Newspaper Page Text
Charleston Advertisements.
ki.yu street, charlesto.y,s.c.
juty b <tb— ly
XT rOULD respectfully inform their friend*
f Y nn i those who purchase Dry Goods in
Their city, that they are now prepared to oiler,
a large, choice ami well assorted Stock
2)311 3©(D2)3 a
As they receive the Bulk »filisir liumisdiiKt
frotu European Ports, they feel assured of bring
able to rmnpete successfully with tiny other
Market in the United states
No. SOU King, North West Corner of King
and .Market Street*.
sag 24 33—3 m
fTSHE Subscribers, Direct Importers, of nil
JL WOOLLEN GOODS, have just received,
per ships “Gulnare,” “Orion” und “Samo*et,”
from Liverpool, their Fall supply of PLAINS,
KERSEYS, White and colored BLANKETS,
White, Red, Blueand Giee-n Flannel Blanketing,
Guernsey Shirts, Kilmarnock Caps, Scotch
Bonnots, Ac., expressly suited to our Southern
Planters’ Trade, and to an inspection of which,
they confidently' invite all who visit the Charles*
ton Market.
800 King, North West Corner of King
and Market Street*.
mtg 21 33—3 m
At Ms .Xcic Store, «Vo. 244, Bend of Kina Street
HAS on hand and will constantly keep sup
plied with tlie largest variety of Rich and
Seasonable DRY GOODS, ever exposed in
Charleston, to which the attention of Planters
and Country Merchants is invited,
july 20 28—ly
.Year the Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C.
rpR WELLERS are invited to call nt
JL WELCH’S Fashionable Furnishing Storb
for Gentlemen, where can he had SHIRTS
made in the latest Fashion, and of the best nta
tarials, superior workmanship, and Dnuskin’s i
celebrated pattern. N A DAUSKIN is the'
original inventor of cutting Shirts by measure
ment. Dauskin’s P.ittern has received the un
qualified commendation of Genilemeu in all
parts of the United States, and has been pro.
uounced period.
Also, for sale, a great variety of GOODS,
suitable for Gentlemen.
july 20 28-ly
,Yu. I'J Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS ronstantlvon hand every description of
Foreign and Domestic DRV’ GOODS,
u /* Vendue Sales of Dry Goods Twice a Wen It.
july 20 28—ly
J. 11. TAYLOR,
-Yu. 17 Vendue Range , Charleston, S. C.
HAS always on hand, a full supply of 4-4
ami 7-8 Brown Shirtings, Prints, Bleached
and Colored GOODS, which will be sold on
favorable terms.
(j~7* Agent for Charleston Steam Cotton Factory,
july 20 28—ly
,Y o. 90 East Bay, Charleston, S. C.
DEALER in Farina ; Whenten Grits ; Mac
caroni ; Vermicelli; Pickles ofall kinds ;
Tapioca ; Chocolate and Cocoa, of every des
cription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard ; Spices ; Lenten
Sugar ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence of Coffee, Ac.
Imported Segars, Chnmpaignes, Clarets, tAc. and
Fancy Groceries in general.
O*Agent for: he Congress Steam Mills, New
july 20 28—ly
IVlillur’s Hi sen it Bakery,
.Vo. 131 Meeting Street, opposite the Market .
fflllF. Subscriber lias constantly on hand
-L Pilot and Navy Bread, Soda, Butter, L«
non,Water, Sugar and Dyspeptic CRACKERS,
Ginger Nuts, (Ac., in barrels, kegs, boxes and
i> ulk, all warrated oftlie bust quality, and at the
ovvest prices. R. 3, MILLAR.
July G 26 ly
Depository oftlie Southern Baptist
Publication Society,
.Vo. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.
THE present Agents of the Societv have the
pleasure of announcing to the baptists of
Georgia,that they have recently fully replenish,
ed theii Stock of BOOKS. They have now
»t their Depository in Charleston, as ininpicto
an assortment of Denominational and Theolo
gieal Books, as can be found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stock having been purchas
ed i’nr Cash, thoy hope to he able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
discount, 5 per cent, will be allowed on every
bill cashed within thirty days from date A
Catalogue of the Books kept at the Depository
has been recently published, and will be for
warded by mail to those who desire it.
Agents S. B. P. 3.
july 6 25—ly
Works Issued,
BY The Southern Baptist Publication Society. !
The Way of Salvation—By Dr. Iloivell,
)2mo. pp. 336. Price 87. J cents.
Taylor on Restricted Communion—lSrno. pp.
96. Price 10 cents.
Advantages ofSabbaih Scliool Instruction—
By Rev. C. D. Mallory. 14mo. pp. 46 Price
6 | cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism
—By Rev. J. L Uagg. ISmo pp. 52. Price6J
Also, for sole.
Fuller on Baptism amt Communion—l2mo
yp. 204. Price 50 cents.
Williams’ Miscellanies—Smo pp. 400. $1 5C
Kitto’s Daily Btbbe Ulwurations— 2 voir 2 00
Alexander on Psalm*. : ; l 85
Mothers of tbe Wise and Good. 75
july 6 26—ts
factor! and Commission Merchants, Macon, Ca
"%R7ILI. make advances on shipments to their
IT Houses, LA WTO \ & DOWELL, Sa
utiiiili. Gi , ant LAWTON, DOWELL A
Cos ,Cdi: »x .. 3. C.
mrr 3t~ii 1
Fnheuitock’s Vermifuge.
THE safest and must effective remedy at
Worms that has teen tuscottrtd
This preparation has been before the public
fir nearly Twen y years. It hue been used to
almost every climate, and in every condition of
patients needing u Vermifuge, and the experi
ence of those who had occasion to use i in their
families, fully corrobora e» what it* proprietor
; claims fur it. It is mild in its operation, con
tains no cnlotnei, nor dangerous ingredient, und
i ran bs given with perfect eutely to the must del
icate infant.
The Mayor of Lancaster city, writing to
j Messrs. Fahenstnck & Cos., eaye .
Gentlemen —Severul oftlie younger branches
| ofiny family laboring under sy tuplixus indicating
I worms induced the application of various rente
dies, and 1 ant happy to say that your Vermifuge
hnd the desired effect of, in one instance, remov
ing the almost incredible number of 151 of the
large worms from one patient, which in addition
to us other tested qualities in my family, estab
lished the efficacy of your Vermifuge ns a sure
Mayor, Lancaster city.
For sale by Dr. E L. BTKOHECKEK,
atig 17 Agent for Proprietor.
New Portable So«I:» Water.
A NY one having cold water, cun at once pro.
XjL dune Soda Water, sweet and flavored as
w ith the finest rfytup, effervescing pleasant and
healthy a* any at the fountains. For the sick or
to rectify bad water, this is a convent,
ent and pleasant beverage. For sale in boxes
low by J. 11. & W. 8. ELI.IB,
Cotton Avenue, near Cherry street,
june 29 Macon, Ga.
The Suiitliviii Cherry Pectoral.
IVOR Coughs, Golds. Asthma, Consumption,
(Ac.—A pleasant and conrentruted prepara
tion of the Prunus Virginia, or Wild Cherry.—
The medical properties of this Southern tree are
here chemically prepared in combination with
kindred principles so as to constitute an agreea
ble and effectual remedy for all complaints oftlie
lungs and breast,coughs, asthma, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis und all curable cases of
consumption. The price is half less than usual
for such medicines. For sale by
june 29 J H.&VV 8. ELLIS, Macon.
J- For Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum
or Summer complaint of Children, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, Pain in the Breast,
vVc—Recommended by the most eminent Phy si
eians, for family and plantation use—a never
failing remedy for the above complaint*. For
sale by J. H it VV. 8. ELLIB,
juny29 Solo Agents, Macon.
getable remedy for diseases arising from
impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, scrofula and
all chronic di-eases—also s substitute for calo
mel, its a cat barite in fevers and all bilious affec
tions. For sale by
june 29 J. H. & W. S. E 1.1.15,
li RATIVE—For preserving, restoring and
beautifying the Hair. When the hair is falling
out a beautiful head of hair may he produced.
It also beautifies the hair ol any, and is richly
. perfumed. For sale hy
june 29 J 11. «A W. S. ELLIS.
IEM ON SUGAR—An article for Lemonade
-i superior to Lemon Syrup, for sale bv
June 29 J. II (A VV. S ELLIS.
J by the bottle or gallon, for sale by
june 22 J- 11. (A VV. S. ELLIS
I JL —Splendid Articles for making Puddings
rind diet for sick persons. A fresh supply just
received at VV. FREEMAN ft
1 aug 17 32
Lemon Sugar-
QUPERIOR to Lemon Syrup,and nearly equal
k3 to the fresh Lemon, for making Lemonade.
Directions: Add one large tablespnonful of the
Sugar to a half pint of water. Stir it well,and
a beverage is produced, inferior only to that
made from the fresh Lemon. Physicians in the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when the fresh Lemon cannot he pro.
cured. Prepared and sold by
april 27 E. L. STROII ECKER.
I'rcsli CoHgrt’ss Water.
HAVING made arrangements with the Pro
printers of the celebrated Saratoga Springs,
I shall be prepared to furnish the Water during
the season, fiesh and in good condition. A lot
just received and for sale by
april27 E. L. STROHECKER, Druggist.
Pure Cod Lives Oil.
A NOTIIER Lot of Rushton’s Genuine Cod
-eJL Liver Oil just teceived. The iron used
demand for this pure preparation, and the flatter
ing accounts from Physician* and others, of its
efficacy in releiving Pulmonic and Si rofuloue
affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac
quired at the Nortli where it has been t n! !y tested,
april 27 E L STROHECKER. M I>.
IGHT ! LIGHT ! !—Another rusk of that
_J good Lamp OIL at $1 per gallon, has just
arrived. Always on hand CAMPHINE, and
the best quality of Burning Fluid of nay own
june 22 E. L. STROHECKER, Druggist.
vents baldness, invigorates the roots and
fibre of the Hair, and imparts to it a soft and
glossy appearance Price 2.> cents a bottle.—
For sale by E. L STROHECKER, M I>_
SANDERS' Roach, Rat and Mouse EXTER
MINATOR.— Families pestered wish these
destructive little animals,ran he rid of the an
noyaure by using a box of the ‘Exterminator
Price 25 cents. For sale hv
april 27 E. L. STROHECKER.
To Milliners.
BONNET GLUE, of superior quality, is kep
for sale by
march 9 E. 1.. STROHECKER. M. D.
Reauty and Economy Conibiiicil.
7hr Old Virginiti Dye-House.
(Ph&nir-like.) has from its ashes arisen, with all
its various virtues, its original colors to bestow.
nn HE Subscriber most respectfully informs
J. his customer* and the public generally,that
his establishment has been re-built, and can sow
be found on m* COTTON AV ENUE, Best oj
the Washington Ilall, XU whore he is fully pre
pared lo execute in the best manner, nil the
various branches of Dyeing,Renovating and Re
pairing all kinds of lleady-Made Clothing, and
Ladies’ Dresses, Shawls, Bonnets, and all sorts
of Fancy Goods damaged by use. Ladies and
gentlemen will please label all articles sent to
this establishment.
Goods from all parts of the State sent ns be
fore, sliall receive prompt attention, and be for
warded back with care.
Factories and other, having warp filling to co.
lor, will find it to their interest to test the virtues
of this establisheinent. Persons wishing Home,
spundyed, will please observe, for black the
warp must be purple or bine ; for brown a cop
peras color, and for green tiio warp must be
•r~p Cash must be paid on the delirery of Goods.
ITT Ladies, by calling at his establishment,
will always find spccirovus ot his workmanship
on hand.
arri! 29 H>~t{
u. R. 3V
Joy to tin* Bed-Ridden.
A VALUABLE Discovery for the instant
cure of pain. Radical's Ready Relief curat
the worst diseases in niinu r* slut hours, and
stop* the ni.-st cruel pangs of pain in seconds !
fu quick and efficien it Endways l-fcety RriieJ
in stopping pain »nd rti iua on-cases, tbul it has
frequently raised the diseased end helpless inva
lid from a oed of sickness in a few hours, it has
cured the worst pain* of
Rheumatism, In four hours,
.Vturatgia, In twenty minutes,
Tic Doionuz, In ten minutes,
Tooth-Ache, In three seconds,
Sick Head. Ache, In fifteen minutes,
.Ye,-runs H ud Ache, In fil'ten mimitis,
Sour Stomach, In five minutes,
Heart Burn, In five minutes,
Bowed Complaints, In thirty five minutes,
Cramps and Sp aim, In twenty five minutes,
Diarrhea, In one hour,
Inflammation of Dowels, Jn thirty minutes,
Local Inflammations, In ten minutes,
Influenza, In twelve hours,
| Hoarseness, In ten hours,
Spinal complaints, swellings, bruises, sores,
; wounds, A c , it will relieve ten times quicker
than any other remedy now in use.
Let those uho suffer pain try i‘ !
It will prove itse'fin a few miiuihp. A® pooii
rh it is taken internaiy, or applied externally,
| its benciirial efforts are seen.
It is better than ail other Itemed es f
Htre is the Proof —There is no other remedy
that claims to subdue the cruel pangs of puiri in
seconds, minutes or even hours. ’I hey require
the patient to use dose after dose before a favor
able change is promised. Not so with Radway s
Ready Relief Its effeclß are instantaneous, the
firet external application commences its great
work of relief.
Sick Head-Ache Cored.
Radway’s Ready Relief has cured overOO.OOO
cases of Sick and Mervous Head Ache this past
season. In the West, where this distressing
complaint prevail*, to such a great extent that
i every other person you meet in troubled with it,
Railway’s Ready Relief has cured, when all
other modes of tieattnent had failed. It gone,
rally slops the pain ill fifteen or twenty min
Bed Side Cor. panion.
In many districts of the Western country,
where sickness abounds in every form nfdisease,
the Ladies will not go to Iwd without a bott'e of
Rudvvay’s Ready Relief within their reach—and
the Men never think of going to the field vv till
out a bottle in their pockets. It instantly stops
evetv kind ol’pain and aclie, w hether it he back
ache, shoulder a< he, tooth aclie, pain in the feet,
limt'*, joints or muscles. i
Married Ladies should bathe themselves with
Radway’s Ready Relief—it gives elasticity,
suppleness ands length to the joints arid limbs,
and makes the skin smooth, suit and healthy.
A Bad Cough cured in ten minutes !
Mr. Rigdon of Brooklyn, the celebrated church
singer and organ player, on the night of the 10th
of December, was attacked with a sev ere fit of j
roughing—so that he coughed from 9 o’clock j
until 12, l’. M without three minutes interims
sion. Olio of the clerks of Radway & Cos., who
sleeps in the next room, got up and gave him a
teaspoonful oftlie Relief interuallv, and bathed
his throat, neck and chest., he also saturated a
piece ol 'flannel with the Relief, ami laid it over
liis chest. In a few seconds the coughing ceas.
ed, he could expectorate freely, and raised vvilii
perfect ease a great quantity of phlegm. The I
Relief instantly soothed the irritation of the 1
throat,and removed the inflammation from the j
I<ines, and gave free actum to them, produced a j
free and copious perspiration of the throat and [
chest ; and in ten minutes lie was entirely free j
from pain, and sank into a sound and pleasant !
sleep In the morning he was free from hoarse- j
ness and cough, and has not been troubled since. ■
Let every individual who is troubled will, a
cough, sore throat, influenza or hoarseness, par- ,
sue the same plan, and vve will warrant their, a j
speedy .cure.
If you have a stiff'joint, a wrenched limb, a
swelled leg, a bruise, or anything short of a bro
ken hone, Railway's Ready Reliefwill cureyou.
The lame have been restored to the free use of
their limbs bv n few applications of tire Relief.
The cripple, who has limped from spot to spot
upon his crutch, has been relieved of liis pain
ful afflictions, and enabled to stand erect,as God !
designed that Mat) should stand, by a few times !
using llie Relief.
The Rheumatic,
Who has been bed ridden for years, chut out
from the bnsv world, and lingered with pain
upon a couch of sickness, deprived oftlie socie
ty of friends, and of the pleasures of life, lias
been raised from a lingering death by the sooth
ing, healing and pain relieving influence ol Rad
way ’* Ready Relief In all eases of Rheumatism,
even the worst cases, one trial of Railway s
Ready Reliefwill prove its superiority over all
other remedies in use.
Power of Bcntttt/.
First of tlie train that tempts the longing eye
For beau'y’s self, majestic queen we sp\ ;
Whether in man or maiden’s form adored,
Btill mightier than the sceptre nr the sword,
This ravished him who wak'dthe world’salarm,
Subdued his heart, and nerveless made his arm ;
Thu* Alexander knelt at beauty s shrine,
And Anthony felt Cleopatra’s charms divine ;
Celes'ial beauty—daughter of the skies,
Fair skinned, rose cheeked and lily necked,a rise!
Tell each poor mortal w ho for thee w ould hope,
Try Radway s Chinese Midirated Soap !
This, this alone, each form will purify,
And make the ugliest handsome to the eye !
This for pimples, tetters, blotches, rheum,
Will banish all before iis rich perfume;
No ringworm, scurf, mosquito bite nor tan
Can stay its force on face of maid or man,
But all who test it will at Radway’s shrine,
Confess liis Soap gives beauty’s glow divine !
Yes, dear reader, Itadway’* Soap is truly n
friend to those who wish for beauty's alow di
vine It imparts health, sweetness and o!as:i< i
tv to the shriveled skin, and beauty to the dark
sallow complexion—removes pimples, blotches,
pustules, tetters, rash, sunburns, chops, chafes,
and rough skin.
The most delicious Soap in the world is Rad
way’s Medicated Soap 11 instantly removes all
redness and other annoying spot* fr< m the skin.
For shaving, toilet and the nursery, it i* the ne
plus ultra of its kind.
Look for the Steel Engraving.
Each cake to be genuine, must be enveloped
in a label of steel engraving—and each label
must bear the signature ot It. G. RADWAY.
Radway's Soap i* 25 rents for large cakes.
Beautiful Lockt of glossy Hair.
Radwav’s Circassian Bai.m —This is truly
a capital article for the hair. It keeps it moist,
fine, smooth and glossy—il gives nourishment to
the scalp, invigorates the roots, and forces the
hair to grow. 11 is a perfect antidote for bald
ness, stops the hair from fulling out, and makes
it strong and beautiful.
A supply of the above articles just receive!
and for sale by JACKSON BARNES, M*rcs;
Chapman, Hill <& Cos. and Johnson & TtiU,
Griffin ; and Kant in A, Nisecn, Atlanta, Ga.
ijov rc
I“1 uo Step Backwards.”
XE. S THOMSON, 31. D.,
I*OR a period of over thirteen years, it has
been the province of the undersigned, to
present to the people of Georgia, and the sur
rounding Males, the results ot ttie use of lutio
' cent Vegetable Medicines, in the treatment and
! cure of disease, as contradistinguished from poi
sonous substances, to which from childhood they
! have been accustomed, and to whose pernicious
I effects upon llie constitulion, many of them are
j living witnesses.
I’lie success which during this long series of
years, has attended In-. administrations, l as, in
many instances, been such, as to overcome the
most inveterate prejudices in favor of the old
order of things, and to produce instead thereof,
a conviction that even in medicine, «s in other
! branches of the physical sciences, new ideas
j may be advanced, and results achieved, that our
1 ancestors would have deemed impossible, but
which our posterity, thanks to the enlightenment
\ of a coming age, may find easy ot accomplish
This success in curing diseases of the most
hopeless character, after till o her means had
failed, and that too, in many instances, without
seeing the patient, has long been the subject ol
g. neral remark, exhibiting as it does, in bold re
lief, the difference between res ormg a ease that
has been utiso utily abandoned, and simply mis
ing another, that hundreds of others could cure.
Buch - uses can he pointed out in almost every
; county in Georgia, where some poor, decrepui,
helpless being, after testing every local means
I Without avail, have sent off, as a dernier resort,
i n description of theii diseases to a distance, in
j many instances hundreds of miles, and received
back those health reetoimg remedies that have
restored them again to health and to society, to
their own a.-tonishmcnl and their neighbors
wonder, putting a nought the sneers of antago
nistic interests, and adding new finger posts ut
every pus! office and cross road, pointing the
way to the city of refuge.
\\ ilhout subjecting himself to the charge of
presumption, be would yel boldly say, that Ire
j firmly believes that nine.tenths of the soealled
incurable cases in Georgia, are yet wfflhiu the
reach of medicine, and can be cured by pursuing
a proper course of medicine, with the exercise
of necessary care and perseverance, oil the part
oftlie patient, which in all cases ol a lingering
character, are ot the last importance.
The gieal facilities for this kind of treatment
presented in the cheap postage system, has been j
taken advantage of by thousands who happily
ran indirectly attribute tlu-ir present good health (
to that noble specimen of liberal government;
and there are thousands more who may reap the
same advantages, by simply pursuing a similar
nurse Let the afflicted, if he cannot write
nimself, get his neighbor to do it for him, give a
history of his ease, age, habits, and symptoms,
the same as if talking to a physician. It able,
and ii is convenient, enclose the fee ; it not con
venient just t lien, a due hill for the amount will
answer , (this obviates the inconrenimce of ma
king accounts at great distances,) and if not üble,
pre-pay and mail the letter to his address, w hen
medicines suitable to the case will be compound,
ed and sent with nil directions
The charge for tre-tnietit is only (§)•’) five dol
lars, montliiv, a sum sufficiently small to obviate
the fear of risk to any one, and yet sufficient t<
preserve him from loss in his extensive admin
Tl iis done, call nttlie post office in n reasons-I
hie time, and receive your medicines with as
much precision as yon would a letter; prepare
anil use them as directed, and persevere ; report
progress nioutlily, or ottener, as may be necessa
ry, mid closely watch the progress oftlie cure.
Having been lona and extensively engaged in
the treatment of diseases peculiar to females, lie
would say that *hov may avail themselves ol liis
knowledge, vvilh the utmost eon fide lice, in liis
prudence and integrity, so that in writing out
their symptoms, they may express themselves
with the necessary freedom. !n soma of tlie dis
eases of the renal 'and procreative system, the
medicines being more costly, the charge will be
Such eases as require personal attention, will
he treated on liberal terms in the city, where the
necessary accommodations can always he had.
Those Wishing further information in regard
to results, will address a post-paid letter to the
undersigned, who will immediately mail to the
applicant such documents as must disarm doubt.
Macon, June 2b, lr-59, ,k. —if
I HAVE received in addition to tn\ former
rxt-oi ive .Stock, l»v late arrivals, a large and
well selected Stuck of DllUtiS, CHEMICALS,
will he sold at a sinnl I advance on previous cost.
The proprietor now oilers one ol the rnosLeotn*
plete Slocks of french, English and American
Drugs, chemicals, Valuable Family Medicines,
Perfumery, 0,-r ; Snaps, Brushes, Cos riles, and
other Fancy and Miscellaneous Articles, iri this
Also, All the various Patent Medicines, Pills,
Sarsapari I Las, Liniments, Ointments, Sy rups,&r.
for sail- or advertised by any other Drug Estab
lishment in this city.
IE L. STROHECKER, M. D , Druggist,
Corner of Third and M nlberry streets,
jttne 22 opposite the Floyd House.
O ile-iring toeseape the Fevers of the Summer
Months would do well to make a free use of
this Syrup ns a beverage, being a pleasant puri
fier of the blood. For sale low by the gallon or
bottle, by J 11. & W. S. ELLIS,
may 1 17
To Piiysit ititis.
rpjJE undersigned have prepared for the con-
J veuienee of those who do not wish to have
recourse tn >ntent or Quack Meilicii es, the fol
io w in g, according to the sci Fur inula ol the I tii ted
Sttitcs Dispensatory,” being lire base of popular
Remedies, \ iz : Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Syrup of
Wild Cherry, Syrup of Seneca, Syrup of Ipecac,
Svrup ofStillingia, or Queen’s Delight ; Extract
of Bucliu, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, by the
gallon or quart, sold low by
J. H. A. W. S. ELLIS, Druggists,
Near the Corner of Colton Avenue,
may 4 Cherry Street, Macon, fin.
nAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
of Messrs. Charles Abbey & Son’s cele
bra ted Gold and Tin Foil, and for M essrs. Jones,
W hite A Co.'s TEETH, I will keep a constant
supply of these articles, and all Dentists’ In
struments. lam now opening the first lot of
Impression Cups, Scraper*, Burnishers, Emory
Wheels N0.2 to 7, Files of all kinds, Scotch
Stones, Teeth Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar and
Rieusped Teeth ; 1200 Pivotdo.; 8300 Platedo.;
1180 Gum do. All of which will be sold at
Manufacturers’ prices, by
jnne l E. I. STROHECKER.
Bryan’s Cholera Ntcdfrfno.
tin 1 cure of Diarrluva, Colic, Camp,
Pains in the Stomach, See., is a most valua
ble remedy and no Family should he without it.
Persons Icavingthe city and subject tochango of
diet and water, will find this an excellent fade
Meant l’or sale by
A.en *2 E. L. STROHECKER, Druggist.
“Jlacon Weekly Transcript.”
The subscriber propose* to publish, in ts e
city of Macon, Ga., « paper to lie called the
“U'etklv Transcript. ’ The growing prosperity
of oui ntv, aml the mrrrasiug facililius of coui
mumra ion with every pari u! the ftla e, seem
to justify i lie opinion, that a family journal, pro
perly conducted, is mu only a dcstderutum, but
that such an one is really need lo meet he wants
of the community. In a city m a neighboring
Slate, hy no means as populous as Maeon,a daily
and four weekly paper* are sn-tained ; and it is
to be Imped, that there is sufficient intelligence
and liberality in middle Georgia to authorise the
establishment of a journal such a* it i* contem
plated to make the “Transcript.”
Ii is not to be disguised, that all the papers
which are published in Macon are decidedly par
tizan in their character— being, lo a greater or
less degree, identified with someone of the poli
;ical parties into which our people are divided
ll is, therefore, not to be expected that matters
| ofgeneral interest can rereive such attention as
the wants of the eonimuiiity seem to demand.—
Apart from this, we need something to develope
the literary resources of our people. Literary
men geenrally, have very little taste for parly
politics; and even when they have, it is only
during times of great i xeiternent that there is
any special demand for the employment of their
I talents. It is, also, questionable whether politi
cal discussions are the best mean* of encouraging
a pure literature. Our own opinion is, that they
are not; and lienee, we desire to establish a journ
al ilia will afford a medium by which those of
our citizen* who are not much engaged in the
partizau waifur- , vvl icli is ever and anon wag.
mg, may communicate to the public llicir opin
ions upon such sefijeets as may be of some prac.
! tieal advantage hi improving the character,of
j our people. W e want u home literature—a
Southern literature—as well as Southern I're-s.
Our literary men and women need encourage
ment; our schools and college, need the fostering
care of our people; and our agricultural and
mechanical interests should receive more partic
ular HUention than has hitherto been bestowed
upon them. The morals of our people might
| lie improved hy the dissemination of a system ot
; pure ethics; and the noble cause of Tempi ranee,
I espeeialy as it stands coiieneted with the Ordei
ol’the “tons,’* demands a larger share of public
The" Transcript” will be neutral in politics
] but will furnish a synopsis ot the leading poll
j tieal transactions ofilie day. In no case will il
become the organ of any party. Its moral tone
I will he decided. W hilst it will not be under
the influence of any religoiis denomination, ii
will aim to inciilat: correct moral and religious
sentiments—believing that our political institu
tions can have no permanent basis unless lliev
are founded noon the virtue, ns well as the in
telligence. The prominent facts connected with
i In* movements oftlie different religious denom
inations will be published as matters of news
but the paper will not become the advocate of
auv particular sect
In short, it is proposed to furnish a journal
that will be aceep able lo men of all parties and
aii creeds, — in which, Belle Lettres, generally,
Agiieulre, the Mechanic Arts, Temperance,and
a sound Morality, will all receive a due share
of attention.
The subscriber, being a practical Printer, will
guaranty that the typographical character of the
paper w’ill eouipaie favorably with that of any
other in the State Several literary gentlemen
(scute of whom have had considerable experi
ence,) have kindly consented to co-operate with
i lie Pro | rietor in i lie manage me nt oftlie Editorial
The “Transcript” will he issued in a few
weeks, at fjs2 per annum, payable in advance
Subscriptions are respectfully solicited. Ad.
“The Southern Press.”
\N Association of sixty.three Members of
Congress, Senators and Representatives,
hav e constituted the undersigned a Committee
to superintend the establishment of a Southern
Press at W ashinglon City, to he devoted to the
exposition and defence ol ftouthern Rights and
institutions—the dissemination of correct infor
mation as to T orlhern Policy, and the course of
Political Affairs generally, vv ilhout reference to
the old party lint sos W hig and Democrat. Ar
rangements are now in progress, promptly to in
sure tlie issue of such a paper tinder tiie title of j
for the conduct of which, suitable Editors have
been engaged, who will also receive the aid of
a number of eminent and able contributors.
There will he both a Tri Weekly and a Weekly
issue—the latter to contain substantially the
same matter as the former, and intended to reach
those points <if the country whose mail facilities
are limited.
A Daily issue will be added hereafter, should
il he deemed advisable or necessary by tlie press
and people oftlie Southern Stales.
Tlie paper will not be exclusively political—
but will embrace on itshroud sheet the General
News of the day, Domestic and Foreign, hy mail
and telegiapii ; (.’otntnercial and Agricultural
Intelligence, Literary Criticisms, Original Es
says, Literary and Miscellaneous ; and, in short,
all those items of general interest, the collected
aggregate of which coriotitutes the interesting
and valuable Newspaper. Great care will bo
taken to give full and correct Reports of the
Proceedings and D. hates in both Houses of Con
gress, as well ns the action oftlie local Legisla
lures oti the Southern question.
A limited number only of Advertisements will
be received—the main object being to furnish a
large amount of reading matter.
The [taper will be printed on a sheet equal in
size to those of the other Washington papers,
and tlicmalerial will be procured especially for
the purpose.
It is confidently Imped that every true friend
lo the South will aid in procuring subscribers,
and forward the names, with the amount sub
scribed, to some Southern Representative at
Washington, fori Ii vvil li.
Postmasters are authorized by law to remit
subscriptions free of postage.
terms :
For Tri-Weekly during the Session of Congress,
and Semi- Weekly during the recess, tlie price
will be, per annum, : : $5 00
Weekly paper, per annum, ; : 2 50
The piiee of subscription must be paid inva.
riably in advance, and the cash accompany the
name sent.
All persons procuring ten names shall he enti
tied to receive a copy gratis For one year.
W» Htsaros, May 25, 1850.
Flue Clifwlng Tobacco.
r\ 11. iV 3. LILIENTHAL’S well known
vy . superior fine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
in papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some ofwhich the knowing
ones say cannot be heat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which are just good enough. For
sale at W FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dee l 1
\ tu»a try the .nine of CI..IPP he. e> Wl(||
Venn* nwn of th» mw ..f j». p. 1., w „, rnd 1
■nine lo put 11)1 H Air-ap* ill*. *hicn :arv call la. Tc* -
rnraa i SHr—parilla. drnoiHinatai* Il O rr.vr/.vr:, o r , c
tie. Thi* ’fhwoaetid is no doctor, nnd ue.-r ...
formerly n worker «>n mifromis. rsnnN. mnu 0»e hhi*. Yet be
as«nme» the tille »»f Dr.. the t>ujpo»« of crcthi
whet he u no*. Thi* it u> caution the pubi c not
deceived nnd purebnte none but the © F.JTUIJTR ORfQi
0/7) Pr. Jitcob Townsend’i bhvmf
It the Old I>r’k likrnrri. hit Cumiy eout of kruu.
•ignmure acroes the coal of itrut*.
Principal Office, 102 .Y rra« Mg., JYe* York Cit 9 ,
OLD 00. Jajou'ioDNSLND
Grnniue Townsem! Sarsaparilla.
Old I'r. Townsend i» now •■bom 70 (ear. „ tr „ n(j -
long been known ns ll.e .nUTHOH and ftrscdvrorn
SAP.IHU.UI. ” Hen* poor, he yv.» compelled to limit a,
in (nuf'ciiare, by which means it has been kept ont ~f mtr
keu mat the sale- circnmseribed to those only who hs l
proved its worth, and known its vnlue It had reschedl
the ears of in.ioy, nevertheless, ns those persons who i w a,
beeu healed ol -ore diseases, and saved pom death vtf
claimed its excellence and ’
Knowing, many years ago. th:U he hnd by hi> «k>lj
tcience tnd experience, devised tn article which would M
of inculcuUble ad'antaue lo munkind when the U | VHBt |
would be furnished to bring it into univeranl notice, w be ft
iu ine»tiniah!e virtues would he known tml appreciated.
This time has come, the means arc supplied; this
is manufactured on the large'l scale, and \% called f M |
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. I’ Townsend’s, it improves with age. mil
never changes, but for the better : because it is prepared tn i
scientific principles by h scientific man. The hifhesl Kno»|
edge of I’hcnii'trv. and the latest discoveries of the *rt,
have all been brought Into requisition in the mnnnfactor*
of the OKI Ur’s S.irxapinlla. The Sarsaparilla r«M)t, it j
well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro
portie*. and *ome properties w hich are inert or useie**, ant
others, which if retained in preparing it for use, product
fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the iy»tcui.
dome of the properties of darsapanlla are so volatile, that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in
they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only
to those rxj»eriemed in iu imtiiufnctu e. Moreover. the«e
volatile principles, which fly olf in vapor, or ns nn exhstA
lion, under heat, are the very essential medical propcr’itt
af the root, which give to it all it* value.
Any person cun boil or stew the riH»t till they ppt a flan
colored liquid, w hich is more from the colonnu matter is
Ihe root than from ary thine else; they can then strata
this Insipid »r vapid liquid, sweeten wttti «onr nmtassci
snd then call it • SAU*AI*AUILI.A F.XTHA«T or SY
RUP.’* But sjrh is not the articb- know u the
This is so prepared, that all the inert propef'ie' »f the
Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every* thing cajiHble o
becoming acid *»r of fermentation, is extracted and rejected
then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pun
an«l concentrated form ; and than it is rendered incapable <i
losing any of us valuable and healing properties. I'm wire J
In this way, it is made the most powerful agent tn the |
Cure ot 1 innumerable diseases. |
lienee the reason why we hear coniinemUttons on ever#
side In its favor hy men. women, and children We find ■
doing wonders in ihe cure of
< O.V.Sf \UPnu.Y, DYSPKr.SM, and LIVFR COM f
P/t.iIJYT, and in ft HF. I T MJI Ti&Ml, SL HO+ l r L.i
n/.KS, cosiirr.jYKss. mi < vr.ix::ovs cucA
TH fiTS, t'IMn.KS, HI.OCTHES , and all fitlbct . .~A
arising from
It possesses h iii;«rvc lous» ifieacy in efl Coin plaints afhirij
from Indigestion, from .iadtty nf ike Stomach, from Uneqio
circulation, determination of K >*>d to the head. t*ai|utui i
of the heart, cold feet anti h ind s, cold chiils u hot H• n
over ihe body. It has not its equal in Col is and Cquyin
and promotes easy ex|*ectorailon and gentle per pm»t "H
relaxing btrietnreot the lungs, throat, -mil ‘*v*ry otter pn
But in nothing isexcel . ice in -re nianiietliy i.(
HCkuoo fudged than in all kind* and -t .ges « f
It v\«>rks» wonders in ca>esof F uor jiliuts nr Whr » hail
inwoft.Be Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, >r ffm fu .M fuses
Irregularity ot the men*trUHi i**riiMl>, .«..d !.■«• iKj ; nri
is a. etlectii il in curing all the forms of h .nitty Disease*,
By removing obstructions, and regulating the _eiurnl
system, it give-' tone mil strength to the wh .e body, and
thus cures ai! forms of
Xen on* diseases a ml debility,
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of oilier main
dies, as Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Ft tn*' Dates
Swooning. Epileptic Fits. Convulsion*, &.c.
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy acti"H
tones the stomach, and gives good digestion relieves till
bowels of torpor and constipation, allays intlaiaiiidi'a
.mrifles tlie sktn, eq«inlißes the circulation »'l the ki'"*«j
producing g*-iitle w armth eqaally all over tlie h-sh. mi
the insensible (lersptrnUon ; relaxes all stricturus johi tighl
ness, removes ail ohstrnctions, and iiivtgoruei the entin
nervous Is not tilts then
Ihe medicine you pre-eminent!)
Bui can any o( tliese things he said of S. P. 1 owrwnii
infer or article ? 'l’his xoiing ntnn’s liquid is n"t tube
because of one liKA.N I> 1* ALT, the one .s LNCAi’A
BLi; of DEI tiK.nilA I‘lo.N, and
while the other DuHm ; souring, JermmUng, klmri*l
the buttles containing it into fragments ; the sour, vcir *iquw
expbal.nq and and imaging other goods ! Must do: this horn
bie compound he poisonous to trie system 1— H’hut'
acul into a system already diet used with acid! htu
Uys|iepsia but acid ? Do vve not ail know that when nw
•ours in our stomachs what mischief* it produces ? ‘‘
lence, heartburn palpitation of the heart, liver
itinrrhfP.i, dy entwry, colic, and corruption of the o.o«h1
What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the In sly ? v* 1 '"
produces ail the humors which firing on Krui»tn»n* of w
s?kin. o?CHId Head. Salt Kheuin, Krysijielßs, White flwei
lugs, Fever fi»«>res, and all ulcerations internal and e.vierfM-1
it is nothing under heaven, but an «cid sub.daiicf.
sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the hofly. '*
.ess. What causes Kheuiuaiism but a s' lir or hchl ii"*' l
w hich insinuates it'Ctf between the joints and tl• rwHere,
irrit. ting and mtiamiug the iieficate tiS'Ue* a rnco and
act* ? .-fto of nervous diseases, of imptiMy ofinc bln*’"-
deranged circulations, and nearly ail tlie nutuenis " n ‘ l
efllict hinimn nature.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell. «nd infi"’ 1 *!
msru to use this
.• c *’MKNTING. ACID “U’...-
a', tnr a ..a alan a .vr 11 nniirr.tiMO) InH* olrt
mis* i d's (Jmnine Or,gin<tl Sarsapurdis. ; ‘
BLN "f ins interior preparation !, . hlf k
Heaven forbid that wo should deal in an artirlc
votild bear the distant resemblance t«> ft* • • .
• '.iPs article! and w hich should bring down upon 1
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and cn JJ‘ l .' nje( j
rorn Agents w ho have sold, nrdpurchs'crs who n»'
\ r. Town >r nd’s ki:rmk\tin<;
We wish it understood, because it is the «A*«fitw
’hat p. 'lownsend'H article nud Old Dr. Jac o '' . f#<
end’s Sarsaparilla are hearen-wide apart, and mfim -
*imilar ; that they are unlike in every p«ruciu»r
mi one single thing in common. ifn ,>
As H. I*. Townsend is no doctor, anil never wjj ™
heini>t,no pharmaceutiM .-know *no more of ~,e“ '
•il.sense than any other common, unscientific. ftn P r " „•
uian. w hat guarantee cun the public have that
••iving a gersifipe iu*-«firm«. coiittiinii'j
virtue-* oftiie urticles used in prep»irintf It- andefUit 1 *
•lapable ot changes nugtit render them ti |t: 10
•»t Disease instead of health. - o n) ,t¥»
Bui wlnt else should be expected from one wno
nothing coinp imtively of medicine or disease • ir, ' pr(l i
a permin ofsnine experience to cook and verve op . (
**oimuoii dm ent meal. How much more iusportnnt w
tlie persona w ho uuinufarture medicine, designed “
siioaid know well tlie meal ion I pnqierties oM'
best manner ot securing and concenlruting 1 1 1 ’ 1
virtuea, nlaonn evtensive knowledge of tin* VMr .'',rtnicd'* 11
which niicet tin* human system, .tud fo>w to adai
to the*e diseases! uT
It ih to arret frauds upon tlie un for innate, w
into wounded huuianity. t«» kindle hope in *** j |lt „
laitoin, to rev tore health and bloom, and W
raevhrd aid br keu. and to banish of Wk
J \Utm TOV\ NriK.ND has SOUGHT aud rs” |
portiinily mirl turaus to hring his I
Gra ml Uiiiv«*rsHl Couce** tr I
within the rrirh, »n.l tn ihe knowleditc ««F*" ’ ice in ■
that they inhv lenrii «”‘l kn ive, by I’ l i|/.)(|. B
T»ai»scemleiiC Power to 11
For s«lo wholesale und retail by
Nassau st-, . I
And by J. H. A (V. S F.l.M 3 ’"" I
J A. A 9.8.
Macon, ■
tr-b ■
V<»j 4