Newspaper Page Text
iffiMlEawM jiriMia.
UttrtMto. , ■
A brace d* Tour* lta Vojmm au Pci* Non!, depute le*
PrtrM, mo! juiaa'ft trahouaru (1880—ISM), par Ilenri La-
Marguerite Robert, par M’maTullla Moneuse. -
tei Dernier* Jour* da Pnnpelt, Imlto df Bulwer.
Hletolr* Natural!* dea Anlmaux.le* plua rtmarquablea
da U cUise da maramlfore* (quadropede**tceUces),par
an Naturallete da Mueeum, orara da 60 figure* d'enlmiux.
L’Orphelln* da Moscou, on Jana InitUutric# k par M’ro*
WolUea—dtxiern* edition.
j2&x5^iM«t«ortk*j*iu“,i' ■ ,ub -
d« In the eh.rra will
"•"'LCdXW" *9. for W-WttU, *3. ,nj
^■.,,111 UimlAl. IHBOBASOK CO.
. B" : Ota US Bay-tlrttl.
w o m „,.iu*i» *“ 4 Wm
H,n ^ Utbnp
tfir.fooi. HENRY D. WEED, Praaldent,
• HDUM nOlWKtR. VWP««W»nt
-Smtpb FOUKian kichakob awd
ttneart Qn0RiT10> , agency.
, „ UK id for th«lr fttendj »nd Jfilrom o(
.’T’llLttlb, Snt d.u puk.lor. lotomri
“*£{ Ssuttwsn U» onl ) f *se"l» to ttodbon non-
a 'i„llotlW to draw on Iteur,. Wm.T,p»«ott
iLkkJ In lumn from it nnd upward., wlileh
‘ « Mn«oibU In an, town* tUrnujhnnl Inland and
ZnMlila. PralU an Franca and Germany, papabla In
. ...f.a.Oiatloentalaernr»le. Apply to
BUNKER k (Kiln'S, SO Bar-atreat.
PlerraVOrand, par J. N. Dubois, Profoaaeur da PUnlver- Cordial*—In canon, L'uracoa. Maraschino, Ratafia, 81a-
llte—qtUrttem* edition Telia, Klraohenwasser, Abate th, ftp.
* Me* Priaona ou Meraolre* da Silrio, Pallloq, traduction Ale nnd Porter—Isradon Brown Stout, and Edln-
nouvelle, par M. 1'Abba Bauraua, profeaeear au petit Semi- buroh Ala.
nalrodeToura. AU<
Auguste at Thareaa, on La Rbteur a la fo, par M’me Tarbo
daa 8ablooa—trolalama edition.
Erneitlna au lea Channel da la Vartu aulvlo do Nelly, au
la Jeuoa Art Into at da Caroline ft Juliette, par Jl’mo Caearia
forrenco—aeptleraa edition.
Blanche da Sarfnay, par M’rae L. B.
Arne* do Lauvena au Me molrea Da Scaur St. Lou*, par
LouTa Venllatte.
Mathilda at Gabrieli* ou h* Blenfalts, d'uneesluratlnn
chretrlenne—trotaleme edition.
Robert au 1’Souvlner d’une Mere, M’ma C. Quermanto.
Voyages et Arenturea da Laperouae, par F. Valeutln—
alzleme edition. For aala by
aap33 J. B. CUBBEDOE.
t • xsWJRY HULL, Prescient and Treasurer.
iLDON CHASE, Sec'ry. j C. F. UeKAY, Actuary.
. h,| ntenigtitd. Agent of the aboro Company, contlnuea
to take tha following Hint*, via.: Marine, Hirer and Fire
‘da n lie Urea ofSerrante.
y mo f White Persona are alio taken by tlila Company.
KintnyRiniam for residing in the South.
Comer of Bar and Drayton-streetn.
R eceived and for sale ry s. a sibley, 135 con-
greaa-at.—Bible In the Family—Bible In the Counting
Annals of Tennessee, by J. G. M- Ramsey, M. D.
Tin Sword and tbe Distaff, or Fslr, Fqt and Forty.
Maria Do Bcrnlere, a tale of the Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms. V *
The Race for Riches, and some of themtU Into which the
tonoere fall. ( , .
11 ”■
Spiritual Vampirism—the Ustory.of EthertarSoftdown
end the Friends of the New IJrht. by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Weror, or the Pllotof Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Autttra, from writers of all ages
and both hemispheres. _,i. . /
ClcanMng the Sanctuary, by IT. U VI'Calls, of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Phlladlpbla. Je28
R ECEIVED DYS S. 81BL6T. June 28. 1853.—Elgar
Clirton. a story of School Ife. by C. Adams.
The Old Forest IUnger. or Wd Sports of India, br MaJ.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forster.
A New History of the Worldnlrlng an account of the
various Revolutions in Europend America, to the present
time, by H. White. B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Aliander, D. D.
The Believe, by Rev. Hugh Wlte.
Harpers Magazine for July, ainterestiug number.
Putnam's Magastne for July. ’
Bamum’s Illustrated Nows, (oaaon’s l’lctoral, ko.
JuntfO j
1 rtSsRS. COHEN’ k BA.VNON respectfully announce to
M the citizens of Savannah that they are now prepared
p is ill kinds of work in their line, at their new shop,
■srtbscoToer of Broughton and Drny ton-st*. They have
Mibfclwl tin followlug as their rates of charges: For a
Sutoiber* ,ft *.! per month, for 2 ortbreo times per week
52.4 times a week $1; 5 or 0 times a week SI 60 ; every
gjjl JS per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
will always hold himself in readiness to at-
kil herders from those w ho may require his services at
Wf homes.* | °v8
mpERaocw and improved organization,manufacture
U Lxomotive and Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills. Gins,
uthsi. Drills, Ac. Also, every description of Cot-
ikaYooknsndSaw Mill work,Shafting. Pulleys. Ac.,Cast-
km of sor weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
graced prices. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Depot 13 PUtt-street. eornor of Gold. CUxton A Wet-
* •—'ikeelslor. Collins s Co. and H. CoUlna' Axes, Hard-
N ARRATIVE of a Journey tund the World, comprls.
Ing Chill, the Gold Reglooof California and Austra
lia. the South Sea Islands and Iva, by E Glrstaecker.
Romance of Abelard and IlelK, by 0 W Wright.
Pyscomancy, Spirit Rappingand Table Tippings exposed,
by Professor Charles G Page.
A History of England from to first invasion of the Ro
mans to tho accession of Willia, and Mary In 1088, by Jno
IJngard. D. D.
Heavenly Recognrilon—Will wtnow our friends In hea
ven? by llov H Harbaugh.
Heaven, or the Sainted Dcad.hHarbaugh.
The Heavenly Home, or the Enloyroent and Enjoyment
of tho Saints in Heaven.
The Illustrated Magnzlne of A for August; tho Edin
burgh Review for July t lUnklf’s half yoxrly Abstnrct.
January to June, 1863; Ilarnuni Illustrated 'News; the
lady’s Book for August; Englisknd Equity Reports, vnl
Philosophy of Sir Win Hamllb. edited by O W Wright.
Hearth’s legacy ; Annie Urayn ; Urauunar without u
master, Ac.
witi|my, M Pratt-st., New York..
R ISK’S latent PUtformScales—(Improved Inqual-
id reduced In price)—Adapted to every required op.
M of weighing, as railroad Scales for trains or single cars
k ut oa the nrineijal railroads in thoUnlteil States and
OnstBriUln. Warehouse Scales. Heavy Portable Scales, ou
ibteli. Tor foundries.rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
'atifatkms; Counter Scales, Hay apd Coal Scales,- Ac.—
^AiKScalealuveheen long known and severely tested; and
JUtshtml confidence felt in their accuracy and perfect
‘ ifiiitaient. Is such that they are now regarded as tho stand-
which tliere U no appeal.
i;H PH1LDRICK k BELT,. Agents
TtST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and
vnter-preof colors, unlading. Silver's Mineral Paints
Unessentially from all others in market. Thoy are not
^fle^they require little olL they do not work tonghly,. but
"lev easily a* white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
otizreedlately. and become an tndcstructable covering o(
fat. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
km than white lead.
I kite a variety of colors, Red, YeUow, various Browns,
lad Jet Black. They are superior in body (or covering
meriy) to scything erer discovered.and pound for pound
sfllcoTcr double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
(fats, sod require leu oil.
1 ta now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
WUa like Silver's Mineral Paints. For sale by
■T 6 10 and 12 Rarnard-street.
r scriber hivlug just r^ioved to No. 21 Bull-street, (be-
IvnaCungreMaud Broughton-streeta.) would Inform his
Malt sad the public generally, that ho will open This
Rtr.hli second supplr of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
•f the beet French. English and American Cloths. Cassl-
■nessud Vesting, purchased from the most extensive Ira-
prtsn In New York, which he Is prepared to make up in
lit Wit and moil fashionable styles.
HE to-partnership heretofore existing with the under-
dgnel. under the firm of BOSTON A GUN BY, la this
dsy dioobed by mutual consent. Either partner Isautho-
wdtouwUiemuje of the firm Inclosing tho unsettled
v «fa«. JOHN BOSTON,
A«rutlst,lW3. aug2 J. H. OUNBY.
Tfawrierslgned will continue theFACTORAGEand COM-
BUSINESS on his own account, and respectfully
Midti a eontluuaucc of tho patronage so liberally extend-
•d la the late Ann.
— »hip heretofore exiting between the subscribers under
«e firm ol F ZDCBAUM A CO. Is dissolved by mutual
"•wit. (i. B. MITCHELL will continue tho business on
»«ova account, and is authorized to settle all claims, lu
**»ci!j.for or against the late firm.
F. ZOGHAl'M. Charleston. S. C.,
. . , G. B. MITCHELL, 8avamioh, Ga.
asasnah. June 6th. 1853 je8
" tern of Klbbce & Ro>lgcT* Is this day dlaaolved by mu-
Rlbbee retiring, and Mr.Thomas wood,
SwIj ifn°', UklD(? * ,i ' P* ac «- under the name and stylo
v 0 "v*”’ debts against tho late firm will bo
3r*7? • .' 9 new firm - ttl »d all monies duo them will be
frtubk, and receipted for by the new concern, os por
A ^JJD.—Tbe subscriber. In retiring from business in
sa tou city cannot but feel deeply grateful and obliged
iu I'beral patronage which has been extendeit to
tsuiiui* ’’ ou **') ^ oth f fom city and country friends, nnd
aM*s?">ff rt ? ntt F to «*P rc '« •'!» thanks forthosnino,
tWw—J 10 * 1 ® llut pant favors will bo continued to
«^u^° n :.*, ho .!‘ reeTer y w *- v grateful to give the most
cnXtwfto . ct on to patrons of tho late concern
iSa'***&"• Very reiissctfullr.
® v partnorshlp heretofore existing bo-
jjjJwMathsmlerjigno-l, under the firm of Gun A
iZu^Uyl . nay dlssolred by mutual consent. Tho
wiU ^ w‘Ued by II. A.Crane,to
wi " please present them,
w 11 m * l(a payment Either party arc
1 to use tbe name of the late firm In liquidation.
v/ *i*K J^f^HIP.—Tha undersigned haring associated
wdloietinn^ii. f ' J ^ h , n R> Jo bnson and Mr. Janie* E. Cope,
^Ilotma^JoSsws &^ 8ro ^ orjr bufllD08 un,lorth ® flnn
i. nui/wmiK.
V <srSn^n ,I P, I, * 0T *^ B— ' n,B undersigned have this
•'*!F«W«V. i^ inter T" U r ° r Um transaction of a gen-
M,0D Business. In this dty, un-
WW (A Rod A Two.V. Offlco 174 Day street.
•M. ->aving taken the store at the corner
would respectteHy call
rien ^ 18n 'l the public In general, to his
»^lbi«.n3 U . or **°dCigars, which he U prepared
•fWL r * ®®n»tautly on hand a Urge assortment
•SIoit th.7n„,.“ 4 , ,n J,r *- which be flatters himsell
1 ■ ”*'” I 00 * 1 *pieure*ntastes. not
■U H Whale * c -~J u "t received 10 bbls bleach-
5*"KSaV 0 1° Wh,,p v l»eg"r. 10 do No 1 Mn—
HbH-s(li,.-, "yrrln*. 30 Imxes smoked Herring. 60 do
**8y&an «T 2“' ‘>w rm Uwmlles, 4a, fls and 8s. 25 do do
no ,^ r T un ! c «f«w »od Muster 1. 3 hhds New
H . Stu * rt ' l ‘ enuhod. ground and clari-
Jlj^ofJi'ShgSStto -Ktlto»n»r .1
■ A... ' DAvrn O'CONNER.
V ANDHLEEVES.—We take great
■**^*■4 .“f *he attention of the ladieeioour
W «t more of above—a finer, better, rich-
4 •SnwM,’ 0 ,"!? “‘•NibC^W? are in receipt of an-
harl 7*** Bne, J finished and fashion-
jHteprlit* lon.^t 1 The demand for these very
l?HToiih,S7 B D ’ r ' h ^nKh<«D much greater I?— "
fa»* T 10 * 1 the wants of our c
tsLxblwT 1 ? u plJeateour order* and i
^•ttoatloii Wl a beautiful selectioo, to which we In-
V fawitt'k Rov^i'Ts °t»nl Brandy, 10 do do
»*. V. T " ov, bllddo. 10 rSna. ttnll.^H fll» bo ..i
til®©— mcmahon a doylk.
5^faMen fioo^Jt” 80 h^l 1 * ch olce Bacon SI ea: 30«!
. «SiTT~ w ,,Da * cno'ce uacou m ea ; 30 dc
n, “'' 30 lbh
TTtY*~tfi~-i mcmahon a doyle.
OOOltn. r,„“, HRIGUtV.KEI.LY A 00
0 J^ AUteS n 77? M . ulr R°u’r*ud Hector Pore’
,»Pm Al * h* pteta, Jut received tad far mle by
NEW noK9.
S IR I3AAC B.VRItlNGTON’Sersonal Sketches of his
own Times, a new edition.
A MdmorlAl uf Horatio Grcennh, by II. T. Tuckormnn.
The Pedestrian In France an4witzerland. by G. Iianell.
Tbe Libertines in American, III. W. Warner.
A Book for every America, oiheScience of Government
nnd Compend of the Constitute and Civil Jurisprudence
of the United States, by A. W.Jung.
Craufordnby the author of My Barton.
Tim I/mdou Quarterly Revletor July.
niackwood'N Edinburgh itevb for August.
Nos. 10 and 11 Collier’s Shakpearo.
1 owry’a Universal Atlas.
Uphnm's Montnl I’hylosophybrMgcd. .
.. ’ Turtarv, Tidon edltlofl^
HucL’s Thibet and
Lord Bacon’s Essays, 1
il.: ibelnls’ Works, 2 vols
R OADS AND RAILROADS, annual of the principles
and prsetlco of road makiqcomprising the location,
construction and Improvement roads ami rallronds by
W. W. Ulllesplo, A. M., C. E., cirlenginerr in Union Col-
^ocrosof Alexander Smith.
The List Leaf Irom Sunny Side.y T.Triita, with a me
morial of the author, by Austin Pips.
Home Cookery, a collection of trf receipts, both foreign
and doraestlo, by Mrs. J. Shadwlck,
Philosophy of Mysterious R&ppin and Reply to Beecher,
byE.C Rogers. • \
Cliambers’ Miscellany, in 20 volnek fkney boards, and
10 volumes, cloth.
Chambers' Roposltorv. 4 volumeifanty boards.
Chambers’ Information for the Hfajo, royal octavo, half
calf binding.
Chambers’ Papers forthe People. It'd*..fancy bound.
The Works of Samuel Maunder, Inclllng tbe Treasury of
Natural History.
Treasury of History.
Scientific ami Literary Treasury, j
Treasury of Knowledge and lliognfilcal Treasury.
Industry of all Nations. Nos 3 and.
Godey’a l-ady’s Book, for Septembi.
The Victim’s Revenge, a sequel to *i Matrlcutt’s Daugh
ter. and tho Star of tho Fallen.
Jem Bunt, a tele oT tho lamd and ho Ocean, by tho Old
Bamum’s Illustrated News, No. 3- Received hr
aug23 J. B. CUUBKDGR.
TAH'ras 1 maoa'/.ixT: for s^embeb.
J. Bleak House. No. 18. I
Artist WUe. by Mary Howett.
History and Rudiments of Archbcture, by J. Bulloch.
The Fawn of Pale Faces, by.J. 1 •Brace
Gass Book of Physiology, by Drfl. N. Comtegs.
The London Art Journal for Audst.
Pickering's Greek and Kngllsli hxlcon.
Vol. 14 Howard's lteporta In thU S. Supremo Court.
Vols, 32 nnd 33 English Clianctf Reports.
Grote’s History of Greece. vol>l- L*mdon edition.
Yankee Me<ldy ; Ocean Bonn Guerilla Chief; Red King;
The Corsair Chieftain; Hying jjlllorist. Ac.
ti«n of the New York Cry At Palace, edited by Prof.
D. Slllimnn. Jr., with nnmeroullne illuitration engrared
from original designs by theirst artists. Price 26 cents
K r number and postagq. No( 1 to 4 received. Subscri-
rs supplied regularly.
N EW BOOKS—A new so (ply of Sir Jonah Barringtou’
Memoirs of His Own Hue.
lloussayea’ Philosophirs aid Actresses.
Hoiissnyea' Men una Vomin during the reign of IjhiIr XV
Illldruth’s Tlieory ol rolltbs-an Inquiry Into tho found-
at Iona uf government*.
Whately’s Elements if Rhetoric.
Anthon's Manuel of 4re*k Literature.
Hooiier's Physician^ Vadrmecum.
Walton’s Opthalmli Surgery, by Dr. Lltlcll.
Tlie Minroscopist, Orphyslcians, students, Ac.
Franconia's Htory, ftuyvpsunt.
Maternal Managenent of Children, by Dr. Bull.
Political and Miliary IRatory of tho Campaign of Water
loo. by General Uarau de Jorniue ; Collier's Shakespcar, 12
io. edition, tola. J and 3, received. ......
t«- that be has now opened and will keep eon.
tfnually In store, a large assortment of ths best qualities
of tho varioua'klnds of WINES AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and domestic, invoiced from the best sources, and to bM
■took of which, at present on hand, he invites attention.—-
Uavtng had extensive experlencotn France aa a manufac
turer, and In America as Importer and dealer, his acquain
tance with the trade enables him to offer aaiurenct that tbe
articles which are enumerated below are each genuine:
Artlclea of Direct Importation*—French Bran
dies of various brandsi Holland Gin; Sootch, Irish nnd
Monongahola Whisky t Old Batavta Arrack; Jamaica and'
St Croix Rum.
Wlnea—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret, Pauteme and Rnrgundy Wines.
Alio Agent for Domestic Liquors.
R. lfAYER.
■ Haro In store, and olfer for salo, on tho most
farorable terms—
16 hhds St rolx Sugar,125 do Porto Rico do
26 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls ColTco do
100 bbls Stuart’s A. 11 and C Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 bozos Loaf do, 200 bags Rio CofToe, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Codoo, 60 do Jamaica do
10 cases Mycr’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Dacon Sides
26 casks Shoulders, 26 do Ham* choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 60 whole and 26 hair do Canal do
26 hhds. 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do oxtra do
26 quarter chests Hyson Tea, 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sporm and Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 colls Wearer’s Rope
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 260 Flack's do, 26 uo Connecticut
River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 qr casks pure Malaga Wine, 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipes Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks il J do
100 bbls Mnnongahels Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
16 bbls Mint and Rose Cordial
Also, tho following old and very choice Liquors, tn glasses :
so .a—XUJcira Win*. bottfod in 1847
86 doruljuna St Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
6® do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
10 do *.•; Pure .lulee. 1848. <0 do Brandy. 1816
36 dozen Scheldam Gin, 10 do old Wlilaky, Nectar.
■ 26 HHDS. Porto Rico nnd Muscovado Sugar. 26
do choice New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu
art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adsmamantlne Candles,
25 do Starch. 60 do Giecse, 75 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do. 60
do mixed nnd assorted Candles, 75 packages Teas. Black, Im
perial nnd Green, 150 bbls A. It and C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes,
Figs. Citron. Pickles, linlsins. Yeast Powders. Saleratui, So
ds. Ac., now la store and for sale verv low. by
mh2fl KlllBKE A R0DGPR3.
CymT—160 bags prime Klo, 75 do Jamaica, 60
wBU Sccur—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do St. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
M<)Uk*k>—25 hhds Cuba. 75 bids New Orleans.
Fiotm—160 bbls Baltimore, 76 do Canal. 60 do II Smith’s.
Baoun—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
roused do. 30 hhds Sides. 20 do Shoulders.
Potatoxs—160 bids P and Mercer.
I-a Mi and Codfish—26 bbls choice I/ , sf Ianl, 6 casks Cod
Soap. Candub and STAtiou—60 boxes No. 1 nnd Fntnily
Soap. 60 do Pale do. 40 whole nnd Imir boxes Starrh. 76 do
Adtnaulino Candles. 26 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 150 do Patent
Tobacco—tfiOpacknges various brands and qualities.
Lknon Sr HUP, Ac.—OU boxes Ionian Syrup. 10 cases Wal
nut ami Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches,
Domwtic Ligvoiw—76 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 60 do N F. Rum. 76
do Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Mouongalieln do.
Winks—20 quarter ca«k« pare Malaga. 8 do choice Made!-
»—receive*! and for sale bv
•pi2« mcmahon a doyif.
10 bbls No. large Mackerel, -
rgrH^filO bids No. 1 do do
gjbSHl 10 half bbls No. 1 do
■■■B10 do No. 2 do
30 bbls sugar, sodar. and butter Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Biscuits,
60 do Buchuu'4Family Soap.
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do t
40 do Colgate's and lWadcll's Pearl Slarch.
60 do Herrings,
I jinding aud fur sale by
/W31 . J. V. CONN FRAY A CO., offer for sale cm nc-
pi'i/n com modal Ing terms.* well assorted stock of Gro-
wyyH eerlea. Llquon*. Tnliacco. Segnrs.Ac., viz r 130 bags
®C7SiHi|irlme lllo Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds
Porto Rico nnd Muscovado Sugars.60 bbls clarified coffee do.
26 do crushed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 |>ack-
ages black and green tea. some very superior ; 260 boxes
toltaceo. various qualities. 1'* 8V. 6’s and 16’*. 16 case* Di
adem twist. 10 do Yirginiiis and Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf.
Viglnltt gold boxes El Dorado tobacco. 175.000 sujie-
rlor Havana Segnrs. 10 Imtf pipes (Hurd.Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy. 20 lmir nnd i|imrter casks Pintern. Mai tel. Fnzernc. Ac.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean I/iuls do. 6 pljies
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix nnd Jamaica Bum, 10
half pljies and IS quarter casks su|ierlor Madeira Wine, 26
bbls old Monongahela Wlsky. 26 quarter casks Teneriffe. 30
do do Malaga Wine. 200 bids gin. whisky nnd rum. 100 boxes
No. 1 ami family soap. 50 do starch. 50 do adamantine can
dle*. 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 16 do shoulders.
30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tes do. 25 bbls K
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at the wholesale grocery stores. June3
•turcs on Swlt, Congreve, Adlson. Ac.
Ranke's Civic Wars and Monarchy In the 16th and 17th
life and LeUcrsof the Rev. Stephen Olio, lato President
of the Wesleyan University.
The Old House by tho Rlror. by tho author of tho Owl
Creek Letter!. r
Taylor's Memorial of the EngllahMartjrrs.
Coleridge Works, vol. (1.
Modem Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair.
English Law and Equity Reports, being the first volume
of tho year. New subscribers can bo supplied at the ori
ginal price of $12 per annum.
Blackwood's Magazine for June.
D *0N QUIXOTE DE I.A MANCHA, by Miguel do Scrrtn-
tez Saavedra, a revised translation based on those of
Mottoux. Jarvis and Smollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the Elementary Geology on the Ancient
Changes of the Earth and Its Inhabitants, as illustrated by
geological monuments, by SirCharlea L/ell, U. A., F. R.8.,
author of tho Principles o' Geology. Ac.
Home Pictures, bjr Mrs. Maty Andrews rienlson
Civil Wars and Monarchy In France In the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of France principally du
ring that period, by Leopold Ranke.
Barnum’s Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
B OOKS! BOOKS! 1 BOOKS 111—At 8IBLEY’8 book atore,
135 Congress-street,—We received so many new books
yesterday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay. 1
Religious, Literary Scientific, Humorous and Interesting.
We invite our friends to call and examine the largest varie
ty of light roadlug over offered In this city. Also.
Graham's Magazine for July; Godv’s lady’s Rook.
Blackwood's Magazine; Uarnum’a Illustrated New*.
Gleason's Pictoral. Ac. june22
60 do I/t.x A Kirkpatrick's Crashed do
CO do IliilU-r. Sugar and Soda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell's Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
300 do Family. Pate and No. 1 Soap. Smith and Col
DO do ReadelPs 1'enrl Starch
25 do Ground lYpper in 20 Ife boxes
20 ilo do* Coffe e in 60 |b boxes
3tH> renin* a-sorted Wrapping Paper
fd) mats old government Java Coffee
00 boxes 1st and 2d quality Bey's I .onion Syrup
.100 bl,|s K Plndprt' nod Rose Gin
‘8'l do N K Rum. 30 do Ikmiestte. Brandy
40 do P A II Connecticut River Gin
2P and 20 j; cask* Malaga Wine
'ill bills nnd 100 keg* prime lard, landing and
ClAIIE Subscriber has on hand a fine and well selected
X Stork of imported pure Wines, Liquura ami Segars.
comnrising the following :
llruimy—HI Imlf pi|n>s Otard, Dupny A Co. ; 3 do do
•Id Itomiosxy ; 2 do do So zero c. 1808 ; 2 do do Jonti Louis,
lROn ; :i do do J. J. Dupny.
YVIucs—I half pipe* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
lamdon Particular ; 3 do do old Port ; 0 do do Sherry
Wine.; 20 cn»ka Claret ; 40 baskets Cliauiimgno.
Sejrnre—^20.000 Bio Honda : 10.000 l.i Cruls ; 6.000
IjiUmon ; 10.000 Ia Pntria ; 26.000 Tr.tbitcas.
■Fmicy Groce lice - .—A large supply, such ns Imported
Cordials. Ite-H.i, Picktee and Sauces, Preserves. Sweetmeats.
Prunes and Jcu»... For sate by A. I JON AUD.
<i.S Comer of Ray and Wliitaker-streeta.
or snlo b
—150 bugs prune Rio. 75 do.
Jamaica. 60 do.
*nd8p*de* Manure . u , vum
Shellen, Cob Crasher* Manure Draft, Cultivator* Straw
Cutter*, Soythee and SumUh. Iloee, Ax«l, lick Axe* and
Handle*, Road Scrapers, Ox Chain*, Ox Yokes. Garden and
Fnnoy Barrows. Garden Chair* Segment* and Gudgeons
Breen Wire, Himes, Measure*, Grist Mill*, Rice Thresher*
Cauldrons. Douglass’ Pumps and Water Rams, Well Wheels!
do Buckets, Cotton and-Counter . 8oaU*|- Trunks, Cotton
Hooks. Jack Bcrews, Burnls's 8e* Island Cotton 01 os and
Griswold’* Unland do. Cement, Blaster, Mill and Orosa Cut
8aw*; also, Hand and Yard Saw*. Ao. For salo by
Wholesale and Retail,
No. 116 BnugMon-H.. between Bull and WbOaJter.
L THE largest and best selvted stock of goods ever
goffered for sale In this dty. Gold and Silver Watches,
AVeat, Fob and Guard Chains, Set* of Jewelry, Chat
esTBraceleta, Brooches, fin* Diamond work Finger Rings,
Silver Castors, Tea 8ets,Pltoher* f Goblet*, Cups, Cake Basket*
Spoons, Forks,Fish Knives, Pie Knlres, Cheese Scoup* la
dles, 8ynhoni, Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military nnd
Fancy Goods, and a great variety of article* too numerous to
montion : the whole of which will be sold at reduced prioc*
All kinds of Watches, Cloek* Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by competent hands. HORTQN A R1KEMAN.
The undersigned begs leave totnform the Citizens
iofSavannah, and tho pcnide In the country In gene-
t ho hae taken tb* Store No. 141 Broughton Street
one door West of Dixon’s Confectionery) where he will be
pleased to makeand repair all kinds of Clocks aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he mar be Intrusted,
And tone* Goods.
RECEIVING by ev«ty arrival of the 8toammfmb
.making the best assortment 1$ this city, of nil
kinds ofWatehos, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Silver Spoons, Forks,
Pitchers, Tea Seta, Cups, Syphons, Plated Castors, and every
variety of articles connected with our lino rtf business; all ol
which will be told aa low a* In any city In the Union.
• • A D. B. NICHOLS.
Particular attention girsn to tbe Repairing or Watch-
es and Jewelry. no 20
At THE undonigned is how opening a splendid assort-
f! m , e " tor , r,ch JhnKI.RY.embracing the recent patterns
A/of Lir-ringa. Pins. Bracelets and Finger-rings, among
f which are some fine diamond settings.from $10 to $500.
V Also, twonty-flro set*of those unique Pearl SeU ofEar-
rings aud Brooches, Trom $18 to $126 ths set. newest
and rarest patterns: together with a very select assort-
ment of extra fine Watchu set in pearL diamond, bun-
ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol
good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons. Forks, Ladles,
Cups, Ac., and Plated Ware of all kin 's. Fancy Work Boxos.
Dressing Cases. Folios Clock* Bronze Figures, gold mount
ed Canes.Cuttlery. Ac., renders his assortment very coin-
plete. and unsurpassed in the State, either In quality or prl-
**'• .. . D. B. NICllOIR.
J»U“ Strict attention paid to repairing watches, docks,
and Jewelry. n0 12
j MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-etreet. has just receiv-
r ed the finest assortment or new and fashionable Jewel
ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils and pens,
. "liver and silver glltod ware and fruit baskets, waiters
■ tea Rots, candlesticks, table and tea spoons: lino table,
< pocket nnd |ien knives, scissors, and a In rgo variet v of tho
• finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
ladles and gentlemen, aa also a fine selection or fluUnas,
accordians and fancr articles, trw numerous to mention,
which lie offers at the lowost prices ever sold lathis city
Thn attention of the public at lame, but especially that of
the ladies. Is Darticularlr rcunested. nu21
. THE undersigned res|«ctfolly inform the
'citizens of Savannah, (ieorgio and Florida,
that thoy have o» hand more than llflv
Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale In this city, nn'd
undo by the most celebrated maaufacturers in the United
States Nunua A Clark. T. Clilcktrlng. Boardnmn A Gray,
Might A Newton. Edwards A Kl*b«r. all well known to tho
lovers of Music, have place In their large assortment.—
These Pianos nro of rich tono. and beanttfully finished In
Rose Wood, Black Walnut,and Mahogany, with Iron frames
made in the most substantial and workmanlike manner.—
Also the Justly celebrated Afotlan'Piann Fnrfe*, which for
their sweetness of tone Imre not teen equalled. All these
instruments have tnctnlicframes which render them peeull-
arly suited for tnl climato, preventing necessity of tuning
t Ttieunderslgnod are Agents for Henri Hera’s, celebrated
Grand Pianos, made in Paris, For Power and beauty of touc.
tlicv stand pre-eminent.
C.cHiniiT’s MioonioNs.—Till* lieactiful toned wind instru
ment.manufactured by Cnrhnrt A Ncedlmm, N. Y.,for village
purposes. Lodges.Serenading Parties, and the private prac-
tine or Organists, possessing a sweet aud-|mweriiil tone, they
have also for sate. All these Instruments will be disposed of
on the most accommoilnting termi. The prices of tho PI-
anos ranging from $176 to $1,000.
legislative Charier, granted tn 1840.
T HE Spring session will commence on the second Monday,
which 1* the 12th day of January. *
G*0. Y". Bxowxx, Prestdont and Professor of Mental tad
Moral Science.
P. I/>UD. Proresaor of Natural Sciences.
L. R. Eusb**, Professor ol Mathematics and Director ol
JIXXRT M. Homcuw, Profesaor of Belle* Lettres.
Tb* Faculty will be assisted by thefoUowlitg Ladies, vis j—
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Bennett, Bums toad.
Meredith, and K. Iiennett
Catalogues containing further Information, may be ob-
tained by applying to either of the officers of the College, or
to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board of Trustees: E, E. Jones. M. !>., President; II. M. Pee
ples, Esqr.. Treasurer; Tlios. J. Burney, Esqr.,Secretary; Col.
J. B. Walker, Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wm. 8.
Stokes. Edmund Walker. Zachariah Fears, Natlian Massey.
Wm. W. B. Crawford, SI. D.. Benj. Harris.Jas. F. Swanson, J
W. Fears. R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison. Morgan county, Dee. 23rd, 1861.
dr 20 lawdAwtf
SnuR—10 litots Porto Rico. lOdo. St. Croix. 6do. New
Ortean*. 1(H) bid* Cm-bed. Powdered, and Clarified.
MoiA-WK*—25 libds CiiIni. 75 litil* New Orleans.
FlM'ii—160 bbls Daltiumru, 75 do. Canal. 60 do. Iltram
Il.ttvix—15 casks Piiiladidplda Hants, 500 Baltimore Bagg
cd. 30 lilids Sides. 20 do. Shoalders.
Biio'.ims—to dozen, painted handle*,
nccxtcni—200 dozen, (•alnted.
Soap. Caxpi w and Stab™—60 boxes No. 1 nnd Family
Soup. 60 do. Pate do. 75 do. Adamantine Candles. 26 do.
Sperm. 26 do Star. 160 do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and
half tsixea Starch.
Tohawo—350 pkgs various brand* and qualities.
Lxmo.x Svki’P. Ac.—5‘) luixe* lA'nmn Syrup. Hi cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Ilmmly Peaches.
DoMiewic LiqroRA—76 Wd* Phetjis’ Gin. 60 do. N F-. Rum.
75 do. Rectified Whisky. 30 do. Extra "Id Monongahela do.
WlNCt—20 quarter casks pore' Malaga. H do. clioice Ma
deira. Received, aud fer wile by
jyi5 mcmahon a doyi.e.
H AVE In store, and offer for sub on accommodating
term*, the following, viz:
20 hlid* Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 50 libl* cra*hwl do,
60 do refined A It and C do. 25 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N O Syrup. 50 do New York do,
200 bag* Rio Coffeu. 60 do Java do,
26 lihd* Ilacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bids Lard. 500 sacks Salt,
100 Imzes Soap, various brands.
100 do fancy ilo, for toilet use. auglO
OH BBLS winter strained and bleached whale Oil.
t&\J 200 lag* prime green Rio Coffee.
60 hags old government Java Coffee.
75 • lAgovra Coffee 48 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbls K Phelps’Gin, 40 do P A II Conn’t River do
20 •• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum.
fill bbls nnd loo kegs prime Is-nf Ianl.
60 hhd* prime Racon Sides, 20 do do Sliouldors.
200 dozen painted Ducket*.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar. 16 do Porto Rico <lo.
20 •• prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 to Stuart's A. D. and C clarified Sugar.
40 ** •• crashed and powdered Sugar.
SO boxes Beadell’s 6s and 8s tallow Candles.
100 ** Star Candles. 300 do No 1 pate and family Soap.
60 M Segars. of various brand*. For sale by
B OOKS.—Tho Old House by the River, by tho author of
thn Owl Creek Letter*.
Modern Flirtations, a novel,by Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Prim Iple.n domestic novel, by Mr*. Grey.
Flirtations In America, or High Life In New York.
The Adventures of a Bachelor, or a man in search of a
The Silver Bell, or tho Heir of Motcombe Manor, by Dr. P.
n. Robinson.
Gody’s lady's Book for July; Graham’s Magazine do;
Arther's Magnzlne do; Peterson’s Magazine do.
Darnaro’a Illustrated News, No. 26, Further supply of
Echoes of a Bell; received by
Juno22* J. B. CUBBEDGE.
T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy, pocket edi
tion, beautifully Rhutmted and In tho moat conreni.
ent form yet published.
Also, the Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and
Odes, suited to every occasion In lodge or celebration*.
Both new works recently published.»nd highly worthy the
attention, of tho Craft. Just received andfor ale at tha
BookStor* of 3.g sibLEY.
no8 1S6 Congrese-etoeet
W THORNE WILLIAMS has received Simms’ Bword
. and Dlitaff. or Fair Fat and Forty of tba South at
T T . and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of tha Booth at
tha close of the Revolution, W. Gilmore Simms.
Marla Da Bcrnlere, a tale of the Orescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
■ - ^ . . Thompson’* Dictionary of Domestic Medidne and House-
X *e North Hajr landing per echoon- bold Purge ry, revised by Dr. Henry H Smith
ltt.ll "***• r « ttl.V John IWilpb of Rttnok., .nil olhor Bk.toh.. of Ch^
- - - - ‘ actor. IneludlngjFm WIrt,br F.W. Tbema. ‘ ^
Tb* Medical Journal of Madleal Sdenca for July.
Lady* 1 Book and Eclectic MagariD* for July.
nFZJZHZ*5“ BwhaaaiJrprrlaad N*w Yorkadlthm.
The subscriber having purchased tho ou
Hire business of F. Z>m;hal'm * Co., of which
Urn) lie lias heretofore been the acting mem
her In Savannah, would re«|nTrfully invite
tho attention nr thaw in want of anything In tbe imii-IchI
lino to hU ostetilisliineiit. From many yean*’ experience
bfitli In professional and husiiieiu mattera eommctwl with
music. Mr. M. feels himself folly qualified to proffer Ids ter-
vice* in the xelectlon of music nod instruments or thn fill-
fitment of order*, with the assurance of Ids utmost ml and
Industry In Ids endeavor to deserve thn patronage and con
fidence of the public. G. It. MITUHW.L
Juncl4 successor to F. Zoglmtini A Co.
THE At tn rnt Ions and luiproveineid.* In our
rpjSSSflWBdotc. Including a lino Show Room for Plano
Flift I f fForlc*. and a Music nquaUnirrU for ladies
* •‘licing now poiniileted.*^?'' 1 "* 1 —«t-
iemi-.i, oi mo .— .,Z., I «ur Hteek.cnmprisln.. » VPr ‘
article in the line, which can bo furnished (wboJraai.
retail) at New York price*. * n "
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stndnrt A r 0 ..J, B. Dunliam. and
others of established reputation, eunstanll v on band.
F. '/.OGBAUM A It)., importers,
No*. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryau-streets,
dec" Next to Market Souare.
.V«i 17 Whitaker street. Sanv.uah.
Ha* Just opened a large nnd choice variety of NfW
PlMUxn a.xii SruiiKii lifHins. ron«lstlug In part of black,
figured nnd fnucy French Ca»*lm»re* ; Mack nnd col-
aired Cashmere; (Toths nnd Cnshnicretts; white nnd
fancy Linen Prills: with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles and Linen Vestings, all of which he I* prepared to
make up tn order in tho most fashionable style, aud on ac
commodating terms j epft j
No. 147 Bay Street
All persons of ta*te and refinsinent—those haring
a duo regard for comfort nnd personal appearance, may
at all times select any aud every article for their ward-
.robe, from one of tho lurgest asrortiuents of tho Very
Itest Giants In this country ; either in Bendy Made Garments
or made up to measure iu unique style, or Furnishing arti
cles of every description and quality too numerous to men
tint) Call nnd see. PRICE A VEADFlI.
D. MURPHY. 21 B'lU-street. would reqieclfolly
inform his friend* nnd tbe public generally. Hint be
ha.* received his spring etyte* for gentlemen, nmong
.which will bo found as rich and fine fancy (’ansimeres.
Vestings. At:., ns hare ever been brought to till* market.
AU order* executed with dispatch, aud in tho best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and judge for
lieinselvea. lull II
WM. R. SYMONS. Diupxk and Tailoh, No. .
17 Whitaker sine's. r<-q*-etfully solicits tlie.jjf
attention of Ilia friend* an I '4h* public In gen-l (
•ral. tu Id* large stock of Ready-m* .e rlnth-^.
Ing. Huitnlde for the jireaent and coming season. It has nil
Im n made up under Ida personal superintendence au I for
style and durability of workmanship. U inferior to none to
be fouud in the market.
The following comprise a |mrtion ofthe stock : Freehs and
f’*ck* of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths : tilack,
brab d'ete Frocks and Sacks : linen dock, drill nnd fancy
linen Frock* and Suck*; India gr&a». silk and brown linen
Sacks; black nnd colored alpaca Frock* and Sacks.
Pant* of fancy French ca*»imerea. Mack doe-*kln ca*.*l- black drab’ d'ete and spring tweed casdmerc. white
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pant*, for summer wear.
Vests of black satin, black bnrathen. nnd fancy silks, fan
cy nnd white Marseilles, figured nnd striped linen*.
Altai, a large stock of Furnishing Good*, such a* stocks,
gloves, susimnder*. cravats, collars. »ilk. gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socka, silk and
gingham umbrellas, cto.. etc.
Tuo whole of which he offers for sale on accommodating
terms, and nt prices n* cheap as the cheapest. np13
wmTrTs ybions,
Offer* for sate, a Urge assortment of Cloths. Can-
l.simeres aud Vestings, consisting in part of the fol-
__ __ lowlug articles, selected by himself during the past
summer lu Isindon and Parts, which ho will tnnke un to or
der In tho liest style of workmanship, aud at the shortest
notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish
ing Good*, for gentlemen's wear, is very Urge end of the
bent quality and style—the whole of it made this fall under
his own inspection, and will bo sold at tho lowest prices for
cash or approved credit :—French black, blue, brown and
olive Cloths; fancy French and English l.'aaslmcre* ; fancy
Silk Vesting.super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar
athea Silk Vestings; super, black Doeskin Casslmere*: Me
rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers: white nnd fancy
Shirts nnd Collars; Canton FUnnel Shirts aud Drawers:
wtiite.bUck and fancy Kid Gloves; Nock Tics, plain nnd
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Sock*; 8carfs, Satin nnd
Bombesin Socks. no5 IT YVlUtaker-street.
HE exercises of this instltetion will be resumed on
. Monday, fateber 10th. under the management of J. B.
MALLARD and BERNARD MAI LON, associate principals.
The academic year la divided Into four quartan of alavea
weeks each;aa follow*!
First quarter commences October 10th. and tnds Decem
ber 24th.
MianSi l5A URrt * r oon, “' nH! * J,nutr y l«t, 1864, and ends
10tt? ,rd q “ rler coraraence » Harsh 18th, and ends June
^Fourth quarter eommencea June 10th, and ends August
'Tbe academy U organized Into flee departments—Prima
ry, Intermediate, Grammar, Llaaslual, and Young Ladlee’.
No expense has been spared to All the several depart-
with well-qualified aud experienced tesoher*.
Tho Young Lttdl** will be undor the charge of J. B. M*L-
Urd, assisted by MIse M A. Caoxndsr, who was educated
In the beet school* of Northampton, Hasp., and has been
thre ® J nn principal ora female academy In
this 8tate.
The Classical Department will be under the charge of Mr.
I&AAoF. CiDY, a graduate of Rrown Unireralty, for two
years classic*! teacher In the High School tn Evidence,
and for the lut six ream principal of the High School, In
Warren, Rhode IsUnd.
The Grammar Department will be under tho charge of B.
Maiaon. as horotofore.
The Intermediate Department will be taught by Mr. Hw
XT Bakkh, a graduate of Oglethorpe University j and tb*
Primary by Miss A. R. Cartkr.
Arrangements hare been made with Mr. EMrtuufor
giving lnatiuctlon in French and Drawing.
JOHN B. MALLARD,)... . ,
aep26—d8w BERNARD HALt/)N, Frlnel P* l «»
ret\field, Greene County, aa.
T HE Studies in tills University nro:—A Theological course
of three years, designed for Jliose who are preparing for
tho Gospel Ministry j
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to tlint of other
College* in the country ;
A Scientific Course of three years. Including, with some ad
dition. all the studies of thoColleglnto Course except the An-
dent Istngunges ;
Tho regular time for the admission of Students, Is at the
opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday in August.
Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic, English, Litin nnd Greok Grammar, Cicsar. Virgil,
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob's Greek Reader : ami
must be at least fourteen years of age.
Candidate* for admission into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two
books In Geometry; ami must he at least sixteen years of
age. > EXPENSRH.
Tuition. Spring 7Vrm. toll Ihrm.
Is Thbiuwical Seminary, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
LnCoiasue. $26 00 $15 00
Scientific Course, 26 00 15 00
In Academy—
Preparatory Class, 26 00..,, 16 00
■ Second '• 20 oo 12 00
TUlrd “ 15 00 0 00
Elementary “ 10 00 n 00
Room Rent. c 00 4 00
Contingent Expense* 2 00.- l 00
These exjienscs require to be paid In advance.
From Students who lodge in tho College building*, fiflv
dollar* will be received as full payment for tho tuition fee*,
room rent, and contingent expenses of the year.
The price of Board in the village Is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-rent.nnd fuel. $3.
The Commencement Is held on the Inst Wednesday In
There are two Vacations, dividing tho year into terms, as
Unit Term—from lost Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—front December 16th to February 1st.
Second Term—from Urst day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commcucement to last Wed
nesday in August. It. M. SANDERS,
Secretary ofthe Board of Trusti-ss.
Anv friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGG. President or
the University^ will receive a catalogue, containing the
course of studies, nnd ull other necessary information.
W ILL open on the 1st of October, at the corner of Meet
ing nml Siclety-streot*. Chit rleston, S. C„ a BOARD-
French will be exclusively spoken tn the School nnd fam
ily, but due regard will be a ten had to a thorough English
Education. Madame Togno I* prepare! to refer pnrentsand
guardians to tlm most eminent Professors of Mode fn Phil-
adelpliiaand Now York.and ton number of gentlemen in
Philadelphia and Virginia, to whoso daughter* she has giy.
en instruction for several years.
PhUatUtphfa—Her. Klngdon Goddard. Md'llf AdeURl.
Mad. Togno.) EM. D. IngntIfntn.Eaq.,Pi. Wm. Hairis. II. I).
Gulpin. Esq.. Signor Pert III. Prof, of Music, 11. Hupfeld,
Esq.. Prof, of Music.
New York.—Mad. H. Cliegarav. Signor Bacioll.
Winchester. I*a.—Rev. C. H Boyd, non
J. M. Mason. Hon. It. V.Conrad. Geo. Lee. 11 H.Lee, E>q.
Charlatan.—J. L. I'etigru, H-np, O. Mill*. Kaq., J. P. Por-
clier. Esq , H. 0 King. Esq. Iawd6—sul
T HE Aubscrllwr. for tho pa«t six years l’t incipiil of the
Belnir Academy, near Tallahassee, Florida, announces
to the citizens of Savannah that lie will open in this city,
on Tuesday. Nov ent Iter 1st. a Select School, for boy*. In
struction* will be given In all thn Classics the Mathematics,
tho French Language, and In all the branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youth* will lie prepared tor college, or
fitted for mercantile or other busincr*. The scholastic
year will consist of ten months, divided into two terms—
August and September being varatten. The tuition fee for
any. or all of tlio above studies, Is fixed at $80 tier year.
A graduate ot the (Villege.of Now Jersey, at Princeton,
witli seventeen years' experience In teaching, the subscri
ber feels warranted in ap|iealing with confidence to the
citizen* of Savannah for patronage.
As a stranger, tin Is permitted to refer to Btehnp Elliott
for character and qualification*, and takes pleasure in ap
pending the following certificate from hi.* late patrons.
Savannah. September 22d, 1863.
Talmii vsnkk. August 29th. 1853.
Mr. Wtt.tiAM S BooAirr, principal of the Belnir Academy,
being about to remove to Savannah, for tho pur|io«c of es
tablishing a school in that place, the undersigned, having
had children uniter hi* care. tnk» pleasure iu recommend
ing him as a highly coui|ietent teacher, and worthy Christ
ian gentleman.
It I* with much regret that they have heard of his In-
tended removal from this vicinity; ns. boride* their kind
personal relations towards him. they believe that his place
a* adeachercan be with difficulty supplied, mid that his
removal therfore will be regarded a* a public loss.
Ot\ BBLS II. Smith's Flour
OU 20 half bbls clioice Canal Flour
20 bids Sugar Crackers
20 half bbls do do
20 bbls Butter do
20 half bids do do
20 boxes Sod* do
20 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar,
landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by
L IQUORS AND WINES—12 hair pipes Otard. Dupny k
Go’s French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
low priepd French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do, 60
bbls do do. 75 do P k H Bye Gin, 160 do E Phelps’ do G pipes
Holland Gin. lObhl* Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Geor
(ria Peach do, 200 ilo N. O. Wlilaky, 60 do white Baltimore
no, 30 do old Westminster Monongahela do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo, 100do N. E. Rum.26 quarter casks
Madeira Wine, 16 eighth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pipe* dodo, 20 qunrtercasks Brown Sherry Wine,
40 baskets Champagne do. For rale by
WE are constantly receiving these rateable
Cases, and have them always in readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice. . .
N. B.—We are permitted to Inform tho public that we
hare reccired from Mr. Raymond, of New York cltv. a let
ter signed by tlie different members of the United States
Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
tho Hon. Hknry Clay, doceased, (which was enclmod lu ono
of Fisk’s Metnllc Cases,) and who went with it to Kentucky j
they say to Mr. Raymond, that tho Case answered tlie pur-
K se for which It was intended, and meets with their appro-
Hon, and they cheerfully recommend it to the public as
being superior to any oilier Quo for the transportation ol
tho dead. The letter can be seen by callliut ““
feb14 I. W. MOP
E ' NGUSH TOOTH BRUSHES-A very superior artlclo ot
English Tooth Brushes, manufactured expressly for tha
aabucriber, and direct from London, for sal* by
Jnnel2 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
F iR SALE—A light one bora* Carriage, with pole, built
to order be Brower k Son, New York, and he* been
need bit little. It ran be seen at tba Carriage Repository
of Mr. Georg* W. Hardrastla.
DAUnMORE FLOUR. Ae —200 bbls superfine Howard-rt
JD Hour, 75 hhds prim* Bacon Sid**, 30 do do ShonlJer*,
26 tierce* choice iugar-cured Hams. 60 bbls and 100 kege
The subscriber has Just received a Urgenumber ol
Cooking and Parlor Stores, wbleb he will dispose ol
—on* accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cocking 8tere*. Tlie Republic, Lady ol
the Lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen ofthe West, Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stoves.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sliest Iron, (air tight) square and
oval, Six Plate. Box 8teve».
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettle*. Ovens, Spider*. Sane* Paiu,
kc. Ac. Plain and Japanned Tin Waro, for sale, and manu
factured at •hortnotlco. Order* tor Roofing, Gutter*, nnd
i~a««wt.-itiipwt»!^ fet} MiURICCi
Noe. 10 and 12 Barnard street
F ishing and jockey caps.—RwefoOy ut* arri-
vals, anew *opply. Those In want will P|«*** call at
J. Wayles Baker,
Francis tp|ies.
Juliu Parkbill,
Tiiouias F Williams,
George Gal|ihiu.
Oliver S. Burroughs,
Francis II. Fhirg.
TurbJtt It Belton,
George T. Ward.
Wm. R. Hayward.
George Whitfield.
Benjamin'F. Whittier,
John J Maxwell.
William M. Maxwell,
J. Stevens Maxwell,
Edward Footman.
Arthur M. Ilandolph,
J. George Anderson.
James J. Archer,
-for gafe anb for Rent.
F01 | 8AI4^-41i* pUnteltea owned and formerly
—-ted b/ Uie late Col J. H. McIntosh, situated oa
. Ill H*» p i*l»°»t fifteen miles above Jack-
sonvllle, Bast Florida^ containing about twenty-seven bun-
4 m **/*?' t J*J kr XH s * humlrojt of which are open, and were
cultivated with Ipccess hy him, and ihe residue, consist,
ing of hammock |nd pine land. U laollglbly altuatml. and
rapable of a high degree vf cultivation Tbe buiMlnga are
In jpioil order, mnsiatlng of a comfortable dwelling. Ae.,
$nd spacious end convenient house*, adapted to alt tbe pur-
£0*** °r * lo og *tenle cotton plantation, together with a
fffteijlng ltouia and mill, and a bolting house and boiler*,
whlqh are capable of turning out from fifty tp one hundred
hogshead* of auger. Also, tight thousand acre* of pine
the greater.pert of which Is well timbered, lying on
the St. John* river and IU vicinity. For price and terms
apply to the administrators.
J. WALDBURO, Savannah,
u tl B. A. PUTNAM. St. Augustin*.
Mr. J. N, Johnson, who la on tbe plantation, will exhibit
It and the other land, eeplfi—dtf
JB# THE subscriber olfora for sale 1,200 acre* of Land,
Jgfiilylngon the Alatamaha. river, three miles below the
*rarafork, known aa Town Bluff. There are 260 acre* open,
ready for cultivation; also two small framed house* with
goodframed barn and good framed store house, situate on
the bank of the river, on* of tha best ttands for a store tn
Mils section. The place has the advantage of steamboats
during tho foil, winter and aprlng ninntha.and ono of tho
best fisheries on the river for altad. Any person wishing
to purchase ran do so by calling on the subscriber on the
Allso. 080 seres of land well timbered, with 160 acres ot
first rate bap land well ditched and drained.readv for clear
ing, with five acres cleared. Sold lnttd will produce fifty
bushels of com to the acre. Till* tend Ilea two miles from
Mann Ferry, on the Alatamaha river.
Also. 8.000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatamaha and Oemulcee rtrera.
All these lands are situate In the first and second dlstrir
or Appling doupty. Also. 2,000 acres or land well tint beret
with cyiiroia and white oak. Any person wishing furthei
particulars ran address me at Ball P. 0., Georgia.
janSl—lawdAwfim W. DYALL.
MOT The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard wtll please publish
weekly for six months, and send btilto-. ^-. w. D.
$ RICE LANDS FOR SAIJC —The Tract Of LAND on th-
St. Mary'a River, known ae the Cutoff Tract, contatotei
raven hundred nnd serenty-two (772) acre*, of which ova
five hundred (500) acres are tide swamp ana fresh man)
lands, with a rise and foil of tide of six feet. Hie. maral
land was successfully cultivated many yean since, produclm
Colton. Cnno. and Rico.
These lands could bo put In order with less labour. It I.
believed, than would be required for putting Hammock land
in order, and aro considered very safe from overflow In gale
and freshet*.
For further particulars and terms, which will be made east
to a purchaser, apply to Johu Fraser anil Co.. Charleston
8.C., or to Mr*. Ileury Bailey, St. Msry'e, Camden count)
A plat of the land may be icen at the office or the Geor
g‘ an - apl 27—die
FOR SAL F..—A Tract of LAND, containing 202
2ETacre*.and Improreuients. near Wnltlimirvillc. Libert.'
county. Tlie land Is of good quality, nlnn and bay bnd.6i
acres of which are in cultivation, ana the remainder wcl
timbered, offering strong Inducement* to persons interest*-
in procuring turpentine. Tit* improvements consist of*
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, statilez
and nil nllior necessary outbuildings. Tim location cannot
he sur|ins.sed for healthfolness or salubrity of climate, with
S od water, aud n range for cattle which cannot he excelled.
le above property can bo bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating terms. If early application
be made to the subscribers, at WalthourTflle. Libert r county.
„ 11. W. BACON
M 26—dAc E. B. WAY.
A Tract of Tide Swamp Land.containing 500 acres.
KWUyingon the Alatamaha river, three mllesaborc Dari-
adjoining lands of the estate of Butler and Dun-
Cody ou the east and Giguitllat and Wnlkor on the north
and west, naving bh good a pitch of tide aa nn» rice plan
tation on the river. My term* are. twenty dollars per acre,
one-fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In casoormy absence
Mr. James I'BiNout will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at tho office or the Georgian.
„ . __ SAMUEL M. STflEET.
_Dsxnw. Jan.... 1863. jan26—1am
FOR SALK.—- A Tract of I AND of Five Hundred acre
ZXZstrictly prime Rico Land. Immediately opposite the ob
town of Hardwick. Tlie situation or tho place afford* on
or tbe best Saw-mill seatif In the Southern counter, focllHlc
for timber being easy and without end. Vessscls comln;
from sen can load Immediately alongidde. drawing from let
.*? JV.7. n ° r ” n,or - For ,crn,B *PP>r •» Henrr Wllllnmr
U.b. District Attorney,Savannah.or to B. STILES, Bryan coun
-asas-s* ,
No. 180] South Second street. J'k(te£r»,“'(No. IM
(n - :^r?fonn their
■SHH that they h_
Second street, where .they liar*
did assortment of eoperior furniture, of
to which they Invite the attention of pun
No. 1B1 North Sixth Street, PMa w ...
Ublng.endonhaod Plain ami ran-Ul
ey Can* Seat Chain, tn great re He- Ml
. , - ty of elegant and foshlonablestyl*«t *T*
for parjora, dining-room* or chamber*,' mode In Fattej
Woods, Imllation Woods,and Fancy*.
Reception and CotUg* Chair*, of llght.and. beaotifol de-
algna; (hue lounges. Cane Setteee, Hall Chain, (fotintlaff.
Honop and Office Arm amirs, large and sidiill Rdddnf
Chslra. Ptere and Steamboat Stool*. Wtedior Chain, and
Settees. Ac.
Housekeepers. Hotel. Steamboat and Rail HoadCompahiw
will flud it to their Interrat to call at tb* Facton of ; *
N. F. WOOD, ‘ *
■w Ko - 181 li< ’ rtt ° lhEt ( " lr "' u ■
Agricultural Ware-Ilouac amt Seed State.
No. 194)1 Maridslred. PkUaddM*. ...... ,
Pxitm A Mrsns’ Itetent SeUayw
elurpening riougbs. ot *11 aUa«RH|
right and left handed—8ub*bO,fadS.
—__— -.Bide Hill and Double Mould, ft©., with .
Steel Extending Point*. Bar-share, Beach, and othernnds
of Caztlnn-for repairing. The Emperor or Rnasia awarold
for the above Plooghe. a Massive Hold Medal, vain* $$00.—
Also, the Great Medal at the World's Fair, waa awarded P.
ft M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Double-Point Polish
ed Stool Teeth, whloh can be reverted, thus getting Double
Wear ol the common Teeth. Also, Cultivator* of all kinds
with Steel Teeth.
CHEATED hair a mile from this Cltv. on the canal, h * a
t~> basin capable or holding two million feet of Log*. 1 a
Mill has boon In operation nlomt seren months, runs two
gangs end nn jhlglng raw. also Grist Mill. This Mill saw*
fronjTJ to 16 M. foet per day. For particulars apply tn
A FOR SALE—That valuable parcel of "lund^formcrly
r^occupte.l by ,E. Jencke's. Eso.. khown as a Cooper's
blioji and 5 nrd. It I* bounded on the east by West Bound-
nry street, west by the Canal, north hy Railroad street, and
south by lots Now. 6 nnd 0. nnd contains ulmut four acres.
F OR’SALE—The westerly half of I/it No. 2 Yamacraw,
tiring the \\ harf now occupied by thonmrteston Slcnm
racket Company, measuring one hundred feet or. tho Hirer,
aim running bnck about two hundred foot to Cnnnl-strcat.
The property Is now under a lease which will expire on tho
first of November next.
If not sold ot private sale previous to the first Tuesday in
February, it will then be offered at auction at tho Court
House. Apply to do!6 COHEN ft FOSDICK.
® Sawed lumper.
the ftaranuafi'l’inning
Hie western extremity 01' the city of Savannah, between
Z.nbly nnd Margaret streets. Orders for all descriptions of
Plained Lumbar furnished at the shortest possible notice,
and manufactured in a sojierlor style, which cannot fall to
please the consumer. Woik done by their mschino will
compare witli that of any now in use Tlie suhscriliera
have succeeded in arranging for a constant supply of se
lected seasoned Lumber, by which 110 disnpiioiutinont to
builders need be apprebondod. F.vpry facility will ho ex
truded in obtaining material for all parts of a building.
Tlie Saw Mill, now being completed in the same building,
will be In o|«ration In the course of one month, when or
dcr* for every description of Sawed Lumber will be execu-
• * -'**• despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLEN ft CO., or
eodvin —— •
Spain’* Atmospheric Chume,
Corn Shelter*, Improved
Hay and Straw CuUors,
Hand Corn MID".
Coro and Cob Crusher*,
Gedda’ Improved Harrows,
8quareand A Harrows,
Horse Rakes.
Grindstone*, ready hung,
Birt 8cra per*.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Rows.
Fori* lor unloading Hay,
Man Hay Rakes,
Applo Poorer*,
Ox Muzzles,
Mol* Traps. *■
Pruning Hooks aud Chisels,
Paws nnd Scissors,
Iron Well* Curbs, and Zinc
tubring for Chain Pumps,
Corn Planter*,
Turnip Drills. 4 to'M,
Grant's Patent l>n Mills,
Garden Eoglnli,
Wheat Drill* •-
Horae Pvnrera and Threaten.
Mowing and Reaping Mai
Chain Pumps,
Cattle Tie*,
Bull Rings,
Patent Iron Snath*,
Grubbing Hoe*.
Transplanting Trowel*,
Hay and Manuro Fork*,
Shovel* and Spades.
Garden and Field Hoea,.
Garden Rakra in variatr,
Clilldren’s Tool*, ■ ..
Darling Scythes,
Soatbs. with Patent Fatten-
Potato Hooks.
Also. Horticultural Tool* (or every description.) Garden
end Grass Seeds, for sale at tho lowest prices, at Wholesale
and Retail. • “
No. 4 North fifth rtreit. two doors above Market
T Philadelphia.
HE undersigned h*Te just opened a frrah and complete
stock of Wall Paper*, among which are gold aodvel-
vet. fine vatin. and the lowest priced unglazed papers; also,
decorations, borders, fire-screens, curtains, etc., which they
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.
.The best workmen employed to hung paper either tn the
city or country.
Blank Books. Stationery, de.—We hare also our usual as
sortment of writing papers wrapping paper*, blank and
school books, stationery, etc.
v- . .. . PARRISH.fc HOUGH,
No. 4 North Fltli street, 2 doors above Market,
, Plilladelpbia.
*iC Cnsh paid for country rage. tnhlO—«od
N ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with appropri-
ate devices, embossed in a new style, In plain and fancy
colors. Seals of every description, with or without presses.
Envelopes printed with name, business and address.labels,
bill hend*. manufacturer's tickets, ftc.. all executed in tha
neatest manner and at prices 26 per cent, below any *lm|.
sum # I'P” 1 ** ,n ., con ^wquence of better and Improved
faclllltesfor the execution of such work.
N. n—All order* by nmll promptly attended to. .Good*
sent to any part of tho country.
- , . „ , „ T. R. CAT.YERT ft CO..
Envelope and Seal Tress Manufacturer*. Die Pinker*. Embofle
ser* nnd Eengravrr*. 48 South 3d-it., Philadelphia.
T HE attention of thn trade, and other*. In want of Torte
Monnnle*. Pocket Books. Hankers’ Cases. Drawing Ca
ses. Portahlo Writing Desks. Backgammon nnd Chess Boards.
Chessmen. Pearl. Shell, nnd Silver Card Cases. Work Boxes.
Cabas. Needle Book*. Money Belts. Cigar Cases. Pori folio-.
Itazors nnd llnzor .Strops. Travelling Flasks, and flneCutle-
ry. together with a large variety of Fancy Goods, which
will be sold at the lowest rates. F. II SMITH.
Porte Monnaie and Pocket Bonk Manufacturer.
aug'il—eisllm 2»5 Arch at., below Sixth, Vhllartriphla.
73 York-st., rear nf the Court House. Savannah. Ga.
Eatnbllahrd In 1834.
L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Ureases, ftlmwls, Table Covers,
ftc., cleaned and dyed various colors, Ladies’ Bounds
Bleached and Pressed iu a fashionable style. Kid Gloves
Cleaned, a ml Gentlemen's Garments Cleaned. Renovated or may be required. All donein the aamestylu which
has generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.—
Terms moderate.
Persons sending parcels by Hamden’s express, railroad
or steamboats, are requested to write me tier mall, so that
I may know where to call for them and which way to send
them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will
be about 25 cents. All orders punctually attended to.
gas Work, lamps. &e.
ASwimm 1 ! 11, Manufacturers, No 119 Chest™ t-
XX street, PhiU<h|lphia.respectfaily solicit the attonti zn of
purchasers, to their assortment of chandellera, braXeta,
pendants, and every description ofgns bnrnerss also every
variety of lamps, girandoles, ftc. We warrant our good
equal In (reality, and our price* a* low as any other ratab
ltehnicnt In the country.
Tlie Trade supplied with burners, mercury, raps,brass
tinga, air pumps. Ac., nt reduced prices. '
n i” 8 ' William F. Mlsker,
Ih-dwood l. Warner, | Wm. O. R. MerriO,
... ,** OOK1 8iG-aLAss warehouse, •
ttt Ck'dnut-ttrtd, below fburth. north tide, Philadelphia.
VV E IV ronn n ' l ' rcll, | l1 * »'"l resident* of this vlclnltf/that 1 complete assortment of Mantel, l’ler, Wall
for private use. or all kind*
for country salo. with i ortralt and Picture Frames,ftc.,will
be fouud at our establishment. * ’ u
, Jf'"« «nd !»■*. belUUn eubl, u. Io .HI Ih,
best goods nt lowest prices. -
Dlmeiulniu baliin B|<™. »• -III gin .lUmataiform,
. JJjSi rWe “ l "«, for Stores. Direlllngs. *„ „t Import
.iJ£Sit II10M.13 J. WAIT k 'car
I ' V’' ‘V”lm* just received 'per late arriyaU,' a
X large and rrosrt A of t | 10 r | c he*t and newest stylw*
u .it ?P“ lr J. “/"VrT Uitss-vly Inicr-l" -nd Ts.l,
tinn Cnr|«tlngs. all ot which au on-red on the roost draw,
able terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Clotlis, Table Coven, Mat-
ting, ftc.
Purchasers are requested to make an early exnrolnatlor
ns strong inducements will be hold out to cash buyers.
It. B. WALKER, 100 Chestnut-street,
rohl 7—lawtf below 8th, Bouth side, Phltadelphta,
Toko Notice.
B J. WIIJJAMS, No. 12,North81xth-stwet.afewdoor*
• above Market-street, Philadelphia, Is the most extan*
sire and liest matfofacturer of Window Minds and Shades
in the United State*, and has taken the highest premiums
at all tho exhibition*; be buys the best materials by whole*
a.xl» cheaper for Cash than others pay for inferior articles by
retail, nnd can, therefore, sell superior Venetian Blind* and
Shades, ns cheap as others oak fur Inferior articles. Painted
Window Shndes in great variety, of beautiful designs and
su|ierlor quality. Buff and White Unen Shades, Blind and
Shade Trimmings, Fixtures, ftc.. wholesale and retell,at
the lowest cnsh prices. Store Shades painted and lettered
to order. Reed Blind* at manufacturer*' price*. Old Blind*
pa Into! to look a* good m new. Purchasers, by calllpg,
will ho convinced that bo sells a superior article, and guar-
an tec* full satisfaction. A liberal discount made todeiuarf,
“ lFe study to please."
apld—cod No. 12 North Oth-strect. Phil*.
T HIS institution affords a complete course of legal edu
cation for tin* bar in any of the United Stales, except
ing only matters of merely local law nnd practice j nnd also
a systematic course oMnstruetlon in Commercial Law for
thoso who propose to engage in mercantile pursuits.
Hie Law Library, which is constantly increasing, con'
tains now about 14.000 volumes. It includes a very com
plete collection of American and English Istw, and the prim
cipal works of the Civil and other Foreigu Law. It is open
to studeuts. nnd warmed and llghytd for their use duriug
both terms and tho winter vacation.
The first term ufeach academical year begins In the last
week of August, and the second term in the last week of
February ; each term continues twenty weeks. Students
aroadmitted at any period of a term or vacation. The fee*
are $60 a term, and $26 for halt a term. For this sum stu
dent* bavo the use of tho Law Library nnd text books, and
of tbe College Library, and may attend all the courses of
public lectures delivered to the undergraduates of the
, Tho instructors of the I*w School are Hon. Joel Parker,
I.L D., Royall Professor; Hon.Theophilus Parsons.LL. D.,
Dane Professor; and Hon. Edward O Luring. Unireralty
lecturer. Instruction is given by lectures, recitations and
examinations, and moat courts.
For further Information application may be made to
cither of tho instructors.
JAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1,1853. dlaw3wi* sep6
T HE Annual Course of Lectures in this Department will
commence on MONDAY, November 14, aud will ter
minate to the ensuing March.
JAME8JONES, M. I)., Professor of Practice.
J C. RIDDELL. M. D., Professor of Chemistry.
WARREN STONE. M. D.. Professor of Surgery.
A. H. CENAS. M. D . Professor of Obstetric*.
A. J. WEDDKRHURN. M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
GU3TAVUS A. NOTT. M. D. Profeaaor of Materia Medlca.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D.,Professorof Physiology and Pathol-
CORN&JTS II. BEARD.M.D., \,u m0 ,utrator* of Anatomr
SAMUEL P. CHOPP1N.M. D.,/ 1 *® ™ 01A -
The room* for dissecting will be open from the third Mon
day to October to the Flrat of April. >
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of the
Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from Novem
ber to April. The Students accompany the Profeoeoraln
their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan-
tans, free of expense.
There are about one thousand patient* prescribed for
dally in this Hospital.
The number of patients la nearly twenty thousand. In the
year. THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Dean,
jnly 28—w3m
R eceived hy s. s. sibley, Augunt 10. i853:
Miles Tieinenbere. or the I»ve Test, hy Annette Mario
Maillard. author of Zimrra the Gypsoy.
I'liilosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of Isigie
nd Metaphysics in Edinburgh University, for tho uso of
school* nnd colleges.
Abelard nnd hlolse, a 0. W. Wright.
Pyscomancy. Spirit ltappings and Tippings exposed, by
Professor Dnirlp* O. Page. M. D.
Barnum’s Illustrated News; Gleason'sITctoral; Popular
Educator; Majarini or Arte, ftc. For sale at the book
store ol R 8. 8IBI£Y,
augll 136 Congress-street.
T HE Sword and the Distaff, or Fat. Fair and Forty.* sto
ry of tlie South at the close of the Revolution, by the
author of the Partisans, Melllchampl, Catherine Walton,
ftc. ftc.
Tbe Heavenly Home, or the Employments and Enjoy-
ment* of the Saints in Heaven, by Rev II Harbaugh, A. M.
Poems, by Meditotus; ilook of tho World, No 10.
Bogk of tlie World, vol 1, bound.
Tlie naif Yearly Abstract of theMedlQ*! Science*. No 17.
Tho British and Foreign Medlco-Chlrurglcal Review, No
23. Received hy
augl'J J- B. CUBBEDGE.
C OFFEE—300 bags fair tq prime Klo Co (tes, 60 do Saint
Domingo do, 26 do old government Java d<
**pl6 —— “•
C ORNED BEEF, HAMS, ftc.—Just reed voJ 10 half anfft
bbls Geo Haw*’ Corned Beef. 100 small tin sugancurad
Him*, 8 hhd* B*oon Shonldm, 10 bbla laa! Urd and 6 do
bleached Whale Oil, and for tale by
toglT cor. Broughton and Prayton-ztresrti.
TjACON—20 cajka Bacon Sides, 20 do Shoulder*, air tigkt
HfftTarSSratt.-» t.b. m n«iur, to 1) p-> auu Of
D boxnCbeew. 2$ bbla Hiram Smith’* Flour. 60 boxes MCMAHU.N « DUYLfc
Herring, landing per a tea mar and for salabr , TVACON—20 hhds, prime Bacon ShOuldsre, landing from
mil - SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. D steamer Florida, and for rateby
■' 20 do do da • SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00.
J UST received.* variety of publications of the New York
Protestant Episcopal Society. Tracts. Church Cate
chism*. Sabbath School Service, and other cheap and valu
able Publication*. For solo at the Book Store of
8. 8. SIBLEY.
auglO No. 136 Congreas-street.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for reatori ng grey hair to
its original color. It is guaranteed by tlio Proprietor,
hat If the patient I* grey, ho can have his hair restored to
its original color by usingI/iret’s Wahpeno. For 8ale b*
jan21 w. W, LINCOLN, Monument Square.
Hour. 50 hhds prime new Bacon Ride*. 20 do do Should
ers. 30 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf Lard, landing and for sale by
T O THE LADIES.—'We would respectfully rail the atten
tion of tho ladies of Savannah, aud sourroundlng coun
try, to the following now and bcaullfulgnods which we have
I ust received, via i silk Paris mantillas, laced gimp mantil-
m. black nett scarfs rat’d, neet scarfs, ladies cravat* and
ties, French worked collars, laced rapes, cliemizetta and un
der sleever. bonnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon. Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, ool’d.
silk and lisle gloves, with a Urge variety of other article*
too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your
selves ; all of which willbe sold on the beat possible termi
t ~ —IN ft Bl
brilliancy of surfacean I polish to all other, and never
stains or rusts; withstands all climate*, qnd is packed with
great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers a nd ollu r* will
consult their interest by sending their orders to the sol*
oug20—dflm New Drug Warehouse,
N. W. corner 10th and lUrket-sta., Philadelphia.
tentlon of the public la respectfully railed to the above
named waro, aa being* aobtltute. which for use la warrant
ed to be equally as good. It is a harder metel than silver,
consequently will bear rougher usage. It I* a coroMnatlon
of perfectly pure metals, and U a* free from con. ton aa
silver. Every article will be warranted to retain Us origin
al color. It consists In part of the following: Uble and
dessert fork*, tea. table and dessert spoons, ftc., just rs-
eelved and for tale by
m*y7 J. P C0LIJN8.100 Bryan-street
W RAPPING PAPER, ftc.—160 reams Wrapping Paper:
Urge, middle size, and small; 80 eases Matches; 10
eratea Glass Flasks, quarts, plnU, and half-pint*, n
'for sale by aepll McMAHOS ftDOl
F .NE 8HIRT8.—Thoi# In want of a fine ahlrt, to St well
and handsomely made, ran be accommodated at No
14T Bay—t. may 19 PRICE ft VEADKB.
F LOUR—20 bbls fresh Hiram Smith'* Flour, 26 do Gout-
see do, for sal* by
*ep21 J. V. CONNERAT ft 00..
H AY100 halos prim* North Hirer Hay, dally txpected
per achr Cataract, for rale to arrive by
B acon and flour.-® huu stdae, 10 do shooidv*,
26 bbla Flour, landing from steamship State of Geor
gia, and for taU by >
•Dioos Biraa AND BHoounBa-«
Si boM, SO do
r JT RECEIVED.—We hare just receirad, a fresh lap
ply ot ladies’ merino, gauss, silk and ootton Vesta,
Misses and infant’s merino ve*U, gents silk, merino, gauae
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of linen rambrie
handkerchiefs. ladies’ and misses’ white and brown Cotton
hose, white and bUck silk do, rente white, brown and mix
ed half hose, gents white and black silk do do, together
with a Urge assortment of white and colored linen cam
bric handkerchiefs, colored and block aUk cravats, Stock*
and ties, for sale low by
rah 26 AIKIN ft BURNS
S IIAWLfi, ftc—Super, and common crap* shawUpUIn
and embroidered. Vandyke collar* beautiiul good*, a*,
sorted parasoU. plain, striped and checked glace siUts,sum
mer do, barege*, tissues and grenedines, colored and whit*
jaconet and organdy muslins, a Urge assortment of Irish
linens, French printed cambrics. •
178 Broughtoo-ntwat
stripe* and pUld, new pattern gingham, baregas and
tUsues. ladies’colored and black umbrellas and rorewtto.
silk gimp to suit all shades of silka and bareges, black net
mantillas, aliawls, points and scarfs, whit* ana black raw
ing silk scarfs, white Ucs and colored silk mantillas, whit*
and colored crapo shawls, bUck swan silks, black baregee
and tlaaues, black and lead French ginghams, for sale by
*pll3 AIKIN « BURNS.
Pari*, .— ,
•wit* mull, nansook and rambrio mown*, aUk and linen
lustres, ftc., for sale at the lowest price by
a pm D«WnT U MORGAN.
T ' HE YOUNG MAROONKRS. by Rev. V. R. Gouldiv. A
further lupply Just received and for sal* *1 thsbook
atore of may5 & 8. SIBLEY, 186 Congresewrt.
E ~ NOLISH PICKLES AND BAUCES.-6 dot Jan assorted
English Pick lea,« do* bottles assorted Saaora, Juat re
ceived and for aala by
r\I880LUTI0N.—The flrm.of Kxwrow M iUmuu. waa
U s-Kvwi-i--
Savannah, 18 th February, 1S63.
B omsmo LimoBB-100 bbu. iToJaWiB mW
60 do. E. Phelp* Gte; 60 do. N, E, Rrm> ufiO^O, air ■
oi-.i'O Jo nr •
1 • : W\iX - "••... J,'. , /. ;x v - A h '•
, - • '■ * • :•f- ■ — • -. • ----- _ * ^