Newspaper Page Text
>> :
heK’2ub?crib.tii, ' wl
il | J* ) ,X”Ku.* 1| a,
' W :.fB..WB“«'Va»10BO.AJ..
K»^7AwtCnli™tto.Wj -e»t to
f p “ b '
Host respectfully solicit a eoniTnuatlob of the eg-
I , m .,i e in adrsnce. tho cUnrjre* will
* 8 ’ '"'W-w«vijiKu.J
J j,.'ul*Hn.>to ri ““ 1IU ” rl ')* k * 0 °
I#. »Iri.Hlr«m Itotort., J; R. WIM.r, I.
I fr«^jJ^ u a,r.oo,N.It.Ki»PP,H<nr, Utorap
llicr.** 4 - IIESBV n. WEED, Pre.ld.nt,
■ UUUJl WJUKRT8, Vico President
I i^^TroHBiioS^exchange A5i>
|t»P*E» IT ’ o JjI un0 K ACENCV.
lo«»d..nd talrm. rf
h.r<«t br Int ctaM ptoket .Up, «r. Intmied
"^wlter. tb« ™>J *» lb «.bor« «eo-
^..ItaUed to dniwon MeMre.Wm.T.pKott
'rL^ |„ ,„m. rrem <1 .nd opw.nle, «htch
“ S.M, In top town Uiroo,hoot Irolond »nd
‘ J.inn, on Proneo .«d Oprm.oy, pq>bl. In
j!rf the Omtioent. olio for tolo. Applpto
rr " i, BUSKER * OODES. SO Ihy-itrwt.
J ,-SntV ItULI, Preitdent.ndTren.uror,
itjoS OUSE,Seo’ry. | C. F. UeKAY, Actu.rjr,
-jrrripird.Agentnftlre.boeoConipnntr, continue,
.tdl lb. foltowtnd ttt*t*> rtn t Mnrtno, nnd Pirn
Atntkt lire. otSemnU.
tensive p
tor. II
The ulo propriVuir. Hr. J U-Thflmton.irilUct m otirnrent
•t tho north. Tor the purchase and supply of our establish
ment. ilia ezporience of twenty yearn In the business at
the South, will Insure to our (Hernia and patron* aueh a
well selected stock as cannot fall to fire entire satisfaction.
Mr. Bconrrr will gtre his personal attention to all kind of
repairing, a»heretofore. 1JJWIS 8, BENNE1T.
A CARD.—It will be seen from the abore. that I hare sold
out U» Messrs. I*. 8. Bkhnstt A Co.. and I have every confl-
donee in the ability of theso gentlemen, both Incapability
and capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep
up the reputation of tho establishment.
Mr. lawns A Bmncrr has been' my foreman for the last
two years, and I take pleasure In recommending him to the
public as an, Industrious, capable apd deserving man* who.
while looking to his own luiereat,wlU not neglect those of
^lurehnqulshlpg my basin#** In this place, I take the op.
portunity to aay, that It is not from any dissatisfaction
whaterer. Since my residence In the dtv of Savannah, I
hare been-kindly and generously treated, and hare suo<
ceMed much better than I anticipated.
In the course I hare just taken.l hare been prompted by
considerations of a private character altogether ; wherever
I may be. I shall always carry with me the Urellaat sense
of obligation, and cherish the deepest Interest In the pros*
parity and adrancement of the city and Its people. Noth*
(ng will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of a
healthy and honorabla competition. let thaiood peopled
the City and State aee to It. J. C. THORNTON.
RArA5.rAH.9th Mar. 1863.
V. B.—Mr. H. D. w AuouxDm («tny legally authorised
agent for the transaction and closing up of my business.
maylO J.0. THORNTON.
r soriber haring Just removad to No. 31 DuU-street, (be
tween Congress and Dronghton-streets.) would Inform his
—^ - that.' -
QOAPAND (JaNDL1C8.-.1 60 boxes ioapor various kinds,
mhM ~ OOHgN It F0801CK. .
ClI*rTno AND ROMMKR CLOTHINO—Ju*t recelred an a*<
D sortmentof AneOolhlng,at 1*7Hajrtmt
rpKNNKNT'8 ALK.—26 casks Tennent’s superior Ale In
X pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale, 20 do London l'orter.
for side by ! apUO W. W. OOOUR1CH.
rihOKKV WINE—A superior article, strongly recommend-
X ed, direct from the Importers,and for sale by
apl7 A. DONAPP.
rntU.—Just received. 10 cheats Young and Old Hyson,
X Imperial and Black Teas, In melallo packages, or supe*
rlor quality, for sole by
mli26 ■ J. R0P88KAP.
T OWNSKNP’8 8AlWAFAniLLA.—l gross old Dr Town-
send’*, 1 do 8 P Townsend’s, also. Bands’, Ellis’, and
Bull's Sarsaparilla, J«*t recelred and Tor sale by
mblO w. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. '
r iBACCO—10 cases superior VlrglnlalloW Leaf Tobaoco
12 do IHamond TwUt do. 10 boxes tl ft-extra H Para,
do do, 26 do W T Iaw’s best do. 80 do Carroll’s Gold Lest
do,for sale by mhO J.,V. OONNERAT k 00.
f pniMMINU.S —Trimming braid, colored silk and linen do
X colored silk, linen and gilt button* for children, fancy
open worked hose and half hose, for sale b£
200 W
iOOwhple.half andquartjr>jxe*
WHnioxfs sperm. Wamqntlnssnd 1 _ .
, 100 do PsieandNo. 18oap.26do do do8-.-—.
20 do Ground Pepper, In H lb paper*. 200 do table Balt
100 slghtb. quarter and hsff chests Tea, 1
.200 do Tobaoco. assorted qualities, -
100 bags Hio Coffee. 60 do Java do, ..
60 bids Stuart’s reBtied BAG Bugsr. ,
60 do circle A crushed do, 10 do arqnnddo, .
20 hlids Forth Rloo Sugar. 10 do New.Orleans do,
10 bokes 1/iaf do. 200 bids Pomestle Uquors.
20 eases as’d Pickles, 80.000 Sugars, aa'd qualities,
• 60 gross Pipes. 100 reams Wrapping Paper,
60 dna Broom*.100 Pemljons. 1. 2.8 and 6 gallons,
600 new sugar-cured Iloms, 6 hbds Rhlas,
, 6 hbds Shoulders, 100 sacks.Salt.
10 tierces new ,Cuoa Molasses. 60 bblsdo do,. ■
10 do Stuart’s sugsr-honso Syrup,
And a general assortment of foreign Brandies and Wines
In store, for sale by ■ fob26 COHEN A TARVER
Geonila and French, Burr and Euro*
ran Mill Stones: Hough* of various
Juds, Fagle, Sub-Soil and Wfeught
iSharet Iron Flra-pTphf Safes, Shovels
aii'i d|miiicii, simiurv and liny Fork*. Potato Hooks, Corn
Shollers. Cob Crashers. Manure Pnig*,' Cultivators,-Straw
Cutters. Scythes and 8neath*. Hose; Axes; J’lck Xxfcs and
Handles. Road Scrapers, Ox Chains. Ox.Yokes.Gaqlen and
Fanoy Barrows. Garden Clialrs. Segmental and Gndgeona
ice With tlte
IclN which are enl
■ *lolcs of Direct
him to offer assorancs that the
_. K h ..— . ... iented below areeodh genuine t
Axtloles of.Dlrect Importation.—French Bran*
dies, of .various .brands i Holland Gint Scotch, Irish and
Ibenongsheli Whisky j OldBaUvIa Arrack | Jamaica and
Wlnee^-Old Port. Madeira. Sherry, Champagne, Hock,
Claret, Rautorno and Rurgundy Wines. 1
Cowllola^ln cases. Curacoa. Maraschino, Ratafla, Ha*
ilts. KlrsehenwaMcr, Absinth, Ac.
Ale ami Porter—.I*nidou Brawn Stout, and Edln*
burgh A u *
apl20 KEMI’TON k VERST1I.IJS. Rreeti Wire. Ilames, Measures. Grist Mills, nice Umbers,
-tfiNEQAR-10 btn'^r. cBtor .l.^.,,-.nj 10 bhU.hll.
V wl;c ,ln^!*r. jS.t UndoB f,.5, ‘*g$*m* ■* M S &,K 1 °r^S , nlfa n n a£ 1 .';
Georgia.for tale by. mUW F>\\.BUKLR._ nrl,wold’sPnUnd do. Cbmsnt. Hsiter. Mill nnd Crau Cut
. lllg.
.. snds and the public' generally, that be .willopen This
J)AT. huwecond supply Of Fall and winter Good*, son tinting
of the beiJmnsh, ItagUth Md American Cloth*. Cassf-
mere* and Vesting*, purchased from the most extensive lm.
E rters In New York, which he is prepared to make up in
e best and most fashionable styles.
F A 1RBANK'S Patent Platform Seales—(Improved In qual
ity and reduced in price)—Adapted to every required op.
•ration of weighing, as Ratlraad Scales for trains or single ears
In un# on the principal railroads In the United States and
Great Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels,for roundries,rolllngmllts. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications | Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales. Ac.—
These Scales have been long known and severely tested; and
the universal confidence relt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment, Is such that they are now regarded as the stand*
aru.fwun which there Is no appeal.
roy!2 Plm,BRICK A BELL. Agents
V ATHITE and colored curatln and pavilion loops, forsate by
W HITE AND CHECK MATTINb, 44, 6-4 and 8-4, Jus
received and (or solo by
VXTlIISKYd—100 bbls. New Orleans Wlilaky, landing this
W 4#y MT brig Kate Heath, and for sale by
\trAWftJiOjMXpiS^^'«A8Y.-lfcstto’Chemlral Washing
V T ’ Powders—One package of these powders will make
tiro gallons of SoR Soap, of a superior quslity for all do.
mestic.usM, Just recelred and for sale by
anl7 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square
Y ANKEE "NOTIONS.—Patent self-healing smootlng Irons,
patent nut crackers, cloth pins, fluid Inmp*. cow milk,
era, spring bottom guanlf<l lanterns, thermometer churns,
Ice buckets and water Altcrrrs. just recelred and for sale by
apl9 J. P COIJ.1NH. 100 Hryan-streat
IBREE A RODGERS offer for sale, the following Goods
. cheap: 260 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugars: 76
hbds. N. <>. and Muacorndo do; 26 do Porto Rico do; 60 do
Cuba Molasses; 160 bbls. N. 0. and Sugar-house Byrup j
400 hag* Rio and Lagunyra Coffee ; 60 do 0.0. .Tara do [ 100
** , p«noni are alio taken by this Company, boxes Tobacco, all brands; 60 hhds. Bacon Hides ; 26 casks
Urt.rfWW“ . a,..,a Hams and Shoulders; 75 harries Lard, nrlme article; 160
Corner of Bay and Drayton-straets.
A KTrtA br mutual c<m^nt. Either partner laautbo-
aK.tb.uin. ct the Bnn ''.‘M'noSfft"
^ HUM. »»£_ «■ mwwl ’
ft. nietdraed will continue the FACTORAGE and COM-
imdV BC.-ON’BW on hi* own account, and respectfully
a continuance or the patronage so liberally extend-
glatkeUte firm. JOHN BOSTON.
T ll£r«partoer.-lii|i heretofore existing between the sub-
uriVn. under the firm of VlUAViSGA k Acoota, 1*
tih Rr lliwlred by mutual consent. Mr. D. C, Acosta
lS»nt!n«« thebudncMS* before, and is authorlxed to
rtRtnwo.Udn.umn,. , , iTOUUKeoA .
(brnnoicr. C,a., July 11,1863. julv 29—2w
boxes Soap, all kinds; 200 do Sperm snd Adamantine Can*
die*; Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nuts. Candles. Spices,
J -..Ac. may2fl
►UTTER AND CliEESE—30 firkins prime nnd choice but
ter. 60 boxes cheese, recelred and for rale by “
JM.OOR OIL CloOTHS.—The most complete stock of Hi]
. Cloth*. In every variety of pattern* and colors, varying
In width* from nno to eight yarn*. Families and hotel keep*
can cover their dining rooms nr Kalla without ntedug.
WM. H. GUION. Agent. Carpet lVarehou*e.
feb5 140 Congress and 67 St. Jullan-its.
T received, a fine assortment of gold lien* and pencil*
■■■“ * ■*—■* ’ -*■- - —7|f‘-
a plU
KM’ARtXKRSHH’.—Tho undersigned having purchased
J fran John It. Norton Id* Stock of Hardware, will con-
fawthtbuineu st the fame store under ttie linn of Sam-
fiTiij.ui. Augu*t 1, 1853. July 31—lm
ITOnCE— Ilnvo disposed ol the entire Slock of Hard-
A »ar»of M<Cu>xv k Nmrrox to Messrs. KiHun Pal-
■tfoV.aadfoliritin their le-half a continuancu of tho
&nl»lronag\! hitherto extended to the late firm.
|iV«**.oote* and account*, a* well a* those of Mp-
ftwt t Siwnux. are In the hand* of Mr. Geo. it. Welsh,
MbMtsm. I’aixkx A 8»x) who will attend to llio set-
taint «f all the unftnidicd tm*ine*s (as my agent) and
»h>l"3< i» authorlxed to receipt for me.
SiTAXXAR. Augu«t 1.1853 July 31—lm
JUOAR.—22 hbds choice Porto KlcoSugartk) bbUStuart’s
A Refined and Clarified do, 10 boxes do Ixiaf do. 100 bbls
Sugnr House Molasses, 80 do lllrnm Smith and pure Gcno-
see Flour. 00 do Butter, Sugnr nnd Soda Crackers, 26 do and
100 kegs prime Leaf lard, 60 boxes selected new Cheese. 100
doStar Candle*. 80 do Iteadell’s 0’s ntul 8’s patent tallow do
landing and for aale by
M PRENDEI1GAST & C(). hnvo ju»t received a small
• case of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadine*. An assortment of very
nice cambric Inserting* and edgings; onocasc of xupcrioi
Italian sewing silks, which with n very complete assort
meat of genornl dry goods, they offer on very low coal
term*, at 178 Broughton-atreeL
npl28 Opposite St Andrew's Hall
. nnd jaconet muslin*; Nnlnsook nnd mull musl'n*;
plaid *nd *triped jaconet nnd Swl** muslin* : plain nnd fig
ured Swiss muslin : embroidered Swiss muslin ; white and
orgnnda uiusllns; colored linen lustre*; nnd a Rue nssort.
nu'iit of ladlo*' and gentlemen’* linen cambric bandker*
chiefs. mfi AIKEN fc BURNS.
D immo.V OF CO.pARTNF.It>'lUI’.—The co-purtner;
»bi|i heretofore existing between the Huliscritiers under
lb ir.a ol F 7.i*;lUl'St A CO. L dissolved by. mutual
exvsL 0. B. MimiELL will continue tho business on
c<fig irennnt and is autlmrixcd to settle all clnhus, in
H. It. MITCUKLlo, Savannah, Ga.
hrannah. June 8th. 1833 je8
he co partnership of Scr
• day dissolved, by the i
Scranton. John
withdrawal of
aijll W. B. SCRANTON.
■tdPABfNKR8HH’-The undersigned having asiociated
j with them Henry II. Scran'on. will continue the Gni
an k'tiinesi under the Oral of Scranton, Johnston k Co.
600 Rolosnns’s ham*. TOO boxes adamantine candles
In store and for sale by
I0FFEE. SUGAR. Ac.—Just received. 30 boxes ground
_ ’ Java add llio coffee. 30 ilo mustard in ft can*. 10 do
ground pepper, 26 do family soap. 5 Odn Iteadell’s candles. 30
cask* Ilyas*’ Ismdon Porter In quarts and pints. 30 bbls Ca
nal nnd Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8 ’* toitaccn. 30 bbls clnrl-
lied crashed and ground sugar, lfldoanlar lam noil. In storo
and for sale by DAVID O’CONNER.
JunelO corner Itniughtim nnd Draytnn-street*.
UmTl.CI I FiN F_Ae —20 kegs and 90 tntnrairatrt G<T
1 shen Rutter. 60 boxes Fngtfsh Dairy Cliee*e. 100 do
... v sealed Herrings. 60 bids lllrnm Smith nnd Genesee
Flour. 20 boxes Ground C»(W.25 do assorted Candy recelv-
4 per steamer and for aale by
.... „ , nthe
lumber and Dnther business aa heretofore, under the
um and atjle of J. Romutrs k C0.
) l«OLUnON’ OF COPARTNEItSHlP—Notick—The con
tern of Kibliee k Rodger* U till* day dlsxdved bv mu-
lul wiwoLMr. Kihhce retiring, and Ur.Thomn* Wood,
hieaf Kston.taking hi* place, under the name and style
•f Wool ft Rodger*. All debt* ngaln*t the late firm will be
Mdated by the new firm, and all monle* due them will bo
collectable,ami receipted for by the new canccrn.a*
mwnent. KIIUIEF. k RtlDGFRi
1 t'ST RECEIVED 11V LAST STEAMER—Plain and lignr
•J cl Mack Barege. Mack nnd white plaid aummer Silk,
plain and figured Mack Tissue. Mack Se wing Silk for dreise*.
Idnck Foulard Silk. Mack Kngllhh Voll Crape. Cambric nnd
French Muslins, for sale by
jnay2« AIKIN k RfBN’S
TEMITON k VFUST 11.1F. have just received, a tine lot
. V of figured grenadine*, crn|x> d’art'd*. silk tissues nnd
barege*, which they are offering very low at their stand,
next to F. Zogbnum’s music store. Waring'* range. ap!2t
A CARP.—'The subscriber. In retiring from busbies* in
I*, thl* city, cannot but feel deeply grateful and obliged
hr the my liberal patronage which ha* been extended to
«.(itxv hnu«e.) both from city and country friend*, and
kid thh opportunity to express hi* thank* for the same,
MiadalgtsUtc hope that past favor* will b« continued to
w atttwn. who are every way grateful to give the most
npulifiel satisfaction to the patrons of the late concern
ft Rodger*. Very respectfully.
JlHtt * »»
MoTCE—The ci-psrtnerihlp heretofore existing be
ll tueeo the un>ler*igned. under the firm of Craxs k
Bunau. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The
w»M«nf the late firm will be settled by H. A. Crane, to
’vm ul penona having clalma will please present them,
•*1 tlune Indebted will make payment Either party are
nUorlied to uu the name of tho late firm In liquidation.
11. A. CRANE,
PO PARTNEIUtHIP.-The undersigned having associated
V. w **“ • , '“i Mr. John R. Johnson and Mr. Jame* K. Cope,
ruiMotloue the wholesale grocery busines under the firm
« Immmu, Joaxsoe ft Co.
ffS5UW — , n>e firm of URocnx, Bowxx k Co. I*
^ tbu>lay dissolved by mutual consent, to take effect
theUtet January. Hie Ruslnesa of the firm will be
“'‘W by Isaac l». UHoche and Alfred T. Bowno. who are
luhoriied to use the name of the firm in settlement.
Isaac n. Laroche,
h. Jan. 8,1853. RICHARD H. MARSHALL
The 'ubKnbm will continue the businiM at their old
*he «rm of L*ROCHE k BOWNE.
““cli.URocn*. 1
^D**u T. Bowxb. | janlO
C undersigned havo thl* day form-
fklnniiu. ^ '* rtn ®r*blp for the tran.actlon of a General
PPtngaod Commission Business, under the firm of Scran-
* **llman. Offlce, No. 16 Coentles Slip. New York.
Rsfrr.,.,. oi 11 H - TA1.LMAN.
Cor,..!i r ^ le ; m; ' n fc &r» Wheeler k Co..
khhn« ( i? n ' ^ D.Pomrojr.New York; Webatei
Scranton, Johnston k Co .Rowland k CO.,Sevan-
■—' : 3m—may 17
R'm ,VE T n DY ?• 8 - eihijcv.'Aumit 10, lira
Lllliril aun. raon r V. 8 ’ or U . 1 ® L "' ,e T ® , ' t ' b y Ann °Ho Marin
p!,.™*•“thor or Zlnirra theGyp*ey.
••rofosHor oriole
Abelard wd Itolra. a 0. W. Wrlo
JSSTSS• r-rour
For *alo at the book
135 Congr. M-street.
IIJT received, a variety of publication* of v._ v «.i,
J Fmtestant Episcopal Society. Tract*.
fithajit Sabbath Kchoo! Service, and other cheap and
»Mc I ublieation*. For rale at tho Book Store of
„ 8. SIBLEY,
No. 136 (V»nuri-M *trwit,
T IIE Timber Cutters of Edlnto River. South Carolina, re
spectively call the attention ofburer* of Umber to the
Charleston market for that article. They bollere that they
furnish »• weU got and as large good heart Timber *■ can
be found In any Southern city. By a strange and arbitrary
system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade 111 Igno
rance of the cheapness of the market, the Mill* of Charles-
ton are enabled to purchase the Timber, at price* enor
mously low to the Timber cutters Tlte latter would there
fore, invite buyers to examine their market. The same
timber which brings In Savannah, (by the paperelfnim 8 to
: thousand feet. I* now selling In CharWton
B OOKS.—The History of tho Mormon*, or Loiter Ray
Saint*. In the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.—their rise
•nd progress—peculiar doctrines—present condition and
prospect*—derived from personal observation during a rest
dence among them, by Lieut. Gunnlran. U. S. Topographi
cal Engineers. Received and for sale by
28 8. 8. 8IBLEY 136 Congress street
plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ
mas present. Also. Musical Instruments in every variety,
from a Jpwsliarp to a Church Organ, and Music In sheet*
snd volumes, from tho Fisher’s Hornpipe, to Hayden nnd
For sale by F. fctKlBAT"' ‘ ~*
1. J«
cheap at the book *‘ore of
8. S V 1 ■'•6 Congress- strew
sale by
K EMI’TON k VERSTHJ.F. are now opening a finely as
sorted and complote stock of Summer and other Dry
s)s, which they will offer upon tho most accommodating
term*. A* great care ha* been exercised In the selection of
their stock, with a view both to price and quality, they con-
fidently Invite their f lend* and the public geuerally to call
and examine for themselves. apl5
[ OUSE KEEPING DRY GOODS-IJnen and cotton sheet
ing. pillow case linen and cotton. Irish linen of the
liest make, bird* eyo and Scotch diaper*, towel* and towel
ing, damask table linen nnd napkin*, long lawn*, crash,
brown and bleached muslin, all widths and qnalitle*. lot
sale at the lowest prlce*.by
api5 Dxwrrr a Morgan.
U NDER a now nnd improved organisation, manufacture
I/rcomotivo nnd Stationary Engine*. Sugnr Mill*. Gins,
’reuse*. I Allies. Drill*. Ac. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen and Saw Mill work. Shafting. Pulleys. Ac.. Cast
ing* or any weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
at reduced price*. F. 8. CI.AXTON, Engineer.
Depot 13 Plalt-streot, cornor of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. and H. Collins' Axes. Hard
ware Agency, 23 l’ratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
74 St.
F. WfllBAUM A CO..
Julian and 10’ Bryan-slreets.
now Shoulders: 260 hag* Rio Coffee: 160 bbls.
more Flour; 20 hbds. prime N. O. Sugar; 10 hhds. clarified
N. O. Sugnr; 160 bid*. Stuart’s R. A C. Sugar; 60 Imxe* Col
gate's No. 1 Soap; 50 Mixes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bbls. N.
O. Syrup; fiObhd*. Cuba Molasses; 26 tierces do.; 26 bar
rels do.; 60 boxes star Candles—landing nnd for sale by
fcb'-It' _ _ CRANE k IIOLCOMB.
F ISH. AC—6 tc* cod fish. 106 boxes smoked herrings. 30
bbl* pickled do. 30 bbls No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 60
half Mil* do, 20 kilt* do. 60 boxes buckwheat, 26 half bMs
do. recel veil nnd for sale by
P OTATOES. Ac.—60 bbls choice seed and eating Potatoes;
10 bid* superior bleached Whale Oil; 10 Mils l**af lard
received and for sale by fel4 McMAHON A DOYLE.
QUO A It COFFEE AND'tKA.—To lihds P RSugar.~6 do St
O Croix do. 100 Mil* Sluarl’sdo. 10 do crashed do. 26 do
clarified do, 100 bags llitrcdffce. 60 do Java do. 60 cases
black mi-1 gre«*n lea. 100 hokr* assorted tobacco. 60.000
Spanish segars of various liraud*. 100 bbls whisky, gin.
rum nnd brandy, 6 pipe* Otnrd brandy. 2 do Holland gin. 2
do Jamaica rum. 2 do Scotch whl«kv.’lO }§ cn«k* Madeira
wine. A i{ do Sclclly do, 6 .'.t do llalngft do, 60 boxes ns-
sorted cordial*, 6 do claret wine. 60 boxes pipe*. 100 dexen
broom*. 100 ream* wrapping juipor. 200 hams. 100 smoked
tongue*. 60 keg* lari. 100bcxe«Nol nnd pale soap. 60 bbl*
Baltimore flour. 60 whole and 16 half bbls canal do. 60 gro.
inih-lie*, 60 bbl* molnsse*. 10 bid* No 2 and 3ninckcre). 20
half bbl* No 1 do. 10 cask* porler. 10 do nle. 20 half boxe.*
loaf sugnr, landing nnd In store, for sale by
M ISS KLAMJAY'S WORK.—Is-tb-rs nnd Mlsc.-l anies in
Prose. Rhyme, and Blenk Verse, by J*»ul*e Ktemjav.
. bv I*
J. B.
Hooks, Jack Screws, Burnla'a Sen Island Cottoq Gibs and
Griswold’s Upland do. lament, ITaster, Mill trad Crau Cut
Saw*; also. K*od and Yard Haw*. Ac. For sale by
nolfi CHA'S If. CAMPF1ELD, 171 Bay-at.
Wholeanlo nnd kief nil,
No. lilt IhtwifhM-*.. between Ihtll nnd WJitidktr.
THE largest and but selected stock of goods ever
offered for rale In this city.' Gold and Silver Watches,
,Vest. Fob snd Guard Chains. SpU of Jor '-^ '*•**
Jrac«leto.»rooche*, fine Diamond work V.
Hivcrunstors, Tea Sot*.Pitchers.Goblets,Cnp» ( Q
junona,Forks.Fish Knives, Pie Knives. Cheese,Scoups,la.,
die*. Syphons, Also, all kind* of Plated Wars,' Military and
’•ncy Goods, and • great variety of article* too numerous to
nention s the whole of which will bo sold at- reduced prices.
All kind* of Watches, Clocks, Jewefrr and other Jobbing
attended to by oompetant hands. ITDItTON A RIKRHAN.
WATCHES AN d“jeivet7ry7
The undenlgned beg* leave to Inform the Cltixens
jofSavannah; and the people In the country In gene.
. it heluia taken thaStore No. 148 Broughton Street.-
ono door West of Dixon’s Confectionery, where ho will be
pleased to inakeand repair nil kinds of Clocks uud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may he Intrusted
MR. F. STEIN, on Ilroughton-street. lisa Just receiv
ed the flncKt assortment of now and faslilonshle Jewel
ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils and bens,
silver and silver glltod ware and fruit baskets, waiters,
tea set*, candlesticks, table and tea spoons: fine table,
pocket and pen knives.scissor*.and alarge variety of the
finest work notes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
ladle* and gentlemen, a* also a fine selection of flutlna*.
aecordlans and fanev articles, too namornu* to mention,
which he offers at tho lowost price* ever sold in thl* city*
Dm attention of the public at large, but eaperially that of
tho ladle*. I* particularly requested. au21
JELUi Just received at tho Wholesale and Retail Hat
.Store, every variety of
Spring and Summer Goods,
such as Silk*. Hearers. Gossamers, Pednte. Canton. Paris,
Lute Star. CAtnpcchy. and others too numerous to mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnets.
Call nnd see. and you will bo sure to be supplied, at the
corner of lkrnard and Ifroughton-strcet*
S PRING S1I.K8.—A fine assortment or striped and plaid
Silk*, black summer do. black grenadine silk*, a fine n*.
sortment of now barege*, figured stripe* and plaid, plain,
figured, plaid snd striped tissue*, a largo assortment of la
dle*’ black and colored *11* umbrella* and parasols, a large
apd fine assortment of all quulltlc* of hosiery, silk and lace
mantilla*, white and blsrk net mantillas, shiiwls points nnd
scarf*. Swiss nnd lace clieinlxets, light kid gloves, lace mil*
and gloves, for solo by
aplll AIKIN A HURN8_
S ENTRIES. —Just received. 20 M>1* !*tunrtV Crashed and
Clarified Sugar. 3 lihds New (Mean* do. 10 casks,<it*.
nnd pint*. Ilyas* Ixndun Porter. 26 dozen fancy handled
Broom*. 60 do assorted Scrub Brushes nnd Clothe* Line*.
30 do 2 and 3 hno|md Water Palls, 26 dor. \V**h Board*. 30
do Mustard, In lb. :nn*. M l»oxe< Bendel's Soap. Candle*,
and Starch, and 10 half chests black Tea, In J* 1«*. j-teka.
binding, and for snle'jy
—^ 160 unlit. Baltimore Flour, 20 do H. Smith’s
33do. 20 do pure Genesee do, 20 half bbls Canal do.
■■ 260 sugnr cured Haros. 20 bhds Bacon Sides, 1(0
bbls B and C Clarified Sugar. 25 do Cranlied and
Ground do. 26 do New Orleans do. 15 hlids Porto Rico do. 21
boxes Isiaf do. 100 bbl* Domestic liquors. 76 boxes Tobac
co. 60 client* Tea*. 26 bbl* Mackerel, 25 half hbls nnd kit*
do. 60 bbl* and 10 tc* West India Molnsse*. 25 bbl* New Or-
lean* Syrup. 6 do Stuart’* do. 75 gro*# Matches, 100 do
I lie*, landing irail In store, for sale by
DK (
IV ii
n lady of the .-outh. For sale by
June 28
gress-Ht.—Bible in the Family—Bible in the Counting
Atranls of Tennessee, by J. 0. M Ramsey. M. 11.
The Sword and tho Distaff, or Fair. Fat nnd Forty.
Marla Do Herniuvc, a tulo of tho Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Flmm«.
1 he Race for Riches, and some of the pits into which the
Runner* fall.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustin. D D.
Country Himpltnlitles. by Callierilie Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—tho history of Etlierisl Softdown
and the Friends of the New C. W. Webber.
Rowland Weror. nr the Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from writer# of all ago*
and both hemisphere*.
Cleansing tho Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Cnlla. of tho Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Je28
quality. Also, Cotton Samplihg and Silk M’rap
ping Paper,for .u»Iu by
tnh30 .! R. CUBRF.PGF..
A — ’ROMATIC VINEGAR—A very desirable itrtlcie'forlh
toilet and an clficicnt remedy for the beudach. fnatl
nc k *. languor, rhiuiniatic pains, Ac. Just recelve<| and foi
sale by W W LINCOLN.
A pin MnnumentSqimrc.
T^I.UID MAG.NTNIA,—Dlls condensed solution ts a rory
L 1 agreeable nnd efficient form for the ndnilnlstratlon or
Magnesia, and Is very useful in Naucen, Acidity of the
gtutrnch, Sea Sickness and Dy«t*'pria. for sale by
mh22. . IV. W. UNCOIN. Moouroent-Squaro.
C HEAP LASH STORK—• Jurner of WldViikeifotidCOti^esa-
street*.--Die subsnrlher* have just eceived per Ala
bntnu. a fresh supply of Three-Ply and In a In Carjiets. en
tlrely new imlterus. Also, tl-t and 8-4 Floor Oil Clatli. which
will Is* anld at unusual low price*.
QUGAR. MACKERKL Ac.—30 bid* Stunrt’a Crashed Sti
Cj gar. 25 half bbl* 1/iaf Sugar.40 hld*N<w,”and3 Mack
erel. 20 half bbl* Nos. 1 and 2 do. 60 bbls I’ A H Giu. now
landing and for rale low by
11ACON SHOULDERS.—10hlid< Ifocon Shoulders, landing
IJ front brig Pacific, and for sale hy
r OST. on Friday evening. June 26th, a Hninll Memoran-
J dnm Pockethonk of no value to any one Imt the owner,
with hi* name written on the Indde. A lltwral reward will
be given If left with NICHOLAS CBUGEB,
Jy 12—fi 84 Bay-street.
"fftltPElt FOR AUGUST.
DOBS’ MAGAZINE, for July; IsimlonArtJonr-
— ittl.furJuljj Ronvfor’aUw Dictionary, new edition;
Z?. i . . £ Young’s Exchequer Report*; «a Vials’ Work*.
2“' u, ' s, ’2v f)I *' i Coftk «’ Voyage*. London edition.2 large
oa iK'* n ' , •"*»*!"«« i Thackeray’s Isscturs*
™ me KoxlUh Humorists, new supply; Cooper's Dictionary
’ ^hoolcrafU History nf the Indian Trlbft*.
TV-Niurto, with numerous plate*, vol 3rd; nradles’Sur-
iWh* 1 to otom.l lb. 1M.M., nrillUn >•
“ ,U '
’ b 7 8. H. StMey per lost steamer,
- H * T "‘kna| Borden on Railroads-Fern Lmvm;
J UST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paint*, tiro and
water-proof colnra, unfading. Silrer'a Mineral Paint*
differ e**entla!ly from all others in market. They aronot
Clays, they require little nil, they do not work toughly, but
flow easily as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
set immediately, and become an Indestructabie covering of
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer than white lead.
I have a variety of colors. Red, Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black. They are suiierlor In body (or covering
imjierty) to anything ever discovered, and pound for pound
rill cover double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
paints, and require less oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, a* nothing adheres
> tin like Silver's Mineral Paints. Fur sale by
rov 8 10 and 12 Barnard-street.
G 1ROCERIR3. Ac.—100 bbl* Baltimore Hour. 26 do Canal
T do. 20 hairdo do. 20 bids II8 Hour, 76 do Stuart’s II A
C Sugar. 26 do crashed do, 100 boxe* assorted brand* Tobac
co. 10 hhd* Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders. 60 boxes star
and ndmantlno Candle*. 25 bid* Monungahela Whisky. 160
Mils Rum. Gin. tVhlskv and Brandy. 16 quarter cask* Cog
nac Brandy, 2 pipe* ll Gin. 2 quarter ca*k* Scotch Whisky,
2 do Jamaica Rum. 26 boxe* assorted Cordial*. 60.000 Span
ish Sugars, 26 kilt* Mackerel. 20 half bbl* No 1 do. 26 bbls
No* 1.2 and 3 do, 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap. 60 lioxe*
Starch. 60 do I^mon Svrup. 10 hhd* Ane Porto Rico Sugar,
3 do St Croix do, 60 bbl* New Orleans Syrup, landing snd
for sale by ml 3 COIIKN A TARVER.'
N EW and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, just re
ceived by tho last Steamer. VI*: Barege DeLaltu;
Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sewing Silk; Dresses
Foulard Silk; Colored and Black Clutlleys nnd Itareges; Black
and Cfdnred Silk: Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black
and Colored F. Mu-din; Black and Colored Ginghams; Iltln
and Colored Lawn*; Black nnd Colored French Cambric; nnd
a fine assortment of Black and Colored Calicoes; Plain and
Figured Swl** Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Mull Muslin;
RUld nnd Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, very pretty;
also. Silk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on
R EPRINTED from the LU-ly discovered copy of tho folio
of 1(132, containing ne4rly twenty thousand manti-
sert t correction*, with an In’roduction to each play—pub
lishing in number* at 26 cents n copy.
The Preacher and the King, or Bourdnloito In the Court
of Lulls 1-lth.
Alexander Smlth’a Poem*.
Alban, or the History of a Young Puritan; by the author
of lady Alice—2 vol*.
Midland's History of tho Crusades—3 vol*.
Bohn’* Classical Library—Literal translation.
Scott'* Wnvorly Novel*. 12 vol*.. cloth gilt.
Kppe* Sergeant's Standard Speaker.
I**lfe’s Portrait* of Distinguished Persons, with Ban en-
Vjvligs. in 8 rots.—Bohn's edition.
WnodfalP* Junius. 2 Vol* — IVnhn’s Edition.
Humboldt’s Travels in the Equinoctial Regions.
_ the Owl Creek falters.
Modern Flirtation*. • Catherine Sinclair.
Pnsdunand Prtn Iple. a domestic novel, by Mrs. Grey.
Flirtation* In America, or High Life In New York.
The Adventure* of a Bachelor, or a man lit search of a
The Silver Bell, or tho Heir of Motcoiubo Manor, by Dr. P
H. Robinson.
Body's lady's Book for July ; Graham’s Magnxlne do;
Arther’* Magazine do ; Peterson’* Magazine do.
Barnum’a Illustrated New*. No. 26, Further supply or
Echoe* nf a Bell; received by
X lures on Swift, Conureve. AdUon. Ac.
Ranke's Civic War* and Monarchy In the ltltli nnd 17th
life and Lettersof the Rev. Stephen Olin, late President
of the Wesleyan University.
The Old Housoby the River, by the author of the Owl
Creek teller*.
Taylor’* Memorial of the English Martyrs.
Culerldgn Work*, vol. 8.
Modern Hirtatinn. by Miss Sinclair.
English tew and Equity Report*, teing the first volume
of the year. New subscribers can be supplied at the ori
gins! price of $12 per annum.
Blackwood’s Magazine for June.
T O HIRE—A good Cook. 'Washer andIronrr. Forterm*.
which will bo low, apply to
Jyl3—0 CRUGER A WADE. 84 Bay street.
wounds, bruises, sprains, Ac. Just rccelvol and for
sale by W. W. LINCOLN.
may2 Monument Square
P ATE DE PF.RDUAUX, rallies and Fol Gras, for snle by
jone24 A. BONAUD.
C DFFFB. SUGAR. Ac.—6” pockets Old Government Java
Coffee. 50 bid* Stuart'* A refined Sugar. 80 do M'-s*
Pork. 200 bags drop and buck Shot, landing nnd for sale by
F RESH TURVIPSEEna—RuU Bags. Flat Dutch. Bed Top
largo Globe and largo Norfolk Turnip Seed*, of Hie
growth of 18-13, Just .received nnd for sale by
Juue28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument sqtmro.
•#*’• Po?mV S' 1 « ul * , thB Resolution ; Tennv*.
M len De Vsra ; Helen and Arthur, or MU*
®«SSnSS , iW* R^ek. «»5JRow; Spirit Rapping
W,-wtm rw ar j >on Wb «» 5 VRette: History of Wn
0«iiSttt]Vu J^ u 8< ? rn Abroad ; Harper’s, Godey’s, and
7 ‘ “HM'ws, Ae., foe sale ft t lsTcongresa street.
ffliut gwril ."IBWrioorfi.
* “SftJaStvTtyW’ w ^Forty,
Mlbc? J tUpLtS.‘. th J ^ ^ tbe
*e.ft*. w * r * rU * M » MtUlohampl, Catherine Waltoo,
thB KrapfojmntU and Enjoy-
U tbe m °™ F.xoeltent Way, two sermons, by a
iu-!? l : n, ' b 7.1® r - Price 26 cent*.
if? 1r P e ” •'•d Putnam's Vagaxlne*. for July.
Thri^ fUM, ;^V 0, y »>f school life, by Adams.
iM.^?.' lnn v Art nf n ' ,rn » 1 ' *nr Jane.
Rl f. h * r ' 1 Hayward, with Illustrations.
Chambers’ Repository of Useful Paper*.
M.h Mrt * MuU. a tala nf Seot-
IvMn. North »nd South; Aunt Phillis*«,.Wu.tuI lo i;’J , J r Randolph; Japan, hy Mae-
Pn«t£!te !|« Jh! " r a ” nc . 8 5 HllnWa Gllmpsea of tbe
S2TaS£ V* J * 5 Macaulay’s Speeches;
b / AgullU: Frank Freeman’s Itarber
tb ZZ*l3? , V 0l l 0 n l* ,r,en ' 1 * tbo public in generalfto Ul*
SMorted sWk of Uquora and Cigar*, which bo la prepared
to aell in quantities to salt purchasers. v v
Mr. a has also constantly on band • lane assortment
i tmt,n /*"• wh,ch himself'
will suit the most epicurean tastes. nn i
tez Saavedra, a revised translation based on those n|
Mottcux.Jarvisandh'mollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the Fflomcntary Goology on the Ancient
Change* of tbe Knrth nnd Its Inlinbltant*. a* Murt-nted hy
Ktvdoglcnl SlrCTmrle* l.yell, M. A., F. It. 9.,
author of the Principle* o Geology. Ac.
Homo Picture*. t»v Mr*. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil Wars nnd Monarchy in France in tho sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du
ring that period, hy I**opold Ranke.
Barnum’a Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
julyfi J. B. CUBBEDGE.
B OOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS 111—At SIBLEY’S book store,
136 Congress-street.—Wo received ao many new books
yesterday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
Religious. Ulernry Scientific. Humorous and Intereating
We Invite our frlen'l* to call and examine the largest varie
ty of light reading ever offered in (Ids city. Also.
Graham’s Magazine for July; Cody’s lady’* Itook.
Blackwood’s Magnxino; Barnum’* Illustrated New*.
Gleason’* Pfctoml. Ac. June23
R ECEIVED BY S S. SIBLEY. June 28. I853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School Ufa. by C. Adam*.
The Old Forest Ranger.or Wild Sports of India, by MaJ.
Walter Cumin'll nnd Frank Forester.
A New History of tho World, giving an account of the
various Revolution* In Europe aud America, to tho present
time, hy II. White. B. A.
Consolation, br James W. Alexander, II. D.
Tim Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magnxlne for July, an interesting number.
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Uarmtm's Illustrated News, Gleason’s Pictoral. Ac.
S CHOOL BOOKS.—Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary.
Boston School Dictionary. FRch’n Mapping Plate*.
Pler|M>nt’* Ameriran First Class Book,
Lmmls’ Element# of Algebra.
Youtnan’aCIn** Rook of Cliemestrr.
Quarkenlto’* First tesnon* tn English Composition.
Parley’* Common School History. Bullion’* Latin Reader.
A further supply received and for sale hy
may 18 j 8. 8. 81DLEY. 135 Congress-street.
T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy. pocket cdt-
tlon. beautifully illustrated nnd in the most convent,
ent form yet published.
Also, the Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Song* and
Odea, suited to every occasion in lodge or celebrations
Both now works recently published.and highly worthy the
attention of the Craft. Just received and for sale at the
Book Store or 9. S . SIBLEY.
noS ' 135 Congress-stmt
THORNE WILLIAMS ha* received Simms’ Sword
• and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of the South at
the close of the Itevolutlon. W. Gilmore Simms.
Marla He Bernlere. a tale of tbe Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
Tltompnon.’a Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and House
hold Punrery. revised by Dr. Henry H Smith
John Randolph of Roanoke, and ntlier Sketches of Char
acter. including Win Wirt, by F. W. Thema.
Tbe Medical Journal nf Medical Science for July,
tedys* Book and Eclectic Magazine for July.
Poeme by Thomas Buchanan, revised Now York edition,
- The Boyhood of Great Moo, with tituatratlona,
' Home Picture, hy Hr*. M: 8. Denison.
McCHntock A Cook's 2d Book In Latin. jylO
■nUTTER AND CHErag^28 fiSTna and Tube choice n
J. P. COLLINS. Brynn-street.
B ROWN WINDSOR SOAP—tew’* l.lglilvj.erfunie.t Brown
Windsor Soap, so much approved of ft
indsor Soap, so much approved of for washing and
shaving, just received nnd for rale hy
Ju ne28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
JUST RECEIVED—»dozen of that fine HungarianTokay
for sale by
Jy 13
C ORN.—1.000 bushel* prime Tennessn Corn, 50 ft to the
bushel, f
I, for sale 1 y
1 J1L0UR.—'76 bid* Baltimore Hour a superior brand land-
1 ing per scltr John W. And**r«on. and for rale by
JENNY"UNI) BASKET STANDS—Just rereiyed nod for
1. 1Y. MOllUELL A CO.
WIRIER AND CRIER—60 bbls Ale, 20 caaka
i \tei
L ARD.—26 bbls nnd 80 keg* prime tent, landing fromth
brig Kate Heath, from New Orleans. »nd for rale by
OIBERIAN PAI.M SOAP.—Tills Soap I* prepared from the
O pure Palm OIL and Is warrahtnl to be of a superior
quality. It I* highly useful In cleanring the «kln. Is very
emollient, and produces an excellent, lather. Just receiv
ud ami for saloby WM. W LINCOLN,
nol6 Monument Square
F IjOL'R—200 bbls Door, of superior brands, landing from
sclir Woodbrldge and for sale by'
G ROCERIES.—80 bbl* Stuart’s rollmvl Supnr
20 boxe* teaf Sugar, 10 bbl* crashed Sugar
6 bbl* powdered Sugar
50 boxes pale and No 1 Soap. 10 boxes toilet Soap
26 - No 1 Starch. 26 boxe* Pearl Starch
20 bag* Java Coffee, landing for rale by
W HISKY.—65 bbl* New Orleans Whisky, landing I a
brig Principe, and for sale by
/~1IIAMPAGNE, SYRUP. Ac.—'0 baskets Heidslck Chain-
w palgn In quart*. 60 boxe* No*. 1,2and 3 Lemon Syrup.
60 bbl* N K Ruin, 80 boxes Starch, now landing and for rale
S UNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—Hymn Hooks, Catechism*,
Question Book, with a full supply of all Books general
ly used In Sabbath School*. Received hy
B UTTER. CHEST, Ac.—20 keg* selected Goshen Butter.
20 tub* du do. 60 boxe* new CUeera. 100 do new scaled
Herring, 60 bbls Hiram Smith’* Flour, for rale by
A line assortment of figured French nnd Jacknnet Mus
lin* ; also, embroidered Swias Muslins. In pattei ns of
ten yard* each, and of «xce..snt quality
J UST received, Puraaol* of various qualities and prices.
P LAID and striped Cambric and Jaconet Muslins
>• ““ *
blue and white Tarletoii, for sale by
J UST received, per steamer from New York, a aupply of
James' steam mill Shirting.
July 22
/"IXVIBRIO and Swiss Bands, *c*dfoped and very pretty;
\J also, white and blade Lace Undendeere*; Swlsa Muslin
white and hlack
Undersleevea. for sale by
jy22^ AIKEN k BURNS.
touncss to the
r of this
Six Salt flnb for Rent,
" t offers for sole 1,200
no. 180]
Also Agent for Domeatlc Uquora.
oiuioifiiuRis, etc.
-T-r-T-E 100 bags prime Rio Coffee, 60 do do Java do
BO hhds l’orto Ilieo Sugar, 10do N. O. do
- "iB- 100 bbls Stuart'* B and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar. 20doGronnd do
20 bbls Isiaf Sugar, 20 boxes teuton Syrup
60 do Nos. 1.2 nnd U Mackerel. 10 half do 2dr>
100 do Balt. Flour. 60 do H 8. do. 60 do half do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides. 6 do Sltouldera
20 boxe* Northern Cheese, 20 do Englsh Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap. 60 do Pale do, 25 doStarch
60 do Tobacco, a»#orted brand*
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
60 boxes Ihllow Candles, 60 do Star do
26 do Adamantine do
60 bbls old MouongaheU Whisky, 2.000 ft Codfish
200 do Whisky. Gin. Rum and Brandy
20 'A casks Cognao Brandy, 60 dnteu Brooms
2 pipes Holland Gin. 2 A casks Scotch Whisky
600 gross Pipes, 100,000 Spanish Segar*
20 dozen Ifcmljons. 200 reams Wrapping Paper
60 (Ira and three gallon Keg*,
tending and In atore, for sale by
during the fall,-winter and spring mohtha.'at»d one of the
beat fisheries on the rirer for aliad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do so by calling - on the subscriber on' the
place, ■ ■ »I-
Atlso. 980 acres of tend well timbered, with 160 acres of
first rate bey land well ditched and dririned.ready for clear
ing. with five acrea eleared. Held land will produce fifty
bushels of corn to tbe acre. Hits land Ilea two miles from
Maim Ferry, on the Alatamahs rirer.
Also, 6.000 acres of , first quality pine Umbered land on
tbe Alatamahs and Gcmulgee rivers.
All tlieso lands ate situate In the first and second district
of Appling eounty. Also, 2,000 acres of land well Umbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person wishing further
particulars can addraa* me at Uau P. O., Georgia.
Jan31—lawdAwfim Wt DYALL.
tOT Tbo Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and rand bill to W, D.
OS*. RICK LAKES FOB 8AlX—The Tract of LAND on the
3lSt. Mary’s River, known at the OiLoff Tract, oontalnlng
•oven hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres.ore-tide swamp and frttb marsh
lands, with a rise and foil of tide of six feet.. The marah
land was suecestfollr calUratcd many years since, produchig
Cotton, Cano, and Rice.
These land* could be put In irder with less labour. It Is
believed, tlmn would be required for nutting Hammock lands
In order, and are ounsidefed vqgy safe from orerflow in gales
end freshet*.
For further particulars and terms, which will be made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and 0o., Charleston.
S.C.,or to Mrs. Henry Ballejr> 8t. Mary’s, Qunden county,
A plat of the land may be seen at the offlre of the Geor
gian. J .. ” apljT—dAc
FOR S A L B .r-^A Tract of LAND^conUlnlng 202H
Second etrqeL where they bcvwafth
did ato>rtmMt«r saUrUrfurntt«trt
to, which they Invite the 8
for parlors, dining.rooms or chambera,
Woods, imltattoo Woods, and Faney.Colo
Reception arid Cbttage Chairs, ef*lttraT
8ettees, Ao.
Housekeepers. Hotel 8t«
wIR find It to their Inters
Reception arid Cbttage Chairs. oPil
signs; Qtne L6unges, Carte Betteas
House and OOee-Arm Chairs.-hugaand i
Ch.Ira, Store and StMmboat.Stbolil^Wl^tt
Interrot toc^l fit
No. 131 North eth St (opposite
rrements. near Walthourvllle.
Have In store, and offer for sale, on the most
I favorable terms—
1 16 hhds St mix Sugar. 26 do l’orto Rleo do
26 do N Orleans ao. 60 bbls Cbffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A. D and C Sugar, 26 tlo Crashed do
10 bhxes teaf do. 200 bogs Rio Coffee, 20 do Jars do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamnira do
10 cases Mrer’s Aromatic Tobacco, 60 casks Bacon Sides
26 casks Shoulders, 26 do Ilams^ choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 26 half do Canal do
26 hlids. 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter chests Hyson Tea. 10 do tlo Black do
100 boxes Sperm and AdamanUne Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 colls Wearer's Rope
100 bbls K ITieip*’ Gin. 260 Flack’s do, 25 do Connecticut
River do, 26 da N E Kutu
20 qr oasks pure Malaga.WIne. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipe* Otard Brandy.20 qr cask* do do
100 bbl* Mnnongahcla Whisky. 10 qr caaka Port Wine
16 bbl* Mint and Rose Cordial.
Also, the following old and very choice Liquors, In glasses
40 dozen choice old Madeira wine, bottled in 1847
" demlJonsSl Croix Rum. 15 do obi Jamaica do, 1848
do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
do Pure Juice, 1848.4(1 do Brandy. 1816
36 down Scbeldmtn Gin, 10 do old Whisky. Nectar.
aete#.*nd Inti
county. The land Is of good quality, nine and bay land,60
acres or which ore.In eultiratton, andihe renulnder wall,
timbered, offering strong Indanement* to persons interested
In procuring turpentine. The improvement* consist of a
two.»tory frame dwelling, together with negro houses,stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. The location cannot
be surpassed for bealthfnlness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
Theaboro property can bo bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most nccommodallng terms. Ir early application
be made to the subscriber*, at W atthourville. liberty county.
apl 28—dAc RB. WAY.
■ VALUAM.K Kick LAND FOB sale:
mua A'Drsct of Tide Swsmp temLcontaining 500 acres,
dallying on the Alatamah* rirer. three mlleaaltove Dari-
^■V^en, adjoining land* of the estate of Rntler and Dun-
wo<Iy on the east, and Glgnllllat and Walker on the north
and west, navlng as good - a pitch of tide as an* rice plan
tation on the river. My term* are. twenty dollar* per acre,
ono-fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from flvMo
ten years, the Interest only required to be paid annually.
Apple to the undersigned ot Darien. In case of my absence
Mr. Jamb Pm.xaix will show tbe land, a plan of which can
be seen at the offlce or the Georgian.
DAMW.Jan.22. 1863. Jsn26—lam
Coro Planter*,
Turnip Drills^ 4 to 86. -
Also, tha Great Medal at the World's, Fair, wftaftwawro f.
AM. Plough No. 40, CultlratorswiUt.Double-pointPolisbv
ed 8teel Troth, which can be'rtversed; thus getting Double
Wear ol the common Teeth. Also, Cultivators of all kinds
with Steel Teeth.
Spalo’aAtmaepherie Churns.
Corn Shelter*, Imp-roved
Hay and Btrww Cqttere,
Hand Com Mills,
Corn and'Cob Crashers, .
Gedda’ IronroTed narrows, M<
Square and A Harrows,
Horae Bakes.
Grindstones, ready hungi
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Fork* lor unloading Hay,
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow Pins,
Apple Pearen,
Ox Muulea,
Mole Tran*.
Pruning Hooka and Chisels,
Fawssnd Scissors,
Iron WeU Curbs,'and Zinc
tubring for Chain Pumps,
Al*o. Horticultural Tools
and Grass 8eeds, for isle at tl
and Retail.
i FOR 8 AIR—A Tract of I AND of Fire Hundred acres
'strictly nrinte Rico tend. Immediately opposite the old
n or Hardwick. The situation of the place afford* one
of tho best Saw-mill seats In the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vcssvrl* coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Wlllintn*.
U.8. District Attamey.8arannah.or to B. STILES. Bryan conn-
—^ 25 HHDS. l’orto Rico and Muscovado Suasr, 26
rH do choice New Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Mala*-
ran *4>*. 100 bid* New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu-
■" art’s rectified do. 500 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adninamantlnn Uatidle*.
25 do Stnrcli. 60 du Cheese. 76 do Soap, 26 du Toilet do. 60
do mixed and assorted Candles, 76 |me.knge*Tca*. Black. Im-
riel nnd Green, 150 hid* A. Baud C Clarified Sugar and
ellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered Snd Crashed do. Prunes.
Fig*. Citron. Pickle*. Raisin*, Yens! Powder*. Saleratus: So-
du. Ac., now in store and for sale very low. hy
O-mi-150 bags prime Rio, 75 do Jamaica, 00
y^jWdo Java.
AJ-A/ Siuak—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do St. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans. 10O hid* Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
M OLA SHIV—26 hhds Cuba, 75 bbl* New Orleans.
Fount—160 bbl* Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do H 8mith’a.
It ao in—16 casks I'hlliidelpliitt Ham*. 600 Baltimore can
rassed do. 30 hlids Sides. 20 do Shoulder*.
PijTATm*—150 bbls P nnd Mercer.
Ltim ami Codfish—26 bbl* choice I*-nf lard, 0 casksCod-
Soap. Camilw ami Staucu—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
An*|i. 60 do Pale do. 40 wlmteund half boxe* Stnrrii. 75 do
Ailumntlno Caudle*. 25 do ^|>enn, 26 do Star. 150 do Patent
Tiin.tcco—150package* rartou* brand* nnd qualities.
I.WloN ."Viap,Ac.—60 boxes teimm .syrup. UlcasusWal-
nut and Tomato Culsuii. Ill du llramly Paaelie*-. - -
DoNteTicljqHiim—'76 Ud* Phelps’ Gin,60 do N E Rum.76
to Rectifietl Whi-ky. 30 do extra old Mononguhvla do.
W|\n<—20 quarter cn^k* pun* Malaga. 8 do choice Madel-
i—r'-i elve-l and for sale by
npl2ft ’- > . , , McMAHON A DOYI.R
1" b‘d* No. largo Mnekerel,
I'rTtlU bbl* N". 1 ilo dll
Btgfflfjf In half bid* No. 1 do
10 do No. 2 do
30 bbl* sugar, hodar. nnd butter I’iscultn,
25 b*txe* so«ln Ihsculta.
50 do Riu-hnn'sFnmlly Soap,
60 do Col'/ate'* No' 1 do
40 do Colgate's nnd Itaadcll'* Pearl Starch,
60 do Herrings,
tending and for sale by
J. V. CONNER AT A (<•.. offer for sate on ac
ragged eommixlntlng 1>wtft*.a well a««ortei1 stork of Gro
i-erles, Liquor*. Tolmecu. Segar*. Ac., viz : 130 Icig*
JmTvMprime llio Coffeo. 20 du do old Java du, 20 hlids
l’orto Rico anil Muscovado Sugar*. Ml bid* clarified roffee do.
26 do crashed and powdered do. Ill boxe* loaf do, 200 jiack.
igo* tdnrk and gnx*n lea. some very superior; 250 boxe*
tobacco, various qnalitle*. 1'*. 8’s. 6’* nnd lfi’s. 16 case* Di
adem twl*t. It) do Virginia* nnd Arnniailc.’iOdn m-ctnrleaf.
Vigliiln gold lekf. Ill boxes HI Dorado tobacco, 176.000 sujio
rlor Havana Agar*. 10 half pl|ie* Otnrd.Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy. 20 half and quarter ca*k* I intern. Mai tel. Sazenic. An.
Itraiidy. 5 quarter cask* very old Jean teul* do, 6 pipe*
Holland Gin. 2 puncheon* St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half pipe* nnd 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26
bid* old Muitnngnhuln Wlsky. 26 qunrter cn*ks Teneriffc. 30
do do .Malaga Wine. 200 bbl* gin. whisky nnd rum, 100 boxe*
No. 1 an<l family soap. 60 do starch. 60 do adamantine can
dle*. 60 do tallow do. 20 cask* bacon sides. 16 do shoulders,
oo hhds West India Mntasse*. 40 bbl* and tc* do. 25 bbls X
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at lliti wholesale grocery stores, june3
S ITUATED half a inllo from tills City, bn the canal, ha* a
basin cn|inble of bolding two million fort or teg*. Hie
Mill lm* been In operation about seven month*, runs two
gangs and nn edging saw. also Grist Mill. Till* Mill saws
from 12 to 15 M. feet per day. For particular*applv to
Eh FOR SALE— 1 That valuable parcel of Innd formerly
IToccupied by E. Jencke’s. Eso.. known as n Cooper’*
lop and Yard. It Is bounded on the east by West Bound
ary street, west by the Canal, north by Railroad street, and
wiuth by lots No*. 6 and 6. nnd contain* stent fonr acre*.
J'OR HALE—The westerly linff of tet No. 2 Ynmncrinv,
teing the Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
The property Is now under a leaso which will expire on the
first or.Vovembcrnext.
If not sold at nrivntK sale previous to Urn first Tuesday in
February. It will then bo offered at auction nt the Court
House. Apply to del6 CoHKN A FOSDM’K.
F INE SHIRTS.—Those III want of a fine shirt, to tit well
nnd handsomely made, ci.n be nccomnmdnted at No
147 ilay-st. nmylO PIUCK k VFuVDKR.
I MSIliNG AND JOCKEY GAPS.—Hecelvwl by lato nrri
vnl*. annwsupplv. 'IlioxC In want will please call nt
147 Hav-st may2n PIUf K A_VEADKR.
.'ITER. CHEESE. Ac.—20 tulis new May Butter, 60
boxes Cheese. 28 bbl* lllrnm Smith’s Flour. 50 boxes
Herring, landing per steamer ami Tor wilo hy
*4 AGES.—Mocking Bird Cages, just rerei red and for *nte
J by Jyl I. W. MORRELL A CO.
S UGAR. Ac —10 hhds choice St Croix Sugar. 20 do do do
Porto Rico do, 30 do New Orleans do, 60 barrel* Sugar
House Syrup. 100 do West India Molasses. 2ft hhd* prime
Ifocon Shoulder*. 30 do do Sides, received and for sale liv
. WE are constantly receiving these valuable
'Cases, aud liave them always in readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. 11.—Wo are permitted to Inform the public that we
hare received from Mr. lUVMOxu. of New York city, a let
ter signed hy the different members of the United State*
Senate, who were ap|*dntrd to take charge of the body ol
the lion. Hkxhv Cur. deceased, (which was enclosed in one
of Fisk’* Metalic Co*e*.)and who went with it to Kentucky;
they sny to Mr. Ravmo.Mi, thnt tho Case answered the pur
pose for which it was Intended, and meet* with thelrunpi
ballon, and they cheerfully recommend it to the public ....
teing superior to any other Chao for the transportation ol
the -lead. The tetter can be seen by calling on
febl4 I. W. MORRELL A CO
Tha subscriber lit ring purchased the er.
buslne** of F. ZnatutJn A Co., of which
^ rff Drni b<> heretofore l»een the acting mem-
« - * *ber in Savannah, would respectfully Invite
tho attention oftlinse In want of anything in tho musical
lino to hi* establishment. From ninny yenrn’ bxiterionre
both In profes*lonal and busines* matter* connected with
tniisb*. Mr. M. frel* him-clf fully qualified to proffer Ids xcr.
vice* In the selection of mu*1c and Instrument* or the ful
filment of orders, with the assurance of hi* utmost Zealand
Industry In hi* endeavor to deserve the patronage nnd coi
fldeneo «-f tho public. O. B. MITCHEI.I,.
Juuel4 _ successor to K. Zogbaum A Co.
No. 147 Bay Strert.
All person* of to*to and refinement—thoso having
due regard for comfort and |iersonal appearance, may
lat all times select any and every article for their ward-
.robe, from one of the largest assortments of the Very
Best Goods tn this country; either in Ready Mad* Garments
or wade up to measure In unique style, or Furnishing art!
cles of evory description and quality too numerous to men
tlon Cull and ses. PRICK A VEABER.
M. D. MURPHY. 21 BuU drat. would respectfully
inform his friends and the public generally, that he
has received Ida spring style* for gentlemen, among
•which will be found as rich and fine fancy Cassimeres,
Vestings, Ac., as have ever been brought to this mnrkot. .
All orders executed with dispatch, and in tha beat style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and Judge for
hemsclre*. mhll
WM. R. 8Y.MUN8. Dtunat Atn Tzilor, No.
I U'kiUtier ttruU, r..*|iectfully solicit* the.
attention of hi* friend* andJlie public In gen-
-..■enl, to his large stock of Rendy-ma'.o Cloth-
Ing. suitable for tha present nnd coming season. It liaa all
hn< n made up under Ills personal superintendence, nn 1 for
style and durability of workmanship, is Inferior to none to
te found in the market.
Tlte following comprises portion of the stock: Frocks and
Sack* of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths; black,
broil d’ele Frock* and .Sack*; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks nnd Sock*; India grans, silk and brown linen
Suck*; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French cassimeres. black doc-skin cassf black drab d’ete nnd spring tweed css* I mere, white
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pant*, for summer wear.
Vests of black satin, black barqtlien. and fancy silk*, fan
cy and white Jlarselltes. figured and striped linen*.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
glove*, suspender*, cravats, collar*, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, ate., etc.
T?EATHERS.-3,b00 lb Feather* for sale hy gingham umbrellas, ate., etc.
X 1 nihStt I W MORRELL A 00. Tha whole of which he offer* for sale on accommodating
■ ■ . . .. - term*, prices as cheap aa the cheapest. apl8
O ror-l,. *UtfL m ,„ of Oolbi. Qi^
QAVANNAH MUTUAL WAV ASSOCIATION.—6 shorro r W|| /Dslmere* and Vesting*, consisting in part of tha fol-
O for sale. Apply at this offlce. Ui7lowing articles, selected hy himself during tha past
jjto. n itmt." ' Rxxxr o. iutO sumthcr In. tendon and Pans, wlilch he will make up to or-
C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned ha* this der In the best style qf workmanship, and. at the shortest
day associated with him Mr. Hxxrt G. Kuo, of Glyno .
county, with whom he will continue tbe FacViragesndrtnn
mission business In this citjr.under the flrmnf A too
derln theteststrl
notice. IBs stock
ing Goods, for genUemen’a wear, ie very large and of tha
best qaality and styla—tbe whole off! madatbU
of Readymade Clothing and of Furalsh-
btei-l Extending Points.. Bor-alitre, I
of Castings for repairing. The Empei
r..« tv. above |’i An -t— — II--U—-ff-iij
Plough*, a Uassfre'Gold
r awHrteA
Valua WOO.—
Bull Ring*.
Patent* Iron Snaths,
Grubbing, Howl
Transplanting Trowels,
Hay and Manure forks,
Shovels and Spade*.
Garden and.Field Hpro.
Garden RUteftfn variety J
Darling 8ejrthaa, .
Snaths, with Patent Faste:
Po'Xh^ ^
at Wholesale
No. 4 North (>w doors above Market,
rpHE undersigned have Just opened a fresh and complete
JL stock of Wall Paper** among which are gold and.vel
vet. tine satin, and the lowest priead unglased papers; also,
decorations, border*, fire screens. Curtains.'ete.. which they
offer at the lowest price*, both wholesale and retail."
Tha beat workmen employed to h*Pg paper either in the
city or country.
’Blank Bunk*. Stationery, de.—We hare alio our usual as
sortment of writing paper* wrapping papers, blank and
school books, stationery, etc.
No. 4 North V'Uh street, 2 door* above Market.
nr Cash paid for conntry rags.rabid—cod
I N AM. ITS BRANCHES.—Business cariR with appropri
ate devices, embossed ina now style, in plain snn Cmcy
color*. Seals of every descrlptlqn.with or without presses.
Fnvelo|*>* printed with name, business arid address, labels,
billheads, manufacturer’s tickets. Ac., all executed In tli#
neatest manner and at prices 26 pe* cent, below any simi
lar cntnhlt*hment, in consequence of tetter and Improved
facilities for the execution nf such work.
X. It.—All order* by mall promptly attended to. Goods
sent to uny part of tho country.
Y. R. CALVERT A 00..
Enretnpeand Seal Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers. Embos
ser* and Feng ravers, 48 South 3d-*t., Philadelphia.
E NGLISH TOOTH BRITSHKS-A very so^rlor article ol
English Totith Brushes tnnnufacture.1 expressly for the
suWcriter. nnd direct from tzm-lon. for sale bv
JtineVJ ». W. T,tNW»LN. Motiuuient Square.
P IR SAL!’— A light one In tree Carriage, with pide. bull;
loonier hy Brower A Son. New York, and line teen
iiso.1 but little ll can te seen at tbo Carriage lh-|Mudtni v
of Mr. Georgu IV. Ilnrdcnxtlo.
ssnrte.1 Sauces, Just re
Englfoli Plcklo*. 6 doz bottle,
ceive.t and for sale bv
Juno30 J. ROSEAU.
D ISSOLUTION.—Tim firm of Kkmptox A MAtistuTT wii*
dissolved, by mutunl consent, on tho 15tli instant.
Savannah. 18th rebruary. 1863. febl8
A RCHER A WARNER. Manufacturers. No no Chest tut-
street. Philadelphia,respectfully solicit tho attenti m of
purchaser*, to their assortment of chandeliers, bra;keta,
pendant*, and every description nf ga* burners; also evory
variety of lump*, girandoles. Ac. Wo wnrrant our goods
equal in iiuaiity. ami our prices as lows* any other estate
lishinent in the country.
Tim Trade supplied with burners, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps. Ac., nt reduced price*.
Ellis S. Archer, I William F. MlskfV,
Redwnod_F. Warner. | Wm. O. B. MerriH.
ViSoiitlinn •£ liWiTB kr.nJianlt. i/amifactureriandothere.
W ATVON A CoX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen nnd Wire Cloth
Manufacturers, No. lA.Nortli'Knmtwttroet, Philadel
phia. where can always te found every article In their line.
>r niniiiifiictured tn -irder at short notice. Order* by tnjm
■>r iitherwise. sollelted. JapIS—toodtlspl ‘
1 WAltEHOUSK, " '
117 Chcttnut-rtreel, Miw J-hurth. ntirt/i tiite, I'hiladelphia.
W E Inform merchant* and resident* of this vicinity, that
the most complete assortment of Mantel. Pier. Wall
nml Oval Glauses, richest style*, (hr private use. or ell kit'd*
for country «ale. with Portrait an* Picture Frames, Ac., tJlll
be found at nttr establishment.
long experience and large fiiclllUe* enable us to sell tho
best goods at lowest prices.
Dimension* being given, we will give estimates for any
ire-1 Mirror*, delivered free from breakage, at any puiui.
Onlers nollclted. m
French Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwellings. Ac . at Importa
tion prices. THOMAS J. NATT A CO.
Tim subscriber lias just receive*! n large numter ol
Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which ho will dlsposoul
on accomnio-lating terms. Among them may lie
found the following: Cooking Stove*. The Republic, te'ly nt
tho teke, Air Tight Premium. Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor ami office Steves.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder. Sheet Iron, (air tight) square snd
oval. Six Plato. I fox Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pot*. Kettles. Ovens. Spiders. Sauce Pan*,
Ac. Ac. Plain ami Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manti-
for lured at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, snd
teaders, attended to with punctuality.
Nos. 10 and 12 Rarnard street
. THE Alterations and Improvement* in our
|store. including* fine Show Room for llano
rortes, undo Music Department for Ladle*
•wing now completed, wo would Invito the at
tention of the musical public to our stock, com prising every
article in tlm line, which can be furnished (wholesale and
retail) at Now York price*.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodsrt A Co.. J. B. Dunham, and
other* of established reputation, constantly on hand.
. , F. ZOGBAUM A CX)., Importers,
Nn*. 74 St. Julian and 107 Ilryan-street*.
_dee7 Next to Market Square
No 17 Whitaker tlretl. Snmntuih.
Ha* just opened a large and choice vnricty of and Summkr Goon*, consisting In part ofl.bick,
figured and fonct French Casslniere*; black a ml col -
ored Cashmere; Cloths nnd Cashmerelts; white nnd
fancy Linen Drill*; with a large assortment nf fancy Mar
seille* ami Linen Vestings, nil of which lie I* prepared to
make up to order In tlte most fashlonnblo style, and on ac
commodating terms np5
M BtfKS. COHKN A HANNON respectfully announce to
the citizens or Savannah thattni-y are now prepared
to do all kind* of work In their line, at their new shop,
near the corner of Rmughtou am] Draytoii-st*. They liuvo
established tho following a* their rates of charge*: For a
single *bav~ ; per month, for 2 nr three time-per week
76c.; 4 time* a week $1; 6 or tl times a week $1 60; every
day 51 75 |<er month, llalr cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
Mr. COHEN will always hold hlmsolf In readiness to at
tend to orders from those who may require hi* aorrice* nt
their home*. nnv8
L IQUORS AND WINK*—12'liaR pqte* Otard. Dupuy A
On’* Frencli Brandy; JO lutlf pipe*, assorted brands,
low priced French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do. 60
bbl* do do, 76 do PAH llyo Gin, 150 do F. Phelps’ do fl pipes
Holland Gin, 10 Uhl* Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 Ao pure (ter
S n Peach do, 200 do N. ft. Whisky, 00 do white Baltimore
1.30 du old Westminster Monougahela do, 20 dootd Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo. 100doN. E. Rum.25 quarter casks
Madeira Wine, in eighth do choice tlo do. 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pljw* do tlo, 20 quarter cask* IJrown Sherry Wine,
40 basket* Clt“ •*.— — >« »—
Champagne do. For Sale bi
T HE Subscriber ha* on hand a fine and well selected
Stock of Imported pure Wines, Liquors and Segar*,
comprising tho following ;
Ilranuy—10 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co.; 3 do do
old Henncssy ; 2 do do Saxtrac, 1808 ; 2 do do Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do J.J. Dupuy.
Wines—I half pine* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
I-nndon Particular ; 3 do do old Port 5 fi do do Sherry
Wine j 20 cask* Claret; 40 baskets Chuinpngne.
SfRnr*—20.000 Rio Honda ; 10,000 La Crul* 5 6.000
La Union ; 10.000 la Patrin ; 26,000 Trabuca*.
Fancy Groceries.—A large supply, such aa Imported
Cordial*. K'7’ , i«UPickle*and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeat*,
Prunes and Joiih,„. Fornaloby A. BONAUD.
fo* Corner 0/ Bay and Whiteker-streeta.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restorl ng grey hair to
It* original color. It la guaranteed by the Proprietor,
liat If the patient 1* grey, he can lure hi* hair restored to
it* original color hy using I/>ret’s Wahpene. For Sale by
Jan*! "• W. LINCOLN,Mnnuineut8«iuare.
T ilt; VOUXO SKteiiXBlS. bjrlSf.F. R ItotiUlni. "A
further sqpnly Just received and for rate at the hook
store of may 5 8. 8. SIBIJ-IY. 136 Congress-si.
A REVIEW of tha Spiritual Manlfestsllons, read before
‘he Conjjregfttlonal Association of N. York and Brook. Ker f .
Journal of an Afriran Cruise, comprising sketches of the
Canarie*, the Cape de Verde. Uberia. Mmlelra, Sierra Le.
ooe.and other place* of Interest on the west coast or Afri-
Hawfho^e™ U ° Bri,! * e ’ D 8 ^aey; edited by^ Nathaniel
nicer and Pewter, or contrast of New York Life.
Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence of Tbne Moore—
HRed by the Right Hon. ten! J&nR^ft M °°"^
ftumum’s Illustrated News, No. 20. Recelred by
“"T 20 . J. p. CUBBEnOR.;
bWil foltlmoce Flour, 76 bbls lilratn"
fJM IK subscriber ha* just rere|vt*l per lute arrival*.
of Ve ......
tiuii Cnrpeting*. all
able terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Covers, Mat
ting. Ac.
Purchaser* are requested to make an early examinatior
a* strong inducement* will be held out to cash buyer*.
R. H. WALKER, 100 Chestnut-street,
mbl7—1 nwtf below 8th, 8outh side, Philadelphia.
Tnlse Nutlet).
B J. WILLIAMS. No. 12, North Slxth^treet. a few doora
• above Market-street. Philadelphia. Is the most exten
sive nnd test manufacturer of Window .Blinds and Shades
in the United State*, and hns taken the highest premiums
at all the exhibitions; he buys the best materials by whole-
sal - dies per for Cash than others pay for interior at tides by
retail, and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blind* and
shade*, as cheap as others ask for Inferior articles. Painted
Window Shades in great variety, of beautiful design* and
superior quality, Buff nnd White linen Shades, Blind and
Shiule Trimming*. Fixtures, Ae.. wholesale add retail, at
the lowest cash prices. Store Shades painted and lettered
to order. Reed Blinds at mannfacturera’ prices. Old Blinds
painted tn look as good aa new, Purchasers, by calling,
will te convinced tlini he sell* a superior article, and guar
antee* full satisfaction. A literal dlscnuntmade'todealsnr.
“ Wetiudy fojntene.”
apIG—cod No. 12 North qth-streqt, pbiU.
F lill’n, BACON. Ac.—200 bbls superfine Howard street
Flour. 60 hhd* prime new Bacon Bides. 20 do do Should*
er*. 30 bbl* and 60 keg* teaf Lard, landing and for aale by
T O THE LAMES.—’Wo would respectfully caU the atten-
tlon or the ladies nr Savannah, and sourroundlng coun
try, to the following new and teautifulgoods which we hare
just received, viz : silk Paris mantillas.laced gimp mantil
la*. black nett scarf*' col'd. neet Hearts, ladies eraraltsand
tie*. French worked collars, laced capes, cbemlzetts and un
der sleeves, oonnet ribbon, rauzo cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon. Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col'd.
silk snd lisle gloves, with a large variety of other articles
too nmnerous to mention. Please call snd see for your-
solve* ; all of which will bo sold on tha teat possible terms
L AMP OH.,VINEGAR,Ac.-Ju*treceived 10 bhUbleach
ed Whale Oil, 10 do White Vinegar, 10 do No 1 Mti*-
orel. 6 do Scotch Herring. 30 Imse* smoked Herring, 00 do
Beadell's tallow and sperm Candles, 4*. fis and 8s. 26 do do
family Soap, 60 do ground Coffee *nd Mustard, S hbds New
Orleans Sugar. 20 bbl* Stuart’* crashed, ground and clari
fied Sugars, and 2 hhds Gwlfish. for sate at tha eorner of
Brooghtun and Drayton streets,by
J U8T RECEIVE1).—We have Just received, ft freah sup'
ply ot ladles’ morino, gauze, silk and cotton vests.
Misses and Infant'* merino vesta, gents silk.’merino, gangs
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of linen cambric
handkerchiefs, ladles’ and misses' white and brown cotton
lm*e, white and black silk do. gents white,brown and mix
ed half hose, gents white and black silk do do.,together
with n large assortment of white and colors linen cam
brie handkerchief*, colored and black silk ersvati^ 8tocka
and tie*, for sale low by
S HAWLS. Ac.—Super, and common crape shawl* plain
and embroidered. Vandyke collar# beanf ,, “'' “*'
and embroidered. Vandyke collars
sorted parasols. ’
mer do. barege*. m . .
T scom-t an<1 organdy muillos. a larjpassortments
Inens, French printed cambrics.
w» , TOBB&u
.iiiiciv’i) .nii-ijun c'.n-.ii. unuuiui |qgqi, m
its. plain, striped and bhackedctaM Mlka.aam
;es. tissues and grenadines, colored and white
organdy mnsltns, a' large assortment of Irish
tnnntlllas. shawls,
Ing silk scarfs, wl
all shades of silks and baregee, black net
s, points and scarfs,' white and htgik sew-
. 'hit# lace and eolored altk' mintlllas;White
and rnlored crape abawla. black swan silks. blaok barogfS .
•iVSl?** 4 *** l*d Pr,Be,?
L ADIES’ DRESS GOODS —Printed oreandiro.grtnadlnM
bareges- jaconets. Uwps.: tlsautoWMefalllift. pa de
Pari*. French cambric*. Indie rilka, figured and doqtted
swlsa mull, nisnsook and cambric mnsltns, sIDt and linen
.UOTIRR. CHCTST. *«.—Ototon Bottor
half, quarter and eighth bbls BucftWtest; 30 boxea:assort-
•d Candy; 60 do Ns w Bedford Spjna Owwlka? IP,W0 sppe-
rior PUnUtfonSugars. jgWgstesjm^^fof mil
YjRANDY, gin. Ae:—10 half plpejxitftnnirftnly. io do do
Mdo Dbcaestle-I
plm. MUAMnl ulto ■
. Jimlt
OOOICH AU!-a0eui,JI,Ir*8oo'.