Newspaper Page Text
m, m. ouiwiii .--. -.r.
i. p. uAwim
liHUY ttUWlItt. J4>VT)3Mr
...... 8 00
is 00
Trl-Ws**., J;.**..' r««
nvi*» adraac.
IhM, m*« ■
Weekly, too "
Weekly,’ttotly ♦.» „
WboaA^oldwilhtn one month from Iht time
TIm Weoaiy will bo sentonly |p|ho#swho pojr in
ftdVUOk a' y
The poper .will InirarUbly bajdisooptined upon
Iho espmttoB of the Ume (or which it bee been
paid, cod,? ... iC 'i ’ .<
The ehbterUes to take effect from end after this
:t J yS ..*• .^iw Yowt, Nov. 8.
Bullion, in Ihff Banker Eogledd has declined
amUUoiandsix handled end forty thousand
The Havre Cotton market has advanoed 3/..
Sales of.thewf^k 9000. Uplands 104. Stock
on hMcUiffidi ~
X&TSeipoimb queslioifh»s oof been Wait
The French Bqmhroa remain, at Toulon.
The English ta in the Mediterranean.
Huibtlfe peiinading the King or Naple. to’
yield some points, and trust to France to settle
Anotaee ministerial - crisis is threatened in
Spain, ,'J »i * >... /uiii
. Sew Vork Market.
Ntit Tohic, Not. 6.—Tho Cotton market is
firreanifoctree. Sales of the day 2G00 bales-
HlddlinffUplandJ 12 3-S; Middling Orleans 12
«S, u
Floor declined from 6 to 13 cents.
trobjiji 3 denial : .
Sterling Exchange dull at 914 to 9 3-8.
"« ... Election Helnrne.
Xij Tift; Not. «rr-Nothins reliable has
been rccetred from Missonri or Iowa. All the yilor colnmns in giring
other States remain precisely ns previously tel- man’- arguments again,
egraphed. JK;vi£ Z:.l
# New York Election. f
New Your, Noy. 6.—Fillmore’s vote is 120,
OOton-therState-of New ¥ork. The Legisla-
tnre is Republican, securing a Republican Sen-;
ator to succeed Fish,- wbo is of that stripe. The
Congresatcnal. delegation stands' 18 Democrats
to 17 Republicans.
Pennsylvania has gone for Buchanan by over
forty UM93»nd;aWojity.
New Hampshire has gone Black Bepnblican
by fl.4kiiiitiliud)‘ by forty
of the UU> Trank would he aattabetoryto
both . olf those corporations Is guaranteed by
hit high ehaneteraaa Jast,caucleatloae,and
fair minded man.
on. Was. II. lulee In
COHNt|T. \ ^
„ Acoordlng to appointment, thia distinguish- our
•"*“ “ ed genttaman addressed the cUliena of thin
county on Monday, the 3d (not. .This being the
day for the Superior Court to commence, at an
early hoar, there were a large collection of peo
ple amembled. The Court being adjourned to
a subsequent day, at 11 o’clock, A.H., the meet
ing wu organised, by appointing the Hon.
Barnett Newton, Chairman, and A. W. Derby,
Secretary. Tha Chairman, in a brief manner,
explained the object of the meeting, and ap
ted a Committee, consisting or Dr. P-
ibory, Hsssrs..Benj- W. Orovenstine, and
>hen A. Wilson, to wait upon Hr. Stiles,
Id to conduct him to the stud. The Com-
Ittee retired, everything wu motlonlees,
eriy awaiting tha arrival of him, in wholri
Democracy of Effingham can lately con-,
flile, ud who It were their delight to honor.—
Inin few minutesoor'anticipations were folly
refilled by the appearance of the distinguish
ed gentleman, which elicited an enthusiastic
applause. The Hon. Levi 8. D’Lyon inapathet-
|c manner, briefly alluded to the career of Hr.
Stiles, in discharging the datlea that had been
assigned to him in the capacity of a statesman,
ud then introduced him u the studard-bear-
er of the great Democratic-principle! of the
Jjtate of Georgia. Hr. Stiles occupied the at
tention of the udience for the space of‘two
hoars, and gave a toll exposition of all the
principals Involved In the present straggle for
the Presidency. To uy unprejudiced mind,
ho proved that Hr. Buchanan is every way
worthy of the support of the South, that u
the nominee ol the Democratic Convention, he
hadpledged himself fully and unequivocally to
support the platform ot that Convention, which
guaranteed to the South her Constitutional
rights. That if there exists a hand that will
safely guide tire South through the storms
that are now bursting around us, that hud Is
tile hud of James Buchanan,- that * long
Ufa of consistent and brilliut service proved
hjm to be worthy of the support of every one
who desires the prosperity of Southern institu
We do not conceive it necessary to occupy
a detail of the gentle-
arguments against Hr. Fillmore, u his
lUtical epitaph will be inscribed before this
niches yon. Suffice it to say that he emphatic
ally proved, ud that too by Indubitable evi
dence, that Hr. Fillmore's previons, likewise
irlesont position, is not favorable to the Sooth.
ion Mr. Stiles concluded, the Hu. Levi 8.
DtLyon/from Chatham, and Col. T. L. Single
ton, frpm.Scriven, being.present, wore solicit-
Due Republican, including
Michigan has
the LeJMtbre,-'
of GeneroltUaaa...
Wisconsin—The State ticket and entire Con
gressional delegation is Black Republican, in**
eluding every Congressman.
Illinois is In doabt
The probable electoral vote thus far is 146
for Bacbanan, 114 for Fremont, and 8 for
. Tennessee*
Memphis, Nov, {5,-rReturns from thirty-tiro
counties show a democratic majority of three
thousand. . ^
Wisconsin,- Illinois and Iowa.
New York, Nor. ff^Wteconson has gone for
the Blade Republicans by six thousand, and Il
linois by ten thousand. [We don't believe
it] Iowa ty nine thousand.
• Kentucky.
Louisville, Nov. 6^-In 46 counties the demo
crats gain 7000.
Another dispatch from .Louisville says that
half the State has been heard from, and gives
Bachaoau a majority ot eight thousand. The
American vote is falling off largely as compared
with the last Gubernatorial election, when
their majority was 4,403.
Vicksburg, Nov. 0. Returns complete and
incomplete from twenty-four counties show a
Democratic majority of three thousand in Mis-
Little Rook, Nov* 6. Scattering returns from
one-half the State Indicate a total majority for
Bacbanan of six thousand.
Baltimore, Nov. G.
Delaware lias gfvekil800 majority for ’ Bn-
chrnan. His majority in Virginia is twenty
thousand, and in North Carolina twenty thou-
Band. Fillmore has a majority of eight thous
and In Maryland
It is conceded that Buchanan has been elects
ed by the people. . g
Macon County.
OOLETnoRF Nov 5th 1856.
Messrs. R. B. Hilton, Co.
Below* you have the vote of Macon County
for-President. The’ majority against Judge
Crawford last year, which is the fairest te«l»
was 208. Pretty well for the stronghold of
the 2nd Congressional Disfricte.
-•j-** Very Respectfully,
Fillmore. 3^
Bnihanan.... - -
Willses County.'—Uhls county as we learn
from thoCmutilulionalist, has given 428 for
Bnchannn and 279 for Fillmore.
Pre.ldrcey of tire Atlantic and Calf
W* poMtthedi Tneeday, a letter from a-re-
spectiblc gentleman, of Thomas, county advo
cating the election of Dr. Robert Collina to the,
Presidency of the Atlantic,'and Gulf Road.—
Another name which has been snggested<ln.
connection with the same office is that of tha
Hon. ctarles 1 Spalding, of Mctntoah county.
Alftlehd'han suggested some very strong, if not
dlmtnfVj ffhjaqafo; reasons why Dr. James'
P.Breeven, of’tills city, should be the man
We conferM Jte ,W,% SrSq.of them,
while we (Io not deny (bat onr Impression has
bMO that it»
not a restdebt of this city and yet not Inimical
to iti" interests! 'Aid l» found, It might be
weBith select.libn- i'Dr.Screvcn’s disicclina-
from his IriSi. ‘Tliai Jitt election, iWrrever,
^We^ave’no ffisltntjon in ox|
to addreai; the citizens. Each In an elo
quent manner; sustained the poaltton of Mr.
Stiles, after which Hr. Stiles, together with
Judge D’Lyon and CoL Singleton, accompanied
bj a good many of the citlxena, retired to the
hr use of Hr. B. Jones, and partook of a
sumptuous dinner prepared by that gentleman
for the occasion. Here again wo most compli-
m snt Hr. Jones for the handsome manner In
w rich he entertained ns. Ereiythlng was
spread before ns that the appetite could wish,
this attention of the waiters, and tha manner in
which they spread the delicaelea before ns,
proved that there had been neither pains nor
expense spared In preparing for the occasion.
B. Nxwrox, Chairman.
A. W. Dinar, Seo’y.
, .. = . . , Wbv .
menu of the vehement and cnergetlo clan
which form and unlbnn nations; that It has' to
an extraordinary degree clanged the tune of
the who)* America, ud to ttod their country
In one of ita fragment.; a revolution of the
dublio affection., and a substitution of a new
political dlscamlon in this Its own section, and
:hadeit intolerent,Immoral,abtuivo and inso-
ent to those who differ tosn extent, to which
party disputes have before efforded no ex
ample; that it tends to place moderate men and
national men, North and South, id a raise posi
tion, by preKnting to them Ibe alternative of
treason to the whole or treason tothesMtton—
thus putting moderate counsels to shame, and
destroying the Influences which might be used,
and might help to reatore tho good temper
nd generous affection of the parts and the
That while it ia.oigsnized on the single ba
■is of resistance to wnat it calls the slave pow
er, it misconccivce or disregards the true du-
ties of the patriotism, philanlhrop and Cbris-
tianityof the free States in the matter of sla
very; that it excites hatred of the master, bat
no prudent, nor reasonable, nor useful lore of
tho alare, that to htoder.the the mere extension
•f that relation over more area—although one
id thing—is not the only one demanded,
it even that may be rendered worse than
• that
m f and
uimaoity on this subject between North and
Soothi however promoted, do hut retard the
training for freedom and postpone the day of
its graau land peaceful attainment. If ye so
hate the master, or so fear him,or so contend
with him, that ye rivet the fetters of the slave
or lengthen tha term of his slavery, wh t re
ward nave ye or has he?
raistrre to thk demockatic pasty.
Ton bate decided, reUuw-Wbigs, that you
can best contribute to the grand end we all
seek, bya rote for Ur. Fillmore. I, a Whig all
my life, a Whig hi all things, and ns regards all
bluer names, a Whig to-day, hare thought I
could discharge my duty must effectually by
Toting for Hr- Buchanan and Hr. Breckinridge,
and Isbell do it. The Justice I am hot too baj
py in rendering you, will you deny toms? I
doing this I neither join the Democratic party,
nor retract any opinion on the details of its
policy, nor acquit it of ite share of blame in
bringing on the agitations of the hour. Bat
there are traits, there are sentiments, there are
specialities of capacity and of function, that
make a party as they make a man; which Stit
in an extraordinary degree Tor special service;
to meet particular forms of danger by exactly
Adapted resistance—to fight fire with fire—to
encounter by a sharper, more energetic, and
more announced antagonism the precise type
of evil which assails the Slate, in this way
every great party successively becomes the
savior of the Constitution. There was never an
election contest that, in denouncing tbe parti
culars of its policy, I did not admit that the
characteristic of the Democratic party was this:
—that it had burned ever with that great mas
ter passion this hour demands; a youthful vehe
ment, exultant and progressive nationality.
Tbrongh seme errata, into some perils, it baa
been led by it; it may be so again; we require
to temper and restrain it, bat ttMday we need it
all—we need it!—the hopes, the boasts, the
iride, the universal toleration, the gay and
'estiva defiance or foreign dictation, the flat
the mosio—ell tbe emotions, ell the traits, al
the energies that have won their viotoilea of
war, ana their miracles ot national advance
ment-tha country needs them >11 now to win a
■ con-
cease of Mr. Jocelyn, tbe Treasurer ef tbe Com-
e , has, In the absence of the Colonel, ere-
some impediment lir.the management or
General Tolstoi and "count Gbrtechakoff,
gentlemen or tbe chamber to tho Emperor bf
logout of' themniUry fnSuimoTe to be In
readiness to-day to preserve flrejpeacei la tbe
remit of n misunderstanding. The inderhia
been rocelled.and the compenleawlfi not be
unnderarms. “
Infinite toil would not enable yoo to sweep
aweya mlst.; but by ascendlnlngalttUqiyn
may often look over It altogether. So It Is
with our moral improvement; we wrestle
s habit, whid
opinion that
tha can will, in ntt*,months,be runningfrom
Savannah to tHef Wrent^npli .'.Pf thO/AlWniiihe.
But for him it may 6q; doubted ; whether the
first ftUfe df MU tfobld yet have been thrown
iVhlch he has encountered irndth®
difflcoltiesand discouragements which be has
Eloquence of Rufus Choate—Extracts
from his Great Speech to the Demo
cracy and Old Lina Whigs at Lowell.
If there is one portion of New England
rather than another, on whose ear that strange
music of discords to which they are rallying
the hies—a little scattered, ana a little flinch
ing—thank God!—of their Geographical Party
—must fall like a fire bell in the night, it is
here; it is in Middlesex; it is in Lowell!
If this attempt at combining States against
States for the possession of the government has
no danger in it for any body, well and good.
Let them all Bleep on, and take their rest. If
it has danger for any body—for you—fellow-
citizens or Leweli, more than for any of New
England, or as much—It has that danger.
Who needs the Union, if yoo do not? Who
should have brain and heart enough to com
prehend aud employ the means of Keeping it,
if not you? Others may be Unionists by
chance: by fits and starts; on the lips; Unionists
when nothing more exciting, or more showy,
>r more profitable, casts up. Yon are Unionists
»y profession; Unionists by necessity; Unionists
ilways. Others may find Vermont, or Mas
sachusetts, or New Hampshire, or Rhode Island,
large enough for them. You need the whole
United Continent over which the flag waves to
day, and you need it governed, within tbe
limits or the actual Constitution, by one supreme
I turn from the interest of Lowell to the
memories of Middlesex ; and 1 find in them at
least, assurances that if-there is a danger, your
eye will see it and your ear catch it as^ar and
as quick as the old minute men saw the mid-
nigbt signals in the belfreys, and caught tbe
low midnigt drum beat. Yea, it waB here that
the American people began to be, and the
American nation was born in a day. There,
on the 19th day of April { there on the 17th of
June, on that narrow green ; beyond that little
bridge ; on those heights of glory; there—even
os the cloud of battle parted and tbt blood of
your fathers was sinking into the ground—the
orm and faces of tbe old thirteen colonies pass
ed away, and the young Republic lifted bis
forehead from the “ baptism of fire ;” tbe old
provincial flags were rolled up and disappeared
as a scroll and tho radiant banner by which the
united America is known, and shall be, for a
thousand years of history, known to all the
World as one, was handed down from the sky.
’ To combine States against States in such a
system as ours—has it. been generally held a
very happy device towards forming a more
perfect union and ensuring a more domestic
To combine them thus against
_ ograpbically—to take tbe whole
vast range of the free States, lying together,
sixteen out of thirty-one) seventeen millions
out of five or six and twenty millions—^the most
pulous, the strongest, the most advancing
. d form them in .battalions, * * *• *
numbers and slower’growth,
ive power on .the other side: io nnng inis sec* tl
ional majority drill and stimulus of pay and
rattonB; to offer to it as a party the govern
ment of our country; its .most covsted nonors,
Its largest salaries; all its sweets of
•lace; to
Harder and Lynching In California!
A telegraphic dispatch to tbe Sacramento
American, dated San Andreas, September 26,
,“A cold blooded murder was perpetrated at
Angel's Camp on Dr. Armstrong, by a man
named C. Colebrook, at 4 P. M., on Friday.
Armstrong accused Colebrook ot stealing hog*
some time ago, and Colebrook went to Army,
strong’s cabin, and without saying a word
plunged a knife into his heart, killing him in
stantly. Colebrook was arrested, and while
being tried before a Justice of tbe Peace the
populace made frequent threats to hang him,
upon which assistance was sent for to Ban An
dreas. On tbe receipt of the news, Deputy
Sheriffs Sohroble and Betts started with a posse
for the scene of the murder.
Upon their arrival, a man arose in tbe court
room and urged the mob to bang the prisoner
immediately, M that officers were there to protect
him, and more were on the road.” Then fol
lowed a scene that baffles description. Tbe
officers tried to close around the prisoner, but
were repulsed, the lights put out, and Depi'
Sheriff Betts and another taken and disarm*
Schroble was put forcibly out of tbe door, and
admidst cries of “shoot him," Ac., tbe prisoner
was dragged to a tree and bung. The officers
called on the citizens to assist them, and bear
witness who were the executioners, but no res
ponse was made. All the fires and lights were
extinguished, and Colebrook was hung io total
darkness. Colebrook was an English sailor, and
was a brother of tbe Colebrook who shot a
Chileno near Campo Seco. last year, and was
bailed out, then absconded, and has never been
seen since.
fiercely with a vicious
•Id -
no hoi
moral atmosphere.
i would have
..hleh,, ■■
upon us If we tecendea lntb ehlgher
jaspbw cfrHVTir.'’bttr«t
rusnaN*. : amd oUm. work! on Bor«-rr; Wood'.; ! «»Tct».iott4vto stotw - &
Buww’i, Ml A Roko'j, DIckMb’s, uid other ciUssU'"
ggfeg To U' in'.wo »oremb«t16, use, .I'Obtfcriu tan,
XfeiMrics, sod BMjr recent works on Medical sub- <)*. under the «w*ra 1 iiu;ir1ntendeoc*o<
jCCU. 3 . H .—» t... I'» UwA.
Long's Atlas of Classical Geography—map*.
Sabbath Bells chimed by the Poets—beautifully
■ Poetry of the Woods, of tho Field and of tho
Year—fine plates.
Savannah, Go.
Offloo removed to Hodgson's new buildings, .over
D06 TBO.V k GORDON, 2t
No Family Should be Without Them.
We speak of M’Line's liver Pills, prepared by
Fleming Bros.,. Pittsburgh, Ps^ whioh -have be
come an Indispensable Family -Medicine. -Tbe
frigbUal symptoms which arise from a diseased
JJver manifest themselves, more or less, in every
family; dyspepsia, aick headache, obstrucUonof the
menses, ague and fever, pains In the side, with dry
hacking cough, are all the results of ■ hepatic de
rangement—and tor these Dr. M'Lane’s PUIs are a
sovoreim remedy. They have never been known
to fttlt/aUiPthey fhould be kept at all times by lam
files, ' ‘
‘ DiiuocnoNt—Take two pr three going to bed, every
second or third night. 1 If. they do not purge two
or three times, by next morning, take one or two
more. A slight breakfast should Invariably follow
The liver Pills may also be used where purging
Is simply necessary. As on snti bilUous purga
tive,. they ore inferior to none. Aud in doses of
two or three, they give astonishing relief to sick
headache; also in slight derangements of the stom
gy Purchasers wifi be careful to ask for Dr.
M'lAne’n Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by
Fleming Bras:, of Pittsburgh, Ps. There are other
Pills purporting to be Liver PUIs, now before the
public. Dr. ipLane’s genuine Liver Pills, also bis
celebrated Vermifuge, can now be bad at all re
spec table drug Btores. None genuine without tho
signature of FLEMING BROS,
[taj ... nov*.
R eceived by lot* arrivals—
. Ladies Wqlte Satin Slippers,
do do Mid <lo
Misses Black Gaiters and Morocco Bools,
- Ladies Polka and Jenny Llud Boots.
nbv6 No. Tl and 162 Gibbon’s Range.
' Omen SAT’B, ALBAJfT ft GCtf R. K. CO., I
' ' Ssvuuh, Nov. B, 18M. /
r tE 8eventh Instalm- nt of 10 per cent, on the
CUpital Stock of the Savannah, Albany nod
Guff Rati Road Company, by a Resolution of tbe
Board, ia hereby ordered to be paid on or before
tbe 10thday of Jainary, 1867.
noi$ Secretary and Treasurer.
U'George M. lAgart and Jau.' A^Ntabei, Esq;
tBT Remember thU Lrttory has only flfl
thousand numbers— dor than any Lottery In
worln, therefore it w tbe beat for Investment: Ex
amine the Scheme t - • -
OHKMB. . ;•>«
1 prl*« of
1 “ . te..e.(
or 61,000 are.;
Of lODaro... ........
of too are
oT 40 dre....V.
a muJxiMATTo.v raixw.
20 approxjmaJion» of f 100 are.. ;v.
60 60
: ’•Mi*' •
- A ’ - YOUNG man from New York wants a situa-
lion os Porter In a Grocery or Dry Goods
store. He Is wiping to msjco himself generally use
ful. Address, James Slater^ **- “ “ '
20are..i..4 l,OQ0.
1,712 prttcri amounting to 8l02,0f
TickeU 610—Halves 66—Quarters 82.60.
Prizce payable without dcdoction.
Tbe 1,600 Prises or 840 are determined by the
lait figure of the nuuoer that drawn' the Capital
Prize of 616,000.: The Capital Prize will, of coots#,
end with mie or the figures—1. 2,8* 4,6,6, 7,8,0,
0. Those Whole Tickets ending with the sapie
figure as the last in tho Cap Ui Will be entitled, to!
840. Halves aud Quarters in propoftiofi. 4 '
fi®“ Persous sending money by moil need ne
fear iU being lost. Orders punctnally.atWpded to,
Comtuunicatiomi uoufideotial.., Bank uotes of sound
bJ Jar Tho-fe a wSdig particular numbers. should
order immediately.' ‘ ” ’ * '
Address JAMEd F. WINTER, Manager,
det 10 -
S TFEL Plate Engraviop of Bucbaoan, Breckin
ridge, Stephens of Georgia, and Preston 8.
Brooks of South Carolina.
For sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent,
:tM Marshall House Building
mo PERFECT gentility, in manners, dress and
X conversation, tn the family, in company, at
the pianoforte, tbe table, in tbe street, aud in gen
tlemens society.
Also a useful Instructor in letter writing, tollei
preparations, fancy needlework, millinery, drees
making, care of wardrobe, the hidr, teeth, hands,
Ups. complexion, etc, by' Emily Jhornwell, author
rf|tf -- •• "
(Cmnmtraal 3nttlligtntr.
Savwnuali Market, November 7.
C f »TTOX—Yrstotday our cotton maiket was with
out animation and *ery ilttlo inquiry fjr the staple.
The sales were limited to 82 bales, riz: 8 at UX,
42 at l i, anil 32 at It
g Snttlligrart.
E XTRA prepared Mucilage for office and general
use, being a substitute ior Wafers, Scaliag
Wax, Gomarabic ami oil other inconvenient pro
parationsnow in use, is always of good consistency,
does not turn sour and U ready tor use at any
moment. For sale by
oetl8 160 Congress street.
Port of Savaimab November 7
Schr Thomas Holcombi, Lowden, New York, to
Cohens A Hertz.
. Six Tracts of Land, 600 acres eucb, o
' miles from the city of Savannah on the i
and"Qoll Rail Road, well, adapted to tht growth
Rico, Cotton and Um. and Mud tnnyl tv if)
ten times over. Apply to
feb27 tl C. A. i...OUL>
Receipts Per Central Railroad.
Nor 0 —815 bales cotton, and ra'ze, to Way
A Taylor, Hardee A Go, Beho A Foster, Hardwick
A tooke. A d Hartridge, Bothwell A w, J W L A Co,
Duncan, Brigbam, Kelly k Co, Parsons A Co, liana
k Waihbarn, Franklin A Brantly, Patten, H A Co,
Ruse, D A L, baUersby k Co, PoweU k Co, R R agt,
and others.
DARIEN, Oct. 27th, 1666.
mHE Co-partnership heretofore existing under
X the name of PARKHURST A ADAMS; is' dis
solved by the death ot Mr. John R. Adams, all tho-e
Indebted to tbe late firm ure repuested to make
immediate payment. Mr. Convert Parkhurst, will
attend to tbe settlement of the aflhirs of the said
Republican copy. 3m oct 30
A Colored Boy between ten and fifteen years,
to * '
. To the Public.
Ihe pieco in the Georgian and Journal, or this
afternoon, signed “ On# of the Trio,” had no allu*
slon to Messrs. Kern and Walsh.
November 6th, 1856. uov7
B Y the snbscribera on the first November next,
a colored Porter. One acquainted with the
city, and who can come well rccommeudod, will
bear of a permanent, situation by upplyiug immedi
ately to
oct 23
** ^T T ~Tt . FOR this trip the steamer SWAN
lUQegKteWill not leave for Demere’s Ferry until
Oo'cioca, Trild AFTERNOON, Nov. 7..
No freight will be roceivud after 2 o'clock of this
Bank Checks; Portmonaies and Pocket Books
Bill bead Boxes, Bill Files;
Note I’up.*r; Visiting and Playing Cards;
.Sand Boxes; Calendars; Paper Cutters;
Mai king Ink, Carmine Ink, Inketands;
Perforated Board, Paste Board, Tissue Paper.
J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent,
noy7 . under the Marshall House.
boxes Choice Tobacco, “various brands"
4v/U 400 bags Choice Rio Coffee,
60 bbls Sugar Biscuit, Butter do, Soda
do, Pilot do,
60 boxes assorted Cordials,
60 “ “ Candies,
25 “ Adamantine Candles,
26 “ Tallow w
26 “ Assorted Pickles,
20 lt Ground Coffee,
60 11 Colgate*’Family, Palo, A No.
26 jars French Rtpee, 25 do Macoboy
F AMILY BIBLES, or various qualities; Tuck or
Pockut Bibles; Prayer Books, Ac., Ac., for
i*uie by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent,
nov7 under the Marshall House,
> penetrate and fire bo migbi
find place; — r - —
go copAHUft a moss with tbe still more delicious
Idea that they fire moving for hnmaa rights
I *tl. JimmmIAm A^rnsn. In nail mil flinl^. CI0J
% of man: to fall bat their der-
mlplt. the library, the bedside of
inti tbe _
tUtfSy&g; tfe cliiair of tbe Inqairer, the heattti
of the bereaved; to bleee such a crusade; to pnt
in requisition every Specie* < of rhetoric add
sonhlstiy, to impreae'bh the neneral mind that
tho end justifies the means; that the end here
to be attaiac''io give Kansas te freedom;
and then to execute the enbllme and Improe-
slve dogma that all , men are born free and
“•'if'iiWft.'ife* 1 assi iBiiffirap
well adantea means to tnet end:. does that
strike you as altc^he? in Up spirit of Wash
ington and Praaklln.'the Brenmwe totbe Con
stitution, and tho Farewell'djldress 7 Does it
strike you thet tf carried out lt Will he a mere
Bummer excunloofc Mibeow? 1 Will there be
terloo? - v. mv.uii’.i r r
electioneering fur, to
powieeioR ct.ltiimwt erarttojoences ofiwtde
and various evfl, even whether they do or not
'reach to the overthrow of our system; that It
accustoms the people of each section to tarn
from contemplating that fair aud grand Ideal,
SsDocrios and Makuiaok.—The Louisville
Courier, of the 18th last., tells the following
story of sharp practice :
An ex-captaln of tbe Mexican war, who sports
a white beaver, nod is favorably known lor le
gal attainments, and a social disposition, was
applied to some days since for advice in ape-
culiarily intereating case, by a young lady of
sixteen. 11 appeared from her story that a fa
vorite suiter had taken advsntage of her youth
and innocence, broke the cemmandment most
commonly disregarded in this fast agesind was
id a fair way to break her heart and ruin her
reputation. “Can you get him to come hero ?"
qooth the adverser, “{think so,’’sold the iady.
Theclerk(for euoh he was bylprofeasionjandlgay
Lothario was sent for. In tho interim tbe law.
yer procured a revolver, and placed it in the
hand of the fair olient, instructing her not to
usolt without the young gentleman positively
refused her hand and heart, legally. He came,
and cold was the salutatiou between the injur
ed fair one and false lover. “Sir," said toe
lawyer, “you have placed thisyouog lady io a
dangerous position by your indiscretion, and
unless yon make reparation by Instant marriage
yon will ruin her forever. “Can't do it-’’ sen-
Untiously was the reply:
'•You will 1 ’'said the lady, as she suddenly
rose and placed thoteyolver against his breast.
His face paled as he saw tbe stern determina
tion in her face, and he sunk Into o chair, ex
pressing an immediate desire to make her
whole aa his wife legally. The clerk of tbe coun
ty court granted license forthwith, abdheand
the lawyeratetnded them to church,where the'
were married to ten minutes afterwards. W
believe oor friend, the lawyer, wee the hopples,
of them.all at the.terminauon of an aflhir which
does not always torn out so well.
. * -
“CoL’ Hoary S.Laae,eayaaaIadianapaper,
is well known as the leading champion ofFree
Kansas.’’ His character may properly be taken
aa a fair Ulostration of Black Hepnolicanism.
We therefore give what his late' father-in-law,
Mr. Bolbridgo, says of him: “When bis pre
cious son-in-law.ioduccd his daughter to go to
Kansas, he sold her property, amounting to
818,000, and alter reaching' Kansas, he pro-
red a mistress, and treated his wife so badly
at she was forced to leare forborne: and he
,ild her he had paid her passage on tho steam-
boat to Indiana, when in fact after the boat
■tutted, ebo round such was not the case, aud'
it was with difficulty that aha raised money
enough to pay her passage. Lane bad robbed
her or her fortune, been guilty of adultery with
. mletreae, and aent her home pennyless, and,
f r she had left, tried to get a divorce from
through tho very Territorial Legislature
T il' FOK TAT, > reply to “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin
and •Dyf-d,” by a iady of New Orleans.
Howto Drws with Taste, containing hints uno
the harmony ot colors, tbe complexion, Ac., Ac
being a suitable companion for the toilet tablo.
Bridal Etiquette, a sensible guide to tho etiquette
and observances of the marriage ceremonies.
How to Behave, or tbe Spirit oTEtlquetto.
How to Woo and How to Win.
How to be a Lady,a book for girls, containing use
ful hints on the formation of character.
How* to be a Man, a book containing useful hints
on the formation or character.
The Business Man’s Adviser, consisting of the
BuHuess Man's Assistant and Ready Reckoner, tbe
Trader’s Guide, and the Landlord’s and Tenant's
. The Tradesman’s and Mechanic's Counsellor and
Ready Calculator, comprising the Tradesman’s
Guide or Law of Trade, with a supplement of Rules
and Tables. Received by
J . B. CUBBEDGE, Agent,
nov7 under tho Marshall Hocao.
The superior steamer GORDON,
J. P. Brooks,Commander, bavinr
boon thoroughly overhauled am
famished with a now boiler, will run regularly—
twice a week—between Savannah and Charleston ;
leaving Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons, at 6 o'clock, and returning will leave
Charleston every Monday and Friday afternoons,
at 6 o’clock.
Forireight or passage apply to
J. P. BROOKS, Agent,
novO Charleston wharf.
which be is .denouncing ae , bogus end Ille
I Akciiht CmmcHta.—The eldest chqreh in
Philadelphia is the Gloria Dei, which, was
frected In 1700, on tho same site as Its prede
cessor, which was built of..logs, andserv-<d the
double purpose of a place of worship atid a de
fence against the Indiana. -Christ Cbnreh'is
where Washington and Fmnklih worshipped.
It was also at first a log building.' The pres-
tint edifice i» i«« ■ *»- —•
, aettt to hiffl.irtiBg out g joybosfpeal op hisat-
rival. The good“Qo«n^ Aniie" presentbd oort
of the commnnloh'etevlo,lnq7f* ' " '*
uoeii survey noreaum noaniogran, nss ex
changed that position fortho superintendence
ot tho harbor works at Boston, Hast, and pro
ceeded thlttier on Saturday hut.
J UST RECEIVED a new supply of that Extra
Fino -White Buckwheat, which was so much
liked last winter. This artioie is pronounced by
those who have used it to ba superior to any other
made. . .. !
Double Extra Family Flour, or fitat quality, in 12.
and 24 pound ba^a. Quinces, for preserving; Hlci
ory Nuts; Apples, Ac., st
uoyC—2t DICKSON’S.
X Received and for sale by
QI’ERM ACETH, Adamantine and Tallow of various
O . brands; Soap of various brands, from 6, 8. 10
undl'Jcouts. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cepta; W<
maulri Friend 10 cotito. • Call and examine at
Family Grocery,
riup'26 Whiiakor'andCbarlton-streets.
A LL perKOtis haviug'demauds against the Estate
A. or Mrs. EUZA ANN JEWETT, deceased, will
hand them itr duty attested, and those indebted wi 1
pluorio make payment to
•no4^1rar ' SoleQuafifled Executor,
A FfiW Angle gentlemen can nbtald good Btiard 1
atid Lodging St the So. West, corner St.
Juneti afad Prlce 8tr©et’tt.
oc»23 ■ 1 •'«’ ' 2W
BOOTH anp bhoeb;
Nos. 71 and 162 GIBBONS'
_ .BUILDING, next dodr to the
Clothing f^toro of George S’. NlcnAts A(fo., and so
licits UiujKttriiuSge df his mends find the miblfc : '
general. 1 .V ••• ll; J.' BUCKNER,
i ,cct'7~ily ' ■ •; ;y-: ■/”
I)R. J. K SCREVEN Wits this (lay elocted
a Director or the Merchant'll and tauter’«
Bank, hi piaccof Seaton. GrotiUond, Eeq., or .MU-
rXRATEir-.GRATi^.fiie^titrtlot'cffGrfites, evisr
IJT 6Henid' In Bavabnah can be fo und at 1 ' T ,r
Stove and House Furnishing Establishment,
HodMOO’s Block,
comer Bull and Broughton lie
oct 16
, through the Post of-
ihtlemeuor small families can be
with good Room* and Board, at
Drayton street, opposite the Ice House,
dee 12—4f MRS. M. 8. RAYMEH.
•Home care-* matte easy,
For sale by
waunock a Davis.
169 Congress street
do light work.
Apply at this office.
20 nests Tubs.
20 doz Painted Buckets.
60 boxes Extra, First and Second
qualities Lemon Syrup,
60 boxes Scbeidam Schnapps,
60 “ Claret Wine,
100 “ Pipes, aborted sizes,
60 chests Black Teas,various qualities,
60 qr do Hyson do, superior,
25 eighth do do do do,
60 gross Goodwins’ Yellow Bauk, So*
lace and pure American.Fine Cut Tobacco.
200 reams Wrapping Paper, ail sizes.
25 boxes Macaroni,
25 do Vermicelli,
26 cases Olive Qil,
100 Whole, half aud quarter kegs F F F
Gun Powder,
600 boxes Sardines,puartor and halves.
For sale by J. V. CONNERAT,
octuB No. 162 Bay-street.
Q/\ Bbls No. Prime Leaf bird
£4\J 100 Boxes Scaled Herrings
100 do White Goshen Cheese
50 boxes English Dairy “
4 hhda Codfish
26 kegs choice Goshen Batter
76 boxes Beadeti’s 8 A 8 Tallow Candies
60 boxes Colgatos (Oriental) “
60 dozen Brooms
60' “ painted Buckets
50 boxes new Raisins
75 “ Imported Negro Pipes
26 bbls hand made Sugar Crackors
26 “ Butter and Soda “
50 Soda “
100 boxes Oswego and Beadell's Pearl Staroh
100 “ Smith A Buchan’s Family Soap
76 « Colgate's ft Bnr “
60 “ “Pale “
60 boxes Grant k William’s 5 A 8 Tsbacco
For sale by
oct 24
mflK uudersigneo' have aud ore now receiving
J] tin?Jr block ol
Foreign and Domeatle Dry Goods,
Tu;wbleb they invite tbe attention br their' friends
and customer!', and public generally, as they feel
quite continent that they t an oiler such induce
moots hi will satlsty-the closest buyers, lu oui
line will be found a full supply of rianter*’ Goods,
such as Kerseys, Uioukets, linxiys, . Fiaunels.
Sheetings, ShirUugs,. tioths, Cassimeres, with j
good variety of other styles. Fancy Dress Goods,
such as rich, (ail wool,) Do Latnos. Worsted Plaids,
Caj-UntereT 1 , luig’.ish and French Merlnbes. Silks,
black aud col'ired. Also. Moire Antique Silks, Em
broideries-, Mantillas, Cloaks, Dress Trimmings, Ac.,
.\c., all of which.wo oiler on liberal .terms. Coll.,
and examine at WELLS A WILLIAMS,
oet 1. No. 149 Congress street
H ARPEit'a .sew Monthly Magazine for Novem
ber. Rcceivod and for riaie by •
Old24 .169.Congtess st'
Ybe Sa van null Grocery dk Fruit Depot
QA UBLi.of ibe Choicaats Eating Apjiies.
OU 2 do Fiue Quinces,,3 Frails Dates.
lu UoxeM Leiuuus. New Figs, Layer and Bunch
Raisins, do Currants, Utrons &c., *c.
New No. 1 Mackerel, Salmon and Codfish.
1 Crate Extra Bunch Unions. ' '
1 tio do Cabbages,
i’igs Fee und Pigs Heads in Pickle.
Bath Brick, Currie Powder,
fc'up. tfago cheese,
Fresh BDcuit, fifteen different kinds.
Stuart’s Syrup.
30 Buuchc.s i.unants.
HkW') Nassau and Havaua Oranges.
All for. sale on the most reasonable terms, by ■
oct30 . WM. H. FARRELL.
WIN Tickets Onljrt!
Prisss amounting to
200,000 DoUars!
Will be dUftflqiud ffamtmg w .he (olUiwin,
■ 1 prise of. *50,100 ti »50oai
I SO do JO,000 u ; jj'osn
l do do 20,000 n a’S
1 do do 10,000 I. lo'i?
l.j0S»fi.Ji:otiu {9,njS.*l„T7 .... 10 000-
5,ooo fi... .. i’32 7
2,500 li 5'S
1.000 Io; 2$°
300 is Hfi
too is io cco
4 prizes of MOO spprozim'p to»50.000sre lew
* S -■< X’te™.®
SEUARS or the favurite brands
Mi’Ll£1' A M1CHEL3,
corner Bay aud Lincoln streets.
1 do do,
2 do dti....
2 do do.;..
20 do do....
60 do do..'..
* 76* do do....
100. do do....
126 do do...
A nrlvef off
! 4 - a
4 »
■, 4 “
8 “
8 “
• 80 “
200 “
300 «•
1,000 prise* amounting to
30,000 are \
10,000 are 8W
10^00 are 700
6,000 art eoo
2,500 are <S0
1.000 are 520
5Wsr. 2,1*0
200 are 6,000
•_ *200,000
raid or naatra.
Wbol* Tickets,810; Halres J5; Qusrforf |2 «.
. wax or rax Lomar/
30,000 Numbers corresponding with those ot the
Tickets are placed in one Wheel The first 380
Prizes are placed in another Wheel, a number U
drawn from the Number Wheel, and at the game
time a Prize Is drawn from the other wheel. The
Prize drawn is placed agaitm the number arawn
This operation U repeated until all the Prizes ue
drawn out.
The two preceding and the two succeeding Nutn.
ben to those drawing the first 200 prizes win be
entitled to the 800 Approximation Prizes, ar tor dim?
to the Scheme. *
In ordering Tickets enclose the money to our id-
dress for Abe Tickets ordered, op receipt of which
they will Be forwarded by first mail. '
• The' List of Drawn Numbers aud Prizes will be
sent to purchasers immediately after the draw-
orders for Tickets should be sent in eariy.
' ggf Purchasers will please write their signatures
plain, and give their pc*i office, county aud Mate
49- Remember that every prize is drawn, and
payable in full without deduction.
0* All prizes of81,000 and under, paid immedi
ately after the drawing,—other prizes at the usual
time of thirty days. ...
All communications strictly confidential.
Prize Tickets cashed or renewed In other Tickets
al either office.
Orders for Tickets can be addressed either to
S. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, ba., or
ifi. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala., and
Box 82, Savannah P. o.
47* As the abore is not an "odd and eveu num
ber scheme,” no Certificates of l ockages can bo
told in it. oct 14
JiVitUi'l', lUKlLfc. \w—The cargo of the schr,
£ Brtti.-h queeu, in three days from Nassau, N,
P., consisting or
For sale by YOXGE A FR1EHBON-,
oct29.2t No. 94 Bay street.
1 X A tioavy Gunny Oioth,
IgU For sale by
oct24—lmo J. W. LATI1ROP A CO.
Ctnr TRXASfKKR’d Omcx, \
Savanbab* 1st Nov .,1856. J
mHE average priceo of Flour the past month
X being Eight dollars per bbl, Bread muBt weigh
as follows ;
10 cent loaf ranst weigh 2ft O oz.
5 “ •• ** “ 1ft Ooz.
3 “ •* “ .“ 9)%oz.
novl City Treasurer,
Savannah Grocery
100 lb*. Victoria »nd CatawbaGr -pts.
40 bbls. Splendid Eating APPI£a. .
large Preserving PEARS.
QUINCES, Like the Last.
Chesnuts, Hickory Now, ami Fresh Date*.
Tomatoes, Betts, Carrots, Ac.
Rye Flour, Oat Meal, Pearl Barley.
10 kegs Extra Goshen BUTTER.
5 do Choico do.
And low priced qualities, together with a t tried
tsiortment of Fresh BISCUIT.
oct 16 W. H. FARRELL.
L as locar and traveling agents in a business
easy, useful and honorable, fit a salary of $100 per
m?nth( A capital of 85 ouiy required/ No patent
medicine or book business. Full particulars gives
(free) to oil who enclose a postage stamp or & three
cent piece, and address A. B. MARTYX.
sept22—w3m PlaUtow, X. H.
. . , l a superi-
landiug per schr Target, and
4)A bbls Read A Bro’s , Albany Alc.^
6d\J or article,
tor sale by
Having made arrangem‘*uts wtib Messrs. Read A
Rro’s., ior fa Io of their Albany. Ale, shall be con-
stantly supplied, and oiler tbe samo at lowest cash
41/-V y. bbls Fresh Buckwheat,
&\J -.o a do.
26 boxes do.
20 bbh Now No. 3 Mackerol,
10 do Large No. 1 c’o-
10 ft uo Mnull No. 1 do.
landing and for sale by
60 boxes Grand A Williams’# 10 ounce Tobacco.
60 bbls Luther Felton Boston Rum
23 ” Boston “
20 ” Old P. H'Giu
10- “ E- Phelps Rye Gin •
60 N.O. Rectified Whisky
25 bbls Domestic Brandy
26 }i casks 4th proof Brandy
20 % « “ “ “
26 >4. “ Malaga Wino
60 hols Crashed and Powdered Stuart’s Sugar
60 M Stuart’s A. A B. Clarified Sugar
60 « “ C. « “
10 hhds choice St. Crulx “
10 “ t* P. R- “
&0 ‘‘ Prime Baeon Sides
2U “ “ “Shoulders
16 casks Byoss I-onpoa Porter
, 20 H ca»kaTeneriffe Wine
100 Bogs Prime Green Rio Qoffee
MO ^ Fair do “ “
60 bogs ceoice Government Java Coffee in mats
76 boxes Adamantine Candles.
In store and for faleh y
oct 26
R E0E1VKD per l»warrivals--^ ,
Ladies Black and White 81k Hose,
» do do Raw do .
Rick Burmese Wool d .°
do 4r>!*rian sod Cashmere do
White, Slate, Brown and Black ’ otton Hose.
Al»». afttll assorlment of
AUxfcndres Kid Gloves,
: Dol’d and Black 811k do
do Cashmere do
UdiM Merino Vesta, i
i do Fllk do,.by
oct28 .... , HENRY LATHRQP A CO.
, SUGAR Ao-,-
76 bbls Domestic Brandy
100 bbls P H Gin
128 bbis'N fi Ram • <■
100 bbls Rectified Whiskey,
76 bbls X, XX, XXX do
, 60 bbls Old.Bye. ,-.tlo
6o hhds P R, M and N O Sugar
126bbls8tuart’sABAC do
to^elved^nd.for ■*!« Jf <fluH0N k
H6V4 ! No 206 A107 P*y at
CIOAP, BPARCB, 4^0- .. „ . “ ——
O 1&0 boxes Beadel’s Family 8oap
/-lANDLtri. STARCH, SUA1’, Ac.—
Ly oi) box-.g Ppi-rm and Patent Sperm Candles
^ &ai) bozos aud half boxes Pearl Starch
160 •* Colgate’s No. ISoap
50 “ Bvadel, Smith A Colgate’s Family an
Pale Soap
200 “ Adamantine and Tailow Candles
50 '■ Pipes and Pipe Heads
In atoro and for salo by ,
I '.wJt'R—50u bb if. extra aud superfine Flour, as
sorted brands.
600 sacks extra and puperfine Flour, ass’d brands
160 quarter Backs double extra,
160 bbls. Goodletville double extra
o' 2 YOUNG at WYA YT.
25 bbis Taylor A Son's Ale
SO bbls iot a Wes
10 bbls Apples
Received and for sdie by
S UNDRIES—Just received—
60 boxes Cotree, Pepper and Mustard
60 “ Beadell Starch and Soap*
25 •* A daman tine and Tallow Candles
50 bbis and bags extra Family Flour
30 “ Potatoes and Onions
40 gross Wood aud Paper Matches
60 dozen assorted Brooms aiid.Pails
100 “ s;rub Brushes aud Clotbos Lines
60 “ Wash Boards
810 bags Java and Rio Coffee. For salo by
oct 2 . corner Broughton and Drayton sta
1UU.UUU la Ro.,a Uaiirca,
Ia Ftor do la Flores Regalia Loudnfe,
La Rcdoira Londrea,
Istgitimoa do
Hoc Cabanas, Flor flna,
La iDgenuidad, El Mayor Riuggold,
Ia a Caza, 1st lutegredad Londrea,
De las Vejores Vegas
La Rose de bautiago
La Puntuaieded
Ole Anselmo Gazalek
La Pulklaz Regalia du •
LaFlel de P. S. C- | do v
1st Rio Hopdo, El.Otutii do Orion,
La Confianza Ojiera, ...
La Ristori flomties,
Martinez Q Hlzi. , „ *
do Cdihdradiw I-oudrori.
Caffra Regal a. Fiagro CiJeudradus do •
All the above Sogar.-i rre tor 8ale . b y' ' .;;‘ -
oct31 corner Bav aud BuU-sls, ,
C ANDLES-,- - ..
aud Star (.’Audios :
E'ght humlred boxes Adumautine
uw<: L'audlos: • ••• •<
100 half boxes Aduinitntine Candies;
60 do .Hotel . . i -• ilo;„ .* ,,
160 dy rfroruj, f^aleUL Spi-rtu au^XkUowdo,
r " r '“ k '" y WKW^AVAtittS.'
i.— ■ ;—^^-112——.
100 do
160 de
100 do
16 *
eta do
do Nol
Assorted Toilet
Received and tor salt by
C UliFle-H, Pot’.tiujs, Ac,
20 qulutals Codfish.
60 bbis. Morcer.l’otitoefi.
j luo boxes Herrings. , ,
' lu store and fur sa.e by 1
: 2 r*“
C OTTON and Linen Sheetmgi, Sbiriting), Irish
Linens. Pillow Case Linens, Bird’s Ere Dia
pers, Huckabacks, Huck and Fiue Damask Towels,
8,9 and 10> 4 ' Sup. Irish and-Bcotch Table -Damisla,
Napkins and Doyles, Real Welih and Americu
Flannels, Fine Bath and Whitney Blankeu, Linen
and Cotton Bed Tick, Ac., Ac
For sale at the lowest market prices, by
nov5 • DzWIlT k MORGAN.
B LACK Csasinwres and.Doedkin?, Fancy do,
Block and Col’d Cloth*, Tweeds, e'afnets, Silk
Veutings, Merino and Gotten Undor Garment, Ho
siery of all kinds, Gent’s i inen Cambric UdkTe,
Hom’d Stitch’d Uo. do., Col’d Borders do., Utccki,
Napoleon Ties and Crfivats, Ac., kc
For sale by ' __
nov5 DsWITT k M0R0AN.
G roceries.—150 Bbis abac sugar;
25 Hhda NO&PH Sugar y
30i Sacks Rio Coffee, all grades ;
160 Boxes Coigates No. 1 Pale and Fami
Foap. ‘
100 Boxes No. 1 do;
200 do Adamantine Candiss;
60 do Sperm;
100 do Starch..
i,100. da Tobacco.
For sale by RODGERS NORRIS, 4 CO.
Cuba Molas-es;
tfirenty-flve barrels do do; seventy five do N.
Q. do. For sole by
M olasses.—Thirty Hhds
Vi *
a EORGIA made Brogans, lor *ale by.
ootlB ' 71 ^162 Gibbons’ Building-_
100 boxes Smith’s k Buchan's E'amily
50 “ colgato’s pale ' do
60 “ do No. 1 ft Bar do
25 “ Oswego Pearl curch
50 “ - Colgate’s and Beadell's Taliow Candto
Landing from schooner Loyal Scranton, and lor
oct 12
25 half bbls New Buckwheat,
60 qnar do do
60 eighth do do
Landing and for sale by
B UITEITaND CHEESE.-B) kegs choice Gashes
Butter. ,, ..
200 boxes Cheese. In itore“d I f o r ?a!e by
O^HEN RUTTER AND i’Hfcia^uk^Tjio-
shen Buttor; 60 boxefi do Cheese; laudiof
Trom steamer and for sale by 1 ' ‘ m
septlT fl,-RANTON. JOHNSON k C0_
O 6C00 boxes,'H sodM boxes,
“SSlT.*- ' .eoreersfAS"-’
F un NuVEMBKft-nrei'lria s>-
" J.' B.'CUUUQ10E, J«t,
oc,22 ' uuer :hs MSrelulI H
C HOICE Mercer PoUilOffl.-flre bunareS urij
Ctioioe tfercer HoW«3 for ■ »fo, «
’500 socks Car-nichaeltaguperfino Kiour.
• 76 borrrH Extra Flour ,
60 sacks Corn Meal, Diploma*,•
ri>i)B,vb()o!-xwljsob k*.
I k William’s Tobacco, 6’s and 8,4, - .
A 400 boxes assortedbran«ta, ^nna^’ 6 ^
20 SrbokS {4optata and T" U1 FtnC f ’ -
40 kegs extra Twlit and Pancskc;
w<> nrAUUjL.
J; 50 ni>ls Mercer Potatoes
J|£Ackebei..—sobali barrels reeffiitm rise Nv,
Maokore} . .
26 quarter barrelsrlargo,No. 1,,,’
25 Kilt’* largo.No. 1 Mackorel. , v , rQ/ ,
toriore smiM*"* "-
H AY—-A. bales prime Eustern H.iy,' u„>,ora
•ad li ' ■—
. aad for salo low, Irebw" conSiaat". nl.lbri
nerd .. - ., CAg%BPFQ»nfm
QitulUaBUTt tB.—lS kegs cbolce Batter Jail re
) culved mid for sale by
Oct 22
94 Bay-s
t 'W Bfitbe -When IWf.
pomes Mj*
;K ^ -nmis
*Mecaftln anil giVfimw