Newspaper Page Text
>nd .ulher State* i«i reclaim tin
dip iiur- ‘ Tn - J -
UR'S SALK.—87 virtu# of on order o( the
_ w ^, .At Court of Ordinary of Brran oounty, will
before tho court hour* door in tuMooitnty, on th#
M .„..... ado/In December next, all th* land* belonging to
vtbeeaUteor Jeine«CUaton,decceMil,Uteof Mid count/,
Brrtn0»»tj,8»tUmbtt Wt, 1W. MAB811 ' ^ij
TPralSSrRATfiS'a HAUt—Bj tirtii. of H orO.rotth.
\ A Otnrt of Ordlnar/ of Chatham Count/ will be aoM ou
' Saturday, the 8th October. on tho premises, corner of Hut
" Bread and Ba/ strett, all the perUhabln proport/ belonging
to the eatate of Uerald Fitzgerald, deceased, for the benefit
of Urn creditor* and hetra.
' /SlIX'mAM WlKArnrB BALk.—On the Amt Tnoaday Jn
VJ November noxt, before the courthouse door, In the cltv
o* Savannah, between the legal houra of tale, will be *old.
various article* of furniture, etc., returned In the schedule
•* of an applicant for the benefit of tbe insolvent act, and told
- hr order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Catham
count/. Mp» JOHN DEVANNY. Sheriff
— D.—WJuUwfd.
antAM Miuur f'sbaut. 1 oniihuau,—vtiu awiu.
.n the OratTueada/ln Notember next, before the court
e lu Savannah, between tbe legal houra of sale, the fol-
lowing proper!/, to wit: Three negro nlavea, namely, Ma-
. ria. Jake and Laura, and nineteen head of cattle; levied ou
•• to antlef/ a tl. fa. on forecloiure of [mortgagej Issued from
Gliathara Soporior Court in (hvor or Auguatus Myddcllon
against Simoon Z. Murphy. Property pointed out by de
fendant. octfi JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff C. c.
ITNUED.—Will be sold,
• -i J»—To all whom it may eon-
V “F 0x Whtreaa, Joaepb Rosy, will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letter* or admbuatiratiim on tbs estate of
■tUaaper lloay, daoeaeed :
TheM are, therefore, to eilo and admonish all whom it
may concern, (0 be and appear bafur* Mid Court to nuke
objection, if any tbey have, on or before the Brat Monday
In November next, oUierwuo Mid letter* will be granted.
.Witness, J Uanalil. Dap, Ordinary for Chatham county,
thin 28th day of September, 1853.
acp30 JOSEPH QANAHL, pb». o, 0. 0.
G CORO I A—Chatham County *—To all whom it may con
cern 1 Whereat, Mary Ylttgerald, will apply at the
Conrtoi Ordinary for letter* of administration on tuo estate
of Gerald FlUgaruld, deoeaMd:
Thoae are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom It may
eonoern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objec
tion (II any they havo) ou or before tho Aral Mouthy lu
Noember next, otherwise Mid letter* will be granted. .
Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Esq., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, thta 24tU day of September, 1863.
eep26 * JOSEPH GANAHL. DKP. 0. n. 0,
/“lEORGIA—Chatham County.— 1 To all whom it may con-
VT cern : Whereon, Henry William* will apply' at the
Court of Ordinary for letter* dlsmlssory on tho ostato of
Loohlln Wright, deceased j
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It roay
couccrn, to bo and appear before said Court to make oblec-
ion (If any they have) wlthtu the time prescribed by law,
otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Jos. Gauahl, Esq.. I)ep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 10th day of August, 1863.
au8li JOS. QANAHL, pup. 0. c. c.
— ■ - n. *«,w mvh,v v, wamuMj u, wuuuoh cnuntv. Fdp
lMve to aell the real estate of Hannah Cone, late of said
county, doceased,
VJ 01ICK.—Peraon» hating demands agslnst the estate of
AT Joseph A. Marshall, a free man of oolor, deceased, are
roquestedfe hand them in to Griffin * Gordon, attorney* at
l*w 1_#nd thoseIndebted artll please make payment to them.
. »wg26 FRKDKRIQK A, TUPPEU, Qual. Kx’or.
VT U flCE.—Tliree monthi “
AT made to the Bank of
B, Cummlng, President, the left band half of which baa
N OTILE.—On or about tbe last of April or sometime In
May last, Samuel W, Brook*, of Randolph county,'
tsiaieof Georgia^ did mall a curtain loiter at the post of-
_ on the first Tuesday In Norembor next, before tho
court house In tho oity of Savannah, between tho Icknl
houra o( sale, all that lot aad Improvements. situate, lying
and being In the city of Savannah, and known In the
plan of *ald city as lot number fifty-five. Brown ward, cor
ner of Dnytou and Liberty-streets; levied on to satisfy
two fi. fas. in favor of the Planters' Bank of the State of
ttoorgla against ltobert W. Puolor, administrator Caro lino
• M< Fraser, deooasOd, and Rebecca M. Pooler.
oct6 JOHN DEVANNY, Slioriff c. 0.
1 \y on the first Tuesday in November next, before the court
house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours
of-sato, ono undivided fourth part of two wharf lots, or
pieces of ground, situated on Hutchison’s -Island, in
the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, being lots
Nos. thirteen and fourteen, togethor with all the reser
voirs, wharves, building* and improvements on said lots,
and the steam engines and boilers, tbe plaining ma
chine, clapboard machine, saw gates, forco pumps, and all
other machinery of every kind and description In and about
tbe aaid lots or building, (meaning the one-fourth part or
the Oglethorpe stem saw mill.) with the appurtenance*
thereunto belonging and appertaining; levied on as the
property of Edward F. Kinchley and Robert Todd, to satisfy
' all. fs. on foreclosure of a mortgage iaauod from Chatham
Superior Court In favor of George Newell va. Edward F,
Kinchley and Robert Todd. Property set forth In said I). fa.
“pctO JOHN DEV, ~
VANNY, Sheriff c. C.
flee at Cuthbmt In said county, conWnl'n'g the ieftTand
half of bills amounting to one hundred and five dollars;
f«tt ten dollar notes amronetWe dollar note on the Bank ol
the State of Georgia at Savannah, to wit t
8 ten dollar nolo*. dated 1st Jan.', 1840, A. Porter,Pro
8 do do do do 14th July, 1848, do db
1 dq do, 1 do 1st,Nov,, 1861,do do
Ido do do do 4thJan.. 1860, do do
■2 do do . do do 8d Nov., 1844.0. B. Cummlng.
President, All of said note* being marked with the letter
Also, one five dollar note, bearing dato 30th January,
-pr 1840,No.800.slgnod G. B, Cummlng, President;
which all of tho left baud half of said described notes wore
mailed by the sstd H. W. Brooks, and directed to the un
dersigned. to the post office at Daleville, Dado county, Ala
bama, and have been lust or destroyed, so that the urn’er-
slgnod has never been able to obtain them; and this is to
notify the President and Directors of said Bank, that after
three monthi publication in tho Savannah Georgian, that
payment of said notes 1* intended to be applied for to the
officer* of said Bank, by the undersigned.
-..-•n »_ • E. BROOKS.
G EORGIA—Chatham Gounlyi—'To all whom it may con
cerns Wheteas, John Bilbo will apply at the Court of
Ordinary ior letters of dismission as administrator, on the
estate of Henry U Bilbo:.
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom Itroay
concern to bo nnd appear before said Court to make objec
tions (H any they nave) on orbafureth* first Monday in
November next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Witness,JohnM. Mlllen, Esq.,Ordinary (or Chatham Boun
ty, this 14th day of April, 1863.
apH6 JOHN M. MnJKN. o. 0. c.
G EORGIA—Chatham CountyAll whom it may concern t
Whereas, JohuB. Barnard will apply at the Court of
Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory ss administrator cum tcata-
meuto annnexo on the estate of Mrs. Ann Mongin :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern to be aud appear before said Court, to make
oojection (if any they have) on or before the aocnnd Mon.
day in January next, otherwise said lottors will bo granted.
Witness. John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
countv, this 14th day of July, 1863.
jyl6 JOHN M. M1LLEN, 0. 0. 0.
ward G. Wilson. Treasurer, &e.,renut Mordecat Myers,
Trustee. Ac.—Rule Nisi.—Upon the petition of Edward G,
Wilson, Treasurer of the Republican Blues Building and
Loan Association, praying the foreclosure of the equity of
redemption of and in all that parcel or lot of laud, situate,
lying and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chat
ham, and State of Georgia, and known and dlstlngulsliedln
the plan of Mid olty a* Lot No. Fifty-six (60). Brown ward,
of Mordecat Myers, substitute trustoo undor tho marriago
settlement of Kob’t W. Pooler and Mary J.. his wife, which
Mid pruporty was mortgaged by the said Mordecat Myers,
trustee ua aforesaid, (under aud by virtuo of a clause In
tno • said marriage settlement, authorizing the trustees to
S unt, bargain and sell all or aaypartof the property upon
to request of tho said Robert \V. anil Mary J. Pooler, and
. their request that said mortgage should bo made, being
evidenced by tholr signing and scaling said deed of mort
gage.) to tbe said Edward G. Wilson, Treasurer as afore
said,’ by need bearing dato the sixteenth day of Decomber.
in tho year one thousAnd eight hundred and fifty-two. to
' secure the payment of the sum of two thousand dollars.
' with Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum', paya
ble monthly, from the sixteenth day o( December. Anno
Ifomlui. 1852, on demand, according to tho tenor and effect
of a certain promissory note made by tho said Mordecal
Myers, trustee ns aforesaid, to the said Edward G. Wilson,
treasurer as aforesaid, bearing even date with tho said
mortaae, and tlmt there still remains unpaid thereon, tho
nmn of two thousaud dollars :
On motion of UrUBu & Gordon, nttornoys for petitioner,
it is ordered, that the said Mordecat Myers, trustee as afore
said, do pay into this Court, ou or before tho first day or
the next terra or this Court, tho principal aud Interest due
on the said promissory noto and mortgage, and Hie costs
or this application, and in default thereof, that the equity
of redemption of the said Mordecal Myers, trustee ns afore-
•aid. and all claiming under said trust to the said mort-
. gaged premises bo thenceforh and forever foreclosed:
And, It Is further ordered, that n copy of this rule be pub
lished In ono of the public gazettes of this State, once a
month for four mouths, or served on the mortgugor or his
special agent or attorney, at least three months previous
to the time the money is directed to the paid, and that such
further and other proceedings be had as are prescribed by
the statutes of the State of Georgia, in such cases made and
provided. *ep21—lm4in
E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order or the Court
of Ordinary for Liberty county, will bo sold before tho
court house. In HinesviUe. on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber next, between the usual hours, the following negroes,
vis: Frank, about 26 years of age, March, about 23 years
of age, and Nancy, about 26 years of ago ; also. 850 acres
of ill 1 iu land, with the improvements, situate in the county
of Liberty. Sold as the property of James Moody, deceased,
for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate.
M. J. MOODY, Qualified Executor.
Octotrer 6th, 1863. ootO
/VEORGIA—liryan County t—To tho distributees of tho
VJ estate of Ellas Perry, deceased, lato of said county :—
You are hereby notified that, on the first Monday In Febru
ary noxt, wo will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this
countv for leavo to divide tho estate of Ellas Perry, de
ceased. L. B. DANIEL,I
N. J. CLARKE, XAdm’ri.
September IQtb, 1853. sep22—2amlvrptd
G EORGIA—Chatham Countyj-To all whom it may concern:
Whereas. John Kverard will apply at tho Court of Or
dinary for letters of dlsmlssory as administrator ou the es
tate of Patrick Tleruy, deceased :
These are. therefore, to olto and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant in
the Clerk’s office of »Ud Court, on or before the first Mon
day of November next, otherwise letters dUmla&ocy will be
Witness. John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 30th day of March, 1853.
mli30 JOHN M. MJLLEN, o. C. a
/ lEORGIA—Chatham Counlg.—To all whom It may
VJ corn : Whereas. William J. Bulloch. Executor of the
eatnto of Mary Neufvlll. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on tho said estate;
These nro. therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and
appear at the office of JohnM. MUlon, Ordinary, within
the timo prescribed by law. and show cause (If any they
ve) why said letters should not be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 1st day of August. 1863.
July 29 JOSEPH QANAHL. PIT, o. C. C.
G EOIUHA—Chatham CountyTo all whom it may con
cern: Whereas, Norman Wallace will ajtiuy at the
Court of Ordinary for loiters dlsmlssory ns Excutor on the
estate of Robert Isaac :
These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom It may
couccm to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they liavo) on or before the first Monday In
February next, otherwise said letters will bo granted
Witness. JohnM, Mlllen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty,this second (lay of July, 1853.
Jy3 JOHN M. MIIJ.KN, 0. 0, o.
N OTICE—All nsrsons having demands ngalnst tho estate
Margaret W Marshall, deceased, wili present them;
and thoso indebted will please make payment,
sepll - WM. J. MARSHALL, Adm’r .ad colligendum.
Btowo. late of Chatham county, deceased, are hereby
notified to present them, duly attested, to the undersigned,
within the time prescribed by law. And all persons Indebt
ed to said doceased, will make Immediate payment,
octll—8w WM. B. JACKSON. Adm’r.'
D R. E. G DOYLE takes ploasure in announcing to Inva
lids and the public gouerally, that the above popular
and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct
ed by T. Gsbltox Coyia M D.. la now ready for the recep
tion of patients seeking a restoration to health.
All curonio diseases of tho human organism successfully
treated at this Institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism,
constipation, hemorrhoids or piles, hemorrhages, amen-
errheea. menorrliara, dysmenorrhea, fiuor albus. genital dis
placements, affections of tho ayes and ears, tetter, cry
-luelas nnd all chi onto diseases of the skin and scalp, scro
fula, dropsy, Syphilis, and the humoral diseases g neml-
ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tlo douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or thafu!ungalckneM,vtrt!go,par&lysls,apuplectictendon-
cy, bronchitis, asthma, chronloinflamatlou ot the stomach
chron'c diseased action that la curable—and all discaset are
curable. If no organic lesion be present.
The Ladies’ Department Is under the Immediate supervi
sion of that accomplished lady, Mrs. Janb Matthews, so well
known to the old patrons of the establishment
The facilities wliichtblsInstitution oilers for the prosecu
tion of a strictly hydropathic and hyglomc coarse of treat
ment, together wHh its easiness of access from all points In
Georgia, and the adjoining States, renders it peculiarly
adapted to the wants of Invalids, desirous of availing them
selves of tho efficacy of tho water-cure.
The purity of the water and accommodations for guests,
are too well known to need comment.
In fitting up the establishment no expense has been spar
ed that could conduce to mnko It one of tho most desirable
places of resort for Invalids In the United States.
Patients will be required to .furnish tholr own out-fit.—
Thoso will consist of friction sheets and towels, compresses,
and blankets, for sudorlflo purposes. All of which can bo
purchased here on the moat reasonable terms.
Terms—Professional attention, uso of baths, io . $10 per
week—board $6 per week—payable monthly. Servants
boarded and treated for 810 per week.
All letters of inquiry promptly answered. Jur.eO
— ?T .v. one thousand eight hundred and fifty four,”
approved larchH1863,»l*t . <, . .
. “ 8*a 3 And b4itfurther cnaeUtl. Thai the Postmaster
General slall cause tba facte to be Investigated In. relation
to the contract of A. 0; Woo, for the transportation of the
mall in oetan steamer* 'from Nfcw York to New Orleans,
Charles tin, Bayonne h, Havana, ahd Ohagre*. back, per act
of Marth third, eighteen-.hundred., and . farty-wVon,
for tho nirpns« ofa*certaliiiug how tkv tljg. contract cor-
responds with tho original Mas. and shall report to Con
gress at file next aoselon the foots and circuinstanoes con
nected with th? eald contract; and alio for what amount
•the said (tall service could be performed If a new contract
Should he made, and whether tho ships fhrnlshod under
said coutract are built according to IU terme. The Post-
master General le further directed by this act to ascertain,
and re;>ort to OongresS at lu next session, for wbat amounts
tbb servlte, now performed undor the eevsral contract*
with tho Navy and Post Uffice Departments for carrying the
mnlllu’ocean stefcinors. can bdlicrealler parfurmod. upon
the supposition that tbe United BUtos shall tsko the Steam
ers according to contract, and sail or transfer *
Except In respect to. the. New Orleans nnd Vera Crnt
route, which tuny be discontinued by the 1'ostrasstcr Gen
eral. on tho allowance of one months’ extra pay. the clause.
In all the eontmcU giving to the United Stotts the right to
take possession of thp ships Ja. In substance, as follows : 1
*• And the said decretory w the United States Navy, for.
the time being, shall at all tirnek oxorclse control over sold
. atenmshlps, and shall at' any time have tbe right to tako
them for the exclusive use and serviooof tba United States,
and to direct such chtuigesln their machinery and. internal
'arrangements tad the Mild Secretory may require; tho cost
of such changes to bo ascertained by thp bills actually paid,
therefor, and the proper compensation of tho value of the
ahips, when so token as aforesaid, to be ascertained'!)/ ap
praisers to be mutually chosou by the parties aforesaid.”
Now. xoncKis itBHXnv oivkx. that wllh a vlow of report
ing to Congress, in ns complete a manner as possible, tbe.
information callod for by Congress in sectiou third above
quoted from the aot of 3d March last—
Will be received at tho Post Office Department, In tba
city of Washington, until 3 o’clock, u. m.. of Monday, 3lst
day of October next, for conveying the mails of the United
States for stx years from the first day of Octobor, 1864, In
the manner and time herein specified
No. 1. From New York to Cowes, in England, nnd thence
to Bremen Haven. In Germany, and from said Bremen Ha
ven, by Cowes to Now York, once a month.
Proposals for one additional trip a year, each way, w 11 bo
No. 2. From Charleston. South Carolina, by Savannah.
Georgia.and Key West, Florida, to Havana, lu Culw. and
from said Havana, by Key West and Savannah, to Charles
ton. twice a month.
No. 3. From New York to New Orleans, twlco n mouth,
and back, touching at Charleston, (if practicable,) Savan
nah, and Havana, and from Havana to Cluigres (Asplnwall)
and back, twice a month.
Proposals to omit Charleston and Savannah will bo con-
In llou of above, proposals will also be received for sor-
vice from New York to Asplnwall, direct, 2,000 miles, mid
back, semi-monthly, in not exceeding nine days to tho trip
each wav 5 from Now York by Havana, to New Orleans.
2.000 miles, and back, semi-mnnthly. In not exceeding ten
days to the trireeach way; nnd from New Orleans to Aspin-
wul), direct, 1.400 miles, and back, semi-monthly, In not ex
ceeding seven days to tho trip each way.
No. 4. From Panama. New Granada, to San Diego. Cali
fornia, Mouterey, San Francisco, and Astoria, in Orcgou,
twice n month each way—touching, if practicable, nt Port
Orford, In Oregon, and ntsuch other intermediate port on
the coast of Oregon nr California as In tho opinion of tho
Postmaster General tho public Interests may require.
The schedules of Nos. 8 nnd 4 must lie so arranged ns to
mnko due connexion at the isthmus of Panama, thus form
ing a continuous mute from New York, Ac., to Astoria and
back, twice a month.
No. 5. From New York to Liverpool, in England, nnd
back, twenty-six trips per annum, at such times as tho
Postmaster G'-ncrnl shall direct.
Proposals to touch at Holyhead, in England, will bo con
. .—.. jwft#,”'’si | prorvd Beptoml
besllowsdto any of the sb„vs mentioned lead mineral
tracts, to be offered st Mineral Point, until aftor the/ Imvs
been offered at publlo sale.'and Wcohie suhjsct to privsto
entry. Andthssa tracts wilt.besold in. snob legal subdi
visions as will Include the mine nr mines lit noUess than
two dollars and fifty rents per sore; and If not sold si pub-
lie sale si sucli price, ndCsbsll bp entered at private sale
within twelve moths thereafter, tbe same shell be subject
to Sale ss other lands,.
, The Offering of the above lend* will bo commenced on tbe
days appointed, and ttllFproceed In the order in which the;
are sdverilsed. until the whole shall have been offered, and
the salo* thus closed; but 110 sale shall be kept open lunger
than two woeka. and no private entry nr any of the torn!*
will be admitted Until after the expiration of the two weeks.
Given under toy hand, at theeity of Washington, this
twenty-first day.of June, Anno Domini one thousaud eight
hundred and Afty-thrce.
By the President: FRANKLIN PIERCE.
Jomr Wilson.
Commissioner of the General Land Office,
.-Korun to m-xurnoN claimants
Every person entitled^to the right of pre-emption to eny
of the Ipndp within the to#nshlps and part* of townships
abovFouamerated, is required to establish the same to the
sntlsfoetlpn of the registrar and; receiver of the proper
land office, shd make pryment therefor oa soon os' practica
ble after.seolug this uotico, and before tli* day pppoluted
for tho commencement of the public sale of the lunds em
bracing the tract claimed, otmrwise such claim wlU bo
forfeited. JOHN WILSON
Jy28tl0w Commissioner of tbe General Land Office.
S EO. ‘l.—lte it further < meted ly the authority of the same.
That from and after the passage of this set all persous.
II lu. 4. -I^W ^ -
. John Msllerv, AdolpheMode. John. Maklk Gefort
oM»on' ChrUttonW Maylslnder.Bolomon Mayer, John Mas-
G EORGIA—Chatham County t - To all whom It may con
cern : Whereas. William C. Dawson, will apply nt the
Court ol Ordinary for lottors dlsmlssory on tho estate of
Christophor Dawson, doceased:
These are. therefore, to cite nnd admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection, If any they lave, on or before tho first Monday
in March noxt. otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Gnnnht, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31st day of August. 1863.
ael JOSEPH GANAHL. ma\ o. c. c.
Court of Ordinary fur letters-dlsmlssory on
George J. Zlpperer:
These nro, therefore, to cite and and admonish all whom
It may cnucern to be and appear before said Court to make
objection (If any thoy liavo) on or before the first Monday
ia March noxt, otherwise said letterswill be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Esq., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county this 17th day of August 1853. .
augl8 JOSEPH 1 . o. c. c.
/ lEORGIA—Chatham County:—To all whom it may con-
VT cern: Whereas, I'liineos M. Kollock will apply nt the
Court ot Odinary, for letters of dlsmUnion as executor on
the estate of Miss Priscilla Houston:
Thosoare. therefore,to cite and admonish all whom itmny
•oncem, to bo nnd appear before antd Court to make objec
tion (If any thoy hare) on or before the first Monday In
January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty this 1st day of July, 1863,
Jy2 JOHN M. MIl.LEN 0.0. c.
C T EORGIA—liaUoch County 1—To all whom It may con-
T cern : Whereas, Jeliuo Kveritt will apply at the Court
uf Ordinary for lottera dlsmlssory on the estates of John
Kveritt and Sarah Kveritt:
These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be nnd appear before nahl Court to make
Objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Witness. Win. l.oe.sen.,Eaq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty. this 25th day of April, 1663.
ap!25 WM. LEE. ficn’r.o.n e
G EORGIA—Rulloch County:—Toall whom it may concern:
Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher. Admin
istrators on tho ostato of John G. Slater, a minor,have sp
illed for lottors dlsmlssory j ....... . .,
Thosoare therefore to otto and admonish all whom It may
sonoem to bo and *pp«ar at the Court of Ordinary for Bul
loch county, on tho first Monday InNovomber next, to make
objections, ir any they have, otherwise H*ld letters will be
* r Whnosa.Wm Lee. sen’r. Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 25th day of April.1853.
•p!25 WM. LEE. Fen’r. o. B. 0.
& EORGIA—hullnch County:—Sixty days aftor date up
plication will be inado to the Court of Ordinary of Bul
loch county, fur leave to sell all the real estate of Joslah A.
l’arrlsh, lato of said county, doceased.
October 3d. 1863. oct5
G l EORGIA—liryan County .-—Whereas. Z. E Button, ad
T mlnlstrator upou tho ostato of Henry Dutton, deceas
ed will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this county, for
letters dlsmlssory:
- Those are therefore to cite all concerned to file their ob
jections. (if any they have) in terms of tho law, otherwise
said lottera will bo granted.
apl28 A. H. SMITH, 0. B. 0.
/"lBORGIA—Camden County:—To oil whom ii may con-
vT cern : Whereas. Geo. G. Flemming, guardian of Sarah
Ann Taylor, applies to me for letters dismission from said
Those are. therefore,to cite and admonish all whom It may
eonoern, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law. nnd show cause. If any they have, why tot
ters dismission should not be granted said applicant.
• Witness, James II. Helveston, Ordinary for Camden coun
ty, this 3d day of October. 1863.
octll—40d JAMES II. HF.t.VESTON. o. 0. c.
/lEORGIA—Liberty County:—Toall whom it may con-
vX com: Whereas, B H Perry will apply to tho Court of
Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator on tho
estate of Ablal Perry:
Thpse are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may ooncera to bo and appear before said Court to make
objections, If any they have, within the timo prescribed by
law. otherwise said letters will be granted.
Given under my hand at this nfllco this 3d da v of Septem
ber, 1363. sep7 W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. L. 0.
( TEORGIA—Liberty County:—To all whom It may con-
J cern: Whereas, V. Urest will apply at the Court of Or
dinary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator on the ostato
of F. Cottinan 5
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom it
may concern to be anil appear before said Court to make
objection (If any they lutvo) within the time prescribed by
law, otherwise said lottors will bo granted.
Given undor my hand at this office, this 1st day of Au-
*uM868. augO W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. t. 0.
G EORGIA—Liberty County — All persons concerned arc
hereby notified, that sixty dayR after dato, l shall ap
ply to the Coart of Ordinary of Liberty county for leave to
sell tho real nnd personal oiitalo belonging to the estate of
tho into James Moody, deceased, of said county, for the
benefit of the creditors of ju»Ul estate nnd for tho purpose
of a division of said estate among the heirs nnd distribu
tees of said estate.
aug4 M. J. MOODY. Ex’or.
C l EORGIA—Liberty County—To all whom It may con-
Y corn: Whereas. William J. King. Sr., will apply for
letters of administration on tho estate of Dr. B. B. King.
It te of said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to clto and admonish nil whom it
inny concern, to be and appear before said Court to mnko
objection (If any they have) within the time prescribed by
law. otherwise said letters will Ito granted.
Witness, W. I*. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty county,
this 24tli day of September, 1863.
sep29 W. 1*. G1RARBWAU. o. L. c.
G EORGIA—Canwlen County 1—To all whom it may con
cern : Whereas, George W. Thomas, one of the oxo-
entor-i of the estate of Win, T. Hopkins, will apply to the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory ou the said estate;
Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
•t my office within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, (If any they have,) why letters dlsmlssory should
not be granted the said applicant.
Witness, J. n. HelveHton.Esq.,Ordinary for Camden coun
ty, this 28th day of May, 1863.
ma/28 J. H. HELVESTON, o. c. 0.
. .. 1, guard
N. U. Clinch, applies to me for letters dlsmlssory from
said guardianship; .-1
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law, and show cause (If any thoy have.) why letters of
dlmlssfon should not be granted to the sala applicant.
• Witness, James II. Helveston, Ordinary for Camden coun
ty. this 28th day of May, 1853.
maySl JAMES H. HELVESTON 0. a 0.
/1 EORGIA—Chatham County 1—To all whom It may con-
• 9° r . Q J Mrs. Matilda Rosoy, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate
of Gasper Rose/, Accessed:
. These are, therefore, to clto aad admonish all whom it
ma/ eonoern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection. If soy they have, on or before the first Monday
In November next, ofherirtse said letter* will be granted.
Witness John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary fo?Ch*tbsm
County, this 6th day of October. 1863.
octfl JOHN M. MILLEN, 0. c. 0.
VX «ra i Whereiu. Wra. 8. Hr,„u, r „ m , y ltlht
Court or Ordinary for lottor, of rdmtairtmioc on th, ei>
tats of Benjamin Bevil, doceased:
These are, therefore, to cite end admonish all whom It
may eonoern, to bo nnd appear before said Court to moka ob
jection (If any they have) on or before the flrst Monday In
November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
• Witness. Joseph Ganahl, E*q., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 7tb day of September. 1858
*p8 . JOSEPH GANAHL Pie, o. o. o.
rr BORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom It may eon-
VT com: Whereas, William M..Darld«m, will apply St tbe
Coart of .Ordinary for Istttrsof administration on the «v
Ultuxf; J*!pes IUmsldson, lato of Chatham^ county, de-
Thee* *re,thsrefore, to clto andadmonlsbal! whom it may
concern to be and appear before sold Court to moke pqjec
tfon (If any tiiey have) on or before the first Monday in
November next, otherwise sold letter* will be granted, >
Wlthe*«t Joseph Ganahl, Depnty Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 7th fla/,of September, 1863.
—j ( ——'
y i—To all whom It may con-
V W h * r8 **i John H. Btrous will apply at th# Cour
'Ortipwy for Uttera a^mUsory u administrator com toe*
Oeern, to beanda;
G EORGIA—Liberty County i—To ell whom it may con
cern: Whereas, Mary J. Way will apply to the Court
Ordinary for lottera dlsmlssory on the estate of Nathaniel
J. Way. late of said county, deceased:
Theso are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court, to make
objections, if any thoy have, within the timo prescribed by
law. otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Wituess. W. I*. Girardeau. Esq., Ordinary for liberty
county, this 2fth day of September. 1863. .
sep20 W. P. GIRARDEAU, 0. i. c.
t lEORGIA—McIntosh County j—To nil whom it may con-
VT cern : Whereas. Mrs. Sarah G. Blue will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tho estate
of James Blue:
These are therefore to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection, If any they have, on or before the first Monday
In Novembornext, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Glvon under my hand this twentieth day of Beptembe
1853. gcp22 A. A. DkLORME. Ordinary.
M CINTOSH SHERIFF’S SALE.-WIU be sold, on the first
Tuesday in December next, In front of tho court
bouse door. In the city of Darien, between tho legal hours
of sale, tbe following property, to wit: Tbr-e tracts of
land, containing three hundred (3001 acres, orlginaUr sur
veyed and granted to Moses Hornsby, situate In ulynn
county; also, seven tracts of swamp land, containing twen
ty-one hundred and fifty (2160) acres, originally surveyed
and granted to Alexander McCarty, J. E. B. DoLorrae and
A. A. DeLorme, situate, lying ana being in the county or
McIntosh: the above ten tracts of land Is levied on as tho
property of A. A. DeLorme, to satisfy a tax execution, is
sued by the Tax Collector of McIntosh county. Amount of
' du "
taxes due f 18 61 and cost.
0. O’NEAL Pep. 8. M. C.
E XECUTOR’S SALE.—^Will be sold, on tbe tw«bty-eighth
day of Norembor next, at publlo outcry, at the house
of th* late Robert Cane, deceased. In Bulloch oounty, all of
his estate, consisting or several tracts of lend, at and ad
joining the above named place, on tho Mllledgevillo road,
six miles above Jencke’s Bridge, and bounded on tbe east
by Great Ogeeche River, containing seventeen or eighteen
hundred acres, and one forty sere lot in Cherokee, No. 181,
3d district, 2d section; also,ono likely negro mau. and one
horse, together with cattle, bogs, and sheep, also, household
and kitchen furniture. Terms—Twelve months credit with
small notes end approved security.
AARON CONE, Qualified Executor.
September 17th, 1863 sep27
. ^EORGIA— IPayns County»—All persons con
cerned are hereby notified that two months after date *
v „_, I
shall apply to the honorable tho Court of Ordinary of said
oounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell one eighty-acre land warrant, for the benefit of Geo.
W. R. Rumpb, orphan and minor child of Jacob Ruropb,
deceased. JOHN D. RUMPH, Guardian.
Waynesvllle,Bept. 20,1863, seplS
VfOTICE.—Four months after date, application will be
JL* made to the Court iff Ordinary, for leave to sell all
the lands belonging to the estate or Henry Cannon, dso'd.
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
W. J. CANNON. Adm’r.
TWTOTICR—'Three months after dato application will be
made to the Planters Bank of the Htoto of Georgia,
for renewal of Scrip, No. 846, dated April 20tb. 1840, for two
Shares, and No. 16, dated July 22d. 1846. for four 8harea.
. . on Estate of F. Kottman.
Lbxxtt CociriT, July 80.1868.July 80-3 m
N ^ 1 ^'•“611 persons having demands against tbe estate
of the late Hey. Samuel J. Cossets, will present them
to xoe undersigned within the time prescribed by tow; and
K i Indebted to said estate ora requested to make Imme
^ payment to MARY R.
—' . OMlKISd Executrix
ATqrras-iU p.r»" tajta. BI USSR
S HIVING house:, Washington. JRstntl of
Columbia.—-The undersigned, lato propriolor of
French's Hotel. Norfolk, Va.. having recently loused
ve papular esta''Bailment, tokos ploasure lu lnform-
Ing his numorous friends that he ban, at great labor nnd
exponso. refitted and furnished tbe houso and provided the
most ample arrangements for tho comfort and convenience
of all who may fevor him with their patronago.
Having lind considerable experience In hntol-keeblngho
Hatters himself that families and singlo boarders cun be uc
oommodated at the Irving as satisfactorily ns at any other
hotel or boarding house in tho United States.
Members of Congress and others visiting Washington,
with a view to reslilo there for some time, would do well to
oxniniiio this house before niakingarrangeinentselsowhero.
It is eligibly situated nt the corner of 12th street nnd Penn
sylvania avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart
ments. The building is largo and of modern architecture,
the rooms nro s|>ncious and well ventilated, and the furni
ture is now nnd of tho best dos«riptfon.
- Still Better.—Tlio charges are moderate nnd In accord
ance with the times, whilst the tables groan with tho best
that tho country affords. Call, exainltiu. nnd sitisfy your
Washington. D. C.. Juno 1.1853 je7
~ IjTsTbunnbtt dc co.,
Having purchased tho entire Interest of Mr.
... J. C. TnoRSTox In his Carriage establishment in
tills city, most respectfully solicit a continuation of the ex
tensive patronago so liberally bestowed on the late proprie
tor. It Ia our Intention to keep a forgo nnd extensive as
sortment of all kinds of Carringos. suited to this market.
Tho late proprietor. Mr. J C. Thornton, willact as our agont
at the north, for the purclmso and supply of our establish
ment. His experience of twenty years In tho business at
tho South, will Insute to our friends nnd patrons such a
well selected stock ns cannot fail to giro entire satisfaction.
Mr. BE1NK1T will give his personal attention to nil kind of
repairing, as heretofore. LEWIS S. BENNETT.
A CARD.—It will bo seen from tho above, that I liavo sold
out to Mossrs. L. S. Biwnkit k Co., and I have every confi
dence In the ability of these gentlemen, both In capability
ami capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep
up the loputatlou of tho establishment.
Mr. Lkwis S. tom has been my foreman for tho last
two years, and 1 tnko pleasure In recommending him to tbe
publio as an industrious, callable and deserving man. who.
while looking to bis own Interest, will not neglect those of
his patrons.
In relinquishing my business In this place, 1 toko the op
portunity to say, that It Is not from any dissatisfaction
whatever. 8lncemy residence in the city of Savannah, I
have been kindly and generously treated, and have suc
ceeded much better than I anticipated.
In the courso I havo Just token, 1 hnve boon prompted by
considerations of a private clinracteraltogother; wherever
1 may he. I shall nlways carry with ine the liveliest sense
of obligation, and cherish tho deepest Interest in the pros
perity nnd advancement of the city nnd its peoplo. Noth
ing will do more to effect this, tnnn tho sustaining of n
healthy nnd hnnorablo competition. I^t the good peoploof
the City and State nee to It. J. C. THORNTON.
Ravaxnaii. 9th Mav.1863.
N. B.—Mr. H. D. Alkxaxdxr Is my legally authorized
agent for the transaction and closing up or iny business.
C HOICE HAMS, Ac.—Just rocelvod—200 choice Boynoldto
extra Hams. 5 hbdn Bacon Shoulders, 10 bbls I.enf
Iiird. 10 half bhls Pig 1’nrk, 6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 25
bbls Stuart’s crashed and clarified Sugar, 60 boxes Beadel's
Soap. Starch nnd Candles. 20 dozen Water Pails. 30 do as
sorted Scrub RrusheR. 60 do assorted Clothes Lines. 30 hexes
ground Coffee. 30 do Mustard, fill gross sound wood Matches,
30 dozen Washboards, 60 bids white wine Vinegar. 10 bids
NO Syrup. Ac.. Ac., for sale, wholesale nnd retail, at the
corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
No. 6. From New York, by Cowes. In England, to Havre,
In France, nnd back, once a month.
l’ropnsnls for changing the ti-rniltitis of this lino from
Havre to Antwerp. In Belgium, nnd for one additional trip
a year, each- wny, will be considered.
No. 7. From New Orleans, Louisiana, to Vera Cruz. Mexi
co, and back, three times a month, supplying Tampico,
Mexico, by a siilo mall going and returning.
Leave New Orleans on tho first, fourteenth nnd twenty-
filth days.
Arrive nt Vera Cruz same month by the fourth, seven
teenth, nnd twenty-eighth days.
Ix-ave Vera Crux every month on tho first, sixth, and
twenty-first days.
Arrive at Now Orleans snino month by tho fourth, ninth,
nnd twenty-fourth days.
Tliiyjroposnls iu each Instance should specify the num
ber <4^ppw to be taken' for tho trip each way. and the niodo
of conveyance, w hich must be by steamships In all respects
suitable for the service.
If contrncto should be entered into, contractors will lie
required to conform in all respects to the laws and regula
tions applicable to tho ordinary contracto of the Post Office
The bids should be sent duly guarantied, tinder seal, to
the Postmoster-Ueneral. nnd tho words •• Mall Proposals—
Foreign Malls ’’—written on the face of tho letter.
sop7—lawfiw Postmaster-General.
C ODFISH. MACKEREL Ac.—.lust rocelvod—2 hhds extra
new Codfish. 10 bbls extra No 1 Mackerel. 20 boxes now
scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls Haw’s corned R>ef. 60 bbls ex
tra choice Canal Flour For sale, wholesale and retail, at
tbe corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
F LOOR OIL CLOTHS.—The most complete stock of OH
Cloths, in every variety of patterns and colors, varying
In widths from ono to eight yarns. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. II. GUION. Agent, Carpet Warehouse.
feb5 140 Congress aud 67 St. Julian-nts.
G OU) PENS AND P^(3Ifl - AMirSrciSrPEJrai^JuM
received, a lino assortment of gold pens and pencils
double and single extension ; also, a variety of fine
pensJcr cheap at the book s'ore of
qpiu S. ri - "> FV 1-S6 Congress-stnw
S UGAR.—22 hhds choice Porto BlcoSugarfiO bbls Stuart’s
Refined and Clarified do, 10 boxes do Loaf do, 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses, 60 do Hiram 8mlth and pure Gene
see Flour, 60 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers. 25 do and
100 kegs prime Leaf lard. 60 boxes selected new Cheese. 100
doStar Caudles, 80 do Beadell’s 6’s and 8’* patent tallow do,
landing and for sale by
M PRF.NDEROAST k CO. have just received a small
• case of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocado, black grenadines. An assortment of very
nice cambric Insertings and edgings; one case of superioi
Italian sewing silks, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry goothuthey offer on very low essl
terms, at 178 Broughton-itreet.
_apl28 Opposite St Andrew’s Hall
and Jaconet muslins: Nainsook and mull muslins;
plaid nnd striped jaconet and Swiss muslins ; plain nnd fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered 8wlss muslin ; white and
nrgnnda muslins; colored linen lustres; and a fine assort
ment of ladles’ and gentleman’s linen cambric handker-
B ACON, HAMS AND CANDLES.—26 hhds bacon sides’
600 Rolosods’s bams, TOO boxes adamantine candles
in store and for sale by
E MERSON'S RAZOR STROPS.—These celebrated Strops
are made and warranted by Charles Emerson, and are
superior to any others now In use. Purchaser* should be
sure and get the genuine 8trop, as there are numerous
counterfeits bearing the same name, the most of which are
worthless. The genuine Strop can be bad of
ap!18 W, W. LINCOLN, Monnmcnt 8quare,
E NGLISH VERMIN DESTROYER.—This article Is exten
sively, used in England for destroying all kinds of bugs,
worms, Ao. For Roaches end Ants, there to nothing eqnal
to it. It has been fairly tested in this city, and can be re-
Usd upon as an effectual exterminator of all kinds of vermin
Jostrecelved, and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN,
<• 10 Monument-square
C HERRY LOZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherry Loxenges.
for coughs, colds, and inflenzas. These Lozenges will
be found much more convenient than any of the liquid
preparations,as they esn be carried about the person, and
always ready fornse when the cough la troublesome, thus
preventing a violent attack of coughing and constant Irri
tation of the lungs. Just received end for sale by
dsa* W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Sqnsrv.
__ Council will elect a Cltv Treasurer, to flU the vacancy
occasioned by tbe death of Joseph George, Esq, tote City
Treasurer. Applicants will hand (n their applications to
me, stating the names of tbetr securities, before 10 o’clock,
A. M., of that day. Annual salary—$600 and fees; Bond—
f10,000. • By order of Council
stp24 _ EDWARD G. WIL80N, Clerk, _
UALTIMORE FLOUR—800 bbls from new wheat, landing
JTTER AND FLOUR—20 keg* selected Goshen Suitor;
28 bbls pare Gynejee Ffonr; 28 <to Hir»m Smith’s ex-
ytf A Vi H IfHini tBUHBESZ L B PAKTrLI by * sepT - - SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. ^AiiiHr^mTw y --ZrtaseKsiwtUtihSaftyw^nandaver MichaelKsBeber Edward:F
In pursuance of law. I. Fiuxkun ITkiick. Prenldeiit of the
United States of America, do hereby declare and make
known, that public sales will be bold ut the imdcrmentfon-
ed laud offices lu the State or Wisconsin, at tho periods
hereinafter designated, to wit :
At the land Office nt Wnxow Rivkr. commencing on Mon
day, the third day of October next, for the disposal of tlib
public lands situated in the following named townships,
North of the bare line and ipest of the fourth principal meri
Townships thirty-two, thirty three, thirty-four, thirty-
five. and thirty-six. of range five.
Townships thirty one, thirty-two, lhlrty-three, thirty-
four. thlrty-fivo.nnd thirty-six, id range six.
Townships thirty-one. thirty-two, tbirty-threo, thirty-
four, and thirty-five, or range seven.
Townshlpsthirty-ono, thirly-twn, thirty-three.nnd thirty-
four, of range eight.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, nnd thirty-three, of
rnngo nine. '
Townships thlrty-one. thirty-two, thirty-three, nnd thir
ty four, of range sixteen.
’ Townships thirty-three and thirty-four of rnngo seven
At the land Office at Mkxasim. commencing on Monday,
the lonth dayofOetolioriiext. for tho disposal of tho public
lands within Hie undermentioned townships nnd parts of
township*, to wit •
Fractional townships twenty-one, west of WoK river, nnd
townships twenty-four, twenty-five, nnd twonty-six, of range
Fractional township twenty-one and twenty-two. west of
Wolf river nnd Bayou, nnd townships twenty-three, twenty-
four, twenty-five, nnd twenty-six. of range fourteen.
Fractional township twenty-two. west of Wolf river,
townships twenty-three and twenty-four, and fractional
townships twenty-five and twenty-six, west of Wolf river,
of range fifteen
Frnctlunnl townships twenty two. twenty-three, twenty-
four. and twenty-six. west of \Voll river, of range sixteen.
At the Land (tillcent La Caownc, commencing on Monday,
tho seventeenth day of October next, for the disposal of the
publiclnndswlthin the following named townships to wit:
North of the base line amt west of the fourth principal meri
Townships twenty nnd twenty-one. of range ono.
Townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and
twenty-one. of range two.
Townships twenty-one and twenty-two. of range eleven.
Townships twenty-one and twenty-two of range twelvo.
Townships twenty-one and twcntvtwo.of range thirteen.
North of the base line and east of the fourth principal meri
Townships twenty-one. twenty-two, twonty-threo, and
twenty-fonr. of range one.
Tow’nshlp twenty-one. of range two.
At the land Office at Stkvenh’ Pourr. commencing on
Monday, the twenty-fourth day of October next, for the ills-
posul of the public lnnds situated in the following town
ship* and parts of townships, to wit:
North of the base line, and east of the fourth principal me
Township twenty-six. of range four,
Township twenty-six. or range five.
Sections three to ten. fifteen to twenty-two. and twenty-
six to thirty-five. In township twenty-nix ; township twenty-
seven. (oxcept sections thirtoen. twenty-four, twenty-five,
thirty-five and thlrty-slx.) and townships twenty-eight,
twenty-nine and thirty, of rango six.
t’ections one. two, eleven to fourteen, twonty-three to
twenty-five, and thirty-aix. In township twonty-six; sec
tions, thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-five, thirty-five, and
thlrty-slx. In township twenty-seven ; sections fivetooight.
seventeen to twonty. thirty, and thlrty-ono. in township
twenty-eight; township twonty-nlno. (except sections
twenty-five to tweuty-eight. and thirty-three thlrty-iix,)
and township thirty or range seven
Sections one to five, eight to fifteen, twenty-two to twen
ty-seven, thirty-five nnd thlrty-slx. in township twenty-
four ; township twenty-flvo, (except sections six, seven,
eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty-one;) township twen
ty-six; townships twenty-seven, (except section six.)
twenty-eight, (except sections six. seven, eighteen, nineteen,
thirty and thirty-one;) and townships twenty-nine and
thirty, of range eight.
Townships twenty-five and twenty-six, of rango nine.
Township twenty-six, or range eleven.
At the Land Office at Mixkkal Poixt commencingon Mon
day, tho second day of January next, for the disposal of the
following, being residuary tracts of the reserved lead mine-
ral lands, whlcli were not Included In the proclamations of
the 20th November, 1846, and 28th April, 1851. to be sold
under the act of Congress entitled “An act to authorize
the President of the United 8tates to sell the reserved
mineral lands In the States of Illinois and Arkansas, and
Territories of Wisconsin and Iowa, supposed to contain lead
ore,” approved July 11.1840. to-wlt?
North of the base line and eart of the fourth principal me
The west half and northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of sec
tion one; the east half of the northwestquarter. the south
east quarter, the west half of the southwest quarter, and
the southwest quarter or the northeast quarter, of twelve ;
and the northeast quarter, and north half of southwest
quarter, of twenty-nine, in township one: the northeast
quai ter of section thirteen. In township two; the west bait
of the northwest quarter of section eleven, in townshln
three ; the east heir of the southwest quarter of section
twenty-five, end the east half of tbe southwest quarter ol
thlrty-slx. In township five, of range one.
The west half and northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, the east half of the northeast quarter, and the
east half or the southeast quarter, of section two, In town
ship two. of range two.
The east hair of the northeast quarter, and the north-
eaatqusrterot the southeast quarter, ol section four. In
township two, and the northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section five. In township thr$e, of range three.
The east half of tbs northwest quarter, the nothwost
quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the
southwest qnartor. of section township four : and
the west half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-
five. In township five, of range four.
North (f the bate line and *** fourth principal meri-
Tho went half of the northwest quarter of section three,
In township two; the east half of the northwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, of
four ; tbe west hair of the southeast quarter of six; the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of twenty-
seven, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
or thirty four. In township three, of range ono.
The northwestquarter of section ten, aud the west half
of the southeast quarter of thirty, In township three, of
” ATtbe SAM rue*. Mmmenclng on Monday, the third day
of Octobor next, for tbs disposal or pablio lands within the
following sections. an<| part* or sections, to wit:
North qf the base line and trerii/ the fourth principal meri Kuck.Peter
Section one, the emtbalf and southwest quarter, the
west half of tbe northwest quarter, and the northeast quar
ter of tbo northwest quarter, of ton. In township nine ; end
th# #ast half of th# MUtbwvst quarter of section twenty.
.y-flvs, In township tan, of
taasaof schools,!
shall be quail Hud to vote at elections for Mayor au<{ Alder
men or the city of Snvannub and thehuiulcto thereof, who
arecitlzensof tho United States, have resided in tho Slate
of Georgia for one year luiinedlalel* preceding the election
anu within the corporate limit* of'Savannah for one month
immediately preceding their registration, end continue so
to do up to the time of election, who have attained the age
or twenty-one years, have paid all city taxes or have in
their own right sufficient real estate to satisfy an/ tax exe
cutions which may be against them, who have made all re
turns required by the ordinances of tho city, and have been
registered according to the provisions of this act.-—Extract
from the liegUlry Lato. pasted Jan. 22,1862,
The following named |orsons have registered their names
since the first or January, 1863. nnd up to date.
A«—>Malthtas Amorous, John W Anderson, David Abra ,
1 ia ms. diaries Arnold.George A Ash, Robert Austin. George
Alexander, Charles B Asfi. William B Andrews, George H
Ash. John 8 Acliord. George W Anderson. Stewart Austin.
Benjamin R Ann-trong, Tlmums A Sskew. Thomas Arden.
William Andro. Jns Abeam, id ward C Anderson Richard
W Adams, Richardson F Aiken. Richard D Arnold. Adolphe
Abrahams, John Anglin, Denjilmin Arnold, Henry D W Al
H,«—Uotv.Uct lluurquln. John W Bite. Gilbert Butler,
John P Uoffu.dHet, John V Barber. Julius ltocharach.George
I. llloiint,Pinion Borcliert, Joseph Black, Alexander Francis
ikinuett. James 11 Unshlor, Michael Butov.Claudius K Ikirte.
Clias W W Rrueu.JuuieH M Butler. Hyman KByck. William
J Bandy, Edwiu II Bacon. Wiu James llnlloch. Slegmund
Borg. Milton J Buckner. John Boston, llenrv S Hogurdu*.
William II Bulloch, Patrick Bulkley, John W ‘Beasley. John
H Barnwell. James T Buckner. Anthony Rosier, Thomas A
Brown, John Bums, Joseph H Burroughs, Berrien M U Bur
roughs. William F Brantley, Charles^11 Bell. Kilns I! Bars
tow, Peter A Hlols, Wm Gaston Bulloch. Isaac Brunner.
Johu Brunner. Joseph Bancroft, Philip 11 Helm. James A
Brown. John Macpherson Berrien. Barnard E Bee, Richard
Burke, David Bell. Thomas H Barrett. Edward J Blount.
Wolfe Barnett. Conrad K Uyck, Charles Bishop. Wm Rlols.
Valentine Brunner. Charles W Brunner, Joseph W Brown,
Joseph 11 Baldwin. Francis Blair. Miehnol Brannon. James
KBullough. James A Baker. William M Blount. Wm Ben
kon, William D Bashlor, William Burges. George A Unifeiill-
let. William Beeuken. Patrick Brady, Thomas U Bulloch.
Henry Bagidraw, William drunkard, James M Butler. John
K Blakely, Michael Boylun.Thomas Boutko,William S Bus
Inger. Joseph Bryan. Henry Burt. William Burko. Harvey
I, Byrd. Francis 8 Itattley, Henry E Ik-nnett. John Ifoscti.
John Blount. Samuel P Boll. Michael Barry. Patrick Brad-
Joy, Hillip Bringmau, Augustus Boulineuu. Bich’d Brown,*
Patrick Bradley. Geo Banknmu. John Breen, Wm A Black,
Mick Burke, Edward W Baker. Win llenrv Buuch, Bui roll
L Ilonllncnu, Richard Bradley. James H Buckner. Rich’d W
Buford. Dennis Uragdon. Henry 1.8 Buutz. John J N Bunts,
David Badjcrly. Worthington C Butler. Tliaddcus P Blake-
wood, Wm C Barton, Frauds 8 Bartow, Wyatt M Bragg.
John A Burgess, William B Blount. Michael Burke, liunry
Styles Bell. John C Bluuce, Win II Bsnks. Snm'I V Box. Mi
chael Barrett. Michael Itarret. Theodore Hlols. Wm II Uoad-
ley. John Bilbo, Jumes Bilbo, Wm II Bourke. Tliaddcus J
Baldwin, Ilavld II Baldwin, Win B Bliss. Bonj Burroughs.
Johu Brady. Ix*wis 8 Beunet, Frederica 11 Blots, W Urutley.
James C Utanco, Augustus Bsrie.
C—Solomon Cohen, Uernard Constantine. David C Cash.
William Cullen. Peter Cork. David tapes Colton, James A
Courvolsie, Montgomery Cummlng. Daniel liCuinp. George
11 Cummlng. Muses Coburn, William Crabtree. Aaron Chum
idou. Daniel 1) Cnpp. Isaac Cohen. Frederick Cook. Frederick
IV Cornwell, Willis iu P Clark. William II Cuyler. Carrol A
Cloud.Sponcor Carroll, Pierce Condon, William M Charters.
Ctmrle- (Tare, Daniel Clarke, John F Coiupognlac. George
Cnlli'y, Myles D Cullens, Peter L Constantine. Nicholas Cru
der, Henry R Christian. John Content, Wallace Camming,
lames 11 Carter. William Cooper. John J Cornell. James T
Clark, James O U Campbell. Samuel J Cassells. Joseph 8
Corrulhers. John I) Charlton. Bryan Connor. William Oscar
Charlton. William Cox, Hugh Cullen, James Cleary, Mu^s
S Cohen, Thomas Corr, Joseph SClaghorn. John V Cnrsten.
Charles PCooper. JolinGreciie Cooke. Henry Cleaver, Jacob
Cohen. Benjamin L Cole, Silas M Cntolug. John L Clark.
nioraHH W Cooper, Henry Cnxson. James Cox. Robert M
Chariton. James Cox. Francis Canfield, Peter Clark, .(aims
Cnrey, Thomas Cusucb.Thomas Carey. Uauiol Colo. Luke
Christie, tawls F Cooke, Earl A Crafts. Patrick Clark. Mich
ael Crowell. Michael Conway. Antonio ChrlsHdorn. Isaac J
Cohen. Francis Champion. Aaron Champiou. Thomas Col
lins,EdwunITCoum-r. W(|llaui Conner, Andrew Conner.
Charles Cannon. Timnias Conway. Hichnrd W Cubbedge.
Francis T Colo. William Canton, Wm V Chaplin, Moses A Co
hen. Heinan A Crane, John Cass, John M Cooper, tainuel
C Clark, Luke Canon. Robert J Coughs/. Jonathan A Ca
dry. Denis dairy. John Cerconely. Joseph V Connerat. Jus
Connolly. John L Coj-o. A Conics. Johu A Chambers. Pat rick
Carney. Michael Cleary. Jaioes KCope. William A Cmik, Bar
ton Centre. John Clancy.Thomas CunnilT. John Clearv. Geo
L Cope. 8r.,Erederlck Cnrsten, William M Crumly. Michael
Cnrey. Gcorgo Cornwell, George N Collins. Richard R Cuy
ler, Uctnvus Cohen. Geo E Congdou. Lvwrence Connell. Geo
L Cojic, Jr., Jereuiinli Cavanaugh, Geo A Cuyler. William II
Cooper, Julius IlCercoiK-ly, Edmund Cottar. Wm Condon.
Joseph Cain, Charles II Cnmpfield. James Campbell, I’etcr
Carrol. BaniolCromlny, Patrick Cusack. Wm Cannun. Anto
nio Clilesa. Joseph N Cook. Allen Cullen. John P Cohen.
Wm A Cotiery, George Holbrook Crnoke, Wm Cotter. Thus
R Clarke. George K Cubbedge, Augustus C Cannon. Cyrus
Chaffer, George Clarke, James Cfoncey. Samuel II Courter,
George Cnustte.
D,—David It Dillon,Martin Duggan. Archibald C Daren-
norl.Isanc Pavls. Johu Dally. Janie.) Dunn. William Dixon.
Patrick Devlnu.Chestoy Dugger, William II Dunnlug, Henry
•I Dickerson, Albert Llletargo. Isaac D’l.yon. JohnE Davis.
John Imyle.jr., Isaac Detaroclie,William M Davidson, Wm
II Davis. Richard Dawson.Charles S Davis. Nicholas Dixon,
tawls I. Davis. Frauds H Deniero. Patrick Doyle. Michael
Donnelly, Marty Dorgnn, John Downing, Richard W Dela
ney. Thomas Doyle. Thainns E Davis. Sheldon G Dunning.
George W Davis. Michael Daily. Francis D Dans, Joseph O
Davis, Johu Doylo. Jacob DetaMotta. John P A Dupon. Pat
rick Dolan. Francis Daly. James II Ikmiulid. James Doyle
Patrick Downey. James Downey. Michael Downey, John
Deacey. Henry Ihuionfelser. John Dolan, Jacob Dunnenfel-
ser. Patrick Devnuny, tavi S Dickson, Tlios Dow*H.*Miclmel
Duggan. Jacob K Doe, Win C Dawson, Maurice M Demere.
Win .1 Donnldson, Win J Dotson. James PeMartin, Burrell
M Dye, Juuics M Dye. Elijah Dye. Alex’r Drysdulo. Alex'r
Delbanco. baniuel I) Dickson. Win G Dickson, John Dillon.
Wm Iloody. Frederick Dnnilenfelser. John ltovnnny. Mitchell
T Duke, Joseph Doyle, Martin Duuungnn. Samuel L Dowell.
John D Delannoy.
E—Henry Ellis, Peter Endrcs. John Everard. Richard
Ennis, John Eiskeamp. Stephen Elliott. Jacob A Epstein.
John B Epstein. Thomas Eden, Daniel Egan, Jas A Ernst,
Jidin Eady. Edward W Eden. James Eden.
F—Joseph Felt. Owen Foley. Jeremiah FIcklIng. Green
Fleetwood, tauls N Falligant. Gas par J Fulton. Washington
F Florence.Joseph 8 Fay. John U Falligant. John U Ferrill.
Andrew Farrv.rredorlch Finch. William I) Font.Sowell 1!
Fisk. John Flemming, Richard Flanigan. Thomn* Ford.
Patrick Fleming. John Foster, John I) Fish. Bryan Foloy,
Joslah K Fisher. John Foley. Jacob Friend. Dugald Fergu
son. John Flunnegnn. James Fountain. Henry It Fort.Benja
min FIcklIng. Roliert Ferrell. Gordoy Kayo. Joseph E Falli-
gsnt. Randolph B Fell. William Fielding. James A Fawns.
IVillinm B Homing. Alexander Fawcett, George S Frierson.
Charles Fox, Jacob Friend. Isham Freeman, John Fluney.
James Foloy. John Fitzgorald. Frederick 8 Fell. Patrick Fo
ley. John r lanuigsn. Andrew Flatloy. Thomas Flaherty.
William Folliard, Cornelius Flynu. David Fitzgerald. Edw’d
8 Fulton. John Folliard. Jared Fitzgerald. I’atrlek Fitzgor
ald. tawrence Fitzgerald. Michael Feely, Michaal Finney,
Urban C Fraser. John G Fisher, Wm G Foote, WmTFeay,
Frederick Fisher. Robert G Ferguson. Isaac Ferguson. Win
A Ferguson. Patrick J Flemming. Dominick Flatloy, Jas B
Foley. John Fugnn. Jacob C Fattier*.
G—Joseph George. Robert II Griffin. Francis Grimball
Joseph George.Jr., Robert M Goodwin. John B Gallic, David
II Galloway.seaborn Gondall. John Gammell. Domingo Gal-
leo. Joseph F Gammon. CliarlesGross. MartinGerken. James
EGaudry. PhilipGieblehouso, Henry Ganahl, John F Gull-
martin. John Gerdts. Denjamln Glnorolv. John L Graven-
stein, Ebenezer W M Gifford. James E Godfrey. George A
Gordon. Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith. NicklesGeil.
Horace Gillum. John 8 Greon. Francis LGue, Jas Qowan,
William T Goodwin. William W Goodrich. Michael Gearey.
Michael Gay, tawis Grenvald, Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith.
James Gnrvny. George Gatehouse, Martin Gelgec. Solomon
Gondall, Michael Glasgow. John B Gnann. Chartos Ganahl.
Robert 8 Gray. George M Griffin. Julius B Gaudry, William
Garruglity, Hugh Grady, Beni George. John Usllaghor. Pat
rick Gnrrlan. tawrence J Gullmariin. Nathaniel M Gilnmn.
John Gilliland. George W Germany. WmEGeffcken. John
MGuerard, Joseph Ganahl. Ilcnry L Gilbert. I’atrlek Gor
don. Michael Gordon. Harvey J Gilbert, George Gass. Cars-
ten Gerdts. Matthew Gallagher. Daniel II Gugel. William O
Godfrey, John I, Grayson, Richard D Gutrard, Wm Gilpin.
Wm H Grady, Wm w Graham, John Gotte.
1I«—Thomas Holcombe David F Halsey, William Hess.
Christopher Hussey, Richard H Howell, Charles 8 Hardee,
William Howe. William Hunter. William F Holland. James
Hunter, George 8 Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn,
Lemuel L Horer. John Haupt, Samuel B Haupt, Willlnm
Henry. Henry Haupt, William W Hendloy, Robert Haber
sham, John E Hernandez, Robert, Hutchison. Alfred Hay
wood. William Henderson. Charles A Hall, Geo W Ifordcas-
tie. Robert A Honlker. William L Haupt. Humphrey P Hor
ton, Peter Henry. William Heldt, tavi Hart, Thomas Hen
derson, William P Hunter. Mannaduke Hamilton, Peter I)
Htiihc'm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton. Willlnm
Hone. William II Ilnusrasn, David Hnrrigan. Henry Har
per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John G Howard,
William H Holmes, Geo Troup Howard, William B Hale,
Guslara A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton.
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris, Columbus 8 Harris.
James B B Harley. Undan Hughes, Prioleau Hamilton, Jno
C Hunter, Dennis Haley, James E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno
Hall,l’etor Hermann. John A Hengea, Nicholas Heyle, Geo
Hubbard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edward C
Holbrook. Stephen Hstterich. Oliver S Hunter. Lewis F Har
ris. WllUsm ifavell, James Hackett, Judge W Harris. John
MHarrison.Joseph M Haywood. James J Hines, Thomas
Heffermsn. William L Haupt, John Hughes. William Haus-
elmann. Nicholas Hernsndet John Hamlst Elisha Hagar,
Samuel P Halsey, David 8 Henderson. Dennis Blanner Has-
sett, Moses C Heald. George linos, Abraham Hannon. Jos
M Hendemon, Patrick Hart, John G Howard. Patrick Han
ley, Andrew Hagerty, Patrick Hoban. John Higgins, Ezekiel
8 Harris. Julian Hartrldge, Robert B Hilton, Wuhlngton R
Hams John R Hamlet, Claronee P Hollis. John Hoalibsn.
Joseph B Harvey. Francis Hernandez, Thnmaa Haynes. Ed
ward C Hough, Algernon S Hartrldge, Herman Hoeh. John
Heery, John Hover. Levi 8 Hart. Haorice Hsckstt, Robert
R Habersham, James Hackett. Moses Z Henderson. Thomas
Heory, Wm B Harrison. John Harrison,Wm B Hermes. Wm
J Harty, Paul Haller, Thomas H Harden, Francis W Head
man, Dwight Hunt, John B Habersham. Martin Houlihan.
I—John W Ihly, Edprsrd W Irwin, John Irwin.
J,—John R Johnson. John T Jones. James R Johnston,
Vdward Jones. James C Jones. Alexander Johnson. William
Bullock Jack son, Enoch 8 Johnson, John D Jesse, John J
Jackson, James H Johnston, Robert Jackson, Wm James,
Peter Jacobs, James M Jonas. Peter Edward Jadennsa, 0
Jackets, Joseph W Jackson, Nicolas Jeffrie*. Thomas Jons*,
Joseph Johnston. Geo Jackson, Georg# H Johnston, Francis
D Jordan. Alfred E Jones, John M Johnston-
K—Philip Kolb. John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gefert
Kuck.' Peter Krause. William Kraus*, John W Kibbee, Her
man Kublman, DledrichKattenhorn, Nicholas King. John
W1Kelly. James W King. Nicholas Roll#/, Hanford Knapp,
Thomas Kemp, Wm H Kelley, William Kins. James Ker.
Phlneaa M Kollock, Philip Kean. Noah B Knspp, Aaron J
"w- *^*^?*^**^*fgg*£:
.■id, Danto'l taahy*
In, Jnmcs J Logan. J
Andrew J tal
»hliio.t'a*|M:r Lonyrr.i
ucl 8 tavy. Ilcnry FljJPP
irenco,’Junto UMiitan, AVri^tlentuSS^VlIttfok Ltoitk Yfiluahfo
Thomas tavetL ThomasXyom Danlel N Lain, Daniel tap- oonv*le*cenu‘to ffi thi b ,uSL Wr1t *
jam, Timothy tame, Lewis tahttian, James Urkln, Christ* the fountaln-hesd^a «a»r
Logan. PstrickWlM, Peter Luddy, James M LeaptroL Wm nedy la osrtain of hiinl.. .H 1 * fotdttSJ'J**
tattliuore, Pavno ■ tarell. Tho# L Lewis, Geo W Lockwood, proprietors, who will accord Wvit#
, fi nc w w u* ^ MlchselLyneh names of undoubted chars ^ I
s»mi ■ !*, w.iV‘ ,r ? er ' djHhony F Menu Abraham Minis Unton, numbering amow iu frtm
IfLMilU. JacobManke. MuIfori Marsh. WUllsra phyaldana, cUrrHnsn?^^ 1 ?^? 0 * 6 *MStouIJw
Morrill, John MaUery, Adolphe Mode, John Makln, Gefert dering the reliability and -S?-^ P^mlntstSujwtiI
the reach of doubt and dtatiui * of,h * KcifeS
L MORTIMORE'S 111 IMJ ki a tto
u a Vegetable Extract. *n SenSf^SZS 100 ® m
jiiiurvcllnu-i effects in reuwtog *»■'« nwl
lies tori lie tho '■
now herald It to the vworld ns poi«*Si 8 t f" l * 1 "’ I
rtrtaM,known In the Materia Mcdks 8 ,L|! “wifoul
Physician* of tho first staodinz In it,, » „
use and prescribesit a* the u.ostfffoe^^Vji
Alterative nnd Blood 1
ever known. To the scletitarv ill,.. I
Balm or Gilead. Especially to Lm.bVi pt0l ' f4 ikdi I
llo condition of lifts, it reeomniendftif 0 B
point of effltacy to any of the numnH!
J.nlr.talun-I.Mb. c,mp„l, e „]„
»™: £ f/sm-, .»<j
d.llcl. or Ch’u ' ''““-'W l, fijl
asr Price $1 00 per botlle. ^*1
L « ho. 1 Barclay.street, (Astor
For..l„k,A. A. SOLOMONS II
| gists. Savannah. Ga. ’ ‘'-CARi^k ■
Utor.fflinon Morris, taander Moore, Jno A Mayor,
LV» aC fAi ’ M °hael Msatii, Fabian Myerhoffer.
toth, John Murchison. Bryan M Morel, Charles F
a, John Mahannor, Thomas Maharj William EMongin,
n Morris, Jeugen H Mehrtons, Thoms* Murtaagh, Byl-
iof Ifgisnnlp|[| .Charles Muller. Cornellas D_Marphy,
Richard O
Thomas Mtoth,
Mills, John Mahsnnoj
raster ii aianmug. uuanes siuuer, uornellas D Murphy,
Mncpherson B Mlllen, Isaac M Marsh, Wm B Moll. John
Morph,. Jalln 8; UddMIi, llagm. D.rl« Moipn,
TliumiulDMoral, JohnM.llon.J.rrv Hack. Jo.etlh MMn
thia., John MUIer Edw.nlHMirtln, John RMarlin. J.aa.
Mount, bamuel Mansfield, IJonry C Mehrtons. Henry K
Montfort. Henrich Win Meyer, Harvey Morse, Andrew Ma.
loney, Patrick Mostcrson, John Murphy, Martin B Meyer
Nathaniel G Mills, John Moran, Thomas A Maddox, Simeon
8 Moody. Isaac Mini*. Wm J Moore, Domingo Msrtlngo, Ed-
ward Morsn. Abraham F Mordecal, James M Mordecal. Dan-
lei Mitchell. Thou B Maxlrell, Daniel W Miscall/. Jacob Mas-
tec. Thomas Maddea. John R Meyer. Kmauuel Mendel. John
1) Woltette, Michael Morris, Timothy Murphy, Wm Morel,
John G Mehrtons, John F Mulligan, Edward Mulligan, Thos
McNulty, Albrink Moore. Thomas Malian, Jnmes W Moore,
John B Moore, Edward Maher, Michael MeikilL Michael
Martin, Patrick H Msllotte. Frederick Mundorf.
Me—George A McCIeskey, Bartholomew UcJuntrney
Patrick McDowell, William McQirthey. Joseph J McCoy
taarcnce .McKenna. Tliomas McKenna. Daniel Mcltodmond,
Thomas W MoArthor, James MoHenry, Michael McGrea
Putrick McGovern, Norman W McLeod, William J McIn
tosh, Jamea McFeely, Alexander Mcllardy, Angus McAl-
pin, Mlclinel McCarty. Neil McHugh. Jamea Mclnnsrney,
John McGunnigle, Thomas 0 McCIuskey, James McFeely,
Pat’k McGloin. Dennis McGuire. John McCall, John McCau-
liffe, Tlinnias J McNlsh. James McGloIn, Edward McCabe,
John McDermott, James McBride. Tbomns McAullffe. An
drew McGrea!. John McHugh. Thomas McCollum. Tbomoa
McNlcholns. Robert Mclntlre. Jeremiah McCarthy, taurence
McManus. Patrick McLaughlin. James D WeEIinn. John Me-
Nish. Daniel J McKonzle. John McCabe. Edgar M McDoncll,
George O N McDonell. William McKendre, Michael McNel-
■ by, Peter McCormack. John McMahon, James McDonald,
Joseph 8 McDonell. Michael McCullough, Jeremiah McCar
thy, John R Mclntlre, Daniel McCarthy, William McFaugh-
an. Tlios W McClane.
. N—George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor, Daniel Nelson,
Annuel N*uttmnn.JnmesSNcldlinger,NathlNungazcr. John
G Neldllngcr, William O Norwood,Jacob Nowberger.GIlbert
X Noyle. Thomas M Nowell. James A Norris. John U Nor
ton, Robert C Nock, James Nungazer, William Nungazer.
tawln LNeMlingvr, tawis F Nlcoll, Thomas W Neill.Joseph
Nowlan. Walter 8 Nott. Dntld B Nichols. John Neill. Ed
ward Nugent, Bryan Niland. John C Nlcoll. Frederick Nel-
tlomolr. Alexander II Nathans. Jnsetih Nagel.
O*—.John Oliver, Giarles E O’Sullivan, John W Owens,
George 8 Oweus, Armlnlus Ocurlor, Edward O’Byrne. Wil
liam C O’Driscoll. Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O’Connell, Dan
iel O’lfonlon, Timothy O’Connor. Timothy O’Brien. Patrick
O’Connor, Frederick Otto, George \V Owens. Jonathan Olm-
ntead. Owen O’Rourke, Henry Oblmeyer, William II Olcott,
Daniel O’Sullivan. Daniel G Olcott. Francis J O’Nell, Thom-
an O’Brien. Frances J Ogden, David O’Keefe, JohnOgleby,
John F O’Byrne, Michael W O’Byrne, William P Owens,
Daniel O'Sullivan. Dominick O’Byrne. Daniel O’Conner. Jas
O’Hara, Bartholomew O’Leary, Jamea P O’Hara, William
W Oates. William H Owen
P.—Philip J Punch, Thomas Purse. John Poole, James
Potter. JoRptili K Pelot. Charles F Preston. Willlnm Procter.
Edward Padelford. Edward Padetford. jr.. Elisha Parsons.
Daniel G Philbrick. Anthony Porter. Dennis M I’atrlek,Ed
win Parsons. George Parsons, Edward Powers. John Postclt,
Joseph W Philips. .John F Posey. William V Prentice. Henry
C Preston. Tliomas Ptdson. John M l’ulin. Samuel G Pan-
cost. Clinrles B Patterson. Orriti O Parker. John Phnien, Jns
Potter. Michael Prendei gast. Ed ward J Purse. Martin Peyton.
Charles Perry. Patrick lYlce. Patrick Peyton, Samuel Phil-
brisk, William F Preston. James M Prentiss. Tliomas Pitt.
El ward M Prendorgust, Goorge C Puder. Robert W Pooler
Andrew C Pacetty. Antonio Ponce, George W Pollard. Ed
ward Potter. Antonio Ponce. Richard 1'rendergast. Andrew
Jackson Pollard. James Prendergnsb Samuel L Pittman.
James Pendergast, Abner C Pomeroy. Ju«c|ih B Preston.
Thomas Prendergsst. William F Parker, James l’runly, Geo
Powers. William Parish "
ft—William Qmintock. jr„ Martin Quinn, John Quin,
JumesQttinley.Willlum W Quinn. James Qunntock. Jr.
II—Philip M Russell.Daniel ItotH>rtson. John A Richard
son, William Remslinrt. Gemgo Robertson, jr'. Robert R
Rhodes.Henry Itober. William Rogers. Clinrles ERobinson,
Andrew M Ross. John W Remslinrt. Jnmes G Ilodgors. Ber
nard Roden, James B Read. George Robbins. Joseph Rosso,
jr.. David Rosenblatt. Willlnm P Rowland. Win P Roberts. . _
John Reilly. Jefferson Roberts. John I* W Rend. Jan Kliind. agency, has Induced the thsarTfeit'
Joseph RiU-ro. Jacob Rosenband, John 8 Rogers. Allen of their friends, to offer it to the public.which tbn
Russell, William Robinson. Jnmes Riley. Horace J Royal).
John Reedy. Alexander K Ralston. Tliomas M Bonis. Jo*
“ ')’« ,oul ‘ 1 “I KT0» ™ “ &DI
T You cannot garner in Hi* fmi/ra*
destroyer or human Imppiuesii aUen^T J / ,lrf tk * tl
Con.t.mptl 0 n ih.ll „„ longii „ u
brlghteat otn.l»,nl.,.ri,f„ v a,,,,,,'' 1 ?*' grave! CoD.ompIlen caa Weaffiifi
SsSB'- tal irtf fisaji
I’ll** 1* Hint which has so long been e 1
full faltli ivflhnd la th. public
col.1. whooplog eough, croup, a.lhnt.S? 1 ""
and will, In any case whore lung* suffiriA,.!
* * check tbe ulceration
Ills Is not an idle bonnt nor 1. .1,1.
Into the market without a thorough tAl tejH
beyond a doubt, that what hts bwniwrt!!. 1 " 1 ^
‘’•Thesentiment.that comma,,5ton'SSftf^
destroyed more live* than the disease Itself”
But there Is Hotiet
-Hie proprietor, h, the u.e olIhUrtlid,,.
of Providence, was raized, when he nmZr
'■ »?>•'Illoglhata.m.t,
M ** tula tight Uvl irVi.l
lie l« perfretiy hannlcM tall,
.1, hnpuoll r by 11,, Infan) „„l ||„ |,rtp>|
1 effects will be felt in * re*
mencing It* use. tat all then, try It.andtf
are not proved, after an Impartial trial, the priteshKl
will be returned, nnd all agents are aalMHaS Urewl
aatlsfoctory " * here the article U ntt>rirf[l
These tazcpges are put up In 25 cent.. Mtfstittlll
boxes, and only need n trial to be fullr abpRdiM ‘ B
_.C- P. HUNT. Dakikx. Ga., only •genVfartSrau#
addrtMed. f
withheld from those on whom
Uenth ” lias placed hi* mark,
The tazenj * ’ * " ‘
bo taken witl
Its beneficial
B Ross. Thomas ltedfren. Benjnmln Reed Joseph It Ripley.
Patrick Reilly, Francis Ryan. John Rlnrdon.Johu W Rabun.
James M Russell, Robert Halford. Waring Russell. Charles
W Rogers, Felix J Rmenburg. Clinrles K Hynn. Joseph W
Roberts. Francis Reeves. Josenh Rush. Kdwnrd Riley. Dennis
• Rvan.Ger- on Rnsenblutt. tavi 8 Russell.L'hrlstoper Russell.
Cornelius Rorko. Jnmes ltonaldaon, Mlclinel Rochford. Alex-
under It Ralston. John O Rowland, Patrirk ltvan. James
Russell. Henry Ryan. William Robkln. Jorealali Ryan Jno
ltynn. John T Rowland. Jamrs I. Rlchardsnne. William Rob
inson. JobuG Rlchardsone. Hiram Roberts. Cndwnllnder I)
C Rhind, Lnntz Ryan. Jnmes I. Rossignol. Francis .1 Ruck-
ert. Joseph I) Rogers. Tliomas Ryan. TobiasRothledcr. Liuls
Roblder. Mlclinel J Reilly. William F Richardson, George
Ramspeck. William Riley. Wllliuni Rltchlo
8.—Patrick K Sliiela. Henry Heltzer. Wm Henry Stiles,
Patrick Smith. Francis Sorret. Samuel 8 Sibley. Edward A
Soullnrd.Abinlmm Simpson linrgnloiMM. J«lm . Miat-
Ter. Frederick Schnffer. Francis F Slrobbart. Francis Shells,
HarmanSilbor.Jonohim 11 Saussey. James JStiidcr.Johh
8a vs go. Ezra Stacy. James II Snndiford, Jacob Shaffcr.Con-
rod Schnlder. John O Sexton. Jidin II Straus. John FStur-
tevnut. Walter W Smith. Frauds M Stone. Emanuel Shef-
tnll. John II Strgin. Alexander J C Shaw. Farley R Sweat.
James F Stokes. John A Staley. Aimer Sawyer. Samuel B
Sweat. Jamea Sullivan. Solomon Sheflnll, Jlnnlel T Scran
ton. Daniel H Slewart. John Slone. William Snlte. Joseph I)
Stvbhina, Jacob Sjiang. WUllum Shtauers, Jotm Shuurel.
Mattbuw Slinnnon. Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith. John
Shwiuk. James Shea. James P«Screvcn, Thompson L Smith.
Will nm Swell. Richard Scanlon, Alexander A Sniets. Wil-
llilin II Smith, Andrew Stcnfvater. Edward J Sanders, Mnr-
decal Sheftull. Sr.. Jacob A. Shaffer. Ileruiun Sang-toch. Jns
M Stripling. Francis Sawyer. Timothy Sheridon, John Scud
dor. JnmcsSkinncr. tawls Smith, John Shea. Geo I Spen
cer. Samuel I. Spelscgger. Simon Snntlm. Thomas Smith.
James Shephard. Jamea Skinner. George Simmona. Thomns
Smith. Thomas Scalley, Georgo J Smith, John Stoddard.
Jesse J Smith. Johu B Span, Cnpt John Stevenson. Dr James
M Schley. Tliomas Saunders, Jo m Steinberg. Wyutt W
'Starko, Willlnm Storr. Willlnm J Stafford. William B Sy
mons, I’atricK Sennlau.Joseph Sulllvnn. John Sullivan, John
Scania n. George N Staley, Henry Stark. George Shultz. Dan
iel Sullivan, Henry Saunders. Charles E Smith. Samuel Sol
omons, Eilwanl J Saunders, Thomas F Stevens, Newton
Strinllng, Willlnm Star, jr., Amos Scudder. Jamea Swan
Sullivan. Adam Short. John Sherlock. William Sanders.
Chares Schrer.k. Kplirafm Scudder. AugustusScheidcinnn.
John Sullivan. Martin Sullivan. Willlnm K Shearer. Nicho-
InaSliinot, Michael Sbcbnn, Jolin Shelhiuin. Julius Smith.
Goorge W Stiles, Patrick Sullivan, Jamea EStlrk. William
Smith. John Smith. Abraham A Solomons, Joseph 31 Shell-
man. Edward Scuff. Henry II Scranton. George Stevenson,
Monlecni Shcftsll. Jr.. James C Sturtevnnt. Moses J Solo-
mona. Joseph M Solomons. Solomon Sheftall. Jumes II She-
hnn. George W Sanders. Henry 8trau«, Dfedrlch Shaffer. Jno
EStllwcll. Nelson Smith, Francis Clement Stebblns. Richard
Steele. Peter 8tnllh. Richard Smyo, Janies Smith, llenrv
W Smith. Valontlne W Skiff. *
T—I’eter G Thomas John F Tucker, John TThomas,
William 8 Thompson. George II Tltcomb, Charles G Tal bird
John DTenbroek, John Thompson, Frederick A Tupper. Jns
Thurrt. William U Tinsley. Barnard G Tilden, Anderson C
Toms. Francis Truchelut. William TThompson. John Tier
ney. Edward Townsend. John C Tavlor. Alfred F Torlnv. Is
rael K Tcfft, Lewis ETebrau. Wm tl Uson. John H Tliode.
Cornelius Torbush. Joslah 1’Tiistln. John V Tarver. Israel
K Tcfft, David Thompson, William Thomas. Peter Thomp
son. Joseph R Thompson. Stephen A Turner. John Tnnnor.
Willlnm 8 Taylor, Milton Turner. Patrick Tydlngs, Henry J
Tiedemann, John Timmerman. Heury Tow, diaries Thomp
son, Michael Tundor. Richard T Turner, Marlon BTalbird.
John Trumplcr. James C Thompson. Martin Tufts, George T
Tlieus, Francis tlarlon Throadcraft, Ncsbit P J Tnylnr. Paul
Tbnmasson. Benjamin T Tlieus. lllcbard Tliomas. Thomas M
Turner. Henry Thompson.
V—diaries Van Horn. David Vender Trislam Verstille,
Henry II Verstille. William II 8 Verstille. Henry Viclstitch,
William C Vanitonburgh, Charles Vandcuroark
W—Richard Wayne,Fdwanl G Wilson. William Waters.
Robert I) Walker. Henry F Wllllnk. taurence W Wall, Na
thaniel ¥ Webster. Henry O Wver. James T Webb. Henry K
Weed, Smith Warner. Tliomas White, Francis II Wei man.
Nicholas Wolf. William White. Tliomas S Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob Wlnobcrg, Samuel A Wood. George 8
Walt, diaries Wilson. Thomas J Walsh. John W Wilson. Jo-
Joph Washburn, Zsclisriah N Winkler, tawis W Wells.Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbrldge. Christopher White. Seth
Woodward. Isaac Wilder, Dennis Wynn, James White. Philo-
H Wlldman, William Watson. William P White. Philip D
Woolhopte. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver, Jacob Walter,
Georgo M Willett. James T Welles, James Whillhan. Enos
Wlthlngton. Alton R Wright,Samuel WUmot, Wm Wllsou,
Wiliam Wright. James M Wayne. William Thorne Williams,
■Patrick Whtto.James WWhlto.Richard Wlckom. William
James Whlte.SteplienP. Whitehead. James M Wayne. Hen
ry K Washburn, Claus Wittsehen. Conrad Wnldschniidt.
John Williamson. John C Wagner. George M Waldburg. Jno
J Watts. Edward O Wlthlngton. Jnmes S Wilkins, Norman
Wallace. William II WUtberger, Peter Wlltberger, Simeon
Walter. Joseph W Webster. Amos E Webster. Thos White,
Tliomas Wood. Henry F Wllllnk. Jr.. George 8 Webb, Wil
liam Webster. Michael Walch, John EWard. Stephen B Wil
liams. Irvin L Wolf, John Wickham. Michael Weldon. Fran
cis White, Chnrles W West, Henry Williams. Jnmes C W«ba-
atrr. Henry Wilson, Martin Wendllken. Jessey Welch. John
M Williams. Christopher Witzgen, Gregory White, Samuel T
Wilson, Augnstus Walter, Ronert Waggcnstein. Edward C
Wade, Thomas A Wilson, Bryan Wren, Frederick R WyJJy,
Whltarilleli Williams,Michael Wall, Henry Welgand,Demp
sey Whlto, James G M Wsmocli. James E Wattfiour, Elisha
Wylly. Frederick Wyndlch. Peter White, Henry Williamson.
John Weighm, Anron Wilbur.
Y»—I)r Easton Young. Peter Yonson, John A Yongc, Wil
liam P Yonge.
Z—Edwin 8 Zittrouer, Jacob Zimmerman,
Not a Particle of Mercury m It. 1
IX Rbeuinatisni.Obstinate CutaneousIruptiouru
nr Pustule on tho Face, lllotclies. Rolls. Oimnle
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Brad. Kclirpment islli
of the Bones and Joints. Stubborn Eton PnijliliilW
deni. Lumbago, Spinal Comjilsinta, and all HkwiuSL
Trom an Injudicious use or llercarv. IraprudeoreIsLikS
Impurity of the Blood. Y
Tills valuable Medicine, which his become ctkbntrfM
the number of extraordinary cures effected thmiJ
agency, has Induced tbe proprietor*.at the urptt mm*
of their friends, to offer il to the public, shkh Ihejlitjfl
ttie utmost confidence In Its virtnesznd *ondtrftl(«ft
properties. The following cerillkfUi.selecttdfroaiks
number, are. however, stronger testimony thiilhii
word of tho pioprletors; and are alt from grattotosv
known In their localities, and of the highest mpriitiL-
many of them now residing in the city of RkhzmtTx I
F. HOYDEN. Esq., of the Exchange Hotel Kdx
known every where, says ho has seen the Mein «!
C.iktkii’h SrsN'isn Mixttkk ndniluisterelliomikw!
cases, in nearly all the disease* for which llbmcwM..
ed. with the moat astonishingly good result*. He tsysiti|
the roor extrnordinnnr medicine he Ini cut ins. 1
that for three years I bad Ague and Fern of tie wit fit
lent description. I had several ITirririinxtooklargtfits
title* of Quinine. 3Iereury, and I fwllereallUm Torts**A_
vertised. hut ell wlt(inut any pennaneat nUt AilutB
trfeil Cxrtkk's SlMMHi llirri K*, two bottles if slick ill
tunllr cured me. and Ism bsnnr lo»»yIUt» Wi “
aillls or Fevers since. 1 consider if Ihe brat Teak
world, aud the only medicine Hint eierresriielnjo
Beaver Dam. near Rishninnd. Vs. JOHNlbXGl_..
C. B. LUCK. Esq., now iu tho city of Richaxiludln
many years In tho Post Office, hn*such wnlUf#«lilM
astonishing efficacy .or Carter's Stjxbs kmmtkitH
ho* bought npwnnls of 60 bottle*, which he bugltmnfl
to the afillcted. Mr. l.uck says he hi* omrk»nilb|
fall wtien taken according to directions.
Dr. MINGF-n practising Physician, and fnnnwl
City Hotel. In the city of Richmond, say* heb*««v
in a number of instances the effects of Cactii's ft aril
Mtxn itc. which were most truly surprising, lie ajl«tl
case of Consumption. de|iendent on the f Jeer, Ihe ptidl
feet* were wonderful indeed. ■
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A Unkl
Richmond, wns cured of liter tomplslnt of h tew ituI-N
lug. by the uso of two bottles of Carter'sSntnub Xhtat I
mond Kcpuhlicnn had a servant emrtojed in iktiigril
room, cure I of violent scrofula, combined with itotst-l
tism. which entirely disabled him from work. TmWsB
of Cnrter'a Spanlsh Mlxtnrc made a tierfect cured U*.al
tho Editors, in n public notire, say they "cheerfalljmaal
mend it to all who arenffiiclrd with any diieuedltil
blood.” rg
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's fpicilfol
tnre. I consider It a truly valuable medicine. JUDIN
TAYLOIt. Conductor on the It. F. k P. R. R. C#, F" '
Virginia. . „ . m
Salt Rhcam of 30 Years Standing tort ■
M r. JOHN THOMSON, rcstoing in the city ci Ko»jN
was cured by three bottles of Carter’s fjaubh
Salt Rlieuiu. which he had nearly 20 yesn.inJ**"!
the physician* of the city could nntenre Mr. Ih*l'"l
Is s well known merchant of Richmond, Vi,*m ** “ I
inmost remarkable. „ , , 1
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond. Vs, bid * *•* I
cured of Spybills. in tbe worst form, bjCirtfMfS» ■
Mixture. He says he cheerfully recotumemli It,zm**' ■
aiders it an invaluable medicine. . .. .l B
RICHARD K. WEST, of Richmond.wMrartd»w*rB
and wbat physicians called confirmed Cou»e|»*i4 ■
three bo'tles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. I
EDWIN Ill'RTON.Comniiraionerof the
has seen the good effect* of farter's SmuW
number of SpyliilUic case*, and says It I*» I
that horrible disease. 1
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, t* . ■
nnd ulcers, which disabled him from walking. ■
bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, sud »«»»•« |
walk without ft crutch, In a short linio perm**®' 1 /**"!
i’riceli per bottle. _ v. qH
Principal Depots at II. WARP. CIDSE k -i ■
k SONS, No. 132 North U SlntL W»l
* nn»x». 1 “) l <EbS 1 jS l jSSsl
And for salo by SHOMAS II. TIRNW*
M. CARTER. A. A. LOl/illONfl * CO.. Fsnnnan- WV|
Druggist* and Country Merchanta everyahw*-
may2Q—ly - . ■
For the euro of Incipient (onsuniptlon,8wW^
Debility, White Swelling. Rlicuraattare-
Liver and Skin, and all diseases .rising from Uf-T|
of the blood and the effect* of mercu^- w
S WAIN’S PANACEA hs* been for more thsn » |
celebrated In this countryrand In
onlinary cures-for tho certificates of snleB W^^I
made to the directions nnd hooks (*> /y, #1
tin) accompanying the Panawn-
particulars of case* too frightful lor genera^ ^
There tbe patients I...1 been 1
la. and were deemed incurable by phrdcUn -
It baa been uae.1 in hospital*. »nd pr^MF^iyi
boa had fhe singular fortune of befof pea
most celebrated physicians and other enu
Among other* by— P*. roirerri‘7- „ .
W. Gibson. M. D-..Prof. V. I'nitrfl*/ |
Valentine Mott. M-1>.. Vent, o
W. P.Deweos.P '*
i, Solomon Zelg-
AU persons entitled to vote, and desirous of voting nt
the next election for Mayor and Aldermen nr the city of
Savannah and hamlcta thereof, arc respectfully requested
to cell st my offleo nnd register their name* within the
time proscribed by law, else they will bo debarred tbe right
of voting thereat. EDWARD O WILSON,
U p6 Clerk of Council.
ER 8TEAMER"frnm New York, wo have Just received
end are now opening a fine selection of Plaid Gingham,
also, Mourning Gingham, which we ere offering at the low-
eat possible prices.* _ sug2 AIKEN k BURNS
/SlOARS, TOBACCO. Ac.—60.000 Minerva Cigars. 20.000
VJ ta Union do, 16.000 Isabella do, 20.000 Lone Star do.
10,000 Oregon do. 26,000 Cheroot* and Havana Sixes. 150
boxes Tobacco, varloua brand; 10 do Jenny Lind twist do.
10 do Lucy Neal do do. 5 do Myers’ Aromatic do. 26 do tar-
rilard's fine ent do. 26 do Rogg’s do do, 26 do Goodwin's do
do. In store and for tale low by
V ARIETY.—Unseed, 8perm. Bleached. Whale and Castor
Oil; white, red, block and bar Lead; Shot assorted,
Dupont’s Powder. K, k snd 26 ft kegs j Alum,Blue 8tone,
Borax, Copperas, Glue. Brimstone. Sulphur, Madder. Indigo
and Logwood; 8a! Bodo. Sal Nitre, Baleratui, 8*1 Epsom
and 8ol Glauber; sap. carb. Soda; Tartario Acid; Gam
Gamnhor. Gam Arable. Mssneaia. Cream Tartar. Nnx 1 om-
GuS R^berUom n'ritlsh by gnlo’* I
And also, the wonderful cur “ e ,, .TinAlasbk
ces have, for msny yearn. <» “ h —f,r»i
Tlie Panacea does not contalnme^^ - l(n ^ ^ may oer
Swalmstani|>ed on the■«' »**•*
covering the cark, *nd ssplend ^.cwi
u,. bo,,,..
nine different
late Wm. Swain, copyright xccurM.
•™> »*'" u for n eanmm