The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 10, 1871, Image 3

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OUH CITY FATHER! IV COUNCIL. Atlanta, June 9th, 1871. k* Local ; Flaaee annotui.* tl.*t tickets to th/ c of H. E. Lee Fire Oou*pau> t«» Marietta and a for fifty cents—to which everybody is going— •1 the members of the company and from a following ladies: Mm. C. W. Well*, Mr*. HaJln v. Mr*. J. C. Puller. Mra. M. M. Hollia. Mra. D. Mitchell, Mra. 8am'1 A. Echols, Mrs. John Mrs. C. 1*. Cassia. Mia M. T. Castleberry o Misses Halite Simpson, Carrie Mtxuday, Laura A. Sue E. Ijiwsbe, Georgiv J. Feraytiffl Weaaii Fannie Browu and Lulu Betts. He Mic on lay, 13th iustaut. Kespectfully, J. A. ANDERSON. Hoc re Ur y. District Court. The District Court meets again this morning a o'clock. Interesting busiueM is to be called up. j changea in quo- General Business. In a walk around town yesterday afternoon the r tall business appeared to us to be rather dull. Tt clerks were Jarily reclining on the counters, or atom lug in groups, discussing water-works. Grid a Female Coll* Re. In a notice of the forthcoming Commencement Exercises of this Institution a few days ago Thk Hun erred in that the Commencement Sermon would be preached uu the 29tb. The Henuon will be preached by Rev. W. T. Brantley, of thie city, on Sunday the filth Inst. Stealing Old Clothes. Mr. Joseph Reese, a gentleman of color, ordinari ly known by_tfie name of Charleston, was yesterday arraigned before Mr. Justice Johnson, for stealing from P. H, Engelbert old socks, stockings, shirts, drawers, and other articles of persoutl wear. lie was bound over. Is It Might I Our pollae are at present engaged in catching dogs. The Uak ia vary commendable, and we hope they will soon have every worthloes dog in tl.e city in the calaboose. But 1* it right for a policeman to coax a dog out of iu owner's yard, and then capture it and take it off and kill it? Au acquaintance of ours lost a fine English bull dog the other day by this kind ot business ^ Art Awkward Accident Occurred on Decatur street, st the Kimball House yesterday. Aa two ladtea were driving by the horse took fright, and giving a sudden Jerk, sent the ladies headlong toward the pavement One of them was quite severely injured, and received prompt attention at Pemberton k Taylor s drug atom. Hall Coanty Hulpwr Nprlnga. The Hall county sulphur springs have long been famed lor the medicinal qualities of its waters, and as a summer resort, the place is one of the moet pleasant in the South. N»w that the Air-Line Rail road has been sum pitted. this place promises to re. gain the position held by it in years past and liecome a thro rite resort The H-tel is under control of Out. L p. Thomas and lady—which of itself la a sufficient recorn inendatkat ^ About Listening Rods. Ma. Local: U tLsru u<* some mistake in regard to my inquiring what house was struck by light- nmg, as per reeeut announcement in your paper?— Any m » n , though ha were a fool, might know that no house with the Htar Copper Lightning Kud on It, would evt*rh<* damaged by the electric fluid. Only those who use an interior article would have fears about suck ah announcement Respect fully. J. tl. Thbowm. This evidently puts the beer on Ladd.—[Local. Music Hath ( harms. The band engaged for the summer seaaon at the H. L Kimball House has arrived and uow regales the guests of the bunas with music every evening during the hour of tea. The hand is stationed in the Ar cade on the second floor, and Its music proves s de- ctdsd attraction to the ladies aa well aa to the gen Uemea who collect iu the office below. Mr Out eti- deu employs tbs band purely for the ent» i uium>-uts yf lbs guests of the house. Nothing to do, boys ; nothing to do But wasting ear dear Urea away ; Nothing to do, boya ; nothing to do But drawing our rations and pay! * Home of them looked as though they believed every word. These we advised to go home to their “ little beds," and It would be well for them. The spectators were also In a languishing state, agd, on inquiry, we found It was occasioned by the extreme heat-of the planetary sun. our informant adding, with a rogueish twinkle in kis eyes, that Twa Daily |tm always had the opposite effect, and enlivened its readers. 1 His Honor seemed to be out el aorta. Mia break fast dfcf not suit, or something of a Ilka serious ns- yaiqed to be the matter. It la well known that i good liver, and rather extravagant in hla In connection with this, ooktred cooks are So be very unreliable, and it la highly probable His Honor’s oook, becoming luoeuaed at the tuout of Miss Mary New brink, the day preceding, threw up the sit," and refused to o6ok any mors leer. Aa this is a matter ofsari- citisens, we propoaa to give it 6 linstigation. It U known that Hla Honor city liver, aa wall aa weans the city livery, the city Uvar should become affected the Ity would catch the epidemic, and not even Lowry would be spared. Editors, law- clerks, doctors, poliosmen, aH would look yel- and jaundiced and sick at the Stomach. This u we deem of sufficient importance to warrant calling attention to Hla Honor's diseased liver, ■HP V onoe be taken for his relief. We have already beard oi many receipts said to be efficacious la the mire of but the following, recommended by the city Board of Health, is the beat, la our humble JadgmeDt, we beseech Hla Honor to give It a fhlr trial for our ft gra. green tea, 1 gr. Young Hyson, 8 drops as drops Mra. Winslow's southing syrup, ^ paregoric, 3 gra. ginger, eqaa] proportions of , briar root and Ayer's pills, and to thia might’ d with benefit 1 drop Dr. Pomeroy’s Hair Be* iwo drops castor oil, with a oubeb or two, la to give tpioe, and French brandy to fla ir well whtu boiling. When boiled down one half, put iu the yolk ot a guinea hen's agg, and English green peas ; tbeu add l put California wine. Hix of Block's lemonade caramels ooald be added to advantage. After boiling 2ft seconds, more this compound should betaken off and Qrank lmm*. diately, as it is intended U* kill disease, and loses strength by cooling. Almost any’ of our druggists wgold put up tins preparation for Hla Honor. It was very easy to sec that Johnson also felt appre hensive about His Houur. as he ouly presented two cases for consideration. The puliosiuan and others approved Johnson’s discrimination in the matter, and said, very significantly, *• Ha’ll do.” We sup pose they meant to my that he waa a brick, an article soma of them know very well, from carrying it in their hate. BtBON HKINBTCH An unfortunate victim of the company fund, and (ierrneu, whose breed ancestral acres are to be found amid the romantic hills at tiileaia, was ruth lessly deprived ot liberty an4 the pursuit of happi ness and dragged to the calaboose, where many indignities wars inflicted upon' him. nled that he waa guilty of aqght derogatory to the character of a gentleman, and re ferred in feeling terms to the proudfecord of his fam ily to sustain his statement In fot- campaign againat Austria, in which Prussia wrfd(«l Biles la from her, Frederick the Orest often found shelter and hospital ity at the Baronial manatee of the original Von Tbo- lin. Just before the battle of Prague, the great cap tain made one of these visits. He was unusually gay In apfrlta, and waa never more enjoyable In hla life. He had become enamored of the Freuleln Thereae Von Tholln. On this particular ooceelon, his affection for Frsulein seemed to know no bounds. He urged a clandestine marriage, and aaid that though he waa at the time a married man, he urged that it waa but an earthly marriage, and that the gentle Thereee wae hla trua affinity. Thia la how the greet Frederick first became regarded aa tbe founder of the Free Lovers. The amiable Thereee, who was I virtuous girl, vowed her great love for Frederiok, but would uot consent to a dishonorable alliance. Fred erick pleaded; Thereto dissented. At last the day of separation came, aud the King was much affect ed. He celled Thereee aside and said: "My dear Frsulein, I love thee as 1 can love no other woman, bat thou art too good and pure for such aa I. I do not lova her whom the world cells my wife; but I must wear the aharklas society hatch placed upon my wrists. Since thou consent to be axins in law as thou art in heart. 1 wlil go away and disturb thy virgin pears no more. I go forth aad, gloomy but whan thou bearest of thia, heart feeleth. My house shall run out, and out of thy womb shall spring a line of kings, whose glory •ball eclipse those of mine own house. Ere 9,000 Christian suns have set, strange thlnga.ahall happen to mine descendant* and thins. Fsrewsll, sweet Theresa, I leave my heart behind.” The ghg Jump ed on hla horse and rode at. Tha gift watched bis receding form UU It became lost to view, and then went into the mansion and drank hla Majesty's health n Weiss Beer. Time smoothed away the esoess of icr feeling, and unto her wae bora a child, whom die named Heinrich, and when he grew to man’s ea sts, she committed to him tbe story of his birth and tha king's prediction, which Is treasured aa an heir-loom In the family. Our friend Heinrich claims to be tbe direct descendant of the ganUa Theresa, and becomes therefore.ln a oertain eoutingcuoy. Em perorof Germany, under the title of Heinrich VI.— This Announcement took the wind otot of Johnson, sod likewise sfleeted hla honor. They involuntari ly bowed their beads. We thought we aaw a purple flush suffuse His Honor’s taco; but Johnson recov ered first, and aang out in a high alto: "He’s a fooling you my lord, I know him of old ; If you take him at his word. You’ll be badly sold I” His Honor, with a strong effort, woks up aa from lethargy, rubbed his eyes and exclaimed : "Johnson, did you aay Lowry waa really rich?'’ "No, my lord." replied Johnson, "but the prisoner lias been standing here a half hour, awaiting his •entenoa.” "Oh, hasbs? f 10 and ooets I Ah. Johnson. I had such an interesting dream. MANTES WASH I NOTON WILEY, about 9 years of ags and colored, la aomatfaaa guilty of very boyish conduct. Oa Wednesday ha waa standing on Peachtree strq^ft. Be saw a younger nig ger than himself advancing, eating ona of thia year's apples. Going ap to him, he add: "You John Henry, gi’ ae piece.” • Won’t do it Hook your own apples.” Thia reply made Washington mad, whereupon he felled hla antagonist to the ground, and took the re- uainder of the apple. An inquiring policeman put an end to the difficulty by marching Washington off to the calaboose. His Honor waa completely at ssa. He looked at Washington long and Intently. John son looked and smiled ftebly. Then they both looked at TwnWcm if they dmftd only are the next issue thay would b# so happy I This Uttte bey, named after the great and good father of hla country, waa «> jroun, in ,mit. in »«P>W» *1 smiled, withal, so sweetly upon His Honor and John son, they almost burst talc tears. Hla Honor taaax c«l to speak, but failed. He gnaw'd a pencil aud trembhngly wrote : "Discharged wt|h ooeU " He fell hack in hit chair, and We left Johnson tanning hint. Assam ft aad MAttekjr. Mr. Abram Bretsll brought Ferine Justice John aou ycMtarday a grutVa an by the name of Orewford Ward wh in ho accuses ef having frloniotial; saint d hlui. Mr. u. Ward brought a similar charge agatust Bra rail The parties withdrew Uiair suits. Am ami mated sown was presented to oar view on hut evening, eo entering the OoancH Chamber. On ggr way thither we had been musing o’er Lord By- Mgp'ft Doge of Vealoa. Those were. Indeed, terrible Hmea When men bore their heeds merely by suffer- aoce, and the displeasure of one of those high aad mighty potentates waa tantamount to death on sight. Wa did no* hare aay idea, however, that any such danger was to be apprehended in tbe court house. The Mayor waa our friend, and would uot see us lU- uaed ; but aa wa have heard of them having caucuses, we felt apprehensive. What these caucuses ware, we, in our ignorance, did not Itnow. We suppose, however, that thay are merely huge drinking parries, where Impure gas la let off. On entering tbe OOUNCIL OH AM NEB, aa we have already remarked, an animated scene greeted us. We found the chair occupied by our old-tana friend, the Mayor. Ha aataa if lu pensive thought, Ha looked aad and gloomy aad dejected and forlem. Opposite Hla Honor, on the extreme right we, discovered the portly form of Alderman Walla, who appeared to ha in au interesting condi tion. He waa pregnant with hla aubject. The next ■eat waa oocupled by tha CICERO Ot THE COUNCIL CHAMBEB, Aldannau O. P. Casein■ We thought we aaw ••Broad street" imprinted on hla forehead, but closer investigation convinced us that was nothing there— nothing at all. He waa supported on the left by Al derman Bice. The great and mighty Bnyder, the man thay got that Joke on, sat next, aud amused himself by slicking his whiskers, ot which he seem ed to be passing proud. We will subscribe toward getting hla whlakera converted Into a blonde color.— Huch a man aa Buyder ought to be in the fashion.— We noticed that the polios stood arouud when he looked at them. Alderman Grubb waa to be pitied; Indeed, in the inner reoeas of our heart we felt sor ry for Grubb. Ha shoved off to the tail and, NEXT TO THE MEOSOEN, aad no doubt felt deeply the humiliation of bia posi tion. 8am la a printer, and that makes ua all the mere sorry fur him. How are the mighty tailen I— Graham and Finch were eweet-ecentod, graaay-look- ing creatures, and forulb-'y reminded ua of Barn urn's monkeys. We looked for Lowry and Fowler In vain. Why ware they not here? Perhaps they were too bashful to appear ia public. A rude man suggested to ua that STAYED AWAY TO AVOID A VOTE. We don’t believe Lowry and Fowler would do such a thing. But this rude man Insisted that these Al dermen wanted to play a double hand. We did dot quite Understand what he waa driving at, but wa suppose tha gentleman referred to do. Hla Honor looked solemnly areund and said ha waa ready for boldness. Mr. ’Love proceeded to read the minutes, during which time considerable whispering waa go ing on between Oaaain. Rim and Walls. When the reading of.the minutes waa finished, Alderman Snyder slowly raiasd up in mid air and aaid he called tha previous question. Simultaneously Caasin, Rice and Walls cams to their feet, and remained standing. After considerable difficulty we ascertained that the situation waa aa follows : The agitation waa about mu WATER WOMEN. Thay had been the subject of discussion at the last masting of the Board. The Wato/ Commissioners, it is claimed, have full power to sign the bonds and pi oeeed with the work. Some Aldermen allege that the Commissioners want to ahirk the responsibility from their own body to the City Council. IheCom miaaloners, however, state that they simply want the friendly co-operation of Use Connell in the mat ter. At the previous meeting Alderman Snyder in troduced a resolution authorising tha Mayor to CLOSE TUB OONTBACT on behalf of the city and sign tha bonds. Upon this resolution tha previous quasHon waa called, and only foiled because a quorum waa not present, and tha Council adjourned. Consequently, at the meet ing of last night, Alderman Snyder instated was'but an adjourned meeting, and pending motion at tha time of previous question. Alderman Caasin arose and spoke the city advertising for bids in a p when the people were not prepared the bids, and bringing agents to the city for months at a loss to themaelvea, and th tha contracts thus entered Into, an entanglements. Alderman Snyder enquired who floor. Alderman Wells wss of opinion Alderman Caasin said something not knowing something. Alderman Snyder thought ao too. (Wei knyw.) v Alderman Oaaain aaid that the mombtrs water works would bid His Honor a most affecrioi adieu, and let those who wanted water works them. Alderman Wells, Caasin and Rloe arose and went outside the bar. Alderman Finch gross and asked if gentlemen were elected to the Council to sot in this way. wanted to know if they ware to stand this way ail night. Alderman Wells said they ooald stand. Alderman MoLendon hare came into the Council Chamber, and learning tbe situation, retired. Alderman Finch wanted to know if they oouldn’t prooeed with business anyhow. Hla Honor aaid a quorum waa not present Alderman Finch wanted to know if six new alder- on could be elected. His Honor didn’t think they oould, and adjourned the Council. Into the merits of this matter we do not now pro pone to enter; hut the action of the boltere, lu Judgment is to be severely oondemned. If a legal majority of the board is in flavor of a oertain lbs minority should be governed thereby, ss well ss all other law-abiding dttaens. They were elected to take part In and vote upon every measure introduced Info their body, and not to lend a factious opposition to its legally expressed wishes. A bolter, under every circumstance, ta reprehensible. He is guilty of rebellion. We hope when the Council meets again that common aanae and law will govern alt the members, and that tbe votoe of the majority, whatever rows that may Ira, will be respected and enforced. If the City Fathers set an example of dis orderly ooaduot, how can they expect to have an orderly oomm unity ? FULTON ktPERIOH COURT. THAT •• FAIT4MHVK/ An Appreciative An^lenc*. One of the moet peculiar, If not ludicrous, clrcnifi- stances that has ever been witnessed, took place kt the Governor** rreeptton a few evenings since. Among the numerous vistarn «aa a floe vegtteblo- blocd—a tall, straight amt haudsouifl - town boy.”—. He was ahown into the geubeD.aa's dreeelng-rooin. and left alone to his glory. He was the only ocra- pent of said room for six tut one hour, when his absence attracted attention. A number of ladies wishing to ascertain the vgqse of hie long contained absence (ladies have go curio.itj ; looked into the room. Judge of their surprise and iu<-riiuent when they discovered the object of their search standing before a large nnr.or making the most pro found bows’ taking attitude aud experimenting in all manner of grbaiuacea. He examined UU coat, vest, breeches and new payer collar, and theu ad dressed aud ooiupliipcpted twenty-seven (iiuagiuarj) ladies. This very Interesting performance soon attracted several married aud single ladles. They gased upon the stricken youth and murmured, "Oh! wad some power the glftle gie us. To see ourselves as Ithers see as.” Just at this point our “performer" saw tha reflection of a pair of bright eyes reflected in a mirror. He instantly ‘-struck an attitude," different from any iu the rehearsal, aad In the most abac puli mauner ad mitted that he would "pay the beer." A BULLION AND A qiAUTKK I We understand that the stock In the new loom com pany ta being rapidly Ukun up, aud tbo prospects of immediate aud romuuerative n turns are couahjered very flattering. The compan> have bought—or are proposing to buy—Georgia. Alabama, Mississippi. Tennessee, Florida. Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas. North Carolina aud South Carolina—all good States, and where large companies can readily be formed to operate the loom. We have obtained the following figures In relation to the subject:, 'Jjjpjrfftates before enumerated contain aboutIf b ■ingle loom should 1» n p:of- 11 of but cue th .iiuiKl jAufa amount to $780,0001 Tbe the same territory number over 7600:. of but one loom should be disposed of in it will pay a profit of fT.iOH.fltti! A royalty of bat one cent a yard ou one hnnired yards a day to aach loom, reckoning but one to each county, gives near ly a quarter of a million a year, or $2,2A0,oU0 a year, when figured on a basis of one loom to each town.— TbeTe ta undoubtedly a large amount of money In the enterprise, uo warier how We estimate it, and we are pleased aad capitalists matter. EI8EM Clothiers and Tailoi have in stock, - Scotch and American CbevioVjJuitA. English and American Casaioero Saits. Drab D’eto Suits, FJiinneJ Saits, Nd ton 8uit»s PiquaH, Tricots, Uranitflff » and Diagonal Coats and Vestfo Derby and Frock Youth Suita. Back Coat and Jackets, Bovs Soil*. Oassimere and Liueu Children Fklifcs, and a full selection of Gents Furnishings. Don’t fail to c*U on may 22 ElbEMAN & BBO. — ->-•-* Broken Candy, twenty cents^ per pound, six pounds * ’ " Cocoa Nut Caud’ Cream, made tfyv Caramels ever-* ^ Factor jv d M O OM MEmOI AL Cotton—Dull and weak at 17 cents. Cornu—By tbe ear load, waa selling yesterday at $1 cents per bushel with an upward tendency. Market poorly supplied. ••••*! S Bursa, buying 4 Biehauge on New York, baying at par. Belling aft s« premium. ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES [cABJOrVLLI OOMUKTTU) DAILY.] Plfjr.f H(ib lilisf Column. Sharp <fe Floyd, MALIC PUK KM. higher rates. Baouimo Bemtal Mui*ll t ide charged .Idq»> .yd Double Fbieuix 16 Excelsior 16 Iron Ties 16 Baoom, Bbouldere 16 Clear lb Plain Hama.. Bui.e Meat, Clear Rib aides. 16 clear side* 16 tihoulder ffi lii’TTEu, Goahen 16 Bman— ewt C ANCLES— 16 Cheese, State and Dairy..-...D> OftAOEBBS 16 Oamdy 16 OorrxE— Rio 16 Java, common to good 16 DEY Goods— Prints, fancy \Brown Shirtings.. XBrown Sheeringa.. 4-4 do Yarns, Asa’t Noa yd Fun, Mackerel, No. 1 halfbbl do No. 1 kite do No. 3....half bbl do No. 3 kits No. S, large ,‘ibbl Siico<>NNors to Herripgi JAw.A.. Herrings, %-aled;.... FLO0B-S- ’ 1 Sek deorgta : J,... Gmaxm—j/ 35.1/Sw rn iurk»t). Lao ee Ltqcoi /.Cx‘ § 66 bbl 6 76# 10 00 't>llGEORGE SHARP, Jr., wiii’nciiAi.i. ntiiket. ATXaANTA, Gt-A. le: 11 WATCHES! HAVE THE L.VBUEST NTOO'K Fine Watches, Diam’ds Chains, Jewelry, Silver Ware, BRONZES, CLOCKS & FANCY GOODS, IIV THE STATE. We Cannot Be Undersold! erican Watches—Different Makers, r^VrHI. ONI.Y WHOLKRAI.E AGKNT8 IX r.k. OF THK V^?< pH'AKIIACO., BoS«n, Miu. ^ * 3i llElUij AN WATCH Co., Walthiiin, Mn« ISA ATCII CO., Elgin, III. land OVER ONE HUNDRED Of these Watches, in sta slain h mt in si: line won I ^Atlantic cable, ipot, Pemberto Special No licet. Catharine Lewis vs. Thomas Lewis—Divoroe. Col. Fears for • atharine Lewis, and Hillyer A Bro. for T. Lewis. Catharine oo in plains that her husband, Tom Lewis, ta a d^uukard; that he has hasten and abused her to much that she can no longer live in safety with him; that he has seriously woundad her, and therefore wishes the bonds of matrimony to be effectually sev ered by a divorce. Tom brings witnesses to prova that she not only usee foe terrible weapon whloh ta wielded with such l_««B woman's tongue”—but has also resort'd ore tavare measures, Mr. Jones testifies that, after tha Severe labors of the day. he wae sitting in compeay with Tom Lewis aad other friends, enjoy ing a social glass, which becoming known to Mrs, Lewis, and she believing that a little admonition aad metmaos waa naoaaaary. for that purpose took a fence paling and with it proceeded to admonish her self-indulgent husband la a very summery manner, ao auoh ao that the witness, dreading a Mke applica tion. Judged prud noe foe better pert of valor and beat a hasty retreat. Tom, under tbe circumstances, would not fight; but meekly taking the admonition traveled homeward. In order to accelerate his speed, the energetic Catherine threw a flew rocks after him. When foe witness aaw the condition of affaire he cllared oat, Thk jury granted a total divorce, without alimony to foe wlfo. A rise left. Meaare. Iloyt k Jones received a new safe at their bank yesterday, which ta one ot the flireei ever Wrought to Georgia It ta rather a bui-glar-proot box, meant epecially tor the safe keeping of money, and with funds onoe locked in It, the most experi enced burglar in foe land may be deled to get Into ft. The box ta only tweaty-eU inches high and fif teen wide. It weighs fourteen hundred pounds, hence cannot be oarrted away with impunity. Being made of ten alternate layers of- iron and steel, wlded together, it la impenetrable by any sort of a drill that may be presented. Tbe box was n foctured by TerwUliger Ai vJo , of N w York, who are alek the patentees. The lock ta the beet > ale ?N'B SACK AND BAG FACTORY. •E at (1 BRANDED to order at NEW YORK PRICES. Phillips k Crow's book wt<>re. Marietta ta. Ga. juiii tf ’AN 7*, GET YOUR SHIPPING BRANDS CUT and ship your goods In a business Uke manner. YOU CAN GET THEM CHEAP BY CALLING AT HI8 SHOP on MARIETTA STREET, over Pbillips and Crew's AND MAKING SPECIAL CONTRACTS. Jtm7 tf B. Z. DUTTON. Kalghti Templar and Master Hinsons TAKE IVUTKKl If you wish to procure of yourselves some of tbe FINEST PICTURES you have ever seen, call at the Popular GaUery of KUHN A SMITH, maylff- Whitehall street near Alabama. FOR. MADB. A small stock of Tobacco, Cigars, etc., with the privilege of one of the lx>Ht stairls in the cf*Jr fora retail tobacco and cigar stand, or for a bar . r l-eer saloon, or for both. For a man with a small capital, who would like to engage in a light, pleas ant and profitable business, this is an uiiparalleled opportunity. For particulars address my 16- F- O. BOX 64ft. SOMETHING BliAN NEW.— Bend 76 rents to the Atlanta Stencil Works, Box 381, Atlanta, Ga., and get a perfect Diamond Ring. Also a beautiful Watch Charm, with your name neatly en graved on it. AGENTS WAITED. mai-9-ly Ji'ursrry, EDGEFIELD JUNCTION, TENN., HAMLIN k BARNUM8. G. W. FHERMAN. GENERAL AGENT. G REAT variety of fruit and ornamental trees, flours, vines, eta# Every tree j>r shrub war ranted. ^ t agll-Sm Gold and Silver Gases. Before Porchasini, examine our large Variety M Low Prices. ~1 Sit 'i In! “ Premiums for Fairs'/ of coutracts filled by Mr Sharp, ta a sufficient ral years In manufacturing Premiums, saying. o’clock, , _ theeffi tag of 160 Walnut Bedsteads, 70 walnut Bureau! (wood top), 160 walnut Washntands. 80 walnut Tallies, 360 cane-seat (’hairs. 80 marble-top Bureaux, UO marble- top Waohstands. 30 marble-top Tables. •n Pillow Blips, more or leas, ftOOTowela, or lesa, 900 pair woolen Blanket*, more or Ickh, 100 Counterpanes, more or lrss, 400 linen Napkins, more or less, fi large Mirrors, 6 Billiard Tables and Fix tures, 1 large iron Safe, 3 Desks, 1 large reading room Desk, 2 Clocks, 1 Lounge, 3600 yards Carped), Furniture. 3 Ranges, 2 Boilers, Engine, Pumps, and umerous other articles. Tbe Furniture is uniform in style and ftninh and ot delivered until paid for. Removal at once will be I. quired to make room. Sold as the property of Edwin H. Pond, In Bankruptcy. TERMS CASH. NOAH R. FOWLER, Aaalguee. HEN BY O. HOYT. 0300 REWARD. A REWARD of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid to any pemm who will anpreheud and deliver to me EDWARD A- McLAl/GUl.lN, thin day escaped from custody. W. 11. Y TH, U. 8. Marshal. BOAHDINa. GENTLEMAN and trite, a id several single gentlemen, can procure board lo apply mg to Next door to Mr. J. H. Porter, Wheat street, < r to Mr. C. L tlfOM % At R. H. Goodman'* store, Peachtree street junft U. JT O T_i C £ . POLLED before me as an estray, on the 99th day I ot April, 1871. by Heury Brown, ot the T99d district. G. M., of Fulton c -unty. Georgia* one yel low sorrel mare, aln*nt * or 10 rear* of age, with a blase in her face and some white spots ou tier right shoulder. Bald mare has ah-wa on her hind feet and one shoe on her right fore foot Appraised \>y Hi ram Casey and J. A. Plaster, fr«*eholder* of said dis trict, to ba a ortH iify ffollsrs. The owner ta *wreby notified to at>;» at ho#»tk n o. pfovs pfop*ty„pay cost and ex;>euse, and Uke her away, efoe uhe will be eold by the Sheriff of saW «-Nlnty.’writhin the rime preaertbed by law, aud iu terms of tbe law. JNO. T. COOPER, myl-flOd Clerk Court of Ordinary. Georgia—KuHon < oanty. Ftlton Bi'pbhiuk Covht—Ayhu. Team, 1871. Msbtha F. Ryan) vs, S Libsl tor Divorce iu said Court. Geobgb A. Ryan. ) It appearing to the Court, by the return of v the lcriff, that George A. R)an, luA DiTeinlant in the »ove stet.-d case, dues not n*«to in sakl isninty 01 niton, aud it also appearing that be does not reside ■aid Htate of Georgia, tt Is, therefore, ordered by publlo gaxette hi this months, nrevtouM to the ranted by the Court. J. M. CaUBHtn A Hpg.. Flfltofol'* AMorney. A true Extract'frOtn tlTO pifhnteraf said • oiiri June 1st, 1871, junca-lamim . H^YEN ftDLK, Clerk. lta Ike Dli(rirtPe«ri of the Valted State liar tfoe Msrtksra Diifrlnt of Geor gia—Ia llankruptry. 27th day ofoMag^ 1371 The undersigned hereby gives notice of (ua ap pointment as Assignee of Jones k Harper, a*d Charles M. Harper, of Rome, in the county of Floyd, and Slate of Georgia, within said District, wboliave bestf aljudg.-d Bankrupt npnn the petition of their (editor*, by the District' ourt op ssid District. ROBERT 1. IIAKOHOVF. may 2# law ^ w PABWIN O. JONES late Teller Ga. Nat. Bank. HOYT & JONES, Bankers and* Brokers, ATLANTA, OA., DeiiUu> in Oold, Silver, Stocks, llomls, Mortgages, llomeNticnml Foreign FxchHiige, Uailroad and otlxar Socuritifs. Hpoclul Attention GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS Re«<*r to Georgia National Bank. Atlanta, and National Park Bank, N. Y. •prl-tf 9(100,000. $100,000. AIKEN PREMIUM LAND SALE. $100,000 'nirciiaar * -*■ lollsre. DERBY FARM PROPERTY i be distributed embraces the largest Vineyard and Orchard in the South. Unequalled climate! Peaceable country! Gem ma soil! The salubrious and health-giving cluuate of Aiken lias *iven it the name »»f "The SaraU>ga ot the Honth." 196,000 in premiuins preecutedtoBhare- hotders. filoo.uoo in Real Estate a id Grecuback pri- dlatributed t > Shareholders. 94 Real Es- », worth from fiaoo to f96,000. 623 Green- liack prises, from |6 to $1,000. ONLY 19,000 SHARES WILL BE ISSUED. deed of trust vhe drawing, is to be transferred hy them to the iVIfUIATl UU1UOLOIBI aa aoou as the re- luatuing a hares are sold. The drawing will take place according to the publlah«*d propreiuiue. riff jmf flf riff BEirnv will be announced by telegram to the Associated Premium List ! We mate Gold, Silver, Bronze and Mis Medals. In Style, Finish anil Quality, epal to any House in tie Country. We Cannot Be Undersold! ALSO, Spoons. Forks, Cups, Goblets, M, Ice and Cream Pitchers, Ladles, aad all other Articles needed for Premiums at Fairs. All we ask is a Trial and a Chance to male a Bid. We Cannot Be Undersold ! We Refer the Garde below. Head! PHILADELl’Hl Mexmo-. KbideH k BiniM.i. uuul of Atlauta, Ga. Deak sirx: 1 have tlu- dur ax*, and found it to contain 947 *l which is even higher tha i iu Kug u. in quality. t ul JAB. C. BOOTH Melts it unbacrib. d befoi lid Refiner, U. 8. Mlut. .«• fur the (ieorgia l-*»ira. .iJDER A DlDl-LI i .bur of < Alderiui Jr.. Je g thl. t.vctured was awarded OOr*Y OJP THE AWARD. .IfLAVI.I, J«lM let, 1870. tfteorgv Hhmrp:-Th* Hint* Fmr .tgrlrmltmrml BoeUtg rmIUd for In A- l. ftninh Fremhmmeter the Fair to he held In Allamt a la October aeJCt. The bid taadr b/ gum h been accepted, aa the batie ef gear cmrrencff bid far fitter limp W/wr- -09.1-1000 la/—p. Committee bp the 1st dap ef October, 1830. JR. K. AIM* « V. 1. ,i. m. i'oi.qi nr. } r d e hrcred le Ihe i may secure xs "FAIR, SQUARE AND HONEST." Money received after the b«K>ka are clo««.| will b«- pr>*mptly returned. For full (Mirriculars, as embra ced in revtaed pamphlet, addn-aa J. C, DERBY, l.rinTal XuiKcr, KV.Y lk)E 934. AUOI-MA, (U. hd~ 1’articH In the vicinity ot Atlauta can rer-eive shares by apply iug to MULLm k CREW. Junl 4t. FINAL NOTICE To Claimant! against Ihe If'. h A. HaUroaA. f-VRBIRKD. THAT ALT. CLAIMS BF FILED " " with the Clurk of the Hoard ot Oomr'taalonera *** 15th OF JUNE, By order of the Board A. Kay Alii, 1971, Sterling* Silver Ware! diecorer their gonde Th<-> liai i oxhtbl ion—George Sharp. Jr. iu offered in this .1. ftartmeut ttera *wj e, after a careful c* i that the exhibition id qualltj mtsl to be swarded t Fail G«ot*Nn«. October fifl, 1870. as well as the q<talit> <>f th.-**.* we have att.-u.lo-l iu the i ml- I Sharp, for the beet exhibition «>f Mat h t any t r se/'ii the display *nr- g.wMta, the exhibition Mstea Wo would re- » Jewelry and Htivor JAMES ». l:\IM-. Georgia. EDWARD THOMA8 i.eorgia. W H MI D ItKIJ.. South Oarotliia. Mrs W. T BK VNTLY, Atlanta Mas. JOHN i>. GR NT. Atlanta. HoaO Wlint tbo Oity Oounoll of Atlaut* I A. » n«ul»r mwrttnB of tli.- Cit, tiiuiu-il of AC. it*. O, , Oi. foNowin# ros.'ii 1 ’^'Tolvod. TlLtlho Ih.nV. ..Itbi* l>".ly »ro lo-rohy en.lorM toll' - sb»ri>. |''''.'XCTiSiP'.Jd'.L ry aud ecouomirnl nismier in which li • h»» furnished the Freniiunm fi.r t .• Geo gis Mate hair, and we illy recommend him to any iisa.H-iation o great taut au.t superior Judgment (Signed | Atlanta, GA.. October 1. 1870. UNANIMOUSLY 8. 11. LOVE. Clerk. Secretaries of Fairs, AI.L YOLK commum.cations will be FROlirTLY AN8WE1UJD. YOU WILL S\V MONEY FOR YOUR SOCIETIES BY CALLING O’ ob warriNo to us. YE CANNOT BE UNBEHB. Sharp & Floyd.