Newspaper Page Text
M°S?oNM dSlM.ll JUl*
**’ aum Bt i«tnd-
” . . tl..Inn ■!
^j^i^noa.N.B.KnApp, Henry UUirop
' jf^Y R. WEED, President,
BIRAM ROBOTS, Vic* President
Warn "*
•r 1 — -——'
1 diUat to««od for their Meml* and desirous of
liaOTtbrdr't elan packet ship*. are Informed
[Hanker, u«Vkt only AgeuU for the above agen-
^SzathoriW to draw on Messrs. Wm. Tapicott
( B luB n from XI and upward*, wlilch
,f ^l,i a in »ny town throughout Ireland and
m pnfU on France and Germany, payable in
j7L Continent, tlw for »ale. Apply to
H BUN'KKR k OGDEN, 80 tay-atrect.
jj HULL Pmident and Treasurer.
CHiffi,Sec'ry. | C.F. McKAY, Actuary.
Agent of the above Corn pnny, continue*
|»Moflo«RUk^rL.: Murine, Rlvor and Firo
JtHiePerwn,are alw taken by tills Company.
|lM iui fur redding in the South.
> WI1.UAH KINO, Agent,
Owner of Bay and DrsyUin-streots.
M4« Prison* ou Msmotres da Klrlo, reJHoo, tmduntlon
tjooTella^M; U. l'Abbo Bauram, profeisgur au petit Semi-
ilngUita etThsrese/ou ta Retour* fo. par M'wi Tatbe
M Babloua—troiaieme edition. . • - V ....
Ernestine au lei Channea do la Vertu sulvle de Nelly ou
la Jeune Artiste et do Caroline at Juliette, par M'ine Oesarie
Fomncer-eeptlome edition.
Blanche d# Savonay. par lPtnO L. B.
"ignes de Lnuvons au Met ‘ ~ '
tlnually In store, a. large assortment of the beet qualities
of the various kinds of WlNEB AND UQUOUft, both foreign
and domestic, Involoed from the beat sources, and to bU
•took of which, at present ou hand, be in rite* Attention.—
Haring hod extensive experience In France ae a manufac
turer, and in America as importer and dealer, his ncqualn-
tones with the trado enables him to olfor aaauranoe that the
articles which are enumerated below *re each genuine,
Articles of Direct Importation.—French Bren*
die# of various brands; Holland Gin; 8ootoh, Irish and
Monongahela Whiskyi Old Batavia Arrack; Jamaica
8t Croix Ruin.
Wine#.—Old Port, Madeira, 8herry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret, Sautorne and Burgundy Wine*.
Cordial*—In cases. Curacoa, Maraschino, Ratafia, 8lo-
volt*, KIrachen wooer, Absinth, Ac.
^ Ale^«nd Porter—-Loudon Brown 8tout, and Edln-
Also Agent for Domestic Liquor*.
norft R. MAYER.
mptm Do Scaur St.Lous, par
Louis Venllette.
Matbllde at Gabrleuo ou let Blenfalt*, d’une education
chretrienne—troUleme edition.
Robert ao PSouvIner d’une Mere, IPme 0. Guerroaate.
Voyegee ot Aventure* de Lapcronie, pay F. Valontin—
lixteme edition. Foreale by _
. »op33
J. B. CflBBKDflK.
u gress-st,—Bible In the Family—Bible lathe Counting
ffTT-w-, Marine and River Risk* on House. ., .
__ eWtskiH . Annals of Tennessee, by J.G.M Ramsey,M.D.
u-niklina*- _ . . n tnu» t Tlie 8word and the Distaff. or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Hlrwtt Bob#rt *» Jl WU<Wr ' L Maria De Bernleto, a tale ot the Crescent aty, by W.
.... lllnls™ Shnim.
The Race for Rlchea, and aome of the pits Into which the
Runners fall; . '
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustln, D. D: *►
Country Ho*pltoUt!ea,Ly Catherine Slndal#*' *..
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Etherinl Softdown
and the Friends of the New 0. W. Webbor.
Howland Wovor, or the Pilot of Human Ulb.
Great Truths by Groat Authors, from wrltors of all ages
and both hemispheres,
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Cnlln. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Jrtfl
R ECEIVED BY S 8. SIBLEY. June «8. 1853,-Edgnr
Clifton, a story of School life, by C. Adams.
The Old Forest Uangor.or Wild Sports of India, by MnJ.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an acconnt of the
various Revolutions In Europe and America, to the present
time, by II. White. B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Almnder, D. B.
Tho Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
' Harpers Magazine for July, an interesting number.
Putnam’s Magnilnefor July.
Bsmum’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Pictoral, Ac,
lUCI k BASSOS respectfully announce to
[Etfnisf&vsanali that they are now prepared-
kipriiol rork In tlieir line, at their now shop,
of Rroufrlitou and Drayton-st*. Tlity have
4 Ut Whviug s* their rate* of charges: For a
Rkr! r*r month, for ‘i or three time* ;>cr week
■iWSiv^ktl; A or 0 times a week $1 60; every
"sIpMaUl. Hair cutting viOc.; hair curling 25c.
__fl will always hold hlinaelf In roadlnoasto at-
■tatalron those who may require his services at
^ onv8
. jv int impruvod organization, manufacture
udruivi Stationary Engine*. Sugar Mills, Gins,
jto.Drill*, ke. Alao. every description of C<it-
iiuil&T Mill work.Shafting. Pulley*. Ac., Cast.
tir^iL (having a large awortnient of patterns J
BffSutmt. eorno’r or Gold. Claxlon k Wet-
iit.CnWns & Co. and H. Collins’ Axes, ilatd-
zj,OPr»tt-st.. Sew York. oclO—lyr
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round tho World, qomprts-
Ing Cliill. the Gold Region* of California' and Austra
lia. the South Sea Island* and Java, by E Ulratoecker.
Romance of Abelard and Helolse, by 0 W Wright.
Pyscomanov, Spirit Rapping* and Table Tippings exposed,
by Professor Charles G Page.
. A History of England from the flrst invasion of the Ro
mans to the accession of William and Mary in 1688, by Juo
Lingard. 1). D.
Heavenly Recognition—Will we know onr friends In hea
ven I by Itev If Harhnugh.
Heaven, or tho Sainted Harbaugh.
The Heavenly Home, or tho Employment and Enjoyment
of the Saint* In neaven.
The Illustrated Magazine of Art for Angust; the Edin
burgh Review for July } Ranking’* half ytfsrly Abstarct.
January to June, 1853 j Bnrnum’s IUu«tnited New*; the
Indy’s Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vnl
Philosophy of Sir Wm Hamilton, edited by 0 W Wright.
Hearth's Legacy ; Annie Grayson ; Grammar without a
master. Ac.
^ Have In store, and offer for sale, on tho mo«t
3lktorab\o terms—
■ 15 hhds St roix Sugar, 25 do Porto Rico do
■25- do N Orleana do. 50 bbl* Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart's A. B and G Sugar, 25 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do, 200 bags Rio Coffoe,20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 50 do. Jamaica do
10 cnsca User’s Aromatic Tobacco. 50 cask* Bacon Side*
25 cask* Shoulders, 26 do Ham*, choice quality
100 bbl* Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 25 half do Canal do
26 hhds. 60 tierce* and SO bbl* West India Molasses
25 bbls New Orloans Molasses, 25 do extra do
25 quarter chests Hyson Tea, 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Caudles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bale* Gunny Doth. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope
100 bbl* E Phelps'Gin. 260 .Flock’* do, 26 do Connecticut
River do, 25 dn N K Hum
20 qr auks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
" half M| " " *" *'■*"*"
100 bb
‘ TB bh
fpjpe* otartl nrandy. 20 qr cask* do do
* Monongahela Whisks. 10 qr cask* Port
* Mint and Rowe Cordlnt. 7
Also, the following old nnd very choice uquora, in glasses :
40 doranehnico old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
35 demljotia St CroLt Riim. 15 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1845 •
10 do. Pure Juice, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1815
35 down Scheldnin Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar,
may 18
H 25 HUBS, l’ortu Rico and Musconulr. Sugar, 20
do choice Now Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100 bbls New Orleans nnd Cuba Syrup. S
art’s rectified do. 500 gallons S;*rm Oil, 300*do
Linseed do. 200 boxoa Sperm and Adnmamnuttno Candles,
26 dn Starch. 50 do Checso, 76 do Soap. 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mlxe<land assorted Candies, 75 package* Teas. Black, Im-
irnrinl nnd Orcen, 150 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered nnd Crashed do, Prunes,
Fig*. Citron. Pickles. UnLlns, Yeast Powders. Salcratua, 8o^
da. Ac., now In store and for sale very low. bv
mh20 KIBBEE A R0D0DR8.
S patent Platform Scales—(Improved Inqual
kirrliwl in price)—Adapted to every required op-
ng.aa Railroad Scale* fur trains or single cars
Wwindjal railroads In tho United States and
jaWanhouro Scale*. Heavy Portable Scales, on
.tovlrit*.hilling mills. Ac. Store Scale*, various
JdjOwntet Scales, Hay and Coal 8cale*. Ac.—
Lkutbeeb long known *n<l severely tested; and
*] (onMrace felt la thujr accuracy and perfect
led oa
.* the*toud.
ikncbthsUboy are now regarded
“ ’ ~ i appeal.
“HID.—A supply of Mineral Paint*, fire »nd
rf color*, unlading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
from all other* In market. They are not
■iqaire little ot). they ilo not work la uglily, but
■uxMts lead! They lay on a verr *
Mth. and becomean Indertructabi
ur Wilber crack nor peel, and require no stronger
Jktkite lead; *
■Ittrlety of colors. Red. Yellow, varlou* Browns,
They are superior In body (or covering
irthing ever discovered, and pound for pound
m the surface of White Lead or line Mineral
Jairequlre lesx oil.
■nttfand io covet Tin Roofs, os nothing adheres
pllWi Mineral Paints. For sale hy
to and 12 Baruahl-street
a C>>mx— 1 150 bag* prime Rio, 75 do Jamaica, 60
lo Java.
Suoak—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do St. Croix, 6 do
iris, 100 bid* Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mdtjaw—25 hUd* Cuba. 75 bbls New Orleans.
Floor—150 bbl* Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do H Smith’s.
Baww—15 casks Philadelphia limns. 600 Baltimore can
vassed do. 80 lihd* Sides, 20 do Shoulders.
Potato®*—160 bbl* P nnd Mercer.
IiAttn and CoDnmi—26 bbls choice Leaf lard, 0 casks Cod
8oap. Canm.k* and Starcii—50 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 50 do Pale do. 40 whole nnd half boxes Starch. 76 do
Adman lino Candles. 25 do Sperm, 25 do Star, 150 do Patent
Tuiiaoco—460 pnehnges various brands and qualities,
LutoX .-YRtT. Ae.—60 boxes Ixinioii Hyrun, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches.
Domamc 1 jqroH*—76 bbl* Phelps’ (Sin. 60 do N E Rum, 75
do Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Wixkr—20 quarter cask* pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madel-
i—received aud for *ule by
No, llfl BmugUon^t.. between Dull and Whitaker.
L THE largest and best selected *toek of good* ever
rV offered for sale lo thk city. Gold and Silver Watches,
jBVcit.Fob and Guard Chain*, S*t* of Jewelry, Chat*
iesTRraeeleU, Brooches, fin* Diamond wortt Finger Rings,
Silver Castors, Tea.Sets, PI tobers, Goblet^Cup^QAe Baskets,
Spoons, Forks, Fish Knives, Pie Knives, ° ’
dlts, Syphon*. Also, all kinds ofPUtod
Fancy Goods, aud a great variety of ariti
mention : the whole of which will beSflL
All kinds of Watohe*, Clock*. JeWelry.aad qthor Jobbing
attended to bycomaeUmt hands, HORTON sRIKKMAN.
The undersigned beg* leave
.Of Savannah, and the people In tMMuntry In gene-
, t he bos taken tha 8tow No. 148. Btonghfon 8treet,
onedoorWest of Wxon’* Oonfeotloner)r, v where ho will be
pleased to make and repair all kinds of uloek* and Watches,
and will warrant all work with which Ittmay be Intrusted.
ap27-ly •; FRANCI8 STUN.
Monday, October 10th, under the m*oi»—
MALLARD and BERNARD MA1L0N, aMocfato prindpsl*.
The sosdemle year I* divided Into four quarters.of eleven
weeke each, a* follows:
First quarter commence* October 10th. and ends Decem
ber 24th.
Second quarter commences January lit. 1854, and ends
March 18th. .- n ■ . y
Third quarter commence* March' 18tb, and ends Jane
10th. ,,
Fourth quarter commences June 10th, and end* August
87th. , .....
The academy I* organised Into five departments—Prima
ry, Intermediate, Grammar, Uaeiloal. and Young Ladles’.
No expense ha* been spared to fill the oeveral depart*
mento with well-qualified and experienced teao'lers.
The YoonriLadlee will be under the charge of J. B. Mal-
uxn, RMlstofl by Ml** M A. Oalucxdkr, who was educatod
In tho best »qhools of Northampton. Mass., and baa boen
for tho last throe yean principal of a female academy In
tbUBtote. <
The Oasslcsl Department win be under the charge of Mr.
Isaac F, Cadt. a graduate of Brown University, for two
years classical uachtr In tho High School In Providence,
and for the last six yeare prlnolpal of the High Bchnol. In
Warren. Rliodo Island.
The Grammar Department will be under tho charge of B.
Mau/>x. as heretofore.
The I* * ‘ “
_ RECEIVING by evaryorrfvalb^th* Steamoi^ffiMifh
- - - ins. making the best assortment In this city, orwU*
kind* orWatcbc*. Jewelry. Fancy Goods,RfrOrepo^os. Forks,
Pilchers, Tea Seta, Cujh. Syphons. PUtedXUtors. and every
variety of article* connected with our line of bnslneM; all of
which will be sold as low as In -any city In the Union.
B. B. NIGIIOlfl.
93“ Particular attention given to tho Repalringof Watch*
es and Jowelry. ^ .ho 20
A» .THE undorslgued Is now opening a spleudld assort-
mentof rich JEWELRY, embracing tho recent pnttom*
'of Ear-rings. Pins. Bracelet* and Flngor-rlngs. among
" ' ” ’ ‘ $10to
' which are mime fiuo iliummut sottings.frum $
l Also, twenty-five sots of those unique Pearl »Sds of Ear-
fringe and Brooches, from $18 to $125 “ '
i the sot. neivpsl
and rarest patterns: together with a very select assort-
itrafine JPitfcAei sot In pearl, dltmohd; lain*
i pearl, diamond; lain-
These, with a.furtfyer «asortmeut o(
^ k ment of oxi
ting and plain cases, ,,
good Jewolry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons, Forks.' Ladles,
Cups, &c.,and Hated Ware of all kin 's. Fancy Work Boxes,
Dressing Cases. Folios, Clocks, Bronze Figures, gold mount
ed Canes.Cuttlery. Ac., renders his assortment very com-
plate, and unsurpassed In the State, either In quality or pri
ces. D. II. NICHOLS.
93“ Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks,
and jewelry^ n ol2
fan MB. F. STEIN, on Broughton-street. has just recelv*
wed tho finest assortment ot now nnd fashionable Jewel*
rv of all description*. Gold and silver pencils and pons,
jh sllvor and silver gllted ware and fruit baskets, waiters,
tea sots, candlesticks, table and tea spoons: fino table,
*4a pocket and pen knives, scissors, and a large variety of tho
finc*t work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
ladles and gentlemen, as also a fine selection of flutlnns,
accordians and fauev articles, too numerous to mention,
which lie offers at the lowost prices ever sold In this city
Tim attention of the publto at largo, but especially that ot
**•*■■”' * “ * * iled. - xu2l
the ladles, is parttcularlv requeste
IntermedUto Department will be taught by Mr. Hxx
ky Hakkr, a graduate of Oglethorpe University: and the
Primary by Miss A. R. Cartsr.
Arrangements have been made with Mr. E. Mount for
giving Instinotion In French and Drawing.
LeyUlative Charter, granted in 1840.
T HE Bpring session will commence on the sooond M
which is the 12tli day of January.
Qxo. Y. Bnowx*, President nnd Professor of Mental and
Moral Scionee.
P.IiUJD. Professor Of Natural Sciencos.
L. R. Branham, I’rofosaor ol Mathematics and Director of
Henry M. Hoi.TWn.Avr, Professor of Belles l*ettros.
Tho Faculty will be assisted by the following ladies, vis:—
Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Branham, Misses Dennett, Dumstead,
Meredith, and H. Bennett
Catalogues containing further Information, may be obi
talned by applying to cither of tho officers of the College, oj
to either of tho following gonUcmen. who constitute the
Board of Trustees: E. E. Jones. M. ]).. President; B. M. Pee-
S lo*.E*qr.. Treasurer; Thus, J. Burney, Esor.,Secretary: Col.
. B. Walker. Ruv. N. G. Foster. Rev.,C. M. Irwin, Who. 8.
Stoke*. Edmund Walker. Zaclinrlah Fear*, Nathan Massor
ti’m \tr 1) u r\ 't» i ....j- ... n *1
Wm. W. B. Crawford, M. D.,"Benj. Harris,Jas. F. Swanson, 5
W. Fcars.lL P. 'Zimmerman.
. Madison, Morgan county, Dec. 23rd. 1851.
dr 20 '
tonvUfo, East Florida, contKlnlna i
dred aores, near hlna hundred or #hkb are <
eulUvale<l with success by b|uj t and the're.
lag of hammock arid pine lnnd. It Is eligibly situated, , and
-—*-»- klULtl* *
capable of a high degree or cultivation. Ttfe bbllfllng* art
In good order, cniislsllbg of a comfortoblsidweBldg; Irci,
andapaclou* and convenient Jiouw*.adapted to all tho pur
poses of a Ion* staple cotton plantation.'together wtth w
grinding house and mill, and a boiling boose and boilers,
which are capable of turning oat from fifty to one hundred
hogsheads of sugar. Also, eight thousand acres of pine
land, the grenler part of which Is well tlrabered. lylng on
the St. Johns river and Its vicinity. For prloo and terms
apply to the administrators.
J. WALBBURO, Savannah,
B. A. PUTNAM, St. Augustin*.
Mr. J. N. Johnson, who Is on the plantation, will exhibit
It olid the other totid. ■ " / ^ aeplfi—dtf .
- ' A'o.lal Norik SMk &«?. ;
(Opposite KrnnkBrTft
| oy Cane Beat Chairs; In great
., j . . Jty of elegant andfoehlonsWwi
for parlors, dining-rooms or, ebamben. “
Wood*. Imitation Wood*, and Fancr (vnmr
Woods. Imitation Wood*, and Fancy Colors. Aer .
Reception artd Cottage ChaW. of light and 'MkhtiftSPi
1 FOll SALE;
offer* for sate1,200 acre* of Land,
naa. THE anbaeriber dll.. r
S^S|ylug °n the Alntamaha. river, three miles below the
signs,; Amo Itounges, Cano Sottee*,“HaH',
Horiso and Office Arm Chairs, large and
»-fo»k. known as Town Bluff. There are 260 acres open,
y for cultivation ; also two small framed houses with
a framed bam and good framed stige house, situate on
. , jnd „
ihebanknf the river, one of tho best stands for a store in .
this section. Tlie place has tho advantage of fteamhoata
during the foil, winter nnd spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river fur slmd. Any person wishing
to purchase can do go by colling on the subscriber on tho
AUso. DBO acres of Land • well timbered, with 160 seres of
flrst rate bay land well ditched aud drained, ready for clear*
lng. with five acres cleared.* Said land will produce fifty
bnsbels of com to tha acre. Tills laud lies two miles from
Mann Ferry, on the Alnlnmaha river.
Also. 6,000 acres of flrst quality pine timbered land on
the Alntamaha and Ootmilgeo rlvors.
AlUheso tanitsju-o situate In the first anOetteeud district
of Appling eouufy. Also; 2,0QQ acre* «t land vrelttlmbeved
wlthoyjireiiaand White oak. Any person wtohlng further
particulars can address mo at Hall P. O., Gborgfn.
jan31—lawdAwflm W. BY ALT..
*ar Tho Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will picaso publish
weekly for six months, and send bill to W. D.
Ch dr*. Flore nnd Steamboat Stool*. Wlndi
Settee*. Ao. . . * - •?
HoitsckretVik. Hotel. Steamboat and Bel) Up*
will find It to l|ielr Interest to call althe F J ‘ E
No. till iKorth 6th 8t (opposite Fn
RICE LANDS FOR PALE—The Tract or IAND on the
JXJSt. Mary’s River, known as tho Cut-off Tract.contnlnlng
S IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Personal Skotches of his
own Times, a new edition. ,
A Memorial of Horatio Ureenough, by H. T. Tuckennan.
The Pedestrian iu Franco and 8witserland. by G. llauell.
Tlie IJliertlnos In American, byII. W. Warner.
A Book for every Amorlcn. on the Science of Government
nnd Coni pend of. the Constitution nnd Civil-'Jurisprudence
of the United States, by A. W. Young.
Grankin!, by tlie author of Mary Barton.
Tlie I-ondou Quarterly Review for July.
Blackwood's F-riinbnrgh Review for August.
N os. 10 and 11 Colllor'a Shakespeare.
I owry’s Universal Atlas.
Upham’s Mental Phvlo*ophy. abridged.
Hucl.’n Thibet nnd Tartnry. Iamdon edition, illustrated.
Lurd Bacon’s Essays. 1 vol.i Rabelais’ Works, 2 vols
R OADS AND RAILROADS, a manual of tho prlnclploa
and practice of road making, comprising tho location;
constrnctlnn and Improvement of roans and railroad* by
W. W. Gillespie. A. M., C. E., civil engineer in Union C
pkiilni lust removed to No. 21 Bull-atreet. (lie*
•pwisd llrouglifon-atreels.) would inform his
li to poWie (wnerslly. that he will open Tnia
wwliapplrof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
kfowb. Knjliih and American Cloths. Cassl-
HYosting*. purchased from the innstextenaivo im-
■I«v York, vUlch he Is prepared to make up In
"w moil fuhiooable style*.
Poems ol Alexander Smith.
The Ln*tLcaf Irom Sunny SIdo. by T.'Trlsto, with a me*
mortal of tlie author, by Austin Phelps.
,, • Rome Cookory, a collection of tried receipts, both foreign
and domestic, by Mrs. J. Shadwick.
Philosophy of Mysterious Rapplngs and Reply to Beecher,
by E.C Rogers.
Chamber*’ Miscellany, In 20 volumes, fancy boards, nnd
10 volumes, cloth.
Chambers’ Repository. 4 volumes, fancy boanla.
Cliambers’ Information for the People, royal octavo, half
calf binding.
Chambers’ Pnpers for the People. 12 vnl*., fancy hound.
The Works of ftimuel Maunder, Including the Treasury of
Natural History.
Treasury of History.
Scientific and Literary Treasury.
Treasury of Knowledge and Biographical Treasury.
Industry of all Nation*. No* 3 and 4.
Godny’s lady’s Book, for September.
The victim’s Revenge, a sequel to tho Matricutt’s Daugh
ter. aud the Star of the Fallen.
Jem Bant, a tale of tho land and tlio Ocean, by tho Old
Barnaul'* Illustrated New*. No. 34. Received by
aug23 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
. . 10 bids No. largo Mackerel,
FtrEi 10 bbl* No. 1 do do
fenaaal 10 hall bbl* No. I ilo
iSarflaftlo do No. 2 do
30 bid* sugar, andnr. ami butter Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Ri*cuiU,
50 do Buchan's Family Soap,
60 do Colgate’s No. 1 do
40 do Colgate’s aud Beodcll'a Pearl Starch.
60 do Herring*,
landing aud for sale by
J. V. CONNER AT A CO., offer for sale oa ao-
nSxdn ennmiodating terms, a well assorted stock nfGro-
iT^ffaccrlea,Liquor*.Tobacco.Scgars,Ac., viz: 180bags
■SBuSbprSuin Bin Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 lihns
Porto Rico and Muscovado Fugars. 60 bbl* clarified coffee do.
26 do crashed and ;>owdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
age.* black and green tea, some very superior ; 250 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l's. 8'*. 6’s and 16’s. 15 cases Di
adem twist. 10 dn Virginlu* aud Aromatic. 20 do nectar loaf,
Vlglnln gold leaf, lo tones El Dorado tobacco. 175.000 supe
rior llnvAua Regara. 10 half pipes Otord.Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy. 20 hHir and quarter casks Plntern. Mai tel, Sazerac. Ao.
Hrnndy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean I<ouls do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half plnds and 16 quarter cask* Muporlor Madoira Wino, 25
hbl* old Mnnonnheln IVisky. 25 quarter casks Toneriffo, 80
do dn Malaga Wine. 200 bbl* gin. whisky and rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 and Dually soap. 50 do starch. 50 do adamantine can
dle*. to do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 16 do shoulder*.
30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbl* nnd tea do, 25 bbl* N
Orleans dn. together with every other article ummlly found
at tlm wholesale grocery stores. Junc3
, THE undersigned resiwctfolly Inform the
'citizens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
that they have on hand more ttiau fifty
Pianos, tho largest stack ever on sale In this city, and
mndeby the most celebrated manufacturers in tho Unitod
Slates. Nunns A Clurk. T. Chlckerlng. Boardman A Gray,
lelglit A Novrton. Edwards A Fisher, all welt known to the
Invent of Music, have place in their large assortment.--
There Pianos Arc of rich tone, and beoplifnllr flnUMimL-99
Rose Wood. Black Walnut,and Mahogany, with Iron frwmes
made In the most sub*tanUal and workmanlike manner.—
Al*o the justly celebrated iEollan I’lano Fortes, which for
their sweetness of tone have not been equalled.' All those
Instruments bore metnllc frames’ which render them peculi
arly suited for Oil climate, preventing necessity of tuning
for years.
The undersigned are Agents for Henri Here’s, cclobrated
Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For Power ami beauty of tone,
tlioy stand pre-eminent.
Cariukt’s MzLoiuoxg—Tills beautiful toned wind Instru-
mcnt.tnanu factored by Csrliart A Needham. N.Y,.f«r village
pur|Ki*cs. Isslges.Serenading Parties, and the privato prac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and iiowerlul tone, they
have also for sale. All theso Instruments will be dlsimsed of
on the most accommodating terms. Tho prices of the PI-
anos ranging from $176 to $1,000.
I'enfiddL^ Onene County, ua.
T HE Studies In this University are:—A Theological course
of three years, designed for those who are preparing for
the Gospel Ministry ;
A Colloglnte Cnurso of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges in tliecountry;
A Scientific Course of thrceyeara.lncludlug, with some ad
dition. all the studies of theColtogiate Course except the An
cient Languages ;
The regular time for tho admission of 8tudents, Is nt the
opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday In August.
Candidates Tor admission nto tho Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Caisar, Virgil,
Cicero's Select Orations, and Jacob's Greek Reader ; and
must be at least fourteen years of ago.
Candidates for admission into the Sclentfflo Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two
books In Geometry; and must be at least sixteen years of
age. Exnwsra.
Tuition. Spring Tbrm. FkllTcrm.
lx TmmtxxiiCAi. Skmixart, Gratuitous.... Gratuitous.
five hundred (600) aero* are ttdo swamp nnd fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and fall of tldo of six feet. Tho roar*!!
land was succcssfullr cultivated many yean since, producing
Cotton. Cnue. nnd Rfce.
These lauds could lie put in ordor with less labour, It lz
believed, than would be required for putting Hnmmock lands
In order, ami ore considered very safe from overflow In gales
and freshets.
For further particular* nnd terms, which will be mode may
to a purchaser, apply to Jolm Fraser nnd Co.. Charleston.
8.C.,or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, 8t. Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of the lnnd may be seen at the office of the Geor
gian^ ._ ipl 27—dAc
® F O R 8 A LB.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202X
acres, and Improvements, near WnlthourviUe, Liberty
county. The land la of good-quality, nine and bay land. 60
acres of which are In cultivation, ana tho remainder well
timbered, offering strong inducements to persons interested
in procuring turpentine. The Improvements consist of a
two-story framedwelling, togetlicr with negro houses,stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. Tlie location cannot
be surpassed for healtnfulnes* or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
Theabovo property can bo bought at a very reasonable price,
and on tho most accommodating terms, Ir early application
Wolthourrllto. Liberty county,
E. n. WAY.
Agricultural W.rc-Hou.c -rid SCiii Bloru,
, m-imk v. ■
'■ ■ ^ j PRornr «i mum' l-Mcnl MU
Sharpening Plobglis. AT *n z*- 1 ^ ®
right and lefthander
, .. ... Bide Hill and Double
- - tondlnf Folnts. Bar-slurp. Reach, ,'a‘nd otherkl
of Castings foryepalring. The Emperor of-Razzia xwi
for the nhovff ploughs, a MassIve.OoJd Medal, value $8
ADoJj’A Great Medal at the WortdHi'Fh fr.’WitWffriWd
ItM.Ttongh No, 40. ColtlratorewlthIVnible-l'cHm^hiti* 1 *•»*«’
ed Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, Graz g^UlngUcrtibl*' • r;.t
V 10 comn,on Teoth. Also, Cultivators of ollklaiffA
with Steel Teeth. • 'P’ r V*"--
iherlc Churns. Cm*Planters. - j *-.iI. •:
Tutnlp Drills. 4 to.8IL „ . . .
OrantVPntrnt Fan Mill*, -
Garden Engines, . '• >■ " ■’
Wheat Drills- - -
Horse Powers and Threshers.
Mowing and Reaping.'Mol v.
chines. . ... . .
Chain Pumps, '.
Cattle Ties, f . n
Hull Rings. ' i I - m- —\i
Patent Iron Pnnths.
Grubbing Hoes.' v. - >
Transplanting Trowel*, .
Hay and Manure Forks, .
Shovel* and 8podes '
" ‘ Field E
- Tho subscriber having purchased tho en
{gpBgppHtlre liuslnoss of F. Zooimitm A Co., of which
TTrjJi fYl firm he ha* horatofore liecn tho acting mem
• ~ - * *ber In Savannah, would respectfully Invite
the Attention of those In wnnt of anything in tl\o nm*lcal
line to his establishment. From many years’ experience
both In professional and business matter* connected with
music, Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer hi* ser-
vlcos In tlie selection of uittstoamt inutriitneiit* or Nto ful
filment of order*, with the assurance of hi* utmost real and
Industry In his endeavor to deserve the iiutronngo and con
fidence of the pubttc. G. B. MITCHELL.
Junel4 successor to F. Zogtwum A Co.
In r.
Bclonttfio Course,.......
Preparatory Class,
Second *•
Third «
, FJumentary “
Room Rent...,,.
Contingent Expense*
..$26 00 $16 00
. 25 00...... 16 OQ
... 25 00..,. 16 00
.. 20 00 12 00
.. 15 00 B 00
.. lo oo e no
6 00 4 00
2 00 1 00
Those expense* require to bo paid in advance.
From Students who lodge In the College buildings, fifty
dollars will be received oa full payment for the tuition fee*,
room rent, and contingent expenses of tho year.
Tlie price of Board In tho village Is $10 per month : of
washing, room-rent, nnd fuel, $3.
Tho Commencemeut is hold on the hist Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing the year Into terms, ns
follows j
First Term—from last Wednesday in August to December
Winter Vacation—from Dcccmlier 15th to February 1st.
Second Term— 1 from Ural day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to Inst Wod-
nesdny In August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trustee*.
Anv friend, by application to l>r. J. L. DAGO. President of
the University, will receive a catalogue, containing tho
conrao of studies. And ull other noccssarv information.
dMtonWpheretofore existing with tho under-
Jt under the firm nf IWiSTON A OUNBY, Is this
by mutual consent. Either partner Isnuthu-
■to urns of tlie firm Inclosing the umottled
A15JJ. augl J. H. OUNBY.
- -rivffleontlnne tho FACTORAGE and COM-
WtriNDB mi lii* own nccount. and respectfully
**tojMcaeflb° patronage s«» liberally extend-
^-PARTNERSHIP.—TUo co-partner
■ 4rv2. Ml * tln ? the subscriber* under
I n n mHPf * C0 ‘ I* dissolved by mutual
linT-i iHHJ* will continue the business ou
■wwUimti, suthnrired to settle all claims, in
F. ZOGBAUM. Charleston. 8. C., '
a . .p- O-MnCHElL, Savannah, Ga,
“•«M 4th, 1853 lef
fog WAUTNKttSHIP—Nonre-Th# con
i* this day dissolved by mu-
KHuir i*® re, * r ’ n K' »nd Mr. Thomas Wood,
I|jTV*‘nigni« place, under tho nnme and stylo
LlX- All drill* sgalnxt the late firm will bo
lJ ninnies duo thorn will be
L' rew iptw for by the new concern,as pei
p—- Wtolll A RODGERS.
)",triiring from business in
Bleak House. No. 18.
Artist Wife, by XIary Hnwott.
History and Rudiments of Architecture, by J. Bulloch.
The Fawn of Pale Faces, by J. P. Braeo
aas* Book of Physiology, by Dr. B. N. Comings.
Tho London Art Journal for August.
Pickering's Greek nnd English Lexicon.
VoL 14 Howard’* Reports in the U 8. Suprejne Court.
Vol*. 32 and 33 English Chancery Reports.
G rote's History of Greece, vol. 11. London edition.
Yankee Neddy; Ocean Bonn ; Guerilla Chief; Red King;
Tho Corsair Chieftain; Flying Artlllorlst. Ac.
tfon of the New York Crystal Palace, edited by Prof.
B. Slllinian. Jr., with numerous fine illuftratlon engraved
from original design* by the first artists. Price 26 cents
G r number and postage. Nos. 1 to 4 received. Bubscrl-
ra supplied regularly.
N EW BOOKS—A new supply of Sir Jonah Barringiou’
Men '
Memoir* of Ilia Own Time.
Housrivyes* Phllosonhers ami Actresses.
Iloussayea’ Men and Women during tho reign ofLoulsXV
Hlldroth's Theory ol Politics—an Inquiry Into tho found
ation* of governments.
Wbatoly's Elements of Rhetoric.
Anthon’s Manuel of Greek Literature.
Homier’* Physicians’ Vademecnm.
- J * “ * * • ** ' Dr. Llttcll.
students, Ao.
fNl ,1, ‘ p l’ , y grateful and uhligeil
»kou.n J” 1 ”?* which ha* been extended to
Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. Bull.
Political and Military History of tho Campaign of Water
loo, by Gcnoral Baron de Jomlne ; Colllor’a Shakespear, 12
mo edition, vols. 2 and 8, received.
thank* for tho same
Anri*. favor* will be continued to
W!{ y grateful to give tlie most
F*8aUt.v 10 I’atrons of the late concern
B "VM. lery respectfully.
Ijf-tp- J. M. KIBBEE.
-partnership beretofore exi»iing be-
u ?'* cr lIle r,rni ° r Craj,k *
Mu* uJ*. in*’, mutual consent. Tlie
Plskbtrf ■uf5^[ rn * wI1 * pliuae present them,
r b »titb«nlm1 k r faymont Either party are
f a»m»of the late firm In liquidation.
USS^}rf l T’2 , «, u » , ^ r, '*Kned having associated
S J wa»on and Mr. James >1 Cone.
mtWrtX»nd Mr. James >1 Cope,
VSS&T^f bu8ino " under the firm
a ,. T. HOI/COMBE.
underHlgned have this
‘"uriaterwu for t ■* irrm..,n nn
'i* fo f t,,e transaction of a gen-
ATwjj ,n city- un-
Office 174 Bay street.
.tteas-m *'S3Ea
tho *y? TG at the comer
Tr»H^i n .y ou hand a large assortment
:^*an fc hlcl ‘ h0
Wurean U>iu*.
.td’SsttSr’ff " w '» 1 io bbl- blnel-
Sa'iw?"™'’1,,^,,. ,u
a llUCKBUY’S ES-OI.18H HOMOIilST, - lerle, or I-c.
tares on Swift, Congreve, Allison. Ac.
Ranke’* Civic Wars and Monarchy in the lfitli and 17th
Life and Lettorsof the Bor. 8tephen Olio, late President
of tlie Wesleyan University.
Tlie Old House by tho lUver. by tho author of tho Owl
Creek Letturs.
Taylor’s Memorial of the English Martyr*.
Coleridge Works, vol. 0.
Modern Flirtation, hy Miss Sinclair.
English Law aud Equity Reports, being tho first volume
of tho year. New auhscribers can bo supplied at tho ori
ginal price of $12 per annum.
Blackwood’s Magazine for June.
jup«22 - W. THORNE WILIJAM3.
60 do I*>x A KlrkiMitrlck’s Crashed do
00 do Rutter, Sugar and.foda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell’s IMIot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
300 dn Family. Pate nnd No. 1 rfoap, Smith and Col
60 do IVadvll’a Pearl "Marrh
26 do Ground Pepper In 2ft lh Imos
2ft do ilo Coffee In 6ft lb boxes - •
300 reams assorted Wrapping Paper
50 mats old government Java Coffee
00 boxes 1st and 2d quality Hey’* («mon Syrup
100 bids K Phelps'ami Rose Gin
8ft do N E Ruin. 50 do Domostlc Brandy
40 do P A II Comiucticot River Gin
20 If nnd 2ft , l B ' casks Malaga Winn
6ft bid* nnd 100 kegs prime l/>nf lard, landing and
nr sale by Jy2l SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A C<l.
rpiIK subscriber has ou hand a fino and well selected
i. Stock of Imported pure Wines, Liquors and Segnrs,
imprising tho following :
Uraiiay—10 halfpipe* (Hard, Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do Jo
old Hennesay j 2 do dn Nnrcrac, 1K08 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do .1. J. Dupuy.
Wines—I half pine*'oik reservo Madeira : 2 do do
Ismdon Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry
Whio ; 2ft casks Claret; 40 baskets Chnmmgiw.
Segnrs—20.000 Rio Honda : 10.000 In Cruls ; 6.000
Lil'iiinn ; 10.000 Iji Pat Ha ; 26.000 Tmbucas.
Fancy Groceries—A largo supply, such ssimporIH
Cordials. K*-’* | «U Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats.
Prunes nnd Join^,.. For anlo by A. RONAUI),
Oofi Corner of Bay nnd Whitnkcr-strects.
C OFFEE—160 bags pnmu ltto. 75 do. Jamaica, 60 do.
Swart—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10do. 81. Croix. 6do. Now
Orleans. 100 bids Crashed. Powdered, and Clarified.
Mnuvssie*— 1 26 hhds Cuba. 75 lit*l* New Orlenu*.
Fumi—160 bbls Baltimore, 75 do. Canal. 60 do. Iiiram
Haoox—16 casks Philadelphia Hams,500 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 hhds Hides. 20 do. Shoulder*.
Biioomb—40 dozen, painted handles.
RrciiKff—200 dozen, pointed,
Soap. Caxduw axo stahcii—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 75 do. Adninantinn Candle*. 25 do.
S;>crm. 25 dn. Star. 150do. Patent Mould do., 40 wholo and
half boxes Starch.
Toiucro—860 nkgs various brand* nnd qualities.
'.«(!.—601)0X0* Lemon Syrup. 10 cat
Lzuox 8VRUP.A
0 cases Wal-
... »
DoMtarnn Liqcuiut—”6 bid* Pbelps’ Gin. 60 do, N. E. Rum.
75 dn. Rectified Whisky. 30 do. Extra uld .Monongahela do.
Wixib—20 quarter casks puro Malaga, 8 do, choice Ma
deira. Received, and for sale by
jy 16 McMahon a doylk.
THE Alterations and Iiuprovimienls in our
‘tore. Including a fine Show Bonin for Piano
Fortes, and a Music Department fur Ladies
being now completed, we wnutd invite the at
tention of the musical piddle to oar stock.comprising every
article In the line, which can be furnished (wholesale aud
retail) nt New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Rtodnrt A Oo..J. B. Dunham, nnd
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZOGBAUM A CO., Importers,
Nos. 74 St. Julian nnd 107 Uryan-strceta.
dec7 Next to Market Square.
No 17 Whitaker tired. Samnnah.
TTos just opened a large ami choice variety nf Nzw
Rriuxn AND Rumhzk Goons, consisting In nart of black,
I figured and fancy French Cassl meres ; black and col-
.ored Cashmere; Cloths nnd Cashmcretts; wlilto nnd
fancy Linen Drills; with n large assortment of fnney Mar
seilles nnd Linen Vesting*, all of which he is prepared to
mnko up to order in tho most fashionable style, aud ou ac
commodating terms - np5
No. 147 Hay Strut,
All persons of taste and refinement—those having
a due regard for comfort nnd personal appearance nin;
at nil tiroes select any and every article fr
, . every article for their ward-
dm. from one of the largest assortment* nf the Very
Rest Goods In tilts country; either In Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing arti
cles of every description and quality too numerous to men
tfon Call aud see. PRICK A VKARER.
M I). MURPHY. 21 Hull-tired, would respectfully
inform 111* friends nnd the public generally, that he
'lias received his spring styles for gentlemen, among
.which will bo found as rich and fine fancy Cnsslmeros.
Vestings. Ac., ns have ever been brought to this nisrket.
All enters executed with dispatch, and In the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and judge for
hemsclvu*. nihil
YtTlLLopenon theist nf October, at tho corner of Mrct-
v r lug anil ‘W.loty.street*.Charleston. 8. C.. a BOARD
French will bo exclusively spoken la the School and fnm-
ilv. but due regard will be also Imd to a thorough English
Education. Madame Tognn I* prepared to refer parents nnd
guardian* to the most eminent Professor* of Music in Phil
adelphia and Neiv York, ami to a number of gentlemen In
Philadelphia nnd Virginia, to whoso daughter* she liaa giv
en instruction for several years.
rhilaitelphia—Rev. Kingston Goddard, Md'lle Adefo Pi.
K«»*n«. Mad. Clin. Plcnl. Mad Acelio Uulllou. (mother ol
Mad. Togno.) Kd. P. Ingraham. Kan..Dr. Win. Harris. II. I).
G.vlpln, Isq., Signor Perelli, Prof, of Music, 11. Hupfold,
Esq.. Prof, of Music.
New 1'orA,—Mad. II. Chegaray.Signor Bautult.
Winchester. I’o — Rev. C. II Boyd.non.
J. M. Mason. Hon. It. Y. Conrad. Geo. low. II. H.I-ee, Esq.
Charleston.—J. L. J’etigru, K*q., O. Mills. Esq.. J. P. por-
clier. Esq , II. O King. Esq. laivdfi—sul
T HE subscriber, fur tho pint six years Principal of tin
Belnlr Academy, near Tallahassee, Florida, annuuncex
to the cUlzQuaufPav'uunaU that Uo will iqwn iu this city,
ou Tuesday. November 1st. n Select School, for boy*. In.
structions will Im given in all tho Classics tlm Mathematics,
tho French language, aud iu all tho branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youths will ho prepared lor college, or
frill’d for mercantile or oilier business. The scholastic
year will consist of ton months, divided into two terms—
August and Penteniher being vacation. Tho tuition fee for
nn.v, or all of tlie above studies. Is fixed nt $80 per year.
A graduate o’ tho College nf New Jersev. at Princeton,
with seventeen years’ experience in teaching, tlie subscri
ber foci* warranted In appealing with conlidouco to tho
citizens ofSavnnnah for paironngo.
As « stranger, he Is permitted to refer to IU*hop Elliott
for character nnd qualifications, and takes pleasure in ap
pending the following certificate from his late iiatrnns.
Savannah, September 22d, 1863.
tez Saavedra, a revised translation based on those of
Motteux. Jarvis and Smollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the Elementary Geology da the Ancient
Changes of the Earth and Us Inhabitants, as Illustrated by
geological mnnumonts, by SlrCharles Lyell, M. A., F. R. S.,
author of the Principles o Geology. Ac.
Home Picture*, by Mrs. Mary Andrew* Denison.
Clvtl Wars and Monarchy tn France In the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du
ring that period, by Imopold Ranke.
Barnam’s Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
’ J. B. CUBl
B OOKS! BOOKS 11 BOOKS 11 i—At SIBLEY’S book store,
185 Congress-street.—We received so many new books
185 Congress-street.—We received so maqy
yesterday, that we cannot find time to ennaerato them.
From grave to
** Ihrdoj mL 10 d0 ‘ Vo 1
rffoSSS Sin"* Herring, 60 do
i***PooM AS?nn.l 8s. 25 do do
^- ! »R 1 ,w'* an Mustard. 3 hhds New
ii M ^ScX\ Cr V h,,1 • l ' rou >’ ,, Bnd e, " r| -
P^Drajton »tre«u)by T0r Mle ,l l,u » cn n>or ol
iTriSrr.r, MVW O'CONNEB.
Bollgtons, Lttorary. Scientific, Humorous and Interesting.
We Invite our friends' to call and examine tha largest varie
ty of light reading ever offered In this city. Also,
Graham's Magazine for July, Cody’s isvdy’s Book.
Blackwood's Magazine; Bnrnum’s Illustrated New*.
Gleason’s PIctoraL Ac. ' Junc23
fei'iT eu, " tu
law by
Wiflf Umim ln rocol P t of An-
Unlshod and fashion-
R!?’^"h«rinl'il he for very
KkL 1 ' .» n ‘ Vw than the
fchS?* 1 •• 4m,u^}„ th w * nt * "f nnr custom-
.■ ,o 5
irrp— MoMAHON fc DOYLE.
cznruirt' lMcon84 '“s 80do
K»*-- Anuw * IHJYL g-
fo»ttUbj U i r!Undlngp * r “boon-
■17—Ti*.w-7—^^ P^«.KWJ,Yfc0°
B OOKS.—77ie Old House by tlio Rlror, by tlie author of
the Owl Creek tatter*.
Modern Flirtations, a Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Prim lide.n domwdlo novel, by Mrs. Grey.
Flirtation* In Amoilca. or High IJfo In New York.
The Adventures uf a Bachelor, or a man lo search of a
Ife. '
Body’s Istdy's Book for July - Graham's Magazine do;
Arther’s Magazine do; Peterson's Magzzlno do.
Barnum’s niustratod News, No. 25, Further supply of
Echoes of a Boll; received by
Juno22 J. R. CUBBEDGE.
rpHE MASONIC MANUEL by Rotart Macoy, pocket edi
tion, beautifully illustrated and in the 'mos?°conveni.
ant form yet published. *
• Mar—'*’
Also, tlm Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and
Odez, suited to every occasion In
Both new works recently published.
attention of the Craft. Just received
Bookstore of 8. 8 SIBIKr
n«8 786 Congtcza-zteael
n lodge nr celebrations,
id.and highly worth/ the
dved and for sale at th*
W THORNE WILUAM8 ha* received Simms’ 8wo3
• and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty pf the South at
the close of tbo Revolution, W. Gilmore Simms.
Maria Do Bender*,* tolo ot thaCmcent City, by W. QU-
raore Simms,
H AVE in Store, nnd offer for sab on accommodating
terms, tin* following, viz:
20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 10do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls crashed do,
60do rofiued A B and 0 do. 25 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N O Syrup. 60 do Now York do,
200 bags lUn Coffee. 50 do Java do.
25 hhds Bacon 8Idcs. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bids Lard. 500 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soan. various brands.
1QQ do fancy do, for toilet uso.auglQ
WM. R. SY1WS8. Diui'kk axii Tailor, No.
17 Whitaker tired*, re-qs-ctfully solicits the/
,atteuUon of Ms friends aw l Hw* public In gen-
irul. to Ills largo stock of Ready-ina ;e Cloth-
lng. suitable for tho present and coining season. It has all
lsi< n made up under hi* persona! superintendence an I for
style and durability of workmanship. Is inferior to nono to
be found in tho market.
Tlie following comprise a portion of the stock : Frocks and
Sack* of bluo. blank nnd colored cashmere cloth*; black,
brab d’ete Frocks and Stoeka; linen duck, drill nnd fancy
linen Frocks and Sack*; India gras*, silk nnd brown linen
Sack*; black and colored nlpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pant* of funcy French ca**Iineres. black doe-skin cassl-
mere, black drab d’ete and spring tweed cas-dmere. white
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vesta of black natin, black baratbeu. and fancy silks, fan
cy and wlitto Marseille*, figured and striped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such a* slocks,
gloves. susiH'iulers. cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershlrls, stripe silk and cotton *ocks, silk aud
glngliam umbrella*, etc., etc.
Tlie whole of which ho offors for sale on accommodating
tonus, and nt prices os cheap os the cheapest. ap!3
T.m-AHAWKK. August 20th. 1853,
i Mr. William S Bogart, principal of the Holair Academy,
being about to remove to Savannah, for the purpose ofes-
tabltslitng a school In that place, the undersigned, having
had children under his care, tako pleasure in rccommond-
lng him a* a highly competent teacher, and worthy Christ
ian gentleman.
U Is with much regret that they have heard uf his In-
tended removal from this vicinity; as. beside* their kind
personal relations towards him. they believe that his plnco
s*tt teacher cun bo with difficulty supplied, sod that his
removal therforo will bo regarded as a public loss.
J. Wayle* linker, George n*
” cla * -
Ft ancis Knpea,
John Parklilll,
Thomas F. Williams,
George Ualphin.
Oliver 8. Burroughs,
Francis II. Flngg,
Turbjtt B. Uottou,
George T. Ward.
Win. R. Hayward.
George Whitfield.
Benjamin F. Whltucr,
John J Maxwell.
William M. Maxwell,
J. Stevens Maxwell,
Edward Footmnn.
Arthur M. Randolph,
J. George Anderson.
James J. Archer,
be made to tho subscribers, atwS
apl 26—dAc
* A Tract of Tide Swamp Lnnd. containing 500 ncres,
■lyingon the Alntnmnhn river, three railesabnvo Dnrl-
k «*n, iidjolning lnnd* of the estato of Rutlor nnd Hun-
wody on the east and Glgnllltat and Walker on the north
nnd west, navlng as good a pitch of tide as an* rice plan
tation on tlie river. My terms are. twenty dollar* per acre,
one-fourth cash, and tho hnlance on n credit of from five to
ten years, the Interest nnty required to bo paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In case of my absence
Mr. James Ituxcilr will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at the ofiico or the Georgian.
Parikx, Jnn. 22. 1853.Ja»25—lam
FOR 8AIJ!.—A Tract of LAND nf Five Hundred acrea
strictly nrimo Rico tand. immediately opposite the old
town of Hardwick. Tlie situation of the place affords one
of tho best Saw-mill seats In the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy nnd without ond. Vesssels coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feot of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U.S.District Attorney,Savannah,or to B. STILES, Bryan coun-
are# I’lanUthm known a* Auuocx, immediately on
W^tlio west side of the Savannah road seven mile* from
•“lizrlen. contninlng eleven hundred aud fortv seven
•ere* of pine and hainninck land, of which near two him
dred and filly acre* are cleared nnd under fence. The ham
mock land* are of a *u;>erIor quality for cotton, corn. Ac.,
and the pine land* well adapted to turpeotiuo. There are
negro houses nnd other building* n|*m tho plantation.
There is a water cnurso within fivo miles over a good road.
For term*, apply to E W. DzLEGAL, t>
*ugl7—w3m ^ South Newport. G
being the Wirnrf now occupied hy the Charleston Steam
racket Company, mcnauririg one hundred feet an tlie River,
nnd running back about two hundred feet to Canal-atroeL
Tho proiicrty Is now under a lease which will oxplre on the
first of November next.
If not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday In
February. It will then bo offered nt auction at the Court
House. Apply to dol6 COHEN k FOSDICK.
’ I ’HEchenpest estnbllslmiont in the southern country for
J. tlie oahi of sashes, doors, blinds nnd woml Moulding*,
of every variety. I* at tho corner uf Callioun and Washing
ton street*. Charleston. 8. C. All my wor\ Is mnde of tho
best seasoned white pine, nnd tho sashes are glazed in the
very neatest manner.
A foil supply of paints, oil, glass, vnrnishes, and brushes,
always Tor sale low. sep9—w4w B. F. SMITH.
ritHF. Subscribers are now prepared to receive orders for
X Flooring nnd other description* of Plshicd Lumber, at
the Snrnnunli I’laining Machtno. situated on the caual, at
the western extremity of the city of Snvanuah, between
Zubly and Margarot-streets. Order* for nil descriptions of
l’lained Lumber forulsbed at the shortest possible notire,
nnd manufnetun-d in a superior style, which cannot frill to
please the consumer. Work done by their machine will
conijiaro with that of any now in uso The subscribers
have succeeded ln arranging for a constant supply nt ho-
lectcd seasoned Lumber, by whloli no dlsapnointmout to
builders uood be apprehended. Every facility will bo ex.
tended In obtaining matrelal for all parts of a building.
Tlie Saw Mill, now being completed In tho name building,
will be la operation In tho course of one month, when or
dors Tor every description or Sawed Lumber will be execu.
l0 jy20—eod^** C I A{ ’ llly ALLFNJi CO.,
.. fftieller*, im pro veil
kind*. '
Hay and SlraW Cutters,
Hand Ibm' Mills,
Corn nnd Cob Crushers.
Gedda’ Improved Harrows,.
Square and A Hirrows,
Horso Bakes.
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks for unloading Hay,
Man Hay Rakta,
Apple I'enrcra,
Ox Muzzles, -•
Mole Traps,.
l’runlng Honks and Chisels,
Paws nnd Pclssors,
Iron Well Curb*, and Zinc
tubelng for Chain Pomps.
Also. Horticultural Tools (of every description A Garden
and Grass Penis, for sate at tne lowest prices, at Wholasala
and Retail.
Garden and F
Garden Rakes It) variety,
Children’s Tools,
RnrUngScythe* '• •
Snaths, with Patent Fasten*
Potato Honks.
JV’o. 4 Norik Iwn doors abort Market, -- i ,t
T nK undersigne<l hsve just opened a'fresli and comp
stock of Wall Papers,among which are
gold, ana 1 vel*.
vet. flue satin, and the lowest priced nnglzxed papers; also,
decorations, borders, fire screens, curtain*, ele.. which they
oner at tlie lowest prices. Loth wholesale and retail.
Tlm best workmen employed to hang paper either In tha
city or country.
Hlank Hookt, Stationer]/, tfe.—Wo havo also our usual as
sortment of writing p*ikwh wrapping ptpera, blank and
school books, stolionerr, eto.
Lo. 4 North Flth street, 2 door* above Market,*
„ ....... wiltedAihto.* - ;
K3~ Cash paid for country rags. mhio—«od
I N AIL ITS BRANCHES.—Business ranis, with appi
,4. rt.ri.ll. .nihn.i.l In. ..n .1.1. I - ,
ate devices, eniiiossed in a”new RyleVln pFnVn a'nj’fancy
wilora. Seals of every description.with or without presses.
Envelopes printed with nsme. business anil address, labels,
mil heads, manufacturer's tickets. A*c.. nil executed In the
neatest manner and at prices 25 per cent, below any slul-
r r „Z, ,M !! neDt - If consequence of better and improved
facilltlesfor the execution of sncli work. y
.. R “ An °^°7A'* Tm * W Promptly attended to. Good*
sent to any part of the county,
. . , _ , „ T. n. CALVFRT k CO..
Envelopes ml Senl Press Manufacturers. Die Sinkers. FmtM»r
sors and tangravers. 48 South 3d-st., Philadelphia.
A RCHER A WARNER, Manufacturers. *"
Rtreot, I’hilndelphfa.resuoMfollv soil.
atreot, I’hiUdelphta.rez^ifoliy'soHcii'thV attontLm > <ot
purchasers', to ti«olr>^rtiWonCS SS
pendants.nnd overy .t««^ri.,f i.... n r—. i..— L. r
"SSSI o “ jssf
ly or him pa. p
uSit.'KiC' pr, “*" '"'••-“r «“<•
J!l° ???!!?. "“PP 1 !*? wi . th •mraer". mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps, Ac., at reduced prices.
o . ar CHER k WARNER.
Hits 8. Areher. ] William F. MIskcy.
lu-lwood F. Warner. | Wm. O. B. Merrifi.
wUlv^ ni,< '* <m< ’. ftefr7W ’ /,mrtA * ffffrtA xfrfo, Phuaddphia.
Wfk inform merchants and residents or this vldnllyTthat
*, « cfl . ln .l ,It)U> « f *nrtment of Mantel. Pier, Wall
and Oval Glosses, richest stylos, for private uso. or all kinds
for country solo, with Portrait and Picture Frames,&c .will
be found at our establishment. 1
tang experience nnd large facilities onAllo us to sell tho
bes * good s n t lo west prices.
Dimensions being given,'wo will give estimate* for any
Onira «SJd UVOr °' 1 ftom brenh,, B«» 1 at any point.
French Pinto Glass, for Stores. Dwellings. Ac., at Importa
tion prices. THOMAS J. NATT A CO.
rTiIjE subscriber has just received per into arrivals, a
X large and fresh stock of the richest and newest styli x
oi velvet.Tapestry,Brussels,three-ply Ingrain nnd Vent,
linn Carpetings, all of which are offered on tho mostdosw.
nolo terms.
With a fujl assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Covers, Mat
ting. Ac.
Purchasers are requested to make an early exnmlnatior
■* strong inducements will be held out to cash buyers,
• ,, ‘ R. R- WALKER, 100 Cliestnut-streot,
jnh17—Inwtf below 81 It. South side, Philadelphia.
Take Notice.
B ,T ’ I ! 2 l??. rtb Sixth-street, a few doors
f I ’Ht attention of the trade, and others, in want of Porte
X Mommies. Pocket Books, u&uKora' Cases. Rroralng Ca
res. Portable Writing Desks. Backgumuion and Chess Boards.
Chessmen, Pearl. Shell, and Sliver Card ChMs, Work Boxes.
Cabas. Needlo Books. Money Belts, Cigar Cases. Portfolios!
Razor* nnd Razor Strop*. Travelling Fjiuks. nnd fine Cutle
ry, togethor with a large variety of Fancy Goods, which
will be sold at tho lowest rate*. F. II SMITH.
J’orto Monnale and Pocket Book Manufacturer.
ang21—codim 206 Arch at.: below Sixth. Philadelphia.
OH RRRS triutof strained and blenched whale Oil.
280 bags prime green Rio Coffee.
60 hag* old government Java Coffee.
75 • taguvra Coffoo 40 do Maracnlbo do.
100 bbls K Phelps’ Gin, 40 do PAH Conn’t River do
20 •• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Bum.
60 bbls amt loQ keg* prime tauf lard.
60 hhd* prime Bacon Side*. 20 do do Shoulder*.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 lilida prime St Croix Sugar, 16 do Porto Ulco do.
20 •* prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbl* butter, augnr. and soda Crackers.
80 “ Stuart’s A, B. nnd,C clarified Sugar.
40 ** “ crashed and powdered Sugar
80 boxes Beadell's 6* and 8s tallow Candles.
100 *• Star Candles. 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap.
60 M Segars. of various brand*. For sale by
Offers for salo. a large assortment of Cloths. Cas-
*imeres and Vesting*, consisting In part oft the fol-
__ __ lowing artlclea. selected hr himself during tho past
summer in tandon and Pans, which he will make up to or
der in tho best style of workmanship, nnd at tho shortest
derm tho best stvle or wnrkmnnshlp. nnd at too shortest
notice. His stoclr of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish
ing Good*. Tor gentlemon’s wear, is very Inrgnnndof tho
best quality and style—tho whole of it made this fall under
Ids own inspection, and will lie sold at the lowest prices for
cash or npprored credit :—French black, blue, brown nnd ; „ i- . „■ —.v;——---,
'dive Clotlis; fancy French and Mali Cassimeres; fancy Professor; nnd Hon. tawnrd O taring. DnlveraUy
- " •. super, fancy Silk Hush Vestings; black Bar- lecturer Instruclion Is given by lectures, recitation*nnd
Silk Vesting, super, fancy „ .
ntlien Silk Vesting* ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres: Me
rino and 8ltk Undorshlrt* and Drawora; wlilto and fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers; nnd fancy Kid Glares; Neck Ties, plain ana
embroidered; Merino nnd Cotton Socks; Scarfs, Satin and
Bombasin Socks. nofr 17. WhttakeMtreet.
Q/\ BB1S 11. Smith'* Flour
OU 20 half bbl* choice Canal Flour
20 bbls8ugar Crackers
20 half bbls do do
20 bbls Ratter do
20 half bbls do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bbl* Crashed 8ugar.
Landing from brigAugusta.and for said by
r .IQUOBS AND 1YINE8—12 halfpipe# OUrd. Dupuy k
JLi Co’t French Brandy; 10 lialf pipes, assorted brands.
JU Co’t French Brandy; 10 lmlf pipes, aasortod brands,
low priced French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do, 60
bbls do do. 76 do P A H Bye Gin, 160 do E Phelps’ do.fijplpes
bbls do do. 76 do P k II Rye Gin, 160 do E Phelps’ do.(I pipe#
Holland Gin, 10 bbU Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Gear
gla Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky, 60 do whit* Bolt'
2o.r •
ic;iGiiiiU|-niuun.v. hiiim/, v» mv hmiw Baltimore
30 do old Westminster Monongahela do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain do do,-100 doN.E. Bum, 25 quarter cook#
Madeira Wine, 10 eighth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pipes do do, 20.quarter cask# Brown Sherry Wine,
kotoChampnguodo. Fur tale bf
lObykotot WEfgTER k PALME8.
INGUSH TOOTH pRUSHfS—A very superior•rUcleof
JCj English Tooth -Brushes,manufactured expressly for th#
Brnibss. manufactured
aubzcrlber, and direct from Hnndon. for sale by
Junel2 W. W. LIXtXlLN, Monument Square,
SALE-i-A llghtons hors# Carriage, with pole, built
Tliompson’s Dictionary of Doroestlo Medicine and House-
boWSaiyiry,revised by Dr. HenryH Bmlth
. J??! 11 ?J®** r *
. J . ijl-L *
York edition.
>P to order by Brower* Son, New York; and'hai been
used but little. It can be seen at the Carriage Repository
Of Mr. George W. HardcoaUe.^^: -- fc*.'
T HIS Institution afford* a cnmiileto course of legal edu
cation for tlm b ir in any of the United Slate*, except-
•ng only matters of merely local law and practice; and also
i systematic course of instruction fn Commercial taw for
those who propose to engage tn mercantile pursuit*.
TUo taw library, which U constantly increasing.
fain* now about 14.000 volumes. It includes a very com
plete collection of American and English taw, and theprln-
:lpal works nf the Civil and other Forelgn taw. It is open
to students, and warmed aud lighted for their use during
both tomis and tho winter vacation.
The first term of each academical year begin* In the last
week of August, anil the second term in tlio last week of
February; each term continues twenty weeks. Studonts
*re admitted at any period of a term or vacation. The fee*
*re $50 a term, and «25 for half a term. For this *am stu-
lent* have the use of the taw Library and text book*, and
•if the Collego library, and may attend all the courses nf
nubile lectuvez delivered lo the under graduates of the
Tho instructors of tho taw School are Hon. Joel Parker,
LL. !>.. Royall Professor; Hon.Theophtlus Parsons.LL. D.,
73 York~st.. rear of the Court Home. Saoannah. Ga.
Established In 1838.
L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers,
Ac., cl on nnd and dyed- various colors. Ladies’ Bonnets
Blenched and Pressed in a fanlilounblo style. Kid Gloves
Cleaned,and Gentlemen's Garments Clianed. Renovated or may lie required. Altdonolntho same style which
has gonernlly so much pleased my patrons and friends.—
Terms uodcrato.
Persons sending parcels by Harndon’a express, railroad
or steamboat*, are requested to wrlto me per mail. *o that
I may know where to call for them and which way to send
them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will
bo about 26 cents. All ordor* punctusllv attended to.
examinations, nnd moot court#.
For further information application may be made to
elthor of tlie instructors.
JAME8 WALKER, President.
Cambridge, August 1,1853. dlaw3wl* »epfl ,
, WE are constantly receiving these valuable
Csscs. and bavo them always in reodlneosto be
delivered at the shortest notice.
1. W. UORRElXi & CO
N. B.—We are permitted to Inform the public,too* ww
have received from Mr, IUymoxh, of New York city,* let
ter signed by the different, members of toe United States
Senate, who were appointed In take charge of tbe body ol
the Hon. Hcrav Cuv, deceased, (which was enclosed In one
of FISK’# Metnllc Cases,) and who went with It to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. IUyxoxv, tliat the Case answered the pur.
noao for which it wai Intended, and meets with their appro
bation, and they cheerfully recommend ltto the public as
' . iMtoyjrthM " * “ ‘ **““
mlnate in the ensuing March, .
JAME8J0NES, M. P„ Profossor of Practice.
J. O. K1DDE1.L. M. P., Professor of Chemistry.
WARREN STONE, M. P.. Professor of Surgery.
A. II. CHNA& M. D., Professor of Obstetric*.
A. J. WEDPERBURN, M. P., Professor of Anatomy.
GU3TAVU8 A. NOTT.M. DProTtssot of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS HUNT, U. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathol-
The letter can
ter Com Tor tho transportation ol
The subscriWr ha* just received a largenttrow ol
Cooking and Parlor 8tovee, which he will dispose o(
found the fol
tbr!i$k9;-A— , ,
1‘romlum. Eastern Premium, Parlor and office Stoves,
Union Coll
Union Collage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval, Six Plato, Box Btovc*.
Hollow: Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce tan*,
Ac. Ac. Plain and Japannud Tin Ware, for sale, and roana-
factored at abort notice. Order# for Roofing, Oytter*, and
Leaders, attended to with punctuality.
Not, 10*nd 12 Bfrnqrd oireet.
rnsiITNG AND JOCKEY CAI^-rBwlved by fate arri-
J* vals, a nw «npp\y r Thb» in jrantiriU pitas# coU at
14T Bepzt.'' t - > ;; 'mnyltO - PRIC^ A-YEADER.
T HE Annual Course of Lectures In this Department will
commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter*
SAMUEL P. CH0P11N. M. D.! ( D*“ton*trators of Anatomy.
Tlie rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Mon
day In October to tho First of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of the
Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from Novem
ber to April. The Bludenl* accompany toe Professors In
their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages, free or expense.
There are about one thousand patient# prescribed for
dally In Ibis Hospital.
The number of p
igsfalr to priindllln Coffee. 60 do Saint
bleached Whale Oil, #nd for sale by
. T . „ J DAVID O>C0N*
anglT ■ cor.Breughton and Drayton-s
■fiACON-20 caska Bacon Sides, 20 do 8houldSnr,‘a_ .
R eceived by g. 8. siui-ey, Auguatio, ms :
Miles Tremenhere, or the Annotto Marie
Mslllard. author of Zingro the Gypsey.
Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of logic
.nd Mctaphy*ics In Edinburgh University, for tho uso of
chnols and colleges,
Abelard and Boise, a romance,by O. W. Wright.
Pyscomancy, Spirit Rapping* and Tipping* exposed, by
Professor Charles G. P#g«, Jl. D.
Barnum’s Illustrated News; Glooson'sPictoral; Popular
Educator; Majarlm of Arts, Ao. For sale at tho book
store or 8 8. SIBLEY,
sug ll 186 Congress-street.
T HE 8word and tho Distaff, or Fat. Fair and Forty, a sto-
ry of the South at the eloso of the Revolution, by the
author of the Partisans, Melllchampl, Catherine Walton,
Ac. Ao.
The Heavenly Home, or tbe Employments and Enjoy
ment* of the Saint# in Heaven, by Iter II Harbaugh, A. M.
Poems, by Meditatu*; Book of the World, No 10.
Book nf the World, vol 1, bound.
Tho Half Yearly Abstract of theMedical Science#. No 17.
Tlie British and Foreign Medico-Cblrurglcal Review, No
1, Received by
aug!2 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
TU8T received, a variety of publication* of toe Now York
J Protestant Episcopal 'Society. Tracts, Church Cate
chisms. Sabbath School Service, and other cheap and vain-
Service, and other cheap i
able Publications. For sale at toe Book Store of
& a 8IDLEY,
auglQ No. l&S Coogreza-street'.
brilliancy of surface*uI polish to all other, and never
stains or rusts; withstands all cUmat«s.and Is packed with
great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers and others trill
.x ...... k# Mnmn
consult their interest b
agents, ,
aug2G—■Mm . . New Drug’’
N. W. corner lOih end MoriceWts.,
Mnding their orders to the iqlf
. ■. . New Drug Warehouse. - v
ix tenlion of toe piiblle >4 respectfully called to tbe above-
named ware, as being* sabtUate, which for n*e fa warrant
ed to be equally as good,' ' It Is a harder met*) than silver,
consequently will beat rougher usage; It Is * ooroVnatlon
or perfectly pqre metal#, and. fa as Tree from eon. <4on a#
sUvev. Every article will be warranted to retain Its origin-.
The number of patients hi nearly twenty thousand. In toe aloolor. It cooststs In part of the .following: table and
par. TnnMAB 11UNT.M. D„ Dean, dessert spoons, 4c., justre-
j, f OQljiNg. l00 priU«treet' /
^rapping; pXTer, Ac.—
t lend, middle eitk aud
crate* Glass Ffaiks, quart#, pints, i
^ndfor*alehy--r ^.jfapUi
, No. 12. North SIxtb-st
. »l'ffveMsrkct-istn!ut,PhllRdeipttfa,tsthenioztexten-
sire and best manufacturer of Window TUinds nnd Shades
1 .. P ,Uziito.! Si«fe*. and has taken the highest premiums
at nil tlie exhibition*; he buy* the best materials by whole-
sal- cheapor for Cash than others pay for Inferior articles by
rain l.nnd ran. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
Shades.ns cheap a* others ask for Inforlor articles. Painted
Window Shades In urcat variety, of beautiful deslcns and
auporlor quality, lluff and White linen Shades, Blind and
Shade Trimmings, Fixtures, Ac..-Wholesale and retail, at
the lowest cash price*. Store Shades painted and lettered
lo onier. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’prices. Old Blinds
pslnlod to look ns good ns now. Purchasers, by railing,
will he convinced that he sell* a superior article, aud guar*
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount made to dealer?.
We dudy tnpte&n.
aplfl—cod .No. 12 North eth street. Phil#.
N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restorl ng grey hair to
J cn or - fr I” ffunrantced by the Proprietor,
nai If the P&tlQnt Is grey, lie cab have his hair restored to
Its onglnal color by nsfngtaret’a Wshneno. For Sale by
J b “21 W. tvT LlNCOIiN,*Monument Square.
F UJLR, BACt)N, A‘0.—203 bbls superfine Iloword street
Hour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon Sides. 20 do do Should-
er*. 30 bblsond 50 krgHtaaffat * ' ' **
d 60 keg* I***f tard. landing and for sale by
Won of the ladles of Savannah, andsoiirroundlng cpun-
wand beaullfulgoods which we hate
try, to the following new ni
ii*t received, viz : silk Paris mantilla*, lacod gimp montll-
a*. black nett scarfs cql’d, neetsenrfa, ladle* cravafaand
ties, V rench worked collars, faced capes, chemloctt* and ua-
der sleeves, bonnet ribtan.gnuto cap ribbon, black velvet
ribtan. Alexandres light kid gloves, bfack nett mitt#, eol’d.
silk nnd Hale glovos, with a large variety of other article#
too numerous to inontiop. Plena# call and seo for your-'
selves ; all o! which wlllhe sold on the licit possible farm#
5?L MfrM aikhTa burns.
- cotton vesta i also, a fine assortment nf linen cambric
handkerchiefs, ladles’ and mioses' white end brown cotton
fr™*-,Whit® ®nd black silk do, gent# white, brown and ralx-
edhalfhoee, gents white and black silk do do, together
with a large assortment of white and colored linen cam- •
brlc handkerchiefs, colored and- black silk cravats,' Stock#
and tie*, for sale low by .
~ l -°* AlKIN A BURNS
OIIA1VIA Ao.—Super, and common crape shawls plain
kJ and embroidered, vandyk# collars beautiful goods, a#,
sorted parasols, plain, striped and chocked g" **"'
mer do, baregos.'tlssueg and greuedtnes, colored and’whtto
' * ‘
jaconet and organdy muslins, a large assortment of lx
linens, French printed cambrics. i v. .
178 Broughtonstreet
SILKS—a new : assortmeni -.”' '•
njlljra i.
black umbrellas and! paeaabkb'O
tlasues.^adlea’colored and black umbrellas Odd!!,
silk gimp to suit all shades of «Qks and barege#, bin
mantillas, shawl*, points and scarft. white and blai
lng silk searfa, while lace and colored silk tr "”
“ ' - ' ' njffljr)
and efrlofed crape shawls, black si SE8
and tliiues, black and lead French gingUi
npll8 '
ADIE8’ DRESS GOODS.—Priniedbrei
bareges, jaconets, lawn*, tissues, g
Paris, French eatnbrica, India silks.- fli
Paris, French cambric#, India sun*
swfas mull, nansook and cambric *u—, ,
la*tre«. A®., for sale at the lowest prio# by f'fr • t-T v>.'l
»P>« ’ ! . fttROTT J* . -
j Bav.N. N.Gddyor. -i"
id and for salvnt toepook
i|a> eiBLBr;iwc J —• '
n ■ raUSHHfBCLE 8 ANi)BAUCES:^«dos;J«ra_ . j ... ..
.on the 16th InftMiU r '-s' 0 l J M'. 1 -*-*
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