Newspaper Page Text
Dealers in Ember.
Bnvnminh Jiepublkxnt «vyn: "A
'otlmtloi't Brunswick weigh-
hundred and fifty pounds
»s hundred and flirty on reach-
’Atlnntn." We liave alwaya noticed
dowa-tbe-oonntry folks are arrfnlly
up when they eomo to Atlanta,
,e turtle, wo Btippo«e, caught the
ion. .
o Commencement exercises of the
lera Masonio Female College, in
will open on .Sunday, the
sermon by Dr. Wills,
isa to the’ Means and
‘roiobjor Sid. Lewis, of
,y, the 23th. The An
on Wc-dueodoy ‘Hat, by
Junior Exhibition on
Senior on Wodueaday, 20th
Sophomore on Momloy uvon-
The exercisee generally
an interesting character, os the
of this institotioa hare as their
‘resident R V. J. F. Bradshaw, a clirit-
tinn gentlemnu, aud ono of the bent
teachers that has ever been connected
with the college. We predict a pleasant ABl , thi
and interesting occasion to all who will ‘
attend- -especially the Masonic Fraterni
ty, who hflvo it in keeping, and will be
proud to witness such evidence of pios-
perity,—Covington Enterprise.
Wo have (akon some pains recently to
inqniro into tito progress mnde by our
citizeuH iii the raising of clover and oili
er grosses. Alter a look on the aero
patch of Judge Spence, in Covington,
| we pronounce it inferior to none, it is
; as good ns any w o ever saw, North, South,
l East or Wosti—some of tho finest stalks
| measuring C foot 1 inches. Every quad-,
I raped upon the Jndgo's premises bnvcl
i been fed from it, aud aro in the finoil
i dei and ho will yet gather scvei
j from tho patch. Charlie Bo
) about three acres, on which tw
, of hops mid f wend head of cal
| as sleek and fat, as sleek and fa
hnvo run tho entire spring, aud
! lusuriant, and the quantity consul
■ • *’!'**'' ~ ~ | scarcely missed. lir. Don rug has
LBMHER! ' three acres, averaging about
; aud as fine ns mortal eyes ever
H.t.ey and 1 are Obi-A Pbibi nillsfl.
Hr WUL a. CAOI-to,.
Draw np Uic japr-ra, lflSTflr, boa nub- 'em ,tood Bad
TU.h^i. «t h..nit tr# croM-wft;a. JteUwj imd i%xt
W« wlif> bare » TrJiwl terjottier *o long »• km Mid
Mnm i-ull lu btm w th* rn»t of our nut'ril
■•Whit U tho luttltrf ' my you* !»
So X !»»vo talutrt with Botfle/, ft»d Bit"**/ lu• * tAlLtid
wiibwic; ‘ .
Ho wri'vc agreed tog#tb*c that we can't id
Not Hut we've LAtrhfwl Ai-h uthnr m «
I li«M u.y \ail
Ana I3fi»py. Ukc «u goo.1
A Ucfuitrkulilc Bov.
Farmer Bogles vm it veracious old
codger. If tkero was anything ho de
lighted in, it wns to aeeure tho attention
of some one whiio ho span a yam ulajnt
the woudarful onion * if hi.’ son Tom.
Tom was his idol— his !- ro on every oo-
eu.ion - a‘id never would the old f ellow
let his hero an let in wont o' a romancer.
•‘Ah!” said Bogles, ono day as he had
fuirly fixed hit auditor, ‘Tom is the moat
remarkable boy you ev.-i set oyee on.—
He's like bis old Jail y >u can't nu more
circumvent him than von cun a wood*
chuck, l'ou
stood down
tjiutmmre, ®aa iittinj. tf*.
Eichfeerg & Langgesser,
fUrliig raucm-cl their
From So. 4. MarltlU fltre«t, to
32 Peachtree Street,
reapac! tally Inform tfioir fnenda that thej
will contimiA to karp a full stork of
eiM, Steam mut Irater Ffprt,
Bath Tubs.
[A, nn<l oil Mnnnor
pontt iV Work.
Ml would respectfully i
'public tur.t he b»v Iocs- J
the corner »t Oinbh aud Sprint I
Rioe A Mitche ll s Lumber Y»:d, where j
to receive Contracts for Dvult In* aud I
*’ Work, which ho rropottes to
tisfcction oi s'.i roneernrd ; and at
as any one. He makes a speciality of
luycraorcaKu o»
rLUlBSTKNOIIfl 11IKH, pencil Dios, Htoel
I Dies, IWlr«*ut and Hotel Checks, Mart inf
, Ifo. fl Wldtrliall HI., a few door* below
omens gboroia
Oawod BHlnslow and
Xjafhw, Wtalto Pino
SawIx, Wtnctowa «*•
Jta far MorchintA, Mlllor*, *T >bftcoonlcita and i «ID Kinds of tfresaed and
also, to Nam* n-tfs. lor marking cloth##, j fV/rmitiir Hacaiilkrr
I'AtTiitto any ad«i.-esf for acvocty-flve! rnuainf sshh'iwt,
• • * AM
If. B.—Particular attention paid to Brands and j
fsraer rulllusaml llarrlt Jtrceu;
Feelitcr k M ?r« er, Proprietor*.
OAos In OIJ East offl. v rnliaisg. iKklGstr O'T Bs’-.
A-tlaxuci. a-oorsia.
' Bsuesur flcstflO <03 siwsj. iwsk. for was a
R. R. ALE HOUSE* 1 *!*»*> Psw^ow.TairWr aw« Oa.’fl.
8 2
Alabama Hircot Atlanta. Ga.
WDST recoitcd, n fiao lot oL Champiiign,
fP Jerwej fidsr. Families supplied at their
jtmnoa. A flue assortment oi the beet
m&\ Mf ars cl ways on hand. BnltlPtl Ales and l*orW
-DIO* A MlIOfIF.laL BATE ON BAND A LARUE 1 " i nno M m0l ’« U «vrr
-He wul reap ecyernl toiu o£ cloy
I fnawtit.v rf Dry Oak Lumber, snttablo to build,’nf i wortll ill lLl« Biorkot us xuucli
rC'3t*0Fs cnf. made an l I flagons; aloo all kind of Framtuj; an«\ Finish! ; tlum tho OOttoil tllB BiilllC laud WOUid pi
-ir.itb-eRSds maJv to I I duco. W. S. Montgomor®|fcq.
S i Luffiu "' ln L,,n,f " r ^ **»<• '*•»*■ ; Brick Store, has about ei,
.icra Uo«<*c. under Mayann‘s • insrl0-8aa otliv, llCl'Ui* ftlUtd ami
‘""“‘Tiinn * TXT t , ' loaiii i 1 is looking fin- -
:i - * New Lumber Yard,
■MARIETTA AND WALT om BTS.* | trablo ma‘i of the ri^
>i r I (Uhnw ivilii Tv’if.m v
asplMy febll-ly A. LAKD8BKRQ k CO., XToprletorm
: and all other dru^glsU.
f. a. saasova.
re os. naan^ofL a. r>. xi-movu,
" Drake'* f'rtek dffits.
F, A. I) A RllOUn & CO.
Ales, Beer and Chsutps^no Jersey Ot ler j IYKALKLS
All on Uiadv and sway please it • *•'
We glad to bo able to
ciued clmiigoin the gvowii
warm ilnyp, intornperser
Hummc: rains, lms cam 1
in tho fipnoaranco of
cotton t.nd corn in gn
tho prorpect at tliist*j
to tho hearts of ” ^
generally, is mm,
pcoted; ami from
county wc hear tin
Of course there
it has been serioul
But, aft* r kU this?
ing. Some is no tv 1
i/iylon Ktikrprte.
Civrtorsvir.a ii to h"ve ", ni’roml meet
ing to-morrow.
Corn in tl.ifl rcotion ia fairly, rnnning
owav wiiJi itself, aud wonrotold by farm
ers that they never paw it grow faster than
it Iim in tlio last week, in tlicir lives.—
Cotton has been almost entirely mined
by tho tve.t wotther. Wheat will not turn
out halt a crop.—Oivlcrtvillc IZrprcs*.
Ami thou la the moro'u* 111 ei>H
And kl*'t th« child tbel left t > ns, and <
wcild I'll go
And ob(> thing put ta ihe p*.r<‘r. that A
dead at lart, >>he ahatl
dl-lfi l
That when 1
be k t i ber.
:na-> in tho
wo ..Id
nr: kv ,’nmon-
. uu:;l tho 23th of
t 11 oViock at night,
of kl'-I. o, ni tho mim-
T.ibl-.d ..t too housoof
doman-.’.ed adraiasion,
, si. The -torming party
d inoarao and ;ho front
were soon b.irrt opon nllb
pitocMHRoi. and Mr. TaUee, who
was cn band to oppose them, was seized
by four t f tho gang and thrown upon
tfie floor, while the oth. •' caught Mm.
Ohapin, took her out of tho honso, and
and nib-r removing ovory article of cloth
ing from her person applied a coal of tar
and feathers, liberally, all over her, after
which they left tho promises. Xho oulv
•1.0 die#, i wish tixsi *h would !«■ laid Ij
•TgcUter in Silence, perlmpa wr wi»! .' ■re>«.
: bc mcel in Hmi'xmi. I wonK'.a'*. tbiok it
l twh other bettor because we qsnmlcl
Uncle Jack Coughlin,:
at 3H1F STUFF,
fiWrirMtr, MMMTvrmw.
! or Maw?™*. r&Lt*™***
M3rM*fl. hfl% locots'l blmflrtf aader flha | Oil prodae* dnttversd tt tha d.jrn frwer <-h»r*c,
< vftc*, <4>rnt>r sun# rtr«?ts, In th#
nEK-Pftvr. Mjroo.v,
CartCTwillc ir. still rising, fihe enjoyed
a genutet l/nrgla:y a ft w nights ago.
Wo deeply regret to learn that young j G ” or « , “ '«•U „ Ton'g'tin.7
Mr. Million, nf Cnharloc, oldest son I Th° 3',a»'«i.-n of Ib»i "rrtt u, u>o foilowm, m
of tho iuto Major Nelson, who was killed un ' suu ' ■ l s ti
a abort time stnoo, by the fulling of tho I w Ttio :«,t wrsiim -r tvo noorcts aul- Agriniiiuat
bridg i over Eaharieo creek, at TSinrUn’s UwaTMii ou m. v«.uo ii.,u ui or »mu
Mill, was hilled on Wodncedny afternoon J K'tae^pVjiunuouloMh^dsy
list, by lightning, while standing in his I .««ou ot tin- agoi iBi comaiUtB*
persons about the honso at the time of
the attnekwere Mrs. Chap in, Mrs. Fat-
tee, and a little daughter <; Mr. 0., aged
about seven years. Tho affair 1ms crea
ted a great deal of oxcilenvutin the com
munity wrhero it occurred, ami it is tho
first breach of the peace (hat ban been
oharpod to the pe«rcab.'« and quiet town j * tWAI8 BK iOTUD at his tawjsh.
whew we will be plCMeU to serve those who OOP,
BOBU BO. WtprOpoeB to MU SUJ B,Mtl«
of I , 'P.rty, ileol rlaht ond rr't« prompt reform ef
bU eal.w. (ViuBlpeiuuoDtB aoll. Uod. Uhertl idnar>.
■UBCB on woods lu MoW. to be sold at motion. Bee.
var sale daps, Weluooda,. and Scturdspa. HbIm -4
Hml Katete prompt!, BttaBdod to.
t. A. cnnniiV Aocttoneer.
oairra.oA.. h., nr,.^ 00 ^^^
Dutch Pete’s Restauraat,
DnAtr James' Jlmdr,
No. 1 OOOR,
And nil othrr modern kpplluioe*,
«%■ meals srrpLiED at all houbr
j or tl n Fresi*
. j yard.—Carttmuk Express.
u lUo
l«nt, ui>on cDCtfulMtiou with U>e com*
mltldo, Hkwl tuf day of llio uecLUM ou Tuesday. tko
| Mb of AngttM. Itc 8ccr?t*ry tnl**i **-*Mj|
MooaiTnodillon »f l*W old lrlrnd*. amt m ma*iy now
4pa»M mrr thlnl prof^r to Rtro liim n call. Undto
Jofett p*yr #Rp#ci»d attoiit f a to the inur mv». UHk
,Ajrn txn.o
TVl PurilP*!Dp^iriUO'Ifl Build » UaiMlng Ccmisitieo of the ncwiJ iM ‘‘ hvl
-- parties ywlfUlg W OUliU , ^yr- n ,od ir 11; Clinro’i Mouth, in this pirate, j the ani.ieei of nsopt. ot th* Iiiev.uw
wmz.t rvaporgnii, iniorni iboj at a meeting ho'.d on dVednostlay last, ce- ( iu *y r ra ‘' *
fTVHE UndCrritfnoA rnun u-«T«uitity imwin. I R* “ «<w»-'iSb »*vtt4 t.M T|vuut»unt ■«*»» I .m.„. A
note . 1 cltirena of ALAAta that he U now prcpAced te | golvod to #oll 11)6 old church to tho high-
Harctofbr#, the
If aeon Urne ui uibcu-l lh'
Divm Fcaisay tells a story of a Scab-li! HITCHCOCK A WALDEH,
beadle who Juul taken i irncy tn the wboieb^ito , Dm ........ „
Books and Stationery,
-- -—- ... r -f.r-, r wart jefwiaAhw. mltat bid,Ifr, and proceed forthwith !o the, .
jvwioai-r »s.«-i«wi owV* •* mob erection of the now ono on tho other
-wt nw«. (fame «Oer MOW *M •* ‘
Ue iia.atl.iB eflAotflhd a pfckad ut of h»,4l«. Nidi roniti-ait , cr
foela ooiUldaBl l* flvlns caaiwl MUflflaal..u. j £5? svT,..m
aA- RSraRI.k‘,‘1; -C.I. Jehu L. Omsv 100.1,,- vu r f- rri.
IjE bon ton,
jr». II ftaeletref Street, near Ike
,1'Wfmaf Hotel.
joujtr r. jrtcDOf.s,
orviGE ra Aina.WE cotta rnYOB sTnasr
>EtiOE is
<7, sttnmk,
MTO 1 P. tl.' U/im SBRVOOIt A llOWLASO.
■\W T
mux PL’.voma,
(1 .\LIi K1NPS. J No'ilC CoiuturrvLU itmt, And RfJ «fKl J10
• RIF ur.’i
“lhc l-Rt MFnretion to op#u lUd!c.d or, h ie Hrr*.#
tire«l#>> I fto crTTfselny r. dcck.od i i .ah n Hf;#lu#t
there-doc'^n et FrtAidcut bruit. 'ii«cre tr»* noi
enough iiuLUruoMi now in T.'Mh<nston to *ct »n
l lf* t'ftUc* * stent of hm>r 1* will rereire: but ttcin
Whoieatle Pca1«t« In j be utkly that Among those ;n < nice there will be
J reiy pokinve demonFUetionn of disfavor. «m>y
r#f fwrvri roNMiW. , bee air* been n*2d out nl th<- Lit of u$efUl men
in the (mm tv, uiui it I'M been ileclert<l by #ome of
i'CTRH BOURDON AND RECTI Vi KD WIlLsRIWS. ! the an,u«t friends dI the ednanl'twtLn that b«
(.ran; rwu, ckoc«m»» .. | ait.wrui “
cpM *r ti„ nonf
,i. AND FANCY GB001.BIE8. m*.t>"r.o lu bln vi. we about tho uost l ..ri.*.. utud
Ab»*-OomiulMi*on Merohenl# for the#*le<>c Fork* clts-ti.m, aim It Is Uiou-:hl Is.
Dmo4 enAlAfd. and mnoral plentaAten
. . . • -*— ---* no Rnrth
vnloM bMng . .
... .. tho Wistr.-n A Atlaafco r-Adand th<>
<oiu hr - .;, ii ■'■ •‘.1 .»• l! i‘ T;.» heavy draw
lOAtl Site. TllO oontraot for builcupg is to , uiKinth p- a:r.,.4tyef tLu. road luedt) ,t n vc- ar>
Is, let IS the.lowest wdden » soonu
Cdn 1»0 nuvortliod. — (.•trier*- Oovarnrr Frown iui* y met this nnaeual dra.':
\-p.>n the roed, bul liaa further tendoiwd the d ip-
«ates a Nji.x'.nl ^rain, hy which *dliegatoe vbo will
bo ln At auta by eevoa o’clock cn TucLlay morning,
will Ik ca.Tlcd lu Iw • than four hours to Roin*>, in
time to ci» u the convention by 11 o'clock. 1 Uc
didaflatoicsn prooetd dlrcct’y froci threat t the
ball ol tho s •• Hindy, where, during the orftauua-
to a and Jio irtum.Uiu ct the neccaary fr. itmi*
nail - armigein-'nla for the hnsmoee of tho ■ u.
the dclejMc# ecu be auai<nod the..- i-Uct-tiul
The people or Lome o-.ubtles# »» fnliy rj.v\, to
the Importance of the ocean.on, as iLmrral ColquRt
inforuK-i vu that lio had bu n tn curreapoudt nee
vdlith ntral BJtvk, of Home. lb*, im-ciber of the
Tho w«Fhlngton rorr#epm>d#nt oi tfco?.<h .end
A’tewr tmd
it will
i 1m reiiadl
* bt iiitcrc t 'ir i'> no eff cl id Uflfi dnrl i-at
1 of i he d!#ttn*nteA«.l NadlCAl #d)t«
to luve ad tulng* tc-atly.
g|i his is an tiuporUnt actsi
portaat siHnding ...iuiiuh
Tli<‘ r. p"rUirf bn
i Mtal suijjm t« *i!
They sht"ihw '•*
du- .-. t-ws urd to tbc .Ax.uja} <
ue • pajiy iu
for Ahtl m.
t.iorottgl .,' ixepareil nub their report*.
riietfci'i.aiiHot lh» February iont«a<
ddevatt t • Itn-vn ventlnu. Hcv » f r sig.ian a.
da vh u a .,.'., v su' ias ni-vj l c r.l'jd < v
4 I ■ • . t . tt h ni4J.* T.y
v ideli.»t> > • the tcu try c wuu.rn, aiiwdki
•«aI Iw tus ft J v ft.t MB'Vftfiva jUftCOWfti,.
manse housemaid. Atnh ss foran op
portunity to dechire himsc'f, one Jay—a'
Sunday when his duties wore ended, he 1
looked sheepish, and said: “Miry, wad ai exachtrik utrikt,
ye tak a Inm, Maiy ?” He led her to the i irowHx s bixick,i
churehyaril, andiminUngwith his linger, ATLANTA. fjA
got ont, “My fowk lie tu«v,, Mary; wadj-w PI ,p.„ . . . ,
ye ld:o to ha there '. ' Tie grave bin! j K.^odfSar^sliv.'SL^p.^ 8 ^
was tiken, aud she became In n-.f”, bat I voinpw. Ptr«, lot, im,tnnj«, siatSTrorA-
tlio docs not lie there ye! ctl-ook., xmr.., Me, ^ '
k traveler who saw anr .lv ■ n th. »u» »teo» of lolltoi p«*«r»naBloat Boota.
earlf eir wTtU llU^ l' - '• 1 n iZ , U *°‘ «CSOAT8l*OOt000*8.nU MDdMIlM.
fr* 1 ef, Jfi't T.’" • Choice lot of AIJCMSiua MOTTOBt-ths Mte
yWW| tlumCHt I. lilflt.r. .I. >71. 1^0 r.ll adapted for Hu u day Ueh'vjla, a istro ato«A of MUoO-
ornament tosociety bnt I,-1: emtlict | untom a».i Tbci^.wi noons. c.ui,v>m. mui
ter die? Very soon the- ill tie some, — x _
dauTwoman’s hair to the b. k ot her I t'eimkerland .Wrsem,
hoof), faaton her ribs with eetr.-t, and _
hung a bird rage aioe.ud he, limbs—\ l.Vilkh Ihl.D JlKfTIOIf, TENS.,
Worse tLan that; when : be arrive* at mu-1 Hamlin a BABxrxs
tnrity sbo will ho compe te l to determine i
whether she is for pretee.ic . o; nve trade, l u w rK ^hJ*8ii. qbnbbal auskt.
to mider»tand the intric vci. - of p,,; iron, I rjROAT tbmmjM fruit act otaaauwi .—,
and KC, to the polls and vole. ’ f tcura. tium, rtc. L'.rry tr-ca or ahi-ub war-
_ _ 1 rwtM. _ _ apuom
A perron, hearing “(ir ia money,' ! ^ ^ QARLINGTON
beeanio desirous ot lenniirqh w urny ’ * ’
yorrs it would take to p y. liiq >.! lit >'i | Attorney CVt XjCtW,
o:n‘ ’ nnfived uellrus.
ft is amionveed th d t■•■ • r -'. :.-cy >q
1‘, :i. ; .i\n> ■>. healed l y J o- j ,v
Bluet, i.ftjyiy ill fits or ot JiaWOckl
{or Fivoiueut nat U«*e,