Newspaper Page Text
-y'to- im;
“^^otioaiw^ ©eorftloB,
. cu,! r^xLViOvmav, M .
Jess!rtloIbOT »fio «•» “ "*•>”»>
btU ewttW*w*” r y wornlug. The evening
T®4h«bwS.t oboboiah,
Ire Interest of Mr.
• establishment In
„ raeptotfotly «olio<U eoWinuattenof the #*.
tensive patronarsWllberalty bedowed on the tote propel*,
tor. UU out Intention to keep * tone nmt extensive e*.
wrtment uf tRWhdf of,pwr^ ( eulted .to, ihle .mnrket.
The late propHetpr.Mr. J- £Thornton, will Mt m ourmrent
lit the hortlu for the purchase and supply of our establish
ment. Ill* exwqtadre of twenty yew* In the buslnera tt
the Booth, will Insure to bur friend* end patron* eueh e
well aeleoted etoek ea cannot fell to give entire satisfaction.
Mr. niwjnrrr will give Wa. perebhaUttentlon to all kind of
repairing, aa heretofore. UtflB.8. BKNNOTT.
tneylO ’ • JUDGE W. HARRIS.
A CARD.—It will he aeon from the above, that! have Hold
out to Meaira. U 8. Riwmrrr A Co., and I have every conlt-
donee In the ability of theae gentlomem both in capability
and capital, to auoceaafully conduct the business, nud keep
up the reputation bt the eatablWunent. ...
Mr. IxwnS. Bkxnktt haa been my foreman for the taut
two year*, and I take plcaaure In recommending him totho
public aa ah iodoatrloui. capable and deaorving man, who.
while looking to hla own Intereat, will not neglect those of
In relinquishing my busluew In thle place, 1 take the op.
portunlty to say, that It te not from any dissatisfaction
“ ildence• In the city of 8avannah, I
T OBACCO—10 cases superior Virginia Gold LoafTobacco Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes gl ft. extra El Dora-
whatever. 8lncemy residence-In the city of Savannah, I dodo, 28 do WT Law’* beat do, 30 do Carroll’s Gold Leal
have been kindly and geuerously treated, and have sue- do,forsalaby mhO J. V. CONNKRAT A CO.
ci'edrd much better than I anticipated, •
In tho course 1 hi * ‘ ‘
eonaldarations of a
■*zfcjfcinrtv\h UWUBAOTM CO.
** vw Ma 111 «»»■>«<<■
nirsm Roberts, J.R.Vfttder,!.
*■*»<>* H “" . u “w
i 5. f. iitsnY n. WEED,
11IEIAM BOUKlira, VlMltmldBUt
-^STtoSb, 0 ™ exchange and
. to «0,l tor their frloodo uid dwlrou. o(
"fi.* » ■"> *« r*"“ l “ 1 ” fonn ” 1
ott, JW-
»‘*““Ji„t b ,rtod to draw on Mmr.. Wo.TepKott
^UrtfoooUs rums from tl and upwards, which
l&,U ^TibU In any town throughout Ireland and
^TlSuoa Fran<*<*««»y,In
S/rf the Continent. alio for sale. Apply to
K-lf BUNKER A OGDEN. 80 Bay-strect.
’ •leiiCRVIIULL. l>re*ldent snd Treasurer.
•LBOJi CHASE, Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
n signed, Agent of the above Company, conUnue*
Mjti the fallowing Risk., tI*. : Marine, River and Fire
U-jrfffhHePvrMn*are also taken by this Company.
Comer of Bar and Drayton-atreeta.
ing will do more, to affect, tbl*. than the sustaining of a
healthy and honorable competition. Let the good people of
the City and State'eee to it. J. 0. THORNTON.
8*VA.<nrAH, 9th May. 1883.
N. B —Mr. H. D. W. Aieusipxk ia my legally authorised
agent Tor the transaction and cloalng up of mv business,
may 10 Ic, THORNTON.
~’* ABMOVAL. 1 1
J? scriber having just removed to No. 81 Ball-street, (be.
tween Congress and Drmightnn-street*,) weuld Inform hla
friends and the public.generally, that ha will open Tbm
Day, hi* second supply of Fall and Winter Goods, constating
of the beat French, English and : American Cloth*. Casal-
meres and Vestings, purchased dram the most extensive Im
porters In New York. which he Is prepared to make up In
the best and moat fashionable stylet,
deal M. D. MURPHY.
TTtAlRBANK’S Patent Platform Scale#—(Improved In qua!-
-F t Ity and redneed In price)—Adanted to every required op
eration of weighing, as Railroad Scales for trains or single care
in use on the principal railroads In the United States and
Great Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills, Ac. SloreScalea, various
modifications; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, &e.—
These Scales have been long known and severely tested; and
the universal conAdonee felt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment, is such that they are now regarded as the stand-
anl.from which thdre la no appeal. *
royl3 PHII.BRICK A BELL. Agents
ifiSret br mutual consent. Either partner iaautho-
fl the name of the Arm In closing
the unsettled
iWitknlgMd will continue the FACTORAGE and COM-
•MOV BC.'IN'B^ on hla own account, and respectfully
Jfcti i continuance of the patronage ao liberally extend-
4rm ' john nasroN.
K [«rtoer«blp heretofore existing between the aub-
ib£. under the n r ra of Viusuwaa A Aawra, is
Usbfdl'Mlred hr mutual consent. Mr. D. C. Acihta
lOmtlaae the budnessss liefore. and is authorlied to
amnuuna. Oa., July 11,1883, July 29—Sw
hapARTSERSHIP.—Tlie undersigned having purebased
[j frtin John R. Norton Ills Stock of Hardware, will con-
Until* builnfss at the sumo store under tlie firni of 8aM-
■fiuoa t Sox. SAMUEL P ALMKU.
kriois. August 1,1853. j“ly 81—lm
ronCK-I have disposed of the entire Stock or Hard-
H n»of MeCuwTkNwmw to Messrs. Samukl Pal-
at Jn. »nd sollrlt In their tu-lmlf a continuance of the
iBliatrenagebhbMlo extended to the late ttrm.
If Mu. note* and accounts, ss well as those of Mc-
tanl.Vocrox. are in the hands of Mr. Geo. B. Welsh,
(ttUoir*. Hsuint k Hox) who will attend totho *et-
Innt «f all the imflni<ho.i Imduess (ns n«7 agent) and
ikilo«lisuUioriw.l to receipt for me.
teiBUB. August 1.1853 July 31—lm
jttfSAunM sir cw-rABTwrtfJMi*,—Tbe co-partnerj
]} ihin hsretnlbre exist ing between thesubse.riheni under
AiraolF Z'Hi'IIAUM AO). Is dissolved by mutual
it. 0. B. MITt'UKI.l, will continue the business on
Won imunt.and i« suthorizeil to settle all claims, in
tidtr.tiroragainst the into Arm.
V. JSMUUAUM, Charleston. 8. C.,
0. B. MITCJIK1.I, Savannah, Ga.
fmniuli. June fith. 1853 Je8
- „ ... * withdrawal of
nOPAltTSTRSIHP-The undersigned having associated
v with them Henry II. Srran'nn. will continue tho Gro
Bjkmiuns under the firm of Scranton. Johnston A Co.
qlT .108. JOHNSTON.
N OTICE.—'The undersigned will continue to carry on the
Limber sndTimber business as heretofore, under the
t ind style of J. Uohkktb & O).
VsnUniON nr COPARTNEBSHIP—Nonds-Tlm con
/ tars of Klbbee At Rodgers is this day dissolved by niu-
»l ewenUMr. Klbbee retiring, and Mr.Thomas Wood,
“‘"■wje-taking his place, under the nsme and style
All debt* against the late firm will be
twated by tbs new firm, and all monies due them will be
"Wakls,and receipted for by tbenew concern.** per
kibiike ft Ronovm
A CilO.—Ike subscriber, in retiring from business in
UU ntj, cannot but feel deeply grateful and obliged
my liberal patronage which has been extended to
bnure.) bath from city and country friends, and
JwttUopportunlty to express Ids thnnk* for the same.
“*mir»the hope that |«sst favors will be continued to
"•JWMjora. who are every way grateful to give the most
JfwW. nLUdsctton to tbe patron* of the late concern
kBtWk Rodgers. Very respectfully.
N?i E r' ni * . ev P»vlner*lilp heretofore existing l»e-
k, 1 , . nB 'lerslgned. under the firm of Crank ft
■®wtUthisd»y dissolved by mutual consent. The
«*•*« the late firm will be settled by II. A. Crane, to
rm^Welstm. will please present them,
•jaalndebte-l will make payment Either party are
to un the name of the late firm In liquidation.
(l undrralgnod having saaociated
riTr,.' 0 .*'- J ,°bn R, Johnson snd Mr. James E. Cope,
Mftwfwi^ JopNsois^g^c^ grocer r l,u *' ne ® under the firm
“ rt ' T. HOIXXIMDE.
gCtfreU_Hjt-J_ait IMI;
I have Just-taken. I have been promntei
if a private characteraltogether; when
1 always carry with me the liveliest at
. cheap: 280 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugar* *, 76
lihds. N- O. and Museovado do: 28 do Porto Rico do j 80 do
Cuba Molasses; 180 bbls. N. 0. and 8ugar-houso Syrup:
400 bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee ; 80 do 0. G. Java do; 100
boxes Tobacco, all brands; 60 hints. Bacon Hides t 28 casks
HamsandSbouldera; 76 bsrrlet Lard, prime article; 180
boxes Soap, all kinds: 200 do Sperm ana Adamantine Can
dles ; Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nats, Candles. Apices,
dc..fte. m*y2fl
B UTTER AND CHEESE—30'firkins prime end choice but-
terj 60 boxes cheese, received sttffor^saJe bj
F IJK)R On- CLOTHS.—The most complete stock of Oil
Cloth*, in every variety of natternsand color*, varying
In width* from one to eight yarn*. Families and hotel keep-
rs can cover their dining room* or Italia without piecing.
WM. II. GUION. Agent, Carpet Warehouse,
feb6 140 Congress and 67 St. Julisn-sts.
received, a fine assortment of gold pen* and pencils
double and single extension ; also, a variety of fine
penafer cheap at the book s'ore of
ap!H 8. S V 1-VfiCnngres*-■tm«'
Refined and Clarified do. 10 boxes do Losf <lo. 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses. (50 do Hiram Smith and pure Gene
see Flour. <50 do Butter, Sugsr and Soda Cracker*. 28 do and
100 kegs prime t-eaf Lard, 60 boxes selected new Cheese, HM
doHlar Candles, 80 dh BeadeU's fl’s and 8’s patent tallow do,
landing and for sale by
M PRENDER0A8T ft CO. havo just received a small
• case-.of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadines. An assortment of very
nice cambric tu»ertlng* and edgings; one case of superioi
Italian sewing silks, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry goods, they offer on very low cud
terms, nt 178 Ilroughton-street.
apl28 OppositeSt Andrew’sHall
. and jnconct muslins; Nainsook and mull muslins;
plabl and stri|>ed jaconet nnd Swiss muslins; plain nnd fig.
tired Swiss muslin; embroidered Swiss hiuslin ; white nnd
orgnnda muslins; colored linen lustres; nnd a fine assort-
ment of ladloH' nnd gentlemen's linen cambric, handker
chiefs. tnO AIKEN ft BURNS.
500 Rolosoos’s lmins, LOO boxes adamantine candles
In store and for Mile by
may29 OGD^j ft BUNKER.
C Ol'TKK. SUGAR, fto.—Just received. So boxes ground
Java and Rio coffee. 30 do nrastard In ft cans. 10do
ground popper. 28 do family soap. 50do Beadell's candles. 30
ensks Ityass’ l/>ndon Porter In quarts and pint*. 30 bbls (’a-
mil and’ Baltimore (lour. 10 boxes 8 ’h tobacco. 30 bbls clarl-
fled crashed and ground sugar. lOdnsolnr lampnll. in store
and for sale by DAVID O'CONNER.
junelO corner Broughton and Drayton-atreeta.
i UTTERTCHElSEr&o —26'kegs and 20 tubs selected Gm
alien Butter. 80 boxes English Dairy Choose. 100 do
new scaled Herrings. 50 bbls Hiram b'mlth nnd Geneseo
Hour. 20 boxes Ground Coffee. 28 do assorted Candy. rocetv-
d per steamer and for sale by
e io Mikt Falkirk AW. in
J. roubreau.
—— ...
-jSggEfe* F06DICK.
AND HUMMER CLOTHING—Just reo*lv«d an a*
- sortwwit pf An* Clothing, at 147 B*y *treet
l£^NRNT > 8 ALR.—26 esaks TenMnt’s aup«rior Al» in
pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale, 20 do I-ondon Porter,
fbr uSe by . , ap!19 W. W, GOODRICH.
IKKY WINK—A superior article, strongly recommend-
‘ direct from the Importer*, and for sals'by
mRA.—Just roostvod. 10 ohoats Young and Old Hyaon,
1 Imperial and Black Teas,' "*
rlor quality, tor sale by
s, In mstallo packagoa, of supo-
T OWNSEND’S BAR8APARILLA.—1 gross old I)r Town-
senil’a, l do 8 P Townsend's, also. Sands’, Ellis’, and
Bull's Sarsaparilla, Just recalvod and for sale by
mblO W. W. IJNCOLN, Monument aquart,
T RIMMINGS—Trimming braid, colored silk nnd linen do
colored silk, linen and gilt buttons for children, fancy
open worked hose and half hose, for sale by
■ftiNEOAR—10 bbls pure cider vinegar, and 10 bids white
Y wine vinegar, Just latuted from steamship 8tnte of
Georgia, for sale by. mh22 K. W. UUKHL
1TE and colored curatin and pavilion loops, for salo by
'ftttittB AND CHECk'MATTING, 44, 84 and 6-4, Ju*
Y Y received and lor sale by
W HISKY—100 bbls. New Orleans Whisky, landing this
day per brig Kate Heath, and for sale by
ITT ASHING MADE EASY—Boston Chemical Washing
Y Y l’twdure.—One package of these powders will make
two gallons of 8oft S*«p, of a superior qusllty for all do-
mestlc tnes, just received and for sale by
anl7 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square
<EE NOTIONS.—Patentself-heatlng smootlng irons,
lent nut crackers, cloth pins, fluid lump*, cow milk
ers, spring bottom guarded lanterns, thermometer churns,
Ice butkets and water AUerera. Just received and for saloby
aplS J. P 00IJJN8.100 Bryan-streeL
rnHF. Timber Cutters of Edlato River. South Carolina, re-
i; spectlvcly call the attention of buyers of Umber to the
Charleston market for that article. They believe that they
torjlsh as well got and as large good heart Tiinbfcr ss can
bofound in any Southern city. Byaatrange and arbitrary
syitem or measurement—keeping the forclvn trndeln Igno-
ranco of the cheapness of the market, the Mills of Charles-
ten aro enabled to purchase-the Timber, at prices enot>.
mously low to the Timber cutters Tito latter would there-
five, invite buyers to examine their market. The same
tknber which brings In Savannah, (by the pspersHrom 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet, Is now soiling In Charleston
mm 4 to 8. ^Janl8—lawlOt.
B OOKS—The .History of the Mormons, or Latter Day
Paints, In the Valley of the Great Salt Lake,—their rise
spd progress—peculiar doctrines—present condition and
piw|wcts—derived from personal observation during a rest
drnce among them, by IJeut. Gunnison, U. 8. Topograph!-
ml Engineer*. Received and for sale by
dec28 8. 8. SIBLEY 138 Congress street
M OORE’S IRISH MEIDDIES.—A complete collection in
plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ
mas present. Also. Musical Instruments in every variety,
frtim a Jewsharp to a Church Organ, and Music In sheets
and volumes, from the Fisher’s Hornpipe, to Hsjrden and
Mozart's Masses. For saloby F, 7.0GBAUM ft CO.,
dec20 74 8t. Julian and 107 Bryan-streets.
bbUi ButUrOn.
60 boxes Soda do, 61
whola-half and quarter c,--.
box** apertn. adamantine and tallow Candles.
_ - do Pate and No, 1 Soap. 26' do do do Starch,
30 do Ground Popper, In ft lb paper*,-200 do table Bait
100 eighth, quarter and half oheata Tea,
200 do Tobacco.' assorted qualities,
100 ban Rio Coffpe. 60 do. Java do,
60 bbls 8tuart»* reflned B ft C Sugar.
60 do eirola A crashed do. 10 dononnd do,
.20 hbds Porto Rloo Sugar. 10 do Now Orleans do,
TO boxes Loaf do. 200 bbls Domretlo Ununrs,
20 oaaes as’d Pickles, 80,000 Began, as’d qualities,
60 aross Pipes, 100 ream* Wrapping I’aner,
60 dot Brooms, 100 Demijons. 1, 2,8 and 6 gallons,
600 now sngar-cured Hams, 6 hhd* Hdes,
6 lihds Shoulders. 100 sacks 8a!t,
10 tierces new Cuba Molasses. 60 bbls do do,
IQ do Stuart’a eugar-house Syrup, .
And a general assortment of foreign Brandies and Wines
Instore, for sale by feb26 COHEN ft TARVER
m\r win< asd .lk^kMec kTOHKi
Itltens of Savannah, '
tlqoallyln store, a.lar
of the various kind* or w!NE8 AND
and domestic, Invoiced from the b
;Mck of, which, at present on hand,
flaVtoK had extensive experience In
turer, and in America a* Importer i
tanoe with the trade enables him to
articles which aw enumerated below tr# each genuine t
Articles of Direct Importnf on—French Bran-
dies of various brands! Holland Gilt; Soo’ch, Irish knd
Monongahela Whisky; Old Batavia Attack | Jamaica and
8t Croix Rum.
Wines—Old Port, Madeira, 8herry,\Cha*»pagne, Hock,
Claret, Hauterno and Burgundy Wines.
Cordials—In cases. Ouraooa, Marafthlni, Ratafia, Bia-
valtx. Kirschenwassor, Abslpth, ftc. V ;'
. Porter—London Brown 8tqut, and Edln-
burgh Ale. 7 • y • ■
Also Agent for Domestic liquors. :
not® . JR. MAYER.
Goorsla and French, Burr and Euro-
f g«in Mill Stones; Ploughs ofjrarinu*
jlnds, Eagle, Sun-Soil and Wrought.
j Share: Iron Flre-proor Safes. Shovels
and Spade*. Manure and Hay Forks, Potato Hooks, Corn
Shollors, Cob Crashers, Manure Dreg*, Cultivators, Straw
Cutlers, Scythes and Sneaths, Hose, ixes, -Pick Axes and
Handlo*. Road Scrapers, Ox Chains, Ox Yok6*. Garden and
Fancy Barrows. Garden Chairs. SogfcienU and Gudgeons
8roen Wire, Homes, Measures, Grist Mills, Rica Thresher*.
Cauldrons. Douglas*’ Pumps and Water Rams, Well Wheels,
do Buckets, 'Cotton and Counter Steles. Trunks. Cotton
Hooks, Jack Screws, Bumlo’a. 8oa Island Cotton Gins and
Griswold’* Upland do, Cemeut, Plaster. Mill and Cross Cut
Sows; also. K?ad and Yard Saw*, he. For sale by
nolfi CHA’S H; CAMPOEIJ), 171 B*y-st,
Dtuii raoirr imwSfStWHf -
WhnlMaU.nd HiXail. '
Wholesale and Retail,
No. 11(5 BrmigMon-tt.. between DhU ami WhUaltr.
THE largest and best selected stock of goods over
offered forsaloln this city. Gold and Silver Watches,
Vest. Fob and Guard Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Chat
elnhe*. Bracelets. Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Rings.
Silver Castors, Tea Seta. Pitcher*. Goblets, Cups. Qgke Baskets, ;
Spoon*. Forks,Fish Knives, Pte Knives, Cheese Scoupt, La
dles. Syphons. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety of articles toonumerons to-
mention : the whole of which will be sold at reduced prices.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and ether Jobbing
attended to by competent hands. HORTON ft. RIKEMAN.
The undersigned begs leave toinforif the Citizens
jOfSavannab. and the people in the cointry la gene-
it he has taken the Store No, 148 Broughton Street,
onn door West of Dtxon’s Confectionery, whom ha will be
pleased to makeand repair all kinds afClock* *ud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted
^ - Have In store; and offer Tor Sale, on the most
3 favorable term*—
■ 16 bbds St roix Sugar, 28 do Porto Rico do
■•261 do N Orleans do. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls 8tuart’s A. R and C Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
VALOUR —100 bbls Baltimore Hour, just received and for
r sale by m»y28 ROWIAND ft CO.
K EMPTON ft VERSTILIJ5 are now opening a finely as
sorted and complete stock of Summer and other Dry
Goods, which they will offer upon the most accommodating
terms. As great care lias been exercised in the selection of
their stock, with a view both to nrico and quality, they con
fidently Invite their friends and the public generally to call
and examlno for themselves. split
new Shoulders; 260 bag* KI<
more Flour; 20 lihds. prime N. 0. Sugar; 10 hluls. clarified
N. 0. Sugar; 150 bbls. Stuart’s B. ft C. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate’s No. 1 Sonp; 60 boxes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bbls. N.
O. Syrup: 50 hhd*. Cuba Molasses; 26 tierces do.; 26 bar
rels do.; 60 boxes star Candles—landing and for sale by
F ISH. MG—6 tea cod (lah. loo boxes smoked herrings. SO
bbls pickled do, 30 bbls No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 60
half bbls do, 2(1 kltts do. 60 boxes buckwheat, 26 half bbls
•Jo. received a ltd for snlo by
fel.7 McMAHON ft DOYLE
[Hi MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-street, lias Just recetv-
SVed the finest assortment or new and fasblifiable Jewel-
# tv of all descriptions. Gold and sllrer nenrils and pens,
Ji silver and silver silted ware and fruit baskets, waiters,
xatoa sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoon: One table.
W pocket and pen knives, scUaorx, and a large variety of the
* finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writhg desks for
ladle* and geutlemen, as also a fine selectim of flntlnas,
accordlan* and fancy articles, too numerous to mention,
which ha offers at the lowost price* ever sold tin this city
Thn attention of the publio at larM, but especially that of
the ladles, is particularly requested. | . au21
Just received at the Wholesale an4 Retail Hat
Store, every variety of
Spring nnd Sommer Goode,
such as Silks, Beavers, Gossamers, Pedate. Union, Paris,
Lone Star. Campechy. and others too numerous to mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnet*.
Call and see. and you will be sure to bo supplied, at the
corner of Barnard and Broughton-street* f
mlill BELDEN * 00
il’RlNG SILKS.—A fine assortment of stnped and piald
J Silks, black summer do, black grenadine dlks. n fine ns-
sortment of new bareges, figured stripes ajd ptald. plain,
figured, plaid snd strine<l tissues, a large assortment of ta-
dies’black and colored silk umbrellas and pimsnl*. h large
and fine assortment of all qualities of hnsieiy. silk and lace
inatitillas. white and black net mantillas, sluwls jmlntsand
scarf*. Swiss and Ince chemixets, light kid ghves. lace mit*
and gloves, for sale by
aplll AIKIff ft BURNS
10 boxee Israf i)o, 200 hogs Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do •
100 Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jsmal< a do
10 cases Myer's Aromatic Tobacco. 50 casks Bacon 8ides
26 casks Shoulder*. 25 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 60 wholoand 26 hair do Canal do
26 lihds, 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter .chest* Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 and Pate Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 coils Wearer’s Rope
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 260 Flack’s do, 26 do Conncctlout
River do,'26 do N E Rum
20 or casks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 Finlf pi|>es Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Monongahela Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
16 bbls Mint and Rose Cordial.
Also, the following old and very choice Liquors. In glasses :
40 dozen choice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
35 demijons Bt Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846 ' •
10 do Pure Juice, 1848.40 do Brandy, 1816
36 dozen Pcheldsm Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar,
taaylfi ''
10 bbls superior blenched WlialeOil; 10 bbls Iswflard
received and for sale by fel4 McM AllON & POY1K
S UGAR COFFEE ANn'TEA—10hbdsPRSugar.'6do8t
Croix do. 100 bbls Stuart's do. 10 do crashed do. 26 do
N O clarified do,100 bugs Rio coffee, 60 do Java do. 60 coses
Muck nnd green ten. 100 boxes assorted tobacco. 60,000
Spanish segars of various brand*. 100 bbls wlilsky, gin.
rum and brandy, 6 pipes Otard brandy. 2 do Holland gin, 2
do Jamaica rum. 2 do Scotch whisky. 70 }i casks Madeira
wine. 6 M do Spicily do, 6 If do Malaga do, 60 boxes as-
sorted cordial*, 6 <1o claret wine. 60 boxes pipes. 100 dozen
bronms. 100 ream* wrapping paper. 200 hams. 100 smoked
tongues. 60 keg* lard. 100 boxes No 1 nnd pale snap. 60 bbls
llsltimore Ilnur. 50 whole nnd 15 half bbls canal do. 60 gro.
mvtrlie*, 60 bid* molasses. 10 bbls No 2 nnd 3 mackerel, 20
half bbls No 1 do. 70 cask* porter. 70 do ale. 20 half boxes
loaf sugar, binding nnd in store, for sale bv
ISS ELAM JAY'S WORK.—Utters nnd Mined antes in
by Uui*e Elcmjn
M l
Prose. Rhyme, and Bliink Verse, by Ionise Klemjny,
a Indy of the
June 28
mth. For sale by
|dain nnd figured (dark Tissue, black SewingSilk for dresses,
idnck Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crape. Cambric and
French Muslins, for sale hy
may 2(1 [ A1KIN ft BURNS,
K EMPTON ft VERST1LLK have just received, a lino lot
of figurod grenadines, crape d'artois. silk tissues nnd
kirege*. which they are offering very low at their stand,
next to F. Zogbnurn’s music store, IVaring's rango. aplgg
H OURKKEEIING "iiRY GOODS—Unen and cotton sheet
Ing. pillow case linen and cotton. Irish linen of tbe
best make, birds eye and Scotch diapers, towels and towel
ing. damask table linen and napkins, long lawn*, crash,
brown and bleached muslin, all widths and qualities, for
sale at the lowest prices,by
•uydfi DkWITT ft MORGAN.
U NDER a now and Improved organization, manufacture
Locomotive and Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills. Gins,
Presses. Lathes. Drills, ftc. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen and Saw Mill work. Shafting. Pulley*, ftc.. Cast
ings of any weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
at reduced prices. V, 8. CLAYTON, Engineer.
Depot 73 Platt-street. cornor of Gold. Cl#xton ft Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins ft Co. snd II. Collins' Axes, Hard
ware Agency, 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
R eceived and for sale by s. s. sibley. i:i6c«n-
grrsvst.—Hi ldo ill the Family—Bible In the Counting
Annuls of Tennessee, by J. 0. M Rninsey. M. D.
The Sword nnd the Dl-talf. or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Mnria Do Ileruievo, a tale of the Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Mmni.1.
The Race for Riches, and some of the pits into which the
Runner* lull.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustin, !>. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—tlio history of Ktlierlnl Softdown
nnd the Friends of the New Light, by C. IV. Webber.
Rowland Wuvor, or the Pilot oniutnan life.
Great Truth* by Great Authors, from writers of nil ages
snd both hemispheres.
Cleansing tho .-'nnctuarr. by W. I,. M’Calla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church. «>f Philadelphia. Je'.’fi
GauV.'. j^T Tll . e Brm or UKochb. Bow.vk ft Co. is
KtWlrt r ,jV olT *4 b J mutual consent, to take effect
wsinnfJtBusMr, The Business of tho firm will be
I*- URoehe snd Alfred T. Rnwne. who are
tee name of the firm In settlement.
Isaac n. Laroche,
bf, J,. . „„ EDWARD 8. KEMPTON.
y»a.8,i853 - RICHARD II. MARSHALL.
fatScikrt* 111 “»>'»“•
the business at their old
Laroche * bowne.
Wt» en * T^ ,f “"‘terslgned have this day form-
»nJ fvl D *f*V p f °r the transaction of a General
teTrilt m .-°TJ MloD lluslness. under the firm of Scran-
' UUaun ' °®c«, No. 18 Coentles Slip. New York.
.totwra. a. . „ H II- TALLMAN.
^P»»lirran^fc*r ra *I*r * ®°**tee, Ezra Wheeler ft Co.,
1,1 Itemrny. New York ; Webster
Ml " ,BerMl °n, Johnstou ft Co , Rowland ft Co., Snvan-
ntrcvyu RV books; 1
te VilesTrrSJ ?' 8 ' «»LEY t August 70, 1863:
wT' or tl . ,c ,<0Ta ' Annotte Marie
Fu ll t ra Professor of Logic
Edinburgh Lutversity, for tho uso of
*’»»»»»,brOW. Wright.
^JwQurlesfl p J ^ P 5} n ^ * nd Ti I’P in S" e*ro*od, by
S^ , fitel. r * te4 / Vcw " 5 « ,ewwn ’*Plural; Popular
^ «*jarim or Arts, ftc. For sale at tho book
M»n ' 8 & 8IBI.EY,
136 Congress-street.
I, h'.htUnt t,T' r * r Public.tloru of tho .V
jSSuatefS ami
i- *" 1 ' olh »f chcup
>11110 110011 Sion, of
.Vow York
Cliurch Cate-
and valu-
S. 8. HIBI^Y,
yo. 136 Congress-street.
}&^ton*morti!" 8ml " g V Thackorii y’" I^otare*
tSSWlS22Si^ n S?W , J r 1 RM P er ’« Dictionary
SSS“rto.’Sh? n mi U Ht ^ of the Indian Tribei,
P|»vfk. Wrafte *2°*bteteV 1 *! 8rd ; Bradles’Bu?
^ PsthJwl ? w, rve u th ® Dedl, 'te: Wllllaas’
P* frutlee of u5it* Human Anatomy; IMck-
583® ’SSttr ass a,,ra, “ ,f ,m 8, “-
- BpW-n od lUllrnw!.; F.n, Lm, m !
ffitS i Toon,,.
?y n WsnlB T «w°| , V* T *,' | Hrlen and Arthur,or Miss
J UST RECHVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire snd
water-proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paint*
differ essentially from all other* In market. They aro not
Clays, they require little oil. they do not work toughly, but
flow easily as white lead. They lay on a rery heary body,
set immediately, and becomean Indestructabte covering of
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
drrer than white lead.
I have a variety of colon. Red, Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black. They are superior tn body (or covering
property) to anything ever discovered,Xnd pound for pound
will cover double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
paints, and require less oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, aa nothing adheres
to tin like Silver’s Mineral Paint*. For sale by
mv 8 10 and 12 Bsrnard-street.
UOCERIK.S. ftc.—100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 26 do Canal
r do, 20 half do do. 20 bbls It 8 Hour, 75 do Stuart’a B ft
C Sugar. 26 do crashed do, 1{)0 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co. 10 hbds Bacon Bides, 10 do do Shotllders. 50 boxes star
snd admantine Candles. 26 bbls Monongahela Whisky. 160
bbls Rum, Gin, Whisky and Brandy, 16 quarter casks Cog
nac Brandy, 2jlpes H Gin. 2 quarter casks Scotch Whisky,
2 do Jamaica Rum. 26 boxes assorted Cordials. 60.000 Span
ish Segars, 26. kilt* Mackerel. 20 half bbls No 1 do. 26 bbls
Nos 1.2 and 3 do. 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Bosn. 60 boxes
Starch. 60 do Lemon Byrup. 10 hhds fine Porto Itlco Sugar.
3 do Bt Croix do, 60 bbls New Orleans Byrup, landing Hnd
for sate br _ml# COHEN ft TARVER. •
N EW and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, just re
ceived by the last Steamer. Vis: Barege DeLalns;
Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sowing Silk; Drosses
Foulard Silk; Colored nnd Black Clialleys and Bareges; Black
and Colored Silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black
and Colored F. Mu»l!n; Black and Colored Ginghams: Plain
nnd Colored lawns; Black and Colored French Cambric; nnd
a line assortment of Black and Colored Calicoes; Plain nnd
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Mall Muslin;
Plaid and Striped 8wiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, very pretty;
also, 8llk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on
the most accommodating terms.
mhl8 AIKEN 4c BURN8.
R EPRINTED from the lately discovered copy of tho folio
of 1632. containing nearly twenty thousand manu-
script corrections, with an introduction to each play—pub
lishing in numbers at 26 cents a copy.
*I7ie Preacher and the King, or Dourdaloue In the Court
of Louts 74th.
Alexander Smith’s Poems.
Alban, or tbe lUatoiy of a Young Puritan; by tbe author
of lady Allco—2 vote. . *
Midland's History of the Crusados—3 vote.
Bohn’s Classical Library—Literal translation.
Scott’s Wavorly Novels. 12 vole., cloth gilt.
Epne* Sergeant'* Standard 8peaker.
IsMlgo’s Portraits of Distinguished Persons, with fino en
gravings, tn 8 rote.—Bohn’* edition.
WoodGalPa Junius. 2 vote —Bohn's Edition.
Humboldt’s Travels In the Equinoctial Region*.
160 BBLS. Baltimore Flour, 20 doH. Smith’s
do. 20 do pure Genesee do, 20 half bbls Canal do.
260 sugar cured Items. 20 hhds Bacon Sides. If 0
bbls Band C Clarified Sugar. 28 do Crashed and
Ground do. 25 do Now Orleans do. 16 hhds Porto IUco do. 21
boxes l>oaf do. 100 bbte Domestic Liquors. 75 boxes Tobac
co. 60 clients Teas, 26 bbl* Mackerel, 26 half bhlt and kits
do. 60 bbte and 10 tea West India Molasses. 26 bbte New Or
leans By run. 6 do Stuart's do, 75 gross Matches, 100 do
Pipes, tending and in store, for sale by
S UNDRIES.—Just received. 20 bbl* Stuart/* Crashed and
Clarified Sugar, 3 hhds New Orleans do. 10 casks, qts.
and pint*. Uvass Isindon Porter. 25 dozen fancy handled
Broom*. 50'do assorted Scrub Brushes and Clothes Unc*.
30 do 2 nnd 3 hooped Water Palls, -5 dnz Wish Boards. 30
do Mustard, In lb. tans. (10 boxes Rondel's Benp. Candles,
snd Starch, and 10 half chests black Tea, Id )i lb. packs,
landing, and for sale'll -
25 HHDS. Porto IUco and Muscovado, 26
43 d" choice New Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba llotas-
nlses. 100 bbls New Orleans nnd Cuba Syrup. Stu-
••art’s rectified do.600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Unseed do. 200 boxes B|>erm nnd Adsmamantlnu Candles.
25 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 75 do Soap, 25 do Toilet do, 6(1
do mixed and assorted Candles, 75 package* Teas. Rteck.Im*
crlnl and Green, 160 bbte A. Band C Clarified Sugar nnd
-’cllow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes.
Hg«. Citron. Pickle*. Raisins, Yeast Powders. Saloratu*, So-
tin. ftc.. now in store and for sale very low. by
and for salo by
E nvelope and wrapping paper, or various size*
and quality. Also, Cotton Sampling and Silk Wrap
ping I’hiter, for inle by
B OOKS.—The Old House by tbe River, by the author of
tbe Owl Creek letters.
Modern Flirtations, a Catherine Sinclair.
Pns*lon and Prin-lple. a domestic novel, by Mrs. Grey
Flirtations In America, or High Life in New York.
The Adventure* of a Bachelor, or a man In search of a
The Silver Bell, or the Heir of Motcombo Manor, by Dr. P
II. Robinson.
Cody’* 1 July’s Book for July; Graham’* Magazine do;
Arther's Magazine do; Peterson’s Mngnzlne do.
Iternum's Illustrated News. No. 25, Further supply of
feline* of a Bell; received by
june‘22 __ _ J. B. CUBBEDGE.
rpilACKERAY’S ENGIJSH HUMORIST, a series of lie
X tores on Swift. Conorove, Adlson. ftc.
Ranke'* Civic Wars and Monarchy In the 18tb and 17th
life and fettersof the Rev. Stephen Olln, late President
of tho Wesleyan University.
The Old House by the River, by the author of the Owl
Creek fetter*.
Taylor’s Memorial of the English Martyrs.
Coleridge Works, vob 6.
Modern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair. •
English few and Equity Reports, being the first relume
of tbe year. New subscribers can bo supplied at the ori
ginal price of $12 per annum.
Blackwood's Maghzino for June.
June22 _____ W. THORNE WILLIAMS.
A ROMATIC VINEGAR—A verv desirable article for th
toilet nnd an efficient remedy for the hendneh. fanli
ness.laugiior. rheumatic pains, ftc. Just received and foi
sale by W. W LINCOLN.
aplo Monument Square.
75J.UID MAGNESIA.— 1 This condensed solution is * very
’ agreeable nud eflfcfenl form for the administration of
Magna*In. nn-l I* very useful In Naucea," Acidity of the
Stomach. Sea Sickness nnd Dyspepsia, for salt) by
mli22 W. IV. IJNCOI.N. Monument-Square.
HEAP LASH STORE—Corner of WhlUiker snd Congress •
sheet*.—'The subscribers lmve just • ccdved per Ala
bama. a fresh supply of Three-Ply and tn train Cnr|iet*. en
tlrely new patterns. Also. (!•< and 8-4 FloorOilCloth, which
will be sold at unusiml low price*.
S UGAR MACKEREIj. ftc.^30 bbls Stuart’s Crnslie'd' Bn
gar. 25 half bbl* fewf Sugar. 4(5 bids Nos. * audit Mack-
end. 20 half bbl* No*. 1 and 2 do. 60 bbls P ft H Gin. now
landing nud for sale low bv
jutio2 HOLCOMBE. .JOllNSON ft CO.
B ACON SI IOC I.DEitS—I ft, iilid* Bacon Bhoiildera. landing
from brig Paul lie, nnd for sale bv
L OST, on Friday evening. June 25th. n small Steinornn-
dotn Poqketliook of no value tn nnv one but the owner
with lit* name written on tho Inside. A liberal reward will
lm given If lcfr with NICHOLAS PRUGEK,
jy!2—(5 84 Bay-street.
T 1(» HIRE—A good Cook. 'Wnslicr and Irnner. For term*,
which will bo loir, apply (o
j y l3_6 __ ('HUGER ft WADE, 84 Bay street.
C HKfesjfAN'S ARABIAN HAfeAM—For the core ol
wounds, brutee*. sprains, ftc. Just recelv'wl and for
sale by W. W. LINCOLN.
insy'2 “ Monument (Square.
P ATE DF. PERDUAUX, Callle* and Fol Gras, for ante by
June24 A.-RONAUD.
C OFFEE. SUGAR, ftc.—60 pockets Old Government Java
Coffee. 50 bbl* Stuart’* A refined Sugar. 30 do Me**
Pork- 200 bag* drop and buck Shot, tending nnd for *a1o by
tezBanvedra, a revteeildmnslstion based on those ol
Motteux. Jarvis and Smollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the Elementary Geology on the Ancient
Change* of the Earth nnd 1,1* Inhabitant*, s* Illustrated hy
geological monuments, hy SlrCharle* I.yell, 61. A., F. R. 8.,
author of the Principles o Geology, ftc.
Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil Wan and Monarchy in France In the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of France principally du
ring that period, by Leopold Ranke.
Barnum’s Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
Jp Charity the more Excellent Way, two sermons, by a
Southern Presbyter, price 26 cents.
Harpers’ and Putnam’s Magazines, for July.
Mgar Clifton, a story or school life, by Adams.
The fendou Art Journal, for June.
.Prismatic*, by Richard Hayward, with Illustration*.
Chambers' Repository of Useful Pspen.
., TuseC a crusade in the east; Harry Muir, a tale ofScnt-
MrtHtot North wood, or North and Sonth 5 AuntPblllte*
Cabin { Cabin and Parlor, by Randolph; Japan, by Mtc-
tertene j the Cblvallers of France; Elliott’* Glimpses ofthe
Supernatural; Mragher’s Speeches; MaeauUy’s Speeches j
Home Scenes, by Grace Agullte: Frank Freeman's Barber
Fbop. ftc- fte. W. THORNE WIIJJAMS.
\CR. A.BONAUn. lavtnftaksnthestnre at the corner
Mr. B. bos also constantly on hand a -large assortment
■R RCnVEH Ptt Ff/)R!DA—Colored silk mantillas, plain
“ gjace sllks. brown sllk porasolk.- barege* and ttelbes,
dotted and figured Swiss muslins; black sumer bombesin,
• '.wio!mwSSii
135 Congress-street.—We received so many new books
yeslonlay, that we cannot And time to enumerate them.
From crave to gay.
Religious. IJterary Scientific, Humorous and Interesting.
We Invito our friends to call and examtno the largest varie
ty of light reading ever offered In this city. Also,
Graham’s Mngnzlne for July; Cody's Lady's Book.
Blackwood's Magazine; Barnum’s Illustrated News.
Gleason’s Plotornl. fto^june22
R ECEIVED BY S S. SIBLEY. June 28. 1853.—Edgar
Clifton.'a story of School IJfa. by C. Adams.
Tho Old Forest ttangcr.or Wild Sport* of India, by M&J.
Walter Cambell nnd Frank Forester.
A Now History of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolution* la Europe and America, to tho present
time, by H. White. B.A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexandor, D. D.
The Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for interesting number,
Putnam’s Msgnxlnefor July.
Barnum’s Illustrated Nows, Gleason’s Pictoral, fto.
F RESH TURNIP SEEDS.—Ruta B*gn. Flat Dutch. Bed fop
I a rye Globe and large Norfolk Turnip Seeds, of the
growth of 1843, just received and for sale by
Juun28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
R BASB and Porcelten Preserving Kettle*, for sale by
mav20 J. P. COLLINS. Brysn-street.
ly perfumed Brown
Windsor Soap, so much approved’ of for washing and
shaving, just received and for snlo hy
june28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
J UBT*RECEIVED—20 dozen or that fine Hungarian Tokay
for sate hy jyl3 A. BONA UP.
C ORN.—l.OflO bushel* prime Tennesse Corn, 66 lb to the
bushel, for sale t y
jyS WOOD ft R0DGER8.
I T^I-OUR.—75 bbls Baltimore Flour, a superior brand tend-
1 Ing per schr John W. Anderson, and for sate by
J ENNY LIND BASKET STANDS—Just received and for
sale hy JyB I. MORRELL ft CO.
^LB. IURTER AND CH1F.R—60 bbls Ale, 20 cask* Lon-
L ARD.—26 bbte and 80 kegs prime feed, landing fromth
brig Kate Heath, from Now Orleans, ind for sale by
SIBERIAN PALM SOAP.—'Tills Soap te prepared from the
O pure Itelm Oil. and Is wnrranterl tn bo of a superior
quality. It te .highly useful in drawing the akin, is very
emollient, and produce* an excellent lath* - *“
nl snd for sale by
no 16
Mon u ment Square^
F IDUR—200 bbls flour, of superior brands, landing from
schr Woodbrldge and for sale bv
G ROCERIES.—80 bbte Stuart's refined Sugar
20 boxes Loaf Sugar, 10 bblsjtrasbud Sugar
6 bbte powdered Sugar
60 boxes pale and No 1 Soap. 10 boxes toilet Soap
26 •• No 1 Starch, 26 boxes Pearl 8tarch
20 bags Java Coffee, lauding fur sale by
sep30 COHEN ft TARVER.
W HISKY.—66'bbls New Orleans Whisky, tending (< $1
brig Principe, and fur sale by
/THAMPAGNK, SYRUP, ftc.^-30 baskets Hetdslck Cham-
V> paign in qunrta. 50 boxes No*. 1,2 and 3 fern on Syrni
50 bbls N E Rum, 30 boxes Starch, now landing snd for sal
Question Book, with a full supply of all Books general
ly used In Sabbath Schools. Received by.
jy 13 J. B, CUBBEDGE.
S CHOOL BOOKS.—Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary.
Boston School Dictionary, Fitch’s Mapping Plates.
Ploriiont'* American First Class Book,
1 Jioniis’ Elements of Algebra.
Youmsn’sCIsss Book or Cliemestrr.
Quackenbo's First Lessons in English Composition.
l*ariey’s Common School History. Bullion’s Latin Reader.
A further supply received and for sale by
maylfl 8. S. SIBLEY. 135 Congress-street.
T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy, pocket edt-
tlon, beautifully Illustrated and in the most convonL
ent form yet published. •
Also, tho Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and
Odes, 'suited to erety occasion In lodge or celebrations
Both new works recently published, and highly worthy the
attention of the Craft. Just received and for sale at the
Book Store of 8. S 81IU-EY.
no8 186 Congress-shrsel
W THORNE WILLIAMS has received Simms’ Sword
■ and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of the 8outh at
the close of the Revolution, W. Gilmore Simms.
Maria De Heralera, a tale of tbe Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
Thompson’s Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and House-
hold Surgery, revised by Dr. Henry II Smith
John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Char
acter. including WW Wirt, by F. W. Thenia.
Tbs Medical Journal of Medical Sdeooe for July.
Lady*' Book and Eetectlo Magazine for July.
Poems by Thomas Buchanan. ^ revised New York edition.
The Bovnoodof Great Men, vrUhTilustraUoni.
Home Picture, by Mre. M. 8. Denison.
MeClIntock BooklnUMn.' JylO
T|UTTER. AND OHtEStt.—» firkin* and Tnbs eholee new;
K utir.u, «c.—«u xegs scibcicti uoniiea uuuer,
20 tubs do do. 60 boxes now Cheese. 100 da new scaled
Herring, 60 bbte Hiram Smith’s Flour, for sale by
A fine assortment of figured French and Jackonet Mus
lins; also, embroidered Swiss Muslins, in patterns of
ten yards each, and of exco.'.mt quality.
july22 ATKIN ft BURNS.
UST received, Parasols of various qualities and prices.
July22 • AIKIN ft BURNS
P LAID and striped Cambric and Jaconot Muslins ; also.
Nansouk, Mull Hnd book Muslins, Bishop Lawn, pink,
blue and white Tarleton, for sale by
J UST received. |»er steamer from New York,.a supply of
James’ steam mill Shirting.
July22 * AIKIN ft BURNS.
C AMRRIC and Swiss (tends, scolloped and very pretty
also, white and black fece Undcrsleoves: 8wlss Muslh
Undersleeve*, for isle by Jy22 AIKEN ft BURNS.
T^EATHWtS.—3,000 lb Feather* for sale hr
r tnh2Q I W. MORRELT. ft OD.
V-/ for sale. Apply at this office. apl22
O for sale. Apply at, ap!22
PO-PARTNER8HIP NOTICE.—Tha under signed ha* I
\y day Msoeiated with him Mr. Hionrr C. Kna of Glynn
ocnaty, with whom be win continue UieFaetoraMand Own
mission business In this city, under tbe Arm of Hat It Kna
janU . JNQ.77.Hmi^a70Bay^
piACK ANB OBm TEAB. reeekot, » hair
...jroos, and'to....
Invite* attention.—!
mccasa msnulkc-
* r, hi* aoqttaln-
sirance that the
ten * “
^ GMpamE8,d», | .
k op. 10® bags prime RIq Coffee, 60 do do Java do
20 hhds I'orto Rico Sugar, lOdaN. O. do
100 bbls Stukrt's B andO Sugar 1
Cr “W Sugar, 20 do Grotlnd do
■ 20 bbte Loaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon Byrug
60 do Nos. 1,2 and 8 Mnckerel, 10 half do 2 do
100 do Balt. Flour, 50 do H S. do, 60 do lwlf do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides, 6 do Shoulders
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20doEnglsh Dairy do
60 do No. 1 • Soap, 50 do Pale do, 25 do Starch
60 do i Tobacco, nssotled brands
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
60 boxes Talldw Candles, 50 do Star do
25 do Adamantine do ' - -
60 bbte old Monongahela Whisky, 2,000ft Codfish
200 do Whliky, Gin. Rum and Ilrandy . .
20 X casks Cognac Brandy, 60 dozen Brooms
60 fire and three gallon Kegs,
fending and in store, for sale by .
TH* subscribe—
good framed born ana good framed store house, situate on
the bank of.tha river, one of the bMt stands for‘ V start la'•
this Motion. Tbe place has the advantage of steamboata
during th* tell, winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for shad, Any person wishing
to purchase can do so by calling on the subscriber on tbe
Allso, 980 acres of fend well timbered, with 160 acres oi
first rate bay land well dltebed and drained,ready for clear-
lug. with fire acres cleared. Said land will 1 produce fifty*
bushels of com to the,*?r*. This land lies two' miles from’
MsnnFerry. im tbe Alatamaha river.
Also, 0,000'aertk of first quality pine tltht^red tend on
tho Alatamaha and Ocmulgee rivers.
All these land*ate situate tn the mst and second district
of Appling county; Alta, 2,000 acrek of tend wellflmfered
with cypress odd' white oak. Any person - wishing farther
pnrUoufsrs can address me at Hau P. 0„ Georgia.
JanSl—lkwaftwOm TV. DYAIJ.,
. nt The Raleigh. (N. O.) Standard will please publish
wcofcly for six mob tbs, and send bill to ■ : W. D.
£Ek RICE,'LANDS FX)R 8AIK,—The Twet of LAND on the
Scot.Marjr’sRIver, known as the Cut-olTT»ct,containing
Mvon hundred doff seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres are tide swamp and frw-h marsh
lands, with a rise and tall of tldo of six feet. The marsh
tend was snccessfhlly cultivated many yean since, producing
Cotton, Ckne, and Rice.
Those lauds could be pat In order with less labour, it Is
-believed, than would be required for putting Hammock lands
In order, and art considered vdry saw from overflow In gales
and freshets.
For forther particulars and terms, which will be nude easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Go.. Charleston.
5.C.. or to Mrs. Henry Dailey, St. Mary’s, Camden county,
•A plat'of the’ land maybe »6en at ifie office of the Geor
gian, apl 27—dftc
gat FOR 'S A irg.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202X
acres, and Improvements, near Walthourvllle, liberty
county. The tend Is of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
acres of which are in cultivation, and the remainder well
timbered, offering strong inducements to persons Interested
In procuring turpentine. The improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. The location cannot
be surpassed for healtbfolness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, arid a rango for cattle which cannot be excelled.
The above property can be bought at a very roasohable price,
and on tho most accommodating terms, If early application
be made to the subscribers, at Walthourville.Uberty county.
apl 26—dftc B. D. WAY.
VALUABLE hick land for sal el
K A Tract of Tide Swamp fend, containing 500 acres,
lying on the Alatamaha river three mllesabove Dari
en, adjoining lands of the estate of Rtitler and Dun-
wody on the east, and Gigoilllat apd Walker, on the north
and west, navlug aa good a pitch .of tide aa anv rice plan
tation on the river. My terma ire, twenty dollars per acre,
one-fpurth cash, and the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the interest only required to be paid nnnually.
Apply to the underalrned at Darien. In caseof my absence
Mr. J sure Pmxuu will show tha land, a plan of which can
be seen at the office or the Georgian.
Da$iw, Jan. 22, 1863. Jsn25—Inm
Comm—160 bags prime Klo, 76 do Jamaica,
lo Java.
Suoar—10 hhd* Porto Rico, 10 do SI. Croix. 5 do
New Orleans, 100 bbte Crashed. Powdered and Clarified. .
M0LAS8B*—26 hhds Cuba. 76 bbl* New Orleans.
FuH’R—160 bbls Baltimore, 76 do Canal. 60 do II Smith’s.
Bacon—16 casks Philadelphia Item*. 600 Baltimore can
rawed do. 30 hhd* Sides, 20 do Shoulders.
Potatoiw—160 bbl* P nnd Mercer.
Laud and Codfish—25 bbte choice Leaf lard, 6 casks Cod
Soap. Candijw anti Starch—50 boxp* No. 1 and Family
Soap. 50 do Palo do. 40 whole and half boxes Starch, 75 do
Adtnnntlne Candle*, 26 do £|>enn, 26 do Star. 150 do Patent
Todacco—IbOpacksges various brands and qualities.
LkkoX Strop, ftc.—60 boxes Lemon Sy run, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tuinaiu Catsup. 10 do Brandy Poncho*.
DoMKsnclJqttOKa—76 bbte Phelps' Gin,60no N E Rum. 76
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Wi.wm—20 quarter cask* pure Malaga. 8 do choice jlndel-
1—received and for sale by
uplift McMAHON ft DOYLE^
MACKERKfeVlStnilfS, STAKCII, «fcc.
1(1 bid* No. largo Mackerel,
rtHtm Hi bid* No. 1 do do
KBUB 10 half bbte v«. 1 do
t.r 3 «K 10 do No. 2 do
30 bid* sugar, meter, and butter Biscuits,
25 boxes soda Bi*cults,
60 do Hurimn'* Family Soap.
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and Beadell’s Pearl Starch.
50 do Herrings,
landing nnd for salo by
,-r-jj-j J- V. CONNElLVf ft CO., offer for sale mi nc
i omsno.tetlng terms.a well as*orled stock of Gro-
eerie*. Liquors. Tobacco. S«*g»r*.ftc., viz: 130 bag-
*r i .5fa|irlmn Rio Colfeu. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhd*
Porlo Hivonnd Muscovado Sugar*. 60 bids clarified coffee do.
:b do crashed nnd powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 imek-
ages black and green ten. some v<*ry superior; 250 boxes
tolmceo. variousqunliUe*. l’n. 8’s. 6’* and 10’*. 15 case* Di
adem twist. 10 do Virgiiiiu* nnd Aromatic.20do nectnrlenf.
Viginln gold leaf. 10 boxes Kt Dorado tobacco. 176,000 xupe
rlor lfovnnn Segar*. 10 half pipes Otard.Dupuyft Co'. Bran-
dy. 20 hair and quarter casks I intern. Mattel. Sazerac. ftc.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks rery old Jean Louis do. 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheon* St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
, F'OR SALE.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acres
strictly nrime Rice fend, immediately opposite the old
1 of Hardwick. The situation of the place affords on*
of the best 8aw-mlll seats In the Southern country, tacilltle*
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssels coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
te fifteen feet of water. For terms apply lo Henry Williams,
U.S.District Attorney,Savannah.or to B. STILES, Bryan coun
- tybfelegant 1
for parlors, dining-rooms or \
Woods, ImlUtlonWoods, and Fancy
, Reception and Cottage Chalre; of • * _
rigng; Cgne feungw, fene Settees^ Heliqiriri
House and Ofllce Arm Chairs, large apd. km
Ch-’lrs, Store and Steambogt Stool*. jVlndspr ’C
8ettees,fto. .
' Housekeepers, Hotel,8le*mboat and Rkll
will find It fo thefr Interest to call at tba FSk,^-., v. -
■ - •* NOR WOOD, 5V
No. 181 North flthfit (opposite Franklin Svuark)i .(
tnh7 ; 'PUladslphla :
Agricultural Wnre-Itonse'%
Nq.- MX ■ ilarhi-Tirttt.J'M
■ Pfiortr- ft* MraM”
■penlng Plough
l and left hkn
of Castings for rejxilrlng. J The Emperor 0
for lira abort Plough's, a Hasslve Gold MM
Also, th* Great MedAtat the World's Vf'
kM.YImtSlv N». 40. t^\tTri(tor*W»hD
efl Steel T*eth. watch, can ba reversed, ti
Wear of (he common Teeth. Also,Oaltmtonrof all ldnw>. '-
with Steel Tectfa. . * 4 . ...
Spain’s Atmospheric Churns, CojnPtoptertr.-,- •
Corn - Shelters, improved Turnip Drills. 4 to 00,
kinds, ' " Grants Patent F*an llUl*,,
Hay.and Straw Cuttort, "
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn and Cob Crushers,
Gedds’ Improved Harrows,
Squsreahd A Harrows,
Horse Rakes,
Grindstone*, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yoke* find Bows.
Forks tor uploading Hay,
Man liar Rakes,
Bow Pins,
(hz Muzzles,
Mote Traps,
Pruning Hooks and Chisel*,
Pawsand Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs;- and Zlflc
tubeing for Chain Pumps,
Also, Hortlcul*—’ *■ -
and Grass 8eeds.
and Retail.
jt l DHJI_ .
Horae Power* and-Threahera,.
Mowing- and Re*ping Ma
chines. .
Chain. Pumps,
CnttlqTloi,, . - ,
Hull Ring*.
Ps ten(Iron Snaths,
Grubbing Hoes. .
Transplanting Trowels,
Hay end Manure Forks,
ShoVals aqd spades.
Garden and Fteld-Hoes,
Garden Bahrein variety J
. Inga,. •' " ‘.
fpr Chain Pumps, Potato. Hooks.
Horticultural Tools (of every description.) Garden
t*s 8eeds, for sale at th* lowest prices,'at wholesale
QITUATKD half a mile from this City, on the canal, ha* n
O basin capable of holding two million feet of Ixigs. Tlia
Mill has been In operation about soreu months, runs two
gangs nnd an edging saw. ateo Grist Min. Till* Mill saw*
* om 12 to 16 M. feet per day. For particular* apply to
Eh FOR 8A7.F/—Thai valuable parcel of land formerly
I: occupied by K. Jenckc’a. Esq., known n* a Cooper's
iop and Yanl. It Is bounded on the east by West Bound
ary street, west by tho Canal, north by Railroad street, and
south by lota Nos. 6 and 6. and contnlnsaboutfour acres,
F OR SALE—Tltn westerly half of Lot No. 2 Vninncrnw,
belngthe Wharf now occuplwl by theClisrleslon Stt*am
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on tho River,
nnd running back about two hundred feet to Cannl-strcet.
Thu property I* now under a lease which will expire on the
first of Novembernext.
If not sold at nrivnto sale previous to tho flrstTuosdny In
February. It will then be offered at auction at tin* Court
House. Apply to _ del& COHEN ft FOSD1CK.
F INE SHIRTS.—Those In want of u fine shirt, to tit well
nnd hnndsomely made, enn be accommodated ill No
147 Hny-st. maylO PRICE_*_VEADKR._
I jHSillNO AND JOCKEY GAPS.—Received by late arri
vals, a new supply. Those In want will pleaso call at
147 Bay-st inny28 PRICE ft VF.ADER.
B UTTER. CIIEEHK ftc.—20 tubs now May Butter, 60
boxes Clieese. 28 bbls Illrnin Smith'* Flour. 60 boxes
Herring, landing por steamer and fur salo hv
C AGES.—Slocking Bird Gages, just received and for sale
*0T_ Jyl 1. W. MORRFJ.I, ft CO.
QUOAR, ftc —10 lihds choice St Croix Sugar. 20 do do do
U Porto Rico do, 30 do New Orloan* t'iu 50 barrel*Sugar
House Syrup. 100 do West India Molnsres. .20 hhds prime
Bacon Slioulders, 30 do do Sides, received nnd for sale bv
E NGLISH TOOTH BHUSHES-A very sujierior nrtirle ol
English Tooth Brushes.manufactured expressly for tho
subscriber, ami direct from fendon. for snlo by
Jnnel2 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
F OR SALE—A light oneborso Carnage, with pole, luilit
to order by Drawer ft Son. New York, and ba* Iwen
used but little. It can b* seen nt the Oirrlago Repository
of Mr.-Goorgu W. HnrdcA*tle.
half pipe* nnd 16 quarter
nperfor Madeira Wine, 25
Mil* old Monongahela Wlsky, 25 quarter casks Tenerllte, 30
do do Malaga Wine. 200 bbl* gin. whisky and rum, 100 boxes
N'o. 1 and Gimlly sonp. 50 do *tarcli. 60 do adamantine can
dles. 60 do tallow do, 20 casks bacon sidez. 16 do shoulders.
■Kt hhd* West India Molasses. 40 l«bls and tea do, 26 bbl* N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
nt the wholesale grocery stores^ Junc3
English Pickles. 0 doz bottles assorted Sauce*, just re
ceived and for sale hy
Juno30 J. ROSEAU.
D issolution.—fiie firm of kemptox a- mahvhai.T. wn*
dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 15th Instant.
Savannah. 18th February. 1853, febl8
STOV1SH, stovbsT
.Ttio subscriber has just received a large number ol
Qteiking and Parlor Stores, which he will dispose id
'-^Y’on accommodating term*. Among them mar bo
found tins following: Cooking Stoves. The Republic, fedv ol
the I.iko. Air Tight Premium. Queen of (lie West. Empire
Promlmn. Eastern Premium. Parlor nnd office Stoves.—
Union Cottage. Cylinder. Shoot Iron, (air tight) square snd
oval. Six Plato, Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pot*. Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Satire Pan*,
ftc. ftc. Plain nnd Japanned Tin Ware, for sate, nnd manu
factured at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, and
fenders, attended to with punctunlitv.
No*. 10 and 12 Barnnrd street
No. 4 North twodnort above Market, \
T HE undersigned have Just opened a fresh and complete
stock of Wall Papers, among which are - gold and Vel
vet. finejatin, and the. lowest priced unglazcd papm; ateo,
decoration*, border*, tire-screen*, curtain*, etc., which they..
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and reta|\. ■
The best workmen employed to bang' paper eitherto th*
city or country. .
Blank Bonkt. Stationery, ifie.—We hare also our usual as
sortment of writing papers wrapping papers, blank and
school book*, ntatlonorv, etc.
No. 4 North Fith street, 2 doors above Market,
*?• C*sh paid for country rag*.mhlO—eod
I N ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Business carite.'wlth appropri
ate devices, embossed In a new style. In plain ano fancy •
enter*. Seals of every description, with or inlhout premn.
Envelope* printed with nsme. business and.address. label*,
billhead*, manufacturer's ticket*, ftc.. *11 executed In the
nentest manner and at price* 25 per cent, belowany *lml-
l*r establishment, In consequence pf better analmprovcil
facilities for the execution of such work.
N. R.—All orders hy mall promptly attended to. Goola
sent to any part of the country.
T. B. CALVERT ft CO.. ,
Envelope and Seal Pro** Manufacturers, Die Sinkers. Embcs-
aera nnd fengravers, 48 South 3d-st., Philadelphia.
A RCIHTt ft WARNER, Manulhcturers. No 119 Chest >nt-
stnvt.* peel fully solicit tbe attenti m of
purchasers, to tbeic assortment of diandeliers, bra;kets,
pendant*.and every description ofgn* burners; ateo evety
variety of lamps, girandole*, ftc. Wo warrant our good*
equal in quality, and our prices as lows* any other estab
lishment in tho country.
The Trade supplied with bdmers, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps, ftc., at reduced prices,
Mil* S. Archer, *
Redwood F. Warner,
William F. Mlskey,
Wm. O. n. Merrill.
I WE arc constantly receiving tlieso valuable
Chses. and have them always in readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. B.—Wo aro permitted to inform the public that we
have received from Mr. Raymond, of Now York city, a tet
ter signed hy the different members of the Uni toil State*
'tenatc. who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
the Hon. Henry Clay, deceased, (which wa* enclosed in one
of Fisk’k Metallc Case*.) and who went wllh it to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymond, that the Cose answered the pur
pose for which It wa* intended, and meet* with thelrapprn-
Iration. and they cheerfully recommend It to the public as
being superior to any other Oise for thtf transportation ol
the dead. The letter can be seen by calling on
fobl4 I. W. MORRELL ft CO
The subscriber haring purchased the en
,tlrc business of F. Zouraum ft Co., of which
firm he hns heretofore been the acting tnenr
ber In Savannah, would respectfully Inrlte
tho attention of those In want of anything in tho musical
line to hi* establishment. From many years’ experience
both in profession*! and business matters connected with
music, Mr. M. foels Idmself fully qualified to proffer Ills ser
vices In the selection of music and instrument* nr the ful
filment of orders, with tho assurance of his.utmost zeal and
Industry In his endeavor to dcsorvo tho patronage and con
fidence ofthe public. G. B. MITCHELL.
junel4 • successor to F. Zogbaum ft Co.
No. 147 Bay Street.
All persons of taste and rofineinent—those having
a due'regard fur comfort and por*onalappcaranc*,may
lot all times selectony and every article for thelrward-
-ro!>e, from ouo of tho largest assortments of tho Very
Best Goods in this country; either In Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure In unique style, or Furnishing art!
cle* of evory description and quality too numerous to men
thin Call and see. PRICE ft VEADER.
M D. MURI'KY, 21 BuU-ttred. would respectfully
Inform his fri*nd* and the public generally, that be
.ha* received hi* spring styles for gentlemen, among
lill.which will be found aa rich and fine fancy Caulmcm,
Vestings, ftc.. as have ever boon brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and lu the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and judge for
bemselves. mh11
it 1
WM. R. SYMONS. Drapkh and Tailor, No.
17 Whitaker drools, reiqstctfully solicits the]
lattontlon of his friend* and the public In gen-
jeral, to his large stock or Rcody-ma ,o Cloth-
ing. suitable for tho present and coming season. • It has all
hm-n made up under hte personal superintendence, an l for
style and durability of workmanship, te Inferior to none to
bo found In the market.
Tho following comprise a portion of the stock: Frock* and
Sacks of bine, black nnd colored cashmere clotlia; black,
brab d*cte Frocks nnd Sacks ; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frock* and Socks} India grass, silk and brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French cusslmere*. black doc-sklu caart-
mere, black drab d'*te and spring toted casiimcre, white
duek and fancy linen drill, together with ii large lot of cot
ton drill and uuck Pants, fur summer wear.
Vests of black satin, black btrathen. and fancy silks, (fan
cy and white Marseille*, figured and striped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods.' such aa stocks,
gloves, suspender*, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, Silk and
gingham umbrellas, ete ; . etc.
Tim whole of which ho offers for sale on accommodating
terms, and at prices a* cheap as the cheapest. ap!3
Offers for sale, a Urge assortment of Cloths, Css-
, . 1 jslmvrez and Verting*, consisting In part of the fol-
U/1127lowing artiplfs-selected bv himself during the past
summer In London and Pap*, which ho will make up to or
der. tn; the test style of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. His' stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish-
Ing Goods, for cenUainon'a weaf, is very large and Of the
brat quality and style—the whote of It made this foil under
his own Inspection, and will be aold at tha lowest priosa for
cash or approved credit ^French black, blue,-brown and
ollire (loth*; fancy. French and English Cfasstmeres; foaey
snkVwtlRK.super; foocy tMlkPlwtif Vesting*; black Bar-
athraSllk Verting* \ super, black prasklnCasslpMrra: Me-
7b Southern Itokm AfcrcAants. Jfamtihrturen and others.
W ATSON ft COX, Btevo, Biddle, Screen and Wire CtetU „
Manufacturers,.No, 40 North Frorirarewh HWUdsl-
phla. where can always bo found overy article in their line,
or manufactured to order at short notice. Orders by mail
or otherwise, solicited. Jan18—codtlapl
717 Chedmit-rtreet, M>u> Wurth, north tide, Philadelphia.
W E inform merchants aud residents of this vicinity, that
the most complete assortment of Mantel. Pier, Wall
ami Oval Glasses, richest styles, for private use. or nil kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, ftc., will
lx* found nfuur establishment.
Lmg experience and largo facilities enablo us to soil tbe
host goods at lowest prices.
Dimension* being given, wo will give estimates for any
Ized Mirrors, delivered free from breuksge. at any point.
Order* solicited.
Fn-nuh Plate Glass, for Store*. Dwelling*, ftc . nt Importa
tion prices. THOMAS J. NA1T ft CO.
fpilK subscriber ha* just received per late arrivals, a
I large nnd fresh stock of the richest aud newest styles
of Velvet. Tapestry. Brussels, three-ply Ingrain aud Vetr
tinn Carpetings, all of which are offered on the mostde**
able terms. • *■
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Covers, Ma'
ting. fte..
Purchasers are requested to make an early examlnatior
1 strong inducements will be held out to cash buyers.
K. B. WALKER, 100 Chcstnut-straut.
mlil7—lawtf below 8th. 8outh sldn, Philadelphia.
. THE Alterations nnd Improvements tn our
store. Including a fine Show Room for Plano
Fortes, anda Music Department fur ladles
wing now completed, we would Invite the at
tention of the musical public to our stock,comprising overy
article In the line, which can be furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A.Stodartft Co., J. B. Dunham, and
her* uf established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZOGBAUM ft CO.. ImtKirter*.
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Brysu-slreet*.
d *c7 Next to Market Square.
A'o 17 Whitaker tired. Sarannah,
Has just opened a large ami choice variety of Saw
fRiNO AND Summkk Goons, consisting In part oriteck,
I figured and fancy French Casslmeres ; black and col-
■oroi Ceshmere; Cloths and Cashmcrett*; white snd
luncy Linen Drills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seille* and Linen Vestings, all of which he 1s prepared to
make up to order in the must fashionable stylo, and on ac
commodating terms *p5
M ESSRS. COHEN SHANNON respectfully announce to
the citizens or Savannah that they are now prepared
to do all kind* of work In their line, at their new shop,
near the corner of Broughton and Drayton-sts. They have
established the following as their rate* of charge*: For a
single shar* ”V\ ; per month,for 2 or throe time* per week
75c.; 4 times a week $1; 5 or ft times a week $1 60 ; every
day SI 76 per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
Mr. COHEN will always hold himself In readiness to at
tend to orders from those who msy require hte services at
their homes. . ^ 0 v8
L IQUORS AND WIKIS—72 hair pipes Otard. Ihipuy ft
Co’s French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
tew priced French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do, 60
bbte do do,.75do I’ftH Rye Gin, 160 do E Phelns’ do. ft pipes
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Geor
gla Peach do, 200 do N. 0. Whisky, 60 do white Baltimore
uo, 30 do old-We*tm!n*ter Monongahela do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain do do, 100 do N. EL Rum. 25 quarter cask*
Madeira Wine; 1ft eighth do choice do do. 20 quarter do I’qrt
do, 2 half pine* dodo, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry WIno,
40 baskets Champagne do. For sate by
T HE Subscriber has on hand a fine and well selocted
Stock of imported pure Wines, liquor* and Began,
comprising the following s
Brandy—10 half pipes Otard, Dupuy ft Co.; 3 do do
old Ifonnessy; 2 do do Saztrac, 1808 : 2 do do Jean Louis.
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wines—4 hair pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London Particular ; 8 do do old Port ; 0 do do Sherry
Wing i 20 casks Claret; 40 basket.* Charanagnd.
Sega *•*—20.000 Klo Honda ; 10.000 fe Cruis ; 6,000
fe Union ; 10.000 fe Pstria ; 26,000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries.—A large supply, such as Imported
Cordials, Er~”«h I*lckles snd Sauoes, l*reservea, Sweetmeats,
Prunes aud Jeui«-. For sate by A. RONAUD,
de8 Corner of Bay and -Whitaker-streeta.
wapheneT” ;
A N INDIAN PREPARATION. f«n* restart ng grey hair to
Ita original color. It Is guaranteed by the Proprietor,
hat If the natlent Is grey, he can have bis hair restored to
ita original color by using feret’s IVahpene. For Bale by
JsoB W, W7 LINCOLN, Monument Square.
T ’ HE YOUNG MAROtlNERS, by ReuFTR. Gouidlng. A
further supply Just recelratl and for sale at the hook
A REVIEW of the Spiritual Manifestation*, read before
** tbf Congregational Association of N. York and Brook-
lyn. by Kev Charles Keecher.
Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches of the
Canaries, the Cape de Verdo. Liberia. Madeira, Sierra Le-
oc»..od olh,r plmcM o, hlarnt-n tile -««l orai.t of Mri.
c>r—li, Horatio IlrM,., U B N.,, ,MlUd by K.tb. B l>l
Silver and Pewter, or contrast of New York life
Memoir*. Journal and Correspondence of Tims "Moore—
-1IM b, U» Birt, Ita, M iSbSTwJb H P *"■
Baraum’s Illustrated Nows, No. 20., Recelveil hy
-gy 80 - ~- J. B- CUBifeDOE.
^1X108,^60 bbU Baltlmort Fteur, Tft’bbUHlram
CJAljAD OIL—jun received a sunerii
O Wl. for table use, ftc., for S.1*br "
Junel -1f..W;LINCl
Take Notice.
B J. W71J.1AMB, No. 12, North Sixth-street, a fyw doors
• aliovo Market-street, Philadelphia. I* the most exten
sive and host manufacturer of Window Blinds aud Shades
in th>* United States, and hns taken the highest premiums
at all the exhibitions; he buys the best materials by whole-
sal" cheaper for Cash than others pay for Inferior article* by
retail, and ran. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
Shade*, n* cheap a* others ask for Interior article*. Painted
Window Shades In great variety, of beautiful designs nnd
superior quality. Buff and White linen Shades, Blind and
Shade Trimmings. Fixture*, ftc.. wholesale and retail, at
the lowest cash price*. Store Shades painted and lettered
to order, need Blinds at manufacturers’ pricea. Old Blinds
painted to look as good n* new. Purchasers, by railing,
will bo convinced that he «6ll* a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount made to dealer*.
li We tiudy to pirate.”
aplft—eod No. 12 North flth-atreet, I’hlU.
.. jperflneIlowaydstreet
Flour. 50 hhd* prime new Bacon Hide*. 20 do, do Should-
ait. 30 bbls and 50 kegs feaf Lard, tending and for sale by
T O THE LADIES.—Wo would respectfolijLcpll the atte'n-
tlon of the ladies uf Savannah, and sourrounding coun
try, to the following new and beautiful goods which we have
lust recelvod. vlx: silk Paris mantillas, la'etd gimp mantil
la*, black nett scarfs tid'd, neetscarfs, tediek cravata and
ties, French worked colters. laced rapes, ehemlzatta and un
der sleeves, oonnet ribbon.gauze rap ribbon, blaek velvet
ribbon, Alexandres light kla gloves, black nett mltta, col'd,
silk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of, other articles
too numerous to mention. Please call and‘see fpr your
selves t all of which will be sold on the best possible term*
L AMP OIL, VINEGAR, ftc.—Just received 10 bbls bleach
ed Whale Oil, 10 do IVhlle Vinegar, 10 do No 1 Mtifa-
ere!. 6 doScotch Herring, 30 boxes smokedHerrimr.00do
Beadell’s tallow and sperm Candles, 4s. Os and fts. 2o do do
family Soap, 00 do ground Coffee and Mustard, 8 bhds New
Orleans Sugar, 20 bbte 8tuart's crashed, rropnd and clarl-
tle>l Bugara, and 2 hhds Codfish, ter sale sit tb* eorner ol
Broughton and Drayton streeta, by
TUST RECnVED.—We have just received, a frtah atip
m ply ol ladies’ merino, gauze, allk and cotton Vests,
Misses and Intent’s merino vesta, gent* *|lk-1
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of
handkerchiefs, ladles’ and misses’ white and .
hose, whlto and black allk. do, gents white, bre
od half hose, gents white and blapk silk do _
with a large assortment of white and colored 1
brie handkerchiefs, colored and black allk cravats,' Stocks
and ties, for salo low by
_mh26 AIKIN ft BUBNB
S HAWIH. ftc.—Super, and common crape shfawlsplalh
and embroidered. Vandyke collar* beaiitUu!' godd*, a*
sorted parasols, plain, striped and checked glace silks, sunt.
mer do, bareges, tissues and grenedlnes, colored and white
l.cont-t .nil orgwiil, mu-llni, .
linens. French printed cambrics,
M. PRENDBWjiST ft.6p„
*p!4• ,171 Broughtonstreet
mantillas, shawls, hotnt* and scarf*, wbltelb^ black set.
log silk scarfs, white lac* and colored.allk mantillas,white
and colored crape ahawls, black swan silks, black bareges
and ttssuea, black and lead French ginghams, for rate^jr
J-4 bareges, jaconot*. l^wns; tissue*; •® , **- J Jf^ .^5
Paris, French eambrtra, India silks; figured and dootted
,*wl*s mull, nansook and cambric mutltes, silk and tinea
m, 0HEE3R fte.—30 kegs selected Uosben Batter,. ,,
o Raisins; 60 half and 60 quk«tar_dff Rateh»<; 100
trier and eighth bWa Baekwhea t; 20 boxee assort-
IJ 100 boxes
160 do do Ral*-_.
half,-quarter and eighth bbte
e.1 Candy ; 60 do If*w Bedford,
rlor Plantation Begare.
by- ; ; . noVIft.- ; .
B RANDY. GIN, fte.—10 half pipe* Otard Brandy,-10 do do
-Scwett ft Roschilddo. 10 plpee Holland Hla. 20 * and
« casks Ua-teira Wins, 20 dodo Port (to 20bbte old Monon