Newspaper Page Text
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ti&tUSSISn--SVrW* «° •!? JwSwt* «<
j5v»!^;Swiu\ielwrt:»fi<l gUMtacbid
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•SSjffSSiiUgmu/fm P* r, “ n "- •
»r|.WEBK1.Y OKOHOlAll,
% .... JKtumStuaHAofil» n»H*. Otn*
tn4 Union,or delivered In Ore tlty,*t
• S^fiSKSSB"* "ftit-f" 11 -
(^•"Two Dodua m iwnn*» «* «?««■
S®»W - 1 U< - ■
k nUUIABvfl' UUUIHS, OU lllllMra (I
_ Famllls tales* Hattfagee, par J. Wraa.
Aventura* deHobtnson Craw, tndulUa
—__ —„Jk-tra POrpheUne da Belne, dedte* ana
won pereounea, par Viator poublet.rrofasseur da IlMlta*
Abrege da Toura lea Voyage* an Pcla Nurd, depult lea
»“ “r? "*
UarcuarUa Robert, pat U’mt tulUa Manttu*.
Laa Dernier# Joura da Pompatl, Imlta da Bulwar.
— *—*— remarquablea
teetaoes), par
fipuee d’aolmaux.
, Inatltntriea, par M’me
Ptorr^GrandJpar J. N. Duboli, Profauanr do I’Unlvar-
alto—quartJsme edition » ...
Maa Prison* ou Memoirs* da 8llv!o, Pallloo, traduction
noowdlavpar M. P Abbe Bau rases, proftaaenr »a p«ttt Heml-
Auguste at Thereat, ou La Re tour a la fo. par M’me Tarba
daa Sablous—trolaleme edition.
Ernestine au laa Cbarmaa da la Varta aalrla dr Nelly ou
U Jeune Artiste at da Cnrollneek Juliette, par Fl’in* Cesarie
Forrenoe—aapUema adllioa.
Blaueba da Seventy. par M’ma L. B.
Arne* da Lautana au Memolraa Da Sceur St. Lour, par
LouTa Ventlette.
Mathilda at Gabrlallo ou laa Blenfklto, d’una aducatlon
ehrelrlanna—troUlama edition.
Robert au VSouvlner d'une Mara, M’me C. Gueraante.
Voyages at Aventura* da Laparouaa, par T. Valentin—
•Ixleroe adltlon. For sale by . .
aep33 J. B. CUBBRDQE.
, ,AV (Met 118 Itoystred.
nocioof -m «• «"• »“>? * , ‘ 1 ?”•' BU ““
Wwi.HIniin itolorU, J. II. WlW.r.I,
j^Uolm W.ABtoon.N. B.Knipp, H.nrj Uttop
^l^r.Wood. nic.VRy .D. WEI31, President,
nn DOGRAT10N’ agency.
, ^Injt to Iimd for their friend* and desirous of
iZi »h*« out bjr flnt cl**. packet .hip*, are Informed
SttheiubicHbof* *« the only Agent* for the above ageu-
^Thf^irr*'^ 1 »“ lhorircd t0 dnkWon Mcur*.Win.T*p*cott
k Co" Ltr*rpo | ’U° *““• from 11 Bnd u P wmrd, > wh,ch
’ infii itettnutteWe In any town throughout Ireland and
Great Britain. Draft* on France and Germany, payablo in
^ ptrti of the Cbntiwut, *l«o for *ale. Apply to
‘ BUNKER A OGDEN, 80 ltoy-*tr<
AfilUJltV UULL, President and Treaaurer.
AUwJ CHASE Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
• nmnJwilsned. Agent of the above Company, continue*
)e take the {bUontad RUbs, t la. t Marine, RWar and Fire
llit ou the Lire* ofServant*.
Ureiof White Perions are alao taken by thl* Company,
Veutnpremium for residing In the South.
Comer of Bay and Drayton-atreeta.
ta Ai all kind* of work in their line, at their new *hop.
anrthr corner of Hmughton and Dray ton-at*. They have
wUHIsfled the folloiviug a* their rate* of charges: For a
kiiiejhir: pernjonth,for2orthree times per week
Ik*; 4 time* a week *1; 5 or 0 time* a Week $1 60; every
. Aril 75 per month. Half cutting 30c.; hair curling 26c.
Xr.COHEN will always hold himself In readiness to at.
/ |h4 to order* from those who may require lit* service* at
Hair home*. _■
Onummtal Binding.
XJU1R8B, ou IlUtMr* da
THE SUBSCRIBER raapactfully anuouncaa to the
Itfaeua of Savannah, and oftb* Interior .of thl*
lata, that be baa now opened and will keep eon-
ttnnally In atora, a Urn aaaortmautof Uva beat qttaUUa*
of tb* varlouehlnd* of WINES AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and domutlo, Invoiced from tlia beat source*, and to hi*
stock of which, at present on lumd, ha Invites attention.—
Having badaxtauslve axparianca In Franca aa a manufac
turer, and In America a* importer and dealer, hfa aequatn.
Unc* with Uia trade anablaa him to offer assurance thattha
article* which era enumerated below er* each genuine t
Artlolca of Direct Importation.—Ranch Bran*
dlaa of various brands! Holland Gln{ Sooteb, Irish and
Monongahala Whisky | Old BaUvU Arrack j Jamaica and
Win**—Old Port,Madeira,Sherry, Champagne, Hock,.
CUrat, flauterne And Burgundy Wines.
Oortllali—In case*. Curaooa, Maraschino. RaUda, Sla-
▼alts. Klraehenwaaser, Abalntli, ko.
Ale and porter—Loudon Brown Stout, and Edin
burgh AU.
Alao Agent for Domestic Liquor*.
novS R. MAYER.
R eceived and for sale by s. s. siBi^Y.iMCon-
graas-it,—Bible In the Family—Bible In th* Counting
Ilouae. ,
Annals of Tennessee, by J, G, M Ramsey, M. D.
The 8word and the PUtaff. pr Fair, Fat and Forty.
Maria De Bern tore, a Ute of the .Creacent City, by W.
^The Race for Riches, and some if the pita into whlfh the
The Doubting Communlcant,hy"S*pVtmna'TiuWn i D.lj. ^
Oouritry Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual VamplrUro—the hlatory of Etherial Boftdown
id the Friend* of the New Lightly C. W. Webber;
RowUnd Wevor, or tb* Pilot or Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authora, from writers of all age* .
and both hemisphere*.
CTeanalug the Sanctuary, by W. L. U'Oalla. of the Union
Preabyterian Cliurch, of Philadelphia.
R eceived by s b. sbley. j U m m. iR53.—tvigar
Clifton, a atonr of Scboul Ufa, by C. Adam*.
The Old Forest Ranger, or Wild 8porta of India, by MnJ.
Walter Gambol! and Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolutions in Europe and -America, to the present
time, by H. White, a A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
The Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for July, an interesting number,
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Barn urn’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Plctoral, &o.
JunelJO•• •
4 8pad**. 'Manure and llay F—
Shellers, Cub Crashers. Manure Dra|
Cutters, Scythes and Snaaths. Hose,
Handley Road Scrapers, Ox Chtlni,
Fancy Barrows. Garden Chair*. Be
Breen Wire, names, Maasurea, Grist
Cauldrons. Douglass’ Pump* and
do Ducket*,.Cotton and Count*
Hooks, Jack Screws, Burnla's S
Griswold's Upland do. Cement, Ph
Saws j also, Rand and Yard Sava.
oo!« ORA’S H *"
Hava In store, and offer for tala, on the moat
favorable terms—
16 bhds 8t rolx Sugar, 26 do Porto Blco do
t~——. 26 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A.B and C Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bag* Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cnba Coffee. 60 do Jamaica do
10 caaaaMyer’s Aromatic Tobaoco, 60 casks Bacon Bides
26 casks Shouldsrs. 26 do Hama, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 26 hair do Canal do
26 hhds. 60 tlercos and 60 bbla West India Molasaas
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter cheita Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes 8perm and Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Doth. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope
100,bbls E Phelps! Gin. 250 Flack’s do, 26 aoConnectlcnt
River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 qr tasks pure Malaga Wine. 20.du do Madeira do
6 naif pipes (Hard Brandy. 20 of casks do do
100 bbls MettougaMIa Whisky. 10 qrcasks Port Win*
16bbls Mint aaff Ros» Cordial
Also, the following old and very choice uquon, In glasses i
40 dnten choice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
86 duuiUons St Croix Rum, 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
10 do Puro Juice, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
86 dozen Sebetdam Gin, 10 du old Whisky, Nectar.
may!8 ,
f. TTypER a new and improved organization, manufacture
,V U Locomoilva and Stationary Engine*. Sugar Mills.Gins,
. Piesn. Uthea. DrIUa. 4c. Also, every description of Cot.
Us,Toolrn sadSaw Mill work.Shafting. Pulley*. Ac..Cast-
ian of toy velgbt, (having a large assurtnu-ntuf patterns.)
. at ttdscsd prices. F. S. CLAXTDN. Engineer.
Depot 13 PUtt-strwt coruor of Gold. ClAxton k Wet-
mnEzeeldor. Cnllim k Co. and II. Collins’ Axefe, Hard-
nit Agency,23 ProU-et., New York. oclO-riyr
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round the World, compris
ing Chill, the Gold Regions of California and Austra
lia. the South Sea Islands and Java, by E GirsUockor.
Romance of Abelard and Heloise, by O W Wright
rvucomaney. Spirit Rapping* and Table Tipping* exposed,
by iWessor Charles O Psge.
A History of England from ibe first Invasion of the Ro
mans to the accession of William and Mary In 1G8B, by Jno
Lingard. D. D.
Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our friends in hea
ven ! by Rev H Harbsugh.
Heaven, or the Sainted Dead, by Harbaugh.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment
of the Saints In Heaven.
The Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; tlio Edin
burgh Review for July {Ranking’* lislf yearly Abstnrct.
January to June, 1853; Rarnum’s Illustrated News; the
Udy'a Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vol
Philosophy of Sir Win Hamilton, odltod by O W Wright.
Hearth’* Legacy ; Annie Grayson ; Grammar without a
master, Ac.
y TUIMIANK’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved inqual-
' r Ityand wduce»l in price)—Adapted tuevery requirwlop-
’ mlioo of srigldng. as Railroad Scales fur trains or aingleears
) is ih on the principal.rallfoads in the United States and
{ Great Britain, Warehmiso Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
• »l*ria.lorfoiinilrles.n)lllngmllla,&c. Store Scales, various
, IwMatbn*; G.unter Scales, HaV and Coal Scales, Ac.—
Ikas Scaks liavp l«»n lung known abd severely tested; and
thsanlrtnal confidence fell In their accuracy and perfect
tMutment, Is tuch that they are now regkrdoa aa the stand.
»ii,fitmi which there la no appeal.
: TTST RiX'HVEDA aupniy of Mineral ralnta. fire and
i unter-pnxjf colors, uubuiug. Silver’s Mineral Paints
4i8«iM*»nU*lly from all others In market. They are not
Imrthao white lead.
• I bra a variety of color*, lien, xeuow. various urowr
and Act H*fk. they are superior In body (or covering
property) to soythlng ever discovered.and pound for pound
afflionr double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
plots, and require less oil.
I aa now prepared to covet Tin Roof*, aa nothing adhere*
to tin like Silver's Mineral Paints. For sale by
bt 8 10 and 12 Raruard-street.
S IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Personnl Sketches or hia
owu Times, a now edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Greenotigh. by H. T. Tuckerinnn.
The Pedestrian in France and Switzerland, by G. Uanell.
The libertine* in American, by H. W. Warner.
A Book for every America, on the Science of Government
and Cotniteud of the Constitution and Civil Jurisprudence
of the United States, by A. W. Young. thu author of-Mary Burton.
The London Quarterly Review for July.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Review for August.
No*. 10 and 11 Collier’s Sliakeapeare.
I owry’s Universal Atlas.
Upham’s Mental Phylosophy. abridged.
Hue!.’* Thibet and Tartary. London edition, illustrated. Bacon's Essay*. 1 vol.i Rabelais’ Works. 2 vol*
aug25 W. THORNE WI1.UAM3.
■ 26IUIDS. l’orto Itlco and Muscovado Sugar. 26
do choice New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100 bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup, Stu
art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 800 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamnrnantlne Candles,
26 do Starch, 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 50
do mixed and assorted Candles, 75 packages Teas. Black,lm-
porlal and Green, 160 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes,
Figs, Citron. Pickles, Raisins. Yeast Powders. Saleratus, So-
da. Ac., now In store and for sale very low. by
mti20 KIBBF.B A
tnii -.-JW •? d Boro*
iSliarei Iron Flap-proof 8afcl, Shovels
Potato Hook*. Coro
Cultivators, Straw
>x*Sj Pkk Axes and
be Yoke*. Garden tad
irota and Oudcfona
lUs, Rice Hi rashers,
. Roma, Wall Wheals,
|,8, 1 Golton
md Cotton Gina and
MBl and Cross Cut
For sale by
SI and WkiUAer.
#d slock of goods ever
Ad and 8ntsr Watches,
of Jewelry, Chat
Wholesale end x<
No. 116 Brottpkhnwt, briwere B
. THE largest end beat aafoc
V offered for sale In this dty. G
_mv#st. Fob end Guard Chains,
elanoMlrsceleta, Brooches, fine Dtamftod work Flngrr Rings,
ailmOuto,, T« Srt,,Pllobm,oobl«., Copeck, Ikuk.i.,
Spoons, Forks,FUh Knives, PI* Knlras, Chase* Scoupa, La-
dles,Syphon*. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military sod
Fancy Goods, and a greet variety of article* too numerous to
mention r the whol* of which will b* sold at reduced prices.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and other Jobbing*
attended to by competent hands. HORTON A RIKEMAN.
f 1HE exercises of this Institution will b* resumed on
. Mo«d*y, October 10th, under the management of J, B.
JJjARD and BERNARD MAIAON. assooTat* prlnolpali,
Tho ac*d*0|lc year Is divided Into four quarters of eleven
week* follows!
. First quarter oommenco* October 10th. and ends Deeem*
Second quarter commences January 1st, 1864, and end*
March 18tn. : i.
Third quarter commaneas March 18th, and ends Jifa*
Fourth quarter commences Jan* 10th, and end* August
Z|1m* .
The academy Is organised Into Or* departments—Prime-
■ Intermediate, Grammar, Claillcal, and Young Lad Ins’.
..In axpeusa has bean spared to fill the setaral depart
ment* with well -quail Bed and experienced teach era.
Th* Young Udie* will b* under the charge of J. B. Msu
AXD, assisted by Mis* M. A. Czuxvdkx, who was educated
a the best school* of Nprthamptoo, Mass., and has been
for the last three years principal of a female academy In
title State.
The Classical Deportment will be under the charge of Mr.
UUAoF.GaoT, a graduate of Brown University, for two
years classical teacher In the High School In
I-A f X.. l.-t .1 ...
The undersigned begs leave Jo inform th* Citizens
,of Savannah, and the peon)* In the country In gene-
l be haa taken th* Store No. 148 Broughhm Street,
one door West of Dixon’s Oonlbctlonety, where he will be
pleased to make and repair all kinds ofuocka aud Watchea,
and will warrant all work with which In may be intrusted,
ap27-ly * FRANCIS STEIN.
And Bme* Goods,
mWJQ by every antral of th* Steamers freib
^jns.Wakfogtlj* bes^iuiortaentJn title city, or all
Mode ofW atebaa. Jewelry. FanoFBofrla,Sliver 8poons, Fork*.
Pitchers, Tea Seta, Cups, Syphon* PlatedOistore, and every
variety ofartlriee connected with our line ofbaaiaere; allot
whleh will be sold as low as in any dty In the Unkin.
■ ■ , , „ ' D. B. NIOHOLB.
-- Particular attention given to theRepalringof Watob-
es and Jewelry. no 20
and for the last six years principal of the High School, in
Warren. Rhode Island,
The Qraminar Department will be under the charge of B.
Hauox. as heretofore.
The Intermediate Department will be tinght by Mr. Hut
r Baku, a graduate of Oglethorpe University; and the
Primary Ity Mias A. R. Camre.
Arrangements have been made with Mr. E. Hjium for
giving Instiuotlon in French and Drawing.
JOHN 11. MALLARD,) pj i .
eep26—d3w BERNARD MALLON, J ™noip*U.
Comae—160 bags prime Rio, 76 do Jamaica, 60
lo Java.
Scoar—10 bhds l’orto Rico, 10 do 81. Croix, 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Moijwsib—26 hhds Cuba. 76 bbls New Orleans,
Ktoon—150 bbls Baltimore, 75 do Canal. 60 do II Smith’*.
Bacon—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
issed do. 30 hhds Sides. 20 do Shoulders.
Potato Bt—160 bbls P sml Mercer.
Lard and Connsn—25 bbls choice Leaf lard, 6 casks Cod
Soap. Cantors ash Sramri—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do Pale do. 40 whole and half boxes Starch. 76 do
Admonlfne Caudles. 26 do Sperm, 25 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tobacco—460 packages various brands and qualities.
I.kmon sybcp. Ac.—50 boxes I/tmon Syruit, 10 case* Wal
nut anti Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches.
Doufxnc I juntas—, 5 bbls Phelps’ Gin, 60 ilo N E Rum, 75
do Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Winks—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra—received and for sale by
ap!26 McMAHON ft DOYLE.
THE undersigned i* now opening a splendid assort-
i/jmentof rich JEWELRY,(unbracing the reconi patteras
V° r Ear-rings, Ptn», BrnccWts and Finger-rings, among
f which are some fine diamond iettlng».from $10 to $600.
Sl Also, twenty-five seta or those unique I'tarl Sdt ofFIar-
Yi rings and Brooches, from $18 to $126 the act newest
dvand rarest patterns j together with a very select aszort-
"^nient of extra fine Watcha set In pearl, diamond, hun
ting and plain cases. There, with a further assortment ol
good Jewolry. Sterling Sliver Sots, Simons, Forks, Ladles,
Cups, Ac., and Plated Ware or *11 kin ’*. Fancy Work Boxes,
Dressing Cases, Folios, Clocks. Brouxe Figures, gold mount
ed Canes,Cuttlery. Ao . renders Ids assortment very com
plete, and unsurpassed In the Slate, either in qualltv or pri
ces. D. B. NICHOLS.
SV Strict attention paid to ro|>alr!ng watches, clocks,
and jowolry. no!2
Leptitarire Charier, granted tn 184$.
rjinE Spring session will eommeucoon the second Monday.
, which istha 12th day. of January.
G». Y. Browne, President and Professor of Mental and
Moral Science.
Loro,professor pf Natural Sciences.
L. R. BoANtiAK, Prolusor ot Mathematics and Directbr of
IIknrt M. HoUxctaw, Professor of Belle* Lettree.
The Faculty will be assisted by the following ladles, vlx t—'
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham. Misses Bennett, Bumstead.
Meredith, nnd E. Bennett
Catalogue* oontaininr • further Information, may be ob-
talned by applying to either of the officers of the College,
to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute tae
Board of Trustees: £. E. Jones. M. D„ President; R M. Pee
ples, E*qr., Treasurer: Thoa. J. Burney, Flaqr,.Secretary; Col.
J. B, Walker, Rev. N. O. Foster. Rct. C. M. Irwin, wm. 8.
Stokes. Edmund Walker, Tacliariah Fears. Nathan Massey.
Wm. W. B. Crawford, M. D., Benj. Harris. Jo*. F. Swanson, J
w . F’csrs.R. P. Zimmerman,
Madison, Morgan county,Deo, 23rd, 1851,
dr 20 . - lawd&wtf
10 bbls No. Inr^v Mackerel,
C'V'-fcs 10 bid* No. 1 do do
gjOgtHf 10 hair bbls No. 1 do
•■SJifitli) do No. 2 do
80 bid* sugar, sodar. nnd butter Blsculls,
26 boxes soda Biscuit*,
60 do Buchan's Family 8onp.
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Cnlgate’s aud Bcadell's Pearl Starch.
60 do Herring*,
landing and fur salo'by
Kriberbwlng ju*t removed lo No. 21 Bull-street, (be-
IvwnCnngn-nHsnd llroughlon-streels.) would Inform hi*
frinih sml the public generally, thst he will ojien Tins
IUr.hU teomJ supplrof Fall aud Winter Goo*ls.consisting
of the bet! French. EncUtU aud American Cloths. Cassi-
now anl Venting*, purrh.osed from the mnstextenaire lm-
C m in New York, which he I* prepared to raaka up Id
tat and most fashionable styles,
decl M. D. MURl'HY.
T HE eo pirtnenbip heretofore existing with the under-
djned. under the lino of BOSTON k UUNBY, I* thl*
d*y di-wlre-l hy mutual conrent. Either partner lsautho-
iultouie Um name of the firm lucliMlugtho unsettled
bodswe. JOHN BOSTON,
Auguit 1st, 1853. aug2 J. II. GUNBY.
The *ml*r.!.'n'-<l s ill continue thcFACrGRAGEand COM-
MtSSUtS BI'.aINRV on hi* own account, and respectfully
(NitiUartmtlnuance of tho natrouago ao liberally extend-
ritn the Ute firm.
A/ ship heretAfore existing between the subacrlbera under
fee tna el F ZOGHAI’M k CO. I« dissolved by mutual
«twnt. 0.11. MIK'HKLL will continue the business on
account, and Is authorized to settle all claims, in
“Uelty.fororsgainat the late firm.
F. ZOOIIAUM, Charleston. S. C.,
G. H. MITCHELl^ Savannah. Ga.
mnonah. June 6th. 1853 je8
R OADS AND RAILROADS, a manual of tho principles
aud practice of road making, comprising the location,
construction and improvement of road* and railroads by
W. W. Gillespie. A. )L, C. E., civil ongtuecr lo Union Col-
^foemsof Alexander Smith.
The lost loaf Irom Sunny Side, by T.’Trlat*. with a me
morial of the author, by Austin Phelps.
Homo Cookery, a collection of tried receipts, both foreign
and domestic, by Mr*. J. 8badwick,
Philosophy of Mysterious Rapping* and Reply to Beeeher,
by E.Q Rogers.
cnambers’ Miscellany, to 20 volume*, fancy beards, and
10 volumes, cloth.
Chamlicrs’ Reposltorr. 4 volumes, fsnoy boanls.
Chambers’ Ioformatiou for the People, royal octavo, half
calf binding.
Chambers' Papers for tbe People, 12 vol*..fancy bound.
Tha Works of Samuel Maunder, including the Treasury of
Natuial History.
Treasury of History.
Sclentltlo and Literary Treasury.
Treasury of Knowledge nnd Biographical Treasury.
Industry of all Nation*. Nos 3 and 4.
Godov’s lady’s Book, for September.
The Victim’s Revenge, a sequel to the Matricutt's Daugh
ter. and the Star of the Fallen.
Jem H int, a tale of tho land and tho Ocean, by the Old
lUrnum’s Illustrated News, No. 84. Received h;
IRP . ..... ..
Bleak House, No, 18.
Artist Wife, by Mary Howett,
History and Rudiments of Architecture, by J. Bulloch.
The Fawn of Pale F'aces, by J. P. Brace
Class Book of Physiology, by Dr. B. N. Comings.
The London Art Journnl for August.
Plckurlng’s Greek nnd Flnglish lexicon.
Vol. 14 Howard’s Reports In tho U H. Supremo Court.
Vol*. 32 and 33 Flngllsh Chancery Reports.
Grote's History of Greece, vol. 11, London edition.
Yankee Moldy; Ocean Boon ; Guerilla Chief; Red King;
The Cor*alr Chieftain; Hying Artillerist. Ac.
tion of the New York Crystal Palace, edited by Prof.
B. Sillitnnn. Jr., with numerous fine llluitration engraved
from original designs by the first artists. Price 25 cent*
per number and postage. Nos. 1 to 4 received. Subscri
bers supplied regularly.
TysoiUTiriN OF COPARTNERSHIP-Nonas—The con
»in ot KlbWe A Rodgers Is this day dissolved by mu-
wil constat,Mr. Kibltee retiring, and Mr. Thomas Wood,
hit of Mstnn. taking his place, under the name and style
« Food k Itodrtr*. AU debt* against the late firm trill be
wmtM by the new firm, and all monies due them will be
“Ueetzble, and receipted for by the new concern, as per
•pitment. KIBBEB k RODGEBS,
A CARD.—Tlie «ub*cribtr. In retiring from business in
* ci ! r - r-’inot but feel deeply grateful and obliged
w ue very liberal patronage which has been extendwl to
tsktaiu* ll0 ' 1 ' ie ) Iwth from city and country friends, and
r.,,‘. hl * opportunity to express his thsnk* for the same,
a indulges tho h<i|ie that past favors will b* coutlnne*! to
ihm w ' ,n * re «very way grateful to give th* most
•ihll!®*' 'stlsfoction to the patrons of the late concern
VjSa Very respectfully.
. Received hy
J. V. CONNERAT k CO., offer for sale on ac-
comuioAatlng terms.* well assorted stock of
Pcttt eerie*. Liquors. Tobarco. Segars, Ac., vis: 130 b*gr
TtfSesbprime Rio Codec. 2U do do oM Java do, 20 lihui
Porto Ulcoand MuscovailoSngnrx.60 bids clarified coffcodo,
25 do crashed nnd powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack,
age* black and green tea, some very superior; 250 boxes
toliaceo. varioiiHqualities, l's. 8’s. 5*s and 111'*. 15 cases Di
adem twist. 10 »hi Virginia* and Aromatic.20do nectar leaf,
Viglnln gold louf.10 boxes I'U Dorado tobacco. 175,000 supe
rior Havana Sognrs. 10 half pIpcsOtard.DiipuyACo. Bran
dy. 20 half and quarter cask* Plulern. Mattel. Saxernc. Ac,
Brandy. 5 quarter casks very old Jeun l<oul* do, 5 pipes
llullund Gin. 2 iitincheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
Imir pipe* aud 16 quarter cask* superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbl* old Monontrahelu Wi*ky, 26 quarter ca*k* Tcneriffe, 30
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbl* giu, whisky nnd rum, 100 boxes
Nn. 1 and (hmlly soap. 50 do starch. 60 do adninantlno can
dle*. 50 do tallow do. 20 cask* hscon side*. 16 do Mhoulders.
30 hhds West India Mnlaase*. 40 bbla and tea do, 25 bbl* N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at the wholesale grocery store*. junn3
(j/l MR. F. STEIN, on Brougbton-street, has Just wceiv-
11/ed the finest assortment of new and fashionable Jewel-
rv of all descriptions. Gold and sliver pencils and pens,
Jl silver and silver silted ware and fruit basket*, wnlters,
iTl tea sets, candlesticks, table and tea apoona: fine table,
'fit pockctand pen knives, scissors, and alarge variety nf the
finest work boxes, dressing case*, and writing desks for
ladies and gentlemen, as also a fine selection of flutlnns,
accordlans and fancy articles, too numerous tn inontlon.
which ho offers at tuo lowost prices evur sold In this city'
The attention of the public at large, but especially that of
the ladles. Is ixtrticularlr requested. au2I
, THE undersigned rosrectruUy Inform the
citizens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
that they have on hand more than fifty
Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale In this city, nnd
made by tho most celebrated manufacturer* In the United
States. Nunns A Clark. T. Chickering. Bonrduian A Gray,
Ixlglit A Newton. Edwards A Flslior. all well known to Hie
lovers nf Music, have plnce In their Inrge nsaorlmont.—
There Pianos nro of rich tone, and beautifully finished in
Rose Wood. Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frames
■unde in the moat sulMtawlUt anA i niMBsnllke manner.—
Also tho Justly celebrate<l /Eollnn Plan* F'ortes, which for
their sweetnesa of lone have not been equalled. All these
Instrument* have uietallc. frames which rendw them peculi
arly suited for tnl climate, preventing necessity of tuning
Tlie undersigned are Agents for Henri Herz’s. celebrated
Grand Pianos, made In Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
tMRiiaKT’sMKLonioxs.—Tills bountiful toned wind Instrn-
ment.mnnuruot.ured by Carhart A Needham, N. Y..for village
purposes. I,odge*.Serenadlng Parties, and the itrlvafoprac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweot nnd |iowerful tone, they
have also for sale. All these instruments will be disposed of
- the most accommodating terms. Tlie prices of tbe PI.
|i ( ooo.
J’enjldd, Greene Cbunlf, a a.
fTHIE Studies In this University areA Theological course
of three years, designed for those who are preparing for
the Gospel Ministry ;
A Collegiate Course of four year*, equal to that of other
Colleges In the country;
A Scientific Course of three years. Including, with some ad
dition. all the studio* of tlieColluglnto Course except the An
cient Languages ;
The regular time for the admission of Students, is at the
jeningof tbe Fall Term, the last Wednesday in August.
Candidate* for admission nto the Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith
metic. English, I Attn and Greek Grammar, Csem, Virgil.
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and
must boatlcastfnurtoenyuarsof age.
Candidates for admission into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar. Simple Equation* iu Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; and must bo at loast sixteen years of
anos ranging from $176 to $1,000.
Lex A Klrk|Mtrlck’a Crashed do
o»; tio Butter. Sugar and Sola Biscuit
20 do Treadwell’s Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Hods Biscuit
300 do Family. Pale anil No. I Foap, Smith and Col
50 do Ik-adelP* Pen rl Starch
25 do Grouud Pepper lu 20 lb boxes
20 do do Coffee In 6o |b botes
300 reams assorted Wrapping Paper
60 mats old government Java Coffee
60 boxes 1st Hnd 2d quality Key’s ls<mon Syrup
100 bbls K Phelps’ and Rose Gin
80 do N E Rum. 30 do Itomestlc Brandy
40 do PAH Connecticut River Gin
20 nnd 20 casks Malaga Wlno
50 bbls and 100 kegs prime I/*af lard, lauding and
or sale by _ Jy2l SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO.
r I"1llE Subscriber hasnn hand a fine and well selected
X Stock of Imported puro Wines, Liquors and Segnr*.
comprising the following :
Brandy—10 half pipe* Otnnl, Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do do
old llennesHy ; 2 do do Fnrerac, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
IHOO ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wlneo—4 half pi|K-s oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London Particular : 3 d« do old Port; 6 do do Sherry
tVIne ; 20 casks Claret; 40 hnsknts Champagne.
Seanrs—20.000 Rio Honda; 10.000 LaCruts ; 6,000
1a Union ; 10.000 I a Patria ; 25.000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries.—A large supply, such as imported
Cordials. E*'-"*h Pickle* and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats.
Prunes and.leu,c-. For sale by A. BONAUI),
••ea Corner of liny and Whltaker-streots.
-- - . _ The subscriber having pnrehased the en
tiro business off. ZouiiavjI A Co., of which
TV All IHn” ho has heretofore hpen tho oeling mem
■ ’• 1 *ber In Savannah, would respectfully Invite
the attention of those In want of anything in the muslrnl
line to hi* establishment. From many years’ experience
both In professional and busines* matters conni-cted with
music, Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer III* ser
vices In the selection of muslp and instruments nr the ful-
fllmenl of orders, with the assurance ol Ids uluuist zeal and
Industry In his endeavor to deservo tho patrounge and con
fidence or the pnbllc. G. U. MITCHEIL.
junol4 successor to F. Zoghtuni A Co.
THE 'Alteration*omllinprovomenis Innnr
i*tore. Including a lino Show Boom for Piano
F'ortes, nndn Music Department for Indies
being now completed, we would invite the at
tention of the musical public to our stock.comprising uvery
article In the line, which can be furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices,
PIANO F’ORTES, by A. StodsrtA Co..,L n. Dunham, and
others of established reputation, eonstsntlv on hand.
F. ZOGHAUM A Ct).. Importers,
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Uryan-streot*.
d**c7 Next to Mnrket Square.
A’o 17 ll’htolvr ftrreL Savannah,
Das just opened a large nnd cliolco variety of Nrw
Spkixu>Si'UUKR Goofia. consisting In part orblack.
figurcl and fancy F'rench Oissiincre*; Mack and col
ored Cashmere; Cloths oml Cashmeretts; white nnd
fancy Unon Drills; with a laree assortment of fancy Mar
seille* and linen Vesting#, all of which lie l* prepared to
tnnko up to order lu tho most foshlonablo style, aud on ac
commodating terms ap5
Nb. 147 Bay Sired.
All persons of tasto nnd refinement—those having
14 s duo regard for coiuforland personalnppearnnee.mav
-wst all times select any aud every article for tlielr ward-
*Lral»o. from one of the largest assortments of tho Very
Rest Goods in this country; either In Rrody Made Garments
or made up to measure In unique style, or Furnishing arti
cle* of every description nnd quality too numerous to men
tion Call and soo. PRICE A VEADER.
n of Louis XV
Houssayes’ Philosophers and Actresses.
Hnnssnyrs’ Men and Women during the retro
Hildreth’s Theory ol Politics—an Inquiry Into the found-
atlnns of governments,
Whately’a Elements of Rhetoric.
Authon's Manuel of Greek literature.
Hooper’s Physicians’ Vademccura.
Walton’s Opthalmic Surgery, by Dr. Iittell.
Mlcroscoplst, for physicians, stud
Tlie 51
i, studouts, Ac.
N? C|i ~ Thf ’ c-parinursbip heretofore exlellog be-
H*^r n , tlj f. u ' ,,ersl ^ 1 . uder the firm of Craxi A
i^? Bl j* , bl*'uy dissolved by mutust consent. The
late Brm will be settled by II. A. Crsno, to
siu, 1 ’l! er ?^ B * having cLrims will please present them,
HHuu^i i ty* 1 ' wil ' payment Eltlier party are
to use the usmeot the late firm In liquidation.
C JSffiWHn'r-Th. aadvrslgned 'laving associated
•HlfnMi m .L r - '* 0 ' m R- Johnson and 5lr. James E, Cope,
" Pf Huron the^rhnleMjn grocery bualnoi under the firm
V fa, EJW , f P t Xt>TlCE^.Theunderal7fn*d bare thla
ti’^ifoterests for the transaction of a gen-
4*t the*!!?*» toinmisilnn Business, lu this city, uu-
Km, A Twos. Offlce 174 Bay street. J
Ssnnn.i. o . ‘. W. H. TISON.
"VMMh v 8epUabet 20th. 1863. sep20—lm *
J* v lng^aken the store at the corner
UUr,n n y n "?,'f h .’' 1 * kf . r * tr * 4!U i ""“M respectfully call
L B h ,a . n , lltl ** 10 ,ult puicbsier*.
r* “ e 2“ Un ‘lyon hand a large assortment
*® ralt th* m,. i m * 'i Jai*- which he flatters hlmsell
T 1U, ? 1 *P* c ” rp *n tastes. n ol
ii M tvhali'rui ,E ?^?’ *T---J , irt received 10 bids bfosci'
bd j ° Vinegar. It) do No 1 Kr~.-
NvVU’, ,,u-_ 30 hoxes smoked Herring. 60 do
••Ufa Sra, I 04 , p* rn ’ Csndles 4*. 6s and 8s. 26 do do
Otani'•‘•flee and MusUr I. 3 hhds New
l*t crashed, ground snd clsrl-
ly |S*S , '°E' L AI W ANDSLEgVE8.-W« take great
rich and u tbe attention of the ladle* 'o our
♦f er am, ,,f tbs above—* finer, better, rlch-
bten..hiM? 1 , of laces,edgings, etc.,bsi
wtf3) •*bt»lt*d In Savannah For sale by
opist, for physic
F'ranconla’s Story; fltuyvesant.
Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. Bull.
Political and Military History of tho Campaign of Water
loo, by General Baron de Joraine; Collier’s Shakcspear, 12
mo. edition, vol*. 2 and 3, received.
tures on Swift, Congreve, Adlson. Ac.
Ranke's Civic Wars and Monarchy In the ltttb and 11th
life and Letter*nf the Rev. Stephen OHn, Ute President
of tho Wesleyan University.
The Old House by tbe IUver, by tho author of the Owl
Creek tatter*.
Taylor’s Memorial of tho English Martyrs.
Coleridge Works, vol. 8.
Modern Flirtation, by Mias Sinclair.
English taw and Equity Reports, being the first volume
of the year. New subscribers can bo supplied at the ori
ginal price or $12 per annum.
Blackwood’s Msgaxine for June.
D ON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA, by Miguel de 8ervan-
te* Snftvedra, a revised translation based on those of
Motteux.JarvlaandSmollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the ElemenUry Geology on the Ancient
Changes of the Earth and Its InbablUnt*. as Illustrated by
geological monuments, bv Sir Charles Lyell, M. A., F. R.S.,
author of the Principles o Geology, Ac.
Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil Wars and Ffonarchy in Ffance In the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of France principally du
ring that period, by Leopold Ranke.
Barnum’e Illustrated News,No. 27, received b<
Julyfi J, B. — 1
C OFFEE—160 bags prime Rio. 75 do. Jamaica. 60 do.
SfUiR—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 5 do. New
Orleans. 100bbls Crashed. Powdered, and Clarified.
Mou.-'SK*—26 hhds Culm, 76 bbls New Orloans.
Fuicr—160 bbl* Baltimore,76 do. Caual.60 do. Hiram
lUrox—16 casks Philadelphia Hams,500 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 hhds Sides. 20 do. Shoulder*.
BR'»ojis—to dozen, painted handles.
IIdckbiw—200 dozen, painted.
Soap. and Stahcii—50 boxes No. 1 and Eamlly
Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 76 do. Adamantine Candles. 25 do.
Sperm. 25 do Star. 150 do. Patent Mould do.. 40 whole and
half boxes Starch.
ToDACro—360 pkgs rarious brands nnd qualities.
Ijimux Svhvp.kv.—50 boxes tammt Syrup. 10 cases Wal
nut aud Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches.
Doxixno Ijqi'oiw—75 bids l'hel|M’ Gin. 60 do. N. E. Rum.
75do. Rectified Whhky,30do. FlxtraI'M Monongahela do.
WiNBi—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. eholco Ma
deira. Received, and for sale by
*ttmprfoto *‘" n , The demand for these very
m hnnfi i?i^ ha l rin « b< ^ n . lnucI ’ IDMtcr than the
ri »* UIT}"}'' n ? w ^ tbe wants of our custom-
5*F* r «4toe.hD 1 if d .^ ’fupllrste our orders, and tr« now
rit*att«Q|t 0B b a beautiful selection, tn which we In-
liltANDY TnT g? 1 * AIKEN A DPRN'8.
7T Stwettfc taimVaa 0 Gtard Brandy, 10 do do
« Bbesifare &rm ft !i~ 50 bhds choice Bacon Bt ts; 80 dc
canvassed R.ui mn — —
B ooks » books i t books i 11—At sibley'b book store,
135 Congress-street.—We received so many new books
yesterday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
Religious, Literary ocisntific. Humorous and interesting.
We Invite our friend* to call and examine the largest varie
ty of light reading ever offered in this city. Also,
Grn linin'* Magazine for July; Gody’s tady’s Book.
Blackwood's Magazine; Barnum's Illustrated News.
Gleason's PictoraL Ae. Junr22
B OOKA—The Old llnuso by the River, by the author of
thn Owl Creek tatters.
Modern Flirtations, a Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Primlple, a domestic novel, by Mr*. Grey.
Flirtations In America, or High Life In New York.
The Adventures of a Bachelor, or a man In search of •
TheWlver Bell, or th* Heir of Motcombe Manor, hy Dt.P.
Ii. Robinson.
Gody’s IA-ly’s Book fnrJnly; Graham’s Magazine do;
Arther'a Magazine do; Peterson’s Magazine do.
Barnum’s Illustrated Newa, No. 26, Further supply ot
Echoes of a Bell; received by
T HE MASONIC MANUEL, hy RobertMacoy, pocket edi-
thro, beautifully Illustrated and In the most conveni
ent form yet published.
Also, the Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and
Odes, suited to every occasion In lodge or celebrations.
Both new works recently published, and highly worthy the
attention of the Craft. Just received and for sal* at the
Book Sturt of s. 8 SIBLEY.
186 Congress-street
7^”“ suff l To, A 3;U , ‘ > ’ u " d ‘°‘ ** “ h “": ho ffl'
THORNE WIUJAMS has received Simms’ Sword
andpuUff. or Fair Fat and Forty of the South at
the close or tbe Revolution, W. Gilmore Slmma.
Marta !>e BernJera, a tale or the Creecent City, by W. Gil
more Slmma. ...
Thompson’s Dictionary of Domestic Medlelne and House-
"'■* " ligtry, revised by Dr. Henry H Smith
Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Char
acter. Including Wm Wirt, by F. W. Thema.
The Medical Journal of Medieal Science for July,
tadya’ Book and Ecleotifl Magastoe for Jaly. .
Posma by Thomas Bueheuea, mieed Mew Tork adltton.
The Boy hood of Oreat Meu. 4lth DluilraUooa. • ,
u. xrith DltulraUo&a. 1
J 5I D. MURPHY, 21 Bull-tlrnt. would respectfully
Inform his friends and the pnbllc generally, that be
has received Ms spring style* for geutleincn, among
which will bo found as rich and lino fancy Cashmeres.
Vesting*. Ac., as havo ever been brought to thl* market.
All orders ex«cuted with dispatch, and in the best stvlc
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call snd judge for
hemselves. tnlill
H AVE In store, and offer for salj on accommodating
terms, the following, viz:
20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. lOdo Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls crashed do.
50 do refined A B nnd C do. 26 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N 0 Svrup, 60 do New York do,
200 bag* Rio Coffee. 60 do Java do,
25 hhds Bacon Sides, 10 do do Shoulders,
lflO half bbls tard, 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap, various brand*.
100 do fancy no, for toilet use, nuglD
WM. R. SYMONS. Dbapkh and Taii/>h, iVo.
17 W Maker UrttU. reflect folly solicit* the]
Intention of Ms friend* an<t G«e public In gen-l
■eral. to Ills largo slock of lleady-ma mi (1oth-L_ _
Ing. suilablo for tlia present snd coining season. It lias .
ho- n made up undor Ills personal superintendence an I for
style and durability of workmanship, is luferlor to none to
be found In the market.
Tlie following comprise a portion of the stock : F’rocksand
Sacks of bine, black nnd colored csshineru cloths; black,
hrnb d’eto F'rock* and Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Hacks; India grass, silk nnd brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French owdmeres. black doe-skin ais»l-
m?r®. blsek drab dVte snd spring tweed cassimrre. white
duck aud fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill aud duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vests of black satin, black barathea, nnd fancy silks, fan
cy and white Marseille*, figured and striped linens.
Also,-a large stock of F'urnishlng Goods, such as stocks,
glove*, sustwuder*. cravat*, collars. *Uk. gauze, merino, aud
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton sodis, silk and
gingham umbrellas, etc., etc.
The whole of whloh he offers for salo on accommodating
terms, and nt prices as cheap as tbe cheapest. np!3
(1A BBI-S winter strained and bleached whale OH.
200 tag* prime green Rio Coffee.
60 bag* old government Java Coffee.
75 • tagurra Coffee 46 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbla FI Phelps’ Gin, 40 do P A U Conn’t River do
20 *• domestic Oran ly. 60 do Now England Rum.
60 bbla and 100 kegs prime Leaf tard.
60 hhds prime Baron Sides, V0 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar. 15 do Porto Rico do.
20 prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbls buttor, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 “ 8tuart’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar.
40 *• “ crashed and powdered Sugar
80 boxes Beadell’s 6s and 8s tallow Candles.
100 “ Star Candles. 300 do No l pals and family Soap.
60 M Segars, of various brands. For sale by
QA BBLS H. Smith's Flour
O v/ 20 half bbl* choice Canal Flour
20 bbls Sugar Crackers
20 half bbls do do
20 bbls Butter do
20 half bbls do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar.
Landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by
bbl* do do. 76 do P A H Rye Gin, 160 do E Phelps’ do. 6 pipe!
Holland Gin, 10 bbl* Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Geor
gta Peach do,200do N.0. Whisky, 00 do white Baltimore
do. 80 do old Westminster Monongahela do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo,100doN. E. Rum. 26 quarter casks
* ' *Vino, 10 eighth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port
pipe* do do, 20 quarter easka Brown Sherry Wine,
i Champagne do. For aale by
Madeira Wlno,
do. 2 half pipe
40 tasketa Champagne do.
anio -
E NGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES—A very superior article ol
English Tooth Brushes, manufactured expressly for the
briber, *-
, and direct from Ixmdon. for sal* by
W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Sgaare.
Tj'QR SALE—A light one hone Carriage, with pole, built
JD'tft order by Brower A Son, New Yorti, and haa been
neod but little. It ean be eeeu at tbe Carriage Repository
^ I
Offers for sale, a large assortment of Cloths, Cas-
islmercs and Vesting*, consisting In part ol-tbe fol
lowing article*, selected by himself during tlie past
summer in tandon and Pans, which he will make up to or
der lu thn best style of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish-
Ing Goods, for gentlemen’s'wear, ia very large aud of the
best quality and style—tbe wholoof It mado this fall undor
hi* own Inspection, and will be *old at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit :—F'rench black, blue, browtl and
olive Cloths; fancy F'rench and English Cassimeres; fancy
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vesting*; black Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Ca*slmere* ; Me
rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white and fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers;
white. Utttck and fancy Kid Glove*: Neck Ties, plain ana
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Boeka: Scarf*. Satin and
Bombaain Socks. no5 IT WIUtwken-*tre«t.
i WE art constantly receiving these valuable
Cases, and have them alwayaln readlnesato be
delivered at the ahorteet notice.
N. B.—We are permitted to Inform tbe public that i
have received from Mr. IUv*o»D. of New York dty, a let
ter signed by the different member* of the United State*
Senate; who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
the Hod. HkxxT Clat, deceased, (which was enclosed In one
or Fox’ll Metallc Cases.) and who went with It to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymoxd. that tlie Case answered the pur-
K *e for which It wm Intended, and meets with theirappro-
tlon, and they cheerfully recommend It to tho public ae
being superior to any other Case for the transportation ol
the dead. The letter ean be seen by calling on
\. .
The subscriber has just received a large number ol
Cooking and Parlor StOTee, which he will diepose of
ion.accommodating term*. Among them may be
found tha following i Cooking Stovea, Th* Republic, Lady ol
the take, Air Tight Premium* Queen of the West Empire
Premium, Eastern Premium. Parlor and offlce Stores.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval. Six Plate, Box 8toves.
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Pam,
Ac. Ae. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and tnanu-
(acturedat short notice. Order* for Roofing, Gutters, and
Leaden, attended to with punctuality.
Noa’10 and 12 Barnard atreet
F ISHING AND JOCKEY CAPa—Rseetved by lau arrl-
ralz,an«w supply. Thort In want will please call at
147 Bay-st may20 PRICE k VKADER.
RUTTER. CHEESE. Ac.-2» tube D*W May Butter, 60
D boxes Cheese, 28 bbls Rr*m Smith’s Flour, 60 boxes
QUO Alt, Ac—10 hhds
fpPortoRfoo 6o,80^
obn* river, about fifteen mile* a
» KOit SAl.l
•onrillo, East Florida, conUIOlnrahhtittwenty-sbvcn hun
dred acres, near nine Hundred or which are oiwn, and were.
cultivated wlth suceoM by bio., and tbe residue, consist. (
Ing of hammock and pine land. • It U eligibly altualed. and'
oipablei of a high degree of cultivation. Die buildings are
in good order, constating, of-.* comfortable dwelling. Ac.,,
ana spacious arid couf enfant houses,u'Upted tn all the pur
poses of alnturataple cotton pbuttallnn, together wlUi *1
grinding house and wl|l« and:a boiling bouse and boiler*,
which are capable oft urn Ing out from fifty lo one hundred
Logabtada ot sugar. Also, bight thousand acre* of pine
land, the greater part of which la well timbered, lvlng on
the St. John* river and Its vicinity. For price anil terms 1
apply to tin administrator*. , "
J. WAtjlBURO. Savannah,
. U. A. PUTNAM. Bt. Augustine.
Mr. J. N. Johnson, who Is on tho plantation, fill exhibit
Hand the other laud. aeplfi—dtf
■FOR SALK.—-Tlie' plantation owned and formerly
v - the UU .Col. J; H. McIntosh, situated on
“* ‘ *Uitp ■'*
sMga TOE subscriber offora for sale 1,200 sere* of Land,
gHRlyingon the AlatamaUa. river, three miles below.the
**w.fork. known m Town Pluff. Diere are 260 acres open,
re*dy ftm cultivation ; also two small framed houses with
good framed born and good framed store house, situate on
the bank of the river, one of thn best sUnd* for a store Id
this eoetlon. Tbe pUce has tho advantage or steamboats
during the fell, winter and spring months, and one of the
beat fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do ao by calling on the subscriber on the
Allio. 080 acre* of land well tlmtared. with 160 acres of
first rate bay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear
ing, with fire acres drared. Said land will produce fifty
bushel* of corn to the acre. Dila Und Ilea two miles from 1
Maun Ferry, on the Alatamaha rivef.
Also, 6.000 acres of firat quality pine timbered laud on
the Alatamnlia and Demulgce rlvors.
AU these lands are situate In the first and second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acres of land well timbered
with cypress and white cak. Any person wishing further
particulars ean addrbss me at 11*11 P. Gq Georgia.
jan31—lawdAwfim ' ' W. IiYAliT •
«TThe Raleigh., (N. G.) Stntidard will please publish
weekly for six months, and send bill to ' * TV; D.
Second atreet. where they' . r __ —.. — —
did assortment of rupcrio^fbrnttrire; pf every'deaeriptfoo
to which thi-y Invite the‘attcntlpri Vfjitfrchxure; mbT
Ao. 181 North Sixth BtreA FMIddi^Uk.
' (Opposite F'raokllAPquere.)
THE eulswriber l* constantly fin-J
Ishlng.eod on bimd Hshrapur
by Cane Peat'Chkira.m gredt-ti ,
ty of elegant and fkabIonaW#*l|rlo
for parlor*, dining-rooms or ctambers^mad* Id'Fancy
Woods. Imitation Woods, and Fancy Colore; Ae.'.
Reception and Cottage amirs, of Ugbt and beautiful de-
atroa; Cane Lounges. Cnnn Pal tees, H«ltChaIre.CcunUnf
House snd Office Arm amirs, largo nnd rntnoll Rocklni
Mi*lrs. Hero and Steamboat RtooU. Wlndnur-Cbalre, $nd
Settees. Ac. • «o - -,j| <ri
Houw-keepera.Hntrl.SleamboatandBall RoadCompanlM
will find it to their InUreat to call at tha FacUrytaT*.
^ No. 131 North Cth St (oj poslto FrankUn p *
Equation* iu Algebra, and two
in Geometry; and nuiNt bo nt loast sixteen years of
Tuition. Spring 7t rm. IbU Term.
IxDlBouMiratSKJiUMRT, Gratuitous....Gratuitous.
IxCotxniE. $26 00 $15 00
Sclentltlo Course 25 00 16 00
I’roparatoryClass,............. 26 00.... 16 00
Booond “ 20 00 13 00
Ditrd “ 15 00 0 no
Elementary “ 10 00 0 00
Room Rent 0 00 4 IK)
Contingent Expenses,....,2 00 1 00
These exponses require lo be |mld In ndviince.
FVoin Students who lodge in the College building*, fifty
dollars will bn received as full payment for the tuition fee*,
room rent, and contingent expenses of tbe year.
Die price of Board in the village I* $10 per month ; ol
washing, room-rent, and fuel. $3.
rxnoiKxcKMKvr and vacatwxh.
Dio CoiummiRcment i* held on the lust Wednesday In
There are two Vacations, dividing the year Into terms, a*
follows ;
First Term—from last Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—from Deceiulier 15t1i to F’cbrusry 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed-
nesday in August. B. M. SANDElW.
Secretary of the lloani of Trustess.
Anv friend, by nnpllcatton to Dr. J. L. DAGO. President of
tho University, will reeelvo a catalogue, containing the
course of studies, and all other necessary Information.
W ILL upon on tho 1st of October, nt tho corner of Meet
ing nnd Society • streets. Charleston. R. C„ * BOARD
F'rench wilt be exclusively spoken in the School and fam
ily, but due regard will ta also had to a thorough English
Education. Madame Tognn t* prepared to refer pafentsand
guardian* to the most eminent l’rofajsors of Music iu I’bll-
adelphui and Now York, and to n nuintar of geutlemen In
niflodolphis nnd Virginia, to whose daughters aha haa glv-
*1 Instruction for seven,I year*.
/'Aftat/rfpftfo.—Rev. Klng-tou Gmldsnl, Md’lle Adele 81
golgne. Mad. Chs. Vlent, Mad. Acidic tinlllou. (mother nf
Mad. Tognn.) Ed. D. Ingraham. Fan.,Dr. Win. llnrrie, II. I).
(iulpin, Esq.. Signor Puiclll, l’rof. of Music, II. llupfold,
Fra.. Prof, of Music.
New 1'orA.—Mud. II. Chegaray. Signor Ba-rioll.
Winchester. I ’a.—Rev. C. Walker. Rev. H H Boyd, lion
J. 11, Mason. Hon. It. Y.Conrad. Geo, ta». If II.L-e, F>q,
Charleston.—J. L. Pctlgru,Esq.,O. Mills, Ksq.. J.P. l’<
idler. I>q , II. C King, Esq. lawd&—eel
ffik RICK LANDS FOR 8ALR—The Tract of LAND on the
Mary’s River, known as the Cut-off Trsct.contalntng
•even hundred and aeventy-two (772) acrea. of which over
five hundred (600) acre* are tide swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and fall of tide nf six feet. Die marsh
land was successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton. Chne. and Hire.
These lands could be pnt In order with less labour. It Is
believed, than would be required for nutting Hammock lands
tri order, and are considered very safe from overflow in gales
and freshet*.
F'or further particulars nnd terms, which will ta made easy
to a purchaser, apply tn John Fraser and Co., nmrleston.
8.C., or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of the laud may be seen at the office of the Geor
gian. apt 27—d&o
dpi. FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202X
23; acres.and Improvements, near Walthourvllle. Liberty
county. Die land Is of good quality, nine and bay Und. 60
acres of which are in cultivation, ana the remninder well
timbered, offering strong Inducement* to persons Interested • n< * R ' , ' nil
tn procuring turpentftw. The Improvements consist of a
twomtory frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all olher necessary outbuildings. The location cannot
be surpassed for healtlifiilness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range Tor eattlo which cannot ta excelled.
The above property can ta bought at a very reasonable price,
and on tho most accommodating term*, if early application
*■ l made to tho subscribers, at WaUhaurvtUc. Liberty county,
op! 26—d Ac _ E. B. WAY.
(Up A Tract of Ddo Swamp land, containing 6<I0 ncres,
rallying on tho Alntamalm river, three miles above Dnrl-
«, adjoining lands of the estate nf Butler And Dun-
wody on the east and (HgnlUUt and Walker on the north
and west, oaving a* pnbd a pitch of tide as nn* rice plan
tation on the river. >ly terms are. twenty dollars |>eracre,
one-fourth rash, and the baUnce on a credit of from five to
Agricultural Wnre*lfouM and Seed ltm<
A’o. 104X Murid-itrttt.rhiktdetjAiO. -
Pxmmr k MxaW. Patent Belfjn#
Sharpeninff Ploughs, of all sites JOT
right and loft hUdefi-sSubuBlSK
■BHmHawiPRe IIIll and Donble Mould. Ae., wlth
Steel Extending 1’olnts. Bar-share. Beach, nnd other kinds
or Castings for repairing. Die Emperor of Russia swanKd
for the above Ploughs, a Massive Gold Medal, value $300.—
Also, tho Great Medal at the World’s Fair, wee awarded P.
A M. Plough No. 40, Cultivators with Double-Point Polish-
ed 8tool Teeth, which can be reverted, thus getting Double
Wear ol the common Teeth. Also, Cultivator* of all kinds
with Steel Teeth.
Spain's Atmospheric Chur**, CoynPlanter*,
Cam Shellers, Impro - ' 4
kinds. v
Hay and Si raw Cutters,
Hand. Corn Mills.
Cbm and Cob Crashers.
Tumi* Drill*. 4 to-tfi.
Grant’s Patent Fan lull*,
Godds’ Improved Harrows,
Square and A Harrows,
Hot “ '
.‘1 ’
Wheat D ,
Horse Powers end Threshsre,
Mowing tend Rasping Maj
Chain Pumps,
r to Bishop Elliott
T HF. subscriber, for the past six years Principal ot tbe
Itelalr Academy, near Tallahassee, Florida, announces
to tho citizen* of Savannah Hint he will open In this city,
on Tuesday, November 1st. n Select School, for boys. In
structions will ta given in all the Classic* the Mathematic*,
tho French language, and In nil the branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youths will be prepared for college, «i
fitted for mercantile or other business. The scholastic
year will consist of ten month*, divided Into two term*—
August and September being mention, The tuition fee for
any, or all of the above studios. I* fixed nt $80 por year.
A graduate «>' the College of New Jersey, nt Princeton,
with seventeen years’ experience in teaching, the subscri
ber feels warranted in ap|*n!ing with confidence to the
citizens of Savannah for patronage.
ho I* ni-rmUtcu to refer
. ... d qualifications, and t*ki..
pending tho following certificate from his late latrno*.
Savannah, September 22d, 1853.
TaU-AUabsee, August 20th. 1863.
Mr. Worn* 8 Booart, principal of thn Bolalr Academy,
being about to remove to Savannah, for tho purposa ofe*.
tnblishing a school in that place, tho undersigned, having
had children under hi* care, take pleasure lu recommend
ing him ns n highly competent teacher, and worthy Christ
ian gentleman.
Ills with much regret that they havo heard of his In
tended removal from this vicinity; as. besides their kind
personal relations towards him. they believe that his place
as a teacher can ta with difficulty supplied, and that bis
removal theribre will ta regarded aa a public *
J. Wayle* Baker, George TV
.. ~ j|a ’ * *
F'i ancle Eppes,
John Parklilll,
Diomas F Williams,
George Ualpliin.
Oliver S. Burroughs,
Francis II. Flagg,
Turbatt R. Botton,
George T. IVanl,
Win. R. Hayward.
George TVhUlleld.
Benjamin F\ TVliltner,
John J Maxwell.
William M. Maxwell,
J. Stevens Maxwell,
Edward Footman.
Arthur M. Randolph,
J. George Anderson.
James J. Archer,
^pill? institution afford* a complete course of legal edu-
L cation for the bar in any of the United Stales, except-
Ing only matters of merely local law ami practice; and aiho
a systematic course of instruction In Commercial taw for
those who propose to engage In mercantile punulta.
Die taw Ubrafy. which Is constantly increasing, con-
das paw about 14.000 volumes. It include* a very com
plete collection of American and English taw, and the prin
cipal works of tho Civil and other Foreign taw. It u open
to students, and wanned and lighted for their use during
both term* and the winter vacation.
Dip first term of each academical year begins in the hut
week of August, and the second term in tne last week of
February ; each term continue* twenty weeks. Studeota
are admitted at any period of a term or vacation. The foes
are $50 a term, und $25 for half a term. F'or this sum stu
dents have the use of tho taw Library and text books, and
of th* College Library, and may attend all the course* of
nubile lectures delivered to the undergraduates of the
Die Instructors of the taw School are Hon, Joel Parker,
LL. D., Royal) Professor; lion. Dienphllu* Parsons, LL. D.,
Dsne Professor; and Hon. Edward O taring. University
Lecturer. Instruction Is given by lectures, recitations and
examinations, and moot courts.
F'or further Information application may be made to
either of the instructors.
JAMES WALKER, President.
Cambridge, August 1,1863. dlaw3wla aepfi
T HE Annual Course of Lectures tn this Depaitment wtU
commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter
minate In the ensuing March.
JAMES JONES. M. D., Professor of Practice.
J. C. R1DDE1L. M. D., Professor or Chemistry.
WARREN STONE. M. D.. Professor or Surgery.
A. H. CENA8. M D .Professor of Obstetric*.
A. J. WKDDERBURN, M. D,, Professor of Anatomy.
OU8TAVU8 A. N0TT, M. D. Professor of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D.. IWessor of Physiology and Pathol-
GORhSunS4i.BEARD,M.D.,\ „
SAMUEL P. CHOPPIN, M. D.. j W,mon * U * tor " of Anatomy.
The rooms for dissecting wlu be open froi
day In October to the First of April. ■
The Faculty ere Visiting Physicians end Surgeon* of the
Charity Hospital, and attend this institution from Novem
ber to April. The Student* accompany the Professors In
their visits, and thus enjoy sztraqrdtnary practical
tana, free of expense.
There are about one tboucaud patients prescribed for
dally la this Hospital.
The number of patients Is nearly twenty thousand, ia the
jrm. THOMAS HUNT, M. D.,D#an.
July 28—w»ni .
C OFFEE—300 bags fair to prime Rio Coffee, 60 do Sain
Domingo do, 25 do old government Java do,for aale by
(owe Rakes.
Grindstone*, ready hung,
Dirt Scraiiera.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes nnd Bows.
Fork* for unloading Hay,
Man Hay Italics,
Bow Plus,
Apple Fearers, ,%
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Trajis.
Pruning Hook* and Chisels,
Saws and Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, snd 7,lne
tutalng for Chain Pumps. F
Also. Horticultural Tool* (of every description.) Garden
and Grass Seed*, for sale at tlie lowest prices, at wholesale
ten year*, the interest only required to ta paid annually.
Apply to tho undersigned at Darien. In case of mv absence
Mr. Jsmkh Primimc will show the land, a plan or which can
ta seen at the office of tho Georgian.
Darikx. Jan. 22. 1863. Jan26—lum
Sk F'OR SALE.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred ncres
ICatrictly prime Rlro tand.Immediately opjwslte the old
-wn of Hardwick. Dio situation nf Iho place affords one
of tho best Haw-niiU seats in the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssels coming
from oca enn load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of wnter. F'or term* apply to Henry Williams.
U.S.Distriot Attornoy,Savannah,or to II. STILES, Uryan coun.
Bull Rings.
Pstent Iron Snaths,
Grabbing Hoe*.
Transplanting Trowels,
Hay and Manure Forka,
Shovels and Spade*.
Garden'and Field Hoes.
Garden Bahrein variety,
Children’* Toole,-
Darling Set tlie*.
Snathe, with Patent Fasten-
Potato Hooks.
No. 4 North kWh dre l. two doort atone Market.
rTMlF. uiMewlgned have just opened a fresh and complete
X stork of Wall Papers, among whloh are gold ana vel
vet. fine satin, nnd the lowest priced unglaied papers; alao,
decorations, borders. (Ire-screens, curtains, etc., whleh they
offer at tlie lowest price*, both wholesale and retail.
Tbe beat workmen employed to bang paper either In the
city or country.
Blank Ilooli. Stationery, do.—'We have also our usual as
sortment of writing p*;>er* wrapping jwpera, blank and
school books, stationer*', etc. 1
No. 4 North Villi street, 2 doors stare Market,
K?r Cash paid for country rags. nih10—cod
I N AI.L ITS BRANCHES.—Business r«n|«, With appropri
ate device*, embossed in a new style. In plain and fancy
| colors. Seal* of every description, with or without presses.
Envelopes printed with name, business and address.labels,
hill heads, manufacturer’s tickets, fee., all executed in th*
neatest tnnnncr nnd at prlces25per cent, below any simi
lar rHtnblirtlnnrnt. In consequence of Isctter and improved
facltittesfor the execution of aucb work.
N. II.—All ordciv by mall promptly attended to. Goods
sent to any part of tbe country.
Enrelopeand Peal Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers, Embcfa
sers nnd Ffenjravcrs. 48 South 8d-*t., Philadelphia.
S ITUATED half a mile from thl* Cltr.on the caiiol. has a
tasln capable nl holding two million feet of 1/ig*. Die
Mill Ims been In operation about seven months, runs two
gangs and an edging saw. also Grist Mill. This Mill saws
from l‘“- ’* * r J ... ...
12 to 16 M. feet per day. For p
ffik FUR SAUJ—Diat valuable parrel ot land formerly
□Occupied by FI. Jcncke's. Flsij.. known as n Cooper’s
mop and Yard. It Is hounded on tbe east by West Bound
ary street, west by the Canal, north by Railroad street, nnd
south hy lota Noa. 6 nod fl, and contains about four acres,
F R HAI.E—Die westerly half nf tat No. 2 Yamncraw,
being tho Wharf now occupied by theCIiarleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred foot nn the River,
and running hack about two hundred feet to CauaLstreat.
The projierty fo now under a lease which will expire on the
first of Novcmtarncxt.
• H not sold at private sate prevtnus lo the first Tuesday In
February. It will then ta offered at auction at tlie Court
” Apply to ,del6 . COjIEN k FQHD1CK- .
T HE Fub«crifo-ra nro now prepared to receive order* for
Flooring and other description* nf Plained Lumber, at
tho Suvnunnh Plaining Machine, situated ou the canal, at
the western extremity of the city of Savannah, between
Zubly and Margaret streets. Orders for all descriptions of
Plained Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice,
and manufactured In a superior stylo, which cannot fall In
please the consumer. Work done by their machine will
compare with that of any now In use Dio subscriber*
have succeeded In arranging for a constant aupply of so.
lected seasoned Lumber, by which nn disappointment to
builders noed ta apprehended. Every facility will be ex.
tended In obtaining material for all pari* of a building.
Die Paw Mill- now being completed in the name'building,
will ta In ojmratlon In tho courso of nno mouth, when nr
ders for every description of Sawed Lumber will ta execu.
ted with despatch. Apply to R. A. AI.LEV k CO., or
Jjy20—*od2in WILLIAM KINE. Agent.
T HE attention of the trade, and others. In want of Porte
Mnnnnic*. Pocket Books. Bankers’ Cases. Dressing Ca
se*. Portable WrillngDesk*.Backgammon and Chess Boards.
Chessmen, Pearl. Shell, and Silver Card Case*. Work Boxt-a.
Cabas, Needle Books, Finney Belts. Cigar Cases. Portfolios,
Razor* and Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, and flneCutle.
T- togeiher with a largo variety of Fancy Goods, which
will bo sold at tho lowest rates, F. H SMITH.
Porte Mcnnalo and Pocket Book Manufacturer.
*ug2t—eodlin 205 Arch at., below Sixth. Philadelphia.
73 York~U..rtar gf the Court Home, Savannah. Ga.
EatablUtaeA In 183(4.
T ADIE8’ Silk and Woollen Drosses, Shawls, Table Covers,
J-J Ac., cleaned and dyed varioua colors, tadiea’ Bonnets
Bleached and Pressed In a fashionable style, Kid Olovee
Cleaned,snd Gentlemen’s Garments (leaned. Renovated or
Dyed,as maybe required. All done In the same stylo which
ha* generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.—
Term* moderate.
Person* sending parcels by Hamden’s express, railroad
or steamboats, are requertod fo write me per mall, so that
I may know where to call for them and which way to send
them bsck. Cost of freight each way for small jMircel* will
ta about 26 cents. All orders punctually attended fo.
R eceived ny a. a. hiblly, Auguat 10. i853 :
Mile* Treinenlu-re. or the Live Test, by Auiictfo Jfarlo
Maillard. author of 7,(ngra UieGypney.
Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of L>gln
nd Metsphyslc* in Edinburgh Uulverslty, for the use of
Schools and colleges.
Abelard anAFJoise, a O. W. Wrigbt
Pyscornsncy. Spirit Rapping* and Dppings exposed, by
Professor Charles O. Psge. M. 1).
Rarnum’s Illustrated New*; Gleason’s Pictoral; Popular
Educator; Majarim of Arts, Ac. For sale at the book
store ol 8 S. SlRLFIY,
136 Copgrvss street.
T IIE Sword and the Distaff, or Fht. F’alr and Forty, a sto
ry of tho South at the close of the Revolution, by the
author of the Partisans, FtelUcbampl, Catherine Walton,
Ac. Ac.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employments and Enjoy
ment* of the Saints In Heaven, by Rev II Harbsugh, A. M.
Poems,by Medttatu* i Book of tlio World, No 10.
Book of the World, vol 1, bound.
Die Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. No 17.
Die UrltUh and Foreign Medlco-Chtrurglcal Review. No
23. Recolved by
*ngl2 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
J UST received.* variety of publications of tho New York
Protestant Episcopal Society. Tracts. Cliurch Cate
chisms. Pabbatb School Service, and other cheap and vain-
able Publications. For aale at the Book Store of
auglO No, 136 Congress-street.
brilliancy of surface an! polish to all other, and never
stains or rusts; withstands all climates.and is packed with
great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers and others will
consult their Interest by sending their orders to the sola
aug20—dfim New Drug Warehouse,
N. W. corner 10th and Flarket-ats., Philadelphia.
ia. tentlon of tbe publlols respectfully called to the above
named ware, as being a subtltnte. which for nse Is warrant-
ed to be eqnUly as good. It Is a harder metal than stiver, X farther supply jut
consequently will bear rougher usage. It Is a oofnVfaation store of mayb 8
of perfectly pure metals, and 1s as free from con. ton u
silver. Every article will ta warranted to retain IU origin.
*1 color. It consist* in part of tbe following: table and
dessert forks, tea, table and dessert spoons, Ae., just re-
eel red and for sala by
mayT J. P COLLINS, 100 Bryan-street
odfoa- WRAPPING PAPER. fcc.-150 reams Wrapping Paper,
V V large, mid>Ue alia, and small; SO cases Matohaa; JO
crates Glass Flasks, quart*, pinto, and balf-plni
and for tala by . sepll McMAHON *
F NE 8fDRTS.—Thoea In want of a fine ablrt, to fit well
and handsomely made, can be aooommodated at No
147 Bay-ai. maylP . ; PRICE At VKADER.
LOUR—20 bbla fresh Hiram Smith’* Hour, 26 do Gena-
-aee do, foraaJeby-
-p21 ’ J. V. CONNERaT k 00.
r clmndellora, bra Asia,
of gas burners; also every '
Ac. Wo warrant our good.
A RCHER a WAnNER. Manufacturers. Ho 110 Chestlut-
atreet, Phlladriphla.respcctfully oollclt the attenti ia of
purchasers, tn tliolr assortment of
|H>ndanto.and every description of j
variety of lamps, girandoles. Ac. ....
equalin nualtty, aud our price* as low a* any other astah
llalitnent In the country.
The Trade supplied with burners, mercury, cap*,braa*
tings, air pnmtM, Ac., at reduced price*.
Ellis 8. Archer. I William F. Miskey,
Redwood F, Warner, | Wm. O. U. Merrill.
117 Chnlnut-rtreet, below Miurlh. north tide, Philadelphia.
W E inform merchants and rcRldenta of thla vicinity, that
the must complete assortment or ManUiL Her, Wall
and Oval Glasses, richest atyle*. for private use. or $11 kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, Ac., will
be found at our establishment.
tang experience nnd large laclllUee enable us to sell tht
be*' goods at lowest prices.
Dimensions being given, wo will, gjv# e*ttm*f«i for any
food Flirrors. delivered free from breakage, at any n-jlnf.
Orders solicited,
F'rench Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwelling*. Ac., at importa
tion nricos. Thomas j. f— *—
a l>m—end •
T nkw carpetings.
HE subscriber has Just received por lato arrivals, a
large and fresh stock nf the richest and uewest style*
of > elvet. Tapestry. Brussels, three-ply Ingrain and Veul.
tlnn Carpellng*, nil of which are offered on tho most desir.
•Ido forms.
With a lull assortment of Oil Cloths, Tablo Covers, Mat-
ting. Ac.
Purchasers are requested to make an early examlnatlor
•aatrong inducements will ta held out to cash buyera.
R. B. WALKER, 100 Chestnut-street.
mh17—lawtf below 8th, South side, Philadelphia.
- Take Notice.
J. WILLIAMS. No, 12. North Sixth-street, a few doors
• above Flarket-stroet, Philadelphia, Is the most exten-
tree ami best manufacturer of Window Hinds and Shades
In the Uulted State*, and has taken the hlgliost premiums
nt nil the exhibltlona; he buy* the best material* by whole-
Ml- cheaper for Cbsli than others payforlnferiorartleleaby
rrinll. and can, therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
Plindes. os cheap aa other* ask fur Inferior articles. Painted
Window Shades in neat variety, oftaautlfol design* and
superior quality. Buff and Wldto linen Shades, Bllud and
Fliado Trimmings, Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and retail, at
the lowest cash prices. Store Hbades painted and lettered
to order. Reed llllnds at manufactarera’ prices. Old Blinds
painted to look aa good aa new. Purchaser*, by calllog,
will ta convinced that he sells a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount madeto dealers,
“ We Uudy to please
aplft—eod No, 12 North tllh atreet, rhlhs.
A . WAPlUfiNE.
N INDIAN PREPARATION, for rcstorl nggrey hair to
Its original color. It Is guaranteed by tho Ptaprletor,
uai ir the patient 1s grey, he can have his hair restored to
Its original color by using taret’s Wall pens. For Bale br
Jsn2l W. W. UNCOI-N, Flonument Square, 7
F lock, BACON, Ac.—200 bbl* superfine Howard street
Flour, 50 hhds prime new Bacon Sides. 20 do do Should-
• r *- AO bbls and 60 kegs LeaftarjLlanding snd_for sale bj
T O THF. LADIER.—We would respectfully call the atten
tion of the ladies of Savannah, and sourroundiog conn-
I try, to the following new and beaut Ifulgood* which we have
ust received, via s silk Paris mantillas. Isred gimp mantll-
ss, black nett scarfs col'd. neet scarfs, ladles cravats and
ties. Frencli'Wvrked collars, laced capes, otiouilzetto and un
der sleevee. oonnet ribbon, fauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon. Alexandre* light kid glovea, black nett mltta, col’d.
•ilk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of other article*
too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your-
selves ; all of which will be sold on tlie best possible ternra
Mhlfl A1KIN k BURNS.
J USy RECEIVED.—We bare Just received, a fresh sup
ply of ladies’ merino, gauze, silk and cotton Veils.
Mieses and Infant's merino vests, gents silk, merino, ganta
and cotton vesto t also, a fine assortment of linen eambrle
handkerchiefs, ladles’ and misses’ white and brown eotton
hose, white and black ailk do, rente white, brawn and mix-
•d half hose, gents white and black silk do do, together
with a large assortment of white and colored linen cam
hrlc handkerchiefs, colored and black silk cravat*, Stocks
and ties, for sale low by
JHAWIA Ac.—Pupcr. and common crape shawls plain
7 and embroidered. Vandyke collars beautiful goods, as
>rted parasols, plain, striped and checked place silks, sum.
a _
sorted parasols, plain, striped and checked place sllka, sun •
mer do, bereges. tissues and grenedines, colored and white
jaconet and organdy muslins, a large assortment of Irish
linens, French printed cambrics. -
178 Broughton street
atripea and plaid, new pattern gingham, bareges and
tissues. ladles’colored and black umbrellas and parasols,
■Ilk pimp to suit all shades of alike and bareges, black net
mantillas, shawls, points and scarf*, .white and black sew
ing silk scarfs, white lace end colored silk mantillas, whit*
and colored crape shawls, black swan aUka. black barwra
and tissues, black and lead French piophama,' for saJebv
apllS SHsasqiwwfuj
opt” ; * DeWfrT k MORGAN,
X further supply jnat received and for tale xt the book
«tore of mayb 8. 8. SIBLEY, 181 degrees at.
E NGU.SH HCKIJS AND SAUCES.—8do« jara assorted
English Pickles. 6 doa bottles aawrtod Saueea, j«0 re-
Juneap , r : / J. R06BEAU.
KB!Sg^ , syKHsasB6i"
i i• j. »*-■*!■*- ■ •' EDWARD2, 1 lUQGTON,
84vann*b,18Ui February, 18M, ■ ;
«>»» “