Newspaper Page Text
k SrasHHIW*^*’
il m El K
.>4€-ui.X7. ••-•.•
1 81 * (M* 118 Hatred.
! ..uiukeHw. Marino and River Risks on
| jVjCompwv w
"fflto«0™«l.nin.n> Rotorb, J.R.WIH«,I.
A.tena, K. B. Ko«p p , Henry Ullirop
1IILVUY D. WEED, President,
J t{|)taM ROBERTS, Vice President
I to wn-1 for tboir friends and deslroue of
jr^t bf first class packet ships, aro informed
UutStrt^ 6 *" ,re 11,0 only Ag0DU f ° r thoaboT ° agon '
C Srirt*^ MUMlrittd 10 dcawon Messrs. Wm.Tapscott
kuL lir«rpool,ln sums from £1 and upwards, which
hWsieorgotUble in any town throughout Irelnnd nnd
ftslIVlbln. Drafts ou France and Germany, payable In
JV of the Continent, also for sale. Apply to
I ^^.ly DUSKER & OGDEN, 80 Bay-street
A N elementary introduction to physic, astronomy, ohem
ilu •« try .mineralogy, geology- botany, tqology andphya
tology, by Prot 8ohaadler, with nearly 700 wood cute.
Aural Surgery and the nature and treatment of disease
of the oar, by W. R. Wilde. ,,
Tbe^loUnf of SsclhlmenVbr Caroline Lee Hents.
Professor Billlmau’s visit to Europe In A8S1, with engrav-
B ?lie Exilss—a tale by TaW.
The Camel Hunt, by Taber.
Albert Bmlth’s Story or Mont Blanoe.
The Work* of Calhoun, vote 1 nnd 3.
Not. 5 and 0 Illustrated Record of the N. Y. exhibition
The Clobter IJfo or Charles 5th.
15th English taw and Equity Report*.
Blackwood for September. Koleetfe Magazine. 8Ullman'
V «W*“ 4,,0tt "* r
.. TlU^f KKI.V »4—WIMLY, 19.
Wt^^iu^tSaTeVore every morning. The evening
iwiWK^jtltfldslTely for country readers, and la Blackwood for Sept ... ... .
"5r ,u,at
I u - Ji , the U a*rnvn««raent of the malts, three
I rtiursday and Saturday,) and eon.
|,u*ff*^fm!ll2looinnK'«!al, Political and Mlscella-
I SithebteU^Wjgg^. D u In the Dally, lent to
I SjggKSuid Obion, or delivered to the city, at
R ECEIVED BY 8. S. 81 BLEY, August 30lh, 1853:
The Fawn or the Pale Faoee, or two centuries ago, b;
J. P. Brace.
The Matricide's Daughter, ora tale of Ufa lathe gree
metroplli, by Newton M. Curtle.
Dare Devu-DIck, or the road and Ite riders, being the ro
mantlo adventures encountered by Dick Turpin, Ao.
The Urate Doctor, by a/taval Officer.
Blackwood’s Magazine for August: Graham’s Magaztn-
forSoptember. Godey’s Lady*’ Book for September; Glea
aon’e Plctoral; Darnum’s Illustrated News { for sale at 1C •
Congress § treat. su831
or Passages In the Life of an Italian.
8outh Carolina In the Revolutionary War, being a repl,
to mlereprosentatlons in relation to that State.
Sherldan’a Ufa and Memoir*, by Tliomas Moore,
lnngard’s History of England, a new and cheap edition,
In 13 volumes.
General Baron Jomlnls’ History of the Campaign of Wa
terloo. x
A Memorial of Horatio Greonough, byTuckerman.
Ilalsmont’s Hallucinations, a rational history of apptri
tions, visions. dreams, etc.
Mrs. Leo's Habits and Instincts of Animals, Birds. Rep
tiles and Fishes.
The Fawn of the Pale Faces, by Bruce.
Collier’s Shakespeare, ml. 5, cheap edition.
Young Americans’ library—Life ofWebeter.
Gorstmcker’a Journey Round tho World, a now supply.
N ew books received by s. s. sibley, shit. 20.-
The English Soldier in United States Army. The ad
ventures ofMr. and Mrs. Sandboys, who came up to Lon
don to onjoy themselves, by H. Itayhew nnd Geo. Crulk
* ' 'Hie Knlokleburys on the Rhine, by W. M, Thacke
• ~ ... ... .... Tribunals, by G. IV
— -- C. Dick
.UiBi llY HULL President and Treasurer.
AUJO.V CHASE. Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
I Hr un knigned, Agent of the above Company, continues
I leUke the following Ktskw, rl*.: Marlue, RlTOr and Fire
I ganntb* Ure* ofServants.
UfMofWbite Person*are also taken by this Company.
I t m tnpremium for residing in the South.
Comer of Boy nnd Praytor-streets.
shank. .
ray. Faust, a Romance of tho Secret
M. Reynolds. David Copporfiold. the younger, by U. Di
en*. Life and adventures of Charles Chesterfield, by th
author of Petticoat Government, Ao. The History ol Si
Giles nnd St. James, by Douglas Jerrold, Esq. J. lonlmoi >
Cooper’s Novels. Tlio Golden Eagle, or the Privateer i
Seventy-Six. by 8ylvanu* Cobb. Jr. The Countoss of Do
Clmrny, or the fall of the French Monarchy, ay Alexandr
Dumas. Barnum’s Illustrated News. Gleasons Pictorial
For salo No. 135, Congre*s-at.
. The undersigned have associated themselves to
rn] ret her. under the name and style of Murphy ft De-
1*4 rsnny, fur the transaction of general Boot nnd
' PMh-w liusinoss, having the stand on tho corner of
(kurtuind Whltaker-strcols, formerly occupied by M
fit»ki!**t. They nro now prepared tonffer to their friends
d tin public- swell selected stock of Ladies’ and Gentle-
aa'i Boots, Shoes. Ac., which they will sell cheap for cash.
B Ttie subscriber lias now opened a large and cholco
i-jortment of new style ol fall and winter goods,
evodstlng of French and English black nnd fancy
evlored Cloth, plain black doe skin Casaiinores. Dgu-
I wibUckrlastia Cassuneres. with a large variety of French
I kitjCoMineresof the latest style and pattern. Also a
I (Wcsmitty of Vestings, consisting of figured black and
I hfrCuhnieresi plain black Satin, figured black and fancy
I Ski.isd Selins, cut silk Velvets. Ac. Tho whole of which
I kbprwwtd tomake up to order In tho most foshonnblo
' taDwr. ind on accoinmuduting terms.
Draper nnd Tailor. 17 Whltnker-si.
Afo. 6 )VhUaJfer-ttrM.
THE SUBSCRIBER rcsjifctfully announces In the
Isons of Savannah, and of the Interior of this
ite. that he has now opened and will keep con*
dnually in store, a largo assortment of the best qualities
jf the various kinds of WINES AND UQU0R8. both foreign
and domestic, invoiced from tho host sources, and to mt
■took of which, at present no hand, he InvHesattentlon.—
Having had extensive oxperlonco In France aa a manufac
turer, and in America ns importer and dealer, his acqualn*
tance with the trade enables him io offer assurance that the
articles which are enumerated below are each genuine t
Art Idee of Direct Importation.—French Bran
dies of varioua brands j Holland Gin) Scotch, Irish and
Monongahela Whisky; Old Batarla Arrack; Jamaica and
8t Croix Rum.
Wince—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Hock,
Claret, Santorne and Burgundy Wlno*.
Cordials—In cases. Curacon, Maraschino, Ratafia, 81a*
traits, Klrechenwasser, Absinth, Ac.
Ale nnd Porter.—Loudon Brown Stout, and Edin
burgh Ale.
Burr and Kuri.,
pean Mill 8tope*, • mugm HI rnmn
kinds, Eaglei'Hub Soll and Wrotigi
— Shares Iron Tire-proof Bafcs, 8hore'
and HpadM, Manure and Hay Forks. Potato Hooks, Cm .
Shelters, Gob Crashers. Manure Drags. Gnlllvatore, Htro
Cutter*, Scythes nnd Rneatli*. Hose, Axes, Pick Axes an
Handles. Bond Scrapers, Ox Chains- Ox Yokes. Garden an
Fancy Barrows. Qardsn Chslrs. Segments and Guitgcon.
Srcop Wire, Hsmes, Measures, Grist Mills, Rice Thresher..
Cauldrons, Douglass' Pumps and Water Rams. Well Wheel
do Buckets, Cotton and Counter Scales, Trunks, Cotto
Hooks, Jack Sorews. Burnlo's Sea Island Cotton Gins an .
Griswold’s Upland do. Cement, Plaster, Mill and Cross Ct.
8aws { also. Kj»od and Yard 8awir. Ao. For sale hy
natfi C-UA’S U. CAMPFIEI.U, 171 B&y-st.
o Agent for Domestic Liquors,
B Havo In store, and offer fur sale, on the most
favorable terms—
15 hhdi St mix Sugar, 25 do Porto Rico do
25 do N Orleans no. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A. B and O Sugar. 25 do Cranlicd do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bugs Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 50 do Jamaica do
10 coses Myer’a Aromatic Tobacco 50 casks Bacon Sides
26 casks Snoulders. 26 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore l-lour, 60whol»and 26 hall do Canal do
26 hhds. 60 tierces nnd 60 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbls Now Orloans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter chests Hyson TcA. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Alamantino Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope
100 bbls EPhelps’ Gin. 250 Flack’* do, 26 do Coi
River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 or cask* pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipes Otard Brandy.20 nr casks do do
100 bbls Monongahela Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
15- bbls Mint and Ross Cordial.
Also, the following old nnd very choice uqunrs. fn glasses :
40 dozen cl mice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847
36 demijons St Croix Ruin. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1845
10 do Pure Juico. 1848.4ft do Brandy. 1816
86 down 8chcidain Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar,
may 18
R eceived and for sale dy s. s. siBLF.Y,i36Con
gress-st.—Bible In the Family—Bible in tho Countln.
Annals of Tennessee, by J. G. M Ramsey, M. D.
The Sword and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Marla De Bernlove, a tale of tho Crescent City, hy W
Gilnioro Simms.
The Race for Riches, and somo of the pits Into which th
Runners fall.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tuslln, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catlierlno Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Etherial Softdow*
and tho Friend* of the New Light, by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor, or the Pilot of Human Llfo.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from wrltors of all age
and both hemisphere*.
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M'Cnlla. of tho Unio
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. je28
R eceived by s s. sibley. Juno 28. 1853.—Ed gn
Clifton, a story of School IJfe. by C. Adams.
Tho Old Forest Hanger,or Wild Sports of India, by MaJ
Walter Cambell nnd Frank Forester.
A New History of the World, giving an account of tli
varioua Revoluthma In Europe and America, to tho presen
time, by H. While. II. A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
Tim Believe, by Rot. Hugh White.
Harpers Mngnr.ino for July, an interesting number.
Putnam's Magaxinofur July.
Bnrnutn'a Illustrated Nows, Gleason's Plctoral. Ao.
H Ol'SF. FURNISHIEG GOODS.—Linen and cotton 10 4.
114 and 12-4 Sheetings, linen and cotton 6-4,0-fi and
I !4do,forpllW cases, white nnd colored Furniture Dhnl-
I (r, French.Kngliali and Amorlcan Furniture Oli hit re, Mar-
I afUes ind Uncaster Quilts, large and small, Damask Nap-
I hi sod Bulks, white and colored, French Bordered Towel*
I bf\u *n4 crash, Scotch Diaper and Towel*. Ilucknhurk
I hper. Bowls and lllnl’s-eye Diaper, 10-4.11-4 and 12-4
I WBUnhU.CribDlnnkets. Window Sea es and Fixtures.
I Kino tad Tilda Covers, linen and cotton. Just received and
I Irnlely oct29 AIK1.V k BURNS.
I T AhlEv’. gentlemen’s and childen’s cotton, silk nnd me.
I U rino How and Under-garments ; kid and silk Gloves;
I locn cambric lUndkerchicu. Embroidered do ; plaid wool
I tiavli \ Thibet dn -. Broche do | Scarfs; Moreen’s worsted
Ikms-kn; window Slisdes; embroidered Curtains. Ac.; re-
I lived and for uie by o20 DbWIIT A Mt)ROAN
I iftSSRS. CUIIUN A HANNON rcicactfully announce to
I |VI tie eitirenv or Savnnnali that they are now prepared
I b do all kinds of work in their line, at their now simp,
I «rth»eonier ( -f Broughton and Drayton-sts. They have
I hUblhhed the following as their rates of charges: For a
I fc{k ibiv~ 'a*.; per month, for 2 or three times per week
I fie.; 4 times a week |1; 6 or 6 times a week 81 60; every
I kjll IKperiponth. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
I iiapooing'JOc.
I Mr. COHEN will always hold himself In readiness to at-
I kid to orders from thoso who way require his services nl
I Bair homes. mov8
U NDER a new and improved organinstiou, mantifactnro
Ueoinotivo and Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills, Gins,
I Hewn, Lathes, Drills, ko. Also, evory description of Cot-
I Jus. Woolen and Saw Mill work,Shafting. Pulleys. Ac.. CasL
I hp ef »nr weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
I «r*.hi«d prices. F. S. CLAXTON, Engineer.
I Depot 13 I’latt-street, corner of Gold. Claxton k Wet-
I «wit.Eieehior.Collins* Co. and II.Collins’Axes, Hard-
I wrt 23 Pratt-st., Now York. oclO—lyr
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round the World, comprlf
Ing Chili, tho Gobi Regions of California ami Austin
lla. the South Sen Islands and Java, by E Glrstaeckor.
Romance of Abelard nnd llelolse. by O W Wright.
Pysromancy. Spirit Rapping* and Tabio Tippings exposed
liy Professor Charles G Page.
A History of England from tlio first invasion of tho Ro
mans to tho accession of Willlnm nnd Mary in 1088, by Jn
I.ingn rd, D. D.
Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our frlonds in hon
ven! by Rev II Hnrbaugli.
Heaven, or the Sainted 1 llarbaiigh.
Tho Heavenly Home, or tho Employment and Enjnymen
of tlio Saints in Heaven.
Tho Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; tho Edin
burgh Review fur July; Ilanklug’s half yovrlv Abstarct.
January to Juno, 1853; Barnum's Illustrated News; th
tally's Book for August; English and Equity Reports, yi
Philosophy of Sir Win Hamilton, edited by O W Wright
Hearth's Legacy j Annie Grayson ; Grammar without •
master. Ac.
26 HHIIS. Porto Rico ami Muscovado Sugar, 26
33do choice New Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Molas-
■Mses. 100 bbls New Orlenns atid Cuba Syrup. Stu-
HHK art's rectified do, 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes S|>erm and Adnmamnntlne Candles.
26 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap, 25 do Toilet do. 60
dn mixed nnd assorted Candles, 76 packages Teas. Black, Ira-
nerial and Green. 15ft bbls A. Baud C Clarified Sup ■
Yellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered and Crashed do. I
Figs, Citron, Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powders. Salemtua,
da. Ac., now In store and for salo very low. hy
ER 52, 1803.
ii'lR— ■, ■
Wholesnlo tuid Retail,
No, U6 ftroughton-tl..bduxm Uulland Whitaker./
L THE largest and best selected stock of good* ev-
offered for sale In this city. Gold and Sllycr Watehc
.. Vest.Fob and Guard Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Clia*
olanos^Bracelets, Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Ring
Silver Castors, Tea Sots,Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Cake Basket
Simons, FYirka,Fish Knives, Pio Knlvos, Clieose Scoups, ta
dles,8yi»hon«. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Mllllary an
F'ancy Goods, and a great variety of articles too numerous t
mention ; tho whole of which will be sold at reduced pricoi
All kinds of Watchos, Clocks. Jewelry and other Johbin
attended to bycompetenthands. HiIRTON k IUKEMAN. •
V Tlio undorslgnod begs leavo to inform the Cltirei
AofSavannah, and the pcoploln the country in gon>
, that ho has taken the Store No. 148 Broughton Sim
one door West of 'Hxun's Confectionery, where he will 1
pleased to tnnkoand repair all kinds of Clooks and Watclie
and will warrant all work with which he inny be Intrusted ■
ap 27-1 v FRANCIS STEIN.
V Aiul fhtiru Good/.
in RECF.1VING by every arrival of the Stenmers Ires'
Uons.making the beBt assortment In this city, of a
kinds of Watches. Jewelry. Fancy Goods. .Silver Spoons. Forki
Pitchers, Tea.k»ts. Cups. Syphons, Plated (bstors. and ever
variety of article* connected wltli our line of busine**; allv
which will be sold as low as in any city In the Union.
j*ar Particular attention given to tho Repatrlngof Watch
es and Jewelry. no 20
rpilE exercise* of thl* ln*tltutlon w|ll be resumed on
X Motwliy, Uetohdr 10th. under the management of J. B,
MALLARD Slid BERNARD MAl-LON, associate principal*.
• Tho aeagsmlc year Is divided into four Quarter* of eloveu
weeks Midi, as follows t
First quarter commences October 10th. and ends Heeem-
ber 24tli.
JFor Balt onb for Butt.
myg THE sabecriber offers for sale 1,200 acres of land,
ymlylngon the AlaUmaha, river, threo miles below, the
—"»-(ork. known ns Town Bluff, There are 260 acres open,
readv for oulUnUun; also two amall framed house* with
gooo framed b»rti and good framed store bouse, situate on
the bank of the river, one of the best stands for k store In
this section. Tho place baa the advantage of steamboats
Second hnatter commoneo* January 1st, 1864, and ends during the foil, winter ami spring months, and one of the
March 18tli. best fisheries on the river for aba * *
Third quarter commencos March 18th, and ends June
loth. I
Fourth Matter commences June 10th, and ends August
5!lb. w
The .vcidemy la organised Into five departments—Prima
ry. Intermediate, Grammar. Classlunl. nnd Young Tadlra’.
No rxmnse has been spared to fill the several depart*
monte With well-qualified and experienced tenders.
The Young tadiaa will bo under tho charge of J. B. Mai*
unp. assisted by MIm M. A. Uaujkdkh, who was educated
in the best schools of Northampton, Moss., and has been
for tho hut three years principal of* female academy in
this State. .
The Classical Department will be under the charge of Mr.
Isaac F. Cadt, a graduate of Brown University, for two
yeara cbissicalUacher In the High School In Providence,
and for the last *lx years principal of the High 8chool, In
Warren, Khode Island, .
Tho Grammar Department will bo under the charge of B.
ailo.v. ns heretofore.
The Intermediate Department will be taught hy Mr. H»
Bakku, a graduate of Oglethorpe University j and the
Primary by Miss A. R. Cahtkb.
Arrangements havo been made with Mr; E. Maum for
ng Instiuctlon In French and Drawing.
p25—(13w BERNARD MALI-ON. J 1 rlncl rM"»
s, Including, with some ad-
Sollegiale Course oxccpt tlio An-
.\l THE undersigunl is now opening a splendid assort
(iijinent of ricli JEWELRY,embracing the recent pattern
vL* of Ear-rings, Pina. Bracelets nnd Finger-rings, nmon
.f which are some fine diamond sottings.frnm 810 to $6fti
\ Also, twenty-tiro sets of thoso unique Pearl M* of Fm
Bering*and Brooches,from $18 to $125 the set. newe-
■jV nnu rarest patterns; together with a very select assort
ment of extra floe W'tiichex set In pearl, diamond, bur.
ting and plain cases. There, with a further assortment i
good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets. Spoons. F’orks. tadle
Cup*. Ac., and Plated Ware of all kliu's. F'ancy Work Boxe
B Corynt—150 bags prime ltlu, 76 do Jamaica, CO
Sooar—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do SI. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mor.A8sm—26 hhds Culm. 76 bids New Orleans.
FLOUR—160 bbls Baltimore. 75 do Canal. 60 do II Smith’s.
BacuX—16 casks Philadelphia Hams, 600 Baltimore cau
vassed do. 30 hhds Sides, 2ft du Shoulders.
Potatoim—160 bids P nnd Mercer.
Lard and Codfish—26bbls cholco Lenf I nrd. 0 casksCod-
Soap. Candijs axd StaRCm—60 boxes No. 1 ami Family
Soap. 50 do Palo do. 40 wholennd ltnlf boxes Ftarrli. 75 do
Aduinntine Candles. 25 do .Sperm, 25 do Stnr, 160 do Patent
Tobacco—160 packages various brands nnd qualities.
LkmonSvrup.kc.—6ft boxes Leinnn Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomaio Catsup, lftdo Brandy Peaches.
Domestic Ijqrono—75 bids Phelps’ Gin, 60 do N E Rum, 75
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Wines—20 qunrter casks pure Mnlaga. 8 do clioicu Madei
ra—received ami for salu by
ap!20 MoMAHON ft BOYLE.
_ ■ 10 bbls No. large Mackerel,
10 bills No. 1 do do
HbmI 10 half bbls No. I do
do No. 2 do
00 bbls sugar, sodnr. nnd butter Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Biscuits,
60 do Buchan’s Family Soap,
60 do Colgate’s No. I do
40 do Colgate’s nnd Beadell's Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
tandtng and for sale by
I MV.• I...VU IM.IV ... IMI .......raii.j n . -WAT
-daurarnml Dressing Cases. F’olios Clocks. Bronze Figure*, gold mount
ilo. 1 runes, ed Curies.Cuttlery. ko . renders his assortment very com
plole. and unsurpassed In the t-'tntc,oitlier in quality or pri
District attention paid to repairing watches,clocki
and Jewelry. i\oV2
I MR. F. STEIN, on Bmughton-street, ha* Justreceiv
cd the finest nssortmeiii of new and fashionable Jewel
rv of all descriptions. Gold nnd silver iieneils and pern
silver nnd silver silted ware am) fruit basket*, walton
tea sets.candlesticks, table ami tea spoons: fine tabb
& pocket and ja-n knives, scissors, and n largo variety of tl<
1 finest work boxes, dressing cases, nnd writing desks fi.i
ladies nnd gentlemen, as also a fine selection of flotilla-
ncuonllaiw and fancy articles, too numerous to inentim
which lie offer* at the lowost prices ever sold In this city
The attention of the public at large, but especially that i
.... . ‘fij, —
I mntBA.SK’S latent Platform Scales—(Improved Inqunl-
|1 ItjSBilnriucedla price)—Adapted to overy requiredop-
I nation of weighing, as Railroad Scales for trains or single cars
I In u*« on tho princijal railroads In tho United States nnd
I Great Britain. Warehouse Scale*. Heavy Portable Scales, on
I «Mtb, tor foundries, rolling mill*. Ac. Store Scales, variou*
I h'diSratlnn*; Counter Scale*, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.—
I Scales hare been long known nnd sovorely tested ; nnd
I th« unltfraal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect
I * tjuatment. I* such that they arc now regarded as tho stand*
I irimirq which there is no appeal.
S IR HAAG BARRINGTON’S Personal Sketches of hi
own 'Hmes, a now edition.
A Memorial of Horatio Greonough. by II. T. Tuckermnn
The Pedestrian In F’rnnce nnd Switzerland, by G. Bnnol
Tlio I.ibertlnos In American, by H. W. Warner.
A Book for overy America, on tlio Science of Governmee
and Com pend of the Constitution nnd Civil Jurhprudenc
or the United State*, by A. W. Young. tho author of Mary Barton.
Tha London Quarterly Review for July.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Review for August.
Nos. 10 and 11 Collier’s Shakespeare.
1 owry’s Universal Atlas.
Upham’s Mental Phylosophy. abridged.
Hucl.’s Thibet nnd Tartary, Ismdon edition, IBustraten
Isird Bacon’s Essav*. 1 vol.; Rabelais’ Works, 2 vnls
C LICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—50 baskets or this very supr
rlur wine, whose reputation Is unequalled where it I
liarly known, now lai " “ ’
for salo by
Icnesee Canal do, 60 do Hiram Smith’s do. for salo b.
H AY ANDFl7iUlC-200 bales superior North River I Ini
60 barrels Flour, landing per steamer Augusta.nml fo
sale by nug3 PADELFORD. F AY A CO.
S UPERIOR SILK HATS.—Just received a new assort
meat, tho best in the city. Cull at 147 Bay-street.
C ANAL FLOUR—50 bbls and 26 half bbls, lauding froi .
schr Plandoino, and for salo by
I TiST RIXHVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and
li J* water-proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
| ““WewnUilljr from all others In market. Tliey are not
I wji.thre require little oil, they do not work toughly, but
I Z M * h ‘ ,e lead. They lay on a very heavy body.
I bccomoan Indestructable covering of
1 * They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
«Ttr thin white lead.
.i i.!*m nriet J r °f colors. Red, Yellow, various Drowns,
MoJ«t Black. They are superior in body (or covering
Er rt 7/ V* anything ever discovered,nnd pound for pound
i ^“ nr ? ouWe tlie "'riace of White taad or Zinc Mineral
real*, and require leu oil.
inti* 11 !-? 0 !!.P r *l'* r » , d t« cover Tin Roofs, as nothing mlheres
to tin Uk« Surer'* Mineral Paints. Forsaleby
, JOHN J madricf;
JJ* 10 and 12 Barnard-sln-et.
t ..L n / )N 1 Ani : K TAILORING E8TA1U.1SIIMENT—Tho sub-
twJfe 5'>‘t removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be-
friS.. hri’ighton-strcots.) would inform Ills
* Dl * t |ie public generally, that he will open Tma
^.^"fPP'vef Fall and Winter Good*.cr misting
h-i.ii.i vu 1 ' Knglish and American Cloth*. Cnssf-
tommi« v U purchased from the most extensive im-
tIwhMi«.* * lurlt ’ * r ’ lic k h» I* prejiared to make up in
I *“4 most fuhloaable styles. ^
J. V. CONNERAT A CO., offer fur sale on nc-
pEH coinmodatlng term*, a well assorted stock of Gru-
eerie*. Liquors. Tobacco. Segurs, Ac., viz: 100 bags
•B-SMprlmo Rio Coffeo. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 6ft btds clarified coffee do.
25 do crashed and powdered do, 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
ages black and green tea, some very superior; 260 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l’s. 8’s. ft’s and IG’s. 16 cases Di
adem twist, 10 do VirginluH ami Aromatic. 20do m-cturlenf.
Vlgiuia gold leaf. 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco. 176.000 supe
rior Havana Scgar*. 10 half pipes Otard. Dupity A Co. Bran
dy, 20 half nnd qunrter c;i?ks Pintern,Mattel. Fazcrac. Ac.
Brandy. 5 quarter casks very old Jean tauls do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin, 2 puncheons St Croix and Jnmaica Bum, 10
half pipes and 16 quarter c»*Ua superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbls old Monongnheln IVIsky, 26 i|iiarter casks Teuerlffe, 30
do do Mnhign Wine, 200 bbls gin. whisky and rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 and family soap. 60 dn starch. 60 do adamantine can
dle*, 60 do tallow do, 20 ensks bacon aides. 16 do shoulders.
30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tes do, 26 bbls N
Orleans do. togethnr with every otlior article nsunlly found
at the wholusalo grocery stores
the ladle*, is particularly re-jim*ted.
§j(8WiCT THE undersigned rcs|s,ctfull} Inform th
W 8 If citizen* of .Savnnnali. Georgia and Floridi
-*• * 1 ‘that they havo on hand more than fifl
Piano*, the largest stock ever on sale In thl* city, an
mndeby tho most celcbniteil manufacturers In the Uniti
State*. Nunns A Clark. T. Cliickering. Roanhnan A Gra«
taight A Newton. Edwards .YF1*ln-r. nil well known to tli
lovers of Music, have place in their largo nssnrtinent.-
Tliese Piano* are of rich tone, and beautifully finished i
Rose Woo-1. Black Wnlnut.nnd Mahogany, with iron fraim
made in tho most Rubstnntial and workmanlike manner.-
Also tho justly culubrated sEoliau PhuiOjJ , *Qrte* l wliinli U.
their sweetness of tone hate’not boen oqiinlicd. All the-
Instruments linve ini-tnllcframe* which render them pocul
arly suited for tnl climate, preventing necessity of tunin
for vear*.
Tho undersigned are Agent* for Henri Herx’s, celeb nit.
Grand llanos, made in Paris. For Power and beauty of ton-
they stand pre-emin-nt.
Ciltll.UiT’PMKi.onioNU.—This liemitiful toned wind Instn •
mcnt.mnnufacturcd hy Cnrhart-VNeedham. N. Y..for vlllni
purjKises. lsidge*.Serenading Patties, nnd the privatepra*
Use of Organist*. |Misses*ing a sweet un-t powerful tone. Un
bare also for sale, /.li thoso Instruments will bo disp-isi-l
on the most accommodating term*. The prices of the P--
ano* ranging from $175 to $1,000.
PenJUld, Greene Count]/, aa.
rpHE Studies In this University are;—A Tlieologlcnl course
X of threo years, designed for those who are preparing for
the Gospel Ministry;
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges In tha country;
AScientificCoflrtwof thyecyeai
dltion. all the studies of theCollej
elent Languages ;
Hie regular time for tho ndmission of Students, Is at th#
ipeiiingof the F’all Term, the last Wednesday In August.
Candidates for.admission nto the Collegiate Courso must
aiistnin a satisfactory examination In Geography, Aritli-
mntic. English, talin artd Greek Grammar, Cienar, Virgil,
Cicero’* Select Oration*, and Jacob’s Greek Reader J
must be at least fourteen years of age.
Candidate* for admission into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, nnd two
bonks in Geomotry; nnd must bo at least sixteen years of
age. KXi’Kxare,
Tuition. Spring 7bw. FUU Jkrm.
In TitEotoGicaL Sruinaky, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous,
IxCOLUKK. $26 00 $16 00
Scientific Course,., 26 00 15 00
In Acadkmv—
Preparatory Class,.......
Second “ ..
Third «
Elementary “ ..
Room Rent
Contingent Expenses...
These exjienses require to be paid in ndvnneo.
I’nim Students who lodge in tho College buildings, fifty
dollars will be received ns lull payment for the tuition fees,
room tent, and contingent exj-enscs of the year.
The price of Board in tlio village is $10 per month j of
washing, room-rent.and fuel. $3.
The Commencement Is held on tlio last Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing tho year Into terms, os
follows ;
First Term—from Inst Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 16th to February 1st.
.Second Term—from first day of February to Commence,
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to Inst Wed
nesday in August. B. M. BANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trustess.
Any friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGO, President of
the University, will receive n catalogue, containing tho
COUW Of studl—.»«»* *n mutfyw&w*—*— — -
25 00.... 16 00
.... 20 00 12 00
15 00 0 OO
10 00 0 00
0 00 4 00
2 00 1 00
best fisheries nn the river for shad, Any poriun wishing
to purchase can do so by calling nn the subscriber on tho
Allso. B80 acres of Lend well Umbered, with 160 acres of
first rate bay toad well ditched and drained.ready far clear*
ing. with five acres cleared. Said Innd will produce fifty
bushels of corn to the acre, Tills lnnd lie* two mile* from
Mnnn Forry.on the Alntnmhlia river.
Also, 6,000 acre* of first quality pine timbered land on
■the AUtamalia sndOcmulgee rivers.
All theso lands are situate in tho first and second district
of Appling county. Al*o, 2,000 acres or land well timbered
with cyiire*# and while onk. Any person wishing further
particulars can address me at Hall l\ O.,Georgia.
Jsn81— lawdAwfim W. DYALL.
j#U*The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and send bill to W. D.
oecEzra* Tho *ub*crilier having purchased the en
Imslues* of F. 7/xuui'M A Co., of wlilcti
‘fTt ft g iJIlrm lie lias heretofore been tlio acting mem
• * • *‘ber In Havannnli. wouM re*pecifolly Invli -
the attention of those in want of anything in tlio inn*ii*n
line to lii* e*tabli*hmeiit. From many year*' experienc
both In professional and business matters connected witl
music, Mr. M. feel* hinn-elf lolly qun!Uh‘d tp proffer hi* ser
vice* in the selection of music and Instrument*ov the ful
filment of order*, with tlm assurance of his utmost zeal ami
Industry In hi* undeavor to deserve tho patronage nnd con
fidence of the public. G. 1J. MITCHELL.
junel4 successor to F\ Zogbaum A Co.
> from bone. 20 do Shoulder*, landing nnd for sale by
B Y THE STEAMER OF SATURDAY, we have receive
nnd are now prepared to show, an additional supply i
those very handsome pearl case portmouiea, with card cn
so* attached; alto, cigar cose* or the latent nnd most nj
proved Myles, for salo by
nuglG A1K1N A BURNS,
C ONGRESS WATER—Now landing from bark Exact, war
ranted to bo genuine and recently bottlcl. A suppl
in kept always in ice. W. W. LINCOLN.
Je’oO Monument Square.
G UNNYCf/nTl^SOb bale* weighing Vi lb*, j' yard, i
store nnd for snlo by
DDLS Stuart'* Crashed nnd Pow-tered Sugar
GO do do A. H ami C ('lurifiv-l do
6ft do tax A Kirkpatrick'* Crashed do
GO do Butter. Sugar and.-’mlu Biscuit
2ft do Treadwell’* Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
300 do Family, Pate nnd No. 1 Snap. Smith and Col
60 do Rcadell'* Pearl Starch
25 do Ground Pepper in 2ft |b boxes
20 do do ColVeo in 6ft jl> boxes
300 ream* assorted Wrapping Paper
60 innt* old government Java Coffee
(V) taxes 1st nnd 2d quality Rev'* Leinou Syrup
100 btds K Phelps’and Ruse Gin
80 do N E Rum, 30 do Domeitle Brandy
40 do P A H Connecticut River Gin
20 H and 20 }4 cask/ Mnlaga Wine
60 bbls and 100 keg* priinn tanf tard. landing nnd
or sale by jy21 SCitANfON. JUHNSTON A CO.
T HE Subscriber lui* on hand a fine nnd well selected
Stock of Imported pure Wine*. Liquors and Sugars,
illowing :
ird, Duptiy A Co. ; 3 do do
-.1808 ; *i do do Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do'do J. j. Duptiy.
Wllies—1 half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London Particular ; 3 do do old Port ; ft do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 basket* Champagne.
Scgnra—20.000 Rio Honda : 10.000 ta Crui* ; 6,000
ta Union ; 10.000 ta Pntria ; 25.000 Tnbucns.
Fancy Groceries.—A largo supply, such a* Imported
Cordials, Er-’l«U Pickle*anil Sauce*, Preaorves, Sweetmeats.
Prunes and Jouibb. F’orsnloby A. BONAUD,
Corner of Bay and Whitakor-street*.
jl sioca oi uniHirieu pure >iu
comprising tlie following :
Drniiay—10 half pipe* Otard.
old Hcnncssy ; 2 do do Sou-rnc, 1
oct2G ' A'. BONAUD.
-20 casks Muir A Son’s and Hector Dove'
Falkirk Ale in pint*. ju«t received and for salo by
for sale by
I heretofore existing with the undor-
4uS:?S derthB firra of BOSTON A GUNBY, i» thi*
itMt/in JTu rautl >*l consent. Either partner isauthn-
bniwii Mme fhe firm in closing tlie unsettled
nn 10,1853. aug2 J. H. GUNBY.
on hu ovra account, and respectfully
® 4te fosSt| (toJ 0Ce of thb r* trona g° no liberally extend-
U ^iSWfBrAmSmHTp^Tho
III# firm ot p hetwoon tho subscribers under
Ml ”«nt. u R uSSiSJ* « C°- I* dissolved by mutual
kkown iteiiMi will continue the business on
a > r#ri ^J t i | h nu | th'’riMd to settle all claims, in
F. ZOO BAUM.* Cliarlea ton. S. C., '
lSM^HELL, SAVanaah ’
DwroNffibtaf. 1 p9 1 ’* ll TNEU8HIP—Nones—The con
J 14 * 'eni^tit.Wr wiw^ 0, ' ?er * * s this day dUsolve-l by mu-
Saeon uiini’u? 8 "“ring, and Mr.Thomas Wood,
if *wt k I'taoe. under tho name and style
1 lJc,lU against tho late firm will bo
^hssble and r “*'[ n , r, '’-*ndall monies duetliem will be
‘fomwnt r *“ , P leJ for by tho now concern.** per
A thi*cit'J h * ,K ’ r - in retiring from busine.i* m
""lie im liiL^|"!’ l , I,ul feel deeply grateful and obliged
J 4 (» n«w br» w \ vJ!'?w ,w K e *hlch lia* bet-n extendeil to
. thi«opportuniu! rr " m ci, J ar "' enuntry friend*, and
Jon^g Very rezpectfolly.
WOTi^jr-.-— J. M. KTBBEE.
i*renthea,. C B , 'V* r, “® r " ,, ip herelofore exisling -be-
“ n ? r th ® nrm of Cuans k
of the mutual consent. Tlio
PmoMbtvln?.T 11 bfl b r H. A. Crane, to
»«i^^kttd*I||?® , *J ra * w,u please present them,
l,U, °ri«4 to make payment Either parly are
tt, me of the Ute firm in liquidation.
ebrated nalsam. from an Indian recipe, and each bottl
contain* the virtue* of twenty-two different kind* orroot
nnd herbs, a fresh supply received per steamer,
novO W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
F OR HIRE—A Piano Forto, terms moderate. Appiy n
this office. nov3
B ALE ROPE—S00 coil* Huperior quality Bale Rope, land
ing and for sale by
R ECEIVED by IASI STEAMER.—Hair cloth shirts, mu’
and nannook muslins, net gloves and mlt* lace man
tillas, wash blond, gras* cloth, N W (tillars and chemisette
lung lawns,Birds-eye diaper, Ac., for salo by
D UPONTS GUNPOWDER constantly for salo at manu-
facturers’ prices, by o30 -COHEN A F0SD1CK.
C ORNTCORN !! 1.20<rbuBhels prime white Wester'
Corn, Just received and for sale by
t ’ORGAS BURNERS—Painted Paper Shades and Frames
also, cut and ground glass Globes, of a variety of pat
terns, for sale by octJ2 J. P. COLLINS'.
S HIRTS, SHIRTS.—Just received a new supply, ol variou 1
fashions and qualities.
PRICE & VEADER. 147 Bay-st.
F LOUR —50 bags fresh ground Flour, from Cunnlnghutn
mills, just received, nnd for sale by
C OFFEE—160 bag* prime Rio. 75 do. Jamaica. 50 do.
SfOAB—10 hhds I’orto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 6do. New
Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered, and Clarified.
MoLASSRt—25 hhds Cuba, 76 bid* New Orleans.
Fwrg—'160 bbls Baltimore.75 dn. Cnnnl.60 do. Hiram
Baro.v—15 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 hhds Sides, 20 do. Shoulder*.
BnooHrt—10 dozen, painted handle*.
Bl'CKirre—20U dozen, nninted.
Soap, Candlks and Starch—50 boxe* No 1 nnd Family
Soap. 50 do. Pale do. 76 do. Adamantine Candle*. 25 do.
Sperm, 26 do. Star, 160 do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and
half boxe* Starch.
Toiiacco—350 pkgs various brands ami qualities.
1.KUOX Strop. Ac.—60 boxes tamnn Syrup. 10 cases Wal
nut and Tumnto Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches
DoilKRTIU Liqrons—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 5ft do, N. E. Ruin.
76 do. Rectified Whisky, 30 do. Extra' dd Monongahela do.
Wires—20 quarter cn*ks pure Malaga, 8 do. chuico Ma
deira. Received, and for sale by
jy!5 McMAIlON a DOYLE.
H AVE In More, and offer for sal > on accommodating
terms, the following, viz:
2ft hhds Porto Riro Sugar. 10du Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 60 bids era*lied do,
60 do refined A B nnd C do. 25 hhds Cuba Mutassea,
100 bbls N O Syrup, 6ft do New Yoik do,
200 bags Rio Coffee. 60 do Java do.
26 hhds Bacon Sides, 10 du do Shoulders,
100 half bbls tard, 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap.various brands,
100 do fancy uo, for toilet use. auglO
, .. .ientiemen’s and ladles'whlti
black aud colored kid Gloves ; cashmere, buck, an
Berlin Gloves 5 tallies’ and gentlemen's buck Gauntlet*
ladies’ and gentlemen'* cotton, mm Ino nnd silk Ilosiery and
holt hose; a full supply of boy’s nnd Misses'Hosiery ; ta
dies’, gentlemen’s aud children's silk nn-I merino VesU.-
For sale hy oct t HENRY LATH BOP A IX).
ijltK8 OF JOHN c. CALHOUN—The second volume.
containing the speeches i.f John ('. Calhoun delivered
in the House of Representatives nnd In the Senate of th ‘
United Stales, edited by Richard K. Cralle. received and fo
raloby sop14 8. 9. SIBLEY. 186 Congress st.
r ' ll 8 nwl having associated
transaction of a gen.
^*«# of fiKtaWjR In this city, un-
“•“kTttos. Office 174 Bay street.
^ . . ELI AM riKKn.
T?BF3H butter, sugar, soila. walnut, and fancy Crackers:
l ginger Snaps, Ac.. Just received per steamer Aueiists,
and for sale by o 20 W. G. DICKSON.
’(TbiiTTrecUhmTwhlsky. ICO do E Pbelns’
Ryo Gin, 26 do domestic Brandy, 60 do N E
Rum, for salo by uetgo WEBSTER A PALM Ed.
make ; black F’reneh and English Merinos 5 black Al
paca a full assortment, it all prices; black Silks, plain and
figured, all Qualities; black Mouslln de talnes. best quali
ty : Second Mourning Silks and Mouslln do talnes: English
and Italian black Crapes; bUrk Love Veils and Itandker-
chlffs; Cblmezetts, Collars and Steevoa, of this foil Impar
tatlon. for sale by • oct22 AIK1V A BURNS.
T URK8 ISLAND SALT.—8,000 bushels In ttoro and for
■alt by nor4—Im SAMUEL SOLOMONS.
S CIENTIFIC AMERICAN.—The subscriber having been
appointed agent for the above lnralueb|e publication,
I* prepared to receive subscriptions. The next volume will
commence on the 17tb Sept. GB0. B. MITCHELL,
*ugl9 Hhccessor to F; Zogbaum A Co,
•BICE A TRADER are reeeivinf a large assortment of
rbfojiabla .t ! ra -■
QA Dnia winter strained an-l lilnarhed whale OH.
200 bag* primp green Rio Coffee.
60 bag* old government Java Coffee.
76 • taguvm Coffoo 40 dn Maracntbo do.
100 bbl* E Phelii*’ Gin, 40 do P ft II Conn’t River do
20 “ domestic Bran-I.v. 50 do New England Hum.
60 bbls and 100 kegs prime taaf tar<l.
60 hhds prime Bacon Side*, 20 do dn Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar. 16 do Porto Rico do.
20 •* prime New Orleans Sugnr.
20 bbl* butter, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 “ Stuart’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar,
40 '* “ crashed nnd powdered Sugar.
80 boxes Beadell’s 0s and 8* tallow Candles.
100 *• Star Candles, 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap.
60 M Segurs, of various brand*. F'or sale by
i A CO.
on BBIS II. Smith’s Floor
D\J 20 half bbls cholco Canal Flour
20 bid* Sugar Cmcknr*
20 half bbl* do do
20 bbl* Butter do
20 half bbU do do
20 taxes Soda do
20 half bbl* Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bids Crashed Sugar.
Lauding from brig Augusta, and for sale by
N OTICE.—The subscriber being compelled to close the
outstanding business of F. 7.0UBAUM A (X)., would
request all those indebted to tho late firm to make Imme
diate payment, and thoae having claims to present them
for settlement. O. B. MITCHEIX,
Junel ft successor to F. Zogbaum A Co.
O UR purchases far the foil and winter trado are now com
pleted, and we can sabmB to your Inspection a very
forge nnd welt assorted stock, embracing every article con
nected with the trade, and at such prices, In the present
state of ths markets, os will prove highly satisfactory.
M PRENDEROAST A CO., 178 Bronghton-st.
oct26 opposite St. Andrew’s Hall.
M “PRENDEROAST A CO., with particularly to direct
• attention to ths most elegant assortment or New
French and British Ribbons they have ever sold, embracing
•very novelty In style *' “
4-4 rich Genoa and]
i.Tiyny—-■». THE Alteration* and Improvement* In our
*a*!2g?.alteJgxtore. including a fine Show lTnoni for Piano
rY’A X *j Forte*, an-l u Music Department fnr.tadie*
*•“ * •* being now completed, uu would invite tli** at
tention of the mu.*!rnl public to our stock.comprising every
article in tho Hue. which can bo furnished (wholesale nnd
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO FORTES. |,y A. Stodart A Co..’J. B. Dunham, and
other* of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZOGBAUM A CO., imjiorter*.
No*. 71 St. Julian and 107 Hryan-street*.
dec7 Next to Market Square.
•Vo 17 Whitaker ttreel. Suranuah.
yij Ha* Just opened n large an-l choice variety of NVw
nMSniwn ash Streunt Goon*.consisting in pari ofbfock,
|figured and fancy Kreneli t’a**imeres ; tilaek and col-
.JiiLnred Cush mere; Cloth* an-l Cashmerctl*; white and
fancy Linen Drill*; with a large assortment of fancy Mar-
*el|bw an-l IJnen Vesting*, nil of which he I* prepared to
make up to order in (lie most fa dilminblu sty le. aud on ac
ommudntiiig term* * aj.5
;Vo. 147 Unit Street.
S All person* of taste un-l refinement—tlioso hrtvlng
a due regard for comfort and personal apiM-arancc. may
nt nil times select any nnd every article for their ward-
rota, from one of the largest assort ment* of the Very
Best Goods In this country; either In Ready Made GannenU
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing art 1
cles of everv description and quality ton numerous to men
tl-n Call and see. PRICK A VKAPFU.
F A S11 ION A llLE T AILO 111 NG.
M D. MURI'liY. 21 HuU-strai. would respectfully
inform hi* frluids nnd the public generally, that ha
Ilia* received Ills spring style* for gentlemen, among
•which will ta found a* rich and fine, fancy Cassiraere*.
Vesting*. Ac., as have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style
f workmanship.
Gentlemen arc respectfully invited to rail and Judge tor
bum Helve*. mhtl
WM. H. SYliONS. Drai’kk a.vd T.*n*»n, .Vo. . .
^*517 Whitaker/trute. respectfully solicits tiiei||/lif[(R.
(jflattenliou of hi* friend* nn I tta public in gen-
iLLi-ral. to tils large stock <>f .0 floth-Li/Ul/
ing. Miltable for the present nu-l coming season. It Im* all
ta li made up under hi* personal superintendence nn ! for
4>lc an-l durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to
be found in the market.
,'lic following comprise a portion of the *tocl>': Frock* and
Sack* of blue, hlnck an-l colored cashmere cloth*: black,
brat- -Pete Frocks ami Sack* ; linen -luck, drill and fancy
lluen Frock* an-l Sack* ; India grn**. silk ami brown linen
Sack*: black an-l colored nlpacn Frock* nu-l Sack*.
Pant* of fancy French cnnslmore*. black doc-skln eassl. black drab d’clesud spring twi-c-l casximerc. white
•luck nnd fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pant*.for minimer wear.
Vest* of black satin, block Imrnthen, nnd fancy ailk*, fan
cy nn-I white Marseille*, figured an-l striped liueu*.
Al*., n large stock of Furnishing Goo-1*, such a* stocks,
gloves. su*p*ndcr*. cravats, collar*. *llk. gaur.o. merino, nnd
cotton titi-lnr.-diirU. Htripc silk and cotton Hacks, silk nnd
gingham umbrella*. ete.,etc.
Tlie whole of which he offer* for sale on accommodating
term*, and nt price* ns cheap ns the cheapest. ap!3
I Offer* for Rale, a forge assortment of Cloth*, Cas-
(slmc-re* nnd Vesting*, consisting In part of the fol-
__ lowing article*, selected hv himself during tho past
summer in tandnn and Pan*, which ho will make un to or
der In the best style of workmanship, nnd at tho shortest
notice. Hi* stork of Readymade Clothing nnd of Furnish
ing Good*, for gontlemen’s wear, is very large and of tho
best quality ami style—tlie whole of It made thin fall under
hi* own inspection, and will be sold at the lowest price* for
cash or approved credit :—French black, blue, brown and
olive Cbdh*; fancy French and English CaRnimeres; fancy
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vesting*; black Dar-
atlica^ilk VeatingR ; auncr. black Doeskin Cassiniere* ; Me
rino and Silk Undershirts ami Drawers; white and fancy
Shirt.-* nn-I Collars; Canton Flannel Shirt* and Drawers:
while, black nml fancy Kid Gloves: Neck Tic*, plain and
embroidered; Merino nnd Cotton Sick*; Scarfs,Satin and
linn basin Socks. no5 17 Whltftkrr-strwit.
-WE sro constantly receiving these valuable
Canes, slid have them always in readiness to be
delivered at the sliortest notice.
N. B.—Wo nre permitted to Inform tlio public that we
have received from Mr. RsTJtosn, of Now York citv. a let-
tor signed by tho different members of the United States
Senate, who were appointed to tako chargo of the body ol
tho Hon. Hkxwt Cut, deceased, (which wa* enclosed In one
of Fisk’s Metalie Cases.) and who went with It to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. IUtmoxti, that tho Cn*o answered the pur-
E m for which It wua Intended, and meet* with tHelrappro-
tloD, and they cheerfully recommend It to thepnbllcns
being superior to any other Com for the transportation ol
the dead. The letter can be seen by calling on
HAMS institution afford* a complete course of legal odu-
1 cation for tin* bar ill any of the United State*, except
ing only matter* of merely local law nnd practico ; nnd also
a systematic course of instruction In Commercial taw for
those who propose to engage in mercantile pursuit*.
Tho taw Ubrary. which Is constantly Increasing, con
tain* now about 14.000 volume*. It includes a very com
plete collection ot American and English taw. a ml the prin
cipal works of the Civil nu-l other Foreign taw. It is open
to students, and warmed and lighted for their use during
both term* nml the wiiilnr vacation.
The first term of each academical year begin* in the last
week of August. nn-I tlio second term in tlie fo-t week of
February ; each term continues twenty week*. Student*
arc admitted at any period of a term or vacation. The fee*
are $50 a term, uml $'.’5 for hall a term. For till* sum stu
dent* have the u*«*of tlio taw Library and text book*, and
of the College Library, and inay attend nit tlie course* of
public lecture* delivered to tho under grndunto* of the
The Instructor* of tho taw School nre Hon. Joel Parker,
LI* D., Hoynll Professor; Hon.Tlieopliilmi Parson*.LI.. 1> M
Dane Profresor: and lion. Edward O taring. University
tactiirer. Instruction I* given by lecture*, recitations and
examinations. nn-I moot courts.
For further information application may bo ma-lo to
either of Uie Instructors.
JAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1.1863. dlnwSwis sepfi
Legislative Charter, granted in 18411.
T HE Spring session .will commence on the second Monday,
which I* the 12th day of January.
Cito. Y. ltnnwxK, President and Professor of Mental nnd
Moral Science.
P. taim. Professor of Natural Sciences.
L. R. Ura.miam. Professor ol Mathematics nnd Director ol
Hkxkv M. Hfti.17rt.AW, Professor of Belie* tattre*.
Tin- Faculty will tait-tsi-te-l by tlie fnllowing ta-lie*. viz:—
Mr*. Browne. Mr*. Rmtilinin, Mims* Den sett, Huiu*tead
Mer-tilh. nn-I K. Bennett
Cntnlngnea conlnlnlng further lutnrnintion. may ta oh-
tnlne-1 by applying to either of the ollicersof the College. 01
to either of the following gentlemen, who coiifftituto the
Board of Trustee*: E. R Jones. M. D.. President; II. M. Pec-
pie*. K*qr.. Treasurer; Th--. J. Bunn y. E«qr., Secretnrv: Cut.
.1. It. Walker. Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin. Win. S.
Stokes. Edmund Walker. Znc.linriah Fear*. NaUinn Mnsw-y.
Win. W. It. (.'rnwforil. M. U-. IlenJ. Harris.Ja*. F.
W. Fears. R. I». Zlimneriiinn.
Mndlson. Morgan comity,Dec. 23rd.1861.
dr 20 lawdAwtf
rjUIK AnnualCmiise of U-uture* in this Di-paitment will
JL eominnnce on MONDAY, Noveinber 14, and will ter
minnte in the ensuing March.
JAMES JONES. M. D.. Profe.sorof Practice.
.1 C. RIDDELL. M.!».. Professor of Cliemlstry
WARREN STONE, M. P.. Professor of Surgery.
A. H. CKNAH. M I). I’rofessor of Obstetric*.
A J. WEDDERBURN. M. D.. Professor of Anatomy.
OU.4TAVUS A. NOTf. M. D . Professor of Materia Mcdica.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathol-
sffiKf-JIomvI'M.' fc } l*-»oiirt«»*o«. -*
The room* for dissecting will ta open from tho third Mon
day in October to the First of April.
Tlie Faculty are VisitingPhysiciun* nnd Surgeon* of the
Charily H-*pitnl. and nt'end tills institution from Novem
ber to April Tim students accoinpnny the Professors in
tlielr visit*, nnd tinis onjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages free of expense.
There nre nhout -mo thousand patient* prescribed for
daily in thl* iio*pital.
The number of pntientsi* nearly twentv thousand. In the
year. THOMAS HUNT. MIL. Dean.
RICE LANDS FOR SALE.— 1 Tlie Tract of LAND on the
_. Mary’n River, known ns tho Cnt-off Tract, containing
seven hundred and soventy-two (772) acres, of which over
flvo hundred (600) acres are tido swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and fall of tide of six feet. The marsh
fond was successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton, Cane, and Rice.
These lands could be put In order with less labour. It Is
believed, than would bo required for nutting Hammock lands
in order, and aro considered vory safe from overflow in gales
and freshet*.
For further particulars and terms, which will bo made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
R.C., or to Mrs. Henry Ifolley, St, Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of tho fond maybe seen at the office of tlie Geor
gian^ _ apl 27—d&c
tfigk F 6 it SALE .—A Tract of LAND, containing 202>i
acres.and improvements, near Waltnourvllle. IJberty
county. Tlie InuiLfs of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
acres of which art in cultivation, and tho remainder well
timbered, offering strong Inducements to persons Interested
In procuring turpentine. Tlie Improvements consfot ot a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all other nccessitry outbuildings. Tlio location cannot
be surpassed for henltnfulness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, aud a range for cnttlo which cannot bo excelled..
The above property can bo bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating terms, if early application
be made to the subscriber*, at Walthourrille. Liberty county.
apt 28—fl&o K. P, WAY.
eMail A Tract of Tide Swamp tand. containing 600 acre*.
yCmtyingon the Alatamalm river, three miles above Darl-
^•“w-en, adjoining lands of the estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on tho east und Gignllllnt nnd Walker on the north
and west, naving ns good a pitch of tide ns nnv rice plan
tation on the river. My terms nre. twenty dollars per aero,
one- fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from five to
ten vear*. tho interest only required to bo paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned nt Darien. In case of my absonce
Mr. James !‘rix<ii.b will show tho land, a plan of which can
be seen nt the offico of tho Georgian.
Daiukk. Jan. 22. 1853. Jnn25—lam
FOR SALE.—A Tract or LAND of Five Hundred ncres
iT.strlctly prime Rice tand. Immediately opposite tho old
iwn of Hardwick. Tlie situation of tho place affords one
of tlio best Saw-mill seats in tho Southern enuntry. facilities
for timber being easy and without eml. Vessscl* coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ton
to fifteen foot of wnter. For term* apply to Ilenrv Williams,
U.S. District Attomey.Savnnnah,or to B.'STILES. Bryan coun
*ryt* The Plantation known ns aroock. Immediately on
45ve*tho west side of the Savniiiinh road seven miles from
•*«*-l'arii-n. containing eleven hundred and forty seven
acre* of pine an-l linmmncU land, ol which near two Inin
sirs’ll nnd fifty acre* nre cleared nnd under fence. Tlie ham
mock land* aro of a superior quality, for cotton, corn. Ac.
nnd tlio pine land* well ndsptod to turpentine. There nn
negro house* nnd other building* upon tlie plantation
There L » wnter course within five mile* over a good road.
For term*, apply to K W. DkLEOAI.. r
nug17—w3m South Newport. G
1 .3QR SALE— 1 The westerly half of tat No. 2 Ynmacniw,
being the Wharf now occiiplod by tliodiarleston .Stcaiu
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet <111 the River,
and running back about two hundred foot to C'nnal-ntreot.
The property I* now under a loaso which will expire on ‘
first of Novemberncxt.
If not retd at private sale previous to the first Tuesday In
February, it will then be offered at auction ut the Court
House. Apply to dcl5 COHEN k FOSDICK.
rpJIE cheapest establishment in the sonUiorn country for
X the sale of noshes, door*, blinds un-l wood Moulding*,
of every variety. Is at the corner of Calhoun ami Washing
ton streets. Charleston. 8. C. All my work Is made of the
ta*t seasoned white pine, and tlio suslic* are glazed in tlie
very neatest manner.
A full supply or puinl*.oil, gins*, varnishes, and brushes,
always for sale low. sep'J—w-iw B. F. SMITH.
T HE attention of tho trade, nnd other*. In want of Porte
Munnalc*. Pocket nook*. Danker*’ Civhcr, Dce.sing Ca
se*. Portable Writing I’esks. llackgaiiimon and Cln-s* Boards.
Chessmen, Pearl. Shell, and Silver Card ('uses. Work Boxes.
Cuba*. Needle Books, Money Belts. Clear Cases. Portfolio*.
Razor* and Razor Strops, Travelling Flask*, nml line Cutle
ry. together with a large variety of Fancy Goods, which
will ho sold at the lowest rates. ]•’. 11 SMITH.
Porto Mi-nnnlH and Pocket Book Manufacturer.
ang21—cod tin 205 Arch st.. below Sixth, i'liiiudi-lpliln.
ytjilatuipljici diDfttiitifthittt , . >•
M». I3»] M
that they hav« — —
_ '187 Walnut stirst. to Ns. ia® South • ■' '** 1 1.ip.
Second street; where they have on hand a Urge and.aptett*' X
did assortment of superior fomlture,of STtry description . -.■»
to which they Invito the attention of jprcha>;er». ■ mb7
No, 181 JVoiik Sixth Street, Philadelphia,■ *• , w- .t .
(Opposite Franklin Square.)'
THE subscriber Is ronstsntlY fln-tt
ilshlng.snd on hind Ftoln aadasn-UL . .. •
cy Cane Boat Chairs, in great rarie* MB
ty of elegant and fashionable styles^ .1 • - -v.
for parlors, dining-rooms or chambers, made in FaUflf ‘ • 1
Woods, Imitation Woods, and Fancy Colors, fco. >■> >■ " .
•Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light and beautiful M* .
signs; Cane Lounges, Cane tattens. 11*11 Chalrs t Conathif ». ..
House and Office Arm Chairs, large nnd small Mocking-?. 1 '
Chslrs, Store and Steamboat Btools, Windsor'Chairs, kna- '' i
Settces, ko, ■ ..» ■'c^-vniv- 4 ‘
Housekeepers, Hotel, S tenrobos t and Ball Road CoropanlM v.
wiU find it to their interest to caU at ttaFacteryff^^ 7. ■ ' ..V
No. 131 North 5th St (orposlto Franklin SruareJ; ‘
mh7 Vi V Phlladsliihl* w :?
Agricultural Ware-House otul .Bee4, ^tore, ., \
No. 1M>* Markd-xtreeLPhtidMfiita. . .. t-
I’holty fcMmmr Patent SeHttsah
Sharpening Ploughs, of all.klc^sHHft • . .
right and left Iwodaw^WoRf^^..
Bfoe Hill and Double ttoukLfcc.; with
Steel Extending Points. Bar-share, Besob, and other kinds .
cf Castings for repairing. The Emjieror 01 Buisfo awarde4 -
for the above Ploughs, a MassiveGold Medal, value $800,
Also, the Great Medal at tlie World’s Fsir. waa awarded _•
k M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Double-Point Polish*' '
c-l Steel Teeth, which can ho reversed, thus getting Double *
Wear 01 the common Teeth. Also, Cultivator* of all kind*
with Steel Teeth.
S|ialn’s Atmospheric Churns,
Corn Shelters, Improved
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn and Cob Crushers,
Gedda’ Improved Harrows,
Square and A Harrow*.
Horse Bake*.
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces, *
Ox Yokes nnd Bows.
Forks lor unloading Hay.
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow Pins,
Apple Pcarers,
Ox Muzzles.
Mole Traps,
Pruning Hooks and Chtnofo,
Saws nnd Scissors.
Iron Well Curb*, nnd Zinc
tutaing for Chain Pumps.
Also, Horticultural Ton
and Grass Seeds, for sale
nnd Ro’nll.
Corn Planters,-
Turnip Drills, 4to 85.
Grant’s Patent Fan Mills, - •
WheatDriUg, :
Hoy*e Powers and Threshers.
Mowing, and Reaping Maj’.
chine*, , ■'
Chain Pumps, ' ‘
Cattle Ties,
Bull Rings,
Ps tent Iron Snaths,
Grubbing Hoes.*-' >-•-- .:
Transplanting Trowels,-; •
Hay and Manure Forks, .
Shovel* and Spades.. , .-
Uardon and Field Hoes|, ■. :
Garden Rakes in variety,
Cliildren’s Tools,
Snaths, with Patent Fasten*
Potato Ilooks.
Also, Horticultural Tools (of every description.) Garden
* at tliolc - .
i lowest prices,
ptlonO Oft
iplo .
No. 4 North fifth- rtrti i. tun doort above Market,
freeh and complete ‘
rpnE undersigned have just opened a frt
X stock of Wall Papers, among which are gold and vel
vet. fine satin, nnd the lowest priced unglnzed papers; also,
decoration*, bonier*, fire-screens, curtains, etc., which they
offer at tlio lowest prices, both wholesale and retell.
The best workmen employed to hang paper either Iff th#
itv or country.
Blank Hook/. Stationery, ifc.—Wo Imvo also our usual a#»
sortment of w riting pnpers wrapping papers, blank and
school books, stutlonori’, etc.
No. 4 North Flth etreet, 2 doors above Market,
tnr Cash raid for country mgs. mhlO—eod
I N ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with npptoprt* '
nto devices, embossed In a new stylo, in plain and fane/
colors. Seals of every description, with or without presses.
Envctojio* printed with name, business and address, labels,
bill bends, manufacturer's ticket*, fce.. nil executed In th#
neatest manner nnd at prices 26 per cent, below any simi
lar eslalillshment. In consequent of tatter and improved
faeUitk-sfor the execution of suel) work.
N. il.—All order* l-y mnil promptly attended to. Good#
sent to any part of the couutry.
„ T. B. CALVERT k CO..
Envelope and Foal Press Manufacturers, Bio Sinkers. Limbos*
sera nnd Ecngrnvers, 48 South 3d-st., Philadelphia.
W ILL open on the 1st of October, nt tlie corner of Meet- Sociely.Htrcets.dinrle-lon.F. C.a BOARD
French will be exclusively *|mkeu in the School nnd fam
ily, Iml duo regard will bo also bad to a thorough English
Education. MndHino Togno I* prepared to refer pnronlsand
guardian* to the most eminent Professor* or Music in Phil-
adetphia nnd New York, and to a ntuiitar of gentlemen in
Philadelphia nnd Virginia, to whose daughter* she im* giv
en instruction for several years.
kkfkiikvcks :
Philadelphia.—Rev. Kingston Goddard, Md'llo AdeJo FI-
goigne. Mad. Cli*. Picot. Mad Acelie Gulllou. (mother ol
Mad. Togno.) Ed. 1). Ingraham. Esq..Dr. Wm. Harris. II. I).
Galpin. Esq.. Signor Perclli, Prof, of Music, II. llupfeld.
Esq- Prof, of Music.
New York.—Mnd. II. Chegnray. Signor Bngloll.
Winchester. Va.—Rov. C. Walker, Rev. II II lloyd. Hon
J. M- Mason. Hon. R. Y.Conrad, Geo. tae. IL H.tae, Esq.
Charleston.—J. L. Petigru, Esq., O. Mills. Esq.. J. I*. Por-
cher. Esq , II. C. King. Esq. Inwd5—del
-The Mud Cabin, of the character and tendencies of
British Institution*, by Warren Isham.
Tho Forged Will or Crlmu and Retribution, by Emerson
Renitto; Edith’s Legacy, by the author of Adelaide Lindsv.
The White Cruiser, or the Fate of tlie Unheard Of, by Ned
Duntline ; Putnam’s Magazine, for October.
The Knickerbocker ; tho tandon Journal.
Industry of all Nations.
Jane Solon, or the King's Advocate, a Scottish historical
romance, by James Grant.
The Rudiments of the Art of Building, represented in Qvo
sections, edited by John Bullock.
Violot, tlio Dnnseuse, or Courtship and Wedlock, by the
author ol the Gilt. Ac,
The RetalFcout, a romance cf tho American Revolution,
by Anna Ashland. For sale at 135Congrex*-*t. oct6
(1TAPLR GOODS.—Kerseys,. Plains, Osnaburg*, Homo-
O spun*, red nml white Flannels, Blanket*. Calicos, brown
and Mooched Shirtings and Sheetings. Huckaback*. Crash,
Towel*, linen damask Napkins, Irish 1/
a per, etc,, for rale by o29
and Canton Goths, English and French Merino*, raw
Silks, black Crapes, black Crape and Love Veils, Collars and
Cliemizetts, block Silk aud Satin du Clicne. Ac., for salo by
oct29 Dswrrr & Morgan.
C LOAKS. Mantillas and Talmas, wide Velvet*, ladles'
Cloak Goth, colored Silk to make Clocks, with trim
mings to match, for sale by
Arons Velvsts, for talmas- scarfo, and
* oiWi i A4 ruid 'it* j-tatad d«.
' l>
JszM Tho subscriber has Just received a forgo number ol
Cooking and Parlor Stores, which ho will dlsposo ol
v?Jcon accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stoves. The Republic, Lady ol
the take, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stoves.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval, Six Plato. Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Ssnce Yarn.,
ke. ke. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu.
factored at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Ontters, and
Leaders, attended to with punctuality.
Nos. 10 and 12 Barnard afreet
1*tJST RECEIVED per steamer August . _ ........ ..
J Pickled Pork, choice pieces; Smoked Beef: Beef tongues;
Pig Haras 5 Pickles, In barrels; Pickled Salmon; Codfish
and Maekerel]; also. Potatoes, Apples, new Lemons,Raisins
and Citron, for sale by ocl20 W. O. DICKSON.
F ISIHNG AND JOCKEY CAP&—Received by late arri
vals, a new supply. Those In want willpleaso call at.
147 Bay-st may26 BUCK k VEADER.
F INE SHIRTS.—ReceiTOd by late arrivals a large assort
ment of fins cotton shirts. For sale by
H AMS.—Just received, a lot of fine small sized sogar
cured Hams, for family use, for sale by
augl8 A. BONAUD.
J UST received beautifully embroidered linen cambric
Handkerchiefs, also, French worked Collars, very rich
petterns. Forsaleby >ep!8 AIKEN fc - BURNS.
S ILK Poeket Handkerchiefs, of various qualities and
prices, aho linen cambric Handkcrchlefa, of which we
have recoived a large supply.
»epl8 . AIKEN k BURNS.
L ANDING from brig Macon—iO boxes Lemon Syrup; 6
cases GUIoax Sardines, for sale by
■/’EIVEP BY ft. F. .SIBLEY. Augiint 10. 1853:
Mile* Treim-nlu-iP.or the tavi* Annette Mnri-»
Muillaril. author of Zinura Uie fiypsey.
Philosophy of Fir William Hamilton, Professor of Light Meta physic* In Llinbiirgh University, for tho use of
school* nnd college*.
Abelard nnd Kloi<», n romance.hy O. W. Wright
Pyscomnncy. Spirit Ba|-piug* nnd Tipping* exposed, bv
’rolessur Charles O. Pago, M. D.
Daroinu’.-t Illustrated Ni-ivs ; Gleason’s Plctoral; Popular
Educator; Majurim of Art.*, Ac. For sale at the book
nrenl S & SIBLEY,
nog It 135 Congre**-strect.
J UFT received.a vari-tv of piiblieution* of the Now York
Protestant Episcopal Society. Tract*. Church Cate-
».ftiMuvtt» Fehool Service, and other cheap and valu
able Publication*. For sale nl tlie Book Store of
ft. S. SIBLEY.
auglO No. 135 Congress-street.
brilliancy of surfscoan ’ polish to nil other, nod nev .
stilus or rusts; withstnndsaU climate*.nn-I I*packed with
great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers nnu otlors will
-ult their interest hy sending tlielr orders lo the sole
ig20—dCm New Drug Warehouse.
SAV. corner 10th and MarkeUsts.. Philadelphia.
r PIIE Subscribers nre now prepared to roceivo orders for
X Flooring and other descriptions of Plnincd Lumber, at
the Savannah Plaining Machine, situated on the ennui, at
the western extremity of tho city of Savannah, between
Zobly nnd Mnrgnret-strcets. Orders for nil description* of
Plained Lumber furnished nt tlio shortest possible notice,
and manufactured in a superior stylo, which cannot fnll to
phrase the consumer. Work done’by their machine will
compare with that of any now In 11*0 Tho siih.-crllieis
havo succeeded in arranging for a constant supply of re-
lected seasoned Lumber, by which no di*appo!utmont to
huildei* need he apprehended. Every facility will be ex
tended in oltfalning ninlieiul for all imrts of a building.
The Fnw Mill, now being completed in the same building,
will lie in operation in the course of mm month, when or
der* for every dc scriptinu of Sawed Lumber will lie cxecu-
I tli despatch. Apply to B. A. ALLEN A CO., or
W E have this »Ly opened a new and splendid nssort-
ment of cnr|>et*. consisting of—
Hemp, Dutch, Venetian, Stair, Three Fly,
Ingrain, uml Brussels Cnrpcts.
Also, n very handsome assortment of Velvet and rhcm-l
Rug*, Hemp, nnd Cocoa Mat*; Drugget and Floor Oil Goths,
all of which will bo sold nt tho lowest price*, hy
_ sop-10 AIKEN k BURNS.
UTF.ltUNO SILVER WARE.—Tea Sets, Pitchers. Cakw
E7 Basket*, Goblets, Clips. Tumblers, Forks, Spoon*, Des
sert Knives. Pie Knives.Crumb Scrapers, Fish Knives, Jelly
Knives. Cheese Scoop*. Soup tadle*. and overy other nrtf-
cle In the silver way, from the best mnn-ifactorlej in tho
country, and warranted, at 110 Broughton street
oct28 IIORTON k ItlKF.MAN.
A LE AND POUTER—75 bbls Philadelphia Cream Ate, 60
do Porter, 40 casks tandon Porter, for sale br
*-‘' w mcmahon a Doyle.
oct 23
^ men’s silk and cotton Vests; plain, ribbed, colored and
black Half Hose; bleached, brown, colored and striped
Half Hose; colored and black silk Cravats. Stocks and
Ties; white and colored silk and linen cambric Handker
chiefs ; white, colored nnd black bid Glove*; a large assort
ment of buck and dog-skin Gloves, for sale by
Shovel*. Tongs and Pokers, kitchen lira Doga, Shovels
and Tongs, Coal Hod*, Fire Carrier*. Trcvit*. Ac., for salo hy
octl2 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Ilrynn street.
U MBRELLAS—Gentlemen's silk and cotton Umbrellas
Ladies’ silk Umbrellas and Parasols, a large assort
ment just received and for salu by
oot’ifi AIKEN k BURNS.
D OMESTIC GOODS.—?4. 7* and 4-l brown shirtings, »>{
10-4 nml 11 4 blenched do ; and 4-4 do shirtings ;
Red and Wh.te Flannel* ; Kerseys and Plains ; Twilled and
tandon Duffil Blankets; Whitney Blankets 10-4 11-4 and
12-4. A large stock of the above on hand and for sale by
sep2ft HENRY LATHKOP k Co.
P IANO AND TABLE COVERS.—a very handsome lot of
Cloth Plano and Table Covers, at
oct20 738t Julian AIM Bryan-st.. Waring’* Range.
- , Iraas’ Loado
quarts and pints. 26 doom mixed Pickles. Id quarts and
half gallons, 6 bbls Cucumber Pickles. 80 bbls Potaf
lies. ” *- -* " * ~
^ -atoes and
Apples. For sale at the comer of Broughton and Drayton
streets, by oct25 DAVID O’CONNER.
F m SALE—A nrero woman, aged 20 years, very likely,
and an excellent cock, washer and Ironsr. Alio a Tore
Ukoiy girl, aged 13 years. Apply to
B RANDY, GIN, Ac.—loo bbl* E P Gin, 25 do BrandyTTs
do Cherry Brandy, 10G boxos Cheese, 2000 lb# Twine.26
tierces Hams, landing and for sale by
C 'l ROUND PLASTER —100 Gaiks Ground Plaster dally ox
X^ted For sale to arrive'
B ACON and LARD.—06 hlida prime Daoon didos and
Shoulders, 16 Use#* Sugar cured Hams, 25 bbfo and 76
A RCHER A WARNER, Manufacturer*. No 119Chestlut-,
street. Phifo-b-lphin.respectfully solicit thti attenti »n of
purchnsers, to tlielr assortment of chandeliers, brajkets,
pendants, und every description of gas burners; also every
variety of lump*, girandoles, Ac. Wo wnrrnnt our good,
equal In finality, nnd our prices as low as any other cstab
lishmont In the country.
Tlio Trndo supplied with burner*, mercury, caps,brass
ting*, air pump*. Ac., at reduced priced.
Kill* 8. Archer.
Redwood F. Warner,
William F. Mlskm
Win. O. D. Merril
117 CheJnut staet, lelow fhurth. noiih tide, Philaddphia. .. '
W E Inform merchant* and resident* of tulsvicinlty.that
the most complete assortment or Mantel. Pier. Wall
nml Oval (.fames, richest styles, for private use. or all kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, Ac.,will
be found at our cstnJdMmiont.
long experience nml large facilities enable us to soli th#
best goods at lowest price*.
Dimouslnns being given, wo will glvo ostlmntcsfornny
Ized Mirror*, delivered freo from breakage, at any point.
Orders xolidted.
French Plate Glass, for Store*. Dwellings. Ac., at Importa
tion price*. THOMAS J. NATT k CO
rpiJK subscriber Jin* just received per Into arrivals, a
-L large nml fresh stork of the richest nnd nowest stylcM ’
or Velvet. Tapestrr. Brussel*, three-ply Ingrain and Venl,
linn Carpeting*, all of which nre offered on tho mostdesir. .
able terms.
With a foil assortment of Oil Goths, Tabio Covers,Mat-,
ting. Ac.
Purelmser* are requested to make nn early nxatntnatlor
n*strong Inducement* will ta held out to curb buyers,
,. It. II- WALKER, too Gicstnut-stroet.
mh17—lawtf below 8th.South side, Philadelphia.
Take Notice.
J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few door#
above Market-street, Philadelphia, te tlm most exten*
sive and he.<t manufacturer of Window Blinds nnd Shade#
in the United .Stale*, nnd has taken the highest premium*
at all the exhibition*; he boys tlm taut materials by whole*
*»1 cheaper fur Cai li than others |*iy for Inferior at'tldes by
retail, and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and -
f Imde* a* chon p ns others a*k for Inferior articles, Pafntod
ttiudow Rhodes in great variety, af beautiful design* and
superior quality. Buff nml White Linen Slindos, Blind and
Shade Trimming*. Fixtures. Ac., wholesale and retail, at ’
tlm lowest cash price*. Store Shudes painted and lettered
to order. Heed Blinds at manufacturers’prices. Old Blind#
painted to look as good as now. Purchasers, by calling,
will be conviuced thin ho sells a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount inado to dealer#,
We study to please. ”
No. 12 North 0Hi-ftroot. Phlfo.
A N INDIAN PRFJ’ABATION. for restoring grey heir to
its original color. It Is guaranteed by tnb Propriotor. '•
but if the patient is grey, ho can have his hair restored to ■
its original color by tising tarot’* Wahtieno.* For Salo by
J a>> 21 w. W. LINCOLN, Monument Squkre.
I?I-OlB, BACON, Ac.—200 bids superfine Howard street ■
A Hour, 50 hlids prime new Dncon Sides, 20 do do Should-
ers. 30 bbl* aud 60 kegs taaf tard. landing nnd fur sal# by
tion of thels-lie* ofSavnnnah. nnd sourrottnding coun
try, totliefollowing newnndtaautlfolgoodawhichwehav#
jmt received, viz : sill; Paris mantillas, laced gimp mautll-
lax. black nett scarfs col’d. neetscarfs, ladles crarataand
tie*. Fre nch worked collar*, laccil capes, ehculzetts and un*
der slccre*. oonnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon. Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
silk nnd lisle glove*, wltli a large varioty of other article#
too numerous to mftution. Please call nnd sea for your
selves ; all of which will be sold on tho best possible terms
S UGAR, BACON, Ao —10ft bbfo Stuart's A and B Swear!
60 blids Baron Side* un-l Shoulders j 60 boxes Crysta-
line Candles, lundlug and for sale hv
_ uct4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A 00, . k ...
1?LOUK, LARD. Ac.—60 bbls H Smith’s Flour1 n#ir : 60 - ^
X 1 do Canal do;.60 half bbls Extra do; 60 kegs lord t 40 • 1
b-xes Canily; 25 do extra do; 100 do Tobacco,.variou#
brands ; 6 half boxes do, extra twist, tending and for sal# -
by oct4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00.
B ATON AND HAWK—loo casks cboloe Sides, OmaldersY r ' ^
and Hams, 615 bbls and bags Baltimore, Grergla, and J
Canal Flour, landing and for sale by , . , • .
octl5 HOIAXJI&E, JOnNSONJi 00,. ,
L ADIES’ KID OI/)VE8.—We have just received a beautt- »
fu| assortment of ladles’ white and black, dark and 1
fancy colored Alexander’s Kid Gloves, to which vr# would ' '
respectfully call the attention of the ladles.
E NGLISH PL-UNS—a henry trtlclo suitable for- Ried -
Planters, for sale at 728t. Julien and 106 Bryan ate.tbr -
oct26 KBMtTpN .A VKBSTHZ^ •
tjOTATOBf-180 bbfo and 60 bags Potatoes, landing from
A brig Torrello, an-l for sale br ' -
' by
», and Hot Water Dizhss, from
nd medium onalltyj also,’ Dish '
Venson, 8teak, all bfoze, i
12 to 20 Inches, of superior and rntdlou,
Covers. Coffee Greoques, Tea and Coffee Uras. : E« Baiter#.
Ae. I will sell aa low a# they can be pnrohasM In tha north. ■ ‘
1 roprietori of Hotels, Steam Boats, Planters, and other#
are Invited to call and oxaraine.
_ocP21 J. P COLLINS, 100 Bryan stre#i. ,
C AROWAY CORDIAL—10*dot Caroway Cordial, foroal#
1 Coroar of Bay and Whltaksr-strseU.
QCTIHDAM SCHNAPPS-4 dos Wolfe’s su Sebetyiia J
O 8clmsppt,asuperiortoulo. diuretic,'anttlMpebtlo.Add- li-,*.
Invigorating Girdtel. especially recommended total! pereooa - - ^ ,. v
Invigorating CordfoL especially recon
residing In the Sontbern States; a _ .
tlve of ague, remittent and bilious fttfr. For st
ootTL . ■ , A.J
jy^OLASSES —200 bb’s prime N. O Uolassae, for Ml# to v *
JLi Laths. I
Ac.—800 caiks . Lime. 60 bbla :l
for sale, to arrive per h
LOUR—100 bbfo Baltimore Floor, lane
J by sep38 ' RO
j^AW BOOKS.—United States J
. ..-i, . 4 -, ^ :rm