASS.
ASA FARR, Jr., lato
noil—1y of the firm of Child. Fiitt ft Co..St. Louis
Nos. 72 and 74 John-drrd, New York, ,
tho trade on liberal terms a general assortment of the
above goods In various widths, of 3 ft.. 8 ft. 9. 4 ft. 6.6 ft.
3.fill;,9ft., 12ft.. 15ft.. 18 ft., nod 24 ft.; also. Carriage
Oil Cloths, in widths of 3-4ths. 7-8ths. and 4-4ths ; also. Ta
ble Oil Cloths. 44ths, 5-4th*. and 84tha wide. These goods
are all well seasoned and will endure any climate.
Jsn20—3m - „ ■
T ins establishment will bo opened on tho first of April
next. Address l)r. W. F. REH, Newport. R. I.
(/fflce 10 Broadway, Ne\o York.
T HE undersigned ore prepared to furnish Metallic Life
Boats, of any size or model, and in any number, upon
short notice, on reasonable terms.
mh28—3m Francis’ Metallic IJfe Boat Company.
mnnufectures WIRE RAILING for public and private
grounds. Vorandnh. Window Guards and Grating.
Iron Doors arid Shutters. Iron Bedsteads.and Iron Fnrnltuve.
WIRE FENCES, for plantations, railroads, ftc.. made entire-
lyon anew plan, with rails and Iron posts; prices at 9.11,
and IS cents per running foot 4)i feet high. For circulars
—itL dosigns, address, JNO. B. WICKERSI1AM.
352 Broadway. N. Y.
N.B.—Tlie Subscriber would refer to the enclosure of For
syth Place, the railing and gallery work at the Jewish Syno
• * * -eilings h ” ----- •
0 their'frier
b,™ !
Pecohd streft. where they havrf rtn harfd
did afcterlmentof autwrior fomltoro, ftf etvty L
to which theyilnvlt* M;kyttVrttlpB:of.pMr<j)u>toto'
No, 181 Narth Bidk &rtd,Phtmth*l*. , . .
V (0pjto«lU^dHlnfPiJp^vv.v-: v .
iblng. and on hand Plain and Far m
j Cstie Seat grent var*
- . . . 'fyfr^legintiwtdftahlinmbJwMyL.
fpr parlors, dlnltg.ronms or chambera, .ptad* In
Wtot.andpn hand Plain and ean- \u 1. • .
yr Cirie Seat Ciiairii'.togr*at.vari4.:|llry"' !
iy6felegint6ndfe*hlm»btostyle*JT* •'
mr panors, oraing-rooms or . chambers, ntad* In Fancy .
Woods. Imltatlon Wood*,andFancyColbrt.ic. ’ -
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light Shd bcantlfnl de-
*Igni 5 Cane Lounges. Cane Settee#, Hall Chairs. Counting. ,
House.and Office Arm Chairs, large and smsll Rocking.'
Chairs, Store' and Steamboat Stoou.‘Wind*6t Chafrs ) *at>a-.'- > t
8ette«a,ftm . , ,
Housekeepers. Hotel.Stesmbost and Balt R
will find It to their interest to caU at tha Fat.
Agricultural Wird-Houte '1
No. 194# Markd.tlrtd.pMiamida: - ‘.. .
PBoimr ft MRABS’ Patent BtUjmyd -
Sbai penlng Ploughs. W all mtesjHV*^
right red left handed-gutaon;SC, i
Ride Hill sod Doubls Mould, fto.. with v. v
8U*1 Extending Points. Bar-shiire. Peafeh/abd otherklaaA'“ '•
of Castings for repairing. The Emperor oriRussla awarded 'to.
for tho above Plough*, a Musslve Gold-Medal, value $800.— ,. >-
Also. tUo Great Medal at the World's Fair, was awirdad F.; _ '
ft M. Plough No. 40. Culllvatora wfth Donbl^I-olut PoBsh--':
ed Steel Troth, which can be reversed, thus getting Double-7 -
Wear ot tho common Teeth. ■ Also, Cultivators of all Uhda ■
srith Steel Teeth. ' .4
Spain’s Atmospheric Chum*. Coro Planfers, - '
tm m • TunriuDriHs.4to l«, -taV
Grant's Patent Tan Mills; ' .
Garden Engines;,
Wheat Drill*,
Horse Power* and Thwiheny' 1
Mowing and Reaping Mi-: "
Corn Shelter*, !zdproved
kinds. , .
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills.
Corn and Cob Crushers,
Gedda’ Improved Harrow#,
Square ana A Harrow*, 1 1
Horse Rakes. ■
Grindstone*, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnace*,
Ox Yokes and Rowa.
Fork* for u nload ing Ht r. 1
Man Hay Rakel,
Bow Plus, •’
Apple Pearcra,
Ox Muzzles,
Mote .Traps;
Priming Hooks and Chisels,
Fawsahd Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, and. Zinc
tubeing for Chain Pumps,
.. .... .. . ^
Chain Pump*,
Cattle Ties, - «;•.
Bull Rings,
Patent Iron Snath*, • ■ :
Grubbing Hoe*.
Hay and Manure Fork*;
Shovels and Spades, i
Garden and Field Hoes,
Garden Rakaa tn vartetv, • •
Clilldrro’s Tools, '
Darling 8cythes. '
Snaths, with Patent Fasten-
„ Potato Hooks. •
Also. Horticultural Tools fof every.description.) Garden
MCINTOSH’S LAST WORK.—Tlie I/iBv and the
Ismrly. or good In all or none all good, bv Miss M. J.
McIntosh, author of Two Llvea to seem and to bo, Donald-
non M inor, juat received and lor sale by
Jan27 S. S. SIBLEY.
N ECKTIES, ftc—Just received an asitortment of fancy
Cravats, Scarf*, and Neckties, at 147 Ray-street.
feb24 PRICE ft VEADER.
N ” EW SPRING AND SUMMER GOftDS.—Tlie subscribers
are now receiving their supply of Now Sprlngnnd Sum
mer Dry Goods, to which they (uvlte the attention of pur-
chasers. feb!4 NEVflT. LATHROP ft STKBDINS.
/■ASNARURGS—Cotton Osnaburgs, from Planter’s Factory
in store, and for sale by
feb24 BRIGHAM. KEI.I.Y ft CO
O ATS.—400 bushels Tennesseo Seed Oats of supertarqusl-
Ity. for sale by feb9 McMAHON ft DOYLE.
P ORTER AND All.—76 casks pints superior London Por-
, ^ r ' 'i? rironfi Scotch Ate, received direct, and
for sate at New York prices, by
mibUifiJlrn b * lanc ® "f their Summer stock of Dry Goods
las' mm. n 'f, ,n * l ‘aniH. Printed and PhCfa India Silks. Al-
tr, ^ . t rQulU "' Linen Catnbrlcltandkerclilefs, N WCol-
f IrS ,ai *8 r tatreductlonfrom former prices.
,-r— DFAvrrr ft moroan
X ln?«nf^‘' i ® GOODS—Linen and cotton slieet-
Iro ni«,‘. ki T M,e linen B «>d cotton. Irish linen of the
ir damn'.?, u,* v ? nn ^ S c °tch diapers, towels and towel-
fnrri in* Ku? ? l i en ""d napkins, long lawns, crash,
ll* st tli« 1 »^ e ' raui, "n l all widths and qualities, tor
Isp j 11)9 lo » Mt by
Dewitt k morqan,
|j StlnfT'i^'u. riijh'ry of tho Mormons, or Latter Day
II Dranll lhe v f. l1 V ot ‘»>e Great Salt iake.-tbeir rise
Fa!«l(w-inri' ,9 5 l » ar doctrines—present condition and
ii fr ? ra J M ‘ r * on,v ' observation during a real
Kl KcfiWr*. 1 o m ’ D' eut - Gunnison. U. 8. Topographl-
■ Received and for sale by
f~rihrirr 8 *HkEY 186 Coogress street
1 rUln^— A complete collection in
u Present b ! n ? ,n ^ B1 » elegant Christ-
'"‘x 1 ‘ Instruments to every variety,
III toltitm', fc .i Cll .V, r ? h 0r ltan. nnd Music In sheets
h CV 1 ' Fisher’s Hornpipe, to Hayden and
*' „*“*«*• For rate br F. ZtKiBAUM ft tX)..
Iljpr--. , 1* at ' Julian sn.t 107 Bryan-streets.
sin. f»,m thicha n f 0,1 distinguished Wo-
L lections frin? V* 1 ® 50, arranged in four eras
• K&i^ n,e i rrl, ® r * of every age. bv Sarah
* ’ gihUyJ. r , tWn i l , , ll 1 n ' lrcd and thirty portraits, a
y j wy * 1 Jugt published by the Harpers, and for
• pp-p-f— 8 L 8, s IBLEY. No. 135 Congress-street
1 aackaRln coff^lOO do li'.
*Mr«dn «^?. h S xo f *r «««•’ do.10 hhdsX O sugar. 10
Fore*! do 50* m 1 nr , l { > Rlco d°> 75 bbls crashed do. 75 do
1 Found !*„“”■* Ilf M1 , n tea. 40 do black do, 60 boxea
l Pepper, 60 do ginger, received and lor sale hr
riilj boxesdoOMi?®'^ 0 * e K* "elected Goshen Butter;
'Xl'.do Ra” |„,^f•d? 00 Herring,
te *rter and ’ ^H^rier do Ralalna; 1&
_ 4 ri,uy j 60 do ; 50 boxM
|h4nUtion»»eeaT, Uo 'n^,®P? nn G^ndlea; 10.000 sup*-
K*!:' nori8^ ar *‘ ™ "toamor and for aol*
R ■'•ed 8ugaJ l nu^ir 20 Stuart’s Crashed and
nn( ' Cloih** Lines. CJPRINO CASSIMERK—Juat received a fine assortment of
U to 2 £ **?• Wash Boards. 80 *
[A 4o, W boxes BeAitelu So«n
H ‘ USBAND’S CALCINED MAGNESIA—Tlie sujieriorquali
ties of this Magnesia ure. tlirt it is entirely deprived of
carbonic add. free from unpleasant taste, smell or other
llsugrecabte property, nnd is without roughness or grlttl-
ness to the touch or palate. One teaspoon full of this Mag
nesia is equal In strength to threo nr tour of tho common
calcined ningneRln. thus combining amnllness of dose with
the most agreeable form in which magnesia can be admin
istered. Just received per steamer State of Georgia.
jy!4 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
T HE HOME CIRCLE, or familiar thoughts on various
topics, literary, moral nnd soctal. by Mrs. Kirkland ;
Homes of American Authors, comprising anecdotal and de-*
scriptive sketches, illustrated willi views of tlielr residen
ces from original drawings, and a fac simile of tho manu
script of encli author, Romance of Indian Life nnd other
tales, by Mrs. Mary H. Eastman, beautifully Illustrated ; Il
lustrious Personages of the 19th Century, illustrated with
steel engravings; Gems from Moore's Melodies, 4to., ten
beautiful illustrations; The Bible to tho Doctor
Bonrdman: Foot Prints of Truth or Voice of Humanity, by
John Cote Hager. Illustrated steel engravings ; Gift Book of
Geins. a literary offering of all seasons, edited by Emily Per-
rival, richly illustrated; Review of Now Themes; received
and for sale by 8. 8. SIRLEY,
ded14 136 Congress-street
. Savannah. ,Gg.
S flOjLo THE Subscriber Is pleased to be nble to an
^nounco to hlsfellow cllizcnsof Georgia and Flor
idaTThat his Innx Fro.vt Buildings on tho Cou.vkk or Wknt
Hihiah nnd Bay otrkkth. in the City of Savannah, are now
complete, nnd he offers for sale ono of tho most varied, dura
ble nnd.Hjiteni1hl assortments of CARRIAGES ever exhibited
in aSoutnern City.
Among my stock wlllbe found all of the late and most
'ARJIIOMAIII.K styles, combining elegance with lightness and
My whole stock has been manufactured by the most cele
brate I manufacturers to New York and Nownrk, N. J.. and
'ins been gotten up under my own eye during the past Sum
mer. nnd is warranted in every particular.
Iftwenty-four years practical experience In tho Carriage
business (eighteen years of that time in iny native State,
■tenth Carolina) Is any passport to confidence, then tho sub-
icriber feels emboldened to ask a share of his fellow citizens’
uvtronngo. and to nssure them that the Inducements now of.
bred In the city of Savannah are unequalled by those ofany
city In the South.
ft te my inteir.ion soon to enter largely into the manufac
ture ofCnrringes In this city.
*1 have secured the services of some of the best workmen In
Mb various brunches, both native and foreign, and 1 feel con
fident bf my ability to present specimens of GKonnu maiik
Cauiu aoks that shall compare favorably with those made any
1 havo now In my possession two Mettals awarded me by
Iho "American Institute.” N V.. nnd the "South Carolina
Institute.” for specimens of my work, that 1 would he pleased
tosliow to any one who may have the curiosity to see these
tributes toSouthcrn skill J. C. THORNTON.
S 2D0 bids Buillimu e Flour. 60 do Genesseo do,
25 do Hiram Smith do. 60 hair do Canal do,
V6 bbhls Butter Crackers. 25 do Sugar do,
60 boxoi Soda do, 6 bags »oft shelled Almonds,
100 whole, half and quarter boxes Raisins,
200 boxes sperm. adamantine end tallow Candles,
100 do Pale aud No. 1 Soap. 26 do do do Starch.
20 do Ground Pepper, in )i lb papers. 200 do table Salt
100 eighth, quarter and half chests Tea,
200 do Tobacco, assorted qualities,
100 bags Rio Coffee. 50 do .lava do,
60 bbls Stuart's refined B ft O Sugar.
60 do circle A crashed do. 10 do ground do,
20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do Now Orleans do,
10 boxes J/iafdo. 200 bbls Domestic Liquors.
20 cases as’d Pickles, 80.000 S gars, na'd qualities,
60 gross Pipes. 100 reams Wrapping Paper,
50 doz Brooms, 100 Demtjnns. 1. 2.3 and 6 gallon*,
600 now sugar-cured Hams. 5 hhd*SMos,
6 hhds Shoulders. 100 sacks Salt.
10 tierces new Cuba Molasses. 60 bbls do do,
10 do Stuart’s mgar-house Syrup,
And a general assortment of torelgn Brandies and Wines
n store, tor salo by •• fo!»25 COHEN ft TARVER
G ROCERIES.^-80 bbls Stuart's refined Sugar
20 hoxes Loaf Sugar, 10 bbls crashed Sugar
5 bbls powdered Sugar
60 boxes pale ond No 1 Soap. 10 boxes toilet Soap
26 •• No 1 Starch, 26 boxes Pearl Starch
20 bags Java Coffee, landing for sate by
sep30 COHEN ft TARVER.
J^ARIK—25 bbls and_80 kegs primo Ijird. landing from tho
brig Kate Heath, from New Orloans, »nd for sale by
Kt* 0 * Ho, ^"Iri’s 8oap. Candies.
rj 1 * Mlo £“ ir che *fe black Tea, In X to. packs,
iCdAifr;-' f
1 6 7 the author of Mrs. Mi
_ Muir, a story of
Margaret Maitland.
Itthe Mountain J- V ??, WWn «-' : «rtl*. author
«> Magtslne^eoatai : . (!lcaM o'" Plijtoral.
a '«on. • ' eont *lning an answertotfjeBoqr-
y^Sffi , bMk f ,t!S3 , ! Barn «» , « ninatratod
&&8iBunr mailgwlHtn#fc
putting down of a floodgate In the Sprlnllohl canal.—
For plan and specifications apply to the undersigned.
feb28 JAMES P. SCREVEN, Chairman IK C. C.
R 0PK—A few colls good Rope to store, and for sate at 7$.
R IOCOI-FEE—400 bag*
sale by feblO^
DAI8INS.—100 whole, half and quarter boxes prime
IX Ranch Ralalna. tor sale by
T3 AISIN8. ftC.—Fresh raisins, to whole, half and quarter
IX boxes; pru es. inboxes and glass jars; figs, to whole
and half drums; citron. In casos : candles, assorted mixed
candles, mottoes, rock candles; just In store and for sale
cheap by feb22 , KIBBEE ft RODGERS.
B elting, implements, ftc., by late arrivals.—
1.600 feet patent leather bands,2to 18inches wide:
150 tray or canal, wheelbarrows. 16 pair patent balance
scales complete. 2 dozen counter do. 12 do Carolina (Eng-
li-li) hoes. 2 do large mounted grind stones. 1 do small do
do for family use.2 agrlcu" **- 1 * * *
ing nnd fmrden Implement
tent thermometer churns,
bbls platter and cement. French and Georgia mill stones.
Cologne and R*opus do. Dutch anchor brand bolting cloths
grates, tiinn milts, grain cradles, grass scythes,reap hooks,
ftc..for sale by
io largo iiimuiih.-u unnn nioiicn. i uu nuinii uu
jse.2 agrlculturaltool chests containingprun-
n Implements complete. 1 dozen Crowell’s p
etcr churns, 1 do garden wheelbarrows. 100
Chocolate, for sale by
L3 so tment received and for sale by A. 8. SIBLEY.
D OMESTIC LIQUOR.—160 bids New Orleans Rectified
Whl«ky. 100 do E Phelps’ Northern Gin. 40 do P ft H
Connecticut River Rye do, 76 do Luther Felton and Pure
Boston Rum, 40 do Domestic Brandy. 20 quarter and 20
eighth casks 4th proof do. 80 bbls superior old Mnnongahe-
In Wbissy, 60do doltyo do, 400 gross old Georgia Peach
Brandy, tor sate by
186 Congress-street.
QFEB OATS.—200 hags heavy North River Seed Oats, b
kJ tog and for sale by
0 fency colored and black H If,- French Casslmers.
febW __ ... PRICE ft VEADER. 147 Bay-st
OIIIRTS. SHIRTS.—Recelved^hy stumer Florida, an as-
O sortznsntof One Shlrto—no collars .• also a few dozen
fine fancy colored. PRICE ft VEADER.
CPBING CASSIMHIES.—Fanoy black CamlmeresTfaney
• 0 and whlto Linen Drilling. Sateen Juns. Cottonades, etc.
TU’HTTK and colored Kid Gloves, for sate by
» V feb24 ; PRICE ft VEADER. 147 Bay-st.
BANK TOBACCO—60 grass genuine Goadsrin’i
Yellow Bank Tobacco; 5*X) dm smoking and chesrinf
Ip.wbolM. halves and quarter paper*
V b/ Y. OONNIRAf ft OO.
rpnE Subscribers hare Just received a handsome assort-
X ment of printed De Lalnes, Cashmeres. Mohair Lustres,
English and French Merino*, together with other handsome
Dress Goods, which they offer at their usually low prices,
■ J. II. COHEN * CO.
oc5 New Store, 140 Brnughton-st
W indow shades and curtain material .-a
very handsomeassortmentof painted Window Shade*
In Gothic, landscape, street views, boquet. flowers, glltedge.
fto Also, mmilln and lace Curtains, whlto furniture Dimi
ty apd buff linen all width*, white cotton, bullion and ball
tassel*, eurtain holders, ftc., for sate by
mi>28 Laroche ft bownk.
F LUID MAGNESIA.—This conden*e*l solution is a jr*ry
agreeable abd efficient form tor tha administration of
Msene*la. and Is very useful In Naooea,. Acidity or the
St'n rii, Sea Sickness and,Dyspepsia, for site by- .
. nin22 ' W. W. LINCOLN. Monument-Square,
E NOIJ^H MUSTARD—A verir superior article of English
Mustard, ip large and small una also In bnttlM. Ju»t
received Md for sale pj • 1 W.UNCOLV, ‘
quality of material, nr workmanship, ktedals have
been awarded by the American Institute to their instru-
roenta (l«« jeara In euccesaiou
Having recently ^purchased the ontlre atock of the late
firm of Dubois ft Warrlner. formerly. Dubois ft Stoihrt. la-
vorably known tor torty years es Piano maker*, they would
invite tho continuance of tho favors of their friends and
juRtoinera with the certainty of giving equal satisfaction.
For the Southern ronrkef we are making with Double
torn Frames and Dotached Cases, peculiarly adnpted to the
1,1 ** . ... febO—3m
423 Broadway. New York.
• Assorted Instiuments of the best Now
I York nnd Boston manufacture.—The subscri
ber having taught tho Plano for ninny yonrs
and twcome familiar with all tho different
mnker’s instruments of any note, and knowing thnt there is
<jreat choice not only In different ma .ers.but In instruments
ni the same ranke, feels confident that he can give entire
■•atisfnctlon to all who may favor him with their orders
He will furni'h instruments of nny good make ; also. Melo
deons and second hnnd Pianos at the lowest cash prices
Patronngo is respectfully solid ted.
dcc28—3m F.. G. BRADBURY
M Manufacturers and Whole-ale Dealers' In HAT?
CAI-S AND STRAW GOODS, have now In store and an
constantly receiving,# choice nnd magnificent stork of goo l»
In the above line, to which tho attention of the trade an>
country merchant* Is Invited
Orders are solicited, which shall have careful and promp'
attention. 10 COUBTLAND-ST.. near Broadway.
jnnl3—8m And adjoining Western Hotel. New York.
Stores 70 Maiden Lane or 0 Liberty-stred, and 169
Rricuhcay. New York.
Manufactory, 34!1 Rrond-at., Newark, N« J,
C, P. RORHACH ft Co. would Invito the at-
!@|uJtentlon of Denlors to tlielr st'ick of the abov-
lUarticlcs. Being one of the oldest establish
** I" 4«6Jment". tlielr facilities are second to none.—
•amides ol tlielr goods can be found In almost all the prin
clpal cities nnd towns in the United States.
They do not wish to make unseemly pretensions—sufflet
It to say that they will not bo undersold. Merchants win
choose to send them orders may depend upon prompt an
ratisfactory returns. 3m— mhl
T HE subscriber would resjiectfully call the attention ol
his old customers nnd merchants throughout the Uni
te* States and Canada, to his stock of Rubber 'foods, manu
factured by himself expressly tor tho spring trade of 1863
His stock of nUBHKR CLOTHING. Is particularly deserving
•f inspection, as it lins never before kwra so complete, nor.
tbo articles moro perfect.
ax rjrncvstvR yrocK or
gogue. and a number of dwellings to Savnnnah. tlie enclosure
of the private cemetry of the Everett family, and aUo to hi*
work at Macon, Madison, and oU*or places to Georgia.
Agent In Savann»i*. G. W. HARDCASTLE,
No. 200 Congress-st.. and 06 St. Julian at.
mar 5 . d 1 yr—cly
Office. No. 3 John-ttred. second floor, (tiotr Broadway.)
MASOrACTOHr, 401. 4113 AND 405 niKRHV-BTR't.T.
T HE most extensive manufacturers of Marblelzod Iron
Mantle*. Tablo Tops, Columns. Pilasters. Clock Cnsrs,
Fancy Articles, ftc.. representing the choicest varieties of
Marblo. AUo Window Lintels. Sills, Balconies and other
Castings for bullnlng* of every description,
Thejibove Compnny bog leave to coll the attentfonvtf ar
chitects. builders and tho publlo generally, to thelrrowort-
nient nr Marblelzed Cast Irm Mahtlriv and other Article*,
which they areuow manutadtUrlng'o'ri the most enlarged
scale; the beauty ond design of which, and tlielr exquisite
finish lifts never been equalled, nnd cannot be excelled.
Their exact imitation* of tho finest varieties of marble, such
ns Egyptian, Sienna. Broenlelle. Vord Antique. Prince Al
bert. Agate. Pyrenese. Light S nr. ftc.. has elicited the un
qualified commendation of connoiseurs In marbles, and es
tablished their popularity with the public. '
Some of tho advantago* of this dlscnverv. ennsht to its
capability of withstanding a high Imat. of resisting acids
and oils, which stain and deface marbles, ond tlielr cheap
ness. (bring about one-third'the cost.) In comparison with
all other kinds of mantles ; also, tho advantage of being
packed and sent with safety to nny ;>art of the country.
Tho marbling department Is un-ier the superintendence
of Mr. E, who first Introduced this Invaluable dt*.
covery to tho public, and demonstrated Its practical utility
and application to metals and other substances. Address
orders nnd communications to
jan22—3m CHARLES CRO-BY. Sec’ry.
Carriage Cloth.
Wading Pants
I’teno Covers,
I Machine Belting,
I Engine Packing,
I Life Preservers,
Air Bulls,
I Whips.
N EW and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, ju*t re
ceived by the last Steamer. Vix : Barege IteLalns;
Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sewing Silk; Dresses
Foulard Silk; Colored and Black Challeys and Bareges; Black
nnd Colored Silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; BLzck
nnd Colored F. Mu din; Bla< k and Colored Ginghams; Plain
nnd Colored Lawns; Blsck and Colored French Cambric: and
a fine assortment of Rtnck and Colored Calicoes; Plain and
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambria and Mull Muslin;'
Plaid and Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, very p >ttv;
also, silk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offi on
tho most accommodating term's.
mhl8 _^ AIKEN ft BURN.
N EW ROOKS.—Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, by A
Maury; Yankee Notions, or WhlUBnsfrom Jonathi
Jack Krilfei voL 1, price $1%; Koto Stewart, a story fro.
Blackwood’s IfAgnzine; Putnam’s Monthly, a magazine o
literature, science and art. vol. 1. No. 1: Romance of Stu
dent IJfe Abroad, by Richard B. of 8t. Led-
gor. ftc ; A Story of Life on the Isthmus, by Joseph W. Fa
ttens ; Pictures from St. Petersburg- by Edward Jerrman;
Harper’s Msgazine tor Januarv; Consolation, in discourses
nn select topics, addressed to the suffering people of God. by ’
J. W Alexander, B. D.; Life of Sir Waiter Scott, by Donald
MacLeod; More of Frank Freeman’s Rarber Shop; recelv-
ed by _dec30 »JOHN B.
nnd every description of Rubber Goods constantly on hand
Tlie above are warranted to stand any climate, and will
be sold at most reasonable prices. Orders solicited aud
promptly attended to.
D. HODGMAN, 27 Malden Lone,
First cor. from Broadway, and 60 Nassau-st., N. Y.
No. 62 Ituedu IHulourg Poittonnicr. Paris, and 174 and 176
Pearl-sired. New York.
O FFER for sale nn extensive assortment of French and
American Artificial Flowers. Feather* and Ornaments.
Italian. From h. English and American Straw Bonnets Rib'
bens. ftc.
The above, chiefly of our own manufacture, erobraees the
largest and most varied stock to be found In tlie U. States.
Sample* nny bo seen at our wareroom in Now York.
T HE Subscriber would Invite the attention of Manu
facturers. ond others to his Stock of Factory Findings,
consisting in part of Shuttles. Pickers. Leather. Twines. Ma
chine Cards, Weaver’s Reeds, Hedd ea. Bobbins, Spools,
ftc.. &c.
Also, superior Oak-tanned, Stretched and Rivited Belting
for Machinery.
Agent for the rale of Jacquard's Shearing and Napping
Machine*. Wool Pickers, Water Whe*l Regulators. Sailoett
jan27—3m 132 Water, corner of PIne-*t„ New York.
The subscribers have just receiv
ed a second supply of the above
COOKING STOVES, for burning
coal a—* d° unhes'tatingly dvolare
*rtii say. thnt th«y are the most per
, feet article of the kind to use. eith
er norlhor south. Satisfactory ref-
_ orences can he' furnished where
’hay h»* e been tried in this city. We ask no pay until fair
ly t«v»led. For sale only at tho new House Furnishing Store
oc26 166 Broughton-street.
A*jv| The subscriber has just received a largo number ol
ig^fB Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which ho will dis;>n*ooi
'i'Oon accommodating terms. Among them may bo
found tho following: Cooking Stoves. The Republic. Lady ol
the Lake. Air Tight Premium. Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor nnd ofilco Stoves.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iran, (air tight) square am.
oval. Six Plate. Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pot*. Kettles. Oven*. Spider*. Sauce Pan*.
Ire. ftc. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sole, and manu-
facturcdat short notice. Order* tor Roofing, Uuttors, aud
Leaders, attended to with punctuality.
Nos. 10 snd 12 Barnard street'
! THE Alteration* and Improvement* In our
itore. including a fine Show Room for Piano
Fortes, and a Music Department for Ladle*
being now completed, we would Invito the at
tention of the musical public to our stock, comprising every
article in the line, which can bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart ft Co..J. B. Dunham, and
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. 1500BAUM ft CO., importer*,
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-street*.
dec7 Next to Market Square
N EW BACON, ftc —2o casks prime Sides; 10 casks prime
new Shoulders; 260 bags Rio Coffee; 160 bbls. Balti
more Flour; 20 hhds. primo N. O. Sugar; 10 hhds. clarified
S. 1). Sugar; 150 bbls. Stuart's B. ft O. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate’s No. 1 Soap; 60 boxes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bbls. N.
0.8yrup; 60 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 26 tierces do.; 26 bar
rel* do.; 60 boxes star Candles—landing and fur sale by
P ISH. AC—41 tc* cod fish. 100 boxea smoked herring*. 80,
bbl* pickled do. 80 bbls No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 60
half bbls do. 20 Ultts do. 60 boxea buckwheat, 26 half bbl*
do. received and for sale by
and Grass Seeds, for sale at tuo lowest prices, at Wholesale
and Retell. eod—ap!9
No. 4 North ETTA rtre t. two doetrs alovelRtrML ’ d ’•.;'.
Philadelphia. _„
T HE undersisraed have just opened a fresh and complete
atock of Wall Papers, among which are gold and vel
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced unglazed papers; also,
decorations, borders, fire screen*, curtains, etc., which they
offer at tho lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.' 1 •
The best workmen employed to hang paper either la tha '
city or country. ■
lank Books. Stationery. dc.—Vio have also our usual aa- '
sortment of writing papers wrapping papers, blank and •
school books, stationery, etc.
No. 4 North Flth street, 2 doors abori* Market.
Philadelphia. • - .
8&T Cash paid tor country rags. mhlO—eod .
I N ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Business rards, with appropri
ate devices, emboJwed in a new *tjte. to plain ana fancy
enter*:- Seals < f every description, with orwIthpOtpreslpai
Envelopes printed with name, business and addresa. labels,
bill heads, maoufactorer’s ticket*. &e.;'all executed' In the ’'"
neatest manner and at prices 25 per cent, batew any.hlmt-
1nr establishment, in consequence nf better and improved
facilitiestor^the execution ot such work,
N. B.—All orders by mall promptly attend*! to.! Good*
sent to nny part of the country. 1
Envelope and Seal Press Manulhcturers. Die Sinkers tmbc>»
sura and Eungravers, 48 South Sd-st.i Philadelphia.
. mb 29
S. IP. corner Arch ond Second-streets, Philadelphia.
G L. MIIJ.KRft Co. offer erory variety nf Shades, whole-
. sale and retail, such as Scroll. Flower, Gothic. Vlgn.
ette. Oil and Dry Landscapes, at the lowest prices for qual
Ity of work.
Orders tor Gilt. Plain Store, Lettered aud other Shades
executed at short notice.
Merchants and others aro Invited to give us a triaL Wb
Rrasacs.Trimmluga. ftc.. always on hand.
Remember S. W. corner Sjeco.'P And Arch streets, Phila
delphia. ■ ' 2m—fob!8 1
A RCHER ft WARNER. Manufacturers. No 110 Chestnut-
street. Philadelphia.respectfully solicit tho attention ot
purchasers, to tlielr assortment or cliahdeUers, brackets,
pendant*. And avaejr description nf R**- humor*; also every
variety of lamps, girandoles, fta,- Wo warrant ou? good* '
Mqunl In auallty. and our prices as lowas any other, estab> '
Bailment In the country.
Hie Trado supplied with bnnlFrs. mercury, eaps,bras«fiU
tings, air.pumps, ftc.. at reduced prices.
Ellis 8. Archer, I William F. Mlskey,
Redwood F. Warner, | Wm. O. B. Merrill. '
7b Southern di Western Merchants. Manyfodarersand others. ••
W ATSON ft COX. Sieve. Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth -
Manuficturcrs. No. 16 North Front-street. Philadel
phia where can always bo found every article In tlielr Hue,
or manufactured to order at short notice. Order* by mall
or otherwise, solicited. janlS—eodtlapl '
117 Chc-tnul-drcd. Mow Pnirth. north tide, Philadelphia.
W E Inform merchnnt* and residents of this vicinity, tfrat
the most complete assortment of Mantel; Pler.Whll
nnd Oval (Haases, richest Myles, for privato use; or All kinds •
tor coun’ry sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, fto., will
oe found at our establishment.
1-ong experience and large facilities enable uaio seU th*
best good* at lowest prices.
Dimensions being given, we will give estimates for any
teed Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point.'
Orders solicited.
French Plato Glass, for Stores. Dwellings, fte . nt Importa
tion prices. THOMAS J. NATT A CCL
T HE subscriber ha* just received per lato arrival*. »'
large and fresh stock of the rlohcat and newest styles
of Velvet. Tapestry. Brussel*, tbree-ply Ingrain and Venl-
tinn Carpetings, all of which aw offered on the most dealr-
able term*.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Cove?*,Mat
ting. ftc. ...
Purchasers are requested to make an enrly examination
as strong Inducements will be hold out to cash buyers.
R. B. WALKER. 190 Chc*tnut-*lreet,
mhl7—lawtf below 8th. South side, Philadelphia.
Take N (Ice.
R J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few door*
• above Market-street. Philadqphla, 1* the most dxten- 1
sive nnd best manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shade*
in th<> Untied States, and luis taken the highest premiums
at all the exhibitions j he buya the beat material* by wbole-
sal cheaper for Cash than other* pay for Inferior at Hole* by
retail and cen. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds anil
.-'hades, a* cheap ** others ask tot Inferior articles, Painted
Window Shade* to great variety, of beautiful design* end
superior quality. Duff and White linen Shades, Blind and
-hade Trimming*. Fixtures, ftc.. wholesale and retail, at >’
the lowest cash prices. Store Shades painted And fettered ‘‘
to order. Heed Blinds at manufacturers’ prices. Old Blinds
pninledto look ns good as new*. Purchasers, by 'calling, ;
will be c»n vtoepd that he sells a Superior article, and guar- <
antecs full lansfectlon A liberal discount made to dealers.
“ We study toplea'eP
ap!6—eod No. 12 North fith-gtreet, Phlla,
No. 42 Chatam-st., New York.
O FFER8 for safe tho following article* warranted of su
perior quality -Macrohoy. Scotch.Coarse French Rap
pee and other Snuffs, ol-o Fine Cut Tobacco In tin-folt and
papers: a more ;>artlcnlsr de-eription of the various arti
cle* enn bo known by sending for a full price current as
above. Janl4—3m
■nURCHASERS deslrousof procuring the oiwtnxitoooiw are
X requested to nee that the name of tbe firm. J. N. RICH
ARDSON. SONS ft OWDEN. Is stamped In full pn each ar
ticle, a guarantee of itasoundnessand durability. Agent*:
dec29—3m 38 Pine-street. New York.
rp HR Cutters of Edlsto River. South BKllna, re-
X sportively call the attention of buyers 6f Timber to the
Charleston maraetfor that article; They belleve that they
furnish as well got and as large rood heart Timber ** can
bo found in any Southern city. By a strange and arbitrary
system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade In Igno
rance or tlie cheapness of the market the Mill* of Charles
ton are enabled to purchase the Timber, at prices enor
mously low to the Timber enttsra Tbe Utter would ’here-
fore, jnvlte buyers to examine thetr market. The tame
Umber which bring* In Savnnnah, (by the paper*) frotn 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet, Is now selling In Charleston
from 4 to 8, . . Janl6-lawlfit.
/Sherry IBZENOES.-ComjK>nnd Wild Cherry Lozenges,
V/ tor coughs, colds, and tnuenza*. These lozenges will
be found ranch more eonvenlenOhsn any of the llqtild
preparations.** they can btf e-rrUMibant the yhrmn. and
nlwaya ready tor use when the cough I* troubleaomo. thu»
preventing a vlofent attack of *
tqtton of the lungs. Just
-kWnV •• " W Ttr
rpHOMAS G- STEARNS Importer and Jobber of 8llk. MR-
X Unery and Fancy Goo<te. 102 Broadway. New York, has
now to stare nnd isdailyrccelvlngandoffcrlngatthaloweat
prices * complete assortmentof Goods in his line, embra
cing all the various style* and designs consisting of Black
and Fancy Silk*. Marseille*.' Florence*. Shawls. Trimmings,
Bonnet Ribbons. T*ffeta and Satin Ribbons. Dress Trim
mings of all kinds, French and English Crape*. Crape Llsves.
Silk Cravats, Embroideries. Gloves of aU kinds. Silk Lace
Mlts. Bareges. Laces. Whlto Goods. Hosiery. L. C. Handker
chiefs, Ac. The undersigned Invites the attention of the
- rede and hit friend* generally. Great Inducement* offered
to wan and ahort time buyers.
THOMAS O. STEARNS, 162 Broadway,
dec29—lyr Between liberty-at. and Malden lane, N.Y,
' wa'njwla
234 and 236 Britadwau. New York.
I S now prepared to offer hU eustomeraand merchants gen
erally. such an assortment of Urahrellap and Parasols,
which for beauty, quality, finish and prices, cannot be equal-
d by any house in the United State*. Parisian Fashion*—
ralklngfane Umbrellas, Folding do..Trunk do.. Self open-
ng do.. Sylphldb Parasol*. •
Also, verv rich Silk Umbrella* and Parasol*, mounted on
: rary. pe rl and'palm wood handle*, (it the greatest variety.
Very auwerior mourning and half moumteg Parasol. '
Buggy UtnhreUas. of extra, quality, with and; without
Mnta. - • '
C ANDLES. SOAP AND STARCH.—Just received, 20 bxs
Beadell’s tallow Candles; 30 do family Soap: 16 do
pearl Starch. For salo by DAVID O’CONNER,
febl7 corner Broughton and Drayton stre-ta.
pt ARPE11XG.—Received per steamer Alabama, and thi*
v day opening. Brussels. Tapestry Velvet. Imperial. In
grain and Three-Ply Carpettog. comprising a large variety o?
style* and qualities, all of which will be offered at the low-
est market price, by
F LOOR OIL CLOTHS.—The most complete stock of Oil
Cloths, to every variety of pattern* and colors, varying
in widths from one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining room* or halls without piecing.
WM. H. GUIOV. Agent, Carpet Warehouse.
id 67 St. '
140 Congress and
t. Jullan-st*.
S UNDRIES—56 bbl* Hiram Fmlth’* Extra Canal Flour
60 whole and 40 hilf bbl* Genesee do. 80 bbl* Butter.
Sugar and Soda Biscuit. 60 boxes Trendwell’a Soda Biscuit.
40 Whole nnd 20 half bbls large No. 1 Mackerel, 60 boxea 5’a
and 8'a Grant ft Williams’ Tobacco, 20 quarter casks Madei
ra Wine, 26 bags Black Pep;«r, 20 boxes ground do to X ft
paper*. 6C bbls Crashed and Powdered Sugar. 80 do Stuart’s
A. B and C Clarified do. 200 package* assorted Green and
Black Tea. 200 bags prime Ore m Rio Coffee. 100 boxes Rev’s
.1st and 2d quality Lemon Syrup. 50 bbl* Sugar House Mo
lasses. 32 do Kevr Orleans do. 10 cask* choice Sugar ChTcd
Hams. 80 boxe* Beadell’s Patent Tallow Candle*. 300 do No.
1 Pale and Family Soap, land Inland for sate'
H AMS—6 casks Sugnr-cured Ham*. 16 kegs Butter
25 keg* Lard, 60 boxes Cheese. 25 do Pinkie*
60 boxe* Sperm Candles. 60 do Adamantine do
6 qr casks Malaga Wlno. 6 bbl* White Wine Vlnegat
6 bbla Cider Vinegar, 10 do 8ug*r-hou*aSyrop .
,800 bag* Drop Shot. 60 do Buckshot. 100 sack* Salt
1 Landing and tor sale bv oc6 COHEN ft TARVER.
TJOTATOES. ftc.—60 bbla choiee need and eating Potatoea;
JL 10 bbl* superior bleached Whale Oil ; 10 bbl* Leaf Lard
received and tor sate by feU McMAHON ft DOYLE.
L INSEED, sperm bleached whale, snd castor OIL
White, red, black, and bar I«ad. ahot'assorted,
Dupont’s powder. 1 4:1-2 and 26 lbs. kegs.
ARutri. borax, blue atone, copperas glue, brftrstoue,
Sulphur madder. Indigo, logwood, sal sod*, sal nitre,
8al eratla. sal epsom. sal gfeuber, sup earb soda,
Tartaric acid.gum ehamphor. gum Arable, msgneila,
Cream’tartar,^ux vomlea. essenca* assorted, opodeldoc.
Huregurie, laudanum, Bateman’* drops, v
Hot drop* alias No. fl. Japan and copkl varoUhea. •
Chrome green and yellow. Spanish brown, umber lltherage,
Tena de sienna, shoe blacking and ink assorted package*,
Nutmeg*; clove*. *pieea. cap. letter and wrapping paper.
• With a great tarie'y of other useful snhdrie*. fbr sale low
by-,, febD • : KTPBFR ft.U'.’DGERS
TjH/)UR, BACON; ftc.—200 bbl*. supertthe tiowui ' iitrt^
JUkFtoot;' ^
pipe* Otard, Dupuy ft Co.; .8 do do '
o Sazerae, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Lohls, -
upuy.' .
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for rtslorlnggrey ; hatr to
Ita original color. It l* guaranteed by tho Proprietor,
hat if the untie nt is grey, he can have hla hair restored to
It* original color by using Ix»ret’a WabpeneJ' -For Bale by
Jan21. W. W. LINCOI-N, t(onumeqt Square.
r |tHE Subscriber has on hand a One and w«ll /sleeted
1 Stock of Imrtorted pure Wine/, Liquors and Begirt,
comprising the following:
Brandy—10 halfpipes
old lienneaiy ; 2 do do Sa»
1800 : 3 do do J. J; Dupuy.
Wlnea—4 half pines oik reserve Madeira;. 2 40 do .
Ixmdon l’articulv ; 8 do do nld'Port; 6 dd ao'Sherry' :
Wine *, 20 casks Claret; 40 hdiketa Chamhagns.lift-1
Segara—20.000 Rio Honda ;• 10.000 U,Cruls ; 6,000,
ta Union ; 10.000 U PatriA ; 25.000 Trabucai’
Fancy Grocerlea—A large supply.such a*lmported : .<- v ‘ ,
Cordials. t>-’tab Picklesand Sauces. Preserves, Sweetmeats,
Prunes and feiuo.. ,For sale by 1 • A. BONAUD, 1 '
^ r Corner of Bay hod Whltoker-street*.- J
Ti/f’ESSRS. COHEN ftBANXONrespectfully announce to -
LVJL the citizens of Savannah that they are now prepared ‘ *
to do pH kinds of work to their line, at their neirabbp; *'
near the corner of Broughtoti and Drayton^ts. •They have
established the following es their rate* of- charge* j For a ‘ ‘
stogfe shav* ; per month, fee 2 prthree time*per.week,' ■
760.: 4 time* a week 815 6 or fl time* a week 81 60; every
day 81 76 per month. Hair cutting 20c. '; Hafr curllMDb. ; ' 1
-‘-,mpooing20c. . 1 - . .
1r. COHEN will always hold himself in .readiness to at-
d to order* fr >m those who may requite' his tttfeteei at ' :
dr homes. ■, : nnvfl
Ci Mustard, to large and »m^ll can*, alto In botUgi. J fist And'- You.are.ranpeotlViBy;e»ll,M>4 examine, the Jtt *FUwr. 40 hhda prime hew Bacon «dea, 20 do do Should
•$??«*»■■■ . ■ W -JU23%*. J0HKZ BffltplIfelufertw*-'. 4
their home*.
L iquors and wines -12 hair pipe* otard. Dupuy
Co’* French Brandy; 10 half pipe*, assorted, brands, -
low priced French Brandy; 30 quarter cAkks Domesffe dd,60 '
bbl* do do. 76 do P ft H Rye G(n;'160do'E Phelps 1 M 6 pipes V* '
Holland Gin; 10 bbla .Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 no partObpr ‘} .
Rl» Peach do. 2Q0 do N O. WhUky, eo'do 7 white*Balt^re
do. 30 do old Westminster Monongthela Ao\ 206b<MVma. y -{
sylvan!* Mountain do do,.100 do N. R Rpm-26 quarter rektjeSiVs'V?^
Madeira Wlno. 16 eighth do choiee do do. 20 quarter n " r * c -™
do, 2 half pipe* do do, 20 qtiartePcAsk'it Brown Sbsi
40 baskets CBAmpagneda.. 'For'seTelby! 1 ^";'!. • -
S«'V> \ , . ,,W^Tg^4c^ '
me) THE LADreS—We would respectftiBy e$l| tf
A tlon ot the ladle* nf Savannah, andaourroundl
try, to tha followtng new and beautIfulfuods.vhKH
Just received. vU : silk Pari* mantUUs/laced-drop w _ .
la*, black nett seartk. col'd; tfesMSitra, bdlbe <eravats add
tie#, FrenSh wdritsd collare. UoSd capw/nheifateetu andun- <
too numerous to mention. Please call and ate
aelves ; all ofwbteh wlllbe sold on tbe teat poii
by -* ■ ‘MhlO 7 - : ATKllTftB
femOrS, 4
Broughton and Drayton streets, by ; v ,
Urao haifbbUBai
— -0 half bbl* 'E
60 do |