Newspaper Page Text
pSc«t' ! H"0N.
F U 0 ,,, .nJ County Prluton.
^Y'll-WMfSErtCwiCfXLT, 13.
C.WJ'JiJJSm.SIX IWlMia l»r .■>»»■»•
i TUB W^^oeokoia*,
I- .. ^r^frangflmc'nt of thfl malU, thr—
I r«Thurid»y ''“'l Saturday,) and oon*
■-!ir*^'.^^w’CmnnKToIal. Political and Mlacella-
J |m b e taUUI^« i ”^. ntgi „ theDaUy( ient tO
r^^wTsutewd Union.or delivered In the city,at
"•"**’» iDvatrt*.
uwtUerirfthe 0.111..,!. pub.
I', Mu in BayrtW.
I ■_.'••■ ;.W, ._,ve Rw. U.vrUie and. lUver UUkt on tor too.
§ A Memorial of Horatio Greeoough, by Tuckerman.
n ” hort *' ,Rwlu ' r - 1 -
Vy^ulUoli- IP. AuOarwn N. H. Knapp, H.nrj Utlirop
gE.p.ffwo. maay: a. wtm, Presia-nt,
HIIUM HOlttlirre, Vico President
| McnWT.SM T °° 8
iTSSorrsTrott^' 0 * bsciiange and
■ -iliins to read tot their friends and desirous of
l PtrV f iLout by <1«‘ «h*s packet ships, are Informed
Kfraftwriteri art the only AgeuU for the above agon-
Ivrarcsto authorized to drawon Messrs. Wm.Tapscott
Bc^UrerpooUn sums from £1 and upwards, wliicb
srttMt° ! ’ :iWe in any Wiv ‘ n throughout Ireland and
. Britain. Prafts on Franc* and Germany, payable in
Inrf, of the Continent, also for sale. Apply to .
t'W\j Bt’XKKR k 0GDR.V, 80 Bay-street.
r.i>lOY Uni/ President and Treasurer.
I iLiVX CHJrE.Sec'rjr. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
a.wt«i^n«d. Agent of the above Company, continues
lt the followins-Risks, vis.; Marine, River antf Fire
lath* Lives ofrervsnts.
^.cf White Person' are also taken by this Company,
m for redding in the South.
Comer of Bar and Drayton-streets.
The on'ersigned have associated themselves to
ll rrtlier. under the name and style of Murphy k De
ll mar, for the transaction of general Boot and
Wshre ho 1 '®***, having the stand on the corner of
tf.acd WbiUker-etreet*. formerly occupied by M
_K»‘t. They are now prepared to olior to their friends
wpblic. a well aeIecte-1 stock of Ladies’ and Gentle-
ksmtS fiboej. kc.. which they will sell cheap for cash.
lie subscriber has now opened a large and choice
,w»>wtment of new atyle of foil and winter goods.
Mvsthjg of French and English black and lancy
rfcred (loth, plain black doe skin Ca«simere«. flgu.
^kdssb'e Caasitnerca. with a large variety of French
bforiwetsof the latest style and pattern. Also a
Jetuietyot Vestings, consistimr of figured black sod
► fx*iarrer, plain black Satin, figured black and fancy
kul Sstim. eut silk Velvets. Ac. The whole of which
Irjured to nuke up to order in the most foshonable
e.isd on accommodating term*.
Draper and Tailor. 1“ WhiUk*r.*t.
5 FURNKHIEtl GOODS.—linen and cotton 10 4.
■lUaad VMShrttlnzs. linen and cotton 8-4.6-6 and
^kfarpQViw cues, white and colored Furniture Ifirai-
lr*i:h. Earii-b »nd American Furniture Cbintre. Mar-
Lr.l lausutef Quilts, large and small. Damask Nap-
"iBlItoiles. white and colored. French Bordered Towels
la irt crash. Scotch Diaper and Towel*. Huckaback
r. rtes-u and Bird's-eye Diaper. 10-4.11-4 and 12-4
JkakeU. TriMSaakeU. Window Sea ea and Fixtures.
Last Tab!: Covert, linen and cotton. ju*t received and
Vrly oct23 AlKIN A BURNS,
A « elementary Introduction to phyxlo. aetfonomy.ehem.
IX estry, mineralogy. |e«lmry. botany, coolofnr and phys
iology, by Prot Bobaedler, with Marly 700 wood cuts.
Aural Surgery and the nature and treatment of diseases
of the ear, by W. R. Wilde.
Godsy's Lady a’ Book far October.
The victim orExoitement, by Caroline Lee Honts.
ProfaMorSUliman*e visit to Europe In 1861, v/ith engrav-
lo a o Exiles—a tale by Talvl.
The Camel Faber.
Albert Smith’s Story of Mont Blanee.
The Works of Calhoun, vols. 1 and 2.
Noe. 6 and 0 Illustrated Record of the N. Y. exhibition.
The Cloister Life of Charlos 6th.
16th English Law and Equity Reports.
Daekwood for September. Eclectic Hsgasine, Sllliman’s
Journal, the Lancet, Illustrated Magaslne of Art. Ac.. Ac.
v ~ e mmm"
No. fl
5^1 THE SUBSCRIBD1 rospeclfully announces to the
TlSlcltlsens of Savannah, and of the tntorior of tills
Msortment of the best qualities and Spades, Manure RUd , Hay Foj
AND L1QU0R8, both forolgn Bhellurl, Ooh Crasher*. Manure lh
R eceived by s. s. siblry, August aoth.ia&a:
Tlie Fawn or the Pale Faces, or two centuries ago, by
J.P. Brace.
Tlis Matricide’s Daughter, ora tabs of life In the great
motroplii, br Newton M. Curtle.
Dare Devll-Dtck, or the road and its riders, being tbe to*
mantle adventures encountered by Dick Turpin. Ac.
The Pirate Doctor, by a Naval Officer.
Blackwood’s Migatine for August: Graham’s Magi tine
for September j Goiuey’s lady*’ Book for September; Glea
son’s Plctoral; Barnum’a Illustrated News; for sale at 136
Congress street. au831
L ife under Italian despv/tism.—Loreuto SSnonT,
or Passages in the Life or an Italian.
South Carolina in the Revolutionary War, being a reply
to misrepresentations tn relation to that State.
Sheridan’s Life and Memoirs, by Thomas Mouro.
Iangard’s History of England, a new and cheap edition,
in 18 volumes.
General Baron Jomlnts’ History of the Campaign of Wa-
BoisniontN Hallucinations, a rational history of appari
tions, visions, dreams, etc.
Mrs I#e’s Habits and Instincts of Animals, Birds, Rep
tiles and Fishes. ’ 1
Tli»F**u of the Pale Sheet, by-Bruce.
Collier’* Shakespeare, vol. 6, cheap edition.
Young Americans’ Library—Life of Webster.
Gerstsieker’s Journey Round the World, a new supply.
The English Soldier in Uulted Slates Army. The ad-
veuture* of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, who came up to I<on-
don to enjoy themselves, by II. Mayhew and Geo. Cruik-
shank. Tlie Knlckleburyi on the Rhine, by W. M. Tbacka-
ray. F'auit, a Romance of the Secret Tribunal*, by 0. W.
M. Reynolds. David Copperfield. the younger, by C. Dick
ens. Life and adventures of Charles Chesterfield, by the
authorofl’etticoatGovernment. Ac. The History ot St.
Giles and St. James, by Douglas Jerrold, E#q. J. Fenimore
Cooper's Novels. The Golden Eagle, or the Privateer of
Seventy-Six. by Sylvanus Cobb. jr. Tlie Countess of Do-
Charoy, or the fall of the French Monarchy, ay Alexander
Dumas. Barnum’s Illustrated News. Gleasons Pictorial.
For sale No. 135, Coogrcss-st.
R eceived and for sale by s. s. sjbley. 135 Con-
greas-st.—Bible in the Family—Bible In the Counting
Annals of Tennessee, by J. G. M Ramsey, M. D.
Tbe Sword and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Maria De Bernleve, a tale of the Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
The Race for Riches, and some of the pit* into which the
Runners fall.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustin, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Etherial SoRdown
vl the Friend* or the New Light, by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor, or thu Pilot uf Human life.
Great Truth* by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
and both hemisphere*.
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Calla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. J e 28
■mS 1 . reatlanm'i and ebilden’s cotton, silk and me-
Irti Rate and Usder-garments ; kid and silk Gloves:
artr.e ILanikerthM*. Embroidered do ; plaid wor>l j U-
1; Thibet do: BreeLeda; Scarfs ; Moreen'* worsted "
A»; window Shades: embroidered Curtain*. Ac.: re-
R ECEIVED by S S. SIBLEY. June 28. I8M.—Edgar
Clifton, a story or School Life, by C. Adam*.
The Old Forest Ranger, or Wild Sport* of India, br Mai
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolution* in Europe and America, to the present
time, by II. White. B, A.
ConsriLition. by Jame* W. Alexander, D. D.
Tlie Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harper* Magarine for July, an interesting number.
Putnam'* Magazine for July.
Barnum’s Illustrated New*. Gleason's Pictoral. Ac.
~ seW books;
M ARRATIVE of a Journey round the World, compris-
in-/Chili, the Gold Region* of California and Austra
lia. the South Sea Wand* and Java, br E (;ir*Ue C ke r .
Romance of Atelard and lieloi*e. by O W Wright.
Py*eomancy. Spirit Rapping* and Table Tipping* expo»ed.
by i*rofes*or Charles G Page.
A History of England from the first invasion of the Ro
man* to the accession of William and Marr in 1688. br Jno
LinganJ. P. D.
Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our friends in hea
ven ? by Rev H Harbaugh.
Heaven, or the Sainted I> Harbaugh.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment
of the Saint* in Heaven.
Tlie ntu*trated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin
burgh Review for July; Ranking'* half yerrlr Abstarct.
January to June. 18M; Barnum’s IUu*trated News; the
I-ady’s Book for August: English and Ejuity Reports, vol
kfa, that ho hoi now opened and will keep con-
tlnually in store, a lai— »——* -t .u. .—•***—
of tbe various kind* of winks and giquunh, noth roroign
and domeatio, invoiced from the bout source*, and to hit
•took of which, at present on hand, ho luVitos attention.—
Having bad extensive experience In FVance as a manufac
turer, and in Amorica as importer and dealer, his acquain
tance wtth the trade enables him to offer assurance that the
articles which are enumerated below are each genuine:
Articles Of Direct Importation—French Bran
dies of variona brand* r Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish and
Monongahela Whisky; Old Batavia Arrack; Jamaica and
St Croix Rum,
Wlnea—Old Port, Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Hock,
Claret, Pauterne and Burgundy Wlnos.
Cordials.—-In cases, Curacoa, Maraschino, Itatafla, Sla-
valtx, Klrschonwssser, Abslntli, Ac.
Ale and Porter—I/mdon Ilrown Stout, and Eilln-
burgh Ale,.
Also Agent for Domestic IJquors.
nov6 R. MAYER,
■ Bare in store, and offer fur salo, on the most
favorable terms—
15 hhds St roix Sugar, 26 do l’orto Rico do
26 do N Orleans do. 60 bbl* Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A. II and C Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bags Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bag* old Cuba Coffoo. 60 do Jamaica do
10 cases Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Bacon Sides
26 casks Shoulders. 26 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 60 whole and 25 halt' do Canal do
25 lihds. £0 tierces and 60 bbl* West India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molosxe*, 25 do extra do
25 quarter chests Hysou Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxesSperm and Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 and Tale Soap
100 bale*Gunny Coth. 300 colt* Weaver’s Rape
100 bbls E Phelp*’ Gin. 260 Flack’s do, 26 do Connecticut
River do, 26 do N E Hum
20qr oacks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
5 half pipes Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbl* MnnoPgaheU.Whisky, 10 qr cask* Port Wine
15 bbls Mint and Rota Cordial.
Also, tho following old and vere choice uquors. In glasses :
40 dozen choice old Madeira Wine, bottled in 1847
36 demijons St Croix 16 do old Jamaica do, 1818
50 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
10 do Pure Juice. 1848.40 do Brandy. 1815
85 dozen Schcldatn Gin, 10 do old Whisky. Nectar.
, . 25 HHDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 25
ES3 do choice New Orleans do. 25 do do Cuba Molas-
nnSHses, 100bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu-
art’s rectified do, 500 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamiuiantine Candles.
25 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 75 do Soap, 25 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed and assorted Candle*, 76 package* Tea*. Black. Im
perial and Green, 160 bbl* A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes.
Fig*. Citron. Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powder*. Saleratus, So
da. Ac., now la store and for sale very low. by
Corra—150 bags prime Rio, 76 do Jamaica, 00
Lj-rFjdo Java.
OKui ScosR—10 lihd* Porto Rico. 10 do St. Croix. 5 do
New Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered and Clarified.
Molaubr*—25 hhds Cuba- 76 bbl* New Orleans.
FtoCR—150 bbls Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do II Smith's.
Uaoox—15 casks Philadelphia Ham*. 600 Baltimore can
vassed do. 30 hint* Side*. 20 do Shoulders.
Potator*—150 bbl* P and Mercer.
Lakh a.vd Coonsn—25 bbl* choice I>*af lard. 6 casks Coil-
_ Soap. Caxiues a.vd StaROM—50 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 50 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes Starch. 75 do
Admantine Candles, 25 do Sperm, 25 do Star, 150 do Patent
Tobacco—450 package* various brands and qualities.
I^wo.v Svrcp, Ac.—60 boxes Lemon Syrun, 10 case* Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10do Brandy Peache*.
Doxextu; Ijqrow*—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 50 do N E Rum. 75
do Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Wl.xra—20 quarter ca-kx pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra—received and for *aie by
_—f—10 bbl* No. large Mackerel,
in ,~Y~^ 10 bbl* No. 1 do do
nnMf 10 hair bbU No. 1 do
30 bbls sugar. *odar. and butter Biscuits,
25 boxes vela Biscuit*.
50 do Buchan's Family Soap.
60 do Colgate'* No 1 «}o
40 do Colgate'* and Bead ell's Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
landing and for sale bv
Georgln and sncli,Burr and Eur°*
E MIll Blot ;• Hcni|tia of varlonl
i. Eagle. J-8M1. and Wrought
iSluare I Iron f proof Safes, Shovels
*' Foj Potato Hooks, Corn
„.. Dr , Culllvaten, Btrnw
B ii, Scythe* and Snoath*. Hok xm, Pick Axes and
t*. Ifaad Scrapers, Ox Chaim tt.YoWfi. Garden nnd
Fancy Barrows. Garden Chairs. Snents ithd Gudgeons
Breen Wire, Hamcs, Measures, Gr[* (ills, Rice Tlireshcrs.
CauWruos, Dougins*’ Pumps and W r Rams, WellWhcols,
do Buqkow, Cotton and Counter ale*. Trunks, Cotton
Hook*, Jack Bfirew*, Burnie’s Bea land Colton Gins and
Griswold's Upland do. Cement, Plaj Mill and Cross Cut
Saws; also, Knud and Yard Saws. 4 Foraalaby.
CHA'B H. C]l FIELD, 171 Bay .at.
■,i'ii I'.rkyi-iu 1 ’ .P?** '■' I'c' -.Vh r v,' Jij
- i
Wholesale and I tall, •
No. 110 nrougMm*t.,MioeertII I and 4fhilnker.
L THE largest and best sepe 1 stock of goods over
rY offered for sale In tills city. GtUqdfiilvor Watches.
_jJBVe*t. F'ob and Guard ClmiW, ilk of Jswelry, Chat-
elanes. Bracelet*, Broociies, fine DUraiH work Unger Rings,
Silver Castor*, Tea Bot*, Pitchers, (bblelCUp*, Cake BaskcU,
Spoons, F*orks,Fi*U Knives, Pie Knivri Cheese Scoups.L*-
mes,Synhons. Also, all kinds of FlatemYtre, Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety #f artles too numerous to
mention i the whole of which will bo *<1 »t reduced prices.
Allklndsof Watclies, Clocks, Jewelrmnd other Jobbing
attended to by competent bands. HOR1N-A RIKEMAN,
i Wll3» f B.VNNON respectfully announce to
Ifc»(»tiz*o4 U 3»iAnn*h that thrv are now prepared
work in their line, at their new shop,
of Broagbton aai IWiyton-st*. They have
* ’ ’ tie following a* their rate* of charges: For a
,r -.: ter month, for 2 or three time* per week
11 tow a week $1; 5 or 6 time* a week 31 50; every
[t 1 j*: aosth. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c.
< w-ni always hold him«lf in readiness to at-
|a etev fren those who may require his service* at
a«w ani improved organization, manufacture
ae-1 ftationarr Engine.*. Sugar Mill*. Gin*.
BaLubw. fvilli. Ac. -Uk>. every -!**criptioa of Cnt-
(Waaat.Mw Mill work.Shafting. Pulley*. Ae-.Ca*t-
re vrifht. (haring a large asiortment of ;<attemj.)
Mjrim. F. S. CLAXTON. Engineer.
K U Pa:t-?treet. comer of Geld. CTaxton A Wet-
e.ColliasA Co. and IL CoUins’Axca Hard-
y.S5Piatt-rt.. New York. oclO—Itt
Philosophy of Sir Wrn Hamilten. edited by O W Wright.
Eearth’s Legacy j Annie Grayson ; Grammar without a
master, kc.
S IR LSAAC BARRINGTON'S Pervmal Sketches of his
own Htnes. a new edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Gteenoagli. t.y H. T. Tuckerman.
The Pede»triin in France and Switzerland- by G. Banelt.
The libertine* in American, by H W. Warner.
A Book for every America, on the Science of Government
andt'omjend of the(V/n*titution anl Civil Juri-prudence
of the United StMea. by A. W. Young. the author of Mary Barton.
The l»n ion Quarterly Review for July.
Blackwood's E/linburrh Review for August.
Nos. 10 and 11 Collier's Shakespeare.
! owrj's Univertal Atlas.
Upha’m'* M*ntal Pbylceophy. abridged.
HncL's Thilret and Tartary. l/mdon e-litioa. illB.strated.
Iy<rd Bacon's E**ars. 1 vol; Rabelai*' Work*
rtUCQUOT CHAMPA<lNE.—{i> baskev* of this very soj-e
rior wine, whooe reputation i» un*quaJi‘'t where it is
familforlv known, now la&dinr f* T *tearner Alabarfna. and
lor sale by PADELFOKP. FAY A O) ,
junel * Ar«nts frTSavannah.
lUXS Patent Platfcrm Scale*—(Improved i
| TT'L/A'R—Vs'JbbL* Baltimore Howard atieet Ffour. lw do
. r Geneve Canal do. 50 do Hiram Smith's do. for aale by
qsal- i sepl5 WEB-fTEl: A PAi.MDi.
AY AND FT/it'B—200 bale* ^apri/n North Hirer Hay,
50 barrels Flour, landing p*r steamer Aurusta. and for
sale by acz3 PAICIJ'OP.D. FAY* A OJ.
_ jm _ a J. V. CONN lit AT k CO., offer for sale on ac-
Kn cornmodating term*, a well a«*ort».-d stock of Gro-
$J*n eerie*. Uquors. Tobacco. S--gar*. Ac., viz : 130 bag*
—"®prime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do. 20 hhds
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar*. 50 bbls clarified coffee do.
25 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
age* black and green tea. «-tne very superior : 250 boxc*
tobacco, various qusditie*. l's. ft>. 5's and 10'*. 15 cases Di-
adem_twi*t. 10do Virginius and Aro.maiic.20do nectar leaf.
Viginia gold leaf.lO Urxe- U Iiorodo lol-aceo. 175.000 supe
rior Havana Segar*. 10 half pipe* Otard.Dupny k Co. Bran-
dy.20 luilf and quarter ca*k» I’intern. Mai tel. Sazerac. Ac.
Brandy. 5 quarter casks Tt-ry old Jean Ural* do. 5 pip**
Holland Gin. 2 puncheon* St Croix and Jamaica Burn. 10
half pipe* and 15 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 25
bbla old Monongahela Wteky.26 quarter casks Teneriffe. 30
do do Malaga Wine. COO bbls gin. wbi-ky and ruiu. 100 boxes
d tes/.-Wfi/ial lo w^lo .' l M cask * ‘uTS-l'i !l 0 (&.“ ft do shoulder*.
30 hhds West India Mola«*e*. 40 bbls and tcv do. 25 bbl* N
Cleans do. brzetber with every other article usually found
at the wholesale irrocery *t/ire*. jnne3
BBL-. Stuart's Cra*h~l an I |'ow*!ere.| Suyar
50 do do A. Rand'’narified do
>0 do I/rX A Kirkpatrick'» Cra*hed do
60 do Butter. Si.gar and roda Bi-cuit
20 do 7 rea<lwell'* Pilot Itread
30 boxes do .vela Bi-cuit
V/) do Family. Paie and No. 1 «oap. Smith an 1 Col
50 do Read-11'* (’earl rtarch
25 do Ground Pepper in 20 ft bores
20 do do toffee in -Vr ft boxes
3'rt reams a*»orte-l Wrapj/inr I'ape-r
50 cia2* old government Java Coffee
60 boxe* l*t and 2d quality Key * D-moa “yrup
JO) bbl* K ILelp*' and R/-mt Gin
V) do N E Rum. 30 do Ifo-ne.ric Brandy
40 do PA H Connecticut Hi v*r Gin
20 'i and 20 % cask* Hiiaga Wine
60 bbl* and lWkeg- prime !>-af Jr-rd. laedlnr and
■ or aalt by \fl\ rCRANToS- JOH NaT«>N k Ot.
i TfiJIE sti’^criber lias on hand a fine and weil fci-cted
nte/rted pure Wipe*. Ii/iuor* and iterari
Tho undersigned beg* leave tojfarm the Citlzcni
uJfinfHavannnh. and the people in tl country tn gene-
that lie lias taken the Store No. 148BroUgliton Street
one door Weit of 'Uxon's Confectionery khore ho will be
pleased to make and repair nil kind* of CLka aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which hejiay be Intrusted,
ap 27—lv RANC1S BTK1N,
Eull BEOTm’Ob/el'J^S.M le Steamers fresh
jjuitions, making tlie liest assortment iritlil* dtv. of all
t nd.i.rnjt*',, Je.,lr r .F«nc,Oo^81l»rB|»)0^K F«rK.
riU!.,™ Cup., Sppboni. I1,lrf oSi* .pd
vorieAy of articles connected with oor fine of miAun**; -all o<
which will be sold as Iowa* In any city In the Union. •
— Particular attention given to tie Repairing of Welch
es and Jewelry. no 20
M THE undersigned Is now openlrg a splendid as*>rt-
mentor rich JEWELRY,enhraciig tlie recent pattirn*
yof Fkir-rings. Pins. Bracelet* and Finger-rings, nnwng
which are some fine dianumd settings.from #10 to #500.
V Also, twenty-five set*of those unique /VdW.VrfsofKar-
ring* and Unmches, from $18 to $125 the net, niwe.xt
^ and rarest patterns: together with a very select msort
ment of extra fine 1 Patches set in iiearLdiamoni, hun'i
ting nnd plain cases. These, with a further assortnent of
good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoon*. Fork*. I Julies,
Cu|»*. Ac..nnd IlntH Ware of all kin !*. Fancy Wow Boxes,
Dressing Cases. Folio* (.locks. Bronze Figures, goli mount
ed Canes. Cuttlery. Ac . render* hi* assortment «rv com
plete, and unsurpassed in the State, either in qaallvor pri-
*-■». !». B.NldmiR
Strict attention paid to repairing watcha, clock*,
'! jewelry. ml 2
| MR. F. STEIN, on ha* Jmt receiv-
ted the finest assortment of new and faxhirmahe Jewel
ry of all description*. Gold nnd silver pcncilsnnd m-ns,
silver and silver gilted ware nnd fruit bnskeU waiters.
Jtea set*.candlestick*, table and ten spoons: Inn table,
£ pocket and pen knivo*. scissor*, nnd n large varl-.ty of the
finest work boxes, dressing cases, nnd writing desks for
Indie* and gentlemen, as also a fine selection oi (lutina*.
accordian* nnd fancy articles, ton numerou* to mention!
which he offers at the lowest price* ever vdd inthi* city
Tlie attention of the public at large, but especial*- that of
tlie ladies. I* particularlv reoue«te«l. au21
I THE undersigned respectfully ii&irm tha
Iciti/ens of Savanuali. Georgia an* Florida,
that they have on hand more tlnn fifty
Pian>>*. the largest stoek ever on sale in this ffty. nnd
made by tlie most celebrated manufacturer* in tin United
States, Nunn* A Clark. T. (.'bickering. BoardmanA Gray.
Isdght A Newton. E<lw*r*l* A F'isher. all well knowr to tlie
lover* of Music, have place in their large a*M>rtaent.-—
The*e Piano* are of rich tone, and beautifully fink bed in
fb)s« Woo*l. IlLxck Walnut, and .'fahwany, with lro( frames
made la tbe most eubetantUI «u4 Vorkmatillkfl'm.-nner.—
Also the ju«t!y celebrated .Eoilan Piano Fortes, wljcli for
their sweetness of tone hare not l/een tviualied. AJ there
instruments have metalicfraine* which render tlieinpeculi-
arlr suited for toi climate, preventing necessity of tuning
for years.
_ Tlie undersigned are Agent* for Henri Her/’*. eeUbrnted
Grand Pianos, made in Paris. F‘or I'ower and i/siuty if tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
Cap.hakt> MKteinm**.—Tin's beautiful toned wind instru
ment.manufactured byfarhart ANeedharn. N. Y..foj village
purpose*.I»dges.Serenading Parties, and the privateprac-
tise of Organist*, j^f*vising a *weet and {s.werful tore, they
have also for sale. All the.* Instrument* will be <)i*|ow^l ol
on the movt accommodating term*. The price* of the Pi
ano* ranging from $175 to $1,600.
__ 1. W, MORKEI J. k Co
Tlie *ub*criUr having purchased the en
^ tire businea* of F 7/smst K A Co., of which
fjfirm he ha* heretofore teen the acting mem
• - - * *l^-r in Savannah, would re.^eifully invite
the attention of tho»e in want of anything In tbe musical
line to hit establishment. From many year*’ experience
both in professional and liu-in*-** matters connected with
mu*ic, )lr. M. feel* him*elf fully quaiifie-l to proffer hi* »er-
rice* in the “election of music ami in-tnunenf* or tho ful
filment of order*, w 1th the ax.urance of Id* utmost real and
ImL'uit/viuJJy.a^foa—>- •- -u.—« •».. w.
junell *ti-ee««Tr to F. Zogbaum k(>>.
________ THE Alteritlou* a rut Improvement* tn our
E5—§5jdore. inciudinga fine Show Room for Piano
rilT t Forte*, and a Music Dej«rtrnent for Ijwlie*
IX I • ‘being now completed, we would invite the at-
“ntion of the muxiral public to our stock.compri*ing every
article ir; the Jin r. which can be (urni*lit-d (whole,afo
reteily at New York price*.
PIANO FORTE - ?, bv A .'»>»dart A f'o.. J. It. (biriharn. and
other* of established repuUtfon. c>/n.t*n:ly on hand.
F y/riiBAUM H (.0.. importer*.
No.. 74 .-it. Julian ami 107 Rryao-rtret-u.
d<-c7 Next to Market Fouate.
.Vo 17 Wbilaksr rtrrrl. Stimnnrih.
■ jr Hv* j'.-t o|-ene-i a large and choir-e variety »/f Nrw
JfR' xm> S*rxwj» (i'/.i-. *.on»i*Vtng in j*ari iff block.
-LiL/ire-t rv.hmefc; Cloth* and Cavhmerette; white arel
fancy Ur.-n f-riil»: with a Urge assortment of fancy Mar-
-eilie* *r:d IJrje-j Vesting*, all *<f which he i*»| to
make up to order la the iao*t fa.tiioaatite style, and <m *s.
commvtAtior term* api
.Vo 147 liny Str*rt
'i/^-meut—th<*»e having
T HE oxercise* of this Institution will b« roiiitn*'! on
Monday, (lelob«r loth, under tha management of J. 1).
MALljAUD and DFJINAUD >1AI.IA)N, aasodate prinelpal*.
Tho acadentlo year le divided Into four quarter* of eleven
week* each, ae follows s
First quarter commence* October 10th. nnd end* Decem
ber 241b.
Secern! quarter tommcncea January let, 1864, and end*
March 18th.
Third quarter commoucea March 18th, and end* June
10th. '
F’ourth quarter commence* June 10th, and end* August
Tlie academy in organized Into five department*—Prima
ry. Intermediate, Grammar. Cln*Klual, and Young Ladlo*'.
No exnense ha* been iipared tn nil the xoveral depart
ment* with well-qualllled and experienced tcao'ier*.
Tlie Young Ladle* will be under the charge af J. B. Mal-
LAan, ***ieted by Mis* M. A. OAUiwnm, who wa* educated
in the boat echool* of Northampton, Mass., and ho* been
for the lost three'year* principal of a female academy in
tide State.
Thn Classical Department will bo under tlie charge of Mr.
Isaac F. Caiit, a graduate of Brown University, for two
year* daa*lcal tcachor in tho High School In Providence,
and for the ln*t six year* principal of the High School. In
Warren, Rhode lalond.
Tlie Grammar Department will bo umlor tho chargo of B.
ai.lon, a* heretofore.
Tho Intermediate Department will bo taught by Mr. Hof
nr Baker, a graduate of Ogtetborpo University ; and the
Primary by Mis* A. R. Cahtkk.
Arrangement* have been made with Mr. E. Miller for
ng Inatiuctlon in French and Drawing.
} Principal..
fov gait anti for flint. fll)Ugbript]tg
mM TIIE oubicriber offer* for sal# 1,200 acres of Land,
*S«ly lug on tlie Alatapiaba, river, three mile* bolojv ; the,
known aa Town Bluff. There are 260 acre* open,
ready for cultivation! also two imiall framed house* with
good framed barn and good framed store house,iltuate on
the bank of tho rivor.cine of the best stand* for a *tore In
thl* section. Tho place has the advantnge of steambosta
during the fall, winter and aprlng month*, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wfihlng
to purchase can do so by calling on the subscriber on the
All*o. 080 acre* of Land well timbered, with 160 acre* of
first rate bay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear-
lug, with five acres cleared. Said land will produce fifty
bushels or corn to tho acre. Till* land He* two mile* from
Mann Ferry, on the Alntamaha river,
Also, 6.000 acre* of first quality pine timbered land on
tho Alatamaha and Oetnulgon river*.
A11 tlieso land* are situate in tlie first and second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acres of land well Umbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person- wishing further
particulars can address mo at Hall I*. 0., Georgia.
Jsn31—lawdfcwfim W. DYALL.
*9-Tho Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and send bill to w. I).
No. 1801 South Second olrtdiPMmHphUt^
• W. Ac J, i AIJ.KN reep*^*-
ifarm their friends and,. _
.that they have removed froJn' No. |
^187 Walnut itreeti to No.lMBoitth
Sooond street, where they hate on band a largo and *pleh- .
did assortment of euperlor furniture, of tyrny deagrlptfan . .
to which they Invite the attention of purehajurtrt, 1' ynm
No. 181
lT chair^manufactory*
North Sixth Street Philadelphia.
Greene County, tio.
flios In this Unlveraity areA Theological course
_ ...... se years, designed “ ’
the Gospel Mi nlatry ;
A Chllegtatn Course of faur years, equal to that uf other
College* i* the country; ' "• * -
AScientific Course of throe years, including, with some ail-
ditlon. nil tho etudfee of tho.Collegiatu Course except tho An
cient Language* ;
Tlie regular time for the adndxsion of Students. Is nt the
opening of the Fall Term, the lust Wednesday In August,
Candidate* for admission ntothe Collegiate Courso must
(ustnin a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cienar. Virgil,
Cicero's Select Orations, nnd Jacob's Greek Reader ; and
must be nt least fourteen year* of age.
Candidates for admission into the Scientific Course must
sustain a sat Ufsctory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, and two
book* in Geometry; ana must bo at least sixteen years of
age. urn™.
Tuition. Spring Term. Fltll 1bra.
I.v TuwiuxiiCAL 8KXIXSHT Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
Scientific Course,
lx ArsoKMV—
Preparatory Class
Second “ ....
Third “
Elementary “ ....
Ihxun Rent.....
Contingent Fix pc uses.
,..26 00.... 15 00
.. 20 00 12 00
.. 16 00 9 00
.. 10 <W fi t>0
fi 00 4 00
2 00 1 00
Tlie*c exi^nses require to be [tald in advauen.
From Students who lodge in the College buildings, fifty
dollars w III tx» received ns full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expense* of the year.
Tlie price of Board in tlie village Is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-rent and fuel. $3,
oiXRxv' KMrxTSxn*.
Tlie Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday hi
Tliere are two Vacations, dividing the year into terms, as
follow* ;
First Term—from last Wednemtay in August to December
tVinter Vacation—from December 16th te FVtiruary 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to ln*t Wed-
nemlay in August. II. M. HANDFlItS.
Secretary of the Bpnriliif TrosUis*. ..
friend, by awdUaxlmt U> Vr. 3. T./DAGO. Pre.ldent of
ilverslty. wifi receive a catalogue, containing the
Anv menu, «*
Oi« f’nlver»lty,
course of studio.
d all oilier
_ a. Sm1«.H»tt Portable Scale*, oa }
mills, kc. Store .Seate*. variea* ■ OCPERIOR SILK H-tTa—.
»: CnaLer rox!-«. Hay anl Goal Sr-itei. kc.— j raexit. toe te-ii in the city.
MiareVrs kcr kc-m as-l M-rerely te*te>i; and 1 ocli
ftUia tbeir acecracv aad /^aNAL F1/)UR—t/i bbls and -J> ball bU*. laniiaz froi
tc-unnibax-ber are bow rerarit*i a* tbe stand. ^-hr i'ixo-i'js*. and for sale br
j oct4 'CRANE * P/JDGERS.
W vkiA tlorv It bo a:
pJnLBRlCK k BEU. Arrote
F EffiTfii _a « ef Mineral Paint*, fire and
stfading. Silver * Mineral Painu
^rerfolj itcs all other* ia market. TVy are not
B acon sides and shoulders.—40 o.*xj s-fo tm
frizz boa*. S3 do Shoulder*. Uoding and for *a> by
ly-ndon i articclar : Z do do old Port :
•Vine : 20 c*‘k* Claret ; 4-0 ba.»k*t» ChamtAgne
S*t?*ri—ViSfti tiio Honda : 10.V*0 la Crai* ; 5///J
La Union : 10/XS) la Patria : Oi.VjO 7ra»/>reax.
ynney Grocerie*.—A 1arg* *-;p-.4y-»och a* if.-.jr/rvri
O/rdiaU. Lr~'-‘h Iffcklet and S*oce-i. Preeerrei ir*e*u.
Pranet and Jeuj»«. For tale by A. RT/NaUD.
<te>, Corner c{ Bxt and Wbhaker-rtrret*.
j*<V apt/
of every deecription
C*Ji and -ee.
ornbbrog *
r t/e. noioero-i* It. /.-,
T)Y THE STE-tMER OF SATURDAY. «e have reretved j
*« i GUOCXHIX,,«.
r ^- T * T *7\ attach*! ; aiw. cigar eare. ol the latexl '
*r «.ri nor p«L and require no tdr-cagre * aIKIN k BURN'
I Tjr- --
ad ayyttap-
. 59 */.
a o-l 6
j ^tONGRJSS WATH4—Now landing fre/a bark Exact war
* ryvsr it hJot. Ps>1 Yellow, various Browns. ! .
Tost are tx^erior in bolr /or covering 1 vy rxated to be genuine and
<r u .LwvrereL and t'./un*. for pound \ -* x*pt aiwaya in ioe.
w wttiW tb- esrlaoe of White Lead or Titx Mineral
L _ r\UNNY CL//TH—2f»> bale* wr^bieg 2V ftt. j ard. ia
^ T,a i VJ rtr<« and for »le by
fuatt. For tialebr « a . T 4 PADEIJORD. FAT k CO.
recently bottled. A »«t?4y
Moarraec*. Sq-xare.
«tx A. BONAfD-
^ocm AIX —y> cartes Msir k Sr.-a # and Hester lKite'*
S 0770I
rk Ale in tecta, iart resMTe-i and for tale by
• r/jb
S TiSi TilLOSiNG E«TaBLD0IMES7—Tse f-ab-
’VffUr®- ;eR v> No. SI Ball-rtre*t. (tw- ;
arr'urti&zt-mtUS. werii inform hi* : .
“*&♦ ptio- rea-ruSr. that he will ep-n Tem "DaLSaMOF UTERWOBT AND HOAP.H^*N>*—7hi» ori-
waat Rtjijir ,d rail and Wjavr G-x.l*.oocawrung JD ebrated Daltara. fn/a ae Indian reript. and each b>tt>
f fcXfJWia. Lefiri and American G/.te Ga».ts- ;«*uintth» rir-.n#-* ctf tweetr-tvo differeet kind* off root*
f t-scayx ptrwuM,; tnzi the xn tt eitcariTe in. • ani be:hi- a fre*h »r;*Jy recrired per rteas>er.
*" h VkVt he j* j.rejiared to raaieepia nor> Vr. W. LINO/LN. Monnznent eqcare.
1 tti» -'Sre.
it FevTir _
* ** faAios^ue tt/iei
DISSOLUTION. exirting with tbe xnfor- : JC a ten, arel Ik year*. An;'.*
^■UBtertw fmt <t B5SION k GCNBY, U tiit «tl> * WV
J2: R iLE
.la. eax-BOFips. I-
! s
. ID D33YED BY LAST STEAMER.—Hair thirty =nT
j ** ▼E yicaiM the rxCTrtt ir.y. n i nr,V. ; I\ aiavxk mittt wt r>/r« xai aut* lac* man-
, n vn too-cat. and retjcctf.tUr ; tfilat. wa»h t-Vmd. grai.t hfoth. N W *4iart and chesButatte.
■h. ^ Jotevrtre » SberaCv eiteni- Ivag l*wt». HL~4»-eye ■ha.jer. Ac . lor *a> in
; TAT.'T'jNTS GCND0WDE2 c-.cuCaiGy for i*> at
k partner . U facter-r.' •? OjKZS A FO-WCX
■ KT nnfor i /SOKN l OWN” ldT.*9 bYibrf* jrtsnt white Wwtera
<- 2 k/ Oiiro. Jsrt reorirei and lor aa> by
^I'uu~ theV**tn«*ca , C3URLJ5 3- LC2YFJL
J- 2 C-*ir!C Ckoslfertan. « C x si-* ff*t and p-.-sni jiat,* GJvbM. it a raj-iedy it ;ilV-
a*.aaraxonh. Ga_ ‘ *-ara*. for by <*tlS J. Y. O/LfJNr.
\ QHIRT5. SORTS.—rewired* new varyssa
«-s^|j‘ Ufi f T »i»liui-day in ni- „ JU_M P2XE A YEA HER. 34. Sar^t.
"uicai. i, K ^ Trei/yOt —bug* iretA green! Hutu. free Orna^ightta ,
*>****1 *&* r nSr. jart reawrefi, and Ire w> by
‘"fai * -^Mirt theUteIren wt2 i* i> *-.ZS b 7ARTI2
• .... __ . lr -*-aoi; ,j iihcuh iue thetn win \»- .. — ^.
t J,gr ' rf ll *br the«*-«• nbw zuae 3*7 . ny*DOtSERT. At
Eissax a iycriiss. . xr
M QOg, b a/slrGISg. \
I - ( . . 1 "" ■
nuiinr 'ii- tL- 1 * fo*w* i»uicv.r* t» **»ui irnttr; > 5111 n'l;* 1 -ui wvy i«o>« mr*m txvtmj , •
Y ' ln,L firejtr crate1*3 ami cUicefi . *♦»*. r«ttj-a*a't ioiC cuUdrem'* tela aa»i ucrnv Vetsu.
i,** ettentert te F<r«U. W ««-l HJ-»2T U.TtvCffi A 00.
tXTwnsor esn c. tisJfxs-n*
Wthetaine . \ | ^.Rf.Cannc tJu* v,}C*d»ee ef 6'ikaC. Cadb-.-ta dril-r-ced
.•es&oiitt ar 7.1* ' rv:U,i ******-*’ G «*C Vy Litiard Cra.’De. rev^refl is,', for
r«r l^luxt CUUtKn ‘ ; ~ y,t ^g.S^-a-T.rJbOmicmwnt..
r———.' 3 W gfiewi-’, ' rjt^icH*c. ituSa. wainCl. fcoid fa.ury ;
—: — , m. zlxa~a rnuiji*. Ar^iutS rmtiiri i«r evaanw Aurwtv
moii*rut. Hie T itfT«02S—13 Mil* Whiiity. ifoV 4.v E
J 1 ? ^ Vr 11 A Onme. te *-< »'"* TkH Zyr Gin.« fiw hmue-hiv Srwifiy. 4»* 5vN E
^ 3 "* etw inoat | R»tm.lur wa* V/ sasda WEaSTER k PJlXEf.
" ^\f«-2NDCC GC«<5—2Z*± Bmadrata**, ri Vrt
jfl * ' Bkt4 W-ib »<ria« ; iUlntfe XV
7 H'/T/T/wyss . !•» • T»«D -eiarfimicl. vlkU jb5«*: Mack jufav jilts*
—— \ Ifiruret *Ji vwa3ras»; Vlmfc tfivuiffis -5* kutu*. \u*$-
ti.. « * e-w/'l*L tuSiepuuihh^J! x*..dn . ...i JT~— .* g.a
3 2 M U. UWJ'HY. 21 n»u Art* »'/';!■! re»p*c!fo!iy
wtfitoem HU fri*r.d* *r.d t‘tj-. mihl>. r*ni*faUj. tiuit
ilbi- reccired hi* tpr.r.f *tyte» for g-srtemet). *wm7
iLwhich w.'R tie found *» rich and Sox fancy Cxuiswei.
. t'ertia?*. kc.. as hare ever been brougM V. thi* fr.vric-t.
All order* ewcatei with d:»pxteh lui is t!*« b*#t »trl»
of -orkrsas.hip.
1 are reepectfuJly iniite-1 tec*!! and judge for
jieta-elte* mb 11
^>2 7f« V. SYte/T. ltzm> -Mi 7i-i//X..Vo.
; ^4*7 JrIt'/licr t/rv.U. z-^+r’I-.uj« IU
* Jxtteslfori ‘A hi* fr>#»d» ar. . tie* -cibifo ir. geri
ML*ni v, hi- Urre »t/ei •/. Ifoady roa* f W.L-
■ iag. Mutable In the prefer.t and c//tninjf »e-**r,r, It na* ail
l*-7i op vr.dcr hi* jer»mxl •ajerinter/te&t* an ».f
1 %:;i* a;,d dvreVriity of wofiicaa«hi}. i* -tfo/v.r fo non- to
be foxnd ia tie exit*!.
Tl.* foS>/»:ar r//tr;[ri*e a portion >A *.*;» »t/cdr : YrsX * a ad
, of Ms*.' black and «r,V/r«d cx*/.-ne-e t'Mhi: !,U*.r.
brab d'ete J'toci* and hack* ; tinen davk. «tri*! an". fo.r--y
i. ; n*-s F't-cir and back*: Ji>dit rr>n* »Rk and ‘ttv 1, I.ucb
.-■ark.* ; iA> tk and colored ajjiac* Ft'c.'i« and
Pant* of fancy i'ltryAi canri.-c-r-i b'.aci 'sa-ii\u c*>»'-
*n-re. buck drab d'et* and ipriz-f ta-*rj-u white
tvi and fa nor 5i»en drill V^eth»v with a Ur;rt lot <A k-A-
Vta drill arc! d vti Panu. t n «asaracr wear
Ve*t« t/l .viaci fc*S:s. Mari barathen and fa&cy «?!k*. fan
cy and white Kar*e-:'1>* brvj—i and rtrije-d bnem
’.tivi. a Urr« ‘A Y<.rz'ts:izig Good* ru-.b a» ifoir.
ri'-vri. ratwiifori era tat* -y.lia.-v -?2k. jr>. v re v*vtUs. and
fAZ/n.1 *ndw*i.i.-t*. xtrip* riik and wtVc. vsXi- r.Jl and
f»rh*ra *;»ire£iaa ele . etc.
7ne wh-Ae of which be «*5er* for *a> os tc/avtvrn'clating
ter»*. and vt frinw a>*; u tV cfan«*»t. ip-lZ
Ofrri for »a> a large aeevrtstiest ot riWhi, Ca*-
^ ifscr-i tad Vr-rtieg-». nwiirtihg 5a jrart -/ tte fo4-
•nr i.rti- je* eeln-teri or hknnrif dwr. w the put
nvisener in t.nd Pars*, wiicn be wjJJ xaake te or-
ter in tb* beet *tyle <A »ort*&*aand at tic *#y«tevd
sotVje Hi* tV/cked FteadyaxartefTwtkhncand ‘A Fvrci.b-
iiif Good*, for xentieasien'* wear. »* »*ry iiwr* *x*d of t‘^r
bred v tairty ami *niie—tt* xrV>ieof it mate- inf* fall n/ci
rivjll.s institution nffoids a comptete course of fi-gal «-«lu-
L cation for tlin fair in any of the UniUnl State*. i:xce|il-
ing only matters of merely local law and practice ; and »l*«
systematic course uf in-tructlon in Commercial I-niv foi
i«f»e who propone to engage in mercantile pursuits,
Tlie I^tw Uhrary. which is constantly Increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 volumes. It Includes a very com
plete collection of American and English L-iw, end tlie prln
cipal works of the (,'lvil and other F'oreign la w. It is opet
to students, and warmed and lighted for their use during
both terms and the wlnler varstion.
The first term of each academical year leglns in tho last
week of Augu«'. and the second term in the last week of
February : each term continue* twenty weeks. Students
Mre admitted at any period of a term or vacation Tile fee*
are $50 a term, and $’.'5 for ball a term. For till* sum stir
dents have the use of the Jaw IJIn-arv and text books, and
of the College library, and may attend all the
fiu'dic I'-cturts delivered to the under graduate* of the
Die Instruct/,rs of the 1/i-v School are lion. Joel Parker,
LL. IK. Royall Professor; Hon.IbeopMlu* Parson*.LI.. !>.
Itane I’rofowr: nnd Hon. Edward G I//ring. University
lecturer. Instruction is given by lecture*, recitations aud
examinations, and moot courts.
For further Information application jnay be made to
• ithevof lh* inxtroerors — 1 iwbii.,
Varnbridgo, August 1.18-VJ. dlaw.'iwls
/yyyiilutir*. Cl,nrUf. grantnl m 184’J.
T 'HK Kfn-lng M:**ion will cmimencem1 the second Monday,
which l» the 12th day January.
Gw». Y. Dnows*. I're«ldej,l and Professor of Mental
Moral Science.
IM/iffi. Profe»v,r of Natural ' / .ri*nr*n
1. R, Baxsiuu, VratiMor ot Mathematics and Director ol
. Mu»ic.
j IlKver M Hotr/zuir. Profesvor of Belle* L-ttres •
7 he Fa--olty will le-a..l.1.»! the folio* log l-'idle*. viz;—
Mr* Browne. Mr*. Branham, Mi»*»* ,'teo.ictt. Buni*b-ad
Merelirh. and E. Penn-U
f'aukr/ues eontainiu/ further Information, niav le> oh-
I fain*-! hr am,lying to either of tbe officer, nf the 0,1 lege. *#1
1 to eitiier of the following gentlemen, who con*tl1ote the
| iV«rd of TriMt/e. ; K E Jon*-s. M D . Pre.PJ.-nt; II M Pee-
; pte*. Fr/jr 7re*> ner: T«io». .1. tf-mff). F**ir., Secretary
j J II. Walker ffor. N G. Fo-ter ffor. if frwio. Win. H.
-t/A-e*. Edmund Walker, /arhariah F»-a*v Nathan Maavy.
j Wrn. *,V. B Crawford. M D . IJenj Harris.J«*. V. Hwan***n J
W F‘e»r».K. I'. Efin/nerman.
1 Mvffron. M'fr^ancounty.I*ec. Iffird. IV,l
I dr 2/» lawdAwt?
^T'fiE Annual four** of |>eture» In thl* /e-pvrtnient will
a eo«im*r»eeon MONDAY,November It. an*l will ter
1 ruinate in the en.ulng March.
I f AMEN JOSE-. M ti. Pr*/e.»«r*.f P/actf-e
J C. KIDDF1J, M D.. Profe*.//r of C?,emi*'//
VAP.P.EN .‘■7GNK. If J. IV/eM/.r of Yvtr-ty.
I A II GENA-'. M it .Pro0 *«.-of »/1e.tetri*'»
A J rtIJrDKBBf.'BN. M D . P/ofe.«w of Anatewy
1 Gt.'^fAVI.r A N*/I'r. O. Pr fe».//r of Materia M-dlca
i 71IOHA- HUNT D . Profe.r//; of ffor«iot*rgy »,e: Pa!UP
fxm.vyjji r:«, beap.d m d
j cAMUFJ. P <HGPf'IN. M ir
| The rte/zri- P/f d'**e»ting all) >** often from the third Mon-
J <fa » in GcVAter fa the f ir»t **f A p*il
( The Faculty are V,.ii;r,g Ifowirfan. and '-ur/re/u* */f the
| Or*r;'j iDtepital. an 1 attend thi* inxtitulfoTi tr*/»n .'•ureto
1 Iter V* April 7>>e .-lu'tent* the l'rofe**//r* io
their vi«u*. and too* ru/.j vtinurthtatj practical adran-
RICK LANDS F’OB SALE—The Tract of LAND on the
St. Msry’sIUver, known ns the Cut-off Tract,containing
norm hundred nnd seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres are tlao swnnip nnd fresh ntrtrsh
lands, with a rlso nnd fall nf tide of six fent. Tiro marsh
land was successfully ffliliivated many ycarsslnce,producing
Cotton, Cano, and Rico.
These Innas could he p*t In order with less labour, It Is
believed, than would be required fur hutting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very saro from overflow in gales
and freshets.
For further particulars nnd terms, which will be made easy
to a purchaser, anjdy to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
8.C..or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, fit. Mary's, Camden county,
A plat of the land may bo seen at the office of tlie Geor
gian.^' _ apl 27—<1 Ate
. gcJlT Eon BALK .—A Tract nf LAND, containing 202)j
32.acres’, nhd Improvements, near Walthourvfile, liberty
county. Tlie Innd is of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
acres af which are In cultivation, and tho remainder well
timbered, offering strong inducements to persons interested
In procuring turpentine, The Improvements consist nf a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
nnd all oilier necessary outbuildings. Tnn location cannot
bo surpassed for hcaltlifulnoss or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a rnngo for cattle which cannot bo oxccllod.
Tlie dime proi>crty can tx>. bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating term*, if early application
be inadu to the subscribers, at Waltlmurvillu.Llborty county.
japl 20—d&c K. 11. WAY.
M A Tract of Tide Swamp land, containing 600 acres,
Rlyliigon tho Alatnmaha river, tlireo miles ahovo Dari-
■-en, adjoining land* of the estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on the east and Glgnllllat nnd Walker on tho north
and west, navlng ns good a pitch of tide ns an* rleo plan
tation on the river. My terms aro. twenty dollars |icr acre,
one-fourth cash, nnd the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, tlie Interest only required to be paid nnnunlly.
Apply to the undersigned nt Darien. In caseof my absence
Mr. Jamb* Piiixum! wilt show thn land, a plan of which can
' 3 seen at tho office of the Georgian.
lHinrx.Jnn.22. 1853. Jan'.’fi—loin
BY F OR HALF!.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acres
3S_strictly prime Rice Land, immediately opposite tlie old
iwn of Hardwick. Tlie situation of the pinco affords on*
of tlie best Haw-mill seat* In the Southern country, facilillc*
for timber being easy and without end. Vessels coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from I' ll
to fifteen feet of water. F'or terms apply t« Henry Williams,
U .3. District Attorm-y. Snvnnnah.or toll. h"i'ILF-M,llrviiii coun-
^ |
nyOf The plantation known n» Ahiumh, Immediately on
F^tlie west side of’tlie Savannah road seven miles from
4*n.|inrieti. eontolning eleven hundred nnd forty »even
seres of pine and hammock Innd. ol which near two him
dred and fifty acres are cleared nnd under fence. Tlie ham
mock land* are iff iv superior quality for cotton, corn, Ac.,
■w*l the ptn« lands well adapted to turpentlno. There are
negro houses and other huildlngs uiam tho plantation.
Tliere is a water course within five miles over a good road,
For terms, apply te Fl W. DkJ.EGAL, »
augl7—w3m South Newport,G
I ?OR SALK— 1 The westerly half of IM So. 2 Vomacraw,
lieing the Wliarf now occupied by tlMif'lmrlenlon Steam
Packet fompany. measuring one hundred feet on tlie River,
and running bnek about two hundred feet to f.'anal-street.
Tbeproiterty l* now under n lease which will expire on tho
first of Novernhernext.
if not sold at private sale previous tn tlie first Tuesday In
F'ehroary. It will then be nlfi-rad at auction at the Court
House, Apply to del6 COHEN k F'OHDICK.
T HE cbeajte-t establishment In the southern country for
tlie sale of sashes, doors, blinds and wood Mouldings,
of every variety, is at the. corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets, Charleston. M. G. All my work is made of the
bext seasoned white plriu, and the sashes are glazed m the
very neatest manner
A full supply of paints, oil, glass, varnishes, and brushes,
always for .al* low, M-pO—w4w 11. V. SMITH.
FpHK attention of the trade, arid others, in wantof I'orle
JL Mont,ale*. Pocket Bo</ks, Banker*' Cases. Dressing Ca-
(Opposite Franklin Square,) *,•! <
THE subsorlber Is constantly flu-ist .
ilshlng.ind on hand Plain and tan- Ul
ioy Cane Seat Chairs, in great varie- lv|
— • Jty of alejpmt and fashionable style*,'I*
fnr parlors, dlnlng-ronms or diambors,. made In Fenoy
Woods, Imitation Woods, and Fancy Colorado. , :
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light nnd beautlfal no- ,i-
sign*; Cano Ismnges, Cane Settees, Hall Chairs, Counting ,.
House and Office Arm Clmlrs. largo and small Hpckin*
Clnlra, Store and Steamboat Stootn, Windsor Chain, ana .\
8ettces, ko.
Huueekeencn, Hotel, Pteanibnnt and Hall Road Comnanloa
will find It to their Interest to call at tho Factory of
No. 131 North ClhSt (oppositeFranklinHvunre,)
mh7 Phl)»delpht»; _
Aarloulturnl tVnre-IIouao and Heed Store,
Nu. 1D4hi Markd-itrcrt.l'Mladrlphla, .'■■ ■:•
l’nom k Miuiui' Patent Self mu*
Rharpenlug I’luughs, of all ilttumS
right and l»rt harnted—Subsoil,
■■■■■hmbiHIiIo Hill and Double Mould, Ac., with
Steel Fixtending Point*, Bar-share, Roach, nnd’other kinds
of Coating* for repairing. Tlie Kmporor of Russia awarded
for tho almve Plmighi, a Massive Gold Medal, value $800,—
Also, thu Great Medal at tli* World’s Fair, was awarded P,
k M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Double-Point Poll*h»
ed Steel Teeth, which can bo reverted, thu* getting Ihniblt
Wear ol tlie common Teeth. Also, Cultivators of all kind*
with Steel Teeth. • - . . . -a•
Bnain's Atino»ph«k Clmrns. Cornl’Janter*,
Corn Shelters, rm proved Turnip Drills, 4 to 86,
kinds, *“ 1
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn nnd Cob Crusher*,
Gedds’ Improved Harrows,
Squnroami A Harrows,
Horse Itnkes,
Grindstone*, ready hung,
Dirt Scraper*.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Rows.
Fork* lor unloading Ifay,
Man liny Hakes,
Dow Pina,
Apple Rearers,
Ox Muzzle*,
Mole Tran*,
Pruning ifooks and Chisels,
Saws and Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, and 7.Inc
tubolng for Chain Pumps.
mli Patent Fasten-
1 uruiii xsTiiia, ■» ui on,
Grant’s Patent Fan Mill*,
Garden F.iiglnea,
Wheat Drills,
Horse Powers and Thresher*,
Mowing and Roaplng Maj
C'liulu Pumps,
Cat U« Ties,
Bull Uhigs,
Patent Iron Snaths,
Gruhblng Hoes.
Transplanting Trowel*,
Hay and Manure Forka,
Shovels and Hpndea,
Garden and Field HoesJ
Garden Rakes I11 variety,
Children's Tools,
Darling Scythes,
Snaths, wtth ‘
. Ings,
jpotiilo Hooks.
Also, flortleulturnl Tools (iff overy description,) Garden
nnd Grass Seeds, for imlo at the lowest price*, at Whole**!*
and Retail, eod—aplQ
No. 4 Ninth fifth-it rot. two itnori aUirt Market,
HPJIK undcralgnerl have Just rqiencd a frceli and cnmtdaU
J. *toek of Wall Pa|iers. among which nre gold anu vel
vet. firm satin, and the lowest priced unglaxed paper*; also,
decorations, borders, fire screens, curtains, eln.. which they
offer nt Gin lowexl pries, both wholesalnniid retell.
lint best workmen employed te lmng paper cither In the
eity nr country.
illniilt llnnkt. Slnlionmi, de..—Wo have also nur usual as
sortment or writing pnjH-rs wrapping imjiers, blank and
school hooks, slatlonerv, etc.
Nu, 4 North Fills »tm-l,2 duors nlmvt* Market.
tinr< n*h paid for country rags. mlilfi—*od
itle Marie
of l/«ln
Ua/.orn and Razor Strop*. Trav<-lllng F ia»k* and fine Guile,
ry, Gcfether with a largn variety of Fancy Great*, which
will be M»Jd 41 tha lowest rate*. P. II SMI l'If,
Purte MonnaU and i'ocki-t Rook Manufacturer.
aug21—endlw 205 Arch at., te lu* Sixth, Philadelphia.
R eceived by h s *-ibi.ey. August jo. iv.
. Mi!.-* Trrer.-nh.-re. nr the t/rre'D-at. by Am
Mailt*rd. author of 7,i„;-r* the Gynaey. of riir William iLmillon. Prr.tea.or
a.vt M><y«lca in Erlinburgl. l-nlverally. for th
achw.1* arc! rull.-gc*.
Ala-lard and FJ.-ire, a G. W. Wright
l'y»cooi».icy Spirit Rapping* and lipping*’<;xpo>«-d, by
Priifre.or ‘* G t'ngn M. II. ,
ffaruuw*. Illu.trat. rl S-w» ; Gfo*.//o’* I't. loral; Popular
Educator ; Majarirn of Art., kc. F*»r *al« at the l.ra.k
atereol It H. HIBf.EY,
augll 136 Cr.ngr.a* afreet,
I I*’ r T rrrr lred.a variety of publicat.'m* of tlie H*w York
ProtMtant Eplreopal N— j.-ty 'fracta. G7,urch Cate-
chin.i*. Mibtuiih ;-u-r*!/:►. aod other chimp and vaiu-
abte Publication*. For at the Book Flore of
auglO No. J36 f><ngre>» elreel.
■KAIJNE WINlerW «»LAEK. t»««jtertor
urtwmi • |tell«h fa all other, and .i«r*r
dth.tand.all climate*.and l, packet with
ill,ml rare -uiubbt lor *h>p| inx. /rf-alcra and oth<.« will
conault their Inter ret by rending thrir orders to the tote
*u/ !,'►* I'rug Warcboure.
N W. wwr 10th and Markc'-xta.. Philadelphia
P I'OiCtEP.'E At.K
brilliancy of *n
, J-*-»n'/n»tr*t//ri
rf Anatom
irtj facility will te *1.
; fage* fre*
J Tore* arc about one UyeitenA {/atirot* prerer.ted
; ^ItVc'nutr.’ovr r^pa*teot«D orerir t.-Mj Itecrrend. In4i* 1 '***'"*•'• f»mter. »/? wbteh
./d>b irr-G'T jr i, j.,. bulldre* nred te appreh-/.'ted t
77,c c*» MiiL »fa» bring coo,\JcterJ lii the nu,e bull>!lr>g
•lil te In operation In th* coor**- >A om .nonth whre. ot
r,* tor cvrey rteaeripttrm Sawed Iziinter »Rt te
1) DAY I’ClVSllt Ulli YGGJfG LADfFS. ted - Ur «ter.*fa|,. Apply fa B A AU.KS k Ol , or
Ytcuii wiii te*zcl;..irely .;cAre. It, th* AcUtol and farn- ! JFW—-"d’un WfUJAH KINK. Agrert
lit. Ut <n* regard *«M te a ten had fa * -Jmrovgh K/rgfl »h j ' oo'ia^/.| j, tttsiru t ~~
F^Svcat Unt Karin;.? To/n-. i, j/r*p*,r?f fa r*ff?r p».-re,tt*rri . , . ' ff—f. Alii EI 8—4.4111 EINf
grar •. *•-* fa tte ..••• .t rzu'.ty-ui Profo,./,,. of Mu-i- In iftlL . W K * ' 1 ' ' U * "P*'**' 5 * r *->' »»'S «4-tendld *»*//ri-
* - ... 1.. : » r rore.t r/f carj^ft, c//o-l»trng iA—
linn[i, Dutch, Veil'll!mi, Ht»lr, Three. I'ly,
; \\7UA.oimi va tte Lt of *t t*> enrnre <A !
t Y in* an t -<s>u ,U*<-U H,arte,to-, h, G . * Jvj.foiJ,. j
. . ..
r.umter >A gre.tlre,
•'irginia. fa b;-'/*? dau^htvra ate i,
J' — ?>r E-rig-*//-, G'd.dard, Mdlk A-tete W
V.X.Z On. Ecot. Kv! Accite Guillot. htsi'.lyt tA
Mari I’/too.) Fd.D Ing.-ahxrn.Ef'j .J//. Win lUrrf*. tl h
Galptn. y^i . (ton Pre-ijj Prof. >A Suite. It. JJupfol-J
Ymi . YvA </. Uuhc. I
S’™. V'/rlis—Mi/.. It Gte-rara v ffa/t-fi
W,A/Uri)*r. Fa.—iter
i V. M»v
«g.v/r Ba/foll.
Orz. fa—iter G. Walter. Jter H If l>/yd. JD/o ! Hoh'iii" ‘
.* JL/a B. Y.Conrad. Gvo. />* If Jl. l>«, te. i //; th<
w furtw-w rea-'jrraL *♦ . f - ’ LGTric. HUe3X21T. «-c —Oa.fJwi*a,-« tx.5 wlJte.
5I5SEE i Jte<«»J2S5. 'J ifltrk aa»3 w6-r-i tii Gtetre : cj*tAni,'re. tentJk. a-ni
V<»0Ci A ' ' "farXa. Glvre*: La.fare' »a,i r?uit>ax»»-.c't l>t>uk Gt rsri-'te ;
— i : fw«>an«'* *rxz*-a. *sfi uITt Breawr axd
retiring fawn k.uuiieaw 1* lai! Lrew; a ftTi xtf Vtr't aaii Kanae*' Hreurey ; !*-
^lOJTFS—150 bag» Rfo. 75 do. Jam*'
riro.e—10 Lid* Porto Rico. 10 do. ft. Croix. Sfa. Nre
Ojlreax. IV, bbli Oraibtd. powJre-d. a&i f.lxrited.
S'A-iyse.'—'J, fcl>i« Csba. 75 bbl* New *trn\u‘.
Yva:*—150 ttl* BalUsxrre. 75 do. CauL50do. Hiran-j
BV05—15 mil T'af-adrifUa ihai.Y/j Bziticc/re R*c?-
t-1 30 Ltd* ri.’Jre. 20 do sbwMrr*.
Bfcror*—10 -4-/zcn painted La-o-flre.
Bri.xrrr—yx. fozc-n. palsied.
Sera*, *vn *txtnz— V> tent* Vo. 1 tad E.»taTjr
»*}., 50 do. P*!* do. 75 do. Afasxji! » Gasvfit-*. 25 dr,.
25 do S*ar. lfoOdo P*test KvjFJ do.. 40 wbvte aad
haif toxre Surch.
To«*'xo—{*r« rarforz* teas-** aad qialit.te«.
! rt',i -TKT.k—!A tezre Lvt&oe Syrup. 10 care. 7F*1-
ac:t as»d Tost a to Cat* op. 10 do FSrardi Ptacte*.
Imxwtv\jryr"r.K—:i t»4* PteJp*' G:a. 50 do. N F. Rraa.
75 fo rtect.tef Whi.i r. 3'; do. Extra • di Mco’«v»tefa do.
W-jei—->'< q-trter c*.m.» para Kilaca. i do. ».bfoc? lia-
dcira Ewwrtd. asd for aateby
jr-5 U'MMIOS k lAiTtM
H AVE ia riort. aai vS*t for talt oa aotoiaia'xiatioj
Urzat tte Mfoxrizif. riz:
S> i.i.5* Pvrto Rteo fiiagar 70 do Vt '-wrvV/ do.
; 30 do N teirtai do. 5) te-i* fo.
for do ratzi-d A B as.d C do. 25 iiidt Koiw*re.
. I'/; t>bir .V O Symp. 50 do New V'it do.
S’Xi Rio OuSre- i»V do J*»* -fot.
'25 LLi* bx.crxb riidre. 10 do dr- NteAldrea.
I'd LaJf b*.l» Lard. 600 oacx* rail.
IteV Vvzre waap-rarin-at brat-fa.
1W da faa-ty do. fw faftet w*. wri 5
QA BS3J* wiste-r rtraiwd aa-t Vaca-te-i w'u-> f AL
. /v U i« tivc* pws 2S» Oyfftw.
6/ Ira^* old goreres-tsd Jar* Codlre.
75 - Lartrra O.iSre 45 KirvcuV/ do.
1«V Wi» E Pirtlci*' Gli. trite*? kit C.tts't Kir-re d»
If* - twzresie Era-tety. V; fa N?w *lraj5*s*t ?-vxa.
Xd> icit *ai 100 prix^ Leaf I*rfa
’ 65 Uifo jsin* Bauv* S-dre, 25 d-v dv 3.'.tl4w».
ili»V ittaa pu-rfaf Bswfctt*.
25 ii-fa prio? S« Cro-lx 15 dv Pv-rto do.
* 20 - -tjcw Nvw Oi5?aa» S>w.vr.
1 20 145* V«5«. fopar- «a»d fa-St Gatteri,
’ t-V * retart's A. 2. a.ui C ofaritei riurtr.
50 '• - traGics t-ui jowfi-ro^ ern^t-r
•»> i-vzre 3**d*i"* 6* avC te Ulfow Cat-fare.
1W - S-'aj Cxi*fare. Vti dv TCv I jb.'h and fastfaj .%»>.
69 X -terv*. ttf u.wi 1-ra.wJ* F'.-r aaV in
reyX' _ -CRA.V7GN. A CT*
“ft Tmf HTilUMiK, CRACKljiU, «t.
Q/ j BS22? H. rhu-th'* Hver
O'J 2V' htZS iAfa -ottu-w Caxivi Fausi
2V HAO* Surar
27 hCJ i>Ut* dv dv
20 4-V5* Better dv
27- da if flu* dv dv
20 ir.-ire dv
24- Ltef 7-W* F titei. JCarLfi B«£ a dLtvoe artifat
6 V 8AvaCcMited Sipznu. fovtn Vrif Aurort*. t® t for *»5t W
yyJT a<*j»yifaL JtJgNrfjC A CT.
V T '/BK.X—TTte evte-uriteir tes'ar o-.niT-tCW 1* -done !te
Lw a<ru8.KiSxn^ *A F. Z'/;3iTK A w^n.14
rovawBa'iiJW* aadtd<*fi 1# *2te lite- farm Vo cai-c ium*-
Kate- papwivt amfi li-u*w Lartug dkr-ru* to irrerert Cteir
fur -retfamxwrS. G. 2. XTJCHYLL-
jvsnVH rvtcwwwr to F ZcjjVa-utxi b Cv
jrj al2KHAS35 .151* TaGUKAUl lUSCK^IZS Of Fmxuutu, toaders Pmuuxstu. Fariw xafl otBW «or*»^— J ,
VZT KAMMML C*<«u:Cusfaf?,C^trater. Samt 1m-llKf i _ * —; 2T"72’"227i"a"' " ; 7-
vwtww Sur tb? It Jl a*.c winter mttf ^ J 1 ” /«*‘*w».te*.y«fo#y reWfowd tws
, I'HE S*.b'*;rlter* are now pre..«rrel to receive of-ire a f/^
I Wenlny utter -te**:riplion* of Halr/e j Lor/iter, at
the Sw»*nnah J'ialnir.g Ma'hlr.e, tltu»te-l 00 the canal, at
the wreiern extremity 111 the cfly »/f Pavannsh. between
ZoWy *“'J M*f/*ret street*. O.-lre* for all -teocriptl/.na of
Pla’me-1 i.-rmter furni*b*-d at tli* ete/rtrert ..-/reii/le notice,
ar-f roaoufactur*-'! in a tuj-erior ttyfo, which cannot fall fa
ptea-* thee/,..turner Work -lone by their machine will
com j** re with that 0/ any now in nre 11,e t.rteeritera
>g for a cof.*fant supply of ie-
•D-»pire.n'.oen\ to
TN ALL ITS BRANCHKH,-—Buslni , »s card*, wilh aptirnpti-
.1. ato ileviciia, ernl.oaaml In a new »ty|«, |,i plain amt fancy
cnti.r*. Sna I a of i-v.-rv (la* with or without presses,
Em.-lope* p. Intel will, iinri..., Iinainaaa nn»l address, label*,
hill heads, inn.iufiicfurer'* llcltol*, Ac., all nxecuted In til*
inalnat manner mid nl prices 25 per rent, hulnw any slinl-
W .•riablM.j.’enl, In conaequeiic, «f tetter and Improved
facilities fur the execution of aurli work.
N lh—All order* l.y mall promptly attended to. Good*
rent to any part of thu country.
„ , , „ , . T.n. GAI.VERT k GO.,
F.nvt-loja-and Heal I'rea* Manufacturer*. Die Sinkers. KmbOfe
sera and Eenguvera, 48 South «d al., Pl.lladelpiils.
A RGHFJt k WARNER, Muiuifnclurera, No ItQGtisit rut-
. street, Philadelphia,respectfully solicit Ilia atfantl m nt
purchawia, to IL.-lr assortment of ei.arulslier*, bra.kftt*,
femdant*. and every deaerfpllon nfgaa huilierai also over9
variety of lumi.*, girandole*, kn. Wa warrant our good
equal In quality, and our prices us lowu* any other ««tab
lisiimi-nt In the country.
71..- Trade supplied with burners, mercury, caps,bra*"
ling*, air pumps, Ac., at reduced prices,
Fill* S. Archer, I William V. Mlalcry,
Ifo'lwood P. \\'*rner,_ | _ Win, It, fl. Morrill,
LO OK IN G>Vi LAM M \V A ltlfll lt)U SJcT .
117 (.hntnut it ml, UUnn /hurlh. north ride, J'hUotlrtiflit
IA7E Inform merchant*and resident*«f|hi*rlchiltyfthat
V V the mmtcmntJ«ta.*vMm«Wcret^l(y tffiflMnnflWltffi'
for country sale. will. Portrait and PJct./y, Frames, Ac., trill
te found «i oor «*lahll*|.m«nt.,
long exp. and large ra-ililles
beat gmel* at lowest prices,
1 T 1 """ Wl ’ «lv« «*lli»atr» for an j
Ordere »-Jfoiled * r< *" r, “’ I 1 ’"" 1 at any point
French Plato Glats, for Stores, Dwelling*, Ac . at ImtK.rta-
enatilo us to sell th*
. ri,f W <.AItl’BTIl*«H. \
fJHlK «oh«rrlter has Jurt received per late arrival?.’, a
I large soil fresh *t cb of the richest and oewesl sly.V*
of Velvet.'D,|„-«tfy. ft.I.ssels, three ply logralti ami Ve/iX
Man (I ntjc-tliigs. all of which are ollore-l on the most do* ir A
With r
Gng, Ac.
* strong indm
foil a**oitu.e.,1 of Oil GloU.*, Table Govern, Mai
« requested G. make 00 e*,|y exnmliwxtlor
•merita will te- held out to eash huyer*.
R. 11. WALKER. IWl f.1ie»lont street.
10I1I7—lawff _ teh.w ^-th,South side, Philadelphia,
'Folse Nolle*,
H J. V.'HJ.fAMH, •*»'". 12. North Msth-ktrest, a few door*
• above Vlarket.-.I.iel, I'hib.'Ieiphla, I* lh« rn'f*le*terr-
;lv;*o,| 1 .,i msoufflcturer <,r Win-low Blinds and Shade*
In 1 h-l ulled State*, a.,-1 hs* taken lire highest premium*
St all the exhibition* : he hor* Hie te*l material* by whole-
- .1 -teoj-er for Gsrt, than others payfor Inferlora.llclr* by
i-tuii andean th-refore sell superior V'eo«llao Blind*and a* cheap a* oU.i-r* s*k for Infer ior article* painted
W In-low ffbsyte* in g,eat vs.l-ty, of design* and
superior duality. Buff a.ei While f Jneu Shade*, Blind and
ri>h*-te 1 rimming*. Fixture*, Ac, wholesale ami retell, at
th- Ju«-*t -«»h f.ri/e* I’fo/e ’•had.* |>ab.led and hrttere-l
to order Be*d Blind* at munofaefor. rx'prfoe*. OldBlbrd*
( ed t/l l-rt.k a* g-y-d e* new, Po>« ha*er.. by calling,
• Id te- c-/ovtnc*d that he «*ll* a sore, for article, and guar-
anfae* foil satisfaction A literal dls-g-unt m«-J* fa deal«r*
*' IVc Uiuhj Uijilrjur.O
apte^sv) Bo 12 North 0tll sfrret, pjj||«>
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for re.torl ng grey hair Dr
it* original color It 1* guaranteed by the Proprietor,
hat If tl.* alien*. 1* grey, be can have hi* hair restored Dr
ite original rofor by u»u.g l//ret'» Wah|rt-ne, For Se fo by
■Df'^i _ W. vy. UNGGlJf, MmmmentKgfiaK. -
L’l/d'R. DAGON, Ae —fffsr bbl* *ui.erf,/,« tf-xward street
i Floor. Vr bird* i-rl/ne new Ba/y/u rides, 20 do do tth-mid
ers. 30 bbl* and f/r tig* f>af faird. tending and foreale Iry
"P'V W.ltANTfrN, JolfNNfON A GO,
I 1
’o n/F LAfJfFJf —We wi/o 1-1 re*|rte tfolly cell lb* atteo-
uf thel*/lle* of Caraonah. en-J tourroi.i.dlng eoorr-
* foil-ring new and teao'.folg>,.<« which we bat*
---,»»d »lr silk Part* .naotllte*. le.ed gimp n.*wllL
te* hlack n-ti tcarfo e/d'd. n—ttcaif*. Mies cravat* and
«l»» French worked rolter* larad c*|/-i che/n)/>tts and Mite
S IKrGJNG ci/.VhR WARE. Tea F*ts, pitcher*.
Basket*. ‘
rert Km»»
I by
- . G*k* , (JI/OAII. WAGON, kOs- HlH bhte FloarV* A and W Sugar j
■let*, f.'otrti Tumblers, F-/rk«, Fr/e/rr*. Ires- 1 //r hte1* f5*c//f, Wde* and St///older# ; £0 M/xe* <Jr fitly
\u,m* Vif Koivex.Gramh Fcrapres, Fish Ki-ive*. Jelly , lir-e f.'andl**, I aiding ami D/r sate by
■* n.-ere iVyeip*. Ere/p f>tdte», and every utter art.- j oct4 IHlIJJlMISV,, JliilfiYAftt h t*0,
; IM//GB. LABD. Ac^//r IrM. /f EwIUrteFD/rtrJr^TW
• J do »D/; t/r halt btes F.xtra d//; fa k»g« fard s 40
'U izi.ipwtfoe. »*id w23 te e-Ad «t tte te/wert r-r-ce* tex
-ui ijiyswri cwtit i—F 'viact. b;ve bfvwe o.-rt
oCj* t-lrtAte ; fax-cy 7r*n*\ u «vt Lnrifai *'.aMotverre ;
t rTIt Vetcevr- rnyrt. lm*r. y Kfa TeiCi.vjp*: tea-i Bar-
’ afi»w. ri. Jt Vee-vi-r» ovper Vla-it J.we»4ia Gwsriavera* ; Jfe-
r.'ov acri ri'fa f.'s»fa--KLjrte Ie»*wn: wrirte a.vf Gary
. roiru liA C-Juara: Coruttcu Ffa-vnef Hfart* x.vf Jrtxeer* ;
: wiule. >.ua*.* ac-d l«£rfT Es4 fnwwi Nwk T>*. pit/* fctri
e*ei«rtitl«ra4: Ifouc/ aa-i Oav/j , '-'cari* rer,'o ud
telMjiiMZ.1. nw 17 WWUkemtrMi,
3T£ a/e cna>cu&tly ftewe vo?uW*
i*«etteui «Fw*/*n rewfazasw V* be
6ei. - rer%4 at tie izesrtert xc/fa-e.
i N B — Te «-* ^wrr.:ittefl V, fofwrss tte x-vifac fL»J we
■ Sm-man*6w» */. S-nr/K. «< S-»♦«»*».. Vr-- lr.Wsi-!U,uib» xS/iu.<«IWte.faT
vr rfipnoi Vy •fatUretut cirevter* tie i.xraed ftu.Vw ■ In^dlTT k VAA/J
te-smSe. wt*v were *yp-,ueSefi fa take e/uw7* 'f fte Wf r vt
fie live. Urrrr t.iuT. facuri was excflwef he v*e
-.d Pwtl kV-aJfa Caere./ lid -»lc, wsSv rtfa Ifawt-u-Ay;
; tfac? oay fa Hr. YUrvm. Gua-t tie f Are xuueww»ri fae >-vr-
j-vtw for H war jarica.tef. nut xxeefa wrtl li-ri? vijyrv- '
1 Vtetm-t. exit Sj*y cieiwfti. : y lewvtwwwni it fa Che pt'vte a* i TC/7 'i
tecag ewrit-r fa **7 eater Case fow ——— - 1 " •
I tie tewv TVe forter *** te wm*.' -
... . . . . .. . u 1 -w" — Giver way. Dwr tte »/e*t marrutaefarfe# In tie*
*£*5%' cioS%?' ’ nAiil, ”“*“• •*"» *®gKSTm*a*v ' *•. ‘'*T' 2' *» kW * *ij» ri'Wtre 'f»?»
■. - - — . ! j . fN/NTOA « HtKKMAfl, _ te/e« /oirsdy; 25 do extra d/r; ifa d-/ 'lot***/!, viA/rut
N 'JTT WAHL.*— B*ceit*ri by Jr. S «bier ‘tert/d/er 4 J»^2 i I ANtfJNG from a-h//-/r*er Onrirtoi/ter J//e«e«, Vr telex , brands ; I. half texe* do, erlr* twist, la.folng arel for**!*
-Tte Kvd rVdn. -dtte cfmoefar and r/f j * ,yJ ^ ** k **« ^ i ^ tett ttOt/AiHIlK. JOJfNFJ/N A CO,
Uritirl Jwtajtlr/ft#. by »tn*»l.u» " , * rf & w - ww -■. ' IJAf/rN AND Fl/yi ffa-Jfrb resk* e»^ Wtdre, W^pfif*.
.ie Yorrot %;.3 Of Crime *v! Jtetribvtfoe. by Fme-rso-, A IX A'-'fr pORTEti~75 Md» ld/iUdelp>»l* Cream Aie, fa : 11 »fri Warn*, bbl* and teg* liutttounl, Ow/rgte, apf
AxtttiU,; Lfafa'r fogacry by the aette/r 'A AdefxXe l* . I\ <0 Porter fa cask* t/nAuu Vorhn. tor re4* by ten*) Fl/e/r tef/ding ar--} for sale by
Tl*e HSnite tevirer. »/# tteFate of t)>* Cotea/d Of. by Ned -ert2» U/.HMtO.V k i//YtXi. ’ — *' ,/ "
WvKbbtee : Fvfaam'tKaxorioe. 6/r f/ct/Aer. I ~ •* — -
TU En>AerteeAer . tU Is/rsfon Jovr&al. j | Lf7 dP/.TTVFJr—A 8ne ar>d Urge xew/rtment r/f gentte
Jof ««*.// r/f ail Natfo//*. j « mew'v rite »»>d -y/tt/m Yeats; plain ; rtbted, <//for*d ared
Ja«eriefa*.-/f tteEi&g'x Adroeate, a fc/AGto htefarirej Woe* !/*!/ ID/te; lAea/ted brown, cob/red and *trip*d
r-/M*f-f, t-y Jame* Grant. ■ Half ID/re ; o/yn*A *»>d V-ack *'»Jk <>»>*t«, F.Vei* a»*d
Tte KnAivxiiU of tte Art of ffo’EW, ia tit , 7 '^; and cr/D/red vr.'k xryj Jfre-n re m brie Handier
Bed br JeDu ffafitek I «
' withiim. JtiHKHtH k rj).
i r Afrtf>< E/fr Gf/rYFri^—'A'a h*»* just/eeeir*4a Dxaat/-
! Jj fol *ar//»tr/ent r/f tedl**r wt.lfa and Mack, dart aed
tereey .oforrd AJerander « Rid dU/tti, fa which wa w«uld
r*»t«*tfaffy call tte atfanUrei rd tte Ud'e*
"•*> At S£Kff k I ft* HPH,
•ertfour. edited S7 Jelrw HaHtek ' jehtete; wldfa. eofared a red Woe* kid Gfovre; a tar$* oexort , f/NG/jifiri^AHi^A’1frrra”r/ Artfofo
t i-tet tte tenaevre. or terartebin and WsdireA. by tte “^v'd hue* and -fog-silo 0fovea, 6/r sale by Jlr Planters,for sol* at72rtf, /ullerr and J.'»6 l.rran at*,te
avtfo/r -A tte Gtfl.4fa. ! &'■"< ___ AIRIN A IftfHSfM, j oetM _ KYMfttUS h VYMXrtUM.
*.7 Anna -t»fettVxtMSf/ArftM rf, uelt ) A dr/e/jeJ* Tong* and Poker* Lfaten F»r* Dug* Pborets - I brfg To/reBu. ar«d for »ah> te ' *
^jTAFfy' rriedrt,—Kerrey*. fTa-'o. b-w'wr.'. ft-/«^ 1 Coat tt-efo. p’/e terafo/s. 7re>^^, Ac,,for sale by j tetyt UMHAU, KKU*Y k m
O spvn*. rad and wkte Rantedr. te,*teu f-ateye, brown t rert52 J F. OHM**. W Hrym strvrt. - ■- . . -
owd iareetert FAarlteg* aart rhcrtiur.i. HvAateete. Crash,. T ▼ WBBPJJ.A/ > .~//*n*'**v»V* rite and er/D/m EmbrsdtM ' W]WWfew
7owe> fcven caiai/F Lyiiat, hitk tJu*»m. BSrd'o-*-/* IA- • ■ i ..,-u, »*... . .... ... ._ . ........ . . * * V*Mt#- Week, all Mr/a, sat iieVWitrr lArtiM. Om*
tytr.rtc.feerxisly tfSt tnc»ITt A
M OtTWttG WyfAf-^A"Fe^teztea«.l
t.vd KnaCA-tb MdD**d ♦. •/. . ■*, nwwm rn
Uaet Crajre, Waei Crate aid L/ve Y«k. WSttt and 10-t and tl 4 ‘teaened do; % $4 dr/.forties j . ar* ImHedb> reil and
**< Etewnel*; K*-f**-/» and ITAJns ; TwfJridand , '/rt2l J, p VtlJJM. 109 Bryan xtrMfL
tsetftn k WM*aV , D/ndva DvttJ BUtieta : WbH*r-y /ftarrteu WM II < and 1 'flXVJCkX'i (//iitHAlMv, **~ N.j.Z.'. I Y'Lh* i'LIZIV*
rtljn&L Kaaeiitya ,*4 nisnaa. *7<e Vrivvu tedie*’ -* Lrgexttek -/Itteatere ov tend and 6/f rate by 1 C/ te
I./ Cfoxi Cfoth. reterad v, *»te CV/rte, wHi trire- **F» liXSdSY LATHtU# k ffo, f r/ in, v read WWtJteraterate
st x-r> fa xua-vA,. i-/r rate by s TVJANO XWlIXMJi UNYMA A rwf kuteaM fat rV * ,
A W/HAiXXC. j JP rV/Ds Pam sref TaUr>fo»*rs.-t ' j ^WWDAM W.1I«APMLM -fox .
-— . ...'iS^sSrikaTMajiirk „ ... seams a vassmun; i g^awyrywHry Mgyagf-*S
STOVE* STOVES. MSOBIM.*.«*»»_ «*»_ <>»,»«.Mm*,B/W — T *‘JK!eZj‘, r
n..l^--«^!kM«H.ju./i ■ TVBtfir aJIIJcr* Kwirind fa tufa u’/i*.v.t. M .uur. ttwa-cte e/ud tfinfa.. 25 'foe** erixod PDfida*. te. s/«aeia (H*AiiiQai**~V/tWitirim*jtJi, %m miut
Ti# evWsiter tea ;-ur8 rw'tsd a Sa^eitvstdey nd
CvOkhcgaari Prafor ffiawre, wte*fc te <rtf <1 *y«**A
rio- *owautsuftsiM4f farm*. Aiuuar Otea vu*r te
■ Itnori tte JxJuvw'ter; Gvutiaur Horn*. Tte Ee«»ai<Lt- Lady ed
tut Late.. AhTipl /-——. ■/ *-*
Kara * ,’T.Avnt. ) V J'-' «*»—«« ■/
:fltowOyfew*.ITTi*i-ZJSr TO *fo nSTaeSTSSTSSi^Ei!zTH'JT.—ts
Trmmxo. Forte? xad atfhur j ^^.54 A. WCSITP- * xu» eareOwd re-
T-2P3Wffjf>f*iE. .7 ■ . —;——r-T-T —r*^-— cla.-j .if liit inz-ftr*. *r -WED inr*J/ tn3Zn6*tU*7.
SSLSSN » . s Sracanw®
«, or saw rtw/*w mt z., ' "rr/ K ' 1, ureewa •
b bJ1SJ57/oJj!®" ; ot^,r^eu^<*}wX£x:inM^rfi~c^w.
t'cl; ^,1 v.-l U;.-.,, AvU.M , —rt? -Ww* NWB,
l .«w*»_. wvu.r * vmntmu. T ua, *«-#» S-CTJaw- ^
is*» 11c* 1 :R*r*".-'<^fc^.M«.irt*r«a.»S»Si5ri» . 1* W
ceimua na BroKmn**. «< ~si 1 jv-roers'/MEi'iiZsrK:
tl redres. rites LnraremAete •»A«4i s« ’ IV *«WW4W WAA-W M* IXJZfH/yfO TW
vyjnmo* fit Agfag%» Bag-
He*. IA *a-d 32 Smiarf mrwd
■; O Jrvree. rites Iteaarertvtete HtedterefitediL Ol wtetSu *»
te >«rxrevvvd a * vyyt'y. __ J ^
;oa*nBK rnauj^n- ntmata-torty ^ jgaai v/k- ml IYTSSSSfaSIKTSS^Jr
l?J£M22S^2Ei?r7S22i!55Sa iM-SSSSSiL " •
i^SByaKJKSSte-ai-*-!** Me*'
— ttfnf}
te/fUre„ for note te
*»>** WIMW S OT, —M