Newspaper Page Text
wmim 3
:•■ ■ ■
«NG, NOVEMBER 3, 18B^ ;
' • ■ • t Ai v5 *Ara: 'V-^- ■■-■ .
^:» ; «®S D t7Tnw
bT?« fl H & HI I* T O N
nil XSt
,r!;..w»»Tav oBonaiAN,
*Si““'«? J*'""™ 1 »*
t* rf ^S2S(" TAWB -
lOttrtl^paf M.l’Abbe Baurases, profssteur an petit Serai- burjh Ato.
FIT.. M»rtu« My** RUb * «»
i Auguite st Theresa, oa Le Retour a fa to par M’me Ttrbe
Mi 8ab!ftUs—trolsieme *411100.
Ernestine an 1m Channel do U Vertu sulvle do Nolly ou
» Jouno Artiste #t do Carolina ot Juliette, par M’meCesari#
'orronoe—septlem# edition.
UUnoho do 8*ven*y. par M’me L. B.
Agnes do Uuvons ou Memoir*# Do Scour St. tom, por
Louts VentleUe. . ,
Mathilda ot Gsbtlelle ou loo Blsnfalts, d’uno education
chrotrtenno—Iroliioino edition.
Robert ou I’Souviner d'une More, M’ms 0. Guermonto.
Voyogos et Aventures do Lsperouse, por F. Valentin—
ilxiitne edition. For sole by ______
r - ““ J. B. CUBBEDGE.
‘‘""7 Suntan. Ratal., J. R. H'llJor, I.
jJaVtaHnoo .V. B. Kn.pp. limy Utlirep
flf.** 1 HK-VRY D. WEED. President,
„ioRBiaN“ xcH ANGB AND.
M ad for their friends and desirous of
■J^rtsre the only Agents for the above agen-
y, by i—.^— ,-- — v
jral Surgery end tb* nature and treatment of diseases
ofth* tor, by W;R. Wilde.
Godeyts Ladys* Book for October.
Tito Victim of Excitement, by Caroline Lee Hents.
Professor Stillman’s rlslt to Europe in 1851, with engrav-
"?he Exiles—o)tale by Talrl.
The Camel Hunt, by Faber.
Albert Smith’s Story of Mont Blanco.
The Works or Calhoun, rola 1 and 2.
Noa. 6 ondO Illustrated Record of the N. Y. exhibition.
The Cloister IJfe of Charles fith,. •
lfttii Engll.h Lae and Eqalty iUyorte. .. ~
, Blackwood for September. Eclectic Magazine. SHU man’s
Journal, the Lanoet, Illustrated Magazine of Art. fao. Ac.
„i»sth«ittd to draw on Messra. Wm. Tapscott
'JLool la sums from *1 end upwards, which
rtwrotMl* Ia»ny town throughout Ireland and
^n, on France and Germany, payable In
l4 f iL OonUnsnt, also for sale. Apply to
I BUNKER fa OGDEN. 80 Bay-street.
UsDCRY HULL. President and Treasurer.
1 ' : \V CHASE, Sec'ry. |. C. F. XtcKAY, Actuary.
Imlpied. Agent or the above Company, continues
[TttoMloringRisks.vis.: Marine, River and Ftre
L^tke Lives of^ervsnts.
lirfWbita Persons are also taken by this Company,
a for resitting in the South.
Comer of Bay and Drayton-atrecta.
mantlo adventures cnooumered by Dick Turpin, Ac.
The Pirate bobtor, by a Naval Officer.
Magazine for August: Graham’sMagostne
Oodey’s ladys’ Book for September; Glua-
for September
ink . . ,, . .... ,
son’# Piotoral; Barnum’s Illustrated News; for sale at 1S5
Congress street auB31
IgSiLirilOUSB dressing saloon
mRS.COHEN fa BANNON respectfully announce to
Ifcdtumof Savannah that they are now prepared
lillistiof work In their line, at their new thop,
tawmr of Broughton and Drayton-sts. They have
jM tt« following as their rates or chargoa: For a
JJpifv . per month, for 2 or three times per week
b-IEams week $1; 5 or 8 times a week $1 50 ; every
IpDlWBoath. lialr cutting 20o.; hair curling 28c.
u vfll always hold himself in rea<llnes« to at-
Lsrimfrom those who may require hia services at
p nov8
BUm* and Improved organisation, manufacture
HumUlTS sod Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills. Gins,
LiUtks, Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot-
^fasodSsw Mill work,Shafting, pulleys, Ao.,Csst-
*i wMit, (hiving a large aasortmeut of patterns.)
iSfwSs. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
ilUfbtUtrwt, corn or of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
di*. Collins A Co. and H. Colllna' Axes, Hard-
itf.B Pratt st., New York. oclO—lyr
>S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved In qual-
knl reduced In price)—Adapted U) every reoulred op.
irf«MWnr. u Railroad Scale* for trains or single can
'iatS principal railroads in the United States and
Aril, warehouse Beales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
bhandries,rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
'tail; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.—
kthave been lung known and severely tested; and
tad confidence felt in their accuracy and perfect
iLlnutb that they are now regarded as the stand-
11,BRICK A BELL. Agents
■IDCHVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, Ore and
of color*, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
■Hr from aU others in market. They are not
ly require little oil, they do not work toughly, but
St u white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
■ftMatalv, and become an Indeetroctable^oyeringol
Eltay neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
Sn white lead.
n s variety of eolors, Re>l, Yellow, various Browns,
!k Black. They are superior In body (or oovering
tar) to anything erer discovered, and pound for pound
Mr double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
■lmI require less oil.
■"law prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
b&Jru's Mineral Pain tf. For sale by
10 and 12 Barnard-street.
iber hiving just removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be-
■Cngmsaod Broughton-streeta.) would inform hia
Jk tod the public generally, that he will open Turn
■tawcondiapplvof FaUana Winter Goods, consisting
likaFrincb, Eotlish and American Clotlis, Cassf
■ndTutingi purchased from the most extensive im-
VbXew York, which he is prepared to make up in
wud moit fashionable stylos.
tt eo-psrtotreblp heretofore existing with tho nnder-
■ <pcd-under the firm of BOMTON A GUNBY, is thU
•dted by mutual consent. Either partner iaantho-
ns the name of the firm Inclosing the unsettled
at 1st, 1853. aug2 J. 11. GUNBY.
Tom Iss VoyagM ou Polo Nord, depots 1m
usou's ttehouwl (1880—1888), per Henri Le*
of the various kinds _ , i
ind domsstlo, Invoiced from,the^best mrerees,Aod to
took of which, at present on hand, holnritoo at
1 M’me Tullle Monsose.
i’ompeil, Unit* d* Bulwer.
Anlmaux, tea plus remarquablM
r m (quadrupeds!»t cetacea), peg
. Jiueutt, Orb** d* 60 figure* d’anlmaux.
Mosoou, on June Iutltutrioe, per M’me
md, per J. N. Dubois, Profssaeur do 1’UnlvOr-
u* edition
jr, end In Aneriee es importer eodd .......
Unee with the trede enables him tooffisreaaurene* that the
articles which srw enumsratod below are each genuine:
Artleies of Direct ImporUUon —French Bren-
dtee of various brands« Holland Gin; Bootob, Irish and
tbela Vfhlsky ; Old Batavia Arrack | Jamaica and
Me# Prison* nu Memoir?* da Silvio, Psllloo, traduction
E3VED BY 8. 8. SIBLEY, August 80th. 1853 :
_ ie Fawn or the Pale Faces, or two centuries ago, by
. P. Brace.
Tho Matricide’s Daughter, or a tale of Ufo in the greet
metroplU. by Nawton M. Curtis.
Dare Devll-Dlck, or the road and its riders, being the ro-
or Passages In the Life of an Italian.
South Carolina 1n the Revolutionary War, being a reply
to mlsrepraaentatlona in relation to that Shite.
Sheridan’s Life and Memoirs, by Thomas Moore.
Lmgard’s History of England, a new and chtap edition,
In 13 volumes.
General Baron Jomtnis' History of the Campaign of Wa
A Memorial of Horatio Greenough, by Tuckerman.
Bolsmont’.u Hallucinations, a rational history of appari
tions, virion*, dreams, etc.
Mrs. Leo’s Habits and In*tInota of Animals, Birds, Rep
tiles and Fishes
The Fawn of the Pale Faces, by Bruce.
Collier's Shakespeare, vol. 6, cheap edition.
Young Americans’ Library—Life of Webster.
Gerstccker’s Journey Round the World, a new supply.
N EW BOOKS —Tho Exiles, a tale by Talvi, author ot lie-
lotse, the literature of the Sola vie **
lotse, the literature of the 8davic Nations; Theory of
Politics, an inquiry Into the foundations of governments,
and the cause* and progress of political revolutions, by
Richard Hildreth, author of the History of the United States
of America, Ac.; The Story of Mont Blanc, by Albert Smith;
A Visit to Europe In 1852. by Prof. Benjamlu Sllliman. of
Yale College, in 2 vols., Illustrated; John C. Calhoun’s
Works, vol. 2; The Picture Pleasure Book, illustrated with
upwards of fire hundred engravings, from drawings of emi
nent artists; The White Rose, or the Lovely Maid of Louis
iana. a romancenf the wild Forest, by Dr. J. H. Robinson ;
The Golden Ragle, or the Privateer of ’76. a tale of the rev
olution. by SrlvanusCobb, Jr.; The Countess De Charny. or
the Fait of the French Monarchy, by Alexander Dumas ;
Barnum’s Illustrated News, Nos 87 and 88. received by
sep21 J. B, CUDBKUGB.
dtioa i
. tiw a
„Mn >
ich, at present on hand, n* invite* Mienwn.—
ktiof had extensive exj»rien»»_ln Frenoe>* a. manu&c-
^Wlnee^Old Port, Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Hock,
Claret, Pauterne and Burgundy Wines.
valta,Klrselisnwasser, Absinth,Ac. . .
Alta nml Porter*—Loudon Brown Btout, and Edln-
Also Agent for Domeatio liquors.
^ Have in store, and offer for nale, on the mott
3fkvorable terms—
H15 bhds St rotx Bursr, 26 do Porto Rico do
*25 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls Coffe# do
100 bbls Btuart’s A, B and 0 Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bags Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bag* old Cuba Coffeo. 60 do Jamaica do
10 cases Myer’a Aromatic Tobacco, 50 casks B*oon Sides
26 casks Shoulders, 26 do llama, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Flour, 60 whole and 26 hair do Canal do
26 hhda. 60 tierces and 50 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter chests Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Cotli. 800 colls Weaver’s Rope
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 260 Flack’s do, 26 do Connecticut
River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 qr casks pure Malaga Wino. 20 do do Madeira do
6 naif plpoa Otard Brandy.20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Monongahela Whisky, 10 qr casks Tort Wine
bbls Mint and Rose Cordial
Also, the foil owing old and very choice uqnora. In glasses t
40 dozen choice old Madeira Wl" *-
Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
36 demljons St Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do. ,r old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
10 do • Pure Juice, 1848,40 do Brandy. 1816 '
35 dozen Scbeldatn Gln, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar..
may!8. '
OattWremL Douglass’ pumps and M
do Duckets, Cotton and f
Hooka, Jack Screws, Bun
Griswold’* Upland do. Cemt
Saws; also, Hand ana Yard
Whdleinle and lUtall
No. 116 HnwpAfon-M., bshesm Hull 0
• THE largest‘ i
, Olns and
- V»ndCrosscut
* sale by
**>.111 Bay-at.
. „..-tand belt sclec
L offered for sale In this city. -.Gril^l
k of goods aver
(Vest, Fob and Guard Chains,- 8
vimurm. Braoolots, Brooches, fin* Dlamni
Silver uurtora, Tea Sets, PI toh4urs,Oob]ets, C
° --'-j. Pft Rniv
inds-of Plat
Spoons, Forks,Fish Knives, Pfe K
dies, Syphons. Also, all ktridJl'of P
Fancy Goods, and a great variety 0
, ,'ifpSw
by Goods, and a great variety of artloMs too numerous to
mention : the whole of which will be sold at reduced prioes,
All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and_ Other Jobbing
attended to by competenthands. HORTON k RIKEMAN,
»Wlb^ntI —‘
a Tlie under*lgne<l beg* leavs'totnfonn the Cltlzonr'
of Savannah, and the people In the country In gene-
i be has taken tha Store No. 148 Broughton Sweet
one door West of Dixon’s Cnnfcctlonery. when he will he
pleased to make and repair all kinds of Book* and Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted.
,qp 27—ly
HuA RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamers fresh
addluous,making the best assortment In this city, of all
kinds ofWatches, Jewelry.Fancy Goods,8llverSpoona, Forks.
Pitchers, Tea Sets, Cups, Syphons. Plgfed Castors, and overy
variety of articles connected with our line of buslues#; allot
which will be sold as low as In any'city Id the Union.
<W Particular attention given to the {UpalringpfWatch-
e« and Jewelry, , > - , ?:>' /- ’ ~tfo ty .
-- aoadei
„ w imutatwi tHi _
10th, under the management of J.B.
r ARD MAILON, eaeooete prineipals.
1 The academic year 1* divided Into four quarters of eleven
weskssach.a# follows i ,• .
. Firs tq«art«reo turns nee* October 10th, end ends Decern.
^Lwndquarter oommreael January, 1st, 1864, and ends
ire o&en, end
lue, conslsU
Third quarter oommehcea March 18th, and ende June
loth, i <■
acre* of p
. r . , Tn-TuljBrfik- .—•
and,' the greater part of which If tael! timbered, lyii
- * *— vicinity.
For,price and terms;
the St. Johns river and Ha rich
apply to the administrators.
J. WALDBURO, Savannah,
B. A. PUTNAM, St. Augustine.
Mr. J. N. Johnson, who Is on tbe.plsntatlon, will exhibit
It and the other lend, • : • . soplO—<ltf
^Fourth quarter oommencea June lOili, and ends August ^Fehgre capable of turning opt from’liity to
*lth. ' • ij, - nogsbeads or sugar, Also, right' Uiousanjla
The academy la organized Into five departments—Prima- ■m*.* «i» «v wm-k i. w.n
ry. Intermediate, Grammar. CUaslual. and Ycpne Ladles’.
m has bwn^pared to fitf tbe msral depart.
menD with well-Quallfled end experienced teae'rere. 4
The Young Ladies yrlll be under the chare* hr J. B. Mal-
trim, resisted by Mis* M A. Oituemre, who'wm educated
in the b*st achoola of Northampton, Mass., and has boon
for the last three yean principal of a female academy in
. -The datslcal Department will be nnder the charge of Mr.
Isaac F. Cadv, a graduate of Brown University,-for two
year# datslcal teacher in the High School in Provide!
and for the last six years principal of the High School
Warren, Rhode Island.
The Grammar Department will be under the charge of B.
Mauds, as heretofore.
The Intermediate Department will be taught by Mr. Hum
by BAKtn, a, graduate of Oglethorpe University; and the
Primary by Hiss A. R. Cairbx.
Arrangements have been-.made with Mr. E. Mtuxn for
mere THE subscriber 'offer# for Bale 1,200 acres of Land,
MWytngon the Alatanutba, rivsr. three mllea below the
«**-fork, known as Town Bluff. - There are 260 acres open, I
fn. . .lu. tam ■».!! — —I 1 :
No. 181 North Siiik Bln
; (Opposite Fradklih
fishing.« nd on hfe
key Csne Beat Chairs.tngr
i ty of elegant and tkabionabissiyiee.^ j.v
for Mriors. dlitttw.rooms or chambers, made In ItaneY^ - .:
Woods, Imitation Woods, and Fahey Oolorh,ko. • • t.'-fex.
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light and Mahttftll 4*4
teos; Cane Lounges, Cane Settees, Hall Chairs. CoenUnc -
louse and Office Arm Chairs, -large and- small Roekln*
‘ Store and Steamboat Stools, Windsor C
ready for cultivation; also two. small Brained houses with.
giving Inatt action In Freneh and Drawing.
JOHN B. MALLARD, \ p. ..
«ep26—d8w ; BERNARD MALLON, J Prin0, Pa«.
. 1m Charter, granted in 1849.
T HE Spring session will commence on the second Monday,
which lathe 12th day of January.
Geo. Y. Biiovnnt, President and Professor of Mental and
Moral 8c!«nce,
P. Loon, Profoasor. of Natural Sciences.
L. R. Bkamqax, Professor oi Mathematics and Director ol
Jon>t also t, .
-. framed bam ana good framed store house,situate on
.jebank of the river, one of the beat stands for a store in
this section. The place has the advantage of steamboats
during the foil; winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do so by calling on the subscr"-
place, ><
AUso. 980 acres of land well timbered, with 160 acres of
first rate bay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear
ing. with five acres cleared. Said land will produce fifty
bushels of corn to the acre. This land lies two miles from
Mann Ferry, on the Alatamaba river.
Also, 6,000 seres of first quality pine timbered land <
the Alatamaba aud Ocmnlgee rivers.
All these lands are sltnate In the first and second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acres of land well timbered
““ l “ *— J ireon wishing further
Housekeepers. Hotel, Steamboat andRsIl RdadCcmpanler
IU find It to their Interest to call at the Foctoryof.. *;.- ■-.«?,•«, " U V f
VT« 1Q1 WJI. AII.O, / .11- — i lt_ is % i - » -•
No. 181 North Oth St (opposite Franklin th
re«Hon*e, niid
Agricultural Ware-1—
JVo. 194# MarM-etrret./*A(_
Pxotnrr AMram’
Sharpening Ploughs, of
right arid left handed—8«
i Side Hill and Douhle Voul
■ 26IIIIDS. i’orto.Rlco and Muscovado Sugar. 26
do cholco New Orlcan* do, 26 do do Cuba Molas-
ses. 100 bids New Orleans and Cuba Syrup, Stu
art’s rectified do. GOO gallons Sperm 011,800 do
Uoseed do. 200 boxes Sperm ana AdAmamantlne Candles,
25 do Starch. 60 do Clieeso, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed ana assorted Candies, 76 packages Teas. Black, Im
perial and Oreen, 160 bbls A. Band CClnri fled Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes,
Figs, Citron, Pickles, Hsisins, Yeast Powders. Saleratus, So
da. &c.. now in store and for sale very low. by
• “ K1BBF.F. k
, Coma—160 bags prime Itlo, 76 do Jamaica, i
jBEUtfc ScoAtt—10 hhda Porto Rico, 10 do St. Croix, 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered and Clarified.
Mourns—26 hhds Cuba, 76 bbls Now Orleans.
FiotJB—160 bbls Baltimore, 75 do Canal. 60 do H Smith’s.
Bacox—15 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
vassed do. 30 hhds Sides, 20 do Shoulders.
Potatoes—160 bbls P and Mercer.
Lard ano Codhsh—25 bbls choice Leaf Lard, 0 casks Cod
Soar. Caxulib awd Starch—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes Starch, 76 do
Admantiue Candles. 26 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tobacco—>60 packages various brands and qualities.
I.otox Strcp.Ac.—60 boxes Lemon Syrup, 10 cases Wal-
idy Pei
Dorkhtic Iaqcoiw—75 bbls Phelps' Gin, 60 do N E Rum, 75
do Rectified Whisky. 80 do oxtraold Monongahela do.
Wtjna—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do choice Madei
ra—received and for sale by
apl'20 McMAHON k DOYI.E.
tendency of British Institutions, as illustrated in their
effect upon llumanCharaoterand Destiny, by Warren IsU
The Forged Will; or Crime and Retribution by Emerson
The White Cruiser; or the fate of the Unheard of, by Nod
Edith's Legacy: or the Long Wood of the Grange, by the
author of Anelaiae Lindsay,
Jane Seton; or the King’s Advocate; by James Grant, au
thor of ■■ Romance pf War,” 4tc.
. The Rudiments of Building; for the use of Architects,
Builders. Draughtsman Machinists, Engineers', aud Meehan-
' a; by John Bullock.
The Rebel 3cout;a Romance of the American Revolution,
by Aria Ashland.
Violet, tbs Danseuuso: or Courtship and Wodlock, by the
author of •‘The JUt.” 4 ' Warning to Wives.”
Barnum’s News, No, 40.
Patnam’s Magaalne f >r October. Received by
.- r ----- - • • - ■
The English Soldier in United States Army.
jfMr.i •“ * —
,. The ad
ventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, who came up to Lon
don to enjoy themselves, by H. Mayhow and Geo. Cruik-
shank. The Kolckleburya on the Rhine, by W. U. Thacke
ray. Faust, a Romance of the Secret Tribunals, by G. W.
M. Reynolds. David Copperfieid. the younger, by C. Dick
ens. Life and adventure* of Charles Chesterfield, by tho
author of Petticoat Government, ko. The History ot St.
Giles and St. James, by Douglas Jerrold, Esq. J. lenimore
Cooper’s Novels The Goldeo Eagle, or the Privateer of
8evonty-SIx. by Sylranus Cobb, jr. The Countess of Du-
Charny. or the fall of the French Monarchy, ay Alexander
Dumas. Barnum’slllustrated News. Gleasons Pictorial.
For sale Ne.-186,Congress at.
g iiiwtlrwd will continue the FACTORAGE and COM-
BC.-tlSBr •• ■’
u zcoctlnnince of the patronage so liberally <
Irikektt firm.
. Health and Disease, by Thos Bui
Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining, with a de
scription of the most useful minerals, and Instructions for
assaying and mining, according to the simplest method, by
Frederick Overman, Mining Engineer.
Tho Microicoptst, or a complete manual of the use of the
microscope, for physicians, students, and all lovers of nat
ural science, second edition improved and enlarged, with
Illustrations, by Joseph H. Wytbes, M D.
A Treatise on Operative Opthalmlc Surgery, by II. H.
Watton, F ft C8, in England, first American, from the first
London edition, illustrated by 109 engravings on wood,
edited by S. Ltttell, M D. author of a Manuel of the Disease
ortho Eye. Received by
_ 10 bbls No. large Mackerel,
3=5310 bbls No. 1 do do
meg 10 hair bit* no. i do
StaKtaJBtlO do No. 2 do
30 bbls sugar, sodnr, and butter Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Biscuits,
60 do Buchan's Family Soap,
60 do Colgute's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate’s and Beadell’s Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
landing and for sale by
A(- THE undersigned is now opening s splendid assort-
Ijflmeritof rich JEWELRY, embracing th
%/ot Ear-rings. Pins. Bracelets and Ftn
£ which are some fine diamond settings.
Also, twenty-five sets of those unique Pearl Sett ofEar-
Jarings and Brooches, from $18 to $126 the
A and rarest patterns; together with a very
ment of extra fine Watches set In pearl, dl
ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol
good Jewelry. Sterling Elver Sets, 8ponns, Forks, Ladles,
Cups. Ao..and Plated Ware of all kin ’*.'Fancy Work Boxes,
Dressing Cates. Folios, Clocks, Bronze Figures, gold mouht-
ed Cans*. Cuttlery. ka.. renders his assortment veryoom-
piste, and unsurpassed in the State, either in quality or pri-
loulty will be assisted by the following Ladles, vis.
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. B»nh#in, Misses Bennett, Bumatead.
Mmdllli, and K.Bennett ■*
Catalogues containing - further Information, nfoy be rib.
with cypress and white oak. Any peraon wishing
particulars can address me at Hail r. 0., Georgia.
Jan31—lawdfcwBm .W. .DYAIJ.
weekly forelxknonths. obdserid bill ttf' ’" ■ • W. D. 1
ima for jofii—Th*;
Also, the Great Medal at tlie World’s
fc M. Plough No. 40, Cultivators with Dpubfta-
ed Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus g! -.
Wear of the common Teeth. Also, CnJtlrptore pi
with 8tee 1 Teeth,
a-ai-i. At. Corn Planters,
lpDrill»i4td 88, .
L’s Patent FanMill*,
SpAln’a AtRjospheric Chnrns.
.Corn Shelters, Improved
Garden ^Engines,
g a splendid assort- , CataVognp* containing •’KrVm lntorauAWta
ig the recent patfem* • »>y apnWng to either or the officers of tl
nnger-rtngs, among either of the following gentlemen, who c
ings.from $iato $600. 1Jo «rd of Trustees: R E! Jones. M. D., Preside!
constltuFe the
President; B. M. Pee-
_ pies, Esqr.. Treasurer; Tho*. J. Burney, Eso r., Secretary; Col.
tho sot, newest | L B. Walker, Rev. N. 0. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wm. B.
>ry select nssort- stokes. Edmund Walker, Zachariah Fean, Nathan M##sey.
1. diamond, hun- Wm. IV. B. Crawford, M. D., BcnJ. Harris,Jas. F. Swanson, J
W. Fears, R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgancounty,Dec. 23rd, 1851.
dr 20
Va\fldd, Qreene County, aa.
lii lVl-fiM IM 1 « W.of u_
fond. waasuiconfhRf anl ttvatpl many yco#s since, producing
These lands could he put In order with less labour, ills
believed, titan would be required for putting Hammock lands
in order, anil are considored very safe from overflow In gales
and freshets.
For further particulars and terms, which will be mad* easy
to a purchaser., apply to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
S.C.,or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, °* ”—•- n — * -
fiGT Strict attention paid to repairing
and Jewelry.
A plat
•, St. M*ry’i, Camden county,
it of tho fond may be seen at the office of Ute Geor-
apt 27—die
fl MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-street, has just recotv-
Jod the finest assortment or new and fashionable Jewel-
' ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils and poi
L, silver and silver gilted ware and fruit baskets, watte
> tea sets, “
s that of othor
spel Ministry ;
A Collegiate Course of four yoara, equal
Colleges In the country ;
A Scientific Course of three years, including, with some ad-
lltlon. all the studies of the Collegiate Course except the An-
'.Vent Languages;
The regular time for the admission of Students, is at the
AND, containing 202
Waltnourvillc. liberty
1 nine and bay land. 60
quality, pi ...
itlon, and the remainder well
m an un«i|muus. uuiu nuu silver ueucus aiiu non*,
iver and silver gllted ware and Trull baskets, waiters,
a sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoons: Dub table,
pocket and pen knives, scissors, and a large variety of the The regnlartimel , —
finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing deska for • °P® n * n Jf Terra, the last Wednesday in August. ,
e* and gontlemen, aa also n fine selection of flutlnas, Candidates for admission nto tho Oollcgtate Course must
—"— — 4 — —*i-i— * » -■— a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arlth-
ladles _ ,
accordians and fancy articles, too numerous to mention,
which he offers at the lowost prices ever sold in this city*
The attention of the public at forgo, but especially that of
tho ladles, i* Darticuforlr reouested. au21
THE undersigned respectfully inform the
fcltisens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
that they have on hand more than fitly
Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale in this city, and 1 j\iitinn.
“ * • * * * * ** Ur " *
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith
metic, English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cnaar, Virgil.
Cicero's Select Orations, and Jacob's Greek Reader ; an<
1 must bo at least fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission into the Scientific Course mnst
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic,
K b Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, and two
In Geometry; and must be at least sixte
) »8»-
' n,n
oounty. Tho land Is of good
acres of which are In cultlvat .... .....
timbered, offering strong inducements to persons Interested
in procuring turpentine. The Improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses,stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. The location cannot
be surpassed for health fulness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
The above pro|>crty can be bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating terms. If early application
be made to the subscribers, at Walthourville. Liberty county.
apl 20—d&o K. B. WAY.
. ,.... _. -ed Harrows,
Sqgarc arM‘A Harrows,
Horae Rakeo.' •
Grindstones, ready hang,
Dirt Sere pars.
Agricultural Fnra**##,
Ox Yokes nnd Bow*.
Fork* for unloading ITsy,
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow l*ina,
Apple rearers,
Ox 'Muzzles,
Mole Traps.
Pruning Hooks and Chisels,
Saws and Sclsaors,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
tubbing for Chain Pumps,
Wheat- .
Horse Powers and Thn
Mowing and Rea;*
■ thine*;
rvtv..* z**——
Grubbing Hqes. :
Transplanilrig Trowels,
Hay and Msbura Forks,
Shovels and Spades,'b
Ganlen and Field Hoesl
Garden.Rakes In varioty,
Children’* Ttodsh-^-'
.rling Scythe*,
atbs, with Patent Fasten*
Also, Horticultural Tools (of every
and Gra*s Seeds, for sale at tno lowost
and Retail.
every description.) Garden,
lowost prices, at^wholfcgfo
ixteen years of
made by the most celebrated manufacturers In the United ; In Theological SmnxART,.
Lelgbt k Newton. Edwards k Fisher, all well known to the
lovers of Music, have place in their forge assortment.-
These Piano* are of rich tono. and beautlfhlh
Ir finished In
Rose Wood, Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with iron frames
made in tho most substantial and workmanliko manner.—
Also the Justly celebrated ASollan Piano Fortes, which for
their sweetness of tone have not been Mualled._ * **
Scientific Course,....
In Academy—
Preparatory Class,...
Second “ ...
Third “
Spring 7krm. JhlJTkrm.
... .Gratuitous.... Gratuitous.
$26 00 $16 00
26 00 16 00
arly suited for thi climate, preventing necessity of timing
Tory ears.
fhese cxiwnses require'
__ J. V. CONNERAT k O).. offor for sale on ac-
SSM commodating terms.a well assorted stock of Gro-
ceries. Liquor*. Tobacco. Sognrs, fcc., vis: 130 bags
ttarVnkprime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds
’orto Bleu and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee do,
26 do crushed nnd powdered do, 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack-
nge* black and green ten. some very superior ; 260 boxea
tobacco, various qualities, l’s. 8*s. 6’s and 10’a. 16 coses Di
adem twist. 10 do Vlrginlu* and Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf,
Vlglnfo gold leaf. 10 boxes EV Dorado tobacco, 175.000 supe
rior Havana Segnra. 10 half pipes Otard.Dunuy& Co. Bran
dy. 20 half nnd quartor cask* ITntern. Mai tel, Sazerao. &c.
Brandy. 5 quarter casks very old Jean Louis do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half pines and 16 qunrtcr ensks superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbls ola Monongahela Wisky, 26 qunrtcr casks Teneriffe, 80
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbls gin, whisky nnd rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 nnd family soap. 60 do starch, 50 do adamantine can
dles, 60 do tallow do, 20 casks bacon sides, 15 do shoulders.
.'KHihds West India Molas***, 40 bids and tea do, 26 bids N
Orleans do. togettier with every other article usually found
at the whoiesnlo grocery stores.June3
undersigned are Agents for Henri Hera’s, celebrated
Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
CiKiURT’sMELODKum.—'This beautiful toned wind instru-
ment,manufactured by Carhart k Needham, N. Y..for village
purposes. Iodgea.Serenadlng Parties, and the private prac
tise of Organists, poasessh g a sweet nnd powerful tone, they
havo also for sale. All these Instruments will be disposed of
on the most accommodating terms. The prices of the Pi
anos ranging from $176 to $1,000.
... 25 00 16 00
... 20 00 12 00
... 16 00 9 00
.lo.oo -a oo
... 6 00...... 4 00
'2 00 100
These cx;)enses require to bo paid in advance.
From Students whu Judge in the College building*, fifty
lollars will bo received as full payment for tho tuition foes,
room rent, and ooutingent expenses of the year,
The price of Board in the village is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-rent, nnd fuel, $3.
The Commencement is hold ou the last Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing tho year into terms, as
follows :
First Terra—from last Wednesday in August to December
SUM* A Tract of Tide Swamp Land, containing 600 seres,
Kelly ing on the Alatamaba river, three miles above Dari-
^*»-en, ailjoinlng lands of the estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on the east and Gignllliat nnd Walker on tlio north
and west, oavlng as good a pitch of tide ns an« rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are. twenty dollars perncrc.
one-fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to tlie undersigned nt l’nrien. In caseof mvalwure
Mr. James )*Rlxnt.K will show the land, a plan or which can
be seen at tho office of the Georgian.
Darien. Jan. 22. 1853. Jan25—lam
Ao. 4 NbrfA FtGK sfreri. two doon abort AforlteL
T HE undersigned have Just opened a fresli and complete
stock of Wall Papers, among which are gold and vel
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced ungfoxed papers; also,
decorations, borders, fire-screens, curtains, etc., which they
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.
Tlie best workmen employed to hang paper either In th*'
city or country.
Blank Bonks. Stationery, rfe.—We have also our usual as
sortment of writing |>npers wrapping papers, blank and'
school books, stationery, etc.
No. 4 North Flth street, 2 doors above Market,
g-Cnsii paid for country rags. mlilO—god
Q fl BBLS Stuart's Crashed aud Powdered Sugar
Oil CO do do A. U and 0 Clarified do
60 do lex k Kirkpatrick’rt Crashed do
OO do Butter. Sugar and Soda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell's Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
8")0 di* Family. Palo and No. 1 Soap, Smith and Col
50 do Dowdell’s Pearl Starch
26 do Ground Pepper In 20 lb boxes
20 do do Coffee In 60 )b boxes
300 reams assorted Wrapping Puper
60 mats old government Jars Coffee
00 boxes 1st and 2d quality Bey’s Lemon Syrup
100 bids F. Phelps’ and Rose Gin
80 do N E Rom. 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P fa H Connecticut Itiver Gin
20 and 20 cask* Malaga Wine
or sale
60 bbls and 100 keg* prime Leaf lard, landing and
T HE Subscriber has on hand a tine and well selected
Stock of imported pure Wines, Liquors and Segar*.
comprising the following : . .
BrniKly—10 half pines Otard, Dnpuy fa Co. ; 3 do do
idd Hcnmmsy j 2 do do Sazerao, 1608 ; 2 do do Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do J.J. Dupuy.
f .. -j - The subscriber having purchased tlie en
ffjffijffifgGre business of F. Zoghaum fa Co., of wbleti ;
flnn h e hs* heretofore beon the acting mein
* “ - **ber in Savannah, would respectfully Invite {
tho attention of those in want of anything in the nimdfal ‘
Wintor Vacation—from December 16th to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of Fobruary to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed-
tesday in August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Ronrdof Trustee*.
Any friend, by application to Dr.
by application to Dr. J. L. DAGG. President of
fnlvcraity, will receive a catalogue, containing the
• iourse of studios, and all other necessarr information.
line to his establishment. From many years’ experience
both in professional and business matter* connected with
music, Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer his ser- [ LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD COLLEGE.
5i2l!f , “' i to JSJJSS! « ‘!"i r,, l; I « comul.t. cour.e or logoi elu.
I l ration for In orfi„ Unlloil BUU.Aioepl.
Industry in his endeavor to deserve the patrunnge and
Odence of tho public. “ —
the pair. „
o. ii. nrrtfHELL.
successor to F. Zogbaum fa Co.
THE Alterations and Improvements In onr
K$ig<tore.fneludlnga fine Show Room for Plano
& itl I’ortes, and n Music Department forlodlos
" * • ‘being now completed, we would invito tho at
tention of the musical public to our stock, comprising evory
articlo in the line, which cau bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) at Now York price*.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart & Co.. J. B. Dunham, and
oilier* of established reputation, constantly on lmnd.
F. ZOGBAUM fa CO., importors,
No*. 74 St.' Julian and 107 Bryan-stwct*.
dec7 Next to Market Square.
r streeLiSannmah,
•ge and choice varioty of New
Xn 17 Whitaker st '
S ITas Just opened a large nnd choice varioty
Spkino and Sitsmkh Goons, consisting In pari of black,
figured and fancy French Cassimercs; black and col
ored Osshmerc; Cloths and Cashmeretts; white and
fancy Linen Drills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles and Linen Vestings, ail of which ho Is prepared to
make up to order In tho most fashionable style, and on nc
commodating terms ap6
No. 147 Bay Street.
ng only matters of merely local law and practice ; and also
| i systematic course of Instruction in Commercial Law for
- those who propose to engage (n mercantile pursuits.
• The-Law Uhmrw.whb'h is conafofttljr. Inrresslng. con-
i tains now about 14,000 volumes. It inclndoa a very com-
; plete collection of American and English Law, nnd the prin-
j slpal works of the Civil and other Foreign Law. It is open
I to students, and warmod and lighted for their use during
i both terms and the winter vacation.
The first term of each academical year begins in the last
' week of August, and the second term in tho last week of
Februnry ; each term continue* twenty weeks. Students
ire admitted nt any period of a term nr vacation. Tlie foe*
i »ro $50 a term, and S'.’fi for halt a term. For this sum stu-
i fonts have the use of the Law Library nnd toxt books, and
t if the College Library, and may attend all the course* of
, public lectures delivered to tho under graduates of tho
1 University.
The Instructors of the Law School are Hon. Joel Parker,
f.L. D., Itoyall Profoasor; Hon. Theophilu* Parsons. 1.L I)..
, Dane Professor; nnd Hon. Edward O Lnrlng. University
tectnrer. Instruction is given by lectures, recitations nnd
oxamination*. and moot courts.
For further information application may ho made to
cither of the instructors.
JAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1,186.1. dlaw3wt* sepQ
JT10.V OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—'The co-partner
V foiwttotore existing between the subscribers under
i*ra*fF ZikiOAt’M k CO. is dissolved by mutual
0. B. MirciIELL will contlnuo the business on
■ni account, tod 1* authorised to settle all claims, in
Vwj.fcror ig»ln»t the late firm.
F. ZOGBAUM, Charleston. S. C.,
. 0. B. MITCHELIi, Savannah, Ga.
k Just ttb. 1853 Je8
K»oof Klbbsa fa Rodgers Is this day dissolved by mu-
f.^Ur.Klbbee retiring, and Mr. Thomas Wood,
P/JJfw-UMog hi* place, under the name and stylo
Ir UklD S hi* place, under the name and stylo
JraUEodgtra. All debts against the late firm will be
takj the new firm, and all monies due them will be
«i*ad receipted for by the new concern.ns per
^^“•Bieiabscriber. in retiring from business
R eceived and for half, by s. b. sibley, 136 con-
gress-st.—Bible In the Family—Bible In the Counting
Annals of Tennessee, br J. G. M Ramsey, M. D.
The Sword and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Maria Do Bernteve, a tale of tho Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
The Race for Riches, and some of the pits into which the
Runners fall.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tuitln, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Etherial Sofldown
od the Friends of tho New Light, by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor, or the Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
and both hemispheres.
. by W. L. M’Oalla. of the Union
El lit. ji ^ rauniig irum ouniuean m
Minot but feel deeply grateful and obliged
E"”T'*b«ral patronage which has been extended to
In oo Soai *-)cRy and country friends, and
Kagrtydtj b» express his thanks for the same,
PowS. 10 ", P® l ,a,t ^ avor> wl 'l be continued to
':* 10 * re ever y way grateful to give the most
■ETTlo . 'to* to the patrons of the late concern
■foS , * 8o,, ** r4 - Ver y respectfully.
11 tau. tl . '•pannersnip lioreo
“'rieMlgned. under the firm of Crank &
hiVik ,^ 4 y dissolved by mutual consent. The
veil* fl : rm T 111 “riled by H. A. Crane, to
^efoims will pleas* present them,
Ffotai lT .. **“ ma ke payment Either party are
fo n*e the name of th# late firm In liquidation,
■si,* 11. A. CRANE,
IV ekhul“«?"u. l :''The undiraigned having associated
Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope,
Pf^ziL grocery busines under the firm
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M
Presbyterian Ciiurch. of Phlladelphta.
R ECEIVED BY 8 8. 81BLEY. Juno 28. 1853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of 8chool Ufa. by C. Adams.
The Old Forest Ranger.or Wild Sports of India, by MaJ.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolutions in Europe and America, to the.present
time, by H. White, B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
Tho Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for Juty,an interesting number.
Putnam’s Msgazlnefor July.
Barnaul’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Piotoral, fao.
.... r ’ TMIK Annual Course of lecture* in thi* Department will
a duo reganl for comfort nnd personal appcaranco. may 1 commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter-
latall times select any and overy article for their ward- [ mlnate in the ensuing March.
«m <m . i iv .robe, from one of the largest assortments of the Very IAME8J0NFS. M. H.. Professor of Practice,
Wince—4 huir* nines 7 olk reserve Madeira; 2 do do Bwt Gooda ln thi * country; either In Ready Made Garments j I. C. RIDDEiJ,. M. I)., Professor of Chemistry
mdon Particular - 3 do do old Port - 0 do do Sherry w made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing aril- VARRKN STONE. M. 1).. Professor of Surgery,
anaon i ariicuinr . J no ho oin i on . o in io rrj e|ef of #yery de#oril , lion nnd „ uft |i ty too numerous to men I V. II. CENAS. M. D . Professor of Obstetrics.
6 000 I tiim Call and see. PRICE fa VEADER. | \. J. WEDDERHURN. M, l>,. Professor of Anatomy.
’ niuHtnw.u. .. m.i. ni.inn : 1UBTAVU8 A. NOTT. M. I) i Professor of Materia Modica.
FASHION ABLE TAILORING. j i'UOMAS HUNT, M. D„ Professor of Physiology and Pathol-
l.ondnn Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry
Wine ; 2ft casks Claret; 4ft baskets Champagne.
Sctfnrs—20.000 Rio Honda ; 10.000 La Cruii
4i Union ; 10.000 !a Patrin ; 26,000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries.—A largo supply, such a* imported
Cordials, Er-’jsU Plckleannd Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats.
Prunes and JeTtm,.. For sale bv A. BONAt’D,
de8 Corner of Bay and Whttaker-streets.
. r
•160 bags prime Rto, 76 do. Jamaica, 60 do.
. Jara.
SCIMR—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do. St. Croix. 5 do. New
Orleans. 100bbls Crashed. Powdered, nnd Clarified.
Mnusaita—25 hhds Cuba. 76 bbls New Orleans.
F!-our—160 bbls Baltimore, 76 do. Canal. 60 do. Hiram
Bacox—16 casks Philadelphia Hams,600 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 hhds Sides. 20 do. Shoulder*.
Brooks—10 dozen, painted handles.
Bdckkis—200 dozen, painted.
Soak Caxdlks and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 and Esmlly
Honp. f>0 do. Pale do. 76 do. Ailamantine Candles, 25 do.
^perm. 26 do. Star. 160do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and
half boxes Starch.
TOB.icrn—350 ukg* various brands and qualities.
Lmox—50 boxes Ixmon Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Poaches.
Domestic Ijqoors—76 bbls Phelps’ Gin, 60 do. N. E. Rum.
76 do. Rectified Whisky, 30do* Extra«'Id Monongahela do.
Wines—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma
deira. Received, and for salo by
, >1 1). MURPHY. 21 Bull street, would respectfully i
ft inform his fritnds ami the public generally, that he | OORNFIJI’S
Alias received Ids *prlng stylos for gentlemen, among -------- -
Lwlilch will bo found as rich and fine fancy Casslraeres.
Vestings, fan., ns havo ever been brought to this market.
1 All order* exeouted with dispatch, and In tho best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and judge for
humselve*. mhll
. BEARD. M.D..1
NOTICE—’The undeislgncd hare this
^Mtonw I « t *resu for the transaction ot a gen-
p ^lnaSRli t ^5 ralM,oa *n this city, an-
r of Rod fa Tao S , office 174 Bay street.
|haiui i8fpttmS< r 20th. 1868.
^faTudwi;!‘u ni! uken the
day str .
•tore at the corner
P^foUos a? m. would respectfully call
r * 80, ri and the public In general, to hi*
*" d Ogara which he’fo prepared
S*P-lHUafo»^!L;*. ,U S Passers.
■■.IWumj? n hand a ' ar 9 8 assortment
“r 11
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round the World, compris-
log Chill, the Gold Regions of California and Austra
lia. the South Sea Islands and Java, by E Oirsfoeckon
nomanoe of Abelard and Heloise. by 0 W Wright.
Pyscomaney, Spirit Rapping* and Table Tipping* sxpoeed,
by Professor Charles G Page.
A History of England from the first Invasion of the Ro
mans to the secession of William and Mary in 1088, by Jno
Lingard, D. D.
Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our friends in hea
ven T by Rev H Harbaugh.
Heaven, or the Sainted Dead, by Harbaugh.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment
of tho 8alnt# In Heaven.
The Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin
burgh Reviow for July; Ranking's half yexrlj Abstarct,
January to June, 1863; Barnum’s Illustrated News; the
Lady’s Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vol
Philosophy of Sir Wm Hamilton, edited by 0 W Wright.
Eearth’a Legacy; Annie Grayson; Grammar without a
master, fao.
%*S5ifHl re “ lr ®d lobblsblsacl-
■•!*!!!!!*! 2? "nnked Herring. 00 do
*»«UK #W .nJ.. ■’ smoked Herring.
■>fCl £ly r ?JP , J db *i U '«" anrt "a * ”0 no
■Ufir rn tfoffee and Ml
“o^ 4Url'.
"’Aid BrxyUjnVtreeulb/ 0 ' ol tho ol
H AVE in store, and offer for salj on accommodating
terms, the following, vis:
20 hhd* Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 50 bbl* crashed do,
60 do refined A B and C do. 26 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N 0 Syrup. 60 do New York do,
200 bags Rio Coffeo, 60 do Java do.
26 hhd* Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half, bbls Lard, 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap.various brands,
100 do fancy uo, for toilet use. auglB
WM. It. SYMONS. Draper axp Tailor, No.
jMl7 Whitaker streets, respectfully solicits the]
(Mnttentinn of his friends and tLe public In gen- 1
Uil.erai. to his large stock of Re*dy*ma ie Cloth-
Ing. sultablo for the present nnd cnmmg season. It has alt
tmi n made up under ills persona) superintendence nn l for
style nnd durability of workmanship. Is Inferior to nono to
be found In the market.
Tlie following comprise a portion of tlie stock: Frock* and
Sacks of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths; black,
brak d'oto Frocks and Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Sacks; India grass, silk nnd brown linen
Sacks; black nnd colored nlpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French casalmeres. black doe-skin cassl-
niere. blnck drab d’ete and spring tweed cssslmere, white
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a Urge lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vests or black satin, blnck baratlien- and fancy silks, fan
cy and white Marseilles, figured nnd striped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing OikkIs. such ns stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gnuze. merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, ete., etc.
Tlie whole of which he offers for salo on accommodating
terms, and at price* as cheap as the clieopest. . ap!3
u. (win i n *.mr™~ ro.—We take great
fSSBCSa " r «.A
L?! M r* *Wnn! t A k U,e aboT *-* finer, hotter, rieh-
•M . to Savannah For sale by
FttlCi» w Sr- AIKEN fa BURNS.
of7 ^°^**®-—We are In receipt of an-
tEftaLftr*r* ry fl"'«hed and fashion-
JJWaU sosveidr.fc 0n i f "', The demand for the«e very
J& ,,h *HfooM!l*.’ ln|?b ?fl ,T " ,ch th ' n the
EA^Italaad lhe wantl ofoor custom-
LlL? a Jll ,, ? la . our orders, and are now
‘Alio,. W ‘^ fal which wo ln-
„ Jnrt'npn—- p18 AIKEN fa Dtnun.
S IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Penonal Skstches of bis
own Times, a new edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Greenongh. by II. T. Tuckerman.
The Pedestrian In Fmtca and Switzerland, by G. Uanell.
The IJhertlnos ln American, by H. W. Warner.
A Book for every America, on the Science of Government
andCompendor the Constitution and Uivll Jurisprudence
oT the United State*, by A. W. Young. the author of Marv Burton.
Tim London Quarterly Review for July.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Review for August.
Nos. 10 and 11 Collier’s Shakespeare.
1 owry’a Uni renal Atlas.
Upham’s Mental Phylosophy. abridged.
Hue!,’* Thibet and Tartary, London edition, Ulustratea.
Lonl Bacon’s Essays. 1 vol.; Rab#fols’ Works, 2 vols
BBLS winter strained and bleached whale Oil.
_ 200 bags prime green Itlo Coffee.
60 bags old government Jara Coffee.
75 • Laguyra Coffee 40 do Maracaibo do.
IPO bbls El’heln*’ Gin, 40 do P & H Coun’t River do
20 *• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum.
60 bbls and 100 kegs prime Loaf Lard.
60 bhds prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar. 16 do Porto Rico do.
20 a> prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbl* butter, sugar, and soda Cracker*.
80 “ Stuart’s A, n. and C clarified Sugar.
40 ’* “ crashed and powdered Sugar.
80 boxes Beadell’s 6s sod 8s tallow Candlss.
100 u Star Candles, 300 do No lpalo and family Soap.
60 M Segars, of various brands. For sale by
J fa CO.
RmahiM Vn‘ f i plpc .*.'^ arrt Rnintly. lo do do
Ik ft S’ *> bbl " » 1 ' 1
IHpSWfcsSlS??? "“-"'r. 00 dodo oin, 100
L™ — 00 "hUk,,ju,tmd»oo.»ndforMUbr
TlX&iBrt-- MoMAnoK k DOTU.
R OADS AND RAILROADS, a manual of the principles
and practice of road making, comprising tbs location,
construction and improvement of roaas and railroads by
W. W. Gillespie, A. M., 0. E., civil sngiasfr in Union Col-
Pnsmsol Altxandsr Smith.
The last Leaf tzom Bunny Bide, by T.TfrlaU, with a me*
mortal of the author, by Austin Phelps.
Home Cookery, a collection or tried receipts, both foreign
and domestio, by Mrs. J. 8hadwick.
Q/\ BBIiJ H. Smith's Flour
OU 20 half bbU choice Canal Flour
20 bbls Sugar Crackers
20 half bbl* do do
20, bbls Butter do
20 hair bbls do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, a cholco article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar.
Landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by
QORDIAL.—20 dot. assorted French and German Cordials
dAMUEI. P. PHOPPIN, M. I).. | ! b,n)ftnl,tn ’ tors "f An.tomj
The room* for dissecting will bo open from the third Mon-
day in October to the First of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of tho
Charity Hospital, an.l attend this institution from Novem
ber to April. The Students accompany tho Professors in
their visits, and tbas enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages. free of expense.
There are about one thousand patients prescribed for
dally In this Hospital.
The number of patients is nearly twenty thousand, in the
, FOB SA1U.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acre*
strictly prime Rice Land, immediately npposito the old
i of Hardwick. Tho situation of tlie place affords one
of the best Saw-mill seat* in tho Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssels coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply lo Henry Williams,
U.S.District Attorney,Savannah,or to II. STILES.Bryau coun
g Tlie Plnntutiou known as Arrock, Immediately on
ithe west side of the Savaunali road seven miles from
^Darien, containing eleven hundred and forty seven
acre* of pine and hninmork land, oi which near two hun
dred and fifty acres are cleared and under fence. The bnm-
niock lunils aro of a superior quality for cotton, corn, fao.,
and the pine land* well adapted to turpentine. There are
negro house* and other buildings upon the plantation.
There is a water course within five mile* over » good road.
For term*, apply to E W. DkLKGAL, >»
aug!7—w3ni South Newport. O
being tlie Wharf now occupied by tlie Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
The property Is now under a lease which will expire on the
first of Novembornext.
If not sold nt private sale previous to the first Tuesday in
sbruary, it will then be offered at auction at the Court
>—• Apply
cpiIE cheapest establishment in the southern country for
J. the sale df sashes, doors, blinds and wood Mouldings,
of overy vnrioty. is st tlie corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets, Charleston. S. C. AB my work Is made of the
best seasoned wliite.pine, and the sashes aro glazed in the
very neatest manner.
A full supply or paints, oil, glass, varnishes, and brushes,
always for sale low. sepft—w4w U. V. SMITH.
rrUIE Subscribers are now prepnred to roceive order* for
X Flooring and other descriptions of Plalnod Lumber, at
tho Suvannah Plaining Machine, situated on the canal, at
tho western extremity of tlie city of Savannah, between
Zubly and Margaret streets. Orders for all descriptions of
Plained Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice,
and manufactured in a superior style, which cannot fail to
please tlie consumer. Woik dono by their machine will
compare with that of any now In use Tho subscribers
have succeeded in arranging for a constant supply of re
lucted seasoned Lumber, by which uo disappointment to
builders need bo apprehended. Every facility will be ex
tended in obtaining inatceinl for all parts of a building.
The Saw Mill, now being completed in the same building,
will be In operation In the course of uno month, when or
ders for overy description of Sawed Lumber will be execu*
ted with despatch. Apply to R;.A. ALLEN fa CO., or
I N AI.I. ITS BRA NCI 1ES.—It urinous cards, with appropri*' e
ate devices, embossed in a new style, in plaiji,ana fancy
eolors. Sen! 8 of every description, wfthor without pro sacs. >
Envelope* printed with nomo.,bu*lness and address,Ubels,-
jm,t r ,
Mil head*, manufacturer’* tickets. &c., aU executed In the
neatest manner and nt price*25per cent, below any siml*
lsr establishment. In consequence of better and improved
faciliticsfor the execution of such work.
N. D —All orders by tnnil promptly attended to. Goods
sent to any part of tho country.
T. B. CAI.VERT fa CO.,
Envelopeand Seal Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers. Em bos*
sera and Eengravers. 48 South 3d-*t., Philadelphia.
A RCHER & WARNER, Manufacturers, No 110 Chostint*
street. Philadelphia.respectfully solicit tlis atteoti m of
purchasers, to their assortment of chandeliers, bracket*,'
pendants, and every description of gas burners; also <
varioty of lamps, girandoles. &c. We warrant our ;
ly or lamps, g ... ...
equal In quality, nnd our prices as lowas any other mUV '
.in the country.
Bailment In the country.
Tlie Trado supplied with burners, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps, fac.. at reduced prices.
HUS S. Archer, t William F. Mlskev,
Redwood F. Warner. | Wm. 0. B. Merrill.
117 Chestnut-street, beimo Iburth. north side, Philadelphia.
fXTE inform merchants and residents of this vicinity, that'
“ V the most complete assortment or Mantel. Pier, Wall ,
and Oval Glasses, richest styles, for private use. or all kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames,fac.,wlll
bo found at our establishment.
. ,M *g experience and large facilities enable us to sell the
best goods at lowest price*. - — *
lo.mmnhm* treiu B given, wo will give esttmalCTforaoy
•*ed Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point
Orders solicited.
French l'lato Glass, for Stores, Dwellings, fac.. at Importa
tion pricee. THOMAS J. NATT fa 00.
rTIHE subscriber has just received per late arrivals, a
-L largo and fresh stock of the richest anil newest styles
“ Vetil
of Velvet. Tapestry. Brussels, three-ply Ingrain and Venl.
t> an Carpetings, all of which aro offered on the most dosta.
able terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Clotlis, Tablo Covers, Mai.
ting, fac.
Purchasers are requested to make an early axamlnatior
as strung inducements will bo held out to cash buyers.
. . R. B. WALKER, 190 Cbestnut-street,
mh17—lawtf below 8th, South side, Philadelphia.
Take Notice.
D J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few door*
IJ* above Market-sti-eet, Philadelphia, is tho most exten
sive and beat manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shades
in the United States, and has taken the highest premiums
at all tho exhibitions; he buys tho best materials oy whole-
sal” cheaper for Cash than others pay for Inferior ai tides by
retail, and can, therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
blindes, as cheap a* others ask fur inferior articles. Painted
Window Shades In great variety, of beautiful designs and
v tuffgnd White IJnen Shades, Blind and .
. WILLIAM KINK. Agent. Shade
or quality.
Fixtures, fac.. wholesale and retail, at
1-OnTB MO.W'AIEV-OCKET BOOKS AND S’olSI?”fiSji"- , 6t «™ «»'><■ l»l»W wdWml
FANCY GOODS . toonler. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’prices. Old Blind#
- — nntntnn tn 1 /LAI/ m, —g|, d „. T)..._l._n.. %... 111
rt that"
_ Monnalc*. Pocket Books, Bankers’ Cases, Dressing Ca-
sos. Portab'e Writing Desks. Backgammon nnd Chess Boards.
Cliessmeo, Pearl. 5hell. and Silver Card Cases, Work Boxes.
Cabas, Needle Books. Money Belts, Cigar CaseH, Portfolios,
Razors and Ra»ir Strops, Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutle
ry, together with a largo variety of Fancy Goods, which
will be sold at the lowest rates. F. II SMITH.
Purchasers, by calling,
article, a -- '
painted to look „
will be convinced that he sell* a superior artiole, and guar-
1 sntees full satisfaction. A liberal dlscountmads to desdsrt.
“ We study ioptease. 11
I »plO-eod . No. 12 North fith-street, Phils.
Porte Monnale and Pocket Book Maoufwtnm. ' A tfe^onrirtJ? '
sug21—codim 206 Arch *t„ below Sixth, Philadelphia. ( hat If the natlent I* grey, he can have htshalr restored to .
DYING AND ItKISOVATIffO. | ‘U.rigloJ colo'hru.liilyllW. mipw.- For S.1. b/ ,
IS FortJl., rmr of H« O.urt Horat Sranood, Oa. j J™ 31 . W. VT. UNOOI.S.Honnpmitaia.n,
T HE subscriber, for tho past six years Principal of the
Belair Academy, near Tallahassee, Florida, announces
to the citizons of Savannah that ho will open In this city,
on Tuesday. November 1st. a Select School, for boys. In
structions will be glven,ln all tho Classics, the Mathematics,
the French Language, and in all the branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youth* will be prepared for college, or
fitted for mercantile or other business. Tlie scholastio
year will consist of ten months, divided Into two terms—
August and September being vacation. Tho tuition fee for
any, or all of tho above studies, Is fixed at $80 per year.
A graduate ol the College of New Jersey, at Princeton,
with seventeen years' experience In teaching, the subscri
ber feels warranted in appealing with confidence to the
citizens of Savannah for patreungo.
As a stranger, he la permitted to refer to Bishop Elliott
for character and qualifications, and takes pleasure in ap
pending the following certificate from his late patrons.
Savannah, September 22d, 1863,
Established In 183a.
y^ADIES’ SIlk and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covert,
'LOUR, BACON, fac.—200 bbls superflno Howard street
Offers for salo. a large assortment of Cloths, Cas-
simerea and Vestings, consisting In part of ths fol-
lowing articles, selected by himself during the past
summer In London and Pans, which he will make up to or
der in the best stylo of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish
ing Goods, for gentlemen’s wear, it very largo and of the
best quality ana stylo—tho whole of It made this fall under
his own inspection, and will be sold at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit -.—French black, blue, brown and '
olive Cloths ; fancy French and English Cassimeres ; fancy
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk l’luah Vestings: black Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres; Me
rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white and fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirt* and Drawers: and fancy Kid Gloves; Nock Ties, plain and
embroidered: Merino and Cotton 8ocks; Scarfs, Satin and
Borabasln Socks. no6 17 WhitakeMtreet.
Taluuasskk. August 29th, 1863.
Mr. William S. Bog art, principal of tho Belair Academy,
to Savannah, fa "
being about to remove to Savannah, for the purpose of es-
tablulitng a school la that place, the undersigned, having
had children under his care, take pleasure in recommend
ing him as a highly competent teacher, and worthy Christ
ian gentleman.
It is with much regret that they have heard of his in
tended removal from this vicinity; as. besides their kind
personal relations towards him, they believe that hia place
as a teacher can be with difficulty supplied, and that his
removal tlierforo will be regarded aa a public loss.
J. Way lea Bakor, George Wl
Francis Kppes,
. WE are constantly receiving these valuable
_ 'Coaes. and have them always In readiness to be
deliveredat the shortest notice. _ „
N. B.—Wei
have received .... ,
ter signed by the different members . „ . .
Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body ot
the Hon. IIcntT Cur, deceased, (which was enclosed in one
of Fran's Metallo Cates,) ana who went with it to Kontucky;
> for sale by
EIJ.Y.—20 doz assorted Jelly—Apples, Currant, Straw-
*■— • ale by
J berry, Orange, and Quince, for sale
H AY.—60 bales of prime Eastern Hay, per brig Ueorgiana
and for sale by octlft K. W. BUKER.
W ORKS OF JOHN C. CALHOUN—The second velum
e -
P^BJSSJsss “ bbU
ragStSe 1 *'
. njllwphjof M/.UriomBapplnDMdIUplrtoBraher,
by E.O Rogers.
Chambers’ Miscellany, lu 20 volumes, fancy boards, and
10 volumes, cloth..
Chambers’ Repository, 4 volumes, faney boards.
(Lambsrs’ Information for the People, royal octavo, half
calf blading.
Chambars’ Papers for the People, 12 vols., fonoy bound.
.The Works ofSamoslUaundsr, Including the Treasury of
containing ths speeches cf John 0. Ctalboun dsllvere^
in ths House of Representatives and In the. Senate of the
United States, edited by Richard K. Cralle. received and for
sale by eep14 S. 8. SIBLEY, 138 Congress st
G UAQIXO RODS—Gusglng Rods, Out Sticks, 8plritProoft,
Bung Starts, Splcklts end Faucet*. For sale low by
it6 . J. P. COLLINS. lOOBryan-st.
pRE8H TEA5^-A targe assortment of froth Green and
_ BfackTeaJl.' just received and for sale b,
octl W. W l
B5P JU^ MKlQlf All. KKTJ.Y faOO
L IKE—800 bbls Rockland Umei now landing at Whlte^
head’s wharf, per brig Argo,from Bostan,snd forsai#
head’s wharf, per. brig Argo, frqw Bo? to?!,..
by oet4 OGDEN fa BUNKER.
j^OTIp?.—Th* subscriber ‘ - -. -
l, \V . I1G1UU44. A VAI
e are permitted to inform the public that we
id from Mr. RzYMOtm, of New York city, a let-
y the different members of the United States
that the Case answered the pur-
they »ay to Mr. RiYMOXD, ..... •
poso for which It was intended, and meet* with thelrappro-
bation, and they eheerfolly recommend ft to the public as
to any other Ckse for the transportation ot
being superior io any other Ckse
the dead. The letter can be seen bj
Tho subscriber hits just received a largenumber ol
Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which he will dispose ol
accommodating terms. Among them mar be
found the following '; Cooking 8toves, The Republic, Lady ot
the lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
Premium, Eastern' Premium. Parlor ndd 'offlcq Stoves.—
Union Cottage; Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval,8lx Plate, Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Pina,’
fac. fac. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu
factured at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, and
to with powtoD^ ^
Noe. 10 and 12 Barnard street
John Parkhill,
Thomas F. Williams,
George Ualphin,
Oliver 8. Burroughs,
Francis H. Flagg,
Turbutt B. Betton,
George T. Ward,
Wm, R. Hayward.
George Whitfioid,
Benjamin F. Whltner,
John J. Maxwell.
William M. Maxwell,
J. Ftevens Maxwell,
Edward Footman.
Arthur M. Randolph,
J. George Anderson.
James J. Archer,
- —,— ■ — Flour, 60 hhds prime new Bacon £hles.20 dodo8honld-
*1-. fac., cleaned and dyed various colors, Ladles’ Bonnets 1 era. 30 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf Lard, landing and for sale by
Bleached and Prossed in a fashionable style, Kid Gloves ! mh9 SCRANTON, JOIINSTON fa GO.
j.u;»,,-t™.w- A
Terms moderate.
Persons souding parcels by Ilsrnden’s express, railroad
or steamboats, are requt-sted to write mo per mall, so that
I may know where to call fur them amt which way to send
them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will
bo about 26 cents. AU orders punctually attended to.
apl 12—tnfo4
R eceived ny s. s. sibley, August io, isss:
Miles Tromenhere, or the Love Test, by Annetto Mario
MaUlard. author of Zlngra the^Gypscy.
Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of Logic
nd Metaphysics in Edinburgh University, for the uso of
chools and colleges.
Abelard andEloise, a romance,by 0. W. Wright.
Pyscomaney, Spirit Rap^ings and Tipping* exposed, by
Professor Charles G. Psgo.
Barnum’s Illustrated New*; Gleason’s Piotoral; Popular
Educator ( Majarim of Arts, &c. For sale at the book
store of 8 8. SIBLEY,
augll 135 Congress-street.
T HE Sword and the Distaff, or Fat. Fair and Forty, a s'o-
ry of the South at the close of the Revolution, by the
author of the Partisans, Mellichampl, Catherine Walton,
fac. fac.
The Heavenly Home, or tho Employmenl* and Enjoy
ments of the Saints In Heaven, by Rev H Harbaugh, A. If.
Poomr. by Moditatu*; Book of the World, No 10.
Book of tbs World, vol I. bound.
The Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Scienoes. No 17.
Tho British and Foreign Medico-Chlrurglcal Review, No
23. Received by
TU8T received, a variety of pubUcations of the New York
J Protestant Episcopal Society, Tracts, Church Cate
chisms! Sabbath School Service, andotber che*p_ sad valu
able Publications, “
French will be exoltuivsly spoken in the School and fam
ily, but due regard will be also bad to a thorough English
Education. Madame Togno is prepared to refer parents and
' ' it Professr — “
guardians to the most eminent Professors of Musio in Phil-
adelphla and New York, and to a number of gentlemen in
Philadelphia and Virginia, to whose daughters she baa giv
en instruction for several years.
Philadelphia.—^or. Kingston Goddard, Md’Ue Adele Si
te. Mad. Chs. Pleot,
ir IHsrs
Acelle Gullloa, (mother of
*»au. Yogno.) Ed.D. Ingraham.Esq.,Dr. Wm. Harris, H. D.
Qalpin, Esq., Signor Itarelli, Prof, of Mosle, H. Hupfold,
Bmk. Prof, of Musie.
Neto York.—Mad. H. Chegr-rar, Signor Bsgioll. •
Winchester, Fa.—Rev. C. Walker, Rev. H. H. Boyd. Hon
J. M. Mason. Hon. R. Y. Conrad, Geo. Lee, H. H. Lee, Bm.
Charleston.—3, L. Petigru, Esq., 0. Mills, Esq., J. pTpoi
cher. Esq , H. C. r King, Esq/ > - Hwdfi-sel
T7ANCY ARTICLES.—SUk and buckskin parses, wallets,
JP segar case* MU books. Ivory tablets, perfumery, soap#,
fac., for sale at 147 Bay street, by '
oct22 . . PRICE fa VEADER.
P ISHING AND JOCKEY 0AP8.-Becelved by fata arri-
* * « -
_ v»la, a new supply. TTiose ln went'rill »t
147 Bay-at' mayM PRICK fa VEADER.
, . . . large, middle size, and mull
TiRKHGDM DBOPS—Rost, Lemon andlUsphery Gaih crates GIsjm Flasks, quarts, pints,'
1/ Drops, Jast received from A J ChtuTca^nx^an^for sale and for sal* by : sepll
^oot32 • Monument squaw.
/GENUINE FARINA fcOLONE—Quarts, pints' and half
U pints genuine Fariu Cologne, In wlUow coveredhot*
1 other cheap l
For sals at the Book Store of
No. 186 Congress-street.
try, to tlio following new nnd beautiful goods which we haVe
inst received, vis : silk Paris mantillas, faced gimp mantil
las, black nett scarfs, col’d. neet scarfs, ladles cravats and
ties, French worked collars, laced capes, chemlzetts and un
der pteevee, oonnet ribbon, gauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon, Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
silk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of other article#
too numerous to mention. Please call and sea for your
selves ; all of which will be sold on the best possible urmi
far Mhl9 A1K1N fa BURRS,
TU8T RECEIVED.—We havo Ju?t received, a .fresh sup
mi p jr ra8 ^ no ’ $ au *?> Mlk end cqUqu Vesta,
Misses and Infant’s merino vest*, geqtq rilk. meriop, g—
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of linen cambrio
handkerchiefs, ladies’ and misses’ white and brePB .cotton
hose, white and black silk do, gent# white, brpwn'and mix-
*■ -«-**- -iJ black silk **“
ed lulf hose, gents white and btaok'allk do do. together
with a large assortment of whito and colored linen cam .
brie handkerchiefs, colored and black sRlf CtaHta, Stock# .
and ties, for salo low by ,
mb26 AIK1N fa BURNS
S HAWLS, fac.—Super, and common crape shawls plain
and embroidered, vandyke colter* beauUful goods; ## *
and embroidered. Vandyke collsra bsauUl
zorted parasols, plain, striped and checked glace tl , .
mer do, bareges, tissues and grenedinoa, colored and tahit*
isconet and organdy muslins, » large assortment of falsh
linens, French printed cambrics.
»p!4 178 Broughton-street •
- r —, patter ....... ... ,
tissues, ladles’ onlored and black umbrellas and paritacfal
silk gimp to salt all shades of silks and bareges. ssi®* •
mantillas, shawls, points and scarfs, white and black sow
ing silk scarfs, white lace and cobred silk znantilktarMt#'-. ->■
" J * • black swan silks, blaok^
French gtn^hstns^for «i
1 crape .....
and tissues, black and lead
__ ipack!
great care, suitable for shipping. Deaiers snd othrrs wlU
consult their interest by rending their orders to the sol#
aug20—d0m New Drag Warehouse.
N. W. corner 10th and MarksfasU., Philadelphia.
named ware, as being a snbtltate, which for use fa warrant
ed to be equally as good. It fa a harder metal than rilver,
consequently will bear rougher usage. It is a eomMutlon
of perfectly pare metals, and U os free from con. fea u
silver. Every artiole will be warranted to retain Its origin,
al color. It coasiata in part of the following; table and
dessert forks, tea. Uhl# *nd dessert spoons, 4c., Jnstre*
sdved and for sals by
J. P COLLINS, 100 Bryan-etwot
RAPPING' PAPER, fac.—160 reams Wrappl
piDUR-Mb^fresh Hiram SaltViFletjrj S» ddOeoe-
' ss^' ’ ' ' J. V. .CONNERAT fa 00.
E nglish mckles andsaucis.—0 aoFJu&iSBtM ■
English Pickle*, 6 dosbottlaiaisorted Sauces; jtairta* -
rviSSOLUTION.-the firm of Knnroir k JlBSmTO fj> \\
J-F dissolvod, by mntual consent, on tb# 16th InjUnt. u--. •
:■ m
Savannah, lBthFebrusry, 1868.
am .
r<f , .—Colored s!
dlks, brown, silk psrasofa, h*r*g#4 a
for•oleatthelowretpri#*#,by : • Oi
n«wnt tuowiiii.
• £ gjitfe a m m -:>
raesuc Brandy ; 60 uo. r. mmi
casks Malaga Wins, for safe by
... V -» v ,
^ 1111 in'
' v : vs; ;