Newspaper Page Text
* U citf •"* Q°untr Print***#
lt iY M-TB1.W1BKLY 94—WEEKLY, 93.
daily Georgian,
no-r morn Inf. Th» •»•»!»«
mludT.lj for oouMrj render*, nad li
SUM# notrnibrnrndIn thetnomlnfnnhtdnln.
.Jl>rr>dlUon,3IX Mm* jnrnnnurn.
fl-^lKiiATScommwUl. Political and Ml»oelU-
U' 1 "*', 1 jJiilV oew Almtlwm nUln theltally, sent to
ran Union, or delivered In the city, it
ffife'=r,:r uro,l,,, ' u “ 1 “’ ,,pub -
m.»»»»,« jurnm
...tlr not nude In ndmne,. lilt chirr..will
JJJJffiftJpilj 0*mm» M. torTrl-WnnklJ is, nnd
s 7»ini*AH tivTVkh imuhanck oo.
A Qfltre 111 Bay-ztrert.
-ji^aptnywinukAKlw.lUrlno and River Risks on
D. Wood, Iltrtm Roberta, J. R. Wilder, I.
* Vhn*lU°h n W.Antlorion.N. B. Knapp, Ho nr/ tathrop
nn 1.1. pleuur. In onUIn, IU. .It.ntlon ol ptntitcrn t*.
YY our tor/ oitooilro a took of Woolen and Domestic
Good*, man/ of whloh w* pnwhaood b^oro^he great ad-
vaneo la wool, and will therefore tall them tomspondingly
^rtsau* .i" 1 “ ,o ti
AO do brown twilled Kerseys j 10 do blaek do,
80 do brown domestic Good*.
26 do atrlped and white Osoabunrs.
10 do plain rod flannel; I do twilled do,
18 do ahlrting 8trlpeo,
10 do Schley's Georgia Plains,
15 oami Louisian* and Marlboro' G
_. ipea i
A do nlald Llnae/a. atripoa and plalda,
A do satinet and Kentucky Jeans,
A do 8eotch and domeatle Ginghams,
80 do bleached Shirtings and Sheetings
20 do EngllahandAmericanPrint#,
POO .. f
1000 doaen woolen and cotton Hosiery.
Planter* and merchant* visiting oar cltj during the fall
and winter will find It to tbelr Internet to look trough our
atook, aa we are dtipoaod to aell at a email adrance uj
coat. oolfl AIKEN A n " nui
9 do English ana American ranis,
0 doaen NogroCaps; 100 pieces Carpeting,
0 Ruggaand Matts: 200 Oarpet Baga,
0 Negro Head-hindkercbfofa,
and domeatle, Invoiced from the beet eonreea, and
a lock of which, at present on hand, be Invitee attention.—
Having had extensive experienoo in Franeeaaa raanutao-
turer, and in America aa importer and dealer, hia acqutln-
tanee with the trad* enable* him to offer aaauranee tbattha
article* which are enumerated below are each genuine:
Article# of Direct Importation.—French Bran*
die* of variou* brand* t Holland Gin; Bcotch, Irish and
Monongahala WUlak/; Old Batavia Arrack | Jamaica and
Bt Croix Rum.
Wine*#—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Book,
Claret, Sauterne and Burgundy Wine*.
Cord 1 ala#—in eaica, Curacoa. Maraschino, Ratal!*, 81a*
vaitt, Kiraehenwaaaer, Abalnth. Ac.
Ale and Porter.—Loudon Brown Stout, and Edin
burgh Ale.
Alao Agent for Domeatle liquor*.
novA R. MAYER.
HENRY D. WEED, President,
BIRAM ROBERTS, Vice Prealdent
PMMiwIahing to send for their friend* and dealroua of
JLj theiu out by first claw packet ships, are Informed
JjS, mbicrlbcr* are the only Agent* for the above agen-
tjin Ibii C ^ o>atllorlie j t0 ( j rlW0n Meaare. Wm.Tapacott
A Cl Liverpool, In tunu from £1 and upward*, which
draft, are negotiable In any town throughout Ireland and
Great Britain. Drafts on France and Germany, payable in
iU «rl« of the Continent. a!*o for sale. Apply to
BUNKER k OGDEN. 80 Bay-atreet.
AS BURY HULI.. Prealdent and Treaaurer.
AUWN CHASE, Sec'ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
Th, nn-lmlgned. Agout of the above Company, continue*
to take the following Blake, via.: Marine, River and Firo
tlw on the Live* ofSerrant#.
Ilrenof White Peraona are also taken by tWa Company.
N# evtr* premium for realdlng in the South.
Corner of Bar and Drayton-atreeta,
Tim undersigned have associated themselves to-
I getlier. under the name and style of Murphy A De-
) vanny, for the transaction of general Boot and
Lshue business, having the stand on the corner of
Congress and WhlUker-streots. formerly occupied by M.
Prendenmst. They are now prepared to niter to their friend*
and the public, a well selected stock of tadica’ and Gentle-
ore's moots, Shoes. Ac., which thej will will^ehwyforea.h.
The subscriber has now opened a large and choice
IL assortment of new stylo of fall and winter good*.
,{| consisting of French and English black and fancy
1/ colored Cloth, plain black doe skin Cataimeres. figu
red i.uek elastic Oassunerc*. with a large variety of french
fancy Cas.ltnere* of the latest style and pattern. Also-
I.IILJ V.VIIIIDIC....» —-v— _ ' : , , ------ ,
choice variety of Vestings, consisting of figured blnck and
fancy Cashmeres, plain black Satin, figured black and fanov
Bilks, and Satins, cut silk Velvets. Ac. The whole of which
he Is prepared to make up to order in the most fashonable
manner, and ou accommodating terms,
octl WM. R. SYMONS,
Draper and Tailor, 17
H OUSE FURNISHIEG GOODS.—Unen and cotton 10 4.
11-4 ami 12-4 Sheetlnn, linen and cotton 5-4, fl-0 and
. white and colored Furniture B’.a’l-
7-4 do. for pillow cases. —
ty. French. English and American Furniture Chintz#, Mar*
mIUcs and (Ancaater QullU. large and small, Damask Nap-
Ibiilos. white and colored, French Bordered Towols
kin* and IKilles. white and colored, French Bordered Towel
duwlx, and craeh, Scotch Diaper and Towels, Huckabuck
IHsp^r. Ru*-la and Bird’s-eye Diaper. 10-4.11-4 and 12-4
Bed Blanket*. Crib Blanket*. Window Sea ca and Fixture*.
Piano and Table Covers, linen and cotton. Just received and
for sale by oct20 AIKIN A BURNS.
Have now in store, and for sale on the moat
favorable terms—2A bhdt Porto Rico and Musco
vado Sugars, 75 bbta Stuart’s A B and 0 clarified
do, 40 bbla crashed and pulverized do.
10 boxes Loaf Sugar
120 baga Rio Coffee. 23 do Java do,
B0 hhd*, tierce* and bbla W. I. and N O Molasses,
73 boxes aperm and adamantine Candles,
160 packages hyson and black Yeas,
100 bid* Baltimore and Canal Flour.
10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co.’a Brandy,
13 quarter pipes line Old French brandy,
20 de do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine,
60 do do Malaga, and 16 do Tenerlffe Wine,
30 bbla Old Monongahela Whiaky,
0 pipes Holland Gin, olorer leaf brand,
2 puncheons Jamaica, and 20 do 8t Croix Rum,
60 bbla sugar, butter and soda Blsouita,
130 do domestic Brandy, Gin, Rum and whisky,
100 baskets genai** Hel-Uxeh Champaign Wine,
80 do , do Hungarian Lion do
60 do do Crown and Rough and Ready do
120 M Spanish.8egara, various brands,
together with choice Rutter. Goohen Cheese, and other ar
ticles usually found in wholesale groceries. octlO .
Have in store, and offer for sale, on the moat
favorablo term*—
16 hhd* St' rolx Sugar, 26 do Porto Bibo do
26 do N Orleans do, 60 bbla Coffee do
100 bbla Stuart’s A, B and 0 Sugar. 26 do Crashed do
10 boxea Loaf do, 200 bags Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 baga old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamalra do
10 cases Uyer’e Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Dacoo Sides
26 caaka Shoulders. 26 do Ham*, cliotc* quality
100 bbla Baltimore Flour, 60 whole and 26 half do Canal do
26 hhds, 60 ttercee and 60 bbla West Ihdla Molasses
26 bbla New Orleans Molasses, 23 do extra do
28 quarter chctU Hyson Tea, 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sporm and Adamantine Candle*
100 do No t and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 colls Weaver’* Rope
100 bbla E Pbelpe’ Gin. 230 Flack’s do, 23 do Connecticut
River do, 23 do N E Rum
20 qr casks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipes Otnrd Brandy, 20 qr casks do do
100 bbla Monongahela Whisky, 10 qr cask* Port Wine
16 bbla Mint and Rom Cordial..
Also, the following old and very choice liquors, la glasses:
40 dozen ohoiae old Madeira Wlae, bottled In 1847
3J demi* ' “
10 .. ...
33 dozen Scheldam Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar.
The subscriber! have Juet opened a fresh supply
of Goods, recently received from the northern
markets, and solicit the patronage of country
■■■■.lealen. city merchant*, and families generally.
The fallowing articles comprise a portion of their atoex ;
73 boxea and half boxes Tobacco, assorted brands,
26 M Cignrs, 10 cases fine cut Tobacco,
10 hhd* Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 100 Hams,
6 bbls Lard. 10 do Pork,
30 whole, half and quarter bbls Mackerel,
60 bbls Domcstio Lluuors. all qualities,
20 calks Wine—Madeira,Tenerlffe, Port and Malaga,
6 half and quarter pipes fine Brandies,
2 pipe* Holland Gin—swan brand,
60 boxes Cheese—Common. English Dairy. Ac.
60 bags Java. Laguyra, and Rio Coffee,
10 kegs choice Rutter.
60 whole ami hall bbls Extra Canal Elnur,
76 bags Georgia Flour. In 100 and 60 ft sacks,
100 whole and half boxes Colgate's Soap, assorted,
6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar.
30 bbls clarified and brown Sugar,
10 casks llyass' London Porter. 10 cases Tickles,
10 bbls Mercer Potatoes, 10 bbls white and red Onions,
30 boxes Herring,
10 baskets Chatnpaigno. Ac.. Ac.
Also, a full assortment of Groceries generally, compris
ing. sauces, syrups, preserves and dried fruits, nils, spices
of all kinds, fancy soaps, nuts, hyson and black teas, dried
beef and tongues, sardines, ground coffee, kltt salmon and
mackerel, brooms, buckets, wooden ware and measures, to
gether with numerous other articles of household use, all
whtch will be Bold cheap for cash or approved city accept,
ance*. ' oct27
23 HnilS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 26
do choice Now Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Moll
ses. 100 bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup, Stu
art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adams mantlne Candles,
26 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed and assorted Candies, 76 packngos Teas. Blaek, Ini.
serial and Green, 160 bbls A. B and C Clarified Sugar nnd
fellow Coffee do. 23 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes,
Figs. Citron, Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powders, Saleratus, So
da. Ac., now In atore and for sale very low. by
L ADIES', gentlemen’s and chllden’s cotton, silk and me-
. sr-garmenu ;.sio anu m» »»iu»c» i
liaea cunbrlc H indkerehlef*. Embroidered do ; plaid wool
iftaiwU; Thibet do ; Broelie do; Scarfs ; Moreen’s worsted
Drma-ks: window Shades; einbroidere 1 Curtain*. Ac.: re
ceived and far *ale by o29 DxWlTT A MORGAN
rpiiE subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of bis
X friends and Ihe public In general, to his extensive as
sortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising aa it does a
variety of every article for gentlemen’s wear, suitable for
the present nnd coming seasons. The following comprise a
portion bf the stock on hand :
Overcoats and Surtouts of black and blue beaver cloth,
Black and brown mohair cloth,
Norway and Labrador coatings,
Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma cloaks,
Black cloth dress and frock coats,
Blue and brown cloth business frocks.
Grey and check casstmere business suits,
Black doe-skin casstmere pants,
French fancy casslraere pant*.
Grey and mixed tweed casslmefe pants,
# Black and mixed satinet pants,
Plain and plaid kersey pants,
Embroidered and plain black casslraere vests,
Figured and plain black silk vests,
Plush velvet vests.
Figured black and fancy cashmere vests,
together with an extensive stock of Furnishing Goods, such
as line white shirts, silk and merino undershirts, merino
Canton flannels and Jean drawers, riding gnuntlets. black,
colored and while kid gloves, stocks, cravats and scarfs,
neck-ties, suspenders etc., the whole of which is offered for
sale low, by WM. R. SYMONS, Draper A Tailor,
oct4 17 Whitaker street.
Com*—160 bags prime Rio, 76 do Jamaica, 60
WmmJL Scgar—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do SI. Croix, 6 do
lew Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered and Clarified.
Molasses—26 hhds Cuba, 76 bbls Now Orlenns.
Flour—160 bbls Baltimore. 75 do Canal, 60 do II Smith’s,
Bsoo.v—16 casks Philadelphia Hams, 600 Baltimore can
vassed do, 30 hhds Sides, 20 do Shoulders.
Potatorj— 160 bbls P and Mercer.
I.AKD and Connsii—26 bbls choice Leaf lard, 6 casks Cod-
Soap, Csnplxs and Staroii—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes Starch. 76 do
Admantine Candles, 26 do Sperm, 23 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tobacco—160 packages various brands and qualities.
LkmoX Syrup, Ac.—6ff boxes Lemon Syrup. 10 cases Wal
nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10 do Urandy Peaches.
DoNKsno LIQUORS—76 bills Phelps’ Gin, 60 do N E Rum, 76
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Wires—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra-received and for sale by
apl28 McMAHON a dovlf.
M ESSRS. COHEN a HANNON resiiectrully announce to
the citizens of Savannah that they are now prepared
to do all kinds of work in their line, at their new shop,
near the corner of Broughton and Drayton-sta. They have
MUhlislied the following as their rates or chnrgcs: For a
•Ingle shav ,ft <\ ; per month, far 2 or three times per week
lie.; 4 limes a week 81; 6 or 6 times a week $1 60 ; every
•Uy 81 73 per month, llatr cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
tend to orders from those who may requiro his services at
their homes. '””’8
U NDER a new and Improved organization, manufacture
Locomotive and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gins,
Presses. Lathe*. Brill*. Ac. Also, every description of Cot-
tou. Woolen and Saw Mill work.Shafting. Pulleys. Ac., Cast-
iux* of Muy weight, (having a largeassurtmentof patterns.)
at reduced prices. F. S. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Depot 13 PUtt-stveet. corner of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. nnd II. Collins’Axes, Hard-
ware Agency, 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
P AIRHAVK’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved in qual
ity and reduced In price)— Adapted to every required ojw
cration of weighing, as lUllroad Scales for trains or single cars
In u.*e on tho principal railroads In the United States and
Great Britain. Warehouse Scales. Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels, far foundries, roiling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications 5 Counter Scales. Hay and Coni Scales, Ac.--
Ihese Scales hare been long known and severely tested ; and
th- universal eonfiitence fait in their aecuracv and perfect
adjustment. Is such that they are now regarded aa the stand,
srd.fnttn which there is no appeal. .
my 12 PIllI.RItlCK A DELL. Agents
J UST RECEIVED.—A supplv of Mineral Paint*, fire and
water-proof colors, unfading. Silver's Mineral Paints
differeswntlally from all others in market. They are not
Clays, they require little oil. tlioy do not work toughly, but
flow easily as white lead. They lay on n very heavy body,
set immediately, nnd becomean indestructable covering nl
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer than white load.
1 have a vnricty of colors, Red, Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black. They aro superior in body (or covoring
property) to anything ever discovered, and pound for pound
will cover double the surfaco of White Lead or Tine Mineral
print*, and require less oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
to tin like Silver’s Mineral I’ainta. For sale by
mv 8 Id and 12 Bnrnnrd-slroot.
’ scriber having lust removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (he-
iween Congress and Broughtou-streets.) would Inform his
friend* and the public generally, that he will open Till*
Par. his second supply of Fall anil Winter Goods, consisting
of thr b**st French. English and American Cloths. Cassi-
mtm and Vestings, purchased from the most extensive lm-
porter* In New York, which he Is prepared to make up in
the best and most fashionable styles,
dfcl M. D. MURPHY.
r FllF. co-partnership heretofore existing with tho under-
1 signed, under the firm of BOSTON A GUNDY, la this
day di<»nlved by mutual consent. Either partner isautlio-
jwd louse the name of the firm Inclosing the unsettled
bu-lnei*. JOHN BOSTON,
August l*t, 1853. aug2 J. H. GUNDY.
The undersigned will continue the FACTORAGE and COM
MISSION BUSINESS on his own account, and respectfully
Mlieiti a continuance of the patronage so liberally extend-
®d to the late firm.
Ar ship heretofore existing between the subscribers under
w* firm ol V 0KJBAUM A CO. li dissolved by mutual
“went. O. B. MITCHELL will cotitlnuo the business on
5“ «wn account, and is authorized to settle nil claims, In
‘budty.foror against the fate firm.
F\ ZOGBAUM, Charleston. S. C.,
_ G. B. MITCHKIJ-, Savannah, Ga.
Savannah, June flth. 1863 JeB
Kibbee A Rodger* is this day dissolved by mu-
;u*l consent, Mr. Kibbee retiring, and Mr.Thomas Wood,
**f. amu«e retiring, anu sir. 1 noma* nowi,
Hi in M*con. taking hi* place, under the name and stylo
of Woo-l A Rodgers. All debts against Ihe late firm will be
#«l? if? ^ , * 18 D(>,,r ® rnl * * n '* monies due them will be
collectable,and receipted for by thanew concern, as pur
agreement. KIBBEE A RODGERS,
A —The subscriber, tn retiring Irom businesa —
city, cannot but feel deeply grateful and obliged
,1. ICT, » oonpiy graieiui ana ooligeu
•or the very liberal patronage rhlcli has been extended to
t.w u°u*e.) both from city and country friends, and
i* opportunity to express Ills thanks for the same
Indulge* the hope that past favor* will be continued to*
•Wisors. who are every way grateful to give the most
satisfaction to the patrons of the late concern
Rodgers. Very respectfully.
RdiniCE—The e'•partnership heretofore extaiiog oe-
J*®* 0 , 1 * 1 * uiierslgued, under the firm of Ctuxx A
v^“’* B, - 1 **blaoay dlssolred by mntna!consent. The
H AVE RECEIVED per recent arrivals, and offer for sale
Plantation Dry Goods ; laindon DufHI. and Twilled
iry ti ,
Blankets s Georgia Kersey* and Plain# ; Northern do, do. ,
heavy (all wool) do. 5 heavy Cordova do.; heavy Brown
Shirtings ; plain and twilled red Flannels; Plaids. IJnseys,
colored Homespun*. Ac.
Muuslin d’Laines; American do : plain niodo and high
col'd do.; French ami English Merinos, a variety or colors;
raw Silk Plaids ; Muuslin d’Baize 5 printed French Caro-
Dress Silks.
riain. plaid.and striped Dress Silks ; rich brocade do ;
plain hl’k Silks ; a lnr?u variety : black brocade do.: bl'k
largo variety j black brocade do.
and Rep. do. ^
Mourning Dress Goods.
Mouslin d’Laines : F’rench and English Bombazines ; Al-
paces* ; Canton andTamise' loths.
Clonks nnd MnntlUas.
Cloth Cloaks and Talmas ; black and col’d Silk Mantll
urn; Ladles'bl’k and co’d Cloths fbrCloaks, and a variety
of Trimming# for the same. _ .
Embroideries nnd Lnce Goods.
Mouslin ColLare and Chemlzettes; faice do; rich embrold-
ercil Lawn Hdkh; Mourning Collars, Chemlzettes. and Un-
dersloevH*; Muslin Caps ; Infant's Waists ; Swiss and Jac.
E-lglngs and Inserting*; Thread and Lido Edgings and In
serting* ; Cambric and Muslin Bands.
Ladies’, Misses', Men’s, and Roy’# Gloves, a largo variety.
Men's and Doy’s Worsted and Colton Half Hose : Ladies’
and Misses’ Cotton and Worsted Hose ; Ladles' black and
white Silk do.
House Furnishing Goosla,
10-4,11-4 aud 12-4 Linen Sheetings; 0-4.10-4 and 11-4
brown and bleached Cotton Sheeting*; Pillow Case linens
and Cottons ; 8-4.0-4 nnd 10-4 bro. and bl’cbed Table Dam
ask ; Damask Cloths; Napkin# and Doyles; Hucabuc,
Scotch and Russia Diapers; Irish Linens, good styles j Bod-
Ticks, Furniture Dimity*. Ac.
Cloths nnd Cnsslmerea.
Black French Cloths; Plain aud Twilled Blue do. do;
black Doe Skins; plain and plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans-
black Satin Vestings, and black and col’djillk Vestings.
H AVE just received and oiler for sale ou the most am
commodating terms—
26 bbla Stuart'# A and B clarified Sugar.
30 do Lebanon Mills Flour,
6 do self-rising Flour,
10 bags Rio Coffee. 10 do old Jars,
60 boxes Soap, 20 boxes Starch.
76 do adamantine and sperm Candles.
20 do Judd's and Li tell field's patent Candles,
60 casks London i’orter,
20 half pipe* Brandy.
6 pi|>ea Holland Gin.
60 casks Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine.
60 quarter and eighth casks Madeira snd Port Wlno,
10 firkins Butter.
60 boxes choice Dairy Cheese,
Also, 60 baskets Heldsick nnd Munn’s Champaign, 60,000
Havana and American Segars, and 25 dozen assorted cor
dial*. nov”
jyj" PRENDERGAST A CO., wish particularly to direct
attention to the most elegant assortment of New
F’rench and British Ribbons they have ever sold, embracing
every novelty in style:
4-4 rich Genoa and Lyons Vatoste, for talmas, scarfs, and
mantillas, black and colured.
0-4 superfine twilled French Ladles’ Cloths for talmas
and mantillas.
French Merinos, all colors; rloh Plaid ana printed do
Lilacs and Cashmere*.
oct25 178 Orougbton st., op. St. Andrew’s Hall.
T HE undersigned, agents for the above mills, expect to
be supplied with one or two car loads a week of this
Superior Flour, which they will sell from the Railroad De
pot. as It arrives, to dealers and bakers on favorable term#
W ORKS OF JOHN C. CALHOUN—The second volume.
containing the speeches «.f John C. Calhoun delivered
In the House of Representatives and In the Senate of the
United States, edited by Richard K. Crmlle. received and for
sale by aepH 8. 8. 81B1.FX 136 Congms st.
C ODFISH, SAUSAGES, Ac—llXlO lbs Codfish. 5 bbls Ho-
logno Sausages, 10 do Hmokod Beef, 30 boxes Liyer
Raisins, landing and for sale by
octis hoijco:
T>UTTER, AC.—Hare just received 10 km* choice Goshen
JD Butter, and 10 boxes Dairy Cheese. F«r *“
C OFFEE AND TEA—300 sacks RioCoffeo, 120do Laguy
ra do, 75 do old Java do. 160 half chests Black Tea. 1O0
caddies Ilysoo do. for sale by
nov20 McMAHON k DOYLE.
J_JAY—landing from ship Chww«, 00 bales North Jtlver
*»» «*y uissoivea uy raniusi consent, roe
the late firm will bo settled by H. A. Crane, to
^ Persons having elalm* will pleaso present them.
make payment Either party are
u 'nied to use the u»me of the late firm In liquidation.
C* ^undrrsigniKl having associated
cobii ** 01 if' *V ,bn -tuhnion and Mr. James E. Cope,
Will ••• wuuwtjii sun «r. uauicn n. v^h'd.
of HotSonaqJohxwx ACo Rrocerjr btt * lDe, und °f the firm
C NOTICE-The undersigned have this
“united their interests for tlia transaction <>( a trsn.
ersi rLT-W their interests for the transaction ol a gen-
der ths^ n r *** J} ni * Commission Ruslneas. in tills city, un-
the fl tm ofRnm ATmon. Office 174 Bar street.
W. H. TI8UN.
H7 BAY btREUT. ~ “
are. receiving a large aeeortment of
“ - * xmalstlisf of the
--^nnnzMeptember 20th - 18M -
Mi anshu .„,i
Hay, and fur sale on tlm wharf, by .
nuv9 «. K, WASHBURN. Agent.
pniTfjVER OlL—Ru«htofl nnd Garke'e gennine
_—IJv»r Oil. warranted freeh and containing all the
medicinal virtues. Just roc*Ived and for sals by
nov27 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square.
F ANCY BUTTONS—Silk, velvet, gilt, porculafn and faucy
buttons, and of all other kind*. In large variety at
/CORSETS—Twilled Railroad Corsets. Sateen Regular (hip)
V do, white Regular do, French Ulster do, Bosom Girdle
do, Imparted Woven do. F'or sale at 72 St. Jullen and 105
Bryan etroeta, by oct22 KEMPTON A VKB8TILLE.
pULlNARY UTENSILS—Dough-knpadm. meat tender-
V era, egg whip*, basting spoons. Iron skimmers and soup
ladles, patty pans, cake cutter*, cleavers, saw knives, tin re
flector* or roasters, sauce pans, milk boilers, cullendtrs,
cak» j*ati«, porcelain gridiron*, eta.. «ta., for ante by
nov22 _ J. P. CQ1J.IN8.100 Bryan street
D ANTS, PANTS—A fresh supply nr black doe shin cassi-
F mere Pant*, a fine article. Also fancy FrenchCassl-
mere Pants, Just received an' forsalelow. by
, nov23 WH.R. SYMONS. Draper and Tailor.
liras of 8avanqah( and of the Interior c( this
to- tint ha has now opened and will keep oon-
rnally la atotKa Urge aaaattiuent of the beat quolltlea
the various kinds or W1NE8 AND LIQUOR& both foreign
d domeatle, Invoiced from the best eooreea, end to his
nzen oamae mu juaeira ivsae, ooiueamiM7
cmijons St Croix Hum. 13 do old Jamaica do, 1848
do old Monongahela Whisky. 1846 \
do Pure Juice. 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
aph, Bury end Euro*
——. j| Iron Fli's-proof Safes. Bhorels
Manure and Hay Fotka, Potato Hooks, Corn
Msauye Prags, Cultivators, Btraw end Snedths. Hose, Ails, Pick Axe# snd
Handle#. Road Scrapers, Ox Ohslnt, Ok Yokes. Oarden snd
Fkncy Barrows, Uardsn phalra Segments and G mlgeons,
8rmm Wire, Hanjes, Measures, OrUt KlUs, Rice Threehers,
Cauldrons. Douglass' Pu mps aiUWster Rams, Well Wheels,
do Buckets, Cotton and G>uufr'Beales, Trunks, Cotton
Hooks, Jack Screw*, Burris’* Bra Tiland Cotton Gins and
Griswold s Upland do. Cement, tester, Mill and Cross Cut
8aws; also, ifand and Yard Sk wf.Ao. For sale by
nolfl CllA’B'KyPAMPFlKLD,171 Bay-si.
The acadeulo year Is,divided Into four quarters of elorsn
weeks each,as follows: .• 1 , .
^Fljjt^uortor,comments October loth, and ends Decern-
quarter commenee# January 1st, 1A64, and anda
. Mril Retail,
No. llfi Iiroughto*H..btimKn Dull and Whitaker.
THE largest >nd best selected stuck of goods ever
offered far sale hri his city. Gold and 8llver Watches,
iVe*t,Fob and.uoktd Chains, Sets of Jewelry, ChaU
elanM.Bnoeleta, Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Rings,
Fancy Goods, and a grea Warietv of at lidos too numerous to
mention : the whole of whloh frill be eold at reduced prices,
AU kinds of Watches, (tacks. Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by corope tent hands. HORTON k RIKEMAN.
The undersigned begs Ipare to Inform tho Citizens
!of Savannah, and th# perale In the country In gene-
l he has taken tha Store No. 148 Broughton 8trecL
one door West of Dixon's Confectionery, where be will be
pleased to make and repair all kinds of Clocks aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted.
ap27—ly . FRANCIS STEIN.
An(t Fbnqt Ooodt.
RECF3VINO by every arrival of the 8tea mere fresh
is. making the best, assortment In thie dty, of all
kinds of Watches. Jewelry.FknoyQflods.SilverSpoons, Forks,
Pitchers, Tea Sets, Cups, 8yphon*, Platod Castors, and every
variety of articles connected .with our Hie of business; all of
which will be sold sslow 0<t* verity i* the Union.
„ Y-v • D. B. NICH01N.
9®- PaHtcular attention given to theRepalringof Watch*
as and Jewelry. ’ no 20
10 bbls No. large Mackerel,
110 bbls No: 1 do do
110 half bbla No. 1 do
• 10 do No.* 2' do
30 bbls angar, sodar, and butter Blacults,
26 boxes sod# Biscuits,
is frassafiMr*”" ip ■■■■■
40 do Colgate's and Oeadell’s Pearl Starch,
80 do Herrings,
landing and for eale by
I _ J. V. CONNERAT A OO.. offer fur sale un ae-
eommodating terms.a well assorted stock of Gro
ceries. liquors. Tobnceo. Segars, Ac., vis: 130 bags
ra prime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do. 20 hhus
Porto Riooand Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee do,
26 do crashod and powdered do, 10 boxoa loaf do, 200 pack
ages blaok and green tea, aome very superior: 260 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l’s, S'e, 6's and Jfi’s. 16 cases Di
adem twist, 10 do Virginlus and Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf,
Viglnia gold leaf.10 boxes El Dorado tobacco. 176,000 supe
rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co, Bran
dy, 20 half and quartbr casks I'intorn. Mai tel, Saxerao. Ac.
Rrandy, 6 quarter casks very old Jean Israta do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin, 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Bum, 10
half pipes and 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbls old Monongahela Wlsk.v. 25 quarter casks Tenerlffe. 30
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbla gin, whisky and rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 and family soap. 60 do starch, 60 do mlanuintlnn can
dles. 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon side*. 16 do shoulders,
30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbl* and tesdo, 23 bbls N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually mnna
at the wholesale grocery stores.
Q ft IIBI-S Stuart's Crashed and Powdored Sugar
OU 00 do do A. 11 nnd CClarified do
50 do Lex A Kirkpatrick’s Crashed do
60 do Butter. Sugar and Suda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell's Pilot Bread
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
300 do Family, l’uio nnd No. 1 Soap, Smith and Col
60 do Dcadell's Pearl Starch
25 do Ground Pepper in 20 ft boxes
20 do do Coffee in 50 ft boxes
300 reams assorted Wrapping Paper
60 mats old government Java Coffee
00 boxes 1st nnd 2d quality Rey's Lemon Syrup
100 bbls E Phelps’ and Rose Gin
80 do N E Rum, 30 do Ddmcstic Rrandy
40 do P A HConnecticut River Gin
20 yi and 20 >4 casks Malaga Wine
60 bbl# and 100 kegs prime Leaf Inrd. landlnj and
or sale by Jy21
T HE Subscriber has on hand a fine and well svlected
Stock of Imported pure Wines, liquors and Segars,
comprising the following :
Brandy—10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do do
old Hennessy ; 2 do do Sazcrac, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wines—4 half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
f^indon Particular; a do do old Port; 6 do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 caika Claret; 40 baskets Champagne.
lezrors—20.000 Rio Honda ; 10,000.1* Cruis ; 6,000
U Union ; 10.000 La l’atrln ; 25.000 Tmhucas.
Fancy Groceries,—A large supply, such as Imported
Cordials. Ec_-"«1i Pickles and Rxuccs. Preserve*, Sweet meats,
Prunes and joint... For tale by A. BONAUD,
' 18 Corner of Bay and Wliitalcer-streets.
Mt THE undersigned is now opening a splendid assort-
fflmeutof rich JEWELRY,embracing the recent patterns
V or Ear-rings, Pin*. Bracelets and Finger-rings, among
f which aro aome fine diammvl sottlngs.froin $10 to $500.
jl Also, twenty-five aetaof those unique PeaYl Seti ofEar-
Yqring* atul Brooches, from $18 to 9126 tho sol. newest
lu/and rarest pattern#; together with a very select assort-
meat of extra fine Watchu set In pearl, diamond, hunl
ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol
good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons, Forks, ladles,
Cups. Ac., and Plated Ware of all kinds. Fancy Work Boxes,
Dressing Cases, Folios, Clocks, Bronx* Figures, gold mount
ed Canes.Cuttlery, Ac., renders his assortment very com-
plele. and unsurpassed in the State, either in quality or nrl-
“>■- . D. B. NICHOLS
NF Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks,
and Jowolry. n ol2
| MR. F. STEIN, on Broughtnn-atn'et, lima just receiv
ed tho finest assortment or new and fashionable Jewel-
rv of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencil* and pens,
silver nnd silver gllted ware nnd fruit baskets, writer*,
.tea sots,candlcsllrks, table and ton spoons: (Inctable,
pocket and pen knivos, scissors, and n largo variety of tho
finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks far
ladies and gentlemen, as also n fine selection of flutinns,
aeeordians nnd fanev articles, too numerous to mention,
which he offer* at the iowost price* ever sold In tills city-
The Attention of the public at lnrgu, but especially that of
*- ‘ed. nu21
the ladles, is Dartioularlr roouested.
THE undersigned respectfully Inform the
(citizen* of Savannah, Georgia and Florida,
that they have on hand more than nfiv
Pianos, tho largest stock ever an safe in this city, and
made by tho most celobrated manufacturers In the United
States. Nunns A Clark. T. Chlckoring. Boardman A Gray,
Leight A Newton, Edwards A Fbhor, all well known to the
lovers of Music, havs place In their large assortment.—
These Plano* are of rich tone, and beautifully finished in
Rose Wood, Blaok Walnut, nnd Mahogany, with. Iron frames
made In tlm moat substantia) and workmanlike manner.—
Also the justly celebrated Atoltan Piano' F'ortea, which for
their sweetness ofton* here- not been equalled. All these
Instrument* have metaUeframes whleh render thorn neoull.
of tuning
Third quarter commences March 18th: and ends Jons
10th. • i- rii. !• J. 1 *1
F’nurth quarter commences June 10th, and ends August
The academy la organised Into fire department*--Prima
ry. Intermediate, Grammar, Classical, and Young Ladies'.
No expense has boon spared to . fill the several depart
ments with well-qualified arid experienced teachers.
The Young Ladle* will b* under the chsrgo ofJ.'B. Mr-
urd, assisted by Mlis M. A, CiUKroSu, who was educated
In the best Behoola of Northampton, Maes., and has been
tor the last throe yean principal of a female academy in
this State. 1 ■ 1 . .
Th# Classical Department will be under the charge ot Mr.
Iioao F. Cadt, a graduate of Brown University, fur two
il Tn.
years classical teacher In the High School in lWldence,
and for the last six years principal of th* High School, in
Warren, Rhode Island.
The Grammar Department will be trader th* charge of B.
Malum, as heretofore.
The Intermediate Department will be taught by Mr. Hxx
nr Uakkk, a graduate of Oglethorpe University; and the
Primary by Mia* A. R. Carter.
Arrangements have been made with Mr. E. Miuzx for
gtvog instruction In French and Drawing.
JOHN B. MALLARD,!p. . .-
BERNARD MALI-ON, /Principals.
l’enfieId, Greene County, aa.
rpnE Studies In this University areA Theological course
JL of three years, designed for t* *• *— *“
surpassed for healL..——„ _—,^. r . ~—
good, water, and arapg* foe eetile which eannoth* cxcslIM;
Theabov# property can be bought at a rely reasonable price,
end on the most accommodating tehns, If early application
be nude to fhe subscrllwra, st-WalUiouxvIll^IJbi^coonty,
apl26—slAc .1; J ' < s -J' : E.-R WAT-' *. .’
VALUAnLSiticE landfor sXLe.
'■f adjoining lends of tbs* estate of Batter and Dun-
wody on th* east andGIfnlUlat and Walker btt the nortn
and west, narlng aa good a pitch of tide aa an; rice plan
tation on the river. My terms ere, twenty dollars per serf,.
one-fourth caab, end the balance on a credit of from fiye to
ten years, the Interest only,required to be paid apnually.
Apply to th» undersigned eiDarien. In taso of idy absence
Mr. James Paraou will show the laud, n plan of which can
be aeen at th* office of the Georgian.
PAXira, Jan. 22, 1863. ~ . Jen2A»-laa
. Jriilf ll,ht°.
Hons* and Office Arm Chairs, .large at
Chtlra, Store And Bleamboet StooU.Wli
fe' FOR SALE.—-A Tract of LAND bf FlveHundred acres
(JstrieUy prime Rico Land. Imtnudlalely opposite tlfe old'
*n nf Hardwick.- The situation ef the place affords onk'
- -j „ie situation ef the pUee affbrdii
of the best Saw-mill seats in the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssel*'coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside), drawing from ten'
to fifteen feet of water. For term* apply tp Henry Williams,
U.S. District Attorney,8avann*h;or to B;OTLES ( Bry*n6oun-
, . desigued for those who are preparing for
■e Gospel Ministry;
^ A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Tollege* tn the country;
A Scientific Course o*f three years, tnchidlug, with some id-
dltloruAll th* Studies of the Collegiate Coarse except the An.
dent languages;
Tho regular time for the admission of Students, Is at the
opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday In August.
Candidates for admission ntothe Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Ciesar, Virgil.
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; ana
must be At feast fourteen years of age.
Candidates for Admission into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, and *—
book# in Geometry; and must be at least sixteen yeai
h year* of
_ iiifton. Spring 71m. JhB 7brm.
I.v Theological Siooxart, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
IxOoubok. $25 00 $15 00
Scientific Course, 26 00 15 00
lx AcAnmr— -
Preparatory Class, 23 00.... . 16 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
Third “ 16 00 9 00
Elementary “ 10 00 fl 00
Room Rent. # 00...... 4 00
Contingent Expenses. ; 2 00.. .... 1 00
These expensp* require to bo paid In advance.
From Student# who lodre In the College buildings, fifty
dollars will bo received aa full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of the year.
The price of Board In the village is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-rent, and fuel. $3.
The Commencement la hold on the last Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing the year Into terms, as
First Term—from lost Wednesday in August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 16th to Fcbrnary 1st.
Second Term—from first day of Fobruary to Commence-
Smnmer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. U. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trust#**.
Any friend, by application to br. J. L, DAGO, Prealdent nf
the- University, will rccelvo a catalogue, containing the
course of studies, and nil other necessnrr Info.mstlon
arly suited for thi climate, preventing necessity
Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent
Carhart’p Mxtonmxa.—This beautiful toned wind instru-
mentmnnufactnred by Carbart fi Needham, N. Y.,far village
purposes. Isxlgea, Serenading Parties, and tho private prac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweet nnd powerful tone, they
have also for rale; All there Instruments will lie disposed of
th# most acoommodating terms, The prices of the Pi-
os ranging from $176 to $1,000.
rpilISinstitution affords a complete coarse of legal edu-
and also
The subscriber haring purchased the en
[tire business of F. Zograum & Co., of which
firm lie hns heretofore been the acting ineni
ber In Savannah, would respectfully invite
the attention of those in want uf any tiling In tin* musical
line to Ills establishment. F’rom many year#’experience
both In professional and hnslness matters connected with
music, Mr. M./eels lilin-elf fully qualified to proffer his ser
vices in the selection of music and instruments or the ful
filment nf orders, with tho sssurnneo nf his utmost zealaml
industry In his endeavor to deserve the patronage Bnd con
fidence nf the publlo. O. B. MITCHELL.
junol4 successor to F. Zogbaum A Co.
nano rtmTB WannMOHsK.
THE Alterations and Improvement* In our
|*tnre, Including a fine Show Room for llano
Fortos.nnda Music Department for ladies
being now completed, we would Invite tho at
tention of the musical public to our stock.cninprlaing every
article in the line, which can be furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodnrt & Co.,.I. B. Dunham, and
others of established reputation, constantly on linnd.
F. ZOGBAUM & CO.,ini]>ortera,
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryail-streets,
dec" Next to Market Square.
1Vo 17 Whitaker i/reet. Savannah,
Has just nponi-d a Urge nnri ctinico varfety of Nun*
Sprjxo axu Si'mmkr Goons, consisting In part of black,
figured nnd fancy F’roncli Ca#*linercs 5 buck and col
ored Cashmere; Cloths and Csshmeretts; while and
fancy Unen Drills; with a taro# assortment nf fancy Mar
seilles and Linen Vestings. alLof which he I* prepared to
make up to order In the most- fashionable stylo, nnd on no-
commodating terms
Wo. 147 Bay Street.
All persons of taste and refinement—those having
a due regifrdforcninfnrtand personal appearance, may
lat all times select any and every, article for their ward,
robe, from on# of th* largest assortments of the Very
Best Goods In thia country; either In Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, nr F'urnlshlng arti
cles of every description and quality too numerous to men
Uon Call and sea. PRICE k VEADER.
C OFFEE—180 baga prime life. 76 do. Jamaica, 50 do.
Sl’iiak—10 bhds Porto Rico. lOdo. St. Croix. 3do. New
Orleans. 100 bids Crashed. Powder#-!, nnd Clnriflcd.
Moijissw—26 hhds Cuba. 76 bbls New (Irlenns.
Flour—150 bbls Haltiinuro,75 do. Canal. 50 do. Hiram
Hacox—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 500 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 hhds Fide*. 20 do. Shoulders.
IIkoomm—10 dozen, paiuted haudies.
Buckkid—200 dozen, pointed.
Soap, Oanoum axd Starch—50 bozo* No. 1 and family
Soap. 50 do. I’alo do, 76 do. AdamnnUno Candles, 26 do.
Sperm. 23 do. Star, 160 do. Patent Mould do., 40 wholo and
half boxea Starch.
Tohacto—350 nkga various brands and qualities.
Ijchox Srul’P.he.—50 bnxc< famon Syrup. 10 cases Wal
nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Bmndv Pcnehes.
at and Tomato Catsup.
Domwtic Ijqi'ors—73 bbls Phelps’ Gin, 60 do. N. E. Rum.
75 do. Rectified Whisky, 30 do. Extra • Ud Monongahela do.
Wlxb*—'20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma
deira. Received, and for late by
H AVE in store, and offer for sab on accommodating
terms, the following, vlx:
20 bhds Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 50 bbls crashed do.
60 do refined A B and C do. 25 hhds Cuba Molasses,
100 bbl# N O Syrup, 60 do New Yotk do,
200 bags Rio Coffee, 50 do Java do,
25 hhds Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bbls Lard. 600sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap.various brands,
100 do fancy do, for toilet use. auglO
QQ BBLS winter strained and blear.hod whale Oil.
200 bag* prim# gra#n Rio Colfeo.
_. bags old government Java Coffee.
75 * laguyra Coffee 40 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbls E Pbelpe’ Gin, 40 do P k II Conn’t River do
20 *• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum.
50 bbls and 100 kegs prime Leaf lard.
50 hhds prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar, 16 do Porto Rico do.
20 “ prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbla butter, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 “ Stuart’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar.
40 ** “ crashed and powdered Sugar.
80 boxes BeadelP* 6s and 8s tallow Candles.
100 *• Star Candles. 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap
50 M Segars; of various brand*. For safe by
. iv. anniwou
2Q BBLS IL Smith’s Flour
20 half bbls choice Canal Flour
20 bbl* Sugar Crackers
20 half bbl# do do
«0 bbls Butter do
20 half bbls do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 ball bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar.
landing from brig Augusta; and for sale by
Wool, Silk and Cotton, some of extra Urge size and fine
quality. PRICE k NEADER,
oct3 147 Bay street.
/“I APS / CAPS M—For mon.^outh and children, of Sundry
For safe by .
T\if ADEIRA WINE—2 halfpipes Old Reserve. 1 do I-ondon
1VJL Market, 6 do Inferior, to suit purchasers. For safe
by norS HYLAND k O’NEIL.
■jjUTTER, CHEESE, kc.—30 kegs selected Goshen jtatter,
60 boxes white and colored Cbeese, 28 bbl* H Smith’s
Flour. 66 bbls and half do Geneseo do, received persteamer
Florida and for sale by
D E LAINES AND CASHMERE—A few piece* coyn color
ed aud white De Lalnes and Cashmere, for safe by'
ROCKLAND UMB—1000 bbU Rnektand Stone jjme, to
store and for sale In lota to suit purchasers, by _
0ov22 £■ W. BUKOv.
X7L0UR—60 bbls Flour, lending per sehr. Moi»f kj froi
hB.u 1 „ r , r !fc.»Ub, _ T w .
M D. MURPHY. 21 Bull-tired, would re«peetfully
Inform his frhnds and the public generally, that ho
Hiss received Ids «pring styles for grnth-invn, nmnng
.which will ho found as rich nnd fine fancy Cnssimeros.
Vestings. ns have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in tho best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and judge for
lieiundrcs. mhll
WM. R. SYMONS. Diurai T.MLnn. Wo.
17 Whitaker drtdt. r#<|s‘ctfully solicit* the/
attention of his friends an 1 Gio public ill gen
eral. to Ids large stock of Koady-ma a* Cloth-
ing. suitable for tho present and coming season. It has all
bo n made up under his personal superintendence nn 1 for
style and durability of wurkmanslilp. is inferior to none tn
be found in the market.
The fallowing coin prise a portion of the stock : Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths : black,
brnb d’ete Frocks and Sack*; linen duck, drill nnd fancy
linen Frocks nnd Sacks; India grass, silk and brmvn linon
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French cassimere*. black doe-»kin cassi.
mere, black drab d’ete and spring tweed casslinere. white
duck nnd fancy lluen drill, togotber with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vesta of black satin, black baruthen. and fancy silks, fan
cy nnd white Marseilles, figured snd striped linens.
Also, a large stock df F'urnlshlng Goods, aucii as stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, ete., etc.
Tlio whole of whloh lie offer# for sale on accommodating
terms, and at price* as cheap as the cheapest. aplll
Offers for sale, a targe assortment of Cloths. Cas
simere# and Vestings, consisting in part of the fol-
J lowing articles, selected by himself during the past
summer In Ixnidon ami Pans, which he will make up to or
der in the best stria of workmanship, aud at tho shortest
notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish
ing Goods, for gsntlomen's wear, is very targe and of the
best quality and style—the whole of It made tills fall under
his own Inspection, and will bo sold at the lowest prices far
cash nr approved credit :—French black, blue, brown nnd
olive Cloths ; fancy French nnd English Cassimere*; fancy
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassimere#; Me-
rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white nnd fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirt* and Drawers:
white, black nnd fancy Kid Gloves 5 Neck Ties, plain snn
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; Scarfs.Satin and
Boiuli&sin Socks. nn5 IT Whltnker-atreet.
! WE are constantly receiving these valuable
.. Cases, and have them always in readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. B —We are permitted to Inform the public that we
have received from Mr. Ratxoxd. of New York elty. a let.
ter signed by the different membera of the United State*
Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
the Hon. Hkxrt Cut, deceased, (whloh was enolosed in one
or Flax’s MetaUe Oases.) and who wont with It to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. fUvxoxti, that the Case answered the pur.
K »e for which It was Intended, and meets with thelrapnro-
lion, and they cheerfully recommend it to the public as
being superior f -
the dead. The
The fetter can be seen by calling on
The subecribcr baa j ust received a large number oi
Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which ha will dispose ol
Ion accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stoves. The Republic, Lady ol
the lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stove*.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval. 8!x Plate, Iwx 8tove*.
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Pans,
Aie. Aic. Plain and Jspannod Tin Ware, for safe, and manu.
factored at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, and
Leaders,attended to with punctuality.
Noe. 10 and 12 Barnard atreet
F ISHING AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Received by lata arri
ve, a new supply. Thoso In want will please call at
147 iy,t ' may2f
_ boxea Clieeee. 28 bbls Hiram Smith's Hour, 60 boxes
Herring, landing per steamer anil for sale by
rpilIS Institution affords a complete course of li
a systematic course of lustrucllon In Commercial Iaw for
those who propose to engage In mercantile pursuit*.
The Low IJbranr. which is constantly increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 rolumes. It includes a very com
plete collection of American and English law, and the prin
cipal works of tho Civil nnd other Foreign Law. It is open
to students, nnd wanned and lighted for their uso during
both terms aud the winter vacation.
The first term of each academical year begin* in the last
week of August, and the second term in the fast week iff
F’ebruary j each tenn continues twenty weeks. Student#
are admitted at any period of a term or rncatfan. The fees
nre $60 a term, nnd $?6 for Imll a term. For thi# sum stu
dents have the use of the Law Library and text books, nnd
of the College Library, and tnav attend all the courses of
Puldic lectures delivered to the under graduates of the
The instructors of the law School qo Hon. Joel Parker,
: an#| Tho Plantation known as Anuocx. Immediately
IrgGtbe weatalde of the Savannah road seven miles from
Darfen, containing eleven hundred and forty seven
-**teM>C.pInS and hammock land, ot ,wbleb,n**r two hnn -
fired and fifty acres are cleared and uniter fenco. The-ham*
mock lands ate nf n superior quality for eotton. corn, Arc.,
nnd the pine lands well adapted to tarpentlno. There are
negro houses and other buildings upon tho plantation
There I# a water eourso within five wile* over a good road.
For term*, apply to E W. DrLEGAL, J*
augl7—w3m South Newport. (1
LL. D.. Royal! Professor; Hon. flieophihiH Parsons. I.L. D.,
Dane Professor: and Hon. Fslwanl O Lorlng. Universily
l<ecturcr. Instruction is given by lectures, recitations and
examinations, and mooteourt*.
For further information application may be made to
either of tho Instructors.
.TAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1.1853. dlaw.'lwi* sepO
uiaumaijrriSMAiitt vuuiiEGEl
Legiiliitirz CXarUr, graninl in 1849.
T HE Spring session will commence on the second Monday,
which Is the 12th dny nf January.
Geo. Y. Bkownk, President aud Professor of Jlontnl and
Mjital Science.
1*. Lori). Professor of Natural Sciences.
L. R. HiuztUM, Professoral Mathematics and Director ol
Hkxrt M. Hoittclaw, Professor or Belle# I-ettres.
Tho Faultily will be assisted by the following Indies, viz:—
Mm. Browno. Mrs. Branham, Misses Beuactt, Buinstend.
Meredith, and E. Bennett
Catalogues containing further Information, may be ob
tained by applying to either of the ofilceraof the College, ot
to either of tho following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board of Trustees; E. E. Jones. M. 1).. President; B. M. Pec-
S les, Esqr.. Treasurer; Tlios. J. Burney. Ksur., Secretary; Col.
. B. Walker. Rev. N. O. Foster. Rev. C. Jl. Irw in. Wm. S.
Stokes. Edmund Walker. Zachariah Fears, Nathan Maasev.
Wm. W. B. Crawford. II. D., Ifenj. Harris. Ja*. F. Swanson, j
W. Fears, R. I*. Ziinniermun.
Madison, Morgan county,Doc. 23rd, 1B51.
dr 20 lawdAtwt!
W ILL open on the 1st of October, at the corner of Meet
ing nnd Society-streets.Charleston. S. C. a BOARD-
F’rench will lio exclusively spoken In tho School nnd fam
ily, but due regard will bo also had to n thorough English
Education. Madame Togno 1* prepared to refer parents and
guardians to the most eminent Professors of Music in Phil
adelphia and New York, and to a nuiuU-r of gentlemen in
Philadelphia and Virginia, to whose daughters aim lias giv
en instruction for several years.
Philadelphia.—Rev. Kingston Goddard, Md’lle Adefe SI-
gnigac. Mad. CIis. Picot. Mad Acolle Gulllou. (mother of
Mail. Togno.) Ed. D. Ingrn1inm.F'sq..Dr. Win. Harris, 11. D.
Gslpin. Ksq.. Signor IVrelli, Prof, of Musfc, II. Hupfold.
F>q„ I’rof. of MiihIc.
iV«o Vnrk.—Mad. II. Chegarnr.Signor Ravioli.
WinrhetUr. Va— Rev. O. Walker. Rev. II II Ifeyd. Hon
J. M. Mason, lion. R. Y.Conrad. Geo. is-o. II II.Leo, F>q.
Chartetton.—J. L. I’etlgrii, E»q., O. Mills. Esq.. J. P. Por-
cber. Flsq , II. C King. Esq. lawd.'i—*#1
T HE Annual Course of lectures in thi* Depat tment will
commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter
initiate in the ensuing March.
JAMFS.IUNES. M. D., Professor of I’rnetico.
J C. RIDDELL. M. I).. Professor of Clioniislry
WARREN STONE. M. D.. Professor of Surgery.
A. II. CRN AH. M. I). Professor nf Obstetrics.
A. J. WKDDhRBUUN, kl. D.. Professor of Anatomy.
GUSTAVUSA. NGIT.M. D. Professor of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathol-
The rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Mon
day in Oetolier to the First of April.
The F’aculty nre Visiting Physician* and Surgeons of the
Charily Hospital, and attend this institution from Novem
ber to April. The Student* accompany the Professorate
their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages. free of expense.
There are about oue thousand patients prescribed for
daily in this Ilo-nilnl.
The number 01 patients In nearlv twenty thousand, in the
year. THOMAS HUS’T.M D..Dcnn.
N EW BOOKS—Received by S.S.Sibley.October 4.1853.
— 1 The Mud Cabin, of Hie diameter nnd tendencies of
British Institutions, by Warren Isliam.
The Forged Will nr Crime and Retribution, by Emerson
Benitto; Edith’s I<egaey. by the author of Adelaide Llndsv.
The White Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned
Buntlino ; Putnam’s Magazine, for October.
The Knickerbocker ; the London Journal
Industry nf til Nations.
JaneSeton. or the King’s Advocate, a Scottish historical
romance, by James Grant.
The Rudiments of the Art of Building, represented In five
sections, edite«l by John Bullock.
Violet, the Danscuso. or Courtship and Wedlock, by Uie
author ol the Gilt. &c,
Tho Rebel Scout, a romance cf the American Revolution,
by Anna Ashland. F’or sale at 136 Congress-st. oct6
S TAPLE GOODS.—Korseys. Plains, Osnaburgs, Home
spuns. red nnd white Flannels. Blankets, Calicos, brown
and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings. Huckabuck*. Crash,
Towels. Unen dama-k Napkins. Irish Linens. Bird’s-eye Di
aper. etc., for tale by _o20 DsWITf h MORGAN.
feyf OURNING GOODS—Black Bombasines, black Norwich
1YJ. and Cauton Cloths, Fngllsh
, _ and F’rench Merinos, raw
Silks, black Crapea. black Crape and Lore Veils, Collars and
Cbemlzetts, black Silk and Satin do Cliene. Arc., for sate by
oct2o D«wrrr & Morgan.
C LOAKS. Mantillas and Tairons. wide Velvets, ladies’
Cloak Cloth, colored Silk to make Clocks, with trim
mings to match, for sale by
oct2fl DfWITT k MORGAN.
J UST RECEIVED per steamer Augusta, a fresh supply of
Pickled Pork, choice pieces: Smoked Beer: Beef tongues;
Pig Hams; Pickles, In barrel# 5 Pickled Salmon; Codfish
and Mackerel); also. Potatoes. Apples, new lemons, Raisins
and Citron, for sale by oct2» W. G. HICKSON.
F INE SHlliTS.—Received hy late arrivals a targe assort
ment of fine eotton shirts. For sale by
r sale by
H AMS.—Just received, a lot of flna small sized sugar
eared Hams, for family use, for sal* by
aug!8 A. BONAUD.
J UST received beautifully embroidered Unen eambrie
Handkerchiefs, also, French worked Collars, very rich
patterns. For sale by re pi 8 AIKEN Ac BUI
S ILK Pocket Handkerchiefs, of various qualities .and
price*, also linen cambric Handkerchiefs, of which w#
have received a hug* supply.
L AXPINO from brig Macon—10 boxes Lemon Syrup 1 5
cases Gllloux Sardlnea. for safe by
fedT OniVlNO Dti Al NFS—A very handsome lot ot Monro*
lvJL Ing and eeeonn Mourning Delaines, at
[ournlng Detain
’ 7 3- Si; Julian At; 102 Bryan -st.. Wariug*# itaope..
-TY AKIN’S—60 half and 60 quarter boxes freah RaUlus. for
m RICE LANDS FOR SALE—Tb* Tract of LAND on the
3C8t. Mary’s River, known as the Cut-off Tract, containing
seven hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres arc tide swamp- and fresh marsh
lands, with a rlae and faU of tide of six feet. Tho marsh
land waa successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton, Gan*, ami Rice. .
These lands could bo put. in order with leu labour, it Is
believed, thaq vrohW bo required for patting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very safe from overflow’tn gales
and freshets,
For fartherpartlculsni and terms, which will bo mad* easy
to a purchaser, apply to John F’raser and Co., Charleston,
8.C., nr to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden comity,
A plat of the land may be aeen at the office of the Geor
gian. apl 27—dAio
THE subscriber offers for safe 1,200 aeres of Land,
JO# 7111
MWylng on the Alatamaha. river, three mile* below the
—•“■fork, I “ — - -
t. known as Town Bluff. There are 250 acres open.
good framed barn and good framed store house, situate on
the bank of the river, one of the best stands for a store in
this section. The place has the advantage of steamboat*
during the fall, winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do so by calling on the subscriber on the
Allso. 980 acre# of Land well Umbered, with 160 acre* ol
first rate hay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear
ing. with five acres cleared. Said land will produce fiRy
bushels of corn to the acre. This land lies two mile* from
Mann Ferry, on the Alatnmnha river.
Also. 6.000 acre* of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatamaha nnd Ucmulgee rivers.
All those lands are situate In the first and second district
of Applingcouuty. Also, 2.000 acres of land well timbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person wishing further
particulars can nddross me at Hall 1*. O., Georgia.
Jan31—InwdfcwOm W. DYALL.
JTB-Tho Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six'months. and send bill to W. D.
F 'R SALE—The westerly half of Lot No. 2 Yamacra w,
being the Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on tho River,
ami running back about two hundred feet to Cannl-atreet;
The property Is now under a leaso which will expire on tho
first of S’ovembernext.
If not sold nt private safe previous to the flrstTuesday In
February, it will then be offered at auction at the Court
House. Apply to dol5 COHEN k FOSD1CK.
nPHE attention of the trade, and other*, in want of Porte
A Montisie*. rocket Books. Bankers’ Cases, Drc»*lug Ca-
*1*#. I’ortab’e Writing Desks, Backgammon and dies# Boards.
Chessmen, Pearl. Shell, and Silver C*nl Cases. Work Ruses.
Cabas. Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cason. Portfolios,
Razors and Razor Strops. Travelling Flasks, and DneCutle-
ry. together with a Inrge variety of F’ancy Good*, which
will be sold at the lowest rates. F. II. SMITH.
Porte Mbimate and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
ftiig21—endlm 206 Arch at., below Sixth. Philadelphia.
R eceived by s. s. siblfiy, August 10, im :
MileaTremenhere.or tho Love Tost, by Anoetto ifarte
Malllard. author of Zlnera th#Gypsey.
Philosophy of Sir William Hnmllton, Professor of Logic
and Metaphysics in Edinburgh University, for the use of
school* and college*.
Abelard nnd Floise, a romance.hyO. W. Wright.
Pr^sTnTWTaViftlffM’i^eVSi’.'Tf Tl *totegs exposed, by
Bnrnnm's Illustrated New*; Gleason’sPictoral s Popular
Educator; Majarlm of Arts, &c. For sale at the book
storetiU;M ' 8 8. SIBLEY,
uugll • 136 Congress-street.
brilliancy of snrfaeenn I polish to all other, and never
stains or rusts; withstand* nil climates.and Is racked with
grant enro, suitable for shipping. Dealers and othrrs will
consult their interest by sending their order* to the sole
aug20—dfim New Drug Warehouse.
N. W. corner 10th and Market-eta.. Philadelphia.
fI1HF. Subscribers aro now prepared to receive orders for
A Flooring and other description* of Plained Lumber, at
tho Savannah Plaining Machine, situated on the canal, at
tlm western extremity of the city of Savannah, between
’/.ubly and Margaret-atreets. Oroers for all descriptions of
Plained Lumber furnished at tho shortest possible notice,'
and manufactured In a superior style, whicu cannot fall to
please the consumer. Woik done by their machine will
compare with that of any now In use • The subscriber*
have succeeded in arranging for a constant supply of **.
faded seasoned I .timber, by which no disappointment to
builders uecd be apprehended. Every facility will bo ex-
tomfad In obtaining material for nil istrta of a building.
Tho Saw Mill, now being completed iu the same building,
will ho in operation In the course of one month, when or
der* for every description of Sawed Lumber will be execu
ted with despatch. Apply to It. A. AI.LEN k CO., or
J,v2fi—eod’.'in WILLIAM KINK, Agent.
W FI have this d*y opened n new and splendid assort
ment of carpets, constating of—
Hemp, Dutch, Venetian, Stair, Three Fly,
Ingrain, and Brussels Carpels.
Also, a vary handsome assortment of Velvet andChewd
Rugs, Hemp, and Cocoa Mats, Drugget nnd Floor Oil Cloths,
all of which willbu sold at the lowest prices, hy
*ep20 AIKEN k BURNS.
S TERLING SILVER WARE—Tea Sets, Pitchers. Cnko
Baskets,Gohluts.Cups. Tumbler*. Forks, Spoons. Des
sert Knlvt-s. I'ia Knives.Crumb Her#per*. Fish Knives. Jelly
Knives. Cheese Fcoups. Soup ladles, and every other arti
cle in the silver way, from the liest manufactories in tha
count rv. and 11G Broughton street.
L ANDING from schooner Christopher Loesen, 60 bales
Hay, and for safe on the wharf, hr
men’s silk and cotton Vest*; plain, ribbed, colored and
black Half Hose • bleached, brown, colored and striped
Half lloso: colored and black silk Cravats. Flocks and
Ties; while and colored silk and linen cambric Handker
chief* ; white, colored and black kill Gloves; a large assort
ment of buck and dog-skin Glum, for sale by
- - J ‘"'is
A Shovels. Tongs and Pokers, kitchen Fire Dogs. Shovels
and Tongs, Coal Hods,- - • •
Fire Carrier*. Trent#, Ac., for safe by
J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan street.
U MBRELLAS—Gentlemen’* silk and cotton Umbrellas
Ignites* silk Umbrella* and Parasols, a large assort
ment ^ust received and for sale by
D OMFSTIC GOODS —X- % and 4-4 brown shirtings, 0J<
10-4 and 11 4 bleached do ; % and 4-4 do shirtings ;
Red and White Flannels ; Kerseys and Plains; Twilled and
tandon Duffil Blankets ; Whitney Blankets 10—1 11-4 and
12-4. A large stock of the above on hand and for sale by
jpiANO AND TABLE-COVERS.—very handsome lot of
Cloth Piano and Table Covers, at
oc(20 72 St. Julian k 105 Bryan-st.. Waring’* Range.
S UNDRIES —30 bbta Baltimore and Canal Flour, 76 boxes
lleudel’s Soap. Caudles and Starch. 20 do pare sperm
and Adamantine Candles. 10 casks Ilynss’ tandnn Porter. In
quarts and pints. 26 dozen mixed Pickles. In quarts and
— itaf
half gallons. 6 bbls Cucumber Pickles. 30 bbls Potatoes and
Apples. For safe at the corner of Broughton and Drayton
street*, by octYA DAVID O’CONNER. •
and an excellent
likely girl, aged 13 years.
negro woman, aged 20 years, very likely,
lent ouok, waaher and ironor. Also a very
Apply to
B RANDY, GIN, Ac.—100 bbta f: P Gin, 2$ do Brandy. 16
do Cherry Brandy, 100 boxea Cheese, 2000 lb* Twine.23
tierces Hams, landing and for sale by
G ROUND PLASTER —100 Caaka Ground Plaster dally ex
petted For eale to arrive by
B ACON AND LARD.—BA bhd* prime .Bacon Sides and
Shoulders, 15 tlecta sugar cured Hatua, 23 bbla and 75
kegs prime Leaf tard, landing and for sale, by
T INKS GOODS—Irish Linens, ami pillow-coae do; 10-4;
I i iu..* nun... n~i.t ..n u —i.i.."
JLi 11-4 and 12-4 Unen Sheetings, light and heavy atyle#
Damask, bleaohedand brown: Buck-
6-4.8-4 and 10-4 linen umuhm, ■H««un«w vruwu; nuca-
abuck. Scotch and Mnls’-«r# Diapers; brown and bleacht-
Damask Table Clothe; Dawaak Napkins and Doyle*. Red
eel ved and for sale by
C HAMPAGNE.—30 baaketa Heldsick, In pints nnd quarts,
20 Mum’s do do. for safe by
TVUMFSTIC LIQUORS—100 bbla Phelps’Gin, 73 do Rom.
XJ 100 do Wbiuy, 75 do Brandy, for sal# by ’'
novfl McMAHON k POYIB. ;r
1 1'ASTERN HAY.—13 bales prime Fastens Hay, now lanfc*
J Ing from brig Northman, from Boston, fur sale by ’
T/'MnitOIDKRIF.S.—diliars. ehemiaett*. pn<tery(texts, in-
JCi fast’* robes. Infant’s sralata, hreakfaat daps, cambrid
and muslin - bands, *U la finrvkriete,- *U .73 bt. Julian aqd ,
^Howekpspers, HoteV^lAmboataod Rijt Ra
Srin flndlt to thetrinterest to ball fit theFafiS
11•Jo---.* i i '
No. 181 North flth St (oppoalte"
Agricultural 0 VwUSildl
-• JW1.1M H MarhA^m
^ Sharpening..
e Ptmtghs; 1 Masstvi
Also,ft* Great Mfialntuin : WorMfe>hiiribrfisnxMidedP.
AM. Plough No. 40. ;Cu! tha tor* with Doubfe-PotolPolUh-
•J Steel Teeth,,which can ho rerewed, tbns getUng Doublo
W?r«l S’i’StmWtfi Al«o,Cultlf.too«r >11 kill,
with8teel Teeth, T v.
Siialn’s Atmospheric Churns. *-—«•-*-- -
Corn 'Shelfeni, Improvou
Hay and Btraw Cutters.
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn and Gob Crashers,
Gedda’ Improved Harrows,
ia A Harrows,
Squareant „
Horse RakeA
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt 8crapers u
Agricultural Furnace#,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks lor unloading Hsy,
Man Hay Bakes,
Bow Pins,
Apple Pearers,
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Trans..
Pruning Hook* and Chisels,
Saws and Scissors,
Iron Well Cnrbe, and 7Jnc
tubelng for Chain Pumi
Corn Planters, - ,. ull
Turnip Brin*, ft# ifii
G rant’s Patent F*h Mils,
Garden Rmrinet,’-'^ • -
Wlieat Drills, -'.a*
Horn (tent And Threshers,
Mowing ,aad Reaptng Ma|
eWnro, . , .
£*f*n Tumps, . ,,
8HK ■'
Patent Iron Snaths, ‘
Grabbing Hoes. ' ' f
Transplanting Trowels,
Hay and Manure Fortts,
Sborela and Spades^ '
Garden and Yield H«W,
Children’s Tools, n
Darling ScyUi'es. ’ ’ .
Snaths, with Pstent Fasten
ing*, : ' •*«*-
Potato Hooks; -
being for Chain Pumps. PoUtoHooks; ' 1
Afeo. Horticultural Tools (of every Hraeripttoft;):Garden
id Gras# Seeds, for sale at the lowest prices, at ntyolmte
A’o. 4 Worth shW. twodoart atore Marled,
mHF- nndcralgned hove juat opened a. freeh and eompfeta
... Sivy. .li 1 ito
. _ ,, . .-'I - "MUM PIT KUIU IIIU ICI-
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced uuelased papers: also,
decoration*, borders, fire-screens, crtrtalns. tie-, which they
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and rdatL
The best workmen employed tb hfiig pgpet either In the
city or country. ' p
Blank Boaki, stationery, rfc.-We have also bar itsnal as-
sortment of writing papers wrapping' paper#,- blank and
school books, stationery, etc. -
No. 4 North Flth etreet, 2 doors abor^ Market,
, Philadelphia.
r Cash paid for country ragy.
colors. Seal# or every desrrlptlon. with oe without presses.
Envelopes printed with,busings* and-address.labels,
bill head*, manufacturer's ticket*. AcI.hH execated In th*
• t .P rf ^ l ‘»W^cenL tefewShy siml- Sol I*tom Hnmifiidiiom’ ! nlo UnkfuCEmbcf.
sere and Ecngrnvers, 48 8outh 8d-st;, J*hli*d#Ipbl*.
; pih29
A B S2 PhllU ^W^n^tuS^iSjiimest rat-
V h,b y ,, . , P hU -«‘*P«' c tfolte tolfeltthe attend m ot
mont of chswleUen,
pnrcliasere, to their assortment ot cliaudelferi. hra Jists!
pendants, and every description ofpia bumcra; also every
vwriety of temps, girandi. 1 *. kc. > parent ** ^7
»lSKa^ trim “!“ w “ “ u, >
Redwood F. Warner,
William F. Mlskev,
^ " ‘terrifl
Wm. G. D. Merr
ITTF tofovm^i^T 0 ^^"rth fde, Fkihddphia.
VV E tlSSL. " ,,a of ihlsvlcUlty. that
’ * V«. 1 oo."'rJpte assortment or Mantel, Pjer, Wall
nnd Oral Olnascs. richest styles, for private use. tir fill kinds
for country rate, with> Portrait and Picture Fr*m6i/Ac.,wlU
bo found nt mir catabltvluueiit. • *
lunp MpeHc-nen ntid l.rg. IkclUIlM cnible OI lo'ncll 111,
gnwln It Iqwct [irlr.. •
bmalog., .t in', polgf “
unnT*.? 1 ' ror
HE subscriber has just received ;<er lat» arrirals, a
•Ji* r f»°A ,f>cl< °f t,ia richest and newent atvli-a
J? v t. ’T^poatrv,Brussels,threo-ply Ingraln .and Veil!,
tkj* Carpetings, ail of which are offered on the foostdoslr.
ti^IthA fill assortment of Oil CloUis, Talde foyers, Mat
Iter ^
tensbasera are requested to make an early examlnatfer
as strong Inducements will be held nut to cash buyers.
mh!7—lawtf R ' *L\oi8tK»inihSde^ftlhdefphU.
Tulze Notice. ■ -V iV >T>
jg J. WnjJAilS. No. 12,
LIAMS. No. 12. North Slxth-|itr«et.u few doors
above Market-street. Pliifedeiphla, is the most exten-
. .V D .1'!t*V5’ anufi,cturor of TTliidow' Blinds and Shades
in the United States; aod hns tsken tha highest,premiums
nl all the oxhlbitfons; he buy# the best material* by whole-
#* .‘Cheaper for Cash than others pay for tererioraitirfes by
rata l, ami can, thnreforo. sell superior VettoUab'Blteds and clieap asxjtliors q#k forlnfrrlorartfefes. Painted
Window Shade# In great variety, of beauUrul designs and
Mtiperitur quality. Buff and Wliite IJnen Shades, Blind and
Shade Trimmings, Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and retail at
miming*. .Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and retail, at
tlie lowest cash prices. Store Shad** painted ,#ud fettered
to order. Heed Blinds nt maniifactiirera’ prle^fi. r OM Blinds
painted to look as good as new. Purchasers, by 1 balling,
will l>e convinced tbsi he sells a —■■— 1 • —-
lutkorlor article, and guar-
discount mode to dealer*
enters Tull satisfaction. A liberal dlsc_.
“ IPs rtudy topleate.”
aplfi—end Nn. 12 North fltli-street, Phlla,
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restoring grey lislr to
its original color. * It Is guaranteed by the Proprietor,
imt if th- naticut Is grey, lie can have his h*!r restored to
il color by using taret’s IVahpcne. For Sale by
W. WT LINCOLN, lUnhntAWSquare/
hat if the
Its original
Ac.—200 bbls suiwrfine Howard atreet
Flour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon Sldei;20 dodo Should
Flour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon.......
era, 30 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf Lard, landing and for sale by
mo THE LADIES.—Wo would respoclfully rail the atten-
A tlon oftlieladies ofSavannah. and sourroundlng coun
try, to the following new and beautiful gtx>d* which we have
lust received, via : silk Pfirfe mantillas, land gimp mantll-
las. black nett scarfs col’d, peetacarfa, lailje* cravats and
ties, French worked collars, laced Capes, chemlnltt# and un-
dersfeerei:, oounet riMum.gauze cap ribbfin.' hlkCK I velvet
ribbon, Alexandres light kill gloves, black nett roRfe,. col’d.
silk and lisle gloves, With * large variety of other article*
too numerous to mention. Please call and see • fori your-
wive*; all of which will be sold on the best posatbla terms
Mhio , AKIN A BUpNS.
T ABIES' KID GLOVES.—We have Just'receivfldfibcautl*
Xj ful assortment of ladies’ white find black, daric and
fancy rolored Alexander’s Kid Gloves, to wblcli’we would
respectfully call the attention of the ladle*,
octl AIKEN fr BUttl
E NGLISH PLAINS—A heayy article suitable' for Rice
Planters, for sale at 72 St. Jullen and 106 Bryan 4ta ,by
SbSSK" uvu "« rre »
Trimmings, Cambric and Swiss Hands t embroidered and
ltnnn m r. 11 .-I— ir._ - - J.t i • ■ ■ .
linen camlirte Handkerchiefs, just received sin
the lowest prices, by sc3f ~
DRANDIES—Lxndldg frCin F Satteyly—'lb ciuiis snperlor
iJ Cognac Brandy to store; 10 half-pipe* O DA CoVdo.10
quarter casks very old Jeon Lou!*’ do, 16 balvm add quar
ter# do. various brands, for sale by '
M oj.A88nt.-2m tv. prtn. sxraaaarttiaui;
A,fl, lo ,, - .Jjini -iW.oM
M rmwiiEBGAsr * co.;
t to. Awlr,., Unit. .I—int lid..) In connotlDD
one season to another, hatMIXed the priore-dTtM remain-
Ing portion of tbfac ^kU and winter stock pi n.irery low
tlon to their Silks, Frerich Mei
■. n fc'itrr,.4ec8
Tyj OTICt—The co.partoersbip ol ... _
AY solved on the 16th Inst., b/ tbe (Uz.lh iffkiUsRxxo,
the senior partner. , . . , . • « • , .
The subscriber is authorized to settle the Affairs of the
fete firm, find will cootinne the Factorage andCominJstion
Business on his InMvlfiuJ^cooant..
'Savannah, Novrmher.19,186p. '
. —
IUNDRHW—10 boxes 8tuSrt’s Lokf Sugar, : Ct> bH* do A