Newspaper Page Text
wurbo granted.
K. MILLEN, o! o. 0.
■LLTiiimhBiitl- .£.. illliiSI/i
. IV may eon-
will apple at the
., ilretlon, de bonla
of Patrick Marlow, deoeaaad \
tool to and admonish all and singular
““iof aald deoeaaad, to bo and ar
the kindred and eradltora of aald deoeaaad, to bo and appear
balbra aald Court to make objection (If any they bare)
on or before the drat Monday in November next, otherwiae
aaldletura will bo granted.
. bo granted.
Witness, Joseph Oanabl, Kaq, Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, thla Od day of October. 1863.
oett JOSEPH GANAHL, nxr. o. o. a
4 eoM order from the Ordinary
rtbe neneBt of the dlatributeee of
de bonla non.
tt*S BALK.—By virtue of an order of the
/SkORGIA—Chatham County ^-To all whom it may con-
VX earn: Whereas, Joseph Itoav, will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letter* of administration on the estate of
it Court of Ordinary of Bryan count
ta aourt house door In 8»® oounty,
eoember next, all the lands belong
Ordinary for letters
tlasper Rosy, deceased s
T&eee are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom It
iay concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
flectlr **
et Tueedav in December next, all the lands beltaging to
*«Ufeof J«M*CUnU»,Tmuitj.
Mu.wn ui miu cuuui
J. 0. MARSH, Adm’r.
September 80th, 1868. octd
1$ SALK.—By virtue ot an order of the
.A of Ordinary of Chatham Oounty will be sold on
f. Saturday, the 8th October, on the premises, oornerof East
Broad and Bay street ell the perishable property belonging
„v « to tbe estate of Gerald Fltsgerald, deceased,for the benefit
> tothaeetatoof Gerald Fltsgerald,deceased,fort
of the creditors and heire.
■fHIAfnAU HHRlUVV’fl KAIJL—On tho first Tuesday in
Vi/ November next, before the eourthouse door, in the city
ot 8avannah, between the legal hoars of sale, will be sold,
v Tarlowa articlesof furniture,etc., returned in the echedulo
of an applicant for the benefit of the insolvent act, and sold
,, by order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Catliam
Mf oounty. aspgp JOHN DKVANNY, Sheriff.
on tho OntTneeday in November next, before the
house in Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to wit s Three negro slaves, namely, Ma-
rk,Jaae ana Laura, and nineteen head of cattle ; levied ou
to autumn II. fo. onfbreclo*ure of [mortgage,] Issued.from
• ~ “— “ *-» Court in flavor of Augustus Mjjddelton
' Chatham Superior Court in flavor of Augustus Myddelto
3 .
mws wintMioid,
^ on,the first Tuesday In November next, before the
Court house la the city of Savannah, between the legal
boon ot aalo, all that lot and Improvements, situate, lying
and being in tho city of Savannah, and known in the
. plan of said city aa lot number fifty-five. Brown ward, cor
ner of Drayton and Liberty-streets; levied on to satisTy
two fi. Cm. infovorof the Planters’ Bank of the State of
Georgia against Robert W. Pooler, administrator Caroline
JLftwser, dwaeed, and Ifo^<»M. Pooler.
JOHN DKVANNY, Sheriff o. o.
/Chatham sheriff’s sale continued.—win be sold
V on the first Tuesday in November next, before the court
house In the city of Savannah, between the usual hours
W sale, one undivided fourth part of two Wharf lota, or
pieces' of ground, situated on Hutchison’s Island, in
tho county of Chatham‘and 8tate of Georgia, being lota
Not; thirteen and fourteen, together with all the reser
voirs, wharves, buildings and improvements on said lots,
and the ateam • engines and boilers, the plaining ma-
. ’the Oglethorpe stain aaw mill,) with the appui
ireunto belonging and appertaining; levied on as the
property of Edwan&.Kinchley and Robert Todd, to satisfy
" 'amortgai ‘ * *
’. afl.fa. on foreclosure of a mortgage issued from Chatham
Superior Court'ln favor of George Newell vs. Edward F.
Tinchley *
Klnchley and Robert Todd. Property set forth in said fi. fa.
octfl ' JOHN DKVANNY, 8heriff c. c.
QHATHAU_SUPER10R COURT—Hat Tmui, 1863.—Ed-
vji Whoreas. John Everard will apply at the Court of Or
dinary for letters of dismlssory os administrator on the es-
tato of Patrick Tlemy, deceased :
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant In
the Clerk’s office of said Court, on or beforo the first Mon
day of November next, otherwise lotters dismlssory will bo
Witness, John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 30th day of March, 1863.
’ wardO. Wl
Trustee, *
uuun wuni-«*« iuu, w
j. Treasurer, &o.,tmui Mordecal Myers,
Nirt.—Upon the petition of Edward O,
r it parcel
tying and being in the city of 8avannah, county of Chat
ham, and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished in
a# Lot * "
ir idu umtj j.. uis wue, wuicn
said property was mortgaged by the said Mordecai Myers,
trustee as aforesaid, (under and by virtue of a clause in
the said marriage settlement, authorising the trustees to
* grant, bargain and sell all or anypart of tho property upon
the request of the said Robert W. and Mary J. Pooler, and
their request that aald mortgage should be ma<lo, being
evidencea by their Mining and sealing said deed of mort
gage,) to the said Edward O. Wilson, Treasurer as afore
said, by deed bearing date the sixteenth day of December,
’ in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, to
' secure the payment oftheanmof two thousand dollars,
with interest at the rate of six per cent.
ir annum, paya-
. ^x per cent, per .. .
bio monthly, from the sixteenth day of Decombcr, Anno
Domini, 1863, on demand, according to tho tenor and effect
of a certain promissory note made by the said Mordecal
Myers, trustee as aforesaid, to the said Edward Q. Wilson,
treasurer as aforesaid, bearing even date with the said
mortage, and that there still remains unpaid thereon, the
sum of two thousand dollars:
On motion of Griffin k Gordon, attorneys for petitioner,
• It is ordered, that the aald Uordeoal Myers, trustee as afore
said, do pay into thl*_Court,on or before the first day of
ihenextterm ~
i of this Court, the principal and interest due
on the said promissory note and mortgage, and the costa
of this application, and in default thereof, that the equity
of redemption of the said Mordecal Myers, trustee as afore
said, and all claiming under said trust to the said mort
gaged premises be thenceforth and forever foreclosed:
And, it is farther ordered, that a copy of this rule be pub
lished in one of the public gafettes of this 8tate, once a
ths, or served on the mortgagor or his
onths previous
d tnai
month for four months,..
special agent or attorney, at least three montU
to the time the money Is directed to the paid, and that such
further and other proceedings be had as are prescribed by
the statutes of the State of Georgia, in such cases made and
provided. «op21—lm4m
E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtuo of an order of the Court
of Ordinary for Liberty county, will be sold before tho
Xj of Ordinary for Liberty county, wi
court house, in HineavUle. on the first Tuesday in Decern-
of Liberty. Sold as the property of James Moody, deeeas
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate.
Ootober 6th, 1853.
M. J. MOODY, Qualified Executor.
vs estate ot tua* rerry, aeceaseu, utiu ui uui county
You aro hereby notified that, on the first Monday in Febru
ary next, »*— -• 4
ixt. we will apply to the Court or Ordinary of this
county for leave to divide the estate^ Ellas Perry, de
September 19th, 1863,
N. J. CLARKE, i-Adm'rs.
^jEORQIA—Bullock County:—To aU whom it may^com
r eern : Whereas, Jehue Everitt will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estates of John
Everitt ana Sarah Everitt:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
...——*-- Te J on
ty, this 26th day of April, 1663.
WM. LEE, 8en’r.,o.B. n
G EORGIA—DuftocA OmmtyTo sU whom It may concern:
Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin
istrators on the estate of John G. Slater, a minor, have ap-
^Thesoare therefore fod^and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary for Bul
loch county, on the ftrstMonday In November next, to make
objections, If any they have, otherwise aald letters will be
^TJTftteiu.Wra Lee, sen’r,Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 26th day of April, 1863.
apl25 WM. LEE. Sen’r, o. h. o.
.. win
county for
, . , ,fog to the estate
late of said county, deceased. J
BBIBBBMIMnCNRY ROGERS, Adm’r de bonis nop. I
WOTlOi.—^montliB after tiate, application will be
made to fhe Court of Ordinary of BullooU. county, for
_. IrtMPprtjttttoWtbeU- . .
or*, and otherwise', during the fleet! year ending the thir
tieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four,”
approved March od. 1868,"via t »
8. And bt it further enacts .That the ~ '
8X0.8. And bt itfurther enacted. That the PoatmaaUl
lersdahaQtouse the facte to bo Investigated In reUtlnr
'-^“-einnsporta -
, — .....oh county, for
leave to sail the real estate of Hannah Cone, late of said
oounty, deceased.
\t OllCE.—Persons having demands against the esute of
J.Y Joseph A. Marshall, a free man of color, deceased, are
v vusopn a. unraiinu, a mm man oi color, ucceaseu, are
requested to hand them to Oriffin k Gordon, attorneys at
law j and tliose Indebted will please make payment to them.
nog*J6 1REDER1CK A. TU1TER, Qual. Ex’
Ion, If any they have, on or before the first Monday
ember next, otherwise said letters will be granted,
ness, J Ganahl. Dep. Ordinary for Chatham county.
N OTICE.—Three months after date, application will bo
mado to the Bank of the Btate of (Joorgla. for pay-
inont of a 160 bill of an Id Bank, letter A, payable at Prin
cipal Bank to N. A. Hardee, dated 23d November, 1847, U,
B. Cummlng, President, the left hand half of which 1ms
*.—*-* J/lo
been tost.
Wltuess, J Gan
28th dky of
_ip. L
September, 1863.
JOSEPH GANAHL, nxr. o. o, 0.
6 C0RQIA—Chalhan Cbunfy j—To all whom it may con
cern: Whereas, Mary Tit “ “ J " “ *
iho estate
Court oi Ordinary for letters of administration on
of Gerald Fltiserald, deceased:
These are, therefore, to elte and admonish oil whom It may
eoncorn, to be and appear before said Court, to inakoobjec-
1 ion (if any they have) on or before tho first Monday in
M 11 I . lil 1-. -.1.1 will U—nln.1
Noevmber next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Joseph Gsnabl, Esq., Dop. Onlinary for Chatham
county, thla 24th iluy of September, 1863.
* TriitL'tlll I, I V I III n n rt
JOSEPH GANAHL, nxi*. o. n. p.
G EORGIA—Chatham Cbunty.—'To all whom It may con
cern: Whereas,‘Henry Williams will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for lettere dismlssory on the estate of
Lochlln Wright, de
ochlin Wright, deceased { .
These are therefore to clto and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make obJec-
ion (If any they have) within tho time prescribed by law,
otherwise said lettere will be granted.
Witness, Jos. Ganahl, Esq., Dop. Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 10th day of August. 1853,
au8ll ,na
JOS. GANAHL, DP*. 0. o. c.
G EORGIA—Chatham Oounty
corn: Whereas, John BUbo
-To all whom It may con-
will apply at the Court of
corn: Whereaa,John
Ordinary tor lettere of dismission aa administrator, ou the
estate of Henry L. Bilbo:
These are, therefore, to elte and admonish nil whom it may
concern to be and appear before said Court to mako objee-
tlona (If any they have) on or before tho first Monday In
November next, otherwise said lotters will be granted.
Witness. John M. MlUen, Esq., Ordinary lor Chatham coun-
r, thla 14th day of April, 1863.
r ’ mmj \i \ttr v ni n r
JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o. o.
G EORGIA—Chatham County ;-
V * * “ “
. ^ -All whom it may concern:
_ Whereaa, John B. Barnard will apply at the Court of
Ordinary for lettere disraissoryaa administrator cum testa-
mento annnexo on the estate of Mrs. Ann Mongin :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern to bo and appear before said Court, to make
objection (If any they have) on or before tho second Mon-
jA t * I i ..i.i _m i...
iv in January next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Witness, John M. MlUen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
eountv, this 14th day of July, 1863.
jy!5 - JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0. O.
^EBROIA—Chatham Cbun/yj-To all whom It may concern:
UTlCBj—On or about Uiejast of April or sometime in
. . Jf April .
Mablest, Samuel W. Brooks, of Randolph county,
State or Georgia, did mall a certain letter at the post of-
fleoat Cuthbei tin said county, containing tho lert hand
half of bills amounting to one hundred and five dollars:
fasten dollar notes anu one five dollar note ou tho Bank of
the Slato of Georgia at Savannah, to wit:
3 ten dollar notes, dated 1st Jan., 184V, A. Porter,Pro
3 do do do do 14th July, 1848, do do
ldo do do do 1st Nov., 1861, do- do
1 do do do do 4th Jan,, I860, do do
2 do do do do 8d Nov., 1844, G. 11. Cummlng.
President. All of said notes being marked with the letter
Also, ono five dollar note, bearing date 80th January,
1844or 1840.No.300.signed Q. B. Curomlng, President;
which all of the left hand half of said described notes were
mnlled tfy tlio aald H. W. Brooks, and directed to the un
dersigned. to tho post office at Dalevilie,Dade connty, Ala
bama, and have been lost or destroyed, so that the under
signed has nover been able to obtain them; and this is to
notify tho President and Directors of aald Bank, that after
threo months publication in the Savannah Georgian, that
payment of said uotos is Intended to be applied for to ‘
officers of said Bank, by the undersigned. v
aug30—3in E. BROOKS.
o the
N OTICE—All psrsons having demands against the estate
MofgaretW Marshall, deceased, will present them;
be allowed to any of the ab-ve mentioned leM 'minerkl
tracts, to be offeied at Mineral Point, untllafter they have
t« the eoiitraetof A. G. Sloo. for the transportation of Uis
mall ttrocean steamer* from New York to New Orleans,
Charleston, Savannah, Havana, and Uliagre*. back, per aet
of March' third, eighteen hundred ana forty-sovon,
for the purpose or ascertaining huw far the contract cor
responds with the original bids, and Khali report to Con
gress at tbs next session ibs fscis snd eircumstsnces con
nected with the said contract; and also for what amount
ths aald mall servlco could be performed If a new contract
ahould be mado, and whether tho ships furnished under
said coutraet are built according to Its tonus. The Post
master General (a further dlrectwl by thla act to aaccrtatu.
and rei-ort to Congress at Its next session, for what amounts
the service, now performed under the several contracts
with the Navy and Pont Olfico Departments for carrying the
mall in ocean aUximera. can be uorenfler performed, upon
the supposition that the United States shall take the steam
ers according to contract, and sell or transfer them.”
Except In respect to the New Orleans and Vera Crus
route, which may be discontinued by tho Postmaster Gen
eral. on tho allowance of one months’ extra pay. the clause
in all tho contracts giving to the United States the right to
take possession of the ships Is. in substance, aa follows :
“ And the said Seeratary of the United States Navy, for
the time being, shall at all times exorciso control over said
steamships, and shall at any time have the right to tako
them for the exclusive use and service of llie United Stales,
and to direct such changes In their machinery and Internal
arrangements as the said Secretary may require; tho cost
of aucli changes to be ascertained by the bills aotually paid
therefor, and tbs proper compensation of tbe value of the
ships, when so taken ha aforesaid, to bo ascertained by ap
praisers to be mutually chosen by the parties aforesaid.”
boon offen d at publlo sale, and beoome subject to private
tutry. .AndtheaAtrtcta wUI Wsotd in such legal subdi
vision* aa will include the mlno or mines at not lt«s than
two dollars and lift* cents per acre; aqd if nut sold at pub
lic sale at such prlco. nor shall be entered at private sale
within twelve moths thereafter, the same shall be subject
to sale as oilier lands.
Thu offering of tho above lauds will be commenced on thu
days appointed, aud will proceed In the order in which the*
are advertised, until tho whole shall hare been offered, and
the sales thus closed; but no snlo shall be kept open longer
than two weeks, aud no private entry of nny ot the lands
will be admitted until after tbe expiration ot the two week*.
Given under my lmnd, at tho eity of Washington, this
twenty-Oret day or Juno, Anno Domini ono thousand eight
hundred nnd fifty-three.
By the President: FRANKLIN PIERCE.
Jou.n Wiianx.
Oouunlsslnnor of tho General Land Office,
Now. Nonet w maiKnr oiviw. that with a view of report
ing to Congress, in aa complete a manner as possible, the
information called for by Congress In section third above
quoted from the act of 8d March last—
Will be received at the 1’ost Office Department, In the
city of Washington, until 3 o’clock, p. m.. of Monday, 3lst
— „_.un, uuh> » w iMwa, P. ni.. of Monday,
dsy of Ootober next, for conveying the malls of the united
and thoso Indebted will please make payment,
aopil WM. J. MARSHALL. Adm’r ad oolllgendnm.
a. i Stowe, late of Chatham county, deceased, are hereby
notified to present them, duly attested, to the undorslgnen,
within tho time prescribed by law. Aqd all persons Indebt
ed to said deceased, wlU make Immediate payment.
octO-flw WM. B. JACKSON. Adm’r.
D R, E, 0 DOYLE takes pleasure in announcing to Inva
lids aud tbe public generally, that the above popular
and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct
ed by T. Carlton Coyle. M D., is now ready for tho recep
tion of patients seeking a restoration to health.
All chronic diseases of the human organism successfully
treated at this institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism,
constipation, hemorrhoids or plies, hemorrhages, amon-
errhrea. menorrhora, dysmenorrlicea, fluor albua, genital dis
placements, affections of the eyes and ears, tetter, ery
sipelas and all chronic diseases of the skin and scalp, scro
fula, dropsy, Syphilis, and the humoral diseases general
ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tlo douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or the falling sickness, virtlgo. naralyals,apoploctictendon-
cy. bronchitis, asthma, chroniclnflamatibn nl the stomach
and bowels, atrophy, and Indeed every possible habit of, or
chrome diseased action that is curable—and all diuates are
curable, If no organic lesion bo present.
Tbe Ladles’ Department is under tbe
slon of that accomi
... -To all whom it may con-
cern : Whereas, William J. Bulloeb, Executor or the
estate of Mary Neufvlll. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the said estate:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu-
lar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at tho olfico of John M. MlUen, Ordinary, within
the time prescribed by law. and show cause (if any they
re) why said letters should not bo granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Depot/ Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 1st day of August, 1863.
», DEP. O. 0. C.
QBORGIA-^CTuiUuim County:—To all whom it may con
cern: Whereas, Norman Wnllaco will «*ppiy nt the
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory as Excutor on tho
estate of Robert Isaac :
These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom It may
concern to oe and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If nny they have) on or before tbe first Monday in
February noxt, otherwise said letters will bo granted
Witness. John M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty,this second day of July, 1853.
Jy3 JOHN M. MILLEN. o. 0. 0.
^J_EORQIA—C7uUAam O)unty^-JTo all whom It may con-
cern : Whereas, William C. Dawson, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estate of
Christopher Dawson, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday
in March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witnoss, Joseph Ganahl, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31st day of August. 1863.
set JOSEPH GANAHL. dkp. o. C. C.
flEORGIA—Chatham County s—To all whom it may con-
lJT concern: Whereas, Caroline
_ _ _ _ __ at the
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on
George J. Zipperer:
These aro, therefore, to clto nnd and admonish all whom
It may concern to bo and appear before said Court to make
objection (if nny they have) on or before the first Monday
in March next, otherwise said lettcrs.wlll be granted.
Witness, Josoph Ganahl, Esq.,Dop. Ordinary for Chatham
county this 17tn day or August, 1853.
aug!8 JOSEPH GANAHL dkp. o. 0. 0.
e immediate suporvl-
pllsbed lady, lire. Jane Matthews, so well
known to the old patrons of the establishment
Tbe focilities'wfilcb this institution offers for the prosecu
tion of a strictly hydropathic and hygienic course ot treat-
., together with Its caslnei '
raont, together with Its easiness of access from all points iu
Georgia, and the adjoining States, renders it ncculiarly
adapted to the wants of invalids, desirous of availing them
selves of the efficacy of the water-cure.
The purity of the water and accommodations for guests,
are too well known to need comment.
In fitting up the establishment noexpenso has been spar
ed that could conduce to make it one or the most desirable
places of resort for Invalids in the United States.
Patients will be required to furnish their own ont-fit.—
These will consist of friction sheets and towels, compresses,
and blankets, for sudorific purposes. All of which can be
purchased hero on tho most reasonable terms.
Terms—Professional attention, use of baths. Ac . 810 per
week—board $6 per week—payable monthly. Servants
boarded and treated for $10 per week.
All letters of inquiry promptly answered. juneO
IRVING HOUSES, Washington, Uittnd of
|jj{ Columbia.-—-The unders^ned, late proprietor of
, French’* Hotel, Norfolk, Va. . having reccutly leased
juve popular establishment, takes pleasure in inform
ing his numerous friends that he has, at great labor and
expense, refitted and furnished the house and provided the
most ample arrangements for tho comfort nnd convenience
of all who may favor him with their patronage.
Having had considerable exporience in liotol-keebing he
flatters himself that families and single boarders can be ac
commodatcd at tbe Irving as satisfactorily ns at any other
Hotel or boarding houso in the United States.
Members of Congress and others visiting Washington,
with a view to reside there for sorao time, would do well to
examine this house before making arrangements elsewhere,
It is eligibly situated at tho corner of I2tli street and I’enn-
sylranla avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart
ments. The building Is large nnd of modern architecture,
the rooms are spacious and well ventilated, and the furni
ture Is new and of tho best description.
Still Heller.—Tlio charges are moderate and in accord
ance with the times, whilst the tables groan with the best
that tbe country affords. Call, examine, and sttisfy your
Washington. D. G.. June 1,1863 je7
Staten for six years from the first day of October, 1854, In
the manner and timo herein specified
No. 1. From New York to Cowes, in England.and thence
to Bremen Haven, in Gormnny, and from said Bremen Ha
ven, by Cowes to New York, once a month.
Proposals for one additional trip a year, each way, will be
‘•No.2. From Charleston, South Carolina, by Savannah.
Georgia, and Koy West, Florida, to Havana, in Quba. and
froni saW Havana, by Key West and Savannah, to Charles
ton, twice a month.
No. 3. From NevrYork to New Orleans, twice a month,
and back, touching at Charleston, (if practicable.) Savan
nah. nnd Havana, and from Havana to Chngres (Aaplnwall)
and back, twice a month. *•
Proposals to omit Charleston and Savnnnah will be con
In lieu of above, proposals will also be received for ser-
vico from New York to Aspinwaii. direct, 2,000 miles, nnd
■ • —* **-*-» Jl '“Bdaysto**—
Long, Andrew
—is ALL*-
M Unll Junu tuuMu, OtUndo H lufbuiJiw, Jrtn
Luer., John Um», Bunul ATUwrflnw, Antonio Uu.
ronco, Jtmoi Lnnnohan.l-otrlck Lonoohon, Patrick LoratL
Ptkmko Lyon. Daniel Minin,Daniel Un!
lum,-timothy Lane, Jowl, Lobman, Jamaa Larkin, Chri,t-
l.n D Lebey, John Lorhln, John Uwler, Vn H Lynn, Fetor
Logan. Patrick W Loo, rotor Loddy, U Leeptrd. Win
Inuhooro, Faroe Loralh Tboe L Lenta. Oeo W Loektrood.
Jemeo Wlch.Thoa w Lana, retet Label, Michael Lynob
"Jt; VHereae, Anthony F Morn, Abraham Hlola
WHllam trout la. JacobManke. UulTorS Uarah. William
Morrill. John Battery, Adotnbo Mode, John HaklmOelert
Murhfnr, Jernee W Morgan, ltatnh Moldrlm, Dan Wallrtte,
lloreco Slono. William It (lay, gunnel S Miller, John Mor-
chi,on, ChrUtUn W Mnjlalnder. Solomon Moyor, John Mae-
terrnn, l.uder Uekrtenr Jacob lienee., John £ Mallrry.D.n.
tj Uicnhard.-niomeaIt Mllli. Jamrc Monnabao, Cbarlae A
Alvin N
Richard , , „. ruuuor
Thomas Meath, John Murchison, Bryan M Morel, Charles if
Milis, John Mahanney. Thomas Mahar, William E Mongin,
John Morris, Jeugen H Mehrtens, Thomas Murtaugh, 8vl-
▼ester II Manning. Charles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy,
Macphertnn U Milten, Isaac M Marsh. Wm B MelLJohn
Murphy. John 8 Jlontmollln, James 8 Magill, David Moran,
Tliomus D Morel, John Mallon. Jerre Mack, Joseph M Ma
thias, John Miller Edward li Martin, John R Martin. Jesse
Mount. Samuel Mansfield, Henry C Mehrtens. Henry K
Montfort. Henrich Wm Meyer, Harvey Morse, Andrew Ma
loney, Patrick Maaterson, John Murphy, Martin B Meyer,
Nathaniel C Mills. John Moran, Thomas A Maddox, Simeon
8 Moody, Isaac Minis. Wm J Moore, Domingo MarUngo, Ed
ward Moran. Abraham F Mordecai, James MMordecai. Dan
iel Mitchell, Thus B Maxwell, Daniel W Miscally. Jacob Mas-
tec. Thomas Maddea. John R Meyer. Emanuel Mendel. John
D Mallette, Michael Morris, Timothy Murphy, Wm Morel,
John U Mehrtens, John F Mulligan, Edward Mulligan, Thos
McNulty, Albrink Moore. Thomas. Mahan, James W Moore,
John B Moore, Edward Maher, Michael MeskilL Michael
Martin. Patrick 11 Mallette. Frederick Mundorf.
BICo—George A Mcueskey, Bartholomew McJnnarney
Patrick McDowell, William McOarthey. Joeeph J McCoy
Lnureuct> McKenna. Thomas McKenna, Daniel McRodraond,
Thomas W McArthor, James McHenry, Michael McQrea
Patrick McGovern, Norman W McLeod. William J McIn
tosh, James McFcely, Alexander McHardy, Angus McAl-
pin, Michael McCarty, Nell McHugh. James Mclnnarney.
John McGunniglo, Thomas 0 McCluskey, James McFeelr,
Pat’k MfcGlolu. Dennis McOulre/John McCall. John McCau-
lilTe, Tlicmas J McNIsb, James McQloln, Edward McCabe,
John McDermott, James McBride. Thomas McAuliffe. An
drew McGreal. John McHugh. Thomas McCollum. Thomas
McNicbolaa. Robert Mclntire. Jeremiah McCarthj, Ijiurence
McManus. Patrick McLaughlin. James D McEltnn. John Mc-
Nlab. Daniel J McKenzie. John McCabe. Edgar M McDonell,
George G N McDonell, William McKendre, Michael McNal-
by, Peter McCormack. John McMahon, James McDonald,
Jtmoph 3 McDonell. Michael McCullough, Jeremiah JfcCar-
thy, John U Mclntire, Daniel McCarthy, William McFaugb-
an. Thos W McCIane,
. N.—George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor. Daniel Nelson,
Samuel Nuttman.James SNeldlinger, Nntlil Nungnzer. John
0 Neidlinger, William Q Norwood. Jacob Nowberger.GIlbert
NNoyle,Thomas H Newell, James A Norris, John It Nor
ton. Robert C Nock, James Nungnzer, William Nungnzer.
■ry poison entitled to the right of pre-empt’on to any
of tbe lands within the townships nnd parts of townshlim
above enumerated, fs required to establish the same to tut
satisfaction or tho registrar and receiver of the proper
land office, and make pry meat therefor as soon as praction-
bio after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed
for the commencement of tho publlo into of the lands em
bracing the tract clnimed, otuirwlse such claim will bo
forfeited. JOHN WILSON
jy28tl0w Commissioner of the General Land Office.
back, semi-monthly, in not exceeding nlue d
o the trip
/ VEORGIA—Chatham County i—To all whom it may con-
\JT cern: WheresH, I’hincas JL Kr" ’• -***--
Kollock will apply at the
Court ot Odlnary, for letters of dismission asoxecutoron
’.he estato of Jliss Priscilla Houston:
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom itraay
concern, to oe and appear before said Court to mako objec
tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in
Jnfluary next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Witnoss. John M. MlUen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty this 1st day of July, 1863.
Jy2 JOHN M. MI IJ JIN o. o. o.
t l EORGIA—Liberty CountyTo nil whom It may con-
r cern: Whereas, S H Per ”*—
cern: Whereas, S H Perry will apply-to tho Court of
Ordinary for letters dismlssory os' administrator on the
estato of Abial Perry:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern to bo and appear beforo said Court to make
objections, if any they havo, within tho time proscribed by
law. othorwiso said letters will bo granted.
Giron under ray lmnd at tills office tills 3d day of Septem
ber, 1353. sop7 W. P. GIRARDEAU. 0. L. 0.
^JEORGLA—Liberty County:—'To all wljom it^ inay con-
_ cern: Whereas, V. Orest will applyat the Court of
dinar/ for lotters dismlssory aa administrator on tho est
of F. Cottman;
These aro, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it
u to bo ami appear before said Court to make
may concern to bo ami appear
objection (if any they have) within tho time prescribed by
law, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Given under my lmnd at tills olfico. this 1st day of Au-
wst 1863. augfi W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. L. n.
^TEORGLV—Liberty Cbunly.—All persons concerned are
r hereby notified, that sixty days after date, I shall np-
' "toOn ‘ '
pl|r to tbe Court of Ordinary of Liberty county for leavo to
the late James Moody, deceased, of said county, for the
benofit of the creditors of said estate and for tlio purpose
of a division of said estate among tho heirs and distribu
tees of said estate.
aug4 M, J. MOODY, Ex’or.
G EORGIA—HuUoch County r—Slxty days after date an
plication will be mado to tbo Court of Ordinary of Bul
loch county, for leavo to sell all the real estate of Josiah A.
Parrish, lata of said county, deceased.
Octobor 8d.l863. oct6
^JEORGIA—Rryan County Whereas. Z.^E_ Dutton, ad-
uuou tho estato or Henry Dutton, deceas
ed will apply to tlio Court of Ordinary of this county, for
.... ••ijnUaonr:
letters dismlssory.
These are therefore to cite all concerned to file their ob
jections, (if any they have) In terms of the law, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
apl28 . A. II. SMITH, o. b. o.
' /"t EORQIA—Camden CountyTo all whom iimaycon-
VI corn: Whereas.Geo. G. Flemming, guardian of Sarah
Ann Taylor, appllea to me for letters dismission from said
These are. therefore,to cite and admonish all whom it may
eoncorn,to be and appear at my office,within the time pre
scribed by law. and show cause. If an/ they have, why let
ters dismission should not be granted said applicant.
. Witness, James H. Helveston, Ordinary for Camdim coun
ty, this 8d day of October, 1863.
octll—40d ■JAMES H. HELVECTON, o. c. C.
.QEORGIA—Camden County t—TO' all whom it may con
cern : Whereas, George W. Thomas, one of the exe
cutors of tbe estate of Wm. T. Hopkins, will apply to tbe
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the said estate;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
theklndradand creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed W law, and shew
cause, (if any they have,) why letters dismtssory ahould
not be granted the said applicant.
, Witness, J. H. HslTestomEsq.,Ordinary for Camden coun.
ty, this 2«ih day of May, 1863.
may2fl J. H. HELVESTON, o. c. c.
G EORGIA—Camden County t—To all whom it may con
cern : Whereas, J. H. M. Clinch, guardian of H. A. and
i dismlssory from
JT cern: Whereas, J. H. M. Clinch, guar
N; B. Clinch, applies to me for letters
’ told guardianship]
“ These are therefore to cite and admonish all ooncerned to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law. and show cause (if any they have,) wh/ letters of
dimitsion should not be granted to the aald applicant.
- Witness. Janies H. Helveston. Ordinary for Camdon
^h day of May, 1868.
ofGaapsr Rosey, dsesaasd'
ThMkkM. thiretbn, to e|U hud hdmonlah .11 whom It
n«jooneoiy,to)y u4 ., w Men uld Court to moho
rt>Joetton,lf «hjr thiiluT.,oo orbolbre tho Brit Monitor
laMor.mbern«rt|Oih.rwl» uld uttor. .til bo gnotod.
• Z MIU.o F^ Ordloa.jforChottum
Count/, this 6 th day of October Arm.
* ig J0 «X «. MILLEN, o. o. o.
^MOmU-pMUmamM:-Totil,Uom Itm.,cun.
- WAJ&HZlVs-j- 2rSS5?t.J»i. *ppir »* «M
tate ofBsoJamlu Bsvll, deceased:
-. These toe, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
• aayoontorn t to be rndappsar before saldOpyt to wake ob.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl, B»q., Dtp. Ordinary for Chatham
tfr". .. on.
for letters of administration 09 the es-
■“— late of Chatham county,
*, to cite and admonish allwhom It m*y
«r bsfbto said Court to make otyeo •
1 or before the drat Mood*/ In
1 said letters will be granted.
I, Deputy. Ordinary for Chatham
~ 4 ~wb*r.lR6S,
QEOROIA—Liberty fbunty—To nil whom ff msy con-
r cern: Wliereas. William J. King. Sr., will apply fi
Or. B. U. Kin;
letters of administration on tbe csluto of Dr. B. U. King,
kto of said count/, deceased;
These aro, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear beforo said Court to make
objection (if any they have) within the time prescribed by
law. otherwise said letters will tie granted.
Witness, W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty county,
this 24th uay of September, 1863.
sep29 W. P. GIRARDEAU. 0, t. c.
^JEGRGIA—Liberty County •*—To all whom It may con-
cern: Whereas, Mary J. Way will apply to tho Court
Ordinary for letters dismlssory on tlio estate o( Nathaniel
J. Way, Into of said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite anil admonish nil whom it
may concern, to be ami appear before said Court, to make
objections, if nny they have, within tlio time prescribed by
law, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, W. P. Girardeau. Esq., Ordinary for liberty
county, tiffs 2fth day of September. 1863.
sep20 W. P. GIRARDEAU. 0. L. 0.
cern : Whereas, Mrs. Sarah G. Bluo will apply at the
Court of Ordinary forlettorsof administration on tho estate
of James Blue:
Tliose aro therefore to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear beforo said Court to make
objection, if any they havo. op or before the first Monday
in November next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Given under my haud this twentieth day of September,
p22 A. A. DeLOBMK, Onlinary.
M iuiiiiuou oxiDiurr ooalid.—ti iu ironuiu,uu mu iirni
Tuesday in December next, in front of tho court
houso door, in the city of Darien, between tbo legal hours
of sale, tbe following property, to wit: Threo tracts of
land, containing three hundred (3001 acres, originally sur
veyed and granted to Mosm Hornsby, situate in Glynn
county; also, seven tracts of swampland, containing twen-
ty-one hundred and fifty (2160) acres, originally surveyed
and granted to Alexander McCart/, J. E. B. DeLormo and
A. A. DeLorme, situate, 1/ing and being in the county of
....—.. ...... .... foot,1 0 f j an( j is levied on aa the
McIntosh: the above ten tl
property of A. A. DeLorme. to satisfy a tax execution, is
sued b v tbe Tax Collector of Mclntosu county. Amount of
faxes duo $18 01 and cost.
C. O’NEAL, Pep, B. M. C.
jgXECUTOR'S SALE.—WlU be sold, on the twenty-eighth
oi iaio iwuort lxjuo. ucccosuu.
his estate, consisting of several t
Joining th# abovo namod place,
six miles above Jencke’s Bridge,
of tbs late Robert Cone, deceasod. in Bulloch count/, ail of
sral tracts of land, at and ad-
ilace, on the Mllledgevillo road,
six miiea »uut«j jcnc»o'» Bridge, and bounded on tbe east
b/Great Ogeeche River, containing seventeen or eighteen
hundred acres, and one forty acre lot in Cherokee, No. 181,
8d district, 2d section; likely negro roan, and one
horse, together with cattle, hogs, and sheep, also, housohold
tchei ' “ m "'* _ - — —
and kitchen furniture. Terms—Twelro months credit with
small notes and approvod security.
AARON CONE, Qualified Executor.
September 17th, 1863 sep27
S TATE OF GEORGIA— IFayne Cbunly 1—All persons con*
ceraed are hereby notiflod that two months after date 1
shall apply to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of said
oounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell one eighty-aero land warrant, for the benefit of Geo.
W. R. Rumpb, orphan and minor child of Jaeob Rutnph,
deceased. JOHN D. RUMPH, Guardian.
Wayncavllle,8ept. 20.1863. »opl8
VTOTICK.—Four months after date, application will be
i-v made to" 1 -»*»-•» — • *
0 the Oourt of Ordlnarv. for leave to sell all
— Inarv. n
the lands belonging to the estate of Henry Gsonon, doc’d.
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
W. J. CANNON, Adm’r.
[VrOTlCE.—Three months after date application will be
lY made to ‘ “ - .... rx. .
made to the Planter* Bank of the State of Georgia,
for renewal of Scrip, No. 348, dated April 20th, 1840. for two
Shares, and No. 16, dated July 22d. 1848. for four Shares.
_ . . on Estate of F. Kottman.
LnnntTT COOETr, July 80.1863. July 30-3 tn
MhaviDf.demandsaralnst the estate
those Indebted to said estate are requested to make imm«
diate payment to MARY R. CASS ELS,
lf»J : • QtollfledBKqwtrtE
ii. S. lllfiNNBTT at co.,
Having purchased tho entire interest of Mr.
J. C. Tiuuinton iu Uis Carriage establlslnncntin
this city, most res;>cclfully solicit a continuation of tbe ...
tensiro iiatronage so liberally bestowed on the late proprie
tor. It Is our intention to keep a large and extensive as
sortment of all kinds of Carriages, suited to- this market.
The late proprietor. Mr. J. C.Thornton, will act as our agent
at tho north, for the purchase and supply of our establish
ment. His experience of twenty years in tho business at
the South, will insure to our friends and patrons such a
well selected stock as cannot fall to give entire satisfaction,
Mr. Bknn'btt will givo his personal attention to all kind of
repairing, as heretofore. LEWIS S. BENNETT.
A CARD.—It will be seen from the above, that I have sold
out to Jlessrs. L. 8. Bennett & Co., and I have every confi
dence in tho ability of these gentlemen, both in capability
and capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep
up tho reputation of the establishment.
Mr. Lewis S. Bennett has been my foreman for the lost
two years, and I take pleasure In recommending him to the
public aa an iudustrious. capable and deserving man. wiio.
while looking to his own interest, will not neglect thoso of
his patrons.
In relinquishing my business in this place, 1 take tlio op
portunity to say, that it is uot from nny dissatisfaction
whatever. Since my residence in the city of Savannah. I
have been kindly nnd generously treated, and liuve suc
ceeded much hotter than 1 anticipated.
In the course 1 have just taken. I hare been prompted by
considerations of a privato characteraltogetlier; wherever
I may be. I shall always carry with me tho liveliest sense
of obligation, and cherish tlio deepest interest in the pros
perity nnd advancement of the city nnd Its peoplo. Noth
ing will do more to effect this, than tho sustaining of n
healthy and honorable competition. Let thegoojl peopled
tbe City and State seo to It. J. C. THORr"
Savannah, 9tli May. 1853.
N. B.—Mr. H. D. W.
Alexander is roy legally authorized
agent for the transaction and closing up of my business.
maylO.1, C. THORNTON.
C HOICE HAMS. Ac.—Just received—200 choice Reynn
extra Ilam«. 5 hhds Bacon Shoulders, 10 bbla leaf
Izml. 10 half bbls Pig Pork, 6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 26
bbls Stuart’s crashed and clarified Sugar, 60 boxes Ueadel’s
Soap. Starch and Candles. 20 dozen Water Pails, 30 do as
sorted Sorub Brushes. 50 do assorted Clothes Lines, 30 boxes
ground Coffeo. 30 do Mustard. 60 gross sound wood Matches,
30 dozen Washboards. 60 bbls white wine Vinegar. 10 bbls
N 0 Syrup. Ac.. Ac., for sale, wholesale nnd retail, at tho
comer of Broughton nnd Drayton streets, by
new Codfish, 10 bbls extra No 1 Mackerel. 20 boxes new
scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls Haw's corned Reef, 60 bbls ex
tra choice Canal Hour For sale, wholesale and retail, at
tbo corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
F loor oil cloths.-
Clotlis. In every vi
-Tho most complete stock'of Oil
y variety of patterns and colors, varying
in widths from ono to eight yards. Families and hotel keep
ers cAn cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. H. GUION. Agent, Carpet Warehouse.
_fob6 140 Congress and 67 8t. Julian-sts.
G old pens and pencils and steklpens.—Ju7t
received, a fine assortment of gold pens nnd penoils
double and single extension ; also, a variety of fine
pensJer cheap at the book a’ore of
aptlS S. B. ^'Pf.FY l-'i6Congreaa- «trm*
S UGAR.—22 hhds choice Porto Rico Sugar 00 bbls Stuart’s
Re lined and Clarified do, 10 boxes do Loaf do, 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses, 60 do Hiram Smith aud pure Gene
see Flour. 60 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers. 26 do and
100 kegs prime Leaf Lard. 60 boxes selected new Cheese. 100
doStar Candles, 80 do Beatlell's 6’a and 8's patent tallow do,
landing aud for sale by
M PREXDERGAF5T k CO. have just received a small
• ease of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocado, black grenadines. An assortment of vory
* ' * ‘'ogsandedgf # *—
nice cambric insertlngsandeaglngt; one case of superio’t
Italian sewing ailka, which with a very complete assort
moot of general dry goods, they offer on very low eta)
terms, at 178 Rrougbton-street-
ap!38 Opposite St Andrew’s Hall
and Jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mull muslins;
plaid and striped jaconet and Swiss muslins ; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered 8wiss muslin; white and
organda muslins; colored linen lustres; and a fine assort
ment of ladies’ and gentlemen’s linen cambric handker
chiefs. m9 AIKEN k BURNS.
B ACON, HAMS AND CANDLES.—26 hhds bacon sides 1
600 Rolosons’s hams, 100 boxes adamantine candles
In store and for sale by
may 20
E 1
MERSON’S RAZOR STROPS.—These celebrated Strops
l are made and warranted by Charles Emerson, and aro
superior to any othora now in use. Purchasers ahould be
sure aud get the genuine 8trop, aa there are numerous
counterfeits bearing the samft name, the most of which are
worthless. Tho genuine Strop can be had of
*pH8 W. W. LINCOLN. Monnment Bguare,
E NGLISH VERMIN DESTROYER,—-This article is eaten-
stroly used In England for destroying all kinds of bugs,
worms, Ac. For Roaches and Ants, there is nothing equal
to It. It has been fairly tested in this city, and can bo re
lied npon as an effectual exterminator of all kinds of Terrain
/CHERRY LOZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherry Lozenges,
V for coughs, colds, and infienzaa. These Lozenges will
be found much more convenient than any of the liquid
preparations, aa they can be carried about the person, and
always ready for use when the cough Is troublesome, thus
preventing a violent attack of coughing and constant irri
tation of the lungs. Just received and for sale by
dee* W*. W. LINCOLN. Monnment Square.
E LECTION NOTICE.—On Thursday, 6tb of October next.
Council will elect a Cltv Treasurer, to fill the vacancy
occasioned by tbe death of Joseph George, Esq. late City
Treasurer. Applicants will hand in their applications to
roe, stating the names of their socarities, before 10 o’clock,
A. M., of that day. Annnal salary—$800 and foes; Bond—
$10,000. By order of Connell
scp24 EDWARD G. “WILSON, Clark.
•pALTIMORE^UR-Wbblsfrom nswwh*at~Undlng
"JlUTTER AND FI/KJR—20 kegs selected Goshen Butter
JLj 28 bbls pare OsnseseFtopw 28 do Oram Smith’s ex
ir; l
2.000 miles, and back, semi-monthly. In not exceeding ten
days to the trip each way; and from Now Orleans to Aspin-
wall, direct, 1.400 miles, and back, semi-monthly, In not ex
ceeding aoven days to the trip each way.
No. 4. From Panama, New Granada, to San Diego. Cali
fornia, Monterey. San Francisco, and Astoria, in Oregon,
twice a month each way—touching. If practicable, at Port
Orford, In Oregon, and at such other Intermediate port on
tlio coast of Oregon or California as In tho opinion of the
Postmaster General the public Interests may require.
The schodulrs of Nos. 3 and 4 must bo so arranged as to
mako due connexion at tho isthmus of Panainn. thus form
ing a continuous route from New York, Ac., to Astoria and
back, twice a month.
No. 6. From New York to Liverpool, in England, anil
back, twentv-six trips per annum, at such times as the
.. . - • ■ ,f NI
S EC. 'l.—Ue t'f farther enacted by Uot authority of the tame,
Thut from and after the passage of tills act all persons
shall be qualified to vote nt elections for Mayor and Aider-
men of tbe city of Savannah and thu hamlets thereof, who
are citizeusof tho Uuited States, havo resided In the Statu
of Georgia for one year Immediately precoding the election
anu within the corporate limits of Savannah for one mouth
immediately preceding their registration, and continue so
to do up to tlie timo of election, who liave attained the nge
or twenty-one years, have paid all city taxes or liave In
their own right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax exe
cutions which may be ngninst them, who have made all re
turns required bv the ordinances of the city, and have boeu
registered according to the provisions of thla act. ** *
from Use Registry Law. patted Jan. 22,1852.
Tlio following named persons have registered their names
slneo thu first or January, 1853, aud up to dato.
A—Matthias Amorous, John W Anderson, David Abra
hams. Charles Arnold, Goorge A Ash, Robert Austin. George
Alexander, Charles B Ash, William U Andrews, Georgell
Ash. .lohu S Acbnrd. George W Anderson, Stewart Austin.
Benjamin R Arm-drong, Thomas A Sskcw. Thomas ArdL-n.
William Andre. Jus Aliearn, Edward C Anderson Richard
W Adams. Richardson F Aiken, Richard D Arnold. Adolphe
Abrahams, John Anglin, Bunjumin Arnold, Henry D W Al
B.—.Benedict Bourquln, John W BIze. Gilbert Butler.
John Plloifeuillet, John V Barber. Julius Uacharnch. George
L Blount, Antou Borchert. Joseph Black. Alexander Francis
Bennett. James 11 liushtor. Michael Holey.Claudius K P-inie.
Clms W W Bruen. James M Butler. Hyman KByck. William
J Bandy. Edwiullliucou. Wm James Bullocu. Siegumn-i
Berg. Milton J Buckner. John Boston, llenrr 3 Bognrdus.
William 11 Bulloch, Patrick Hulkley, John W 'Beasley. John
U Barnwell, James T Buckner. Anthony Busier, Thonny- A
Brown, John Burns, Joseph H Burroughs. Berrien M It Bur
roughs. William F Brantley. Charles H Bell. Eliss B Bars
tow. Peter A Blots, Win Gaston Bulloch. Ikuuc Brunm-r.
John Brunner. Joseph Bancroft, Philip H Belin. James A
Jlrown, Jbhn Maepherson Berrien. Barnard E Bee. Richard
Burke, David Beli. Thomas H Barrett. Edward J Blount.
Wolfe Barnett, Conrad E Dyck. Charles Bishop. Wm BIoIk.
Valentine Brunner.Charles W Brunner. Joseph W Brown,
Joseph 11 Baldwin. Francis Blair, Slichsol Brannon. James
KUullougli. James A Baker. William M Blount, Wm Ben
ken, William D Bashkir, William Burges.George A UoUeuil-
let. William Bcenkeu. Patrick Brady. Thomas U Bulloch.
Henry Bagshnw, William Brunkard, James M Butler. John
F Blukeiy, Michael Roylun, Thomas Bourkn. William S Bus
\ Joseph Bryan, Henry Burt. William Burke. Harvey
Postmaster General shall direct.
Proposals to touch at Holyhead, in Englnnd, will be con
No. fi. From New York, by,Cowes, in England, to Havre,
in France, nnd back,once a month. .
Proposals for changing the terminus of this line from
Havre to Antwerp, in Belgium, and for ono additional trip
a year, each wa/, will bo considered.
No. 7. From New Orleans, Louisiana, to Vera Crus. Mexi
co, and back, threo times a month, supplying Tampico,
Mexico, by a side mall going and returning.
I/eave New Orleans on tho first, fourteenth and twenty-
filth days.
Arrive at Vera Crux same month by tho fourth, seven
teenth, and twenty-eighth days.
l.eovo Vera Cruz every mouth on tho first, sixth,, and
twenty-first days.
• -riv * ” - '
Inge .
L llyrd. Francis S Battley, Henry F Bennett, John Bosch.
John Blount. Samuel P Bell. Michael Barry. Patrick Brad-
Arrive nt New Orleans samo mouth by tip fourth, ninth,
•nd twenty-fourth days.
The proptoaU tn each laatanee should specify the num
ber of day* to-be taken for tbe trip each way. and tbe mode
of conveyance, which must be by steamships in all respects
suitable for tho service.
If contracts ahould be entered into, contractors will be
required to conform in nil respects to the laws and regula
tions applicable to the ordinary contracts of the Post Office
The'bid* should bo sent duly guarantied, under seal, to
tho PostmaHter-Gonernl,nnd tho words “ Mall Proposals—
Foreign Malls ”—written on the face of tho letter.
aep7—law6w Postmaster-General.
In persuanro of law, I. Fra.vku.v Pikkcti. President of the
United States of America, do hereby declare and make
known, that public salus will be held at the undermention
ed land offices in the State of Wisconsin, at tho periods
hereinafter designated, tn wit:
At the Land Office at Wiunw Rivra. commencing on Mon
day. the third day of October next, for tbo disposal of the
public lands situated la the following named townships,
North of the bate line and west of the fourth principal meri
Townships thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-
five, and thirty-six, of range five.
Townships thlrty oue, thirty-two, thlrty.tbree, thirty-
four. thlrty-Qve.knd thirty-six, of range six.
Township* thirty-one. thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-
four, nnd thirty-five, of range seven.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three,and thirty-
four, of range eight.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, nnd thirty-three, of
range nine.
Townships thlrtv-ono. thirty-two, thirty-three, and thir
ty four, of range sixteen.
Townships thirty-threeand thirty-four of range seven-
At tlio land Office at Mknaou. commencing on Monday,
the tenth day of October next, for the disposal of the public
Innds within the undermentioned townships and parts of
townships, to wit;
North of the bate line and east of the fourth principal meri-
Townships twenty-five and twenty-six, of rango twelve.
Fractional townships twenty-one, west of Wolf river, and
townships twenty-four, twenty-five, and twenty-six, of range
Fractional township twenty-one and twenty-two, west of
Wolfriver and Bayou, nnd townships twentv-three, twenty-
four, twenty-five, nnd twenty-six, of range fourteen.
Fractional township twenty-two, west of Wolf river,
townships twenty-threo nnd twenty-four, and fractional
townships twenty-five and twentjr-six, west of Wolf river,
of range fifteen
Fractional townships twenty two. twenty-three, twenty-
four, and twenty-six, west of Wolt river, of range sixteen.
At the Land Ofilceat I.A Chossk. commencing on Monday,
the seventeenth day of October noxt. for the disposal of the
public lands within the following named townships to wit:
North of the bate line anil west of the fourth principal meri
Townships twenty nnd twenty-one. of range one.
Townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and
twenty-nne. of range two.
Townships twenty-one and twent v-two. or range eleven.
Township* twenty-one nnd twenty-two. of range twelve.
Township* twenty-one and twenty-two. of range thirteen.
North of the base line and east of the fourth principal meri
Townships twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, and
twenty-four, of range one.
Township twenty-one. of range two.
At the Izyid Office nt Stkvkxh’ Point, commencing on
Monday, the twenty-fourth day of Octobor next, for tlio dis
posal of tho public lands situated In tbo following town
ship* and parts of townships, to wit:
North of the base line, and eatt of the fourth principal
Township twenty-six, of range four.
Township twenty-six. of range flvo.
Sections three to ton, fifteen to twenty-two. nnd twenty-
six to tlilrty-five.intownsblptwenty-aix; townslilptwenty-
seven. (except sections thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-five,
thirty-five nnd thirty-six,) and townships twenty-eight,
twenty-nine and thirty, of range six.
Sections one. two, eloven to fourteen, twenty-three to
twenty-five, and thirty-six, in township twenty-six; sec
tions, thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-five, thirty-five, and
thirty-six. in township twenty-seven ; sections flvetoeigbt.
seventeen to twenty, thirty, and thirty-one, in township
twenty-eight; township twenty-nine, (except sections
twenty-five to twenty-eight, and thirty-tnreo thirty-six,)
and township thirty of rango seven
Sections one to five, eight to fifteen, twenty-two tn twen-
ty-seven, thirty-five and thirty-six, in township twenty-
four ; township twenty-live, (except sections six. seven,
eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty-one;) township twen
ty-six ; townships twenty-seven, (except section • six.)
twenty-eight, (except sections six. soven. eighteen, nineteen,
thirty and thirty-one;) and townships twenty-nine and
thirty, of range eight.
Townships twenty-five nnd twenty-six, of range nine.
Township twenty-six. of range eleven.
At the Land Office at Mi.vnut Porn eommencingon Mon
day, the second day of January next, for tho disposal of the
following, being residuary tracts of tho reserved lead mine-
ral lands, which were not Included in the proclamations of
the 20th November, 1846, and 28th April, 1861. to be sold
under tbe set of Congress entitled •’ An act to authorize
the President of the United States to sell tho reserved
mineral lands in the States oT Illinois and Arkansas, and
Territories of Wisconsin and Iowa, supposed to contain lead
ore,” approved July 11,1846, to-wlt: •
North of the bate line and east of the fourth pnnapal me
BTThe west half and northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of sec
tion one; the east half of the northwest quarter, the south
east quarter, the west hair of tbe southwest quarter, and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, of twelve;
and the northeast quarter, and north hair of southwest
quarter, of twenty-nine. In township one: the northeast
qua i ter of section thirteen. In township two; the west halt
of the northwest quarter of section eleven, in township
'three ; tbe east hair of the southwest quarter oi section
twenty-five, and tbe east half of the southwest quarter of
thirty-slx.ln township five, of rangeone.
Tlio west half and northeast quarter or the northwest
quarter, the east half of the northeast quarter, and the
east half of tho aoutheoat quarter, of section two, in town
ship two. of range two. .... ... „
The east half of the northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter of the southeast quarter, of section four, in
towniblp two, and the northwest Quarter of ths northwest
quarter of section firs, In township three, of range three.
The east half of the northwest quarter, the nothwest
quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the
southwest quarter, of section thlrty.ln township four ; and
the west half of the northwest quarter or section thirty-
fire. In township five.of range four.
North tf the bate line and the fourth principal meri-
The west half of the northwest quarter of section three,
Intownahtptwo; the east half of tbe northwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, of
four ; the west half of the southeast quarter of six; the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of twenty-
seven, and the southeast quarter or the northwest quarter
or thirty four. In township throe, of range one.
The northwestqusrter of secUon ten. and the west half
of tbe southeast quarter of thirty, in township three, of
™ATthe RMorue*, commencing on Monday, the third day
of October next, for the disposal of publlo lands within the
following section*, and parts of sections, to wit:
North qf the bate Une and west of the fourth principal meri
^ din*.
Section one, the east half and southwest quarter, the
— * * **-e northeast
tor of the northwest qui
the seat half at the —
hwsatqua*.-, —
quarter, of ton,Jn to wnshty nine ; and
Quarter of section L
medy Is certain of teiug susU^^WofT?
proprietors, who will accord t
names of undoubted charaettr
Union, numbering among Th.™ J2
physicians,clerjrrmwieJuora'andm^^i^^rtsiii ;
fi * Ex255. S .n B taSSu I i2!!™ ra l)
THIS invaluable preparation hu 2, '
wberevex introduced, 1 ^opreeed?!i3W* ^ ‘
any other Drenaratlon
Edwin L Neidlinger’ Lewis F Nicoil. Thomas W Neill.Joseph
• S Nott. David B Nichols. John Neill. Kd
Nowlan,Walter .. . _
ward Nugent, Bryan Niland. John C Nicoil, Frederick Net-
tlcmcir. Alexander H Nathans, Joseph Nagel.
O.—John Oliver, Charles E O’Sullivan, John W Owens,
George S Owens. Arminius Ocurlor, Edward O’Byme. Wil
liam C O’Driscoll, Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O'Connell. Dan
iel O’nanlon, Timothy O’Connor, Timothy O’Brien, Patrick
’’ ■* ' 6t‘- "
aerevea Introduced, unprecedented^ fo T.* ft**.
now herald It to the world aa po*s£riL*,f* ,M,l i '
virtues known in the Materia iledK: “* ’
Physicians of tbe first standing fot],, ^
use and prescribe it aa the mostfffMHT.^** 1 ^
Alterative and Blood I
ever known. To the sedentarr
Balm of Gilead. Especially toFem.t-Vi proTt<1 IhfiftW ■
bie condition of recommend?SSfcgTSM ,
point of efficacy to any of the numerous ,0I *M
Mntrated under the comprehensite^f^y 1 *
a Vegetable Spirit, plcount to taku
safe to be used in any state of health! iW
delicate fbmale or Child. ^ * T * n ty tty, aq
- Price $1 00 per bottle.
H 00perl
Hi , V' 1 Barclay street, (Astor HouBtYF""^’
For rale by A. A. SOLOMONS. t u# !i,w %
We would not grow one bud ofhS? I,D ?
mHE great lSSKffiltolBiJJSJ?!
U,, ' L ” ni,b '“ ftfi:
Jiuuiiu •• « CCTIJUI (xufcretaA,
colds, whooping-cough croup, asthma, snd «*,«
and will, in any case where lung* ,undent are liftTH?
ley, Philip Bringman, Augustus Boullneau. Rlcli’d Brown,
Patrick Bradley. Geo Iktnkinan. John Breen. Wm A Black.
Mick Burke, Elward W Baker. Wm Henry Bunch, Burrell
L Boullneau, Richard Bradley. James H Buckner, ltlcli’d W
Buford. Dennis Brnadon. Henry L S Bunts. John J N Buntz,
David Badjerly. Worthington C Butler, Tbaddcu* P Blake
wood, Wm C Barton, Francis S Barlow. Wyatt 51 Bragg.
John A Burgess. William 11 Blount. Michael Burke, Henry
Stylos Bell, John C Blanco, Win II Ranks. Saiu’l V Box. Mi-
cliael Barrett. Michael Barret. Theodore Blots, Win H Bond-
ley. John Bilbo, James Bilbo, Wm H Bourke. Thaddeu* J
Baldwin, David II Baldwin, Wm U Bliss. Iicnj Burroughs,
John Brady, Lewis S Bonnet, Frederica U Blois, W Bratley,
James C Blance, Augustus Uirio.
C. —Solomon Cohen, Bornanl Constantine, David C Cash,
William Cullen. Peter Corb. David Lopez Cohen. James A
Courvolsie, Montgomery Cumming, Daniel DCump, George
B Cumming. Moses Coburn. William Crabtreb. Aaron Cliaui
plon, Daniel I) Copp, Isaac Cohen. Frederick Cook. Frederick
W Cornwell, William P (tark. William H Cuyler. Carrol A
Cloud.Spenccr Currell. Pierce Coudon, WiUinm M Charters,
Cliarlu- Clare. Daniel Clarke. John F Compngninc. George
Culley. Jlyles I> Cullens, Peter I< Constantine.Nicholas Cru-
ger, Henry R Cliristian. John Cordeal, Waliaco Cumming.
Janies II Carter, William Cooper. John J Cornell, James T
Clark. Janies O B Campbell, Samuel J Cassells. Joseph S
Cnrruther*. John D Charlton, Brynn Connor, William Oscar
Charlton, William Cox, Hugh Cullen. James Cleary, Moses
S Cohen, Thomas Corr, Joseph SCIaghorn. John FCarsten.
Charles P Cooper. John Greene Cooke. Henry Cleaver. Jacob
Cohen. Renjamln L Colo, Silas M Colcing. John L Clark.
Thomas W Cooper, Henry Cuxson, Janie* Cox. Robert M
Charlton. James Cox, Francis Canfield. Peter Clara, Jomts
rarey, Thomas Cumch. Thomas Carey. Daniel Cole, l.uke
Christie. Lewis F Cooke, Earl A Crufts, Patrick Clark. Mich
ael Cusnch. Michael Conway. Antonio Chrlstldora. Isaac J
Cohen. Francis Champion, Aaron Champion. Tliomaa Col
lins, Edward T Conner. William Conner. Andrew Conner.
Charles Cannon. Thomas Conway, Richard W Cubbedge,
Francis T Cole, William Carson, Wm F Chaplin, Moses A Co-
lien. Heman A Crane, John Cass, John 51 Cooper. Lemuel
C Clark. Luke Canon, Robert J Coughev. Jonathan A Ca
dey. Denis Clair/. John Cerconely. Joseph V Connerat. Jss
Connolly. John LCopo. A Conies,John A Chamber*.Patrick
Carney.’5Iiclinel Cleary, James ECope. William A Cbok, Bur
ton Centre. Jolin.Clancy.Thomas Cunniff, John Cleary, Geo
I. Cope. Sr., Frederick Curelen, William M Crumly jticliael
Carey, George Cornwell, George N Collins, Richard R Cuy
ler. Uctavus Cohen. Geo K Congdou. Iawrenco Connell. Geo
L Cope, Jr., Jeremiah Cavanaugh. Geo A Cuyler. William H
Cooper, Julius 1) Cerconely, Edmund Cottar. Wm Condon.
Joseph Cain, Charles II Camplleld, James Campbell. Peter
Carrot. Daniel Cromlay. Patrick Cusack. Wm Cannon. Anto
nio Chiesa, Joseph N Cook, Allen Cullen, John P Cohen,
Wm A Conery, George Holbrook Crooke, Wm Cotter, Tlio*
K Clarke. George E Cubbedge, Augustus C Cannon. Cyru*
Chaffer, George Clarke, James Clancey, Samuel 11 Courier,
Georgo Cnusso.
D. —David R Dillon, 5(artln Duggan. Archibald C Daven
port. Isaac Davis. John Daily. Jamcj Dunn. Willia'ro Dixon,
Patrick Devinc.Cbcslev Dugger, William H Punning, Jh-nry
J Dickerson, Albert I< IleLorgo. Isaac D’Lyon. John E Davis.
John Doyle, jr., Isaac DeLarocbe, William 51 Davidson, Wm
II Davis. Richard Dawson, Cliarlcs 8 Davis, Nicholas Dixon.
Lewis L Davis. Francis U Demero. Patrick Doylo. Michael
Donnelly, Morty Dorgan, John Downing. Richard W Dela
ney. Thomas Doyle. Hinmn* K Davis. Sheldon C Dunning.
George W Davis. Michael Daily. Francis I) Dunn. Joseph 0
Davis, John Doyle. Jacob DuLuMotta. John P A Dupon. Pat
rick Dolan. Francis Daly. James H Demund, James Doyle
Patrick Downey. James Downey. 5Iichaol Downey, John
Deacey, Henry Dauoufelser. John Dolan, Jacob Dunnenfel-
ser, Patrick Itevanny, Levi S Dickson, Tlios Dowell. Michael
Duggan, Jacob F ltoe, Wm C Dawson, Mnurlce 51 Demere.
Wm J Donahlsoii, Wm J Dotson, James DcMartin, Burrell
51 Dye, James 51 Dye. Elijah live. Alex'r Drysdaie, Alex'r
Delbanco. Samuel I) Dickson. Wm G Dickson. John Dillon.
Wm Doody. Frederick Dannenfelscr, John I)evunnv.5lltchcli
T Duke. Joseph Doyle, 51 ar tin Dunnagan, Samuel L “
John I) Delanuor.
E^lieory F31is, Peter Endres, John Everard. Richard
Ennis. John Kiskenmp, Stephen Elliott. Jacob A Epstein,
John B Epstein, Thomas Eden, Daniel Egun, Jas A Ernst,
John Endy. Edward W Eden. James Eden.
F. -Joscph Felt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah Fiekling. Green
Fleetwood, Louis N Falligant, Gasnar J Fulton. Washington
FFlorence.Joseph 8 Fay. Jolm G Falligant John C FerriJ),
Andrew Farry. Kredorich Finch. William I) Ford.Sewell II
Fisk. John Flemming, Richard Flanigan. Thomas F'ord,
Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish. Bryan Foley j
Josiah R Fisher. John Foley. Jacob F'riend. Dugald F'crgu-
son.John Flannegnn. James Fountain. Henry K Fort.Benja
min Fiekling. Robert Ferrell. Gordoy F'ayo. Joseph FI Full-
gant. Randolph B Fell. William F'ielding, James A F'awn*.
William BF'leming. Aloxandor Fawcett, Georgo S Frierson,
Charles For, Jacob F’riend. Isharo Krcoraum John Finney.
James Foley. John F’ilzgerald. Frederick 8 Fell, Patrick F’o-
ley. John KInnnigan. Andrew F'latlcy, Thomas F'laliertv.
William F’olliard. Cornelius Flynn. David Fitzgerald. Edw*’d
S F’ultnn. John Folllard, Jared Fitzgerald, Patrick F'itzger-
aid. Lawrence Fitzgerald. Jiloliael Fecly, 5lichaal Finney,
Urban C Fraser. John G Fisher. Wm G Foote. Wm T F’eay.
Frederick Fisher, Robert G Ferguson, Isaao F’erguson. Win
A F’erguson. I’atrlck J Flemming. Dominick-Flatley. Jas B
Foley. John Fagan. Jacob C Fat tiers.
G. —Joseph George. Robert HGriffin. Francis Grimball
Joseph Georgo.Jr.. Itobcrt 51 Goodwin.John B Gallic. David
II Galloway.Seaborn Goodall, Jolm Garamcll. Domingo Gal-
leo, Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross. Martin Gerken. James
EGaudry. PhilipGieblehouse. Henry Ganahl. John F Gull-
martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Ginovoly. John L Graven-
atein. Ebenezer W 51 Gifford. James E Godfrey. George A
Gordon. Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, NlcklosGeil,
Horace Gillum. John S Green. Francis L Gue, Jas Gowan,
William T Goodwin. William W Goodrich. 5lict>aelGearrv,
Michael Gay. Lewis Grenvald, Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith.
James Garray. George Gatehouse. Martin Geiger. Solomon
Goodall. Fllchael Glasgow. John RGnann. Charles Ganahl.
Robert S Grn/. (ieorga 51 Griffin, Julius B Gaudry, William
Garrught/, Hugh Grady, Benj George. John Gallagher. Pat
rick Garnaji. Iawrenco J Guilinartin. Nathaniel M Gilman,
John GiliiLsnd. George W Garmany. Wm EGeffcken. Jolm
51 Guerard. Joseph Ganahl. Henry L Gilbert.' Patrick Gor
don, Michael Gordon, Harvey J Gill
ten Gerdt*. 5!atthew G
... 11 Grady, Wm Vf Graham. John Gotte,
11^—Thomas Holcombe David F’Halsey, William Hess.
Christopher Hussey, Richard II Howell, Qiarles S Hardee,
William Howe. William Hunter. William F Holland. James
Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Hertz, 5IartlnHorn,
Lemuel L Horer. John Haupt. Samuel B Hanpt. William
Henry. Henry Haupt. William W Hendley, Robert Haber
sham, John E Hernandez, Robert, Hutrhfson. Alfred Hay
wood. WilUam Henderson. Charles A Hall. Geo ff Hardcaa-
tie. Robert A Honiker. William L Haupt. Humphrey P Hor
ton, Peter Henry. William Heidt. Levi Hart, Thnmai Hen
derson, William P Hunter. 5farmaduke Hamilton. Peter D
HUzhe’m. CharlezF Hamilton. John F Hamilton, William
Hone. William H Hausroan, David Harrigan, Henry Har
per. Howell IV Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John O Howard,
William H Holmes, Geo Troup Howard. William B Hale,
Guitars A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton.
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris, Columbus 8 Harris.
James B B Harley. Undan Hughes, Prioleau Hamilton, Jno
C Hunter. Dennis Hale/. Jamea E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno
Hall, Peter Hermann. John A Henges, Nicholas lleyle,Geo
IInbbard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edward C
Holbrook. Stephen Hatterich. Oliver S Hnnter. Lewia F Har
ris. WilUam I la veil, James Hackett, Judge W Harrta, John
M Harrison.Joseph 51 Haywood. James J Hines, Thomas
Hefferman. William L Haupt, John Hughes. William Hauz-
elmann, Nicholas Hemsndes John Hamlet, Elisha Hagar,
Samuel P Halsey, David S Henderson. DennisBlanner Has-
sett, Moses 0 Heald. George Haaa, Abraham Harmon. Jaa
U Henderson. Patrick Hart, John G Howard. Patrick Han-
ley. Andrew Hagerty. Patrick Hoban. John Higgins, Ezekiel
8 Harris. Julian Hartridge, Robert B Hilton. Washington R
Hama. John R Hamlet, Clarence P Hollis. Jolm Houlihan,
Joseph B Harvey. Francis Hernandos, Thomas Haynes. Ed-
ward CHongh. Algernon S Hartridge, Herman noeb. John
Hoery, John Horer. Levi 8 Hart. Manrioe Hackett, Robert
R Habersham. James Hackett. Moses Z Henderson. Thomas
Heery, Wm B Harrison, John Harrison, Wm.B Herme«.Wm
J Hart/, Paul Haller, Thomaa H Harden. Francis W Head
man, Dwight Hunt, John B Habersham. 5fartin Houlihan.
I.-aJolm W Ihly, Edward W Irwin. John Irwin.
J_John R Johnson. John T Jones, Jamea R Johnston,
Id ward Jones. Jamea C Jones. Alexander Johnson. William
Bullock Jackson, Enoch 8 Johnson, John D Jesse, John J
Jackson, James H Johnston, Robert Jackson, Wm James,
Peter Jacobs, James M Jones. Peter Edward Jttdennes, C
Jackcra. Joseph W Jackson, Nicola* Jeffries, Thomaa Jone*.
Joseph Johnston. Geo Jackson, George H Johnston, Frauds
D Jordan. Alfred E Jones, John M Johnston. ,
K—Philip Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gefert
Kuck. Peter Krouse. William Kraus*, John W Klbbee, Her-
manKublman, Diedrich Kattonhorn, Nicholas King. John
W Kelly. Jameiw King. Nicholas Kelley. Hanford Knapp,
W Kelly. JamekW King. Nicholas Kelley. Hanford Knapp,
Thomaa Kemp, Wm if Kelley, William Kins, James Ker,
PhlneaaMKoftota,PhRIj^Kean, Noah B Kaapp ; Ae»nJ
O'Connor, Frederick Otto, George W Owens. Jonathan Olm-
stcad. Owen O’Rourke, Henry Oblmeyer, W’llliam H Olcott,
Daniel O’Sullivan, Daniel G Olcott. Francis J O’Neil, Thom
as O’Brien. Frances J Ogden, David O'Keefe. John Ogleby,
John F’ O’B/rne, 51ichae1 W O’Byrne, William P Owens,
Daniel O’Sullivan. Dominick O’Byrno, Daniel O'Conner. Jas
O’Hara. Bartholomew O’Leary, James P O’Hara, William
W Oates.William HOwen
P—Philip J Punch, Thomas Puree. John Poole, James
Potter. Joseph E Pelot. Charles F Preston, William Procter,
Edward Padelford. Edward Padelford, jr.. Elisha Parsons!
Daniel G l’hilbrick. Anthony Porter. Dennis 51 Patrick, Fkl-
win Parson*. George Parsons, FMwnrd Powers. John Postell,
Joseph IV Philips, John F’ Posey. William V Prentice, Henry
CPreston.Thomas Pidgon. John 51 l’alln. Samuel 0 Pan
cost. Charles D Patterson, Orrin C Parker. John I’lialen, Jaa
Potter. Fllchael Prendergnst. Edward J Puree. 5Inrtin Peyton,
Charles Perry, Patrick Price, Patrick Peyton, Samuel Phil-
brick, William F Preston. James 51 Prentiss. Thomas Pitt.
Edward M Prendergnst. George C Puder, Robert W Pooler,
Andrew C Pacotty. Antonio Ponce, George W Pollard. Ed
ward Potter. Antonio Ponce, Richard IVendergast. Andrew
Jnckson.Pollard. Jamea Prondorgast, Samuel L Pittman.
James Pendergaat, Abner C Pomeroy. Joseph B Preston,
Thomas Prendergast. William F Parkor, James Prunty, Geo
Powers. William Parish.
Q,.—William Qimntock, jr.. 5Inrtin Quinn, John Quin,
James Quinley. William W Quinn. James Qunntock. Jr.
R—-Vlilllp 5( Russell.Daniel Robertson, John A Richard
son, William Remihart, George Robertson, jr .Robert R
Rhode*.Henry Robcr, William Roger*, Cliarles E Robinson,
Andrew M Ross. John W Remshart. James G Rodgers. Ber
nard Roden, James B Read. Georgo Robbins. Joseph Rosse,
jr.. David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland. Wm P Rolierts,
John Reilly. Jefferson Roberts. John P W Read. Jas lthind,
Joseph Riboro. Jaeob Roscnband, John P Rogers. Alien
Russell, William Robinson. Janie* Riley. Horace J Ro/all,
John Reedy. Alexander R Ralston, Thomas 51 Rosis.John
B Ross. Thomas Redfren. Benjamin Reed Joseph B Ripley.
Patrick Reilly, F’rancls Ryan. John Rlurdon.John W Rabun.
James 5! Russell, Robert Halford, Waring Russell. Charles
W Rogers, Felix J Rosenburg. diaries F. Ryon. Joseph W
Roberts. F’raucis Reeves, Joseph Rosa. FMward Riley. Dennis
Ryan.Gerson Rosenblatt. Levi S Russell, Chris toper Russell.
Cornelius Rorke. James Ronaldson. Sllclinel Rodiford. Alex
ander R Ralston. John C Rowland, Patrick Ryan. James
Russell. Henry Rynn. William Robkin, Jerejtlnli Ryan Jno
Ryan. Jolm T Rowland. James L Richardsnne. William Rob
inson. John G Richardsnne, Hiram Roberts. Cadwallnder I)
C Rhlnd. taints Rynn. James L Rossignol. F’rancN J Ruck-
ort. Joseph I) Rogers. Tliouiaa Ryan.TobirsRotlileder, Louis
Robidcr. Fllchael J Reilly. William F' Richardson, George
Rarnsjieck. William Riley. William Ritchie.
S—Patrick K Shiels. Henry Seltzer. Wm Henry Stiles,
Patrick Smith. Frauds Sorret. Samuel S Sibley. Edward A
Soullard. Abraham Simpson. Lizar Solomons. John A Schaf
fer. Frederick Schaffer. Francis F’ Sirobbart, Francis Sheila,
Hannan Silber, Joachim R Sansaey. Janies J Snider. Jolm
Savago. Fbira Stacy. James 11 Sandiford, Jacob Sliaffer.Con
rad Schnlder. John G Sexton, John H Strous. John F'Stur-
tevnnt. Walter W Smith. F’rancis M Stone. Emanuel Shef-
tall. John llStegin. Alexander J C Shaw. Farley R Sweat.
James F Stokes. John A Staley. Aoner Sawyer, Samuel B
Sweat. James Sullivnu, Solomon‘Fbeflall, Daniel T Scran
ton. Daniel H Stewart. John Slone. William Salte. Joseph D
Stebbius, Jacob Spang, William Sbinncrs, John Shuuzel.
Matthew Shannon, Dennis Sullivan, Philip*Smith, John
Siiwink, James Shea, James P Screven, Thompson I. Smith.
William Swoll. Richard f-’canlan, Alexander A Smuts. Wil
liam H Smith,’ Andrew Steafvater. Fidwanl J Sanders, 5Inr-
decal Sheftall. Sr.. Jacob A Shaffer. Herman Sangstoch. Jas
M Stripling. F’rancis Sawyer, Timothy Shcridon, John Scud
der. JamesSkinner. Lewis Smith, John Sbca. Geo ISpen
cer. Samuel L Speisegger. Simon Santirn. Thomaa Smith.
James Shephard. James Skinuer. Georgo Simmons. Tliomaa
Smith. Thouias Scalley, George J Smith, John Stoddard.
Jesse J Smith. John BSpan,Capt John Stevenson. Dr Jnnios
51 Schley. Thomas Saunders. Jo in Steinberg. Wyatt W
Starke, William Starr. William J Stafford. William R Sy
mons, Patrick Scnnlan. Joseph Sullivan, John Sullivan, John
Scnnlnn, George N Staley, Henry Stark. George Shultz. Dan
iel Sullivan, Henry Saunders, Charles FI Smith. Samuel Sol
omons, Edward J Saunders, Thomas F' Stevens, Newton
Stripling, William Star. Jr., Amos Scudder. James 8wnn
Sullivan. Adam Short. John Sherlock, William Sanders.
Glares Schrcck. Flpliraiui Scudder. Augustus Sclicldenian.
. Joiin Sullivan. Martin Sullivan. William F' Sliearer, Nicho
las Sinnot, Fllchael Sheiian. Joiin Shellman. Julius Smith,
Georgo W Stiles. Pntrick'.Sullivan, James EStirk, William
Ub. •
tain life, check the ulceration and nta th. 2,2!^
lietlth. Till. U cot «n Idlpta... not" thi lSSf 1 "!
into the market without a thorough trial boi C^ll
be/ond a doubt, thatr.bat has bfoswrtsd m
‘‘The sentiment.that consumptioncsrmot
destroyed more lives tlisn the disease itaelf
But there I* llopet* T '" 4Ua -
The proprietor, by the use of this srUcl^ndHS
or Providence was »Ued when he wupJoB W# «d»S
The lozenge is perfectly hsrmleMln ita nature iUn.
Smith. John Smith. Aliraham A Solomons. Joseph Ft Shell-
man. FMward Scaff, Henry II Scranton. George Stevenson,
Fionlecai Shift* 11. Jr.. Janies C Sturtevant. Moses J Solo
mon.!. Joseph 51 Solomons. Sqlomon Sheftall. James II She
iian. George W Sanders. Henry Straus, Diedrich Shaffer. Jno
E.5t11well,NelsonSmltli.F’rnncis Clement Stebbius.Ricliard
........ cured of Spyliili*. in —-- ..
Sleele. Peter Smith. Richard Smye, James Smith, Henry Flixture. He says he cheerfully rvconjmfoiuii,i» { "’
W Smith. Valentine W Skiff. slders it an invafus’ ’
Valentine W Skiff.
T—Peter G Thomas. John F Tucker, John T Tliomaa,
William S Thompson.George IITltcombf Charles G Talblrd
Jolm D Tenbroek, John Thompson, Frederick A Tupjicr. Jas
Thurrt. William B Tinsley. Barnard G Tilden, Anderson C
Toms. F’rancis Truchelut. William TThomnnon. Jolm Tier
ney. FMward Townsend. John C Taylor. Alfred F Torlav. Is
rael K Tcfft, Lewis FlTebeau, Wm II Tison. John II Thodo.
Cornelius Turbush, Josiah I* Tustin. John V Tarver. Israel
K Tefft, David Thompson, William Thomas, Peter Thomp
son. Joseph R Thompson. Stephen A Turner. John Tanner,
William 8Taylor, Milton Turner. Patrick Tydings, Henry J
Tiedcntnnn, John Timmerman. Henry Tow. Charles Thomp
son, Michael Tonder. Richard TTurner, Marion B Tnlbird.
John Trunipier, James C Thompson, Martin Tufts, George T
” • - -
Tlieus, F’rancis Marion Tlireadcraft, Nesbit P J Taylor. Paul
Tiuimasson. Benjamin T Tlieus, Richard Thomas, Thomas M
Turner. Henry Thompson.
V—Charles Van Horn. David Veadcr Tristam Verstille,
Henry II Verstille. William IIS Verstille. Henry Vielstitch,
William C Vandenburgh, Charles Vandenmark
W—Richard Wayne, FMward G Wilson.William Waters.
Robert I) Walker. Henry F Wiliink. Laurence W Wall, Na
thaniel F Webster, Henry 0 Wyer. Janies T Webb. Henry E
Weed. Smith Warner. Thomaa White, F’rancis II Wclman.
Nicholas Wolf, William White, Tliomaa S Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob Wlneberg, Samuel A Wood. Goorge S
Wait,Giarlea Wilson. Thomas .1 Walsh, John W Wilson. Jo-
Jeph Washburn, Zachariah N Winkler. I^wis W Wells. Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbridge. Giristopher White. Seth
Woodwnrd, Isaac Wilder, Dennis Wynn. James White. Philo
HWIldman, William Watson. William P White. Philli
Woolhopte. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver, Jacob Walter,
George M Willett, Jamea T Welles, James iVhillhan. Enos
Withington. Allen R Wright, Samuel Wilmot, Wm FVilson,
Wiliam Wright. James 51 Wayne. William Thorne WUUaras,
Patrick White, James W While. Richard Wlckam. William
51 Wadley, Jacob Waldburg. George W Wylly. William C
Wylly, Isaac P Whitehead. Lewis Wiggins. William Waters,
James Whlte.Stephen P. Whitehead, James M Wayne. Hen
ry K Waahburn, Gaus Wlttachen, Conrad Waidschmidt,
John. Williamson. John C Wegner. Georgo M Wnidburg. Jno
J Watts, Edward 0 Withington. James 8 Wilkins, Norman
Wallace. William H Wiltbcrgcr, Peter Wiltberger, Simeon
Walter. Joseph W Webster. Amos E Webster, Thos White,
Thomas Wood, Henry F Wiliink, jr.. George S Webb, Wil
liam Webster, Flichael Welch, JohnEWaru, Stephen B Wil
liams. Irvin L Wolf, John Wickham. Michael Weldon, Fran
cis White, Charles W West, Henry Williams. James C Webs-
ster. nenry Wilson, Martin Wenailken, Jessey Welch, John
51 Williams. Christopher Wltsgen, Gregory White, Samuel T
Wilson. Augustus Walter, Robert Waggensteln, Edward C
Wade, Thomas A Wilson, Bryan Wren, Frederick R Wylly,
WhltarilloH Williams, Michael Wall. Henry Welgnnd,Demp
sey White. Jamea G 51 WSrnoch, James E Walthour. Elisha
Wylly. Frederick Wyndlch. Peter White, Henry Williamson.
John Welghm, Aaron Wilbur.
Y«—Dr Fasten Young. Peter Yonson, John A Yonge, Wil
liam P Yopge.
All persons entltleil to rote,'and dosirous of voting at
tbe next election for Mayor and Aldermen or the city of
Savannah and Iiainict* thereor. are respectfully requested
to call at my office and register their names within the
time prescribed by law, else they will be debarred the right
of Toting thereat. EDWARD. 0_ WI130N,
Z—Ed win S Zlttrouer, Jacob Zimmerman, Solomon Zelg-
Gerk of Council.
P HI STEAM Fit from New York, wo hare just received
and aro now opening a fine selection of Plaid Gingham,
. • hlch wo are offerinr at th* low-
also. Mourning Gingham.
s*t passible prices.*
IOARSTTOBACCO. Ac.—60.000 Minerva Cigars. 20.000
I* Union do. 16.000 Irabella do. 20.000 l*in*8t«rdo.
10,000 Oregon do. 25.000 Cheroot* snd Havana Sixes. 160
boxeaTobaicn.various brand; JOdO Jenny Lind twist do.
10 do Lory Neal do do. 5 do Flyera* Aromatic do. 26 do tor-
riUrd’s fine out do. 26 do Rogg’s do do, 26 do Goodwin's do
do. In store and for sale low by BnnnnM
iubenellctai effect, will fc fell In a hoan^r^T
menclngiU use. I-ot all then.try lt.aodifthe»ta#wrtU,
Hre not proved, after an impartial trial, the prlceefthibn
will bo returned, and all agents are sulhoriied tonhM
saUsfoctory ° “ ny C0M whera the article U not jwhcuJ
These I*>zenges are put np In 25 cents. fiOceots aaill
boxes, nnd only need a trial to be fully ajmredateil'
C. P. HUNT. Dajucc. Ga„ only agent for th”?o,
States, to whom all orders must be addressed. folW
Not a Particle of Meratry in It.
A N 1MFALUBLE REMEDY for Scrofula. Kiog’a M
Rheumatism, Obstinate CutaneousF'raptloti,Pia!M
or Pustule on tbe Face, Blotches, Bolls. Chronic Son frit
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Enlsrp-aiest sod hit
of the Bones and Joints. Stubborn UIcsts. Syphilitic Dtar-
deni, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Disewsea iriibg
from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence is Li*
Impurity of the Blood. 1
This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for
tlie number of extraordinary cures efrccted throtwh its
-qency, has Induced the the nraist nqmt
their friends, to offer it to the public, which tberdsnk
the utmost confidence in its virtues snd wonderfulcuiSri
properties. Tlie following tertiBcaUs. selected frontkrp
number, are, however, stronger testimony this then
word of the proprietors; and aro all from gtnUrauinll
known In their localities, and of the highest rwmUVY
localities, and of the highest rcsmtaUtr
many of them now residing in the city of Rlchnsond, ts>
F\ BOYDEN. Fiq., of the Exchange Hotel Bkkmd
known every where, says he has seen the Medidu csM-
CAirrrai’H Spa.mrji Mrrrnui administered In oven hundred
case*, in nearly all the diseases for which It li remould
ed. with the most astonishingly good resold, lie ayi It (*
the most extraordinary medicine he has everwes.
that for three years I bad Ague and Fever of lie nHtty
lent description. I had several Physicians, took laqipii-
titles of Quinine. Ffereury, and I believe sll the Inks i!•
vcrliscd. but all wlUiout any permanent nM Allut 1
tried Ca loin’s Spanish Mixttrr, two bottle* ot wkkhefe#-
tuslly cured me. and I am happy to eay I hare bad wither
Chills or Fevers since. Iconsiderlt thebeit Inek Islk
world, and the only medicine that over reached »it*».
Beaver Dam, near Riehmoml. Va. JOHN IJlNGDEN.
C. B. l.UCK. K*q., now in the city of Kiehmosiud fcf
many yenra in the Post Office, lias such confidence in tbs
astonishing efficacy of Carter's Hpamsr 3Ii mu Hath!
has bought upwards of 60 bottles, which he has finaiD;
to tbe afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never hnovsit to
fail when taken according to directions.
Dr. FflNGE, a practising Physician, snd formerly of lb*
Gty Hotel. In tlie city oY Richmond, uy* lie hsi vitaain
In a number of instances the effects of Carter's Ew»I
FItxtorb. which were most truly aurpriilng. He nayi b I
caaoof Consumption, dependent on thu Liver,* 1 ' “ ,J
fects were wonderful IndeoL
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the lira of Drinker* Monk
Richmond, was cured of liver complaint of 5 year* itu*
ing. bv the use of two bottle* of Carter's Spaoiib Miitrt
GREAT CURE (JF SCROFULA-Tbe Editors of IbeBich-
mond Kepnblican had a servant employed in tbefr press
room, cure t of violent ecrofols. combined wilh ThnW-
tisin, which entirely disabled him from work. Two betlw
of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect care ot bln. ud
tlie FMitnrs. in a public notice, say they - cheerfully w® 1
meud it to all who areallllcted with any disease cflw
valuablo boy cured of Scrofula b/ Carter's Epiabhllu*
ture. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. JA5IE8*
TAYIDR, Conductor on the R. F. * P. R. R. Co, Rklwtt
Salt Rheum of 20 ■«...■ ~ .
Mr. JOHN THOMI’SON.residing in tbe dty ef WrbtoJ.
was cured by threo bottles of Carter's .‘•panlin illiaj*-
Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 yean, and whin*
the physicians of the dty could not cure. Mr. Thooj**
is a well known merdiant of Richmond, Ta,«d ku tin
(* most remarkable. , ,
W5L A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond,Ta, had s won
tlie worst form, b/ Carter’s
aiders it an invaluable medicine. ..
RICHARD E. WF'^T, of Richmond, was cared of w™
and what physicians called confirmed ConiuBpios, q
three bo'tles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. y
EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of tbe Remnt,
has aeen Gie good effects of Carter's Spanish V«Jwt
number of Spyhllitic cases, and aays It is a perltcicw'**
that horrible disease. . „ . M
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. ta.. «nd *H"
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking.
walk without a crutch, in a short time pent
Price $1 per bottle. . n
l-Haclpal OepoU .1 II. WARP, CLOSE * OA. » "
Fllden Lane. New 5‘ork. , pvjj.
T. W. DYOTT k SONS, No. 132 North 2d =“♦**»
d 'lfi!sEIT k
Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere.
For tho cure of Incipient Consumption,^
Debility. Wliite Swelling. Rheumatism, w
liver and Skin, and all dfo-an* arising from imps:
of tlie blood and tbe effects of mercury.^ jhi
S WA15PS PANACEA ha* been
„ «•*
onlinary cure*—for tlie Ct--.-—— . j-#*s|iw
mado to tho direction* and books ^
tis) accompanying the Panacea. Somsot
particulars or cases too frightful for gene
where the patients had been almostea
la, and were deemed incurable by pM'“ D ''
It baa been used In hospitals, and pHvafs ?
has bad the ainguUr fortune of
most celebrated physicians and other so
V. lentlne MolL M. U-ifff'JUyt
W. V. Ifewe..,M. 0 ,Pr«f.
N. Cbapnnn. M. I>.. rrof"f > S'
T. I'arke. H. I). Prn’t Coll«e K
Dr. Del V.lfe. l-rof. ot *““5
Jose Eourencode Lux. Prof, of
. Chipman, Member Royal College guipo***—
W. ferrlPS.I.t.MIm.WtoVf.
lug au innocent preparation, it “* . I
—Panaoka—Phillaii’a," and having
Swaim a tamped on the fealiug ^ for tbsl*j
covering tlwewk. *nda splendidengravu^.
gans, snch aa worms, choheramteVU^uJ ^ fo*
t VARIETY.—Linseed. Sperm. Blsaclmd, Whale and Castor
V OR ; white, red, black and bar I*»d j,SboL assorted,
Dupont’* Powder, X, H and 26 ft kegs: Alum.Blua Stop*.
Borax, Copperas, Glue. Brimstone. 8nlpnnr, Fladder. Indigo
«and Logwood; Sal Soda. 8al Nitre. Saleratus, Sal Rp*om
and Sal Glauber j
Camphor. Gum Aral
lea; Eaaencea, aaaot
irabic, Magnesia, Cream Tartar
isortedi Opedebloc.Pkregori^
Tartar. NuxVom-
rie, laudanum,
Japan end Co-
Caution •« - —:—
K uulneSwalm’a Panacea ®'sWAlM f«<
careful to observe that the nem* (
th* ubels. or they nsey be lgl z^r;._
well calculate
cine* made in Imitation
somewhat similar name.
UmiSh ft FA«B-»£S
them erm jswm.V
tide sdetnli