Newspaper Page Text
, , : ,
, DECEMBER IQv 1853,
T, ,?Tm T' • Vi. '{.
—' ,i ’.,...'"rfr-fi-
»5S53Sw,b*2»' u “
W E tela plenum .IhmUIdi tbeattenttoh
out very oxtenrive .took of Woolen wid Domestic
Qoodi. many of whlob wo purchased before the prat ad*
vonoo In, wool, and will therefore rail thorn corrmpondlngly
10W, 4o'halooloodba Du«l and colored BUnk.U,
60 do brown twlUtd Raneys j 10 do bUck do,
to do brown domestic Good*.
(6 do .tripod and whlto Oanaburn.
10 do plalnwdFUnntl; 6 do twilled do,
16 do ahlrUnf Stripes, .
16 cura Left!?£?ISatlboro' Stripe, and Plaldo,
6 do nlaldUoM/a. .trlpea and plaid.,
6' do' mtlnat ana Kentucky Joana,
6 do 8ootoh and domestic Ginghams,
80 do bloaobed Bhlrtlng* and Buntings
29 do Eqffllsh and (American Print*,
60 douaNegroCap* Garpetlng,
160 Run* and Matt*: 200 Carpet Bag.,
800. Negro Head-hanakercblefa,
1000 down wool.n and ootton Hosiery.
No. fi )VkUnk*r-ttrtd,
, THE 8U1WCWUEU respectfully announce, to thi
blttuna of Bar.nuah, and of Qi« Interior of ihta
jMate, that he has now opened and will keep eon-
r In atom, a lam assortment of the beat qn.lltle.
HanUril'.nd merchant* visiting our city during the fell
end winter will Bnd It to their Interest to look trough our
.jsSiJISSS-*»*»"">“>■•*t"* 1 -
AY onct 118 Bay-ttred.
niicwiW lllta ‘ ,ni *' K * tlM “ 1 m " r El,l “ °°
1“ dm Hiram Robert., J. R. Wilder, I.
W. tad-nM.S, *• *“«'• n.or, Utbrop
^tr.R* 04 - HESRT D. WEED, Pr.iU.nt,
„.„lHHP»T.3.r'T w*
,iUl»J toi.ndfortbrtrrrlend.nnJ derirona of
r, "“, w ,.i b, dot clou peobet ibloe. nr. Informed
JJSfirtmrttWi .re tbe onlp ApenU for thenbom, npn-
ioUiorlted to drew on Meuti. Wm. T.pieott
,®a™ol,ln iom. from *1 end npwnrdi, .bleb
, na'inortoflibli Innnj to«n lhrou.boutlrol.nd end
DrnRi on Ernnce nod Oermnnp, pnpnbte in
,u.„Uof the Coollnent nliO for mlo. Apply to
fcc't-lf PIIVKKR h OGDEN. 80 Bl
BUNKER fc OGDEN, 80 Bay-street.
ASKURV HULL. Preildent and Treasurer.
XUJON CHASE, See’ry. | C. F. UcKAY, Actuary,
n. tt n-le»l«ned. Agent of the abore Company, continue,
lo taXe the following Risks, ri*.: Marine, Rirer and Fire
ilio ,iq the Lire* ofServant*.
U.eawfWUlte Person, are also taken by this Company.
V, nrtn premium for residing In tbe South.
Corner of Bay and Draytan-street*.
The und<w«igned have associated themselves to-
' rather, under the name and style of Murphy fc Do-
wany, tor tbe transaction of general Boot and
> jltoo business. haring the stand on the corner of
ftunwii and Whltaker-sireets, former/ occupied by M.
|Waleora»t- They are novr prepared to olfer to their Wenda
isj Uie public, a w«U selected stock Of ladle* and Gentle*
a^f,Sbom. te .,.blcb^«,»l^rtyUr»,b.
Tlte subscriber has now opened a Wm«nd choice
idi.irt.nent of new style o Call and^wlnter goods.
liouiIstingofFrench and English .Wok and fancy
oolored Cloth. pUIn bUck doe skin Oaaalmerea..flgu*
rsluuck elastic Cawmeres. with a Urge ririety of French
tMr*sof the latest stylo and pattern, Also a
tMce rarletv of Vesting*. eonalaUuw qf Rgurcil black and
birr Cashraerei. plain black ftitln. figured black and fancy
Rh. and Satins, cut silk VolreU. *c The whole .of which
ktb prepared to make up to ordor in the most taahonable .mummed., to, ‘rfouupmu.
0U3E FUItNISHIBG GOODS.—Unrn aud oou..u iu «.
_ 114 and 124 Sheetings, linen and cotton 6-4,8*8 and
t-1 do.fir irtlliur eases, white and colored Furniture Win!*
French. English and American Furolluto Chlntae, Mar
ies and Uncaster QtHlts. Urge and atoulL Damask Nap*
isodDeiles. white and colored./n-nch Bordered Towels
rUs sml crush, 4»tcb pUper apd Towels. Huckabuck
DUper. Rus-ia and Bird’s-eye Diaper, 104.11*4 and 124
Bed Shekels. Crib BlankeU. Window Sea es and Fixtures.
Bane and Table Cortra, linen and.eotton. Just received and
hruleby oct29 AlhlN ft HUHNP
AIMES’. gcntlemen> and ohllden’a cotton, allk aud me*
riuo Hose and Under-gurmeqU; kid and alllt Glovea»
hMocboh.-lc II in IketeWefo. Embroidered do ; plaid wool
thtwU: Tuibet do; Broche do j Scarfs; Moreen’s worsted
Dnat-Ls: window shades; embroidered Curtains. Ac.: r*.
wltol and for sale br o20 DaWITr k MORGAN
. Hart now In store, and for sale on the moat
/E±=E9lkrorable terms—26 tahda Porto Rico and Musoo*
rfififif rado Sugars, 76 bbla Stuart’s A B and C oUrllled
•■■■■do, 40 bbla crashed and pulrtrlud do.
10 boats Loaf Sugar
120 ban Rio Coffee. 26 do Jam do,
90 hhds, tierces and bbls W. I. and N 0 Molaasei,
76 boxes sperm and adamantine Candlea,
160 paekages hyson and black Veal,
100 bbla Baltimore and Canal Hour,
10 half pipes Ward. Dupuy k Co.’a Brandy,
16 quarter pipes fine Old French brandy,
20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine,
60 do do Malaga, and 16 do Teneriffe Wine,
80 bbla Old Monongahela Whisky,
0 pipe* Holland Oln, clorer leaf brand,
2 puncheona Jamaica, and 20 do 8t Croix Rum,
60 bbla sugar, butter and soda Biscuits,
160 do domestic Brandy. Gin, Ram and Whisky,
100 boskets genuine Ileldslok Champaign Wine,
60 do do Hungarian Lion- do
60 do dp Crdwn and nopgU and Brody do
120 M Spanish Sejrani. rarfout brands, , ■ ^
together with choice Butter/ Goshefl Cheese, and olher or-
tides usually found In wholesale groceries octlfi
__ The subscribera bare just opened a fresh supply
SgBSMof Goods, recently received frpra the northern
KqcIH markets, and solicit the patronage of country
■■■b toilers, city merchants, and families generally.
The following articles comprlso a portion of their stooic:
76 boxes and half boxes Tobacco, asserted brands,
26 M Cigars, 10 coxes fine cut Tobacco,
10 hhds Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 100 Hams,
6 bbls Lard, 10 do Pork,
80 whole, half and quarter bbla Mackerel,
60 bbla Domestic Lluuors, all qualities,
20 caiks Wine—Madeira.Tuneriffe, Port and Malaga,
6 half and quarter pipes fine Brandies,
2 pipes Holland Gin—swan brand,
60 boxes Cheeso--Common. English Dairy, ko.
80 bags Java. Lagurra, and Rio Coffee,
10 kega choice Butter.
60 whole and hall bbla Extra Canal Elour,
76 bags Georgia Flour. In 100 and 80 ft sacks.
1U0 whole and half boxes Colgate’! Soap, aisorted,
6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar.
30 bbls clarified and brown Sugar,
10 caaks Byass' London Porter. 10 cases Pickles.
' 10 bbls Mercer Potatoes, 10 bbls white and red Onions,
30 boxes Herring,
10 baskets Champslgne. Ac.. &c.
Also, a full assortment of Groceries generally, compris
ing, sauces, syrups, preserves and dried fruits, oils, spices
of all kinds, fancy soaps, nuU, hyson and black teas, dried
beef und tongues, sardines, ground coffee, kltt salmon and
mackerel, brooms, buckets, wooden wore and measures, to
gether with numerous other articles of household use, all
which will be sold cheap for cash or approred city accept-
iieadyISade clothing,
T HE subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of his
friends and the public In general, to his extensive as
sortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising as it does a
variety of every article for gentlemen’s wear, suitable tor
the nrewsnt and coming season* The following comprise a
portion of the stock on hand:
Overcoats and Surtouts of black and blue beaver clotb,
Black and brown mohair cloth,
Nonray »nd Labrador coatings,
Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma cloaks,
Black cloth drexs and frock coats,
Blue and brown cloth business frocks,
Orey and eheck cassiraere business suits,
Blackdoe-akln cassiraere pants,-
French faney cassiraere pants, .
Orey and mixed tweejl caaalmtre pants,
Black and mixed satinet pants,
Plsln snd plaid kersey pants.
Embroidered and plain black casalmere vests,
Figured and plain black silk vests,
lTush velvet vests.
Figured black and fancy cashmere vests,
together with an extensive stock of Furnishing Goods, such
as line white shirts, silk and merino undershirts, merino
Canton flannels and jean drawers, riding gauntlets, black,
colored and white kid gloves, stocks, crarats and scarfs,
neck-ties, suspenders etc., the whole of which l» offered for
sale low, by WM. R. SYMONS, Draper & Tailor,
ocU 17 Whitaker street.
M F&sfcS. COHEN k BANNON respectfully announce to
the citizens of Savannah that they are now prepared
to do »U kinds of work in tbelr line, at their new shop,
tssr the corner of Rroughtonand Drayton-sts. They have
establlslicd the following as their rates of charges; Fora
katte»Uav* 1 ’ v, . , 1 per rauuth. for 2 or three tlmcsporwcek
Be.; 4 times a week $1; 6 or Q times a week 81 60; every
da/61 75 per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair cufling 25c,
*S!ZSB%U always hold himself In readiness to at
tend Pi orders from those who may .require his services at
their homes. motB
ANDUQU0R8,' botu tariff
and domestic, Invoiced from thobest sources, and to bit
stock of which, at prassnt on hand, ho InyUas attention.—
Having hod extensive experience In Erotica os a tnattuftto*
turer, and In America as Importer and dealer, his acquain
tance with the trade enables him to offer assn ranee that the
artlelee which are enumerated below am eaeh genuine t
Artlolen of Direct Importation.—French Bran-
dice of various brands; Holland Gin | Scotch, Irish-and
Monongahela Whisky; Old Batavia Arrack; Jamaica and
8t Croix Rum.
Wine*-—Old Fort. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Hock,
CUret, Fauterne and Burgundy Wines.
Cordial•—In eases. Curtcoa. Maraschino, Ratafia, 61a-
valt*. Klrschenwssser, Absinth, Ac.
Ale and Porter*—Loudun Brown Stout, and Edin
burgh Ale.
Also Agent for Domestic Liquors.
nov6 R. MAYER. .
S Have In etoro, and offer for sale, on the most
fkvorahle terms—
16 hbds Rt roix Sugar, 26 do Porto Rico do
25 do N Orleans uo. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart's A. B and O Sugar, 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bags Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 begs old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamnlca do
10 cases Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Daoon Sides
26 casks Shoulders, 26 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbla Baltimore Flour, 60 whole and 26 bait do Canal do
25 hhd*. 60 tierces and 60 bbls Wost India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter ebesls Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and A lamnntlne Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope
100 bbls IS Phelps’ Gin. 260' Flack’a do, 26 do Connecticut
* River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 qr casks pare Malaga Wine. 20 do dp Madeira do
6 half pipes Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Mnnongabela Whisky, 10 qr caske Port Wine
16 bbls Mint and Rose Cordial.
Also, the following old and very ehotce uquora. In glomes:
40 doxen cbefoe old Madeira Wine, bottled in 1847
86 demijons 8t Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 - do- old Monongahela Whisky. 1846
10 do Pam Juloe, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
86 down Behetdara Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar.
maylfi ^ 1-j
B 25 HHDS. Porto lllco and Muscovado Suesr, 26
do cholco New Orleans do, 25 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100bhls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup. Stu
art’s rectified do, 600 gallons Sperm on, 300 do
linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adsmamantine Candles,
26 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 75 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed and assorted Candles, 76 packages Tens. Black, Im-
pedal and Green, 160 bhls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prui
Figs, Citron. Pickles, Raisins. Yeast Powders. Saleratua, So
da. &e.. now In store and for sale very low. br
Com*—160 bags prime Rio, 76 do Jamaica, 60
lo Java.
Scam—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do SI. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mouasss—25 hhd* Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans.
Flour—150 bbls Baltimore, 76 do Cans). 60 do II Smith's.
Baco.v—16 casks Pliilndelphla Hams. 600 Baltimore can
raised do. 80 hhds Sides, 20 do Shoulders.
Potatoes—160 bbls P and Mercer.
Lard axo CooraK—26 bbls choice Leaf Lard, 6 casks Cod
Sosr. Candles and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes Starch, 76 do
Admantine Candles. 26 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tobacco—160 packages various brands and qualities.
Lemon Syrup,sc.—50 boxes Lemon Syrup, 10 eases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Poaches.
Doucrnc LiqcoRS—76 bbla Phelps’ Gin, 60 do N E Rum. 75
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Moaoncahela do.
Wines—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra-received and for sale by
jpl2fi McMAHON k DOYI.B.
■ 10 bbls No. large Mackerel.
10 bbls No. 1 do do
10 half bbls No. 1 do
10 do No. 2 do
80 bbls sugar, aodar. and butter Biscuits,
26 .boxes sods Biscuits, ■ t -
60, do ltafhnh , m«inyB&iJ0?! , jV''*. ,5; 'V-n*
60 do Colgate’s No.' 1 do
40 do Colgate's and Beadell's Pearl Starch.
60 do Herriugs,
Landing and for sale by
md Spades. Manure and *).
Shelters, Cbh Crashers.- llaui
1 kitten, Soythasand SasaU
Undies, Rond Scrapers, Ox
*ancy Barrows. Garden Cl
Swan Wire, Hames, Mi
Cauldrons. DougUaa’ I
do Bucktis, Ootton WL . ...
looks, Jock Bcraws, BumU'
iris wold'i Upland do.’ Osms
Saws | also, lUud and Yard I
and Euro-
ighs of variou*
and Wrought
Safes, Bhorela
rwMitl) Hooks,Corn
Cultivators, straw
IS, lick Axes and
Yok4». Garden and
iU andOudgsnns
i, Rice Threshers,
rpHK txerrises of this Institution wUl bo resnmedon
A Monday, October loth, under the management of J. B.
MALLARD and. BERNARD MAI AON, suocTs to principals.
Tbs acadcDilcyosr Is divided Into foor quarters of eleven
Flrst^quarter commences October 10th. and ends Decern-
^Socond^uarter. commsneee January let, .1864, and ende
Third quarter commences March 18th, and ends Juna
lfitb, -
Fourth quitter commences June 10th, and ende August
Tbe academy Is organised Into five departments—Prima
ry, Intermediate', Grammar. Classical, and Young Lodlt*’.
No expense has been-spared to-fill the sevsnl depart
ments with well-qualified and experienced teao'iers-
Tho Young Ladles will be under Ihe chargo of J. B. Mal
lard. assisted by Miss M. A. Callkxdxr, who was educated
In the best schools of Northampton, Mass., and ha* been
for thehut three yean principal pf- a female academy la
The ClRMlcal Department will be undeV th* charge ot Mr.
Isaac F. Caut, a graduate of Brawn University, for two
years classical teacher in tbe High School In Providence,
and for the last »lx years principal of the High School, In
Warren, Rhode Island,
Tbe Grammar Department will be under the charge of B.
Mallox. m heretofore,
The Intermediate Department will be taught by Mr. niw
nr Barer, a graduate or^Oglethorpe University j and the
Primary by Ul«s A. R. Carter.
Arrangements have been made with Mr, E. Uiuxkfor
glrng Instruction In French and Drawing.
apl26—d8w BERNARD MAT.LPN. J Prlncip * U '
XBO!, TOOJTJgWBtnr ? TO««.
A r 0.118 BroupMm*4f..bel mn Bull an4 initiator.
' THE largest and be< selected stock of goods aver
u Offered for sale in this* tyr- Qold snd Silver Walche*.
sy^i VaI. .mi riii.wi n-Aini qai. a# T— —.I—,.
SUverCMtor.. ,, Tr ...- rr __, r ,
Spoons, Forks,Ftsh Knives, PI JCnlv#*, Clioeae Scaup*, Lo-
dies, Syphons. Also, aU kinds if Plated Ware, Military and
Fancy Goods,and a great vario/of Articles too numerous to
mention l tho whole of which rill be sold at reduced prices.
All kind* of Watches, Clocks jewelry and, othar Jobbing
attended to by competent hanm^ HnRTON k RIKKMAN.
The undersigned begf leave to inform tho ClUceni
lof Savannah, and tho mputeln the country In gene-
- —\ he has taken the Storj Ko. 148 Broughton Street,
one door West of Dixon’* Confectionery, where he will be
pleased to mskeand repair all kinds of Clocks aud Watches,
end will warrant all work wltbjwhlchhe may be Intrustod.
ap 27—ly ' ^ ;* FRANCIS 8TKTN.
IdSCRnWa^evei ■
buui uMu^tnsking lhe best asgrrtmont _In this city; of j all of three years, designed for^thoee who are preparing for
klndscrwatcbee, JewelrjLFanj'Owdj.HIlverSpoons^Forks, t * 6 OostwlMtoUt^r j ^ P P ^ B
a Qoidt.
rival of the 8teamers fresh
rcnJLdd, Grtene County, aa.
rpHE Studies In this University ore:—A Theological course
Pitcher*} Tea Seta, Cup*, Syphons, Plated Castors, and every
variety of articles connected wui our line of buslnesa; allot
which wUI be cold a*low a* In for dty In the Union.
_ _ ' Particular attention givku to the Repairing of Watch-
ea and Jewelry. , - - ^ no 20
A CollcgUto Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges In the country;
A Scientific Course of three years, Including, with some ad
dition, all the studies of the Collegiate Course expept the An
cient Languages ;
very low. by
U NDER a new and Improved organization, manufacture
Locomotive and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills, Gins,
Preaos. Lathes. Drills. Ac. Alio, every description or Cot-
too. Woolen and Saw Mill work. Shafting. Pulleys, Ac.. Cast-
In?* of anv weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
it reduced price*. F. 8. OL.VXTO.V, Engineer.
Depot I'd Platt-street. curnor of Gold. Claxton k Mot-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. and H. Collins’ Axes, Hard
ware Agency,23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
i’AIHBAXK’S Patent PlatforaScalea—(Improved In qual
ity an J reduced In price) 1 — Adapted to overy required o|f
eratioii of weighing, as Railroad Scalcsfor train* or single can
in u*e on tho principal railroad* in the United States and
Crest Uritnln. Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
threkfor foundries.rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
m ■dificali-uH; Counter Scales, Uay and C«ial Scales. Ac.—
7b«« Scales have been long known and severely tested ; ond
th* unlrenal confidence felt in their accuracy and perfect
*1Ju«tment. i* such that they are now regarded as the stand*
srifrom which there Is no appeal.
ICST RHCEIVED.—A supply of Mineral I’alnts. fire and
J nter.proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paint*
differeasenllally from nil other* In market. They nrenut
CUys, they require little oil, they do not work toughly, but
Lv eadlv as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body.
•MImmediately, and beeoraean indestrucUhle coveringol
Cat. Th»y neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
than whlto lead.
I hire » varioty of eolors. Red. Yellow, various Browns,
*at Jet Black. They are superior in body (or covering
property) to anything ever discovered.and pound tor pound
rill cover double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
pdals, and require ten oil.
I sm now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
l# tin like Silver's Mineral Paints. For sale by
tar I 10 and 12 Rarn*rd.*1reet.
H AVE RECEIVED per recent arrivals, and offer for sale
Plantation Dry Good* ; London DufBI. and Twilled
Blankets ; Georgia Kersey* snd I'iains ; Northern do. do.;
heavy (all wool) do.; heavy Cordova do.; heavy Brown
Shirting* ; plain and twilled red FTaunel*; Plaids. Llnseys,
colored Homespuns. Ac.
Mousltn d’Lainc* j American do : plain mode and high
ail’d do.; French aud English Merinos, a variety of colors ;
raw Silk Plaids ; MouMln d’Baize ; printed French Cam
Drees Suits.
Plain, plaid, and striped Ores* Silks ; rich brocado do ;
plain bl’k Hllks ; a largu variety ; black brocado do.; bl’k
and Rep. do.
Mourning Dress Goods.
Mouslin d'Laine* ; French and English Bombasines ; Al-
paccas ; Canton andTnmise' loths.
ClonUs mid Mantillas.
Cloth Cloaks nnd Talma* ; black and col'd Silk Mantll
las; Ladies* bl’k and cw’d Cloth* for Cloaks, and a variety
of Trimmings for the ssme. _
Embroideries nnd Lnce Goods.
Mouslin Collars and Chemlxcttes; Lace do; rich embroid
ered lAwn ttdkfe; Mourning ColUvrs, Chcmlzet'cs. and Un-
dendet-ve*; Muslin Cap* ; Infant’s Waist*; Swlns and Jac.
E Igitig* nnd Inserting* i Thread aud Ll-de Edging* and In
serting* ; Cambric and Muslin Band*.
Ladles’, Mimes’, Men’s, and Boy’s Gloves, a large variety.
Men’s and Boy’s Worsted and Cotton Half Hove : Ladles'
und Misses'Cotton and Worsted Hose; Ladies’ black nnd
white Silk do.
Houso Furnlihlnc Goods.
10-1,11-4 and 124 Linen Sheetings \ 94.104 and 11-4
brown and bleached Cotton Sheetings; Pillow Case Linens
und Cotton* ; 8 4.9 4 and 10 4 bro. and bl'ched Table Dam
ask ; Damask Cloth*; Napkin* nnd Doyles; Hueabuc,
Scotch and Russia Diapers; Irish Linens, good style* ; Bed-
Ticks. Furniture Dimity*. Ac.
Cloths and Casslmcres.
Black French Cloths; Plain and Twilled Blue do. do;
black Doe Skins: plain nnd plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans-
'S writer having just removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (bo-
'*een Congress and Brougliton-stroota.) would Inform his
mend, and the public generally, that ho will open Tins
rot.his second supplrof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
rith* beat French. English aud American Cloths, CAssl-
"wressad Vesting*, purchased from the most extensive im-
F>rtsr* la New York, which he is prepared to make up in
»»best »nd raoit fashionable styles.
4*«l M. D. MURPHY.
HE eo-pxrtnemhip heretofore existing with the under-
%i*d. under the firm of BOSTON A GUNBY, is this
My di-snlvul by mutual consent. Either partner isautlio-
“•dtottte the name of the firm Inclosing the unsettled
dnguit lit, 1863. aug2 J. H. GUNBY.
„S!*;d»-l-"»d.maiii(taItlierdCroR*OE.nd c OM.
W fiUilNEdS on his own account, and respectfully
S . ..*. eon t |nu »'ico of tbe patronage so liberally extend-
"ttotheUle firm.
- JON OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—il.s eo-partuer
— *niphsieU,r«)reexi*Uug between the subscribera under
«* 6rm ol F &KJHADM A CD. [r dissolved by mutual
" 0- B. MirciIELL will continue the business on
kb own
account, and is authorized to settle all claima, in
0,1, Z, ana is aaiuoni
““city, for or against the late firm.
F. ZOOHAUM. Charleston. 8. C..
. . G. B. MITCHELL, Savannah, Ga'.
Jannnah. JunqCth. 1853 Je8
D , 2“HK£* G<*PARTSE'lSHlP—NonCB—The con
lul JT. ^ i-o-lgers is this day dlssolvedbytou-
'Uuirfu^ ut '^ r : ratlring. and Mr.Thomas Wood.
ot 1ViwL.i5fo , 'i t *** n 8 P' ac ®. under the name rind style
h h }f ert - All debts against the late firm will be
wWtit i. nc,r firm - nn 1 nl1 ,n(,nle ’ ,l u® them will be
iww-m-w Dl1 r * ce, l*ted for by the new concern.ns per
L* n - 2 . WOOD A KOnoFUfl,
'A *'*b*eriber. In retiring iroiu u,i.i urM i n
fer Uw iuL to ^ no1 bul rt ' el UMtoful aud obllved
Si faBmlv'"*”? P ntr ' , m'ge which haa been extonde-1 to
taii,?!* . ^®th from city and country friend*, and
sad htaJgrtyWF to express hi* thanks for the same,
tin,!!.to* hope that pa*t favor* will be continued to
•ww*«asr.7.'i 1 V m ^ re ® TerT wa r grateful to give the moat
®fKibh^l*D l J f4et on 10 th# patrons of the late concern
* Kod « or< - Very respectfully.
■ l wn J. M. KinnFF,.
J. V. CONNERAT, fc OO.. offer for safe on ac-
igfl.eommodaUng tetthsfa well assorted stock of Gro
ceries, IJquore. Tobacco. Segars, Ac., via; 130 bags
•prime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhas
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbla clarified coffee do,
26 do crashed and powdered ao. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pad
ages black and green tea, some very superior ; 250 boxi
tobacco, various qualities, l’s, 8’s. 6’s and 16’s. 16 cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Virginias and Aromatic.20do nectarlcaf,
Vtginiagold leaf. 10 boxes F3 Dorado tobacco, 176.000 supe
rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy & Co. Bran
ny. 20 half and quarter casks Plntorn, Martel, Sazerac. Ao,
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old dean I-ouis do, 5 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half pines and 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbls old Monongahola Wisky, 26 quarter caska Teneriffe, 80
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbls gin, whisky and rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 and family soap. 60 do starch. 60 do adamnntino can
dles, 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 16 do shoulders.
30 hhds West-Indla Molasses. 40 bbls and tea -In. 25 bbls N
Orleans do.'togsther-wttJi evory other srtUltinutUy fossil
atlhe wholesale grocery stores.June3
*] THE undersigned Is now opening- a splendid assort-
Iment of rich JEWELRY, embracing th®'recent patterns
'of Ear-rings, Pins, Bracelets and Flngor-rings. among
which are some fine dfamonff settings,ftroin 910 to 9600,
Also, twenty-five sots of those unique Pearl Sdt ofEsr-
irlng* and Brooches, from $18 to 9125 tho set, newest
? and rarest pattern! t together with a. very select assort
ment of extra fine IPatcAe* set tn pearl, diamond, hum
ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol
good Jewelry. SteriingSIlvnr Rets, Sjtoons, F’orks, Ladle*,
Cups, Ac., and Plated Ware of all Ultra. Fancy Won Boxes,
Dressing Cases. Folios Clocks. Rronze Figures, gold mount
ed Canes. Cuttlery. Ac., renders his assortment very com-
plote. and unsurpassed in the Ktate, either In quality or pri-
' Strict attention paid to repairing watches,clocks,
and jewelry. nol2
fl MR. F. STEIN, on Rroughton-street. has Just receiv-
Jod the finest assortment of new and fashionable Jewel
ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils aud pens,
l silver and silver gUted wnre and fruit onskets. waiters,
jl tea sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoons; fine table,
pocket and pen knives, *clsaore,and a largo variety of the
1 finest work boxes, dressing cases, nnd writing deska for
ladles sad gentlemen, as also a fine selection of flutlnas,
ncconllans and fancy articles, too numerous to mention,
which lie offers at the lownst prices ever sold In this city-
Tho attutlon of the public at large, but especially that of
'Ocularly requested. au21
THE undersigned respectfully inform th*
[citizens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
'that they have on hand more than fifty
Pianos, tlie largest stock ever on salo in this city, and
nude by-the most celebrated manufacturers lathe United
States. Nunns A Clark. T. Chlckering. Iknnlman A Gray,
I-eight fc Nowton. Edwards fc Fisher, all well known to the
lovers of Music, have place In their large assortment.—
Thcso Pianos are of rich tone, and beautifully finished in
Rose Wood, Black Wui out, nnd Mahogany, with Iron frames
mndc in tho most substantial and workmanlike manner.—
Also the justly celebrated Avollan Piano Fortes, which for
their sweetness of tone have not been equalled. AU these
Instruments have meUlicframes which render them necull-
arty suited fur tnl • climate.jrergntjpg necessity of tuning-]
iighed are' Agents for' nbttrWerife/celobraW'
Grand Pianos, made In Pans. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
'CAmuKT’sMklodioxb,—This beautlfol toned wind Instru
ment,manufactured by Carhartfc Needham, N. Y..for village
purposes. Lodgea.Serenading Putties, nnd the private prac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they
have also for sale. All those Instruments will be disposed of
on the most accommodating terms. Tho prices of (he Pi
anos ranging from 9176 to 91,000.
The above property ©
and on th# most accommodating, terms,
be made to the subscriber*, ntyfalthourV
apl 26—dfto E.B.WAY.
■ V*tDABT*lUOBllrtUil»TrOBiAlB7—
on, adjoining land* of tho eatste of Butler and Dun*
wody on the east and GlgnlUUt and Walker on th* north
ahd west, naving as good a. pitch of tide as one. Ho* plan
tation on the river. My terms nra, twenty dollars per acre,
one-fourth bash, and tho balance on **rftllk of from fire to
Apply to the utiacrelgntd tt Darien, w case or my aoMDCS
Mr. Jakbs Piutain vfll shofc th* land, o plan of which cr ~
Dximof. Jan, 22,1868, J an96—lqm
FOR BALK—A Tract of LAND of Fits’ Hundred acres
jftri FOR SALE.—ATnetof LAND of Flvo Hundred acres
■j^strictly prime, Rico Land, immediately opposite the old
town of Hardwick. Tbe situation of the puce affords one
of the best Saw-mill seata In the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vemcl* coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten
lo fifteen feet of. water. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U.8. District Attorncy,8arannah,or to II. STILES, Bryan conn-
The regular time for the admission nf Students, Is at the
opening of the Fall Term, th® last Wednesdav In August.
Candidates for admission nto the Collegia(e Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar. Ciesar, Virgil,
Cicero's 8clect Orations, and Jacob's Greek Reader ; anu
must he at least fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission into the Scientific Hours® must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; ana must bo at least sixteen years of
age. Kxritxsn.
Tuft ton. Spring Tam. Hill Tim.
Ix THKOtzxiiCAl. SnuxARr, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
IxOotUBE. 925 00 915 00
" ‘ ‘ 16 00 16 00
The subscriber having purchased the en
[tire business of F. Zocimux fc Co., of whicb
I firm he has heretofore been tho acting mem
her in Snvnnnnii. would respectfully Invite
tho attention oflhoso in want of anything in tlie musical
line to his establishment. From many years' experience
both in professional and business matters connected with
music, Mr. M. feel* himself fully qualified to proffer his ser
vices in tho selection of music and instruments or the ful
filment of orders, with tho assurance nf his utmost Zealand
Industry In Ills endeavor to deserve the patronsge and con
fidence of the public. G. II. MITCHELL.
junel4 successor to F. Zoghaum fc Go.
60 do I«x fc Kirkpatrick’s Crashed do
60 do Butter. Sugar nud Soda .Biscuit
20 do Treadwell’s Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Sodn Biscuit
300 do Famllv. Pale nnd No. 1 Soup. Smith and Col
60 do Beadell's Pearl Starch
25 do Ground Pepper In 20 ft boxes
20 do do 'Coffco In 60 ft boxes
300 reams nssorled Wrapping Paper
60 mats old government Java ColTeo
00 lioxcs 1st and 2d qunlity Rey’s Lemon Syrup
100 bhls K Phelps’ nnd Rose Gin
80 do N E Rum, 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P A H Connecticut River Gin
20 if and 20 cask* Malaga Wine
60 bbls nnd 100 kegs prime Loaf lard, landing and
T HE Subscriber has on hand a fine and well selected
Flock of Imported pure Wluos. I.tquore and Segars.
comprising tha following :
Brandy—10 halfpipes Otard, Dupuy fc Co. ; 3 do -lo
old Ilonnessy ; 2 do do Sazerac, 180S ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
1800 ; 8 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wittes—4 half pipe* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
(andon Particular ; 3 do do old Port; fl do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 baskets Giamnngne.
Seizors—20.000 Rio Honda : 10.000 La Cruls ; 5,000
U Union ; 10.000 Ia Putria ; 25.000 Trahncas.
Kiuicy Groceries.—A large supply.such a* Imported
Cordials. E^.-Griil’lcklesand fauces,Preserves. Sweetmeats,
Prunes and Jeint> n . For sale by A. RONAUD,
do8 Corner nf Bay and Whltaker-streeta.
H AVE Just received and offer for sale on tho most ac
commodating terms—
25 bbls Stuart’s A and R clarified Sugar,
30 do Lebanon Mills Flour,
6 do self-rising Flour,
10 bags Rio Coffee. 10 do old Java,
60 boxes Soap, 20 boxes Starch,
76 do adamantine and spern; Condlc*.
20 do Judd’s and Litchfield’s patent Candles,
60 casks London Porter,
20 half pipes Brandy,
6 pipes Holland .Gin,
50 casks Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine,
60 quarter and eighth cask* Madeira snd Port Wino,
10 firkins Butler,
60 boxes choice Dnlry Choeso,
Also] 50 basket* Holdslck and Munn’s Champaign, 60.000
Havana and American Segars, and 26 dosen assorted cor
dials. nov13
M PRENDERGAST fc CO., wish particularly to direct
• attention to the most elegant assortment of New
French and British Ribbons they have ever sold, embracing
every novelty In style: ...
44 rich Genoa and Lvona Velvets, for talmas, scarfs, and
mantillas, black and colored.
>4 superfine twilled French Ladles' Cloths for talma*
and mantillas.
French Merino*, all color*; rich Plaid and printed de
Laines and Cashmeres.
oct26 178 Broughton-st.. op. St. Andrew’s Halt.
T IIE undersigned, agent* tor the above mills, expect to
be supplied with one or two car loads* week of this
Superior Flour, which they will sell from tho Railroad De
pot. aa It arrives, to dealers and baker* on favorable terms.
‘ 0 ctl3 CRANE fc RODGERS,
W 0RK8 OF JOHN O. CALHOUN—The secoud volume.
containing the speeches i.f John C. Calhoun delivered
in the Hauer of Representatives and In the Senate of tbe
United States, edited by Richard K. (Valle, received and for
sale by *epl4 S. S. SIBLEY, 136 O-rgroat «t.
C MDFm SAUSAGES, Ac —10UO lbs Codfish. 6 bull Bo
logna Sausages. 10 do Smoked Beef. 30 boxes Layer
logno Sausagos. 10 do fraoked Beef.
Raisins, landing and for sale by
octlfl HOLCOMBE.
B UTTER. fcC.—Have just received 10 kra* choice Goshen
“* 10 bo ”. D ‘ hy c-Wfir. iS’Am
J\ /^partnership huratofure existing i
Boto2? , u l % l U3i,r »’«“H inder the firm ofCiuxxfc
Wdarei rf dUsolyed hy mutual consent. The
aWsK* 1 .^ “ rm T ui * »«>* d h r n. A. Crane, to
•ad thweS’i! k i BTwl11 P 1,M ® present theyj.
•■ibVrited tn rt.r'!u w m * k « W nent Either party ore
^ ,0 “*• ‘ h e n*me or the late firm In liquidation.
w»t2 H. A. CRANE.
riOTiRTv - - T. Hor/XIMRE.
V with SSWPS u ,, ‘h r *ign’ri having associated
AUcontlmreiu' ', n R ; J, *ns'in and Mr. James E. Cope,
VHotroij^ grocery bnalnos under the firm
e ' OFi’EK AND TEA—300rack's Klo Coffee, 12Udo Laguy-
ra drt, 75 do old Java do. 160 half cheat* BUck Tea. 100
br 1|n „ A[10V „
H AY—Landing from atilt) Chase, 60 bale* North River
Hay, and for sale «m the wharf, by
nbv9 II. K. WASHBURN. Agent.
■ wart
nolpiRTven —— T. HOLOOMRE.
v da, united n!L I ! , , N . OTl 9 4 rTh® undersigned have this
7*1 Eachr*™ fo r the transaction of a gen.
4 " the 6rotf nri^'i. m ^ Mion "“"I"**"-«" *hU city, un-
of n “® * Tmox. Office 174 Ray street.
P URE'Cob TjYEJI OIL—ftu'htoo and Oarke’e genuine
0«d Uu-r Oil, warranted fresh and containing aU the
medicinal virtues. Just received and tor sals by-
nov2? W. W. LINCOLN. Monument l
F ANCY RUTTf)N8r-9i)k. velvet.gilt, porcolsln and fancy
buttons, and of alt other kin'l<4h jargeva^4^r»t^^.
/CORSETS—Twilled Railroad Corset*. Sateen Regular (hip)
L/ do, white Regular do, French Ellsler do, Bosom Girdle
do, Imported Woven do. For sale at 72 St. Jullen and 106
Bryau streete, by oct22 KKMPTO.N & VKRSTlUJt.
C ULINARY UTENSILS—UougU-kneaders. meat tender
ers. egg whips, basting spoons. Iron skimmers and soup
ladles, patty pan*, cake cutters, cleavers, saw Knives, tin re
flectors or roasters, sauce pans, milk bolter*, cullender*,
cake ;«n*, porcelain grid Irons, etc., etc., tor sale by
nor22 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan itreet.
P ANTS. PANTS—A fresh supply nf black doe *hlo caret-
mere Pant*, a fine article. Also fancy French Caul-
mere Pant*, Just received an 1 for sale low. by
WM. 11. 8YMON& Draper andTalior.
C OFFEE—150 bags pnmo Klo. 76 do. Jamaica, 60 do.
St’oaB—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 5 do. New
Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered, nnd Ctnrlfiod.
Molai'Ses—25 hhds Cuba. 76 bids New Orleans.
FutER—160 bbls Baltimore,75 do. Canal.60 do. Hiram
BaooX—16 casks Philadelphia Hams, 500 Balt (more Bagg
ed. 80 hhds Sides, 20 do. Shoulders.
Brooms—40 dozen, painted handles.
Beckxts—200 dozen, painted.
Sosr. Oaxdus and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 nnd Family
Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 76 do. Adnmnntino Caudles. 25 do.
Sperm. 26 do. 8tar, 150do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and
half boxes Starch.
Tobacco—350 nkgs various brands and qualities,
ljmox—50 boxe* I-cmon Syrup. 10 cases Wal-
ut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches.
Doxcmc LiqcoRS—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin, 60 do. N E. Itura.
75 do. Rectified Whisky, 30 do. Extra "id Monongahela do.
Wises—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma
deira. lleceivod.andfcrsaleby
■vi a no wonTiiWARieuom:.
THE Alterations apd Improvements In our
jstnrc. Including a flno Show Room for Pluno
Fortes, und a Music Department tor Ladle*
being now completed,we would Invite the at
tention of the musical public to our stock.comprising orery
article in the line, which can bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) nt New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodnrt fc Co..J. B. Dunham, nnd
others or established reputation, constantly on hand.
^ F. ’/.OOBAUM fc CO., Importers,
No*. 74 St. Julian and 107 Hryan-strcets.
dec" Next to Market Square.
• .Vo 1" IFhtlaker ttvad. Savannah,
Ha* just opened a large and choice variety nf New
Sruixu and Ft'MMKit Goon*, consisting in part of black.
fignro-1 and fancy French Cnssimcrcs ; black nnd col
ored Cashmere; Cloths and Cnshmerelts; white nnd
fancy Linen I trills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles nnd Linen Vestings, nil of which he is prepared to
make up to order in tho most fashionable style, and on ac
commodating term* ap5
* No. 147 Hay Strut.
, AU person* of taste and refinement—those having
|«la due regard for comfort and personal appmimncn, may
[Tint all times select any andetery article for their wnrd-
•iaLroho. from one of the lunrest assortment* of the Very
Best Goods tn till* country; either in Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing arti
cle* of evorv description and qunlity too numerous to men
tlon Call and see. . PRICE & VEAHKB.
,... 25 00.... 16 00
... 20 00 12 00
... 15 00 0 00
... 10 00 6 00
fl 00 4 00
2 00 1 00
is require to be paid in advance.
,s who lodge in the College lmlldinip!, fifty
iceivcdas full payment for tho tuition foes,
Scientific Course,
r.x Academy—
Preparatory Class,
Second “ .......
Third **
Elementary u
Room Rent
Contingent Expenses
Those oxpenses ' *
From Students
dollars will be received os full payment
foom rent, and contingent expenses of the year.
The price of Board tn the village Is 910 per month
washing, room-rent, and fuel, 93.
The Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday In
Thera are two Vacations, dividing tho year Into terms, os
First Term—from last Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 16th to February 1st.
Second Term—from Orat day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday In August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of tho Board of Trualess.
Any friend, by nrmUcatlon to l>r. J. L. DAGO, President of
tho University, will reccivo a catalogue, containing,the
course of studies, nnd all other necessary information
® RICK LANDS FOR SALE.—The Tract of LAND on the
Bt. Mary’s River, known aa the Cut-of Tract, containing
seven hundred end seventy-two (772) octea, of which over
five hundred (600) acroa or* tide awaml and fresh marsh
lands, with a rise and toll of tide of six'feet. The marsh
land was successfully cultivated many yet*since,producing
Cotton, Ckne, and Ales.
These lands conld bo put In order with less labour. It Is
believed, than would be required for puttlsg Hammock lands
In ordor. and nr* considered very safe from overflow tn gales
and fresheU.
For farther particulars and terms, which will be mode easy..
to a purchaser, apply to John FYaser and Co., Charleston,
8.C.. or to Mr*. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden eoanty,
A plat of th* land may be seen at tho office of the Geor-
glan. _ apl 27—dfcc
sm THE subscriber offers for salo 1,200 seres of Land,
9ftWying on the Alntamaha. river, three miles below the
*»Jork, known ss Town Bluff. There are 260 acres open,
ady for cultivation ; also two smnll framed houses with
rod framed barn and good framed store house, situate on
. lebank of the rirer. ono of the best stands for a store In
this section. The place luis the advantage of steamboats
during the fall, winter nnd spring months, and ono of tbe
best fisheries on ilia river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do so by calling on tho subscriber on the
Allso, 080 acres of Und well timbered, with 160 acrea of
first rate bay land welt ditched nnd dralned.ready tor clear
ing, with five acres cleared. Paid land will produce fifty
bushels of corn to the acre. Tills land lien two mites from
Mann Ferry, on tho Alntamaha river.
Also. 6,000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
tho Alatamnlia andOcmuIgce rivers.
All these lands are situate in the first and second district
of Appling county. Also. 2,000 acres o! land well timbered
with cypress and white oak. Any peraon wishing further
particulars can address mo at Hall P. O., Georgia.
jan31—lawdfcwflm W. DYALL.
A®"Tli® Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and send bill to \V. I).
wp™ xcfmomyWtavtaw and practice; nnd also
a systematic course of Instruction In Commercial law for
those who propose to engage In mercantile pursuits.
The law Library, wbith is constantly Increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 volnmcs. It includes a very com
plete collection of American nnd English lav. nnd the prin
cipal works of the Civil nnd other Foreign Law. It is open
to student*, and wanned and lighted for their use during
both terms and the winter vacation.
Tho first term of eacli academical year begins In the Inst
week of August, nml the second term in tiio la«tweekof
February; each term continues twenty weeks. Students
arc admitted at any period of a term or vacation. Tho fees
are 950 a term, and 925 for half a term. For this sum stu
dents have tbe use of the Law Library a nd tf xt books, and
of tbe College Library, aud mny attend all the courses of
nubile lectures delivered to the under graduates of the
The instructors of the Law School are Hon. Joel Parker,
I.L. I)., ltoynll Professor; Hon.Theophlluv Parsons.LI.. D..
Ilane Professor; snd Hon. Edward O J/iriog. University
lecturer. Instruction is given by lectures, recitations and
examinations, and moot courts.
For further information application mny be made to
either of the instructors.
JAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1.13M*.-,dlaw3wls. aopfl
Settees. Ao.
Housekeepers. Hotel, 6
wUl And it to their Interest to cill at th* Fi
No. 194X MarM ttrtei. Philadelphia. : •
Sharpening Ploughs.' of all i
right and left handed—Snbi
aide HIll abd Double MoskLfce.,srttk
BUjlEjtendltlf Points. .B*r-ahjre, Re*eb,.Md otter kM;
Also, the Greet Medal at the World’s Fair WM awarded P.
fc M. Plough No. 40. Cultivator* with Double-Point Polish
ed 8teel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting Double
Wear ot the common Teeth. Also, Cultivators of. all kinds
with Ktfel Teeth,
8pa(a’s Atmospheric Churns,
Corn Shelters, Improved
. k,Dd h
Day and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,.
Corn and Cob Crashers,,
Gedda* Improved Harrows,
8quar* and A Harrows,
Horae Rakes. .
Grindstones, rea,dy hang,
Dirt 8crapers, ’
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Bowa.
Forks for unloading Uay.
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow Pins,
Apple l’esrers,
Ox Muzzles.
Mole Traps.
Pruning Hooks and Chisels,
Saws and Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
iuVlng for Chain Pumps.
F OR 8AI.R—Tho westerly half of Lot No. 2 Yamar.raw,
being the Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
nnd running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
The property ts now under a loose which will expire on the
first of Novembcrnext.
If not sold at private sale prevlons to flic first Tuesday In
February, it will then be offered at auction nt the Court
Houso. Apply to dcl6 COHEN A FOSDICK.
«ng The Plantation known as Ardotk, Immediately on
JKRithe west side of the Savannah road seven mites from
-4h».n«rien, containing eleven hundred and
were* of pttiq and hammock land, ot whlcn.ncsr two bun
dred nnd fifty acre* are Reared and under fence. Tlie ham
mock lands are of a superior qualify, tor cotton, corn, fce.,
nnd tho pine land* well adapted to turpentine. There are
negro houso* and other butldlngk upon the plantation
There Is a wafer course within five mile* over n good road.
For terms, apply to E W. DeLEGAL, J*
augl7—w3ni South Newport. O
T HE attention of the trade, and others. In want 6f Porte
Monnalos. Pocket Books. Banker* 1 Cases. Drawing Ca
se*. Portable Writing Desks. Backgammon and Chess Boards.
Chessmen, I’carl, 5hcll. aud Silver Card Cases, Work Roxes,
Cabas, Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases. Portfolios,
Razors and Razor Strop*. Travelling Flasks, nnd lino Cutle
ry. togi-tbor with a large variety of Fancy Goods, which
will be sold at the lowest rates. F. II SMITH.
Porto Monnata nnd Pocket Rook Manufacturer.
aug21—eodlm 205 Arch at., below Sixth, Philadelphia.
IsgUlalivt Charter, granted in 1849.'
T HE Spring session will commcnceontbe second Monday,
which Is the 12th day of January.
Grx). Y. Bhowne, President and Professor of Mental and
Moral Scionco.
IMsiun. Professor of Natural Sciences.
L. U. Bha.mum, Professor ot Mathematics and Director ol
Henry M. Holtwh^w. Professor of Belles J*ttro*.
Thu Faculty will ln> assisted by the following Jjidics, viz ;—
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Bennett. Humstoad.
Meredith, and E. lU-nn?tt
Catalogues containing further information, mny be ob
tained by applying In cither of the officers of the College, m
to either or tlie following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board of Trustees: E. E. Jones. M. D.. President; II. M. Peo
ples, Esqr.. Treasurer: Thus. J. Burney. Ksqr., Secretary; Col.
J. B. Walker, Rev. N. G. Foster. Rov. C. si. Irwin. Win. P.
Ptokes. Edmund Walker. Zaclmriah Fears. Nathan Massey.
Wm. W. B. Crawford. M. D.. BenJ. Harris,JmC F. Swanson, J
W. Fears,R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan county.Pec. 23rd, 1831
dr 20 ’ lawdfcwt!
R eceived by s. a siblky, Anguat 10.1853:
Mile* Tremenhere. or the Love Annette Marie
Mailtard. author of Zlnrra the Gypsey.
Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of Logic
and Metaphysics in Edinburgh University, for the use of
schools nnd college*.
-ibaUrd-aad Ktalss. * romance,by 0. W. Wright.
Pyscomsncy. Spirit Rapptilgs snd Tippings oxtered, tij
Professor. Charles G. Page. M. D.
Barnum’sIllustrated News; Gleason’sPictora!; Popular
Educator; Meter Im of Arts, Ac. For sule at the book
store ol S 8. 81BI.EY,
sugll 136 Congress-street.
brilliancy of surfsceiin 1 polish to all other, snd never
stains or rusts j wiilistnndssll climate*, and is narked with
grunt earn, suitable for shipping. Dealers sna olh» rs will
consult their interest by sending their orders to the sole
aug20—dfitn New Drug Warehouse.
X. W. comer 10th nnd Mnrket-*t*.. Philadelphia.
AVE In store, and offer tor salj on accommodating
terms, the following, vix:
20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 50 bbls crashed do.
60 do refined A B and C do. 26 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N 0 Svrup, 60 do New York do,
200 bags Rio Coffee, 60 do Java do,
26 hhds Bacon Side*. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bbla Lard. 6Q0*ack* Salt,
100 boxes Soap.various’brsnds,
100 do fancy uo, for tolls-1 uso. auglO
Qfl BBLS winter strained and bleached whals Oil.
*4t\J 2flfl bags prime green Rio Coffee.
60 bags old government Java Coffee.
75 • I-aguyra Coffee 48 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin, 40 do P A H Conn’t River do
20 ’• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum.
60 bbla and 100 kegs prime Leaf Lard.
50 hhds prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Bucket*.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar, 15 do Porto Rico do.
20 prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 w Stuart’s A, B. and C clarified Surar.
40 '• “ crashed and powdered Sugar.
. 80 boxe* Beadell’s fls and 8s tallow Candles.
100 u Star Candles. 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap
60 M Sugars, of various brands. For sale by
I l». MURPHY, 21 HiUt-rtred. would respectfully
inform his fritnd* nnd the public generally, that lie
lhas received Ids spring styles for gentlemen, among
•which will bo found ss rich and fine fancy CaKsiinures.
Vestings. An., ns bnvo ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen aro respectfully invited to call and Judge for
hutnsclve*. nihil
WM. R. SYMONS. Draper and Taii-or, No.
17 It* hi taker tired*, rnq-uctfully solicits the.
[attention of his friends an i On.- public in gen-
.eml. to tils largo stock nf Ready-tna -e Cloth-
ing. suitable for tlie present nnd coming season. It tins all
Im- n made up under his personal superintendence an I tor
style nnd durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to
be found In tlie market.
Tlie following comprise a portion of tho stock ; Frocks and
Hacks of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths ; black,
Urab d’ete Frocks and Sacks; Unea duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Hacks; India grass, silk and brown linen
Hacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Hacks.
Pants of fnney French cassimercs. black doc-skin cassl-
.ere. black drnb d’ete and spring tweed cassiincre. white
duck nnd fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill nnd duck Pants, for summer wear
Vests of black satin, black bnrathen. and fnney silks, fan
cy nnd white Marseilles, figured and striped linen*.
Also, a Urge stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
^ottnn undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
“'-fhatn umbrellas, ete., etc.
_he wholo of which he offers for sale on accommodating
terms, and at prices or cheap as the cheapest. qpl3
BBLS H. Smith’s Floor
20 half bbls choice OioAl Flour
20 bbls Sugar Cracker*
2Q half bhls do do
20 bbla Butter do
20 half bbl* do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 half bhls Fulton Market Bsef, a ehoic* article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar.
Landing from brig Augusta, and for sal* by
Wool, Silk and Cotton, some of extra large six* and fine
quality. . PRICE fc NEADER,
oct3 147 Bay street.
C APS I CAPS! 1—For men. youth and children, of Sundry.
qualities and fksUIoos. For sol* by
nov2fl PRICE fc VEADER.
jyjTAPEIRA WINE—2 half pipes Old Rsservs. 1 doJLondon
lit purchase
fc O’NEIL.
B UTTER, CHEESE, fce.—30 kegs selected tioshen Butter,
60 boxes whit* and colored Cheese, 28 bbl* H Smith’s
Flour. 58 bbl* aud half do Genesee do, received per steamer
Florida and tor aale by
D E LAINES AND CASHMERE—A few pieces corn color
ed and white De Lolnea and Cashmere, for sale by
n0 v22 / KEMPTON fc YER3T1LLE.
R OCKLAND UME-IOOO bUs Rockland StonelimsjTa
store and for sale In lots to salt parctaisere, b^^
Offers for sale, a large assortment of Cloth*. Cas-
Isimvres and Vesting*, consisting In part of the fol-
lowing article*, selected by himself during the past
summer In I-ondon and Pans, which he will make up to or
der In tho best style of workmanship, and at tho shortest
notice. IBs stock of Ready made Clothing and of Furnish
ing Goods, for gentlemen’s wear, is very large snd of the
best quality nnd style—the wholenf ft made this fall under
his own Inspection, and will be sold nt the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit ;—French black, blue, brown and
olive Cloth* ; fancy French and English Casxtmeres ; fancy
Hilk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar
athea Silk vestings ; *ui>er. black Doeskin Cesslmerea: Me
rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white and fancy
Shirt* and Collar*; Canton Flannel Shirt* and Drawers; and fanoy Kid Glores: Neck Ties, plain ana
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; 8carfe.Satin and
Bombesin Sock*. nc*5 17 Whlt»ker-*tr«*t-
, WE are constantly receiving these valuable
_ Cases, and have them always In readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. B.—We are permitted to inform the public that we
have received from Mr. Raymond, of New York elty. a let
ter signed by the different member* of the United States
Senate, who were appointed to take charge of tbe body of
the Hon. Herat Cur, deceased, (which was enclosed In one
of Prat’s Metalle Cases.) and who want with It to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymond, that the Case answered the pur
pose for which it was Intended, and meets with tholrappro.
bation. and they cheerfully recommend It to the public as
being superior to any other Case for th* transportation ol
Uie dead. Th* tetter can be seen by mlllngon
febl4 I. W. MORRELL fc CO
W ILL open on the 1st of October, at the corner of Meet
ing and “oclcty-stiuets. tTiarlesion. S. C. n BOARD
French will be exclusively spoken In the School nnd fam
ily, but due regard will bo nl-.o had to a thorough English
Education. Madame Tngnn is prepared to refer parentsand
guardians to the most eminent I'rnfcs-orsof Music in I’liil-
adi'lphin and Now York, and to a number of gentlemen in
Philadelphia and Virginia, to whoso daughters she line giv
en Instruction for several years.
Philadelphia.—Rev. Kingston Goddard, Md’lle Adcle SI-
golgue. Mad. Ch*. l’icol. Mad Acelie Guillou. (mother ot
Mad. Togno.) Ed. D. Ingraham, Esq..I>r. Wm. Harris. H. D.
Gnipin, Esq.. Signor Perelli, Prof, of Music. II. JIupfeld,
Esq.. Prof, nf Music.
New Pork.—Mad. II. Cliegaray. Signor It*?lull.
Winchester. Va.—Rev. C. Walker, Rev. It H Boyd. Hon
J. >1. Mason. Hon. R. Y.Conrad. Geo. lie. |{. 11. Lee. E«q.
Charletlon.—J. fo Pctlgru. Kiq., O. Mills. Esq.. J. P. Por-
chor. Esq , H. C King, Esq, lawd5—s«‘l
T HE Annual Course of Lectures in this Department will
commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter
minute in tlie ensuing March.
JAMKSJONItf.M. D„ Professor of Practice.
J. C. RIDDELL. M. 1)., Professor nf Chemistry
WARREN STONE. M. P.. Professor of Huigery.
A. II. CENAS. M. I). Professor of Obstetric.*
A.J. WEDDKRBURN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
0U8TAVUS A. NOTP. M. D-il’rofessor of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS HUNT. M. D.,Profti*.orof l’hysiohigy and Pathol.
tvy. 'J
CORVKLH’S * -. REARD. M. P..T n , , ,
SAJIUtl. I*, mums, M. II.. / W»»"rtn'»r. of An.tomj
Tlie riaims for dissecting will be open from the third Jfon-
day in October to tlie First of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeon* of the
Charity Hospital, and attend this institution from Novem
ber to April The Students accompany tho Professors In
their rirtlts. nnd thus enjoy extraordinary practical advau-
tap’* free of expense.
There are about one thousand patients prescribed tor
dally In this Hospital.
Hie number of patients is nearly twenty thousand. In the
yenr. THOMAS HUNT. M D.. Penn.
-The Mud Cabin, of tho character and tendencies of
Brltl-h Institutions, by Warren Isham.
The Forged Will or Crime and Retribution, by Emerson
Benitto: Edith's Legacy, by the author or Adelaide Lindsv,
The White Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned
Buntline ; Putnam’s Magazine, for October.
Tlie Knickerbocker ; the London Journal
Industry of all Nations.
Jane Seton. or tho King's Advocate, nt-eottish historical
romance, by Jnmos Grant.
The Rudiments of the Art of Building, represented in five
sections, edited by John Bullock.
Violet, tbe Daoseus*. or Courtship and Wedlock, by the
author of the Gilt, fce.
The Rebel Scout, a romance r.f tbe American Revolution,
by Aona Ashland. For sale at 136 Congress-*t. ocl6
OTAPLF. GOODS.—Kerseys. Plains, Osnaburg*, Home-
O spun*, rail nnd white Flannels. Blankets. Calioos, brown
and bleached 8hlrtlng* and Sheetings. Huckabacks. Crash,
Towels, linen dama«k Napkin*. Irian Linen*. Bird’s-eye Di
aper, ete.. for sale by o29 DxWITT k MORGAN.
The sabseriber bat just received a large number ol
Cooking and Parlor Stoves, whlob he will dispose ot
vifrion accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stoves, Tho Republic, Lady ol
the Lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office 8tore*.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (atr tight) square and
oval. Six Plate, Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware PoUt Kettle*. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Pans,
fce. fce. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, tor sale, and manu-
beturedat short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutter*, and
I—fen, ktUadml to with punctarttt^.^ ^
Nos. 10 snd 12 Barnard street
F ~ I9Hi.SU "AND JOCKEY CAPi—Received by Ute arri-
vali, a new supply. Those lu want will please eall at
147 Bsy-st m*y20 PRICE fc VEADER.
T)UTTER. CHEESE, fce.—20 tuba new May Butter, 60
O boxes Cheese, 28 bbla Hiram Smith’* Flour, 60 boxes
Henlng, landing per stoomersndtor sale by
mu BcaunoN. joiiferox k co.
and Canton Cloths, Englishsnnd French Merino'', raw
Hllks, black Crapes, black Crape and Lovo Veils, Cellars and
Cbemizetts, black Silk and Satin du Chene. fce.. for rale by
oct29 DsWlTT fc MORGAN.
C LOAKSs Mantll Isa and Talmas, wide Velvets, ladles’
Cloak Cloth, oolored Silk to make Go*k*. with trim'
mlngs to match, for sale by
**t29 DsWITT fc MORGAN.
J UST RECEIVED per steamer Augusta, a fresh supply of
i'iokled Pork, cholca pieces: Smoked. Beef; Beef tongues;
I’lg Hams; Pickles, In barrels; Pickled Salmon; Codfish
and Mackerel); also. Potatoes. Apples, nswLsmons,Raisins
and Cltroo. for sale by oct29 . ,W. G. PJCKgON.
1?1NE SHIRTS.—Received by late arrival* a large assort-
r ment of floe cotton ablrta. For sale hi'
H AMS.—Just received, a lot of fine s
ciwed Hams, for bmlly use, for sale by
J UST received beautifully embroidered linen cambric
Handkerchiefs, also, French worked Collars, very rich
patterns. For sale by >ep!8 AIKEN It
S ILK Pocket Handkerchiefs, of various qualities and
prices, also linen cambrio Handkerchiefs, of which w*
have received a large supply.
**pl8 AIKEN fc BURNS,
a brig 11
-10 boxes Lemon S/rap; 6
XJ com* Gilloux Sardines, for sale by .
M OURNING DxLAINFS—A very handsome lot of Mourn
ing and second Mourning DsLelnea. at
72 8t. Julian M02 Bryau-sV,. Wqriug’s Range, .
Corn Planters,
Turnip Drills. 4 to ML.
Grant’s Patent Fan IUP*»!
Horae Powers and Threshers.
Chain Pumps, : -
Cattle TIm,
Bull Rings,'
Patent Iron Snaths,
Grabbing Hoes.
Transplanting Tfflwely, ,
Hay and Msnure Forks,
Shovel* and Spades.
Gsrdopand Field Hoeji.
Garden Rakes in v'oriefr, '
Children’s Tools, 1
Darling Scythes,
Snaths, wlih P *'
Potato Hooks.
ii Patent Fasten-
„ . .jps,
Also, Horlleultural Tool* (or every description.) Garden
and Grass Seeds, for sale at the lowest prices, at Wholesale
and Retail. eod^-aplO • •
No. 4 North IWh rtrut. tun doors abore Market, .
rpHF, undersigned have Just opened a fresh pnd eoropleto
X stock of Wall Papers, among which ore- gnld i ana Vel
vet. An® satin, and the loweat priced unglazed pa pent;, also,
decorations, borders, fire screens, curtains, etc..' which they
offer at the lowost prices, both wholesale and retail.
The beat workmen employed to bang papeireither In the
city or country.
H/ank Honlt. Stationery, de.—W# have also our aiusl as
sortment of writing papers wrapping papera, blank and
school books, stationerv, ete.
No. 4 North Flth street, 2 door* abov»* Market,
, Philadelphia,
Caah paid for country rags. mhlO—cod
TN ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Ruelnrss cards, with approprl-
X ato devices, embosspl In a new style, in plain and-lkney '
eolors. Seals of every description, with or wlllioot presses;
Envelopes printed with name, business and address,labels,
Mil hoads. manufacturer’s ticket*. Ac., all executed tn tli*
neatest manner and at prices 26 per cent, below any sinil-
i* r „?S tab 1^5 nent ’ ,n fonsequence of better snd Improved
fscilltlcsfor the execution of such work.
N. B.—All orders by mall promptly attended to. Goods
tent to any part of the country,
tv i 4 D ^ B - CALVERT & CO..
Envelopcand Seal Press Manufacturers. Die Sinkers, Ember#
sera and Eengravers, 48 South 3d-st.,‘Philadelphia.
- mh29
A RCHER ^ WARNER, Manufacturers. No 119 Chest rut.
XL street, I’hltadelphto.respectfollr solicit the attenti m ot
purchasers, to their assortment pf chandelier*, bra diets,
pendant*.and every description ofgss burners: a{so oven?
variety of bmps, girandole*, kc. We wamrit our gooff
equal In quality, and our prices as towns any other estab
lishment in the country. ~i
The lYade supplied with burners, mercury, caps, bran* j'
Hugs, nlr pumps. &c.. nt reduced prices.
S - , A L ch "’ I WUltew F. Miskev,
Redwood F. Warner. | Wm. O. B.-McrrUl.
rpiIF. Subscribers are now tirepnred to receive orders for
A Mooring and other description* of Plained Lumber, nt
the Savannah Plniuiug Machine, situated on tlie canal, at
the western extremity oi the city of Savannah, between
Ziibly and Margaret stand*. Orders fur all descriptions of
Plained Lumber furnished at tho aiinrtest possible notice,
and manufactured iu a superior style, which cannot fail to
please the consumer. Woik done by their machine will
compare with that of any now in use The subscribers
have succeeded in arranging for a constant supply nf *e.
lected seasoned Lumber, by which no disappointment to
builders need be apprehended. Every facility will bo ex
tended in obtaining nmtrcinl for nil pnrta of a building.
Thu 8aw Mill, now being completed in the same building,
will be In operation in the course of one mouth, when or
iters for every description of Sawed Lumber will be execu
ted with despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLEN fc CO], nr
12m • WILLIAM KINE, Agent.
117 Chatnul-tired, below fburih. north tide, Philadelphia. •
w/ K inform merchantr nnd real dents of this vlclnlty.thal
V'® most complete assortment of Mantel. P|er, Wall
nnd Oval Glasses, richest styles, for private use. or all kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames,&c„ will
bo found nt our establishment.
Dimensions being given, wo will give estimates for any
Orders solicited VrrC<1 frPe fr ° m bre * k "^’ tn F I»lnl
French Plata Glass, for Stores. Dwellings. &c.. at importa*
tlon prices. I IIOMAR J. NATT fc CO.
a plfl—eo<|
HE subscriber has just received por late arrivals, a
large nnd fresh stock of the richest and newest styles
of telret.Tspestrr, Rnissrls, three-ply Ingrain end Yeul
tbin (arpeilngs. nllof which arc offered on the mosldeoir
able terms.
With a fuH,assortment of Oil Clothe, Table Cover*,Mai
ting. Ac. ?
Purchasers are requested tn make an early examlnatlor
os strong inducements will be held out to cash buyers.
R. B, WALKER. 1W0 Chestnut-street.
mh17—lawtf bdow 8lh. South side, Philadelphia.
W E tiave this d vy opvnsd a ne* and splendid assort
ment of carpet*, cuusihting of—
Hemp, Dutch, Venetian, Hfnlr, Three Pljr,
Ingrain, nml Brussels Cnrpcts.
Also, every handsome assortment »f Velvet andChenel
Rugs, Hemp, and Cocoa Mats. Drugget and Floor Gil Cloths,
all nf which will be sold at the lowest price*, by
«®p20 AIKEN fc BURNS.
S TERLING SILVER WARE.—Ten Sets, Pitchers. Cnko
Baskets, Goblets. Cup*. Tumblers. Forks, Eponns, Des
sert Knives, pie Knives.Crumb fferaptr*. Fish Knives. Jelly
Kuives. Chi ese Feoups, Bonn ladles, and every other arti
cle in the silver way. from the best innnnfiictoriea In the
country, and warranted, at 118 Broughton street.
oct28 HORTON fc R1KEMAN.
L ANDING from schooner Christopher Loosen, 60 bale's
Hsy, and for sale on the wharf, bv
octa OGDEN fc nUNKER.
A " IJ-I AND PORTER—75 bbls Plilladelphia Cream Ale, 60
du Porter. 40 casks I-ondon Porter, for sale bv
»ci23 McMahon h Doylf..
J UST RECEIVED—A fine nnd large assortment of gentle
men’s silk and cotton Vest*; plain, ribbed, colored and
black Half Ho*-*; bleached, brown, colored and stri|>ed
Iliilf Hose; colored and black silk Cravats. Stocks nnd
Ties: whlto and colored silk and linen cambrio Handker
chiefs ; white, colored und black kid Gloves; a large assort
ment nf buck aud dog-sklu Gloves, for sale by
nov4 A1KIN & DURNS.
Shovels. Tongs and Pokers, kitchen Fire Dogs. Shovels
and Tongs. Coal llods, FIro Carriers. Trevlts. fce.,for salo by
octl2 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan street.
U MBRELLAS—Gentlemen’s silk and cotton Umbrellas
ladles’ silk Umbrellas and Parasols, a large assort
ment just received and for sale bv
oct_6 AIKEN & BURNS. _
D tIMESTIC GOODS.-;X. % and44' brown'shlrtlngs, 9&
104 and 11 4 bleached do ; % nnd 4-4 do shirtings :
Red and White Flannols : Kerseys and Plain* ; Twilled and
1-ondon Duffll Blankets ; Whitney Blsnkets 104 11-4 and
124. A large stock of the abore on hand and for sale by
se P 29 • HENRY LATHKOP fc Co.
P IANO AND TAnLE COVERS —A very handsome tot of
floth llano and Table Covers, at
oct20 72 8t. Julian fc 105 Bryan-*t„ Waring’* Range.
S UNDRIES.—30 bbl* Baltimore and Canal Flour, 76 boxes
Beadel’s Boap. Candles and Starch. 20 do pur* sperm
and Adamantine Candles, 10 casks tty***’ I-ondon Porter, in
quarts and pint*. 26 dozen mixed Pickles, in quart* and
half gallons. 6 bbl* Cueumbir Pickle*. 80 bbl* Potatoes and
Apples, For sale at the corner of Broughton and Drayton
atreeta, by - oct26 DAVID O’CUNXER.
T?OR SALE—A negro woman, aged 20 years, very likely,
JL and an excellent cook, washer and irontr. Alio a very
likely gl rl, aged 13 years. Apply
octlO WY
B RANDY, OIV, fce.—loo bbls E P Gin, 25 do Brandy. 16
do Cherry Brandy, 100 boxe* Cheese, 2000 lb*Twine,25
tierces Ilsms, landing and for sale by
G ROUND PIASTER —100 Casks QroundPlaater dolly «x
prxted For sale to arrive by
B ACON AND LARD —05 hhd* prims Bacon Sides and
Shoulders, 15 tiece* sugar cured Ham*. 26 bbls and 76
keg* prims Leaf lard, landing and for sale by
L INEN GOODS—Irlab Linens, and pillow-case do; 104;
114 and 194 linen gheetlngs. light and heavy stylsa,
64.84 and 104 linen Damask, blenched and brown; Hock,
abur.k. Scotch and binlj’-ere Diaper*; brawn and bleache-
Damask Table Cloth*; Damask Napkin* and Doylas, Red
Ateh* rl>-- ' * 1 *
ceived and for **le by
C » w!Ktol!rt, u b? ,ia ‘ l0 *- p ’ oU “ 4
D OMESTIC LIQUORS—100 bbls Phelps’ Gin, 76 do Rom.
100 do Whisky, 76 do Brandy, for sole by -
I T ASTERN RAIMIS bates prime Eastern Hsy, now land-
A ing from brig Northman, from Boston, ftir sale by
TITMBROIDER1ES.—Collar*, chemlxotu. undsnleeves, in-
44 fant’s robei. Inlknt’a.wal»U. bryskfast .cap*..cambrio
and muslin bands. aU In fine variety, at 72 St, Julian and
B 'Yoke Notice,
J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth.*treet.a few dpor*’
• aboro Jsrket-st.eet. Philadelphia. IsThe most extern'
• lv * and best manufacturer of Window Blind* nnd Shade*
In tli» United States, and has taken the highest premiums
at all the exhihitions; ho buys the best materials by wbule*
ante cheaper for Cash than other* psy for Inferior aitte’les by
rata l, and can. therefore, sell *uperior Venetian Blinds and
Shu' cheap as others ask for Inferior article*. -Painted
Window Shades In great varhty. of beautlfol design* and
*ii|>erlor quality. Buff nnd White Unen shade*. Wind and
Shnue Trimming*, Fixtures, fce.. wholesale and retail; it
the lowest cash price*. Store Shade* painted *nd lettered •
to order. ReedBliudsat manufaetercra’prices... Old Blinds,
painted to look a* good a* new. Purchaser*, by calling,
will be convinced that he sells a superior article, and suar*
antce* full satisfaction A lilteral discount made to dealers -
“ We it tidy to please. ”
qplfl—cod No. 12 North 6th-atrcet. Phila.
A N INDIAN PllQ’ARATIDN. for restor! ng grey hair to
XX Its original color. It I* guaranteed by the Proprietor,
lint If the patient i* grey, he can have his hair restored to
its original color by using I/jrct’s Wahpene. For Sato bv
jmi-l W. W. LINCOLN, P *“ 1
onument 8quare.
F UWR, BACON. &c.—200 bbl* saperfiuc Howard street
Hour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon Sides. 20 Uo (to Should
cr*. 30 bbls nnd 60 krg* I^af Lard, landing and for sale by
tlon of the ladles of Savannah, and sonrrounding coun
try, to tho following now and beaiitifulgood* which we have
Just received, vis : silk Paris mantillas, laced gimp mantll-
las. black nett scarfs col'd. nect scarfs, ladies cravats and
ties. French worked collars, laced capes, chemlzett* and un
der xlcever. oonupi riblxm gauze can ribbon, black velvet
ribbon, Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
zilk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of other articles
too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your-
selves ; all of which will be sold on the best possible berms
L ADIES’ KID GLOYESJ^W* haveJuTtrecdiitfabeauti
ful assortment of ladles’ white and black, dark and
fancy colored Alexander's Kid Gloves, to which we would
respectfully call the attention of tho ladles,
octl AIKEN fc BURNS.
06 Rnran eta ,by
P OTATOES—130 bbls and 60 bags Potatoes, landing from
brig Torctllo. and for sale by
S HAWLS; needle-worked Collnis, Sleeves. Chemeretts,*
Intonta’ Waists and Caps; Ctuliiuere Scarf*; Ribbons 1
ladles’, gentlemen's and children’s Hosiery ; needjqwqrkea
Trimmings. Cambrio and Swiss Bands ; embroidered and
linen cambric Handkerchiefs, just reoeived and for safer at
the lowest price*, by s*27 DxWITT fc MORGAN.
B RANDIB?—Linding from F Satterly—10 ea*ks superior
Cognac Brandy in store, 10 half-pipes O D fc Co’MqJO
quarter casks very old Jean Louis' do. 16 halrea and quar
ters do, various brands, fof sale by
eepgl JUV/CONNERAT fc 00.
OLAt-sra.—200bbtoprlmeN.O. ItaUwesTtorimleto
arrive. Apply to
«ug20 v. . OGDEN fc BUNKER.
namely, to avoid aa fiar aa possible carrying over stock from.
on» season to another, have fixed the prices of th* remote*
Ing portion of their toll and. winter stock.alpterytew
figure. In this connection they particularly direct atten
tion to their Silks, French Merinos, Dt Larnos, and Cash,
mere*. deet „
the senior partner, .
The subscriber U .authorized to settle the aflklreof .ttm 1
late firm, and trill ouotlnue the FaCtong* aud Commission
Business da hirlwUvtdaal ocooont." '•
BsyawMib; NoTsmbar 18,1868.
,. rrrn 2210 boxe* Stuart’* Loaf
3. ARd B clarified do. W do do
80 bbto batter, sunt pad sod* Cracker*. 6<
bbls II Smith’s and pure Genesee Flour.80
etehib bbla Bockwheat; 100 boxer W
bbl* superior Cider Vtastar. **
do, 75.,nbd* prime andbrte
200 bags drop and buck 86ol, _
and Rose Gin, 40 do NERum,
boxes Bcxdtl’s 6s and 8s Oapd..
gate’s Pearl Btonb, 10 quarter t
26 boxes assorted Gandy. B0 i
800 lioxA No.l. Pate ano Fam .
bbls new whlto Bean*, 60 dogupericr eating P
QUNDRIES.—50 bbU GeneseoITeor^OO do Batter. Brgor
O and Soda Cnckere. 20 do Utder Vinegar, Stnart’s
Clarified Sugar, 76 do do Cnubed and Powdered do, 300
boxaa.No. I Pate and Family Soap. 100 bap Rio Coffee. 110
hbUE. PbelnsaoARoes Olii. 40doP.fc "* ~ “ ’“’
fc u. Ormneetieut Hi-.