Newspaper Page Text
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S; a, a. Si h>\ S\ iMiiiiMK—' PS; •'&■ 'V>. '•* ii". ■.*,. .
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Gj V.T'ON t
mtjr Prlnt.r,.
«i~w«oaV, u.
lUP ,T i > t7»i»t» »» apva*o»i-
T1 •
^nnM ,
•*v*h#r« every mortl -
JLLARS par w
pun. .
Amalia .Qoralnm to POfphUlue da Saint, riodta* nnx
“ piraonn#*, par Vlotpr Doublet, rrofamaur da Dollon*
Abrade da Tom la* Viiytf## an Pel* Nord. depula la*
I'rerea.aenljuaqo’n trehouarf (1830—1636), par Henri La*
. '0*P9(*UJI
iro^^AawrU-m ntsIn the Hally, <*nt to
I S—SSSuS ntO-M «f l» «* «ttJi»t
1?*’? < 5!RSou* m -»»«»,l» »«•«
I ' put.
* mux. in ivroat.
I g&fct— ■-■ -"‘t
■ fil—— ' a* vubiiii * wnu nn.
. Mat Prisons on' Mamoirea d«Silvio, Pallleo. traduction
qouralla, par IL-MAbb# Baurasoa, profesaaur an petit Sami-
naira de Tours.
August* at Iliaraaa, on L* Rafour a la fo par M’m# T»rb*
m Sabloos—trot alama adltlon.
Ernestine An lab Charms* da la Vartn aulvla da Kelly on
u Jeuna Artiste at da Carolina at Julietta, par tt’ine Canaria
Forrence—Mptlema adltlon.
Blanoba da Savanpy. par M’m# J* B.. •. v
Anne* d* Louvatu au Memotrea Da Soeur St. Lous, par
Louja Venllotto.
Mathilda at Gabrlelle ou laa BlenfalU, d’une education
ehretrieana—troUlema edition.
Hobart au PSouvInar d’une Mara. M’m# C. Guermanie,
Voyage# at Avaoturaa do Laparouse, par F. Valeutln—
■tatam# adltlon. Vbr aal* by
■ j. b. cubbedge.
W< Wet 118 Bayonet.
W( 0«.panv will UkeHre. Marine and Hirer lUakaoo
I ^S£Sm Waad, Hiram Roberta, J. R. Wilder, 1.
I f M^vdJoba W.AnJeraon.N. B.Knapp. Henry Uthrop
HENRY I). WKF.D, President,
HIRAM ROUKKTS, Vice President
J »oi wiiMag to aend for their friends and dealrona of
I lhlM out by Aral elaa packet ahlpa, an Inrorotad
I JJS ltt b»erlb*« ar# tbo only AgeuU for theabore agin-
1 atothls City.
I 'toy in tlaeanihoriced todrawon Meaara. Win. Tapaeott
iiC«. l Ur*rp#c1,in sum* from £1 and upwanla, which
I alia are negotiable In any town throughout Ireland and
Jlat Britain- DnRi on France and Germany, payable In
I JwUof tbe ConUnent. at*o for salo. Apply to
I £t-ly DUSKER k OGDEN. 80 Bay-atreet.
‘ ' ASBCRV HULL. President and Treaanror.
jUDOS CHASE, Sec'r/. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
I ft* Bodmfrned, Agrnit of the ahore Company, continue*
JkUtt the fallowing RUka, vl*. t Uariu#, Rlrer and Fir*
■At oatha Llw* ofSemnt*.
| jiiwMWhite reraon* ar# aUo taken by thla Company,
bntnpremium for residing In the South.
Comer of Hay and Prayton-atreeta.
A N elamentaryIntroduction topliyile. astronomy.clmm-
Xx eaVry. mineralogy, geology, botany, w»logr and pbya*
lology, br Prof. Schuodler, with nearly 700 wood cuts.
Aural Surgery and tbe nature and treatment of dlstaa**
’th* ear, by w. It. Wild*. i
Godey’s Lady*’ Hook for Oolober.
Tlio VioUm of Excitement, by Carolina Lea Henta.
Profaaaor SOllmao’a rlalt to Euro.n Iq 1881, with engine*
Th* Exiles—a tala by TaWl. *
Th* CUnat Hunt, by Faber. *
Albert Smith’* Story of Mont Banc*.
Th* Worka of Calhoun, vola 1 and ?.
Koa. 6 and A Illustrated Record of th* N. Y. exhibition.
The Cloister life of Charles 6tb.
16th English Law and Equity Report*.
Blackwood for September. Eclectlo Msgs tine. Stillman’*
Journal, the Lancet, Illustratad Magaxine of Art, Ac. Sc.
■ - fB^S.CXJHEN k HANNON respectfully announce to
■ i.l th# dtlani of Savannah that they are now prepared
I to ball Mods of work In their line, at their new shop,
I nrUHCorurr of Rrnughton and Drayton>ats. Tliey have
I NbUVbtd the following aa their rate* of charges: For a
l^toihsr’o*.; per month, for 2 nr three times per week
I fit: t times a week 81; 6 or 0 time* a week 81 60; every
I toil jjpermonUi. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
T will always hold hlraaelf In remlinesa to at*
IW to orders ftom those who may requlro hi* services at
I |A hones. nov»
I ITCI'ER s new and Improvod organliatlon, manufacture
IU iMvmotlre and Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills. Gina,
I fuses Uthes. Drills, Ao. Also, every description of Cot.
I tofocleo»n>l?«w Mill work.Shafting.Pulleys, Ac.,Cast.
I *utK«^ * J* r F® ajwort men t nfpat terns.)
I*[hot 1} llatt-street, comor of Gold. Claxton k Wet-
IwtEiceUior. Collins k Co. and II. Colllna’Axes, Hard-
|hn jitney, 23 Pratt-st., New York.
K M'S Patent Platform Scalea—(Improved Inqual
4 reduced In price)—AdauU»dto*veryre<iulrr'—
■BWoi RallroadScafeafortrnlneor single -
neon the principal railroads In thoUnited State* and
_ Jet Britain, warehouse Scales. Heavy Portable Scnles, on
I toll,for foundries.rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
(Efcatlons; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, fco.—
wScsleshare been long known and severely tested; and
Irrrssl conliclenee Ml ln Ahelr .accuracy and perfect
nent. Is such that they are uow regarded aa the stand,
n which there Is no anneal.
I nn RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints. Are and
Iinler.proof colors, uuwmtig. Silver’* klnural l’alnta
| ttin.fntlslly from all others in. market, They nronot
■ iftlhry requleu little oil, they .do not work tougbly, but
■lsr earlly as white lead. They lay on » very heavy body.
liHuKdlatclv. and become an indestructablo covering ol
1 fat They neither crack nor peel, and roqulre no stronger
t r than white lead. ....
bare a variety of colors, Red, Yellow, various Browns,
I sai Jet Black. They are superior In body (or oovering
■ pytrty) to anything ever discovered, and pound for round
I «co«r double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mint
1 pili, and require lets oil.
now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
ke Silver's Mineral Paints. For ssle by
ID and 12 Raroanl-street.
IF Krlber hsring just lomoved to No. 21 Hull-street, (be-
I'wtaCongfeii aud IJroughton-strcets.) would Inform his
lUttidi snd the public generally, that he will open This
■hr.hii second aupplrof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
■dthe bc»t French. English and Amerlcau Cloths, Casst-
■ aerti tod Vestings, purchased from tho most extensive Ini-
IptUrtia Mew York, which he is prepared to make up lu
■ ftrb.vl sad most fashionable styles.
■ THE co partnership heretofore existing with tho under-
II signed, under the firm of BOSTON k GUNDY, Is this
■ kf dissolve.! by mutual consent. Either partner isautlio-
■ tome the tumo of the Urm inclosing the unsettlod
H August lit. 1883. *ug2 J. II. GUNDY.
J Ike bd leriigned will continue the FACTORAGE and COM-
■ ■BWW Bl’sl.VE« on his own account, and respectfully
■NKnsaccntinuance of the rottonngo so liberally extend-
I wd to the late Bra.
!ffT\,THK aUB^CItraERrtopMtroilraDnbunceatotb*'
^Htlcltlxen* of BavSnunh. andofthe Interior'of thts
■■UMat*. that ha h** now opened cad will ke«p con-
Jnually Instore, a lerg* assortment of the best quallUd*
of the variouskfpda of ^IN8? AM LIQUORA bolfi fbrelgn
and domestic, thVblMd from the b*it aotirooa,and to hit.
atook'of whleh, at present oh hand, ha Invltea attention.—
Having had extaoslv* experieno* In France aa a : manutko-
turar, and In Atntrica as Importer and dealer, hU acquain
tance with tha trado enables him to offer assurance that the
rtlclea which are enumerated below.aro eaoh genuine«
Articles of Direct ImportnUonFwnch Bran-
dies of various brahdti Holland Gin} Scotch, Irish and
Monongahel* WJUsky} Old Batavia Arrack} Jamaica and-
8t Croix Bum. . ■
OortHala^-ln cases. Curteoa.MinUchlno, Ratafia. 81a*
voit*.KlrschenwMser. Absinth.kc. 1 ■
Ale aind Porter.—London Drown Stout, and Edin
burgh Ale. . .
AIso Agent for Domestic Llquora,
nor5 R. MAYER.
DECEIVED.BY S. a. 81 BLEY, August30th, 1883:
X The Fawn or the Pale Faces, or two coulurlca ago. by
■.P. Brace. * '
Tho Matricldo’a Daughter, ora tale or lire in th* great
ictruplls, by Newton M. Curtis.
Dare Devil-Dick, or the road and It* riders, being the ro
mantic adventures encountered by Dick Tui pin. Ac.
Tho Pirate Doctor, by a Naval Officer.
Blackwood's Magazine for August; Graham'a Magnilne
ir September. Go-ley’s Lsdya’ Uook rorSeptember; Glea
son’s rlctoral; Baruum’s Illustrated Newa; for mI* nt 135
Congress street. au831
L ife"under Italian dimpi/iism— Loreuw ucuoui,
or Passages in the Life of an Italian.
South Carolina in the Revolutionary War, being a reply
to misrepresentation)! In relation to that State.
Sheridan’s life and Memoirs, by Thomas Moore.
Iangnrd’s History of England, a new and cheap edition,
In 13 volumes.
Goneral lUron Jominls’ History of the Campaign of Wa
A Memorial of Horatio Orcenough, by Tuckerman.
Boiatnoot’t Hallucinations, a rational history of appari
tions. visions, dreams, etc.
Mrs. I^e's Habits and Instincts of Animals, Birds. Bop.
tiles and Flahea
The Fawn of the Pale Faeea. by Bruce.
Colller’e Shakespeare, vnl. 6, cheap edition.
Young Americans' library—I-lfo of Wobster.
GersUecker’a Journey Round the World, a now supply.
Pre.0 W'n.iamu. Wmuro.,
Cauldrons. Douglaaa* Purnpa an<
do Buckets, Oottoii and Codnl
Hooka, Jack Screws, Burole’a .
Griswold’S Upland do. Cement,’:
Saw* { also, KLmmI ana Yard Saw
nolfi OTA’S H.
Hare in ttoro, and offer for sale, on tbe most
favorable terms—
16 hh<U fit mix Sugar, 28 do Porto Rlcodo
. 28 do N Orleans do. 80 bbls ColTee do
100 bbla Stuart’s A. n and C Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 boxoeLoaf do. 200 baga Rio Coffbe, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba ColTeo. 60 do Jamah a do
10 ease* Myer’a Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Bacon Sides
26 caska Shoulders,28 do llama, enolce quality
100 bbla Baltimore Floor. 60 whole And 28 hair do Canal do
88 hh<la. 80 lieresa and AO bbla West India MoImxm
26 bbU Now Orloans Molasses, 26 do extra do
25 quarter chests Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 bo^t-s Sperm and Aiatnaajtlne Candles .
100-do No 1 and Palo Soap .
100 bole* Gunny Goth. 300 colts Weaver’s Rope
100 bbla B Phelps' Gin. 260 Flaek’s do, 28 do Connecticut
♦ River do, 26 do N K Rum
20 qr caske pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do.Madeira do
6 half pipes (Hard Brandy.20 qr enska do do
100 bbla Mnnongnhal* Whisky. lo qr coakaRort Wlne
16 bbls Mint and Rose Cordial. , '
Also, tho following old and vary choice liquors, In glasses :
40 dozco choice old Msdelra Wine, bottled In 1847
86 deiuljona St Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
10 do Pure Juice, 1848.40 do hrandy.1818
36 dozen Schetdaui GIu, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar.
B 25 IIIIPS. Porto ltico nnd Muscovado Sugar. 26
do choice New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba sloiaa-
se#. 100 bbls Npw Orleans nnd Cuba Prrup. Stu
art’s rectified do. 600 rallon* Sperm on. 300 do
linseed do. 200 Imxes Sperni and Adanvunsntlne Candles.
26 do Starch, 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap. 26 do Toilet do, 50
do mixed and assorted ( andlas, 76 packages Teas. Black. Im.
perial nnd Green, 160 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes,
Figs. Citron. Plcklos. Raisins. Yeast Powders. Saleralus, So
da. fcc.. now In store and for tale very low. by
THE largest and beat aaMUH atoe^of gtods aver
offered for sole In thla dty. 'Gifld and fill ver Watches,
(YeaLFob and Guard Chains, Bata Of Jewelry, Chat*
•Fish Knives, PI*.Knlvaj. Oieese 8ooup«.Ta.
. .. . Ah»,*U kinds ofttotM Wkw, Military.and
Fancy Goods, and a groat variety Of Articles too numerous to
mention {the whole or which win be sold at reduoed prices.
All kinds of Watohea, Clocks, JeSralry and other Jobbing
attended to by pompetont hands. HUKTON A R1KEMAN.
The undersigned begs leave lo Inform tbo CtUxeni
HofSavannslu and the people in the country In gene*
. mt he haj taken the Store No. 148 Broughton Street
one door West of mxon’a Confect Innery, where he will be
pleased to makeand repair all klnda of Clocks uud Watches,
and will warrant aU work with which he may be Intrusted,
ap27—ly . FRANCIS FTK1N. -
And Ihi
__ RECEIVING by evyrys
Jons, making tha best hsaoi..
kinds of Watcbea, Jewelry. Fancy Oi
Pitchers, Ten Sets, Cups, Syphons,
AfsrUaM connecft^rtth Antltoo rifhdShtiaa} alio)
which will be sold as low astn any-clty in tMf Union. 4 '
„ • V D. B. NICH0L8.
-W Particular attention given to the Repatririgof Watch*
es and Jewelry. • no 20
lolse, the literature of the 8cIavio Nstioiia; Theory of
Politics, an inquiry Into the foundations of governments,
and the causes and progress of political revolutions, by
Richard Hildreth, author »f the History of the United Stales
of America. Ac.; TheStory of Mont Blanc, by Albert Smith;
A Visit to Europe In 1862. by Prof. Benjamin Sllllm.m. of
Yale College. In 2 vola.. illustrated; John C. Calhoun’s
Works, vol.2; The Picture Pleasure Book. Illustrated with
upwards of five hundred engravings, from drawings of emi
nent artists; The White Rose, or the Lovely Mulifc! Louis
iana. a romance of the wild Forest, by Dr. J. H. Robinson;
Tho Golden Engle, or the Privateer of '78. a talo of the rev
olution. by Svlv-mu# Cobb, Jr.; Tbe Countess De Charity, or
tho Fall of the French Monarchy, by Alexander Humes;
Bsrnutu’ii Illustrated News, Nos 37 and38. received by
*ep21 J. D, CUDHKDGE.
N EW ROOKS.—Tlie Mud Cabin ; or tbe Character and
tendency of British Institutions, as illustrated In their
effect upon Human Character and Ikmtlny, by Warren lsh
Tho Forged Will; or Crime and Retribution by Emerson
The Whlto Cruiser; or the late ol the Unheard of, by Ned
Edith’s Legacy; or the Long Wood of tbe Grange, by tho
author of Adelaide Llndsar.
Jane Scion; or tho King’s Advocate; by James Grant, au
thor of - Romance of War.” Ao.
The. RadiraOols of Building; for the nse of Architects.
Builders. Draughtsmen Machinist!, Eoginecrs,aud Mechan
ics; by John Bullock.
The Rebel Scoutjn Romance of the American Revolution,
by Aria Ashland..
- Violet, the Dan«mu*e; orOautiihlp and Wodlock. by |ho.
author of 4 The Jilt.”*• Warning to Wires.”
Barnum’s Newa, No. 40.
Putnam’s Magaxine fur October. Received by
iPT. 20.-
The ad-
r. and Mrs. Ssndbovs, who cams up to lam-
M. Reynolds. David Coppcrflold. the younger, by C. Dick
ens. Life and adventures of Charles Chesterfield, by the
author of Petticoat Government. Ac. Tim History n| St
Giles nnd St. James, by liouglas Jerrntd. Esq. J. Pcnlmore
Cooper's Novels The Golden Engle, or the Privateer of
Scveuty-Six. by Sylvnnus Cobb. Jr. The Countess of Do-
Cliaroy, or the fall of the Franeh Monarchy, ay Alexander
Dumas. Ibunum’s Illustrated News. Gleasons Pictorial.
For salo No. 136, Congrcss-sL
C' ms—160 bags prime IUw, 75 do Jamaica, 60
do Java.
_______ Si'uak—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do SI. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans, 100 bbla Crazhed. Powdered and Clarified.
Moufflm—26 hlnla Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans.
pLOtin—160 bbls Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do II Smith's.
IUooS—15 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
roused do. 30 hhds Sides, !*fl do Shoulders.
Potatom—150 bbls I’ and Mercer.
I-tan -».M) Connsn—23 bbls choice Leaf Lard. 6 casks Cod
Soap. Caxpus axi» STAncii—50 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 50 do Pale do. 40 whole nnd half boxes Starch, 76 do
Admantine Candles. 26 do Sperm, 25 do Star. 160 do Patent
Tobacco—160 packages various brands and qualities.
LmioX Stkcp, Jkc.—60 bozos Lemon Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tmnnto Catsup. 10do Brandy Peaches.
Poxismc ijqL'OKS—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin, 60 do N E Rum. 76
do Rectified Whisky. SO do extra old Monongahela do.
WlXKX—20 qunrter casks pure Malaga. 8 uo cholco Madei
ra—received aud for sale by
apl20 MrMAHON a DOYLE.
. 10 bbls No. largo Mackerel,
J10 bbls No. 1 do do
110 half bbls No. 1 do
■ 10 do No. 2 do
30 bbls sugar, sodnr. and butter Biscuits,
25 boxes soda Biscuits,
60 do Bmhnn’sFamllySnap,
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and Bcadell'a Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
landing and for sale by
I skip heretofore exUtinw between the subscribers under
■ Im ol K 7,'KillAl'M k CO. Ii dissolved by mutual
■ ewaL 0. B. Mirt'lIF.IJ. will continue the business on
I *® coun *- * 0: * ** authorized to settle all claims, In
I •“ ,e, Jr™rorigain»t the late firm.
F. ZDGBAUM. Clwrleston. fi. C.,
■ . G. II. MITCHE1J*, Savannah, Ga.
I Aninih. June 6th. 1863 Je8
I TYSOUTKiS’ <)F (XtPAKTNE’tSlIIP— Nonca-Tlio con
I *» »n> ot Kibitee A Rodgers Is this day dissolved by i
I l. Klbbeo retiring, and Mr. Thomas Wt
I 5 * . i e « n-ul<in 8 hi* place, under the name and style
I k Rodcers. All debts against the late firm will be
I UiS f? bjr ,,|e ne,r A”"- nn ’* xB monies duo them will be
I !.*™ w *!*D'l receipted for by the now concern, ns per
I •*»*«. KIIIBEF. A RilDOniS,
I A ^-ThMubscriber. in retiring from business in
11 1 .. eitr, emnot but feel deeply grateful and oblleed
try liberal p itronage which lias been extended to
■ tiCMi* hnuM ’-) ku'h from city and eouotry frienils. and
I uj7.i f 0 PP"rtuolty to ezpreu his thanks for tho some.
I U* V ^® '*"!’• that past favors will he continued to
1 ar * e,rer ) r "V grateful to give the most
I •rhfrfi.^l^tion to the patrons of the late concern
I Very respectfully.
in Health and Disease, by Thus Bull. M D.
Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining, with n de
scription of the most usuful minerals, and Instructions for
assaying and mining, according to tbe simplest method, by
Frederick Overman, Mining Engineer.
Tho Micmscopfst, or a complete manual of the use of the
mlcroarnpe. for physicians, students, qnd all lovers of nnt
ural science, second edition Improved and enlarged, with
IIIUHtratlnna. by Joseph II. Wytlics. M I).
A Treatise on Operative Upthalmle Surgery, by II. II.
Watton. F R CH, In England, first American, from the first
London edition, Illustrated by 169 engraving* on wood,
edited by 8. IJttcll, M D. author of a Manuol of the Disease
ofthe, Receivod by
R eceived and for sale ry s. s. sibley. i 35 Cto-
gress st.—Dlblo in the Family—Bible In tho Counting
Annals of Tennessco. by J. 0. M Ramsey. M. D.
'Hie Sword and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat nnd Forty.
Maria l>e Uernleve, a talo of tho Crescent Gty. by W.
Gilmore Simms.
Tho Rare for Riches, and aomo of the pits Into which tho
Runners fall.
Tho Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustln, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Cntherlno Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Ktherh
and tho Friends of the New Light, by C. W. Wei
NBW. Wntzrin' awVi idarntW ~ acinv#rvrvjr*m'aT.»iAm.roTi»'’«B‘wi«li , '.-v^!'‘ • • j
ber 1 24l^ IU ^ ,r 00n,t,w,w * - October J® 11 **
M^roh I8t1i t,arter con,mcnc< * January 1*1,1864, and ends
lbSi^ n <lhWUr commences March lfitb, and coda June
^Fourth quarter commence* June 10th, and anda August
The academy la organized Into lire departments—?rima*
ry. Intermediate,' Grammar, Classlual. nnd Young Ladles’.
N" expense bt* .been spared to All the several depart*
towl* wiVb weil-n«alltied and experienced teae ten.
Th# Young Ladles will be under the charge of J. B. Mau
uxo. assisted by MUa M A. Callkxdxb, who *u eduoated
In the best sohooU of Northampton, Mas*., and has bean
Ufr State 1 11 re * ye *” Principal of a female academy In
Th” Classical Department will be under tbe charge of Mr.
IbaaoF. Cadt, a graduate of Brown University, for two
yeare classical teacher In th* High School In ftovldaneo,
and for the last six years principal of the High Bchod, In
Warren. Rhude Island.
The Grammar Department will be under the charge of D.
llAtLnx. aa heretofore.
Tha Intermodule Department will be taught by Mr. Here
nrGLKKR, a graduate of Oglethorpe University; and th*
Primary by Miss A. R. Csima.
Arrangements hare been made with Mr. E. Miuwfor
giving instiuetlon In French and Drawing.
*Cp26—d3w lirnumn umnu'
M THE undersigned U now opening a splendid assort*
il/jmontof rich JEWEI.UY.einbracing tho recent pattern*
of Fur-rings, IMn». Bracelets ami Finger-rings, among
2 which nro some fine diamond sol tings, from $10 to $600.
V Also, twenty-five nets of those tinlquo l'tarl ,%/sofEar-
V; rings and Brooches, from $18 to $125 tho set. newest
A and rarest patterns: together with a very select assnrti
mentor extra tine IValcJu* set in pearl, diamond, bun.
ting and plain cases. Those, with a further assortment ol
gfHMt Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, fijmons. Forks. I Allies,
Cups. Ao..and I'lnted Ware of all kin 'a. Fancy Work Boxes,
Dressing Cases. Kollos Clocks. Rronze Hgures. gold mount
ed Canes. Cuttlerr. Ac., renders his assortment very com
plete. and unsurpassed in tbe state, either in quality or pri-
Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks,
ami Jewelry. r noli!
I MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-strect. has just roceiv*
'ed tho finest assortment of new and fushlonablc Jewel,
ry of all descriptions. Gold aud silver pencils nnd rou*.
silver and silver glltod ware and fruit baskets, waiters;
t tea sets, candlestlrks, table and tea spoons; fine table,
: pocket and penknives, scissors, and a targe variety of tbe
finest work boxes, dressing cases, nnd writing desks for
Udlei and gentlomen, aa also a fine selection of flullnaaj
accordiana and fancy articles, too numerous to mention,
which ho offers at the lowost prices ever sold in tills city
Tho attention of the public at large, but especially that of
the ladles, is sarticularlv requested. au21
___ J. V. CONNER AT A CO., offer for salo on ac-
tf/Sx conmiodatlng terms, a well assorted stock of Gro-
eerlps. Liquors. Tnlwcco.Brgnrs. Ac., viz: 130 bags
SKJSIprime Rio Cnlfeo. 20 do do old Java do. 20 hhds
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars.60 bbls clarified coffee do,
25 do crashed nnd powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 nai'
ages black and green tea. some very superior; 260 boxes
tobacco, vurimisqualities, l's. 8's. 6's nnd 10’s, 16 cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Virginias and Aronia‘ic.20<in ncctarleaf.
Vlginia gold lenf.lO boxes Kl Dorado tobacco. 176.000 su|>o-
rlur llnvnim Fegnr*. 10 hnlf pijics (Hard.DupuyA Co. Bran
dy, 20 hair and quarter casks Piiitern. Mattel. Sazorac. Ac.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean IamiIs do, 6 pipes
Ihdland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Bum, 10
Imlf pipe* nnd 16 qunrter ensks superior Mndeira Wino, 26
bbls old Mmiongalii'lu iVisky. 26 qunrter ensks Tenerlffo, 30
do do Malaga Wine. 200 bbls gin. whisky anil rum, 100 boxos
No. 1 mul family snap. 60 do stnrdi, 60 do adamantine can
dles. 50 ilo tntlow do. 20 casks luicon sides. 16 do shoulders,
ttflhhds West India MulaMS*. 40 bids and tea do.'25 hbls N
Orleans da. together with every other article usually found
at tho whiilewnlegrocery stores. jun«3
Q nniJt ^timrt'H Crashed and Powdered Sugar
OU 60 dii do A. B and C Clarified do
00 do Iax A Kirkpatrick's l’rn«hed do
00 do Butter. Sugar and Soda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell's Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
SCO tin Family. I’nlo nnd No. 1 Soap. Smith nnd Col
60 do BcsilsilV Pearl Starch
26 do Ground IVpner In 20 lb boxes
20 tin do Coffee In 50 R, boxes
3'H) ream* aborted Wrapping Paper
60 mats ol I government Juva Coffee
60 Uixes 1st nti-1 2d quality Bey’s Isunon Syrup
100 bid* K Phelps’ und Ruse Gin
fill do N E Rum. ."Ml do Po.iicdlr. Brandy
40 do P A II Connecticut River Gin
20 ’f and 20 casks Malaga Wine
60 bbls ami 100 kegs prime Isvif lanl. landing aud
or sate by _ Jy ’l SCRANTON. JOUN5TON A CO.
T HE Subscriber 1ms on hand a fine and well selected
Stock of imported puro Wines. Liquors and Bcgars.
comprising tho following;
nruiiily—10 hnlf pipes otard. Dupuy A Co. : 3 do .lo
old Hennessy ; 2 do do Sazorac. 1808 ; 2 dodo Jeau Lnils,
1 KOf*; 3 do'do J.J. Dupuy.
Wlnca—I half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
l/indon Particular : 3 do do old Port; tl do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 baskets Clmiiijmgne.
Bepnrs—20.000 ltlo Honda ; lo.noo 1a Cruls ; 5,00”
I a I'ninn ; 10.000 Li I’atria ; 26.000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries.—A large suppty.sueh nstmportre!
'ordints. E«* I’lckhMandSence*. Preserve*. Sweetmeats.
Prunes nnd Jciiu.... For sate by A. BONAUD,
R Corner ol liny and Wbltaker-Ktreeta.
THE undersigned respectfully Inform tbe
citizens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
that they have on hand more than fifty
Pianos, the target stock ever on sale in this dtr. and
made by the most celebrated manufacturers In the United
States. Nunna A Clark. T. Cldckcring. Bonrdnmn A Gray,
Leight A Newton. Edwards A Fisher, all well known to the
lovorv of Music, have place in tliolr large assortment.—
These Pianos aro of rich tone, and beautifully finished In
Rose Wood, Black Walnut.and Mahogany, with Iron framca
made In the most substantial ajid workmsnUkA. nm—r*—
Also thejustly coUtwated ^Eottan rtano Fortes, which for
their sweetness of tone have not been equalled. AU these
instruments have metalicfraines which render thorn pecull-
arly Hulled for tht climate, preventing necessity of tuning
for year*.
Hie undersigned are Agents for Henri Here’s, celebrated
Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
Cawiart'h Miaomoya.—Tills beautiful toned wind Instrn*
nieiit.nmnufactureil by Carhart A Needham, N. Y..foevillage
purposes. Lodges,Serenading Paiiles. and tbs private prac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they
have also for sale. All these Instruments will lie disposed of
on the most accommodating terms. The prices of the 11-
anos ranging from $176 to $1,000.
j Stlioole.
cultivated with success by him, and tbe residua, oonaist*
to JT>od rfrqfr, consisting of a qomfartoble dwelling, Ao,,
'»«M »n< »Ul=Md i»bonSr"io««r’»lij Min.
cadabl* of turning eat from fifty to dm hundred
i of sugar. ■ Also, tight themsaod acres of pin*
-7—- greater poet-of, which la well timbered, lying on
J. WALDBURG. 8avanhah,
„ . „ , ■ , B. A. PUTNAM, fit. Augustine.
Mr. J. N. Johnson, who la on the pUntaUon, win exhibit
Itondthe other land. acplfi—dtf.
JOHN B. MALLARD, t wli--,--,.
- LegitUUitt Charter, granted to 1849,
rpiIE Spring session sriU commence on the second Monday,
X i which U the 12th day of January.
^GjJ-^BaowM, President and Professor of Mental and
)*.W*m.-Profb*»ir of Natural ScienceeT* '
^B. Bjuxuaii, Profeasor ol Mathematic* and DlreqU
I1»’rt M. Houmxaw, Professor or Bellos Lottrea.
The Faculty wlU be assisted by the following lidlos. vlx:—
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Bennett, Bumstead.
Meredith; and B. Bennett
Catalogue* containing furtlier Information, may be ob
tained by applying to either of the otBccraof tho College,
to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute t...
Board or Trustees: E. K. Jones, M. D.. President; B. M. Pee-
S e*. Esqr., Treasurer; Thos. J. Burney. Eaqr., Secretary; Col.
B. Walker. Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wm. 8.
Blokes. Edmund Walker. Zacharinh Fears. Nathan Maaaey.
Win. W. B. Crawford. M. D„ Bcnj. Harris. Jas. F. Swanson, J
W. Fear*. R. P. Zimmerman^
Madison, Morgan county, Dec. 23rd, 1851.
dr 20 lawdAwtf
Jar g(Ht ttnb fof. Rmt, ; ■
THE stlbscriWr. offer* for sale 1,200 acne of Land,
logon the AUtopudta, river, three miles below tha
>rk, known MTotni Bluff, Tlicr* are 260 acres open,
dy for cultivation i also two small framed houses with
a framed barn and good framed store house, situate on
bank of tbs river, on* of tho beat atanda for a jitora in
tbi* Motion. The plaoc has tho advantage of atoadibnaU
during the (all, winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for ahad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do ao by calling on the subscriber on the
place. 4
Allso, 680 acres of Land well timbered, with 160 acre* of
flrat rate bay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear
ing. with five acres cleared. Paid land will produce fifty
bushels or corn to tbe acre. ITUs land lies two miles from
Mann Ferry, on tha AlaUmaha river.
. Also, 6,000 aerea of first quality pin* timbered land on
the Alatamaha-and Octnulgee riven.
All these land* aro situate in tbe first apd aecpnd district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acre* of ltnd>*ll Umbered
with cypraia and whit* jjak/ Ant tureen wishing further
W«T4teiiiar* onroadrwx* me atnall P. O., Georgia.
• Janfll—lawdAwfim W. DYAU b '
ASTThe Raleigh. (N. O.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and send hill lo w„ d.
ii Vacation*, dividing the year into terms, as
Ktherial Sottdown
Rowland Wevor, nrthe lMlotof Human IJfe.
Great Trutha by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
and bo<h hemispheres.
~ * " " * m * M’Calla. of the Union
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Cli
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia.
I N ( ?.?7T Tl11 ' c>-pjrtuorshlp heretofore existing be-
I Rxrw^°i^Iheuitewlgwod, under the linn of Ckaxk A
I Wtourfih • MwJved by mutual consent. The
I riw.iu, V® *' ru * wil * bo settled by II. A. Crane, to
* ■>lili«u.u r i 0 v r ? , 1 llvl “4 cUIra* will please present them.
i'wUi ma ' , ° payment Either parly are
) firm tn liquulatl
I fiflllllK*" * OUIAA^ JIIJT.
I v with The uudtrslgned having associated
I riHeset]n,«.if r ‘ J L hn Bi J °hns»n and Mr. James E. Cope,
I d| w botessle grocery buslhea under the firm
I i, ■ "i*oezsox A Co.
I V ihr NOTICE—The undersigned have this
I »nl rtitollr u, * i J.*"*ere*ta for th* transaction ol a gvn-
I to Hi* ^"'mission Business, lu thla city, Ul
I “* 0,0 M Rmi A Tuox. one* 174 Bay street.
I \tr^ pUreW 20tht 186a - W
I M ®f •'■ring takeu the store at the corner
I toittonUnBrfM*‘ l ,, f a,t *r" tree t«-would respectfully eaU
"■•tostoek n»t * t,eni1 * tni * lho public In goneral, tohla
toselitB Minini ^1 nr * which he is prepared
toaK!! lMt0,u, »P“rehasers.
j. .'”*9 l “tantly on band a large assortment
1 ft, which he flaUers MnumU
1 T u,n “ . ' t * plourf * nU '‘s*. nol
ri WbV.ym receive! 10 Mils bleach
, , ’„ 10 ' 0 Vinegar, 10 do No 1 M)
Ndl’stsiinJ Herring, 30 t>oxe* smoked lli-rrlng. ft
Sf torn M r' *P® rl ? Candles, 4s. 6s and 8s. 26 d
Coffee and MusUr I. 3 hlids 1
I ^K ! * l JJ* rl ’a crashed, ground nnd clnrl-
I ^'Mton inrt n-. I*" * Codfish, for sale at tho noruer ol
I a?ii ,n ' 1
I nHnivvtori — BAVII) O’CONNER.
I y AND SLEEVES -We take great
l l Hae4»xtpn?u?^ . "f , * > ® attention of the ladles ooiir
I” ZXSy*"** <’f«» above—« finer, boiler,rich-
I kwn e*bS?iaVT ,ment ? r l,,ee 'S ^K'nga. cto.. has
I . WpM , •" Savaonal) For nslo by
I Dtini. nsWaa- At KEN A BURNS.
■ ,V*fo*r itJvW ’We are In receipt of an-
Fsarl «W p!.| ,, u * 1*** d"® , J. flnUh< ri and fashion-
M*h—*°rl Monies, ti,. a.—r... 11.
R ECWVED BY 8 8. SIBLEY. June 28, 1853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School IJfs. by C. Adam*.
The Old Forest lunger, or Wild Sports of India, by MaJ.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an account of tho
various Revolutions in Europe aud America, to the present
time, by II. White. B. A.
Consolation, bv James W. Alexander, D. D.
The Relieve, by Rev. Hugh Wblte.
Harpers Magaxine for July, an interesting number.
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Barmim’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Plctoral, Ae.
C OFFEE—160 bag* prime Rio. 76 do. Jamaica. 50 do.
fiCMB—10 lihds Porto Rico. 10 do. fit. Croix. 5 do. New
Orlean*. 100 hbls Crashed. Powdered, nnd Ctnrilied.
Nloijiram—25 lihds Cuba. 76 bid* New Orlenn*.
Fi'irn—lfii) bbL Balliinorc.76 do, Canal.60 do. Hiram
IIacw—16 casks Philadelphia Hams.500 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 lihds Sides. 20 do. Shoulder*.
Bkoomh—10 doz»n. painted linudlus.
llrcKKR—200 dozen, painted.
8»».»p. i’axdIjvi and fiTAnni—50 hoses No. 1 and F-amBy
fi<wp. 50 do. Pale do. 75 do. Adamantine Candle*. 25 do.
Sperm. 25 do filar. 160 do. Patent .Mould do., 40 whole and
half bote* Starch.
Toinco—350 pkga various brands and qitalitie.*.
Lkmo.n—50 boxes IsMiion Syrup. 10 case* Wal
nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches.
Domrwio Ijiji'oko—75 bid* Phelps’ Gin. 50 do. N E. Rum.
I&do. VtectUled Whisky.30do. Extra*'M Monongahela do.
Wixb*—'20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma
deira. Received, and for sale by
jyis McMahon a doyle.
„ Tlie subscriber having pnrclmscd the cn
jSSSjSsgtlro huslness of F. Zooucm A Co., of which
TTAf“|f firm he has heretofore been the acting mem
• *t)cr In fiavannnb. would res|N>erfn11y Invite
tbe attention of those in want of anything In tlicHnish-al
lino to tils establishment. From many years’experience
both In professional nnd huxlness matters cimni'clol with
music. Mr. M. feels himself fully, qualified to pnitfur hi* ser
vice* In the selection of music and Instruments or tho fill-
fitment of orders, with the assurance of Ills utmost real and
Industry In hi* endeavor to deserve tlm patronnge nnd con
fidence of the public. - -*)-G. JJ, JUIUIIEI.I..
jiiuel4 aucressor t«* F. Zoglmmn A Co.
THE Alterations nqd finproveinenla In our
iitoru.lnchidinga fine fihnw Room Tor llano
Fortes, nnd n Music ftejmrtnicnt for Indies
being now comidetod.we would Invite the at
tention of tbe musical public to our stock comprising every
article in the line, which can bo MM (wholesale anil
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO A. Stodnrt A Co...I. B. Dunham, nud
others of established reputation, constantly ou hand.
F. 7.0GB.U M A CO., importers,
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-streeta.
<1eif7. Next lo )Inrket Siiuare
WAtTgilrsvilioNS. nRAPEItTiVNnTAJLOii,
A’o 17 Whitaker ttreet. Savannah.
Has just tqtened n large and choice variety of Nkw
firnixo AXiifiruMKK Goons, consisting tn part of Idack.
Il l figured and fancy French Casslmere*; Idack and col-
2LL)ired Gislnncrc; Clotlis and Cnshmeretts; white nud
fancy Linen Drills; with a large assortment «I fancy Mar
seilles nnd Linen Vestings, nit of whfoh he Is prepared to
mnkc up to order In tho most fashionable style, aud on ac
cominadaling terms n|>6
A’n. 147 Bait Street.
All person* of taste aud refinement—those having
a due regard for comfort nnd personal appearance, may
nt all times select any nnd every article for their ward-
..robe, from one of tho largest assortment* of the Very
Best Goods in this country ; either In Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing nrli
eles of every description and quality ton numerous to men
Gun Call and see. PRICE k VK.M'FR.
M D. MURPHY. 21 /t'ltl rtrcrt. would respectfully
inform Ills frituds and the public generally, that lie
lias received Ills spring styles for gentlemen, among
.which will bo found as rich and fine f iner Psssimeres.
Vestings. A"., a* have ever been brought tn till* market.
All orders executed with disputen. and in the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen aro respectfully invited to call and judge tor
beinselves. mb 11
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round tho World, comprls-
Ing Chill, the Gold Regions of California and Austra
lia. tho South Sea Islands and Java, by E Uirataeckcr.
Romance ef Abrlard and Helolse. by O W Wright.
Py scomancy. Spirit R&pplngt and Table Tipping* exposed,
p Professor Charles G Tag*.
A History of Eogtand from the flrat Invasion of the Ro
mans to the accession of William and Mary In 1088, by Jno
-Will we know our friends in hea-
H Uarbaugb.
Heaven, or the Sainted Dead, by Uarbaugb.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment
of the Paints in Heaven.
The Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin
burgh Review for Julv: Ranking’s half yerrly Abstarct,
January to June, 1863; Baraum’a Illustrated Newa; tbe
Lady’s Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vol
Philosophy of Sir Wm Hamilton, edited by O W Wright.
Eoarth’s Legacy | Annie Grayson; Grammar without a
master. Ao.
Lingard, D. D.
Heavenly Recognition—W'
ven T by Rev H Uarbaugb.
S IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Personal Sketches of his
own Times, a new edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Groenongh. hy U. T. Tuckerman.
Tin* Pedestrian In Franee and Switzerland, by 14. Banell.
The libertine* in American, by H. W. Warner.
A Bunk for every America, on tbe Science of Government
and Gmipond of tlie Constitution and Civil Juri.-prudence
of the United State#, by A. W. Young.
Cranford, by the author of Manr Barton.
The Ismdun Quarterly Review for July.
’a Edlnburgl
H AVE in store, nnd offer for sal) on accommodating
terms, tbe following, viz;
20 lihds Porto lUco .Sugar. 10 do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orloans do, 50 bbls crashed do.
60 do refined A It and C do. 25 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N O Syrup. 60 do New Ymk do,
200 bags Rio Uofft-e. 60 do Java do.
25 lihds Bacon Sidra. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bhl* Lard. 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap, various brands.
WM. R. SYMONS. Dtuiui s.M» Tailor. X
17 IPhitakerttneU. n-iqsxlfully solicits lliej
attention of bis friends nn I it as public in gen-
ral. to bis large stock of Healty-mu m Cloth-
lng. suitable for the present nnd coming season. It has all
Im n made up under Id* penmiml superintendence nn I for
.style ami durability of workmanship. 1* inferior to none to
be found in the market.
The following comprisea portion ofthe stock : Frocksnnd
fiack* of blue, black nnd colored and)mere cloths; black.
Iintb d'ute Frocks nud fincks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks aud Sack*; India gras*, rilk and brown linen
Hacks; black and colored al|<aca Frock* nnd fiack*.
Pant* of fancy French eaasimeres. black dne-skln cassl-
... re. black drab dVtssud spring tweed casslmere. white
duck and fancy linen drill, together wilti n large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pant*, for summer wear
Vesta of black antiii. black harathm- and fancy silks, fan
cy and white Marseille*, figured and striped linens.
Also, n large stock of Furnishing Goods, such as slocks,
gloves. suMwnder*. cravats, collar*, silk, gauze, merino, nnd
cotton undenddrta. ntripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
ginglmm umbrella*, ete., etc.
The whole of which he offers for sale on accommodating
term*, and at prices a* cheap as the cheapest. ap13
1‘axjldd, Ortene County, tzo.
T IIESt tidies In this Untvondty are:—A Theological course
of three years, designed for those who aro preparing for
the Gosrml Ministry ;
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that ol other
Colleges in the country;
A Scientific Course of three years. Includlug, with some ad
dition, all the studies ol theColloglato Course except the An
cient languages ;
The regular time for tho admission of Students, la at th*
opening uf the Fall Term, the last Wednesday in August.
Candidate* for admission nto the Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith
metic. English, Ijitln and Greek Grammar, Cesar, Virgil,
Cicero’s Select Orations, ami Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and
must be at leant fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission Into tho Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; aud must bo at loast oixteci
Tuition. Spring 7krm. fbll Term,
l.v THKouMiinu Skmlxart, .Gratuitous.... Gratuitous.
IxOolw.x. $26 00 $15 00
Scientific Course, 26 00 16 00
Preparatory Class,............. 26 00,,,. . 15 00
Second vr.irerWOO 1$ 00
Ttelnl ' “ 15 00 9 00
Elementary •* -.... 10 00 6 00
Room Rent 6 00 4 00
Contingent Expenses 2 00 1 00
These expenses require to be |«ld In advance.
From Students who lodge (u tlie College buildings, fifty
dollars will be received as foil payment for tho tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of theyear.
Tlie price or Board in the village is $7o per month ; of
washing, room-rent, nnd fuel. $3.
Hie Commencement U held ou the last Wednesday In
follows ;
First Term—from last Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 16tli to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
.Stmimer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. B. M. SANDKB8,
Secretary of the Board of Trustee*.
Any friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGO, President of
the University, wilt receive a catalogue, containing tbe
course of studies, amt all oilier necessary Information
npillfi Institution afford* a complete course of legal edu*
L cation for lbs bar In any af tlie United States, except
ing only innltera of merely Incut law nnd practice ; and also
a systematic course of Instruction in Commercial law for
those wlio propose to engage in mercantile pursuits.
llio law Library, which Is constantly increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 volumes. It Includes a very com
plete collection of American nnd English law. mid tho prin
cipal works of the Civil nud other Foreign law. It is open
to students, amt warmed and lighted for their use during
both terms and Hie winter vacation.
The first term of eneli academical year begin* In the last
week of Aligns', and the second term in tint la«t week of
February ; each term continues twenty weeks. .Students
arc admitted >t any |a*rind of a term or vacation. The fees
nro $50 a term, and S'-6 for hall a term. For this sum stu
dents tin ve His use of the law Library nnd text books, snd
of the College Library, ami may attend all the courses of
E ublie lecture* delivered to the undergraduate* of tlie
The iuririictorM of the law School are Hon. Joel Parker.
LL. D.. Royal! Professor; linn.Tlicophllii* Parsons.LI.. !>..
Dane Professor: nnd Hon. Edward G faring. University
lacturer. Instruction Is given by lectures, recitations nud
examinations, and moot courts.
For further information application may be made to
either of the Instructors.
JAMES President.
Cambridge. August 1.1853. dlaw3wl* scpA
T HE Annual Course nf lectures in thla Department will
commence on MONDAY. November 14, und will ter
minute in tbe ensuing Mulch.
JAMESJONE8. M. It.. Professor of Practice.
J C. HIDI'F.LL. M. 1>.. Profos-or of C»iemi*try
WARREN STONE. M. I).. Professor of fiurgery.
A. II.CKNA8. M. D . Professor of Obstetrics.
A. J. WKDDKRBURN.M. D.. Professor of Analnroy.
GU.-TAVUS A. NoTT. M. D. Professor of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS HUNT. M- D.. Professor of Physiology and Patiiol-
jamuel i’lViiopm!’m.’d!: } IVn,on ’ trn,or * of Anaton, y
Hie rooms for dissecting will lie open from the third Mon
day In Octotier to tlie First of April.
Tim Faculty are Visiting Physician* and Surgeon* of tlie
Charity Hospital, and at end this institution from Novem
ber to \nrll Tlie Ktudeuts accompany tbe Professors in
their visits, nnd Uni* enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages free of expense.
There nro about one thousand patients prescribed for
daily in tills Hospitnl. .
Tlie number of patienlsls nenrly twentj thousand. In the
year. TH.'IMAH HUNT. M I>.. Dean.
£Xk RICK LANDS FOR SALK.—The Tract of I AND on the
y8k Mary’s River, known aa the Cut-off Tract, containing
seven hundred and aeventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and fall of tide of six feet. The mnrsii
land was successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton. Cnne. and nice.
These lands could lie put In order with less labour. It Is
believed, than would be required for putting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very *afo from overflow tn gales
and freshets.
For further particulars nnd terms, which wHlb* made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co,. Charleston,
S.C., or to lira, Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden county,
A pint of tlie land may be seen at the office of the Geor-
gUn. _ aplTI—ilko
'IsMtig, and fralita
ey Cano SentChali
. , „ ^ of elegant and *
for parlor*, dlnhjf-rooma or ahai
Wood*, Imitation Woods, and Fancy Cplon; Ji
; Reception andfiittan Chatra. of light and
atone; Cana Ifunges, Cane.Sattaea,HallCJw
Hons# ‘and Offlce Arm ChiM*/ km
Settee* Ac"’* * nd 8t *»«nboat Stools, Windsor
Houaokpimfrt,Hotel, Steamboat and Rail Road
will And It to their interest to ekll at the Factor
No. 181 North 6th Bt (opposite FntnVUaMraareJ
«M ■ ThOadtlifitor
PROUTY A nArnin-nrit -
' Pnom k lliun’ latent Saif Azn
FOR 8 AI.B.—A Tract or LAND, containing 202«
>. Liberty
acres, anil Improvement*, near Walthourvllle.
county. Tlie land 1 ' * '“ '
rovtinenu. near walthourvllle. liberty
,. la of good quality, nine aud bey land. 50
acres of which are In cultivation, and tbo remainder well
timbered, offering strong Inducement* to persona interested
tn procuring turpentlno. Tim Improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stable*,
and all other necessary outbuildings. Tim location cannot
be surpassed for bcaltnfulneaa or salubrity of cllmntcvwitb
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
Tlie above property can be bought at a very reasonable price,
and on tlie moat accommodating terms. Ii enrly application
be made to the subscribers, at NvaUhaurvlUe.Liberty cmmtv
apl 20—dArc F» B. WAY.
Sharpening FIou|h*. of alb
-'-ht and left liandcd °“
o. -rear- ar „ .■ r** Hill and DouM*
Steel ^tondtog Points. Bar-share, pea^h, i
of Castings for repairing. Hi* Emperor-oi l
for the above Ploughs, a Massive Gold Medal,
Also, the Orest Medal at the World’s Fair,
fcM. Plough No. 40. Cnltlvatora with Dqjil
•d Steel Teeth.whleh can be ye versed, ttfB ...
Wear ot tbe common Tooth. Also, Coltlvatorn
with Steel Teeth.
Bpatn!# Atmospheric Chums,
Corn Bhellers, improved
liny nnd Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn and Cob Crashers,
Gedda’ Improved Harrows,
Square and A Harrows,
Horse Rnkcs,
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Pows.
Forks tor unloading Bit,
Man Hay Ilakes,
Bow line,
Apple I’enrers,
Ox Muzstes,
Mole Traps.
Pruning Hooka and Chisels,
Paws and Sciwore,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
tulmlng for Chain Parnps.
Also. Horticultural Tools
and Grass Seeds, for sale at tue
and Re’nll.
100 do fancy do, for tolUt u
r for July,
rgh Review for August.
I V nu, 1 **’, Ttie'demnnd for there very
I to b * #n rouch ff««ter than the
!*”•» «~i. 1 ; ln to meet the wanU of our custom-
Yf '"'plicate our nrdera.and are now
r, —m * tonufiful Mteotlou. to which we ln-
I ])»»vrrr~ff T u Mpl8 aikkn h durnb.
I 7? Sfwnll* Rotomri? VS U , pl P*" Gtord Brandy, lo do do
I Holland Gin, 20 K and
I feftWuSg?*iS**2® ,!o *’ort do, 20 bbls old Motion
I«*iR, b1 Z- i“ no Domestic Rrtndy. 60 do do Olu, 100
1 Whlvky, J„,t recelrad. and for Ml# by
11) AdoinrenTTSE a iWf.
15 StoddSJ Choice Bacon « e* s 80 dc
lUir^o. ■ Hcuino.N k doyix
I sjjfos soil “ofShy ,v ’ u ”' 1 ' n « r* r
No*. 10 and II Collier’* Shakespeare.
J owry’a Universal Atla*.
Upham’a Mental Iffiyloaophy. abridged.
Huc).’sTliB»et nnd Tartar/. London edition, Illustrated.
Lwd Bacon’s Essays. 1 vol.; Rabelais’ Works, 2 vols
QA nni.S winter strained and bleached whale Oil.
266 bags prime green Rio Golfer.
60 bags old government Java Coffee.
76 • Inguvra Coffee 46 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbla E Phelps' Gin, 40 do P k II Conn’t River do
20 •• domestic IJrnn ly. 60 do New England Rum.
f.O bbls and 100 fcrga prime L-nf lard.
60 bbds prime Bacon Sides. 20 do do Shoulders. **
200 dozen painted llnckets.
20 hhds prime fit Croix Sugar. 16 do Porto Rlcodo.
20 •• prime New Orleans fiugar.
20 bbls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 “ Stuart’s A. B. and C clarified Sugar.
40 ■' •' crashed and powdered Sugar
HO boxes Beodfll's 6s and 8a tallow Candles.
100 *• 8»sr CSndlra. 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap.
60 M Segara, of varlnuabrands. For sale by
“hTImITH'S FbGltt, CRACKERS; die.
Q/l nnia H. Smith's Flour
OU 20 half bbls choice Canal Flour
20 bbls Sugar Crackers
20 hail bbla do do
20 bbls Butter do
20 lull bbls do do
20 boxes fioda do
20 Imlf bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bids Crashed Sugar.
Landing from brig Augusta, and for salo by
Jyl7 H07
Offers for sale, a largo assortment of Cloths, Ca*.
iidtneren and Vestings, consisting in pnrt of thefol-
__ lowing articles, selected by himself during the past
summer in I/>ndon nud Pans, which he will make up to or
der tn the best style of workmanship- and at the shortest
notice. Hi* stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish
ing Gouda, for gentlemen’s wear, is very large aud of the
best quality and style—the whole of it made this fall under
his own inspection, and will be sold at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit :—French black, bluo. brown and
olive Cloths; fancy French anil English Casslmere* ; fancy
fiilk Vesting.super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Casslmeres; Me
rino anil Silk Undershirts nnd Drawer*; whit* and fancy
fihlrts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers; and fancy Kid Gloves; Neck Tics, plain and
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Forks; Scarfs,fiattnand
Botnbiuin Socks. no5 17 WhltskerwtrMt.
1)0ADS AND RAILROADS, a manual of tha principles
LV and practice of toad making, comprising tha location,
coniriruotlon and Improvement of roads and railroads by
W. W. Gillespie, A. H.,C.E., civil eogineir In Union Col-
Poems ol Alexander Smith.
The Last I#af from Sunny Bid#, by T.'Triala, with a me-
mortal of tho author, by Auqtln Pbelpa.
Home Cookery, a coRectton of tried receipt*, both foreign
and domestic, by Mrs. J. Shad wick.
Philosophy of Myaterioo* Rapplogt and Reply to BoachaP,
by E.O Rogers.
Chambers’ Miscellany, in 20 volumes, fancy boards, and
10 volumes, cloth.
Chamber*’ Repository. 4 volumes, fancy boards.
. Chambers’ Information for the People, royal octavo, hall
calf binding.'
Chambers’ Papers for the Paopla, 12 vols., fonoy bound.
: The Works of Samuel Maunder, Including tha Treasury of
Natural History, ' T T
iWgraf ”
L IQUORS AND WINES—l‘J hair pipos Otard. Dupuy k
On's French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands
low prlrcl French Brandy; 80 quarter casks Domestic do, 60
bbls do do, 76 do P k II Ryo Gin, 160 do IS Philips’ do 6plper
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Anplo Brandy, 8 do pure Geor
gia Peach do, 200 do N. 0. Whisky, 60 do while Baltimore
do. 80 do old Westminster Monongahela do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain do do. 100 do N. K. Rum. 25 quarter casks
Madiurn Wine, 16 eighth do choice do do. 20 quarter do Port
do, 2 half pipes do uo, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wine,
40 baskets champagne do, For sale by
E NGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES—A Tery anperior article ot
English Tooth Bruihe#, manufactured expressly for tha
aubzeriber, and direct from London, for eale by ..
Junel2 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
170R 8ALE—A light ooa borao Carriage, wtth polo, built
l; to order by Brower & Son, New York, and baa baen
used but little. -It can be seen at the Carriaga Rapoxltory
of Mr. George W. Hardcaatie. ^
TlALTItiORK ftymOo.-iw bbla anperflno HpfWd^t.
WFlpflx.T^hdaiffltn^Itocon S de»,dodo ShnuUarz,
28 tierce# enotea. au«*rrtnrediPami, ■60 bbla and 100 kags
met A Tract of Tide Swamp land.containing 600 acres,
|ren lying on tbe Alatamaha river, three mllesabove Dari.
- ""' en, adjoining lauds of the estate of Butler and Dun*
wody mi the east and Glgnllllut and Walker on tlie north
and west, navlnp ns good a pitch of tide ns an* rice plan
tation on tbe river. My terms are. twenty dollars jierarre.
one-fourth cash, and the balance nn a credit of from five to
ten years, the interest onL required to bp paid annually.
Apply to the uuderahmetl at Darien. In case of my absence
Ur. Jam nn PniNniK wilt show the land, a plan ot which can
be aeon at the ofllro of tlie Georgian.
Danner. Jan. 22. 1863. Jan26—lain
PX PGR RALE.—A Tract of LAND of FIvo Hundred acres
£_atrlctly prime Itlce land. Imuirdlately opposite the old
«n iff Hnnlwlck. Tlie sltuntlon of the placo affords one
of the host Raw-mill scats in the Fouthern country, fscilitlra
for timber being easy nnd without rnd. Vesssels coining
from son enn load Imnipdlntcly alongxide. drawing from ten
tn fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U .8. District Attorney ,8arannub.or to U. STIIJB,Bryan coun.
met Tlio Plantation known as Alinonc, iuiinedlaUdy nn
l^fWtlii) west side of the Savannah road seven miles from
«dto|inrfen. containing eleven hundred nnd forty seven
nmes of pine mul liammork land, ol which near two him
dred and fifty aerea are ch-nred aud under fence. The ham
mock lands are iT a superior quality for cotton, corn, Ac.,
nnd tlm pine land* well udnpied to turpentine. There are
negro houses nnd other buildings upon the plantation.
There la n water course within flvo mile* over a good road.
For terms, apply to K \V. DbI.KGAL. ••
aug!7—w3m South Newport. O
I i’OR SALE—'Tho westerly Imlf of Int No. 2 Ynmacraw.
being the Wharf now occupied by tho Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on lho River,
nnd running hack almut two hundred fret to Canal-stroet.
TIioproiKirty Is now under a lease which will expire on tlio
Jlrst of November next.
. If not sold nt private sale previous to th# (tat Tuesday In
February, it will then ho offered at.auellon at the Court
House. Apply to del6 COHEN k iXMDICK.
T HE subscriber, for the past six years Principal of the
Belalr Academy, near Tallaliassee, Florida, announces
to the eltlzens of Savannah that he will ojien In thla city,
on Tuesday. November 1st. a Select School, for boys. In
structions will bo given In nit the Classic* the Mathematics,
the French language, and In nil the branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youths will be prepared lor college, or
fitted for mercantile or other business. Tlie scholastic
year will consist of ten months, divided Into two terms—
August and .September being vacation. Tlie tuBton fee for
any. or all of the above studies, la fixed at $80 per year.
A graduate o! tbe College of New Jersey, at Princeton,
with seventeen years’ experience In (caching, the subscri
ber feels warranted in appealing with confidence tq the
citizens of Savannah for patronage.
As a stranger, ho l* permitted to refer to Bishop Elliott
for character and qualification*, and takes pleasure in ap
pending the following certificate from tils late patrons.
Savannah, September 22d, 1863.
Taujumksd!. August 29th. 1853.
Mr. Warn* S. Dooakt, principal of the Belalr Academy,
hclng about to remove to Savannah, for the purpose of es
tablishing a school in that place, the undersigned, having
had children under his cafe, take pleasure in recommend
ing him as a highly competent teacher, and worthy Christ
ian gentleman.
It U with much regret that they haro heard of hie In
tended removal from this vicinity; as. besides their kind
personal relations towards him, they believe that his place
ns a teacher can be with difficulty supplied, and that hla
removal therfore will be regarded ns a public loss.
J. WaylcM Baker, George
T HE chenporf establishment lu the southern country for
the Mole of sashes, doors. Idinda nnd wood Mouldings,
of every variety, la at the corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets. Charleston.8. U. All my wop. Is nmdo of tho
host seasoned white plan, and lho sashes aro gliuod in tho
very ncnlcxt manner. •
A full siipplv uf paints, oil, glass, varnishes, snd brushes,
at t*nya for sale low. sep9—w4w 11. F. SMITH.
•TUIE Subscribers nro now prepared to receive orders for
JL Flooring and other descriptions of I’lsiued Lumber, at
IheSuvsnunn I’laiulng Machine, situated ou tbo canal, at
tho u extern extremity in'tho city of Savannah, between
Znbly nnd Margaret streets. Orders for oil descriptions of
t’tained t.umlwr furnished at the shortest possible notice,
nnd inonufnetured In n superior style, which cannot fail to
please the consumer. Woik done by their machine will
compare with that nf any now in use Tlio subscribers
have succeeded In nrmngiug for n cnnstnnt supply of re-
fooled seasoned Lumber, hy which no disappointment to
builder* need be apprehended. Every facility will ho ex.
tended in obtaining mnUelni tor all iiarta ol a building.
Tlie Saw Mill, now being completed in tlio seme building,
will tic In 0|>erutinu In the course of unu month, when ur
•ter* lor every description of Sawed Lumber will lie execu
ted with di spatch. Apply to It. A. Al.I.KN k CO., or
Jy20—eodim WILLIAM K1NE, Agent.
T DK attention of the trade, and other*, in wanl of Porte
Monnalcs. I’ockit Book*. Hauser*’ Coses. Prosing Ca-
«•*. I'nrtab’e Writing Desks, Backgammon snd Clio** Boards.
Chessmen. Pearl. Fhell. nnd Silver Cant Cases, Work Roves.
Calms. Needle Rooks. Money Belts. Cigar Cases. Portfolios.
Razors nnd Razor Strops. Travelling Masks, and fine Cutle
ry, together with a large variety of Fancy Goods, which
will be -old at tho lowest rates. V. II SMITH.
Porte MiiOimle and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
nug.’l—cfslliu 205 Arch at., below Sixth. Philadelphia.
18 Fork-sf.. rear of the Chart llnute. Samnnah. Ga.
Eatnbllsheil In 18.18.
L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses.Shawls, Tablo Covers.
ke.. cleaned and dyed various colors, Indies’ Bonnets
Bleached nnd Pressed iu a fashionable style. Kid Gloves
Cleaned,and Gentlemen's Garments Cleaned. Renovated or may be required. All done In the sumo stylo which
lias generally so much pleased my patron* and friends.—
Terms moderate.
Persons sending parcels by Hamden's express, railroad
or steamboats, are requeried to write me ner mall, so that
I umy know where to cull for them and which way to send
them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will
be almut 25 cents. AU ardors nunctuuUy attended to.
OornFtonterr,; . - -
Turnip Drill*. 4 to. ML-, ,
Horn Powers and Thresher*.
Mowing and Reaping Va|
> shines. ..
Chain. Pumps,
Cattle Ties, r .
Bull Rlnp, . .
Patent Iron Snath*,
Grabbing Hoo*.
Transplanting Trowels,
nay and Manure Forks, •
Shovels sod Spades. B£
Garden and Field Hoeajf •
Garden Rakes In variety.
Children’* Tools,. ■ % \- a
Darling Scythe*.
Snatlis, with Patent Fasten
Potato Hooks.
of every description A Garden
lie lowest prices, at Wholesale
Xo. 4 Xorth fifth->t re-1. two dome abort JfarixL '
vPHE undersigned have just oprned a fresh and com
± stock of Wall Papers, among *blch are gold km
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced ungUce* - ^
deromtIons, borders, fire-screens. «u»4wlg»7e .
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.
Tlie boat .workmen employed to hang paper either id th*
oily or conntry. >•».'•
Blank llankr, Stationery, rfc.—We have also our usual as
sortment of writing papers wrapping papers, blank and
school books, stutlunerv, cto.
No. 4 North Flth street, 2 door* above Market,'
mrCssh paid for country rags. tnlilO—ood
I N AIJ. ITS I1HANCIUB.—Biudness cards, wltfrappropri
ate devices, emtioeeed tli a now style, in ptain ana fancy
enlnre. Feats of every ile-crlption. with or witliout presses.
Envelope* prlntwi with name, business and address, labels,
hill heads, manufacturer’s tickets, ftc.. all executed In th#
non te-t manner nnd nt priocs2A per cent, below any alnil-
mr establishment. In consequence of better and Improved
fiictlillcefor the execution of such work,
N B.—All order* hy mall promptly attended to. Good#
sent to ony part ol the count rr.
_ , ,, t. R. CALVERT k CO..
Envelope a nd Real Press Mnnnfacturera. Die Sinker*. Emboie
sera nnd Ren^ruvcrs. 48 South 3d-«t., Philadelphia,
A RCHER a WARNER. Manufacturer*. No 119 Chest rot-
street, nilladidphla.respectfutly solicit tho attenti in of
purchasers, to their assortment of obandellers, hrnikets,
purchasers, to their assortment of chandeiiers,”hrirAet*i
pendants, nnd every description of gas burners: also r* '
variety of lumps, girandoles. Ac. We warrant our t™,.
nqunl In aimllfy, nnd our prices as low as any other estab
Ushment In the country.
Tlie Trade supplied with bumere, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps, Ac., at reduced prices.
Ellis B. Archer, | William F. Mlskey,
Redwood F. Marner, | Wm. a D. MerrlU.
Til Cheitnut dreet. Mow fUtrth. north tide, Philadelphia.
Wf K Inform merchant* and resident* of this vicinity, that
v 1 _ the most completo assortment of Mantel. Plor; Wnll
v ) the most completo assortment or Mantel. Pier; Wall
nud Oval (, rtciluit slylos. for private use. or all kind*'
fur country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, fto..will
he found nt our establishment- 1 ,
long experience pnd large facilities enable us to sell tbo
best goods nt lowest prices.
Dimensions being given, we will gtre estimates for any
Ized Mirrors, delivered freo from breakage, at any point.
Orders solicited.
French Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwellings, ke.. at Importa
tion price*. THOMAS J. NATT ft CO
'T’HE subscriber tins Just received por lato arrivals, i\
J. large and fresh stock of tho richest nnd nowcat styles'
iff \ civet.Tapestry. Brussel*, three-ply Ingrain and Veil!,
tlnn Unr|ietlngs.all of which arc offered on (he moaldasw,
able terms.
WUh a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Tablo Covor*. IfoL-
I urchnsers are requested to make an early oxtminstlor
ns strong Inducements will bo held out to cash buyers.
R. B. WALKER, 190 Chestnut-street.
mill7—lawtf below 8th. South aide, Philadelphia.
B • Take Notice.
J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few door*
* atwive Market-street, ndladeiphla. la the most exten
sive and best manufacturer of Window Blinds aud Shades
In the United States, and has taken the highest premlubU
at all the oxhlbllions; ho buys tho best maUrrlnlsby whole-
sah- cheaper for Cash than otliera pay for Inferior si tide* Ire
retail, and can, therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and cheap as otliera ask for Inferior articles. Palntnd
Window Shades in great variety, of beautiful designs and
W'Pcrtw quality. Iluff nnd White Linen Shades, Blind and
Shade Trimming*. Fixtures, ftc., wholesale and retail, at
the lowost cash prices. More Shade* painted atid lettered
to order. Bred Blinds nt manufacturers’prices. Old Mind*
painted to look os good as new. Purchasers, by calling,
will Ik? convinced that he soil* a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount made to deilcra.
•• ire ttudu topleate."
tpifi—cod No. 12 North Otb-street, Piilla.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restorl ng grey hair to
Its original color. It Is guaranteed by tile Proprietor,
hat If the patient Is grey, ho can have hla hair restored to
Its original color by using I/iret’s Wahpene. For 8ale by
Jan2\ W. YT. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
, WE are constantly receiving these valuable
Cases, and havo them always In readlnessto be
delivered at the shortest notice. m •
N. B.—We are permitted to Inform the public that we
-are received from Mr. IUthoxh. of New York city, a let
ter signed by the different members ofthe United Statns
Senate, who wore appointed to take charge of the body n(
the Hon. Hxxnv Clay, deceased, (which wa* enclosed In one
of F»x’a Metalic Cases.) and who went with it to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymoxu. that the Case answered the pur
pose for which it was Intended, and meets with their appro
bation, and they checrfulty recommend it to tho puWfc as
being superior to nnv other Caze for the transportation ot
the dead. Ttie letter can be seen hy calling on
febl4 l. W. HORRFJJ. ft CO
Francis Lppes,
John Parkhilfo
Thomas F Williams,
George Gatphin,
Oliver S. Burroughs,
Francis H. Flagg,
Tnrbitt R. Belton,
George T. Ward,
Win. R. Hayward.
George Whitfield.
Benjamin F. Whltner,
John J. Maxwell.
William M. Maxwell,
J. Stevens Maxwell,
Edward Footman.
Arthur M. Randolph,
J. George Anderson.
« J. Archer,
R eceived by s. s. siblky. Auguat 10. ms:
Miles Treineuhere. or the I/ive Test, by Annetto Mario
Mnillard. nutlior of Zlucra the Gypsey.
Philosophy of Sir Willlain Hamilton, Professor of Isigtc
ad Metaphysics In Edinburgh University, for the use of
choola and colleges,
Abelard and Uolae, a (). IV. Wright.
Pyscomracy. Spirit, Hapyitigs and Tippings exposed, by
Barnum’s lllu.itrateil^Ncws; Gleason’s Plctoral; Popular
Educator; Majarim of Arts, ftc. For rate at the book
store ot 8 S. 8IBLEY,
augll 136 Congress itreet.
T HE Sword and tho Distaff, or Fat. Fair and Forty, a sto
ry or the South at the close of the Revolution, by the
author of th* Partisans, MeUtcbampl. Catherine Walton,
ke. ke.
Tlie Heavenly Home, or th* Employment# and Enjoy-
meuta of the Saints in Heaven, by Rev II Harbaugb, A. M.
Poems, by Mwlltatus; Book of the World, No 10.
Book of the World, vol 1. bound.
Tlie Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. No 17.
Tlio British ana Foreign Medico-Chlrurgical Review, No
1. Received by
angl2 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
Jamea J
The subscriber has Just received a large number ot
Cooking and Parlor 8tore», which he will dispose ol
ton accommodating terms. Among them may be
found tho following: Cooking Stoves, Tho Republic, Lady ot
the Lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of th# West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stores.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (au tight) square and
^HoltoVware PoU^ettWOvan*, Spiders. Sauce Pans,
ftc. bo. Plato and Japanned Tin Ware, for sola, and manu
factured at short hotjraT-Order* for Roofing, Gutters, and
No#. 10 and 1ft Barnard a trust
■fXTILLopcn on the 1st of the corner of Meet-
V V ing and Society-streets, Charleston, 8. C, a BOARD
French will be exclusively spoken lo the School and fam
ily, but due regard will be also had to a thorough English
Education. Madame Tognn Li prepared tc refer pnrentsand
guardiana to the most eminent Professors of Music (n Phil
adelphia and New York, and to a number or gentlemen to
Philadelphia and Virginia, to whose daughters she baa giv
en instruct lon-for several years.
J'hiladdphla.—Rev. Kingston Goddard, Md’Ua Artele Si
gn!gne. Mad. Cha. Picot. Mad AeelleGuiUon. (mother ol
Mad. Togno,) Ed. D. Ingraham. Esq.,|>r. Wm. narrls. H. D.
Galpin, Fsq,. Signor Pcrclll, Prof, of Muslo, 1L Ilupfeld,
”q.. Prof, of Music.
Xew Fork.—Mad. H. Cbegarav. Signer Baginll.
Wintheder. Fa.—Rev. 0. Walker, Rev. H H- Boyd. Hon
J. M- Mason.Hon.R. Y.Conrad.Geo. Leo,H. H.Leo,Esq.
Charlatan.—J. L. Potigru, Esq., O. Mills. Esq.. J. P. Por-
cher. Esq, II. C King, F-sg. Iawd6—sel
J UST received.a variety of publications of th# New York
Protestant Episcopal Society. Tracts. Church Gate-
chlims, Sabbath School Service, and other cheap and valu
able Publications. For sale at the Book Sinn of
8. 8. SIBLEY,
auglO No. 186 Oongress-rtreet.
Wed by late int
valt, anew supply. *“
147 Bay-st r majri
Hlram amRhV Flour. 6
1 tubs new Mat Butter,
9 do Saint
— foraaU'b
Idlo'CTT -
C OFFEE—300 bags fair to prim* Rio Coffee. 60
Domingo do, 26 do old government Java do. for tala'by
«Cpl6 \ wenonm^ sMUtc
G ORNED.BEEF.-l. , — —
bbU Geo Haw* 1 Oornsd Beet ISO imaUi
Hams. 8 hhds .Bacon ^boaldlrt, 10 bble *
angl7. . .. cor^Bfodgblffltmd.DrayiorMtreete.-
B " A CON—20 casksBaeonUdre, 20 do 81ioulders, airtight
received per steamer State of Georgia. For sal# by ..
sen20 MclTAHON ft DOYIJ?.
brilliancy of surface an 1 polish Vo ail other, and nevnr
■Ulna or rusts; withstands all climates, and Is packed with
great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers and othrri will
consult their Interest by aenaln# their order* to the aid#
*ug20—dflm New Drug Warehouse.
N. W. corner 10th and Market-sta., Philadelphia.
tentiun of tb* public Is respectfully ealled to theabore
named ware, at being a subtitute, which for ns# is warrant
ed to be equally as good; It Is a border metal than silver,
consequently will b#ay rougher usage. It is a own Vitiation
of perfectly pure metals, and Is as free from con too aa
stiver. Every arUd# .will bo warranted to retain It* origin-
al color. It consists in part of tbo following t table and
dessert forks, too, table and dessert ipoon*,fcc..Jnstr#-
edged and for sale by • t
tnay7 . . ., • J. P C0UJN8.100 Dryah-stresi
sep21 *• ' i » muwniTtm
F lJJtlt, BACON, ftc.—200 bbls aunerflne Howard street
Hour, 60 hlids prime new Bacon Hides. 20 do do Should
ers. 30 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf Lard, landing and for sale by
T O THE LADIES.—We would respectfully caU the atten
tion uf the ladies iff Havannah. and sourrounding coun
try, to the following new and bcautirulgood* which wa have
lust received, viz : silk Paris mantillas. laced gimp mantil
las. Mack nett scarfs, col’d. neet scarfs, Indies era rate nnd
ties. French worked collars, laced capes, chemiutta and un*
der sleeves, bonnet ribbon, enure cap ribbon, black irelret
ribbon, Alexandres light kill gloves, black nett mltto, col’d:
silk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of other articles
too numerous to mantinn. Please call and a#e for your,
selves ; all of which will be sold on the best possible term*
*>y MhlO AIK1N ft BURNS,
ST RECEIVED.—We hare just received, a fresh sup
ply ot ladies’ merino, gauze, silk and cotton Voate,
Misses and tn&nt’s merino vests, gents silk, merino, ganx#
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of linen cambrio
handkerchteflr. ladles’ and misses' white and brown cotton
hose, white and black silk do, gents white, brown and mix
ed half hose, gonta white and black silk do do. together
with a Urge assortment of white and colored Hneaeam-
brie handkerchiefs, colored and black allk crarata, Stock*
and ties, for sale low by • .
mli25 AJKIN ft BURNS
repo shawl* plain
lutitnl goods, as.
I glare illka-aum-,
and ambroidered. Vandyke collars beantli—
sorted parasols. pUin. stripedand checked glare u|ka.aam-, >
mer do, bareges, tissues and grenadines, colored and'white
jaconet and organdy muslins, a large aieortment of Irish
linens, French printed cambric*.
apl* 178 Brough too-street »•
stripes and plaid, new pattern gingham, baragaa t
tissue*, ladles’ colored and black atnbrcUaa and pavaaols, .
■ilk gimp to suit all shade* of sllka and bareges, black nee
mantilla*, shawls, point* and acorfis, white and Marti sew
ing silk senr(s, white Uce snd colored lilk mantillas, white
and colored crape abawU. bUek swan allk*, blarti barege#
and tissues, block and lead French ginghams, for a#le by
*pH8 ASnf* BURNIS.
L ADIES’ DRESS GOODS.—Printed organdies, grenadines
bareges. Jaoooets. Uwns, tisanes, glae# silks, gro d#
Paris, French cambrics, India silks, figured and doottad.
■wUs mull, nansook and cambrio muslin*, silk and Un*n
lustres, kc., for sal* at the lowest price by
*P1M . . Piwfrr ft MORGAN,
farther aapply just received and for aal*' at the book.
store of m«j6 . 8.-8. 8TBLKY, 186 Oqpgreaa^t. ■.
T7NGLI8H PICKLES AND 8AUCES.-6 do# Jar# afWrtoS,
Hi English l’ickles. 6 do* bottls# assorted Sancra, Just ra
ce! red and for rale by