Newspaper Page Text
Sunbury; and on Monday put In, a snow from London in
13 weeks, bound for Beaufort,/or which place (he failed
yeftelday. ‘ „ 1
Saturday being the anniversary of the gunpowder-plot,
the fame was duly observed hcfc.
Custom-House, Entered Inwards. From
j Kov. Sr Sloop Ra<Ael, John Bolitho, Philadelphia
* SchoonerPhcenix,J.Miller Humphrey, S. Carolina
10, Ship Sea Nymph, Grant, # London
Outwards. * For
tfov* 10, Schoopcr Phoenix, J. Miller Humphrey, Barbados
• Sailed. For
ftov. 3, Brigt. Laleah Sc Susannah, N. Crofley, St. Kitts
juf imported* in the Jloep Rachel, Copt. John Bolitho, from
Philadelphia, and to to fold oh very reasonable terms by
Christopher Pechin, at bisftore on Mr. Whitefield’/
•wharf, the following goods, viz*
Yj'LOUR, Blip, irtiddling, milk and butter bread, Ma
deira wine in half pipes and auacter calks, Jamaica
spirits, common rum by the hog/head, barrel, half barrel,
and ten gallon kegs, cheese, butter, gammons, double beer,
loaf sugar, almonds, candles, soap, chocolate, white wine
vinegar, onions, bar iron, and earthen ware.
N. B. Wanted immediately by said Christopher Pechin,
about 500 bulhels of; rice, and foal leather.
To be fold at Sunbury, by order of the Court-of Vice-Admiralty,
on Tuesday the 2stb infant, Vincent, Mar
ital of the said court,
-1 VOUR, now lying before the town
, * of Sunbury, with all her tackle, furniture,
-tnd apparel; Ihe is better than half Iheath-
CC L has nails enough to finifh her.—
Also, Three or four hundred barrels of
good rice'will be fold, at the fame time.
SUN and Turkey raisins, * Jordan almonds, white and
brown sugar-candy, barley-sugar, tamarinds, fagoe,
Glauber and Epsom /alts, single and refined Britilh oil,
Hunter’s drops, Jackson’s bitters, oil of caftor, Turling
ton’s balsam, Godfrey’s cordial, Stoughton’s elixir, plain
and golden spirit of scurvy-grass, balsam of life, balsam of
Chili, Bateman's drops, Squire’s elixir, Daffy’s elixir,
Dr. James’s fever powders, Lockyer’s pills, Hungary and
lavender water, eye water, Fryar’s balsam, Jesuits bark,
camphire, Venice turpentine, spirit of turpentine, Spanish
flu l, Venice treacle, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, mullard,
and mod kinds of medicines; the whole newly imported bv
the last veflels from London. Boxes of medicines, with
directions, prepared for plantation use. ~
To be fold, on Tuesday the 29 tb infant, at the ujual place in Sa
vannah, to the higbtf bidder ,
A DECKED FLATT, with all her tackle; /he is
rigged like a schooner, and fails well, is remarkably
llrong and well built, and when loaded draws but three feet
nd a half of water, although it is supposed /he w ill carry
140 barrels of rice. Six months credit will be given, if re
quired by the purchaser, upon paying interest to
TO BE SOLD on very'reafonable terms, by
Yldonia wine by the pipe, quarter ca/k, or anv smaller
quantity, not less than'three gallons;pre/erved fruitsin
bottles; St. Kitts rum by the hoglhead, quarter ca/k, or any
quantity not less than three gallons; northward ditto in the •
like quantities>annifeed anu clove cordials in ca/ks of about
15 gallons; molaffcs and treacle by the hog/head; miifco
\ado sugar by the hoglhead, barrel, or hundred weight;
Caftile soap in small oxes; Florence oil in cases containing
one dozen of bottles; raisins in ca/ks of about 100 lb.
. Likewise to be fold, a parcel of likely healthy negroe
inei* Credit will be given to the firll of January.
Also, Two neat Italian riding chairs, just imported.
They have imported by the lalt veflels from Briilol, white,
blue, and green plains, of an extraordinary good quality.
Wanted, a parcel of live hogs.
Anr 0B E SOLD,
PLANTATION, containing 1237 acresfgood nee,
corn, and uidico land, pleasantly iituated aSoMfevea
mins wtft ffom bavannah, joins on lands of Miflrs. Gib
tons and Benjamin Farley, on which there is a good dwel
lmg-houfe, a barn with two floors, and a rice machine, a
great quantity of. mulberry? peach, and apple trees, &c.
160 acres are already cleared, and under proper fences.
- For further particulars enquire of
Juf imported, in the Greenwich, Capt. Marflal, from Bristol,
anftbe John and Elizabeth, Capt. Lundbury, from Lon-
A Large assortment of EUROPEAN and EAST-INDIA
GOODS, suitable to the present” and approaching
season, amongst which are the following articles, viz. White,
blue, green, and drab-coloured plains, a neat assortment of
coloured prints, quern ftoncs, lhoe thread, fail, fain, call
ing net and /hop twine, a neat assortment of broad cloths,
with suitable trimmings, ready made cloaths of different
kinds, an assortment of books, cases of pickles, perfumed
and plain hair powder and puffs, wheat riddles, iron and
brass wire fixves, telescopes and magnifying glasses-, maho
gany cases filled with arrack, silver and brais mounted pi
Bols, pearl barley and raisins of the fun, with fait, rum and
sugar, to be fold at the lowest prices, by
TO BE SOLD, by way of chances, to be divided into
1200 tickets, at 20 s. Sterling each, nnd to be drawn in
Savannah on the 18th of November inst.
The following ARTICLES, viz.
I Ca/h, One hundred and five pounds, 105 o 0
I Ditto, One hundred pounds, ico o 0
I Ditto, Seventy-five pounds, 75 o 0
2 Ditto, Fifty pounds, 100 o 0
2 Ditto, Twenty-five pounds, 50 o 0
3 Ditto, Twenty pounds, 60 o Q
4 Ditto, Fifteen potmdf, 60 O 0
10 Ditto, • Eight pounds, 80 o 0
18 Ditto, Six pounds, 108 a Q
20 Ditto, Four pounds* 80 o 0
# 46 Ditto, Three pounds, 138 o 0
•14 Ditto, Two pounds, ?8 o 0
I Ditto, Ten pounds four fillings Ha'penny, 10 4 t
1 Coffee pot, 16 5 6
1 Waiter, 4 39
I Soop spoon, Artd 6 table ditto, 7 f J o
3 Swords, different prices, 19 o o
5 Hangers, 18 15 o
5 Snuff boxes, different prices, . 17 16 <>
5 Pairs of stone ear-rings, 12 00
1 Pair of stone buckles, 2 o o
6 Sets of tea spoons, 711 6
6 Pairs of gold buttons, 660
61 Pairs of silver buckles, differentDriccs, 71 11 a
21 Sundry articles, confiding of gold, fil- %,
ver, and jewclery, He. He. He. all
in 20s. prizes, 21 00
1 Ditto, 1 14 o
nmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 4
*f° Blanks to a Prize. Toul £- 1100 ° °
960 Blanks. J T - ■ ■■ ■ ■
trnmmnmmm m
1200 - .
[Several of the tickets being sent up to Augufa, and as it wit l
be Jome time till an account can be revived of the number difpoftd
of, the fubferiber begs bis friends who have already puyehajed tic
ket’ will excuje bis deferring the day of drawing tilt the 18 tb inf.
He has fill a few of the tickets to ‘dtfpofe of.)
N. B. A difeount of seven and a half per cent, to be de
duced out of ca/h prizes only.
In case the tickets are not all disposed of by the time of
drawing, the money to be returned; bonds for that pur
pofe.’as well as for the due performance of every part, am
given to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John
Morel, Efqrs. who arc appointed infpeflors.
JOORNEYMA N PRINTER may meet with good
encouragement by applying to the pubh/her o* ihL
paper. An APPRENTICE is a lio wanted.