Newspaper Page Text
S •Bm.tiTOOTJB.Ato't
P: U i?
Ifesil fSass3sasassMe>
Id Daewoo
it hundred and
kthote orleee—
wree, more c
lUWUjrtut ...
bbeeddbyna order from _
»pf'ChYtMrtcounty,fbr the beneBt of Ibtdistributeesof
UrU lioSlIu, trawl. lUNBY EWJElta Adm'r,
before said Oourt to make objection (If aaythtT
odor bofore th* first Monday in Novomber n*xt, otherwise
TwitaS) JoMpftauSifftiq, Dap, Ordinary for Chatham
Ordinary of*
a Of llannab'
rda bonis non,
™—v». will w
—, —— —, r -ra^s’wiv,i --jupoh county, for
lesvrtesell tire ml eatati of llannab Oona, Ute of said',: ■
ing'demands against th* aitate of
arm* “
io 'man Of cotor, deceased, are
Bwwr. io#o,
whom it may con*
o ration onto* eatato of
^Tfiamm^'tbarofora, to cite and admonlab all whom it
L. ,_ k. .1 Wk/nM ■ ■ t rl Pah.i IntnavA
eited'to hand them In to Griffin & Cordon, attorney*
i andthooe Indebted will please tnaka payment to till
iggg PBEDKaiCK A. TUPl'KR, goal, Ex’oi
\1 OTICE.—Three months after date, application will be
l\ made to the Bank of the State or Georgia, for toy-
.n*nt of a $60 bill of aald Bank, letter A. Parable at Prin-
law i
inant of a WO bill or aald Bank, letter A. payable at lw
elpalBank to’N. A. llardoa, dated U3d November, lM7i (>.
objection. If any they hare, on or before the lint Monday
In November next otlierwteo aald totter* will be granted.
— J Ganahl, Den. Ordinary for Chatham county.
elpal liana to n. a. uaraoe, nawu an nnvemuor, imi. \r.
B. Ouinmlng, Proaldeut, the left hand half of which hoa
been loot. JylB ALBERT WITJI AMS.
.Den. 0
ot September. 1853.
JOSEPH OANAHL, nff. o. o. o.
00R0IA—(Balkan County j—To all whom it may eon-
carat Wbema,.,Mary Fltageri ‘* ~
cara t Wbereaii, Mary Fitzgerald. wUl apply at
* * “-** letters of administration untoeestute
Court of Ordinary for!
■•*;£?raid Fltmratdj.d, , , v .,
Tbeae are. to*r*Wre,to cite and admonlah Ml whom It may
•oncern, to be and appear before Mid Court, to mako objec
tion (If any they nave) on or before the nrai Monday In
jfoermber next, otherwise aald lettera will be granted.
oevmber next, otherwise aald lettera will be granted.
Witness, Joaepb Uanaht. Esq., Dep. Ordinary Tor Chatham
county, tide S4tn day of September, MW.
» JOSEPH OANAHL. dep. o. r. o. -
IROIA—Ctattam Cbunty.—To all whom it may com
,r _m .. 4i..
of an applicant for the benefit of the Inaolvent act, and cold
^jssr"'- > »rasasvriaar
iNii arnluUliKmFF’SSALti tXJNTINUED.—WW be bow, | 0 n”(lf any they hare) within the time prescribed by law,
Is™ ihfflratTutsday la November next, before thei court otherwlae aald lettera will be granted.
'SH&t3s?ss:'3sfs&Ka. r isa£sssfvsi&ss^ rw cuu ""
G cent: Whereas, Henry Wllllama wUl apply at the
Court of Ordinary for lettera dlamlaaory on toe estate of
Loehlln Wri/ht, deceased { . .....
These are therefore to elto and admonish all whom It may
oonoern, to be and appear before aald Court to mnke objee-
^-"^-fjwltb'-**-*. •
to aatlafjrVli. fa. on foreoloaure of [mortgageJ Issuedifimn
Chatham Superior Court In fworoT Auguatua WWm
aa*r& ll * n Ms!EggggL,
G BOlMlLt—CtoOwim CbunfyTo all whom It may con - -
ceru i Wlicteas, John Bilbo will apply at the Court-ol
fondant. ootfi
inlstrotor, on the
1 tb. fimt In Nomtabw »•«*, « r “” *£•
court house In thoolty of Savannah, .between the legal
r of sale, all that lot and Improvements, situate, lying
hours of sale, all that lot and Improvements,
and being In the city of Savannah, aud known in the
plan of said elty as lot number fifty-fire. Urown ward, oor*
wte ’ JOHN DKVANNY, Sheriff C. 0.
C on the first Tuesday In November next, before tho court
houae In the city or Savannah, between tho usual hours
of sale, one undivided fourth part or two wharf-lota, or
pieces of ground, altuatod on Hutchison's Island, in
She WQutr of Cblihwn .nd State of U.orgl., betas lota
Sm.lbirlwn .n.1 fourteen. tos«lh.r willi.U_th<i rate.
Toln, obmwkboadtes. .od to wo.eui.oU on udd lote,
and the steam engines and boilers, tho plaining ma
chine, clapboard roaSilne,saw gates, forM[ P U »P">
othermaculncry of every kind and description in andatout
tho aald lota or building, (meaning the oue-fourth part or
tho Oglethorpe stain saw mill) with the *PP u ^“ n . < **
thereunto belonging and anperUining; levied on as the
property or Ed wardT. Klnchley and Robert Todd, to mUs£
afl-fc. on foreclosure or a mortgage bisued ftomCbatham
Superior Court !u rarer of George Newell va. Edwanl F.
Klnchley and Robert Todd. Property Bet forth In MtU n. ra.
oolSr JOHN DEYAN’NY, Sl.erilT c. c,
riHATHAM Sl'l’EUluk COURT—Mat Tkrm.
t/ wardG. Wilson. Treasurer, &o.,terns Mordcial Myers.
Trustee. kc.—Rule Xiti — Upon tho petition of Edward 0.
Wilson,Treasurer or the Republican Blues Building and
Loan Association, praying tlie foreclosure oj tho equity or
redemption of and In all that narcel or lot of land, situate,
lying and being lo the city of Savannah, county or Chat
ham, and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished In
the plan of said city a* Lot No. Firty-slx (6fl). Brown ward,
of Mordecai Myers, substitute trustee under the marriage
settlement of Rob’t W. Pooler nnd Mary J.. his wife, which
cent t Wheieas, John
Ordinary tor letters or dismission ns n«
estate of Henry I fc Bilbo:
Tltcse are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to bound appear before said Court to make objec-
tiona (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in
November next, otherwise aald letters will bo granted.
Witness. JohnM. Millcn. Esa., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 14th day of April, 18«».
npU5 JOHN M. MTIJJW.o. o. c.
ECHO IA—Chatham Oiunty:—All whom it may concern
‘ Whereas, - John B. Barnard will apply at the Court ol
Ordinary for letters dhunlssory ns administrator cum testa-
mento annnuxo on the estate of Mrs. Ann Mongin l
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern to be nnd appear before said Court, to make
onjcction (If any they have) on or before tho second Mon
day iu January next, otherwise said letters will bo ttranled,
Witness, John M. MlUen. Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham
count v. this 14th day of July, 1K&U.
Jylfi JOHN M. M1LLEN, O. 0. 0.
QE0RQ1A—ChaUiam Cbun!yt>To all whom it may conceni!
TVTOTU.T3.—On or about the last of April or sometimo in
iN May last, r
... — jf April
_ . , 8amu«l W,'Brooka,-onto ...
Htote of Oeorgla. did mall a certain letter at tho post of-
leaatCuthbeitlnaaid county, containing the left hand
talfiof bills amounting to ono. hundred and five dollars
ten tan dollar notea and ona five dollar nota ou the Baok o
the Plate of Georg a at Savannah, to wit t —
8 tan dollar notes, Jan., 184B, A. Porter,Pro
8 do do do ' do 14th July, 1848, do - do
ldo do do ' do lat Nov..1861, do do
1 do do do do 4th Jan., 1860, do do
U do do do do 8d Nor., 1844.0. B. Gumming
President. All of said note.’i being marked ww-- tlie letter
Also, one fire dollar note, bearing date 80th Januar
1844 or 1840. No. 800. slgnod 0. B. Gumming, Prosldcni ,
which all of the left hand half of said described notea were
mailed by the aald H. W. Brnoka. and directed to the un-
* ‘ (d. ‘ - -----
derelgned. to the post ofilce at Daleville. Dade county. Ala
bama. and have beon loat or destroyed, so that the c
signed has never been ablo to obtain them; «
niguini iiw, iivTrr uvea nuio lu uuwu vuein; and this Is to
notify the President and Directors of said Bank, that aftor
three months publication In (he Savannah Georgian, that
payment of said notes la Intended to be applied for to the
officers of said Bank,by tho undersigned.
aug30—3m K. BROOKS
iraons having demands against tho estate
- . Marshall, deceased, will preseut them
and those Indebted will please make payniout.
sepll WM. J. MAlLSIlAldta Adm’r ad colttgondum.
N otice—ah p
Margaret iv
Btowe. late of Clmtham county, deceased, are liorebi
notldcd to preaout them, duly attested, to the undersigned
within tho time prescribed by law. And all persons indobt-
-' to said deceased, will make Immediate payment.
...» « ••,citeoj
Gaueral aballca
.to the eontraoti
neCUd with the a lid eontraet | and alao for what amount
the said malUaryoe poujd be, jterformed If a new contract
ihoulft bo made.tfnd whalhar too ahlpa furnished under
aald contract are built according to. Ua terms. Tha post
master Ueneral|s further directed by this act to ascertain,
aud report to Cuxptu at It* next session, fbr what amounts
the wry lee, n«r performed under the several contracts
Jude the hUn« .'or.mlnea nt not ttok than
two dollars and fifty cent* per acre t aud Hnot wild at pub
lic salt at such price.nor shall be antered at private sale
within twblve moths (hereafter, tho same aball ba subject
toanltfaaotbeflauda; • '■
The olfering of the above lands wilt be commenced on tliu
’ .. ^
days appointed, and will proceed Id the order In which U
are advertised; until the whole aliall have been offered, and
the sates thus closed j but no sale aball be kept b|>eii longer
than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the landa
will be admtlled uutll after the expire lion of the two weeks.
Given under my hand, at the elty id Washington. Mils
twenty-Ont day of June, Aimp Domini one thousand eight
hundred and nriy-threc.
lly the Prealdent i FRANKIJN PIERCE.
John Wiuoa.
Commissioner of tho General Land Office.
owance or one montba’ extra pay, the clause
taels giving to the United States the right to
A of tlie ships |s, in aubsiance. as follofea :
WM. B. JACKSON. Adm’r,
D R. E. O BOYLE takes pleasure in announcing to Inva
lids and tho public generally, that tho above popular
and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct
ed by T. Cahlton Cotu. M D„ i* now ready for tbo recep
tion of patient* seeking a restoration to health,
il chronic diseases of the human ore
Wlioreas, John Everard will apply at the Court of Or
dinary for letters of diamissory as administrator on the es
tate of Patrick Tierny, deceased :
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to
Ole their objections (irony they have) to the applicant in
the Clerk's office of said Court, on or before the first Mon
day of November next, otherwise lottcrs diamissory will be
Witness. John M. Milieu,Esq., f rdlnary for Chatham coun
ty, this 30th day of March, 1853.
inhSO JOHN M. MILLEN, o. c. 0.
said property was mortgaged by the said Mordecai Myers.
■ '-—Id, (under*■“ -*-* ' - ■'
(j corn : Whereas. William J. Bulloch. Executor of the
estate of Mary Neufvlll. deceased, will apply to tlie Court
of Ordinary for letters diamissory on tho said ostato:
Thoso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu-
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at tho office of John M. MlUen, Ordinary, within
tlie time prescribed by law. and show cause (If any they
ve) why said letters should not bo granted.
Witness. Joseph Gannlil, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county .this 1st day of August, 1853.
July 29 .~»..
All chronic diseases of the human organism successfully
treated at this Institute: dyspepsia, gout, rhoumntlsm.
constipation, hemorrhoids or files, hemorrhages, amen-
errbncn. mcnorrhma, dysmenarrhaea, fltior albus. genital dis
placements, affections of tho eyes and ears, tetter, ery
nlpolas and all chronic diseases of the skin and scalp, scro
fula, dropsy, Syphilis, and tho humoral diseases g noral
ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tie douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or tho railing sickness, vlrtlgo. paralysis, apoplectietcnden-
cy. bronchitis, asthma, chroniclntlamatlon ol the stomach
and bowels, atrophy, nnd indeed every possible habit of, or
chron c diseased action that Is curable—aud all diKatetarc
curable. If no organic lesion be present.
Tbo Ladles’ Department is under tho Immediate supervi
sion of that accomplished lady. Mrs. well
known to tho old natronsVJT the establishment
Tho facilities which this Institution offers for the prosecu
tion of a strictly hrdropatlilo and hygienic course of treat
meat, together with Its easiness of access from all points in
Georgia, and tho adjoining States, renders It peculiarly
adapted to the want* of Invalids, desirous of availing them-
solves of the efficacy of tho water-cure.
The purity of the water and accommodations for guests,
ro too well kno ' - • 1
trustee as aforesaid, (Jndcr arid by virtue of a clause In , JSSJZ.
the said marriage settlement, autliorlxlng the trustees to I /"I EORGIA—Chatham Count]/To all whom It may con
Br *nt. bargain and sell all or any part of tho property upon VT corn: Whereas, Norman Wallace will •piny at the
the request of the said Robert W. and Mary J. Fooler, and Court of Ordinary for letters diamissory as Excutor on the
their request that said mortgage should be made, being
evidenced by their signing nnd sealing said deed of ranrt-
deuced by thatr signing and
gage.) to the satd Edward G. Wilson, Treasurer as afore
said, by need bearing date the sixteenth day of Decomber.
In the year one thousand eight hundred nnd fifty-two, to
secure tho payment of the sum of two thousand dollars
with Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, paya-
blo monthly, from the sixteenth day ot December. Anno
Domini, 1852, on demand, according to the tenor and effect
of a certain promissory note made by the said Mordecai
Myers, truatoo as aforesaid, to the said Edward G. Wilson,
treasurer as aforesaid, bearing even date with the aald
’ mortage, and that there atlll remains unpaid thereon, the
snm of two thousand dollars j
On motion of Griffin & Gordon, attorneys for petitioner,
It t« ordered, that the said Mordecai Myers, trustee as afore
said, do pay into this Court, on or before tho first day of
tho next terra or tills Court, the principal and Interest duo
on the said promissory note and mortgage, and Hie costs
of this application, and in default thereof, that tho equity
of redemption of tho said Mordecai Myers, trustee as afore
said, and all claiming under said trust lo tho said mort
gaged premises bo thcnceforh and forever foreclosed :
And. It Is further ordered, that a copy of this rulo be pub
lished in one of the publio gaxettes or this State, once a
month for four months, or served on the mortgagor or Ills
special agent or attomoy. at least three months previous
to the time the money 1* directed to the paid, and that such
further and other proceedings be had a* are prescribed by
the statutes of the State of Georgia, in such cases made and
provided. ' *ep2l—lm4tn
Court of Ordinary for letters diamissory as Kxcutor
estato of Robert Isaac :
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and appear before said Court to mnke objec
tion (If any theyliave) on or before the first Monday In
February next, othorwise said letters will be granted
Witness. John M, MlUen. Ksq„ Ordinary for Chatham coun
known to need comment.
In fitting up the establishment no expense has been spar
ed that could conduce to mako It one of the most desirable
places of resort for Invalids in tho United States.
Patients will be required to furnish their own ont-flt.—
These will consist of friction sheets nnd towels, compresses,
and blankets, for sudorlflo purposes. All of which can be
purchased here on the most reasonable terms.
Touts—Professional attention, use of baths, Ac . $10 per
week—board $5 per week—payable monthly. Servants
boarded and treated for $10 per week.
All letters of Inquiry promptly Answered. Jur.aO
ty.this second day of July. If
JOHN M. SnLLEN. 0. 0. o.
G EORGIA—Chatham County .—To all whom It may con
cern : Whereas. William 0. Dawson, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for tetters dlsmlssory on tlio estato of
Christopher Dawson, deceased:
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make
objection, If any they have, on or before the first Monday
In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31st day of August. 1863.
umvpii ra!
JOSEPH GANAHL. nrr. o. o. o.
C l EORGIA -Chatham County :—To all whom It may con
i’ concern: Whereas, Carulino Zlpncrer will apply at the
Court or Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the estato of
Gcorgu J. Zlpperor:
These are, therefore, to cite and and admonish all whom
It may concern to be nnd appear before ssld Court to mnke
objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
In March next otherwise said letters-will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Esq., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county this 17th day of August 1863.
ttugtS JOSEPH GANAIIL.dw. o. c. c.
IRVING HOUSE, WaihinQUm, Virtnct of
Columbia.—Tho undersigned, late proprietor of
French’s Hotel. Norfolk. Va.. having recently leased
.... above popular estoidlshniont. takes pleasure in Inform
ing his numerous frieuds that he hns. at great labor and
expenso. refitted and furnished the house and provided the
most ample arrangements for tho comfort and convenience
of all who may favor him with their patronage.
IlAving had considerable experience In hotel-koeblng he
Hatters himself that families nnd single boarders can be ac
comniodatod at tlie Irving as satisfactorily as at nny other
hotel or boarding bouse In tbe United States.
Members of Congress and others visiting Washington,
with a view to reside there for some time, would do well to
examine tills house before maklngarrsngementselsewhere.
It Is eligibly situated at tho comer of 12lii street and Penn
syjvania avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart
ments. Hie building Is \i\Tge and of modern architecture,
the rooms are spacious and well ventilated, nnd the furni
ture 1* now nnd of tlie best description.
Still Better.—Tho clinrgos are modernto anil In accord
ance with the times, whilst the tables gronn with the best
that the country affords. Coll, examine, nud svtlsft your-
Washington, D. C.. June 1,1853 je7
err according («contract, and toll or transfer them.”
Except In n^pect to the Now Orleans and Vera Crus
route, which rity be discontinued by tho Postmaster Gen
eral, on (he ajowance of one months’ extra pay. the clause
In all tho com * • -
take poeaeash) ..
, • And tha arid SeoreUrjr of Uii
tho time beinf shall at all times exercise control over said
steamships, aid aliall at any time have the right to take
them for th* fccluslve use'and service of the United States,
and to direct uch change* in their machinery and Intornal
atranaenieidias the isid Secretary may require ? the cost
of alien chab*s to bo ascertained by the bills aotualiy paid
therefor, an()be proper compensation of the value of the
ships, when a* taken as aforesaid, to be ascertained by ap
praisers Jo li mutually chosen by tl|e partleanforeaald.’’
Now. n«WcR is HRRsnY otviw. that with a view of report
ing to Confess. In as cwmpleto a manner as possible, the
InformaHcft called for by Congress In section third above
quoted fyru tbe act of 3d March last—
»\ PRorotuio
•. Will bo received at the Post Ofilce Department, in tho
'city of Wfililngton, until 8 o’clock, p. m.. of Monday, 31st
dsy of Obtber next, for conveying tho mails of tho united
8tatea foiplx years from the Drat day of October, 1864, in
tbo mamir and time herein specified
No. 1. Bom New York to Cowes, In England, and thence
to Rmnetflluveii, In Germany, nnd from said Dremon Ha
ven. by Cnt-oa to Now York, once a month.
Projwanj for ouo additional trip a year,each way, w.ll be
Np. 2. fVom Charleston. South Carolina, by Savannah.
Georgia.and Key West. Florida, to Havana, in Cuba, aim-
from said Vfnvann. by Key West and Savannah, to Charles
ton. twice a month.
No. 8. From' 'Jew York to New Orleans, twice a month,
and back, touchVig at Charleston, (If practicable,) Savan
nah, and Havana and from Havana to Cbagres (A*plnw%ll)
and back, twice a month.
PropoMlii to unit Charleston nnd Savannah will be con-
In lieu of abort, proposals will also bo rorelved for sor-
rich from New Y«rk to Asplnwall. direct, 2,000 miles, and
back, senii-muitliiy. in not exceeding nine days to the trip
each way; fawn Now York by Hnvnnn, to New Orleans.
2.000 miles, sad back, semi-monthly, In not exceeding ten
dnys to the trip each way; nnd from New Orleans to Aspin-
wall, direct, L400 miles, and back, semi-monthly, In not ex
ceeding seven dnys to the trip each way.
No. 4. KroiaPnnamn. Now Granada, to San Diego. (YU-
fnrnin, Monterey. Son Francisco, nnd Astoria. In Oregon,
twice a month each way—touching. If practicable, at Port
Orford, In Oregon, nnd at such other Intermediate port on
the coast of Oregon nr California ns In thq opinion of tho
Postmaster General the public Interests may require.
Tho schedules of Nos. 3 and 4 must bo so arranged as to
mnke due connexion nt the isthmus of Panama, thus form
ing a continuous mute from New York, Ac., to Astoria and
back, twice a mouth.
No. 6. From New York to Liverpool. In England, nnd
back, twentv-six trips per unuum, at such times as the
Postmaster General shall direct.
Proposals to touch nt Holyhead, In England, will be con
No. 0. From New York, by Cowca. In England, to Havre,
in France, and buck, once a month.
Proposals for changing the terminus of this line from
Havre to Antwerp, in Relgium. nnd for ono additional trip
n year, each way, will be considered.
No. 7. From New Orleans, Ixmislana, to Vera Crux. Mexi
co, and bsck. three times a month, supplying Tampico,
Mexico, by a side mail going and returning.
I^hvo New Orleans on the first, fourteenth nnd twenty-
filth dnys.
Arrive atVcfaCrux same month by the fourth, seven
teenth, nnd twunly-clglitli dnys.
I^nvc Vera Crux orery mouth on the first, sixth, and
twenty-first days.
Arrive nt New Orleans same month by the fourth, ninth,
ami twenty-fourth dnys.
Tim proposals in each instance should specify tho num
ber of eMkye to be tnkVnTor tho trip each way. and tbo mode
of conveyance, which must be by steamships In all respeets
suitable for the service.
If contracts should be entered Into, contractors will be
required to cont>nn in nil respects to tho laws nnd regula
tions applicable to tbo ordinary contracts of the Post Office
Tho bids should 1m sent duly guarantied, under seal, to
tlio Postma8tcr-Geneml,and tho words *• Mall Proposals—
Foreign Mails ’’—written on the fuco of the letter.
sep7—lawOw Postmaster-General.
nones to PHK-mmo.v cuwAirrn
Every person entitled to the right of pre-et
of the lauds within tha towoshlpa aud parts
abuve enumerated, Is required to establish tli
“** *• - • •• - - — e-emptlon to any
irta of townships
, , J» the same to tfi*
satisfaction of tho registrar and recelrer of the proper
land office, and make prywent therefor a* soon as practica
ble alter seeing this notice, and before the day. appointed
for the commencement of the nubile tale’ of tho lauds em
bracing the tract claimed, othirwlse such claim will be
forfeited. JOHN WILSON
Jy28tl0w Commissioner of-the General Land Office.
S EC. 2.—lie il furOier enacted by the authority of the tame,
That from and after the uassege of this set all persons
shall be qualified to vote at elections for Mayor and Alder
men of the elty of Savannah aud tho liaiulet* thereof, who
are citizens of the UnlUul States, have resided In the Stato
of Guoigla for one year immediately preceding the election
Edward Lynch,
Wfl, James Jb
Lbng, Andrew
ahlne, Caapor:
Luora, Jnhp. i<aras, pan
renee, James Lsnnahsri.
Thomas Ixjvatt. Thomas Lyom Daniel N Lain,
ham, Timothy Une, Lewis Lohman,Jame* la
Lane, Lewis Lehman, James Larkin, C
>hn J-arkln, John Lawtar, Wm II Lynn,.
T-ra-TT-w WL ?* 1 Wm
Lattlmbre, Payne LovelL Tboe L Lewis. Deo W Lockwood.
James Id-neh. Hms WUm, Peter Lubel, MUhaal Linch
•flugk n Mercer, Anthony F Men. Abraham Mlnla
Mills, Jacob Mankm Mulfo^ MarsbMVUllam
William 11 OMUls. Jacob Mai
Morrill. John Mallcry, Adoli
Murkln*. James W Morgan, i
Horace Mora*. William H May,
chlsou, ChHatlanW May lalnder. Solomon Mayef. J
teraon. lAlder ltehrtena, Jacob Manses, John E Mall
ry Macnhatd.Tliomas R Mills. James Monnaban,U-,«- «
^gm.Jehn.B MslUrd. J.cob Miller. MatthiasHMeye",
Alvin N Miller, Blmon Morris. Leander Moore, Jno A Mayer,
Richard U Matkall, Michael Meath, Fabian Myethoffer!
Thomas Meath, John Murchison, Bryan M Morel, Charles F
Mills, John Mahannev. Thoasa Mahar, WUHamEMenrin,
John Morris. Jeugon il Mehrtens, Thomas Murtaugh, Syl
vester H Manning. Charles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy,
MacphorSonB Mil ten, laaae M Marsh, Wm B Kell; John
Morphy, John 8 Montmollln, JameaS MsgUl. David Moran,
Thomas D Morel, John Mallon. Jerre Maok.- Joseph M Ma
thlaa, John Miller Edward H Martin, John R Martin. Jesse
Mount, Samuel-Mansfield, Henry 0 Mehrtana, Henry K
Montfort. Henrich Wm Meyer, Harvey Mora*,'Andrew Ms-
vMurchlion, Bryan M Morel, Charles F
nev. Thomaa Mahar, WilliamE Mongin,
i H Mehrtem, Thomaa Murtaugh, Syl-
Cliarles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy,
crciiuions, and one*iS^rhU^Sa^'"®
anu within thu corporate limits of Savannuh for one month
immediately preceding Uiolr regiatration.and coni'
lonoy, Patrick Masteraon, John Murphy, Martin B Meyer,.
Nathaniel 0 Mill*. John Moran, Thomaa A Maddox, Simeon
S Moody, Tsaao.Mmls. Wm J Moore, Domingo Martlngc
marvellous affects (a removing dluua ’*
,lrteCT (sown lu th. H.teria lE ’ “• “tai
l-hjildan* ol the Bnt M.n.tln, In ta, ,
h».tal Ml Mlh.tah.tlSSi-Stalta
Alterntlve and Blond
ever known. To the sedentary^(n
^lm of Gilead. Especially to %
hi. conjlttaol Ilf,,'ll
point of eBcac, to.n,aflhe numd!!,,
tentroted under Ih. eonptehenJTJLJJIg
delicate nmole or CTfW. by £
to uo up to tlio time or election, who bavo attained tho age
of tweiity-ouo years.have pnid all city (axes or havelti
their own right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax exe
cutions whioli may be against tliotn. who havo made all re
turns required by the ordinances of the elty. and havo beeu
registered according to the provisions of tills act.—Extract
from the Utgidry Jmw. patted Jan. 22,1852.
The following named |«rsous have registered their names
since the first of January, 1863. and up to date
Ah—Matthias Amorous. John \V Anderson, Dnvld Abra
hams, Charles Arnold,George A Ash, Robert Austin. George
Alexander, Charles B A«h, William I) Andrews, George it
Ash. John 8 Acliord. George W Am'.arson. Stewart Austin.
Benjamin It Ann-tmng, Thomas A Bskow. lliumas Arden,
"iiimiii aiuiih. .ms Aliearn, ruvvara u smUiwi,.
W Adams. Richardson F Aiken. Richard D Arnold. Adolphe
Abruliutus, John Anglin, Benjamin Arnold, llunry D W Al
H.—Benedict Bourquln, John W Hire. Gilbert Butler,
John riiolfuiiillet, John V Ilarlier. Julius Baclmrach.George
L Blount. Anton Borchert, Joseph Black, Alexander Francis
Bennett. James H Bashlor. Michael Uoley.tTuudlusK Baric.
Clms W W Union..lames M Butler. Hyman KHyck. William
J Bundy. Edwin H Bacon. Win Jnipes Bulloch. Slcgtuund
Berg. Milton J Buckner. John Boston. Henry 8 Bogardus.
William il Bulloch,Patrick Ilulkley. Joliu W Beasley. John
B Bumwcll. JumesT Buckner. Anthony Busier, Thomas A
Brown. John Burns. Joseph H Burroughs. Berrien M U Bur
roughs. William F Brantley. Charles Ii Bell. Elias 11 Burs
tow, Fetor A Blols, Win Gahton Bulloch, Isauc Brunner.
John Brunner. Joaeph Bancroft, Philip H Bohn. James A
Brown, John Macphersun Berrien. Barnard E Bee, Richard
Burke. David Bell. Thomas H Barrett. Edward .1 Blount.
Wolfo Burnett. Conrad K Byck. Charles Bishop, Wm lllols.
Valentine Brunner. Charles W Brunner. Joseph W Brown,
Joseph 11 Baldwin, l-'raiicis Blair. Michael Brannon. James
K Bullnugh. James A Baker, William M Blount, Wm Bun
ken. William D Bashlor, William Burges.Georgo A Bolleuil-
let. William Becuken. Patrick Brady. Thomas G Bulloch.
Henry Hagshnw, William Drunkard, James M Butler. John
F Blakely. Michoel Bay Inn. Thomas llourke. William S lias
inner. Joseph Bryan. Henry Burt. William Burke. Harvey
L Ilyrd. Francis S But I ley, Henry F Bennett. John Bosch.
John Blount. Samuel P Bell. Michael Ikrrry. Patrick Brad-
ley. Philip Brlngniuii, Augustus Uoullneau. Rich'd Brown, |
Patrick Bradley.Geo Buiikman. John Breen. Win A Black.
Mick Burke, Edward W Baker. Wm Henry Bunch, Burrell
L Boulinen u. Richard Bradley. James II Buckner. Rlch'd W
lluford. Dt-nnls Urngdon. Henry L S Bunt*. John J N Bunts,
Dnvld Dadjerly. Worthington C Butler. Thnddeus P Bluke-
wood, WmC Barton. Francis S Barlow. Wyatt M Bragg.
John A Burgess, William B Blount. Michael Burke, Heury
Styles Bell, John C Ulunce, Wm H Banks Snm’l V Box. Mi
chael Barrett. Michael Barret. Theodore Blols, Wm II Boad-
Icy. Joliu Bilbo, Jauies Bilbo, Wm II Uotirke. Thnddeus J
Baldwin, David II Baldwin, Wm 11 Bliss. Benj Burroughs.
John Brady. Lewis S Bonnet, Frederics 11 Blols, W Urutley?
Jnmes C But nee, Augustus B»rie.
C.—Solomon Colien, Bernard Constantine. David C Cash.
William Culleu. Peter Curb. David Isiper.Colicn. James A
Courvoislo, Montgomery Cumining. Daniel BCatnp. George
B Curutniug. Moses Coburn, Willium Crabtree. Aaron Clmm
plon. Daniel D Coup. Isaac Colien. Froilcrick Cook. Frederick
w Cornwell, William P Clark. William H Cuyler. Carrol A
Goml.Sjiencer Currell. Pierce Condon, William M Charters,
ward Moran. Abraham F Mordecai, Jsmesfl Mordecai Dan
iel MUcliell,llioR 11 MaxweU, Daniel W Miscally, Jacob Mu-
tec. Thomas Madden. John R Moyer, Emanuel Mendel. John
D Mallette, Michael Morris, Umotby Murphy, Wm MoreL
John G Mehrtens, John F Mulligan, Edwara Mulligan, Thoa
McNulty, Albrink Moore. Thomaa Mahan, James W Moore,
John I< Moore, Edward Maher, Michael Meikill, Michael
Martin, Patrick H Mallette. Frederick Mnndorf.
Me—George A McCIeskey, Bartholomew McJr.namey
» Me" “
Patrick McDowell, William StcCbrthey. Jra'eph J McCoy
lAurence McKenna, Thomas McKenna, D»ntel UcRedmond,
— , jib-
tosh, Jnmes Mck'oely, Alexander McIInrdy, Angus McAl-
pin, Michael McCarty, veil McHugh. James Mcinnarney,
John McGunuigle. Thomas O UcCluskey. James McFeely,
‘•*>’t , '| u Wotn.D«i«nls McGuire. John McCall, John McCau-
l'ILe» 'n.on-t. J McNIsli, James McGloin, Edward McCabe,
John McDersjott, Jamo* McBride. TliomnsMcAuliffe. An
drew McGreal. John McHugh. Thomas McCollum. Thomas
McNicbolo*. Robert Mclutire. Jeremiah McCarthy, Laurence
McManus. Patrick McLaughlin. James D WcKIlnn. John Me-
Nish. Daniel J McKenzie. John Edgar U McDoneU,
George G N HcDonell, William McKendre Michael McNal-
by, Peter McCormack. John McMahon. James McDonald,
Joseph 8 McDoneU. Michael McCullough, Jeremiah McCar
thy. John B Mclntire, Daniel McCarthy, William McFaugh-
nn. Tlios W McClano.
• N—George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor. Daniel Nelsvn,
.Samuel Nuttmnn.James SNeldlinger. Nathl Nungazer. Jotnj
»» 00perl
W. ^ ALraANflCB * CO.
clav-street /1-( ,> v*
G Neldllnger, William G Norwood.JacobNewberger.Gllbei-
N Neyln. Thomaa M Newell. James A Norris, John R Nor
ton, Robert C Nock, James Nungazer, William Nungazer.
1 vf.nll vt.lll -.1.
Edwin I. Neldllnger, Lewis F Nlcoll, Thomas W Neill.Joseph
Nowlan. Walter S Nott. David B Nichols. John Neill, bid
Clinrlo- Clme. Daniel Clarke. John F Coinpogniac.George
Galley. Myles 1) Cullens, I'etcr L Constantine. Nicholas Cru-
ger. Henry R Cliristlan. John Conical. Wallace Gumming.
James 11 Carter. William Coojver. John J Cornell, JumesT
Claik. James O UCuinpla-11. Samuel J Cassells, Joseph 8
1 whom it may con-
E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Court , , 1 EORGIA—Chatham County»—To nil wl
of Ordinary for liberty county, will be sold before the , Mtn , \vt«, r «w, kui.w- »i. Koii«*>w etn « P |ity at me
court house, In Hlnesville. on the first Tuesday In Decern- Court *»t 0<llnarr,for letters of dismission asoxecutoron
ber next, between tbe usual hours, the following negroes. »j ie eM tsstc of )ilss Priscilla Houston:
viaFrank, about 20 years of age, March, about 23 years Thcsoare, therefore, to cltonndailmouish all whom itmny
of ago. and Nancy, about 25 years or ago ; also. 850 acres eoncor n. to be aud appear before said Court to nmko objoc-
of plue land, with the improvements, situate In the county t | on >|f an y they have) on or before tho first Monday In
iberty. Sold as the property of James Moody, deceased, January next, otherwise said letters will be ^printed.
. . (-,f M nt ,d creditors of said estate. Witness. John M.Millen.Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun-
for the benefit of the hel
October 6th, 1853.
M. J. MOODY, Qualified Executor. ty thls 1st day of July. 1853.
f t EORGIA—Bryan County r—To tho distributees or the
*•— -- ry, aeccnsed, late of said county
JOHN M. MII.IJLN o. c. o.
(t estate of Ellas Perry, deceased, late of said county
You are hereby notified that, on tho first Monday in Febru
ary next, we will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this
county for leave to dfvldo tho estate of Elias lerry, de
ceased. L. B. DANIEL,"I
N. J. CLARKE, >Adm’r*.
September 19th, 1853. sep22-2smlwptd
C 1EORGIA—Liberty CountyTo'all whom It may
I corn: Whereas, S H Perry will apply to the Court of
( ‘1 EORGIA—Bulloch County:- ~ --- ----- ■ .. ,
J earn: Whereas, Jehuo Everitt wni apply at tho Court
uf OnUnary for lottcrs dlsmlssory on tho estates or John
Everitt and SaraL Everitt: .
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objoetton (ff nny they have) on or before tho first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Wm. I(0e. son.. Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch cot
Ordinary for lettera dlsmlssory as administrator on the
estate or AbinlPerry: ,. „ ,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern to be and appear before said Court to mnke
objections, If any they have, within the time prescribed by
law. otherwise said letters will be granted.
Given under my hand at this office this 3d dav of Septem
ber. 1353, *cp7 W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. U 0.
/TEORGlX—Liberty County:—To alt whom It may con
LX cern: Whereas, V. Great will apply at tho Court of Or
dinary for letter* dlsmlssory a* administrator on tho estate
Having purchased the ontire Interest of Mr.
J. C. TuoK.vro.v In Iris Carriage establishment in
l»»t ran|M>olMliy solicit a continuation nr il,. ot.
tensive patronage so liberally bestowed on the late prnprle-
• •. It is our Inter*'--*- * ’ * “*—'
In jiersunnce of law. 1. Fhaxkun Pibiick, President of the
United States of America, do hereby declare and nmko
known, that public sales will bo held nt tho undermention
ed laud offices la the Stnte of Wisconsin, at tho periods
hereinafter designated, to wit :
At the Land Office nt Willow Rivkr. commencing on Mon
day. tho third day of October next, for the disposal of tbo
public lands situated in the following named townships,
Xorth of the bate line and tout of the fourth principal meri
Townships thirty-two. thirty three, thirty-four, tlilrty-
flvo. nnd thirty-six’, of rnngo live.
Townships thirty one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-
four. thirty-five, and thirty-six. ot range six.
Carriillier*. John I) Charlton, Bryan Connor. WUlinntOscar
Charlton, William Cox. Hugh Cullen. James Cleary, Moses
8 Cohen, Thomas Corr, Joseph HCIaghorn. John F Cnrsten.
Charles l’Giopor. John Greene Uonke. Henry Cleaver. Jacob
Colien. Benjamin 1. Colo, Silas M Colcing. John I. Clark.
Thomas W Cooper, Henry Casson. James Cox. Robert M
Cbnrlton.Jnincs Cox. Francis Canfield, Peter ClsrK, Janus
ward Nugent. Bryan Nlland. John C Nlcoll. Frederick Net-
tlemelr. Alexander H Nathans, Joseph Nagel.
Oh—John Oliver, Charles E O’Sullivan, John W Owens,
George 8 Owens. Armlnius Ocurlor, Edward O’Byrne. Wil
liam C O’Driscoll. Dennis O'Connor. Phillip O'Connell. Dan
iel O'Hanlon. Timothy O’Connor. Timothy O’Brien. Patrick
O'Connor. Frederick Otto, George W Owens, Jonathan Olra-
ntead. Owen O’Rourke, Henry Ohlmeyer. William H Olcott,
Dsnlol O'Sullivan, Daniel G Olcott, Francis J O’Nell, Thom-
ns O’Brien. Frances J Ogden, David O’Keefe. JohnOglcby,
John F O’Byrno, Mlchuel W O’Byrne, William P Owens,
Daniel O'Sullivan. Dominick 0’Byrne. Daniel O’Conner. Jas
O’Hara. Bartholomew O’Leary, James P O’Hara, William
•IV Oates. William II Owen
P.—Philip J Punch, Thomas Purse. John Poole, James
Potter. Joseph K l*elot.Charles F Preston, William Procter,
Edward Pauelford. Edward Padelford. jr.. Elisha Parsons,
DanielG PhUbrick. Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick,Ed
win Parsons. George Parsons, Edward Powers. John Postell,
Joseph W Philips, John F Posey. William V Prentice. Henry
C Preston. Thomas Pidgon, John M Palin. Samuel G Pan
cost. Charles B Patterson. Orrin C Parker. John Phnlen, Jas
Potter. Michael Prendaigaxt. Edward J Purae. Martin Peyton,
Charles Perry, Patrick Price, Patrick l’eytoo, Samuel Phil-
brick, Willlnni F Preston. James M Prentiss. Thomas Pitt,
Edward M Prendergsst. Georgo C Pudor. Robert W Pooler,
Andrew C Pacotty. Antonio Ponce, George W Pollard, Ed
ward Potter. Antonio Ponce, Richard Prendcrgast. Andrew
Jnckson I’ollard. Jathos Prendcrgast, Samuel I. Pittman.
Jmnes Pendergast, Abner C Pomeroy. Joseph B Preston,
Thomas Prendcrgast. William F Parker, James I’runty, Geo
Powers. William Parish.
4t«—'William Quantock. Jr.. Martin Quinn, John Quin,
JamesQulnley.William W Quinn. Jnmes Quantock. Jr.
11h—Philip M Bussell.Donkl Robertson, John A Richard
son, William Remslinrt. George Robertson. Jr . Robert R
Rhodes.Henry Ruber. William Rogers, Charles BRobinson,
Andrew M Ross. John W Remshart. James G Rodgers, Ber
nard Roden. James 11 Read. George Robbins. Joseph llosse.
jr.. David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland. Wm P Roberts!
John Reilly. Jefferson Roberts-John T W Read, Jaa Rhiud,
Joseph Rihcro. Jacob Rosenhand, John S Rogers. Allen
Russell. William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Roynll,
- |./0*
t the WONDER OF’ TlIBWoirmi
Be would not grow ODebnd»(koM*‘ U *l
, !L
X destroyer or human lutpploH* ttulnu 111 ^
Consumption shall no loujir rob UMSkTSS
brightest ornaments, and sink msnr * gJjftSH
untimely grave! Consumption can be
soon be as the things that were-*ndC^^l
narents of that fell disease, thatto
|M "'' jSSffi?
%is is tiint which ba* so long been innri,i i
a^ *"«»ebu. 2.TSr3gja
colis. whooping-cough, croup, asthmz mi-?*'
tolu fife, check the ulceratton snd
bftotL T1,ll J no , t . nn W,eboa " l » norU?hfi£JrJ
Into thfcniarket without a thorough trialtattSXfl
beyjmd a d„ u bt. Unit what has bwn^MH.
th,t con " um pticm ezDOol W JLj
destroyed rtnre llres tlmn the diseaseiti f lfn_nfi£jJ
DBnuEs; coHmirao p/tEh L o lB „
11. b,nollcl,l ,!!«1. .ill t,}« |“i
mencing its use. U-t all then, wit.isdiftKSlsiJ
are not proved, sneran imp*rtlzltri»l. the iZSEfl
will be returned, aud all agents
,_ f ---*S tie lulhniidJ iftjj
Mtisfoctory “ DyC,UB Whete ‘ he 'rt'clel.«t5?
Theso lozenges are put up In 25 cun JI
8tates, to whom all onlers must It sdSiwd.fjfj
Not a Particle of 5 UH)DI P
A n inkaijjhi.e bihuiV r., ZV! t. j
Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutantot»rniNiu./i« ,
or Pustule on the Face, blotches. BoilLtz-
Ring Worm or Tetter. 8c*ld Read, RaUr*n
of tlie Bones and Joints..Stubborn Ulcrr»"R^--
ders. Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, aid zUR
from an injudicioua use of Mercury,InendtaLutTil
Impurity or the Blood.
Tnls value
ael Cnsncli. Mlulmel Conway. Antonio Chrtstldora. Isaac J
intention to keep a large nnd extensive as
sortment of all kinds of Carriages, suited to this market.
Tlie lato proprietor. Mr. J C.Thornton, will act as our agent
at the north, for the purchase and supply of our establish
ment. Ills experience of twenty years in tbe business nt
the South, will insure to our friends and natrons such a
well selected stock ns cAnnot fall to give entire oatlsfaetlnn.
Mr. Bconcrr will give his personal attention to nil kind of
repairing, as heretofore. LEWIS 8. BENNETT.
A CARD.—It will bo seen from tho above, that I hare sold
out to Messrs. L. S. ItKx.vrrr k Co., and I hare every confi
dence In tho ability of those gentlemen, both In cnimbUlty
and capitn). to successfully conduct tho business, nnd keep
up the reputation of tho establishment.
Sir. Lkwis 8. Bennett has been my foreman for the last
two years, and I tako pleasure In recommending him tothe
public as nn industrious, capable and deserving man. who.
while looking to his own Inter*
These are, I
toltnoaih torn. I^e.son.,Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty. this 25th day of April, 1M**
WM. LEE. Sen’r., o. w n
>, therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom rt
may concern to be aud appenr before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) within the time proscribed by
law, othorwlso said letters will be granted.
Given under my hand at this office- this 1st day of Au-
w«t 1863, nugfl W, P. GIRARDEAU, o. t. 0,
vx'wherea*. Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin- j
Istrators on the estate of John O. Slator, n minor, hare ap-
,l '^eMareto«raroret*n c^e'and admonish nR whom It mav
aoncera to be and appear at the Court of Ordlnnry for Ilul-
loeh county.on the first Monday In November next, to make
objections. If any they havo, otherwise sahl letter* will be
yt notified, tliat sixty nays niter uure. i sunu ap-
to tire Court of Ordinary of Liberty county for leave to
sell the*real and personal eslnto belonging to the estnto of
m lato James Moody, deccnsed. of said county, for the
,r wiUMMS.'Wm l(oe. sen’r, Esq.,Ordlnary for Bulloch county,
“►gf* AP " U8S3 ’ WM. in. SoA'r, o. ». o.
tho lato James Moody, . _
benefit of the creditors of said estate and for tlio purpose
of a division of said estate among the heirs and distribu
tees of said estato. _
aug4 M. J. MOODY, Ex’nr.
G EORGTa—Bulloch County .-—Sixty days after dntoap
idleation will be made to t '
G EORGIA—liberty County—To all whom It may con-
ceru : Whereas. William J. Klug. Sr., will apply for
plication will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bul
loch county, for leave to sell all the real estate of Joslah A.
r.nhh,U«rf-U pABBHi Ato , r
October 8d.l853.
BORGIA—Rryan County :—Wliereas, Z. E Button, ad-
VjT mlnlstrator u ?ou tha estate or Henry Dutton, deceas
ed 'trill apply to urn Court of Ordinary of this county, for
letters dlsmlssory:
These are therefore to clto all concerned to file tlieir ob-
r they have) In terms of the law, othorwise
lettera of administration on the estato of Dr. B. B. King,
lite of said esunty, deceased:
These are. Ihoreioro. to clto and admonish all whom it
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make
objection (If any theyliave) within the time prescribed by
law, otherwise said lettera will lie granted.
Witness, W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty county,
this 24th day of September, 1853.
«.p20 W. P. GIRARDEAU. 0. L. c.
G EORGIA—Liberty County r—To all whom It may c
c *"* “— *
jeotlons. (If any they have) I
•aid letters will bo granv-d.
A. H. SMITH, o. B. 0
G EORGIA—Chmdm Ojuniy ;_To all whom li may con
cern i Whereas. Goo. G.Flemtnlng. guardian of Sarah
Ann Taylor, applies to mo foriettora dismission from said
These are, therefore,to cite an&tdmonlali all whom It may
concorn, to be and appear at my oq C e, within the time pre
scribed by law. and show cause.If foy they have, why let
ters dismission should not bo grentoA«ald applicant.
Witness, James H. Helveston, Ordldiry for Camdon coun
ty, this 3d dsy of October. 1853; ,
octll—40d JAMES H. IIFJARSTON, o. c. C.
( 1 EORGIA—Ctnmfcn County:—To all Wtoiq it may con-
J oern: Whereas, George W. Thomas, one ot the exe
cutor* of the estate of Wm. T. Hopkins, wll apply to the
Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on tin said estate;
..ThMwmrtinir'efore toelt® and admonish all and singular
tlieUndredand credRorsof said deceased, to be and appear
«t my office within tlie Iim« prescribed by law, and anew
cause, (If any they havo.) why letters dUmlaaory should
not he granted tho said applicant.
Wttnoss. J. H. Helveston. Eaq.,Ordinary for Camdeaooun-
»».; UUirjMh vuy of May, 1863.
inay2q J. H. IHa.VESTOM. o. «■ «■-
cern: Wliereas, Mary j. Way will apply to tho Court
Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the estato of Nathaniel
J, Way. late of said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to bo ana appear before said Court, to make
objection*, If any they have, within the time proscribed by
law,otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, W. P. Girardeau, Eaq., Ordinary for liberty
comtr. this 21th day of September. 1863.
ic P 20 W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. UO.
^_T_KOBGlA—ifcIntoth County i—To jail whom It may con-
EORGIA—Camden County t—To all whom it may con-
Whereas, J. II.M. cf H. A. and
■ - -jtteni ••
W D rii ». u.h. viiaou>s<(«uw»v( ii. n. bom
ftP* URdch, applies to me fox lettera dlsmlssory from
• & i!? u ‘ rdWn "hip;
. These are tbenfjw* *« tlio and admonish all concerned to
04 and — - - -
b* and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law. and show ca«se (If any they have.) why letters of
dll 2^fi 0D _ ,h . 0aW Rented to the said applicant,
. j Togton o^inury f or Camdon conn-
/1BORGIA—Chatham. Count* ip-To all whom It may con-
°fitoMyVdecwuied’:' M * ! "‘ ^
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish alt
, ™*J 9? D0 *f?i to be and appear before sold Court to make
objection. If any they have, on or before the first Monday
in^fovember M«t^otherwlse saldlr“— '"*• *--*
•aid Jotters will he granted.
qgtfi JOHN M, MILL8N, o, o. o.
OEORGlA—^kaihamOomu ,-To aU whom it may con-
y X _TOL£ hBre, fr. YJS* win apply at tha
Court of Ordinary for letter* of administration on tha es
tate of Benjamin BMl, deceased j *
fovember next, ot
WltoMaJdaMli 1
county, this Ttn di
^tataltete-IU b. pMUJ.
jf Ordtohry fotiletta -
. late of Jamst Ronaldaro, lato of Chatham county, de-
Vii.are.tberffore, to cite and admonlshaU whom It may
e andappear before said Court to make objec -
they have) on or before tha first Monday in
text, otherwise sold Utters wfll be granted.
Unary for Chatham
AHUpst. 1 o. at <1 ■
•»rn : Whereas, Mrs. Sarah 0. Blue will apply at the
Court oiQrdlnary for letters of administration on the estato
of James bne:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to ^ an <l appear before satd Court to make
objection, If any tfoy havo. on nr before tbo first Monday
in November next, ov»arw|*e ssld lotter* will be granted,
haw this twentieth day of E&ntember,
iRME, Orulm
Given under my
A. A. PeLORME, Ordinary.
■j^qNtcsu «*k«s «»»"t
, —■— - “ —w in uo nuiu,uu 111(3 urai
Tuesday In December noxt, In front of tho court
house door. In tho city of Darien, between the legal hours
of sale, tho following property, to wit! Tho-e tracts or
land; containing three hundred (30<r» acres, originally sur
veyed and granted to Moses Hornsby, *ii„ata | n Glynn
seven tracts of swampland, com«ii D i n .twen.
idind fifty (2160) acres, originally Proved
o Alexander McCatJ, J E.R. BeLorAs JJS
tercst, will not neglect thoso ot
while looking I
Inrelinqutshlng mr business in this place, 1 take the op
portunity to say. that It 1* not from any dissatisfaction
whatever. Since my residence In the city of Savannah. I
have been kindly nnd generously treated, and have i
cceded much better thnn I anticipated.
In tho course I have Just taken. I have been prompted by
considerations of a private characternltogother; wherever
I may he. f shall always carry with me the liveliest sense
of obligation, and cherish the deepest Interest In Uio pros
perity and advancement of the city nnd Its people. Noth
ing will do more to offoct this, than the sustaining of a
healthy and honorable competition. I^t the good jampleof
the City nnd State see to It. J. C. THORNTON.
the City
Savannah. 9th May. 1863.
N. B.—Mr. H. D. to. AlkxANPER Is my legally authorized
agent for the transaction and closing up of iny business.
HOICK IfAMS, ko.—.lust received—-200 choice Reynold’s
_ extra Haros. 6 hluls Bacon Shoulders, 10 bbls 1-eaf
lard. 10 half bbls Pig l’ork, 6 hlids Porto Rico Sugar. 25
bbls Stuart’s crashed and clarified Sugar. 60 boxes Bendel’s
Soap. Starch nnd Candles. 20 dozen Water Pails. 30 do as
sorted Scrub Brushes. 60 do assorted Clothes Lines. 30 boxes
ground Coffee. 30 do Mustard. 60 gross sound wood Matches.
30 dozen Washboards. 60 bids white wino Vinegar. 10 bbls
N 0 Syrup. &c.. Ac., for sale, wholesale and retail, at the
r of Broughton nnd Drayton streets, by
_ new Codllxli. 10 bbls extra No 1 Mackerel. 20 boxes new
scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls Haw’s corned Bref, 60 bbls ex
tra choice Canal Flour For sale, wholesale and retail, at
tbe corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
*ep?8 niznn rorvnn
7I.00R OIL CLOTHS.—'The most complete stock of Oil
F I ...... .. .
Cloths, in every variety of patterns and colors, varying
in widths from ono to eight yards. Families and hntol keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. II. GUION. Agent, Carnet Warehouse,
feb5 140 Congress ana 67 St. Jullan-xt*.
_ received, a fine assortment of gold pens and pencils
double nnd single extension ; also, a variety of Qno
pens.fcr cheap at the book s*ore of
qpllS 3. S \ 1-S6Congress- sires-
nnd Clarified do, 10 boxes do l,oar do, 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses, 00 do Hiram Smith and pure Gene
see Hour, 00 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Cracker*. 25 do and
100 keg* prime Leaf bird. 60 boxes selected new Cheese, 100
doStar Candles, 80 do Boadetl’a 6’s and 8’s patent tallow do.
landing and for sale by
PRKNDKRGAST ft 00. have just receive* a *mall
ty-ono hundred ind
and granted to Alexander McCarty. J E. li, neLorn* J n ,\
A. A. DeLonne, situate, lying and being in tho county,/
McIntosh: the above ten tracts of land is levied on as the
property of A. A. DeLornie, to satisfy a tax execution, it.
sued by the Tat Collector of McIntosh connty. Amount ot
taxes due $18 (1 and cost.
sep22 C. O’NEAL, Pop. 8, M, C.
BO dlai*L-t, 2d »*U«» | »l«o on,
* ‘ ' with cattle, hogs, and sheep, alao, household
and kitchen furniture. Terms—Twelve months credit with
■mall notes and approved security.
AARON CONE, Qualified Executor.
September 17th, 1868 sep27
S TATE OF GEORGIA— Wayne County i—All persons con
cerned are hereby notified that two months after date I
W.R.Romph, orphan and minor child of Jacob Rnmph,
deceased. . • * J0HN D - HUMPH, Guardian,
toayneerf”* M ’“«• —--
’aypeerille, Sept. 20.1863,
-TVTOTICE.—Four months after date, application will be
. . - -dlnanr. I
thelepdsbelonftnf to the eatete-or Hear
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
■ s#8 : - W. J. CANNON, Adm’r.
OTICB.—Three months after date application will be
made to the Planters Bank of the 8ti'
fenry Cannon, dec'd.
, made to the Planters Bank
forrenowslofSerif «*«•*.»-
Itite cf Georgia
iwel of Sorip, No. 340, dated April 20th. 1840, for fw<
and No. lo, dated July 22d, 1840, for four Shares.
•. on Eetateof F.Kottman.
_ Liwtwrr Ootmrr, July 80,1858. July 30-3 m
IV^ having demands anlnat tbe estate
- ftunnei J. Cassets. will present them
dlatepaymsnt to ' M
seel*, will present
prescrihod by law; and
noested to make imme
ire requested to make (mm*
Qualified Executrix
case of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadines. An assortment of very
nico cambric Inserting* and edgings; ono case of auperioi
Italian sewing silks, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry good*, they offer on very low cssj
terms, at 178 Broughton-streot.
_apl28 OppoaitoSt Andrew’s Hall
•r .* D<1 laconet muslins; Nainsook and mull muslins'
, , . MIWdL, (Jlun.lll, , nn.lltw. 4UU IUUII UIUSIIUB |
plaid and suiped jaconet and Swiss muslins; plain and fig
ured SwIm rauhUn: embroidered Swiss muslin: white and
organda mujUns; aolored linen lustres; and a fine assort
ment or ladles’ and gentlemen's linen cambric handker
chiefs. ru9 AIKEN k BURNS.
B A (SS^n* CANDLES.—26 lihda bacon sides'
600 Rolosona's bams, TOO boxes sdsinsntlne candles
m store and for sale by
May29 OGncn k BUNKER.
are made and warranted by Charles r^eraow and am
superior to any others now tn use. Purchase!, abrajd ol
sure and get the gonuine Strop, as there are nui^re™
counterfeit* bearing the same name, tbe moat of which a t «
worthless. The genulno Strop can be had of
ap!18 W. W. LINCOLN, Monmr
l, Monnment Square.
NGU8U VERMIN DESTROYER—This article Isexten-
to it. it nas been fairly tested In this city, and can be re
lied upon as an effectual exterminator of all klndt of vermin
jpstrecelved, and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN,
“ Monument-square
pHERRY UIZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherry Lounges,
v-/ for coughs, colds, and Inflenxae, These Lozenges will
be found much more convenient than any of the liquid
preparations, as they can be carried about the person, and
a! way* ready for use when the cough is troublesome, thu*
proven tinea violent attack of coughing and constant Irri
tation of the lunge. Just received and for sale by
fa”* ' W. W, LINCOLN. Monument Sqner*.
^LECTION NOTICE.—On Thursday, 0th of October next,
Council will elect a Oltr Treasurer, to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Joseph George, Eaq, late CUy
Treasurer. Applicants will hand to their applications to
me. stating the names of their securitise, before 10 o’clock,
A. M.,of that day. Aunnai salary—$000 find foes; Bond—
$19,000. B* order of OmneU
$10,000. By order of Council - .
■ep24 ' ■ EDWARD 0. WILSON, Clerk.
__ bbls from new wheat, landing
X) per OL Clinch, for sale by
tra do, from new- wheat, <
. l:v.
,a lUrtr-nd. of range seven,
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and thirty-
four, of range eight.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, and thirty-three, of
range nine.
Townships thirty-one. thirty-two, thirty-three, and thir
ty four, of range sixteen.
Townships thirty-three and thirty-four of range seven
At the land Office nt Mkmapiia. commencing on Monday,
the tenth day of October next, for the disposal of the public
lands within the undermentioned townships and parts of
township*, to wit:
Aorth of the bate line andeatlof the fourth principal meri-
Township* twantv-five and twenty-six. of rnngo twelve
Fractional townships twenty-one, west of Wolf river, nnd
townships twenty-four, twenty-five, and lwouty-atx,ofrrtnge
Fractional township twenty-one and twenty-two, west of
Wolfrlver and Bayou, and townships twenty-three, twenty-
four, twenty-five, and twenty-six. or range fourteen.
Fractional township twenty-two. west of Wolf river,
township* twenty-three nnd twenty-four, nnd fractional
townships twentj-fivo and twenty-six, west of Wolf river,
of range fifteen
Fractional township* twenty two. twenty-three, twenty-
four, nnd twenty-dx. west of Woll river, of range sixteen.
At the Land Offieent La CitoHSit. commencing on Monday,
the seventeenth dav of October noxt. for tho disposal of the
publiclnnds within the following named townships to wit:
Xotlh of the bate line and nett of the fourth principal meri-
a dian.
TowrtBFp* twenty and twenty-one. of range one.
Township* seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, nnd
twenty-one, of range two.
Township* tyranty -one nnd twenty-two. of range eleven.
Townships twenty-one and twenty-two of range twelve.
Townships twenty-one nnd twentv-two. of range thirteen.
North of the base line and east of the fourth principal meri
Townships twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, and
twenty-four, of rnngo one.
Township twenty-one. of range two.
At the Ijind Office at Stkvexb’ Point, commencing on
Monday, tho twenty-fourth day of October no»t for the dis
posal of the public lnnds situated In tho following town-
ship* and part* of townships, to wit:
North of the batt line, and east of the fourth principal me
Township twpnty-slx.of range four.
Township twcnty-*lx. of range five.
Sections three to ten, fifteen to twenty two. and twenty-
six to tlilrty-five.Intownshiptwenty.slx ; township twenty-
seven. (except sections thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-five,
tlilrty-flvo nnd thlrty-slx.) nnd townships twenty-eight,
twenty-nine and thirty, of rango six.
Sccilnns one. two. eleven to fourteen, twenty-three to
twenty-five, and tblrty.stx, in township twenty-six; sec
tions, thirteen, twrnty-four. twenty-five, thirty-five, nnd
thlrty-slx. In townshlptwenty-seven *, sections five to eight,
seventeen to twenty, thirty, and thirty-one. In township
twenty-eight; township twenty-nine, (except sections
twentv-fivo to twenty-eight, and thlrty-tlirco thirty-six.)
and tnwnshtp thirty of rango seven
Sections one to five, eight to fifteen, twenty-two to twen
ty-seven, thirty-five nnd thlrty-slx. In township twenty-
four ; township twentr-fivo, (except section* six. seven,
eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty-one;) township twen
ty-six; townships twenty-seven, (except section six.)
twenty-eight, (except sections six. seven, eighteen, nineteen,
thirty nnd thirty-one;) and townships twenty-nlno and
thirty, of range eight.
Townships twenty-five and twenty-six, of range nine.
Township twenty-six. of range eleven.
At the Land Office at Mikxiui Point commenclngon Mon
day. the second dav.of January next, for the disposal of the
following, being residuary tracts of the reserved lead mine
ral lands. whUh were not innlutted tn tb* prortamatfons of
the 20th November; 1840, and 28th April, 1861. to bo sold
under the act of Congress entitled “ An act to authorize
the President of the United States to sell the reserved
mineral lands In the States of Illinois and Arkansas, and
Territories of Wisconsin and Iowa, anppoied to contain lead
ore,” npproved July U,1840,to-wit:
North of the bate line and east if the fourth principal me
The west half and northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
•nd the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of sec
tion one; the ea«t half of the northwest quarter, the south
east quarter, thiwest half of tho southwest quarter, and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, of twelve:
and the northeast quarter, and north half of southwest
quarter, of twenty-nine, in township ones the northeast
quarter or section thirteen.In township two; the west ball
ol tho northwest quarter of section eleven, to townshin
three ; the east half of the southwest quarter ot Motion
twenty-five, and the east half of the southwest quarter of
thlrty-slx. in township five, of range one.
The weet half aud northeast quarter of tbe northwest
ClinrU-s Cannon. Thomas Conway. Richard \V Cubbcdge.
Francis T Cole, William Carson. Wm F Chaplin. Moses A Co
hen, Heinun A Crane, John Cass, John M Conjier. Lemuel
0 Clark, Luko Canon. Robert J Coughpy. Jonathan A Ua
dey, Denis Clairy. John Ccrcopely. Joseph V Conaumt. Jas
Connolly. John L Cope. A Conies.John A Chambers. 1'utrick
Carney. Michael Cleary. Jauies EC«qie. William A Cook. Bar
ton Ceutre. John Clancy.Thomas Cunniff. John Cleury. Gen
I. Cope. Sr., Frederick (braten, William M Crumly. Michael
Curey, George Cornwell. George N Collins, Richard It Cuy-
ler. Octnvus Cohen, Geo E Cougdou, Iawrence Connell. Geo
LCope, Jr., Jeremiah Cavauuugh, Gen A Cuyler. William II
Cooper, Julius 1) Cercnpely, Edmund Cottar, Wm Condon.
Joseph Cain, Charles 11 Cumpflcld. James Campbell. Peter
Carrel. DanielCromlay. Patrick Cusack. Wm Cuuuon. Anto
nio Chlostt. Joseph N Conk, Allen Cullen. John P Cohen.
Wui A Conery, Georgo Holbrook Crooke, Wm Cotter. Tho*
H Clarke. George E Cubbcdge, Augustus C Cannon. Cyrus
Chuffer. George Clarke, James Clancey, Samuel H Courier,
George Causso.
D.—David It Dillon, Martin Duggan. Archibald C Daven
port. Isaac Davis. John Daily. Janiou Dunn. William Dixon,
Patrick Dovine.Chesley Dugger, William II Dunning, Henry
J Dickerson, Albert Llkdairge. Isanc D’l.yon. John K Davis.
John Doyle, jr.,Isaac Dclarochc. William M Davidson, Wm
11 Davis. Richard Dawson,Charles S Dnvis. Nicholas Dixon.
1-ewi* I, Davis. Francis H Demon*. Patrick Dnylo. .Michael
Donnelly. Morty Dorgnn, John Downing. Richard to Dela
ney. Tlmma* Doyle. Thomas K Davis.Slieldou C Dunning.
George W Davis. Michael Ihiilv. Francis 1) Dana. Joseph O
Davis, John lloyle. Jacob DelaMotta. John P A Dupnn. Pat
rick Dolan. Frauds Daly. James 11 Demund. James Doyle
Patrick Downey. James Downey. Michael Downey, John
Deacey. HenryDnneufelser. John Dolan, Jacob Dannenfel-
ser. Patrick Devnnuy, l<evl S Dickson, llioa Dowell. Michael
Duggan. Jacob F Doe. Wm C Dawson, Maurice M Ileuicre.
Wm J Donaldson. Wm J Dotson. James DeMnrtin, Burrell
M Dye. James M Dye. Elijah Dye. Alox'r Drysdulo. Alex'r
Delbanco. Samuel l) Dickson. Wm G Dickson. John Dillon.
Wm Doody. Frederick Ibtnm-iifel-er. John Rornmiv. .Mitchell
T Duke. Joseph Doylo, Martin Dunnugun. Samuel L Dowell.
John D Delaunay.
U—Henry Ellis, Peter Eadres. John Everard. Richard
Ennis. John Eiskeamp. Stephen Elliott. Jacob A Eprteiu.
John B Epstein. Thoums Elen, Dnnlol Kgnn. Jas A Ernst.
John Endy, Edward W Eden. James Eden.
F.—Joseph Felt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah Flckllng. Green
Fleetwood, Louis N Fallignnt. Gnspsr J Fulton. Washington
F Florence. Joseph S Fay. John G Falligant. John C Ferrill.
Andrew Farry. Fredertcb Finch. William D Ford. Sewell H
Fisk. John Flemming. lUchnrd Flanigan. Thomas Ford,
Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish, Brynn Foley,
Joslah K Fisher. John Foley. Jacob Friend. DuguM Fergu
son. John Flsnnegan. Janies Fountain. Henry H Fort.Benja
min Pickling. Robert Ferrell. Gordoy Kayo. Joseph E Fulli-
gant. Randolph B Fell. William Fielding. James A Fawn*.
William B Fleming. Alexander Fawcett. George S Frierson,
Charles Fox, Jacob Friend. Ishnm Freeman, John Finney.
James Foley. John Fitzgerald. Frederick 8 Fell. Patrick Fo
ley. John Flnnnigan. Andrew Hatley. Thomas Flaherty.
William Folllard, Cornelius Flynn. David Fitzgerald. EdwM
S Fulton. John Folllard. Jsred Fitzgerald. Patrick Fitzger
ald. Luwrence Fitzgerald. Michael Feely. Michaal Finney,
Urban C Fraser. John 0 Fisher. Wm G Foote. Wm T Feny,
Frederick Fisher. Robert 0 Ferguson. Isaac Ferguson, Wm
A Ferguson. Patrick J Flemming. Dominick Flatley, jas B
Foley. John Fagan. Jacob C Fattier*.
G—Joseph George. Robert 11 Griffin. Francis Grimball
Joseph George.Jr.. Robert M Goodwin.John B Gtlllo, David
H Galloway.Seaborn Goodalt, John Gammell. Domingo Gal-
leo. Joseph F Gammon. Charles Groat, MnrUnGerken, James
EGaudry. Philip Gieblehouse. Henry Ganahl, John F Gull,
martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Ginoroly. John I, Graven-
stein. Ebenezer \V M Gifford. James K Godfrey. George A
Gordon, Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, NIcklesGeil,
Horace Gillum. John H Green. Francis LGue, Jas Gowsn,
William T Goodwin. William to Goodrich. Michael Gearev,
Michael Gay, Lewis Grenvald. Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith.
James Garvay. George Gatehouse. Martin Geiger. Solomon
Goodall. Michael Glasgow. John B Gnann. Charles Ganahl.
Robert 8 Gray. George M Griffin. Julius 11 Gaudry, William
Oarrughty, Hugh Grady, Benj George, John Galtngher. Pat-
larrinn. I awrenco J GuUmnrtin. Nathaniel M
John Reedy. Alexander H Ralston. Tlionms 41 Hosls. John
B Boas. Tlmmas Redfren. Benjamin Reed Joseph II Ripley.
Patrick Reilly, Francis Rynn. John Riordun.John W Rabun.
Jnmes M Russell, Robert Halford. Waring Russell. Charles
W Rogers, Felix J Rnsenburg. Charles K Ryon. Joseph W
Roliert*. 1 rancls Reeves. Joseph Roes. Edwnru Riley. ]<cpnls
Ryun.Ger-on Rosenblatt. Lev! S Kuhsell.Cliristupi-r Russell.
Cornelius Rorke. James Ronsldson. Michael Rochfonl. Alex
ander R Ralston. John C Rowland. Patrick Ryan. James
Russell. Henry Rynn. William Robkln, Jereirlnll Ryan Jno
Rvan, John T Rowland. Jnmes I.Richardsone. Willium Rob
inson, John G llichnrdsnne. Hiram Roberts. Csdwalholer I)
C Rliind, IsintzRyan. Jnnici L Rossignol. FrnncD .1 Ruck-
ert. Joseph B Rogers. Tliomns Ryan. Tobins Ilolliledcr. Liuis
Ilnbldcr. Michael J Reilly. William E Hiolrardson, George
Rntuspeck, William Riley. William Ritchie
S—Patrick K Shlcls. Henry Seltzer, Win Henry Stiles,
Patrick Smith. Francis Sorret. Samuel 8 Sibley. Edward A
Soullard. Abrnhnm Simpson. Uzar Solomons. John A Schaf
fer. Frederick Schaffer. Francis F S'robhnrt. Francis Shells.
Harman Silber. Joachim R Saiissey. James J Snider. John
Savage. Ezra Stacy. James H Sandiford, Jacob Shaffer. Con
rad Schnidnr. John G Sexton. John II Straus. John FStur-
tavnnt. Walter W Smith. Francis M Stone. Emanuel Shef-
tall. John II Stegin. Alexander J C Sli&w. Farley R Sweat.
James FStokes. John A Staley. Anner Sawyer. Samuel H
Rwent. James Sullivan. Solomon Sheflnll, Dnnlel TScfkn-
ton. Daniel II Stewart. John Slone. William Snlte, Joseph II
Stehliins, Jacob Spang. William Shinners, John Shuutcl.
Matthew Shannon. 1‘ennis Sullivan, Philip Smith. John
Sliwink, James Shea. Jnmes P Screven, Thompson I, Smith.
Will ninSwoll.RichardScnnJan, Alexander A Smcl*. Wil
liam H Smith, - Andrew Steafvatcr. HI ward .FSnndera, Mor-
decni Sheftall. Sr., Jacob A Shaffor. Herman Snngxtnch. Jas
M Stripling. Francis Suwyer, Timothi Slierldon. John Semi
der. Jamo Skinner. I<ew L Smith, John Mien. Deo I Spen
cer. Samuel L Spelsegger. Simon" Snntlm. Thonms Smith.
James Shephard. James Skinner. George Simmons, Tlmmas
Smith. Thomas Scalley. (ieorgo J Smith, John Stoddard.
Jesse J Smith. John BSpnn, Cnpt John Stevenson. Dr Jnmes
M Schley. Thomas Saunders. Jo m Steinberg. Wyatt W
Starke, William Starr. William J Stafford. William R Sy
mons, Patrick Scanlan. Joseph Sullivan, John Sullivan, John
. - _
ship two, of range two. .
tut half of the northeast quarter, and the north
east qUhHarot the southeast quarter, ol section four. In
township tw«*. and tbs northsrest quarter of tbe northwest
quarter of section five, In townshfp three, of rango three.
The east half of the northwest quarter, the nothweat
quarter of tbs northeast quarter, and tbe eaat half of the
■oathweet quarter, of section thirty, In township fonr; and
tho west half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-
five, to townablp five.of range fonr.
North yf rite bate UM md mat of the fourth principal meri-
The weithalf of the northwest quarter of section three,
to township two; the east half of tbe northwest quarter,
and the southeast qssrter of the northeast .quarter, of
fonr ; tbe west half of the aoatheast quarter of atx; the
southeast quarter of. toe aoatheast quarter of twenty-
seven, aud the southeast quarter or tha northwest quarter
of thirty four, In township'three, of range one.
The northwest quarter of section ten, and the weithalf
of the aoatheast quarter of thirty, in township three, of
"jftrthe^auuhrUOMOmmenclngon Monday, the third day
of October next, for the dlspoaal of pnbUc tends within the
following sections, atd part* of section*, to wit p
JVort* </ Me bus line apt tout cf Me flmlh principal—^
Section one, the east half and southwest quarter, tha
west half of tba northwest quarter, and the northeast quar
ter of the uorthweat quarter, of ton, to townahtodlae (and
the east half of the southwest quarter of aeetloo twenty.
Scanlan. George N Staley, Henry Stark.GeorgeShultx.Dan
iel Sullivan, Henry Saunders. Charles ESmllh. Samuel Sol
omons, Edward J Saunders. Tlmmas F Slovens, Newton
Stripling, William Star. jr.. Amos Scudder. .lames Swan
Sullivan. Adam Short. John Sherlock, William Sanders.
Clmres Soli reck, Ephraim Scudder. Augustus Scliphteman.
John Sullivan. Martin Sullivan. William F Shearer. Nicho
las Sinnot, Michael Shelinn, John Shcllmnn. Julius Smith
George W Stilus. Patrick Sullivan, James K Stlrk, William
Smith. John Smith. Abraham A Solomons, Joseph M Shell-
man. Edward Scaff. Henry H Scranton. George Stevenson,
Monlecnl Shcflull. Jr.. James C Sturternnt. Moses J Solo
mons. Joseph M Solomons, Solomon Sbeftsll. James H She-
hsn. George W Sanders. Henry Straus. Diedrich Khnffor. Jno
E SGI well. Nelson Smith, Francis Clement Stobblns. Richard
Steele. Peter Smith. Richard Smye, Jnines Smith, Henry
TV Sin.Ill, Vulc.llnn W CbllT
W Smith. Valentino W Skiff.
T.—-Peter G Thomas John F Tucker, John T Thomas,
Willinin S Thompson.Georgo HTitcomb, Charles G Tslblrd
John DTenbroek.John Thompson, Frederick ATupper. Jas
Tlinrrl.^ William B Tinsley. Barnard 0 Tildcn, Anderson C
rick Garrinn. lawrenco J Gnllmnrtin. Nathaniel M Gilman.
John Glllilflnd. Georgo w Germany, Win EGeffcken, John
M Gticrard, Joaeph Ganahl. Henry I, Gilbert. Patrick Gor
don. Michael Gordon. HarTey J Gilbert. George Gass. Csrs-
ten Gerdts. Matthew Gallagher. Daniel M Gugel, William 0
Gqdfrey, John L Grayson, Richard D Ouerard, Wm Oatptn.
Wm II Grady, IT in w Graham, John flotte.
H—Thomas Holcombe David F Halsey, William Hess.
Christopher Hussey, Richard H Howell, Charles S Hardee.
William Howe. William Hunter. William F Holland. James
Hunter, George 8 Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn,
Lemuel L Hover. John Haupt. Samuel B Haupt. William
Henry. Henry Haupt. William W Headley, Robert Haber
sham, John EHeruandez, Robert,Hutchison, Alfred Hay-
wood. William Henderson. Charles A Hall. Geo W Uardcas-
tie. Robert A llonlker. William L Haupt. Humphrey P Hor-
* thoma
Toms. Francis Truchelut. William TThomrison, John Tier'
ncy. Edward Townsend. John C Taylor. Alfred K Torlsr, Is
rael K Tefft, Istwls E Teln-au, Wm 11 Ttson. John II Thode.
Cornelius Turbush. Joslah P Tustin. John V Tarver. Israel
K Tefft. David Thompson. William Thomas, Peter Thomp
son. Joseph R Thompson. Stephen A Turner. John Tanner.
William 8Taylor, Milton Turner. Patrick Tydlngs, Henry J
Tlodemnnn. John Timmerman. Henry Tow. Charles Thomp
son, Michael Tonder. Richard T Turner, Marlon B Tathird.
John Trumpler, James C Thompson, Martin Tufts, George T
Then*, Francis Mnrion Threadcrsft. Nesblt P J Taylor. Paul
Tliomnsson. Benjamin T Tliuus. Richard Thomas, Thomas M
Turner. Henry Thompson.
V.—Charles Van Horn. David Vender Trlstara Verstllle,
Henry 11 Verstllle. William H S Verstllle. Henry Vielstitch,
Wil'.inni C Vandcnburgh, Charles Vandenmark
W —Richard Wayne. Wward 0 Wilson. William Waters.
Robert D Walker. Henry F Willink. Laurence W Wall, Na
thaniel F Webster. Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb. Henry E
Weed. Smith Warner. Tliomas White, Francis H Welman,
Nicholas Wolf. Willlnni White, Thomns 8 Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob Wlneberg, Samuel A Wood. George 8
Walt. Charles Wilson. Thoms* J Walsh, John W Wilson, Jo-
Jeph Washburn, Znchariali N Winkler. Le«ris W Well*;Ed-
mnnd Wallen, toy lly Woodhrldgo. Christopher White. Seth
Woodward, laaso Wilder, Dennis Wynn. James While. l*hllo
H Wlldman, William Watson. William P While. Philip D
Woolhopte. Aahbel Welles, John J Waver, Jacob Walter,
George M Willett, James T Welles, James M'bilihnn. Enos
valuable Medicine, which haa J
the number of extraordinary curt* eilM^j
agency, has Induced the tbs tuJJ, j.,1
of their friends, to off-r il to the public, which -
the utmost confidence in its TlrluMaDdw#*4fr!( "*■
pro|wrtie*. The following eertificatif.
number, are. however, stronger tezlimasy
word of the proprietors; and are all from |mlb? w
known In their localities, and of the lilgbsst wpi
many of them now residing in the city of
F. BOYDKN. of the Exehznge Hotel, ft,
known every where, says he lias seen the IMiditij
C'sRTXK’a Spa.nikii MixmiK administered Is ctc/| kiS
cases, tn nearly all the disease* for which B fa teMpm
ed, with tlm most astonishingly good mnltj Rinyifl
the mos; extraordinary niedirinehehuernwa.
that fur three years I had Ague and Fevered flu sffifl
lont description. I had several Phyridmliciliipm
titles of Quinine. Merenry.and 1 hellers alltba Tu* ~
verlisrd. but all without any i^rnuneel nW. 1
tried Caktxh’h Srsxtnt Mixn r.x, tvo bellies of vtU
tually cured me, and lam happylony Hurt MmI
Chills or Fovers since. I consider It the tort Tosfr Ip!
world, and tbe only medicine Ibaterormririatasi
Beaver Dam, near RiMimond. Va. J01B ID.'CDC
C. B. LUCK, Eaq . now In the city of RJelmcsitad
many years In tbe Post Office. hx< such rniikntbj
astonh-lnng efficacy of C.iktvk'h Enne MBnulML
has bought upwanls of 5" bottles, which ho Lupuiw
to the allllctcd. Mr. I.ucktzyi bo buctiRtMiltl
fail when taken according lu ijlrtctioiu. L
Dr. MINGF. n praclliing I'hrstriao. and feneolj*(B
City Hotel. In the city of K/chmoad. uyih*hurts
in a numlH'r of Instance* the effrel* of Ciznz'i ft
Mixtvhe. which were most truly turpriting. Ho a,"C
case of Consumption, dependent on the l.lrer, tW poll
feet* were wonderful indeed.
SAMUEL M. DRINKER.of the firm of Hriokert N
Richmond, t as cured of liver complaint of 1 rno.Hi
Ing. hv the use of two bottle* of Carter'i Fpauwb Ihh
mond Republican had a servant employed is tMjrpj
room, cure l of violent scrofula, combined wttll tore
tism, which entirely disabled him from work. TilW
of Carter’s Spa nbb Mlzlnre made a perfect eiltViiai
tho Editors, in a public notice, say they “deemqw
mend it to all who are allllcled with any diart «■
blood.” j
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter'i
ture. I consider It a truly valuable roedWm.
TAYIJJH. Conductor on the It. F. AP.R.R.Ce,Kr
Virginia „ • .
Salt llhenm of 20 Years Btandlsf ft
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON.redding in IheeilrriW
was cured by three 1 Kiltie* of Carter'i Fpashh »*•;•■
Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 year*.
the physician* nt the city could notcure. kr.liyff
Is a well known merchant of Richmond. «
is most remarkable. .
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, la, brtirt
cured of Spyhili*. in the worzt form, byCiiWiiJrt
Mixture. He says he cheerfully rfcommendilt,rt^
alders It an invariable medicine. ,.y
RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond.szi rated
and what physicians called confirmed Conw*frt|
three bo - ties of Carter's F|*ol*b Mixture M
EDWIN BURTON. CoinmlMionerof theWtizw,»pm
has seen the good effects of Carter’s
number of Spybilitlc case*, and izy*» U a pfWfii«PB
that horrible disease. . ji
WM. G. HARWOOB.ot Richmond.Va..
and ulcers, which disabled him from wm*
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mirture. and
walk without a crutch, in a abort time pennuW<7«?
Kr4irC , . , .' e *' >i. ward, awi * o»j
"WliivOTT* TOB.K- WW «
d 'i&MSErr t reeh.°. yo mjft&StoSSl
And for sale by SHOMAgL—kbH
Druggfst* and Country MercbanU ererywwre-
MWsdley, Jacob Wald burg. George W Wylly. William C
Wylly. Isaac P Whitehead. Lewla Wiggins. William Waters,
James White,Stephen P. Whitehead, James M Wayne. Hen
ry K Waahbnrn, Claus Wittschen, Conrad Waldschmtdt.
John”""' * * "~
For tbe cure of Incipient Con.u m ptioo,8MOjK^j|
Debility. While Swelling. Rheumattoj
Uver and Skin, and all disease* ««* ftcB
of the bloo.1 and the effecla ot ^
S WA1M-S PANACEA ha. been for more
celebrated tn this country and in
ordinary cures—forth*
made to the directions and book* (*
tls) accompanying the Fanares- to*.
particulars of rase* too frightful fcr J
wliere the patient* b*d been almostealw'P ]
la. and were deemed tnonrable by’ -mML
It has been used In hoipltals. and Pjai
has bad the lingular fortune of be'of
■sted physlclsni and other *
quarter, the east hslfof the northeast quarter, and the rte. William Havell, James Hackett, Judge W Harris, John
east half of the southeast quarter, of section two, to town- M Harrison, Joseph M Haywood. James J Hines. Thomas
ton. Peter Henry. William Heidt, Levi Hart, thnmas Hen
derson, William P Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peter 1)
Hiizhe'm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton, William
Hone. William H Hausmnn, David Harrlgan, Henry Har
per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John G Howard,
William H Holmes, Geo Troup Howard, William B Hale,
Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman. Samuel Hamilton;
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris, Columbus 8 Harris,
James BB Harley. Undan Hughes, Prioleau Hamilton, Jno
0 Hunter, Dennis Haley. Jnmes E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno
Hall. Peter Hermann. John A Heoges, Nicholas Heyle, Geo
Hubbard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edward C
Holhraok. Stephen Hatterich. Oliver 8 Hunter.Lewl* F Har
Hefferman. William L Haupt, John Hughe*. William Haul-
elmann. Nicholas Hernandez John Ifomlet, Elisha Hagar,
Samuel P Halsey, David S Henderson. DennisRtenner Haa
se tt, Moses C Heald. George Haas, Abraham Harmon, Jas
M Henderson, Patrick Hart, John G Howard. Patrick Han-
‘ ‘ sk Hoban, John Higgins, Ezekiel
Robert DHilton. Washington R
ley. Andrew Hagerty, Patrick Hoban, John Htn
“Harris.JulianHartridf “ * **“
Williamson. John C toagner. George M Wnldburg. Jno
J Watts, Edward 0 Wltlilngton. James S Wilkins, Nonnan
Wallace, William H Wiltberger, Peter Wlitberger, Simeon
Walter. Joseph W Webster. Amos E Webster, Thos White,
Thomas Wood, Henry F Willink, Jr., George S Webb. Wil
liam Webster. Michael Welch, John EWard, Stephen B Wil
liams. Irvin L WolE John Wickham. Michael toeldon, Fran
cis White, Charles W West, Henry Williams. Jnmes C Webs-
ster. Henry Wilson, Martin toendilken. Jessey Welch, John
M Williams. Christopher WlUgen, Gregory White. Samuel T
Wilson. Augustus Walter, Robert Wsggenstein, Edward C
Wade, Ihomaa A Wilson, Bryan Wren, Frederick R Wylly,
WlritarilleH William*. Michael toall.Henry Weigand,Demp
sey White, James G M Warnoch, James K Waltnour, Ellsba
Wylly. Frederick Wyndlch. Peter White, FIcnry tollliainaon.
Jonn Weiglnm, Asron Wilbur.
Y•—Dr Fasten Young. Peter Yonson, John A Yonge, Wil
lis m P Yonge.
Z—EdwinSZIttrouer, Jacob Zimmerman, Solomon Edg
AH persons entitled to vote, and desirous of voting at
tlie next election for Mayor snd Aldermen of the city of
'Savannah and hamlets thereof.are respectfully requested
to call at my office and register their names within too
time prescribed by tew, else they will bo debarred tlie right
of voting thereat. EDWARD O WI1£0N,
Among others by— , q „— rT p»
W. filbMD.ll, n,,.Prof. <£»■w«* I
Harris John R Hamlet, Clarence P Hollis, John Hon
Joaeph B Barmy. Francis Hamande*. Thomas Haynes. Ed
ward 0 Hough. Algernon 8 Hart ridge, Herman Hoch. John
Heery, John Hover. Lev! 8 Hart, Maurice Hackett, Robert
R Habersham. James Hackett.Mo
Clerk of Council.
mriee Hackett,
. i Z Henderson, Thomas
Heery, Wm B Harrison, John Harrison, Wm B Hermes,Wm
J Harty, Paul Haller, Thomas H Harden, Francis W Head
man, Dwight Hunt, John B Habersham. Martin Houlihan.
I—John to Ihly, Edward W Irwin, John Irwin.
J—John R Johnson, John T Jones. James B Johnston,
Vdwatd Jones. James G Jones. Alexander Johnson. William
Bullock Jackaon, Enoch 8 Johnson, John D Jesse, John J
Jackson, James H Johnston, Robert Jackson, Wm James,
Peter Jacob*, James M Jones. Peter Edward Judsnnss, G
Jackers. Joseph W Jackson, Nlootas Jeffries. Thomas Jones,
Joaepb Jobiuton. Geo Jackson, George H Johnston, Francis
D Jordan. Alfred E Jones, John M John- 1 —
HJ««Phtllp Kolb, —•“
Kuck. Peter Krouae, 1
man Kuhlman,
W Kelly. James
PER STEAMER from New York, we have Jirot^recclVed
_ and are now opening a fine selection of Plaid Ginglism.
also, Mourning Gingham, which we are offering at the low-
eat passible price*.* aug2 AIKEN k BURNS
rilOARa TOBACCO. Ao.-60.O00 Minerva Ogar*. 20.000
U Union do, 16.000 Isabella do, 20.000 Lone Star do.
10,000 Oregon do. 25,000 Cheroots and Havana Sixes, 160
boxes Tobacco, various brand t 10 do Jenny I.(nd twist do.
10 do Luey Neal do do. 6 do Myers’ Aromatic do. 25 do !<or-
rllard’a fine cut do. 16 do Hogg’a do do, 26 do Goodwin’S do
do. to store and for sale low by
■\7"ARIEIY.—IJuseed. Sperm. Bleached, Whale and Castor
L V Oil; white, red, black and bar I-ead; Shot, assorted,
V«!.otta. Mott. M. f.
W.r. Vnrm. K. o
N. D-.VrnT "t
T. Parke. M. n- P» ‘™W.™,umi."
Dr. Del V.lle.Pmf. ef “-"'ijaiStu*.
Jose Eourenco de I.ur.Irof
J. Cblrmen.Member
O. W. firlnir. tale Mtal-j-r '•'J*' l “n rf | ll b Ijwf- I
Sir Them.-Pennon. MeJr* Cta<[-'“ n J
Gilbert Rotart.'on. Brili.b ta «eM«'f
dnd .lie. tbe wonderfnl "?Statin"
era have, for many year*. ' „iai B r(c**0
The Panacea does not t* *
Ing an Innocent preparation'^ ^ •
,0 "l1*e C aVprt«b..b r ^«K?I
latning ibre. IMgf^
Hwaim’sPsnscra bin™**
ly. with the following
—P.iNArtA—ruttums,” mvi^ VI ittsaM*l
Swaim stamped on tbe »**'{"*,.. ep «riTh)4to
covering tlie csrk, report
ST™ 5
edy for all dlaeaaee «Hshw “J ' 7 ir mm+
s5 B6! tS ! ' J SsS53l
enth-atrect. below Chestnut.
recllj on 111. taboU, or ib«, TOJ »
iey may w '
etore mile to ImlUtfon f * 1 h ^ e ^0d'te*
Somewhat similar name, well alraUiso
•ral agents for tooUhttcdSU^
in4 and 100 JohuRgy 1
fca {'Essences, assorted; Opodeldoc.rarejorii
Bateman’s Drops. Hot Dropp. (|WH * • J
Jirted SiHt*,, Muimrgr. CTt
■mrdWriUniPtner, .lib n|mt
tote seaaoo of ton ttoktofr'
tales departs to cun all to* UIs iu*
say they will cure aU btMaort>*
them will prove. Manufkctured.