Newspaper Page Text
, o. *.c. J-IfcS
tlci'and Director ol 1
•i the 1
»«fore sold Oourtto make
.Ordinary tor Chatham ooun.
, i It may.oon*
■ ■ -^T^KohardKoa trill apply
d property of David H.I
U my. taxes 6r. tanyoto
o to zotlify any tax 6*e-
jo, who hare mode all w-
InanceK of The city. and luve boen
• provision* of this act.—Jittrad
*ou« haV«ir4utBr«d their pane*
, !M3,aud up to May 26,1863,
. srles’Av
Alexander, Ch
A*b, John S A
r ft JohnCMton, to nHihi a ft. in
—tkiUliw, laundfrtai A Jutto.’. Court, In
itof «HJ«mnt,. ProMrt, polnM out bj
and cannot be found
her: and It ta further ordered, that a oopy of thU order ho
nublUhed In one of the (Mattes of (bis city once a fnonth
• fi^four month*.
n the minute*. *
JOHN F. OUILMARTIN, Clerk 8 0,0.0.
if M. MltLEN, o. o. o.
mHE Principal hae been eorsged-for nearly twenty year*
X In the instruction of youth*. The Assistant has boon
engaged a* Teacher of Mathematics and the English branches
totwu-^^u«a» tt Wtti. r " t C.!SS“KLuS”SS!r„iu»boii 1 <,t
lettera aT ™V° r ^he Ainclpal and. Assistant. The price of board, tuition,
dmased * dm aUtr * Uon ott t ,# Mt * t * of **** A * ° 6W, P»i &o,. will be dollars per quarter, paynble aeml-an’
*1- - _ a. ...u.— M —■-* • In point of heolthtoee*, Bluffton isnotaurpossedbyany
location In the Bouthom country.
Jtyerencet—Bishop Elliott, Dr. Sickling. Gen. Jas. Hamll
ton, and Mr. Lynch Hamilton.decS—eodl3
„ A Alb,
. Ash,"WUliaa 8— -
George W Anderson, Btewart Austin.
Black, Alexander Franfl*
idgnEM, «
Berg, Milton J pjkner, JohuItoston,.Henry B Bogardus,
William H Bulloa, Patrick Bulktey; John W toMley, Jo|m
B Barnwell, JamKTBockner, Anthony Easier, Thomas A
Brown, John Burt Joseph u,Burroughs,Berrlen MB Bur
roughs, William i Brantley, Charlos H Bell, Ellas B Bars
tow, Peter A Bloll Wra Gaston Bulloch, Isaac Brauner.
best fisheries on the rim for »fiad/ ! Aby perwm -
to purthasa can do so by calling. on the subscriber «,» ud
Pl 5l"io, OROucro. of tioJ woll llmb.r*!,wllh of
Brat nlo I*,. UuJ irotl dIUsbod nod i|nilort,rlwly Ibr d«r.
In., with lire ooro. d«ur(d. Sold luod^.lU prodooo On,
. bushels of com to the acre. This land lies two nilloa from
M 55S6°!c»s ^STqualKy'pln* timbered land oh
theAlafamahaandOomulgoeriver*. ... . j ,
All these lands are situate In the first and iwoud district
pf Appling oonnty. Also, 2,009 acres of land well timbered
wUh cypreu and White' - }** • Any perron wishing further
parUouUre can address me at Hall P, 0., Gcorela.
Jan31—lawddiwdm ’ . ,„.W* WAUj
«-The Raleigh. (N,. C.) Btandard will plow* publish
weekly fof sixtaontas.'dnfi send bill'to ■■■• W. D.
racy | hut while—.,_ r -
of its combination, It Is, ,at 'tho «ttnethftC,'colnpound#d
with other vegetable refnodlos of great power, and U to to
the poculiar combination and infentifle mstAcr of Its pro-
paratiop, that Its remarkable. Success In the cure of dls>
mse,depends. . It acta slnmllaneously upon the atmnicb,
Uio circulation aud the b«welaj.and thus tbwo prooeasos.
Which are ordinarily the result of threodlflfcent kinds of
..medietas, aro carriedpn at ths same time, though the in-
■tiumeuUUtT of this one remedial agent, whlowently stim
ulates while It dislnreots and oxnels from the Uomaeh and
bowels all that is Irritating, and at the same tbno restores
their vigor and tone, Its great merit U, that It meets and.
neutraUui the active principle of disease Itself, and When
thpt Is gone, the symptoms necessarily disappear; and we
have dnly to polnt to the accumulated testimony of multi-
John Brunner, Jams Bancroft, Philip
Brown, John Macnrrson Berriobi Bai
H Bohn, James A
Barnard E Boo, Richard
urown,donnMacpsrson Demon, dmtmiu e.og«,mui»iu
Burke, David BellJTliomas II Barrett, Edward J Blount,
Wolfe Barnott, Domd E Dyck, Charted Bishop, Wm Blois,
wt — b. _.oi in n_.._Tn.fl.V tir Dmohi
I The snbMriber olfcre for sale valuable town prop
erty. In the flourishing Village of Qcal*, East Florida.
Said property embrace* elsven town lota, and upon
is situated the hotel known as the Ocala House, with
stables, com crib, fodder , house, to. Tho hotel ha* been
built about two year* and la completely finished and well
fUmlshed; Is situated In tno husiuoss part of tho town and
olTere groat Inducement to any person wishing to embark in
such business. Possession cun bo given on tho first day of
next Junnary. For furthor particulars,to John Boa-
to.v, Esq., Savaunah, Ga.
Ocala, Florid*
Given under ray hand at office, this 3d of June, 1853.
Junefi JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o, o.
: B>ay81
3 BALE.—WUl be sold, cm the first
tameuto annexo on the estate of Godfrey Down:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may ooncem, to be and appear before said Court to moke
objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday
In Noromber next othorwlso said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millon, Esq., Ordinary for Chatltam
County, this thirtieth day of Marcn, 1853.
raU30 JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o. o.
•V/Tneeday In July nexC before the court house In the /1K0RG1A—C^alAamQjunlyj-To all whom It may concern:
city of savannah, between the legal haute of sale, all that VI Whereaa, John Kverard wlU apply at the Court of Or-
«ity lot and improvements, No. (3) three, Washington ward, dlnary for letters of dismlaaory aa administrator on tho es-
*— " 1 —* 1 ‘ 1 *' K ™‘ * tato of Patrick Tierny, docs used :
lliese are. therefore, to eito and admonish nil concerned to
fllo thsir objections (If any they liavo) to tho applicant In
theClerk'aoffleo or said Court, on-or boforo the first Mon»
day of Noromber uext, othorwlse letters disiuUsory will bo
Witness. John M. Millen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, ibis 80lh day of March, 1858.
mh80 JOHN M. MILI.EN, o. c.o.
film on fo-f _
measuring forty-one feet throe Inches' on safd Bay-st. j
ed on m the property of Thomas Ryan, decceased. to sa-
property of Thomas Ryan, decceased, t<
n s fl. fa, on loreolosuro of a mortgage In favor of John
sllle vs. Jeremiah F. O’Neill, administrator of Thomas
Ryan, deceased.
mqjM JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff fto.
S'lHATBAM SHERIFF’S 8ALK.—Will be sold, on tho first
V/ Tneeday in July next, before the oourt house in the
dtp of Savannah, between Hie legal houra of sale, two no-
no alaves, named Moses and Jan*} levied on to satisfy -
fl. tk. on foreclosure of mortgage issued from Chatham H
perior Court, In ftiTOr of Jame II. Henderson vs. Jane F.
Taylor, Nesblt P. J. Taylor, and Robert W. Pooler, Trustee.
Property pointed out by defendant.
mayi JOHN DEVANNY. BhcrlfT o. o.
/CHATHAM SHERIFF'S 8ALE.—Will be sold, on the first
V/ Tuesday in July next, bofor* the court house in the
city of Bavanhah, between the usual hours, one undivided
fourth port of two wharf lots, or pieces of ground, situated
on Hutchison's Island, In the county of Chatham and 8tato
of Georgia, being lots Nos. 13 and 14, together with all the
whines, reservoirs, buildings and improvements. on said
lots, and the steam engines and boilers, the plaining ma
chine, clapboard machine, saw gates, force pomps, and all
other machinery of every klndand description In and about
the Mid lots or building, (meaning the one-fourth part of
the Oglethorpe stam saw mill.) with the appurtenances
*veunto.belong*-- — *•--
G EORGIA—Chatham CountyTo nil whom It may con
cern: Whereas, John Bilbo will apply at the Court of
Ordinary tor letters of dismission as administrator, on the
estate of Henry L. Bilbo:
These aro, thorclbre, to clto and admonish all whom it may
concern to bo and appear before said Court to mnlce objec
tions (if any thoy nave) on or before tho first Monday in
November noxt, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham ooun-
ty, thia 14th day of April, 1863.
apU6 , JOHN M. MTLLKN.o. 0.0.
G EORGIA—Camden Cmmlys-^To. all whom It may con
cern : Whereas, J. H.'M. Clinch, guardian of H, A. and
N. B. Clinch, applies to me for letters dlsmlssory from
said guardianship}
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
.property of Edward
afl. h. oP'fareclosure of
longing and appertaining; levied on as tho
dwardF. JUncmey and Robert Todd,to satisfy
* a mortgage i * *
issued, from Chstham
Court in favor of George Newell ve. Edward F.
; and Robert Todd. Property set forth In said 0. fa.
~ ■ JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. a.
of 8avannan, between the legal houra of sale, a negro
a slave, the property of Sarah Pierce and Frances Cooper;
levied on to sitlafy four fl. fas. in favor of John Dillon vs.
Barah Pierce and Frances Cooper. Said property levied on
and returned to me by a constable.
may25 JOHN DEVANNY, 8beri(T 0. c.
/CHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the first
• v/, Tuesday in July next, before tho court house In the
. city of Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, all that
stock of drags, medicines, perfumery, fancy articlos, &o., In
the brick store on the comer of Broughton and Whitaker-
streets; also, the fixtures tmjonexpired lesse of said store';
leyled.on to satisfy a fl. fa in favor or Osgood & Jennings
against William Humphreys, Jr. Property pointed out by
■plaintiff's attorney.
Junc2 JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff 0. c.
C HATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the first
Tuesday In July next, before the court house In the
city of Savannah, between tho legal hours of sale, a negro
man slave named Simon; levied on to natlsfy a fl. fa. in fa-
vorof Joseph Llppman, administrator, against Isaiah Lewis
and Alexander Lewis.
june2 JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff 0. c.
KJ sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, before the court
house In Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, all that'
certain messuage tenement an ! tract of land, situate, ly-
Ing and being in tho county of Chatham aforesaid, butting
aud bounding as follows: Commencing at the south east
corner of the limits of the city of 8avannsh and running
south M*, west 26 chains and i links along tho Uno of said
city limits continued, to a rotd commonly known a* lover’s
lane, thence along the line of said road north 77 s , west 13
chains and 67 links to a ditch, thence along the centre of
sold ditch north 13 s , east 26 chains and two links to the
southern line of said city limits, thence along said line of
city limits south 77*. east 13 drains and 57 links to the point
of starting—containing tblrty-flvo and a lralf acres, more
or leu j levied on as the property of Joseph M. Turner,
to satisfy a fl. fo. Issued from Chatham Superior Court in fa
vor of John F. Guilmarlin, administrator of Wilson Oden,
deceased, against Joseph M. Turner. Property pointed out
by plaintiff’a attorney.
JuneS JOHN DEVANNY. Sheriff c. o.
ty. this 28th day of May, 1853.
may31 JAMES H, IIELVESTON o. o, o,
( 1E0RGIA—Liberty Cbunly:—To all whom it may con
T corn: Whereas, Charlton Hines will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as exeoutoron the estate
of Susanna Sanford, late of said county, deceased;
.These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
rosy concern to be ana appear before said Court to make
objection (If any they lrave) on or before the first Monday
In July noxt, otherwise said lottors will bo granted.
Given under my hand, this 11th December, 1862.
decM JAM IN & BRADWELL, 0. u 0.
G EORULV—Liberty Cbunty—To all whom It may con
cern: Whereaa. Joseph A. Anderson will apply at tho
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the estate of
Mary F.. Anderson, Uta of said county, deceased 5
These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make
objection (if any thoy have) on or before tbo first Monday
lnSeptemt>ernext,r‘' * *"*- *- J
t, otherwise said letters will be granted the
witness my hand, this 8th day of March,
J. 8. BRADWELL, o. t. 0.
t l E0RG1A—McIntosh County •—To all whom It may con-
r cent: Whereas, Alexander G. Middleton, applies to me
for letters of administration on tho estate ol Thomas T. Mid
dleton, late of said county, deceased:
Theio are therefore to olio and admonish all and singular
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their ob
jections (if any they have) in my office, within tho time
prescribed by law, otherwise the sold letters will be granted
to the sold applicant.
Given under my hand at oifico this 15th day of February,
A. D. 1853. feblT A. A. DxLORMK, Ord’y M. 0.
Bkxmxix Thomas terms SIarqarr Thomas—Libel for Di
vorce : It appearing by the return of the Sheriff in the
above case stated, that the defendant Is not to be found In
the county, and li being represented that she la not to bo
found in the State, on motion of Wm. B. Gaiodxn, Plalu-
lff’s Attorney,
It Is ordered, That servioe of said petition and process be
perfected by publication of this order in the Savannah
Georgian, onco a month for four months, next proceeding
the next term of this Court. Granted
P. E. I A) YE, J. 8. C. S. D.
A true extract from tho minutes of Ware Superior Court,
at December Term, 1852.
feb23—m4m GEO. B. WILLIAMSON. Clerk S. 0.
J J ei\fleld, preens Cbunty, a a.
fTtHE Studies la this University areAThoologtcal course
X of tbroo years, designed for those who are preparing for
the Gosiwl Ministry;
A Collegiate Course of four year*, equal to that of other
Colleges In the country 1
A Scientific Course of tlireo years, Including, with some ad
dition. Oil the studies of the Collegiate Course exoopt the An
cient Languages ;
Tho regular time for the admission of Students, Is at the
opening of the Fall Term, the lost Wedncaday In August.
Candidates for admission utothe CoU6giato Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic, English, Latin aud Greek Grammar, C&sar, Virgil.
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and
must bo at least fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission Into tho Scientific Courso must
suatalh a satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; anil must be at least sixteen years of
ago. xxrxxsxH.
Tuition. Spring tom. IMIbnn.
In TitKOLoaicAL Skmjnakt, Gratuitous.,. .Gratuitous.
TnCoumk. 825 00 116 00
SclentltloGouise, 25 00 15 00
I* Aoadkmt—
Preparatory Class,.,., 26 00 16 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
Third “ 15 00 0 00
Hcifiontary “ 10 00 0 00
Room Rent. 6 00 4 00
Contingent Expcuse*. 2 00 1 00
These expenses requiro to be paid in advance.
From Students who lodge In the College buildings, fifty
dollars will bo received as full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of tho year.
The price of Board In the village Is 810 per month 5 of
washing, room-rent, and fuel, 83.
The Commencement la held on the last Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing the year Into terms, as
15th”* l ^ enn —Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 15th to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trustess.
Any Wend, by application to l)r. J. L. DAGO, PresldenUof
the Unlvorsily, will receive a catalogue, containing tho.
course of studios, and all othor necessary Information
M AP OF SAVANNAH.—Having purchased the copy right
of Edward A. Vincent, Esq. of his new Map of tho city
of Savannah, tire undersigned has mado arrangements to
fill all orders for tho same, at short notice. A sufficient
□umber was recetvod by last steamer to furnish subscribers,
aud will bo delivered immediately. We are unable to sup.
ply tbo country demand until tho arrival of the next steam
or. Arrangements have been made for a further supply,
which will be regularly received. All orders punctually at
tended to. Address S. 8. SIBLEY,
ap!8 Bookseller and publisher, ISSCongress-st.. Sav’h.
N OTICE.—Tho subscriber having transferred all hbf right'
tltlo and interest as publisher and proprietor or the
new Subdivision Map of the city of Savannah lo 8. S. Sibley,
Esq., publisher and bookseller of this city, subscribers aro
hereby notified that they will receive tbefr ooplos from him
In future, as publisher ot Hold Man.
WS, and , .
what he said, did or Invented, by Judge Halliberton.
r Mar ' . . - -
j It Dyea, uuanua Bishop, Wl
Valentine Brunnotfcharlfes W Brunner, Joseph W Browu,
Joseph H Ualdwiu.rnuols Blair, Michael Brannon, Junes
K Bullough, JumeA Baker, William M Blount.
C.—Solomon Cohn, Bernard Constantine, David 0 Cash,
William Cullen, Pier Corb, David Lopes Cohen, James A
Courrolsle, Moutgtnory Gumming, Daniel B Gamp, George f .
1— ..—ft— William Crabtree: Aaron Clrain- land was successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton, Cano, and Rlee,
, RICE LANDS FOR BALE.—Tbo Tract of LAND on the
8t, Mary’s River, known as the Cut-off Tract, containing
h hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
hundred (500) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh
, by Judge B
Tbo Young Marooners on tho Florida Coast, by R. R.
Goulding. of Georgia, with a map and illustrations,
Layard’s Babylon and Nlnoveli Second Expedition, Har
per’s edition at half price
Taylor's Memorial of the English Martyrs.
Wild Jack, or the 8tolon Child, by Caroline I, Hents.
Lamartine’s History of the Restoration of Monarchy In
France, vat. 4.
Imlgh Hunt’s Auto Biography, 2 vols.
Tapping on the Practice of tho high preroative writ of
8mlth on the Law of Master and Servant, including mas
ter and workmen. ,
piHARLES JAMES FOX.—Memorials nnd Correspondence
V of Charles J. Fox, by tbo Rt. Hon. Lord John Russoll,
2 vols.
Baker’s Elements of Mechanism In the practical con-
„r oi4. .
- the court house in the city of Darien, on tbo first
Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, one
tract of land In McIntosh county, containing two hundred
acres, more or less, situated on South Newport river bound-
ed by lands of Mrs, Thomas and Ronts; also, at tho same
time and place, a negro man named Monday; levied on as
the property of Edward B. Baker to satisfr a II. In. Issued
out of McIntosh Inferior Court, in favor of Thoodore P. Pease
vs Edward B. Baker. Conditions cash,
funel 0. O’NEAL, Deputy Sheriff MCI. C.
W HEREAS, Messrs. A. Porter, J Stoddard. S. F. Dupon,
G. P. Harrison, aud Rev J. P. Tustin. have boon ap
pointed by the Justices of the Inferior Court Commission
ers of the Poor School Fund of Chatham county, notice is
faerebr given that all teachers for this county must bo em
ployed by said Commissioners, and that after this date, no
monies will bo paid for public instruction without written
orders from the Commissioner* aforesaid.
By order of the Justices of the Inferior Court.
June3 JOHN F. GUILMART1N, Clerk 1.0. c. c.
/YEORGIA—Bryan County;—By virtue of an order from
VA-tireCourt or Ordinary of Bryan county, will be sold, on
- the first Tuesday In July noxt at Hie court house door, in
raid county, between the usual hours of sale, all the lands
belonging to tho estate of Martin Shuman, deceased, sub
ject to dower, together with the negroes belonging to said
estates. M. D. MOONEY, Adm’r.,
apl29 MARY 8HUMAN, Adm’x.
EORGIA—Bulloch Coutiio;—To ail whom it may con-
\JT cent: Whereas, Jonathan Griner will apply at tho
Court of Ordinary for lotters of administration on the
•state of Hannah Cono,late of said county, deceased:
Thaw an therefore to clto and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said. Court toraako objec
tion (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in
July next, otherwlso said letters will bo granted.
Wltnees. William Lee, Sr., Esq., Ordinary' for BuUoc
county, this 29th day of May, 1853.
• snqyM WILLIAM LEE, Sr.,o. B. 0.
, /"t EORGIA—-Bulloch County:—To all whom Itmayconcern:
VJT Whereas. Milton BheppardwlU apply at the Court of
Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the landed part
of the estate of Absolem Hagin, **■., deceased;
Theseare therefore to clto and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (If any they have) In my office, within
the time prescribed bv law, otherwise said letters will bo
granted, may2 WM, LEE, 8en’r, 0. B. 0.
G EORGIA—BuliocA CountyTo »11 whom it may con
cem: Whereas, Wm. Lee, jr. will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator on tho
estate of Thomas Lee. a lunatic, deceased :
Theseare therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to bo and appear at tho Court of Ordinary for Buf-
locb county on the first Monday In October next, to make
objections,If any thoy have, otherwise said letters will be
granted. .
Witness, Wm.Lee, sen'r. Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch county,
Ihls 17th day or March,1863.
, WILLIAM LEE, Sr., o. B. c
—To all whom it may con-
vT eem j Whereas, Jehus Everllt will npply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the estates of John
Kveritt and Barah Everitt:
There are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear boforo said Court to make
objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Wm. Leo, sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 25th day or April, 1853.
sp!25 WM, LEE, Sen’r., 0. B. 0
G EORGIA—Bulloch County:—To all whom It may concern:
Whereas, Green R. Slater and Tbomaa Dasher, Admin
istrators on tbs estate of John G. Slater, a minor, lrare ap-
.lied for letter* dlsmlssory; *
Theseare therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
oncera (0 be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Buf-
loeh county, on the first Monday In November next, to make
objections, If any they hare, otherwise said letters will be
Witness. Wm Lee, sen’r,Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 25th day of April, 1853.
apl25 WM, LEE. Sen’r, 0. B. a
EORGIA—DuRocA County.—'Xo all whom it may
U earn: Whereas, Andrew Wilson, will apply at the
• Court of Ordinary for lotters dlsmlssory as executor on the
estate of Abeolam Hagan, deceased;
Thee# are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
eoncem, to be and appear before said Court to make objeo-
Ion (if any. they .have) on or before the 20th day of Juljr
.otherwisesold letters will be granted.
,11 tunes, Wm. Lee, sen’r, Esq-Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 20th day of January. 1853.
j*n2», ’ .. WILIJAM LEE, 8en’r, o. B. 0.
S r—To all whom It my concern:
way, administrator of the es-
ihell Holloway, deceased; will 'apply to the Hon.
y of sold county, for letters dlsmlssory from said
to eito and odmonlsbkll concerned to
. ■ h*™) to the applicant In
je of said (Srart, on or before the first Hon-
r next, otherwise letter* dlsmlssory will bo
m». **n’r., Bfq.,Ordinary for Bulloch conn-
f March. 1853.
WILLIAM LEE, 8en*r., o, n, 0.
a QnmAr .^Tojdl whom it may con-
* '-hF. O’Neil will apply at the
of administration on the es-
» and admonish all whom It
i.tomake ob<
N OTICE—Two months after date, application will be
made to the Hon. the Dourt of Ordinary of Camden
souuty, for leave to sell Amelia and her children, Joe, Sa-
nb, Jack and Hannab, belonging to the estate of G. P. Co
hen, deceased.
—.24 .MARY ANN COHEN,Ex’lx
N OTICE—AH persons having claims against the citato
of Frederick Kottman, deconsed, of Liberty county,
will preaont thorn within the tliuo preacribod by law; and .
all persons indebted to said estato will make payment to British Crown Coses
ad127* V. GRE8T, Adm’r. Pearce. may81
N OTICE—Two months after date application will be prado
to the Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave
to sell the roolostAte belonging to Charlos Baslilor. doo’d.
raafl OM. DASHLOR,Adm’r.
N 'OTLCE—All persons having demands against the ea
tato of Nancy Nagle, Into of Chatham county, deceas
ed, are hereby required to hand them In to the undersign
ed, attested, within the time prescribed by law. nnd
all persons Indobtod io sold Nancy Noglo, ore requested to
mako immediate payment to
may24* MICHAEL NAGLE Qnai. Ex’or,
N OTICE—Two months after date, application will l.
mado to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Camden
county, for leave to sell tbo one-third part of tho stoamor
Win. uaston, belonging to tbo estate of John Hobbard.doc.
M ARION COUNTY, (ALA.,) May 24. 1853.—Three
months after date, application will bo made to the
Bank of tbo State of Georgia, for payment of a 820 bill of
said Bank, No. 027, A. Porter, President, the loft hand half
having been lost or destroyed.
may25—3m W. 0. TROTTER.
... „ -Threemonths
after date, application will be made to the Bank of the
Stoto of Georgia, for payment of a 850 dollar bill of said
Bank, No. 217,1. K. Tofft, Cashier, tho right had half of
which has been lost or stolen.
may26—3m JOHN 0. IIAMMOND^
N OTIffi?.—Two months after date, aDpl*®” 4 * 0 " w ill,bo
made at the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Camden coun
ty, for leave to sell two bounty land warrants, belonging to
tho estate of Gerahom P. Cohen, deceased.
_rcayl9 MARY ANN COHEN. Ex’lx.
N OTICE—Four months after date, I will apply to the
Hon. Court of Ordinary for Camden county, for leave
to sell part of water lot and Improvements, No. four. In the
town of St. Marys, belonglug to the estate of John T. Ru-
dulph, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors
or said ostoto. EMILY RUDULPH. Adm’lx.,
junolfl Estate J. T. Rudolph, deceased.
and 1852.
Crabbo’s Reports on tho U. S. District Court of Pennsyl
vania, from 1830 to 1840, under Judges Hopkinson, Randall,
and Kane.
Exchequer Reports, vol. 0—Wolaby, Horton & Gordon;
do Youngo k Jarvis’, 8 vols.
British Crown Coses, vols. 4,5 and 6—Moody. Denison k
R eceived by s. s. hibley, June 1st, 1868:
Minnie Lawson, or tho Outlaw’s League, by Cbas. Red
Swan, Esq.
Harry Ashton, or tho Will and the Way, by tho author of
Minnie Grey, Qua Howard, or how to win a wlfo.
Tho Trapper’s Brido, or Spirit of Adventure, by tbe au-
Uior of Pralralo Bird.
Dancing Feather, or Plrato Schoouor, by J. H. Ingrolram,
^^blte Wolf, or the Secret Brotherhood, by Paul Feval.
Putnams' Magazine for June; Blackwood’s do for Mny :
Gleason’s lTctornl; Barnum’s Illustrated Nows. For sale
*t 135 Congress-street, June2
N EW BOOKS.—Received by S. S. Sibley, Juno 7,1853.-
The Empress of tho Isles, or tho Lake Bravo; Nancy
Waterman, or Woman’s Faith Triumphant a tale of New
York city j Lafltto, or the Plrato ol tho Gulr, by J. II. Ingra
ham 5 8am Slick’s Wise Laws, or what he said, or did, or
Invented ; Wild Jack, or tho stolen child asketolifrum life,
by Caroline Lee Hcntz ; Dr. Valentino's Comic Lectures,
comic songs, &c., with twelve portraits ; Antifanaticism, a
tale of the South, by Miss Matilda Haines Rutt:
numbor Popular Education ; Gleason’s Pictorial; Baniuin’s
DlustratcdNow*; Harry Corerdale, by the author of Frank
Farlolgh; Ixjulsa Elton, or Uilngs seen »«<* heard. For
salont 136, Oingressstreot.
J^OMESTIC LIQUOR.—150 bbls New Orleans ReoUfled
1 Whisky, 100 do F. Phelps’ Northern Gin,
“ :ut Rive ’ ” *
__ doP&H
Connecticut River Rye do, 75 do Luther Felton and Pure-
Boston Rum, 40 do Domestic Brandy, 20 quarter and 20
eighth casks 4th proof do. 30 bbls superior old Monongahe-
laWhlssy, 00 do ao Rye do, 400 gross old Georgia Peach
Brandy, for sole by.
N OTICE.—Tho firm of J. F. Peiot & Co. was dissolvod
by mutual consent, on the 14tli Inst. Mr. Z. N. Wink
ler Is fully authorized to use tho name of the firm In set
tling the buslnessof said firm. J, F. PEI/JT.
I lrave this day ossoclatod with myself, In the drayage
business, Mr. David Wnldhaur.
EDUCED PRICES FOR CASH.—The undersigned will
sell spirit gti or burning fluid, by tbe gallon at 76 cts„
half-gallon 37M cto., quart 20cts.,and pints 10ct*.; Gas
Lamps at a similar reduction : and all other articles, such
as tubs, buckets,brooms, washboards, churns, Ac., Ao.
Housekeepers will readily perceive tbe advantage of ap
plying at this establishment for every article they may re
quire In tbe house furnishing line, except dry goods and
cabinet furniture. Call aud see the new order of things.
mhll J. P. OQLLIN8,100 Bryan-st
f 1ROCERIES, Ac.—100 bbls Baltimore Flour, 25 do Canal
VJ do, 20 lralf do do, 20 bbls H 8 Flour, 75 do Stuart’s B A
C Sugar. 25 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co, 10 hhils Bacon Sides, 10 do do Shoulders. 60 boxes star
and admantlne Candles, 26 bbls Monongahel* Whisky, 160
bbls Rum, *'* '" "* *
nao Brand'
2 do Jamaica num, 20 oozes uion«n tomun, iw,™ opsn-
iah Began, 25 kilt* Mackerel. 20 half bbl* No 1 do. 25 bbls
Noe 1.2 and 3 do, 150 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap. 50 boxes
Starch, 60 do Lemon Syrup. 10 bhds fino Porto Rico Sugar,
3 do St Croix do, 50 bbls Now Orleans 8rrup, landing and
for sale by m!3 COHEN A TARVER.
jy a Southern lady—now supply ; _
el by Calli Sinclair; Life of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, In one
vol; Butler’s Homapathic Domestlo Physician; Frank
Forrester’s American Gamer and Its Seasons ; Mrs Kirk
land’s Evening Book or Fireside Talk; Marraudukn Wyvllle,
by Herbert; Alban, or tho History of a Young Puritan; The
Grafted Breed, a memoir of Angelina Uamy ; Pkt.ram'» Li
brary or Popular Travel* in a Chase; Putnam’s Library of
Popular Miscellanies ; Putnam’s Magazlno, for June, 4th
volume; Cjrilla, by the author of The Initials; No 4 lord
Russell's Memoirs of Pamrilara; Charles' Notabilities of
Franco and England, june8
G REAT TRUTHS by Great Authors, a dictionary of aids
to reflection, quotations of maxims, motaphors, coun
sels, cautions, aphorism*, proverbs, Ac., from writers of all
ages aud both hemisphere*. *
The Evening Book, or Fireside Talk on Morals and Man
ners. with sketches or Western Llfo: by Mr*. Kirklands,
author of‘‘A Now Home,” Ac., Ac,
Tho Blblo In tho Counting House: a course of Looture*
to Merchant* ; byH. A. Boardman, D. D.
Rowland Trover: or the Pilot of Human Llfo: being an
autobiography or tlio author, ihowiug how to make or lose
a fortune, and how to mnkq another.
The raco for Riches, and some of tho Pit* into which the
Runners Fall—six Lectures, applying tho word of God to
the traffic of men: by Win. Arnot, minister of Freo St.
Peter's, Glasgow; American edition, with preface and
notes, by Stephen Colwell.
The Doubting Communicant Encouraged: by Septimus
Tustin, D.D., late Chaplain of tbe United State* Senate,
Second edition.
Marco Paul’*-Voyage, Travel* anil Adventures In Boston 1
by Jacob Abbot.
Marie de Berniere j a Tale of the Crescent City, Ac., Ao :
by W. Gfllmore Simms, author of the Yemassee, Ao., Ac.
American Game In It* Seasons; by Henry William Her
bert, author of the Shooting Box, Deerstalkers, Ao., Ac.
A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Sur
gery : by Spencer Thompson, M. D, revised, with additions,
I^ltodTua ® m '^*r** **•’ ® QI 8* on toIA. Joseph’s Hospital,
Memofrs, Journalund Correspondence, of Thomas Moore,
edited by tho Rt. Hon Lord John Russoll, M. P.—Part IV.
Cyrilla: a Tale by tbe author of The Initials.
Harry Ashton: or tho Will and the Way: by the author
of Minnie Grey, Gas Howard, Aa.
The White Wolf: or the Secret Brotherhood—a Romance:
by Paul Feral, author of the Mysteries of London, A?.
Hinny Lawson; or tbs Outlaw’s League—a Romance o
Gotham: by Charles Red Swans.
The Dancing Feather, or Plrato Schooner: by J. H. Ingra
ham Esq.
Tbo Schoolfellow’s First Quarter—a OUt Book for Chil
dren : edited by W. C. Richards and Cousin Alice,
Putnam’s Magazine for June.
Barnum’s Illustrated Nejrj, No. 3.
B Gumming, MoswCoburn,'WllUam Crabtrem Aaron Cham
pion, DanielD (Wlwrac Cohen, Frederick Cook, Frederick
W Cornwell, WilUai P Clark, William H Cuyler, Carrol A
Cloud,Spencer Curfcll, Pierce Condon, William M Charters,
Clrarlox Clare, Dadel Clarko, John F Compognlao. Goorge
Galley, Myles I) Cullns, Peter L Constantine. Nicholas Cru-
ger, Henry It Christon. John Cordeal, Wallace Camming.
James 11 Carter, WRUm Cooper, John J Cornell, James T
Clark, James 0 it (hnpbell, Samuel J Cassells, Joseph S
Carrulhers. John D thnrlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar
Charlton, William Cot, Hugh Cullen, James Cleary, Mores
B Cohen. Thomas Cor, joreph 8Olaghorn, Jolm F Cuvsten.
Charles P Conner. JohnGreene Cooke.Henry Cleaver, Jacob
Cohen, Benjamin L Ctle, Silts M Coletng, John I. Chirk.
Thomas W Cooper, Henry Canson, James Cox, Robert M
Charlton, James Cox, Fraud* Canfield.
D,~David R Dillon. Martin Duggan. Archibald 0 Daven
port. Isaac Davis, John Dally, James Dunn, William Dixon,
Moses 0 Dean,Cbosley Dugger, William U Dunning, Henry
J Dickerson, Albert L DoLorge. Isaac D’Lyon. John E Davis,
John Doylu, Jr.,Isaac DoLarocbe,William M Davidson, Wm
II Davis. Richard Dawson,Charles S Davis, Nicholas Dixon,
Lnvfls I, Davis, Francis H IJemere, Patrick Doyle. Michael
Donnelly, Morty Wrgan, John Downing, Richard W Dela
ney, Thomas Doyle, Thomas E Davis, Sheldon C Dunning.
Goorge W Davis.
13.—-Henry Ellis, Peter Eodrcs. John Evornrd, Richard
Ennis. John Eiakoamp, Stephen Elliott, Jacob A Epstein,
John B Epstclu Thomas Won.
S'.—Joseph Kelt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah Fickling, Green
Fleetwood, Louis NFalligont. Caspar J Fulton. Washington
F Florence, Joseph 8 Kay, John G Falligant. John 0 Ferrill,
Andrew Furry, Frederick Finch. William D Ford, Sewell II
Fisk, John Flemming, Richard Flanigan, Thomas Ford,
Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish, Bryau Foley,
JoslahR Fisher, John Foley. J»eob Friend. Dug&ld Fergu
son. John FTanno|pn, James Fountain, Heury R Fort.
G. —Joseph George, Robert HGriffln, Frauds Grimball,
Joseph George, Jr, Robert M Goodwin, Jobn B Gallic, David
H Galloway,Benb^rn Goodall, John Gammell, Domingo Gal-
leo, Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross, MartinGerken, James
E Gaudry, Philip Gleblehouae, Henry Gauaht, John F Gull-
martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Ginovoly, Jobn LOroveu-
*tein, Ebenezer W M Gifford, James E Godfrey. Georgo A
Gordon, Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, NIckles Cell,
Horace Gillum. John S Greon, F'raucls LGue, Jos Gowan,
William T Goodwin.
H. —Thomas Holcombe, David F Halsey.William Hess,
Christopher Hussey, Richard H Howell, Charles S Hardee,
William Howe. William Hunter, William F' Holland *—**
Hunter, Georgo S Harding, Edwin E Hertz, Marti
LomuclLIlovor, Johnllaupt, Samuel B Haupt, .
Henry, Henry Haupt, William W Hondloy, Robert Haber
sham, Jobn EHemaudez, Robert, Hutchison, Alfred Hay
wood. William Henderson. Charlos A Hall. Geo W Hardcas-
tie. Robert A Ilonlker. William L Haupt. liumpbroy P Hor
ton, Peter Henry, William Ileidt. Levi Hurt, Thomas Hen
derson, William P Hunter, Marmaduko Hamilton, Peter I>
Hilsheim. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton, William
Hune. William H Hausmnn, David Harrlgan, Henry Har
per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John G Howard,
William H Holmes. Geo Troup Howard, William B Hale,
Gustavs A Holcorodo, Claus Hartmnn, Samuel Hamilton.
Edward ,T Harden, Stephen N Harris. Columbus S Harris,
James B F ” * »—
C Hunter,
Hall, Pete
I—Jobn W Italy.
J.—John R Johnson, Jobn T Jones. James R Johnston,
Vdw*rd Jones. James C Jones. Alexunuer Johnson. William
Bullock Jackson, Enoch 8 Johnson, John DJcsso, John J
Jackson. James II Johnstou, Robert Jackson, Wm James.
IC— Philip Kolb, Jobn Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gcfert
Kuck. Peter Rrouso, William Krauss, Jobn W Kibbco, Her
man Kublnran, Diedrich Kattenborn, Nicholas King. John
W Kelly. James W King. Nicholas Kelley, Hanford Knapp,
Thomas Kemp, John W Kelley, William Kino, James Ker,
Phlueos 51 Kollock, Philip Kean. Noah B Knapp, Aaron J
Kaser. James Kennedy, Frederick Krcuson, Emanuel Kun-
Ij.—Thomas F. IJoyd. Louis Legriol. John N Lewis, Daniel
JLambreth, John II Llghtbourne, William 51 Leigh, Alonzo
BLuco, Hugh Logan. Stanislaus 51 Laffitcau, JohnLyr
Levi Iielienttral. l’eter Leo, Edward I^ovell, William W I
coin. Oliver A LnRoche. John M B Isivoll. Martin Iarkin.
Noble Lyon. Frederick Lohof. Joseph II Ladson, Jobn II
Ladd, Daniel Leahy, Benjamin W Llloyd. Cliarles A L La
mar, Peler Laurens, James F Under. Matthew Lufburrow,
Edward Lynch, John T Latham,Philip 8 Leaver,Hugh Iar-
kln, James J Logan. Joseph Llppman, Andrew Low, Wm Fl
Long, Andrew J Lebey, 51icuael Lavin, David P Lander,
BIm—Hugh W 5Iorcer, Anthony F 51nra, Abraham 5!lnl*
William lfc 51 ills. Jacob Monke. Mulford JInrsh. William
5IorriU, John Mullery, Adolphe Mode. John 5Inkin. Gofert
Murkins, James W 5!organ. llalnli Meldrim, Dan 51alletto,
Horace 5iorse, William 11 5iay, Samuel S Miller, John Mur
chison, Christian W Maylalnder. Solomon 5tayor. Jobn 5Ias-
tenon, Luder 5lehrtens. Jacob 5(anses, John F. Ffullcry. Hen
ry Macnlrard. Thomas R 5HIIs. James 5fonnahan. Charles A
5lagill. John B Mallard. Jacob Miller, Matthias II 5Ioyer,
Alvin N kliller, 8Iinon 51orrls,Isjander Mooro, Jno A 5fayor,
Richard C 5!nckall, Michaol Meath, Fabian Myerhoffer.
Thomas Meath, John Murchison, Brynn 51 5Iorol. Hugh w
Mercer, John 51alrannoy. Thomas Mali a r, William F15(ongln.
file.—George A BlcCloskoy, Bartholomew BIcJunamey,
Patrick McDowoll, William McCarthey, Josoph J JlcCuj
Ijiurence BlcKenna, Thomas BIcKenna, Daniel BIcRedmom ,
Thomas W BlcArlhor, James McHenry, Michael BIcGrca
Patrick McGovern, Nonnan W McLeod, William J McIn
tosh, James McF'cely, Alexander Mcllardy, Angus McAl-
pin, Michael BlcCarty, Nell McHugh. James Mclnnarney.
M.—Georgo N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor, Daniel Nolson,
Samuel Nuttnmn. Jnines SNoidllnger, Nathl Nnngnzor. Joliu
G Neldlinger, William G NorwiHHl,Jacob Nowberger.Gilbert
N Neyle, Thomas 51 Neweit, James A Norris, John R Nor
ton, Roliert C Nock, James Nnngazcr, William Nungnzer,
E<1 win LNeldlinger, I^wlsF' Nicoll.
O.—John Oliver, Cliarles Fl O’Sullivan, John W Owens,
Georgo S Owens, Aruiinlus Ocnrlor, Edward O’Byrne, Wil
liam C O’Driscoll, Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O’Connell, Dan
let O’Hanlon. Timothy O’Connor, Timothy O’Brien.
PPhilip J Punch. Thomas Purse. John Poole, James
Patter, Joseph Fl Pelot, Charles F Preston, Willinm Procter,
Edward Pndnlfofd. Edward Padolford, jr., Elisha Parsons,
DanielGPbllbrlck, Anthony Porter, DeunlsBI Patrick, F>1.
win Parson* rww Paw,«, rowers. John l ostell,
Joplin wPhilips, John F Posey, William V Prentice, Iienry
C Preston, ThuniaH I’idsuu, John 51 Palin, Suuuu-l G Pan-
(4.—William Quantock, ji.
U.—Philip 51 Russell. Daniel Robertson, John A Riclrard-
son, William Renishart, Georgo Robertson, jr., Robert R
Rhodes,Henry llober, William Rogers, Charles K Robinson,
Andrew 51 Ross, Jobn W Renislrart, James G Rodgers. Her-
*" - * ’ n j OSO pj, j(,
tildes who bare experienced Itseffects, to oonrince Incredu
lity itself of It* real value,
The proprietor* aubrnlt to tbe public the following certi
ficate from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by
using their proiwratlonnfSanaparilUt-
Cbstium, Mas*.,'July 28, I860. .
: So truly valua-
Messrs. A. B. k D. Sands—Gentlemen. __
ble do I consider your. Sarsaparilla. Hurt X feel It lo bo ray
duty to stale for tho benefit of others, tho cure effected on
myseir. Previous to. 1846, I bad a dixeso of the throat,
“ filch destroyed tho tonsils, (aud was then attacked with
Hod in severe in-
.ah wm, umiu, nnu mev,
Tlioso lands could bo put in order with Ices labour, it is
believod, than would bo required forputtlng Hammock lands
In order, and aro considered very safe from overllow in galea
and freslicU.
For further particulars aud terms, which will be made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Eraser and Co., Charleston,
S.C., or to Blrs. llonry Bailey, St. Blary'a, Camden county,
A plat of the land muy be seen at the office of tbo Geor
gian. . • apt 27—Afeu
FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202Ji
icrcs.and improvements, near Waltnourvillo, Liberty
county, 'flio land Is of good quality, 11I110 and bay land, 60
acres of which ure in cultivation, and the remainder well
timbered, offering atroug inducements to iwraoiia Interested
in procuring tur;>eutlne. The Improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all other necessary oiitbnildiugii. Hie location i-annut
be Bnrpasred for henUhfiilnoss nr salubrity of climate, with
gooil water, and a rango for cattlo which cannot ho excelled.
The u bo vc property can be bought at a vory reasonable price,
and 011 thu most accommodating terms, if early application
be made to Uic subscribers, at WalUiourvilln.I-iocrty county.
apl26-dfto KB. WAY.
vioiont pain In tbehbad, This soon resultc
flammatlon, and Immense quantities of blood and matter
were discharged. For six week* the disease continued In
tho head, ana then pervaded the body generally, attacking
all tho limbs. I wsa confined to a slok bed, from which 1
never expactod to. arise. Many physicians attended mo,
and the most skilful pronounced me put cure. In short,
tongue cannot express my suffering*; and In this condition
I heard of your Sarsaparilla, purchased six bottles, and re
nounced all other medicines. I did not expect to toko all
I bought, so debilitated had my system become. Contrary
to all expectation, my health almost immediately began to
lmprovo. I was able to attend to iny domestlo duties, and
soon could walk out, a thing I onco thought would be im
possible. Fly grntlturto.I cannot express, feeling satisfied
red me of the misery and
raon, lumberingmnong tbmn lom,olSfiOfli
«oh of doubt and distrust 7 ‘ De
p'.'.ljfor tbli ondi,,,.,. •ndlhli|t7{i>^bi, 1
KBS,?’ ^ 1
W. V. ALEXANDER ft & .
No. 1 Barclay-street. (Astor Bout*
aSSSSX J - a
Tbo above Iravo also for saiTthe great .ii_„
THIS lnrjln.bliumi-r.Uon hn ubuiAj? 1 ' 1
irliemr., InlroJucrt, uu|,retedtnlo,l 1. ,.*
marvellous effects In removing disease an '
" ervo «M 8yste tt
fhe luikd
R A Tract of Tide Swamp Land, containing 600 acres,
lyiugon the Alatamaha river, tliren miles above Dari*
du, adjoining lands of the estate of Butler aud Dun-
wody on the cut, and GigulUiat ond Walker on tho north
and west, having an good a pitch ef tide ns any rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are, twonty dollars per acre,
one- fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the Interest only required to bo paid annually,
ply to life undersigned at Darien. In cue of my absenco
James ITu.vam will show tho land, a plan of which can
bo aceu at the office of the Georgian.
Dimer, Jan. 22, 1853,Jan25—lam
Received by
A REVIEW of tiie Spiritual Manifestations, read before
tbe Congregational Association of N. York and Brook
lyn, by Key Charles Beecbsr.
Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches of tbe
Canariesrtbe C*pe de Verde, liberie, Madeira, 8iorra Le
one, and other places of Interest on the west eout of Afrl-
ca-by Horatio Bridge, U B Navy; edited by Nathaniel
nmrMimtw, or nontrutof N«»York Lift. ..a"no.ngm.l.™ j MooUWii.’i'Woii,; bff HmSkhiu
Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Tho* Moore— bvWm Hartstt Fm • Tookn’a twfu^n
cdlleil b, tho Hl,lit Hon. Lord John Rqm.11, M P. 5S-!« «»
Barnum’s Illustrated New*, No. 20. Received bi
may20 J. B. r * TOT<
nard Roden, James B Read. George Robbins. Joseph liosse,
jr., David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland, Win P Roberts,
John Reilly, Jefferson Roberts. John l’W Rend, Jas Rhiml,
Joseph Ribcro, Jacob Rosenbaud, John S Rogers, Allen
Russoll, WUllum Robinson, Jaiues Riloy. Horace J Rorall,
John Reedy, Alexander K Ralston, Thomas M Rosls.John
B l’.oss, Tliomas Redfren. Benjamin Reed Joseph II Ripley.
Patrick Reilly, F'rancis Rjran, John Riordon.John W Rabun.
8.—Patrick K Shicls, Henry Seltzer, Wm Henry Stllos,
Patrick Smith, Francis Sorret. Samuel 8 Sibley, Edward A
Snullard, Abraham Simpson. I.tzar Solomons, John A Schaf
fer. Frederick Schaffer, Francis F* Stroblmrt, Francis Shells,
Harman Silber, Joachim R Sauxsey. James J Snider, John
Savage. Ezra Slacy, James H Sandlford, Jacob Sbaffer.Con
rad Schnider, John G Sexton. John II Stroua. John F'Stur-
tovant. Walter W Smith, F'rancis 51 Stono, Emanuel Phef-
tall, John H Stegiu, Alexandor J C Slraw. Farloy R Sweat.
James F’ Stokes, John A Staley, Abner Sawyor. Samuel B
Swoat, James 8ullivan. Solomon Sheftall, Daniel T Scran-
tou. Daniel U Stewart, John Plane. William Salto, Joseph D
Stobbins, Jacob Spang, William Shinners, John Shuuzel,
Matthew Shannon, Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith, John
Shwlnk, James Rhea. Janies P Screven, Thompson L Smith,
WilliamSwoll, Richard Scanlan, Aloxandor A Smeta. WII.
llam H Smith, Andrew SU-afvater. Edward J Panders, Blur-
decal Sheftall. Sr., Jacob A Shaffer. Herman Sangstocli. Jm
M StripllDg. F’rancis Sawyer, Timothy Sherldon, John Scud
dor, James Skinner. Lowib Smith, John Shea. Goo I Spen
cer, Samuel L Spolscgger, Simon Santim, Thomas Smith.
James Shephard.
TwPeter G Thomu. John F Tucker, John T Thonms,
WlUiara S Thompson.GeoTge H Titcomb, Charles G Tslbird,
John D Tenbroek, John Thompson, Frederick A Tupper. Jas
Thurrt. William B Tinsley, Barnard G Tilden, Anderson C
Toms. Francis Trucholut. William TThompson, John Tier
ney. Edward Townsend. John C Taylor.
V**-Charles Van Horn. David Veader Trlstam VerstiUe,
Henry U VerstiUe. WUliam H B VerstiUe, Henry Vielstitch.
W*—Richard Wayne,F'Award G Wilson, William Waters.
Robert D Walker, Henry F Wlllink, iAiirence W Wall, Na
thaniel F Webster, Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb, Henry E
Weed, Smith Warner, Thomas White, Francis II Welman,
Nicholas Wolf, WlUiara White, Thomu S Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob Wlneberg, Samuel A Wood. George S
Walt. Charles Wilsou, Thomu J Walsh, John W Wilson..lo-
Jeph Washburn, Zaciiariah N Winkler. Lewis W Wells.Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbrldgo. Christopher White. Beth
Woodward, Isaac Wilder, Dennis Wynn. James White, l’hllo
HWltdman, William Watson. William P White, Philip D
Woolhonte. Ashbel Wclloa, John J Waver, Jacob Walter,
George M Willett, James T Welles, James WhlUhan. Enos
Wlthlngton, Allen R Wright, Samuel Wllmot, Wm Wilson,
Wiliam Wright. James M Wayno. William Thorne Williams,
Patrick White, James W White. Richard Wjckam. William
M Wadlej, Jacob Waldbnrg. George W Wylly, William C
Wylly, Isaac P Whitehead. Lewla Wiggins.
Y•—Dr EMton Young. Peter Yonaon.*
EdwinS Zittrouer
Ail persons entitled to vote, and desirous of voting at
the next election for Mayor and Aldenuon of tbe city of
l FOR SALK.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acres
‘strictly prime Rico Loud, immediately opposite the old
j of Hardwick. The situation of tho place affords one
of tho best Saw-mill seata in tho Southern country, TacUlth-*
for timber being easy and without ond. Vcsisom coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. F'or terms apply to Henry Willtnms,
U.S. District Attorney,Savannah,or to B.ST1LFS, Bryan coun
S ITUATFID lralf a mile from this City, on tho canal, has n
basin capable of holding two million feet of Logs. Hie
Blill lias been In operation about suven months, runs two
pings and an odging saw, also Grist Blill. Tills Blill saws
rein 12 to 16 M. feet per day. F’or particulars apply to
tfg* FDR SALE—That valuable parcel of land formerly
“X^occiipiod by F.. Jencke’s, Esq., known ns a Cooper’s
shop and Yard, It U bounded on the east by West Bound
ary street, west by tho Canal, nortli by Railroad street, nud
south by lots Nos. 6 aud 0, aud contains about four acres.
j'OR SAMS—Tliu westerly half of I/it No. 2 Yamacraw,
. being tho Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the Rivur,
nnd running back About two hundred foot to Cunul-street.
Tho prn|>erty is now midor a lease which will expire on tho
first of November next.
If not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday In
February, it will then be offered at auction at tho Court
IIoubo. Apply to del6 COHEN k F0SD1UK.
ji -<<?>. • The undersigned. B. W. Lbo.v.iki> and E.
Smith, (tho former having been formore
2gS2|££r than 30 years manager and agent of the
■3S9SS3SI Matteawan Flstablisliments ; tho latter for
many years connected with tho Allaire Works, as Superin
tendent nnd Engineer, and more recently superintending
engineer for the Collins’Une of New York nnd Liverpool
United States Mall Steam Ships, as nlso of the Ocean Steam
Navigation Company’s, running between New York, South
ampton and Bremen,,) having formed a copartnership, of
fer tliolr sendees ns consulting Engineers and Agents, for
K chasing or superintending the construction of Paddle
cel aud Propeller Steam Vessels of every description,
Marino Engines and Boilers for Ocean and River Steamers,
Locomotives and othor Railroad Blacliinery, Pumping Fln-
(fines and Machinery for Water Works nnd Draining lands,
Blast Engines and Blacliinery for Iron Works, Cotton, Wool
en and Flax Biannlactorioa, and Blncliinery for every de
scription of Manufacturing. Com, Flour ami Saw Mills.Su
gar Mills and Refineries, Quartz Crushing and other Mining
Blacliinery, Mill Geering, Hliufting and l'ullif*. Every de
scription of Castings, Wrought Iron F’orgings, ke.
S;>ocincAtlnns and contracts prepared, plans and de
tail drawings furnished, steam vessols, ateam engines and
othor machinery survoyed aud value thereof estimated.
Second hand /team vessels, steam engines and Boilers,
cotton nnd woolen uinchinery generally, for sale.
Office 75 Blorclrants* Exchange,
Cr. Watt and llanovor-streets, New York.
E K Collins. Agent Now York nnd Mvorpool U S 51 Steamers
C H Sand, President Ocean Steam Navigation ConijMiny
Mortimer Uviugston, Agent New York and Havre u S 51
Fira Nye, Commander Slcnmor Pacific.
Joseph J Comstock, Commander Steamer Baltic.
G W Floyd, Commander Steamer Washington.
James P Allaire. Esq., formerly Proprietor of the Allaire
John F’ Winter, Son k Co, Merchants, Now York.
Eagle k Hazard, “ "
Peter Cooper, " ,i
Asa Worthington, “ «•
A 0 Parmclee. “ “
James Bogardus, Iron Store Builder, «
Hazard k Blontentli. Merchants. Buffalo, New York
Bush k WiMes. Blercimnts. Boston, .Msnh.
P uillicit k Sons, Merchants, Providence, R. I.
J P Phillips, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.
J K Lonioine. President Mechanics’ Big. Co., Petersburg. Vn.
C P Blaliett, President Hockfish Mg. Co., Fayetteville, N. C.
.10 Cnlrus, Agent Rowan BlnnnPg. Co.. Salisbury, N. C.
Wm Gregg, President Granitoville Big. Co., Charleston, 8.C.
Georgo w Winter, Banker, Columbus, Geo.
Joseph W Winter, Esq., Blontgoracry, Ala.
5V J Ledyard, Merchant, Mobile, Ala.
Sidney Smith, Esq. “ “
Rufus It Bolknap, Manuf’r “ “
James Saul, Esq., Brest. Cnm’l. Water Works, N Orleans. U
W W Witte, Ranker. Now Orleans. 1a.
Samuel I) Morgan, Merchant, Nashville, Tcnn.
J G Ambler, Fiq., Jacksonville. Florida.
J S Sanborn, for;., CoffeeviHe, Miss.
Burttlt k Patrick, Blercimnts, San Francisco, Cal.
Charles Bogardus, Architect, “ ♦* selR
tint nothlug eloj could have reliovec f
sufferiug l I lieu endured. I most cheerfully rcconiend Sands’
Barsaparillu to all nuffering as I have done. Respectfully
youru, Rkrecga BIayo.
Knowiugtho above utatemeut to bo strictly correct, nud
being near neighbors lo Mrs. Mayo, wo cheerfully testify io
the same.
Warren Rodgers, Esq. Mrs. Prlaciln L. Dodge.
John Uulletl. Blrs. Recocca Smith.
Nbw York, Jau. 8,1860.
Messrs. Sand,-.—Gentlemen: I have great pleasure iu ac
knowledging to you tho great benefit 1 lrave received from
the use of your Sarsaparilla, A subjoct of nulmoirary dis
ease, 1 made a vnyngo to Europe, but whllo tliore continued
to bo afflicted. A few weeks after my return, I was seized
with a violent Itennrrimge of tho lumgs, nud from tho de
bility and great prostration of strength that followed, with
the protracted difficulty of respiration, I nin entirely re
lieved by the use of your Sarsaparilla, which I consider &
most important aud truly valuable discovery in the healing
art. 1 feel that 1 liavo not for fourteen years enjoyed so
good health as at present. Gratefully yours,
E. S. Saymorh.
Prepared andsold.wbolnsalennd retail,hy A BAD HANDS
Druggists aud Chemists, 100 Fulton-st., corner of William,
Now York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the
United States nnd Canada*. Price 81 per bottle ; six twit-
tie* for $6. For salo by MOORE k HENDRICKSON. TURN-
KR k ODEN, W. W. LINCOLN and A. A. B0L0M0N8. Sa
-yannah jJlavlland, lUsley k Oo, Augusta. may24—3ni
For tlio cure of Incipient Consumption. Scrofula, General
Debility, White Swelling, Rheumatism, Diseases of the
Liver and Skin, aud all diseases arising from impurities
of the blood and the effects of mercury.
S WA1BF3 PANACEA has been for more than thirty years
celebrated in this country and in Europe for its extra
ordinary cures—for the certificates of which reference Is
mado to tho directions and books (which mny be bad gra
tis) accompanying tbo Panacea. Some of which give the
particulars or case* too frightful for general publication,
where tho patients hud been almost eaten up with scrofu
la, nnd were doomed incurable by physicians.
It has been used In hospitals, and private practtco,and
has bad tho singular fortuno of being recommendod by the
most celebrated physicians and other eminent persons.
Among others by—
W. Gibson. M. D..Prof. of Surgery.Pa. Univorslty.
Valentine MotL-M. D.. Prof, of Burg. N. Y. University
W. P. Dowocs. BI. D ,1’rof. of Mid. Pa. Uhiversity.
N. Chapman, M. D., Prof of PhyBtc,Pa. University.
T. Parke. M. D..Prea’tCollege Physicians, Phllad. ,
Dr. Del Valle, Prof, of Btrdlciuce, Havana.
Jooo Eonrencb do Lut, Prof, of 8iirgery, Lisbon.
J. Chiiunnn. Member Royal College Surgeons. London.
G. W. Krvlng, late Minister to Spain.
Sir Thomas Pearson, Blajor British Army.
Gilbert Robertson, British Consul, Ao.
And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swatm’s Pana
cea have, for many years, made It an invaluable remedy.
Tlio Panacea does not contain mercury In any form.and be
ing an iunoccnt preparation, it may bo given to the moat
tendsr Infant,
The retail price lias beon reducodtn 81 50 per tiottlo (con
taining tlireo half pints) or three bottles for 84.
Swatm’s Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinal
ly, with tho following letters blown in tho glass: Swaim’s
—Panacka—PiiiLUii’A,” and having the name of James
Swalm stamped on tho scaling wax nnd written on the label
covering the cork, and a splendid engraving for the side of
tho bottle, composed of geometric latlio work, comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for tho cxclu-
slve uso of tho proprietor, by Draper & Co., bank note en
gravers of Philadelphia. In the centre Is a portrait of tho
late Wm. Swain, copyright secured.
Also, Swaim’s Vermifuge,
A valuable F'ainlly Bledlcine, being a highly approved
edy for all diseases arising from debility of theaigestiv
gnns, such as Worms, chol
now herald It to the world as powMinriir.!*"*
virtues known in tho Blntcria Medic* 8
Physicians of the first standing In the
use and prescribe It as tire most tlTeetlve
Alterative mill Rlnnil Puns. ..
ever known. To the sedentary It h** ”1
Haim or Gilead. Especially to Fi'nml ( .Af^
ble condition of lire, it recommend* ltw|r »,f.*! J
point nr efficacy lo any of the numerous
cenirated under tlie comprehensive name
This Is a VfgdntAe Spirit, pleasant to take an ,i
safe tolwi uccd in any state of health
delicate fbnaU or Cliild. ' *9 «
ffif Price 31 CM) jwr Iwittie.
No. 1 Barclay-street. (Actor Houi-i i v?*? P
For snlo by A. A. SUMMONS,and m
gluts,Savannah, Ga. ’ ' u>
.> u ... a—. jd rein*
n debility of the digestive or-
a morbus, dysentery, fever nnd
No. fl H’kUaker-rtred.
THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the
dtizeiis of Savannah, and of tho inierlor of this
date, that ho hns now opened nnd will keep con
tinually in store, a large assortment of tho host qualities
of the various kinds or WINES AND LIQUORS, both foreign
aud domestic, invoiced from the best sources, and to bis
stock of which, at present on hand, ho Invites attention.—
Having bad extensive experience In France as a manufac
turer, and in America as Importer and denier, his acquain
tance with tho trade enable* him to offer assuranco that tlio
articles which are enumerated below ure each goniiiuo:
Article* of Direct Importntlon.-d-'rcnch Bran
dies or various brands: Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish and
Monongahela Whisky ; Old Batavia Arrack; Jamaica and
St Croix Rum.
Wine*.—Old Port, Madeira, Sherry, Clinin;u»gne. Hock,
Claret, Snuterne and Burgundy Wines.
Cordials—In cases. Curacoa. Maraschino, Ratafia, Sla-
vatte, Klrachenwasser, Absinth, kc.
Ale nnd Porter—1/mdon Brown Stout, nnd Edin
burgh Ato.
Also /
Agent for Domestic Liquors,
before the first Monday-la
vRI be granted.
Ordinary for Chad
CJHALLYB, Barege Delaine, Satin Plaids, Barege plain do
& Printed Grenadine Silks, Daraas de Venice 8Ux Tissue
Black Grenadine Batin, Striped black Barege. Mourning Ba
reges, and Tissue, in every variety and style, jut received
and open, and for sale by
TTIBBEE k RODGERS offer for sale, the folio wing Goods
IV cheat) :-£50 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugars s 76
hbas, N< 0. and Muioovado do: 26 do Porto Rleo do: 60 do
age and sex;
itryHasel, au-
*•»«* w> tauHcvtfwcw, «c.; mo oouuor's mie, or Scenes in
Oanteeu and on tbe Battle Field, by G W M Reynolds; La.
* —num, ne., rui u.u vi anwnn Ol , nnm.
a* Moore, by the Rt Hon Jobn Russell. M P.; Arthur’* Home
JUgarine, for July; Brother Jonathan, a mammoth sheet,
for 4tb July; Barnum’s Illnstrated New*; Gleason 1 * Pie-
torUl, to,, lio., for »ale at 185 Oongreas street Junelfl
[ whojdlttoajroon*
on* of the exe-
: r «w
f. and Mnseovado do i 26 do Porto Rleo d
xsee; 160 bbls. N. 0. and Sugar-houte Syrup;
400 bus Rio and taguayra Ooffeo: 60 do 0.0. Java do; 100
boxes *D>bacoo, all brands: 60 bhd*. Bacon Bide* i 25 casks
H»msai)d8hoqldsr*| 76 barrio* Laid, prime. *rtiote; 150
boxes Soap, all kind*: 200 do Sperm and AdamantlnoQin-
dlesj^Lsmon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nut*, Candl**, Spices,
, 6tJQAR OOFFKK to—160 bbl* 8tus ““
O gar No. 1,20 hhd* New Orleans Sag
do;ift do Porto RJoodo.200 bbu prime ...
Java do, 100 boxo* assorted Tobaoco, 100 daT8portn and Ad.
amantlae Candlss.160 do Palo add No, 1 fid*p. 25 racks ges
Hyson Tea, 10 do BUek do, 25 tlereM and-36 bbl* West In-
dla Molasses, 50 bbl* Now Orleans do, 10 do Stuart’* Sugar
Bouse do, 10 do Georgia Syrup, In store and for sale by
dn ete^ whlie and colored linen
. i\i ouiuirr-s true, or oceoes in uanraen
>; 25 do Porto Rleo do: 60 do JLl and on the Battle-field, by O W M Reynold* t Sylvia
Cuba Molasses; 160 bbl*. N. 0. and Sugar-bonte Syrup; Seabury, or Yankee* in Japan, the Romautie Adventure* of
JMV —i Rio and taguayra Ooffeo: 60 do 0,0. Java do; 100 u—n. t./-ii.w-
)bacoo, all brands; 50 hhd*. Bacon Bide*; 25 eask*
, to —I hare on hand,
.jeapest assortment of
•very dMorlptlon, ever
jtfully It
Savannah and hamlet* thereof, are respectfully requested
register their , names within the
to call at my office and .
time prescribed by law, else they vrill be debarred the right
pf voting thereat. EDWARD O. Wll-SON.
Clerk of Council.
TjUIROANK’S Patent Platform Seale*—(
X ttyand reduced in price)—Adapted to ,
•ration of weighing, as Railroad Scales for trains or sluglo car*
in q*o on the principal railroad* in tho United States and
Great Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable 8calea, on
wheel*, for foundries, rolling mills, to. ' Store Scales, various
modification*; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Bckjfs, to.—
These Scales have been long known and Severely
the universal confidence felt In their accuracy
adjustment ts silchthatthey are now regarded a
*rd,from which there la no appeal.
A BKLL. Agents
P DOR OIL OLOTHS.—Tbo most complete stock of Oil
Cloths, In every variety of patterns and colors, varying
to width* from one to eight y*rds. Famllis* and hotel keep-
*r* can cover their lining rooms or hall* without piet
WM.' H. GU10N. Agent, Carpet Warehouse,
feb5 140 Congress and 67 8t Jullan-si
T7WB SHIRTS.—Those in want of a fine shirt, to fit woll ’ I am now preparoiUo cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adhore*
JD and handsomely made, can be accommodated at No to tin like Silver’s Mlnoral Paint*. For salo by
147 Day-st. m*y!9 . : , ~ PRICK k VEADER.
■ 100 bags prime Rio Coffee, 60 do do Java do
20 hhas Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do N. 0. do
100 bbls Stuart’s B and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar, 20do Ground do
20 Ibis Loaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon Syrup
60 do Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel, 10 half do 2 do
100 do Balt. Flour, 50 ilon 8. do, 60 do halt do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides, & do Shoulders
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20doFinglsh Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap, 50 do Pale do, 25 do Starch
50 do Tobacco, assorted brands
60 bbts Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
50 boxes Tallow Candles, 50 do Star do
25 do Adamantine do
60 bbls old Monongahela Whisky, 2,000ft Codfish
200 do Whisky, Gin. Rum and lirandy
20 V casks Cogirao Brandy, 60 dozen Brooms
2 pipes Holland Gin. 2 )i casks Scotch Whisky
600 gross Pipes, 100,000 Spanish Sugars
20 dozen Demijons, 200 reams Wrapping Paper
50 five and three gallon Kegs.
Landing and In store, for sale by
TTNDER a new and improved organization, manufacture
Locomotive and Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills; Gins,
Presses, lathes. Drills, Ac. Also, evory description of Cot
ton, Woolen and Saw Mill work, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., C**t-
lugs of any weight, (baring a large assort moot of patterns.)
at reduced price*. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
K*Depot 13 Platt-atreet, cornor or Gold. Claxtbn A.Wet-
more. Excelsior, Collins A Co. and H. Collins’Axes, Hard-
waraAgency, 23 Pratt-st,, New York, oolO—lyr
TUST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral ratnt*, fire and'
el water-proof eolora, unfkdlng. Silver’s Mineral Faint*
differ essentially from all others to market. They are not
Clays, they require l|ttio oil, they do not work tougbly, but
flow easily as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
set Immediately, and become an Indestructable covering ol
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer than white lead. '
I have a variety of color*, Rod', Yellow, various Brown*,
and Jet Black. They are superior to body (or covering
property) to anything ever discovered, and pound for pojind
wlU cover double the surface of White Lead or Zina Mineral
paint*, and require less oil.
Cxuno.v to THR Pthuc.—Person* wishing to obtnin tho
genuine Swnim's rnnncca nnd Swaim’s Vxrmlfugo. should
bo careful to observe that tho namo SWA1BI is spelled cor
rectly on tho Inliels, or thoy mny bo Imposed on by modi
clnes made In Imitation of them by a person boaring a
somewhat similar name, well calculated to dcceiro. Gen
eral agent* for the.UlUted States.
mh22—2awtf 104 and 100 John-strcet, New York.
- M Wo would not grow one bud of hopo
You cannot garner In ripe fruit! ”
T HE GREAT REBIEDY Is at Inst discovered, nnd lhat fell
destroyer of human happiness at length is conquered!
Consumption /hull no longer rob our Hre/ides of tliolr
brightest ornament/, and sink many a gentle /plril to un
untimely grave! Consumption can be cured—Asthma will
soon bo as tho tlilugs that won*—and Coughs nnd Cnlds, tho
parents of that fell disease, that so often brings wo to the
homes or our land, vanish, as If by magic, before this /over-
eigu remedy.
Thi/ is that which linn so long been sought for, and is in
full faith offered to tho public as a ckktxi.n cukk for coughs,
cold*, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, and consumption,
aud will, in any case where lungs sufficient are loft to sus
tain life, cheek tbe ulceration and ratio tho patlontto
health. This is not an idle hosst, nor is tills remedy sont
into tbe market without a thorough trial, but has proved
beyond a doubt, Hint what has been asserted can hr donr.
“The sentiment, that consumption cannot bo cured, hns
destroyed more lives tlran tlio di/esse Itself.”—Dr. Waiirkn.
Ilut thcro la Hope I
The proprietor, by the u»o of this article, and the blessing
of Providence, was raised, when ho was pronounced by his
e /iciau to be iilmo/t dying with consumption, to perfect
Ith.and is not willing that so great a blessing should bo
withheld from those on whom *• this right band omissary ol
death” has placed his mark.
Tlio I/izengo is perfectly harmlc/s in Its nature, and can
be taken with Impunity by tho Infant nnd the Invalid ; and
It/ benefleiat effect/ will be felt in a few hours after com
mencing It/ use. Let all then, tn-tt.and tf these a/sertimia
are not proved, after an impartial trial, tho price or tho box
will bo returned, nnd all ngents are authorized to rotund
tho money in uny coso where the article is not perfectly
Tlie/o lozenges are put un in 26 cents, 60 cents, and 81
boxo/.and only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
U. 1'. HUNT. Dahirn, Ua., only agent for tlio Southern
States, to whom all orders must be addressed. fel8-dAw
coughs, cold's and biionciiitTs^
P ASTI LI AH DE PARIS.—For the euro of coughs, colds
and bronchial affections of the throat, so prevalent at
this setson or tho year. Wo do not recommend tho Pas
tilles de Paris to cure all the ills life is hoir to, but we do
say they will cure all affections of the throat, os a trial of
them will prove. Manufactured by Mooro k Taylor, 81
Blniden-lntie, New York.
N. B.—Tlio gennine boars the written signature of Moore
A Taylor. J ust received and for sale bv
mb4 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square,
E MERSON’S RAZOR STROPS.—Those celebrated - Strops
arc made and warranted by Charles Emerson, and are
superior to any others now In use. Purchasers should be
sure and get tlio genuine Strop, as there nre numerous
counterfeits bearing the same name, the most of which are
worthless. The gonuino 8trop con be had of
ap!18 W. W. LINCOLN. Blnnument Square.
1 ENGLISH VFJtMLN DESTROYER.—This article Isextcn-
4 alvely usod In England for destroying all kinds of bugs,
worms, kc. For Roaches and Ants, there Is nothing equal
to It. It has been fairly tested in tills city, and can bo re
lied upon as an effectual exterminator of all kinds of vermin.
Justrecctved, and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN,
*• 16 Monument-square.
/SHERRY LOZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherry Lozenges,
W for coughs, colds, and Infienzas. These Lozenges will
be found much more convenient than any of tho liquid
preparations,ns they can be cerried about the person, and
always ready for use when the cough Is troublesome, thui
C rerouting a vioiont attack of coughing and constant Irri
rtlon of the lungz. Just received and foT sale by
dee? W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square,
L inen Turkish friltion“towel8-a vory useful
artido for bathing purposes, aud much superior to the
(loves now in uso Whore friction ts required, they are
very highly recommended by the medical faculty In Eng
land and tbe United States, just received and for sale by
mli24^ W, W, LINCOLN, Blonumcnt Square
and jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mull muslins;
plaid and striped jaconet and Swiss muslins ; plain and fig
ured Swlsa muslin; embroidered Swiss muslin; white and
orgnnda muslin*; colored linen lustres; and a fine assort
ment of ladies’ and gentlftnen’a linen cambric handker-
ehlefs. mft AIKEN k BURNS.
TlACON, HAMS AND CANDLES.—25 bhd* bacon sides*
JJ 500 Rolosons’s bams, 100 boxes adamantine candle/,
to store and for sale by
casks Bya**’ London Porter in quarts and pints, 30 bbl* Ca-
• nal and Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8’a tobacco, 30 bbls ciari-
fled crashed and ground sugar, 10 do solar lam poll. In store
and for sale by DAVm O’CONNER,
Junelfl comer Broughton end Drayton-streets.
TitiTTER,' CHEESE, to.—20 kegs and 20 tub* selected Go-
JJ shon Butter. 60boxc« English Dairy Cheese, 100 do
new scaled, Herrings, 50 bbl* Hiram Smith and Genesee
Flour, 20 boxes Ground Coffee, 26 do assorted Candy, receiv
ed per steamer and for salo by
fbr the cure of Caught. Colit. lioartmut, .1
inacmigh. Crimp. Arihma. and Ouwu*rtu.“>*l
“ And by tho river, upon the bank thereof ihVti' ■
trees for meat, whoso leaf/ball not fade sod thefT
of shall bo for meat ond the leaf thereof (nr«L.,SSl
H ERE was hone for tho sick recorded loSKffl
ry year odd/ now proof to the asiorancTi'ktr.'l
promise/ shall not fall. nc * W
As medical science discovers and dfr*Iraii« tH,
nature lias given, ono by one. the diseaiMiv.T'5f-m
race yield to the control of art. Of all th*
suffer from, none boz carried more vlctlmi to TP
gravo than Consumption of tlio Lungs. Sahini-jl
Home evidence that tills too may be cured
nary complaints, in all their forma, ma»
Cherry Pectoral. ’ 1 *
Space will not permit u* to publish hers an, wo
of tho cures it has affected, but the Annt
will furnish our circular, free, whereon are Mm
and indisputable proof of tbe facta. **
Sufferers, read and judge for voursclrea.
Fbr lijtuauaand )looj>ingOnA_
- . Namiviuk, Tens., Jane 2t is I
Sir: I bin rwMb t.„d „ut Chin, P J'?J
hooping cough amt tnfluenzn and lure nj JI
pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four ol a,/afl
nave been afflicted with these diseases,and the iwl
the Pcctorel has always afforded instant relief.
Wo attest the truth of the above statement* 0
MBKGi.nty, Editor Kuhrilielw I
J. Bf. /uUrkiixa.v. Drngriit. ^1
Ibr a Coiuumjtire Omnk k
1‘mvHi'iui, lb., Feb. aia I
Pear Sir: For three years I have Uvn afBieWrf"
cough so diatresalngtiintl frequently,iiipairedofmi-
much of the time I was obliged to alt up all nifitkil
chair, ns my cough would suffocate roe whenl Ua III
Having used many remedies without niuchnUKluJ
tried tno Cherry rectoral, which under PrortkanJ
me altogether. I am with gratitude yours,
James RTtQui.1
Thit it one of Oie numerout cures of Aithma trtidk 1*1f
accredited in Cherry Pectoral \
Albaxv, N. Y., April If la I
Dr. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Sir: 1 have for years beta for
ed with aathma in the worst lonn. io that t IsnU
obliged to sleep in my chair for u larger part of IbiW
being unnble to breaths on my bed. f had tried
many medicines, to no uurj-oee, until my phnifoi
scribed, as an experiment, your Cherry I’eetcnL (,
At first it seemed to make me wurso; but in lew to
week. I begun to exporienve the mo»tgratifyin*ttlW|I
Its use; nnd now, in four weeks, the disease UretM||
moved. IcnnHleepon my lied with comfort, wtairT
stato of health which 1 lmd never expected to njq. 1
GniRiir S. Yarn, L
Commission and Forwarding limkatl
From the President of Amhcnl College,Eduard diktat■
D., LI V., ife. T
J. C. Ayer—Sir: I liavo used your Cherry Peetoniu
own case of deep-seated bronchitis, and am utiitd
its chemical constitution, that it is an admirabkoaL—
for tbe relief of lnrynglcal ami bronchial ilfinhal
my opinion, as to its superior character, can beef tad
vice, you are at liberty to use it as you think propel
Amherst. Sept. 12,1849. Edward Hmmal
Among other distingubtred authorities who hralf
their names to recommend this preparation utk "
known to them for affections of the lungs are:
President Perkins, Vermont Medical College.
Professor SiUiman, Yale College.
Professor Valentino Mott. New York,
Professor Cleavland, Bowdoln Bfedical Gollm,
Professor Butterfield. Ohio Medical Collega
Canadian Journal of Modical Science.
Boston Bledieal and Hurgicul Journal.
Cliarfeston, S. C. Medical Rcviow.
Now Jorsey Bledieal Reporter.
Hon. Henry Clay, U. S. Senator.
Hon. Geo. P. Blarsli. American AmbaswilorUW
Gen. Emanuel Bulness. I’rcsideut of Chill.
Rt. Rev. FBI. Power. I/ird Bishop of Toronto.
Also, ninny eminent physicians in foreign countrin
Not only in tho morn dangerous and dislreMtqfir
of tho Lungs, but nlso as a family medicine forma,
use, ft is the safest, pleasantest and best In tewodM
Prepared by J. C. AYER. Chemist. LowAU
»d<i by TURNER k CO., A. A. SOLOMO.V& Vf.iJ
tlio Druggl/t/ throughout the State. eodfcwfJm-i
Nut a Particle of Mercury in It. 1
A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Scrofula. Klurt,
Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruption*,M
or Pustulo on the Faee, Blotches, Boils. Chronic Sen to
Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement uil
of the Bouesand Joint*. Stubborn Ulcer*.Syphilitic■
ders, Lumbngo, Spinal Complaints, nnd sll Hw»wiA
from an iiijudielous use of Mei ' ‘
Impurity of tho Blood.
This voluablo Medicine, which hns become celrtnliq
tbe nuinbor of extraordinary cures effected throvgkL
agency, has induced tbo proprietors, at the mrent oJ
of their friends, to offer It to the public, which tl/rI»J
the utmost confidence in Its virtue* and womlcrfulcof
properties. Tlio following certificates, selected fremikj
number, are. however, stronger testimony than 11/ at
word of tho proprietor/ ; and are all from gcnllra”!
known in their localities, and of tbe highest ra;«t>2l
many of them now residing in the city of lUchDoat, fcl
F. BOYDEN. F>q., of the Fxctiange Botch Kd«r
known orery where, says ho has seen the Medidct d
Cartbu’s Spanihu Mixtvki administered iooraito
case*, in nearly all the diseases for which itUrwe
ed, with thu most astonlshiugly good mulls. He*j
tho most extraordinary medicine he has ever wa. ,
tlint for three years I had Ague nnd Fever of tbe o*|L
lent description. I had several Physicians, lookb^fl®
title* of Quinine, Btercury, and I believe all the W*»*|
vertlsed. but all without any permanent relirf U'jl
tried Caktkk’s Sha.vuiu BIixtirv, two bottles of vW* -
tunlly cured mo, and I nm happy to say I hare kR>*.
Chills or Feverssinco. I consider It the best Tusk k®!
world, and tho only medicine that ovor reached nfo* I
Beaver Dam, near Uishinond. Va. JOHN UIMHUJ
C. B. LUCK, Esq., now In tlio city of Richroood,U»JI
ranny years in tlio Pont Office, has such confi-inwiiH
astonishing efficacy of Cautkt.'8 Spasbh llilrtlti»*l
hns bought upwards of 60 bottles, which he ha* giv«aa«l
to the afflicted. Btr. Luck say* lie has neverk»**M
full when taken according to directions. J
Dr. BUNGE, a practising Physician, and former!;«*j
City Hotel. In the city of Richmond, aays he hi*
in a number of instances tlie effects of CiRra'< 11 . ,
Mixtcrx. which were most truly surprliing. He *7'
case of Consuniptimi. dependent on the Liver, the P" 1 !
feet* wore wonderful Indeed.
SAMUEL SI. DRINKER, of tlie firm of Prickerk Ik
Richmond, wa* cured of Liver complaint of * rw”*?
lug, by the use of two bottle* of Carter'* Spsni'b
mond Reputdtean bad a servant employed In lt*‘
room, cure 1 of violent scrofula, combined withK
tism, which entirely disabled him from work, ww
of Carter’s Spanish Btlxtnre made a perfect eurea
the Editors, in a public notice, say they u eheenuD/mn
mend it to all who are afflicted with any dliean«n
blood.” , , m
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’* 8p*»*r5
turo. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. **"3
TAY1XIR, Conductor on tho U. F. kl’. R. R.Co,I
Virginia. , .
8nlt Rlieum of 20 Yenr* Stnndlng i
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing In the city orKx
was cured by three bottles of Carter’s fpanlia ■**. J
Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20 year*, »nd
tho physicians of tbe city could not cure. Mr. ijw
Is a well known merchant of Richmond, Y*.,»Dd M
Is most remnrkable. . .
WM, A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va , h»d »
cured of Spyhllis, in the worst form, hy Cerwrujj
Mixture. He say* he cheerfully reconl^>fod*''l l,, "
stdera It an invaluable modleine. ,
RICHARD E, WEST, or Richmond,was cared"" -
and what physicians cnliod conUrroed umiump"!
threo bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. 1 JJy
EDWIN BURTON, Commlssionorof the
b*s seen tho good effect* of Carter’s Franiwi
number of Spyhilitie case*, and *ay* It D a perteci
that horrible disease. _ . jj Jl
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, Va.. eurefl ^
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking.
bottles of Girter’s Spanish Mixture, and wairara^
walk witimut a crutch, tn a short time penntnen j
Price81 pur buttle. . m bl
Princi|Ml «t U. ffiBO, CUBS
Mlden lane. New York. n|
T. W. DYOrr & SONS, No. 133 North 2d BW fl
i 'L n n*NBrr * iicms. No. 12s
And hr ub bj SI101US H. Wp® * aflil
>1. CARTER, i. A. U1WVOSS t CO., a™*
Druggist* and Country Merchant* everywhere. 'a
1 INEV COOns.-IUtb,nl«on'« *4
case lJmms- w n i to 13-4 Unen
table* Damask, Dojlie’* Damask and colored
kins, bird’s-eye and Scotch Diapers, nuek»bu*
ell’* Soda Biscuit, landing and for salo bi
lit, landing and for salo by
plain amt figured black 1
iitAok Foulard Silk, - block
IHING ’AND J0CKEY CAP8.—Received by lota arri
vals, a Uew *npply. Thow In want will ploaso call at
B«« —4 -* im*Mi ^ m«,..Mi
lfi and 12 Barnard-street.
DUTfttk, GOEESE. to.—20. tub* new' May Batter, 60
AJ boxes Cheats, 28 bbl* Hiram Smith**. Flour. 50 boxes
Herring, landing per steamer and for tale hy • .
mil. * 80IUNTON. J0nN9TOKt06.
rpHlS eitobll»hroont will be opened cn the first of April
X next. Address Dr. W. F. REH, Newport. R. L
. feb21—3m
“t*p“"' lo ”“ rrlc *' b7 wwrrtfciioiwAN.'
' -j' . •
M Keffned and Clarinen no,
Sugar House Biotas***, AO do Hiram Smith
soo Flour.60 do Butter, fiurarandSodkCtowM^.1
100 kegs prime Lenriord, SOboies stiected new W
doStar tCandles, 80 do Besdell’s V» «n<l 8 *
Uodtogondforsaleby jODNS^Ji
. ease of rery choice Ifrencb prfefedteject^
tdnamat • 17 fti*TTE