Newspaper Page Text
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til*!”®j£ 2 Ivaly for cnunlfy i-ailow, anil 1,
Swb I* &%£ snihncoit In tin niornln* ooliodnlo.
'BlWl^KKSwSIn&iSwntlljri »nt to
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HENRY D. WF.F.P. PrerlJrnt.
J'fcr .1, . WMiliwton H "°’* ”* k ’'
StonnUUpoMoft. borgnln. U'«I" 1 ” 11 ?
h . 1 .a now and In complete running order.
g , Ml «'» print » f.™
SIT. .Ill 1.10.1 lmp.ovflin.ots of Ho. • IT™, nnj
"?W, talukmtfnrtlioro.oforlt. W.«|.o «un,
M,U«.nJf« , t.t | ck.,ooloino «n4 daiMnd
^te»™t roles,, oof «n,lm»y othor urtlctu.
SL to ll„ o.t.bH«bmont - of n now,|«lwr. which wo
«"*“"»’• AlM '
^to™r"i'c"l«™ , * 1||l " bc Rloonon nd.lros.lns thl, olllce.
^iscor-rs foreign exchange anu
. w .„, wl.hloR to »"'l for tliolr Mo„J« »»! 'lo.lron, of
Irsoln, Uwu "at by ll'.t elu** packet .lilp., oro lofonno.t
I ”,’lte.«l>*rlben, .roH» only AgcuK for tl,octavo .eon-
, '^Vyireltae .uthorl.ri to draw on JloMni. Wm. Tnp.cott
1 Co.IJnipooLI" >„10. from « and upwnr,l«, which
Mli .ioiwiIotl.Me loony town UuoufhontIreland end
I Gnat Britain Draft, on Franco end (iennany. pyuhlo In
I ill iarh of the Continent, .1.0 for Nile. Apply to
I Jfc 2My ntlN’KER ft OGDl
^LKCIRKR bbl* AlCiSO Ao Cider, 35 do wltKo
lx wino Vinegar, 20 cask* Isradon Porter, tor aalo by ..
yNU j ON8.~ , ;5bbUlta»dwln App'w i »nno
ri iu)o n4xj»—ao uuia lauintv njijiica. >i
bbl* Onions, landing per brig Clement, tor ulo by
A IR AND rORTKR.—M doMn ficotch Ale, 60 do London
Porler | also. n large supply of l'hlledelpUU Alo and
Porter In bottle*, In prime order, tor sale by
tnbsii. * ; .:., • a. donadd,
JJUTTKH-lokcge IHeli,butter, In 12 lb kef^for»]lob£
U apll#
g, In atom, and for sale by
B EltKirclIUlLNS, Unokota and Tube, Jn.t ro-
coWbdanil for sale by
J. P. COLLLVB, 100 Dryan stroet.,
B UTTKlt ANI) CHKWB.-25-firkins Butter, 60 boxes
• Cheese, recelred and for sale by ;
B UTTER.—10 kegt prime Butter, landing from steamship
State of Georgia, and for sale by
B ACON AND DEKF.—SO casks bacon shoulders. 20 do
sides, 10 do choice hams, 20 half bbla beef, rewired
and for sa)e by apUS McMAH,ON fc DOYLE.
B UTTER AND ‘LARD.—dust received, io ftrklns prlraa
Goshen Butter, add 10 barrels No. 11.eaf Lard, for wile
QOOTCll AUl-Just received,, 10 casks Falkirk,Alo.In
O.plnU, tor*(ijnby mh‘id J. ROuWBAU.
CJO AP ANlT CANDCfi.—160 boxes Soap of Tarloiis kinds,
bl«doCA.d'..,ota. | ,«l»,dfo i H ^
LlTAUG * SHAY’S ilAiiS—60 tUroes or tlieabova ceia'
p.brate" *
J brated brand, landing and for sale by
mh22 OOlTEN k F08DICK.
gl'RlNG AND. SUMMER CltOTHINO—lustropeWed
aortment of flno Clothing, at 147 Bay streot
T KNNKNT'S.AIaK.—26casksTenneut's superior Alo in
plot bottles, Id do Falkirk Alo, 20 do London Porter,
tornado by - apUO W. W, GOODRICH.
T )KEY WINE—A suporlor article, strongly reoommend-
od, direct from the ImportonLaud tor sale by
apl? A, BONAUD.
T EA.—Just rocolvod. 10 chests Voung and Old Hyson,
Imperial and Black Teas, In motallo packages, of supe
rior quality,- tor sule by
rah'26 ’ J. ROUSSEAU.
rjiOWNSEND’S 8AR8A1*ARIIaI.A.—1 gross old Dr Town;
_ sand's, 1 do S P Townsend’s, also, Sands’,
Bull's Sarsaparilla, Just received and tor sale by
roblO W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square.
, uod
by apl13 DAVID O’CONNOR.
pSoiCETUSCAN OIL.—A superfine Salad Oil, selected
T OBACCO—10 cases superior Virginia Gold Leaf Tobacco
12 do Diamond Twist dn. 10 boxes 91 ft, extra F3 Dora,
do do, 25 do W T Law’s best do, SO do Cnrroll's Gold Leal
do,for saleby mhO . J. V. CONNERAT k CO.
\J expressly tor this market, Just received per Philadel
phia steamer, and tor sale by
ap!18 W, W, LINCOLN, Monument Square.
T RIMMINGS —Trimming braid, coloreil silk and llneti do
colored silk, linen ana gilt buttons for children, fancy
open worked hose and luilf hose, for sale by
. _ r -igs RL .
V/ ltlco and St. Domingo do, 76 do Java do, 100 and
cheats Hyson tea. GO V. do block do, received and for sale
by . feb7 McMAHON k I)OYI,E.
"Y7INEGAR—10 bills pure older vinegar, and 10 bbla white
V wine vlnoaor, just landed toom steamship State of
Georgia, for sale by. mh22 E. W. BUKEll.
QANDLES.-60 boxes Sperm ^Candtos,^Baker k Co's liy-
TTHlTEandcolorcdcuraUnanil pavilion loops, tor sale by
drnnli c pressed : . 60 boxes Star Candlos, 100 do Ada-
mantino do, for sale by
rv received and for sale by
C ASSIMERIS.—Double width Casslmeres for tfeats and
pants, a new article worthy the attention of persons
purchasing summer goods, for sale by
mb22 J. H. COHEN & C0.,140 Broughton-st.
D IAPER.—Russsla, Scotch, Huckabuck and Birds-eye Dl-
aper, tor sale by
day por brig Kate neatli, and for sale by
W ASHING MADE EASY.—Boston Chemical Washing
Powders.—One p&cknge of these powders will make
D AMASK.—8-4 and 10-4 brown and bleached table da
mask, 8-4.8-10 and 8-12 damask table cloths’, damask
two gallons of Soft Sonp. of a superior quality for all do.
mestlo uses, just received and for sale by
nnl7 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square
napkins, breakfast and tea doyles, for sale by
I jMi DORADO TOBACCO—Of superior quality, received
j>or schr. Victory, and for sale by ^ ^
Y ANKEE NOTIONS.—Patentself-lieatlngsmootlng Irons,
patent nut crackers, clolh pins, fluid lamps, oowmllk-
, spring bottom guarded lanterns, thermometer ohurns,
Ico buckets and water fllterera. just received and for sale by
aplfl J. P COLLINS, 100 Bryan-strect.
E NGLISH PICKLra AND SAUCES.-Ju*t received. 10
down quart jars assorted English Pickles, 6 do Wor
cestershire i&iune, 6 do Jolih Bull, 6 do Reading, 6 do French
Mustard 5 do Walnut Catsup, 6 do Mushroom do, for sale
by mh20 J. ROUSSEAU.
F OR RALE—In lota to suit purchasers, 8,000 bushels Corn
66 lbs to tbu bushel, 2,000 do Oats. 32 lbs do do.
ml.3l BROWN & HARRIS, West Brood-st. Stables.
F RESH GUM DROPS.—lx>mon and Raspberry Guui Drops
mnnufactnred by J. Cheaurcau. just received by tin
‘teamer State of Georgia, and for salo by
apl 5 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Squai
T HE Tlinbcr Cutters of Kdlsto River. South Carolina,
Rpectlvely call the attention of buyers of Tlnibuv to the
Cliarleston market tor that article. They believo that they
furnish ns well got and ns large good heart Timber as can
bo found In any Southern city. By ci strange, and arbitrary
system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade In Igno
rance of tbo cheapness of tko market, the Mills of Charles
ton are enabled to mirchnso the Timber, at prices enor
mously low to the Timber cutters The latter would there
fore, Invite buyers to examine their market. The same
limber which brings In Savannah, (by the pajicrs) from 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet, Is now* selling In Cliarleston
rom4to8. janl&—lawlflt.
F FOIt SALE—A young negro woman, a first rate cook
and washer, of goo*! character; also,a mulatto woman,
B OOKS.—'The History of the Mormons, or Latter Day
Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.—their rise
a good house servant and cook. Apply to
BUNKER k OGDEN. 80 Bay-street
ASBURY HU1.L. President and Treasurer.
AUXIN* CHASE. Soc'ry. | C. F. McKAY. Actuary.
The uo'lerdjnfd. Agent of the above Company, continues
I to take Die following Risks, viz.: Marine, Rlvor and Fire
I tbu on the Lives nfScrvants.
I lirwef White Persons are also taken by this Company
I Xu extra premium for residing In tho South,
Corner of Bay and Praj-ton-strocts.
1 Iii Brooghtoiiit.
W IIL open their NEW STORE, nearly opposite St. An
drew’s Hall, west side, on Monday, the 24th instant
I where tliwy will offer, at their usual low prices, for cash or
street Flour, 60 hlnls prime Bacon Sides, 30 do dc
Shoulders, landing and for sale by
and progress—peculiar doctrines—present condition and
prospects—derived from personal observation during a real
lence among them, by Llent. Gunnison. U.8. Topographi
cal Engineers. Itecoivcdand for sale liy
dec28 S. S. SIBLEY 135 Congress street
GUOCKltlKB, Otc.
200 bids Uftltftuoro Flour, 60 do Genowiee do,
126 do Hiram Pmltbdo, 50 half do Cabal do,
126 bbbla Butter Craekcr*.26 do Bujardo, ■
' 60 boxes Soda do, 6 bags sort ahellod Almonds,
_.J,'Whole, half and quarter ooxes Raisins,
200 boxes sperm, adamantine and tallow Candles,
100 do Pale and No, 1 Soap. 25 do do do Starch.
20 dp Gronpd Ponoor, In lb papers, 200 do table Balt
100 eighth, quarter and hair cheats Tea,
200 do Tobacco, assorted qualities,
100 bags lllo Oolfnc. 60 do Java do,
60 bbls BtUnrt’s refined B k 0 BUgar,
60 do olrclo A crashed do, 10 do ground do,
20 lihds Porto lUco Sugar. 10 do New Orloans do,
10 boxes Isiafdn, 200 bbla Domestic IJonora.
20 oasos aa'd Pickles, 80,000 Begurs. n»’d siuallllcs,
60 gross Pipes, 100 reams Wrapping Paper,
60 do* Brooms, 100 Domljons. 1, 2.3 and 6 gnllons,
600 new sugar-cured Hams, 6 hlida Sides,
6 hlida Shouldors; 100 sacks Balt,
10 tlercca now.Cuha Molasses. 60 bbls do do,.
10 dp Stuart’s auga,r-hoiis6 Syrup,
And a genoral assortment of foreign Brandies and Wlnos
In store,for sale by fob26 , COHEN k TARVER
Georgia and French, Burr and Euro
pean-Mill ; Stones t Ploughs of yarluus
kinds, Eagle, Suo-Soll nnd Wrought
iSlmm • Iron Fire-proof Safes, Bhovels
and'Bpados, Manure nnd Ilay Forks,-Potato Hooks, Corn
Sheller*; Gob Crashers, Manure Drags. Cultivators, Straw
Cutters, Scythes and SneathS, {lose, Axes, Pick Axes and
Handles, Rond Scrapers, Ox Chains, ,Ox Yokes, Garden and
Fanoy Barrows. Garden Chairs. Segmtmts and Gudgeons
Sroen Wire, Hnmcs. Measures, Grist Mills, Rice Threshers,
Cauldrons. Douglass’ Pumps and Water Rams, Well Wheels,
do Buckets, Cot to u and Counter Scales. Trunks, Cotton
Hooks, Jack Scrows. Humic's Sea Island Cotton Gins and
Griswold's Upland do. Cement, Plaster, Mill and Cross Cut
Saws; also, Hand and Yard Saws. Ac. For salo by
nolQ CHA’S H. CAMPFIF3J), 171 Bay-st.
No. nWhdakir-tlrM,* " '
r\ • THE 8UR“CRinER resiieoltolty announces to the
fejolttwns of Havauunh, and of the -Interior of this
MStntc, that he has now oponod and will keep con-
/.Instore, a large assortment of the best qualities
various klrids of WINE8 AND IJQUQR8. both foreign
tlnually Instore, a large assortmentof tiie best qualities
or tho various klrids or WINE8 AND IJQUQR8. both foreign
and' domestic, Invoiced from th« best sources,and to his
stock of which, at present on hand, ho invites attention.—'.
Having had extensive experience In France as a manufac
turer, and In America as Importer and jlonlor, his acquain
tance with tbo trade enables him, to biter assurance that the
articles which arc enutnerntod below are each genuine s
Articles of Direct Importation.—French Bran
dies of various brands r Holland Gin { Bcotcb, Irish and
Monongnliola Whisky: Old Batavia Arrack t Jamaica and
8t Croix Rum.
Wlnea.—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Hock,
Claret, Hauterao and Burgundy Wlnos.
Corrtlals_ln cases. Curacoa, Maraschino, Ratafia, 81a-
valt*. Klrschenwasser, Absinth, Ac.
Ale and Porter.—Ismdon Brown Stout, and Edln'-
burgh Ale,
Also Agent tor Domostlo liquors.
nov6 : R. MAYER.
Wholesale ami Retail,
.No. 116 BroUQhtm-*l„ Utioeen Bull and iVhitaker.
THE largest nnd beat selected stock of goods ever
V olTored tor sale In this city, Gold nnd Silver Watches,
mBLVest. F'ob and Gunrd Chains. Sets of Jewelry. Chat
elaties. Bracelets, Brooches, (ln4 Diamond work Finger Rings.
SllvcrCastors, Ten Sets.Pitchers,Goblets. Cups,Cake Boskets;
Spoons, F'orks, Fish Knives, Pie Knives. Cheese Scoups,lsi- ’
dies, Synhnns. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military and
F'niicy Goods, anil a great variety of articles too numerous to
mention ; the whole of which will be sold at reduced prices.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks, JewclnrJind -other Jobbing
attended to by competent hands. dllllnfiX A’RIKEMAN.
EyV The undersigned bogs leave to inform tho Citterns
fiKjfibfSavannnh, and tlm people In tho country In geno-
ral, that lie lias taken tho Store No. 148 Broughton Street
ono door West of Dixon’s Confectionery, where he will be
pleased to make nnd repair all kinds of Clocks and Watches,
and will warrant all work with’which ho mav lie Intrusted
(Ml MR. F. STEIN, on Ilrougliton-strcct. lins just receiv-
vJL/od the finest assortment of now and fnshlnnnblo Jewel-
,f ry of all descriptions. Gold and stiver pencils and pens.
Sl stiver and silver glllcd ware and fruit bntkels. waiters;
tea sots,candlesticks, (ablennd lea spoon*: fine table,
pocket and pen knives, scissors, and a largo variety of the
finest work boxes, dressing cases, nnd writing desks for
ladle* and gentlemen, ns also a fine selection of lluliuns.
nccordlans nnd fancy article*, too numcnmi to mention;
which Uc offers at the lowost prices ever sold in this city
Tlw attention of tho public at largo, but csjorialty tliatof
the ladles. Is particularly requested. au21
ter, soda and sugar crackers, 76 boxes do, 30 cases pro-
7LOUR. Ac.—200 bbls Baltimore Hour, 30 hall bbls but-
'd peaches, 60 boxes lemon syrup, 60 do assorted cor
dials. received and for salo by
plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ-
ins present. Also. Musical Instruments In every variety,
froma Jcwsbnrp to a Church Organ, and Music in shoots
and volumes, from the Fisher’s Hornpipe, to Hay-den and
Moxart’s Masses. F'or sale bv F. ZOGBAIJM k CO.,
- f u ~
74St. Jullnnand 107 Bryan-streets.
C l IXGF.R POP BOrn.F>J—For sale by
X apl25 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Rryan-street.
T^LOUR —100 bbls Baltimore Flour, justree.eircd nnd for
J? sale by • may28 ROW I AND k CO.
K F.MITON A VERSTILLF. are now opening a finely as
sorted and omnplote stock of Summer and other Dry
G RUYKRRF, CUKESF.—One more of those fine Gruyerro
Cheese will be cut this duy at
apl4 'J. ROUSSEAU’S.
L Reynolds’Hams, for sale by
Goods, which they will offer upon the most accommodnllng
terms. As great care lias been exorcised in the selection of
Mieir slock, with a view both to price nnd quality, they con
fidently Invllo their f-lends and the public generally to call
id examine for themselves. ap!6
N EW BACON, Ac —20 casks prlmn Sides: 10 casks prime
new SI - v. ...
H AMS. Ac.—lOhbls smoked beef, do tongues, pig hams
and Bologna sausages, just received and for salo by
Alliances. Ml tuum
. staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
I to which tMw would respecttoly Invite the attention of
the cititens of Savannah, and tho merchants and planters
of this and the neighboring States. Tho stock is largo ami
I veil nelwted. consisting in part of:
I Drcii Goods—lllack nnd Fancy Silks of every width
I in.) description. Frendi nnd F.nglisli Merinos. Cashmeres.
I irislne*. Mans ll’lkircge, Barege inclines. Bombarines.
darabiroCloth. Alpiccas of every description, White and
I CAM. Hsin and Embroidered Tarlelons and Swiss.
I Embroideries—Linen Cambric Hd'kfs. Kmli’d. Plain
tad Ifem-Stltcli. Collars. Cuffs. Undersieevc*. Chinmtets,
Ftianeinj. Bands..lomnct nnd Swiss Edgings and Insertions.
Mantlllaa ntul Shawls—Bhick and colored crape
to*] lilt Mantilla*; plain and embroidered crape .Slmwls. ot
»w description; broche Slmwls; square and long Shawls;
I bbrk and colored mantilla Velvets and talma cloths.
Hosiery—ladles’ and gentlemen’s kid. sewing silk,
•ilk. ruvr silk Lisle, cotton. Berlin and cashmere Gloves;
n* lilk and merino Vests; gentlemen's raw silk, uiorino,
limb's wmd.aml cotton Undershirts and Drawers. •
Linen Dnmnak—8. 10. 12, and 16-4 Ihimask and
new drop table Cloths. 8 and 10-4 brown Dnmask Cloths,
I bbacbed and brown Damask of overy de-crlption, Damask
I and snow dmp Napkin*, nnd Ikilllo’s birds eyo Diaper, liuen
I riii|en> of every description.
Sheeting nnd Shirting.—10 and 12 4 Linen Sheet-
I log. Illlnwease Linens; 8,0.10,11 aud 12-4 bleacliod and
I l'w*n AtWmUle and UmuiUou BUoctings. bleached and
I brewn Siilrting of every description.
I Irish Linen—From the nest manufacturers.and wnr-
I nntrd all flnellax (loths, Casslmeres. nnd Vestings; lllnck
I and Blue Broad Clolh*. black and fancy Casslmeres, fancy
I Vesting*, while and colored Marseilles Vestings.
Counterpanes aud ltlmikels—8.10.11 nnd 12-4
I Maneilh** and Allendale Counterpanes; Paris and Whitney-
family Blankets.
Negro Blanki'l* of every description.
Georgia Plains. Kerseys, Flax and Colton Osnahurgs.
H AMS.—600 DufileUPs, Stagg A Shay’s and Cassaru's
Hams, for sale by
H AMS.—500 best Baltimore cured Hams, landing per
schooner Edna C, fur Rale by
H AY —100 bales prime Eastern Hay, daily expected from
Boston, for salo, to arrive, by
H OSIER!’—ladles’, misses’, gentlemen’*, ami children’s.
English and German hoslciy. a tine assortment, for
fresh, kept constantly In Ice,
jf npll8
J UST RECEIVED^—30 boxes^ Adamantine Cnndles.10 boxes
patent sperm do. In six pound boxos, for family use. for
salo by inlilO A. BONAUD
'APANED TINWARF-—Cake, sugar, spice and knife boxes,
tea nnd enffeo canisters, dressing cases aud spoon boxes,
dust pntis, kulfc washers, tumbler drainers, for snle by
ap J. P COl.UN'H, 100 Bryan street.
J USfRMnVED.—Silk*Tissuos, satin Plaid*. And printed
Bareges, barego Iteloines. figured Silks, plaid India Silk,
and black Silks, all Lillis, F'rench Jaconets and printed Or-
gnndies. F’rench Gin {bain, Embroideries. Ac.
fobifl DKwrrr a Morgan
H ENRY LATHROP a CO., offer for sale at lowest price*:
Dress Good*—French printed monslin do laines,
I English and Americsn do. new desiirns; Persian cloth, high
colored mmislln du lain, plaid raw silks. French and English
merinos. French and Scotch ghigliinns. English nnd F'rench
prints, ehancealdo glncie silks, rich brocade do, plain and
figured black do.
Embroideries—Muslin and lace collars, ehimisettos.
j under sleeves, caps and capes. Swiss and cambric edgings
aud Inserting*, thread Valencia* and lisle lace*, black silk
and blonde edgings, rich bum and linen cambric lulkfs.
Hosiery—Lillies’, misses', metis’ and hoys’, a full as-
I Mrtment of English and German; ladies’,misses’, mens’ and
| bits' merino vest*.
I “love*—Hoskin. silk cashmere, beaver, ladles’ riding
I c Goods—Jaconet plain nnd plnhl cambrics.
I e«l** muslins plain and figured, cambric dimities, corded
I »nd embroidered skirts, Ac.
I «S»c—M super Irish linens best mark. 3-4 nnd
I 7-S long lawns. 0-4 to 12-4 barnsly sheetings, pillowcase
I imviu,Scotch and Irish diapers, luicahues, 6-8 to 3-4 da-
1 "'wk mtpkins. brown ami bluo check dovle*. 8-4 to lfl-4
I N scIhhI and brown table I’Hinasks. 8-4 to 12-4 bleached da-
I Ip, , c °B"n and worste<l taldennd phmocnveni. 10-4
I to 13-1 tmlet and imperial quilts. 7-H to 5-4 furniture dlml-
I y totk'n1 shirtings, sheetings and tickings. American. F’mg-
I “'“■B'l Welsh flannels.colored French do.fancy wool plnids
w boys, plain and fancy casslmeres. tweeds. Kentucky sntl-
1 -'“and jeana. ocil
Curtain*, Curtain Goods, Ac,
T in- , ' 11 Cbm/wi ami Ao. 67 St. Jnlinn tlretU.
ith subscrilmr, knowing that tho cl the ns of Savannah
I pit ( t reilt hiteicat In the establishing of a CAR-
1,.' 1 *' l *R™I0Ut ! K. in this city, and lielng aware that many
a ?,, 0 # **Utog the completion of tho new store, so
"Mirny cmld make their selection of the varlou* arti-
11.' r " F '."HiLhl’ig theirImuses. would respectfully Inform
I public, generally, that he will this day open tlio most
O'mp eis awortment of nil the various stytes ofGIHHW
iiT v ,n ,i!nllar esbihlishmcnts. Tlie stock of the
wiersut department* will cunslst. in part, of the following
L 00 bales North River Hay, for nalo low «n
a P 123 H. K. WASHBURN, Agont.
i- Shoulders; 250 hags Rio Coffee; 160 bbls. Balti
more Flour; 201dids. prime N. O. Sugar; lOhhds. clarified
N. O. Sugar; 160 bbls. Stuart'* H. A C. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate’s No. 1 Snap; 60 boxes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bids. N.
O. Syrup; 66 lihds. Cuba Molasses; 25 tierce* do.; 25 bnr.
rels do.; 60 boxos star Candles—landing and tor sale by
j&Lb Just received at the Wholesale and Retail Hat
Store, every variety of
Spring and Summer Goods,
such as Silks, Beavers. Gossamers, Pedate. Canton, Paris,
Lono Star. Cnmpocliy. nnd others too numerous to mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnet*.
Cnll and see. and yon will be *ure to be *upplled, at the
corner of Barnard aud Bniughton-street*
mhll . BEI.PEN A CO
gPRING SILKS.—A fine assortment of strijicd nn~rplnld
Bilks, black Hummer do. black grenadine silks, a fine in
sortment of new bareges, figured stripes and phi Id. plain,
figured, plaid xnd striiied tissues, a large assortment of la
dies’ black nnd colored silk umbrellas and parasols, a largo
and line assortment of all qualities of hosiery, silk and laco
mantilla*, white nnd black net mantillas, shawl*polnlsnnd
scarfs. Swiss and luce chemteuts, light kid glove*, laco mil*
and gloves, for sale by
W INDOW SHADE?, a large nnd handsome assortment
just opened and for sale by
r yi a-fr 1°° hags prime Rio Coffee, 60 do do Java do
20 lihds Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do N. O. do
100 bbls Stuart’s B and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar. 20 do Ground do
•20 bbls Iswf Surer, 20 boxes Ix-mnn Syrup
60 do Nos. 1.2 and 8 Mackerel. 10 half do 2 do
100 do Balt. Flour,60 do H g. do, 60 do half do Chnal
10 cask* Bacon Bldo*. 6 do Shoulders
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20do Englsli Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap, 60 do Palo do, 26 do Starch
60 do Tobacco, aSsortod brands
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxos Sperm Candles
60 boxes Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do
26 do Adamantine do
60 bids old MonOngahola Whisky, 2.000 ft Codfish
200 do Whisky, Gin, Rum and Brandy
20 casks Cognac Brandy, 60 down Brooms
2 pipes Holland Gin. 2 % casks Scotch Whisky
600 gross Pipes. 100,000 SpanishBcgars
20 doxen Ilemljons, 200 reams Wrapping Paper
60 five and tbreo gallon Keg*,
landing and In itore, for salo by
Have in store, and offer, for sale, on the most
^favorable terms—
■jl6 fitula Bt • rolx Sugar, 26 do Porto lUcodo
■*25 do N Orleans do. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A, Band C Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes I/iaf do, 200 bogs Rio (Aiffee, 20 do Java do
100 hags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamaica do
160 boxes Tobacco, assorted brand* and slxo*
10 coses Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Racon Bides
25 casks Shouldors. 26 do limns, choice quality
100 bids Baltimore Flour. 60wholeand 26 hulf do Canal do
25 hlida. 60 tierces nnd 60 bbla West India Molasses
26 bids New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
25 quarter chests Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm nnd Aduniantlnu Candles
100 do No 1 and l’ulo Soap
100 bale* Gunny Coth. 300 colls Weaver’s Ropo
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 250 F lack’* do, 25 do Connecticut
River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 or casks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipe* Otnrd Brandy. 20 qr cask* do do
100 bids Miinongnhelu Whisky. 10 qr casks Port WIno
15 bbl* Mint nnd Ru“c Cordial.
Also, tho following old and very choice Liquors. In glasses :
40 doxen choice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
35 demijonsBt Croix Rum. 16 do old Jnmntca do, 1848
60 do old Monongnheln Whisky. 1846
10 do PiireJulco, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
35 doxen Scheidam Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar,
may 18
A BILL, to b« epUtipd an Ordinance to divide the city
Ihtdjtour Plipenfiary Districts, to provide tor the eleo-
tlrnyif a Dispensary Physician tor'bach of said >districts,.
ahVto declare the duties and fix * — u
id flbpprtlBtmti)
Jlepooiary, .. ... ...-
Boo, 1. Bolt ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the
city of Savannah and hamlet* tbereof in Council assembled,
and HU hereby ordained by the authority of thoreme,
1 andfix the compensation of each
--- -- - -----* -v the authority ,
n>ut from and after the passage of till* nrdinance, tb* olty
be, and it I* hereby dlvldeilloto four IMspensaryDlrtrlct*,
the first to erabraca all that part of .the. city bounded on
tho north by the Savannah river, on -.the by Jefferson-
Htroot continued to tlie rivor, op. tho south by. B<mth Broad,
street and WIUlAm-iitreet, oml on tho west by the corporate
limit* ; the second to embrace all .that part of.tlie city
boundod on tlie north by the river, nii tho east by the cor
porate UmlU, on tlie wuth by South Broad-street continu
ed to the corporate limits, and on tho treat by Jeltoraon-st.
continued to tbo river; tho third to embrace all that part
of U10 city bounded on the north by William-street and
South Broad-street, on tho east by Jeffpreon-street oontlpu-.
od to the corporate limits, on the south by the corporate
limit*, and on the west by tho coronate limits 5 and the
fourth lo embraee.aU that part of tho city hounded on the .
north by 8outb Broaa*»tre*tcontinued to thecnrporataHm-
Its, on the east by the corporate limits, on the south by
the oorporato limits,'and on the west by Jefferson-itreet con
tinued to the corporate limits, ' - , ’
Sec. 2. Bo It fbrtlier ordained by the authority aforesaid.
That there shall bo elected at the first regular mooting of
Council after the passage of this ordinance, and annually
thereafter on the first regular meeting In July, a Ills-
Bo. IMJv SwttawnlBr^P-”-—---
,W. * J. *U
‘form their men
Second street, where they Jiave on hand ' *
did assbrtnlent of shperior furnitnrt, qi
to which they Invite thrattentton ofpi
liensary Pbysiolan tor each of said districts, whose dnty It
shall be to furnish tbe'destHnte sick within the limits of
No. 131 Nm1kimi8Crt^,- i
“Mahlngiiuid 6n band F
I cy Cane Beat Clislrsric
BppBBWW J tv ofelerentahdfkshlOw.
for parlor*. dlnlng-room.^or ehambei^T!
Wood*, Imitation Wood*, and Fancy Colo—
.; Reception and Cottage Chaire, of light'
rign^ i (Mat Lounges. Cane BettePs.-Halia
House and Office Arm Chairs, large knd ,'tfmllU 'Rocking
Cttilre, Store and Steamboat Btodi-WlndaorjSalr*, and
Settees, Ac. - ' • • ■ ”
! Housekeepers, Hotel, Steamboat and Rail r
vf Ill find it tb their interest to call at the Ft
^ ^ No. 181 North 6th St (opposite t . w
Ills (list!let with necelmnry medlclnl**, to glvn them medical
aud surgical advlde and attention, to visit thorn at their
places of abode whon necessary, to attend In person, or
by competent snbstitute, at their ofilcos on evory Monday
and Thursday, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 1
o’clock, P. M., for consultation with out-door patients, and,
to keep always a competent supply of vaccine matter tor
vaccinating tho poor, and to furnish physicians, the lat
ter to pay a reasonable and proper price therefor. '
Soc. 3. Beit further ordained bv the authority aforesaid,
That tho sahl dispensary Physician* shnll bo considered,
bold and taken asofficers of the olty. and shall bo liablo to
tliosamo nenaUleli for noii-pcrforinanco or noglcct of any
of tlielr official duties as are now prescribed in tbo caso of
other city officers,
Soc. 4. Bo It furthvr ordained by the authority nforesald,
That Btich Dispensary Thyslcian before entering on the du
ties of his office shall take the oath proscribed lor city offi.
cere, and execute abond with two securities in the penal sum
of one thousand dollnrs.cnndlilnnal tor tliofaitUfui perform
ance of tho duftes of Ills office. Fkwsh Dispensary Physician*
shall receive In fall compensation tor medicine* and ser
vice*, a salary of six hundred dollars por annum, payable
Sec. 5. Be It further ordained hy the authority nforesald.
That nil ordinances and parts of ordinance* militating a-
galnst tills ordlnancH be.nnd thoHnmearo hereby repealed.
Passed In Council, Savnnnah, 14th Jttlv. 1853.
(u b] ft. WaYNE, Mayor.
Attost. EnwAHD G. Wnnov, Clork of Council. jy!7
Agricultural Wnre-Housc ai
No. 194K J/arkdittreet. Phi.
PRoujnr ft Hear
Sharpening Plot
f right and left
Extending Points. Bar-share, Beach, anJoWViod*
of Castlpgs for repairing. Tlie Emperor df Russia Awarded
>. Hill and DoptyaAft
tor the above.noughs. a Massive GoldJiedal, valu# 9300.~
Also, tho. Great Medal at th* World’*. Fair,ya* awarded,?.
A M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators withDouble-Polbt Polish-
ed Steel Teeth, which oan be reveraed, thus getting Double
Wear of tbo common 'Teeth. Also, Cultivator* of all kind*
with Steel Teeth.' . .
Corn Planters,
A.BfLL, to he entitled an ordinnneo to amend nit ordl-
IX nance untitled 1 * an ordiuanco to prevent hulls, *
@ 150 BBIi4. BaHlniure Flour, 20 do II. Smith’s
do. 20 do pure Genesee do. 20 half bbls Canal do,
260 sugar cured Hnm*.2t) lihds Bacon Sides, ICO
bbls B aud C Clarified Sugar. 25 do Crashed nnd
Ground do. 25 do New Orleans do. 15 hlids Porto Rico do, 21
boxes Ismf do. 100 bbls Domestic Liquors. 76 boxes Tohac-
co. 50 chest* Tens, 25 bids Mackerel, 26 half bids nnd kit*
do. 50 bids and 10 tes West India Molasses. 26 bbls Now Or
leans Syrup, 6 do Stuart’s do, 75 gross Matches, 100 do
I’ll* 1 *.landing and in store, for snle by
ml.24 COHEN A TAIltER.
oxen and calves, and other cattle from running at largo,"
passed in Council. F’ebrunry. 1841.
Soc. 1. Be It ordained hy the Mayor nnd Aldermen of the
oily of Savannah nnd the hamlet* thereof, In Council as
sembled, anil it is hereby ordained by the authority of the
same. That from and after the passing of this ordinance,
the provision* of tlie above recited ordinance he so amend
ed nnd extended ns to prevent hulls.cows.oxen, calvesand
other cnttle running at largo within the following limits,
vis: (iiilnnet-Rtreot on the south, prolonged east and west
lo the extended incorporate limits of the city of Savannnh
and tho hamlets thereof; the Savannnh riveron the north
and tho corporate limits of tho city of Savannah on tho
east nnd wost.
Soc. 2. Be It further nrdalnodhy the authority xtoresahl.
That allnrdfnnnceaor parts of ordinances militating against
tho provisions of this ordinance be. and the sniuo arohere
by repealed.
Passed in Council,Savannah, 10th March, 1853.
R. WAYNE. Mayor.
[Attesl] Kiiwaud G. Wilson, c. c. jnne4
Spain's Atmospheric Churns.
Corn SbeUors, improved
kinds. •: "
Hsy and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn nnd Cob Crushers,
Gedd*’ Improved Harrows,
Square end A Harrows,
Horse Rakes.
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Fumaoes,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks for unloading Hsy,
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow J’Jns,
Apple l'enrers,
Ox Muxzle.*,
Mnlo Trans,
Priming llonks and Chisels,
Saws nnd Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
lubeing for Clinln Pumps,
ORDINANCE, to incrense^tho pay of the City Consta-
picklcd do. 30 bbls No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 60
half Mils do. 20 kitts do. 60 hoxe* buckwheat, 25 half bbls
■in. received nnd for sale by
F eathers^
■ 25 IIHDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 26
do choice New Orleans do, 25 do do Cuba Molas
100bid* New Orleans nnd Cuba Syrup, Stu
art’* rectified do. 600 gallon* Sperm Oil, 300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adaniainantine Cnndlos.
25 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do. 60
do mixed mid asHorted*'mvUe«, 76 packages Teas, lttaek, Im
perial nnd Green, 160 bids A. Band C Clarified Sugar nnd
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes,
Fig*. Citron. Pickles. Raisins, Yen*t Powders. Saleratus, So
da. Ac., now In store and tor salo very low. by
— blt*s. and to require encti.orthointo keep a hor*o.
See. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor nnd Aldermen of the
City of Savannah and hamlet* thereof- in Council assem
bled, nnd It la hereby ordained by the authority of tho
same, that from nnd after the lfllh day of June, 1853, tho
pay of each City Constable shall be four hundred dollars
per annum, payable monthly, instead of the pay. now re
ceived, and each officer bmconi polled to koop a norho. nnd
In failure to do so. be fined bv the Mayor.
Sec. 2. Be It further ordained by tlie nuthorBy aforesaid,
that all ordinance* or parts of ordinances militating against
the provisions of thlsordliinncobe, and the snmo i* hereby
[L. S.l raaaed In Council. 3Mh June, 1853.
R. WAYNE, Maror.
Attest: EDWAitn G. IYiijiox, Clerk of Council. Jy3 _
Also, Horticultural Tools fnf every no*'
Turnip Prills, 4 to W.
Graut’s Patent Fan Mill*,
Garden Engines,
Wheat Drills,
Horse Powers and Threshers,
Mowing atrd Hasping Ma'
chinas, '•
Cattle Ties,
Bull Rings,
Patent Iron Snaths,
Grubbing Hoes.
Transplanting Trowols,
Hay and Manure Forks,
Shovels aqd.Spades,
Garden and Field Hoes.
Garden^Rakes In Variety,
Children'll Tools,
Darling Bey the*.
Snaths, with Patent Fasten
ing^. • • '
Potato Hooks.
, leseriptlnn.) (1
and Grass Seeds, for salo at tuo lowest pricos, at wholesale
and Retail..
No. 4 North i\fth rtret, two tlnoft abate Market,
T HE undersigned liavo just ojiened a fresh nnd complcta
stock of Wall Paper*, among which are gold atfiTvel
vet. fine satin, and tho lowest priced unglated papers; also,
decorations, borders, fire-screens, curtains, eto., which they
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale ind retail.
The best workmen employed to hang paper either In the
city or country.
Blank Book*. Stationery, rfc.—We have also our usual as.
sortment of writing papers wrapping papers, blank'and
school books, stationery, etc.
No. 4 North F’lth street, 2 doors above Market,
_ . .. Philadelphia.
JEy Cash paid for country mg*. mhlOr-eod
0 lb F'eatlicrs for sale by
10 bids superior blenched Whale Oil; lOhhls l/'nf ijird
received nnd for snlo by fel 4 MoMAHON A DOYLE.
and quality. Also, Colton Sampling aud riilk Wrap
ping Paper, tor rale by
nihflO J n. CURBKDGE.
■Congress Water warranted
may bo found at the store
-10 lihds P R Sugar. 5 do St
Croix do. 100 bills Stunrt’a do. 10 do crashed do. 26 do
:> clarified do. 100 hags lUo coffee. 60 do Java do. 50 cases
black and green tea. 100 (sixes assorted tobacco. 50.000
Spnnlsh «egnrs of various brands. 100 hhls whisky, gin.
runi nnd brandy, 6 pipes DLird brandy. 2 do Holland gin. 2
do Jamaica rum. 2 do Scotch whisky, 10 }£ casks Madeira
wine. 6 !< do Sclclly do, 5 ‘4 do ifahiga do. 60 boxes as
sorted cordials. 5 do’ clarot wine. 50 boxes pipes. 100 doxen
brooms, 100 rrnms wrapping paper. 200 hains. 100 smoked
tongues. 50 kegs lard, 100 boxes No 1 ami pnle snap. 60 bbls
Baltimore Hour. 60 whole and 15 half bids canal do. 50 grn.
matches. 60 hid* molasses. 10 bbls No 2 and fl mackerel. 20
half bids No 1 do. 10 casks porter. 10 do ale. 20 linlf boxos
loaf Hiurar. landing and In store, for sale by
S UNDRIES.—Just received. 20 bids .Stuart’* Crashed nnd
Clarified Sugar, 3 lihds New Orleans do. 10 casks, qts.
ami pints. Byns.s Isindon Porler. 25 doxen fancy handled
Brooms. 60 do assorted Scrub Brushes and doilies Lines.
30 do 2 and 3 hooped Water Pails, 25 dnx Wash Boards. 30
do Mustard, in U U*. ‘.tins. 00 boxes Beadel’s Soap. Candles,
and Starch, and 10 'uilf diesis blank Tea, in ‘4 lb. packs,
landing, nnd tor sale jy
for sale. Apply at this office.
S ALT.—30
O for snle. Apj'ly at this office.
5V\ C"ma—160 bags prime Kio, 75 do Jamaica, CO
Kplo Java.
flu Spoar—10 lihds Porto Rico, 10 do SI. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bbls ('rushed. Powdered and Clarified.
Molasskp—26 lihds Culm, 76 Idtls New Orleans.
F'LofH—150 bbls Baltimore. 75 do Canal. 60 do H Smith’s.
Bacon—15 casks Philadelphia Hams. 500 Baltimore can
vassed do. 30 lihds F-ides, 20 do Shoulders,
Potatoim—160 bhl* P nnd Mercer.
Laud ani> Codfish—25 bbls chuico Leaf I ard, 0 casks Cod
Soap, Candub and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soup. 60 do Pale do. 40 whole und hair boxes Starch, 76 do
Admnutine Candles. 26 do Sperm, 25 do Star, 160 do Patent
Ton.»cco—150 packages various brands anil qualities.
Lkjion Syrup.kc.—60 boxes lemon Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10do Brandy Peaches.
DoMKmc 1 jijconn—76 bhl* Phelps’ Gin. 60 do N E Rum, 75
•lo Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongnheln do.
Winim—^20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do cboico Madei
ra—received nnd for sale by
npl26 • McMAHON k DOYLE.
Rhyme, nod Blank Verso, hy 1/tuten Klein jay,
u lady of tho South, For sale by J. B. GUBilEDUK.
June 28
L ONDON POUTER.—10 casks llibbcrt’s Drown Stout, for
sal* hy apl 13 J. ROSSFlAU.
Codfish, 60 boxes Is-nion Syrup, 30 do assorted Cor
dials, received and for sale by
mh2l McMAHON & HOY IE.
Alabama, some very handsome embroidered hook Mus
lin and cambric point Collars ; also, Jaconet Uiidersleevcs.
F'or sale nt their old stand, corner of Congress nnd Whita-
ker-streets. ‘ jan 27
L INEN BRILIR.-Wo have just received our stock of
.Jnen Drills for men’s and boys’ wear, consisting of
buff, white, slate and figured drills, which will bo offered
:rv cheap at tho now store,
gress-Rt.—Bible iu the Family—Bible in the Counting
Annalsol Tennessee, by J. G. M Bamsey. M. I).
The Swrd and Hie Distaff, or Fair. Fat and Forty.
Maria Do Bernicve, a tile of tho Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
Thi* Race tor Kiclics, nnd some of tho pits into which the
Runners fall.
The Doubting Communicant, hy Septimus Tustlu. D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
.Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Ktherinl Softdown
and the Friend* of the New C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevnr. ortho Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
ami both hemispheres.
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. I.. M’Calla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. je28
yii).pARTN'F;RSIHP NOTICE—Tlie undersigned has this
w day associated with him Mr. Hkniiy C, Kixn. ot Glynn
county, with whom he will continue the Factorage,and Coin
mission business in this city, under tlm (inn of Him. ft Kino
jan!2 JNO. H. HUIJ„210 Hay-street.
JIBE1HAN PALM S‘»AP.—This Sonp Is prepared from llu-
J pure Palm Oil. and is warranted to ho of 11 superior
quality. Ills highly useful in clcnmiog tho skin, is very
emollient, nnd produces 1111 excellent lather. Jusl rccelv
ed and for sale by WM. W LINCOLN.
uo15 Monument Square
ROCERIES.—80 bids Stuart's refinml Sugar
boxes I-nnf Sugar, Ifl bids crashed Sugar
0 bbl* |siwdered i-ugar
60 boxes pale and No 1 Fonp. 10 hoxps loilei Sonp
25 •• N’n 1 Start’ll. 26 liuxes Pearl Starch
20 hags Java Coffee, landing for sale liv
i-y-’i-. Ml bid* No. large Mackerel,
R3--rt3l0 hid* Noil do” do
HSbs&a IU half bids No. I do
10 fin No. 2 do
30 Wvl* sugar, sudur. nnd butter Biscuits,
25 boxes soda Biscuits,
60 do Durban’* Family Soap,
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's aud Beadcll's Pearl Starch,
60 do Herrings,
landing nnd for sale hy
L*r, by tho author of
L INEN GOODS.—fl-l to 12.4 Barnsley Sheetings. 4-4 to
0-4 pillow caso Linen*, superior undressed .Shirting
Liuen*. 6-8 to 4-4 damask Nnpkln*.8-4 to 12-4 damask table
Cloths. 0-4 to 10-4 tablu Damasks. Scotch and Irish Diapers
iluckiibucs. Doivlns, otc.. forsulo by
Modern Flirtation*, a novel,by Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Prim i pie. a domestic, novel, by Mr*. Grey.
F'lirlatlons In America, or High Life in New York.
The Adventures of a Bachelor, or a inan In search of a
Brandy, fur sale by febl5 COHEN ft TARVER.
IQUORS— 6 half pipes Otard brandy,6 do Rostoau iio, 3
r i.
U pipe* Holland gin. 30 bbls Phelps’ do, 30 do domestic
brandy, 75 do whisky, received and for sale by
np!5 McMAHON ft DOYLE.
M ESS PORK—Landing per bark Milford, and for sale by
ap!4 J. V. CONNERAT ft CO.
. Wilson Fuller, and for salo by
landing per schooner H M
L IME.—300 barrels Lime,
Jenkins, for sale by
T INEN SHEETING, Pillowcase Linen and Shirting IJn
JJ ens of tho best make, for sale by
Tlie Silver Boll, or tho Heir of Motcombo Manor, hy Dr. P
H. Robinson.
Goily’s Ijidy’s Rook for July; Grnbnin’* Mngazino do;
Arthur’* Mngazino do ; Peterson’s Magazine do.
Barnuni’i* Illustrated News. No. 25, Further supply ot
elmcs of a Bell; received hy
Juno22 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
1 tures on Swift. Comirevc. Adisou. ftc.
Ranke'* Civic Wars and Monarchy in tho lflth and 17th
Life and Ixittersof the Rev. Stephen Olln, late President
of tlie Wesleyan University.
The Old House by tlio River, hy the nullior of the Owl
Creek l-ellers.
Taylor’s Memorial of tho English Martyrs.
Coieriilgu Works. vo|. rt.
Moilern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair.
F.nglisli Ijiw anil Equity Reports, being the first volume
of the year. New subscribers cun he supplied at the ori
ginal price of 912 |**r annum.
Blackwood’s Magazine for Juno.
N EW and tii-imlifiil Spring and Summer Good*, jusl re
ceived hy the hist Steamer. Viz: Barege lieLains;
irsted Barege*; Silk Tissues; Colored Sewing Filk; Drosses
iihirdSilk; Colored and Black Cimlley* and Bareges; Black
d Colored .silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black
d Colored F*. Mn-lin; Black and Colored Ginghams; Plain
and Colored Lawns; Black nnd Colored French lain brie; and
fine assortment of Black and Colored Calicoes: Plain ami
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and >1 nil Muslin;
Plaid and Striped Swiss Muslin; Filk Parasol*, very pretty;
also. Silk nnd Colton Umbrella*. All of which wu" offer on
the most accommodating terms.
\/T<iURNING GHODA.—Black Grenadine. Crape do Paris,
IVi Barege*. Alik*. Bombazines. Alpacas. Norwich ('IoIIin
id Poplins. Mourning lawns nnd French Muslins. Black
I'rnpennd l/ivo Veil*. Collars, Handkerchief*, etc., jusl ri
solved and for sale hy
mli7 DkWITT ft MORGAN.
.T-wvi '*• DiNNKRAT ft C*».. offer for sale on ae.
commodnting terms.a well assorted stock of Grn-
eerie*. Liquors.Tobacco.Segars.ftc.. viz: 130lings
EZaWlprinie Rio Coffee. 20 do (lo old Juva do, 20 hlids
Porto lUcnnnd Muscovado .Sugars.60 hhls clarified coffee do.
26 do crashed und powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack-
ago* black nnd green tea. some very superior ; 250 boxes
tobacco, various qualities. 1's. 8’s. 6’* and 10’*. 16 cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Virginias nnd Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf.
Vlgliiht gold leaf. In boxes Kl Dorado tobacco. 176.000 kui**-
rinr Havana Aegnrs. 10 half pipes (Hard. Ilnpiiy ft Co. Bran
dy, 20 half nnd quarter casks I 'intern. Mnilc), Fnzernc, ftc.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Istui* do, 5 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix nnd Jamaica Kmn, .10
half pipe* and 16 quarter casks superior Mndaira Winn, 25
•ibis old Monongnheln WIsky. 25 quarter casksTenerlffu, 30
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bids gin, whisky nnd rum. 100 boxes
N'o. 1 nnd fninily soap. 50 Ho starch. 50 do adamantine can
dle*. 60 do billow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 15 do shoulders.
30 hhd* West India Molasses, 40 bbl* and tes do, 25 bbl* N
Orleans Ho. together with every other articto usually found
at the wholesale grocery store*. junefi
E XTRACT of an Ordinance, passed August 2. 1839. enti
tled an 1 ' Ordinance defining what shall be considered
pucllc nuisances, and for tho prevention, punishment nnd
removal of tho mime.’’
Sec. 10. Be Itfurthor erdnined, That It shnll not lie law
ful for any cow. steer, heifer or calf to ho or go at large
within the limit* of tho city, from the selling ol tliosnn to
the rising of the same ; and the owners of such catllo so
found at large, shall forfeit nnd pay a sum not exceeding
five dollars for ouch nnd every time any such anlmnl shall
he found at large ; nnd it shall be the duty of the City Mar-
dial and City Constables to take such cattlo so found at
bitgo. contrary to tho provisions of this ordinance, and Im
pound thorn until the snhl fine and all costs are paid, and if
the animal bo not claimed within five days, it shall be Die
duty of tho City Marshal to sell the snmo at the pound, first
giving at least flvo days’ notire In ono of the public gazettes
of the city of the description of the anlmnl nnd tho timo
nnd plnco of sale, and ho shall pay <ho nett proceeds, after
deducting the fine nnd costs, into tho City Treasury, subject
to tho order of Connell, who may and shall order the same
to be paid to the owner of such anlmnl when rennlrod
Sec. 11. Bo It further ordained. Tlint any hull found at
large within the limits of the city, shall lie considered as a
nuisance, and may he klllod by any person juno24
F I AI.L ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with appropri
ate devices, omlxissed Inn now style. In plain and fancy
e, dor*. goals of every description, with or without presses.
Envelope* printed with name, business and address, tabid*,
bill bond*, manufacturer’* tickets, ftc.. *11 executed In the
neatest manner end *t prices 25 per cent, below any simi
lar establishment, in consequence of better and improved
facilities for the execution of such work,
X. B.—All orders by mail promptly attended to. Goods
sent to any purl of the countrv. •
„ , f. B. CAI.VFIRT ft CO..
Envelope and Feal Pres* Manufacturer*. Die Sinkers, Ember,
sera and Fi-ngravers, 48 South 3d-at., Philadelphia.
. mh20
A RCHER ft WARNEH. Manufacturers. No 110 Chest jut-
street. Philadelphia,respectfully solicit tho nttenti in of
purchaser*, to tlielr assortment of chandeliers, bracket*,
pemlnnt*. and evory description of gas bumors; also every
vnrlety of lamps, girandole*, ftc. We warrant our goods
equnl in aunllty. nnd our prices as lowas any other esisb.
lishment In the country.
Tlm Trade supplied with burners, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps, fto.. nt reduced prices.
Ellis S. Archer, I William F. Mlakey,
Redwood F'. Warner, | Wm. O. B.-Merrill.
O RDINANCF: PASSED 3D JUNK. 1852.—Soc. 10. Be it
further ordained by tbo authority aforesaid. That from
and after tlm day of publication of the preparation of said
laurel Grnrn Cemetery shall bo inailo by the Mayor a* n-
bove provided for. it shall not be lawful to Inter any dead
body in uuy other ptuco within tho enrparate limits of tho
city of Savannah, than in the said laurel Grove Uoinctery
and in Hie present Hebrew Cemetery, and any person who
shall so Inter or cause lo lie interred, or be in any manner
concerned in Interring any .dead body within the corporate in laurel Grove Cemetery and said Hebrew Ce
metery. shall be subject to a fine nf five hundred dollars, to
bo recovered on information before the Mayor of tho city.
A turn extract,
jy3 EDWARD O. WILSON, Clerk of Council.
(Sg The subscriber has just received a large number ol
JRrl Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves, which he will dispose of
”-^Con accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stove*. Tlie Republic, lady ol
Hie Jake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of tho West. Empire
Premium.’Eastern Premium. Parlor nnd office Stoves.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet. Iron, (air tight) Hquaqj and
oval. Six Plate. Box Stove*.
Hollow Ware Pot*. Kettle*. Oven*. Spider*. Sauce Pan*,
ftc. ftc. Plain nnd Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, nnd manu
factured nt short notice. Order* for Roofing, Gutters, and
U’adcrs,attended to with punctuality.
Nos. 10 und 12 Barimrd street
Mustard, in largo and amall cans, nlso in Imltte*. Just
■ecnivcd and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN.
mli4 Monument Square.
S ARDINES, ftc.—10 wes whole. Iiali imd quarter boxes
•cirdines, 10 dozen canisters fre.-h salmon. 10 do do lob
ster*. fi do jar* pickled do. 0 do bottles tomato catsup, just
received mid for salo by npl2l J. ROUSSEAU.
I ARD.—25 Idds and 8(i kegs prime Lard, landing from tlio
J brig Kate Heath, from New Orleans, mil for sale by
< The Hubscrihor having purrliascd the on
/j^ySIteSgjtlve business of F. Z , miiui;si ft Cn., of which
‘I'l^firm lio has heretofore been tho acting
nd tor sale by
Vtatnes. laud-
M ANTILLAS.—Silk, crape nnd grenadine mantillas, new
styles, Just received nnd for sale by
mh31 DkWITT ft MORGAN.
D ON QUIXOTE DE 1.A M ASCII A" by Miguel deSe
tez Saavedra, a revised translation based on those «l
M ATTING CLA8PS and leather-beaded tacks, for snlo by
rah24 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-st.
, i ,,luiyni voivei. lapesiry urus-
. BruHiolK, velvet, tapestry and Brussels
ni.i . irf « ply. superfine, flno and common ingrain,
rr" 0 «4 tofilvl Venltinnfnr stairs, halls, ftc., druggets,
I hearth-.* n ^ ' n every variety of patterns.
iii« ” r W’ I'* r ' l,r n °d stoop mats, table and piano covers.
I and octagon stair rods, stair linen, ftc!
for {. i, every width from one to eight yards.
I dlnin 8 rooms, steamboat*, saloons, ftc., rose
1° an '^ B mall-flgured furniture oil cloths. 4-4,
rwL , **''*• 3gured India rubber cloth for stairs,
ft nd worsted damask dolalne. worsted
unsn darassk delaine, flguroil and plain damasks, va.
iVh.a 10 ”’ w,lite ftn<1 ,JU,T ’ ^ or shades.
I li/m I , Shades—Transparent, landscape, modal
loorC/? r * an i^' K°1<1- entirely
tassel*. tiHwiiiur »iti, .n n,o ...-t/.
iiwh... -w" style, cord,
ta ™lmnd',hal l ' ier ***• various trimmings for
l 00 ?" an, l P' n "< the groat-
*ht«k miff J ln '' l’ atl orns,oftlio Latest importation, all o
A wholesale or retail, on the most
WM. II. GUION. Agent.
140 Congress and 67 St. Jullan st*.
. lt ‘y“'l'l'-lRsAST ft CO. have this day received per
" «* r«.M m htate °f Georgia, an excellent assortment of
■ J*' ,u, nmer wear.
I Mitk*.^M , J?i' WTn . e * eon i figured and printed Grenadines,
■ l CnIore ’L
Jacnn«» *!r ^ l ' no Silks, lAdlos necdlo work collars.
JMonct and organdy muslins.
I P»rllenUtK?5 J French. English and American rrinls,
I *A hwISlf ^•’"Irabjo styles.
I te'rrti^ Ur " 7 Morlmo 'it «r cambric nnd Swiss edgings and
I dsrfnr m further supplies by tho steamers
I ^Wilkl| nUl ' 178 ,irou 8 ,llon aireut, ophite ttelnt
I thsg'ssspk In store, to which they
. New Orleans do, fur salo by
N APOLEON’S BITTERS, a suporlor article for tho cure
of dyspepsia, want of appetite, fever and ague, debility,
and all complaints arising from a derangement of the ner
vous system, for sale by A. BONAUD,
mlilO corner Whittaker and Bay streets.
Mutteiix. Jarvis andSmollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the Elementary Geology on tbo Ancient
Changes of tlm Forth nnd it* Inhabitant*, ns illustrated by
geological SirCliarles l.yelt, M. A., F. R. S,.
author of the Principles o Geology, ftc.
Home Picture*, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil War* and Monarchy In France In the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du
ring thnt period, by Is>opnld Ranke,
Bnrnum’s Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
julyfl J. B. CUBREBGF.
B AGGING AND ROPE—10« halmGnnny Cloth. 350 coil*
New York machine stretched Rope, for sale hy
C OF'FEK .SUGAR, ftG—200 sucks Rio coffee, 104» do La-
guayra do. 50 Isixes g'ound du. 10 hlnls N O sugar. 10
do Muscovado nnd Porto Ulcodn, 75 bbl* crashed do. 76 do
powdered do. 60 case* Hyson lea. 40 do Mack do. 60 boxes
pure ground pepper. 60 do ginger, received and lor saleby
apl5 McMAHON ft DOYLE.
In Savannah, would respectfully Invite
the attention of those In want of anything in the musical
lino to Ids ■•stahlislnnent. FTom many year*’ exiierieneo in prnfcsxhnuil and business matters connected with
Mr. M. feel* liiim-eir fully qualified to proffer his ser
vice.. In the selection of music and instrument* or tlio fnl-
1‘iit of order*, with the assurance of his utmost seal null
industry in his endeavor to deserve tho patronage nnd con
fidence of tho public. G. B. MITCHELL.
junel4 successor to F. Zogbnnm ft Co.
No. 147 Bat/ Street.
All persons of taste nnd refinmnent—those having
I u line regard for comfort ami jiersonnl appearance, may
lat all times select any and every article for their warn-
•robe, from one of the largest assortments of tlio Very
Best Goods in thi* country; either in Keudy Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing aril
cle* of everv description and quality ton numerous to men
ti»n Call und see. PRICE ft VEADER.
/~\ATS—Prime Maryland Oats, for sale by
V." feblft R&WIAND ft CO.
f\ATS—Landing from brig Mary Chappell,from Baltimore.
\J and will bo told low on tbo wharf, by'
mh8 H. K. WASHBURN, Agent
O SNABURG8. ftC.—Plain and striped cotton osnahurgs,
flax nsmlburgs. shirting stripes, heavy brown shlrtinng
nnd sheotings, bluo drillings nnd denims, with a talr as-
sortment of plantation dry good*, for sale by
135 (Congress-street.—Wo received so many new books
yesterday, Unit we cannot find time to enumerate them.
F'rotn grave to gay.
Religious, Literary Scientific, Humorous and Interesting.
We invite nnr friends to call anil examine tho largest varie
ty of light readlug over offered In thl* city. Also,
Graham’s Mngazino tor July; Gody’s lady’s Book.
Blackwood’s Magazine; Ilnrnum’s Illustrated News.
Gleason's I’ictoral. ftc. junc22
ry i
toilet and an efficient remedy for the headneh. fanll-
ne*s. languor, rheumatic pulns, ftc. Just received nnd for
sale by * W. W LINCOLN,
nplil Monument Square.
ed bv vessels wanting heavy freight for New York, on
application to tnh5 WILLIS ft BRUNDAGE.
F LUID MAGNESIA.—This condensed solution is a rery
Bgrecnblo and efficient form for tbo administration nf
Magnesia, and Is very useful In Naucea, Acidity or the
Stomach, Sea Sickness and Dyspepsia, tor sale by
mli22 W. W. I.LNCOIJ4. Monument-Square.
M D. MURPHY. 21 Unit-krai, would respectfully
I inform hi* friends and the public generally, that ho
I has received tils spring style* for gentlemen, among
.which will bo found a* rich and fine fancy Casslmeres,
Vestings, ftc.. a* have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and In tho best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and Judge for
hemselves. mhll
R 1
Clifton, a story of.School Life, by C. Adams.
Tlio Old F’orost Ranger, or Wild Sports of India,
P IG HAMS.—2 bbls just received and for salo by
mh20 A. B0NA1
P IG HAM3—Just received 2 bbl* Pig Hams: tor sale by
fmhlO ' A. BONAUD,
P IG HAMS—3 bbls of pig hams just received and for sale
by splO A; BONAUD.
P ORTER AND ALE.—26 casks superior Porter and R.
Byass’ Ale, In pints, for sale by
apll J. V. CONNERAT ft 00.
'anger, or Wild S|iorts of India, by MaJ.
Walter Cambell and Frank F'orester.
A New History of the World, giving nn account of the
various Revolutions In Europe and America, to tho present
timo, by H. White, B. A..
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. B.
Tlio Relieve, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine fur July, nn interesting number,
l’utnnm’s Magazine for July.
Barnum’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Pictoral, ftc.
C HEAP CASH STORE—CnrnprofWhitakernndCongress
streets.—Tho subscribers liavo Just iwcolred per Ala
bama, a fresh supply of Three-Ply and In/inln Carpets, on •
tirely new patterns. Also, fl-4 ami 8-4F’loorOil Cloth, which
will be sold at unusunl low prices.
quart bottles, In prime order, for salo by
mb2fl a. BONAUD.
JL/«jI.h«_ '*. . ,n store, io wnicn mey are
ilock of V U,B "toamors, a largo and elegant
the lowett aml Goods, whfch they are soiling at
I theTn ai .
I Printout Jill'*® 1 con «teUng In j»rt of the ^Rowing;
P F.R SCHR. ENCHANTRESS, from Now York—25 hbl*
New England Rum, 20 half bbls No 1 Mackerel, 26 do
No 3 do, for sale by mbs CRANE ft H01XXIMBE.
P ARASOIH.—A handsome assortmentof Parasolsand l*
(lies’Umbrellas, for salo by
- Boston School Ifictlnnary, F’itcli’s Mapping Plates.
Plerpont’s American First Class Book,
Isiunils’ Ffiemontsof Algebra.
Youman’s Class Book of Cliomestry.
Quackenbn’s First Is’sson* In Flnglish Composition.
Parley’s Common School History. Dulllo»’*I|ptin Reader.
A furlhor supply received ami for snlo by
innyl8 S. S. SIBLEY. 135 Congress streot.
I w 1 1 Mu,lln *
u *a<itt' Kid ' 8iik
I *
kj& 4 «>l’d linen D,
>«rinuSn? 00dj ‘ ° f fcU UB ' n _
linen and Gitton Sheetings
Pillowcase Linens
Irish do
BSrdsejo Diaper*
Towels and Diaper
Linen Damask
Dnmask Napkins
Bleacliod and Brown Muslins
Furniture Trimmings
Pavilion Law nnd Not
Umbrellas and .Parasol*
Swiss, Ja«onat and Plaid Mus
D ATTE8 -Just recoivod, a fresh supply of Imported PatUs
L with Trufies—1 dozen Terrins ile F’ols ih “ — - *
j „ - v~zz ••» /ol* de Gras Truffes. 1
j ^Becasslnes do, 1 do do de Pcrdreaux do, 1 do
do Fois Gras, for sale by mh20 A. BUNAUD.
colved, 6 bbl* Pig Items. 6 half do Pig Pork, and 10 half
Haw’s Corned Beef; tor sale by
T HE MASONIC MANUK!,, by Robert Macoy. pocket edi-
tinn. beautifully Illustrated and In tho most courenl.
ent form yot published.
Also, the Masonjc Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and
Odes, suited tn evory occasion in lodge or celebrations.
Both new works recoully published.and highly wnrthv the
attention of tho Craft. Jpst received and for snlo nt the
Book Store or 8. 8 SIBLEY,
no8 135 (Jongroas-streef
P REPARE FOR WET WEATHER.—Tlio aulMcibcr has re
ceived a large lot of Indian Robber Goods, consisting
of overcoats, leggings, and glove*, for salo low by
WM. R. SYMONS, Draper and Tailor,
•P>8 ; 11 VriilUkerMnit
W THORNE WH.LIA5IS has recnivcil Simms’ Sword
• and Distaff, nr F'nir Fat and F'orty of tiio South ut
■p UM—40 barrel* L Felton ft Son’s Boston rum, landing
XL from brig Clement, and for sale by
j*p!28 BRIOHAM. KK1J,Y ft CO.
I H |SfV' car ^' ^'U*. 15 keg* Biittci
■ 1m Yji* W boxes Clieeso, 25, do Pickles
6 nr Mi’i/S 0 !? 1 ! 80 Adumantino do
- n M^J^^. Wl L°’.^-^ Wl>ifoWlne Vinegar
CJYRUP.—250 bbls Portland Sjmipi landing and tor sale
p; byj ’ mhl6 COHEN ft FOSDICK.
'Y V. • mu nun cnoico :
do Porto Rico atid Muscovado do; 150 bbls Stuarts
A B ft C do.; 160 do Coffeo Sugar B ft 0 do i 25 do cashed
<1°In fctore, and tor sale eUeanby ,
the close of the Revolution, W. Gilmore Bln: .
Maria De Bernlere, a tale of the Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
Thompson's Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and House
hold Surgery, revised hy Dr. Henry H Smith.
John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Char
acter. Including Wm Wirt, by F. W. Thema.
The Medical Journal of Medical Science for July.
Iadys’ .Book nnd Eclectic Magazine for July.
■ Poems by Thomas Buchanan, revised New York edition.
Tlio Boyhood of Great Men. wllh Illustrations.
Home Picture, by Mrs. M. 8. Denison.
McClIntoek ft Cook's W Book In Latin. JylO
- gar. 25 half bbls Lnnf Sugnr. 40 bbl* Nos.*>and3 Mack
erel. 20 half bids Nos. 1 and 2 do, 50 bbla I' ft H Gin, now
lauding and for salo low by
. .. sloto linens, gras* linens, white hollnnd*, summe.
cloths, casslmeres. cottonadcs, chambrays, linen lustres, ftc
or sale at the owest price, by
ap!6 DkWITT ft MORGAN.
1 ^ n LIGHTS OF’ 8ASH from 7X9 to 12X20 ; 200
1 U.uWU palrBllndstorWlndows.from8X10 to 12X20;
100 Itennl Dnnr- —*—-
100 ltenel noor*. vnrlous sizes.
Odd Sizes furnished on tlio same terms. Forsale bv
WM. R. SYMONS. Drapkr asd Tailou, A’o.
117 Whitalier sfreris. rviqwctfuUy solicits the]
lnttentlon of his friends and the public In gen-
_uoral. to his largo stock of Ready-made Cloth-
Ing, suitable fur the present and coming season. It has all
bom made up under his personal superintendence, an 1 for
style and durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to
be found in tlie niarkeL
Tho following comprise a portion of the stock: Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths ; black,
brab d'eto Frocks and Sacks ; linen dock, drill and fancy
linen Frocks nnd Sacks; India grass, silk and brown liuen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy F'rench casslmeres. black doe-skin cassl-
inere, black drab il’eto and spring tweed cassimere, white
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vest* of black satin, blnck baratben. and fancy silks, fan
cy nnd white Marseilles, figured atid striped linens.
Also, a largo stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
gloves, susiienders. cravats, collar*, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton sock*, silk and
^luim umbrellas, eto.. etc.
ho whole of which he offers tor salo on accommodating
term*, and at price* a* cheap as the cheapest, *p!3
tentinn of tho public 1* respectfully called to Uio abovo
* • “* ite. which f
named ware, as lielng a sublltute. which for uso is warrant
ed to be equally ns good. It Is a harder nielal than silver,
consequently will bear rougher u-iage. • It 1* a combination
or perfectly pure metal*, and Is as free from corrosion as
silver. Fteory article will bo warranted to retain its origin
al color. It consist* In part of. the following; to bio and
dc**«rt fork*, tea. tablo and dcstoft spoons, ftc., justre-
ecivod and for wile by
' may! J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-strect
C ARPFTING.—Received por.stonmer Alabama, and tbl*
day opeulug. Brussels. Tapestry Velvet, Im|>erte|. In-
grill» and Three-Ply Candling, comprising a large variety of
Htyle* and qualities, all of which will he offered at the low-
t market price, by
Laroche, bowne ft oo.
- DRAPER ANDTAlI/JR., 98 Bryan k., ftimnnaA. Oa.
I —Gratefnl to my friends and the public In goneral
Ifor their liberal patronage horototore extended to me,
.p now offer them a greatei Inducement than ever, as
I hato just received my Fall and. Winter 8tock or En
glish. F'rench and Gorman Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy
Doeskin and Cassimere, Black and Fancy Silk and Batin and
Embroidered Vestings; nlso a very rich article; of Evening
Vesting, which I am prepared to mako to order, in the most
ruHbioiiable style. Also a large and well selected atock of
mk.y’8 axti noTH’ Munr-WAPB ct/mnxo.
together with a largo supply of Shirt*. Socks, Suspenders,
Gloves, (biters. Merino and Bilk Dndershlrta and ■ Drawers,
Hdts. Caps. Trunks, Vnlices. ftc.. all of which will bo sold at
prices to giro goneral satlslactlon nor5
M R. A. BONAUD. raving taken the store nt tlia corner
•ol~ ' 1
ofBaynnd Whitaker-streets, would respectfuRy call
the attention of lit* friends and the public in general, to Ills
assorted stock of liquors and Cigars, which he l* prepared
to aell in quantities to suit purchasers,I ■'
Mr. B. has also constantly on hand a large assortment
of Sauces, Fruit and Jama In Jarif, which he fiat tors himself
- - ’will snlj themozt epicurean tastes. . ’ nol
illittaUndfl " —
Offers for sale, a largo Assortment of Cloths. Css-
Jlshneres and Vesting*; consisting In part of tlio fid-
ill towing articles, seleotcd by himself during the past
summer in London and Pans, which ho will make up to or
der id Uio best stylo of workmanship,' and nt tho shortest
notico. His stock of Headytnado Cluthing aud of Furnteh-
ing Goods, tor gentlemen’s wear, is very toive and pf the
best quality and style—the whole of It made thte tell under
his own Inspection, and will be.Hold at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit ;—French black, blue, brown and
olive Cloths; fonojr French and English Casslmeres; fancy
Bilk Vegtlng,tfui>er ( fancy Bilk Plash Verttogst hlAck Bar-
THE Alterations and improvements in
Bslore. Inclinlinga fine Show Room tor Piano
| ^ If Fortes, and ii Music Deparlmenl for Ladle
lielng now rmnptnted. we would Invite tlio at
tention of the musical public to our stock.ciimprislug every
avlicle in the line, which can bo furnished (wholesale und
retail) nt New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart ft Co...I. B. Dunham, and
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. 7.0GBAI M ft CO., imjiorlers,
Nos. 74 St. Jullnn and 107 Bryan-streets.
iler.7 Next to Market Square
No 17 Whitaker Ural. Savannah.
Ha* just opened a large and choice variety of Xkw
Hi'iu.vo ash SrMMKU OiMins. consisting in part of black,
lienreil and fancy French Casslmeres ; black and col
ored Cashmere; Cloths and Caslimmett*; white and
fancy Linen Drills; with a largo assortmentof fancy Mar
seilles and IJtiPii Vestings, all of which lie is prepared to
make up to order in tho most fashionable style, and on no .
commmlating terms * a|>5
M ESSRS. COHEN ft HANNON respectfully announce to
tho citizens iff Savannah that they are now prepared
to do nil kinds of work in their lino.: at their new shop,
near lliecorner of Broughton and Drayton-sts. They have
established the following as their rates of charges; F'or a
single shar- 1 "<\ ; per month, for 2 nr three times per week
76c.: 4 time* n wcok $1 ; 6 or 0 times a week $1 60; evory
day $1 76 por month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26o.
Mr. COHEN will always hold himself in readiness to nt-
tend to orders from thosn who may require his services at
their homes. nov8
L iquors and ivinfh —12 lmir pipe* otnrd. nupuy ft
Co’s F'rench Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
low priced F'rench Brandy; 30quartcr casks Domestic do, 60
bbls do do. 76 do P ft II Rye Gin, 150 do E Phelps’ do. 8 pipes
bbls do do. 76 do P ft II Rye Gin, 150 do E Phelps’ do. 0 pipes
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Applo Brandy. 8 do pure Gcor
gia Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky, flO do white Baltimore
do, 30 do old Westminster Mooongahola do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo. lOOdoN. F.. Rum,26 quarter casks
Madeira Wine. lOelghth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pipes do do, 20 quarter cask* Brown Sherry Wino,
40 banket* Champagne do. For salo by
T JIK Subscriber ha* on haml a fine and well selected
Stock of Imported pure Wines, Liquors and Segara,'
comprising the following :
Ilramty—10 half pli>es Otard, Dnpuy ft Co. ; 3 do do
old Henncssy ; 2 do do Hnzenic, 1802 j 2 do do Jean Isiuis,
1800 ; 8 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wines—l half pipe* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London Particular ; 8 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry
Wino ; 20 casks Cterot; 40 baskets Champagne.
Scfrnrs—20.000 Rio Honda ; 10,000 La Cruls ; 6,000.
La Union ; 10.000 la Patria ; 25,000 Trabucas.
Kiuicy Groceries.—A largo supply, such as imported
Cordtela, ky--li«h Pickles and Sauces, lVeservc*. Sweetmeats,
Prunes and Jeiiien. For salo by A. BONAUD,
doB Coroor of Ilay and Whltaker-Ktreets.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for rostori ng grey hair to
Its original color. . It Is guaranteed by the Proprietor,
hat If tlie patient is grey, he can.have nls hair restored to.
its original color by using J/iret’s Wahpene. For Bale. by
- — W W ,,unuw ftr^. /
, LINCOLN, Monument Square.'
T liE YOUNG MAR00NEK8. by Rev, F. R. Ooulding. A
further supply just received and tor sale it tho book
furlhcr supply just roccl ,
store of may 6 8. 8. SIBLEY, 135 Congross-st.
A REVIEW of tho. Spiritual Manifestation*, read, before
the Congregational Association of N. York arid .Brook
lyn, by Kev Charles Beecher. v
Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches of the
Canaries,'the Capo de Verde, Liberia. MadHra, Sierra Le
one, and other place* of Interest on the west coast or Afri
ca—by Horatio Bridge,U 8 Navy; odlted by Natbanlol
Ifawthome. .
Silver and Pewter, or contrast of New York Life.
Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence of Tims Moore-
edited by thi) Right lion, l/ird John Russell, M P.
Barnum’s Illustrated News, No.' 20. Received br
mny20 Jj n.'CUBBEDGIS.
ftc.—I Ml iibls Balthnore Flour, 76 bbls Hiram
. Smith’s do, 20 half bbls Fulton. Market Beef, No* 1 Arid
2 Mackerel, received and for sale by
Junel2 McMAHON ft DOYLE-
ClALAD On..--Just received a superior artlclo of BqK
O oiL for table dseyftc.. for rale'by ’ .
Jnnei - ■ - w. W. IJNOOlif; Monument Bqu*rV
w ^f rn AVrtAante. Manufaciurtreand othi-rx.
TXTATSON ft COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Clotli
T V Manufacturers, No. 40 North F'ront-stroet, Philadel
phia. whore can always bo found every artlolo In their line,
nr manufactured to order at short notice. Orders by mail
or othorwlaegmllclted. Janl8—eodtlapl
117 Chatnvl-'kreel, below iUirth. north title, Philadelphia,
W E Inform merclmnts and residents of this vicinity, jliat
the most comploto assortment of Mantel. Rler, Wnl
. „ the most comploto assortment of Mantel. Pier, Wnli
nnd Oval Glasses, richest styles, for private use, or all kinds
tor country sale, with Portrait andPIcture Frames, ftc.,w ill
lie nmnd at our establishment.
Ising experience anil large facilities enable us to sell (ha
best goods at lowest pricos.
Dimension* being glron, wo will give estimates for any
teed Mirrors, delivered froo from breakage, nt any point.
Ordera noUcltod.
F'rench Hato Glass, tor Stores, Dwellings, fto., at linporln-
tion prices. THUMAS J. NATT ft CO'
fl^HFl subscriber Iih.v just received per late arrivals, a
X large and fresh stock of the richest and newest style*
of Velvet. Tapestrv, Brussels, three-ply Ingrain and Veni-
Han (Virpetlug*. all of which are offered on the most dorir-
nblc terras.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Covers, Mat'
ting. ftc. . .
Purchasers nre requested to make an early examination
us strung iiiduceniciils will 1» held out to cash buyers.
, , K. B. WALKFIR, 100 Chostout-street,
julil(—laivtf Mow 8th. South alilo, PhRadelpliia.
Take Notice.
R J. WILLIAMS, Nn. 12. North Sixth-street, a few doors
• above Market-street. Huladqphia, Is the moat oxten-
wivo mill tM'st innuufaetiirer or Window Blind* and Shades
iii t he United Stales, aud has taken tho highest premiums
at nil the exhibition*; bo buys the best materials by whole-
sal • cheaper for Cash then otlipr* pay for Inferior articles hy
retell, and cuu. therefore, sell sii|ieriiir Venetian Utlmte and
«V. a . cl,rH1 ' IU others ask forlntorlorarticles. Painted
R Indow Shades In great variety, of beautiful dealptiH and
sii|»erior quality, null nnd White Uneit SImites, Blind nud
•Mia.le Trimmings. Fixtures, ftc.. wholesale and retail, at
the lowest cash prices. Store Shade* painted and lettered
to order. Bred Blind* nt manufiiolurers’pricoa. Old Blinds
painted to look nn good as now. Purchaser*, by calling,
will he convinced that lie sells a superior nrtlcle. andtuar-
antocn hill satisfaction. A lilwral discount made to dealer*
“ Wekuily topleane."
, BENJ. ,1. W11JJAMS.
aplfl—eod No. 12 North Oth-strect, Hilfo.
F I/U’ll, BACON, ftc.—200 bbls superfine Howard street
Flour. 60 hlids prime new Bacon Hides, 20 do do Should-
its. 30 hbl* nud 60 keg* l^»af isird. landing nnd for sals hr
fT^O THE LADIFS.—Wo would respectfully call the alien-
A tion nf the ladle* iffHavnnnali.and sourrouniUng coun
try, to tlie following new and benutifulgnods which.wehnvr
just recoivod. viz ; silk Purls mantillas, laced gimp mantil
la*, black, nett scurf* col’d. ueet scarfs, ladles ornvata ami
tie*. French worked collars, Inccd cu;ies,diemlzetts'aDd qn-
der sleovez. onnnetrlhhoii.guuzo ciip ribbon, black Velvet
ribbon Alexandre* light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
silk and Hslo gloves, with a largo variety of other articles
ton.numerous to mention, ricnsocal! and mo for tour-
salves ; all of which will be sold on the best! possible fermi .
by_ 1 Mkl9 AIKIN ft BURNa
L AMP OIL VINEGAR, ftc.—Just received 10 bhisbleteb-
eil Whale Oil, 10 do White Vinegar, lOdoNoTMri*.
orol, 6 do Scotch Herring. 30 boxes smoked Herring, 60 do
— J,,J **- Candles, 4#, 6* and 8*. 25 do do
Beadell's tallow aud sperm Cnuuicn, w, u* »uu oa, uo ho
family Soap. 00 do ground Coffee and MnsturJ, 3 iibds New
Orleans Sugar, 20 bbls Stuart’s crashed, ground and clari
fied Sugars, nml 2 hhds Codfish, for sale at tho corner of
Broughton and Drayton streets,by
nih!2 DAVinO'CONNER.
J UST RECEIVED—We haro just recelvsd t a fresh hup
ply of ladle*’ merino, gauze,, silk , and -ootton Vesta.
Misses and tpfant’a merino vests, genta silk, merino, gauze
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of linen camhrie
handkerchiefs, ladles’ and misses’ white and brovn-cotton
* ndbl * ck * i,k do ’? odU white,hrosrnapdmix
ed half hose, gents white and black ailk do do; together
with a large assortment of white, and colored linen cam
brie handkerchiefs, oolored and black «Uk cravat*. Stocks
and ties, for sale low by
Jmh25 AIKIN ft B
JIIAWLS. ftc.—Super, and <
rape shawl* w1
lutiful, goods,;
- and embroidered..vandyke collars .beautiful m
sorted parasols, plate, striped find checked gla^c iulki, inm.
mer do, bareges, tissue* and grenadines, colored and-whtte
* ’ uiilv mmlln- - I , 1 - - — - -
inconot nml cmair mnjlw, > Ini^o nwortnient ol Irilh
linens, French printed cambrics. -.
118 Brooghton-stif t
OPRING AND SUMMER BILKS—A new aJsortm.'iit or •
kJ stripe* and plaid, new j ‘ * * ' - ' ‘
— — HH4 whlto and black sew*
wifi colored : ailk maptiUa^irbUa
and colored crane shawls, bhek kwan s|Ika. black bareges
*'^^“ 0 ®^WMkand lead French gtojj^mMMsde^
u e*. colored ailk gloros, damask linert napkins and doyleg,
birds-eye diaper,lonif lawn*,: linen cambric hdkfr.,fte.:fbr
Mle at tho lowest price* by . •
apl22 DxWlTT ft MORGAN,
I ’l ABIES’ DRESS GOODS.—Wnted bigamfissji
J baregea; Jaconets, lawns.' tissue*,, glace *U
Paris, French cambric*, India, alljte,-./ipuei*
sw|ss mull, nansook and cambrto muijih*;
lustre*, fcie.'i foe tale at the lowest price by;-'- . v ■ v
apl22 , ■ .iPxWrFr.ft/H -
11 UTTER, CHEESE, fcc.—30 ki
Jj lOOboxc *
100 boxes do Ooshea —
160 do do Raisin*; :B0 half ai
hair, quarter and eighth bbl* Buckwbeit ,- 20
•J p-y'J.> .80 (to He-UMfilul Sp/irm Can Air,
■jrjKANDY, GIN, ftc —10 half 51