Newspaper Page Text
‘ ^ p-pp,» will tah* Fto*. Marin* and Hirer Risk* cb
."SSSSiy. R»ftU, J. B. WM.,,1,
t *33liwj&tm#.B-lfMiPP, tkrttjMtt*
Uilt.Vni- KEXltr D. WEED, Prejtilont,
; de Seventy,
„sUuT*n* no
Vfaabriette^ou le* DianfatU, d’un# edacatlon
_„l’8fluvfn*rd!un*”itore, M'tn* 0. Guerntortle.
1 1 *■* r ‘ Vnl»'»tln—
a^madltton, For MUty j- B CUBBEDGE.
TAP8C emigration AGENCY.
to *«nd for their friend* end deatrous of
. F*. • lhia oat by Bnt clae* packet shlto/ar* Informed
Uultb* iab«rib«ri are the only Agent* for the above agen-
* TMJart*'" autborind to draw on Me**r*. Win. Tapaoott
. - urtrpoo),la eum* from £1 and upward*, which
■ i rt (u'»n negotiable in any town throughout Ireland and
OftatWUin. Draft* on France and Germany, payable In
-I, UT u of the Continent. also for sale; Apply to
fccW-'J BUNKER ft OODKN, 80Bay-streCt,
j V greiw-nt.—Wblo la tlje" Famlly-BIble In the Counting
Annate o( Tinneese#. by J. G. M Ramsey, M. D.
The 8word and the DUtaff, or Fair, Tat and Forty.
Maria De Bernleve, a tale of the Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Shnra*.
^ The Bare for Riche*, and some of the pit* Into which the
Tb'flloubUiqcCtanmiinle.rit, bj SipKoioi tttitln, D. D.
country Hoepttalitlei by Catherine ^tariair '
** Iritual Vampirism—the history of Etherial Boftdown-
the Friends »f the New Light, by C. W. Webber.
. ; -jwland Wevor, or the Pilot of Human life.
Great Truth* by Great Authors, from writer* of all age*
and both hemisphere*.
Clean»lng the Sanctuary, by W. L. M'Calla. of the Union
Presbyterian Charcb. of Philadelphia. JcJ8
ASllURY HULL, President and Treasurer.
AUJON CHASE, Scc’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
n , Qodtnlgord. Agent of the above Company, continue*
It tab the following RUk*, vi*.: Marine, Hirer and Fire
,!*, on the Lire* efSemnt*.
lire* of White Perrons are also taken by this Company.
Ktulrsprtmliim for residing In the South.
Corner of Day and Dray ton-streets.
TJECETVKD BY 8 8. SIBLEY. June 28. 18W.-Edgar
. V Clifton, a story of School Life, by G. Adams.
The Old Forest lunger, or Wild Sport* of India, by Maj.
Walter Cambell and Frank Form tor.
A New History of the World, glring an account of the
various Revolution* In Europe and America, to the present
time, by.H. White. B. A. :
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
The BeUeee, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harper* Magaxino for July, an interesting number.
Putnam's Magazine for July.
Barnum’a Illustrated News, GloMon’a PIctoral, Ac.
June80 ■ • ■ ;• ,.
affSSRS.COHEN ftHANNONrespecUlilly announce to
JyL Uiseltlsens or Savannah that they are now prepared
U dealt kinds of work in tbelr line, at their new ahop.
BMxthecnreerof Iironghtonand Dray ton-*U. They have
MUbluhed the following a* their rate* of charges; Fora
^ »h»r ,ft *.; permonOi,for 2 orthreo times per week
U<r • 4 tlmrs a week 81; 6 or fl time* a week 81 60 ; every
dtjll 75 per month. Hair cutting 20o.; hair curling 25o.
TS® will always hold himself in readlnesa to at-
Ind to orders from those who may require hla services at
ttfirhotcM. *>0*8
TTXPER a new and improved organization, manufacture
U tocnmntlve and Stationary Engine*. Sugar Mills. Gins,
taws. Lathes. Drill*. Ac. AUo. every deacrlption of Cot-
Its. Woolen and Haw Mill work,Shafting, Pulleys. Sc., Coat-
[Mof any weight, (having a largo assortment or pattern*,)
iJrtdaeed prices. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Depot 13 I’tett-atreet, corn or of Gold. Claxton k Wet'
Excelsior. Collins ft Co. and II. Collins' Axes, I lard-
tin Agency, 28 Pratt-st, New York. oolO-lyr
ruiRBANR’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved Inqu
J? Urtud reduced in price)—Adapted to every required i
erxtion of weighing, as Railroad Scales for train* or single ci
1 inqual-
tfilion of welghlog. as (teOrbadScaies for train* or single car*
(a aw on the principal railroads in the United States and
Great Britain. Warehouse Scale*, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wfc«ls,(br foumlries.rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
■eodifcatloni i Couuter Scale*, Hay and Coal Scale*. Ac.—
These Seale* hare been long known and severely tested; and
tfeaniveml confidence frit In their accuracy and perfect
idjastoMnL is sueh tliat they are now regarded as the stand-
“$r ‘ffifimtCK * BKU. *nnu
TtST RBCnVED.—A <upnly or Mineral PalnU, Are and
J water-proof colors. unlWlnr. gilver’k Utoeral Paint*
A*tYCM«i>uatty nou til ntners in market. They are not
y —OV as white load. Hoy lay on * very Heavy body,
set Immediateir, and become an indestructible covering ol
flat They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer than white lead.
I have a variety of color*. Bed, Yellow, various Browns,
tad Jet I Hack. They are superior in body (or coverir'
property) to snytbiog ever discovered,and pound for twut
will cover double the surface of White Lead or Zino Mineral
pilots, and require leas oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, a* nothing adhere*
in tin like Silver's Mineral Paints, For sale bv
mr * 10 and 12 Ranurri-street.
A Kriber hiring just removed to No. 21 Bull-itrect, (be
tween Congress and Uroughton-streeU.) would Inform his
Mends and the public generally, that he will open Tmfl
IUr.hliiecond supplvof Fall and Winter Goods#comistini
of the best French. English and American Cloths, Cassi
inerts and Vestlngx. purchased fVoin the roost extensive im
porter* In New York. which he is prepared to makoup'~
the bnt and most fashionable style*,
dec! M. D. MURPHY.
T HE co-partnership heretofore existing with the under-
rigned. under the Arm of BOSTON A GUXBY, is this
diy dioolvr-l by mutual consent. Either partner isautlio-
bed to use the name of the Arm inclosing the unsullied
business. JOHN BOSTON.
August lat, 1863. aug2 J. H. QUNBY.
rspect fully
lly extend-
solidts a continuance of the patronage so liberally
cdtolheiato firm,
D lSNJljJTIfiN OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The co-partner
•hip heretofore existing between the subscribers under
the firm ol F EtKiBAUM A CO. is dissolved by mutual
anient. G. R. MlfClIF.Lf. will continue tho business <
bis own account, and is authorized to settle ail claim*,
wildly, for or against tht late firm.
F. ZOOBAUM, Cliarleston. S. C.,
_ , G. II. MITCHELL, Savannah, Ga.
8.unnah. June 6th. 1863 Je8
Tkl^lLUrioS OF COI’ARTNEItSinP—Nonck—Tim con
" <»tn of Kibltee A IVidgeni is this day dissolved by mu
tual wn»ent,Mr. Klbheo retiring, and Mr. Thomas Wood,
tocofMuenn.taking his place, under the name and style
ri Wood k Rodger*. All oebts against the late firm will * *
. f,' ’’J t,ie atw Ann. and all monies due them will
collectable, and receipted for by the new concern, as
B Have In store, and offer for salt, on
Ifcvorabl* terms—
. hhds 8t roix Sugar, 26 do Porto Rico do
K28 do N Orleans do, 50 bblaOodlMdo
100 bbla Stuart's A. Band O Sugar, 25 do Cnuhed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 20Q bag* R)o Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bag* old Cuba'Coffee. 50 do Jamaica do
lOeaaeaM; 4 ‘ * *“ * “ ,_
25 casks St... ^
100 hhl* Baltimore Ftouv, 50 whole and 25 half do Oaual do
26 hhda, 60 tierces and 50 bbl* West India Molaaaea
25 bbl* New Orleans Molasses, 25 do extra do
25 quarter ebeel* Hyson Tee. 10 do do Black do .
100 boatt* Sperm and Adamantine Ottndle*
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bale* Gunny Goth. 300 colls Weaver's Rope
100 bbla E Phelps' Gin. 250 Flack’* do, 25 do (.
River do, 25 do N E Horn
20 qr cask* pure Mrflaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
5 naif pipes Otard Brandy. 20 qr ossk* do do
100 bbl* Monongahela Whisky. 10 qr cask* Port Wine .
.UMbMMMIMMhrthl • '
Also, the following old and vere choice lAqnor*, In glasses :
' 40 dounolioice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
' 85 demljon* 8k Croix Ram. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahria Whisky. 1845
10 do Pure Juico, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1815
86 dozen Sell old* m Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar.
may!8 ■
r 25 HHDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Bugsr. 26
/»' choico Now Orlonns do. 26 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100 bbl* New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu-
'art’s rectified do, 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamamantine Candle*,
26 do Starch, 60 do Cheeso, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed and assorted Candles, 75 i>ackngesTea*. Black, Im
perial and Green, 160 bills A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes,
Figs. Citron. Pickles. Raisins, Yeast Powders. Saleratui, So
da. Ac., now in store and for sale very low. by
The undersigned begs li
on* door West of
pleaaed to makoAt..
and win warrant all. work wHh
•apHT-ly .
BECRITINO b/mrjSfrS&f Steam *rs fresh
Lmaking the beet aasortbrnut to ghll: city, of all
Iqds ofWafobe*, Jewelry. FaoeyWoCxls.SilMwSpobu*, Forks,
Pitcher*,TreSets,Cupl ) 8yph( S^ ^’- £i - , —-5
The Grammar Department will he under the charge of B.
Jittex. a* heretofore. -
f.: The Interned Into Department will he taught by Mr. H«
PV' IHKxx, n' etoduate of Oglethorpe University j and thi
Primary by Miss A. R.Caxtxr.
AmngemenU have been made with Mr. K. Umax for
THR whecriber offer* foe sale 1,200* *
1ng on the Alatgroaha, river, tbm toll
;k, kuownaaTowta Plnff, Utoreatelibv acre* open,
, for cultivation; *l*o two smaK'framed hbtitok with
_ framed barn and good framed «4brW bOu*e, situate on
bank oT the river, one of the beat etotohi:far ;ai store in
< hla section. Tlie place lie* the advantage’of atoktoboato
during the foil, winter aito sptfty months, and one of tho
' ifsherle* on the riv^6 for »had; T “• 1
. ~ _—. -;gi » luimpirom u»n uwn uww «UU MT. ai. XIUZSIS wHh whl^bega^he eep25-daw BERNARD MALLON, JWnoipale.
to purchase can do on by calling on tie xuEScrfllltph'tho
*/dlso. P80 acre* of Land • well timbered!, wilh 160 sert* of
Unit rate bay land weli ditched and drained;nady-fot rlear-
ng. with live adree cleared. Said Jand will product' fifty'
which will be sold as low aa in any dl
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round tho World, compris
ing Chill. the Gold Regions of California apd Austra
lia. the South Sea Island* and Java, by E Girstaeekcr.
Romance of Abelard and Hejoiie, by O W Wright.
Pyacoraancy, Spirit Rapping* and Taole Upping* exposed,
by Professor Charie* G Page. ; .
. »«-. * ” * * frorc ” ~ ' *—
_ irai the drat Invasion of the Ro-
Wifllam and Mary In 1088, by Juo
A History of England I
mans to the accession of
Heavenly Recognition—Will wo know our friends In hea
ven! by ltov H Iiarbaugh. ,
Heaven, or the Saintoa Dead, by Harbaugb.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment
of the Saints In Heaven.
The Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin
burgh lloview for July; Ranking’* half yoirly Abstnret.
January to Juno, 1R53 *, R&rnunVs Illustrated Nows; tlio
lady’s Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vol
Philosophy of Sir Wm Hamilton, edited by O W Wright.
Eearth’s Legacy; Anule Grayson; Grammar without n
master, Ac.
3^ C-'mac—160 bags prime lllo, 76 do Jamaica, CO
Nlo Java.
"J Scuak—10 lihds Porto Rico, 10 do 81. Croix. 6 do
New Orleana. 100 bhls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mournew—25 lihds Culm. 76 bbls New Orleans.
FtnuR—150 bbls Baltimore, 76 do Canal, 60 do H Smith’s.
Baoox—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can-
vassod do. 80 lihds Rides, 20 do 8houlders.
Potatoiw—160 bbls P and Mercer.
Laud axd Codfl-ii—26 bbls choice Leaf I ard, fl casks Cod
Soap. Caxpmb axi> Starch—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Sonp. 50 do Pale do. 40 whnlnand half hbxos Starch. 76 do
Admantiue Caudlon. 26 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tokaooo—(60 packages various brand* and qualities.
Ijtxox syri-p.Ac.—60 Iwze* I^enion Hyrun, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10do Brandy Peaches.
DoMtflno Ijquniut—76 bids Plielps’ Gin, 50 do N E Rum, 76
d« Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Mononmvhela do.
Wixw—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Ma'lcl-
ra—received and lor aalo by
ap!20 HcMAllON k DOYIJ 1 ,
S IR L*AAC BARRINGTON’S Personal Sketches of his
own Times, a new edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Grcenough, by H. T. Tuckerman.
The Pedestrian in France aud Switzerland, by G. Bancll.
Tho Libertines in American, by H. W. Warner.
A Book for *very America, on the8c!ence of Government
and Compend of the Constitution and Ciril Jurisprudence
of the United Sta’ea. by A. W. Young.
Cranford, by the author of Marv Barton.
The l/iudon Quarterly Review for July.
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review for August.
No*. 10 and 11 Collier’a Shakespeare.
1 owry’s Universal Atlas.
Upham’s Mental Phyloaophy, abridged.
Huck’s Thibet and Tartary. London edition, illustrated.
Lord Bacon’s Essays. 1 vol.: Rabelais’ Works, 2 vols
R OADS AND RAILROADS, a msnusl of the principles
and practice or road making, comprising the location,
construction and Improvement of roads and railroads by
W. W. Gillespie, A. »L, C. E, civil engineer la Union Col-
Poems of Alexander Smith.
Tho last Leaf from Sunny Side, by T.Trista, with a me-
lorial of the author, by Austin Phelps.
Home Cookery, a collection of tried receipts, both foreign
and domestic, by Mrs. J. Sired wick.
Philosophy of Mystorlous Rapping* and Reply to Deecher,
by K.C Rogers. «.
Chambers’ Miscellany, in 20 volumes, fancy boards, and
10 volumes, cloth.
Chamber*’ Repository. 4 volumes, fancy board*.
Chamber*’ Information for the People, royal octavo, half
calf binding.
CItatnbera’ Paper* for the People. 12 vol*., fancy bound.
Tho Works of Samuol Maunder, including tho Treasury ol
Natural History.
Treasury of History.
Scientific and Literary Treasury.
Treasury of Knowledge and Biographical Treasury.
Industry of all Nntluns. Nos. 3 and 4.
Godov's lady's Book, for September.
The Victim's Revenge, a sequel to the Matricutt’s Daugh
ter. and the Star of tho Fallen.
Jem Bunt, a tale of tho Land and the Ocean, by the Old
Barnum’s Illustrated Now*, No. 84. Received by
aug23 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
Bleak House. No. 18.
Artist Wife, by Mary Ilowett.
History and Rudlmontsof Architecture, by J. Bulloch,
Tho Fawn of Pale Faces, by J. P. Brace.
Class Book of Phvslology. by Dr. B. N. Comings.
The tondon Art Journal for August.
Pickering's Greek and English Lexicon.
Vol. 14 Howard’s Reports in the U 8. Supreme Court.
Vols. 32 and 33 English Chancerv Report*.
Grate's History of Greece, vol. 11. London odltlon.
Yankee Ueddy ; Ocean Boon; Guerilla Chief \ Rod King;
The Corsair Chieftain: Flying Artillerist Ac.
tion of tho Now York Crystal Palace, edited by Prof.
B. Sllllman. Jr., with numerous fine illustration engraved
from original designs by the first artists. Price 25 cent*
— number and postage. Nos. 1 to 4 received: Subscrl-
ipplied regularly.
Women during the reign of Louis XV
ttra, and i.-.,
- „ bttstMaV; ‘aBof
in the Union. -
, - - D. B. NICHOLS.
KT Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watch-
e« and Jewolty. no 20
M THE undersifnied Is now opening a splendid assort-
ftflraentof rich JEWEIJIY.embracing the recent pattern*
Vc/of Far-rings, 11ns. Bracelets and Finger-rings, among
which are some lino diamond seliings.from 810 to 8600.
JL Also, twenty-five sot* of those unique Pearl Rdt of Ear-
rav rings and Brooches, from 818 to 8126 tlio eat, newest
and rarest patterns; togethor with a very select assort
ment of extra fine IPiofoke* set In pearL diamond, hun
ting and pl*!n cases. These, with a further assortment of
ood Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons, Forks. ladles,
.‘up*, to., and Hated Ware of all kin ! s. Fancy Work Boxes,
Dressing Coses. Folio*. Clocks. Bronze Figure*, gold mount
ed Canes, Cuttlery. to . renders his assortment very com-
plete.and unsurpassed In the State, either In qualltv or prl-
ces. D. B. NICllOLS.
W Strict attention paid to repairing watclies. clocks,
and Jewelry^ nol2
^ 10 bbls No. largo Mackerel,
10 bbls No. 1 do do
HgSgl IQ luilf bbls No. I do
■®®Ol0 do No. 2 do
30 bids stiff*r. so«lar. and butter niscaits,
26 boxes S(nU Biscuits,
60 do Buchan's Family Soap,
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and Beadcll'* Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
landing and for sole by
J. V. CONNEHA’rt CO.. olTnr for sale on *c-
imroodating terms.a well assorted stock of Gro
ceries, Liquors., vix: 130 bags
Iprlmo Ulo Ctiffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhiis
Porto Ulooand Muscovado Sugars.&h bbls clarified coffee do,
26 do ernshod anil powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
ages black and green tea, some very superior; 260 boxen
tobacco, various qualities, l'n, 8’s. 6’s and 16’s. 16 enses Di
adem twist, 10 do Virglnlus and Aromatic. 20do nectar leaf.
Vlginia gold leaf. 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco, 175.000 supe
rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otard.Dupuy k Co. Uran-
dy, 20 half and quarter casks Plutern, Mai tel. Saternc. Ac.
Brandy. 5 quarter casks very old Jean lands do, 6 pipes
Itollnnd Gin. 2 nunclieonsSt Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half pipe* »nd 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 25
bbls old Monongshcia tYlsky. 26 quarter casks Teneriffe, 30
do do Malam Wine, 200 bbls gin. whisky and runt, 100 boxes
Vo, 1 and family soap. 60 do starch. 60 do ndamantine can
dles, 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 16 do shoulders.
-10 hhds West India Molusos. 40 bbls and tes do, 26 bbls N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
wholesale '* ' “
T Legislative Charter, granted in 1849.
HE Spring renton will commence on the second Monday,
which laUialtUxday oTJaaotry. -
Gwo. Y. Browxi, President and Prolbssor of Mental and
Moral Sctonoo.
P. Loup. Ptofossor of Natural Bctenoci.
L. R. IBaxiux, rrnfcuot'M Bathematiea aad Director at
Hxxrt M. Hotracuw', Professor of Belles Lettrea.
Tho Faculty will bo assisted by the following Ladies, vi* >-
Mra. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Minot Bennett, Bomitead.
Moredlth, and E. Dennett
Catalogues containing further information, may bo ob-
talnod by applying to either of the officer* of LLe College, oi
to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute tho
Board of Trustee*: E. E. Jones. M. D.. President; B. M. Poo-
J les,Esqr., Treasurer: Tho*. J. Burney. K*qr,, Secretory! Ool
. B. Walker, Rov. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Win.' S.
Stoke*. Edmund Walker, Zacharish Feura, Nathan Massey.
Wm. W. B. Crawfnnl, M.D., BenJ. Harris, Ja*. F.8«ranaon, J
W. Fears. R. 1*. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan county, Dec. 23rd, 1861.
dr 20 lawdfo
I MR. F. STEIN, on Brough ton-street, ha* Just receiv-
/ed the finest assortment of new and fashionable Jewel
ry of all descriptions. Gold and allver pencil* and pens,
sliver and silver giltod ware and fruit baskets, waiters.
> tea sets, candlestick!, table and tea spoon*: fine table,
w pocket and pon knives, scissors.and alnrge variety of the
finest work boxes, dressing casos. and writing desks for
ladle* and gentlemen, a* also a fine selection or flutinaa.
accordlan* and fancy article*, too numerous to mention,
whicli lie offer* at tho lowost price* ever sold in this city
The attention of the public at large, but especially thatot
the ladles, is narticularlv rfecmcsled. au21
THE undersigned ros|iectfuUy Inform the
[citizens .of Savannah, Georgia and Florida,
thnt liiey have on hand more than fifty
Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale in this city, and
4 * * “*-■ ' 1 Ui“ *
States. Nunns k Clnrk. T. Chickering. Bunrdman k Gray,
Leight k Newton. Edwnrds k Fisher, all well known to the
lovera of Music, have place in their large assortment.—
These Pianos are of rich tone, and beautifully finished in
Rose Wood. Black Walnut, and Mnhogany, with iron frames
made In tho must substantial and workmanlike manner.—
Also tho Justly colebnited Afollsn Piano Fortes, which for
their sweetness of lone have tint been’equalled. All these
instruments have metalieframes which render them peculi
arly suited for tfli climate, preventing necessity of tuning
Tho undersigned nro Agents for Henri Hera’s, colebrated
Grand Plsnos, made In Paris. For Power and beauty qftone,
they stand pre-eminent.
CsMUMT’s MxionioxR^-This beautiful toned wind inslrn-
raent.manutiactured by Carhart k Needham, N. Y..for village
purposes. Lralges.Screnading Patties, and tiiet)rivate|irac-
tiso of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they
havo also for sale. Alt these instruments will be dispoeed of
on the most accommodating terms. The prices of the l’i.
anus ranging from 8176 to 81,000.
Tho subscriber hnvlng purchased Hie on
|tlre business of F. Zoobapm k Co., of which
flrn> he lias heretofore l«n Hie sellng ment
ber In Savannah, would re«|s-ci|ully invito
tho attention of thoso In want of anything In tlm musical
lino to his establishment. Front many yea ra! experience
both in professional and business niattura connected with
mnsle, Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to prufft-riiN ser
vices in the selection of music and instruments or the ful.
fitment of order*, with the assurance of his utmost sen I and
industry In his endeavor to deserve the iiatronogu and con-
fldenc.0 of Urn publlo. G./B. M1TUI1KI J..
Junel4 • successor tor. Zogbnum A Co;
at the w
In grocery stores.
VL rn
bent i
—The subscriber, in retiring from business in
this city, cannot but feci deeply grateful and obliged
tor the very liberal patronage which baa been extended to
w. (a new house.) both from city and country friends, and
“** wlf eppartunlty to express hla thank* for the same,
ztriIndulge! the hopo that past favors will be continued to
who are every way grateful to give the most
*?¥ilv®*^ wW *faeUon to the patrons of the late concern
i « * Rod < e «- Very reapectfolly.
J 8 !* 2 * J. M. KIBBEE.
m UK—-The cvpsrttjerahip heretofore existing be-
'"® en , lll o uu ierilnnod, under tho firm of Ckaxr k
«WU»XB*. U this nay dissolved by mutual consent. The
oidaeu of the late firm will be settled by 1L A. Crane, to
t? r ? otu having claims will please present them,
'"debUd will make payment Either party are
Muwrtzed to u«e the name of the late firm in llqunlatlon.
fl —The undersigned having associated
•ill Jin John R. Johnson and Mr. Jamea E. Cope,
a( l h * w hole»ale grocery boslne* under the firm
C < dT^ju2 WHIP NOTICE—The undersigned liave this
itriSX,!- their tn»«re«U for the tranaacUon of a gen-
Uils 5!1? Commleafon Business. In this city,
•wt we firm of Rzu 4. Toon. Office 174 Bar street.
—!5555?*i8*pl*inher 20*,. 1553,
M‘!;rn^ )N iS*! ln *i ik 'P t »'»» t <>ntat the corner
Usstffi*^wT h . l, ,* k# . r '* l T.u' w0 “ l< » respectfully caU
to Mii la quantities to suit purchaser**
vA 1 ? 0 “ n ' t * nt il r ° n a It—e assortment
rrnltand Jam* in Jar*, which he Mtere hlmaelf
rill salt the mod epicurean tastes. y “S
T VINEGAR,Ac.—J5rt received 10 bbl* USX
.1 0i >. 10 '1° White Vinegar. 10 do No 1
® do Scotch Herring. 30 boxes smoked liurrlng, oh,„
f 11 Ulln,, * n ‘I Handle*, is. 0* and 8s. 26 do £
foully ftap. 60 do ground Coffee and Master I. 3 hluls New
rJ*3»frar..2QbUU8tiiatt'a crashed, ground and clari-
^ and 2 hhds Codfish, for sale at th# corner of
and Drayton streets,by
pnEMEIPlTa. OOf.tAhS ANDSI^KVES—We Uke great
y, Phuure lo calling the attention of the ladleetooar
V™ *°d vsUthIts stock of the above—* finer, bettor, rich-
w nrntora elegant assortment of laces, edgings, etc., ha*
Veen exhibited In Savannah ForMlehy
attonsofttovernmenta. ^
Whatoly’a Elementa of Uhotorlc.
Anthon's Manuel of Greek literature.
Hooiier’s Physlelana’ Vademecum.
Walton’s Opthalmlo 8urgery, by Dr. Iitlell.
The Microscopist, for physicians, students, Ae.
Franconia’s Story 5 Stuyvesant.
Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. Bull.
Political and Military History of the Campaign of Water
loo, by General Ilaron de Jomine; Collier’s Shakcspear, 12
mo. edition, vob. 2 and 3, received.
1A' .
_ ture* on Swift, Congreve, Adison, Ac.
Ranke’s Civio Wars and Monarchy in the ltfth and 17th
life and Letter* of the Rev. 8tephen Olin, late President
of the Wesleyan University.
The Old House by the River, by the author of the Owl
Creek Letters.
Taylor’s Memorial of the English Martyrs.
Coleridge Work*, vol. fl.
Modern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair.
English Law and Equity Report*, being tho Ural volume
of the year. New subscriber* can be supplied at the ori
ginal price of 812 per annum.
Blackwood's Magazine for Jane.
Junb22 ~ W. THORNE W1LUAM8.
tot Saavedra, a revised translation baaed on those of
Mottoux. Jarvis and 8mollet, with numerous characteristic
illustration*. .
A Manual of tho Elementary Geology on the Ancient
Change* of the Earth and ita Inhabitants, as illustrated by
geological monuments, by Sir Charles Lyeil, M. A., F. R. 8.,
autlior of the Principles 0 Geology. Ac.
- Home Picture*, by Mr*. Mary Andrew* Denison.
Civil War* and Monarchy in France In the sixteenth and
seventeenth oenturlo* 5 a history of France principally du.
ring that period, by Leopold Ranko.
Barnum’a Illustrated News,No. 27, received bi
Jnlyfl J. B. CUf
60 do lex k Kirkpatrick's Crashed do
00 do Butter. Sugar and Soda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell's Hint Bread
30 boxos do Soda Biscuit
300 do Family. Palo nnd No. I Soap. Smith nnd Col
60 do Beadell's I’enrl Starch
25 do Ground i’eppcr in 20 ft boxes
20 do do Coffee in 60 ft boxes
300 reams assorted Wrapping I’ajs-r
60 mnts old government Javn Coffcn
60 boxes 1st and 2d quality Key’s ls-mon Syrup
100 bids B Phelps' and UusnGIn
80 do N E Ruin, 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P AH Connecticut River Gin
20 and 20 yi casks Malaga Wine
60 bids nnd 100 kegs prime Icsf lard. landing and
or sale by Jy2l SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO.
T HE Subscriber has on lmnd a line nnd well selected
Stock of imported pure Wines. IJquor* and Scgnre,
comprising tho following :
Uramly—10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co. 5 3 do do
old licnnessy ; 2 do do tNizomc, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wine*—i half pines oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
Imndon Particular ; 3 do do old Port: fl do do Sherry
Wine ; V'O casks Claret; 40 baskets Champagne.
ScRnra—20.000 Rio Honda ; 10.000 Iji Cruls 5 6,000
1st Union i 10.000 Ij» l’atrla ; 26.000 Trubucn*.
Fancy Groceries.—A large supply,such a* Imported
Cordials. KV~ ,| «h Pick tc* 11 ml Sauces, Preserve*. SweetmenU.
Prunes aud jeiiib... For sale by A. DONA I'D,
HeR Corner of Biy and Whltaker-street*.
C OFl'F.E—160 bugs prnuo Rio, 75 do. Jamaica, 60 do.
iSciisn—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 6do. New
'Jrlenns. 100 bbls Cnt*hcd. Powdered, ami Clarified.
Moiju'fks—26 hhds Cuba. 75 bbls New Orleans.
Fi/M’k—-150 bbls Baltimore, 75 do. Canal.50 do. Hiram
Bacox—15 casks Philadelphia Hams, 600 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 lilids Sides. 20 do. Hhotildrrs.
Riioojis—40 dozen, pnintisl handles.
BirocrrH—200 dozen, (minted.
Soar. C.ixniB' axd Staiuii—50 boxes No. 1 and Esniily
,Aiap. 50 do. Palo do. 76 do. Adamantine Candles. 26 do.
Sperm. 26 do. Star, 150 do. Patent Mould do,, 40 whole and
half boxes Starch.
Toiuoro—350 ukgs various brandsnnd qualities,
Ixmox Svxur.Ar.—60 boxes I-enmn Syrup. 10 cases Wal
nut and Tumnto Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches.
Doxnvnn Ijqmms—76 bbls Phelps’ (iin, 60 do. N. E. Rum.
76ilo. Rectified Whisky, 80do. Extratdd Mnnongnhela do.
Wixes—20 quarter casks pure Mnlaga, 8 do. choico Ma
deira. Received, aud for sate by
Jyl5 McMAllON a DOYLE.
136 Oongross-slreet.—We received so many new book*
yeatorday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
Religion*, literary. Scientific, Humorooiand interesting.
We Invite our friend* to call and examine the largest varie
ty of light reading ever offered In this city. Also,
Graham’s Magailne for July; Gody’s lady’s Book.
Blackwood’s Magatlno; Barnum’s Illustrated Nows.
Gleason's PlctoraL Ae. June22
PWRL*CA3K”poirrR MONIES.—tfezre in receipt ofan-
ia.°B 01 1* 10 ** rrr y fieriy flnhhed and fashion-
Pntl Cm* Port Monies. The demaid for these very
•PWJpnsto souvenir* having been much pester than the
no hand, in order to meet th# vraoto of our custom-
J** 1 ladcced to duplicate our order*, xnd are now
EJJJJd to •xblblt a beautiful selection, to wUoh we In-
Uteetloq. se P 18 AIKEN A UURN8.
Ac.—10 half pipe* Otard Brandy,10 do do
k RoncMU do. 10 pipes Hotland Gin, » « and
^5****Kxdelra Wlno,20 do do lfort do, 20bbla oldMonon
El, ^7, M110 Domestic Brandy, 60 do da Gin, 100
AND LARD—30hbdaeholee"Daeon«•##: lode
ifjtooeWert. 500 canvassed Baltimore Haas, SO bbla
Wl -H hale* prime Amlwy UayTfondlOff tohooo-
BOOKS.—’Hie Old House by the River, by the author of
„ 4 b« Owl Creek Utters.
jiion^p giirtatlons. a novel, by Catherine Sinclair.
ls£5 *i B’l Prin* lpl». a domestic novel, by Mr*. Grey.
HlrUUohMp America, or High Life in New York,
rlfo of a Bachelor, or a man in search oj a
„ ’SV? lm °r ->• Hrt. •< Motcoral. M.nor, b. Dr. P.
H. Robinson.
Gody’s Lady’s Book to,July; Otaln^-t,M B garine dot
Arthaz’s Magazine do; IVtotvm'a Magaxino no. 8
Barnum’s Illustrated New*, No. 25, Further *upp>y w.
WfmgkWin**** jf. u. CPBBEDOB,
npHE MASONIC MANDEIk by Km*et lfri»y,pocketed),
i. tlon, beautlfolly lliustraled and in tie mo*t eonveni.
en AIro|t^e Maaonic'Lyre, acolledbn or Mksonic Song*and
Odes, sal tod. to every occasion h lodge or celebration*.
Both new wort* recently pubtW»l.a»a highly worthy the
attention of the Craft. Jo*t retf l'ed pndfor sal# at the
Book Store of B. S SIBLEY,
no8 1 . 'fiS Con cress-street
XJtf THORNE WILLIAMS hat tiwlHitom 1 8*w
W • and DisUff. or Fair fat and Fort)«u>e South 1
the close of the Revolution, W. GUroore BuAm»
Maria De Berntore.a tale o< the Crescent qtf , Kyf. oq.
m Thom5ren ; * DleUonary'or ■Domssttc Mrllcll and ttw
• revised by Dr, H*nry H - 8mlth T
)lpli of Bqanoka. and otbar 8keq!
y* Book trt
^ wi *siasarafss?f-
Perjetd,, Greene County, ua.
T HE Studies in this University are:—A Theological course
. of three rears, designed for those who arc preparing for
the Gospel Ministry 5
A Collegia lo Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges in dm country;
ABcientlficCouneof three yean. Including, with some ad
dition, all the studies of the Collegiate (Journo except the An.
clent Languages j
Tho regular time for tho admission of fltudents, I* at tho
penlngof the Foil Term, the last Wodncsday In August.
Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Course innat
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith.
metlc. English, la tin and Greek Grammar, Ciesar, Virgil,
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; anr
must lie at least fourteen years or ago.
Candidates for admission Into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geograph v, Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equation* In Algebra, and two
book* in Geometry; and must be at least sixteen years of
age. KXHtxsra.
Tuition. S)ninff Jbrm. IhUTerm.
lx TUKoumtGAl. BnnxAKV, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
IxCuujne. 826 00 $16 00
Scientific Course, 26 00 16 00
lx Acadkmy—
Preparatory Class. ...26 00..., 16 00
Second *• 20 00 12 00
Tlilrd “. 16 00 0 00
Elementary “ - 10 00 8 00
Room Rent. fl 00 4 00
Contingent Expense*. 2 00 1 00
These expense* nxiuire lo be paid in advance.
From Studont* who l(Mlge In the College buildings, fifty
dollars will be rooolved ns full payment for the tuition foos,
room rent, nnd contingent expenses of tho yonr.
The price of Board In tho village is <10 per month 5 of
wolfing, room-rent, and fuel, 83.
Tho Commenci'inont la held on tho Inst Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing the year Into lertns,
First Term—from last Wednesday in August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 16th to February 1st.
Second Term—from first duy of February to Commence
Summer Vocal inn—:from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. J». M. SANDERS,
Secretary of Hie Board of Trustess.
Anv friend, by application lo Ibr. J. L. DAGO. I’rerident of
the University, will receive a catalogue, containing the
course of studies, and all other necessary Information.
. THE Alterations nnd improvement* In our
|*!ore. Including a fine fihow Room for Piano
Fortes, nnd a Music Drpartnicnt for Indies
being now completed, vo would Invite tho at
tention of the musical public to our slock.comprlaiDg every
nrtlrie In fhe line, which can bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO A. Stodart A C*..J. n. Duniinm. and
otboraof established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZDOIIAUM A tXJ., Imimrlers,
Nos. 74 St, Julian nnd 107 Bryan-strueta.
doc7 Next to Market Square.
AV» 17 Whitaker tired. Savannah.
Has just oitoncd a large nnd eliolce variety of Nkw
Si’NMKK Goons, consistlmr In nnrt 1 “
Pnuwi A.xnSi’XMKHMooniq consisting In
- _ 0 ......... of black,
ifiirurcd nnd fancy Frencli Caaslinere* ; black and col-
,ored Cnsbinern: Cloth* and Cashmerctls; white and
fnney linen Drills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar-
"•■illes and Linen Vestings, all of which ho I* prepared to
nisko uu to order in Dio most fashionable stylo, and on ac
commodating term* np5
TITILI,o|)eii on the 1st of October, at the corner of Meet-
v v ing and S.*cicty-streots,niarle*ton. 8. C„ a BOARD.
French will Iwexcluslvely spoken In tho School and fam
ily, but duo regard will bo also Had to a thorough English
Education. Madame Togno Is prepared to refer parentssnd
guardian* to the most eminent Professors or Music iu Phil
adelphia and New York, and to a number of gentlemen io
Philadelphia otnl Virginia, to whose daughter* ahe Iran giv.
•n instructlou for several years.
Philadelphia.—Her. King-don Goddard, Md’lle Adcle 81-
golgne. Mad. Cli*. Went. Mod Acelle Gulllou, (mother ol
Mad.Togno.) FAD. Ingraham.Era..Dr. Wm. Harris. II. 1>.
Galpin, Esq,, Signor Purclll, Prof, of Music, 11. liupfold.
Esq.. Prof, of Music.
Lfeut Fort.—Mail. II. Cliegaray. Signor Bauioll.
Winchuter. Va —Rev. C. H Boyd. Hon
J. M. Mason. Hon. R. Y.Conrad. Geo. I^r. H. Il.I-ee. Esq.
Charlatan.—J. L rctiaru, F.-q., O. Mills. Esq.. J. P. Por-
Cher. Esq , If. C King. Esq.lawd5—sel
H AVE In store, and offer for sal) on accommodating
term*, tho following, via:
20 hiids Porto Rico Sugar, in do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 60 hbls crashed do.
60 do refined A B and C do. 26 hiids Cuba MoUaacs,
100 bbls N O Syrup. 60 do New York do,
200 bags Rio Coffee, 60 do Java do.
26 lihds Bacon Hides. 10 do do Shoulder*,
100 half bbls Lard, 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap, various brands.
100 do fancy do, for toilet use. aug!9
No. 147 Day Sired.
All persona of Lvte and refinement—^thoso having
due regard for comfort and pcraonal appearance, may
lat all times sciectnnyand evory article for their want,
.robo, from one iff the hugest assortment* of the Very
Best Goods in this country; cither in Ready Mado Garment*
or made up to measure in unique stylo, or Furnishing arti
cles of every description and quality too numerous to men
tion Call end see, PRICE k VBADKR.
M D. MURPHY. 21 DiiU-rtrM. would respectfully
inform his friends and Hie public generally, that be
Ilia* received Ids spring stylos for geutlemen, among
■which will be found as rich and fine fancy t'as-dcieres.
Vestings. Ac., as have ever been brought to tills market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in tho beat style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully call anil judge for
bemselve*. ' mtall
WM. R. SYMONS. Drapkk amj Tatum, Nb,
17 Whitaker tired*, ri iqiectfully solicit* Uiel
lattention of Ifis friends an t ft*) public iu gen
eral. to his lnrge stock of Ready-m* to Cloth-
ing. suitable for thu present and coining season. It has all
be*'ii made up under hi* personal superintendence, an 1 for
style nnd durability of workmanship, is Inferior to nono to
be found in the market.
The fidtowing comprise a portion of the stock : Frocks and
Sacks of blue, blark and colored cashmere cloth*; black,
bmb d’ete Frock* nnd Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Sacks; India gras*.silk and brown linen
Sacks 1 black and colored alpaca Frocks and Hacks.
Pants of fancy French cassiraercs. black due-skin cassi-
mere, black drab d’ete and spring tweed cassimere, wblto
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot-
‘ in drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vest* of Mack satin, black bamtben. anil fancy silks, fan
cy ami white Marseilles, figured and striped linens.
Also, a lnrge stock of Furnishing Goods, sueh m stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton unoerahlrta. stripe silk and cotton sofk*. silk and
gingham umbrella*.ate..etc.
The whole of which he offers for sale on accommodating
forms, and at prices as cheap as the cheapest. ap13
on DMA winter strained and bleached whale Oil.
rC\) 200 bogs prime green KlnColfon.
50 bags old government Java Coffee.
75 • Loguyra Coffee 46 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbla E Phelps’ Gin, 40 do P A H C-nnn’t River do
20 *• domestic Brandy. 50 do New England Rum.
60 bbls and 100 kegs prime Leaf lard.
6ft hhds prime itneon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders,
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhds prime St Urn lx Sugar. 16 do Porto Rico do,
20 •• prime New Orleans 8ugar.
20 bbls butter, sugar, and *oda Crackers.
80 “ Stuart’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar.
40 '* “ cmsliod and powdered Sugar.
80 boxes Beadell’s As aud 8s tallow Candles.
100 *• Star Candle*. 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap.
60 M Segara. of various brands. For sale by
OH RSIS H. Smith's Flour
O V/ 20 hair bbls choice Ginal Flour
20 bbls Sugar Cracker*
20 half bbla do do
20 bbls Batter do
20 half bbls do do .
20 boxes Soda do
20 half bbls Fulton Market Deef, a choice article
60 bbl* Crashed 8ug*r.
Landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by
IQUOtlS AND WINVS—12 half pipes Ward. Dupuy k
Co’* French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
low priced French BraiWyi ao quarter cask* Domestic do. 60
thjado do. 76 do P ft If Rye Gin, 160do E Pheina* do.eplpe*
'eatmtaster Moaontahelado. 21
v «to|n do do, 100 do N. R. Ru*i,2S quarter, cast
W5 Wne, 1« eighth do eholee do do,» qHrtor do P01
_aul9_ fiWgjgng It EAUUB.
t?NGL18n TOOTH BRU8HE8—A very superior article ol
Hi Engllah Tooth Brushes.—* • - * -•
■.- V, W. UNCQLiN, Monument Squat*.
T?OR SALE—A light one horee Carriage, with
J? to order by brewer ft Bob, Neef Ydrik, and
need bat little: Itean be seen at the Carriage Repository
pfMr.Georg*WiHardusUei.. miitZxfe ; ,
m FWUlt, 200 bbl* adperttoe HowanLst
lAMrt* prime Ba^g^ afifo ghonldere,
ygj” ,?* andloo keg*
Offers [or sale, a large assortment of Cloths, Caa.
slmcres and. Vestings, consisting in part of the fol-
lowing articles, selected by himself during the past
t In London ami Van*, wnfeh he niu n.«v» uuiuvi-
dor in the best style of workmanship, and at tho shortest
notlco. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish.
Ing Good*, for gentlemen’s wear, is very Urgeandofthe
best quality and style—the whole of it made this (all under
hi* own inspection, and will be sold at the lowest price* for
cash or approved credit :—French black, bio*, brown and
olive Cloths; fancy French and English Caasitnercs ; fancy
Silk Verting, super, fancy 811k Ptutn Vetting*; black Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; sutler, black Doeskin Casaimcrea ; Me.
rinnandSilk Undershirts and Drawers; white and fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers: and fancy Kid Gloves; Neck Ties, plain and
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; Scarfs,Satin and
I fora basin Socks, nu5 17 WlUtuker-etreet.
1 WE are constantly receiving these valuable
'Case#, and have them always in readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. B.—We are permitted to inform the publlo that wa
hart received from Mr. R*«axu, of New York cltv. a let.
tor signed by tba different membera of the United 8Ut*s
Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
the non. Hsxrt Cur, deceased, (which wa* enclosed In one
of Fisk’s Metailc Oases,) and who went with it to Kentucky |
they aay to Mr. IUtxoxn, that the Case answered the pur.
pose for which it was Intended, and meet* with theirappro*
nation, and thsy cheerfully recommend It to the pnblio a*
being superior to any other Oa*e for the transportation ol
U»e dead. The letter can be seen by MUtog on
febli I. W. MORRELL ft CO
R Choking and Parlor Stov**, which, be will dispose of
on, accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the foliowing: Cooking Stoves, The Republic, Lady of
** « Lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
■emlum, Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Btor**.~
cion Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet bon, (air tight) square and
oval, 8lx rate, box Stove#. ' • ... ' .
Hollow Ware Pot*. Kettle*. Oven*, Spider*. Sauce pan*,
ftc. Ac. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu
factured at short notice. Order* for Roofing, Gutter*, And
No*. 10 and 12 Barnard »treet
—„ tal*, a new* supply. Tbom iu want will nl
1«BMwt . . LjnaygB PRICE a
_ 1 cleared. Bald Jand will prfohicfc'
)u*hel» of com to the here. This land lie* twd nUln
MannFerry.aatlwsumtatnaba rfver.i . 1 . .
■ jOf-flrat qualJty pine tHubered lifafi oh”
1th cypres* and white opk. Any neuou wlaRihg furtnw'.
zttlculanf eanaddnia ptB *tU^»5(leoii4lV'
jauffl—lnwdtasflw *• |MKaU4 -v
garThe RaMlgh. (N. C.) Blsndtrd w lit •flense publish
weekly for six months, and send bill (0 . W, H. •
» RICF. IJIND8 FOR SALE.—Th* Track of HAND wl \hV,
St. Mary’s River, known a* the Cut-off Tract; cotifotirtnB'
eevon hundred and;seventy.two (772) acres,\of which otW.'
fire hundred (600) acre* are tide swamp aht> fresh iaarklr
land*, witli a rise nnd fail of tide of six feet. The marttr
land was successfully cultivated many year* tlncv, produchlg'
Cotton, Cane, and'Bice. v
Tliese lands could bo put in order with less labour, it]*
believed, than would l>o required for putting Hammvck lands
In order, and are considered very vah from overflow Jn galea
and freshet*.
For further particular* nnd terms, which will be maft* easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co.. Charleston,
B.C.,or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camdon cnnnty,
A pint of tho land may be seen at the office of the Geor
gian. _apl 27—die \
, FOR BALE .—A Tract of IAtffl. containing 202
aero*, and improvements, near Walthoiirvllle. Uberty-
county. Tho land is of good quality, pino and bay land. 60
acres of which nro In cultivation, ana tho remainder well
timbered, offering atrnng inducements to persons Interested
In procuring turpenliue. Tli* Improvements consist of a
two-ztory frame dwelling, together with negro house*, stables,
and all other necessary outbuilding*. The location cannot
be surpassed for hoaltlifulnex* or salubrity of climate, with
od water, and a range for cattle which cannot bo excelled,
-jeabove properly can be bought at a. very reasonable price*
and on Hie moat accommodating terms, ir early application
be made to the subscriber*, at Walthourville. Uberty county.
ifonii-fi&tow, ITntef. SfiatiiWaiid Halt |
wilt ftid ft u tkrti (otovealU'eanat "
No. 181 NorthCthSt (ojroaiisFh
, , rnoijrr * nil
Afflenttarnl Wsre-Hdi
'No)V*H r Ma*d*r
Steel Extending Point*..’.
of Caatlnga for repairieg.. llto:
AM. Plough No.40. ©a!
«T Steel Teeth, which
Own^^glieUcrs, improveojTuratp
■Com and cobCru4H«*3' '*
Oed'Js’ Improved Raj
apl 25—dfco
le. liberty county,
E. B. WAY.
met A Tract of Tide Swamp Land, containing 600 acre*,
|Pgw|1ylngon tli# Alatamsha river, three milesabovo Deri-
«' ■" -on, adjoining lands of the estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on the east and Gignilliat and TYalkrr on the north
and west, saving as good a pitch of tide as anv rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are. twenty dollar* per aero,
one-fourth cash, nnd the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years. Hie interest only required to be paid annually.
A pply to the undersigned at Darien. In case or my absence
Mr. JAua I'nixnLK will show the innd, a plan or which can
be seen at the offico of the Georgian.
Dxbikx, Jan. 22. 1853.Jan25—lam
rfPL FOR BALE.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acre*
T3j_strlclly primo Rice land, Immediately opposite tho old
town of Hardwick. The situation of the place affords one
of tho bestSaw-inlll Meats In the SouUtem country, facilities
for timber being easy and wlUiout end. Vesssel* coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams.
U.S.DUtrict Attorney ,Savannah,or to B. STILES, llryr
Bnilareand A narrow*,'
Horse Rake*:
Grindstone?, ready hung,
Dirt Scraper*,
‘“-'cultural Furnace*,
oke* and Bows.
an , f'xSsatoff^ ■
Pruning hdlfot and ChUels, DerUng Bor Uiea; .
Saws and ScMftitx, . . Snaths, with Patent ‘
Iron Well (terlSjmd Zinc W '
tubring for Chain . " Potato,tT6ok'*.‘ '
PAPEll HANOIRO*: tffiitaK I
M. 4 fieriIt ■
T HE undHxignod have Juit opt
stock of wall Paper*, a mom
vet fine satin, and the lowe*t pri.._.
decoraUnns. border*, firescreen*. eurfl_._
offer at the lowest price*, both wholeaa'.v^
The brat workmen, hang .ffffeWiett]
city or qountry.,. ' . • . ; v »Vi lTT- “ s-
JJfonk froolt, Stationery. d^-We haveA^flr
sortment of writing papers wrapptog pipett b
school books, sto Honorv, etc, " -
No. 4 North Flth street, 2 doors ab(
JO^C**h paid for country rag*.
TN AM, ITS DHAKCHEa.-Dim n ra,MS?ASfShLi. l . J
A ate devices, embossed- In a new style. In plain and feneV^"
aolora. Seals of every description, with-orwlthont presses
Envelop* printed with name, business aud addreaa, UbeU-
hilt heed*, mannfkcturer’n ticketo. Ac., all 'executed'In the »•
^ fcl prlcM26 ** r heWany iltnl--
* ,n „ eo n"«l« , M’ c e of better and Improved
facniUosfor the execution of aach work, prevea
N.B—All ordera by mail promptly kttendwlto. Goodt' i
sent to any pnrt of tho country. 'im,- uoogy '
Envelope and Beni Presa Man a factnivra*eralfcni
sera and Engraver*. 48 Boutii 8d-st.. Philadelphia;
ano The Plantation known as AtinocK. Immediately on
fi^dlthe weat aide of tho Savannah road seven miles from
^“»-l>nr!oii. contslning eleven liundred and fortv raven
acres of pine and hammock land, of which near two Iran
ilred and fifty acres are cleared and under fence. Tit* ham
mock lands are of a superior quality for cotton, corn, ftc.,
nnd tho pine Innd* well adapted to turpentine. There nro
negro house* and oilier buildings upon the plantation.
There is a water course within five mile* over » good road.
For term*, apply to F. W. DkI.EUAL, *
augl7—w3m South New|>ort. Q
F OR 8Al£r-Jlw westerly half of l«t No. t Yamacraw,
being the Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-Ktreet.
The property in now under a lease which will expire on the
first of N, . ira ber next.
If not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday in
February, it will then be offered at auction at the Court
House. Apply to Atl5 COHEN ft V06D1CK.
T HE Hubrariber. for the part six years Principal o( the
Uelnir Academy, near Tallahassee, Florida, announces
to the citizens of Savannah that he willojieuiii tills city,
on Tuesday. November 1st. a Select School, for boy*. In
struction* will I*) given In all the Classic* the Mathematic*,
the French language, and iu all tho branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youths will bn prejiured tor college, or
fitted for mercantile or other business. The scholastic
year will consist of ten months, divided into two terms—
August ami September being vacation. The tuition fee for
any, or all of the above studies. Is fixptl at 881) per year.
A graduate o' tho College of New Jersey, at Princeton,
wilh seventeen yenrs’ experience In teaching, the subscri
ber feels warranted In appealing wilh confidence to the
citizens orHavannnh for patronage.
As a stranger, he is iM-nnittcd to refer to Bishop Elliott
fur character and qualification*, and take* pleasure in ap
pending tho following certificate from hi* late patrona.
Savannah, September 22d, 1853.
Taluii issrr. August 29th. 1863.
Mr. William S. Bogart, principal of the Ifclair Academy,
bring about to reraorc to Savannah, for the purpose of es
tablishing a school In thnt place, the undersigned, having
had children under hi* care, take pleasure in recommend
ing him a* a highly competent teacher, and worthy Christ
ian gentleninn.
It is with much regret that they havo heard of Ills In
tended removal from (hla vicinity; a*, besides their klud
personal relations towards him. they believe that his place
us a teacher cun bo witli difficulty supplied, aud that his
removal tlierfore will bo regarded as a public loss.
J. Waylo* Baker, George Wh
rpjIE cheapest establishment in the southern country for
A tho salu or sashes, door*, bliudx and wood Mouldings,
of every variety. Is at tba corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets, Chnrlestou. B. C. All my work is made of the
best seasoned white pine, and the sashes are glazed in the
very neatest manner.
A full supply or paints, oil, glass, varnishes, nnd brushes,
alwny* for rale low. **p9—w4w R. F. SMITH.
T Hh Subscribers are now prepared to receive orders for
Flooring and other description* of Hained Lumber, at
the Savnnnal) I’lnlnlng Machlno. situated on the canal, at
tho western extremity of the city of Savannah, between
Zubiy nnd Margaret-street*. Onlers for all description* of
Plained Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice,
nnd manufactured in a superior style, which cannot (alt to
please tho consumer. Work done by their machlno will
compare with thnt of any now in uiie Tho subscriber*
havo succeeded In arranging for a constant supply of se
lected seasoned Lumber, by which no disappointment to
builder* need !>e apprehended. Every facility will be ex
tended In obtaining material for ail part* of a building.
The Haw Mill, now being completed in the name building,
will bo In operation In the eourno of ono month, when or
der* for every description of Sawed Lumber will be execu
ted with despatch. Apply to It. A. ALLEN ft CO., or
Jy2fl—eod2m WILLIAM KINE, Agent.
Francis hppes,
John I’arkhill,
Thomas F. Williams,
George Ualphin,
Oliver 8. Burroughs,
Francis H. Flagg,
Turb itt R. Bet ton,
George T. Ward.
Wm. it. Hayward.
George Whitfield.
Benjamin F. Wbitnor,
JolmJ Maxwell.
William M. Maxwell,
J. Stevonn Maxwell,
Edward Footman.
Arthur M. Randolph,
J. George Anderson.
James J. Archer,
^pillS institution afford* a complete course of legal edu-
L cation for the bar In any of tho United Stales, except
ing only matters of merely local law and practice; nod also
a systematic course of Instruction in Commercial Law for
thoso who propose to engage in raercAntllo pursuits.
Tho Isiw Ubrary. which is constantly Increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 roluue*. It includes a very com
plete collection of American and English Iaw, and the prin
cipal works of the Civil and other Foreign Law. H ta open
to students, and wanned and lighted for their use during
both terms and the winter vacation.
The first term of each academical year begins in the teat
week of August, and the second term in the test week of
February ; each term continue* twenty weeks. StudanU
■readmitted at any period of a term or vacation. Tli* fees
■re *60 a )•*■». IJJ f»r hair a term. For this sain stu
dents havo the use of tho ]** library and text books, ana
of the College Library, and may attend all the course* of
B jbllo lectures delivered to the under graduate* of the
Tho instructor* of the law School are Hon. Joel Darker,
LL. D., Rnyall Professor; Hon. Thenphilu* Parson*. I.L. D..
Dane Professor; and Hon. Edward G Lnring. University
lecturer. Instruction I* given by lectures, recitation* and
examinations, and moot courts.
For further InformaUon application may be made to
either of the instructors.
JAMES WAIKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1,1853. dlawSwia sepfl
fpHE Annual Course of Lecture* in thi* Department will
A commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter
minate in the ensuing March.
JAMESJONRB, M. D., Professor of,Practice.
J. C. RIDDEIJj. M. D., Professor of Chemistry,
WARREN STONE, M. D.. Professor of 8urgery.
A H. CKNA8. M. D . Professor of Obstetric*.
A. J. WEDDKRBURN, »L D., Professor of Anatomy.
0USTAVU8 A. NOTT. M. D. Professor of Materia Medica.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D;, Professor of Physiology and patbol-
00R.N&PS BEARD, M.D., In.
The room* for dissecting will be open from the third Mon
day in October to the hirst of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Physician* 1 and Burgeon* of the
Charity Hospital, and attead this institution from Novel*-
ber to April. The 8tudenta accompany-the Professorate
their visit*, and Mm* enjoy extraoroinar} practical advan
tage*, free of expense. .
There are'about one thousand patients prescribed ftir'
daBy fn thi* fkepltah • - ■ ■ ■ • ^ • 7
>• Demonstrated of Anatomy/
ie number
patient* i* nearly twenty tbonsand. In the
THDMAB HUNT.m7dT. Peah. ^
C OFFEE—300 b
Domingo do, 2
60. do Saint
potoEn lul( .nd r
y bbl* Geo Haws’ Cofntd Beet 100 smaQ rite sugar-cured
hte^WLaadfi '*
AJ received perstot
Shoulders, airtight
rpiIE attention of tlie trade, and otlior*. In want of Porto
A Mommies. Pocket Books, Bankers’ Cases. Dressing Ca
ses, Portable Writing Desks. Backgammon and Chess Boards.
Chessmen, Pearl, fllwll. and Silver Card Cases, Work Boxes.
Caba*. Needle Books, Money Belt*. Cigar Case*. Portfolios,
Razor* and ltexor Strops, Travelling Flask*, and flneCutle-
11 [* r 8 B *«»rioty of Fancy Good*, which
will l>e sold at tho lowest rates, F. It SMITH.
Porte Mounsir atyl Pocket Book Manufacturer.
nug21—codim 206 fipch at., below Sixth, Philadelphia.
73 York-it., rear qf the Court Home, ,'fooannak, Oa.
EitablliliMl In 1833.
L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresoea,Shawls, Table Onver* t
ke.. cleaned and dyed various colors. Ladies’ Bonnet*
Bleached and Preosed in a fashionable style. Kid Gloves
Cleaned.and Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned. Renovated or
Dyod.aa mavbe required. Alldonoin tho samostylo which
has generally so much pleaaed my patrona and frienda.—
Terms moderate.
Persons ocndlug parcels by Harnden’s express, railroad
or steamboats, are requested tn write me per mail. *0 that
1 may know where to call for them and which way to send
them bock. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will
*■« about 26 cents. All orders punctually attended to.
R eceived by s. s. siblky, Auguatio, 1863:
Miles Tremonhere, or the Love Test, by Annette Marie
Malllard. author of Zingra the Gypaey,
Philosophy of 8lr William Hamilton, Profowor of I/wio
nd Metaphysic* In Edinburgh University, for the use of
choolsand colleges.
Abelard andKiolse, a romance,by O. W. Wright
Pyscomancy, Spirit Rapping* and Tipping* axposed, by
Professor Charles G. Page, M. D.
Barnum’s Illustrated News; Gloaaon’sPtctoral; Popular
Educator; Mgjarim of Arte, fto. For sale at the, book
store of 8 8. SIBLEY,
angll 136 Congme-street.
T HE Bword and the Distaff, or Fat. Fair and Forty.a ato-
ry of tho 8outh at the close or the Revolution. 6y the
author of the Partisans, Melilchampi, Catherine Walton,
ftc. ftc.
The Heavenly Home, or the
menta of the Saint* In Heaven.
Poems, by Meditate*; Book or
Book of the World, vol 1. bound.
The Half Yearly Abstract of th* Medical Rctenee*, No 17.
The British and Foreign Medlco-Chirnrgical Review, No
23. Received by
aug!2 j. B. CUBBEDGE.
s Employment* and Enjoy-
1. by Rev H Harbaugb: A. hi.
nf tbo World, No 10. ’
TUST received, a variety of publication* of the NaWYork
cl Protestant Episcopal Society, Tracts, Church i Cate
chisms, Sabbath School Servlet, and other cheap and valu
able Publication*, for sale at the Book Store at - »
xuglO No. I36^r^t.
brilliancy of auiteeeand polish to all other, and-never
•tain* or rusts; withstand* all climates,and is packed with
B™* 1 e*re, sultebte for shlpplmr. Dealer* and other* wiU
their Intertst by sending their order! to the xoto
•gen to,
I\. tention of the publlo la retpectfrinyealted to ttteaboVe -
named ware, a* bring m subtltot#. which for ns# i* warrant-
of perfectly pure metal*, and' fctafcee from een. loa lu.,
^tp amsjaas tags--
:..myfir**** -nlc
yq ,, J )|T.WSWPU*:)|ag?)'i
A RCHER ft WA RNER, Manufacturers. No. Jl® Chest ant- •
fini'ii;.''*"'' 1 "" ° ih " .4
. ARCHER ft WArotra. ' i •
Hit* 8. Archer. | xnrntaSi F. MteWy;
Redwood F. Warner. | Wm. O. B, Mentn;
117 Chatnut-dfed, Mow lUtrih. north tide, PkDadelUdd. "
IXFE Inform merchants and rerident* of this vtdaftyTtbal I
V- t . h '. n,oat ■*»ortment of Mantel, Tim, Wall *
and Oval OIsmn, richest style*, for privatohae. or idlklnd»i«
ta S3 Slr«’;!SiS!Si , L*J ,d
. Sfs - S’)"- V * nl *»• fu inr
“SJ! 1 " - r ™ "° a -»r Miof
French 1’ nines, for Store. jhrelllM,, *0., ,t ImnorU.
°.p& ill01U(fZ NATT
*ble terms.
WIT • “
ng-fi - ... . ,
Purchasers are requested to make an early muminatior
as strong inducements will be held out to oa*b buyer*.
R - fj- WALKER, 100 Cbestnut-xtreet,
mh17—lawtf below 8th, South ride, Philadelphia.
B Take Notion.
J. WILIJAMR No. 12, North Bixth-atreet, a few doota
andihl!t 1 ^ r ^Mtreet, Philadelphia, la the most exten-
m.'t and beat manufacturer of Window Blind* and Shade*
1“ taken the blgheat premiums
at all the exhibitions; he buy* the toft material* by whote-
"J" cheaper for Cash than other* pay for Inferior aiUete* by
retail, and can, therefor*; sell superior Venetian Blinds and cheap as others ask fo^nferior^Wo*/panted
" in’tow Shade* in mat variety, of beautUuL^wkna and
to order.
painted to
will bo convlnoed Ui uc wii* a superior article,- and guar
antees full sattefiuUon. A liberal diMountmadetodealerv
* IFe rind* toptoue.”
aplfl—eod No. Iff Worth 6Hi,»treei. Phlla.
bat if the
ffrey, lie can have hi* hair restored tn
iriglnal oofor by using I»ret’s Wahpenn. .For Bate by
n 31 W, W, LINCOLN, Monpptent Square,
UI/iUH, BACJ)N, Ac.—200 bbl* iuperflne H9W*ni street
r «®«r. 60 klid* prime new Bacon Ptde*,20dodoBbould-
#r*.80 bbls and 60 keg* Leaf Urd. tendingat>4 A*ante by
the LAWK.—Wo would respectftUly cad th# atten-
A tion of the Utiles of Savannah, and sourroondlng coun
try, to the following new and Iwautlfulgtmd* which we have
Just received, vi* :Mlk IVrl* manUltesfterodTtapmuttL
“*> Wj*! 7 ? ett “Vft- *°Pd. neetscarfr, Jadite cravat* and
tie*. Ifrench worked colter*, laced cape* chemlzott* and un
der sleeves, oonnet ribbon, ganro cap ribbon/bhtok velvet
Su?Si« h u n i dr “"iii kl ’"«'» T “.bliekoMtmilt,, ool'd!
■Ilk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of nther artteten
~ > call and a *
uer sleeves, oonnet ribbon, game ct
ribbon, Alexandre* light kid glove*.
■Ilk and lisle gloves, with a large V-.., v „ VMWir Hl
too numerous to mention. Please call and. See for vour.
handkerchief*, tedlea’ aud miaeea’ wblto,and brown cottou
boro, whit* and black .Ilk do, cent* while,^brownwdmff
ed half boM, gent* white ana black aDw do fiortonibw
with a large aasortmeat of whlto and cofofed l(nencam.
brie handkerchleb, colored and black • atlk' cravats, Bte>a t
and-tics, for sate low by . _ • , ■
sorted parasols, plain, striped and checked gteoc Hike, sum •
mer do. barege*, tissue* ami grenedUws, colored and white
U ” u r J ~
„ M. PBENP)C)it_
*!■» 1 17»Bwi5iit.
Ortmo uin tohueh sluts—a wottwot
ft*" “
*Hk gimp to suit all fhadc* of „
niantilla*. shawl*, point* and acarfe, 1
Ing iDk scarfs, white lace and colored'j
•andcolored-crap* •bawl" **•“*- -
and tissue*, black and lei
apil5 ■
lKfir .ri i' ■■ V .'''Wj' MWm
1 by mutualdoBacntooft'