Newspaper Page Text
. v-h R- -y *
Ntmiut i*
• Nmmbdr 15.
SKE femprnfi keep? hr bphrtmenti, ir>t
through illness but precautions The
Count WoitHUEOw ha* given a grand ca- .
- tertaintnent to the Earl 0/ Buckingham
(hire* to which all the foreign mimdcrs
were invited.
Vicmur, Dee. I h We daily expert the
| aftion between tie Print* of Hotberg and
the Profliiuit • Franconiat- > •
Hcmhtrrb De. *7. The Prtifflaniftuptidn into Fran
tr.nit masc. .great noffe. The princes ot the empire once
took * teialulion to apply for focconr to the French King u
. ... £ant*ef the treaTy of Westphalia. bet this design was
wn ed on their being Wormed that the French troops were
| n confeeaence of the preliminaries between England and
hat crowrt, to evacuate the empire so soon as the
a s were exchanged* and to return no more during this war.
\uZ, Ok. . We hear flora Madrid, that the King
ms Snoin has oranteA a pcflfio* of ten thousand livres to the
widow of Don VeWco* who so bfavely defended the Moro
jr firt at the Havana j and has given his (bn a title of nobi
lity ih Caftile, which he is to bear by the name of the Mar
auU of the Fori Moro. His Majesty has likewise given di
grams, th t the* (hodjd be aUays, for the futu e, one
ti : p the royal navy of the name ot VeUfc**
Paris* Dec. ay* The t>uke of Bedford is preparing a
***ad ennlpage* b OtAcr to his public entry in quality af
Smbn~*lor Extrar dinary from his Britan nick Majcfty, -
. which is to be made about the middle of February next.
Ylm ceremony will give *n additional luftre to the fcftirals v .
1 to- be celebrated oil account of the conclufton of the
and, to angnsent the splendor of this foleoinity, an •
;eftrtan (Utttec# his prefcat Majefty* adriudy finilhcd, is
jJh.e* H he erected.
n 1 m
LONDON, December <4*
Admiralty-QJtce t Drcinber *4. 4 .
Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Saunders gives an aCcdunt, in.
Ills letter of the 9th of lift month* from Gibraltar,
hat the day besom arrived at that port, hk M.jeily’i ihips
the drupe, commanded by Capt. Tonya, with the Oiteau,-
a French frigate of 26 guns, and about *4O men, which'he’
41 \a with and took the 23d of Goober, a boat (even;
segues If. W. by W. from Cafthagena The Brune had
fix men killed, and 14 wounded, in the engagement * and
there were 49 killed and wounded on board the Oifcuu. The
ChevaHa’ do Modente* her Captain, loft his right arm
Three of hia officers are wounded, and all the rest of them
•rilled.. Lends* Geoce&r.
Dee. 27. It is reported that the Earl of Grenville will
resign bis place of Frefident of the Council on account
?*f hk great age and bad date of health, and that the Lord
CrantfiJU# is to resign the seals and faceted him in that im
portant office, which will Occa&on a general promotion a
mi the gentlemen of the law. *
From Ratiibon they fend us a rumour that the Ministers
ngland and Pruma have been ordered by the Grand
%mior <b quit Conftantinople*
Letters by this dny’s mail advise, that a negotiation bc
the courts of Vienna and Berlin is in great forward
licfs. • . *
Wt have also a report that the Count de Seilern is com
;f g to England with the changer of Minister Plcnipoten-t
t iry from the Emprels Queen to renew the good under
(finding between the two courts.
It is very strongly affirmed that the French have already
T uftcn men cf war to the Hail-lodic*, in older to be be-
t H U R- S DAY, .April 7, 1763.
t * *
forehand with us, and (hew us fome true French faith * and
that a fleet of ours is alitady going there.
.It is also affirmed that gfeat obftaejes to the definitive
treaty haveasifen, inconfeouence of fome difputei between
Frenth and Engliib Eaft-lndia companies.
Orders wese/rnt on Thursday night to the War osce*
to continue t Kllgt it troops in full pay till the 23d of next
month, not being yet ready to difmif* them. * ,
Ycfterday there was a cabinet council at S\ James’s on
affairs relating to the army, at which Lord Ligoaier and
fcveral officers of the army afltfted. • • *
We learn from Spain* that the money and cffe&s of the
Count de Supcrunda, late Viceroy of Peru* which h..d been
landed at Ferrol from the Havanua, had been seized by the
government, and the Count hfmfelf was expelled to be put
under arrest: That the ifioney belonging to private
returned from the Havanna had alfo* .beeii frippd* fcecaufo
they had neglected to regiftcr ty xt it Wha thought it
would be rcUorcd. * *
Advices from Am flcrdam .nretqn<i x D&it Iccofding tp let
ters received there from dPthc 6th of May*, dm
English have rcceiveia kon&ijWlblc ctfeck q d(c.coaiHf
Curomandel, by the die
iilc of France* and it S* wSavc'dfo
fullered a very great fp>tp thbrnme plied
bring accounts,
the iileofFranfrj, but it H noflpd'this will all pfovd Dutch
A from PorAtMi mi* n ,lto-lne Flench
p. XUcn there express on their be
ing ordered home, and that gtei* nuiAbcfs of them* who
were ordered bn Jy>ard return to Friocoi Jmd mad*
jheix efcapc.* v ‘ j 4
UdrFAdajrritf; biilitia Wis riifombodied at
ambjuid giv| them their regiment ckmrin,
kiupfacks, Ac. aiid each of thepi 1% dftys pay to carry
them to their rcfperiive homes.
The l'amtly privateer of sf. SeMtanh, of 10
guns and loojnen, ts taken by the Boftoo frigatef Sir Tho
mas AdapC brouglu into Plymouthi
The Calcutta^ Induman baa adually. brddglii! konte the
lift Frenchmen A hat rtmained on thV whole continent of
Aim; and Bcucooiqo, on the island of Sumatra, whs retaken
about 15 months ago by three of our lodianien^—<fuery*
Mb at cinftKjls in the Haft- Indies has front tiit/hre ti
if* order to fnlji! the, 10/6 article if the prtlitdhmriej ?
By this Ihip we have also advice, that the forces destined
for ao expedition against the Manilla islands, wore all ready
to proceed, and only waited for an accdunt of the declarati
on of war again ft Spain, and were in great expectation * of
success. But we have Aill a lcfs plcafiag account of the in
tended attack on the French at Mauritius, wifely planned
by tne late minister, for their utter extirpation from that
quarter of the globe. Admiral Corntlh* during his cruifo
and delay, in expectation of the promised fuccours from
Europe, buried upwards of 1000 brave Jailors, beides land
men, and returned fsckly and diftrefied.
A M E R I C K%
80/hn t Oatbnr 181 ‘
eE hear from Biddeford, in the cdnhty of York*
that at the inferior court lately he and there, a
cause was tried between Thomas Hammet,.of
Berwick, - is hid county, yeoman, plaintiff*
-T -and Peter Staple, of Kittery, in the l .mc county, %
gentleman, defendant, for the defendant’s the
plaintiff’s wife, cc. and after a /ulLhearing of fix hours,
the jury brought in their verdidl for the plaintiff to recover
againJl the defendant 10001. lawful money* damage* and
colli. -