Newspaper Page Text
O Range-flower <w*ter, rose water, tama
rinds, fait pet re, oil oftw*peatine, Fryar’s balfaiq,
smelling bottles, boogies, gold and silver leaf,afewfurgeon>*
;;t liniments and (hop utensils, viz. cases of needles, small
pewter syringes, Iteci-fpring tiaifles for ruptures, splints for
fra&ures, a large brass mortar and iron pestle, large and
small scales and weights, Sec. -Likewise a small assortment
of frefo garden feeds, and a few pots of fweetmeatsand
bottles of pickles. All which, with moft kinds of medi
cines, and family medicines, he will dilpofe of onfreaion*
able terms.— -Boxes of medicines, with directions, prepared
for ve/Tcls or plantations;
T 7HEREAS on Friday last, a young man, named
W Thomas Bell, by trade a saddler, born in. Virginia,
about 20 years of age, five feet (even inches high, pitted
with the small-pox, hasihort hrown hair, had on*a bearikin
coat, a red striped flannel jacket, and raven (duck breeches,
rode a black horse, 13 hands and a half high, branded on
the off buttock WD in One, with a flrur-de-luce a-top, with
anew saddle and green fringe housing, was sent from Sun.
bury with a letter from Mr. Swinton to Mr. William Young
in Savannah, inclofing the fun* 0 f t 6 . 6d. Sterling,
which letter has finer been (bund ne*r the ferry broke open,
and Bell has made off; a reward of THREE GUINEAS
is hereby offered’ for apprehending him, to be paid bythe
fubferibers; a reward of ONE GUINEA will likewise be
Sven for the horse, if delivered to the owner Frederick
olzendorff in Sunbury, Mrs, Mary Smith ip Savan^h,
or Mr.. John Poftell jun. in Dorqhefter, South-CaroUna.
It is hoped that all well-difpcfed persons will endeavour to
apprehend said fellow, in order that he may be brought to
justice, and puniftied so os to deter others from being guilty
pf such villainy for the future. * * *
. • /fcrmfogpr, tU 16/A Sept . 176*.
WHEREAS the fubicnber’*plantation, lately
Justice Grover’s, now named Hermitage, is griev
ously and unfufferably annoyed and disturbed by negroes,
who come there by land and W&ter in the night-time, and
not only rob, Real, and carry off hogs, poultry, [keep,
corn, and his potatoes, but create very great diiorder* a
itiongft his slaves, by debauching hir Have wenches, who
have hulfbands, the property of tht fubferiber; andfomf are
so audacious as to debauch hi* very hpufe wenches: TJiefe
therefore are to give notice to all proprietors of slaves that
after the 16th September 1763, the fubferiber is determined
to treat ail negroes that (hall be found within his fences
after sun-set, and before fun-rife, a* thieves, robbers, and
invaders of his property, by fbooting them, and for that in- ’
tent he has hired a white man ptoperly armed for that pur-
WHereas, at a General Court of Pleas begun and boli
den at Savannah* on Tuesday the nth dav of 000
ber last, James M‘Cay, Frederick Truetlin, - Abfalom
Wells, Benjamin Williamson, Marmaduke Percy, Solomon
Campt, Dayid Huguinen, Christian Rump, John Thom**
and Evan Lewis, being duly summoned and returned to serve
as jurors at the said court, made default, whereby they fc
verally became liable to a fine of four pounds, but the Hon”
NM Jena, Esq; the senior and pVefidmg jedge, w
pleased to mitigate the fame to the (um of forty (hillings
5J5* 5 is . to E ive n°ice, that process will moft certainly
issue for levying the said fine*, unless they (hall fefpeaively
make good and fuficient excufh upon oath within thirty
uays from the date hereof. Q, PRYCE 7
Prothonotary’s Office,
: 3d Nov. 1763.
N. B. 1 he said defaulters are desired to take notice that a
feet, payable at the office on every excuse, and that no re.
gard whatever will be given to ny excuse. but such as are
upon oath.
S *Str£t J Al ? es J° hns Ton, at the Printing-Office in lirou^cn-
Paper', LetterS ° f IntelU S encc ’ *"d lubfcriptions ib? rhi.
ft btftU, 0M nafimahL Htmt, *t Mr. Prunicre's wharf? a,.
calk or jbert credit al* J
Goon MUSCOVADO SUGAR by the hogshead
tierce, or hundred weight. Also, exceeding good
THE fubferiber being about to leave this province in *
very little time, gives no .ice to all persons indebted
to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an absolute
necrffity.for immediate payment of their refpe&ivc debts.
He will difpofc of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND ifoon
very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz.
One traft situate on North Newport river, about four
mileafrom Sunbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which arw
good swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling:
uouie thereon, and Boacres ofthe high land cleared. 6
•Another tra& of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within
one mile of Sunbuiy, good for indico and rice, about 00
acres of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-house there
oa, pleasantly situated.
800 acres on Bull Town swamp, four miles from a landing
900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing.
- 500 acres on said (wamp, fcven miles from a landing.
1300 acres in St. Andrew'sparifo, two miles from a landing.
• , T h s* fottr tr * as ** e principally rice land, and efteenu
ed-inferior to none in this province, having great conveni.
epey for back wa£er.
Enquire of Meflrs. lames Read and company in Savan
nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR.
. Who has fovcral town lots in Sunbury, foine with im
provements, likewise to dispose of.
W THERE AS the fubferiber, ina few. months, propofrs
to depart the province, therefore desires all persons
who are anywa/s indebted to him to make foeetly pavmt m
otherwise must put all his outstanding debts into the h-.rd*
of an attorney. And all persons who have an y demands oa
him are desired to bring in their accounts for payment
He hath to fell THREE TOWN LOT'S -in bivan.u!
fnd feyeral valuable TRACTS of LAND, viz.
Afraa, containing idoo acres, known by. the name
Vale Royal, of which 220 acres is exceeding good rice ■
also 281 acres rice land opposite to it on HutdunfanC i: i
* la !? basn ’ r . icc P° un ding machine by water, u go. a
.ovcrfcer , s house, \yith foveral other improvements, a p it-’
and a half from Savannah, as well situated for plcafure i
profit as any trad in Georgia.
- One trad, containing 800 acres, commonly know, by
the name of the Sabine Fields, formerly Mr; Thomas
rtngton s, about two miles and a half from Savanna]),
ceedmgly well timbered with white and red oaks, bays J
Pines, exceeding good land, at leafi 200 acres of gmd nr/-
land, anew bam 72 feet by 64, a good dwelUng-hbufc, .nd
other improvements.
*’ confining 350 acres, two miles from
nah on the Ogechce road, chicfiy high swamp, pleatrntiy
.situated, hathon it a dwelling-house, barn, and other in
One n-aa, containing 500 acres, on Little Ogechce, v,:y
good, without improvements; it joinsMr. Haberfoam *. . i.
> ° nc containing 1000 acres, in Halifax, fror- .. on
Savannah nver opposite Matthews’s Bluff, the rich-*:f kind
of swamp; well timbered with oak* and cypr l?. This
tratt-takes in two or three acres of high land for a fottlemont.
v trafl in Halifax, containing jco acres, -pon
the nver, a noted place for a feyry, opposite u> Mr. Bla” e s
barony; there is a houfr and improvements ipon it.
WANTED to compleat Fort-Gcorge on Cockfp ir
lfiand, vix. 300 palmeto pofis, 13.’ feet fo.lo t rh;
X 4 sleepers of Hghtwood, 20 feet long, 12 inches by iz ; 80
btocka ©f ditto, 2 feet long, 12 inches by 12. Any perCm
Willing to supply the fame, (delivered said to::) ar be
ared to food their proposals to
CHARLES WATSON, Esq; Clerk of Cos cil.