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.- ‘ • •
FATAL INDIFFERENCE* or tht Interesting History of Mr*.
* MAUkHAk. Printedfrom her *wa Manuscript.-
, K [Conetinkdfrom tmr lajt.]
the unpardonable Hep I hntrtaken wls ttot
f ■ A lotif concealed, nor did it ever Strike me, till it was publish
: , ■# fc and, that without making my infamy aniverfally known, I
- t , I. ;*. could enjoy no trinmph over poor Mr, Markham. It was
however no sooner Known, which was in a few days, thro*
the vanitt of inf paramour, than I was overwhelmed not only with
difcrace, hut with remorse —and difeovered that my refentnient a
vainft thy unfortunate hufhand was as unjustly founded, as the fatal
indifference which originally gave birth to my crime.—Mr. Markham,
Indeed, had frequent meetings with my woman at the Milliner's I have,
mentioned j but these meetings wesM|rfely innocent, nay they were
perfeflly laudable i the round of arM|Rtents in which I was constantly
engaged, and the avidity with which Hifteoed to every Coxcomb that of
fered up incenft at the Ihrine of ray vaaity, had. for a long time, filled
him with doubts of my honuur, and enough imagined, that
ffie who dlfdained to prefcrve the appearance of reputation, would en
tertain bat tittle regard for the reality.—Aftuated by a belief of this na
ture, and fuppodng thatmy woman mqft neccffirily be my Confidant, in
case of any illicit CoirefpoSJence, heWTrequemly appointments with her
it the Mfllrner*i, not chuling, for fear of suspicion, td convene with her
privately in his d#rf IWftlt. THu# the very measures he took to save me
from ruin becapie material caufesof my*deftruaion t and thus by the pre
poftenw™i#bf a Wretch, Who was wholly unworthy of him. thehap
pineft bfftjsUihity *asterna% blasted, while he earnestly laboured/or
its relfotafiotil “ \ , * , ~, . A
Had the Unhappy confequehces however terminated here, I think iZ
wotld have been possible for a life of penitence to give me fomt difhnt
ideat)Fcomfb>t, and the disgrace to which 1 am justly cad out, might be
eonfidered as a kind of expiation for my crime—but alas! the guilt of in
fidelity #f< td be attended with blood, ‘and Mr. Markham was not only
to be ruined in his peace, but my father!—Oh, Sir, the recollection, the
bare secdlleAion of the raiferies which my infamy has produced, almou
drives'll into madness ; and I am aftonifoed that the laws do not cat off
fveh monilers as myfelf from’the face of Society.—Mighty God look down
upon me with an eye of comrpaflion—thefe tea* are not the tears of difap
pointed pride; nor are these (relies now torn from mymiferable head, be
cause my vinity is nb longer to be indulged —No, the anguilh of my foul
I*hOtf the gen dine result of contrition ; and I will hope for pardon in the
fttnre world, though I neither can look fur tranquility or forgivenefa m
this'bot to go oft. \ *’ .
The instant that my perfidy reached Mr. Markhaflii ears he flew tome,
(|>ai thfttt in m/drefling room) and in a tonfe’ of the utmost despair ex
claiyud, •* O Matilda 1 what hive I done to deserve this f—Was it not
po*fth to destroy my repdfe, without murdering my reputation : or if you
)Hd sio regard fqfr my honour, why were you loft to all pity for your help
left innocents f they havd never offerrded, though I may ha* uphappily
rflfpftaftd, and'Uiicy W*e‘ entitled to fome little compassion, though no
Sr might be due to ran but. Madam, continued he, raif-
Kis voice intO a fiercenefs me, though you haip mad *
Wretched you full not duke md'tontetnptible—this moment yoa must
quit myhoaljg ivdr (hall Wy habitation more—she snhdppy
TO carefully attended to, but they (hall be taught to forget
every trace of a mother who hfs covered them with infamy, and punted
***el ß thrbofom of their unfdrtunate father.#— Saying this he hurried
out, while I fainted in the arms of niy woman, and remained so wholly
ftpfelefs for several hours, that my recovery was entirely despaired of.
Op recovering the yfeSf m/fenfes, O wjiAUi misfortune is the P? wor
if recolUdion to the wretched ! I tfzs obedience to Mr. Mark•
ham*i pofjrive order, to my father's.—Heye inflead of receiving
* lints \*kt"to look for tfie keenest of all reproach; but, contrary to my
yoa, the voice thii’tfail&Fme was the voice of pitv, and the ve-
Satfior of my being was almost in the agonies of death, a* they
fsibling to his apxrtiheni —He had been for a long time confined
dbt, and this unlooked.for ca>raity throwing it inllantly into
ch beyond the pHwer of medicinCihc lay patiently waiting for
ht of <riffo!ution.—On my entrance be was riifrd up in his bed,
held forth his trembling hands, and with Tome di fliculry articu-
Jate<i* £ O Matilda, forgive your dying father—it was my roillaken man
ner or edunition that has ruined my unhappy chil l!—He could utter no
feore;—ttis pangs came on him too fa'ft, and he expired before they could
convey me from fHe dreadful f-cne to another room.—Here J was feixed
St[ a *ahd li/dcKrious several (Uys.-When the violence
nf was somewhat abated, I enquired, I ventured to enquire,
and cHUdrcn-the accounts I received were
SatVX;, and greatlv forwarded my recoVery-but my health was no
?oolSlf eftabliLd; ‘tbanl fftund these accounts to be entirely the pious
&iU*ffriend<hip, and calculdhd only to baftefl my amendment.-r.he
truth lias Mr Marfcham had been obliged to fly for killing the wretched
MtSffof my guilt, in*i JoelA'and he took the two childrej along with
heSsad taken refuge ho body could tell me, for have Ito cju
Soar discovered the place of hil f retreat -Idis hpufe, hn eftjtes. P r °
wH'* th “ ,n) ’
WED N E S m D Ar, March *B, i 7 e 9 .
tim, ii wliolly faired in folfcuile nd Karl-0 that he would blcfe me
with one look at my poor <h.Mren.-*Tis true their moflier is a fcand*l
to them, and the mention ot her their young cheeks with
an tnftant glow of indignation-but my fwcet babes—my lovely little
ones, though your mother is an outcast-though (he is a wretch, L feels
for you with the kecnell feafibility, and would*facriiice her life with iqg
to be convinced that you are in health and fecur%,-(he must not dare to
indulge the hope of ever feeiegyour highly injure? fathcr-i bat happinef.
(ho has eternally forfeited—could (he, however, clasp you for a momilt,
a (ing.e moment to her agonizing bosom, (ha.would.-0 Mr. Maikham,
if this paper (hould happily fall into your hand* bellow one charitable
thought upon a creature now humbled in the dust/ and bleeding with the
deepe* contrition for her crime—si, a wife she does not presume to men
tian heifirif— *>r means to addrefa yoor tenderness, but to implore your
humanitjT—have pity on her, therefore, dear Sir—only fay that you arc
well yourfelf, and that y*ir children are in fafety, gad if the prayers of
such a monster to the throne of Mercy can be any way efficacious, tkajif
llt remnant of her unfortunate life (hall be employed in fupplicatig th
happipeft for you and yours both here and hereaAer, which (he can never
enjoy in this world, and which without your forgivenefs she trpy possibly
forfeit in the next. , MATILDA MARKHAM.• i
’ "*• *“" 11 * 1 > ,M ——- —■h ii - m TT
ATTRACT OF LAND, containing 1000 acres, In the parish of Ba.
Tnomis, butting and bounding north on land vacamt, tail on land
of Thomas Goldsmith, south on Great Setiiia River, and weft on land
of jnhn Graham.
Also ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND, containing 1000 acres, in
the parish of St. Mary, butting and holding tall on land of Thomsa
Goldsmith, north on Great Setilla River, end on all other (ides on va
cant land. *
For particulars enquire of the printer.
‘To be fold by the Subscriber,
A PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, containing 95* acren.
fit for rice, or indicq, fituatetn the parish of St. John, on }hf
south fide of Midway River, about four miles from the town of
and known by the name of the Publick Landing; which lafldws so well
known that any further recommendation of it would be entirely needtsfs.
Any person inclinable to purchafa may treat with the H on * G rc y Elliott,
Esq. in Savannah, Kelfall in Suobury, or the fubferiber at hit
plantation on Great-Ogechee. JAMES MAXWELL. -
isy ■mm ■■■'■■ —y* ‘■■■■— • * ‘ 1 ■■■■■■ — 1 ***** *’
TO BE SOLD in Augt&a, for no other riafon tbun that the
present owner's ill ft ate of health , and his in Ma
tter branch of buftnefs , will not allow him to pay a proper at
tention to it y • '! .
TfON as any in this^p/owince, confiding of 500 Acre* Os exceeding
good land, 2?o acres of which i* cleared and under and fide
timber of oak ani^ hickory on the fenpining 450 acres. A comolane
Dwelling house newly glazed and painted, ia which are two chamber*,
a dining-room and hall, four very good shed rooms, and three fireplaces;
a very good Store by so; a Kitchen of fame a Smoke,
Meat, and Milk House, all framed, and underpinned with brick, and
dosed with fcaiher.edge boards; acompleat Barn 40 by *4, floored (kith
with two inch plank; a framed Poultry House, and another boufe under
fame roof, roomly enough to’holdw waggon, /art, and sehatr; a strong
and well fran.ed Stable forlix or eight horses ; three Hoafet
made of four inch plank, capable of containing 1000 bulhels qAcoro each;
an OverfeerN House; a vety good Garden contiguous to the bou o( a
bout an acre of ground, and under a good clapbard patlinf t an Orchard
of eieht acre*, with aboot 1100 fine young peach, apple, white
rv and plumb trees, from which ag eat quantity of peach brandy. cy
£r. and silk. may be made; jhere is m kgoon, or piece of water; on
which is fixed two good pumps, ewith a field of on on* fioe of
h. and inather of 35 acres on the other fide, very convenient for making
W°'k .hi. fin, will be fold. About THIRTY LIKELY NEGRoIs,
• molllv country born, amonpll them 11 * v.ty food Bricklayer, a Drurr.
f„d two Sawyer., , 7 of them aft for Bold or boa. war*, and tht ,=*
CATTLE, and SEVENTY HEAD OF SHECT, will be fold also with
be easily demooArateJl that a perfo. who rerlly, onderftsud.
will be indollrioo), may makeon thl. farm >5 par cent, es
-b, raiiioe cora and pork, both vary Iflctblaatsa.aon.b,
?;e"pS. o-n.VwTo!d l o.“f.ii of taking that, could be give *• pro
"cSdSof Wefoue third of ,he amouot to be paid la ealh, and
for ,h. r“m.’a°og two thirds cr.di,i!l bajiveo, upon appro,ed fecur.ty.
Thomas Netberclift mechant Irrcsvarmah. • * >
Augusta, Jionxry; / . -