Newspaper Page Text
jufl imfortti flnm Union, mi to %
ittots gjofmton.
An Affortnjent o/TIIEDICINpS, tec.
Amonft which are tht following Articles 5
A LUM, antimony, cinnamon water, role water, Hangary ditto,
lavender ditto, honey ditto, orange lower ditto, diddled vinegar,
verdigteafe, half, capivi, balsam of falphor. borax, jumper be/% 5 , Pe
ravian bark, white wax, faflfryn, cream of Tartar, Spaniih nie*, whi e
lead, cochiiel, camphor, conferee of roses, sweet mercury, born and nartt
horn, fhavingt of ditto, elixir of vitriol, liqw>rice juice, chamomile
lowers, gum raaiac, isinglass, manna, aex vomica, opietn, oil of tur
pentine, .oil of mace,/oil of sweet almonds, oil df anise, otl of lemons,
oil of lavender, oil of rodium, pil. cochic, ipccacaan, calamus aroma
ticos, jalap, rhubarb, fpermaceti, liafeed, carrawaymnd anfeeds, falt
petre, glauber aad Epsom salts, crude fal armoaiac, volatile ditto, fait
of hartOkro, fenaa, fyirit of lavender, rectified spirit of wine, fpint of
fal armoniac, fal volatile, spirit of hartfhoro, sweet spirit of aura, Ve
nice treacle, Tartar emetic, white and Roman vitriol.
DaffVs elixir, Squire’s ditto, Britilh oil, Bateman’s drops, Stoogh
ton's bittei% Jackson’s ditto, Godfrey's cordial, Turlington’s balfatn,
Anderfoo't pills, fpyrit of feurvy grass, beaume de vie, eaa de lace, ef
fenop of pepper mint. .
’ A complcat aflbttinent of Dr. Hill's medicines, vix. Balsam of honey,
Jor coughs, confumptiops, asthmas, &c. tinAure of centaury, a ftomach
‘ick hitter for loss of apatite and bad digestion; tinAure of valerian, a
cordial nervous medicine, for fits, convulsions, lownefj of fpirit*, and
all paralytic disorders; elixir of bardana, for the goat and rheussatifm; (
tinware of sage, a rich cordial and ftomachick, well adapted to relieve
the infirmities of arc; eflence of wagpr-dock, for the (curvy, leprosy,
Md ail obstinate difeafe< of the fitn ; tinAure of fpleenwort, for the cure
of hypochondriacal disorders and obftruAions in the bowels.
Rhenith wine, sweet oil, mustard, capers, pickled walnuts, cases of
pocket instruments, bed and common lancets, instruments for drawing
.teeth, vials, gallipots and pill boxes; iron, bell-metal, and marble
mortars; copper icales of different fixes, boxes of feales and weights,
white aad green vials, flint bottles with ground tappers, different fixes;
white leather, heft steel trnfles for ruptures, fine sow. Ire. Ac.
Boxes of medicines prepared for the use of plantations and (hipping.
Off Tuesday the id of~May next, if nfutr day , If not , the next
following, q
THE LOTS, HOUSES, and STORES, with the
WHARF and other IMPROVEMENTS, well
known flfy the name of YAMMACRAW;
The lots contain 300 feet in front, add from low water mark 410 feet in
depth rowhe Greet that leads from town. •
Also, THREE LOTS adjoining each other,
direAly opposite to the Yammacraw lots, each containing 95 feet fronton
said street leading from town, and 100 feel in death. On one of the lots
there is a good dwelling-hpuf*, with other improvements, at present
rented by Capt. Langford!
Credit will be given to the ift Jaqpaty 1770, paying iatereft and giv.
ing security if required.—Should hoy scrfon chute to pqrchafc the hoofes
and lots at private fade thev my apply to JOHN GRAHAM and*CO.
mo havefmSaU)
A QJJ A NTI T Y of BREAD and Ft O U R,
Lately imported from Philadelphia.
TO BE SOLIK on Tburfday the i6t b day of March next, at
the Excb.?n?e in Savannah , for ready money,
TWO TRACTS OF LAND, adjoining each other, containing 450
acres, (more or left) situate, lying, and being in the parifti of St.
Matthew, butting and bounding to the eastward on Savannah River, to
the foutkon lands of fames Germany, and to the north and north - weft
on lands of fohn Davis and John Afhmaa ; the fame being the property
•f Chap® Williams, and fold undef execution, by *
Savannah, Feb. i ? , 1769. * MATT. ROCHB, Prov. Mar.
TO BE SQLD, on Tburfday the 1 Stb day of March next , at
the Exchange in Savannah, for ready money,
TRACT OF LAND, containing aoo acres oflaad, situate in
V-/ St. Andrew’s parilh, bounded wlfterly on the Alatamaha River,
northerly on Jonathan Woodland, and all other sides on vacant land when
the fame was surveyed ; ;he grant dated ad September, 1766; the Lunc
being the property of William Woodland, and fold under execution,’ by
Savannah, Fab. 15, 1769.* MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar.
TO BE SOLD , M Mutiny the totb day of March next, at tbt Excbetngt in Sa
vannah, for ready money,
A SMALL TRACT OP LAND, fln which is a commodious Dwel
ling-House, at the Ferry at Abgufta, the property of Zachariah
Xamar, and fciued on execution by MATT. ROCHE, Prey. Mar.
Savannah, Bth Feb. 1769. •
- ■ —*
A YOUNG NEGROE WENCH, who can wa(h well, and iron,
few, and cook a little. Enquire of the printer.
A STOCK OF CATTLE, hontaining about 700 or 800 head. For
particular* enquire of Lachlan M'Gillivray, Esq. in Savannah, An
gus Clark on Sapelo river, or William Clark at St. Mary's, where the
cattle range.
® A. V ANNA H ; Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Brougbttrt'Street*, whejp Advcr
ti Cements, Letters of Intelligence, end Subicriptions for this Paper, are taken in.---Hand-Bills, Advertise
ments, dec. printed at the ihorteft Notice.
tier branch of buftnefs, will mot allow him to pay a proper ,
tenhon to it , 4 * *
TfON as any in tflis province, confiding of 500 acres of excce ii
good land, aco acres of which js cleared and nndcr good fence an-*'i *
of oak and hickory on the reauuaing aso acres. A comn!,"!
Dwelling-house newly glazed aad paintM, 4 !* which are two cha ra L s lt
a dining-room and hall, four very good toed rooms,- and three fire P | ac ,‘*.
a very good Store to by 20; a Kitchen of fame dimenfionsj a Smoke’
Meat, and Milk House, all framed, and underpinned with brick, an]
doled with feather edge boards; a compleat Barn 40 by 24, floored fluih
with two inch plank; a framed Poultry House, and another house under
fame roof, roomly enough to hold a waggon, cart, and chair a ftroi*
and well flamed Stable for fijf or eight Ijorfes; three new Com Ho u ft
made of four inch plank, capable of containing 1000 bulhels of corn cacV ‘
an Overfeer*a House; a yery good Garden contiguous to the house of a!
bout an acre ofground, and under a good clapboard Railing; an Orchard
of eight acres, with about 1 100 fine young peach, apple, white mulbera
ty, and plumb trees, from which a great quantity of peach brandy, cy .
der, and silk, may be made; there is a lagoon, or piece of water, on
which is fixed two good pumps, with a field of 50 acres, on one fide 0 f
it. id another of 35 acres on the other fide, very convenient formakin?
iiflffeo. b
With this farm will be fold, About THIRTY LIKELY NEGROES
moffly country born, among!! them it very good Bricklayer, a Drive/
and two Sawyers; f7 of them art fit lor field or boat wWk, and the rest
fine thriving children. * ‘
CATTLE, and SEVENTY HEAD OF SHEEP, will be fold Jfo with
the farm.
It may be easily demonstrated, that a person who really underfhmds
farming, and will be indullrious, may make on this farm 15 percent. #f
his money, only by railing corn and pdHc, both very falcable at Savannah.
Thepr sent owner would net fail of making that, could ho give the pro
per attention to this farm.
Conditions of fate; One third of tbo amount to be paid iacafh, and
for the remaining two thirds credit will upon approved fotunty,
for three or four years, paying*intereft. r *
Enquire of John Gordon, Esq. merchant U Chirlefiowo, or Mr.
Thomas Netherclift merchant in Savannah.
Augufla, 17th January, 1769. - 4 • •
STRAYED from my plantation about ten days ago, AN OLD SOR.
REL HORSE, about 13 hands high, much galled with a collar in
beating rice, and has many old Caddie galls, brands unknown. Also,
TWO MARES, one a white, galled with a collar in,beating rice; the
other a small bay, newly trimmed, with a bow mane and a fiiort dock ;
both branded IML in one; they are*fuppo(ed to be gone towards Briar
creek, where the white mare came from. Five (hillings reward will be
given for gach of them if they are delivered to me at my plantation at
Little Ogechee. . JOHN M‘LKAN.
Feb. 27, 4769. *
npAKEN LP the 20th January last, on the Indian Country Path, a.
■A bout 20 miles from Augusta, and delivered to the fabferiber, A
NEGROE FELLOW, and A WENCH, with A CHILD about two
months old. The fellow is about five feet ten inches high, pretty lurtv,
fays his name is Sampson, and his wife’s name Molly, but speaks
such bad English as scarcely to be underffood, hils mailer lives near
the fait water, is a small man, and his name Jacob Middow, and has a
three children. The fellow had on a gown with a cap to it
made out of a duffil blanket, and the wench an old ragged negroc cloth
jacket and coat. The owner may have them by applying at Augusta te
♦ •
RUN AWAY frptn Halifax the 9th Feb. last, with leg irons on, A
SHEBA ; both about 25 years old, and speak good Englilh ; the fellow is
likely, smooth faced, and about 5 feet 6 inches high ; the wench is about
the fame height, is a little pock fretten, and has a burnt fear on her back.
Twent? (h;mngs wii be given for each, with reasonable charges, on their
being delivered to the warden of the work-house in Savannah or at Halifax
to the fuhfcribe.s. SHAND and HENDERSON.
— e ■” *
WHEREAS, by virtue of a writ of attachment to me direfled, tp
attach the lands, tenements, goods, and chattels, monies, debts,
and books of account, of Jacob Valk, late of the said province, merchant,
who is absent from and without the limits of this province, (as it is said)
(o as to make the said Jacob Valk a party i his Majcily’s General Court
of Pleas, to answer to John Nowell ana George Ancrum, surviving co
partners of Alexander FyfTe, decealed, I have attached, in the Church of
Savannah, A PEW in the Gallery of the said Church, N0..5, said to bp
the property of the fitid Jacob Valk.
Savannah, March 4, 1769. MATT. ROCHF., Prov. Mar.
ALL persons indebted to the printer of this paper, whose accounts to
the end of last year have beca delivered, are requested to fettle ti.e
fiune as fpecdjly as poftible.
1 1 . ■ 1
BjtouflEt to tfc s£o;k:boiire,
A TALL STOUT ABLE NEGROE FELLOW, about five feet nine
inches high, about 30 years of age, has his country marks thus j!|
on each fide of his face, is of the Coromantee countiy, fpcaks a little
Englilh, fays his name is Michael, but cannot tell his mailer’s name, was
brought from the Creek nation, where it’s said he bad been about two
y August 7, 1768.