Newspaper Page Text
- ; rnt.WffyrAy/Sro WKEKLY,BJ
-» wlWEEKLVf|—WffiKLY, W.
ftlB ^riereninf^ndayi exoopt*
StSESMI* "" ™oinln|«hedul«,
SSiiUSSK»f" ,anum -
'* , ,«tw' VEK S? B0Ra,A "’
^^^ssSsssjiSki* p»>"
argervi ...
of the mt, by W. R. Wild*.
Godeyhi Udye* Book tor Ootobor.
Th« vlallm of Excitement, by Caroline toe Hint*, .
Professor Stillman's rUll to Europe ta 1851, with ongrav-
^ Exiles—a tale by T»Wi.
The Cornel Hunt, by Faber.
Albert Smlth'e Story of Mont Blance.
The Worke of Calhoun. role. 1 end 3.
Nos. 5 end 8 Illustrated Record of the N. Y. exhibition.
The Cloister life of Chtries 6th,
16th English Low and Equity Reports.
Blackwood for September. Ecleotlp Magazine. Sllllman’s
Journal, the Lancet. Illustrated Magaslne of Art, Ao, Ac.
nun book*.
s^iSiiTsnmi.n. hsukahom oo.
w «.r*«''‘ k ' Rn " M " r '“ “ ol IU "“ “
Roberta, J. R. Wilder, t.
.Indewe.R-R-RiaPP., Lathrop
HBtRY n. WEED, Prelldent,
11UU.M ROBERTS, Ylco President
jjWjlfcflPW* 8 * 5 '*
J^tmVED BY 8. S^siomr, August 80th, 1853:
_ The Fawn or the File Faces, or two centuries ago, by
J.P. Brace.
The Matricide’s Daughter, ora tale of life In the groat
metroplla. by Newton M. Curtis.
Dare Devil-Dick, or the road and Its riders, being the ro-
mantle adventures encountered by Dick Turpin, Ac.
The IMrate Doctor, br a Naval Officer. «
Blackwood's Magazine for August: Graham's Magazine
for September: Uodey’s Lady*' Book for September; Glea
son’s ITctoral; Darn urn’s Illustrated News; for sale at 185
Congress street. au881
No, 0 Whitaker-street. . * .'
THE BUBSCRIUER resprctfullr announces to the
lUzens of Savannah, and of the Interior of this
late, that be lias now opened and will keep con*
tlnually In store, a large assortment of the best qualities
of the various kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and domestic, invoiced from the best sources, and to his
clock of which, at present on hand, he Invites attention.—
Having had extensive oxperlence In France aa a manufkc-
turer, and in America as importer and dealer, hie acqualn*
tanoe with the trade enablea him to offer assurance that the
artlolea which are enumerated below are each genuine t
Article* off Dlroct Importation.—French Bran*
dies of various brand* t Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish aud
Monongnhel* Whisky; Old Batavia Arrack ; Jamaica and
8t Croix Rum.
Wines,—Old Port. Madeira, Shorry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret, Sauterno nnd Burgundy Wines.
Cortllala.—In cases. Curacoa, Maraschino, Ratafia, Sla-
valts. Klrachenwasser, Absinth, Ac.
Ale and Porter—-Loudon Brown 8tout, and Edin
burgh Ale.
Also Agent for Domestic Liquors.
nov5 R. MAYER.
a reply
f t„Kud for their friends and desirous of
Person*v>»°‘ * flHt c , aM pilo kot sblos, are Informed
,•*mIS* »“>)• Aj»nt. for tb«.bov. ligeu-
_ or Passages In the Life of an Italian.
8outh Carolina in the Revolutionary War, being
to misrepresentations In relation to that State.
Bherldan’s IJfe and Memoirs, by Thomas Moore.
Lwgard’s History of England, a now and cheap edition,
In 13 volumos.
General Baron Jomtnts' History of the Campalgu of Wa
A Memorial of Horatio 0 reenough, by Tuckorman.
Bolsmont's Hallucinations, a rational history of appari
tions, visions, dreams, etc.
Mrs. Lee's Habits and Instincts of Animals, Birds. Rep
tiles and Fishes.
The Fawn of tbo Palo Faces, by Bruce.
Collier’s Hhakuipearo, vol. 5, choap edition.
Young Americans’ Library—Ufa ofWebster.
Gersticckor’s Journey Round the World, a new supply.
.iltoitwl l„ dr«w »» Meur.. Wm. Tap.eott
| ,rem 41 *»■» »PW»rd«. .blob
I In «»f t»»“ throughout Ireland nnd
n ,g,„,fr.m«,udOnm.n,, P ,,.bl, In
I V-.j ,1 lb OatiMot. .1.0 for ««lo. Apply to
I DUSKER fc UUDEN. 80 ilay-.treot.
liH'HV IIIU. Prt.ld.nt «nd Truiurdr,
jUDS CUASK, Sec'ry. I C. Y. McKAY, Actuary.
. K. ubnltuol, Ag«nt of tb, ,bov. Company, cooliout,
I ,bt,tb fotlortlng Rtsh'i rlt.: Morlut, Rlror and Flrn
I iwntbe Lire* ofServant*.
Rnssflfhlte Perions are also taken by this Company.
I (..topruulam for residing in the South.
Comer of Bay and Dmyton-streets.
n, uml.r.imd bar, moclntod (nemeelves lo*
I ill. coo nnd ntylo of Murphy A Do-
I Tutor, fur the trauMcttou or geuerul Hoot nnd
■ * M^MDadnOM.hnrlngtho atnnd on tho corner of
l(KB.ul Wbttnker.,trt,t.. former? ooonplcd by >1
Ifejid- Ibo*™ »»' pr-pnrod tnnfcr to Uiolr Hondo
1 dSwtlh. i «u .eleeled ■wok Of ho; lo*’ nnd Gentle-
fre subscriber hss now opened a large nnd choice
lUjortmenl of new itylo or Tall and winter goods,
tfieiit ini of French and English black and fancy
u Jeokwd Cloth, plain black doe skin Casidmcres. Qgu.
(dkxk elastic Oumneros. will* a largo variety of French
ktCudmciwof the latest stylo and pattern. Also a
!&** variety of Vestings, consisting of figure-1 black and
ktrrCubmeret.plain blsck Satin, figured black and fancy
[SUudSttln*. eat silk Velvets. &c. Tlio whole of which
kl>tf(psredtomaVe up to order 1n the most Tushonablo
■sar.snd on'accoinuiodaling terms.
' *. $ Draper and Tailor. 17 Wliltakor-at.
N ew books iuxeivkd bys. s. hiuiaiy, au*r. xo.—
The English Soldier In United States Army, The ad
ventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, who came up to Lon-
don to enjoy themselves, by H. ftlayhew nnd Geo. Cruik-
shank. 11*8 Knlckleburjrs on the Rhine, by W. M. Thacke
ray. Faust, a Romance of the Secret Tribunals, by 0. W.
M. Reynolds. David Copperfleld. the younger, by C. Dick
ens. Life and adventures of Charles Chesterfield, by the
author of Petticoat Government, Ac. The History ot 8t.
Giles and St. James, by Douglas Jerrold, Esq. J. Fcnimore
Cooper’s Novels. The Golden Eagle, or the Privateer of
Seventy-Six. by Sylvanus Cobb. Jr. The Countess of Do-
Charny. or the fall of the French Monarchy, ay Alexander
Dumas. Barnura’s Illustrated News. Gleasons Pictorial.
For sale No. 135. Congress-st.
Have In store, and offer for sale, on the most
favorable torms—
16 hhds St mix Sugar, 2A do Porto Rico do
25 do N Orleans do. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A. B and C Sugar, 25 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bags Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffoo. 60 do Jamaica do
10 cases Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Bacon Sides
26 casks Shoulders. 25 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 25 hair do Canal do
26 hhds. 60 tierces nnd 60 bbls West ludia Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
25 quarter cheBU Hyson Tea, 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 and Palo Soap
100 bslea Gunny Coth. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 260 Flaok’n do, 25 do Connecticut
River do, 25 do N E Rum
20 qr casks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madolra do
6 half pipes Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Mnnongahela Whisky'. 10 qr casks Port Wine
16 bbls Mint and Itoae Cordial.
Also, the following old and vo«y choice uqunrs. In glasses :
40 dozen choice Ohl Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
36 demljone St Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongshela Whisky. 1845
10 do Pure Juice, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
36 dozen Bcbeldam Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar.
maylS ..-
, . n Mill 8ton«s I Plough*' of VaHou*
1 kinds, Eagle, fluh-Soll and Wrought
hfihnro! Iron Fire-proof Safe*, Shovel*
and Spado*. Manure and Hay Forke. Potato Hooka, Corn
8h#ller«, Cob Crashers. Manure Drags, Cultlvstots, Btrkw
Cutters, Scythe* and Snenths. How, Axes, lick Axes and
Handles. Road Scrapers, Ox Chains, Ox Yokes. Garden and
Fancy Barrows, Garden Chairs. Segments and Gudgeons
Sreen Wire, Haines, Measures, Grist Mill*, Rice Threshers,
Cauldrons. Douglass’ Pumps and Water Rams, Well Wheels,
do Buckets, Cotton and Counter Scales, Trunks, Cotton
Honks, Jaok Screws, Burnle’s Sea Island Cotton Gin* and
Griswold’s Upland do. Cemont, Plaster, Mill and Cross Cut
Saws j also, Hand and Yard Saws. to. For sale by
no! (I CHA’S H, OAMPFIELD, 171 Bay-st.
Wholesale aiM Retail,
No, lid Brmqhtnn-tt..between JittU and Whitaker,
TOE largest and belt selected stock of good* ever
offered for sale In this city. Gold and Silver Watches.
.. .Vest. Fob and Guard Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Chat*
claneaUricclots, Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Rings,
Silver Castors, Tea Set*, Pitchers. Goblets, Cnjie, Cake Baskets,
Spoons, Forks, Fish Knives, Pie Knives, Cheese Scoupi, la
dles, Synhons, Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great vnrioty of articles too numerous to
mention : tho whole of which will ho sold at reduced prices.
AUklndsof Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and olhor Jobbing
attondodto by competent hands. HORTON & TURKMAN.
The undersigned begs leave to Inform the Citizens
jof Savannah, nnd tho peoploln the country in gene-
rai, that ho has taken tho Store No. 148 Broughton Street,
one door Went of Dixon’s Confectionery, where ho will be
pleased to make and repair nil kinds of Clocks aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may ho intrusted,
ffplffi exercises of this institution will be mumed on
J. Monday, October 10th. und*r the management of J. B.
MALLARD and BERNARD MAI JJOS. aaaocTate principals.
Tho academic year 1* divided Into four quarters of eleven
weeks **ch, as follow* t
- First quarter commence* October 10th. and end* Decem
ber 24th.
Second quarter commence* January 1st, 1364, and ends
March 18th.
Third quarter commences March 18th, and onda Juno
Fourth quarter commence* June 10th, and ends August
The academy ia organised Into five department*—Prima
ry. Intermediate, Grammar, Llasslual. and Young Ladlea*.
No expense has boon spared to (111 the several depart
ments with well-nunllOed and experienced teamen.
The Young ladies will be under the charge of J. D. Mai,
LAliD, assisted by Miss M. A. Callksdkk, wbo was educatod
In the best schools of Northampton, Mass., and lia« been
for the last three years principal of a female academy in
this State.
The Classical Department will be under the charge of Mr.
Isaao F. Cart, a grsduato of Brown University, for two
years classical teacher in tho High School In Providence,
nnd for the Inst six years princl|ial of tho High School, In
Warren, lthudo Island,
Tho Grammar Department will bo under tho charge of B.
allon. as heretofore,
Tito Intermediate Department will be taught by Mr. Hex
»t Baker, a graduate of Oglethorpe University j and tho
primary by Mias A. R, Carter.
Arrangements have been mnde with Mr. E. Miller for
ug iustinotion in French and Drawing.
J<>»NBvMALI.ARD,j PrIaclpal|j
jn« THE subscriber offors for sale 1,200 acres of Land,
pgSlylttgon the Aktamaba. river, three miles below the
.fkrk. known as Town Bluff. 'Aero are 260 acres open,
wady for cultivation \ also two smalt framed houses with
good framed barn aud good framed store house,situate on
the bank of the river, one of the best stands for a star* In
this section. The place has the advantage of steamboats
during the (all, winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchaso can do so by calling on tho subicriber on the
Allso. 080 acres of Land well timbered, with 160 acre* of
first rate bay land well ditched and dralned.ready for clear
ing. with five acres cleared. Said land will produce fifty
bushels of com to the acre. This land lies two miles from
Mann Ferry, on the Alutamaha river.
Also, 6,000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatamalia and Ocmulgee rivers.
All these lands are situate in the first and second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acres of land well timbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person wishing further
particulars AA ~~ iT ’-’ ~ ~ 1
s can address mo at Hall P. 0., Georgia.
Janfil—lawdAwfim W. DYAI.L.
geess-at.—Bible la the Family—Bible la the Counting
Annals of Tonnossee. by J. G. M Ramsey, M. D.
The Sword and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Marla De Bernlevo, a tale of the Crosoent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
Tho Raco for Riches, and some of the pits into which tho
Runners fall.
Tho Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tuatln, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—tho history of Etheriat Softdown
and the Friends of the New IJght. by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor, or tho Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
and both hemispheres.
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Calla. of tho Union
Prcsbyterlnn Church, of Philadelphia. Je28
R ECEIVED BY S S. SIBLEY. Juno 28. 1853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School Life, by C. Adams.
Tho Old Forest Rangor.or Wild Sports of India, by MaJ.
Walter Cambollaud Frank Forester.
A New History of'the World, giving nn account of the
various Revolutions In Europe and America, to the present
time, by H. White, B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. II.
The Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for July, an interesting numbor.
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Barnum’s Illustrated Nows, Gleason’s Pictoral, &o.
J 0C?E FCUNISUJEC GOODS.—Linen and cotton 10 4.
114 SD-1 12-4 Sheeting*, linen and cotton 5-4,0-0 nnd
■ Hfc fur pillow eases, white and colored Furniture Diini-
■ Treach,Engtish nnd American Furniture Chintzo, Mar-
iMattrl LsncAiter Quilts, largo and small, llainask Nap-
bud4 Dalles, white and colored, French Bordered Towels
_kA* and eranh. Scotch Diaper nnd Towels, lluckabnck
5 er, Rb*-Is snd Hird’s eye Diaper, 10-4.11-4 and 12*4
BukeU. Crib Blankets. Window Sea es and Fixtures,
llkiund Title Covers, linen and cotton, just received and
|k«leby oct2» AIKIN k MURKS.
L IMES’, gentlemen's snd childen’s cotton, silk and me-
lino Hose sod Under garments; kid nnd silk Gloves:
■keumbile Handkerchiefs. Embroidered do ; plaid wool
link; Thibet do; Broche do; Scarfs ; Moreen’s worsted
Ihauki; window Shade*; embroidered Curtains. Ac.; re-
liMind for sale br o20 DsWITT k MORGAN
3. COHEN k HANNON respectfully announce to
L ,ll Um eltUin* of Barannsli that they are now prepared
|ih*llklo>l*of work in their line, at their new shop,
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round the World, compris
ing Chili, the Gold Regions of California and Austra
lia. tho South Sen Islands nnd Java, by E Glrstnocker.
Romance of Abelard and Ilelolse. by O W Wright.
Pyscomancy. Spirit Rapping* and Tablo Tippings exposed,
by Professor Charles G Page.
A History of England from tho first Invasion of the Ro
mans to tho nccesslon of William and Mary In 1088, by Jno
IJngnrd, D. D.
Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our friends in hea
ven’ by Rev H Hnrbaugh.
Heaven, or the Sainted Dead, by Harbnugh.
Tho Heavenly Home, or tho Employment and Enjoyment
of the Faints in Heaven.
The Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin
burgh Review for July; Ranking’s half yewly Absturct.
January to June, 1853; Barnuin’s Illustrated News ; the
Lady’s Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vol
Philosophy of Sir Win Hamilton, edited by O W Wright.
Hearth's Legacy ; Annie Grayson ; Grammar without a
master. Ac.
And Fbncy Goode,
RECEIVING by erery arrival of tho 8toamera fresh
ions.mHkingtho best assortment in this clt^, of all
kinds of Watches, Jewelry. Fancy Goods, Silver Spoons, Forks,
Pltcliora, Tea Sots, Cups, Syphons, Plated Castors, aud every
variety of articles connected with our line of business; allol
which will bo sold as low ns In any city In the Union.
__ Particular attention given to tho Repairing of Watch*
es and Jewelry. no 20
25 HHDS. Porto Rico nnd Muscovado Sugar, 25
do choice New Orleans do, 25 do do Cuba ilolas-
■Hses, 100 bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu-
■“art’s rectified do. COO gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Unseed do. 200 boxes Sperm ami Adnmnmnntlno Candles,
26 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed and assorted Candles, 76 packages Teas. Black, Im
perial nnd Green, 160 bbls A. B nnd C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered nnd Crashed do. Prunes,
Figs, Citron, Pickles, Itnlslns. Yeast Powders. Saloratua, So
da. &o., now In store and for salo vory low. by
C-'nn—160 bags prhno Wo, 75 do Jamaica, 60
lo Java.
Scoak—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do 81. Croix, 5 do
New Orleans, 100 bids Crushed. Powdered nnd Clarified.
Mourns—25 hhds Cubs. 76 bbls New Orleans.
Flour—160 bbls Baltimore. "6 do Canal. 60 do II Smith’s.
Baoox—15 casks Philadelphia limns. 500 Baltimore can
vassed do. 80 hhds Sides. 20 do Shoulders.
Potatoes—160 bbls 1* and Mercer.
Lard ajcd Codfish—26 bbls choice lA*nf Ixrd, 0 casks Cod
8oap. axd Staroi!—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole nod lmlf boxes Starch. 76 do
Admnntino Candles. 25 do Sperm, 25 do Star, 150 do Patent
Toracco—450 packages various brands nnd qualities.
Lkmox Syrup, kc.—60 boxes Union Syrun, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10do Brandy Peaches.
Domhvtic UquoRR—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 60 do N E Rum. 75
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Mnnongnlieln do.
Wixm—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra-received and for sale by
npl20 McMAHON ft DOYLE.
jjfJ THE undersigned Is now.npen!ng n splendid assort-
Ijr?ment of rich JEWELRY, embracing tho rcctfnt patterns
wof Ear-rings, Pins, Drncelets nnd Finger-rings, among
f which are some flno dianoml setting*.from $10 to $500.
Also, twenty-five sets of those unlquo Pearl Sei» of Ear-
'i. \ rings and Itrooches. from $18 to $126 the ret. newest
and rarest patterns: together with a very select assort-
•' ment of extra fine Watches set In pearl, diamond, bun'
ting nnd plain cases. Thouo. with a further assortment ol
guod Jowelry. Sterling Silver Sots, Spoons, Forks, ladles,
Cups. Ac... and Plated Wure of all kin ’s.Fancy Work Boxes.
Dressing Cases. Folios.. Clocks. Bronze Figures, gold mount
ed Cunes. Cuttlery. An . render* his assortment very com
plete. and unsurimsscd iu tho Stnte, either in quality or pri
ces. D. B. NICHOLS
AS-Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks,
and jewelry. noW
MR. F. STEIN, ou Broughton-atreet. lias just recoiv-
-SL'ed the finest assortment of new nnd faslilonablo Jewel-
/ rv of all descriptions. Gold nnd silver pencils and liens,
'i silver and silver giltcd ware ami fruit baskets, waiters.
jC^tcasets, candlesticks, table and lea s|M>on«: lino tablo,
wvpockctnnd penknlves.sclssors.nndalarge variety of the
finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
ladies an-1 gentlemen, ns nlso a fine selection of llutinns,
acconllans nnd fancy articles, too numerous to mention!
which lie offers at tlic lowost prices ever sold in this cily
The attention of the public at large, but especially that of
the ln-lies. is oarticularlv reoucKted. nu21
ifir Tho Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for si x months, aud send bill to \v. It.
■ifirwnwv of Bruughtou aiul%Uriytou-ats. They have
fUfidiel the following as their; rates of charges: Fi
pillar ,n *. ; per month, for 2 or three times per week
k; liiaipi i week SI; 5 or 0 times a week $1 60; every
fell IS per month. Ilalr cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c.
■ Hr.C01IEX will always hold himself in readiness to at-
■WUonlerifromthoi'n who may require his services at
, ‘ L, “ *iov8
■j5DER»n*w tn-1 improved organization, manufacture
■ *_Locomotivo and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gins,
T***,Ltbei. Drill*. Ac. Also, every description of Cot-
[kffMlfBandSaw Mill work.Shafting. Pulleys. Ao., Cast-
J nr weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
_ M price*. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Ikjot 1} Platt-street, cornor of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
inExaWor. Collins k Co. and H. Collins’ Axes, Hard-
<y,23 Pratt-st.. New York. oclO—lyr
, BANK’S Patent Platform Scale*—(Improved Inqual
Vdyzad reduced In price)—Adapted to every required op*
Pbe of weighing, s* Railroad Scales for trains or single emu
*e»n the principal railroads In the United States and
el Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
^k,torfoaadriei.rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
dotioM; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.—
«Salei hire been long known nnd severely tested ; nnd
puunrul ponHdenco felt In their accuracy and perfect
““ rucli that they are now regarded as the stand-
as which there is no appeal.
■m "®®y®D."*A supply of Mineral Paints, lire and
K»w-ptoof colors, unfading, Silver’s Mineral Paints
^wcnuslly from all others in market. They are not
?LlMy require little oil. they do not work toughly, but
u while lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
tin !' lini * bccomean Indestructable covering ol
iP’Wwhil * r c ( ack nor ^ ec *’ aui ' re( l u * r0 no
T ? r *°*7 Red, Yellow, various Browns,
L They are superior in body (or covering
T"I) to anythin* ever discovered, and pound for pound
double tho surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
I?*; tad require leas oil.
lii,iiv 0 ^-l ir *P 8rei ' to C0Ter Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
| ““ailrer’a Mineral Paints. For sale by
10 and 12 Banianl-alreet.
■’irnifto.m- REMOVAL.
>Mr^ rhu,n? , iu5t remove.! to No. 21 Bull-street, (bo-
latiimu?* ni ,’} rnu Khton-street*.) would inform his g«n p r*Hy. that he will open Tins
’“Pplvof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
fcniB-l and American Cloths, Cassf-
ifiMilsV. 5**; P urc l>»' | e ( irrnm tho most extensive tin-
J*^itiBA~ n .I*v! rhlch ,10 ,N prepared to make up In
ud most fuhionabl# styles.
J heretofore existing with the under-
IrtiSmiSr f ! rra of BOSTON A GUNDY, is this
■.*k4i, nJ > I. rau * D \ 1 on, °nt- Either partner Isautho-
■kvu n * m * ot the firm In dosing the unsuttled
fete 11 *, the FACTORAGE and COM*
Jf^etOBtlnnTT 0D / k [* own accou nt, and reepectfully
fblheuu ^ of ,hB P atron *g® «o liberally extena-
l\"^0LUfirit JOHN BOSTON.
T •^Ph»retol2S? AR ^ ERS,,I . 1, '-’ Tbe c '**l’ a «nor
P Arm ol P ZiKinrnu n l^l wee “ the subscribers under
0. B. MlTCHFii S?,' dissolved by mutual
-Anni ..., v«-L will continue the buslneM on
S IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Personal Sketches of his
own Times, a now edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Greennugh. by H, T. Tuckernmn.
The Pedestrian In France and Switzerland, by Q. Uapell.
Tlie 1.11>crtlnes in American, by If. W. Warner.
A Book for every Amerim. on the Science of Government
nnd Coinpend of tlieConstitution nnd Civil Jurisprudence
of tho United States, by A. W. Young.
Cranford, by the author of Mary Barton.
Tim Umlon Quarterly Review lor July.
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review for August.
Nos. 10 nnd 11 Collier’s Shakespeare.
1 owry’s Universal Allas.
Uphnm'a Mental Phylosophy. abridged.
HucI.’h Thibet and Tnrlnry, I/indon edition, illustrated.
I/>rd Ilacon’s Essays. 1 vol.; Rabelais’ Works, 2 vols
10 bbls No. largo Mackerel,
10 bbis No. 1 do do
ni 10 hair bbls No. 1 do
HHBHwIO do No. 2 do
30 bbls augnr. sodar. nnd butter Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Biscuits.
60 do Buchan's Family Soap,
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgato'a and Beadell’s Pe&rl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
Landing and for salo by
J. V. CONNERAT A CO., offer for sale on nc-
fo5|H eommodnting term*, a welt assorted stock of Gro-
UKttlccrtes, Liquors. Tobacco. Sogars, Ac., viz: 130 bngs
KscuMprlmo Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Jnvn do, 20 hlids
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee do,
25 do crashed nnd powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
ages black and green lea, some very superior ; 250 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l's, 8V. 5’s ami 10’s. 16 cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Virglnlus and Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf,
Vlginla gold lenf.10 boxes F.1 Dorado tobacco. 176.000 supe
rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otnrd.Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy. 20 half and quarter casks I’intern, Mnitel. Sazerac. Ac.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Ixtuis do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half pipes and 16 quarter cask* superior Mnduira Wino, 26
bbls old Monongahela Wlsky, 26 quarter casks Tcneriffe. 30
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbls gin. whisky nnd runt. 100 boxes
No. 1 and intnlly soap. 60 do starch. 60 do adamantine can
dles, 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides. 16 do shoulders,
30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tes -lo, 26 bbls N
Orleans do. together with every other artlnlo usually found
at tho wholesale grocery stores. juno3
, TOE undersigned respectfully Inform the
'citizen* of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
that they have ou hand more than fifty
Plnnos, the largest slock ever on sale in this city, nnd
made by tho most celebrated manufacturers in tho United
States. Nunns A Clark. T. Chickerlng. Bonrdinnn A (liny,
height A Newton. Edwards A Fisher, all welt known to the
lovers of Muslo. have place In their largo assortment.—
These Pianos nro of rich tone, nnd beautifully finished In
Rose Wood, Black Walnut, nnd Mahogany, with Iron frames
made in the most substantial snd workmanlike manusr.—
Atoo the Justly celebrated Jtollan MAno route*, which for
their sweetness of tone have not been equalled. All these
instruments have meliillc frames which rendei them peculi
arly suited for tnt climate, preventing nocessity of tuning
Tlie undersigned are Agents for Henri Urn’s, celebrated
Grand Pianos, made tn Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
Carhakt’s Mfi.odionh.—This beautiful toned wind Inst ru
men!.manufactured by Carlmrt A Neodlmm. N. Y.. for village
niirjioses. Isidges.Serenading Parlies, nnd the private prac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweet nnd powerful touc. they
have also for sale. AH these Instruments will bo disposed of
on the most accommodating terms. Tlie prices of Hie l’l-
nnos ranging from $175 lo $1,000.
pLICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—60 baskets oT this very supo
O rlor wtno, 1 *
_ whose reputation Is unequalled where It is
familiarly known, now landing per steamer Alabama, and
lor sale by PADELFORD. FAY A CO ,
junel Agents for Savannah.
Genesee Canal do, 60 do Hiram Smith's do. for snlo by
60 barrels Flour, landing per steamer Augusta, and for
salo by nug3 PADELFORD. FAY A CO.
S UPERIOR SILK HATS.—.lust received a new assort
ment, the best In tho city. Call at 147 Bay-street.
C ANAL FLOUR—60 bbls and 26 half bbls, landing from
schr Plandome, and for sale by
B ACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS.—10 casks Sides free
from bono,20 do Shoulders, landing and for sale by
. , . have received
nnd are now prepared to show, nn additional supply of
those very handsome pearl case port monies, with card "ca
ses uttached; also, cigar cases of the latest and most ap
proved styles, for sale by
C ONGRESS WATER—Nowlandlngl'rom bark Exact, war
ranted to be genuino and recently bottled. A supply
Is kept always In Ice. W. W. LINCOLN.
jo30 Monument Square.
G UNNY CLOTH—200 bales weighing 2)4 ft*, £l yard, In
store and fur sale by
60 do 1st A Kirkpatrick's Crashed d
00 do Butler. Sugar nnd Soda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell's Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
300 do Family. Pale nnd No. 1 Soap. Smith nnd Col
60 do Boadell’s Pearl starch
25 do Ground Pepper In 20 ft boxes
20 do do t^iffeo in 60 ft boxes
8'K) reams assorted Wrapping Paper
60 mats old government Java Coffee
f.O boxes 1st and 2d quality Roy’s Lemon Syrup
100 bbls E Phelps’ and IlnxcGin
80 do N E Rum, 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P A H Connecticut River Gin
20 )4 and 20 }{ casks Malaga Wino
60 bbls nnd 100 kegs prime leaf lard, landing and
or sale by jy21 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON’ A CO.
Penjtdd, Greene County, wo.
rpUE Studies In this University areA Theological course
X of three years, deslgued for those who are preparing fur
the Gospel Ministry ;
A Collegiate Courso of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges In the country;
• ASclonttflcCourseofthreoyrnrs.tnclndhig, with some ad
dition. all the studies of tUoOolteglate Courso except tlio An
cient Languages ;
Tlio regular time for the admission of Students, Is at the
opening of the Fall Term, tho lost Wednesday in August.-
Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Courso must
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography. Arith
metic. English. Latin and Greek Grammar, Ciesar, Virgil.
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Grcok Reader ; ana
must be at least fourteen years of age. •
Candidates for admission Into the Scientific Courso must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, 8imp!e Equations In Algebra, nnd two
books In Geometry; and must bo at least sixteen years of
Tuition. SjtrinyTarm. thillhrm,
I x TriKouxncAt Suiixart. Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
Ix Collide. $26 00 $15 oo
Scientific Course,.. 26 00 16 00
Ix Arsmoiv—
Preparatory Class, 25 00.... 15 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
Third “ 15 00 9 00
Elementary “ 10 00 6 00
Room Rent, 0 00 4 00
Contingent Expenses 2 00 1 00
These expenses require to bo paid in advance.
From Students who lodge In the Collego buildings, fifty
dollars will be received ns full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, nnd contingent expenses of the year.
nil* price of Board In the villnge is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-vent,nnd fuel, $3.
Tlie Commencement is held on the last Wednesday In
July. t '
There are two Vacations, dividing tho year Into terms, as
follows :
First Term—from last Wednesday in August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 15tli to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed-
nesday iu August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of tho Board of Trustees.
Any friend, by application to I>r. J. L. DAUG,.Preshlw»t ot
tlio University, will rcortve » catalogue, containin' **-
course of studies, and all other necessary information.
RICE LANDS FOR SALE—Tlio Tract of LAND on the
St. Mary’sRlver, known as tho Cut-off Tract,containing
soven hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
flvo hundred (600) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and fall of tide of six feet. Tlio marsh
land was successfully culUrated many years since, producing
Cotton, Cane, and Rico.
These lands could bo put In order with less labour, it Is
belleyed, thnn would be required for nutting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very saro from overflow in gales
and froslicU.
For further particulars and terms, which will bo made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
S.C., or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, 8t. Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of tho land maybe seen at the office of the Geor
gian apl27—d&o
I jj
No* 130] 8milk Start**. rHtaMpkla. 130
idid assortment of superior fum(tm»i6f4h r $ly.daadilpU<m
to which thrjr Invite tne attention ofpafcbMdW*
No. 181 North
(Opposite Franklin
THE subscribe
Woods, Imitation ^Voods, and Fancy Colors Ac.' , • ■. -
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light and bcautlfuVd^*. - ,
signs; Cane lounges, Cane Settee*,UallChkI».Cottimng;. '
House and Office Arm Chairs, large and itnall,ItochlDg..
Ch lira, Store and Stoamboat stools, Windsor Chair*, and : -
Jlousekw-pers. Hotel, Steamboat and Rail Road CompanHtt :
wlU find it to their Interest to call at the Factor^oTv^
No. 181 North 6th St (opposite Franklin SvpareJ »
mh7 PiiUadelphla, , \
FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202K
5C.iacres, and improvements, near Wallhounrllle, Liberty
county. Tlio land is of good quality, pine and bay land, 50
acres of which are In cultivation, and the remainder well
timbered, offering strong Inducements to persons Interested
In procuring turpentlno. Tlie Improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and nil other necessary outbuildings. Tho location cannot
be surpassed for healtnfulness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range fur cattle which cannot be excelled.
Tlie above pro;>crty can bo bought at a verr reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating terms, if early application
be made to tho subscribers, at Waltliourvillo.liberty county.
apt 26—d&c E. B. WAY.
—Tlie subscriber having purchased tho on
j»if*"g5sgStirc business of F.'M & Co., of which
7* firm he lins heretofore been tbo acting mem
* * - • *ber in Savannah, would respectfully Invito
the attention of tho*o In want of anything in the musical
lino to Ids establishment. From many years* experience
both in professional nn<l business matters connected with
music, Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer Ills ser
vices in the selection of music and instruments or the ful
filment of orders, with the assurance of his utmost zeal nod
industry In Ids endeavor to deserve tlio pntronngo nnd con
fidence of the public. O. B. MITCHELL,
j uneH successor to F. Zoghamn A Co.
rpiHShistttuthm afford* a complete course or legal edu-
L cation fur the bar in nny of tlio United States, except
ing only matters of merely local law nndpractico; nnd nlso
n systematic course of Instruction In Commercial Law for
those who proposo to engage In mercantile pursuits.
’Hie Law Library, which is constantly increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 volumes. It Includes a very com
plete collection of American and English Law,nnd tho prin
cipal works of the Civil and other Foreign law. It is open
to students, ami warmed and lighted for tlielr use during
both terms and tho winter vacation.
Tho first term of each academical year begins In the last
eels of August, lin'd the second term in the la*t week of
February ; each term continues twenty weeks. Students
admitted at nny period of a term or vacation. The fees
$50 a term, mvl $26 for hall a term. For this sum stu-
•hiits have the use of tho Law Library nnd text honks, and
•if the College Library, and may attend all tho courses of
public lectures delivered to the undergraduates of tho
Tlie instructors of the law School are Hon. Joel Parker,
I.L. D.. Rova 111’rofo-xor; Hon. Theophilus Parsons. I.L. D..
P.ino PrnleVor: nnd Hon. Edward G Isiring. University
lecturer. Instrucllon Is given by lectures, recitations nnd
examinations, and moot courts.
For further information application mny be made to
cither of the Instructors.
.TAMES WALKER, President.
Cambridge, August 1.1853. dlnw3wis sepfl
T HE Subscriber 1ms on hand n fine nnd well selected
Stock of imported pure Wines. Liquors and Sogars,
comprising the following :
Ilranay—10 half pipes Otard. Ditpuy ft Co. ; 3 do Jo
old llonnessy ; 2 do do Sazcrnc, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
180ft ; 3 do do J. J. Dupiiy.
Wines—-I half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London l’nrtlculnr ; 3 do do old Port : 6 do do Shorry
Wino ; 20 casks Claret; 40 baskets Champagne.
Segnrs—20.000 Rio Honda : 10.000 Iji Cruis ; 6.000
Ia Union ; 10.000 Ia l’atria ; 25.000 Tralmcns.
Fnncy Groceries.—A large supply, such as imported
Cordials, E*v"«li Pickles nnd Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats,
Prunes and Joiu» n , For sale by A. RONAUD,
de8 Corner of Bay and Whltnker-struets.
for sale by ' vet26 ' A". BON AUD.’
S COTCH ALE—20 casks Muir k Son’s nnd Hector Dove's
Falkirk Ale In pints, just received nnd for sale by
apl21 J. ROUSSEAU.
ebrated Balsam, frnmnn Indian recipe,nnd cuch bottle
contains tlio virtues of twenty-two different kinds of roots
and herbs, a fresh supply received per steamer.
- " T, NCOLN. *'-
W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
C OFFEE—150 bHgs prime Rio. 76 do. Jamaica, 50 do.
Sugar—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix- 6do. New
Orleans. 100bbls Crashed, Powdered, and Clarified.
Mousse*—25 hhds Cuba. 75 bids New Orleans.
Flour—160 bbls Baltimore, 75 do. Canal. 60 Jo. Hiram
Baoo.v—15 casks Philadelphia Hams. 500 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 80 hhds Sides, 20 do. Shoulders.
Brooms—40 dozen, painted handles.
UuuKKrs—200 dozen, painted.
Soap, Candles axd Starch—60 boxes Nn. 1 snd Family
Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 75 do. Adninnntine Candles. 25 do.
Sperm. 25 do. Star, 160 do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and
half boxes Starch.
Toracco—360 iikgs various brands and qualities.
Ijtuo.x—50 boxes L-niou Svrup. 10 cases Wal
nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches.
Domestic Ltquotw—76 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 60 do. N. K. Rum.
76 do. Rectified Whisky, 30 do. Extra >dd Monongahela do.
Wixib—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do. choice Ma
deira. Received, and fcr sale by
F OR 8ALE—Two likely girls, aged 17 and 19 yoara. Also
a boy, aged 13 years. Apply to
1 ing and for sale by
N 1 7;feroriJ|»'iS2t l ti 1 * l }^ 0, i M '' lo ,e ‘ tle al > cWms, Id
•t the lata firm.
■. i- Charleston. 8. 0:,
June fltb'ftw 1TCHEL, 'i Savannah, Ga.
«KibtafklKonc«-!n» nn
Kitw 1 Kf,:2“ b L»»-
f? l Jth*
tKwnJL*latonrin wK
rSnS'?:;V‘ r '.r nlM Ax " i] '* m wl " »•
mi?**- P1 r ° rb / tl "‘ new p« r
R F.CEU’EU BY I^ST STEAMER.—Hair cloth shirts, mull
and nansook muslins, net gloves pnd mits lace man
tillas. wash blond, grass cloth, N W abllars and chemisetta,
long lawns, Birds-eyo diaper. 4io , for salo by
D UINiNTS GUNPOWDER constantly for sale at manu
facturers’ prices, by o30 COHEN k F03D1CK.
C ORN I CORN!! 1.200 bushels prlnio white Western
Corn, Just received and for sale by
also, cut nnd ground glass Globes, of a variety of pat
terns, for snlo by octl2 J. P. COLLINS.
QHIRTS, SHIRTS—.lust received a new supply, ol various
O fashions and qualities.
jyl4 PRICE k VF.ADER. 147 nay-at.
F I/lUR.—60 bags fresh ground Flour, from Cunningham,,
mills, Just received, and for sale by
wnnouIoT' ] n , reli , rin 8 fr,im business in
-leeply grateful and obliged
K 1 ^ i f n rportunltrtn« n J C tjr . n , nfl c,,u " lr y friends,and
boffirP/r, , ' 1 * »'anks Yorthe «me
P’Srfjmi. wlio»rs«li!- ,t fttV0M w111 ho continued to
ttUibetinn wa y ffratef'il to givotlie most
fJ~h>'k ltodjv r< « ; bu ptlrons of the late concern
15» v «fy respectfully.
Ik* Biu^ rln . ,,f "hlp heretofore existing bo-
"FT th « Arm of Cram 4c
lzUfirmtnn bjr . mut,la > consent. The
W^br H.
?mil? w 1 pIeaw them,
1« tue th.Pfrtnent Kther party are
a rau of ‘he late firm In liquidation.
'“isERSHli' 7?—— HDI/iOMRE.
aw.! 1 '. igSyiy "gg
and Ur. James E. Cope,
i^ Sr0COT I r hoalnee under the firm
RfAltTN EB8H , p y nri - ■ T. HOLCOMBE.
ISftsSSS® 11 ®* 51
. h-in« r . In ,1,1, city, nn-
Offloe 174 Bay street.
flnniTrr' x’pw-
G LOVES, HOSIERY, kc.—Gentlemen's nnd ladies’ white.
black and colored khl Gloves ; cashmere, buck, and
Berlin Gloves; Ladles’ and gentlemen’s buck Gauntlets;
ladies' nnd gentlemen's cotton, merino and silk Hosiery aud
half hose ; a full supply of boy's and Misses’ Hosiery ; Ln-
dlns’, gentleincu's and children’s silk an-1 merino Yosts.—
For sale by octl IIESRY LATHROP k CO.
W ORKS OF JOHN C. CAUIOUN-'fhn second volume.
containing the speeches «.f John C. Calhoun delivered
In tho House of Representatives and in the Senate of the
United Stales, edited by Richard K. Cralle. received and for
Mte by sepl4 8. S. SIBLEY. 135 Congress st.
I ftRESlI butter, sugar, soda, walnut, and Taney Crackers;
ginger Snaps, ttc . Just received per steamer Augusta,
and for sale by o29 W. G. DICKSON.
T IQUGIIS—175 bbTr7ccBfied Whisky, 100 doKPI
L4 and P k II Rye Gin. 26 do domestic Brandy. 60 A
M OURNING GOODS—Black Ik,mbazlnes, of tho best
mako ; black French and English Merinos ; black Al
paca a fu assortment, it allprtcoi; black Silks, plain and
figured, all outlines; black Moutlln de Lalnea. best quali
ty : Second Mourning Silks and Mouslln de Laines; EoflUh
and Italian black Crapes; black Love Veils and Handker
chiefs; Chlmexett*, Collar* and Sleeves, of this (all Itnpor
tation, for sale by oct23 AIK1V k BURNS,
T URKS ISLAND SALT.—3,000 bushels In store and for
sale by nov4—lm SAMUEL SOLOMONS.
CCIBNTIFIO AMERICAN.—The subscriber having been
p appointed agent for tlio abovo Invaluable publication.
Is prepared to receive subscriptions. The next volume will
commence on the 17th Sept, GEO. B. MITCHELL.
Successor to F./gxrlMum ft Co.
■ rj—. ^ THE Alterations an*l Improvements In our
^£^HE^<8*torc. Inchnllnga fine Show Room for Plano
fir ft |f if Fortes, and a Music IVpnrtment for ladies
‘7— * • *lielng now completed, w* would invite tlio at
tention of the intisieiil public t<i ouf stock.comprising every
article in the lino, which cun bo famished (wholesale nnd
retail) nt New York prices. ■'
PIANO FOHt'ES.hy A. Stodart .V Co...T. B. Dmilmm. nn*l
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. /.•'K5BAFM ft til., importers,
is. 74 St. Julian nnd 107 Bryaii-atreots.
dec” Next lo Market Square.
No 17 Whitaker tired. Savannah.
Ha* just opened a large nnd e.hok-e variety of Nkw
Spbijms ixnSuMMPn Goods, consisting in pari ofldack.
figured nnd fancy French Cnsslnietes ; black nnd col-
-orod Cashmere; Cloths and Cashmcrntts: white and
fancy Linen Drills; with n large assort ment of fnncy Mar-
and Linen Vestings, nil of which he i< prepared to
make up to order In tlio most fashionable style, nnd on ne
•dating terms n;i6
No. 147 Bay .Street.
All porsona of tnstn and refinement—those having
n due regard for comfort and per.ional appearance, may
lot nil times select nny nnd every article for tlielr want,
■robe, from one of tho largest assortments of tho Very
Best Goods tn this country; either in Bendy Mnde Gnrmnnts
or mnde up to measure In unlquo stylo, or Furnishing urti
cles of every description and quality too numerous to men
tlon Cull and see. PRICE k VEADKR.
M. D. MURPHY. 21 BuU-ftrert. would respectfully
inform his frit mis nnd tho public generally, that he
has received his spring styles for gentlemen, among
.which will be found as rich and fine fancy Cassimeres.
Vestings. Jcc.. ns have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style
of workmnnslilp.
Gentlemen aro respectfully invltod to call and judge for
hemselves. mill l
f in?,
AVE in store, and offer for sail ou accommodating
terms, the following, viz:
20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls crashed do,
60 do refined A B and C do. 26 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N 0 Syrup, 60 do Now York do,
200 bags Rio Coffee, 60 do Java do,
26 hhds Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bbls Lard, 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap.various brands,
100 do fancy do, for toilet uso. auglO
QA BBLS winter strained and bleached whalo Oil.
fC\J 280 bags prime green Rio Coffee.
60 bags old government Java Coffee.
76 ■ lAguvra Coffeo 48 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin, 40 do P k H Conn’t River do
20 *• domestic Brandy. 60 do New Engtnnd Rum.
60 bbls and 100 kegs prhno Leaf Lard.
50 hhds prime Racon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhdsprtme St Croix Sugar, 15 do Porto Rico do.
20 •* prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbls butter, augar, and soda Crackers.
80 “ Stuart’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar.
40 “ crashed nnd powdered Sugar.
80 boxes Buadcll’s 6s nnd 8a tallow Candles.
100 *• 8tnr Candles. 300 do No 1 pale anil faintly Soap.
60 M Sogars. of various brands. For sale by
Qn BBLS II. Smith's Flour
OU 20 haH bbls choice Canal Flour
20 bbls Sugar Crackers
20 half bbls do do
20 bbls natter do
20 half bbls do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 linir bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar.
Landlngfrotn brig Augusta, nnd for sale by
N OTICE.—The subscriber being compelled to cloze the
outstanding business of F. Z0GBAUM k CO., would
request all those Indebted to the late firm to mako imme
diate payment, nnd those having clalma lo present them
for settlement. G. R. MITCHELL.
junalO successor to F. Zogbaum k Co.
Call and winter trade ar« now com-
/"\UR purchase* for the Call and win
U pleted. and we can submit to yoar inspection a very
largo and well assorted stock, embracing every article con
nected with the trade, and at such prices. In the present
state of the markets, as will prove highly satisfactory.
M PRENDERPAST It 00., 178 Broughton-at.
oct25 ‘ opposite St. Andrew’* HalL
jyj* — PRENDERGA8T k CO., wish porUealorly to direct
. attention to the most elegant assortment of New
French and British Ribbons they bar* ever sold, embracing
" T 4-J rich'oenoVand Lyon* Velvet*, tor talma*, ecarft, and and colored. _ • ' *■ ‘
WM. R. SYMoNS. Dimpkii axd Tait/iii. .V
Whitaker tlreeJs, r* »;K-clfully solicits tlioi
intti-nlion or his friends mi l the public iu gen 1
.ernl. to his largo stock of Rendy-mn -e Cloth
ing. suitable for tlio present nnd coming -eason. It ban nil
bm n made lip under bis personal su|>erliitcn<lencB nn I fur
style and durability oCworkinmi-sbip. is inferior to none to
be bitind in tho market.
Tlie following compriMO a portion uf the stock : Frocks nnd
Sacks of blue, black mid colored cashmere cloths; black.
Iirab d’ele Frocks nnd Sacks ; linen duck, drill nnd fancy
linen Frocks and Sacks; India grass, silk and brown linen
Sacks; black nnd colored alpaca Frocks ami Sacks.
Pants of fancy French rasalnicre.*. black doe-skin cnssl-
imre. black drub d’eteand spring tweed canximero. white
duck and fnncy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pnnt*. for summer wear.
Vests of black satin, black barathen. nnd fancy silks, fan
cy nnd while Marseilles, figured aud striped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, nnd
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, ote.. etc.
The wtmle of which he offers for sale on accommodating
terms, and at prices ns cheap ns the cheapest. ap!3
, Offors for salo. a largo assortment of Cloths, Cas-
'simeresand Vestings, consisting in part of thefol-
lowing articles, selected br himself during tho past
smnnier in I/indon and Pans, which he will make up to or
der In tho best style of workmanship, nnd nt the shortest
notice. His stock of Rcadyrondo Clothing nnd of Furnish-
Ing Goods, for gcntlomen's wenr, is vory largo and of the
best quality nnd style—tho whole of it mnde this fall under
his own inflection, and will be sold at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit :—French black, bluo. brown and
olive Gottis; fancy French nnd English Cassimeres; fancy
Silk Vesting, super, fnncy Silk Plush Vestings; blnck Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres : Me
rino and Silk Undershirts snd Drawers; white nnd fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers: nnd fancy Kid Gloves: Neck Ties, plain and
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; Scarfs. Satin and
Bombasin Socks. n<% 17 Wliltaker-alreet.
! WE are constantly receiving these valuable
.. Cases, and have them always in readiness to be
delivered nt the shortest notice.
N. B.—We are permitted to inform the public that we
have received from Mr. Raymond, of New York city, n let
ter signed by the different members of the United State*
Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body of
the Hon. Hk.xry Clay, decoosed, (which was enclosed in one
or Fox’s Metallc Coses,) and who wont with it to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymond, tlrnt tho Case answered the pur-
rose for which it was Intended, and meet* with theirnppro-
nation, and they cheerfully recommend it to the public as
belni • ■ •• - *
m A Tract of Tide Swamp Land, containing 500 acre*,
Sly ing on the Alatamalia river, three miles above Dari-
•■cii, adjoining lands of tlio estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on tho cast and Gignillint and Walker on tho north
nnd west, imvlng ns good a pitch of tide as nnv rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are. twenty dollars per acre,
one-fourth cash, nnd the balance on a credit of from five to
ten veara. the Interest only required to he paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In enseof my absence
Mr. Jambs Phinoik will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at tlio office of tho Georgian.
Dakikn. Jan. 22. 1853. Jan25—lam
Acrlcultnrnl Ware-House and Seed Btpro,
No. 104X Market-street. Philadelphia. ~ • -
Phoutt k Mbabu* Patent Self
Sharpening Ploughs, of »U *Ue*i
right and left handed.—Bubipll,.i- - •
-Side Hill and D6ublq Mould. «c., with
tienaing roints. Bar-share, Beach, ana otherWnai. . ,
Ings for repairing. Tho Emperor or Russ!* awSreed ■.
above Ploughs, a Missive Gold Medal, Yolue $8O0.-~ ■ - r
io Great Medaljtt the World’s Fklr.wM * V,
Steel Extending Points,
of Castlni
for tlio
Also, the — IU
k M. Plough No. 40. Cultivator* wfth Double-PpIntPollsH-
cd Steel Teeth, which ean be reversed, thus getting Double .
Wear ot the common Teeth. Alio, Cultivator* of. all kind*
with Steel Teeth. _ „ . - •
Spaln’a Atmospheric Churns.
Corn Bhellera, improve
Hay ona Straw Cutters, •
Hand Cora Milts,
Corn and Cob Crasher*,
Gedds* Improved Harrow*,
Square and A Harrows,
Horse Rakes.
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scraper*.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks for unloading Hs-,
Man Hay Rakes,
Ilow Pins,
Applo Fearers,
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Tran*.
Pruning Hooka and Chisels,
Saws nnd Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
tubeing for Chain Pumps,
Cora Planters,
Turnip Drills, 4 to 88,
Grant’s Pateht'Fan 1(111*, • ,
Garden EnktnW, •' '
0‘ '
Wheat Drills;! • •j' - • .
Hone Powers and Thresher*.
Mowing and Reaping Mn| -
Chain Pumps,
Cattlo Ties,
Bull Rings,
Patent Iron Snaths,
Grubbing Hoes.
Transplanting TVowels,
Hay and Manure Forks,
Bliovels and Spades.
Garden and Field HoesJ
Garden Rakes In variety, ’ ,
Children’s Tools,
Darling Scythes,
Snaths, with Patent Fasten*
» FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred nerrs
restrict ly nrimo Rice land, immediately opjiosltc the old
iwn of Hardwick. Tlio situation of tlio place affords one
of tho best Saw-mill scats in the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssela coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
♦o fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U.S.Dlstricl Attorney,Savannah,or to B.STILES.Bryan coun
Also, Horticultural tools (or every description^ Garden
and Grass Seeds, for sale at tne lowest prices, at Wholesale
nnd Rn'all. cod—apl9 •
«yt The Plantation known as AnnocK, immediately on
TCKfttlie west side of the Savannah road seven mile* from
-w»-l>arien. containing eleven hundred and forty seven
acres of pine aud hammock land, ol which near two him
ilred and fifty acres arc cleared nnd under fence. Tlie ham
mock land* are of n su;>erlor quality for cotton, corn. Ac..
and tho pine lurid* well adapted to turpentine. Tliero are
negro bouses dnd other buildings upon the plantation
There I* a water courso within flvo miles over a good road.
For terms, apply to E W. DrLEGAU p
augl7—w3m South Newport, G
iVo. 4 North I\flh-rh e< t. Urn doors above Market.
T HE undersigned have just opened a fresh and complete
stock of wall Paper*, among which are gold ana vel
vet. fine satin, nnd tlie lowest priced ungUzed papers; also, ‘
decoration*, borders, fire-screens, curtains, eta., which they
offer nt tho lowest prices, both wholesale nnd retail.
Tlie best workmen employed to hang paper either In th«
clly or country.
Blank Books.,Stationery. <fc.—We hare nlso our usual as
sortment of writing paper* wrapping papers, blank and
school books, stationery, etc.
No. 4 North FJth street, 2 doors above Market. .
T* Fnnii paid for country rags. mhlO—eod
being tlie Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
nnd runuing back about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
Tlio properly I* now under a lcaso which will expire on tho
first of Novembernext.
If not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday In
February. It will then bo offered at auction at tlio Court
House. Apply to .left COHEN k FOSDICK.
T HE chynpont establishment In the southern country for
the Halo of sashes, doors, blinds anil wood Moulding*,
of every variety, 1* at the corner of Calhoun ami Washing
ton street*, Clinrle*t«n.S. C. All my work 1* made of the
best seasoned white pino, and tho sanhe* are glazed in the
very neatost manner.
A full supply of paints, oil, glass, varnishes, and brushes,
always for salo low. scpll—w4w B. F. SMITH.
Legislative Charter, granted in 1849.
T HE Spring session will commence on the second Monday,
which is tho 12th day of Jnitunrv.
Gko. Y. Browns, President ami Professor of Mental ami
Moral Science.
P. Lorn. Professor of Natural Sciences.
L. R. Bjunjum. Professor «t MatUenv.iltc* and Director ot
IIknuv M. IIot.T/ruw. Professor of Belles tot I re*.
The Faculty will honssi.-drd by the following todies, vizi
rs. Browne. Mr*. Branham, M>ss*s Ucuaett, Ibnnstead
Meredith, nnd K. Dennett
Catalogue* containing further infonimtion. may ho ob
tained by applying to cither of the officer* of the College, oi
to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board of Trustees: F-. E. Jones. M. D.. President; B. M. Pee.
pies.l-Vir..Treasurer: Tho*. J. Kurnev. F.snr.,Secretary; t'nl.
J. B. Walker. Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. SI. Irwin, Win. 8.
Slnko*. I-Minund Walker. Zacharioh Fear*. Nathan Massey.
Wm. W. B. Crawford. M. D.. Benj. Harris.Ja*. F.
W. P. Zimmerman.
Ma'llson, Morgan county.Dec. 23rd. 1851
dr 2ft lawdAwtf
ryillE Annual Course of toctures in this Department will
X. coinmciiei! ou MONDAY, November 14, and will ter
minute In the ensuing March.
JAMES JONES. M. lb. Professor of Practice.
J C. RIDDELL. M. D.. Profezzm- of dieroi.dry
WARREN STONE. M. lb. Professor or Surgery.
A. H. CKNAS. M. D . Professor of Obstetric*.
A. J. WEPDKRBURS. M. Ib. Profezzor of Anatomy.
GUSTAV L'S A. N'OTT. M. D. Profezzor of Materia Medics.
THOMAS HUNT. M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathol.
T HE attention of tho Irnde. and others, in want of Torte
Mommies, Pocket Books. Bankers' Cases, Dressing Ca
ses. Portable Writing Desks. Backgammon and Chess Board*.
Chessmen. Pearl. Shell, and Silver Card Cazcs. Work Boxes.
Cabas. Needlo Books, Money Belt*. Cigar Case*. Portfolio*.
Razors nnd Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutle
ry. together with a largo variety of Fnncy Goods, which
will bo sold nt the lowest rate*. F. II SMITH.
Porto Mi.nnnlo nnd Pocket Book Manufacturer,
nug'Jl— codltn 205 Arch st.. below Sixth. Philadelphia.
R eceived p.y s. s. sirlky, Auguatio. lsns;
Miles Tromenhcre. or tho Love Tost, by Annette Mario
Miiilhird. niillioi- of '/.liigra the Gynzey,
Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of tog!,-
id MHnphy.-lc* hi F-diiihurgli University, for tlie use of
school* and college*.
AMard uiiilFtni-e, a O. W. Wright
Pvscoinnncy, Spirit Rapping* and Tipping* oxpozed. by
Professor Charles (}. Page. si. D.
lkirnum'* Illustrated New*; Gleazon'sI’lctoral; Popular
E*1iic»tor; Mnjarlm of Arts, kc. For sale ul the book
store ol S 3. SIBLEY,
augll 135 Gongrcavstreet.
J UST received.a variety of publications of the Now York
Protestant Episcopal Society. Tracts. Church Cato-
*. Sabbath School Service, and other cheap nnd valu
able Publications. For sale at the Book Store of
auglO No. 136 Congress-street.
SAMUEL P^HOPPIn! m. D.'.} nrn ‘ on, ‘ ra *<> r " of Anatomy
The rooms for dissecting will be open from tho third Mon
day in October to the First of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of the
Charily Hospital, an-1 at-end till* Institution from Novem
ber to April The Student* accompany the Professors in
their visit*, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tage*. free of expense.
There arc about one thousand patient* prescribed for
daily in tlii* Hospital.
Tlio number of patient*!.* nearly Iwentv thousand, in the
year. TIIDMAS HUNT..M lb. IVan.
W ILL open on the l*t of October at the corner of Meet
ing and Society-streets.Charleston. S. O. a BOARD
French will be exclusively spoken in tlie School and fam
ily, but due regard will be nlso Imd to a thorough English
Education. MhiIuiiio Togno 1* prepared lo refer pnrentsnml
guardian* to the most eminent Professor*of Music In Phil
adelphia and New York, nnd to a mini bur of gentlemen in
Philadelphia ami Virginia, to whoso daughter* site has giv
en instruction for several year*.
Philadelphia.—Rev. Kingston Goddard. Md’Uo Adelo Si-
goignu. Mad. Uha. Picot. Mad. Acelie Bullion, (mother ol
Mad. Togno.) Ed. lb Ingraham. Esq., Dr. Wm. Harris. H. D.
Gnlpin. Esq.. Signor Perelll, Prof, of Music, II. Uupfcld.
Esq.. Prof, of Sluslc.
New York.—Mad. H. Cliegaray, Signor Dagioll.
Winchester. Fa.—Rev. C. Walker, Rev. II II Boyd. Hon
J. M. Mason. Hon. R. Y. Conrad. Geo. too. H. H. toe, Esq.
Charleston.—J. to Petlgru, Esq., O. MUL*. Esq., J. P. Poc-
cher. Esq , H. G King, Esq. Iawd5—sel
-The Mud Cabin, of the character and tendencies of
British Institutions, by Warren Isham.
The Forged Will or Crime aud Retribution, by Emerson
Benitto: Edith’* Legacy, by tho author of Adelaide Lindsv.
Tlio White Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned
Buntline ; Putnam’* Magazine, for October.
The Knickerbocker; the London Journal.
InduHtry of all Natlous.
Jane Setou. or tho King's Advocate, a Scottish historical
romance, by Jamen Grant.
The Rudiments of the Art of Building, represented In flvo
sections, edited by John Bullock.
Violet, the-Danse uso, or Courtship and Wedlock, by the
author of the Gilt, &c,
The Rebel Scout, n romance rf the American Revolution,
by Anna Ashland. For sale nt 135 Congress-st. octS
npnns. red and white Flannels, Blankets, Calicos, brown
nnd bleached Shirtings and Sheetings. Hucknbticks, Crash,
Towels, linen damask Napkins, Irish Linens; Bird’s-eye Di
aper. etc., for sale by o29 DsWITT tr MORGAN.
and Canton Cloths, English and French Merinos, raw
Silks, blnck Crapes, black Crape and Love Veils, Collars and
Chemizetts, black Silk and 8atln du Cliene. Ac., for nale by
oct20 DsWITT k MORGAN.
C LOAKS. Mantillas and Talmas, wide Velvets. ladles’
Cloak Cloth, colored Silk to make Clocks, with trim
mings to match, for sale by
oct29 DkWITT k MORGAN.
ig superior to any other Case for the transportation ol
dead. The letter can bo seen by calling on
febl4 I. W. MORRELL k CO
Tlie subscriber has j ust received a large number ol
Cooking and Parlor 8toves, which he will dispose ol
:on accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stoves, The Republic, Lady ol
tho L&ko, Air Tight Premium, Queen of tho West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stoves.—
Union Cotton, Cylinder, Sheet Iren, (air tight) square and
oral, Six Plate, pox Stores.
Hollow Ware Pots, KatUn. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Paua,
Ac. Ac. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and mans,
freturedat short notice. Orders for Roofing^ Gutters, and
t UAtrara ,
Nos. 10 and 12 Barnard street
J UST RECEIVED per steamer Augusta, a fresh supply of
Pickled Pork, choice pieces: Smoked Beef: Beef tongues;
Pig Hams; Pickles, in barrels; Pickled Salmon; Codfish
and Mackerel]; also. Potatoes, Apples, new tomoas. Raisins
and Citron, for sale by
mont of One cotton shirts. For sale by
r sale by
JJJAMS.—Just received/ a lot ^of fine small ilxed sugar
cured Hams, for family tueffor sale by
aug!8 A. BONAUD,
TOST received beautifully embroidered linen cambric
J Handkerchief, also, French worked Collan. wy rich
patterns. For tale by
QILK Pocket Handkercblob. of various qualities and
IO price*, alio llnon cambrio" Handkerchiefs, of which wo
have received a largo (apply.
TIRANDY, GIN, &c.-10p bbls EGin, 25 do Brandy. 16
do Chorry-Brandy, 100 boxesi Choose, 2000 lbi Twine.25
tloitoo Hams, landing and tor aale by
ROUND PILASTER —100 Caaka Ground Plaster dally ox
pec ted. For salo to arrive by .
_ vals, a new supply. Thooo In want will plaasa call at
147Bay-«t may28 "*
brilliancy of zurfuconu ’ polish to all other, and never
stsins or rusts ; withstand*all climate*.and i* packed with
great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers nnd olh«r* will
consult their Interest by sending tholr orders tn the sole
aug'JO—ofitn New Drug Warehouse.
N. W. corner 10th and MarkeLst*.. Philadelphia.
fpilE Subscribers nro now prepared tn receive orders for
X Flooring and other description* of Plained Lumber, nt
the Sitvnnnali Plaining Machine,situated on the canal, at
the western extremity of tho city of Savannah, between
Znbly nnd Mnrgaret-ztreots. Orders for all descriptions of
Plained Lumber furnished nt the shortest possible notice,
,nd manufactured in u superior stylo, which cannot fait to
ptense the consumer. Wink done by their machine will
compare with Hint of nny now in use Tlio subscribers
! succeeded In arranging for a constant supply of ze-
*>1 sen zoned Lumber, by which no disappointment tn
builder* need be apprehended. Every facility will be ex
tended In obtaining matt rial lor all parts of nbnUding.
Tlie Saw Mill, now being completed In tho same building,
will lm In tqierntlnn In the course of »no month, when or
der* for every description of Sawed Lumber will be execu
ted with despatch. Apply to It. A. ALLEN k CO., or
jy2fi—,-od2m WILLIAM KINK. Agent.
W E have this diy opeued a new and splendid assort
ment of carpet*, cnn-dsling of—
Hemp, Dutch, Venetian, Stair, Three Ply,
Ingrain, anti Brussels Carpets.
Also, a very handsome assortment of Velvot nnd Chciu-1
Rug*, Hemp, and Cocoa Mat*. Drugget anil Floor Oil Cloths,
all of which will be sold at tho lowest prices, by
STERLING SILVER WARE.—Tea 8eta, Pitchers. Cake
O Dazkets. Goblets, Cups, Tumblers, Forks, Spoons. Des
sert Kuives.Pie Knives.Crumb Scrapers, Fish Knives, Jelly
Knives. Cheese Scoups, Soup todies, and erery other arti
cle In the silver way, from the boat manufactories in the
count rv. and warranted, at 11$ Broughton street
L ANDING from schooner Christopher Loosen, 60 bales
Hay, and for sale on tho wharf, by
A LE AND PORTER—75 bbls Philadelphia Cream Ale, 6i
A do Porter. 40 casks London Porter, for saIo by
men’s silk and cottou Vesta; plain, ribbed, colored and
blnck Half Hose; bleached, brown, colored and striped
Half Hose ; colored and black silk Cravats, Stocks and
Ties: white and colored silk and linen cambric Handker
chiefs ; white, colored and black kid Gloves; a large assort
ment of buck and dog-skin Gloves, for sale by
P OLISHED steel Fire Sets, Brass Andirons, brass-headed
Shovels. Tonga and Pokers, kitchen Fire Dogs, Shovel*
and Tong*. Coal Ilods, Flro Cnrriers. Trevlts, Ac.,for sale by
oct!2 J, P. COLLIN8. 100 Bryan street.
U MBRELLAS—Gentlemen’s silk and cotton Umbrellas
todies’ silk Umbrellas and Parasols, a largo assort
ment just received and for tale by
D OMESTIC GOODS.—% and 4-4 brown shirtings,
10-4 and 11 4 blenched do ; and 4-4 do shirtings ;
Red and White Flanuels ; Kerseys and Plains ; Twilled and
London Duffil Blankets; Whitney Blankets 10-4 11-4 and
12-4. A Urge stock of the abovo on hand and for salo by
P IANO AND TABUS COVERS.—A very handsome lot of
Cloth Plano and Tablo Covers, at
oct20 73 St. Julian A106 Bryan-st., Waring’* Rang*.
CtUNPRIES.—80 bbls Baltimore and Canal Flour, 76 boxes
O Beadel’s 8oap. Candles and 8tarch. 20 do pore sperm
and Adamantine Candles, 10 easks Byass’ London Porter, in
quarts and pints. 26 dozen mixed Pickles, in quarts and
half gallons, 6 bbls Cucumber Pickles, 30 bbls Potatoes and
Apples. Far sale at the oorner ot Broughton and Drayton
streets, by oct25 DAVID O’CQNNCT.
F OR 8AL&-A negro woman, aged 20 years, very llkoly,
and an axcellent cook, washer end lroner. Also a very
likely girl, aged 13 years. Apply to
I N ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Bufclneas cavil*, with appropri
ate devices, embossed in n new style, in plnin nml fancy
eolors. Fenla i.f every description, with or without presses.
Envelope* printed with name, business and address, labels,.
hill liead*. ninnufiirtiircr’s tickets. Ac., nil executed In the
neatest tnnnner nnd nt prices 25 per cent, below any simi
lar establishment, In consequence of better and improved
fucljltiesfor the execution of such work.
N. B.—All orders by mall promptly attended to. Goode
sent to any part of the country.
Envclopeaml Seal Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers, Embci#
sera nnd Eengrnver*. 48 South 3d-st., Philadelphia.
A RCHER A WARNER, Manufacturers. No 119 Client Hit-
street, Philndelphia.respcctfullr solicit tho nttenti m ot
purelmzers. to their nssorlincnt of chandeliers, hraAots,
pendants.nnd ovory description ofgns burnors; nlso every
variety oflnmps. girandoles. Ac. Wo warrant our good.,
equal in (iiintity. and our prices as Iowa* nny other cstab
llshment In tho country.
Tlie Trade supplied with burners, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps. Ac., nt reduced prices.
Ellis S. Archer.
Redwood F. Warner,
117 Chestnut-drat, below Flurth. north tide, Philadelphia.
W E Inform merchants nnd residents of this vicinity, that
the most complain assortment of Mantel, Pier, Wall
nnd Ovnl Glnssos, richest styles, for private use. or allklnde
liingexpcrlencoiind huge facilities enable us to soli the
best good* at lowest prices.
DitnoiiNlnn* being given, wo will give estimates for any
ired Mirror*, delivered free from breakage, at any point,
(inters solicited.
French Plato Glass, for Stores. Dwellings. Ao., at importa
tion Prices. THOMAS J. NATT A CO.
rliljhsuhscrilier has just received per Into arrivals, a
L large and fresh stock of the richest nnd newest stylo*
of \olvet. Tapestry. Brussels, three-ply Ingrain aud Venl,
linn Carpetings, ull of which nro offered on tho moat riosir.
able terms.
With a fall assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Covers,Mat-
ting. Ac.
I’ureliuzers nre requested to make an early examinatlor
as strong Inducements will be held out to cash buyers.
R. B. WALKER, 190 Cliehtnut-streot.
niltlT—lawtf below 8th, South side, Philadelphia.
.... Ynlte Notice.
I) J. WILLIAMS, No. 12.North Sixth-street, a few doors
•*' • above Market-street, Philadelphia, la tlie most exten*
sive mid best manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shades
in the United Slates, nnd has taken the highest premium*
nt nil the exhibition*; lie buys the best material* by wliule-
sal cheaper for Cash than others pay for inferior at tide* by
r-inil. and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blind* and
Shades a* cheap as others ask fur Inferior article*. Painted
\\ indow Shades In great variety, of beautiful designs snd
superior quality. Ruff nud White Linen Shades, BUnd and
Shade Trimmings. Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and
the lowest cash prices. Store Shades painted and lettered
to order. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’prices, OidBlinda
painted to look ns good as new. Purchasers, by calling,
will be convlucml that ho sells a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount made to dealer*,
" IFe study tap lease."
_ a pl6—eod No. 12 North fith-atreet. Phlla.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for reslorl ng grey hair to
itsor 1 ”’—' ••
•rlginal color. It Is guaranteed by^&i? Proprietor^
hat if the patient is grey, he can have Ills hair restored to
its original color by using I/iret’a Walipcne. For Salo by
W. \\L LINCOLN, Monument 8quare.
F LOlJt, BACON, Ac.—200 bbls superfine Howard street ■
Flour, 60 hhds prime new Bacon Side*. 20 do do Should-
or*. 30 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf tortl. landing and for sale by
Hon of thclndicH ofSavannah. and sourrounding coun
try, to tlie following new and bcautifulgoods whlcli we have
lust received, vlx : silk Paris mantillas. laced gimp mantil
las, black nett scarfs col’d. neetscarfs, ladies cravat* and
ties, French worked collars. laced capes, chemizetts and un
der hleever. oonnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, black velvat
ribbon. Alexandra* light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
zilk mid lisle gloves, with a largo variety of other article*
too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your
selves ; all of which will be sold on the best possible term*
”* *“ 1K1N A BURNS.
S UGAR. BACON, Ac.—100 bbls Stuart’s A and B 8ngar r
60 hhds Bacon Sides and Shoulders ; 60 boxes Cryate-
Candles, lkndlmrnmtfnranlntiv
line Candles, landing and for sale by
F LOUR. LARD. Ac.—60 bbls H Smith’s Flonr, new : $0'
do Canal do; 60 half bbls Extra do; 60 kegs Lard ; 40'
boxes Candy: 26 do extra do; 100 do Tobacco, varioue
brands ; 6 half boxes do, extra twist, landing and for sale
B ACON AND FLOUR—loo casks choice Sides, Shoulders!
and Hams, 616 bbls and bags Baltimore, Georgia, ana
Canal Flour, landing and for sale by
L ADIES’ KID GLOVES.—We have just received a beauti
ful assortment of ladles’ white and black, dark and
rancy colored Alexander’s Kid Gloros. to which we would
respectfully call the attention of the ladles.
..octl AIKEN A BURNS. .
E NGLISH PLAINS—A heavy article suitable tor MM
Planters, for sale at 72 St.Jutlon and 105 Bryan ata..b* '
oct25 KEMPTON k \
P OTATOES—180 bbls and 60 bags PoUtoea. landing from
brig Torcello, and for sale by
oct28 - BRIGHAM, KEIXY A 00. ,
R eduction in the price of blocR-th* wiRSiiv .-
Venzon, Steak, all blaze, and Hot Water. Dtzhes,from
12 to 20 inches, of superior and medium quality ; al*o,D(ah
Covers. Coffee Qrecques, Tea and Coffee Urns, Egg Boilers,
Ac. I will sell as low as they can be purchased In tne north.
Proprietors of Hotels, Steam Boats, Planters, and otherg
are invited to call and examine.
_oct2J J. P COLUNS, 100 Bryaa rireet; »
C AROWAY CORDIAL.—10 do* Caroway Cordial, for sal#
\ unvirm- 1
Corner of Bay and Whltaker-streets.
QCHE3DAM 8CHNAPPS—4 dos Wolfe’asuperiorSobeilUa. •■ .
O Schnapps,*superior tonlo. dlureUe, entMtepeptle.and:
Invigorating Cordial,especiallyrecommendpd^operaong .
residing In the Southern States; adamonstraio
tlve of ague, remittent and billon* fater.'
jy^OLApES,—200 bh's prime N. 0. MqI»m«*, fbr s*l* t<) ’
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