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About The Southern tribune. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1851 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1850)
THE gOTSPanaasy Will be published every SATURDAY Morning, In the Two-Story Wooden Building , at the Corner of Walnut and Fifth Street, IN THE CITY OF MACON, GA. BY WM. IS. HARRISON. TERMS. For the Paper, in advance, per annum, $!l. if not paid in advance, $3 00, per annum. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual ratos —and when the number of insertions de sired is not specified, they will be continued un til forbid and charged accordingly, (Jjf* Advertisers by tho Year will be contracted with upon the most favorable terms. [fj’Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors or Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten o'clock in the Forenoon and three in the Af ternoon, at the Court House of the county in which the Property is situate. Notice of these Sales must be given in a public gazette sixty days previous t o the day of sale. ;jj*Sales of Negroes by Administators, Execu tors or Guardians, must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday in the month, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House of the county where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration or Guardianship may have been granted, first giv ing notice thereoffor sixty days, in one ofthe pub lj,’ gaiuties of this State, and at the door of 'he Court House where such sales are to be held. jj’Notice for the sale of Personal Property must he given in like manner forty days previous to the day of sale. to the Debtors and Creditors olan Es tate must be published for forty days. that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes must be published in a public gazette in this State for four months, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. OJ’Citations for Letters of Administration on a „ Estate, granted by the Court of Ordinary, must be published thirty days —for Letters of Dismis sion from the administration ofan Estate, monthly f ur six months —for Dismission from Guardian ship forty days. f£j»Rui.F.s for the foreclosure of a Mortgage, must be published monthly for four months — for establishing lost Papers, for the full space of tiirke months —for compelling Titles from Ex ecutors, Administrators or others, where a Bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of thrj:f. months. N. B. All Business of this kind shall receive prompf attention at the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE Otlice, and strict care will be taken that all legal Advertisements are published according to Law. (LpAII Letters directed to this Office or the Editor on business, must be post-paid, to in sure attention. Tfj o r t r b_. Tin; Better Laud. BY MRS. HKMASS. “ 1 bear thee speak of the better land, Thou rall’st its children a happy band ; Mother ! oil, where, is that radiant shore ? Shall we not seek it, and weep no more ? Is it where the flower of the oratige blows, And the fireflies glance through tho myrtle boughs ?” —“Not there, not there, my child !" “ Is it where tho feathery palm trees rise, And the date grows ripe under sunny skies ? Or 'midst the green islands of glittering seas, Where fragrant forests perfume the breeze, And s.range bright birds on their starry wings Bear the rich hues of all glorious things? —“ Not there, not there, my child !” “ Is it far away, in some region old, Where the rivers wander o’er sands of gold ? Where the burning rays of the ruby shine, And the diamond lights up the secret mine, And the pearl gleams forth from the coral strand? Is it there, sweet mother, that better land r” —“ Not there, not there, my child !” “ Eye hath not seen it, my gentle boy ! Ear hath not heard its deep songs of joy; Dreams cannot picture a world so fair— Sorrow and death may not enter there : [ Time doth not breathe on its fadeless bloom, I For beyond the clouds, and beyond the tomb, —“ It is there, it is there, my child !" A Good One.—The Home Journal re lates the following good anecdote, to illus trate the advantage of coolness under dis- I Acuities. One of the most charming women of | Paris, not long since, happened to receive an untimely call when her confidential maid chanced to be out upon an errand. ! Never suspecting the person at her door to be a gentleman whose attention had of late somewhat pleased her, she herself an | swered the door. But Madame was of j those who never show themselves to the world till Heaven’s original work upon ( them is entirely re-done —re painted, re- I perfumed, and alabastered. | ‘Ma—dame !’ stammered theutiexpect ftcil corner as the door opened, and the ap ■ parition of the face, an, naturcl, was re ■ vealed to his half-recognizing vision. ‘Madame is not in !’ said she, with the ■ greatest coolness, suddenly shutting the ■ door without further parley, and leaving ■ the intruder to retire upon his suspicions. 1 he difference was so great between the mlathj done and undone, however, that he ■ departed speculating on the gradual re semblance which even an old dressing ■ Ina "l may acquire to her young mistress, ■ an <l convinced that Madame teas not in —a ■ simple f act which the lady herself assured ■ ”m of that same evening, with her infinite I re 3 re t that it should have so happened ! A Politic At Weathercock.—A good ■ story i s told of a politician in a neighbor ■mg town, whom wo will designate as Mr. I ' '• who is distinguished for changing ■ ( cn bom one party to another. A gen- I th man ac< l ,,a ' ,ltancc > on entering m s ‘s cars to go to Boston one morning, was ■ by another— • r * ’ 111 politics now V ■ him o'" 1 *‘ u r eplied, ‘/haven’t seen I n “'W morning.* THE SOUTHERN TRIBUNE. VOLUME I. From the Quincy Whig. Management of Love Affairs. I’ve heard folks say that the wimmin was contrary. Well, they is a leetle so; hut if you manage ’em right—bawl in here and let ’em out there, you can drive ’em along without whip or spur, just which way you want ’em to go. When 1 lived down at Elton, there was a good many fust rate gals down there, but 1 did’nt take a likinto any of’em till Squire Cummins come down here to live. The Squire had a mighty purty darter. I said some of the gals was fust rate, but Nancy Cummins was fust rate and a leetle more. There were many dressed finer and looked grander, hut there was something jam about Nance that they could’nt hold a can dleto. If a feller seed her once he could’nt look at another gal for a week. 1 tuk a iikin to her rite off, and we got as thick its thieves. We used to go to the same meet ing, and set in the same pew. It took me to find sartns and hints for her; and we’d swell ’em out in a manner shockened sin ners ; and then we mosy home together, while the gals and fellers kept a lookin’ on us as though they’d like to mix in. I’d always stay to supper; and the way she could make injun cakes, and the way 1 could slick ’em with met lasses and put ’em away was nothing to nobody. She was dreadful civil, tew, always gettin some thing nice for me. I was up to the hub in love, and was goin’ in for it like a loco motive. Well, things went on in this way for a spell, till she had me tight enough. Then she began to show oft - kinder inde pendent like. When I’d go to the meetin, there was no room in the pew; then slic'd streak oft" with another chap, and left me suckin, rny fingers at the door. Instead of sticking to me as she used to do, she got to cuttin round with all the other fel lets, just as if she cared nothin’ about me no more—none whatever. I got considerably riled—and thought I might as well cum to the end of it at once; so down I went to have it out with her.— There was a hull grist of fellers there.— They seemed mighty quiet till I went in ; then she got to talking all manner of non sense—sed nothin’ to me, and darned little of that. I tried to keep my dander down, hut it warn’t any use— 1 kept movin about as if I had a pin in my drawers; I sweat as if 1 had been llirasin. My collar hung donnas if it had been hung over my stock to dry. I could’nt stand it; so I cleared out as quickly as l could, for 1 seen ’twas no use to say nothin' to her. 1 went strait to bed and thought the matter over a spell Thinks I, that gal is jest tryin* of me; taiu’t no use of our playin’ possum; I*ll take the kink out of her; if I don’t fetch her out of that high grass, use tne for sas sage meat. I heard tell of a hoy wunce that got to skewl late on Sunday mornin’. Master sez, ‘You tarnal sleepiu’ critter what has kept you so late V ‘Why,’ says the hoy, ‘it’s so everlasting slippery out, I could’nt get along no how; every step 1 took forward, I went two steps backwards; and could’nt have got here at all, it I had’nt turned hack to go ’tot her wav.’ Now that’s just my case. T have been putting after that gal a considerable time. Now, thinks 1, I’ll go ’tother way—she’s been a slitein’ of tne, and now I’ll slite her. What’s sass for the goose, is sass for the gander. Well, 1 went no more to Nancy’s. Next Sabbath day, I sliked myself up, and I dew say, when I get my fixins on, I took the shine clear off of any specimen of hu man natur in our parts. About meeting time oft’ I put to Elder Dodge’s. Pati ence Dodge was as nice a gal as you’d see 'twist here and yonder, any more than she was’nt just like Nancy Cummins. Eph raim Musscy had used to go and see her; he was a clever feller, hut he was dreadful jelus. Well, l went to meetin’ with Pa tience, and set right afore Nancy; T did’nt set my eyes on her till after meetin’; she had a feller with her, who had a blazing red head, and legs like a pair of compas ses; she had a face as long as a thanksgiv in’ dinner. 1 know’d who she was a flunk in' about, and ’twasn’t the chap with the red head, neither. Kept my eyes on Nance, seed how the cat was jumpin’; she did’nt cut about like she did, and looked rather solemnly—she’d gin Iter tew eyes to kiss and makeup. I kept it up till I like to have got in a muss about Patience. The critter thought I was going after her for good, and got as proud as a tame tur key. One day Ephecum down to|to our place looking as rathy as a militia officer on a trainin’ day. ‘Look here,’ says he, ‘Sam Stokes,’ as loud as a small clap of thunder, ‘l’ll he darned .’ ‘Hallo !’ says I, ‘what’s broke V ‘Why,’ says lie, ‘I came down to have satisfaction about Patience Dodge. Here I’ve been courtin ever since last year, and she was just as good as mine, till you cum a goin’ after her, and now I can't touch her with a forty foot pole.’ ‘Why,’ says I, ‘what on airth are you talkin’about ? I ain’t got nothing to do with your gal; hut ’spose I had, there is nothing for you to get wolfy about. 11 the gal has taken a liken’ to me, ’taint my fault; if 1 have taken a likin’to her, taint her fault; and if we’ve taken a likin’ to each other, ’taint your fault; hut l ain’t so almighty taken with her, ami you may get MACON, (GA.,) SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1850. her for all me ; so you you hadn't ought to get savage about nothin’.” ‘Well,’ say3 he, rather cooled dawn, ‘I am the unluckiest thing in creation. I went tother day to a place where there was an old woman died of the botts or some such disease, and they were selling out her things. Well, there was a thun derin’ big chest of drawers, full of all sorts of truck ; so 1 ho’t it, and thought I had made a spec ; hut when I came to look at ’em, there vvarn't nothin’ in it worth a cent, except an old silver thimble, and that was all rusted up, so I sold it for less than I gave for it. Well when tho chap that buught it took it hum, he heard something rattle—broke the old chist, and found lots of gold in it, in a false bottom I hadn’t seen. Now, if I had tuk that cliist hum, I'd never found that money; or if I did they’d all been counterfeit, and I’d been tuk up for passing on ’em. Well, I jest told Patience about it, and she rite up and called me a tarnal fool.’ ‘Well,’ says I, ‘Ephe, that is hard ; hut never mind that—jest go on—you can get her; and when you do get her, you can file the rough edges off just as you please.’ That tickled him—it did—and away he went a little better pleased. Now, thinks I, it’s time to look after Nancy. Next day down I went; Nancy was all alone. I axed her if the Squire was in. She said lie warn’t. ‘Cause,’ says 1, (making her believe I wanted him,)‘our colt sprained his foot, and 1 cum to see if the Squire won’t lend me his mare to go to town.’ She sed she guessed he would—better sit down till the Squire comes in. Down 1 sot; she looked sort of strange, and my heart felt queer all around the edges. Af ter a while sez I : ‘Air you going down to Betsey Mast tings quiltin’ V Sed she, ‘I did’nt know for sartaiii; at e you goin V Setl I, ‘reckoned I would.’ Ses she, ‘l spose you’d take Patience Dodge.’ Sed I, ‘mout and agin tnout not.’ Sed she, ‘I learn you’re going to get married.’ Ses I, ‘shoukl’nt wonder a hit—Pati ence is nice gal.’ 1 looked at her, [ seed the tears comin.’ Ses I, ‘maybe she’ll ax you to he brides maid.’ She riz up, she did, her face as red as a boiled beat. ‘Seth Stokes,’ says she, and she could’nt say any more, she was so full. ‘Won’t you he bridesmaid V ses I. ‘No,’ ses she and she hurst rite out. ‘Well then,’ ses I, ‘if you, wont he btidesmaid, will you he the bride I’ She looked up at me 1 swat 1 to man I never seed anything so awful putty —I took rite hold of her hand. ‘Yes or no,’ ses I, ‘rite off I .* •Yes,’ ses she. ‘That’s your sort,’ ses I, aad I gave her a buss and a hug. I soon fixed matters with the Squire. We soon hitchsd traces in double harness, for life, and 1 never had cause to repent my bargain. Nothing bit Fish. —Jemmy Whitley, as he was familiarly called, itinerant Irish manager, who flourished about eighty years ago, was celebrated fer his eccen tricities and his whimsicality. In the course of his professional lours lie often played in small villages where cash was not always abundant, and in such cases Jemmy was not particular as to wheather he recieved the public suppoit in money or in kind. Fie would take meat, fowl, vegatables, &c., value them by scales, and pass in the owner and friends for as many admissions as it amounted to. Thus his Treasury very often on a Satuaday resem hied a butcher’s shop rather than a ban ker’s. At a village on the coast, the in habitants brought him nothing hut fish; but as the company could not subsist with out its concomitants of bread,potatoes,and spirits, a general appeal was made to his stomach and sympathies, and some altera tion in the terms of admission required. Jemmy, acordingly, having admitted nine teen person one evening at a shad a piece, stopped at the twentieth, and said, ‘I beg your pardon, my darling, I am extremely sorry to refuse you ; hut if we ate any more fish, by the powers, we shall he all turned into mermaids. Sooted to the Climate. —We see the announcement of anew kind of Fresco painting which has been discovered in Berlin. The proof of its durability is, that a painting executed in it by Koulbach was put up a chimney for a year, and found perfectly fresh and in good personation after being thus smoked. Applying this test, we may promise ourselves that the works in the Vernon Gallery are certain to he durable, for no chimney can be dar ker and few sootier than the hole which they occupy. Mrs. Milllk. —This unfortunate lady, the Richmond Republican says who, as it no ip appears, did not throw herself into the falls of Niagara, hut has probably been engulphed in a fall mo v e deplorably deep, was seen on hoard of the steamer plying between Norfolk and Port W ulthall, on Friday last. She was recognised by an acquaintance, and was supposed to he ac companied by a young man whose name appeared on the tea) bill as ‘Mr. Brown.’ Mrs. M. and her companion were seen to leave the boat at City Point, wheie they took the cars for Petersburg, ami they are by this time, pretty far south. j A Scene at‘Stewarts. —Noah’s New ; \ork Messenger gives the following pic , ture of an amusing scene that lately occur i od at Stewart’s gorgeous, palace like store, m Broadway. New-York : An honest countryman, from Putnam county dropped into the store, with his wife hanging on one arm, his daughter on the other, and his son Dick clinging to bis I coat tail—the whole group singularly an tiquated and out of fashion. After a long and eager stare at the goods, the candela bras, and mirrors, &c, and with looks of astonishment at the bustle and confusion —they were courteously asked by one of the clerks whether ho should have the pleasure of waiting upon thorn. ‘Well, now, that’s polite in you,’ said the old man. ‘My daughter would like to have a shawl, to go to the village church.’ 1 he clerk, who looked like a wag, pro duced a package carefully made up ; from which be selected a large yellow shawl, with a broad rich border. ‘Well, now said the old lady, ‘I vow ! this feels like the back of a mouse—so soft and velvety ! Feel of it, Jonna.’ The young lady felt of it, and said it felt mighty smooth and soft. Site asked if the colors would last, and was assured that they would never run or wash out. Dick creptsoftly up and had a feel of it. Finally, the clerk threw it gracefully over her shoul ders and took her to a mirror, where she saw herself at full length, and was highly pleased with the beautiful article. The whole family passed an opinion on its beau ty and becoming colors, and after a long conferance, they resolved to have it. ‘What might be the price of this ‘ere shawl V said the honest farmer. ‘Fifteen hundred dollars, sir,’ lie said. It was a camel’s hair shawl from Circas sia one of the richest and most costly arti cles ever imported. The farmer looked at his wife, and the wife looked significant ly at the daughter, who hung down hot head despairingly, while little Dick, with one finger in his mouth, had been awed to silence by the awful price. ‘Bless me, sir,’ said the countryman, drawing a long breath ; ‘would you believe it, sir 1 why that ere shawl is the price of my farm in old Putnam county; thirty two acres, house barn and piggery.’ The clerk smiled, the old mart looked frightened, and the whole party slid over the store in terror. The whole world, however, was not made of such economical stuff. There were some ladies who did not faint at a thousand dollar shawl, ora three hundred dollar dress of Indian muslin worked with gold ; and were it not for those who have, or imagine they have purses, how could this marble place have been built, or what is of equal importance, how could it be sustained/ Twelve thousand dollars a year rent, must ho made by asking stern prices on everything, and as sternly refu sed any abatement. Savages first seeing a Watcii. —One morning, during Finnow’s stay at this island, some of the natives brought Mr. Mariner’s watch, which they had procured from his chest, and with looks of curiosity, inquired what it was. He took it from them, wound it up,put it to the oar of one of them, and returned it. Every hand was now outstretched with eagerness to take hold of it; —it was applied by turns to their ears ; they were astonished at the noise it made ; —they listened again to it, turned it on every side, and exclaimed, “Mo-ooi!” (It is alive !) They then pinch ed and hit it, as if expecting it would speak out. They looked at each other with won der, laughed aloud, and snapped their fin gers. One brought a sharp stone for Mr. Mariner to force it open with. He open ed it in the proper way, and showed them the works. Several endevored to seize hold of it at once, hut one ran off' with it, and all the rest after him. About an hour afterwards they returned with the watch completely broken to pieces ; and giving him the fragments, made signs to make him do as it did before. Upon his making them understand that they had killed it, anil that it was impossible to bring it to life again, the man, who considered it as his property, exclaiming mow mow (spoil ed !) and making a hissing noise, express ive of disappointment, accused the rest of using violence, and they in return accused him and each other. Whilst they were in high dispute, another native ap proached, who had seen and learned the use of a watch on board of a French ship. Understanding the cause of their dispute, he called them all cow rule (a pack offools,) and explained in the following manner, the use of the watch : making a circle in the sand, with sundry marks about itscir cumferance, and turning a stick about the centre of the circle, to represent an index, he informed them that the use of the watch was to tell where the sun was : that when the 3un was in the east, the watch would point to such a mark, and when the sun was highest it would point there,and when in the west it would point there; and this, he said, the watch would do, although it was in a house and could not sec the sun ; adding, that in the night-time it would tell what portion of a day’s length it would be before the sun would rise again. It would he difficult to convey an adequate idea of their astonishment. One said it was an animal, another said it was a plant; hut when he told them it was manufactur ed they all exclaimed, “ Foonnooa hoto /” (What an ingenious people !) — Mariner's Account ts the Tonga Islands. A Secret Wonli Knowing. ‘ Truth is strange—stranger than Fiction. Under this heading the Long Island Star publishes and interesting tale, for tho extended details of which we cannot find room, hut must content'ourselves with giving the leading facts in a condensed form, for the benefit of our readers. A young grocer of good character and correct habits, commenced business in a good and improving neighborhood. His stock was small, as were his means, and his stock of customers was still smaller. His sales hard ley met his expenses, and he was evidently going ‘down hill,’ and an old grocct on the opposite corner predic ted that he would soon be at the bottom. That the young grocer had reason to regret this odium of the old grocer, will appear. The latter had a daughter who had won tho heart of the former. He of fered himself to her and was rejected. It was done, however, with the assurance that he was the man ofherchoise, but that she acted in obedience to her father’s com mands. Assured of the affections of the woman of his choice, he set himself about remo ving the only obstacle in the way of their union—the father’s objection to his pecu niary prospects. A year had elapsed, and 10, what a change! The young grocer was now going up hill with tire power of a steam locomotive ; customers flocked to his store from all quarters, and even many had left the old established stand on the opposite corner, for the younger favorite. There was a mystery about it which puzzled the old grocer sorely, but which he could not unravel. He at length became nearly sick with losses and aggravations, and vain at tempts to discover the secret of his neigh bor’s success. At this juncture, Angelica—for that was the daughter’s name—contrived to bring about an apparently accidental in terview between the parties. After the old man had become, through the interven tion of the daughter, tolerably good hu mored, he inquired with great eat nestness of the young man, how he had contrived to effect so much in a single year; to thus extend his business and draw off' the cus tomers from the older stands. The young man evaded an answer— but inquired if he had any further objec tions to his union with Angelica. ‘Norte,’ he replied, ‘provided you reveal the secret of your success.’ This the young man promised when his happiness was made complete. The old man commended his prudence on this point. The affair was all settled and the marriage soon took place. The friends of the young couple were all assembled, and among them many of the customers of the two stories. Angeli ca and Thomas looked as happy as well could be, and the old gentleman was, if possible, happier than they. The bridal cake was about to be cut, when the old man called out for ‘the secret.’ ‘Aye, the secret,’ ‘the secret,’ exclaim ed fifty others. ‘lt is a very simple matter,’ said Thom as, ‘I ADVERTISE ! ! !’ The old gentleman was very, very old fashioned, and while he shook Thomas heartily by the hand, and kissed Angelica fifty times over, he Merely muttered, ‘ Why the dickens did'nt I think of that V A Bctciier Outwitted. —A butcher, in a provincial town, called the otliey day upon his lawyer, to consult him upon the j following point:—A lady had just been in his shop buying a choice hit of beef for her worthy husband’s dinner. Her pet dog, which accompanied her, forgetting his good manners in the shop, either in snuf fing at, or tasting a nice roast, tumbled it among the sawdust wherewith the floor was strewn, and soiled it. His question to the lawyer was, ‘ls this lady bound to pay me for and receive the said roast 1 and if so, how may payment he enforced V The lawyer inquired if the lady was a good customer ; and being answered in the affirmative lie said, ‘My advice to you as a friend would be, not to enforce pay ment of the 7s 6d., (for that was the full value of the roast,) because, if you do, you will most likely lose the family’s cus tom, and that of some of their friends.— But, when the lady’s husband looks in, you may take an opportunity of mentioning the circumstauces to him, and very proba bly he will pay it at once.’ ‘I dare say you’re right; I'll just follow your advice, and take the liberty of telling you the lady was your own wife.’ The lawyer gave a goodnatured laugh, put his hand into his pocket, and paid the 7s (id. The butcher went away in great glee; for he was proud of his shrewdness in doing the lawy er. In his exultation he hurried to his neighbors, the confectioner, the grocer, and the apothecary, to tell them of the capital joke; and great was the chuckling of these cronies over it. The butcher’s dreams that night were pleasant, and on the morrow his temper was placid and serene ; lie mused of spending the half crowns in treating the grocer, confection ry, and apothecary. While in this deligh ted mood, the postman handed him a note. It was from his friend the lawyer, and con tained an account: —“A debtor to I). To consultation, c£l Is.’ Bellow is it the trees put on a new dress, without opening their trunks ?” Ans.— Because they leave out their summer clothing. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Will be executed in the most approved style and on the best terms,at the Office of the SCTTTEERIT TRI3TOS, —BY— WM. B. HARRISON. NUMBER 1. Husband Catching. —Of a certain di vine an anecdote is told,which Hook used to’say exceeded any specimen of cool assu rance that he had ever seen exhibited. A young clerical friend of his, staying at his house, happened to he sitting up one night reading, after the family, as he supposed, had retired to rest. The door opened, and his excellent host re-ap peared in his dressing gown and slippers, i ‘‘My dear hoy,” said the latter, seating himself, and looking pathetically at his I guest, ‘‘l have a few words to say—don’t j look alarmed—they will prove agieeable enough to you, rely upon it. The lact is Mrs —and my self have for some time ob | served the attention which you have paid to Hetsy. We can make every allowance, knowing your excellent principles as we do, for the diffidence which has hitherto I tied your tongue, but it has been carried I fur enough. Jn a worldly point of view, j Betsy, of course, might do better, yet wo have all the highest esteem for your char acter and disposition —put then our daugh ter-she is dear to us—and where her hap piness is at slake all minor considerations must he give way. We have, therefore, after due deliberation —l must own not altogether without hesitation —made up our minds to the match. What must be, must he; you are a worthy fellow, and therefore, in a word, you have our free and cordial consent. Only make our child happy, and wo ask no more.’ The astonished divine, half petrified laid down his hook. “My dear sir,” he murmured, “here is some dreadful mistake, /really never thought, that is, never intended—” “No !no ! /know you did not. Your modesty, indeed, is one of those traits which has made you so deservedly a favor ite with us all. But, my dear hoy, a pa ' rent’s eyes are chary. Anxiety sharpens them. We saw well enough what you thought so well concealed. Betsy, too, is just the girl to he so won. Well! well! say no more about it; it’s all over now.— God bless you both ! Only make her a good husband—here she is. I have told M is. to bring her down again : for thesooner young people are put outofsus pence the better- Settle the matter as soon as as you like; we will leave you to geatlier.” Thus saying the considerate parent be stowed a most affectionate kiss upon his daughter, who was at this juncture led in to the room by her mother, both en disha bille, shook his future son-in-law cordially by the hand, and with a “There, there, go along, Mrs. ,” turned his wife out of the room, and left the lovers to their tele a tete. What is to be done 1 Common human ity, to say nothing of politeness, demands ed nothing less than a proposal; it wa tendered accordingly, and we need scarcely add, very graciously recieved. A Phenomenon in a Hurricane.— There is a curiosity in the possession of Dr. Beck, Professor of Chemistry in Rut ger’s College, New Brunswick, consisting of a pane of glass with a 'noie in the cen tre, making a circle as perfect as if drawn on mathematical principles. It was per forated by the extraordiny hurricane which passed over New Brunswick about sixteen years ago, levelling in its path a streak of houses the whole length of the town. In one of the windows this pane was discov ered with a hole in it, and what is remark able about it, is, that the permiter of tho whole is as smooth as a polished gem. so that the finger may he rubbed around it with impunity. It has the appearance of being forced out while the glass was in fusion, hence the theory to explain it, namely, that the current of air had a spiral motion in the centre of the column, the astonishing velocity of which had collected a ncucleus of electricity equivalent to a voltaic pile of gigantic construction, this heat being opposed by the glass sufficient ly ahsored it to prevent the communica tion of fire to other elements in its path, while the suddenness of contact with this amazing heat caused the perforotion ol a a cavity so perfectly circular and smooth. The pane was taken from the window, and now occupies a place in the Doctor’s cab inet. Homicide in Lick-skillet.— *. utj day night 25th ult. says the Rome Buletin, in Tick-skillet, a little town situated about half a mile South of Rome, a young man hv the name of Johnson came to his death by the hands of a man named W. It. Craw ford with whom he was boarding. When the scream of Mrs. Crowford brought the neighbors to the place, Johnson was found lying on the floor in his night clothes— his head mashed and mangled in the most shocking manner. Crawford had left the house when the neighbors came, hut teas not out of hearing. To the statement of his wife that he was the person who had done the killing, he replied that he did, and woulcj, do it again, unedr similar cir cumstances. He made his escape, hut has since been arrested and committed. Jealously is supposed to he the cause. Tub imposibie Omelet.-You produce some butter, eggs, and other ingredients for making an omelet, with a frying pan, in a room where there is fire, and offer to bet a wager, that the cleverost cook will not be able tc make an omelet with them. The wager is won by having previously cused the eggs to he boiled very hard.