Newspaper Page Text
„„ * County)—To all whom It may con.
n : Whereas, John BilM will apt? at tha O»ort of
,/ toc tetter* dtewteeory aa admiaktretor, oo tho
J Jamas Rllb#;
noooero to be and appear before eald (Xmrt to Buki objec
tions (lfany they hare) oa or before the first Monday In
J«mbuC oUmtVIm aald Utters will ba granted.
Witness. John M. Mitten. Eaq..Ordinary lor Chatham cout
ty, this 9th day of November, 1969.
JnBOROU-OMtMm County t-To all whom It may rones ra:
- AT Whereas, Robert H. Oriffin will apply at tha Court of
* Ordinary lariat tan dtewteeory aa administrator on tha aa-
' tat* of far*. Jane Woodruff, dacaaaad:
Thaaa are, therefore, to dta and admonish all whom It may
-^-omtobaaad appear before laid Court to maka obje-c-
(Ifany thay Kara) on or bafora tha Brat Monday In
V_ ~ .4.'ll _I1I k. iimiiIiiI
lion (Ifany thay hara) on or bafora tha Brat Mond
May next, otherwise mid lattara will be granted.
Witness, John M. Mltlan,Ua.. Ordinary lor Chatham i
|y, thM lit day of November, 1853.
V L-T« ' inliv U \I1I t.CV n t
JOILV M. MILLEN, o. c. c.
EORG I A—Chatham Cbtmty—To all whom it may con.
**“ “obertTL OrUin will apply to Ibo
* ‘ tha ei
^ carat Whereat, Robart ... —.— , r -»
Court of Ordiaary for lattara diamlaaory on too aalata of
Mn. Jean WoodreS,late of aaldconnly.deceased:
. ThaaoMMharafcca,toeiteaudadiaoolahaUwham It may
, to ba and appear bafora tha aald Ooort to makeob-
(If any thay hara.I on or bafora tha Brat Monday In
next, otharwlaa aald lattara will ba wanted.
John M. Millan, Eeq., Ordinary for Chatham
firet day of November. 1863.
JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o. c
i ItORGU—CkethumCountyr—To all whom it may con-
IT oom i Wharaaa, F* - * *'
j, Phlneaa M. Kollock will apply at the
Court at Odinary, for lattara of dismission aa executor on
lata of Mtee Priscilla Houiton:
tare, therefore,to cite and admonlih all whom It may
eoocern, to ba and appear before aald Court to maka objec
tion (if any they hara) on or before the BratMonday in
tlao (if any they hara) on or before the firatUonda
January next, otharwlaa aald lattera will ba wanted.
Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham c<
ty thla lat day of July, IBM.
JOHN M. MHJTN o.o. 0.
lary for let
Lochlin Writ hi, deceased;
are therefore to cite
-To all whom It may con-
Williams will apply at the
(he *-*- -*
diamlaaory on the eatate of
Thane are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
eoocern, to ba and appear before said Court to make objec
ted (If any they have) within tha time prescribed by law,
otherwise aald letters will ba (ranted.
athenrtee said letter* will ba wanted.
Witness. Joa. Qanahl, Ew]., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, thla 10th day of August. 1853.
auSll JOS. GANAHL. no*, o. c. C.
w , . a it may concern
_ r Whereas, John B. Barnard wiU apply •« the Court of
Ordinary for tetters diamlaaory as administrator cu
manto annnexo on tha estate of Mrs. Ann Mongin .
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern to be and appear before said Court, to makt
objection (if nny they bare) on or before the second Mon
day in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
iv in January next, otherwise said letters will be grant
Witness, John M. Mitlen. Esq.. Ordinary forChathi
>untv, this 14th day of July, 1853.
JOHN M. MILI.EN, o. c. c.
H; Whereas, William J. Bulloch. Executor of the
i of Mary Keafvill. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for letters diamlaaory on tho said estate:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b« and
appear at tha office of John M. Millen, Ordinary, within
the time prescribed by law. and show cause (if any they
ve) why said letters should not be granted.
Witness. Joseph Oanahl, Depute Ordinary for Chatham
tounty, this 1st dayof August, 1853.
July 29 JOSEPH QANAI1U pkp. o. o, c.
G EORGIA—Chatham* County >—To all whom it may con
corn: Whereas, Norman Wallace will *ppiy at the
Court of Ordinary for lsttcrs dUmisaory aa Excutor on the
estate of Robert Isaac :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and appear before said Cotirt to iqake cbjec-
“ ) on or before the Brat Monday in
r-itotaitjUiSS* SngSR all »Ka 0*3 83
IT cent Whereas,Sarah J. Way will apply to the Qwrt
Ordinary for lettem dlsmliaory on the aetata of Nathaniel
.Hwhom U
may enocern, to be and appear before enld Court, to make
ifany they hare.within the timo pemortbed by
rise said Utters will ho granted.
Uw, otherwise said WHsn wm no snswa.
Wltasas. W. P. Girardeau, Esq,, Ordinary for Uberty
at** ,itl1 .. u..
Ceurt ef Oidlsary eff Bwlloctt Connty.
/TfiOROiA—/hfffcxA ttsmly *—to all whom It may eon-
VT ceru i Whereas, Joeeph Night, Jr. “
will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for tetters or administration on tbs as*
tate and effects of Thomas Knight, late of said county, ds-
These are, therefore, to dte and admonish nil whom It
may eooosrn to be and appear before said Court to make
G 1
EORUlA—iftffjocX Chvnty j—To all whom It ms^con^
_s oern: Whereas. Absnlem Parrish, Senior, and
Jones, will apply to tha t?ourt of Ordinary for Utters of ad
ministrator on the estate and offsets of Elisha Jones, Ute ol
said county, deceased t
These are, therefore, to dte and admonUh all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make
objection, Ifany they hare, on or before the second Monday
in January next, otherwise said lattera will be granted.
WitneiuL William Lee, 8r.. Esquire, Ordinary for Bulloch
sounty, this 94lh November, 1853.
dec! W1UJAM LEE. Hr., o. n. a
C l EORGIA—Bullock County»—On the Brat Tuesday In
I‘ January next, beforo the * *“- **'
January next, before the court house door In States-
borough. In aald county, will be sold, under an order ol the
Coart of Ordinary on the first Monday In October last, one
...... . ‘f
negro mao, named Smart, aged about forty years, belong-
“ of Robert Slater, n minor, and sold for the
Ing to the estate , ,
benefit of aald minor Terms made known on the day of
sale. norlfi GREEN R. 8LATKR, Guardian.
/l EORGIA—Buttock County t—On the first Tuesday In
VT January next, before the court ‘
. _ _ bouse door, In States
borough. In said connty, will be aold. under an order of tho
Court of Ordinary, on tee Bret Monday in October last, four
hundred acres of land (ranted to Mark Rollings, bounded
by Unde of Amos Waters, Jonathan Griner. Jordan MeCa-
lum. and Robert Miller, belonging to the estate of lUnnah
Cone, Ute of said county, deceased, and sold for the benefit
of the heirs and credit ora of aald estate. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
Co art of Ordinary for Bryan Comity*
of sale, ou undivided fourth part Of two wharf Ute, or
firs# TOlrf
Noe. thirteen and fourteen, tqgether with nil the reset-
voUe, wharves. VaBdlnga and Impmemtnte on said tote,
and the steam engines and boiler*, the plaining ns-
ohlns, cupboard machine, saw gates, fore# pumps, and all
tho said lots or bnUdlng, (moaning tho one-fourth^ part of
the OgUthorpe stem saw mill) with the appurteaai
thereunto betenging and appertaining; levied on aa
property of Edwardr. Kinchiey and Robert Todd, to sat
a fl. Es. on foreclosure of amortgago losneit Brora Chatham
Superior Court In flavor of George Newell vs. Edward V.
Kinchiey and Robert Todd. Property sei forth la said B. fa.
dcc9 JOHN DEV-
VANNY. Sheriff O.C.
rtmasn nans as er ¥35ai? n
V January next, before the eourt house In the city of
Savannah, will be sold, between the local houra of sale,
all that tract or parcel of land, sltuats. lying and being In
Chat* * —--a.— -A. a.... .*
tha counties of Chatham and Effingham, In the Stats of
OeorgU. bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by lands
betenging to Geo. P. Harrison, west by lands of Jas. Love.
Sr., east by lands of Paul Keller, and south by lauds of
Robert Harvey, asld tract containing one thousand acre*,
more or leas, known aa Whooping Islands—levied on in sat
isfy a B. fa. Issued from Chatham Superior Court, In favor
of John Ulmer against 8amuel 0. Sherman. Adm’r of James
Love, Jr., deeeased. Property pointed out by defendant.
>. DEVANNY. Sheriff C. C.
G EORGIA—Kryon County j—Whereas. Z. E Dutton, ad
ministrator upou the estate or Henry Dutton, deceas
ed will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this county, for
letters dUmiiuory:
These are therefore to cite all concerned to die their ob
jections. (if any they have) In terms of the Uw, otherwise
its will h * - *
said letters will be granted.
A. H. Siirm. n. B. o
/ KOltUlA—Bryan OotmJy; —To the distributees of tha
Vj estate of Ellas Parry, deneased, late of said count;
_ county:—
You are hereby notified that on the first MomUy In Febru
ary next, we wiU apply to the Court of Ordinary of this
county for leave to divide the eatate of Hiss Derry, de
ceased. L. B. DANIEL.)
N. J. CLARKE, VAdm’ri.
September 10tl>, 1863.aep22—'iamlwpld
Court of Ordinary of Camden County.
/~1 BORGIA—Camden Ontnty:—To all wbotn it may con-
VT cera : Whereas, George W. Thomas, one of the exe-
Court of Ordinary for lettersdlsmlssory on the sai<l estate;
These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singuUr
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed by Uw. and shew
cause, (If any they have,! why letters dfsmlssorr should
not l>ogranted the said applicant.
Witness, J. II. Helveston. Esq.,Ordinary for Camden coun-
ty, thla 20th day of May, 1853.
may28 J. II. HELVESTON. o. c. c.
lion (ifany they hare) on or before the Brat Moi
February next, otherwise said letter* will be granted
Witness. John M. Millen, Eso.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
|y,this second day of July, 1853.
*/_• tnuu \f un» mr #. #■ a
JOHN M. MILLEN. o. o. o.
G t EiUtiilA—ituUKam Lbunlyt To all whom it may con-
r cern: Whereas. William C. Dawson, will apply at the
Court o( Ordinary for letters dlamisiory on the estate of
Christopher Dawson, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to mako
objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday
In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganabt. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county. tbU 81st day of August. 1853.
ael JOSEPH GANAI1U no*, o. o.o.
C 1E0RGIA -Chatham Counly i—'To all whom It inay con
F concern: Whereas, Caroline ~ *“ * ‘
.. / at the
Chart of Ordinary for letters disi
Oeorge J. Zlpperer:
These are, therefore, to cite and and admonish all whom
It may concern to be and appear before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganaht, E*q..Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
this 17th dav of AugoiLA®**....
auglS jftJEPII QANAIIL.PXT. o. c. c,
~ 1EORGIA—Bullock County t—To all whom it may con-
P E(
It e
cera: Whereat. Redding Denmark will apply at the
Oonrt of Ordinary for letters dismissory aa administrator
•B the esUte of lUniel O'Connor:
These are,therefore.toe-te and admonish all whom it
■ay concern, to beandappeer before said Court to make
objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday
In June next, ntlirrwue said loiters will be granted.
Witness. Win. Lee. sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 30th day of November, 1853.
nov30 WM. LEE. Sen’r.. o.» r.
C l EORGIA—Chatham Ontnty t—To all whom it m»y con-
T cera: Whereas, John Me. McMahon will apply at tho
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration ou the esUte
of James Carolan. deceased:
These are, Iteffiefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection. If any they have, on or before the second Mon
day In January next, otherwise said letters will be grouted.
Witness, John M. Millen, Esq.. Ordlnaiy for Chatham
Oountjr, this 1st day of December. 1853.
p EORGIA—i'haUiam County r—To all whom it may con
VT cera: Whereas, Andrew Parry will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letters of administration on thoesUtaoti
Cormick Brady, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it;
may concern, to be and ap|*ear before said Cor.rt to make
oojection (ifany they have) on or before the second Mon
day in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
WitneM, John M. Millen, Eaq., Ordinary for Chatham
County, thla 1st day of December. 1853.
decS ,n,,M M
G t EORGIA—Camden County:—To all whom It may con
i' cern: Whereaa,J. II. M. Clinch, guardian of II. A. and
N. 11. Clinch, applies to mu fur tetters dismissory from
said guardianship;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law. and show cause (If any they hare.) whr letter* of
dirolaslon should not be granted to tho sain applicant.
Witness, James II. Holvcston Ordinary for Camdon coun
ty. thla 28th day of May, 1853.
raavSl JAMES 11. HELVESTON o. c. c.
Court of Orel!nary for M’lntoeU County.
QEORGIA—MelnUuh County /-—Notice to Debtors and
Creditors:—All persona haring demands against James
Blue, Ute of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to
present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed
i. properly attested, within the time pi
by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased are here
by required to make Immediate payment to E. M. Blount,
Esq., who U my duly authorized agent.
Darien, let December. 1853. drr3—wft
ward G. Wilson. Treasurer. ke.,tertus Mordecai Myers.
Trustee. Ac.—Bute Xiii.—Upon the petition of Edward G.
Wilson, Treasurer of the Republican Blues Building nud
Loan Association, praying tho foreclosure of the equity of
redemption of and in alt that parcel or lot of land, situate,
lying and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chat
ham, and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished in
the plan of said city as Lot No. Kitty-six (50), Brown ward,
of Mordecai Myers, substitute trustee under the marriage
settlrmonl of Kob’t W. Pooler and Mary J.. Ills wife, which
said property waa mortgaged by tho said Mordecai Myers,
trustee as aforesaid, (under and by virtue of n clause in
u.. —I-* ......k—•- mr uunrn in
grant, bargain and sell all or anv part of the property upon
the request of the said Robert \V. and Mary J. Pooler, and
tliolr request that said mortgage should be made, being
evidenced by tholr signing and sealing said deed of mort
gage.) to the said Edward G. Wilson, Treasurer as afore-
JOHN M. MIIJJvN. o. a o
G EORGIA—Chatham County t—To all whom it may con
earn*. Whereas. George J. Kollock will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of dismission on the estate of
Edward Neufvllte, deceasod:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom
It may con era. to be and appeal before said Court, to
nuke objection, If any they bare, on or before the first
Monday in June next, otherwise aald letters will be
Witness, John M. Millen. Esquire, Ordinary for Chatham
oountj. this 1st day of December.^1863.
G EORGIA—Chatham County t—To all whom it may con
cern: Whereas, Rev. J. F O’NIell, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration oo the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration oo the
■tate of Margaret McDonald, deceased :
These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It
may eoocern, to be and appear before said Court, to make
objection, ifany they have, on or beforo the second Mon
day In January next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millen, Kaq., Ordinary for Chatham
county, this first day of December. 1853,
dec2 “ *
JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0 0.
G EORGIA—CAattow (bunly :—To all whom it may con-
earn : Whereas, Rev. J. F. O'Neill, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship over tho per-
■on and properly of Mary Elizabeth McDonald, minor of
.-Margaret McDonald, deeeased:
Thee# are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to
make objection, if any they hare, on or before the second
Mon-lay in January next, otherwise aald letters will be
Wltneai. John M. Millen. Esquire, Ordinary for Chatham
county, this first day of December. 1853.
JOHN M MILLEN, o. 0. c.
A'DMINLSTKATRIX .NOTICE.—To nil concerned:—Two
A months after date application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, 8tateof Georgia, for
leave to sell-the real estate' belonging to the estate of Gas
per Rosy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credit
ors of eald estate. 8aranaah, December 1st 1853.
dec? MATILDA ROSY. Qoalifted Adm’x.
Court of Ordinary off Liberty County.
/■TE0R0I4—Uberty Count)/1—To’all whom It may con
\T corn: Whereas. Mrs. E 8. Law will apply for letters of
’. Josun 8 Law.
administration oo the estate of Rev.
said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom It
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court, to make
)bjoetioni If any they have, within the time prescribed by
law, otberwlM eald letters will be granted.
Witness. W. P. Girardeau, Eaq, Ordinary for Uberty
eoanty. this 2tU» day off November, 1168.
novfc W. P. OIRARDEAU, o. U C.
fSeoroIA—Kbtrty County t—This Is to oertlfy that,
\T whereas, no person has applied for letters of adminis
tration on the eatate of Mary /. Stevens. Ute of aald oouaty,
deceased, and aa It is necessary for the aeenrtty and gcod
management of aald estate that the said lattera ofadmTnia.
trattoo be taken oat ImmedUtely. I warn all persons Inter
ested, that unless said lstters be sppllsd for. they will be
granted according to law, as regards the duty of tho Ordi
nary in such cases,
O EOBGU^Ztewty i»*ut*To all whom it may eon*
IT oern : whereat, Jewe firewer applies for tetters of ad-
ministration oo the eatate of James Brewer, Ute of said
oouaty. deceased t
These are, therefore, to dte and admonish, all whom It
■ay eoMsn, to bo and appear at my offiea within the time
* b »
—* W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. t C.
/l EOMOIA—LOmty Cbwnte/—To all whoa it may eon
VT earn: Whereas, S H Perry will apply to the Court ot
Ordinary .for tetters dismissory as administrator on the
'- estate of Able! Perry:
• These‘Are therefore to site and admonish all whom It
may eoootrwtobosad appear before said Court to make
: eAjssHiM, Ifany they haeu'wlthia the time prescribed by
law. otherwise eald lettem will be granted.
- ’ Olven under my hand at this office this 8d dav of Septem
ber, U68. sepT W. P; GIRARDEAU. 0. t» 0.
U—Uberty Ontmiy—To all whom It may oon*
• Whoraa-William J. King. 8r ; , jrlU ajqd^ for
, » af administration on tho estate of Dr. B.
nmTr,, ul itimU .11 *t>om It
aifflaBi »<■>. c.^ i
Id, by deed bearing date the sixteenth -lay of December,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. to
secure the payment of the aura of two tliouaan-l dollar*,
with Interest at the rato of six per cent, per annum, paya
ble monthly. from the aixteuntli day ol December. Anno
Domini, 1862, on demand, according tn the tenor and effect
of a certain promlsaory note made by the said Mordecai
Myera, trustee aa aforesaid, to tha said Edward G. Wilson,
treasurer as aforesaid, bearing even date with the said
mortare, and that there still remains unpaid thereon, the
sum of two thouiand dollars :
On motion of Griffin k Gordon, attorney! for petitioner.
It la ordered, that the said Mordecai Myers, trustee ns afore
said, do pay into this Court, on or before the first day of
the next term of this Court, the principal and Interest due
an tho said promissory note and mortgsgo. and tho costs
of tills application, and In default thercol, that tho equity
of redemption of tho said Mordecai Myers, trustee as afore
said, and all claiming under said trust to the said mort
gaged premises be theneefor'h and forever fnrecloe-d:
And, It la further ordered, that a copy oPtlils rule be pub
lished In one of the public gazette* of this Mate, onen a
month for four months, or served on tho mortgagor or hi*
special agent or attorney, at least three months previous
to the time the money is directed to the paid, and that such
further and other proceeding* be liad aa are prescribed by
the statutes of the State of Georgia, in such ca«e* made and
provided. sen‘.*l—lin4m
I^XECUTOlpS BALE.—On tbo Brat Jueaday In January
property belonging to the estate of Spier Ulltcli. deceasi
to wit: a negro woman, Sophia, and her nine children:
no her
Dionnah, ana
r three children, and ono negro fellow
>( 1 . _ .
valuable improvement*—has a comfortable dwelling and
out bouses thereon: also, on the succeeding day, on the
premises, will be sold, all the plantation tools, household
and kitchen furniture stock of various descriptions, such
horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, etc., corn and fodder, and all
and singular the good*, chattels, and effects belonging to
said eatete. Sold by virtue of a decree from the honorable
the Superior Court of said county, for the benefit of the
faelre and distributees of said estate. Terms made known
E manuel county executory sale.—wm
at the Court House of Emanuel county, on the21st
day of December next about 700 head of cattle, running in
the counties of Emanuel. Bulloeh and Appling, and 200
sheep In Emanuel On the 23d day of the same month, at
the plantation in Burke county, of the Ute Henry I*. Jones,
about 200 bead of cattle, running in Burke and Pcriven coun
ties, 20 or 26 head of horses and mules, 150 or 200 pork and
stock hogs. 100 sheep, 2 Jacks and Janetta. Also on the
29th of the same month, at the plantation of said deceased,
in Washington county, 100 hoail cattle, 100 pork and stock
hogs, 40 sheep, 20 or 25 mules and horses. 2 Jacks and
Janstto, with the household furniture and plantation Imple
ments. all belonging to the estate of said Henry P. Jones.
Hales to continue from day to day until dosed. Terms on
tho days of sate. J. V JONES.)
li. W. J JONci |
nortS—au.llt W. a JOXES I
E :
XECUTOR'S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in February
I next, will be aold, before the eourt house in the city of
Savannah, nil that Rice Plantation known aa Union Crevk
Plantation, on the Savannah river, containing about two
thousand acres, all of which, with the exception of fire hun
dred acres, la first quality rice land, and four hundied and
seventy-five acres of which are now under bank and in eul
tivatlon. Attached to the plantation te a good steam
thresher, an overseer’s house, negro houses, and all out
houses and improvements appertaining to a plantation.
For iurther particulars apply to
XTOTICB.—Two months aftsr date application wUl bo
J.1 made to the Honorable the Ordinary of Chatham
eounty for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Pat*
riek Marlow,
bar 22d. 1853.
I, Ute of Chatham county. Novom-
Administrator de bonis non.
XT0HCE.—All persons having claims splnst the estate
J.1 of Patrick Marlow, deceased, late a Chatham county,
will present them : and all persons Indsbted will make pay*
ment. to GEO. T. HOWARD,
nov24—fiw Administrator de boots non.
N OTICE.—All persons having demands against Jeffersoo
Stowe, late of Chatham eounty, deceased, *
are hereby
notified to present them, duly attested, to ths undersigned,
within the time prescribed by law. And nil persons indebt-
•d to Mid deceased, will make Immediate payment,
osta—fiw WM. R JACKSON, Adm’r.
XTOtlCt—Persons having demands against the estate of
JLl Joeeph A. Marshall, s free * * *
requested to hattd them In toQi
r-- man of color, deceased, are
requested'to hand them In to Griffin k Gordon, attorneys at
law t and those indebted will please make payment to them,
a). Ex’or.
ix ■ado to the Court off Ordinary, for leave to tell all
the lands belonging to the estate of Honry Cbnnon. dec’d.
for the benefit of the heira and creditors.
W. J. CANNON. Adm’r.
N OTICE—All persons having demands against Jutes
Rousseau, late of Chatham county, deceased, are hem
by notified to present them, duly attested, within the time
prescribed by and allfereotu Indebted to Mid do-
.ceased, wUl maka (mmadtata payment to T. A. Acosta, at
# tba old stand of the deceased, comer off Ball and Day-ata.
■ovll-fiw Qualified Adm’x.
M0T!CE.-.Two months after date application will bo
. made to the Ordinary of Chatham county, for Imvo
to Mil all tha real estate belonging to Jules Rosseau, da.
XTOT1CE.—Two mwutha from date 1 shall apply to tbs
i-7 H*sorsWs the Court off Ordinary for Camden eounty,
whilst sitting for ordinary pnrpoms, for Isave to sell part of
No. 4 (four) and Improvements thereon, for tho benefit
ho heira and creditors off ihe estate of John T. Rudolph,
eeeed. . _ EMILY RUDOLPH, Adm’xT
Rheumatic Compound.
rjlHIS truly celebrated remedial preparation, efficacious
J. alike for each and every description of Rheumatic
Complaints, Is already too weU known and esteemed
throughout tho United Slates to require nny lengthy no
tice of its paramount virtue*. It eradicates tills hereto-
fore Incurable and distressing disease from the system, and
stands unrivalled in the pharmacy of medicine.
We do not propose to make unqualified statemeota. or tc
force a nostrum before tl e public, but almply to request
those moat Interested, the procure
from the agent In their vicinity a* circular, and not only
read the testimony of (hoe# wlio have experienced Its In
valuable curative powers, but to write to, or call upon, the
convalescent*, so that the aUtemeote may emauate from
the fountain-head; a course which will satisfy the most
credulous, and one bv which the reputation of the re
medy Is certain of being sustained. Write also to the
proprietors, who will accord every information, and furnish
names of undoubted character from erery section of the
Union, numbering among them some ot the most eminent
physicians, clergymen, editors and prominent citizens, ren
dering the reliability and effleacy of tho remedy beyond
the retch of doubt and distrust.
It n Vegetable Extract an internal remedy. pre|>ared ex
pressly for this oo* diaeaM: and thla It will cure in every
form, either Inflammatory (Acute) or Chronic, no mattci
of how long standing.
W. V. ALEXANDER k Co., Proprietors,
No. 1 Barclay-street. (Astor House.) New York.
For Mle by A. A. Solomons, and J. U. Carter, DrugggUta,
Savannah, i
The abore have also for sate, the great alterative,
THIS invaluable preparation baa obtained a popularity,
wherevez introduced, unprecedented in the history ol
any other preparation brought before the public. The mul
tiplied thousands who have used it, and have realized Its
marvellous effort* In removing disease, and
Restoring the Nervous System,
now herald it to the world as po*i>essing the most suprrioi
virtues known In the Materia Medics.
Physician* of the first standing in Ihe medical professlor
use and prescribe It m the moateffectlvo
Alterative and Blood Purifier
ever known. To the sedentary it has proved itself the
lUlm of Gilead. Especially to Females in every concelva
hie condition of llle, it recommends itself as far superior In
point of effleacy to any of the numerous compounds, con
centrated under the comprehensive nninoof ••Sarsnparll-
This te n VeydaUe Spirit, pleasant to take, and perfectly
safe to be uaed In any state of health, even by the most
delicate fbnale or Child.
JKf Price |1 00 per bottle.
IV. V. ALEXANDER A CO., Proprietors.
No. 1 Uarclay-alroot. (Aator House,) New York,
For salo by A. A. SOLOMONS, and J. II. CARTER. Druz
gb>ta.Savannah. Ga. mavlO
^artuU of
Not n Partidt of Mercury in A.
A N INFAIJJULE REMEDY for Scrofula. King’s Evil,
Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimple*
Cutaneous Eruptions, r —
or Pustule on the Face. Blotches. Boil*. Chronic Sore Eves.
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain
of theBonraand Joints, Stubborn UIcits. Syphilitic Disor
ders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising
from an injudicious use of Mr • •
Impurity of the Blood.
litis valuable Medicine, which baa become celebrated for
tho number of eitraordinary cures effected through ile
agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request
of their friends, to offer It to the public, which they do with
the utmost confidence In its virtues and wonderful curative
properties. The following certificate*, selected from a Urge
number, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere
word of the proprietors; and are all from gentlemen well
known in their localities, and of thelilghett respectability
mnnr of them now residing In ’.be city of Richmond. Vs.
F. BOYDKN. Esq., of the Exchange Hotel. Richmond
known every where, says he has seen the Medicine called
CaKTDt'a SrsxisH Mixttkx administered In over a hundred
cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommend
ed, with the most astonishingly good results. He say* it is
the moat extraordinary medicine ho has ever aeon.
tliat for three years I had Ague end Fever of the most vio-
vertised. but all without any permanent relter. At last .
tried Cartxu’s Srsxnai Mtrrva*, two bottles of which effec
tually cured mo, and I am happy to say I have had neither
* • - (hO
ChlUa or Korerssince. 1 consider it the best Tonic In the
world, and the only medicine that ever reached my case.
Heaver Dam, near Kisbmond. Va. JOHN LONG DEN.
C. B. LUCK, Esq., now In the city of Richmond, and for
many year* In the Post Office, has such confidence in the
astonishing efficacy of CsHTxn's Spa.smil MlXTumc. Hint he
lias bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given auny
tn the afflicted. Mr, laick say* be baa never kuown it to
foil when taken according to directions.
Dr. MINGE, a practising Physician, and formerly of the
City Hotel. In the city of Richmond, say* he ha* wilnessed
In a number of Instances the effects of Csktkb’s Hpsxwii
Mixtcrk. which were most truly surprising. He say* in a
case of Consumption, dependent on the I Jver, the good ef-
feet* were wonderful indeed.
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A Morris
Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 year* stand
ing. by the uso of two bottle* of Carter's Spanish Mixture
GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—Thu Editor* 0 r tho Rich,
mond Republican had a servant employed in their press
room, curel of violent scrofula, combined with Rheuma
tism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles
of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure ol him. and
the Editor*. In a public notice, say they •• cheerfully recom
mend It to ull who are afflicted with any disease of the
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mix",
tore. I consider It a truly valuable medicine. JAMES M
TAYIAJR. Conductor on tne R. F. k P. R. R. Co, Richmond,
Snlt llheum off BO Yean Standing Cured
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in the city of Richmond,
waa cured by three bottles of Qtrter'a fpanish
Salt Rheum, which he had neatly 20 years, and which all
the physicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson
is a well known merchant of Richmond, Va., and hl« cure
Is most remarkable.
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Ya , had a servant
cured of Spvhllis. in the worst form, by Carter's Spanish
Mixture, lie Mr* he cheerfully recommend* It, end con-
■'-*— *• — 1 —ilu* VI * —-ji*- 1 —
elders itan Invaluable medicine.
RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula
and what physician* called confirmed Consumption, by
three bottles of Carter’s8paniih Mixture.
EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of the Revenue, says he
has aeen the good effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture In a
number of Spyhllitic case*, and says it Is a perfect cure for
that Borrlblo disease.
WM. 0. HARWOOD, of RIehmond, Va.. cured old sores
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a lew
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and waa enabled to
walk without m crutch, in n short time permanently cured.
l*rice $1 per bottle.
Principal Depot* at U. WARD. CLOSE k CO., No.
Mldcn I.ano. New York.
DENNETT k BEERS. No. 125 Maln-*t., Richmond. Yn.
And for sale by 81IOMAS M. TURNER k CO.. JAMES
M. CARTER, A. A. Lf’LOMONS k CO., and W. W. IJN-
COLN, Savannah. E. S. STROECKKR. Macon, and by Drug
gists and Country Merchants everywhere.
may20—ly Inal wfcwfim
T HIS delicious article combines so tnaoy meritorious
qualities, that it now lias become a standard favorite
with the citizens of Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore.
Pittsburg, and other places. Dentists end Physicians pre
scribe it la their practice roost «ucee»ifully. and from erery
source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. In
flamed. lore, or bleeding rums are Immediately cured by
Its use ; its action upon them Is mild, soothing, and effec
tive. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly that they art
made to rival pearl In whltenMs. and diffuses through the
mouth such n delightful freshness, that the breath ie ren
dered exqaUltely sweet, ntid it will In mast instances af
ford relief to the most violent toothache.
Tbe following Certificate from Dr Chilton, a Chemist of
world-wide celebrity who has submitted the article to a
chemical analysts, Is proof sufficient to convince any on*
of Its superiority
“ I have examined a bottle of u Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash,” and find It to be a vegetable preparation of
an Innocent character. I believe It will prore beneficial for
the purpose It Is recomroendtd.”
. JAMES. R. CHILTON. M. D., Chemist.
Just received, and for sate by
novlT W. W. UN COLN. Monument Square.
D R. E. 0, DOYLE take* pleasure In announcing to lava
lids and the publlo generally, that the above popular
and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly eonc'uet-
*d by T. Cuanx cons. M D., U now ready for the recep
tion of patients seeking a restoration to health.
All ehronle disease* of the human organism successfully
ronlo diseases of the human organism successfully
treated at this Institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism.
constipation, bsmorrholda or piles, hemorrhages, amen-
errbmi,menorrbaa, dysmenorrhea, floor albas, genital dis
placement*. affection* of tbe eye* and ears, tetter, ery-
•Ipela* and all ehronle diseases of the skin and scalp, scro
fula, dropsy, Syphilis, and the humoral diseases general
ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tlo douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or the falling sickness, vlrtlgo, paralysis, apoplectic tenden
cy, bronchitis, asthma, chronic inflamatlon ol r
and bowels, atrophy, and indeed >
irr rj poeslhls habit
eh ronle diseased ‘action that la curable—and nil th'ssosa ore
tbs stomach
curable, if no organic lesion be present.
The Ladlca* Department Is under the Immediate supervi
sion of that accomplished lady, Mra. Ji va Mattbxvs. so well
known to the old patrooa of the establishment
The facilities which this Institution offer* (or the proeecu-
this institution qffsrs lor the prosecu
tion of n strictly hydropathic and hygienic conn# of treat
ment, together with IU easiness of access from all points In
Georgia, and tha adjoining 8tatee, render* it peculiarly
adapted to tha wants of Invalids, desirous of availing thsm-
■aim of the efficacy of tha water-cure.
The purity or the water and accommodations for guests,
re too well known to need comment.
In fitting up tbe establishment no expense baa been spar
ed that could conduce to make It one of the most dealrabto
place* of resort for Invalids in the United States.
Patients will be required o furnish their own ont-fiL—
These will consist off friction sheets and towels, compresses,
and blankets, (or sudorific purposes. All of which can be
purchased bore on tbe roost reasonable terms.
Tlnum—ProfeMlona! attention,' on of bathi. &o ,910 per
week—board 96 per week—payable monthly. Bervante
boarded and treated for 110 per week.
All tettore eff Inquiry promptly answered. June?
10 temte Line, urge off schooner
iriHgWHal , w
tad been almost Mten up wfUiscroru-
... Incurable by physicians,
bat been used in hospitals, and private practice, and
bad the singular fortune of being recommended by the
t celebrate? physicians and other eminent persona.
way be roqulr
•rally bo mart
Ladles’ bonnsle dyed, bleached and pressed in the most
fashionable stylet.
W^lbsoujJlV.Profc of 8unery.r)s. University.
Valmtine Mott, M. D.. Prof, uf Burr. N.Y. Unlven
Mere from the country punctually attended to. Terms
Jura. N.Y. University
W. P. Dewees. M. D . Prof, of Mid. Pa. Uhlverslty.
N.Clispraan.M.D., {‘rofof Physic, Pa. University.
n.MWMiHia. m. ■/., s no. wi Physic,Pa.,Uni
T. Parke, M. D., Pres’t College Phy-idans, PI
Dr. Del Valle, Prof, off Medicine*, Kavs—
Jos* Eoureseoite Lus. Prof, of 8nrg*ry, Lisbon
• . “ BteROT'" "
J. Chlpman. Member Royal College Surgeons. London.
0. W. wring, late Minister to Bpaln.
Sir Thomas Pearson, Major General British Army.
Gilbert Robertson. British Consul, ko.
And also, tbo wonderful cures effected by Swalm’s Puna,
eon have, lor many years, made It an invaluable remedy.
Tbe Panacea does not contain mercury In any form, and be
ing an Innocent may be given to the most
tender Infant,
The retail prico baa been reduced to 91 60 per bottle (con-
laming three half pints) or three bottles for 94.
Swalm’s Panacea U In round buttles, fluted longitudinal
ly, with the following tetters blown In the glass: •• Swain's
—Panacxa—I'uilud’a,” and having the name of James
Swslm stamped on the sealing wax and written on the label
covering tbe ctrk, and a splendid engraving for tha side ol
tho bottle, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising
nine different dice, which have been turned for the exclu-
■ive use of tho proprietor, by Draper k Co., bank noteen-
E avers of Philadelphia. In the centre I* n portrait of tho
to Wm. 8waln, copyright secured.
— v ^_. .eopyrighl
Also. Swalm’s Verm!frige,
A valuable Family Medicine, being a highly approved
edy for all diseases arising from debility of the digestive or
gans, such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and
ague, bleeding piles, sick headache, Ac. See the pamphlet
(whieh may be had gratis) accompany lug the Vermifuge.
Prepared only at Swalm’s laboratory, the old stand Sev
enth-street. below Chestnut. I'hiladelpoia, and sold by all
ths respectable druggists in the United States.
Cstmox TO TH« Punua—Persons wishing to obtain the
genuine Swalm’s Panacea snd Swalm’s Vermifuge, should
be rareful to observe that the name SWA1M Is spelled cor
rectly onthe labels, or they may bo Imposed on by medi
cine* made In Imitation of them by a person bearing a
•omewhkt simitar name, well calculated to deceive Gen
eral agents for the Uhlted States.
mh22—2awtf 104 and lOfi John-street. New York.
A GREEABLE to the taste, and warranted, if used accord
ing to the directions, which are simple, to cure ell
coughs and colds, which aro within thu reach of any medi
cine. beside affording reUef in cates of rroup. asthma, ca
tarrh*. and bninchitla. and being one of tho mutt useful
remedies in the early stages of consumption.
Mr. Rice lu nlacing this articl* before the public, claim*
not to have discovered or ingeniously compounded medi
cine* hitherto unknown, or known only na separate remo
uld or In such combinations si prerentod the full force ol
their beneficial effects. Nor does he aver that his cough
candy lias the approval of the u entire medical faculty.'' or
1ms beeu recommended by the " most enlightened physi
cians.” but he would merely state, that having him*rtfsuf.
fared severely from bronchial affnctlon. attended with night
aweals and coughing, he appllod to one of the faculty whose
prescription afforded such speedy relief and resulted in sueh
perfect cure that he waa induced to obtain a knowledge ol
the Ingredients and the manner In which they might be
operly compounded with sugar to give them a convenient
id imlstable form, since which he has had tho satisfaction
When parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word
should be sent him by letter, through the Post Office, so
that be may know whoro to call for them. •
QP> nnns choice I’orto ItlcoSugar: 16do8tCroix do;
tm/tf 60 bbls Btuart’s crashed and powdered Sogar j 60 do ,
do A Band Cclarified do: 160 bbls Baltimore and Georgia >
Flour | 76 do Genesee doj fiO do Hiram Smith's do | £6 ,
casks quarto and pints London Porter p 60 bbls Phitedel- -
‘>bla Cream Ate; 76 boxes soda and augilrCraekera : 80
>bU Lard ; 200 sacks Rio Coffee; 60 do lnguyra do; 60 da-
old Government Java do ; 4 pipes Meder Swan Gin ; 2 do .
Slsgbound do; 6 half pipes Otard, Dupuy k Co's Brandy ; j
8 do Slgnett do | 10 quarter casks Sweet Malaga Wine : 1c-
do Port do : 10 do Madeira do; 60 baskets Heldselck do: .
160 bbls domestic Gin, Itnm, Whisky and Brandy 5 26 dn *
Nos 1.2 and 3 Mackerel; 30 half bbls do: 6 cases Sardines;
200 boxes No 1 pale and family Soap ;‘100 doTbllow Can
dies: 75 dn Pearl Starch: 160 reams Wrapping Paper. Just
received and for sale by
octa McMahon u doyij;.
CASKS prime Bacon Sides ; 26 do do Shoulders ; 20
UVJ Uercea sugar-cured Hams: lOObbte A B and G clari
fied Sugar; 30 hlida Muscovado do; 26 do Porto Rico do;
20 do New Orleans do: 60 bbls butter, sugar and soda
Crackers ; 50 boxes Tallow Gandies, 6a ant.8* ; 100 do Ad
amantine do fie ; 25 do Sneim do fis : 50 casks Hibert’s
London Porter, pints; 200 boxes Colgate's Pearl Starch:
100 do No 1 pate and family Snap ; 50,000 Havana Segars;
500 bags Shot, assorted sizes ; 60 boxes English Pipes ; IHM
bbls Brtlthuuro Flour ; 60 do Hiram Fmllh’s do; 50 bag-
Georgia do 5 2100 reams Wrapping l^per; 16 tierces small
Rke. Ferrate by octa Webster a PALMEB
C HOICE HAMS, Ac.—Just received—200 choice P^ynold’a
extra Hams. 6 bhdt Bacon Shuuldera. 10 bbls Leal
Lard. 10 half bbls hg Pork, 6 hhJs Porto Rico Sugar, 25
bbls Stuart's crashed and clarified Sugar, 50 boxes Beadil's
Soap. Starch aud Candles. 20 dozen Water Pails, 30 do as
sorted Scrub Brushes. 60 do assorted Clothea Lines. 30 boxes
rand Coffee. 30 do Mustaid. 50 gross sound wood Matches,
dozen WashtMMrds, 60 bid* white wine Vinegar. 10 bbls ,
;tuij| pe W
Jo »uin«u.
•«» mi»M
. aWHKg.
gundy Por| do. 6 eaake^KTSftP 1*%%
WbEkW? ftcftl
ease* livers’ half 00 *• of tar oua k.,j. pgmiV " ■* bu .
box,.) HrljtUrch. W
buck Shot, lO^t-U p* rp ‘^j“ 7J1 W
m ? «)f ® 0 * #, Raising 'im!*
bbls Filberts. Adrums
bbls Filberts, 0 care* Oilleu.’
^ •bell Almonds, 10 bbl* P^n^V**'* ,0,r *ll»kS3
W bbl. K.Ito. J W.&H
• sc rill
Proposal* for tbe supply of Ship Chandlery will be re
ceived in pursuance of schedule, whl* 1 - — l - - •
u u-nrii itu.itt-iaiu-, ou uni* wime wine vinegar. iu uois
NO Syrup, Ac.. Ac., for sate, wholesale and retail, at the
corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
plying st this office.
ilch can be seen by ap.
JOHN BOSTON, Collector.
A LL READY r—My store is now completed, and I Inritr
tbe attention of planters, hou-e-keeperaand others, t«
uiy large and varied assortment of Crockery. China, Glass,
and Stono Ware; Wood and Willow Ware; Family Hard
ware; Table Cutlery ; Plain and Japnned Tin Ware; and
Fancy Articles—in short, every article necessary to furnish
a bouse from kitchen to garret, a»y be found at this estab
lishment except dry good* and cabinet furniture, and at a*
low. if not lower price*, thau tb?y can be purchased rise,
where. sup'Jl J. P. COLLINS.
otoxniA : nr huwall mint, oovuurou or asm vtatx.
“J WUlnJ.m
The -.l-ctlnn. were A™'' 1 « H.
They are «tetetm?nH"!I®V k ‘ -
Ine. as they caneonr..| W lr "‘, ' 0c , b Is
Ing assured that ther w ill 2- * B ' 1 , «tHt
and finer class nr work. il„ n i.-. t!"' 1 ’ In •fWtq, ^
market. l "" n ,la " been usually ijj J
The Public are roo*trr.i—.if n ,u^.
Ine. and salj.fy them-elv^SKtor** 4,0nn
by an ezamlnatinnof the!,
**■ "'"'I-'-l-l -I—M hmwm
July 31 1 “ —'
£«rw, 'iiE'.Mlkj'i |
of administering It successfully lu many cases. The ingre
dients of which this candy la composed, among w hich Wild
Cherry I* the principal, are pcrlectly harmless, and may be
taken by persons of all ages at all times. Unlike many of
the cough can-lies now offered for sate, purporting to hr
the product of profound mcdtcul research, but which In
reality arc the cnncoctlsn* ofgonlne candy makers, this ar
ticle is not expected to cure ** all the ills'that flesh is heir
to.” but L* peculiarly adapted to the few diseases above
mentioned, and instead of being composed of tbe poorest
quality of sugar, Infused with the extract of hoarhound. it
is made from sugar In its highest state ol perfection, and
contain* well known and approved remedies. Try It. and
its iutrlitfic merit nil! call forth a spontaneous npprorul
from yourwhichere long will give it popularity unparallel
ed In the history of nostrums.
ti~ Price 25 cents per package
Each genuine package of Rico’s Cough Candy will bear on
tho envclopo tho slgunture ol
corner Broughton and Whitaker.streets.
Savannah. Georgia.
Country merchants can be supplied by the box, each box
containing 50 packages, at 90.26. octll
S UNDRIES.—75 harreli Stuart’s (Vs-lit-d and Powdered
sugar ; 80 do. do. A. II andCCbrifled sugar ; 23hh<L
Prim Porto Ilico. and 10 hhd*. St. Croix sugar ; 60 Casks
quarts and pints Byasa Ixradon Porter : 60 bbl*. Tread
well’s soda biscuit; 30 bids, and 76 kegs Prime Leaf lard ;
i)0 mats su|)erlor old government Java .Codec ; 40 bugs
laguyra sud 80 Prime old Rio Coffee; 6 Pipes medgr swan
Gin ; 60 boxes Reys |«mon Syrup; 20 barrels Winter
Strained and Bleached W hah- Oil : 300 boxes No. 1 Pale
and Family Soap; 20 tierces superior sugar curled Hams ;
60 boxes white 60 do. colored Cheese ; 100 boxes new scal
ed Herrings : 100 do. Adainnntine Candles: 60 do. Rondel's
Os and 8* Tallow Candles ; 60 boxes Pearl Starch : 40 tax**
Ground Coffee ; 20 do. do IVpier ; 60 do*, painted Buckets
100 reams wrapping and 100 Cap and Letter paper, land
ing and for sale by
“ THE AvoitDBR or TiiH w oiu.s> t
u We would not grow one bud of hoi*
... . ,j
You cannot gamer in ripe fruit I
T HE GREAT REMEDY is at test discovered, and that tell
destroyer of human happiness at length I* conquered!
Consumption shnll no longer rob our firesides of theii
brightest ornaments, and sink many a gentle spirit to an
untimely grave! Consumption can be curel—Asthma will
soon be as tbe things that were—and Cough* and Golds, the
parent* of that fell disease, that so often brings wo to tbe
homes of our land, vanish,as If by magic, before this sover
eign remedy.
This Is that which has so long been sought for, and I* In
full faith offered to the public a* a rucTsix crux for coughs,
cold*, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, and consumption
and will, in any case where lung* sufficient are left tn sus
tain life, check the ulceration and raise the patient tr
health. This ie not an idlo boast, nor I* till* remedy senl
Into the market without a thorough trial, but has proved
beyond a doubt, that what has been asserted rax hkoo.nk
*• The sentiment, that consumption cannot be cured, ha*
destroyed more live* than the disease itself.”—Dr. ffuus.
nut (here Ie Hope!
The proprietor, by the use of tills article, and the blessing
of Providence, was raised, when he was pronounced by his
physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect
beallla. «•—* *- —l «illlnc that an ere** • t-l««-ln(| -l.-xx.l-l W
withheld from those on whom •• this right hand emissary n|
death ” has placed hi* mark.
Tho 1-oxengo Is perfectly harmless in its nature, and can
be taken with Impunity by tbe infant and the Invalid ; and
it* beneficial effect* will be felt in a few hours after com
mencing its use. Let all then, try it. and if these assertion*
are not proved, after an impartiul trial, the price or the bos
will bo returned, and all agents are authorized to relund
the mouey In nny case whore tho articlo Is not perfectly
These l-ozenge* are put up In 25 cents. 50 cents, and 81
boxes.and only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
*' " ’’’INt. Ihxiri. Ga., only agent for the Sootherc
*,bca, -
addressed. feltt-d-Vw
P ASTILIJ-N DE PARIS.—For the euro of coughs, colds
and bronchial affection* of tlm throat so prevalent at
this season of the year. We do not recommend the Pa*.
lilies de Paris tn cure all the Ills life is heir tn. but
say they will curenll affections of the throat, as n trial ol
them will provo. Manufactured by Mooro A Taylor, 81
Mnlden-lsne, Now York.
N. It.—The genuine bears the written signature of Moon
A Taylor. Just received and for sate by
... — j .v. it,
W. W I.IN’OiLV. Monument Square
A NEW EDITION of the specimen Book of Brcck'3 Xkw
York Tvt’K Fot xnav will bo published In September.
1853, and will be given to thoreproprietnrsofprintingof.
lire* who will send for it.or it will be forwarded them by-
mail ou receipt, in advance, of fifty cents for the postage.
lu It are exhibited many articles never before shown :
there have been added to tho Foundry new varieties ol
Roman type* from nine-line pica to pearl, rarlou* Imita
tions of writing, a great number of fancy font*, bonier both
jilain and illuminated, labor-saving rules, and a complete
foundry of German*
Hie types now manufactured are cast from a new com
bination of metal of great durability, and are usually kept
on hand In large quantities. F.»ery fancy font is sold by
weight, and at the printed prices, which ate from 10 to 25
* ' - **- - tbr - * —
per ceut. less than those of some other foundries. All oth
er prlotlng material* are furnished at manufacturers' prices
either for cash or credit.
Printers wishing to open accounts with mo. or whoso
dealings bare beeu long suspended are requoited to accom-
the’— a “ L -**—* ‘
pony their orders with city reference to prevent delay.
Printers of newspapers who choose to publish this adver
tisement including this note, three times before the 1st of
August, 1854, and send me one of the papers, will be paid
for It In type when they purchase five times tho amount nl
their bill from me. ol my own manufactures, selected from
fclmen*. GEORGE BRUCE,
13 Chambers street. New York.
my specimen
cpilE cheapost establishment In the southern country for
JL the sale of sashes, doors, blinds and wood Mouldings,
of every variety, is at the corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets. Charleston. S. C. All my work It made of the
best seasoned white pine, and tbe sashes are glazed in the
very neatest manner.
A full supply of paints, oil, glass, varnishes, and brushes,
always for sale low. sep'.t—wjw It. F. SMITH.
T HIS machine is considered by all who are acquainted
wltb IU operation, as being tbe cheapest, safest, most
expeditious,and doing work bettor generally, than any In
It took a silver medal at the Mechanics’ Charitable Insti
tute in Boston, in tbe fall of 1850, and soon after a gold
medal at tbe Fair of the American Institute Id the city of
New York, It being pronounced the beat rotaiy plainer. In
a contest with the Woodworth party In the Circuit Court of
the Uuited States, J udge Sprague's decision ws* in favor of
It te the intention to sell rights on very rea'onabte term*.
Machlaes of tha best quality can be furnished by me
promptly from tbo North.
H. LIVERMORE, Agent for the South.
JjcxaoxmLE, Oct. 81,1853. wfl—uovJ
Evidence, voL3d; Flaoders on Maritime Law.
Flanders on the Law of Shipping.
The Mud Cabin, or British Institutions,
English Items, by Matt. F. Ward.
Bullock’s Art of Building, for tbo dm of architects, build
ers. draughtsmen, machinist*, engineers and mechanics.
Jane 8eaton or the King’s Advocate, a Scottish romance.
Putnam’s Monthly, for October.
The Humorous Speaker, for schools, debating clubs, Ao,
The Victim of Excitement, by Caroline Leo Hints.
The Rebel Scout ■ romance of the Revolution.
London Art Journal, for September.
ntustrated Record of tbe N Y Exhibition, Noe 7 and 9.
Physicians Visit log list, for 1854. ocl5
T O COMMISSION MERCHAXTS-A partnership Is desir
ed In a General Commission House, or with an expeil-
•need business mao, In Savannah, by a gentleman now re
siding In upper Georgia. From his extensive acquaintance
among the planters and businesa own of the middle and
northern sections of our 8tate, he flatten himself that be
oas bring with him not only *' paper raluranoe* ” but a de
sirable business, which heretofore has been done in other
market*. If ther* are *ny la Savannah who desire ■ ach an
alliance they will please address B. B„ office of the Sevan-
nzh Georgian. novl—dfiiw
Bremer's Homes of tho New World—impressions of
America, in two volumes.
The Second War with England, by J. T. Headley, In two
volume*, with plates.
Men and Things as I Raw Them In Europe, by Kirwnn.
Venice—the llty of the Rea. from the invasion of Napo
leon to the capitulation in 1649. by Elm. Fbgg. with a map
and embellishments. In two volumes.
Fir Wm. Hamilton’s Discussions on Philosophy and Lit
erature, Education and University Reform.
Templeton's Engineer, Millwright and Mechanics' Pocket
Companion, with mathematical tablea.
Picture Measure Book, with 500 illustrations.
Swiss Family Robinson, with 8 illustrations.
Clouded Happiness, by Countess d'Orsay.
Fern leaves, from Fanny’s Port Folio.
Cloister Llfo of Charles V ; Tho Hud Cabin ; Professor
Rilliman's Travel* la Euro|>e: Echoes of a Belle; 1-orenzo
Benoni; Moore’s Life of Sheridan, Ae.
R ECEIVED BY S. S. SIBLEY, Oct. 26th. 1853— Discus
sion on Philosophy and Literature, by Sir W. Hamilton
Homes of the New World, or Impre««iont of America, by
Fredrika Bremer, translated bjr Mary flnwitt.
Men and Thing* in Europe, by Kirwsn
Home Pictures, by Mr* Mary A Denison.
Rhetoric of Conversation, or Bridles and Spurs for the
management of the Tongue, by Geo W Harvey.
I»r Chalmers’ Correspondence, by Rov Wm llsnna.
All D not Gold tliat Glitter*, or the Young California, by
Cousin Alice.
The Young Astronomer. J C Abbott.
Gleason's Pictorial: Barn urn’s Illustrated News.
Godov's lady's Book and Graham's Magazine, forNovem
ber; Blackwood’s Magazine, for October ; Clouded llappi.
nes*. a novel, translated from the French of tbe Countess
d'Orsay; The Midnight Queen, by George Lippard. For
side at 135 Congress street. uct** -
1 7M.OOU OIL CI-UTHrt.—The most complete stock of Oil
? Cloths. In erery variety of pattern*and color*, varying
in widths from one to eight yard*. Families and hotel keep-
. 1 eight yard*. Families and hotel keep-
1 cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. H- GUION. Agent. Csrjgi Warehouse.
feh5 140 Congress sml 57 St. Julian sta.
T received, a fine assortment of gold t«ns and pencil*
double aud single extension ; also, a variety of fine
pensicr cheap at the book s'ore of
aplU S. ri. IV Congress, street
Ived 100 Reynold' .......
llama. 39 hhd* Bacou Rhnulders. 10 half bbls Fulton Market
Beet 10 half an-! whole bids Pig Pork. 10 bbls No 1 Leaf
Ian!. 10 bbl* winter Oil. For sale at the corner of Brough
ton and Drayton stret ts, by
perior goods manufactured lost season, which are con-
•Idered by judges to be the best article In the market —
Planters are invired to rail and examine them hefore pur
chasing elsewhere. KF.MPTUN k VERSTII.I.R
oc<23 72 8t. Julien and 105 Brjan streets.
\| AI’KIN RINGS—Ivory, bone, boxwood and wire Napkin
Rig*, for sate by nov23 J. P. COLLINS.
D ISSOIA'f ION.—The firm of Kuo A Pravuxcx heretofore
existing at Traders* Town. Camden county. Georgia
having dlssoired co partnership on the 29th day of August,
Inst, the undersigned take* this method of informing their
friends ami the public generally that the business at that
place will be continued by them, and that they are at this
time receiving a large and well selected stock of good* suit.
able to the trade of the adjoining counties in Georgia and
Fir rids, and solicit the patronage of their friend* and the
public generally. JAMES L. KINO A CO.
Camden county. Sept, -10th, 1653, octll—w3t
T ~ EACH UNWANTED.—Tbe Board of Education of 1ihe
East Florida State Seminary aro desirous of securing
Ihe services of two mate and two female teachers for said
Institution. They propose a* salaries—
Principal, male, 91,160
Assistant ** 1.000
literary teacher, female 500
Music ~ •• 600
All mutt bring with them satisfactory credential* as to
morals and literary acquirements. Southern men and la
dies will be preferred.
‘.ppllcatlon mutt be made by or before the 25th of Pe
iber ne ‘
cember next. Letter* addressed to the Secretary of the
Board Quit be pott paid. Bv order of the Hoard.
IdlWId C. GAINES. President.
J. M. MclXTOen. Secretary. nov24—4
1 BIDUK, Administrator William T. Taylor—South Caro-
lina. < olleton District, in Equity.—In obedience to Uie I*e-
cretal order of tbe Court of Equity, made in tbl* case, at the
last term. HENRY JOSIAII TAYLOR, the eon of tbe Intes
tate, Willinm T. Taylor, If be be alive. I* hereby notified,
and called upon, to come forward within thieo mouths
from the publication hereof, and claim the funds in this
caae. O. P. WILLIAMS. Com. Equity C. D.
- oct25—i
Wolterborougli. S. C., Sept 13lh, 1853.
—At the expiration of three months from datr.
VrOTICK—At the explr „
ll I shall apply to the Marino and lire Insurance Bank
ofthoRtate of Georgia, for payment ou the following de
scribed half bill: Right-hand Italf bill,on aald bank. No.
111. letter A. dated January 1st. 1862. Also, application
will be made to the Bank of tbe State of Georgia for pay
ment on the following described halves: right-band hall
920 bill. No. not known, letter A, dated June 9th, 1846;
also, 910 bill. No. cut. think it is No. 092, Branch at Au
gusta. Tho left-hand halves of tho above described bills
stolen or mislaid by mail.
Dublin, 0a. f October 20th, 1853. oct22—w3m
T O TEACHERS—A Principal Ie wanted for the Walthour-
▼ille Academy, consisting of a Mats and Female De
ment, sod jointly comprising about sixty scholars.—
cipal to furnish a female assistant, to be approved by
tbe Trustee*. A married man preferred. The beat testi
monials required. S-.hool to open January lat. 1854. Ad
dress. WM. Q. BAKER, Sec’y W. A., Walthourvllle. Ub-
erty county, 0a. nov27—w3w
tins city, most respectfully solicit»1ST “•fMWwuIJ
tensive patronage so liberally he.ilLf timiatlon of u,,.]
tor. Hi.ourlutenUoutoK'u.l 0 "'I'* 1 * 1 ’ 1
•r.iiu».wr„y*'“tf. •»..
r™ .h,8—1*cSiSh;court, or Hi. if.u»v„s«r
Xctserera! countire composing tbe Cuweta Judicial Dis- at the noilhlfor the purcha«eand sujip'y'n****' 6
A vncancy harlng ncrurn-d in ths Judgeship of tho Co- ! Uii^uthlVi^Tn.mrte ^^ ,b «K
wela.ludicial District by the resignation o?the lion. Edward well selected stoSk i i*' KM *d
;• HdU do hereby l**i>e this, my proclamation, requiring ' Mr. Brxxm will give LI. .V. ‘ r8 " r ’“'^n.
tbe duly authorized officer* »t said Judicial IHitiicttu hold re;airing. as heretofore 1 l <rw ’ n * l »<Jrollno u*atj
an elt-clion in their res|M.-ctive counties on the first Monday
in January. 1654. in mnnni r and form as by law pointed out.
to i! such vac;,nny. and that they make a return thereof
to this Ik-juvrtinenl.
tilven un-!er my liand and the Seal of the ExecutiTe Depart
ment, this 4th day of Noveiner. 1853.
By tr.r Governor:
W. W. Psink, it. k. n.
Counties composing the CoweU Judicial District: Cowe-
la, l*eKalb. rayette. Heard.Heriwetbrr and Troup
II” V. R r ? r at the market price, a Urge and
well selected slock of Dry Goods, to which they respect-
fully solicit attention:
Ladles* Drcsa Goode.
Black Silks, of ull width* sod beat makes.
Black figured Silks, p ain and colored Silks,
Pari* plaid and brocade Silks,
Pari* printed M. di Lniues. a large and beautiful stock.
Plain colored do. and Clioco* and Broadway Browns,
Email figured Moudin dr laine*. for children,
English and Ameriran Mou.lin de Laine*,
Printed Satin dn Chenes. new and very handsome.
Mourning Goode.
A grout variety of Mourning Dress Goods and Embroide
ries, cuusisting of every thins new and beautiful.
A large variety nfKnglLh and German Hosiery,for la
dles, gentlemen, and children.
Flannels. Shirtings and sheetings. Blanket*. Quilt*. Irish
Linens.Table P*nia«k« and Napkin*. Kerseys, Plains. Osna- | . ,u,,
burg*. Brown Shirtings, ke.. kc. oct]9 1'°**“*
hcrrtvfotc. - tBwXiSSSTI
___ JLPGnr iSK'l
A CARD.—It will lie seen from tbe six,I
out to Messrs. L S. Ul*xstt k r« I l,tilu ™1
dence in Hie ability of the^e rentleiS
and capital, to *ucces.f u || y ron-laem. i.^^ “
up the reputation of the wuhlihS,^ *•*»■'* ‘T
Mr. LrwihS. lizxxrTr ha* been m* r«..^ . L
two year*, and I take pte*. lir , | n
ajua? ^-tssssl
hi* patrons.
In relinquishing my business ia this sUrt 1 ro.u 1
portunlty to say. that it |< not 'iV
wl.xt—.f. B—m, ftlfchJ
ix.rh belter lluf I ""”'-1
In the course I have j u »t taken. I hare Wi w A
consideratinns of a private cliaraclfrslin«ihi” B . rW ffi
1 tnay he. I shall alwnvs rnrrv with m* n.»
of obligation and cherish llmdeejit Intvrvdft^
* 1 • dr * n «’ ,n ent of the cite ted lu wJL £
S?.T! b !t c ^“P eU ‘ ion -
tire Gty and Stele see to It. ’ j r THnsvwM
Savannah. 9th May. 1863.
**• a ' v , l« myleftfifttito—
agent for tire transaction and closing upol
J.C. ThOKMu:
may 10
**V«*0, IIOLSK, H’diUs^M.
IJJj] Tlie undersigned. Isle wwie- M
—ElM.lrvnch s Hotel. Norfolk. 1 luting rmath Vt
tne aiKjve (Mipular e»ta* llshnient. Ukvt i.!rtvnt ii'iatofl
. Imt hi* numerous friend* that he h*». at gmt UsTl
, expense, refitted and fjrnidinl the Lout* tad sniMl
inn-xt ample arrangements for the cooilmi atdmra "
M. PRENDERGAST & CO., , , „ .
178 Broughton itrcH. ojipoeUc ,St. Andrcw’t Hall,Savannah, ° r , a , , 10 1"*? ,M vor him with their p*truns;».
JTAVEgreat pleasure in directing attention to late pur- I o,f C ,°i n , * r *ii! e jnhoitl-tol
.. .. Ji.. K uibvuiiuii iu rate pur- 1 i,i, ir.i . /
chases, lu connection with their retail trade, they car- I mmM-lf that families and single bo*r-l*nn»w|
ry out strictly the same sv»ti in. in the sale of their coral*, as | f°f, f 1 ’ 1 ' *} tevlng as vatis&clnrilv si st site
ispur-ued by the large houres in the northern w f lw * r ' 5in ? home in the Unltc-i Sutrs.
ly: Bring their customers the full advantage anting from L.,, , r " . t o ,*'' (| otheTwldtisj Va
buying In large lots. Planters, and heads of families, and wl,h * rtew to reside tlrero for eomelffne. voaM4si,,
all person*, buying in quantity, w ill and many large lot* to f,*,*,? 0 ,,:, {' , ’ Ul ' c ■ before maklngarr»n;vmrDlif!»i»b
buy from, and decidedly cheap fK :t20 I « « rtlgirty sliuatetl at the corner of |-jtb»tmtu4|3
— — , sylvani* avenue, midway between thrCstihltMI
$500 Challenge. l!? enU ' ' n " ,hui > ,li ?S , »tergeaador m..lmtxd-ti
A N article founded upon scientific principles, com pound- I Stiff/(rtter—The chavoes «rnt.
A-m wltl.pur.lj .egetable .nb.uSm, 'tab, p.'rftatlj .™IM, 7Sl.Vbffi V
SJ '^ n ' '*•" k '“-—'- 11 J” uurtui ! Itat tta t.ralr;c“ib“”i;r!5"“'J
the most obstinate cases. Br-rins can never exist wheo , aelvee.
tills remedy is once used, from the (act that it not onlv de
■troys them but removes all the slime and umeus w'hlch
may remain.
The Tnpr Worm.
This worm Is the most difficult to destroy of all that In
habit the human body. It grows to an almost indefinite
length, and becoming so coiled and fastened in the intes
tine* and stomach a* to produce Fits.St. Vitas’ Itence. kc ,
which I* the cause of many going to the grave, not believ
ing that these complaints have their origin from the tape
worm : consequently they do not use the proper medicine*
for their di.-ra»e. To IhoM- who are afflicted with tliisaw.
fut foe to health. I recommend the use of my Worm S
and Liver Pill*; tiff? Syrup to be taken in doses of tw_
bio spoonfuls threo times a day. then tako from five to
eight ol my Liver Pills, to dislodge and pass the worm. By
strictly following these direction*, tbe most ohsllnatecases
of tape worm can lie speedilv cured.
Round nr Stoninclt Worm.
This worm i* usually found in the small iute.tines.and is
the worm most common to children, yet it is not entirely
confined to them, as adult* have frequently beeu known to
suffer with them. Tire symptoms most prominent while
affected with thi* worm, are hardness and fullness of the
belly, slimy sired*, loudness of the bowel*, picking at tlse
nose, a hlueith streak under tire eyes.Ice. If you.or any ot
your children have any of the atjove symptoms, lloben-
sack’s Worm Syrup can safely la- depended upon—by using
it you have a certain, safe and speedy cure; and If aitci
udiig it according tn the directions tbe patient is not
Washington. D.C.. June 1.1653 j,;l
™: BEST cnASriffiin the Urn?)
HL under.igne l would re-prctiullv itforo tktl
■j-.i ta..*.u
•knd public general;/ that bei* nawmriiir;
truly excellent wine*, per every lUvrs UKlrCvl'
offers in bund or from storo.
The above wines have been carefully exsmised acl rJ
pared with all tbe favorite brands, and ar» pmeosia *
judg— c-.o- • •- - - - • *
. idge* fully equal to tbe verv bcl. tod iirnptJ
>yrnp ' many which are selling at a higher price 1
l U° *?'* I M-mt*. Fnmurp. PniR et Fits, i f librimi. p<r
“ Hi® above brands, possessing facilities fur Iks pnpanl
of (Ine wine*, equal to those of any other houivislbt*
districts, can guarantee tbeJr wines lelng eelectedfrcaB
finest vintages, will always be found of the «r
an-1 unifoim quality. ‘
The label* and cork* bear Ihe nsnre ef the p«*»prieta
The trade is invited to examine wni|-!f»it Dieigtxfl
Foie A grot snd Imimrforfi-rtbe I
United State* snd raat-kil
octlR—-13m 11014 flip New TbT
lA>aflard. 100 do choice extra family Item*. S hh-'J
Bacon Shoulders. 10 bh|«. and half do Pig Purl. Dhsiffl
ltsw’s Corn Beef.« tore* llcadel’s TsIfowtendlctfUrT
stored to health,and the worms thoroughly erailieated from
the system, you c in rest nreure-1 there is no remedy bryoud
the grave, as for fail, there is no such word as fail with
those who uso my Worm Syrup.
Aacarldce, or Smuil Thread Worm*.
Then} moin*. to which the human sytein is liable, are
most troublesome of all others. They are geoerally to l>e
found in tbe rectum, and if allowed to remain, from tbe ir
ritatlon they produce, lay the foundation for serious disor
■*- *-— lr“
* I family Soap. -.XI boxes S|ierm and Star iWIes 10 hi
Bleached »inter strained lamp KiL l'JO bni»*lir»tr4 (I
Mustanl. Cinnsmnn. an-i IV;* r. '0 lbs Nutswy ttl Vi#
tliest Oolong lea. loose and in quarlcrlbbpitktr* >1
Potatoes, and loo bbl* assorted hi j>I*s. 4kc..Ac. For«|
n«* 8 DAVIP (fCDX.vf
S l.M-l-ll.*—6o i.hd» i-rime Hewn S’des.’J’desk*
1 ’ J ““~
_ 10 ca*k» sugar cure«l Item*. 60 bbl* Dwtse Baa. ll
. , - - . .Phelps’ sn-l ItrweGin. 20-to Domretin Ifrandy. ,
ders, such as inflammation of tho bowels, and other de. and eighth cask* Malaga Wine. 126 bbls (H j
rungement* of the stomach. Tire best and safest medicine toes. 100 boxes new *r*|ed Herring. 2 lili'te fWI*b :1J
that can be used te Itobensark’s Worm syrup. Such I* the bbl* Geo Raw's FM Reef. 40 l-oxes new M R teas*. |
astonishing power of my medicines over Ascaradies.that ground |>p;-er. 25do do Coffee ion kefiMtUu
I defy any one to produce a ca«e where my Worm Syrup gall-ns. 2tol demijon*. 1.2.3. and 5 gill o» 3»b|*
and l iver Pills are recommended to be used thev will not j and buck Shot. *~*«rled. 89 ream* wr*ppiWf , l*- t J
cure. AH that I* necessary Is to use the syrup'In accord- Beadel's fl» nn-l 8e Cundlvs. 80 bbl* Stuart'*
nnce with dircelions ou each buttle ; and In case a gentle powdered Sugar. 60 do II snd C dsrifled dn. M4oli«ffi| tui
purgative is required in order to allay tho Irritation they ' Hour. 3d half dodo. IW bbls butter, sugsr sal eAtT
pro-luce, the Uver lllls, hr their sympathising action and . ers.landicg and for sale by . J
healthy operation upon tbe bowels, is the moat pleasant nov9 8CRAXTOX. JOIDfllpk { j
medicine that can 1* taken.
No part ot Ihe system is more liable to disease than the
* being supplied with numerous blocd vessels and
nerves, and if dl«ease<l. the blood of course flowing thro'
all parts of the body, produces liver complaints, jaundice.
Bilious nffections,dyspepsia, vc
The symptoms of Py«;>ep*ia. and It* various diseases are
dlzzioess in the head.heartburn,oppression after eating
meal*, mururo arising from the .ti-inaeh, A-e . and some-
times general languor of the whole body, from this it will
be seen that the di*ea*e owe* its nrigtn'to a disorganized
stole of the Liver ami Stomach, liobensack's I Uer Pills la
the very nredlcineto effect a permanent and testing cure,
as they act by changing the certain morbid action* of tbe
system into a healthy action, aud rendering the blood pure
and healthy.
Liver Comulnlnt,
te attended with chills.succeeded by fever, snvere pain In
the region of the liver, vomiting bitter taste, yellow furred
tongue, pulse full and iHiunditig. the pain In Ihe side is in
creased by pressure, should tire left lobe be affected, the
pain is rroeral'y In the left shoul ter. wit h a short dry cough,
the skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stool*
clay colored. Tills disease can be cured by the use of ||n-
benssek's Uver PHI*, as Urey act directly u|>on the seat of
the disease, and then operating upon the bowels they ex
pel all the corruot and vitiated ina ter from the system.
To Females.
You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many
uomolainU to which you aresubject. In obstruction*either
total or partial they have been found of inestimable bene-
fit in restoring and purifying the blood and other fluids so
as to cure all cotnplalnt*,which may arise from female ir
regularities. as headache, dimoes* of right, pain in the aide,
back, Ac. These Pills are the only safe and effectual rente-
other* will p!f**e take »>:'«■
K ulrd. M-.hPhlO and
tire obstructions at the entrance of my new- cj
quent upon lire putting upof an Iron front, sf**'*
cientlv removed to enable them to g»ln **»/ j
Interior, whs-re they w II ffiri the ‘hrire*
usual, with Crockery.t1iina.«la***n-l «*■
Hardware, woo.1 and willow Ware.Tin
lery; together with a great tsrwly of
Wicks. Fancy snd House Put Dishing
sold at mo-lerate and j u»t prices, by J J ■ ^ • "M
ang25 100 Dry**
5 tail-- W[l
K to cure the following complaint*. Gout, Nervousness,
ilancboly, Sick Headache. Giddiness. RhoumatIsm.dll-
treesing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in fact any of the dis
sents that arire from affectioue ol the Uver, impurity of
the Bi- od, or constipation of the Bowel!.
Medical Kvldrnre
We, the unndcrslgned Physicians, having had the rcelpt
I of their manufacture submitird to us for Inspection, say,
that tbo ingredient* of which they are composed makes
[ them the beat pill in use for all diseases of the Uver, Im-
T HIS Institution, which was chartered in 1849. has con
tinually enjoyed a high degree of prosperity under: r——•*— .. „
the direction of a Faculty of experienced and successful In- S^onwtvxP^sl *»"
•tractors, The course or study te full and comprehensive. - J M D.
The recitations aro conducted so a* to bring Into play the “• D.
various menial powers of the pupil. The aparatue cost « flKJSSlJS?„ none «“ v tho * e
about 92.000. eadlakepUneonatantuH by tbe ProfeeaoroC «. llOBL.SSACh.”as all other* are worthies. IraltoUona.
N.lunl Udrac. rnplll U the If uld Itap.r1m.-I, pnjov . .p-U -l.j-l-H .11 oltar. .I.Mjrt--
iidiuiuiI vJ,.DU(ta. Tta, r«H.e, I. eoanw will! .11 Ihe •• *-W^« U;-- J-ta-prielor-J. N. HOBE.V.
School..cleDthioio.(ruction In yoj.l, .nJ Ih.jire 5* CK : 1 ^‘, B, .*h>r,.No.laoNorlhSceond .tncl.nborc lnlh.compo.IUon of,!, Mcrch.nhi Icth.V. S
With . rfc» to nU in Inppljlnr the boo. Ccnun.l for “J* i ". J - "•
L'AI L IMiL>S I.urei*'— WUU.I.O
F plain for ladies an I children: French J
Gorman Morinus; colotml AI;wcm. liUu J
Plaid: Plshl Brocade and plain Silk*! >*“^1
figimri Shawls aud w. r«ted Scarf*: I"ng * B ‘ JV ..J
Shawl* ; colored and black Hsid Gtagbaow;
A fine assortment just recelred anJ for »*ie .
U Butter. 70 whole and half boxes layer
TAJII- OIL. FUAf. Jc-l.hUi •'"'J.SiSil
Ll lamp Oil. 30 boxes lleadel 11 Family
low randies. 15 rlo pure sperm Undies. •»'^ ■
quarts Ism-Ion Porter 30 bbl- Potatoes, -JJe
Apples. 30 do Baltimore Floor. 16-do lilrs^^Jffi
ririug Hour. also. But er. Cheese.
sale at the corner of Broughton and Dnsy*" y lU v>-m
B 1
gust*. 5 kegs choice Gozben^lUr.^^^l
augI7 ° f '* r fawner Broughton an4_g^***
u Muuneifo. 25doUouche. 24doA«k* ^ ■
sate attherorner of Bay and Whitaker
ocU9 j-, w
ROUND COFFEE—60 boxes GrouedW**-
r ** For %rp;ham.
vf and silver extension an'. — -
UEEF. *c.—Just received and for O®
b bbU Fulton Market
teacbera. tha Trustees bava esta^isbed a Normal Cass for
toe benefit of those who wish to receive Inatniction In the
theory and practice of leaching.
*’ ' ’ ‘ ) foi
No extra chargee are made for Incidentals or sUtlonery.
Tbe Spring Term commences on Monday, the 9th of Janua
ry. Catalogues may be obtained from either of the officers.
Madkox. Not. T.
tN the fifteenth day of December next, I will sell, at auc-
' tion, in the dty of Tallahassee, Florida, that valuable
tract of land known ae “Tiger Hammock,” situated In Wa
kulla connty. Fla., abont 12 or 16 miles from 8t Marks,
an4 near the WaknlU river, containing 1900 acres, nearly
nil of which te rich hammock and cane brake, and unequal-
ed In quality and location by any tract of land, of the size,
in the southern eounty. Terms-riJne-third cub, balance
In one and two years with Interest. Sale positive.
Further Information can be obtained from Jaa. T. Archer,
Tallahassee, or myMlf, at Albany, Ga.
norfi—dfcwlm WM. W. CIIEEVKR.
M ERINO VKSTO, *C.-Udlea’~petent Msrino VortaTdo
aueerfine Cashmere do. China Span do; Gentlemen's
Ribbed Shirts, do extra slw Merino *”
Royal Ribbed Shirts, do extra slw Merino Wrappers, do ex.
tra slw Merino Stdrta, do Cotton and Merino Drawers. For
sale at Tl St. Julien snd 106 Bryan *
—.-- ». >-
■mw nemugi.
tra choice Cknal
mtM The underalgned will tell three thousand acres, more
Mor less, of the moot valuable Lumber land in Georgia.
nAw-Itltes upon tbe Alalamah* River, In the connty of
Liberty fifteen aOes from WnltbonniOe, nod about thirty
from Darien, parallel with the river, extending back from Itc
banka not Ikrthrr than three miles to Its farthest line.
Hie timber U of the largest tire that grows In the sontb,
and very abundant, anltall* for masts or ranging timber.
The laving Is one of ths best on the river, afiwdingan
opportunity for rafting to Darien at any stage of the rivet
—an advantage possessed by bat very few. Hands can
take a raft to Darien, and return in four or five days.
On the tend there are negro houses, ox sheds, and prorls-
loo home. In good repair, and tiro lumber carta with every
appliance for the Inmbei business, situated oo a high and
healthy hill.
There are also about 900 acres of aa nod hammock land,
for either com or cotton, to bo found any where, covered
with red oak. white oak. hickory, and ash timber. Thee*
lands present as good focilltiea for either lumber cutting,
stave getting, or turpentine, aa any other, aad will be pen
etrated by Use Savannah aad Albany Railroad, now la con
For further particulars address to RJooboroofh, Ub*rty
countjr^Ga.^d ther of the undersigned. tt IU J0NK8,
Moore k Co.. A. A Solomon k Co., and J. E. De Ford.
pU)UK AND BUCK WHEAT—66 bbls JI Smith’s Genesee
__ Hour, 28 hair do do. 80 )(, and H bbls and boxes
new hulled Burkwheat, received ;>er steamer, and for sale
piU HAMS, BUTTER, ke.—Just received per steamer—
Pig Items and Pig Rides; also, 30 kegs Butter, and
20 boxes mild Cheese. For sate bv
WM. G. DICKSON. Barnard street,
dec! near the Market.
RIBBONS—Plaid and figured Bonnet Ribbons and a bean-
_ V tiful lot of wide neck and searf Ribbons, ke.
gUOAR AND CRACKERS—15 hhds Muscovado and 40
bbls yellow C8ugar. 76 bbls Bottoo. butter and sugar
Crackers, landing and for sale by
OARDINES, LOKWER, BALLON and Fresh Mackerel for
O sale by octfffl A. BONADD.
■ale by
fliAl.MA CLOAkfl.—Received an assortment of sundry
A kinds and qaalilles, at 147 Bay-street
HlgtaSmlll!-.Flour, %‘i
U NDtK SlllBIS -tX
Silk and Cotton, of assorted * u ^ k
—i- *— nov26 1 ' —'
ate by
bacriber t
IN outstanding bustocs* of - „ rB t0 1
request all those Indebted to he tet* " , ^
dirt, peyment, and tb-c bsvlo* ^ -
for settlement. loe *«or to T.
sort ———- - .
ijsrs-i ‘ssa'gl
by novl5 J
/-IHiUPAION iN’nCUItET.---MJ“"*^"
ou brand Claret Win*
For aal* bj
T 'ERBENA WATER, kc —HarePa and Basin’* VerbetA
Water, also, genuine Farina Cologne. In large aad
■mall bottles, Just woelved and for sale by
—" W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
W H ,
TURKY—10 bbl* Mooongahela, 1 puncheon Scotch
Whisky, do Irish do. For sale br
0AtS-kOOATB—Bramtocn_ ODat^ HnoUnj andjffori*
Cniii Frock Coats, flno articles handsomsTy made up,
forsate at 147 Bay atreet, bj
Da^Pteln Silks.
_ jcRAVrti v. : _ i
jCoKTUOW HAT.-Tw talr. t»tojN , £!5Si
lindlnf from tta -Ur. Nortl- , p|
iDACON—Now tending from 1