Newspaper Page Text
Haringpurchased tbs entire Interest of Mr.
-SSSjttJj. a MOMTOX tQ bill carriage establishment In
tWscUy'.inost reapectfolly aollrit ncontlnttntlonofttieex-
UtwW* tinttcrtaieWUbwgUy beiuwrudon the late peoprie-
tor. ttlamir Intention to ke*pn latge aod eatenslve ne*
aortment of all Mode of Carriages. suited to thla market.
Tlia Ute proprietor. Mr. J C, Thornton. trill aet an our naont
at Uie north.for the purchase end supply or our eatiblUli
nt ent. llla experience of twenty yoara In the business at
the South, wfll .our Wanda .and. patrons auch a
well aelected a lock aa cannot Call to *lre entire astl 'faction.
Ur. Daxanr wtl! aim Ula pereonnl attention to all kind of
repairing, aa hacetofore. . 1.EWIS 8, BENNETT.
A CARD.—It will be aeen from the above, that I have aold
out to Mraara. It 8. Bmnrrr ft Oo.. and I have ovary confi
dence .la tbeablllty of these gentlemen, both In capability
and capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep
up the ropuUtion of the eatablUhment.
Mr. Lxvrra 8. Bourn hat been my foreman for the laat
two year*, and 1 take pleaanre tn’recommendlng him ta the
public aa an Induttrioua. capable and deserving man, who.
while looking to bU own Interest, will not neglect thoae of
hla patrons.
In rtlinqulahlng my business In thla place, 1 take the op-
port unity to Bay, that It It not from any dissatisfaction
whatever. Since my retldehce In the city of Savannah, I
have been kindly and generously treated, and have suc
ceeded much better than I anticipated.
In the courte I have just taken. I hare been promoted by
consideration* of a private character altogether ; wherever
I may be, I shall alwaya carry with me the liveliest aenae
of obligation, and cheriah the doeiwat Interest In the pro*.
peri tv and advancement of the city and its people. Noth-
anJTUAii INSURANCE CO. tag wilt do more ta_ effect thla. than Um/oatajnlng or a
iavanwah iw mMrteL ' ’'
R°l»rt«, J. R. Wllilor,I.
.•SSSViR«.*a«-» H..r, I.itlin.p
■ . 1 V.!' 1 "'"■gremeBaaaaUkwagregO"'V'f*». 11 ,i'Ml ,'i I ..!l!i;i’'’I*"'... 1 ' n. 1 . .1 .Wfjjl'p’ !!" r f"■>' l1 ". ll i3l.i l | jljl|f, 1
ruvimi i»mA in Milia Falkirk nUfWlKllURI. Ae. HBiiv Wiew .an i.fh«nn Mnnu . - i'/.-.-.'L .
P UfflOffia oVtmfr Milton-
,lL™r.f*Sii.vT> = '™ !eLY ' «■
l HTtol to «i5 iutooritw,. •{}
1 ■ ’ StHtoii wfio ton b« ttortMi
•tinS- , -
’’** rtU-waW-V GEORGIAS,
S?iHlU to, * U ^?ii*ertl»eni nU In the Dally, aent to.
.•B J5SMi«S?n!iS*St , ,h p»fc-
.«»Ii not made In advance, the charges will
tfo» J'SSSK Qvrrfa* •». for Tri-Weekly *5, and
uid K t’. ffooJ - HKXRV I). WEED, President,
Hllt-tll ROBERTS, Vice President
j*vfl McIlPHT.Sec'T HHf
. iio lend for their friends and desirous of
JTIh. «U« pneket .lilps, nr. Inf.,mint
..bKriW" tm tlie onlj -IfeeM fee lb. time egoD.
{jialti* CUr-
jpey are also
t^w"neptlsble in any town throughout IreUnd and
J^oriUln. Draft* on France and Germany, payable In
,,rti of Ibe Continent, also for sale. Apply to
BUNKER ft OGDEN. 80 Bay-street.
J ?!«,£> author!«d to draw on Messrs. Wm. Tapscott
!! Urrrponl.ln sum. from A1 and upwards, which
jjjWRY HULL. President and Treasurer.
ALDUS CHASE. Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
ta ,imlgned. Agent of the shove Company, continues
Ike following RUk*.vlt. : Marine, lUver and Fire
^ oath* Uvea ofServants.
lirt*nf White Person* are also taken by this Company,
r.titnpremium for residing In tho South.
Corner of Bay and Drayton-streets.
mitt m-oartnerybip heretofore existing with the under-
Kl.X t» nm »f BOSTON k GIISI1T, l< till,
t&ilvrd by mutual consent. Either partner Isautho-
of the Brin to daitog^ unrattl.*
uSiltolMl J. H.* GUNUy! ’
tW laferrifrned will continue the FACTORAGE and COM*
ASMS WJAISE® on hi* own account, and re*iiectfu\ly
•CdU aeoutinuauce of the patronage so liberally extend-
•Ifct thelate firm.
T HE ropartncrshlp heretofore existing between tho sub-
Kribrn. under the firm of Viluuwu ft Aa«TA, is
(klsday dtssoWM by mutual consent. Mr. D. C. Acosta
vg] continue the business a< before, and is authorised to
Htdt all amounts due said firm, j VILLALONGA.
Opmmuas. Ga., July 11, 1853. July 29—2w
Otxrrai AUL-Junt recMveAlO cukiI'NkhkjMe. la
O pints, for sale by mh» J, ROUSBKAU.
CJ6aP“aND CilfbLlta—150 bftmBMP or various kinds,
rjTAGG ft BiiAY > 8 HAMR,—ho Uvrces rM the above ode-
O brsteil brand, landtag and tor by^ ■ ■
mil22 • COHEN ft FQ8DICK.
O sortmsnt of flue Clotlilng, at 147 Boy street
*1’* •— - • ■—y;—
T KNNKNT’H ALE.—26 casks Tennont'B superior Ale In
pint bottles, ID do Falkirk Ale, 20 do London Porter,
for sale by apUP W. W. QOODR1CH.
rrviKF.Y WINE—A superior article, strtnwly recommend-
X ed, direct from the Importers, and for sale by
aplT A. flONAUD.
healthy and honorable competition. Let thegood people of
the City gnd State uee to it. J. C. THORNTON.
N. B.—Mr. IL D. W. Audcanpkr is my legally authorised
gcnifnrf™' -** *
J.C. 1
J? scrlbor having just removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be
tween Congress and Broughton-streeta,) would inform his
friends and the public generally, that he will open Tina
Dat. his second aupplyof Fall and Winter Good*, consisting
of tho best French, English and American Cloths, Cassl-
meres and Vestings, purchased from the most extensive Im
porter* in New York, which lie is prepared to make up la
the best and most fashionable styles,
decl M. D. MUBPIIY.
T EA.—Just received. 10 chests Young and Old Hyson,
Imperial and Black Teas, in metalio packages, of supe*
rior quality, for sale by
uli25 J. R0U88EAU.
T OWNSEND’S 8AR8APABILI1A.—1 gross old Dr Town
send’s, 1 do 8 P Townsend’s, also. 8and*', ITUs', and
Bull's Sarsaparilla, Just received and for sale by
mblO w. W. LINCOLN, Monument square.
T OBACCO—10 cases superior Virginia Gold LeafTobncco
13 do Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes fl lb. extra El Dora-
do do, 25 do W T law’s best do, 30 dn Cnrndl’a Gold I/.'*(
do,fat-sal#by - mhO J. V.-CONNKRAT ft CO.
rrtRlMMISGS —Trimming braid, colored silk and linen do
X coloml silk, linen and gilt bullous for children, fanoy
open worked hose and half hose, for sale by
"TtInEGAR—10 bbl* pure elder vinegar, and 10 bids white
V wlno vinegar, Juat landed from steamship Piste of
Georgia.for sale by. mhM K. W. BUKER.
t,— .nglon...
In use on the principal railroads In the United 8tatos and
Great Britain, warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills, ftc.. Store Scales, various
modification* 5 Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, ftc.—
These Scales have been long known and severely tested; and
the universal confidence felt in their accuracy and perfect
adjustment. I* such that they are now regarded as tho stand*
anl,from which there is no appeal. '
myl2 PfW.BRICK ft BELT. Agents
TXnUTEand colored curntln and pavilion loops, for sale by •
W HITE AND CHF.fOfATTlSG, 4U, Wanr6-'i,’ju*
roccivetl and for sale by
W illSKY—100 bbls. New Orleans Whisky, landing this
day per brig Kate Healli, and for sale by
mh3 - WUJ.18 ft RRUNDAGE.
W ASHING" MADE EASY.-Bo.Hon aicmlenl Washing
Powders.—One package of these jmwdars will mnko
two gallons of Soft Soap, or a superior quality for all do
mestic uses, just received and for sale by
anil W. W. 1 ANCU1.N. Monument square
Y ANKEE nTjTIONS.—Potent self-healing .mooting Irons.
patent nut crackers, cloth pins, fluid lamps, cow milk
ers. spring bottom guarded lanterns, thermometer churns.
Ice buckets and water fllterer*. just received nud for sale by
aptfl J. V COI.LINK. 100 Rryan-Mreet.
! «V WSBI runs UU, W unu
100 whole, half andqoarterr
200 boxes sperm, adamantine
200 bnxre sperm, adamantineahd'tslUrtr Caddl#*, ' .i'
100 dn Pal# and No. 1 Soap. 25 do do do Itareb.
20 do Ground pepper. In M lb papenj, 200 do table Halt
100 eighth, quarter and hslfchests T#*,
200 do Tobacco, assorted qualities,
100 bog* Rtrt Cmlco. W do Java dn,
60 bbls Stuart's reflued B ft 0 Bugqr.
60 do circle A’drashed do;TO dogronnd do,
20hhd« PorLt RlooSugnr. 10 do New Orleans do.
10 Iwxcs Liar do. 200 bbl* Domorilo Liouors.
20 cases aa'd Pickles, W,OOQ 8-gar*, as'd qusRUea,
60 gross Pipes. 100 reams Wrapping Paper,
60 dot Broom*; 100 Deniljqn*. 1. 2.1 and 5 gallons,
600 new sugar-cured Hams, 5 hhds Sides,
6 lihds Shoulders, 100 sack* Salt.
10 tierces now' Cuba Molasses; 60 bbls do do,
10 d 9 Rluart’# sugar-house Hrrup, 1
And a general assortment of foreign Brandies and Wines
In stow, for sale by fcb26 COHEN ft TARVER
— Invoiced _ —
stock or which, at present on hand, M Invite* attention.—
Having bad extensive experience lit /not* as ft maoufsc-
dies 'of various brand* t Hnlfind Gln t Bootch, Iri*b *mi place,
Monongahela Whisky, f Old Batavia Arraek j Jamaica and
8t Orel* Rum. ' ■
lWtRTSKRSfllP.—The undersigned having purchased
j from John It. Norton hi* Stock of Hardware, will con-
tiutUabutlnmit the same store under ttio firm of 8a¥-
fttmiH. August 1,1853. July 31—lm
J0T1CE—ihsve dispose,! ot the entire Stock of Hard-
7 nwofMcCt»«v ft Norton to Messrs. Sanuix l’Al.
IBtSox.snd Mitirit in their behnlf a continuance of the
iknl pslrmuge hitherto extended to the tnte firm.
Hr Mu.notes and accounts, as well as those of Me-
dMtrk.VoiiTox. are in the hands of Mr. Geo. B. Welsh.
ikkVhMT*. T.axrn A who will attend to the set*
ftantof ill the unfinished bu»ine** (as my agent) and
itailowl.-ulhoriusl (o —Ipt
KiuniR. August 1.1853 July 31—lm
cheat); 260 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sngurs: 76
hhds. N. <). and Muscovado do; 25 do Turin Rico do; 60 do
Cuba Molasses; 160 bbl*. N. O. ami Sugar-house Syrup;
400 hags Rio and Laguayra CofTee ;50doO. G. Javada; 100
boxes Tobacco, all brands: 60 lihdsi Baenn Sides; 26 casks
Hams and Shoulders f 76 osrrles Lard, prime articlo; 160
boxes Soap, nil kinds: 200 do Sperm ami Adamantine Can
dles; Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nuts. Candles. Spices,
dc..ftc. may2B
B UTTER and CHEESE—30 firkins prim# and choice but
ter, 60 boxes cheese, received and for sale by
apis mcmahon & doylk
F l/tOIt OIL CU3THS.—The roost complete stock of Oil
Cloths, tn every variety of patterns and colors, varying
In width* from one to eight yard*. Families and hotnl keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. II. GUIOV. Agent. Carpet Warehouse.
feb5 140 Congress and 67 St. Juilsn-sts.
G old pens and penchs and otf^x pens.—-ju«
received, a fine assortment of gold pens an>l pencils
dnuble and single extension ; also, a variety of fine
pens.fcr cheap at the book s’pre of
spilS 8. 8 V 1 ‘f-Congress- strew
S UGAR.—22 hiid* clioico Vorto Rico Sugar dObbt* Stuart’s
Refined and Clarified do, 10 boxes do Lnaf do, 100 bbl*
Sugar House Molasses. 60 do llirnm Smith and pure Gene
see Hour. 60 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers. 26 do and
100 kegs prime Leaf Lord. 50 boxes selected new Cheese. 100
•toStar Candles. 80 do Beadell’s 6’s and 6’s patent tallow do,
landing and for sale by
M PRRNDERGASTft Ch. have just received a small
• coko of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadines. An assortment of very
nice cambric insertings and edgings 5 one case of superloi
Italian sewing silks, which with a very comph-to assort
mont of general dry goods, they offer on very low casl
terms, at 178 Broughton-street.
apl2S OppositeSt Andrew’s Hall
and jaconet muslins: Nainsook and mull innsllns;
plaid and striped jaconet and Swiss muslins ; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered Swiss muslin : white and
organda muslins; colored linen lustre*; and a fine assort*
ment of ladles’ and gentlemen’s linen cambric handker
chief*. mil AIKEN ft BURNS.
T HE Timber Cutters of Edlato River. South Carolina, re
spectively call the attention of buyers of Timber to the
Charleston market for that article. They bcllevo that they
furnish ns welt got and aa large good heart Timber es can
be found In any Southern city. Ilya strange and arbitrary
system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade in Igno
rance of tho cheapness of the market, the Mills of Charles
ton arc enabled to purchase tho Timber, at prices ennr-
mnusly low to tho Timber cutters The tatter would there
fore. Invito buyers tn examine their market. The same
timIter which brings in Savannah, (by tbe papers) from 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet, is now selling in Charleston
roni 4 to 8. Janl6—law!6t._
K)KP.—The History of the Mormon*, or Latter Day
Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Like.—their rise
and progress—peculiar doctrines—present condition and
prospects—derived from personal observation during a roil
donee among them, by Lieut. Gunnison. U. 8. Topographi
cal Engineers. Received and for sole by
dec28 S. 8. SIBLEY 135 Congress street
RISjOUmuK OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The co-partner}
l) tbi;) heretofore existing between the subscribers under
tk firm ol F ZuiUAUM k CO. Is dissolved by mutuul
Mvnt. <1. II. MirCHEtJ. will continue tho business on
Ikwa mount, and is authorised to settle all claims, in
Uis city.for or against the Ute firm.
F. ZOGItAUM, Charleston. S. C.,
G. B. MITCHELL, Savannah, Ga.
&nmh. June 6th. 1853 jc8
D lv0LlTI0.\\—The cn partnership of Scranton. John-
<ton A Co. is tills day dissolved, by the withdrawal of
TillUtn I). Ser.uiton. ”
C O I’ARTNUtsillC—Tlie undersigned having asMiciatcd
•iththem Henry II. Peran’on. will continuo the <Jre
orjbudnwi under the firm of Scranton, Johnston ft Co.
500 Robisons’* hams, 100 hoses
in store and for aale by
idnmantine candles
C OFFEE. SUGAR; ftc.—Juat received. 30 boxes ground
Java and Rio coffee. 30 do mustard in lb can*. 10dn
ground pop|>er. 25 do family soap. J O do Rcadell’* candles. 30
casks By a**’ lsmdon Porter in ipiarlsaud pints. 30 bbl* Ca
nal and Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8 ’* tobacco. 30 bbl* clari
fied crashed and ground sugar. 10 dn solar lamp oil. In store
and for calo by DAVID O’CONNER,
junelfi- corner Broughton and Drayton-streets.
•20 kegs and 20 tubs selected Go
shen Butter. 60 boxes English Dairy Checso. 100 do
new scaled Herring*. 50 bids Hiram Smith and Genesee
Hour. 20 boxes Ground Coffee. 25 do assorted Cundy. receiv
ed per steamer and for snln by
VlXnCF—Tlie undersigned will continuo to carry on the
17 iuimts-r »nd Tiinlier business as heretofore, under tho
um« sad style of J. IUirkkt.-) ft Co.
wrn of Kibbce ft Rodgers is tills day dissolved by mu-
l»«l cun<enl.Mr. KlblH-e retiring, mid’Mr. Thomas \Vood,
Sw» n -taking his plneo. under the nurae and stylo
m 'Tnol k Ibnlirors. All debts against the late firm will be
liaaluted by tbe new firm, and all monies due them will bo
wllrcUbl*.snd receipted for by the new concern.n* per
A ^'P“Tltesubreriber. In retiring from business in
Jv lhUcity, cannot hut feel deeply grateful and obliged
rot the very liberal pstrnnage which has been extended to
?*!: i 1 ***hou»«.) both from city and country friend*, and
wMluUopportunity to express Ills thanks for tho same
JjHlM#lje«the hope tliat past favors will lie continued to
1. *' ln ‘re every wav grateful to give the most
tanbari! ratlifaction to the pstrens of the lata concern
Vw » respectfully.
Georala ind French, Rurr and Euro*
p pean Mill Stones i Plnogh* of various .
kind*. Eagle, Sub-Poll and Wrnuglit
, iShare: Iren Fire-proof fiafes. Slinvela
andSjiades, Manure and Hay Forks. PotatoHooks.Coro
Shellers. Cob CrashDre, Manure: Drags. .Onltlvators, Straw
Cutters, Boy Hies and Sneaths. Hose. Axes. Pick Axes and
Handles. Road Scrapers, Ox Clmina. Ox Yokes. Garden and
Fancy Barrows. Garden Chair*. Segments and Gudgeons
Preen Wire. Homes. Measures. Grist Mill*. Rice Threshers,
Cnuldroo*. Douglass’ Phmps and Water Bams, Well Wheels,
do Bucket*. Cotton and Counter Beale*. Trunk*. Cotton
Hook*. Jack Screw*. Buraia's Sen Island Cotton Gins and
Griswold’s Upland do. Cement, Plaster, Mill and Cross Cut
Saws; also, livnd and Yard Saws. fto. For sate by
no! 3 CHA’S H. GAMPWELDjlTl Itoywit.
UlOS FRONT igWEtitf BTOHb; 1
TVholcsnlc and Retail,
No. 116 BroughUm*t..bHwefn Hull and Milaler.
T1IE largest and best selected stock of goods aver
offered for sale in this etty. Gold and Sliver Watches,
„^_jVe*t. Fob and Guard Chains. Seta of Jewelry. Chat
eliinesTHraceleL. Brooches, fine Hhimutid work Finger Rings,
SllverCnstors, Tea Sot*.Pitchers,Goblets, Cup*.Cake Baskets.
Spoon*. Forks,Fish Knives. Plo Knives, C.lieeso Pcoups, In
dies, Syphons. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware. Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety ofnrtlclea too numerous to
mention ; the whole of which will be sold at reduced prices.
All kinds of Watches. Clocks. Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by competent hsmla. HORTON ft RIKEMAN.
The undersigned begs leave to inform the Cithern
.of Savannah, and the people In the country In gene-
. Imt ho has takon the Rtore No. 148 Broughton Street
one door West of Dixon’s Confeetlnuery. where ho will be
pleased to make and repair all kinds of (locks and Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may be Intnisled
ja^rSittit antfdor ,
' r n ,r nN>mj'i i ) i'll xi~ —
th# river, one of the best stands'for a store In
Wiaecuonl ' UmpUeebik tba advantage of slMmhoaL
Aring the fall, winter and. spring months, and dm of tho
sst fisheries on th# river fbr itliitd. Art/ person trishlng
topurchassfean do so by calling on Ule Subscriber on tho
-lace,,; . * .
Altso. 680 sere* of Isind well Umbered, with 160 aeres of
Aral rate hay lahd will dltehed and drained, ready for clear*
* HynftcreS'cleared,- Said land will prod new ARy
Wlne#^-d)ldPort,Madeira,8herry, Champagne,Hock,!,tag..wltM,,-.— ..... -. v
Claret, Sauterne and Burgundy Wlnee. . bushels of corn to the acre, This land lies two mJWrom
Cordials—In eases.Uuracoa. MaraseWoo, RaUfla, Bla* ”— * L “
valtx. Klrsobcnwaaser, Absinth, fto.
Ala and Porter—Loudon Brawn 8tout, and Edln*
burgh Ale.
Also Agent for Domestic Liquors.
ao> isc,
Coffee, 6Q do do Java do'
-i - Rico Sugar, 10 do N. O. do
■hmm 100 bbls Stuart's ll and 0 ttagar
20 do Crashed Sugar, 20do Ground do
20 bids lioaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon 8yrup •
60 do Nos, 1,2 nud 8 Mnckorel. 10 half ao2do-
100 do Balt. Flour, 60doll 8. do, 60 do half do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides. 6 do Shoulder*
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20do Engbdi Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap.60 do Pale do, 25 do8tarch
60 do Tobacco: n-sorled brand*
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
60. boxes Ihllhw Candles. 60 do Star do
25 do Adamantine do..
60 bbl* old Monongnhela Whisky. 2,000ft Codfish
200 do Whisky,Gin. Rum nnd Brandy
20 }£ cask*Cognac Brandy, 60 dozon ltroom*
2 pliies Hollaui* Gin. 2 If casks Scotch Whisky
600 jmi*s Pipe*. 100.000 Spanish Segnrs
20 doxen Demljons. 200 reams Wrapping Paper
50' five and three gallon Kugs.
Landing snd In store, for salo by
Mann Perry, on the Alatamaha river.
-Al*o,6j)00 acres of first quality pine Umbered land oo
the Alatamaha and Oemulgee rivers.
All these lands are situate In the first and second district
•of. AppUftg county. Also. 2,000 aeres of land Well tlmhcred
with cylews# and white oak. Any person wishing further
particular* can address me at Hall P. 0., Georgia.
•’JanSl—lajMftwfim W. DYALI.
ft**The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for stxaionths. and send bill to yr. |i.
lf\ MR. F. STEIN, on Brnuehton-strcrt, has just recoir-
\Lf ed the finest assortment nr now snd fashionable Jewel*
f rv of all descriptions. Gold and silver jiencll* and pons.
> sliver and silver glttod ware nnd fruit baskets. waUers.
V tea sets, candlesticks, table and tea s|*oons: fine table,
^'pocket and pen knives, scissors,nnd a large variety of the
finest work boxes, dressing case*, snd writing desk* for
ladies and gentlemen, as also a fine selection of flutlnns.
accordant and fancy articles, too numerous to mention,
which he offers at the lowost price* ever sold in this city
Tim allention of the public at large, but eiperinlly thatof
the ladles, is particularly requested. aii21
plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ
mas present. Also, Musical Instrument* in every variety,
from a Jewsharp to a Church Organ, and Music in sheets
end volumes, from the Fisher's Hornpipe, tn Hayden and
Mozart's Masses. Forsnleby F. ZOG0AUM ft CO..
dec20 748t. .lullnnaiid 167 Bryan-sireets.
T.7I/IUR —100 bbls Bultimore Flour, just received and for
r sale by may28 ROWMND ft CO.
K EMPTON ft VERSTI1J.E are now opening n'fl'nelyas-
aorte<l and complete st<*k of Bummer and other Dry
Goods, which they will offer upon the most accommodating
terms! As great care has been exercised in the selection of
their stock, with a view both tn price and quality, they con
fidently Invite tliflr f lends and the public generally to call
and oxninlno for themselves. ap!6
N EW BACON, ftc —20 cask* prime Sides: 10 cask* prime
new Shoulders; 260 bags Rio Coffee: 160 bbl*. Haiti-
more Hour; 20 hhds. prime N. O. Sugar: 10 hhds. clarified
N. O. Sugar; 160 bbls. Stuart's B. ft C. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate's No. 1 Soap; 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bbls. N.
(I. Syrup: 60 lihds. Cuba Molasses; 26 tierces iln.; 26 bar-
rels’do.; 50 Imxes star Candles—landing and for sale by
fetall _ CRANE ft Hi ILCOMB
F IS1I. AC—ft tc* cod fish, loo boxes smoked herrings. 30
bbl* pickleil <lo. 30 .bids No. 1. 2 and 3 maekend. 60
half bids do. 20 kitts do. 50 boxes buckwheat. 25 half bbls
do. received and for sale by
feh7 _ mcmahon a povi.k
P OTATOES, ftc.—60 bbls choice seed and eating Potatoes;
10 bids superior bleached WhnleOil; 10 libls ls*af I-nnl
received nnd for sale by fel4 McMAHON ft IKlYIJC.
OU0AR COFFEE ANlf TF.A.—10hhds P itSoga~6 d<»St
O Croix do. 100 bbls Stuart’s do. 10 do crashed dn. 26 do
N O clarified do. 100 bags Rio coffee. 50 do Java do. 50 case*
block nnd green tea. 100 boxes assorted tobacco. 60.000
Spanish segars of various brand*. 100 bbl* whisky, gin.
rum nn>l brandy, 5 pipe* Otari brandy. 2 dn Holland gin. 2
dn Jamaica rum. 2 do Scotch whisky. 10 J* cask* Madeira
wine. 6 H do Sclcity dn, 5 )i do Malaga do. 60 bnxe* as*
sorted cordials, 6 da claret wins. 60 boxes pipe*. 100 down
hronn*. 100 reams wrapping paper. 200 hams. 100 smoked
tongues. 60 kegs Inrd. 100 boxes No 1 nnd pale soap. 60 libls
Baltimore flour. 60 whole nnd 15 half bids cnnnl do. 60 gro.
matches, 60 bids molasses. 10 bids No 2 and 3 mackerel. 20
half bbls No 1 do. 10 cask* porter. 10 do ale. 20 half box#
loaf sugar, lnndlng and in store, for sale by
M ISS ELAM JAY’S WORK.—1*1 ters nod Miscellanies in
Prose.. Rhyme, and Utunk V
a lady of tho South. For sale by
juue 28
Just received at the Wholesale aud Retail Hat
Store, every variety of
Spring and Bnmmrr Good#,
such as Silks. Beavers. Gossamers. Pedale. Canton. Paris,
l/mo Star.Campechy, and other* too numerous tn mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnet*.
(MU and see. ami you will ho sure to be supplied, at the
corner of Baruard and Broughtoii-strcrts.
mlill BHt.PEN ft CO
5 PRING SILKS.—A fine assortment of stripe«t and ptatd
Silks, black summer do. black grenadine silks, a tine ns*
sorlment of new bareges, figured stripes and plaid, plain,
figured, plaid snd striped tissues, n lanp? assortment of la
dles’ black and colored sIL umbrella* end parasols, a large
and fine assortment of all qualities of hostory.sllk and lace
mantillas, white and black net mantillas, shawls point*nnd
scarfs. Swiss and lace chemisets, light kid gtorea. lace mlts
and gloves, for sale by
aplll AI KIN ft BURNS
Ql'Vl RIFS!—Jost received. 20 bids Stuart’* Crashed and
4J Clnrlfied Sugar. 3 hhds New Orleans do. 10 casks,qts.
and pints. Ilyas* I/indon Porter. 26 dozen fancy handled
Brooms. 60 do assort, d Scroll Brushes ami Clothe* Lines.
30 do 2 and 3 hooped water Palls, Vfi dor Wash Hoards. 30
do Mustard, in •( lb. uin*. tW boxes lleadel’s Soap. Candle*,
and Starch, and 10 tnlf chest* black Tea, tn >, in. packs,
landing, nnd for sale »y
P OTATOES 50 bbls. Carter's fine eating Potatoes, land
ing and for sale by
E nvelope and wrapping' paper. «f various site*
and quality. Also, Cotton Sampling amt Silk Wrap
ping Pniier. for sale by
M*rv desirable article for tli '
mas-.-n* c^-psrtnorsbip hereUifnre nxlsting be-
amvwo the unlcrslgncd, under tho firm of Cka.xk ft
. y —— — thla day dissolved by mutual consent. Ttie
.•* lh « 1*1# firm will be settled by H. A. Crane, tn
til peraou having claim* will please present them.
w, l> "lake payment Either party are
u,in *M to use the name of the Ute firm in liquidation.
’-—The unfitrslgned havtag associated
till«Iii m .J r ‘ J,l ^ n Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope.
4 Hi 18 who ' PM ' e grocery buslnes under the firm
* H^nxn, Jouxsox ft Co.
D *~ T1lp flrm nf ImRoche. Bowkk k Cn. Is
7 , 1, I *°' Te, l hy mutual consent, to take effect
"juwutof January. Tlie Business or the firm will be
uty ^ , . U4C B. URoche and Alfriul T. Bowne, who nre
“d to me the name of the firm in settlement.
8w V»n.8.iM3.
»J#JsBsl^w 8 ^' r '" contlnue lhe hustne.* at tlielr old
K LR,* flmJ )° f LsROCHE ft BOWNE.
Wt. bX \ |an10
C *d» tJ'"' undersigned have this day form-
*tta*r*Wp for the transaction of a General
bsTftiw Business, under the firm of Scran-
«Ollasn. Offlce, No. Id Coentles slip. New York.
Itftrrae*, « H H. TALLMAN.
* Collin#. Eire Wheeler ft Co..
MdBeLfwl!,,* D. Pomroy. New York; Webster
Hi. 8er ‘ n,0 “. Johnston ft Co . RowUnd ft Co., Ravan-
— 3m—mny!7
ftfissssiissr 11 Annolu Mari9
hOkuSffl'fr Hamilton, Professor of Isigtc
B,Inbo, I h University, for the use or
» romance, by 0. W. Wright.
and T,pping8 • x P°» ed - b J
l: t«Solr!' , u]?"‘ r * t * d . New " i OUasnn’s Plctorat; Popular
•Wioj 1 ' lr * tD °f Arts, ft#. For sate at the book
•J cd black Rnrege. black and white plaid suinmer Silk,
plain and figured blank Tissue, black Sewing Silk for dresses,
block Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crape. Cambric and
French Muslins, for sale by
may28 A1KTX ft BURN?.
K EMITON ft VERSTII.I.K have just received, a lino lot
of figured grenudine*. cra|* d’artols. sill; tissues and
Imreges. which thev nre offering very low at their stand,
next to F. Zogbnum’s music store, Waring'* range. ap12Q
H OUSE KEKPINO DRY GOODS—IJncn and cotton sheet
ing. pillow caso linen and cotton. Iri*li linen of tho
be*t niaKe. birds eyo and Scotch diaper*, towols nnd towel
ing. damask tab!» linen and napkin*, tong lawn*, crash,
brown nnd blenched mn*1in, all widths and qualities, lor
sate at tlie lowest prices, by
apl5 DkWITT ft MORGAN.
U NDER a daw and Improved organisation, manufacture
I-ocnmottvp and Stationary Engines. Sugar Still*. Gins,
Presses. Isitliea. Drill*, ftc. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen and Saw Mill work.Shafting. Pulleys, ftc., Cast
ing* of nnv weight, (having a largo assortment of patterns.)
at reduced prices. F. 8. CLAXTON. Engineer.
Piqiot 13 llatt-atreet. cornor of Gold. Claxton ft Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins ft Co. and H. Collins’ Axes, Hard
ware Agoncy, 23 Prett-*t„ New York. oclO—lyr
J UST RECEIVED.—A supnlv of Mineral PalnU. fire and
water-proof cotors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
differ essentially from all other* In market. They are not
Clays, they require little oil. they do not work toughly. but
now easily as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
set Immediately, and bccomean IndestrucUble covering o(
(lint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer tlmn white lead.
I have a variety of colors. Red, Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black. They are superior In body (or covering
property) to anything ever discovered.and pound for pound
will cover double the surface of White Lead or line Mineral
paints, and require teas oil.
prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
liver’s Miner "
10 and 12 Barnard-slreet.
G 1ROCERIES. ftc.—100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 26 do Canal
T do, 20 hslfdo do, 20 bbl* H S Flour, 76 dn 8tunrt’s B ft
C Sugar. 25 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co. 10 lihds Bacon Sides, 10 do do Shoulder*. 60 boxes star
and admantine Candles. 26 bbls Monongahela Whisky. 160
bbls Rum, Gin. Whisky and Brandy. 15 quarter -casks Cog
nac Brandy. 2 pipes H Gin, 2 quarter casks Scotch Whisky,
2 do Jamaica Rum. 25 boxes assarted Cordials, 60.000 Span
ish Segars, 26 kilts Mackerel 20 half bbls No 1 do, 26 bbls
Nos 1,2 and 3 do, 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap. 60 boxes
Starch. 50 do I*mon Syrup. 10 hhds fine Porto Rico Sugar.
3 dn St Croix do, 60 bbls New Orleans Syrup, landing and
for sale by m!3 COHEN ft TARVER.
N EW and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, lust re
ceived by the last Steamer. Vix: Barege DeLains;
Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sewing Silk; Dresses
Foulard Silk; Colored and Black Challeys and Bareges; Black
and Colored Silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black
and Colored F. Mu-dln; Black and Colored Ginghams: Main
and Colored lawns; Black and Colored French Cambric; and
a fine assortment of Black and Colored Calicoes; Plain snd
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Mull Muslin;
Plaid and Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, very pretty;
also, silk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on
tho roost accommodating terms,
mhl 8 AIKEN ft BURNS.
8 8. SIBLEY,
135 Congress-street.
TryrrS* 001 ** 1 ' publications.
«J ProuTuni p T‘ riet y °f Publication* of tbe New York
P"J *«lety. Tract*. Church Cate-
^i rW “i? n l ot V 8r cheap and valu-
For ute at the Book Store of
No. 135 Congress-street.
w “••Gw Jot?. • Lcndon Art Jour-
^IM® ®au» | er'*LawWctlonary. now edition;
taikWo T \S““*p ^chequer Reports; Rabelais' Works.
’* t# "i* 1 wtlh rnlnli Vo J r ** M * kwdon edition.2 large
5 Ul *taribhHn*n2' 1 . 8n|fniT,r, g" i* Thackeray’s Lectures
* *»WT5 •ttPP'y; Eooper’* Dictionary
JjR* Quarto, irtttatolSS!** of Ibe Indian Tribes,
*ork* • I 008 pUtM - To1 3rd J Bradles’ Sur-
t&iiJtisssiZBS. 8 >“-
S'* ■“Georgia 8ren^ 8 ni’ y i 8,8 ‘ 8 i bI ,V l wr ■taamer,
CorrrVi7i^p M ' I V )r ' len on Railroads: Fern leaves;
SWSStt*Sy 1 *P.i Tb fl Flckwick Papers ;P.ul
!?* I , «*auw t# * ! ha Revolution ; Tennvs-
r^’Spinni^s” • HeI " n " nd Arthur,or Miss
n» ? S^ij 1 ? 0, iL r,ck ' the R^ror; Spirit happ ng
Wild (kufc ^ nee V Vtjette j’nfstory o^Pen-
R eceived and for sale by s. s. sim.F.v.i36Con-
greiM-at.—Bible In the Family-—Bible tn the Counting
Annals of Tennessee, by J. 0. M Ramsey. M. D.
The Sward and tho I)i<tnff. or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Marla Do llernievc, a tulo of tho Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
The Race for Riches?nnd *omo or the pit* Into which the
Runner* fall.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustin, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Ktherinl Sofldown
ami tin) Friends of the New C. W. Webber.
Howland Wevnr, ortho Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truth* by Great Authors, from writers of alt age*
amt hoili hemispheres.
Cleansing tlm Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Calla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. je~. 8
B OOKS.—Hie Old House hv the Hirer, by the author of
tlie Owl Creek letter*.
Modern Flirtation*, a Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and PrmTple. a domestic novel, by Mr*. Grey
Flirtation* in America, or High Life in New York.
The Adventure* of a Bachelor, or a man in search of a
The Silver Bell, or the Heir of Motcoiube Manor, by Dr. P
(I. Robinson.
Gndy’s tally's Book for July; Orahain'* Magazine do;
Arther’s Magazine do ; Peterson’s Magazine dn.
Harnum’s Illustrated News, No. 25, Further supply of
Echoes of a Bell; received by
jun«22 J. B. CUBBEDGF.
rnilACKEIUY’S F-KGUSlfHUMORIST. a » erie '' of
JL tore* on Swift. Conereve. Adison. ftc.
Ranke'* Civic Wars nnd Monarchy in the ll’th and 17th
Ufo and tattersof the Rev. Stephen Olln, late President
of tho Wesleyan University.
The Old House by the River, by tbe author of the Owl
Creek tatter*.
Taylor's Memorial of the English Martyrs.
Coleridge Work*, vot. ft.
Modern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair.
English taw and Equity Report*, being the first volume
of the year. New subscribers can bo supplied at the ori
ginal priee of $12 per annum.
Black wood'a Magazine for Juno.
ness, languor, rheumatic pains, ftc. .lust received nnd lot
salo hr W W LINCOLN,
a plo Monument Square.
f.UlD MAGNtNlA.—Tlii*" condensed solution 1* a very
agreeable and efficient form forth* administration of
Magma la. an I is very useful tn Nauorn. Aridity of tho
StoTneh, Sea Slckncss'nnd Dyspepsia, for sale by
mh22 W. \V. LINCOLN. Monument-Square.
"IIEJIP LASI!"STORK—Cnrneruf tVhltaker and Congress-
si reels.*-Tlie sub«erihets have jus: ecetved |»cr Ala
bama. a fresh supply of Three-Ply and la -urin Carnots, eu
tirely new pattern*. Also, ft-f and 8-4 Fluor Oil Cloth, which
will ix a sold at unusual low price*,
net M PttF.N DERG AST ft CO.
'JUG AH M A'rKER'FI ~ftc!—30 bids' St nart’s Crashed Su
7 gar. 25 half hhls Is'af Sugar. -10 M»U Nos. "nnd.'l Mack-
erel. 20 hnlf liM* No*. 1 and 2 do. 60 hid* P ft H Gin, now
lauding nnd for salo low hv
jnno'j li'rt.Combe. Johnson ft co.
H ACi i.V SHOULDERS.—Hi liiid* I).i con Sliouiders, landing
from brig Pacific, and for sale tiv
T OST. on Friday evening. June 26tli. a sim-li Meniornn-
Irtom I’ocketbeok of no value to nnv one tint tho owner,
with tii* name written on the inside. A liberal reward will
be given If left with NICHOLAS CRUGKR,
jyl2—ft 84 Bay-street.
T O HIRE—A good Cook. Washer and Ironer. For terms,
which will be low. apply to
jy 13—ft _ CRUGKR ft WADE. 84 Hay.mreef.
C lIKESMAX’S ARABIAN •H.VlAtM—For tho enre of
wounds, bruises, siiraius, ftc. Just received and for
sale by IV. W. LINCOLN.
Mmiunicnt Square.
ATE DF. PEROUAUX, Cnlllesand Fot Gras. Tor sale by
iin024 A. IU»NAUIL_
C ~ OFFER. SUGAR, ftc.—6<» pockets Old Government Java
Coffee. 6rt bbls Stuart’* A refined Sugar. 30 da Mess
Pork. 200 bag* drop and buck Shot, landing nnd for sale by
juncll . HOI.OHM HE. JOHNSON ft CO.
Havo In store, nnd offer fur sale, on tho most
fi» vorallc terms—
^MB1( hhds St mix Sugar. 26 do Porto Rico do
25 do N Orleans do. 60 bids Cuffes do
100 bbls Stuart's A. B and O Sugar. 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bogs Bio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 50 do Jamal' n dn
10 cases Myer's Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Bacon Sides
25 cask* Shoulder*. 26 do llama, choice quality
100 bbls Hnltlmore'Flour. 60 whole and 26 lmll do Canal do
25 hhd*. 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses
25 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
25 quarter chests Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candle*
100 do No 1 nnd Pale Soap
100 bales (funny Coth. 800 ooils Weaver’s Rot*)
100 bbls K Phelps’ Gin. 250 Flack’s do, 26 do Connocticul
. ltlver do, 26 do N E Hum
20 nr cask* pure Malaga Wlno. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half til|>es Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Monongahela Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
15 bids Mint ami Hose Cordial.
Also, tlie following old and very choice liquors. In glasses :
40 dozen choice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
36 demljouBSt Creix Rum. 76 do old Jamaica dn, 1848
60 do old Monongnhela Whisky. 1846
10 do Pure Juice, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
36 dozen ScheidHm Gtn. 10 do old Whisky, Neotar.
may 18 .
A RICK HANDS. FQR RALE-The Tract ofLAND on th#
^8t.lll^URlytasjioFii as theCuUff Trat ^containing
seven hundred and seywty-two (772) acres, or which over
Rye hqndred (600) acre# are tide swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and-foil of tldo of six feet. Tlie marsh
land ifca successfully colUvated ninny years since, producing
Cotton, Cuius jind Rice, *
These lands could be pul In order with less labour. It Is
believed, than would be required for putting Hammock land*
In order, and arc considered very safe from overftuw in gales
•nd freihets.
- For ftirttier particular* and tonns. which will be mad# easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser nnd Go., Charleston,
8.C..or to Mrs. Ifenry Balloy, fit. Mary's, Camden county,
A plat of the land may bo seen at the office of the floor*
Bhfh. apt 27—dftc
gat FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202K
_j^ nc rcs.nnd improvements, near Walthourvllle. liberty
county. Tlie land Is of good quality, pine nnd buy hind. 60
acres of which ore In cultivation, nud tho remainder well
timbered, offering strong Inducements to porson* Interested
tn procuring turpentine. Tlu* Improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. Tlie location cannot
besur|>asscd for heolthfiitness nr salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
Tlie above property can bo taught at a verv reasonable price,
nnd on the most accommodating terms, If early application
be made to the subscribers, ut WaUhourvSUe. Liberty county.
npl 20—d&o K. II. WAY
160 BBLS. Baltimore Flour. 20 do H. Smith’s
do. 20 da pure Genesee do. 20 half bbts Canal do.
260 sugar cured Hum*. 20 hhds Bacon Side*, ll 0
bbls B nnd C Clarified Sugar. 26 do Crashed and
Ground d». 26 do New Orleans dn. 15 hhds Porto Rico do. 27
boxes Isiaf do. 100 bbls Domestic Liquors. 76 boxes Tobac
co. 80 chests Teas, 26 bids Mackerel. 25 half bbls and kits
do, 60 bbls and 10 tea West India Molasses. 26 bbls New Or
leans Syrup. 6 do Stuart's do. 75 gross Mntches, 100 do
Pipe*, landing and in store, for sate by
—25 HHDS. Porto Rico nnd Muscovado Sugsr, 26
~t3do choice New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas-
■HHsp*. 100bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu-
art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
I.luseed do.200 boxes Sperm nnd Adnmatnaiiline Caudles.
25 do Starch. 60 dn Cheese. 76 do Snap. 25 do Toilet do. 6o
dn mixed and Assorted Candies, 75 |wckngp*Ten*. Black. Im-
nerinl and Green. 160 bbl* A. Band C Ula rilled Sugar and
S*allow Coffee do. 26 do powdered and Crashed do. Prune*.
Mgs. Citron. Pickles. Knislu*. Yen*t Powders. Saleratu*. So.
da. ftc.. now In store and for sale verv low. by
wv## A Tract of Tide Swamp tand. containing 6no acres,
Vmlylngon the Alatamaha river, threw miles above Dnri-
’■™ co, adjoining lands of tho estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on the cast, and Glgnlllint nnd Walker on tlie north
nnd west, having as good a pitch of lido ns an* rice plan
tation "u tho river. My ierm* are. twenty dollar* per ncro.
one fourth cash, nnd the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the Interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Durien. In case of mv absence
Mr. Jambs Pbwouj will show tlie Innd. a plan of which can
be seen at tho office of tho Georgian.
Damtci. Jan. 22. 1863. jnn25—lam
i FUR SAUL—A Tract of LAND or Five Hundredncrca
^Strictly prime Rice land, immediately opposite tlie old
m of Hardwick. Tlie situation of tlie place affords on#
of the t«st Saw-tnlll seats tn the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssels coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Wllllnms,
U.S. District Attorney. Savnnnah.or to u. STB AS. Bryan coun*
,. JmM
^J ,-„ if; 4.Jiq(l# L |lidJf«i*“
Reception and Onttsge Chm. tr
signs; Cane Loungoi. Cune'fiatfc...,
Hons# and Office Arm CTialra,.t#nt
Cbdrx; Stare and SteataboAt stholi
Housekeeiwra.Hotel. Steamboat and Rati BoadComponies
IB find it td tlielr interest to call at the fttimrer
t>< No. 131 North 6th 81 (opporij* Fr^kltaJirgsyeJ •'
AgrlcolttUml WanwHonit) ■mm0 «tri
iYo.lWK Uarkd-krcH.Bkik ” “
8harperttafnhagiui.'of'#ll kltM^MI
Kxtendirtg iWotsJ Bar:ili«rr. Wilelij liwd MUkrWnd*
ni cnsllrigtfur repairing. Tli* Empetar or;Russia tritarded
for tit# nbovo Ploughs, a Massive Gold V ‘ *
Also, the Great Medal urtiieWotidW
ft M. Ploukh No. ttV-.CaltlvatDra wtth ll
.IfltPUf sh
ed Steel Teeth; which sen b# reversed, thus getting Double
Wesrol tho common Teeth. 'Also, Cultivators Of all kinds
Corn Plsnters, -
Turnip Dijlla.4 to 36. - -
Grant’s Patent Fan 1 Mills,
Garden Eri^inesj ' f
Wfiest Drills,
Ilor*# Power* and' Thre she) .4,
Mowing and Reaping Via
chines.- ;
Chain Pumps,
Patent Iron Snaths, ' •
Grobbliig Hoes. ‘
Transplanting Trowels,
Hoy and Manure Forks,
Sliijvpls and Pji#d#s.
Garden and Meld Ho##.
GardijTi llakra In variety J
Children's Toole,
Darlirtg Scythes.
Snaths, with Patent Fasten*
Pntati Hdoks.
(of every description^ Gsrderi
the lowest prices, at Wholesal#
■ eod—spiff
witli Steel Teeth.
Spain’* Atmospheric Chums,
Com Shellers, Improved
Ilsy and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills.
Corn and Cob Crushers.
Gedds’ Improved Harrows,
Square and A Harrows.
Horse Rakes.
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks for unloading Hsr,
Man Hay Rakes.
Bow I'lns.
Apple Pearers,
Ox Mural**,
Mole Trap*.
Pruning Hooks and Chisels,
Paws and .Scissor*,
iron Well Curbs, and 7Jnc
lutalng for Chain Pumps,
Also. Horticultural Tools
and Gras* Seeds, for sale at
and Retail.
_ targe Globe and Urge Norfolk Turnip Seeds, of the
growth of 1843. Just received nnd for sole by
|nne-J8 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
C mw—150 bags prime Bln, 76 do Jnnminn, 60
Pl'dAtt—W lihds Porto IBco. 1ft do St. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bids Crashed. Powdered nnd Clarified.
Moi-uws—!26 libda Cuba. 76 bbls New Orleans.
Fuwr—16ft t*bls BaUtmore. 76 do Canal. 60 do If Smith’*.
Bacox—16 casks Philadelphia Ham*. 500 Baltimore can
vassed do. 3ft lihds Sides, 2ft do Hhuuldors.
Potatoes—150 bids P nnd Mercer.
I .Aim and Odkisii—26 bbl* choice L'nf I nrd. 0 casks Cod-
S«'AP. Candies a Nil St me—50 Imxes No. 1 nnd Family
Snap 6ft do Pule do.40 wlioleand half boxes Stureli. 75 do
Adnmntlno Candle*. 26 do Sperm, 25 do Star, 150 do Patent
Tobacco—460package* varions brands nnd qunlBIcs,
Lv.Mnx—60 Vs>se* L-mnn Syrup, 10 cam Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 1ftdo Brandy I’cncnes.
Dourttic Ijqt’ous—75 bbls Phelps' Gin. 6ft do N E Ruin. 76
to Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongnhi'bi do.
Wixes—20 quarter cask* pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra—received and for sale by
np|20 McMAHON ft DOYLE.
10 bids No. largo Mackerel,
/rcrlr-jF-n 1(1 bids No. 1 do do
tft half bbl* No. 1 do
80 bid* sugar, sodar. nnd butter Biscuits.
25 boxes soda Ki«ruit*.
60 dn lluclinn's Family Soap.
60 dn Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and BeadoU s Pearl Slnrcli,
6ft do Herring*,
Isindlng and for sale hv
. J. V. CONNKHAT ft It)., offer for snio on ac-
commodnting terms.a well assorted stock or Gro-
eerie*. Liquors. Tobacco. Segars. ftc., vix ; 130 bag*
■Tft iHlprlini' Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 lihds
Porto Itlco nnd Muscovado Sugars. 6ft bbls clarified coffee do.
26 do crashed nnd powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
age* black and green tea. some very superior; 250 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l's. ft'*. 6’s and 16'*. 16 cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Yirginiu* and Aromatic. 2ft do nectar leaf.
Vlginia gold loaf. 10 imxes El Dorado tobacco. 175.000 supe
rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Utnnl.Dupny ft t'o. Bran
dy. 2ft linlf and quarter casks Pintrrn. Mattel, Sozernc. ftc.
Brandy. 5 quarter casks very old Jean tauis do. 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 jiuncheons St Croix nnd Jamaica Ruin, 10
half pipe* and 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26
Mils old Muuniigaheta Wtsky, 26 quarter casks TouurttTe. 30
do do Malaga Wine. 200 bbls gin, whisky and rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 amt family sonp. 50 do starch. 50 do ndnmnntino can-
dtes. 50 do tallow do. 2ft casks bacon sides, 16 do shoulders.
•30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tc* do, 25 bids N
Orleans do. together with every other nrllcto usually found
at (he wholesale grocery stores. June3
S ITUATED half a mile from this City, on the cnnnl. Jins a
lissln capable of holding two million feet of tags. The
Mill lias been tn operation about seven months, runs two
S ngs and an edging saw. also Grist Mill. Tills Mill saws
«« Vito 15 M. feet per day. For particular* npplv to
rfoB. FOP. SALK—Tliat valuable parcel of Innd formerly
.-tLoccupied by E. Jencke's. Esq., known as a Cooper’s
Shop and Yard. It Is bounded on the east by West Bound
ary street, west by tbe Canal, north by Railroad street, ami
snulh by lots Nos. 6 and 0. amt contains atsiut four acres.
F OR SALE—Tlie westerly half «.f tat No. 2 Yainncrawi
being the Wtinrf non 1 occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
nnd running bnck about two hundred feet to Csnsl-strcet.
The properly Is now under a tense which will expire on the
first of November next.
If not sold at private sale previous to tho first Tuesday In
February. It will then be offered at auction at the Court
House. Apply tn del6 COHEN ft KO-SDICK.
F INE Slllinv*.—Those In want of a fine shirt, to hi well
nnd handsomely made, can be neeonimodiried lit No
147 llay-st. inaylB PRICE ft VEABhR.
I JM8HWO AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Recidve.1 t.V late nrri
vnls. a new supply. Those in want will please call at
147 Bay-at may20 PUK E ft YEA DEB.
tez ynavedra, a revised translation based on tliose ol
Motteux. Jarvis and Sinollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the FJementary Geology on the Ancient
Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, as illustrated by
geological SlrClinrles l.yell, VI. A., F. R. 8.,
author of the Principles o Geology, ftc".
Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison.
Ovll War* and Monarchy In France in the sixteenth nnd
venteenth centuries; a history of France principally du
ring that period, by I/miwdd Ranke.
Harnum’s Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
R EPRINTED from the lately discovered copy of the folio
of 1632, containing nearly twenty thousand manii*
sert t corrections, with an in'roductlon to each play—pub*
llsliing in numbers at 25 cents a copy.
Tlie Preacher and the King, or Bourdalouo in the Court
of Louts 14th.
Alexander Smith’s Poems.
Alban, nr the History of a Young Puritan; by the author
of tady Alice—2 vols.
Midland's History of the Crusades—3 vot*.
Bohn’s Classical library—Literal translation.
Scott’s Waverly Novels. 12 vols.. cloth gilt.
Rppes Sergeant’s Standard Speaker.
Lslge’s Portraits of DUttnguUhed Persons, with fine en
gravings. In 8 vols.—Bohn’s edition.
Woodfatl’s Juntas. 2 vols —Bohn's Edition.
Humboldt’s Travels In the Equinoctial Regions.
onoiv/rnoN to Christ the chu
O Charity the more Excellent Way, i
- - ——..’oy, two sermon.*, by a
Boutliern Presbyter, prico 25 cents.
Harpers’ and Putnam’s Magazines, for July.
Edgar Clifton, a story of school life, by Adams.
The I/rndon Art JournaL for June.
Prismatic*, by Richard Hayward, with illustrations.
Chambers' Repository of useful Papers.
Yusef, ■i crusade in the east i Harry Muir, a tale of Scot
tish life: Northwood, or North and South ; Aunt Phillis'
Cabin ; Cabin and Parlor, by Randolph ; Japan, by Mae-
fottaM; the CblvaUeta ot France; HllotVa Glimpses of the
Supernatural; Meagher’s Speeches ; Macaulay’s Speeches;
noroe 8c#nea, by Grace Agutlla ; Frank Freeman’s Barber
Shop. Ac., fto. W. TnORN’E WIIJJAMS.
TVTR. A.BONAUn,.raving taken the store at the corner
aYJL of Bay and Wtalakar-atmU. would respectfuUy call
tbe attention of h!s mend# and the public !n general, to hla
, w __. assorted i tack of Liquor* and Cigars, which ho is prepared
t> ECETVED PER FL0RIDA—Colored silk mantillas, plalu
XV glace silka, brown silk parasols, bareges and tissues,
dotted and figured Swiss muslin*, blsrk suroer bombasln,
cott<,,, •* ent • « ol °red bordered, hdkft., fte.|
apll3 ^ P ’ J -DxWlTP ft lfORflAW. '
135 CongreM-street.—We received so many new books
yesterday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
Religious. Literary Scientific. Humorous and Interesting
We Invite our friend* to call and examine the largest varie
ty of light rending ever offered In this city. Also,
Graham’s Magazine for July; Body’s tady’* Book.
Blackwood's Magazine; Harnum’s Illustrated News.
Gleason’s I’lctornl. ftc.June22
R ECEIVED BY a 8. SIBLEY. Juno 28. 1853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School life, by C. Adam*.
Tho Old Forest Ranger, or Wild Sjiorts of India, by Moj.
Waller Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolution* in Europe snd America, to tho present
time, by II. White. B. A.
Consolation, bv James W. Alexander, D. D.
Tlie Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for interesting number.
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Harnum’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Plctorat, &c.
11HASK nud i'orcollan Preserving Kettle*, for sale by
11 mav2ft J. P. COLLINS. Rr.ran**treet.
B ROWN WINDSOR SOAP—IsiW* highly perfumed Brown
Windsor Soap, so much approved of for washing and
shaving, just received nnd for sale l»y
June28 W. W. 1.1 NOILS’. Monument Square.
J UST RECEIVED—20dozen nflimrOnclTungarisn Tokay
for sale by ifl*! A. BONAUD,
C ORN.—1.000 bushels prime Tenuesse Corn, 56 lb to the
bushel, (or salo I y
Jy8 7V00D * ROP0ER8.
1 JM/JUR.—'75 bbls Ualtimnro Flour, a superior brand land-
; ing per sclir Jobn W. Anderson, and for sate by
J ENNY LIND BASKET STANDS—Just rereived nud for
sate by Jy8 !. 7V. MORREIL ft CO.
A I,F„ PORTER AND CIDER—50 bbts Ale, 20 casks tan-
A d “ ~' ' * * "
I brig Kate Heath, from New Orleans. «nd for sale by
SIBERIAN PAIAI SOAP.—This Sonp Is prepared from the
O pure Palm Oil. and is warranted to bo of a superior
quality. His highly useful In cleaming the skin. Is very
emoliiuiiL and product** an excellent lather. Just recelv
ed and for sale by WM. W LINCOLN.
no15 Monument Square
F I .OUR—200 bid* Hour, of superior brands, landing from
schr WoodbrlJge and for sale by
apl'28 niUGIIAM^ KELLY ft CO,
G ROCERIES.—80 bbls Stuart’s refined Sugar
20 boxes tanf Sugar, 10 bbl* crashed Sugar
6 bbls powdered Sugar
6ft boxes pale nnd No 1 Sonp. 10 boxes toilet Soap
25 •• No 1 Starch. 26 boxes Pearl Starch
20 bags Java Coffee, lnndlng for sale by
S CHOOL BOOKS.—Webster’s Unsbi Idged Dictionary.
Boston School Dictionary. Filch'* Mapping Plates.
I’lerpont's American Flrst’Class Book,
taomi*' Elements of Algebra.
You man’s Class Book of ChrnieMry.
Qua:kenbn’aFirst Lesson* In English Composition.
Parley’s Common School History. Bullion's tatin Reader.
A further supply recolved and for sale by
may 18 S. 8. SIBLEY. 135 Congress-street.
rpilH MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy. pocket cdi*
X tion. beautifully illustratad and In tbe most conveut.
ent form yet published.
Also, tho Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Song* and
Odus. suited to every occasion In lodge or celebrations
Both new work* recently published, and highly worthy the
attention of tho Craft. Just received and for sale at the
Book Store of 8.8 SIBLEY.
no8 185 Congress-strsel
THORNE 7VUJJAM8 has received Simms’ sirerd
• and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of tho South at
the close of the Revolution, W. Gilmore Simms.
Marta Do Remit're, a talo of the Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
Thompson's Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and House
hold Surgery, revised by Dr. Henry H Smith
John Randolph of Roandke. and other Sketches of Char
acter. Including Wm Wtrt. by F. W. Tlioma.
The Medical Journal of Medical Scionce for July,
tady*’ Book aud Eclectic Magazine for July.
Poems by Thom** Buchanan, revised New York edition.
. The Boyhood of Great Men, with HluatraUou*.
Horn# Picture, by Mrs. M. 8. Dentsnn.
• McClIntack ft Cook’s 2d Book Iq tatin. JylP
B UTTER AM) CHEESE.—25 flrklna and Tubs choice new
Uutter t 60 box## Cheese, received, and for sale by
vJub#K ■ ■ * -7 MoMAHON ft DOYLE.
W HISKY.—65 bbls New Orleans Whisky, landing I #n
brig Principe, and for sale by
C HAMPAGNE, SYRUP, ftc"—30 baskets Hfldririi Cham
paign In quarts. 6ft boxes Nos. 1.2 nnd 3 lemon Syrup.
60 bbls N E Hum, 30 boxes Starch, now landing and for sale
by june‘2 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft CO.
Question Book, with a full supply of all Books general
ly used in Sabbath School*. Received by
jy 13 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
W iTFR. CHESE. ftc.—20 kegs selected Goshen Uutter,
3 tub* do do. 60 boxes new Pheose. lftft do new scaled
Herring, 50 bbt* tllrara Smith's Flour, fur sate by
A fina assortment of figured Frenrli and Jacknnet Mus
lin* ; also, embroidered Swiss Muslins, in patteinsof
ten yard* each, snd of exce,:snt quality.
JulylM A1K1N ft BURNS.
TU8T received, Parasols of various qualities and price*.
J Jnly‘22 AI KIN ft BURNS
P LAID and atrlped Cambric aud Jaconet Muslins ; also,
Nunsook. Mull and book Musllus, DlsUop Lawn, pink,
blue and white Tarleton, for sale by
July22 ATKIN ft I1UBNB.
J UST received, per steamer from New York, a supply of
James' steam mill Shirting.
..loese, 28 bids Hiram Smith’s F'iour. 6't boxes
Herring, landing per steamer nnd for sale bv
C AGKS.—Mocking BirdCages. lust rercive.1 and"forVnIe
by Jy! I. 7V. MORRELL ft CO.
S UGAR, ftc—10 id
Porto Itlco do, 30 do New Orleans •'«. 60 barrel* Sugar
House Syrup. 700 do West India Moln««e*. 20 hhds prime
Baron Shoulders. 30 do do Sides, received nnd for sale by
E NGLISH INKITII BRUSHES—a very superior article et
English Tooth Brushes, manufactured expressly fur the
subicrltH-r. nud direct from tandon. for sale by
Junelff W. W. LINUOF.V. Monument Square.
F OR SAIJv—A light one Imrsti Cnmagc. with pole, built
to order by Brener ft Sou, New York, and lm* been
used but little. It ran be seen at the Carriage Repository
of Mr. George W. Hardcn-tle.
17NGI.ISH PICK1 JJi'AND SAUCFS.—ft dor. jara assorted
,I_i Euglisli Pickle*. 0 doz buttles assorted Sauces, just re
ceived and for sale by
JuneOO __J. R0SSEAU.
D issolution.—Tim firm of kkuitox ft MAHMiau." wa*
dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 16th instant.
Savannah. 18tti February. 1853. fnbl8
Tlie subscrilwr bus just received a large n iiimIht ol
ftTTfl CVxiklng ninl Parlor Stoves, which lie will dispose ui
vl^Gun accommodating terms. Among tliem may be
found tlie following: Cooking Stores. The Republic, tally ol
the take. Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and offleo Stoves.—
Union Cottage, t'ylinder. Sheet Iron, (air tight) square und
oval, six Plato. Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pots. Kettles. Ovens. Spiders. Sauce Pans,
ftc. ftc. Plain nud Japanned Tin 7Vnre. for sale, and manu
factured at short notice. Orders for Hoofing. Gutters, and
Lenders,ultcnded to with piinctunHlv.
Nos. 10 sod 12 Barnsrd street
No. 4 Norik f]fth ttrft:hcf>ilnort abate AfarM,
T HE undersigned have Just opened it freehand complete
stock or Avail Papers, among which are gold and vel
vet. fine **Un. and the lowest priced ungtazed-papers; olito)
decorations, border*, fire-screens.curtains.«U.V which they
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.
Tlie best workmen employed to hang paper either In th#
city or country.
Blank Jlndkt. SlaWmary, rfc.—We hate also our usual a**,
sorlment of writing papers wrapping pipers, blank and
schuol books; statlonerv, etc. :
No. 4 North Ftth street, 2 doors above Market,
„ , , Philadelphia. 1
tnr Cash paid for country rags. mhlft—eod
I N ALL ITS BltANCHES.—Business card*, with appropri
ate device*, embossed In a new stylo. In plain and fancy
eolors. Fenl* of every description, with or without presses.
Envelopes printed with name, business nnd address:labels,'
bill heads, manufacturer'* tickets, ftc..all.executed in tbe
m-ateot manner and at prices 26 per cent, below any simi
lar ektnbllsbment. In consequence of better and Improved
facilities for the execution of such work.
X. n.—All orders by mall promptly attended to. Gone's
sent to any part of the country.
f. B. CALVERT ft CO..
Lnvelopesnd Seal Press Manufacturer*. Die Sinkers. Etnbc*
ser* nnd Eungravers. 48 South 3d-*L, Philadelphia.
A RCHER ft WARNER. Manufacturers. No 119 Chest iut-
street. Pliliadnl pit is. res| wctfully solicit the attend m of
purchaser*, to. tlielr assortment of cliaudelter*. bra.kets,
jiendnnt*. nnd every description of gas burners; also every
rartutV «>f tamiM. vlrandnitM V. w.—„i u„» _•—
qua tin
rarluty nf lamps, girandoles, fce. ViV warrant -our goods
equal in iiuallty, nnd our price* as low as any. other estub-
Bailment In the country.
Tlie Trade supplied with burners, mercury; cap*,brass
tings, air pump*, ftc.. at reduced price*. '
Fills S. Archer. I William F. Mlskey,
I Wm. O. B. Merritt.
Redwood F. Warner,
Wm. O. B. Mei
44. £
C AMBRIC and Swiss Bands, scullopod and very pretty}
ado, while and black tace Undersleeves; Swiss Muslin
Undersleeves, for sale by Jy22 AIKEN ft BURNS,
T7ELtTHratS.^3",000VbFoatbera'for sale by
1? mh29 I W MORREU, ft CO,
for sale. Apply at this office. apI22
O for sale. Apply at this offlce. ap!22
4XO. n. nuuZ —— _________
p O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Tbe undersigned has this
V-/ day associated with him Mr. Hixur C. Kixa. of Glynn
county, with whom he will continue theFactoragesnd Com
mbulon business (a this city.under the firm of Ilcii. ft Ktxa
Janl2 /NO. IL HULL 210 Bay-street.
DUCK AND GREEN TEAS, ftc.—Jqst received, 6 half
IJ chests extra curious Oolong Black Tea. 6 do do extra
Soushong, lOdo do in >4 }b pao’* ages, 5 do da choice old Hy<
, WE nre constantly receiving these valuable
Chses. anil have them always l i readinesa to be
delivered at tho shortest notice.
N. B —We are permitted to inform the public that w«
have received from Mr. Raymond, of New York city, a let.
ter signed by tlie different luenilters of the United States
Senate, wlio were appointed to take chnrge of the body nt
lb« Hon. Hknky Cut, deceased, (which wa* enclosed In one
of Fisk’s Metnllc Cases.) and wlio went with it to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymond, that tho Cuse answered the pur
pose for wlitch it whs Intended, and meets with tlieiranpro-
button, and they cheerfully recommend it to the public us
being sni«rlc«r to any other Case for the transportation ol
the dead. The letter can be seen bv calling on
feb!4 I. W. MORRElJ, ft CO
>lTrrt _ m The subscriber ivavlug purchased the en
^u^jl^agBtlre business of F. Zooiuru ft Co., of which
pffl f ’if Brni be has heretofore been the acting menr
• • * *l»er In Savannah, would respectfully Invite
the attention of tlioso in want of anything in the musical
line to his establishment. From many year*' experience
both in professional and business matters connected with
music. Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer his ser-
vices in the selection of music and instruments or the ful*
filment of orders, with the assurance of his utmost zeal nnd
industry in Ills endeavor to deserve the patronsge snd con
fidence of the public. G. B. M1ICHKIJ*
junol4 successor to FiZoglwum ftCo.
No. 147 Bay Strtd.
All persons of taste and refinement—those having
due regard for comfort nnd personal appearance, may
t all times select any and every article for their ward*
■robe, from one of the lnrgcst assortments of the Very
Best Goods In this country; either In Ready Made Garments
or made up In measure in unique style, or Furnishing aril
cies of every description and quality too numerous to men
ti-n Call snd see. PRICK ft VEADER.
M D.. MURPHY, 21 BuU drtH. would respectfully
Inform his friends and the public generally, that be
•lias received Ida spring style* for gentlemen, among
■which wilt be found as rich and fine fancy Cnsslmeres.
Vestings, ftc.. ns have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and tn the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and Judge for
lii-msetvns. mb II
WM. R. SYMONS. Dbahfh sxp Tailor. No.
iffi|t7 Whitakerdrtdt. roq-ectfully solicits the!
fOattentlon of his friends an I tlio public In gen-|
.JuLcral. to lit* largo stock of Ready-ma ie Ctotli-I
Ing. suitable fur tbe present and coming season. It lias all
be n made up under bis personal superintendence, an I for
style and durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to
be found in the market.
Tlie following comprise a portion of the stock: Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths; black,
brnb d'ete Frocks and Sack* ; linen dudk. drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Sacks; India grass, silk and brown linen
Sacks: black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French cosslmeres. black doe-skin eossi*
mere, black drab d'ete and spring tweed casatmere. white
duck and fency linen drill, together with a large lot of cot'
ton drill and dock rants, for summer wear
Veata of black satin, black baratheu. and foncy silks, fan
cy and white Marseille*, figured and striped linens.
Also, a targe stock of Furnishing Goods, sach as stocks,
glove*, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk nnd cotton socks, atlk and
gingham umbrellas, ete.,eto.
The whole of which he offers for sate an accommodating
terms, and at prices as cheap aa the cheapest. ap!3
Offers for sate, a U&ge assortment of Cloths, Css-
Isimeres and Vestings, consisting in part of the fot-
lowing article*, selected by himself during th# past
summer lu tandon and Parts, which he wlU make up to or
der tn the best atylc of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. HI* atock of Reod/mada Clothing and of Famish
ing Goods, for gentlemen’* wear, is very targe and of th#
best quality ana style—the whole of It made this fall under
his own in*p4ctlon.*hd wtll be sold at.the lowest pricea for
cash or approved credit j—French hfaick. bine, brown and
olive Cloth*; fancy French and EngBzh Co*aimer^* ; f
-Silk Vesting, super, foncy 8tlk Hush Veerings> black
,, TliSmUhtm «C B’esftrm Merchant*; MunufddurertandMrrt.
Wdi.jJroliF M Grolx 8«me. 2« do do dn. fc ttiX, J»#vo. Riddle, Kcy^anAWjracittth.
30 do New Orleans i o. 50 barrels Sugar TV MkriufiCturcni, No. IA North Front-street, Hiltsdst-
pbta. where esn always be found every nrtlclu In their line,
or manufactured to order at short notice. Orders by mail
or otherwise, solicited. jsnlS—eodtlapl
117 Chainul dreet, Ulna /bnrfo. north riile, I'hiladtlphla.
1X7 E Inform merchant* and residents of Ibis vicinity, that
r V the most coinplote assortment of Mantel. Her, Wall
and Oval Glasses, richest styles, for prlvale use. or all kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames,ftc.,will
be found at our establishment.
Lrog exjierienno and largo facilities enable us to Mil the ‘
best good* ot lowest prices.
Dimensions being given, wo will give estimate* for any
feed Mirrors, delivered freo from breakage, at any polut.
Orders solicited.
Frenrli Piute Glass, for Stores. Dwellings, fto.. at Importa
tion price*. THOMAS J. NATT ft CO.
T HE subscriber lia* just received |>er late arrivals, a
tarpe anil fresh stock of tlm richest and newest sty Is
•if Velvet. Ta;>estrv. Brussels, tiireo ply Ingrain and Yen’
tian Carpetings, nil of which nre offered on the mostdes.r
nblu terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Covers, Ma’
ting. ftc.
Purchaser* are requested to make an early examlnatinr
as strong Inducements will bo held out to cash buyers.
It. n. WALKER. 100 Chestnut-street. .
mill7—lawtf below 8tli. South side, Milladelplm^C
Take Notice. ' . .
B J. WILLIAMS. No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few t’-.-ir'i
* above Mnrket-street. Philadeiphln. I* the most ox: •••
sivc and best manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shades .
In tbe United States, and-lm* taken the highest premiums
at all the exhibitions; he. buy* the best material* by whole*
*«l- cheaper for Cash than others pay far Inferior articles by
retail and can, therefore, sell superior Venetian UUnds and
Similes, as cheap asfothers ask for Inferior articles. Paint—t
Window Shades In great variety, of beautiful design* and
superior quality. Ruff and While Linen Shades, Blind aud
.'••hade Trimmings, Fixtures, ftc., wholesale amt retail, at
tho lowest cash prices. Store Shades pointed nnd lettered
to order. Reed Blinds nt manufacturers’ prices. Old liliiids
painted to took ns good as new. Purchasers, by calling,
will be convinced that he sells a superior articlo. and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discouatrasdatodealere.
“ IFe ttudy to pirate." *
aplfl—eod No. 12 North fith-atreet, Phlta,
THE Alterations and Improvement* in our
including a lino Show Room for Piano
FT ft J 11 Fortes, nnd a Music Department for tallies
1 * , * * "being now completed, wo would Invite the at
tention of tho musical public to our stock, comprising every
article in the line, which can bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO A. Stodnrt ft Co...1. B. Dunham, aud
others of established reputation, constantly on band.
F. ZOGB.tUM ft CO., Importers,
No*. 74 8t. Julian nnd 107 llryan-street*.
dcc7 Next to Market Square
No 17 Whitaker tlrni. Savannah.
Has Just openeil a large and choice variety of Nkw
8piii.hi and Sciimkh Goods, consisting In imrt of black,
ifigurod and fancy French Cnssltneres ; black und col-
^»r#d Cashmere; Cloth* nnd Cashmcrett*; white nnd
fancy Linen ITrilla; with a targe assortment of fancy Mar
seille* and IJnen Vestings, all of which ho Is prepared to
make up to order in the most faalilnuablo style, and on no-
coramodsling terms n;>5
M F8SH8. COHEN ft HANNON respectfully announce to
the citizen* or Savnunali that they are now prepared
to do all kinds of work In their line, at their now shop.,
near thecorner of Broughton nnd Drayton-sls. They have
established the following as their rates of charges; For a
single share ,n ».; per month, for 2 or three time* per week
76c.; 4 times a week $1 ; 5 or 6 times a week 91 80 ; ercry
•lay ft 76 per month. Hair cuttlug 20c.; hair curling 26c.
sham pool ug20c. . \
Mr. COHEN will always hold himself in readiness to at
tend to orders from those who may require hi* services at
their homes. >iov8
L lgUORjTANirwiNl®—12 hair pipes Otard. Dupuyft
Co’s Frencli Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
low priced French Brand v: 30 quarter casks Domestic do. 60
bbls do do. 76 do P ft H Rye Gin. 160 do R Phelps’ dn 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy. 8 do pure Geor
gla Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky. 60 do white Baltimore
do. 30 do old Westminster Mnnnngnhela do. 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo, 100do N, E. Hum.26 quarter casks
Madeira Wine. 16 eighth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port
dn. 2 half pipe* do do, 20 quartercasks Brown Sherry Wine,
40 baskets Champagne do. For sale by
anin ITOCTra ft PA1AIF8.
T UP. Subscriber lias on hand a fine and welt selected
Stock of imported pure Wines, Liquors aud Segars,
comprising the following ;
lira nrty—Hi half pipes Otard, Dupuyft Co. ; 3 do Jo
old ilennessy ; 2 do do Sarsrac. 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean taut*.
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupay.
Wines—4 half pipe* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 dn do
tandon Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 6 do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 baskets Chsmiwigne.
Segars—^20.000 Bio Honda ; 10.000 ta Cruls ; 6.000
ta Union ; 10.000 ta Potria ; 26,000 Trnbucns.
Fancy Groceries.—A InTgo supply.such a* Imported
Cordial*. hV-'l«h Plcklesand Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats,
Prunes and Jen.«... Forsnleby A. BONAUD.
*b*8 Girnpr of Bay and Whltaker-streets.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restori ng grey hstr to
Its original color. It ts guaranteed by tho Proprietor,
bat If the patient Is grey, ho can havo his hair restored to
It* original color by using tarot’s Wahpcno. For Sale b*
W. W. LINCOLN, Monument 8quare.
T HE YOUNG MAROONBRS. by Her. F. RTtfoildingTlt
further supply just received and for sale at the book
store of may6 S. 8. SIBLEY, 135 Congrasa-at. ;
A REVIEW of the Spiritual Manifestation*, read before
.toe OrogrognUonal Association of N. York and Brook*
lyn. by Ker Charles Beecher.
Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketchee of the
Canaries, the Cape do Verde. Liberia. Madeira. Sierra ta*-
one.and other places of Interest on the west coast of Afri-
HowSoST^ 0 BrWgt *’ U 8| Km/ ’ bj
Silver and Pewter, or contrast or New York Ufe.
Memotni,Jonroal and Correspondence of Tbo# Moore—
edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Rassell, M P.'
Baronin's Illustrated News, No. 20. Received by
mqy20 , J. B. CUBBEDGE.
■}[W bbl* Balttmare flour, 76 bbls Htram
2 Msckerel, received and foroaje by . . V
v^rJust received a. superior arriele. of 1 9SS
tdeuaejtt.for.iiaMby.i:-' • t; .*■
v -if, W. jJNOOLN, MoDument Pquare,,
Flour. 60 hints prime nrw Boren Aides. 20 do do Should
ers. 30 bbl* and 50 kegs Leaf Lard, binding and for solo by
T O THE LADIES.—We would respectfully call tho atten
tion of the ladles of Savannah, snd sourroundlng coun
try, to the following new and bcoutlful goods which we hare
ju*t received, via : silk Paris mantillas. laced gimp mantil
la*, black nett senrfa col’d. neetscarfs, Indies cravats and
ties. French worked collar*, laced capes. eViemlretWand un
der sleever. oonnet ribbon, gauze, can ribbon, btack velvet
ribbon. Alexandre* light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
silk nnd lisle gloves, with a large variety of other Articles
too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your
selves ; alt of which will be sold on tbe best passible term*
by Mbit) AIKIN,* BURNS.
' 178 Brough tan'street
L AMP OIL VINEGAR, ftc.-Ju*t received 70 bbls bleach*
eel Wlislo Oil, 10 do White Vinegar, .10 do No 1 Ma.*-
orel. 6 do Scotch Herring, 30 taxes smoked Herring, 60. do
Beadell’s tattow and sperm Candles, 4s. 6s and 8«, 26 do do
family Soap. 60 do ground Coffee and Mustar I, 8 lihds New
Orleans Sugar. 20 bbl* Stuart’s crashed, ground;and' clari
fied Sugar*, and 2 hhd* Codfish, for sale at the forner of .
Broughton and Drayton otreeta,by
J UST RECEIVED —We have Just received, a fresh sup
ply ol ladles’ merino, gauze, silk ahd ootton Vests.
Misses and Infant's merino vests, gents silk, merino, gauze
and cotton vests; also, a fine assortment of linen'cambric
handkerchiefs, ladies’ and misses’ white and brown Dolton
hose, while and bUck silk do, gents white, brown nod mix
ed half hose. gents white and black silk da dn; together
with a large assortment of white and colored'linen cam
brie handkerchief*, colored and black silk cravats, 8tock<
and ties, for sale low by
OHAWLr! ftc.—Super, and common crape shawls piain
O and embroidered, vsndyk# ooltars beautiful goods, as
sorted parasol*, plain, striped and checked glooe silks.sum
mer do, bareges, tissue* and grenedines, colored nnd wlid->
in const and organdy mnsllns, a targe assortment of Irl m
linens, French printed cambrics.^
O stripes and ptatd. new pattern gthghamj baVeges and
t ssue*. ladles’colored and black umbrellas and parasols,
silk gimp to suit all shade* of alike ahd bareges, black net
mantillas, sliawls, points and 1 scarfs. 1 whltaand Maiek'eew-
ing silk scarfs, white lace end colored silk ma»Dlloe>lri)H«
and colored crape shawls, black awan silks, black bareges
and tissues, black and lead Frerteh ginghams, for sale by
• p »3 , AIKIN,ft BUftNia.
L ADIE8’ DRESS GOODS.—Printed otfartdi«.(tteitadlnea
bareges, Jaconeta.-lawns, tlssuea, glncs alike, cm da
Paris, French eavnhrit*. India »Rk4.'_flJh»red artff dnrtttad
awls# mull.nansook and cambric mu»llo#, - »ltkan4R«en
lu » P m *°'' r "’ *’ tl ” tow *‘ ’wife * SOMAN.
R UTTER, CHEESE, ko.-po kegs Mlectad Goshen Butter
100 boxes do Goshen Cheese; 100 do do scal'd Herring
160 do do Italaina { 60 half and 60 quarter do IUWnej 100
half, quarter and eighth bbls Buckwheat i 2p ; bM4ian*sqrti
•d Ckndy {-60 do New Bedford Sperm Candles;40,000sup*,
rior Plantation Began. Reoriradpereteamet gndfiir itlf
B RANDY, GIN, ftt—to bair pipes Otard Brahdy, 10 do do
Sewett ft Rowh I Id do. 10 pipes Holland Gin. ,20. X and
X casks Madeira Wine, 20 do doPUrt do, 20bbM oldMooon
gabels Whisky, 60 do Douoatlo BrOndy. 60do do Gin, 100
do do Rum, 10Q ffo WhWjr, Just received; wadforsita by .
ie20 ' iwnnM,, fc «w«
Bdi ik..
— flbooldere; 800 caon_„.
TTAt^-60 belea prime Ambor
XI erNortb Stato. • roreafeb