Newspaper Page Text
MluSl *5.1 OjUbuj fee CMUuua
HA—Qwmfyr—Td all whom U m*y con-
5 Whsien,JobnBUbo will apply at the Court or
tor letters dtamtoeorj aa administrator, on the
thsrafbre, to cite and admonish all whom It may
Mro toee andappear before, said Uuurt tomako objec
ts (If any they tore) on or before the flrat Monday In
joiinm. millen, q.q.c.
rWMraat, Robert H. OtSaartU apply at Urn Surt^f
5, ~--y Ibr lotion dismlssory aa administrator on the es-
tato ofkra. Jan* Woodruff, doeoaaod:
. Than are,thtrefyro, to clU andadmonUhall whom It may
•oooomtobo and appearbefore saidCourt to make objec
tion (If any they tun) on or befora the drat Monday In
s |lajr totvdtbonrlao wild latter* will be granted,
Witness, John M. Mllien,Eiw..rrdlnaryforChatUam coun
ty, thU let day of November, 1868.
JmrlO JOHN M. MILLEN, o. c. c.
i~1 BORGIA—CtuOtum Cbuaty—To all whom U mar con.
VT earn: Whereas, Robert H. Griffin will apply to the
OoortoC Ordinary for letters dismlssory on tho eatateof
Mr* Jean Woodruff, late of said county, deceaaed:
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before the aaid Court to make ob
jection (If any they have,) on or bofore the flrat Monday In
May neat, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. John M. Milten, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
/ 1EORGIA—QtaJAom Vbunty;—To all whom it may con-
U - oern: Whereas, rhlneaa M. Kollock will apply at the
Court at Odinary, for lettera of dismission aa executor on
the estate of Miss Priscilla Houston:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they hare) on or before the first Monday In
. Janaary next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M.MlIlen. Esq., Ordinary Tor Chatham com
ty this 1st day of July, 1853.
v Jja JOHN M. MIliEN o. 0. 0.
^SeOBGLV—ptaMaa* Ontnlf.—Jo all whom it may con
i' corn: Whereas, Henry'Williams will apply at t
. »— •-*»— .»»—• in the estate
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estate of
Court of Ordinary for le)
^Thess are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec-
loo (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law,
. otherwise said letters will be granted.
“w., l)ep
Witness. Jos. Oanahl, Esq., Ilep. Ordinary for Chatham
inly, this 10th day of August. 1853.
o811 JOS. OANAHL. nxr. o. c. c.
(^Whereas, John B. Barnard will apply «t th'e Court of
Ordinary for letters dismlssory as administrator cum teata-
EORGIA—Chatham County .—All whom it may concern :
annnexo on the estate of Mrs. Ann Mongin.
These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It
May concern to be and appear before said Court, to make
•ojeetlon (If any they hare) on or before the second Mon-
* * —’-m said lottcra will be granted.
day in January next, otherwise said lottcra will be grante
Witness, John M. Millen. Esq., Ordinary forChatha
•ountv. this 14th day of July, 1853.
/ i EORGIA—Chatluim County.—'To all whom It may con-
xJT cem : Whereas. William J. Bulloch, Executor of the
•state of Mary Neufrill. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the said estate:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
•ppearat the office of John M. Millen, Ordinary, within
the time prescribed by law. and show cause (If any they
▼e) why said letters should not be granted. -
Witness. Joseph Oanahl. Deputy Ordinary for Cbathsiu
9onn»y,thii 1st dayof August. 1853,
July 29 JOSEPH OANAHL, dkp. o. o. o.
^JEQRGIA—Chatham^ County:—To all whom it may con
_I cem: Whereas, Norman Wallace will *ppiy at the
Court of Ordinary for lottern dismlssory as Excutor on the
•state of Robert Isaac :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and appear bofore said Court to make objec
tion (If any they hare) ou or before tho first Monday In
February next, otherwise said letters will be granted
Witness. John M. Millen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham cc
ty,this second day of July, 1853.
'/_« muv II Iff? T PW n n
JOHN M. MILLEN. 0. 0. 0.
G EORGIA—CtotfAam County t-To all whom It may con
cern : Whereas. William C. Dawson, will apply at the
Court ot Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estate of
Christopher Dawson, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be anil appear beforo said Court to make
objection, If any they have, on or before the first Monday
in March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Oanahl, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31st day of August. 1853.
•el JOSEPH OANAnL. nra». o. o. r.
C l BORGIA -Chatham County i—To all whom It may con
T concern: Whereas, Carolli
concern: Whereas,Caroline Zlpnercr will apply at the
"* ‘ * " dismlssory on tho estate of
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on
George J. Zipperer:
JEhese are, therefore, to cite and and admonish ell whom
It may concern to be and appear beforo said Court to make
objection (If any they have) on or beforo the first Monday
In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Esq.,Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
conntv this 17th day of August 1853.
G eorgia—flufiock county .-
,’To all whom It may con-
_f corn: Whereas, Redding Denmark will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for lettera dismlssory as administrator
on the estate of Daniel O'Connor:
These are, therefore, to e le and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
In June next, otucrwln* salu letters will be granted.
Witness. Win. Lee. sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 30th day of November, 1853.
nov30 WM. LEE. Sen’r.. o. b
C l EORGIA—Chatham County .-—To all whom it may con
i' ceru : Whereas, John Me. McMahon will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate
of James Carolan. deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection. If any they hare, on or before the second Mon
day In January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millen. E*q„ Ordinary lor Chatham
County, this 1st day of December. 1853.
decS 'JOHN M. MILLEN, o, c. c.
^tBORQIA—Chatham CountyTo aU whom It niay^con
_ T cem: Whereas. Andrew Parry will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letters of administration ou the estate ol
Cormlck Brady, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
oojectlon (if any they have) on or before the second Mon
day in January next,otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
County, this 1st day of December. 1853.
dec2 ,r '" VT »*
EORGIA—XAerty. Omttfo re-To ell whom It may con-
\7 earn: Whareas,Sarah J, Way will apply to the Court
Ordinary Tor totters dlstntoscry on ths estate ol Nathaniel
J. Way. i*te of sold oounty, deceased t
These arc, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It
may emsoern, to ba and appear before said Court, to make
ehJeeUoos, if any they hare, within the Umt prescribed by
Uw,oth«nrise said totters wlU be granted.
Witness. W. P. Girardeau, Esq., Ordinary for liberty
sountr, thle filth day of September, 1858.
oopfifi W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. L. o.
Court of tihnUnary of fiulloclx County.
t 1 EORUlA—Bulloch County '—Tc all whom it may con-
u corn: Whereas, Joeepb Night, Jr„ will apply at the
Court jr Ordinary tor totters nf administration un the es
tate and effects ol Thomas Knight, late of said county, de-
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern to be and appear before uld Court to make
objections (If any they hare) on or before the second Mon
day in January next, otherwise said totters will be granted.
Wltarss, William Lee, 8r., Esquire. Ordinary for Bulloch
county, this 24th day of November. 1853.
dec! . WILLIAM LEE, Sr., o. a. o.
p EORGIA—Bullock County r—To all whom It may cod
vT earn: Whereas. Abtolem Parrish,Senior, end Itaxzoll
Jones, will apply tp the Court of Ordinary for lettera of ad
ministrator on tho estate and effects of Elisha Jones, Ute of
said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite end admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make
objection, if any they have, on or befora the second Monday
in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. William Lee, Sr., Esquire, Ordinary for Bulloch
county, this 24th November, 1853.
deei WILLIAM LEE, Sr., u. n. c.
ft EORGIA—UuUock Omntyt—On the first Tuesday In
U January next, before the court house door lu States- uld county, will be sold, under an order ol tho
Court of Ordinary on the first Monday In October last, ouo
negro man, named Smart, aged about forty years, belong,
ing to the estate of Robert Slater, a minor, and sold for the
benefit of said minor Terms made known on the day of
sals. no?16 GREEN K. SLATER. Guardian.
/1 EORGIA—Ilulioch County:—Uu the first Tuesday in
VT January next, before the court house door, lu State*
borough. In uld eounty, will bo sold, under an order of the
Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in October last, four
hundred acre* of land granted to Mark Rollings, bounded
by Unds of Amos Waters, Jonathan Grlner. Jordan McCa-
lum. and Robert Miller, belonging to the estate of Hannah
Cone, late of uld county, deceased, and sold for the benefit
of the heir* and creditors of uld estate. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
novlfi JONATHAN GRINER. Adm’r.
Court of Ordinary for Bryan County.
rt EORGIA—JtryonGnmtyi—-Whereas.Z. R Dutton, ad-
U mlnlstrator upon the estate of Henry Dutton, deceas
ed will apply to tne Court of Ordinary of this county, for
letters dismlssory:
These are therefore to cite all concerned to file their ob
jections, (if any thoy have) in terms of the law, otherwise
uld letters will be granted.
apl28 A. II. SMITH, o. n. o
/ > EORGIA— Bryan County t —To Ute distributees of the
Vj estate of Elia* Ferry, deceased, late of said county:—
You aro hereby notified that, on the first Monday in Febru
ary next, we will apply to tho Court of Ordinary of this
county for leave to divide the estate of Elias l’crry. de
ceased. L. B. DANIEL.)
N. J. CLARKE, >Adm’ra.
September 19th, 1853. sep’22—2amiwptd
L‘ourt~bf Orfllnnry~6f~Ca TOdeiT*1Court ty^
pi EORGIA—Camdm County:—To all whom it’may con-
VT cera : Whereas, George W. Thomas, ono of the exe
cutor* of thee*tate of Win. T. Hopkins, will apply to tho
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the said estate;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
thekindredand creditors of said deceased, to be andappeur
st my office within the time prescribed by law, aud shew
cause, (if any they have,! why letters dismlssory should
ant be granted the saidapplicant.
Witness, J. H. Helveston. Esq.,Ordinary for Camden coun
ty, this 26th day of May, 1863.
may26 J. H. HELVESTON. o. c. c.
pi EORGIA—Camden Gmnty .-—To all whom It may con-
VT cern : Whereas, J. II. M. Clinch, guardian of II. A. and
N. B. Clinch, applies to me for letters dismlssory from
said guardianship;
Those are therefore to cite nnd admonish all concerned to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law. and show cause (if any they hnve.) why letters of
dlmlsslon should not be granted to the uld applicant.
Witness. James H. Helveston Ordinary for Camden coun
ty, this 28th day or Msy, 1853.
mar31 JAMES II. HELVESTON o. c. c.
Court of Ordinary for BPIntoals Comity.
pi EORGIA—Mclntoih County .-—Notice to Debtors and
VT Creditors All persons haring demands against James
Blue, late of uld county, deceased, are hereby notified to
present them, properly attested, within tlio tlmo prescribed
by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased are here
by required to inako immediate payment to E. M. Blount,
Esq., who is my duly authorized agent.
Darien. 1st December. 1858. «ec3—wfl
- w IM-
•e powers, but to write to, or call upon, tho
o that tho statements may eniauatefrom
ion, nu
t them aome ol the most eminent
tymen, odltora and prominent oHItens, ren-
nitty and efficacy of the remedy beyond
a Internal remedy, p
so: and thle It will e>
r(* i
isly for this one dlseaao t and this It will cure In every
>, either Inflammatory (Acute) or Chronic, no wattei
W. -V. ALEXANDER k Co., Proprietors,
No. 1 Barclay-street, (Aator House,) New York
For sale by A. A. Solomons, and J. H. Carter, Druggglsti.
! avannah, Qa.
The above have also for sale, tho great alterative, •
THIS Invaluable preparation has obtained a popularity,
"*■ . * ..... •• ) history ol
wherevea introduced, unprecedented in tho history
tlplied thousands who have used It, and have realised its
marvellous effects In removing disease, and
Hectoring tho Nervous System,
aid It’to the world as possessing the most i
virtues known In the Materia Medlca.
Physicians of the first standing In the medical profession
use and prescribe it as the most effective
Alterative and Blood Parlfler
To the sedentary It hns provdd Itself the
Balm of Gilead. Especially to every coneelra
ble condition of life, it recommonds itself ns far puporior In
point of efficacy to any of the numerous compounds, con
centrated under the comprehensive name of •• Sarsaparil-
This Is a Vegetable Spirit. pleasant to tako, and perfectly
safe to bo used In any state of health, even by the most
delicate ftmale or Child.
Price $1 00 per bottle.
W. V. ALEXANDER & CO., Proprietors.
No. 1 Barclay-strcet. (Aator House.) New York.
... . —- >N &, and j H CARTER. Drug.
may 19
For sale by A. A. SOLOMONS, and J.
C .
ward G. Wilton. Treasurer, fco., versus Mordecal Myers,
Trustee. &c.—Rule Xiti.—Upon tho petition of Edward G.
Wilson. Treasurer of the Republican Blues Building and
Loan Association, praying tho foreclosure of tlm equity of
redemption of and in all that parcel or lot of land, situate,
lying and being In the city of Savannah, county of Chat
ham, and State of Georgia and known and distinguished in
tho plan of said city at I/it No. Fifty-six (50). Brown ward,
of Mordecal Mvers. substitute trustee under tho marriage
settlement of itob’t W. Pooler and Mary J., tils wife, which
said property was mortgaged by tho said Mordecal Myers,
trustee as aforesaid, (under and by virtue of a clause in
llio said marrlago settlement, authorising the trustees to
grant, bargnlu and sell all or aur pert ol the property upon
the request of the said Robert W. and Mary J. Pooler, and
their request that said mortgage should be made, being
evidenced by their signing nnd seallugMld deed of mort
gage.) to tlio said Edward G. Wilso^HInsurcr as afore,
said, by ueed bearing dato the sixteenth day of December.
In the year oue thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. to
secure tho payment of the sum of two thousand dollars,
with Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, paya
ble monthly. from the sixteenth day ot .December. Anno
Domini. 1852, on demand, according to the tenor and effect
of a certain promissory note made by the said Mordecal
Myers, trustee as aforesaid, to the said Edward G. Wilson,
treasurer aa aforesaid, bearing even date with the said
mortage, and Mint there still remains unpaid thereon, tho
vm of two thousand dollars :
On motion of Griffin & Gordon, attorneys for petitioner.
It is ordered, that the said Mordecal Myers, trustee as afore
said, do pay into this Court, on or before the first day of
the next term or tills Court, the principal and interest ilue
an the said promissory note and mortgage, and the costs
of this application, and In default thereof, that the equity
of redemption of the said Mordecal Myers, trustee as afore
said. and all claiming under said trust to the said mort
gaged premises Ik.- thcncefor h and forever foreclov-d ;
And, it is further ordered, that a copy of thU rule be pub
lished in ono of the public gazettes of this State, once a
month for four months, or served on the mortgagor or Ills
special agent or attorney, at leant three months previous
to the time the money Is directed to the paid, and that such
further and other proceedings be had as nre prescribed by
thu statutes of the State of Georgia, in such cases made and
provided. sop21—Inrim
JOHN M. MILLEN. o. o. c
n EORGIA—Chatham County;—To all whom it may con-
I3T corn: Whereas. George J. Kollock will apply at the
Court ol Ordinary for letters of dismission on the estate ol
Edward Neufville, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom
It may con era, to be and appear before said Court, to
make objection, if any tboy have, on or before the first
Monday in June next, otherwise sal-1 letters will be
Witness, John M. Millen. Esquire, Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 1st day of Decemlrer. 1853.
dcc2 JOHN M. MILLEN, 0 0. c.
G EORGIA—Chatham County .-—To all whom It may con
cern: Whereas, Rev. J. F O’NIell. will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the
estate of Margaret McDonald, deceased :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make
objection, If any they have, on or before tho second Mon
day In January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witnese, John M. Millen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham
connty, this first day of December. 1853.
deci " 1
JOHN M. MILI.EN, o. o o.
G EORG I A—Chatham County .-—To all whom it may con-
corn : Whereas. Rev. J. F. O’Neill, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship over the per
son and property of Mary Elizubcth McDonald, minor of
Margaret McDonald, deceased:
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
mar concern, to be and appear before said Court, to
male objection, if any they have, on or before the second
Monday In January next, otherwise said letters will be
Wltnosi. John M. Millen. Esquire, Ordinary for Chatham
eounty. this first day of December. 1853.
dec'J *' 1
JOHN M MILLEN, o. 0. c.
J^DMJNUjfRATKIX NOTICE.—To all concernedTwo
l months after date application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary of Chatham county. State of Georgia, for
leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Gas
per Rosy, deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs and credit
or! of said estate. 8avannah, December 1st. 1853.
dec3 MATILDA ROSY. Qualified Adm’x.
Court of Ordinary of Liberty Connty.
—To all whom It may con
G EORGI Liberty County :■ .
cem: Whereas. Mrs. E 8 Law will apply for lei
administration on the sstate of Rev. Joslah S Law, late of
said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom it
may eonoern, to bo and appear before eaid Court, to make
objections, If any they have, within the tlmo prescribed by
law, otherwise said lettera will be granted.
Witnese. W. P. Girardeau, Esq, Ordinary for liberty
eounty. this 25th day of November, 1858.
noTjfl.r • W. P. QHURDEAP, o. t. o.
'^tkpn^iA—Liberty County t—This is to certify that,
VT whereas, no person has applied for letters of
y /.Stevens, b ' *
tntJbn on the sstate of Mary //ate vene , late of said county,
deoeaaed, and as Itis necessary forth# security and gcod
e that tbe said letters of admlnls-
management of said estate thal the said lettera -
(ration be taken ont immediately, I warn all persons Inter
ested, that unless eaid letters be applied for, they will be
granted according to law, as regarda tbe dutj of the Ordi
nary in such cases.
nov25 W. p. GIRARDEAU, o. u o.
G EORGIA—Liberty CountyTo all whom It may con-
oern i wbereae, Jesse Brewer applies for Utters of ad
ministration on tho estate of James Brewer, Ute of said
county, dopes sed : •
Tbeoe are, therefore, to eite and adm-mlsh. all whom it
. mar concern, to be and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law, to .abow eause, If any they have, why
■aid letters should not be granted.
Witness. W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty eounty,
‘ first day ”-■*— 1 — ,Q *°
this first
y of November, 1853.
W. P. GIRARDEAU, 0. t o.
i\]tf)tiQ\A—Liberty County:—To all whom It may
cem: Whereas, 8.H Perry will apply to the Court ol
Ordinary for lettera dlsmlsdory as administrator on the
aetata of Abial Perry:
These an therefore to dto and admonish all whom it
may concern to be and appear before said Court to make
ettfestfaM, If any .they have, within the time prescribed by
, J* law. otherwise a»ld lettera will be granted,
r ^mnuiAder myJund at thU offlcethl^MAsr of Septets-
G ~eor6TE
letters of
W. P. OIRARDF.AU. 0. I~ c.
A——Orumfy—To ell whom it may con-
r Whysaai^WUllabi J, King. 8r., will apply for
administration on tha estate or Dr. B, B. King,
fl omuIw 'nncai—1 •
Effingham County Executor's Sale.
E XECUTOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in January
next, bofore the court house In Effingham county, be-
tween the legal hour* of sale, will bo sold, the following
property belonging to the estate of Spier lllltch. deceased,
to wit; a negro woman, Foi-hla. und her nine children;
Ulcnnab. nnd her three children, and one negro fellow :
also, the plantation and late residence of Snler Blitch, con
taining 1200 acres of good pine land, well timbered, with
valuable Improvements—has a comfortable dwelling nnd
out bouses thereon : also, on the succeeding d*y, on the
premises, will bo sold, all the plantation tools, household
nml kitchen furniture stock of various description*, such a*
horses, hog*, cattle, sheep, etc., corn nnd rodder, nnd all
and singular the goods, chattels, and effects belonging to
said estate. Sold by virtuo of a decree from tbe honorable
tbe Superior Court of said county, for the benefit of the
heirs and distributees of said estate. Terms made known
on dar of sale. WILLIAM DUTCH,
nov22 Executor.
E manuel county executor’s saijs.—wui be sold
tho Court House of Emanuel county, on tho 21st
day of December next, about 700 head of cattle, running in
tlieoounties of Emanuel. Bulloch and Appling, and 200
sheep In Emanuel On tlio 23d day of tho same month, at
tho plantation in Burke county, of tho late Henry P. Jones,
about 200 head of cattle, running in Burke and Scriren coun
ties, 20 or 25 head of hoisesnnd mules, 150 or 200 pork and
stock hogs. 100 sheep. 2 Jacks and Janetta. Also on tho
2»th of the samo month, at the plantation of said deceased.
In Washington county, 100 head cuttle, 100 pork ami stock
hogs, 40 sheep, 20 or 25 mules and horses. 2 Jucks and
Janetta, with' tbo household furniture and idautation Imple-
onging to the cstato of said Henry P. Jones.
closed. Terms on
ments. all belonging to the cstato of said Henry P.
Hale* to continue from day to day until closed,
tho duys uf sale. J. V JONES, l
next, will be sold, before the court bouse In the city of
Savannah, all that Rice Plantation known as Union Creek
Plantation, on tho Savannah river, containing about two
thousand acres, all of which, with the exception of five hun
dred acres, is first quality rice Und, And four hundred and
seventy-five acres of which are now under bank and In cul
tlvstlon. AtUched to tbe plantation Is a good steam
thresher, an overseer’s house, negro houses, and all out
bouses and improvements appertaining to a planUtton.
“ ‘ irtu •“*
For further partlcuUri appl;
N OTICE.—Two months after date appllcation wlll be
made to tbe Honorable tbe Ordinary of
rick Marlow, deceased, Ute of Chatham county. Nove.o-
ra county.
AdrolnUtratov d« bonis non.
N OTICE.—All persons having cUims against the esUte
of Patrick Mirlow, deceased, Ute a Cna"
. . .. . ittham county.
wlU present them : and all persons Indebted will make pay
ment, to GEO. T. HOWARD,
nov24—flw Administrator de bonis non.
a v elowe. tale or onatnam conniy, acccasod, are hereby
notified to present them, duly attested, to the undersigned,
within the time prescribed by law. And all persons Indet ‘
ed to aatd deceased, will make Immediate payment,
octfi—Ow WM. B. JACKSON. Adm’r.
N OTICE.—Persons having demands against the eatateof
Joseph A. Marshall, a free man of color, deceased, are
JL 1 Joseph A. Marshall. • inn ui»n UI cuiur, urceancu, are
requested to hand them in to Griffin k Gordon, attorneys at
law: and those indebted will please make payment to them,
A. TUPPER, Qua!. Ex’or.
jyOTICE—Four months^after date, application will be
_ wrr* I
tbeUnds belonging to the estate or Henry Cannon, doe’d.
„.Jgtc ....
for the benefit of the heirs tud creditors.
se8 W. J. CANNON. Adm’r,
J^OTICE— All persons having demands against Jules
— . Rousseau. Ute of Chatham county, deceased, are here
by notified to present them, duly attested, within the time
prescribed by law: and all persons indebted to said do-
ojtssdjWlU make ImmodUto payment to T. A. Acosta, at
the old stand of the dtcaased. corner of Bull and Bay-sts.
novll—flw i Qualified Adrote.
OTICE.-—Vwo months after date application -
jtodte W the Ordinary of Chatham county, for
will be
— • ir ir .i. ,————— -—aty, for leave
to sell all th* real estate belonging to Jules Rosseau, de
ceased. n8 MARY A. ROSSEAU, Adm’x.
Not a Particle of Mercury in It.
A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Scrofula, King’s Evil,
Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutanoous Eruptions, i’hnplei
Pustule on the Face. Blotches, Bolls. Chronic Sore Eyes. Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, KnUrgcment and Pain
of the Bones nnd Joints. Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disor
ders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseasesarising
from an injudicious use uf Mercury, Imprudence in 1 Jfe, or
Impurity of the Blood. *»
This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for
tho nutnbor of extraordinary cures effected through its
agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request
of their friends, to offer It to the public, which they do with
the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative
properties. The following ccrtificatis. selected from n large
number, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere
word of tbo proprietors; ana are aU from gentlemen well
known in their localities, and of the highest respectability
many of them now residing in the city of Richmond, Va.
F. BOY DEN. Ebq., of the Exchange Hotel. Richmond
known every where, says he has seen tho Medicine called
Csktkr's Spanish Mixtt’RX administered in over a hundred
cases. In nearly all tho diseases for which it Is recommend
ed, with the most astonishingly good results. He says it Is
the most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen.
that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most vio
lent description. 1 had several Physicians, took large quan
tities of Quinine. Mercury, aud I believe all tho Tonics ad
vertised. but nil without any permanent relief. At last 1
tried Cakter’s Spanish Mixturk, two bottles of which effec
tually cured me, and 1 am happy to say I have had neither
Chills or Fevcrssince. I consider It the best Tonic In the
world, nnd tho only medicine that over reached my case.
Beaver Dam, near Klshtnond. Va. JOHN 1.0NGDKN.
C. B. LUCK, Esq., now In the city of Richmond, nnd for
many years in tbo Post Office, has such confidence in the
astonishing efficacy of Caktkk’h Spanish Mixture, that he
has bought upwards or 60 bottles, which lie has given away
to the nlllictcd. Mr. Luck says he hns never known it to
fall when taken according to directions.
Dr. MINCE, a practising Physlcinu. and formerly of the
Cltr Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he bn* witnessed
In a number of Instances the effects or Carter's Spanish
Mixture, which were mnk truly aurprlatnK. He says In a
case of Consumption, dopendent on tho Liver, the good er-
fects were wonderful Indeed.
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of tho firm of Drinker* Morris.
Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 years stand
ing. by the uso of two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture
GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The Editora of tho Rich-
rnond Republican had a servant employed In their press
ronin, enrol of violent scrofula, combined with Rheuma
tism. which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles
of Carter’s Simuish Mixture made a perfect cure ot him, and
the Editor*, in a public notice, say they *• cheerfully recom
mend it to all who nre afflicted with any dlsenso of the
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mix
ture. I enn-dder it a truly valuable medicine. JAMES M
TATYUlR. Conductor on the It. F. * P. It. R. Co , Richmond.
Salt RVearn of 20 Yenre Standing Cured
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in tho city ot Richmond,
was cured by tlireo bottles of Carter's .'■pauish Mixture, ol
Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which all
the physicinns of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson
is a%ell known merchant of Richmond, Va., and his cure
Ismost reinnrkable.
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va , had a servant
cured of Spyhllis. in the worst form, by Carter’s Spanish
Mixture. Ho aayu bo cheerfully rocummond* It, and con
siders itnn invaluable medicine.
RICHARD E. WIST, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula
nnd what physician* called confirmed Consumption, by
three boitlesof Carter's Spanish Mixture.
EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of the Revenue, says he
has seen the good effects of Carter's Spanish : .xturo in a
number of Spyhililio cases, and says it is a perfect cure for
that horrible disease.
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, Vn.. cured ohl sores
und ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a lew
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to
walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured.
Price $1 tier bottle.
Principal Depot* at M. WARD, CI/)SE & CO., No. 83
Miden I.ane. New York. '
BENNETT * BEERS. No. 125 Maln-st., Richmond. Va.
And for sale by SHOMAS M. TURNER k CO.. JAMES
M. CARTER, A. A. IftlDMONS k CO., and W. W. I.IN-
CORN, Savannah. E. S. STROECKFJl. Macon, aud by Drug
gists and Country Merchants everywhere.
, .
T HIS delicious article combines so many meritorious
qualities, tliat It now bas become a standard favorite
with the citizens of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore.
Pittsburg, aud other places. Dentist* and Physicians pre
scribe it in their practice most successfully, and from every
source the most flattering laudations aro awarded It. In
flamed, sore, or bleeding gums are immediately cured by
its use; its action upon them Is mild, soothing, and effec
tive. It cleanses tho teeth so thoroughly that they are
made to rival pearl in whiteness, and diffuses through the
mouth such a delightful freshness, that tho brentli Is ren
dered exquisitely sweet, and it will in most Instances af
ford relief to tbe most violent toothache.
The following Certificate from Dr Chilton, a Chemist ol
world-wide celebrity who has submitted the article to n
chemical analysis, is proof sufficient to convinco any one
of its superloritv
•• I have examined a bottle of “ Zerman’s Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash,” and find It to he a vegetable preparation of
an innocent character. I believe it will prove beneficial for
tbe purpose It Is recommended.”
JAMES. R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.
Just received, and for snlo by
nov!7 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square.
•• Wo would not grow one bud of hope
You cannot gnrner in ripe fruit! ’’
T I1F. GREAT REMEDY l* at last discovered, and that fell
destroyer of human happiness st length Is conquered!
Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of their
brightest ornaments, and sink manra gentle spirit to an
untimely grave! Consumption can he cured—Asthma will
soon he as the things that were—and Coughs and Colds,the
parents of that fell dlseuse, that so often brings wo to the
|j r r •--* ' •
lomes of our land, vanish, as If by magic, beforo this sover
eign remedy.
This is that which has
long boon sought for. and Is in
full faith offered to the public as a ckktain ct'Wt for coughs,
colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, and consumption’
and will, In any case where lungs sufficient aro left to sus
tain life, check the ulceration and rnlso tho patient to
health. Tills Is not an Hilo boast, nor Is this remedy sent
into the market without a thorough trial, but hns proved
beyond a doubt, that what has been asserted can nx dome.
‘•The sentiment, that consumption cannot be cured, has
destroyed more live* than the disease Itself.”—Dr. Warrkx.
But there le Hope!
Tho proprietor, by the uso of this article, and tho blessing
of Providence, was raised, when he was pronounced by his
physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect
health, and Is not willing that so great a blessing should be
withheld from thoso on whom *' this right hand emissary of
death” has placed his mark.
few hours after com
mencing Its use. Retail then, trr It. and if these assertions
are not proved, after an Impartial trial, tho price of the box
will bo returned, and all agents are authorized to retund
the money In any case where the article is not perfectly
These Lozenges are pat up in 25 cents, 60 cents, and fl
boxes, and only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
C. P. HUNT. Dariin, Ga., only agent for the Southern
States, to whom all orders must be addressed. fel8-d*w
D R. E. 0. DOYLE takes pleasure In announcing to Inva
lids and the public generally, that the above popular
and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct
ed by T. Carlton Coylx, M D., ia now ready for the recep
tion of patients seeking a restoration to health.
All chronic diseases of the human organism successfully
treated at this institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism,
constipation, hemorrhoids or piles, hemorrhages, amen-
errhiea, menorrboea, dysmennrrhoea, fluor albus, genital dis
placements, affections of tho eye* and ears, tetter, ery
sipelas and all chronic diseases of tho skin and scalp, scro
fula, dropsy, Syphilis, and tho humoral diseases general
ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tla douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or tho falling sickness, rlrtlgo, paralysis, aponloctlctenden-
cy, bronchitis, asthma, chronic lnfismatlon ot tho stomach
and bowels, atrophy, and Indeed every possible habit of, or
chronic diseased action that Is curable—and all ditcata art
iralle. If no organic lesion bo present.
The Ladles’ Department Is under the Immediate supervi
sion of that accomplished lady, Mrs. Jan Matthxws. so weB
known to the old patrons of the establishment
The foclUtles which this institution offers for tho prosecu
tion of a strictly hydropathic and hygienic coarse of treat
ment, together with Iti easiness of access from all points In
Georgia, and the adjoining 8tatea. renders it peculiarly
adapted to the wants of Invalids, desirous of availing them
selves nr the efficacy of the water-cure.
The purity or the water and accommodation* for guests,
are too well known to need comment.
In fitting up the establishment no sxpenso baa been spar
ed that could conduce to make It one of tha most desirable
places o 'resort for Invalids in the United8tates.
Fstlents will be required to furnish their own out-fit.—
These will consist of friction sheets and towels, compresses,
and blankets, for sudorific purposes. All or which can be
purchased here on the most reasonable terms.
Tkxms—Professional attention, nse or baths, ko ,$10 per
week—board $5 per week—payable monthly. Servants
boarded and treated tor $10 per week.
All Utters of Inquiry promptly answered. JuneO
J° W*"pronmflota In Dy m, acquired by him during
last visit to Ekurland andm itUnd. has made arrangements
for extending bis business,>y WhicjThe to now enabled to
y »T0r him with their | itronage.
lentlsmen’s gsrmects yed, cleaned .or renovated, m
may be required. In tbesai o superior style which has gen
erally so much pleased htouati one and (Heads.
Ladles’ boimste dyed, bl sebed and pressed In the most
fashionable styles.
Orders from tbe country uuctually attended to. Terms
When parcels are sent b steamboats or railroad, word
should be sent hint by l ter. through the Tost Office, so
that be may know where t cell for them.
npHId .institution, which was Chartered in 1849, has eon-
• A lintiBlIy enjoyed a high degree ut prosperity under
tbe dliecllon of a Faeulty of experienced and successful in-
Forth# cure ofIncfoiontUonsnmptlon,ScrofoU, General
.Debility, White Swelling. Rheumatism. Diseases of tht
Liver and Skin, and alfdheases arising from impurities
of the blood and the effeas of mereury.
S WAIM’S PANACEA bas been for more than thirty ysars
celebrated In this country and in Europe for its extra
ordinary cures—for the certificate* of which reference Is
made to the directions and ibooks (which may he bad gra
tis) accompanying the Panicea. Home of which give the
particulars of cases too frightful for general publication,
where the patients hnd been almost eatan up with sorofu-
la, and were deemed Incurs le by physicians.
It has been used In hospkals. and private practice, and
has had the singular tortuns of being recommended by the
most colebrnted physician* and other eminent persona.
Among others by— i
W. Gibson. M. D.,*
Valentine Mott,' ‘
W. P. Dewees.
N.Chapman. 1
T. Parke. M. D..Pre*’tCofego Physicians,
Prof, of Surgery. Pa. University.
if. or Sur- ” ” —"
i Mott. M. D.. Prif. of Sure. N.Y. University
vees.M. D , Prof of Mid. Pa. Uhlverslty.
isn. M. D., Prof Of Physic. Pa. University,
M. I)., Pres’tColego Physicians, Phllad
1.1 niac. «i, i/.,rres’tColeg
Dr. Del Valle, Prof, of Medicine#, Havana.
Tbe recitations are conducted to aa to briug into play tho
various mental powers of the pupil. The aparatus cost
about I2.U0Q, ana is kept in constant use by the Professor or
Natural Science. Pupil* In the Musical Department, enjoy
unusual advantages. They receive, In common with all the
School, scientific Instruction lu vocal music, and they are
also Instructed (nthe composition of music and la thorough
With a view to aid In supplying the home demand for
teachers, the Trustees have established a Normal Class for
tne benefit of thoie who wish to receive Instruction in the
theory and praetlce of leaching.
No extra charges are made for Incidentals or atatlonery.
The Spring Term commences on Monday, the 9th of Janua
ry. Catalogues may beobtalncd from either of the officers.
Madison. Nov. 7.
THUS. J. BURNEY, Sec. Bd. Trus.
The undersigned will sell three thousand acres, more
■Wiea The undersigned will sell three thousand acres, more
IKRor less, of the most valuable Lumber land In Georgia.
^“•It lies upon the Atntamnha Itiver. In the county of
Liberty fifteen miles from Wallliourvllle, sod about thirty
r.imi lu-l-H ...IA,. II.. ' I,. 1 It
front Darien, parallel with the river, extending back from its
- thestline.
Jose Eourencode Luz,Prpf- of 8urgery. Lisbon
J. Chipman. Member Itoral College Surgeons. London,
0. W. Erring, late Minister to Spain.
Sir Thomas Pearson. Major General British Army.
Gilbert Robertson. British Consul. &c.
And also, thu wonderful *ures effected by Swalm’s Pana
cea have, for many years, hindo it an Invaluable remedy.
Tho Panacea does not contlln morcurv in any form.and be
lug an innocent preparatlos, It may bo given to the must
tender infant,
The retnll price has been reduced to $1 60 per bottle (con
taining three half pints) ot three bottles for $4.
Swalm’s Panacea Is in round bottles, fluted longitudinal
ly, with the following letters blown In the glass: •• Swaim’s
—PANAfXA—I'IIIIXAD'a.” and having the name of James
Swalm stamped on the sealing wax and written on tho label
covering tho cork, and a splendid engraving for the side of
the bottle, comnosod of geometric lathe work, comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclu-
slve use of tho proprietor, by Draper * Co., bank uoto en
gravers of Philadelphia. In tlfe centre Is a portrait of the
fate Win. Swain, copyright secured.
Also, Swaim’s Vermirugc,
A valuable Family Medicine.bcinga highly approved rem
edy for all diseased arising from debility of the digestive or
gans. such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and
ague, bleeding piles, sick hoadache. Ac. See the pamphlet
(which may be had gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge.
Prepared only at Swaim’s laboratory, the old stand Sev-
cnth-sticet. below Chestnut. I’lilladelpola. and sold by nil
tho ro*]K>ctablp druggists in the United States.
Caution to tub Pciiuc.—Persons wbdting to obtain the
genuine Swaim’s Panacea and Swaim’s Wrmlfuge. should
be careful to observe tlmt the name SWAIM Is spelled cor
rectly on the labels, or they may bo imposed on by medi
cines made in imitation of them by a person bonring a
somewhat similar name, well calculated to deceive Gen
eral agents for thoUhtted States.
ml>22—2awtf 104 and 100 John-street. New York.
hanks not farther than three miles to It* fartL.
Uie timber is of tho largest size that grows In the south,
and very abundant, aultat le for masts or ranging timber.
'Hie lam ine Is ono oftheboston the river, affording an
opportunity for rafting to Darien at any stage of tho river
—au advantage poHsvsscd by but very few. Hands can
take a raft to Darien, aud return lu four or five days.
On tho Innd there arc negro houses, ox sheds, and provis
ion home.In good repair, and two lumber carts with every
appliance for the lumbci business, situated on a high and
healthy hill.
There are also about 300 acres of as good hammock land,
for either corn or cotton, to be found any where, covered
with redoak. white oak. hickory, and ash timber. These
lands present as good facilities for either lumber cutting,
stave getting, or turpentine, as any other, and will bo pen
etrated by the Savannah and Albany Railroad, now In cou-
For further particulars address to Rlcoborouab, I.lboilv
r>. .1.1.. r.l j. , a n .. *
county.Ga., either oftho undersigned.
O N the fifteenth day of December next. 1 will sell, at auc
tion. In the city of Tallahassee, Florida, that valuable
tract of land known aa ” Tiger Hammock.” situated in Wa
kulla county. Fla., about 12 or 15 mile* from St. Marks,
and near the Wakulla river, containing 1800 acres, nearly
all of which Is rich hammock nnd ennn brake, aud unequal-
ed In quality nnd location by any tract of land, of the size.
In the southern county. Terms—Oiie-thlnl cash, balance
in one nnd two years with Interest Sole positive.
Further infoiumtlon can be obtained from Jaa.T. Archer.
Tallahassee, or myself, at Albany, Ga.
novO—d&wlm WM. W. CI1EEVER.
A GKKEARIaK to tho taste, and warranted, if used accord
ing to tho directions, which are simple, to cure all
cough* und colds, which aro within thu reach' of any medi
cine, he.-dde affording relief in cases of croup, asthma, ca
tarrhs. and bronchitis, and being ono of tlio most useful
remedies in the early stages of consumption.
Mr. Rice in idnclng this article belnru the public, claims
not to havfl discovered or Ingeniously compounded medi
cines hitherto unknown, or known only as separate reme
dies or in such combinations ns prevented the full force ol
their beneficial effects. Nor docs be aver that his cough
candy hns the approval of the •' entire medical faculty.” or
has been recommended by the •• most enlightened physi
cians.” but ho would merely state, that haring himself suf
fered severely from bronchial affection, attended with night
sweats and coughing, he applied to one of the faculty whose
prescription afforded such speedy relief and resulted in such
perfect cure that he was induced to obtain n knowledge ol
tbo Ingredients and the manner In which llioy might be
properly compounded with sugar to give them a convenient
and pnlatablo form, sinco which he has had tho satisfaction
of administering it aucccssfully in many cases. The Ingre
dients of which this candy is composed, among which Wild
Cherry is the principal, are perfectly harmless, and mny bo
taken by persnus of all ages at all times. Unlike tnnny of
ttio cough cnn<llM now oiTaro-l f-r uU, purporting to ba
the product of profound medical research, but which In
reality are the concoctisns of genlne candy makers, this ar
ticle is not expected to euro "all the ills* that tlesh is heir
to,” but is peculiarly adapted to the few diseases above
mentioned, and Instead of being composed of tbe poorest
quality of sugar, infused with tho extract of hoarhound, It
Is made from sugar in Its highest stnto ot perfection, and
contains well known and approved remedies. Try it. snd
it* Intrinsic merit will call forth a spontaneous approval
from you, which ere long will give It popularity unparallel
ed In the history of nostrums.
t)Tg~ l’rlce 25 cents per package
Each genuine package ofRIce’s Cough Candy will bear on
the envelope tho signature ol
corner Broughton an>l Whltaker-streets,
Savannah. Georgia.
Country merchants can be supplied by the box, each box
containing 50 packages, at $0.25. octll
P ASTILLES DE PARIS.—For thfccure or coughs, colds
and bronchial affections of thelhroat. so prevalent at
this season of tho year. We do not recommend tho Pas
tilles de Paris to cure all the Ills life is heir to, but we do
say they will cure nil affections of the throat, as a trial ol
them will provo. Manufactured by Moore k Taylor, 81
Maiden-lane, New York.
N. II.—The gennlne bears the written signature of Moort
k Taylor. Just received and for sale by
LINCOLN. Monument Square
A NEW EDITION of tho Sieclraon Book of BRrcx’8 Nxw
York Ttpk Fouxonr will be published in September,
1853, nnd will be given to thoso proprietors of printing of
fices who will send for It. or it will be forwarded them by
mail on receipt, in advunce, of fifty cents for the postago.
In it are exhibited mnuy articles never before shown;
there have been added to the Fouudry new varieties ol
Roman types from nine-tine pica to pearl, various imita
tions of writing, a great number of fancy fonts, border both
plain and illuminated, labor-saving rules, nnd a complete
foundry of Germans.
The types how manufactured nre cast from a new com
bination of metal of great durability, and nre usually kept
on hand in largo quantities. Every fancy font is sold by
weight, nnd at the printed prices, which aie Irom 10 to 25
per cent. loss than those of some other foundries. AU oth
er printing materials nr»furnished ut manufacturers’ prices
either for cash or credit.
Printers wishing to open accounts with me. or whose
dealings have been long suspended are requested to accom
pany their orders with city reference to prevent delay.
Printers of newspapers who choose to publish this adver
tisement including this note, three times before the 1st of
August. 1864. nnd send me one of tho papers, will be paid
for it In type when they purchase five tunes the amount ol
their bill from me. ot my own manufactures, selected from
my specimens. GEORGE BRUUK,
n24—dtw*w3t 13 Chambers streot. New York.
rpHE cheapest establishment In the southern countrr for
JL the sale of sashes, doors, blinds and wood Mouldings,
of every variety, 1* at the corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets, Charleston. 3. C. All ray worn is made of the
best seasoned white pine, and the sashes are glazed in the
very neatest manner.
A full supply of paints, oil, glass, varnishes, and brushes,
always for sale low. sep'J—«4w B. F. SMITH.
T HIS machine is considered by all who are acquainted
with Us operation, as being the cheapest, safest, most
expeditious,and doing work better generally, thannnyin
It took a silver medal at the Mechanics’ Charitable Insti
tute in Boston, In the full of I860, nnd soon after a gold
medal at Iho Fair of tho American Institute in the city of
Now York, it being pronounced the best rotary plainer. In
a contest with the Woodworth party in theCIrcuit Court of
tlio Uuited States, Judge Sprague’s decision was In favor of
It U the intention to sell rights on very rea»onablo terms.
Machines of the best quality can be furnished by me
promptly from the North.
H. LIVERMORE, Agent for tbe South.
jACKSONriUi, Oct. 31. 1853. wfi—nov2
D ISSOLUTION.—The firm of Kino & Pcbvuncx heretofore
existing at Traders’ Town. Camden county. Georgia
having dissolved co partnership on the 20th day of August,
last, the undersigned takes this method of informing their
friends and tho public generally that the business at that
plnce will bo continued by them, snd that they are at this
time receiving a largo and well selected stock of goods suit
able to the trade of tho adjoining counties in Georgia and
Florida, nml solicit tho patronngo of their friends and tho
public generally. JAMES L. KING k CO.
Camden count
n county, Sept. 30th, 1853.
tbo services of two male and two fcmalo teachers for sal
Institution. They proposes* salaries—
Principal, male. $1,500
Assistant “ 1.000
literary teacher, female 500
Music •• •• 600
All must bring with them satisfactory credentials as to
morals snd literary acquirements. Southern men and la
dles will bo preferred.
Application must bo made by or before the 25th of De
cember next. Lettera addressed to tho Secretary of the
Board must be post paid. By order of the Board.
LEWIS C. GAINES. President.
J. M. McIntosh, Secretary.nov24—4
r BIDGE, Administrator William T. Taylor-South Caro
lina, f olloton District, in Equity.—In obedience to the De
cretal order of the Court of Equity, made in this case, at the
lost term. HENRY JOSJAH TAYLOR, tbe son of the Into*-
tate, William T. Taylor, if he be alive, to hereby notified,
and called upon, to come forward within thiee montha
from tbe publication hereof, and claim the funds in this
case. 0. P. WILLIAMS. Com. Equity C. D.
WalteTborough, B, C., Sept. 13th, 1853. oct25—w3ro
"\l OT1CE.—At the expiration of three months from date,
IN I shall apply to the J‘
I shall apply to the Marine and Fire Insurance Bank
»r Oe<
of the State of'Georgia, for payment on the following de-
*: Right-hand lr ,# *■"'
scribed half bill: Right-hand half bill, on said bank. No.
111. letter A, dated January 1st. 1852. Also, application
will be made to the Bank of the State of Georgia for pay
ment on the following described halves: right-hand half
$20 bill. No. not known, letter A, dated June Oth, 1848;
also, $10 bill. No. cut. think It is No. 992, Branch at Au
gusta. The left-hand halves of ths above described bills
stolen or mislaid by mail. _
Dublin. Ga., October 20th, 1858. oct22—w8m
H AS received a varietv of_new books—Oreenleaf's Law
of Evidence, voL 3d ;
Evidence, voL 3d; Flanders on Maritime Law.
Flanders on the Law of Shipping.
The Mud Cabin, or British Institutions,
English Items, by Matt. F. Ward.
Bullock’s Art of Building, for the use of architects, build-
era. draughtsmen, machinists, engineers and mechanics.
Jane Seaton or the King’s Advocate, a Scottish romance.
Putnam’s Monthly, for October.
The Humorous Speaker, for schools, debating clubs, Ac.
The Victim of Excitement, by Caroline Lee Hents.
The Rebel 8cout. ■ romance of the Revolution,
I/radon Art Journal, for September.
Illustrated Record of the N Y Exhibition, Nos 7 and 8.
Physician’s Vtaltlng List, for 1854. oct5
rpO COMMISSION-MERCHANTS—A partnership la deslr*
X ed In a General Commission House, or with aa experi
enced business tado/ln Savannah, by a gentleman now re*
aiding In upper GeflvU. from his extensive acquaintance
amonjg tbe pUnteri»nd business men of tbe middle
'WiroMiS im be rderiri
th dav.of January, 1854, for f
Tb, niton, nr
enumerated In the following table, to wit i
mm i
T HE subscriber offer* tor safe, a number of Building Lit*
In Oglethorpe Town, near the contemplated rallri id
. 't. liu will also lease, for a term of five, ten. fifto i or
twenty years, a number of other lots in the vicinity of the
above. junelO—lawSin A. WEBB.
IUnnway or stolen, on tho 21at August last, my
negro man named JARRATI. He is or black color,
about six feet high, well made, twenty-six or seven
years old, sensible In conversation, a llttlo ruptured.
Imd on a truss when liu left home, nnd lie Is everyway a
likely looking negro. It I* likely he will bo making to
wards Savannah or Charleston, hi lie was raised in North
Carolina, and brought from there In 1849. The above re
ward will bo paid lor the thief on hi* conviction. Twenty
.Inti——j w til I, m ... !. I _# ..t.l ... , I r t I
dollars will lie paid on delivery of said negro to tne If taken
out of this county, nnd ton dollars if lodged In any Jail nnd
safely kept until I get hhn. The rupture may not bo seen
unless closely examined. PIJNY SHEFFIEIJ).
Thomas county. Ga., October 18th. 1853. oct23— wtf
Boston, nml his delivery to mo. or confinen cut In
any sufu Jail, so that 1 can get him. He left me
.alxnit the first of June. 1852 ; lie is about 5 feet 6
inches high, very black, high forehead, punch mouth, a
wide space between Ills upper front teeth, in walking turns
his feet rather out. he has a wile nt Mr. Joseph Wilson's iu
Bulloch county. Ga.. near Statesboro, by the name ofUlmr-
ity; she formerly belonged to Jefferson Boyd, near Poor
Bobbin. Scrlven comity. Ga. When heard of last he was
about Boyd’s. 1 have heard lie is getting Shlugles and
goes to .Savannah pretty often on timber rafts snd wood
boats. It Is likely he has a pass and has altered his name
I think if there Is a good lookout about Favannah and up
and down the rlverand nbout Mr. Wilson's and Mr Boyd’
he will soon be caught.
My address U Four Mile Branch, Barnwell District. South
june2 wtf
the subscriber, on the 10th of August, a negro man
named TOM. about forty years old. stout and cliunky
built, nnd ha* a mark resembling a feather or arrow
commencing at the base of the noso and running up the
forehead. He will probably try to get to Savannah, where
he lias spent several venrs of runaway life, nnd was au ii
mate of Savunnnh Jail a good part of tho year 1849.
I^on county. Florida, Sept. 12,1853. scp!8—dfcwtf
OfC HIIDS choice Porto Rico Sugar ; do Ft Croix do;
t) 50 bbls Stuart's crashed nnd powflwed Sugar; 60 do
do A II and C clarified do; 150 bid* Baltimore and Georgia
Flour; 75 do Genesee do; 60 do Hiram Smith’s do; 25
casks quarts and pint* London Porter; 50 bbls Philadel
phia Cn-um Ale ; 76 boxes soda and sugar Crackers ; 30
bbls laird ; 200 sacks Rio Coffee; 50 do Laguyra do; 50 do
old Government Java do ; 4 pipe* Meder Swan Gin ; 2 do
Stnghound do; 6 half pipes Otard. Dupuy k Co's Brandy;
3 do Signett do ; 10 quarter casks Swcet'Malaga Wine ; lu
do Port do ; 10 do Madeira do; 50 hnskets Heidseick do ;
150 bbls domestic Gin. Ruin, Whisky and Brandy ; 25 do
Nos 1.2 and 3 Mackerel; 30 half bbls do; 5 cases Sardines;
200 boxes No 1 palo and family Fean: 100 do Tallow Can
dies: 75 do l’enrl Starch ; 160 reams Wrapping Paper. Just
received and for sale by
oct3 mcmaiion a doyle.
fC A CASKS prime Bacon Sides ; 26 do do Shoulders ,
t)\J tierces sugar-cured limns ; 100 bbls A U and C clari
fied Sugar; 30 lilids Muscovado do ; 25 do Porto Rico do ;
20 do New Orleans do; 50 bbls butter, sugar nnd soda
Crackers; 60 boxes Tallow Candles. 6*.an< 8s; lUOdo Ad
amantine do Cs ; 26 do Fnerm do 6s; 50 casks Hibert’s
London Porter, pints; 200 boxes Colgate’s l’enrl Starch ;
100 do No 1 pale nnd family Soap ; 60,000 Havana Segars ;
600 bags Shot, assorted sizes ; 50 boxes English Pipes ; COO
bbls Baltimore Flour : 60 do Hiram Smith’s do ; 60 bags
Georgia do ; 500 reams Wrapping Paper ; 16 tierces small
Rice. For sale by oct3 WEBSTER A PALMES
extra Hums. 6 lilids Bacon Shoulders, 10 bbls Leal
lard. 10 half bills Pig Pork. 6 lilids Porto Rico Sugar, 25
bbls Stuart’s crashed and clarified Sugar. 50 boxes Keadel’i
Soap. Starch and Candles, 2Udn/.Cn Water Pails, 30 do ns
sorted Scrub Brushes. 60 do assorted Clothes Lines, 30 boxei
ground Coffee. 30 do Mustard. 60 gross sound wood Matches.-
30 dozen Wushboanls, 60 bids while wine Vinegar. 10 bbls
N O Syrup. Ac.. Ac., for sale, wholesale and retail, at the
corner of Broughton and Dravton streets, by
A LL HEADY •—My store is now completed, nnd I invite
the attention of planters, house-keepers nnd others, to
my largo and varied assortment of Crockery, China, Glass,
nnd Stone Ware ; Wood nnd Willow Ware; Family Hard
ware; Table Cutlery; Plain nnd Japancd Tin Ware; and
Fancy Articles—in short, every article necessary to furnish
a house trom kitchen to garret, mny be found at this estab-
” ’ ‘ ' * id*
lishment. except dry goods and cabinet forhiture. and at **
low. if not lower prices, tlrnn they can be purchssed else-
...1. • ... m ^ p n„ • •»--
sugar ; 80 do. do. A. II nnd CCIurified sugar ; 23 hbdi
Prim Porto Rico, nnd 10 lilids. St. Croix sugar ; 60 Casks
quarts and pints Byass London Porter : 60 bbls. Tread
well’s soda biscuit: 30 bbls. ami 76 kegs Prime Leaf lard ;
60 mats superior old government Java Coffee; 40 bags
Laguyra and 80 Prime old Rio Coffee; 6 Pipes meder swan
Gin ; 60 boxes Revs Lemon Syrup ; 20 barrels Winter
Strained and Bleached Whale Oil ; 300 boxes No. 1 Pale
and Family Soap ; 20 tlorces superior sugar curled Hams ;
50 boxes white 60 do. colored Cheese ; 100 boxes new scal
ed Herrings ; 100 do. Adamantine Candles; 80 do. Beadel’s
6s and 8s Tallow Candles ; 60 boxes Pearl Starch : 40 boxes
Ground Coffee ; 20 do. do. Pepper ; 50 doz. painted Buckets
200 reams wrapping and 100 Cap and letter paper. Land
ing and for sale by
Bremer’s Homes of tbe New World—impressions ol
America, iu two volumes.
The Second War with England, by J. T. Headley, in two
volumes, with plates.
Men and Thing* ns I Saw Them In Europe, by Klrwan.
Venice—the City of the Sen. from the invasion of Napo
leon to the capitulation In 1849. bv Edm. Flagg, with a map
and embellishment*, in two volumes.
Sir Wm. Hamilton’s Discussions on Philosophy snd Lit
erature, Education nnd University Reform.
Templeton’s Engineer, Millwright and Mechanics* Pocket
Companion, with mathematical tables.
Picture Pleasure Book, with 500 illustrations.
Swiss Family Robinson, with 8 illustrations.
Clouded Happiness, by Countess d’Orsay.
Fern I-eaves. from Fanny’s Port Folio.
Holster Life of Charles V; Tim Mud Cabin ; Professor
Silliraan’s Travel* in Europe ; Echoes of a Belle ; Lorenzo
Benoni; Moore’s Life of Sheridan. Ac.
R ECEIVED BY a S. SIBLEY, Oct. 25th. less— Discus
sion on Philosophy and Literature, by Sir W. Hamilton.
Homes of the New World, or Impressions of America, by
Fredrika Bremer, translated by Mary Howitt.
Men and Things In Europe, by Klrwan
Homo Pictures, by Mr* Mary A Denison.
Rhetoric of Conversation, or Bridles and Spurs for the
management of the Tongue! by Geo W Hervey.
Dr Chalmers’ Correspondence, by Rev Wm Hanna.
AU is not Gold that Glitters, or the Young California, by
Cousin Alice.
The Young Astronomer. J C Abbott.
Gleason’s Pictorial: Bnrnum’s Illustrated News.
Goder’s lady’s Book andGraham’a Magazine, for Novem
ber ; Blackwood’s Magazine, for October ; Clouded Happi
ness, a novel, translated from the French of the Countess
d’Orsay; The Midnight Queen, by George Llppard. For
sUe at 136 Congress street. oct26
Wise ; Infants Progress , Christian Theology ;
Christ; tF Comforter , Fulfilment of Prophecy; ;
Knowledge ; flare on Justification ; The Patriarchs ;
riou* Call, by Westlor : The First Woman ; Morris’s Ser
mons; Life of Rev. T Ware : Women of tbe Bible : Church
Polity ; -The Body and the Mind ; Benson’s Life of Fletcher,
Memoir of Mrs. Rodgers; do do Lucy Richard* : Death
Ded Scenes, by D. W. Clark, D. D. ; Christian Perfection,
For sale by B. S. SIBLEY.
Bept29 No. 185 Congresa-st,
QODFISH. MACKEREL. Ac.—Just received—2 hhds extra
new Codfish, 10 bbls extra No 1 Mackerel. 20 boxes new
scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls Haw’s corned Bvsf, 50 bbls sx-
Ira choice Canal Flour For sale, wholesale and retail, at
ths corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
F LUOR UIL CIA/THS.—Ibe most completa stock of OU
Cloths, in every variety of patterns and colors, varying
in width* from one to eight yaras. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
V. Agent, Carpet Warehouse,
) Congress and 67 8t. Jullan-st*.
' gold pel
a varlet
UT received, a fine assortment of gold pens and pencils
doubls and single extension; also, i
ehc —
riety of fine
penaJcr cheap at tbe book s’oro of
S. S. -•< KV 1 Mi Congress- street
1100 Reynold’s Extra Famtlr Hams. 2 bbls Pig
ids Bacon Shoulders, 10 half bbls Fulton Market
Hama, 89 bhda Bacon Shoulders,
Beer. 10 half and whole bbls Pig Pork, 10 bbls No 1 Leaf
Lard, 10 bbls winter Oil. For sale at the corner of Brough*
pUinb-a few. belts oljhmn.
liny tnqj(i
b... Klo, 11P0 p»k.,. j.„,
Ej’ut l<l “-100
25 do do ?lsms.***** rtKisaji'sjiagy-uj
uSS*?*- ’“*'**»< Olio, aa| 6o 0oEni , Uk
csjj-s Myers’ half pound*. 01 Utloui tad lo
bbls Filberts, 6 eases Ouious 8aHln. 0m *i?■*»»» HriS
toft shell Almonds, 10bbls PsS^NuU. a°l? 1 ’*
20 hsir bbls Fulton 'market 0*8 £&U %
eft? “ nd f«»ta. 30.000 cfinSt
tickles quarts and half gallon. 25 mm. r. 'F*’. U boxes
Ginger. 60 boxes clay Pipe*. J6 do PliTb£d^Jft«'3
boxes assorted Cracker*. 50 boxes *«. “ • - ,W) bUl
amantlne Candles, 16 do patent do.
bbls Cider Vinegar. 20do Imitation vj
■osuls for the supjdi nf ,<hip Chandlery wilt bo re
volved in pursuance uf schedule, which can be seen by ap
plying nt this office. ■
nov20—0 JOHN BOSTON. Collector.
T okowua : by nowtu. ninu. oovkkxoh or sum statu
O the Honorable Justice* iff the Inferior Courts of the
^ *ovcrnl counties composing the Coweta Judicial Dis-
A vacancy luivlrg occurred in the Judgeship of the Co-
wetaJudicla! DUt rfet by the resignation of the Hon. Edward
* • **”'• I ’1" hereby Issue this, my proclamation, requiring
the duly- authorized officer, id said Judicial District to hold
an election in their respective counties on the first Monday
iu January. 1854. in manner and form a* by law pointed out.
to till such vacancy, and that they make a return the
to this iKqmrtnient.
Given under my hand and the Seal oftho Executive Depart
ment, tills 4th day of Novimcr. 1853.
By the Governor:
W. W. Paixb.k. x. ii.
Coutitlea composing tho Coweta Judlclnl District: Cowc-
ta, lHiKalb. Fayette. Heard.Meriwether and Troup
O F1F.R for sale, at tho lowest market price, a large nnd
well selected stock of Dry Goods, to which they respect
fully solicit attention:
Ladles’ Dress Goods.
Black Silk*, of nil width* and best makes,
Black figured Silks, p'ain nml colored Silks,
Paris plaid and hroc tde Silks,
Par.* printed M. de Lalncs. n largo and beautiful stock.
Plain colored do. and Ciiocus and Broadway Browns,
Small figured Mouslin de l*nlnes. for children,
Engli»h and American Mouslin de I-aines,
Printed Satin de Cheue*. new and very handsome.
Mourning' Goods.
A great variety of Mourning Dress Goods nnd Embroide
ries, consisting of every thine new and beautiful.
A large variety of English und German Hosiery, for la
dies, gentlemen, and children.
Flannels. Shirtings nnd Sheetings, nianket*. Quilts. Irish
Linen*. Table Dainnsk* and Napkins, Kerseys, Plain*. Osna-
burg*. Brown Shirting*. Ac.. Ac. octl9
178 Itrouqhtvn Urcit. ujipo/itr at. Andrew's Mali. Savannah.
H AVE great pleasure in Jireutiog attention to late pur
chases. In connection with their retail trade.they car
ryout strictly the same the sale of their good*, as
Is pursued by the large houses in the northern cities, name
ly: Bring their customers the full advantage arising from
buying in large lots. Planters, and head* of families, and
all person*, buying ill quantity, will find many Urge Inf* lo
buy from, and decidedly cheap oct28
$500 CUaiienge.
A N article founded upon scientific principle*.compound
ed with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly
safe when taken, and has ncw been known to fail In curing
the most obstinate case*. Worm* can never exist when
this remedy is once used, from the fact that it not only de
stroys them but remoTes all the slime and mucus which
may remain.
The Tnpo ’Worm.
This worm I* tbe most difficult to destroy of all that in
habit the human body. It grows to an almost indefinite
length, nnd hecomjng so coiled and fastened in the intes
tine.* and stomach a* to produce Fits. St. Vitas’ Dance. Ac .
which is the cause of many going to the grave, not believ
ing that these complaints have their origin from the tape
worm ; consequently they do not use the proper medicines
for their disease. To those who nre afflicted with till* aw
ful foe to health, I recommend the use of mv Worm Svrup
end Llvyr Pill* ; the Syrup to be taken in doses of two ta
ble spoonful* three times a day. then take from five to
eight or mv Liver Pills, to dislodge nnd pnss the warm. By
strictly following these direction*, the most obstinate cases
of tape worm can be speedllv cured.
Round or MtonmcH Worm.
This worm Is usually found in tin-small intestine*, snd Is
the worm most common to children, yet it is not entirely
confined to them, ns adult* have frequently been known to
suffer with them. Tho symptoms most prominent while
affected with till* worm, are hardness and fullness nf the
belly, slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the
nose, a hluelsh streak under the eye*. Ac. If you.or any ol
your children have any of the above symptoms. Holien-
sack’s Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using
it you have a certain. «nfe nnd speedy cure ; and If aftei
using It according to the direction* the patient Is not re
stored to health, nnd the worms thoroughly eradicated from
the system, you can rest assured tlowe Is no remedy beyond
the grave, as for fail, there is no such word as fail "with
those who use my Worm Syrup
Ascnrltles, or Suintl Tlirenil Worms.
These worms, to which tho human sytem is liable, are
most troublesome ol nil others. They are generally to be
found in the rectum, nnd if allowed to remain, from the Ir
ritution they produce, lav the foundation for serious disor
dera. such as inflammation of the bowels, and other de
rangements of tho stoma eh. The best nnd safest medicine
that can he used I* llobcnsnck's Worm syrup. Such is the
astonishing power of my medicine* over Ascaradies. that
I defy any one to produce a case where my Worm Svrup
nnd i.iver Pill* aro recommended to be used they will not
cure. All that 1* necessary Is to use the syrup in accord
ance witli direction* on each bottle ; and in case a gentle
purgative I* required In order to alloy the irritation they
produce, the Liver Pills, bv their sympathising action and
healthy operation upon tho bowels, is tho most pleasant
medicine that can he taken.
No part of the system Is Inore liable to disease than the
liver, it being supplied with numerous blood vessel* and
nprves. and If diseased, the blood ol coarse flowing thro’
nil part* of the body, produces liver complaints, jaundice,
Bilious affections, dyspepda. Ac.
THb symptoms of DyMs'psia. und ils vs riou* diseases are
dizziness in the head.heartburn,oppression after eating
meals, sourness arising from the stomach. Ac .and so
time* general languor of the whole body.from this it
be seen that the disease owes it* origin to a disorganized
state of the Liver and Stomach, llobcnsnck's I iver Pills is
tlio very medidnoto effect a permanent nml lnsting cure,
ns they act by changing the certain morbid notions of the
system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure
and healthy.
Liver Comptntnt,
Is attended wlth chilU.suwedod by lever, severe pain in
tlio region of the liver, vomiting hitter taste, yellow furred
tongue, pulse lull and hounding, the p-dn In the side is In
creased by pressure, should tlio left lube be affected, the
pnln i* general 1 v in the left shout h;r. wit h a short dry cough,
tho *Mn becoming or a sallow appearance.and the stools
clay colored. This disease can be cured by the use of IIo-
bcm-nck's Liver Pills, ns they net directly upon the seat of
the disease, and tlwn operating ujkiii the bowels they ex
pel all the corrunl nnd vitiated mu ter from the system.
To Kemnles.
You will find these Pill* an invaluable medicine in many
ooranlaint* to which you are subject. In obstructions cither
total or partial they have been found of Inestimable bene-
fit In restoring and purifying the blood nnd other fluids ao
as to cure all complaint* which mny arise from female ir
regularities. n* headache, dimness of sight, pain in the side,
back, Ac. These Pills aro the onlv safe snd effectual reme
dy to cure tho following complaint*. Gout, Nervousness,
Melancholy, Sick Headache. Giddine**. Rheumatism, dis
tressing Dream*. Dimness of Stght. or in fact any of the dis
eases tlint arive from affections ol tlm Liver, Impurity of
tbe Bl- ad, or cunstination of the Rowell.
Medical Evidence
We. the unudersigned Physicians, haring lmd the rcelpt
of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection, say.
that the ingredients of which they are composed makes
them the lie«t PHI In use for all disease* of the IJvcr, Im-
puritlcsc the lilod, Ac.
L. BOWEN. M. I).
AST Purchase none hut those having tho signature *‘J.
N. HOBENSACK,”a* all other* are worthies* Imitations.
Agents wishing uew supplies, and all others wishing to
become agent*, must address the Proprietor, J. N. HOBEN-
SACK, at nl* laboratory,No. 120North Second-street,above
Race. Philadelphia.
8old by all Druggist* and Merchants In the U. S
For sale in Savannah. Ga.. by J. H. Carter A Co., J. B.
Moore A Co.. A. A. Solomon A Co., and J. E. De Ford.
lj'LUUK AND BUCKWHEAT—66 bbls H Smith’s Genesee
_ Flour, 28 hsir do do. 80 M. and )( bbls and boxes
new hulled Buckwheat, received per steamer, and for sale
piG I1AMS. BUTTER. Ac.—Just received per steamer—
Pig Hams and Pig Side*; also, 30 keg* Butter, and
20 boxes mild Cheese. For sale by
WM. G. DICKSON. Barnard street,
dec2 near the Market.
J^IBBONS—Plaid snd figuredBonm l Rlbbonsand a beau-
• tlful lot of wide neck and scarf Rlbb«in*. Ac.
gUGAR AND CRACKERS—15 hbda Muscovado Md jtO
bbls yellow C Sugar, 76 bbls Bo ton, butter and sugar
generalasaortmeet. ju«t received n 8 '"* 4
aro now prepared to offer to th* ‘“b.
Phndons, Buggies. Csrrvsll* A-* r r „,i \ ^
mo.»t popularLubllshraenU.and Builder*tlTv *^
The selections were made by one of tl!c l,?m !ui" th -
reference to the requirement*, of ihH market !
They are determined to keep only such .u., ,
ssfir d “ ° r ’"*• >“•" ’“»»■ »*»*nrKp*. ft
The Public ore moit respectfully requeued to mil
Jnc. and satisfy themselves, h bother they u'i'
by an examination of theii VtocV***' * re ln ** ra “k
AST All kinds ot Repa'ring dune nt heretofore
Corner W estJJmadland Uay-iu.
July 31
L. 8. BENNETT & CO.. ~
, , Having purclia»ed the entire interest „fu
C. Tumivrox in hi* Carrisze e*uhn.i!jL?. r ’
iui. m* our iutentlou to keen a Is ice ini
® u 'ted to tb&
Tlie late proprietor. Mr! J C.’nmraton.'willact'il
at the nnitli.for the purchase and mi only nf our
ment. His experience of twenty \ear* ? in theiiTu t ‘
tl.ea.uU V .«li«.,.l u our fH.n.l. mi u,™. 1 ft*
-.11 KlteM stork ■■ ennnot full to rin- ™tta' *
Mr. tasrn »tu pn u.
repairing, a* heretofore. LEWIS S. HEX.* Ty 1
THOMAS A. hltoivv
A CARD —It w
A CARD —It will be scon from tlio above.that
out to Messrs. L. S. Hk.v.nkit A Co. and I have ,,# l 4
'lence In the ability of these gentlemen, both ia S
and capital, to successfully conduct the bu.iasi»23 |K
up the reputation of the establishment. f
Mr. LkwmS. Botkitt has been my forrmttforth*hit
two years, snd 1 take pleasure in recommending himUit!i»
publlcnsun iudustrions.capable anddeterrlacnan vta
while hu.Lini, ra hi. interest, will not neglect tkw,oi
while looking to his
bis patrons.
In relinquishing my business in this piste, 1 uv-
portunily to say, that It is not lrmn anv diwsUdteK
whatever. Since my residence In the city of Sav.nnih I
have been kindly nnd generously treated. *ndhn tll! ,.
ceeded much better than I anticipated.
In the course 1 have just taken. I have been pnuawrtt.
considerations of a private charactcr«l’ogethvr:
I may be, I shall always carry with toe the livriit.t
of obligation, nnd cherish the deepest interest in the
pTlty and advancement of the city and it* people. jf w i.
ing will do more to effect this, timn the *u«u!niu,{|
healthy and honorable competition. Ut theennd i-nnile,!
the City and State see to it. J. C. THORNTON
Ssva.N.vsn. Oth May. 1653.
N. B — Mr. 11.1). W. Alkxaxuvr is my legally suthoniri
agent for the transaction and closing up ot my bu.ineu
nw.vlO J. c. THORNTON.
KSfl, IRVING HOUSE, IVathinylon. IKtlniUI
Still Columbia —The undersigned. Isle prnpn’e or ii
■ M ll-French’s Hotel. Norfolk. \ n . having rerenlh Imh-4
. having rrrenlli lwnj
...« -w...v popular rstu lithnunl. take* plen«ure In’iufoin.
ing hi* numerous friend* that lie liu*. at great Uls.r ml
expense, refitted ami furnished the house am! pruiided fi,,
most ample arrangements for the comfort onJ conuuitcw
of nil « ho may favor him with their patronage.
Having lmd considerable experience in lioirl-kethin;lit
Du tier* himself that liunilic* and single boardert can l*»c
cuuiinodated st the Irving a* latlsfactorily a* at tny i.ther
hotel or boarding house in the United State*.
Members of Congress and others vititing VV»diin|rt*i
with a view to reside there for some time, would do well it
examine this house before inakiiignrraugeuiriiUrl'ewliur.
It is eligibly situated nt the corner of 12tb street tad Trot
sylvania avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart
ments. Iho building l* large nnd of modern arcblltclut
the room* are spacious nnd well ventilated, and tleftni.
ture is new and of the best des-riptlon.
Still Hetter.—lbo charge* are moderate and to tend
ance with the time*, whilst the tablet grown with the fell
tlmt the country affords. Call.examine, and sitlsfriotr-
selvet. DANIEL D. FlIENCfl.
Washington. D. C.. June 1.1653 j r *
T HE undersigned would respectfully inform the trafe
and public generally that he 1* nowr receiving lliese
truly excellent wine*, per every Havre packet. »Li»k«
offers iu bond or from store.
The above wine* have been carefully examined tod icn-
pared with nil th* favorite brands. *ud nre pronounce!b;
Judge* fully equal to thu very best, and far tuptnotto
many which are selling nt a higher price
Messrs. FRts&tRD, I’EitB et Fils, • f Hhrimi. proprlctro *1
the above brand*, possessing facilities for the prv|4itliea
or fine wine*, eomil to those of any utber house in Hie site
district*, cun guarantee their wiiu-s being .wltrledfrom the
finest vintage*, will alwaya be found nf the tame sup-jin
and uniform quality.
Hie label*and cork* bear Hie name of the proprietor*.
The trade ia invited to examine snmplraal thesgvncj.
William w. hixiken.
Sole Agrnt and Importer fur the
United Stales nml Camdii,
oetIR—<13m II Old Slip, New York.
I.u.if I jird. 100 do choice extra family Ilitra*.3 hhd» do
Bacon Shoulder*. 10 bbls. and half do j'ig Fork. lUlaldW*.
Haw'* Corn Beef, filmxr* Headel’s Tallow Cundlfi.ft«irb k
family Soap. 20 boxes Sperm and Star Candle*. It) htmU
Bleacliud winter strained Limp i ill 100 boxesGnead l'*8w.
Mustard. Cinnamon, and l’e|*-r. 50 H s Nnliiiegan.1 Mtce.15
Cliest (lulling Tea. loose and in quarter lbb parkagj*. Wbllt
Fotatoes, and 100 bbls assorted n ■ pit *. ke.. Arc. fi-rMhly
.. . , de-*. 2u doriiouHm.
10 cask* sugar cured ilanis, 50 bid- Ikistou Hum. 1W><«
I‘helps’ aud Rose Gin. 20 do Doniesllc Brandy. £0 qu* rier
nnd eighth cask* Malaga Wine. 126 bid* good eating Pet**
toes. 100 boxes new scaled. Herring. 2 lilids Codfish - .0 bill
bids Geo Haw’s F M Hoof. 40 boxes new M R Hsl-ini. JOCs
ground Pepper. 25 do do Coffee ICO keg* 5.10.16 and 50
gallon*. 200 demljnn*. 1.2.3. nnd 5 gall m*. 200 bags drop
aud buck Shot, assorted. 60 ream* wrapping paper. SO Im
Headel’s 6* and 8s Candles. 80 bhl* Stuart's crvhwlsri
imwdercd Sugar. CO do Hand C clarlGc-l do. 50 .hi (,’rnre*
Flour. 30 half do do. 60 bbls butter, sugar and tod* Crid
er*. landing and for sale by
in.tire ltd
>e lake ti
the obstruction* at tin- entrance of iny store, reiiw
quent upon the putting up of an Iron Front, sre ■ “ *"
inini' ui.i.11 mr u|. -
cicntly removed to enable them to gain ea«y access tn tw
interior, where they will find the shelve* wellstncSMU
usual, with Crockery. China. Gins* and Slone waff.”®/
Hardware, wood and willow Ware. Tin tt an-and Table
lery; together with n great variety of I. mm
Wicks. Fancy snd House Furnishing Good*, whichi “
sold nt moderate und just price*, by J-1’- CUl-U.
n „gos l»o BrysDturel
de Lain**, figured •>*
t 'Atl. URI-i« GIIUDS—sioiismi or .
plain for ladles and children: French. English ’-j
German Merinos; colored Alpacas, raw .-ilk* sn-l sure
Fluid; Fluid Brocade ami plain Silk*: silk Mantilla*.«“
flguresl Shawls aud worsted Fcarfs; long and jquareI*
Shawls ; colored snd black Flaid Gingham*; all sire 1 «>“•
A fine assortment just received snd for ’•■feby _ v »
oct22 AIKIX * UUi-'3-_
miner, iu wiioip ami nun uuu-i-
common and extra Candy, landing and-or s-afe ov
nov20 HUIA’UMHL J»>IINH>N k™
L AMF OIL. SOAP. Ac.—15 bbls winter
Lamp Oil. 30 boxes BeaneF* Family wsp- •“ J®'
r. II* , I J.. ... . -. ,.,11... 20 cats* pints I*
Ulllll <111. IX * A v.— ucv.r. n , - . , ,
low Candles. 15 do pure sperm Candle*. 20 c*»s*iP* ,
quarts Lindon l’orter 30 bbl* Fotafoe*. wl'He w' • „
Apple*. 30 do Baltimore Flour. 16 do IHrarnbaii *
rising Hour. also. Butier. Ch.-e*e. Ac- ju*t
sale st tho corner of Broughton aud *raniS’XfcR
octl 6 DAMP
B UTTER AND CHEESE—lust received
gusta. 5 kegs choice Goshen Buffer. 10 ** b ^ "
gn*ta. 6 keg. choice tiosuen uu.». "
Cheeese. for sale bv A V! rinnulrreU.
aug!7 Corner Broughton and Draytomtlr^.
C HA.MFA1GN.—50 basket* lleldtlck Ch* 113 ^. f ^
Munne do. 26 do Douche. 25 do Anchor Bras 1
vy Munne do. 26 do Douche. — -- —— .
sale st the corner of Bay and Whitaker street* Jf
octl9 ... -L. -
COFFEE —50 boxes Ground Coffee, Und i| f"
J IU,k For »>•
G ULP FENS-A large assortment ot «»«•« f
and silver extension and double extension c*
ranted an excellent art!CoDgrresPrret
received and tor sale. 2: bbl* sodj b*.
lJ 70 boxes do white Cheese. 60 do do coforefl
opposite Custom Hou^
boxes do white Cbee*e. 50 do do comroi ^
HiramSmUh’sHour. ^half bbU^|*
U NDER SHIRTS —Of Merrino, Cashmere. Umb* w
Silk and Cotton, of assorted ••“•JJSLV wijffll.
sale bv nov26 PRICE •' “ _ -
sale by nov*o ,u
\1 UT1CE—Tbe subscriber “TjTty”
ll outttanding business of F. ZOt.HAL'M ^ ke (|
IT outstanding business or e. kc innn-
request all those indebted to the w pr ‘ f ^ n i tb«
diate payment, and those having claii ^uxrllbJJ-
for MltljB,.., to'V. a.W» * »
1) eighth, hull.-d Buckwhe.t, 80 h '“?” „?7„ r „1,
Utckftrtli SO <!o Jo 6»lmim,juit W-M-lM-
o&nn. : 10,000 Au o»lo MO".
H.OOllJ'olorito^do, 0.000
‘■° a ‘“ l “ ndr “ r “o , r.X B K. JOHNSON A CO.
CARDINES, LOBSTER, 8AL v ON and Fresh Mackerel, for
Jj sale by oct26 A. BON AUD.
pAToMA CIDAK^.—Received an s»*ortment of sundry
$11A--—•> —•—— - -
X kinds and qualities, at 147 Bay-street.
■\rERRENA WATF-R. Ac.—Hayel’s and Basin’s Yerbeta
T Water, also, genuine Farina Cologne. In largo and
small bottles, Just received and for sale by
novO W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
W HISKY—10 bbls Monongahela. 1 puncheon Scotch
Whisky, do Irish do. For sale br
G OATS—COATS—Beamteen Coats, Hunting and Busi
ness Frock Coats, fine articles handsomely mad#
J ness Frock Coats, fine articles handsomely mad# up,
*&*?****. ro'CHA.VCAPBI-
14.000 roionio no, w.ow do ror***
6000 H Duende do 8,0001* V COEHAT A CV-
br novl6 » ’’ —- —z.TA
by Bovlo » ’
C“ ft&Ld R«.IJ« Cta«p.'P.«
. hnodChrat Win, ToclokJ w w 0(X'l«!®.
-nsTc&r 1 w£
AndI'IaIo Silk..B - '
IjnTER, chbSb
Jj Butter; 60 boxes reietio 't -.
bbls Hiram Smith’s Hour, nsw wheat, rece
er, and for aale by gcBANTON. JOIINSTGN^i^
HAY-100bslM Prtiw»5Sg«"| j IW-
IVIURTIIFJLN HAY.—100 Mies prime» r#rW | e br.
JN landing from ths schr. North BW®*,
_ - OODE^A—.
TiAiuN Suit UnSioj? from schr. Moha*J l . J®®
B moi,l6kkd.pHo.B^ j 8ld«. c {»“ B 5. r ,ol