The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 14, 1871, Image 2

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THE DAILY SUN W’KPXMtt'AT Momma, Jen 14. HoCook, the Democratic candidate far Governor of Ohio, wee once the lew part ner of Edwin M. Stanton. e-a-e — Twentj-eix tboueand Boaton children are learning; music. So much far haring a big orgen^ A Rhode Island burglar ia named George Calamity. Be ia regarded as a very “and calamity.” It has t>een estimated that the Ameri can people annually pay $126,000,000 for edioine and medical attendance. e Protector has something to say t "returning signs of prosperity.” aid be better if that journal oonld t out some signs of returning pros- *r- , , , . Ferdinand Giraudeau has attempted absolve Louis Napoleon of all blame bringing on the war. Hie next at* mpt will be to prove that there wee no arat all. The Prepasad Beyal tlHaaw If there waa anything nested to prove that the (Jueen of Englaad ia in her dotage, the evideooe sms produced fa the telegraph reports of Tnx Son yester day morning. The fact that the old lady has selected the eon of President Grant as the husband of the Prinoees Beatrice is certainly testimony that she ia surely ia need of a guardian. The time was, and not long einoe, when England ooold look to the proudest royal families of the world for husbands and wives for the offspring of her monarohs. These allianoee were sought only with families whose heritege of royalty had descended through hundreds of years, and with nations who ware ooveted as allies in peace and in war. The idea of an alliance with a reckless, wayward boy, whose heritage of intellect Isnlilat sMk* CsslrsIWaife, \T ondrrftel Pa wen of the Tele- mph The great scientific feature of thepree- ent age is the unveiling of the Morse statue at the Central Park in New York, on Heturdey afternoon at. four o’clock, whioh had been previously announced, and at wbirb an immense* concourse of people from all parts of the country had aseem tiled. The oeremoniee of the oooasion were grand, imposing and appropriate. The representatives of telegraphy from every oorner of the oonntry in which this gTand stroke of genins bee penetrated, sought an opportunity to honor the great father of this greatest of all discoveries with Ken ^ftorrlitrmrm*. w. 8. WITWSKS. • V ' E ■ JONEH - -- Novelty IRON Works. Sharp & FlOVl AT1.ATVPTA ... asonazA. A ^ WITHERS & JONES, Proprietors. IRON COLUMNS, WINDOW CAPS, GRATINGS, RUSTIC BEATS FOR LAWNS AND VERANDAHS, WINDOW SEATS, SUMMER HOUSES, FOUNTAINS HITCHING POSTS FEN. CINGS AXLE BOXES WELL, WHEELS HARDWARE CASTINGS; Etc. ILL KINDS ON CASTINGS IN 1B0N AND PROMPTLY FURNISHED. AT, THE LOWEST RATES. CiinIi T*nitl For Old Iron. is slender, snd whose femUy is the cree- th “J e , ’ r £^ <111 , jf unfailing wss lo tion of sooident, and who will, fa a few | f orme d i, y ft,..,,room Hoffman, of New years at most, sink to the common level - York, and Clsilin of Maasachnsetts, and of the wood-chopper or mechanic—per- Hon. Wi 1 ^ ^ i mvo General Noyes will probably be the publican candidate for Gorernor of hio. A general noise has always been prominent feature of Republican poli i in that State. The Herald feels authorised to say that Greeley is writing a work on what he knows about political poverty. It ia in timated that he is better posted on this subject than he is on the matter of farm ing. The New York Herald having "busted" on Sherman, now jumps Judge Thomp son, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, as the very man for President— The Herald might be a very good Preai- fb nt-maker, but it is very unfortunate in its selection of material. There is at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, an organination known as the "Mystic Hand of brothers," whioh makes it its business to get up, onoe a month, a sort of masquerade procession through the streets of the place, after darkness has set in. A few nights since, some one, probably having a spite against the so ciety, siicroedodin effecting their arrest, under the provisions of the Ku Klux law, and they are now held aa being amenable thereto. As a natural conse sequence, the greatest indignation exists, and it is evident that the law has also in tliis case got the wrong dog by the ear. The above we find in one of our ex changes. We can see no reason why this organization should not be amenable to the penalties laid down in the Ku Klux act. Ii the same gang, with pre cisely the same inteut, had paraded in a Southern city, they would have been ar rested, tried and punished as Ku Klux. We can see no reason why the law should l>e partial or sectional in its operations. Sound Democratic Truth Spreading. The Louisville (Ky ) Jeffersonian Dom ocrat thus refers to the appearance of an able advocate for old-fashioned Democ racy, in the State of Missouri, viz; the Holden Democrat. After acknowledg ing the receipt of the initial number, the Jeffersonian Democrat says: We are glad of an opportunity of say ing that another journal, understand inply and sincerely devoted to the Jeffersonum school of politics, has made its appear ance. The believing Democrats of Mis souri should rally to the support of this new journal at onoe, and tnafc without stint or procastiuation. It placed at its mast-bead the first Kentucky resolution of 1798, and gave the following reason for it: "There never haA l>een a time in the history of this country when the promul gation of sound Democratic doctrine was of such paramount importance as at pres ent Believinff that Jefferson's First Kentucky Resolution is at onoe the dear est and ablest exposition of our Federal system ever peuned by mortal n hoist it at our mast-head, where it will occupy a place as long as this paper is controlled by its present editors. Again it says: "The editors of this paper are not Democrats because their fathers were, nor from the force of circumstances, but thev are Democrats from their sinoere and honest convictions of riffht, and from motives of patriotism and love of coun try, believing that the salvation of this country and the existence of repnblioan government depends on the prevalence and suooess of the principles of Democ- S Democracy is not a changing, ng party policy, bat a principle as unchangeable as the decrees of Jehovah. Policy is the invention of crafty and de signing politicians, and often of dishonest men.” haps not so good—is too rich to have had origin with any save a peevish old lady who is anxious to see her children mar ried off. There are plenty of American familea who would disdain the allianoe which she proposes, and do so on strictly moral and social principles. There is some difficulty in discovering how an allianoe with young Grant oould possibly tend to strengthen the cordial ity between the two nations. This nation has no more interest in that stripling than it has in any boy wbo bolds the plow, or hunts squirrels in American woods. He is not regarded even as an average Amerioan boy. There are thou ids who are his superiors, and millions who are his peers. If the old lady really wants an Ameri oan boy for a husband for her girl, why did she not look to the Adams family, of Massachusetts. Something akin to roy alty runs through the veins of that fam ily, and a match with some of its branches would do no discredit even to as notable a family as the royal one of England. But with the Grant family—well, the idea is grotesque enough to put a broad grin upon the face of the whole Amerioan people. $£mm The only fortunate thing about that matter is that the young lady’s name is not Dent If it was, there oould be no doubt that she would be accepted, sight- uuseen, as a match for young Grant, and old Madame Victoria would have very little trouble in making a match for her girL It would 1m* a mighty descent, how ever, from Princess Beatrice to Mrs. Grant On the other hand, Prince Grant would be euphonious enough to tickle the ambition of all the boys in America, who would immediately set off to Europe to seek wives from some of the many royal families. HEARD FROM. A Letter From Hob. Jobs W. O’Neal. “Orsflsf ami one Terns.” The New York Him discourses on this snbject apmjMM* of Mr. Greeley’s fate fat ter indicating his willingness to be a candidate for the Preeidenoj, and declar ing for the one-term principle. "Itaays: "All the anti Grant Republicans would £0 for him, and all the negroea, all the protectionists, all the scientific farmers, nil believers in simple diet, plain clothes snd nnivpmslsalvation.” The New York Times deprecates Mr. Greeley's one-term letter, however, as distracting to the Re S ublican party and s direct blow at rant The Newburg Journal says "Mr. Greeley might accept the candidacy re gardless of the nomination of the Repute lican and Democratic partiua," and then the New York Run sings his praises in this wise: •Til. Ftlaad of Libert, ud Th* Hismt old fanner of ‘ cftplinaa" A new style of brogan shoes has been prodnoed, made principally of aim in Maaaaobusetta. The sole is divi the ball of the foot and re-united by a hinge of sole leather of suitable thick ness. two iuches wide, so as to give Iras play to the toes. A portion oi tha up- pan ia made of leather, but they an toed .... . .... ' They ora, how Valihwta, Lowndes CO. Ga, Jane 9, 1971. Kditobm or th* Son: Enclosed find • “V" in payment for the Daily Sun. Forgive neglect thua r. My special compliments to friend 8pelghts. Aa I Khali not be in the next Gen< ral Assembly what will he do for a Radical to shoot at? The carpet-baggers of Savannah would run Hillyar, and McIntyre beat him, whilst I hung my head In "tilent mortification." Yours Truly, J. W. O’Neal. We are rejoioed to hear from friend O’Neal, and almost regret that he ia not to be in the next General Assembly. So few of his kind will be here that his pres ence oould do no harm, and he is such an excellent fellow to have about when one wishes a good subject or a racy sketch. He was s rare one when here—a fine old Irish character—furnishing abundant material for the pen of satire and not mnoh for the pen of praise. We remem ber his tremendous flights of oratory, but sliove all we remember his “silent morti fication.” We see that he remembers it too, and possibly the readers of Thx Sun have some faint reoollection of it. Hon. William Orton, President of the Western Union Telegraph. The poet, Wm. Cullen Bryant, delivered the cation address, snd the Rev. Stephen H Tyng, D. D., the invoeation prayer. A magnificent banquet was given in the evening at the Academy of Muaio, whioh waa crowded to Rs utmost, grand event was being celebrated. The occasion wss one of profound interest to the people of the world, snd the grateful feelings of the nnivems were ottered by the orators at the occasion, who had no light task in laying at the feet of the world's benefactor the heartfelt gratitude of the intellectual world. At nine o’clock in the evening the r at controlling genius, Professor 8. F. Morse, with appropriate arrangement, transmitted his greeting to the ends of creation as reached by telegraphy, through s female operator, Mias Marri ott, as follows: “Greeting and thanks to tha Telegraph fraternity throughout the world. Glory to God in the highest; on earth peeoe, good will to men. (Signed) S F. B. Mown.” Although the foregoing dispatch was manipulated by the lady operator, as sta ted, Professor Morse signed his own name, snd thousands of operators in Amelias, Europe, Asia, Africa and, in deed, in every oorner of the universe, as we have said, reached by the wonderful magnetic principle in this humanly mod ified farm, were made to rejoice in this personal communication with the parent of their art ) The ceremonies of the occasion were concluded by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher in a prayer and benediction. An Affecting California Inci dent. Stem '^bncriisrmctUB. JOHN JHSTTZHHV AH llKPUBClrtsED 1113 OLD STAHL H 1 TV O 7 6 N O T I O B. College Oommci SUP’T’H OFFICE GEORGIA RAILROAD, \ Atlanta, Jiim 12th, 1870.) rpHE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF OOL I LEGES will bo held st COVINGTON, June 18th. 187L OXFORD, July 16th. 1871. ATHENS, July 3<>th, 1871. Persons desiring to attend sny ot mid Commence ments will be u*h* (1 for ONE FARE. Full fsie to be paid golfig, sud the Agent sailing the full fsre ticket will wive r« turn tickets TREE.— t* good lor fifteen day*, from Thursday before the t July 14 tillJuljJO *8.*JL JUJiNSON. hup'L rv< )TIC13. DROPOStl^ for GRADING a 1 UH and I ecatur, will b CLEANING. GltURUING and PIKE ROAD b*tw.en Atlanta received until July lat. Yesterday, in a fight near the Twelve Mile House, on the Gilroy road, a man lost a considerable portion of his nose — He put the nevered part of his nos#* in his pocket, and Ixmnd up the wounded part and started for San Jose to have the sev ered part of bis noee sewed on again. On arriving in the city he repaired to Dr. Brown's offioe, and Dr. Throne, who was in, immediately prepared for the opera tion of mending up the nose by remov ing the bandage from the man’s face and washing off the blood from tbe wound of the dissected hose. When the doctor was ready to re-unite the separated parts, he called for the pieoe the man put in his pocket The man after searching his pockets, discovered that he had ohanged vests, without taking the piece of nose from the old vest and patting it in the new vest, and coolly remarked: "I beg pardon, doctor, it is a rough joke on me; but I have left my nose home in the other vest"—[Ban Jose Patriot How Counterfeit Motes are Made. A party of men, say from three to a dozen, band together and hold frequent meetings, and act according to a plan laid down. One or two will find . out some °opjj>er plate printer in theemj MAI’S PROFILER and SPECIFICATIONS, < Right rneervod to reject u junslS-till July lat. BREAD, CAKES, ICE CREAM, GROUND COFFEE, &C. T •[•oct 1 ullv inform their Friend* and tho Public generally, that they have opeued their xbw baikehy, on MARIETTA STREET, near SPRING STREET, where they will ooneta' ly keep Fresh Dread, Cakes, Couf. Also. GROUND by theliiaelvoa » iry and If snd Ground J. II K \LH A SON. Official Xbocrlisemcnie. A Proclamation. oejoughai By Kafirs B. Bullock, Governor of said State. thia depart xuent that a murder wm commith <t ia the county of Muacogee on or about the 18th of January last upon the body of Jack WUliaina, by one Albert l hriatiau, m ia al leged, and that said .Christian haa fleu from juatice: I have thought proper, therefore, to iaaue thia, my proclamation, heraby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLL A OS lur the apprehension and de livery of the Bald Christian, with proof euffleient to convict, to the Bher ff of aaid county of Muacogee. in order that he may be brought to trial for tue of fense with which he atanda charged. Given under my hand and the gr**t eeal of the State, at the Ohpltol, in Atlanta, thia 8th day of June, in the year of oar Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and* of the independence of the United States of America tbe ninety-fifth. BUFFS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: , David G. (Jotting, Secretary cf State. DESCRIPTION ; Bright mulatto; black hair, nearly etraight : at out 21 or 22 years of age ; downcast look ; weighs about 180 pouuda ; originally from Augusta, Ga. JuulOdfttwlt A Proclnmatiou. OEORaiA. Kurils B. Bullock, Governor of saiil State. Hucoemuora to GEORGE SHARP. Jr.A WHITEHALL MTBBET. ATLANTA JOHNW.HIGHTOWER, I w Griflin. LIVERY AND SALE r in the employ of the iy—in fact, ail such by the party. These note company printers are iuiown b men will then manage to meet one of the printers in the evening, get acquainted, urink and have a good time generally with him, and so prooeed for a few even ings. Then they offer him $50 to $100 to procure a certain kind of impression. This impression is made in this wise:— The printer will take the impression up on tin foil from the plate from which he is printing, whioh can be done in a mo ment. Thus, vou see, every line and the size is obtained correctly. From this tin foil an electrotype plate is made. They But we are gfad to hear from him and | , then / e ‘"°“® P'™ ter at he materially remembers Th. Brnr L”’'?' * h# “‘7’ W* .“T that he materially remembers The Sun. There is some good in him, though it wss sadly cr< wd> d lit his Radicalism. We hope the latter will all work out in time so us to allow his clever abilities to operate in a wholesome direction. One of Grant’* Brothers-in-Law in Trouble. From the World. Reference waa made in the World a few days ago to a aeries of trmnsactiona whioh took pfaoe not long einoe, in which one of the DanU, who ia a claim-agent lawyer in Washington, received certain aums of money upon the agreement that he would transact certain business. In one instance he was paid five $1,000 bilk; in another he received $600 ; in another a draft for $260 upon n treasurer of a certain com pany waa cashed for Mr. Dent, but upon presentation of it to the gentleman upon wn. he aaid he neither owed Mr. Dent anything, nor did he au thorise him to make such a draft Mr. Deut’a paper was dishonored ; but the gentleman who haa been the victim in these eases ia only desirous of getting his money back, aud haa oommenoed a civil suit against him. A warrant was to be issued for the arrest of Mr. Lewis Dent who baa been here stopping at the Fifth Aveuoe Hotel e few days ago. He ia a non-resident, and ia consequently held under e different law from that i ap- aud heeled with wood, ever, shaped in the mod like the sabot of France, ever, draped in tha modem style, and net i, Afah la ell wood, and turned up at the toe, “Hcwth- an Chinee" style. In the fastenings oop- per rivets are nude use of, and all the pnrts where the .oucl and leather unite am pooka 1 with India rubber. Them a lore will c-vst less tlian a dollar per pair, aud are e atcdufoatiuti uf the Euro pean wooden shoe; but it ia doubtful whether they will ha foand aa good m the English dog, whioh ia one of the moat comfortable of foot coverings when prop erly made, wbeu the gt uund ia coveoad with anoe or amd. plies to a resident for the aame offence. An order waa given for his arrest yester- ;fay. It waa served upon him, when he obtained hail, and left for Washington on the night Inin. The gentleman who brings these cases ■swell known in thiaoommiiuity, and lias set about this busmens fa earnest. The letters whioh he holds to eustaiu him in his opinion and oourae are ample, and would atartfo the community if published It is quite likely that they will appear in evidanoe if the naooey is not fonhoom- ‘fh. freqne deutial family, oBuially speaking, and ia thoroughly potted as to their mout nprr- tmdi ul • hi l ying ou tils Governue qt. It tended Wt I he is uul uulikwy that there will ba some as- txirmtMion. * founding daveiopaauula in a few days Tha Maw York teeter, "Will Mr. Groaley do kin duty r Ha will net I He i oocnpfainant fa thews oases has had nt occasion to deal with the Presi with him, engage him at $20 a day to do the printing. By thia plan thousands of copies are struck off that defy detection, exoept in tho quality of tbe paper, which will differ from the genuine. In Washington oounty, Kansas, a few nights ago, Johnaou Hammond was aroused from hia sleep by his wife, who informed him that there were wolves about Hammond rose, took hia gun down from tbe joists above his head, end exeitedlv ran out, oarryiug the gun in his left hand, bntt toward the door. He ran about half a mile when he saw a wolf, and, fa raising his min to take aim at it found it had been discharged. Return ing to tbe house, he entered, and there stood four of hia ohildren crying, the eldest of whom said, "Pape, papa, mamma’s dead." He, almost frantio, rushed to the bedside and found hie wife e corpse, her right breaat pierced with a ballet His infant, who hiul been ale ing beside the mother when be left house, was oareasing her dead body. It ia supposed that when Hnmmond rushed out of the door the look or trigger of gun onught on the jamb and was charged, the oontenta lodging fa the breast of the deceased. Hammond swore he heard no report of the discharge of the gun. A Coroner’s jury acquitted him ot aU blame. An article in Chambers’ Journal on matrimonial superstition contains the following: " The breaking of n wedding ring ia an omen that the wearer will eoou be a widow. A oorrespondeut of Notes end Queries found this fancy current in Essex s few days ago. A man had been murdered in that oounty, aud hia widow said: 'I thought 1 should sown loose him, for I broke my wedding ring the other day ; and a» sister, too, lost her husband after Urate fag the wedding ring. It isesareuga.' Booh aupentitioas no tions ere far mote prevalent than one weald suppose, end the schoolmaster will heve te work herd and lung bsfoce they as. enffraly wadfateid in our fand." Dutch Pete’s Restaurant, Uniter Jiimrf think, JJA8 BEES BMCKNILY FUlliilliUEO WXT1I No. 1 COOK, And a'1 other modern appluku sea; „ ME\LS ''UPPLIED AT ALL HOURS. tV. REoULVil BGAUD $5 PEll WEJ-K **- lUi. Rf.-t. I'UK MARKET AFFORDS WII ALWAYS BE i . \*D At U1S TABLES. iUwcclliuuona. FINE WATCH- REPAIRING. WE HAVE SECURED THE SER VICES OF MR. C. S. TAIT, AN EX PERIENCED WATCH MAKER. BUT RECENTLY rR3:«l SCOTLAND. MR. TAIT HAS WJ.iKED IN SOME OF THE FINES < W TCH MANUFACTO RIES IN Eli -l OPE, N D I S PREPARED TO DO ALL KINO j OF ,’INEWUPK SUCH AS REJE’.VELLED, making NEW ESCAPEMENTS. AND ADJUST ING FINE W ITCHES Or ft L’ ".fOS. ALL WATCHES l EFT WIT ■> ’.•« W<LL BE PROMPTLY AND THOHOUOH».Y DONE, AND SATISFAU : ION UliA- RANTEEOIN EVERY INbTANOC. * SHARP & FLOYb. IIKREAS, Official information haa pii r-o«*lv#l at this Departm-nt that War- l convicted of burglar* in the night time, Walker, of voluntary manslaughter, have hi tbe common jail of Decatur count)’, have been confined awaiting their remov- Peuitentiary: l ha'’e thought proper to ianue this hereby offering a reward of FIVE DltED DO* LARS each for the apprehe'-aion and delivery of the said Warren HaTeli and Alfred Walk- it to the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary. [Jivou under my hand and the Great Seal of the the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, thia lOtb day of Jane, in the 3 ear of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-One, and of the Indepen dence of the Uuited States of America the Ninety- fifth. BUFU8 B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Corona, Secretary of State, may 10 <13 wit. CilO WATCHES! WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK Fine Watches, Dial Chains, Jewell Silver War) BRONZES, CLOCKS & FAN! IIV TI1R STATE. Wo Cannot Be American Watches—Different WE ARE TUE ONLY WHOLTSALE AGENTS IN OA. OE 1 E. HOWARD fc CO., Boston, Mast AMERICAN W ATCH Co., WalMiu* ELGIN WATCH CO., Elgin, 111. We have on band 4 OVER ONE HUNDRED Of these Watcher, in Gold and Silver Gases. Before Pintail, nails osr laris Variety ail Loi Premiums for Fairs! 8 in manufacturing 1 AioMiguee’ig Sale. ATLANTA NATIONAL HOTEL FPItklTUILB. B Y VIRTUE of an order issued by the Honorable United States Court for the Northern Dietnct of Georgia, will ba sold at public outcry, free from ” ~ jcuiubrauoeB, at Raid Hotel, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of JUNE, 1871, and continuing I’dstead*, 70 wa'.nut Bureaux (wood • -jluwni ut Chaii top Washstand nook. Cb»lr Pft. — SpctDRs. 200 Pillows. 40 40b |iueu Pillow Slip*, r i, 20 marble-top Tablen, ul nut double Wardroben, 2 Sotm, 2 arm *11 Hnckera, 1 Cupboard, ISO b. walnut leather ixittoiii chair*. 1 Plano, ion Mattre**ea and 400 hum Sheet*, more or 1am, leM. 600 Towels, more I«ir woolen Blank, t*. more or less, luO ^’unteri<an< more or kw, 4uo linen Napkin*, more >jt V*- rtbWR.’ Mirrors- tf Billiard Table* aud Fix- hinw. 1 !ar^ ron Safe. 2 Desk*, 1 large reading room Otutl v * ’lu 1 Lounge. 8600 yards Carpet tig, more r fe-H, lot ui laoa Curtain* and ahadea. all the Silver We. a 1 the Crockery and Ulaaxw&re, ail tho Uaa Fill iy-v 3 f bow Cases, 1 U tter Preue. Bar aud Fur ls Oil Cloth, more or loa«, Barbershop 2 Boiler*, Engine, Pumps, amt Premium List ! We make Gold, Silver, Bronze and Nickle Medals. Id Style, Finish and Quality, epal to any House in the Country. We Cannot Be Undersold! ALSO, Spoons. Forks, Cops, Goblets, Milk, Ice and Cream Pitchers, Ladles, and all other Articles needed for Premins at Fain ill we ash is a Trial and a Chance to make a Bii We Cannot Be Undersold! We Refer tlie numerous other articles. 11»<’ Furniture 1s uniform v > ii< : . ipta ity, sound and lei «h . i.jigathe oeutre of the lit j and cau he rented lor a term of four years. The furniture will be ,-ohl ii sets, as it is, ha each room. No property will be loHvffred until paid for. Kemnval at once will be re quired to make room. Sold a* the property of Edwin B. Pond, ua Bankruptcy. TERMS CASH. NOAll K. FOWLEB, niy2» tdff. »• FOWLER. Assignee. RAILHOAU MEN T A HZ X-3 *3M OTIOB. IVE HAVE RECEIVED TO-DAY DIRECT THO m THE MAH HE AC TUBERS A LARGE ASSORT ME NT Or FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SIL VER CA-sES UF PERFECT WORKMANSHIP AND NEW DESIGNS. OF THE FOLLOWING MAKERSt B. Howard ■fct o., BoKon; American Watch C«., Witlthnm; National W*irh ro., i'.lgiii; stem Wlnicra or Keyhli WtktrSiV^ IDANCING ACADEMY THIS STOCK IS OFFERED ST VERY ATTRACTIVE FIGURES, AND YOU tV ILL Flit a IT WILL P TTO TAKE A LOOK AT THE GOODS AND THE PRICES, AT SHARP «r FLOYD'S JEWELRY STORE, ATLANTA. H’l-uu Cards below. Read! PHILADELPHIA. 28th September, MU.) Mkwb*. Kri i»kk k Bikdlb, Manufacturer* ffor Gao. Sharp. #* of Atlanta, Ga Dear Sirs: I have thi* day aaayed your mmj*«*+* «b<1 found it to contain 1)47 I'hoasaaNtJkff aff • mch is even higher than the English Storting Staadard ut 4* Uppiugs taken from e$cb melt is Georgia VV k B5DLK me this 3d day o#Oa- I DKVITT. Alifffm itT- f The« KIMBALL HOUSE UOPY OF T2XZ3 AWAJRD. JTInMJTTJ, M. W Georg-r HhmrpThe Stmie Fair Jg-rlnHarat MocUty called far bide la fWraM PeamdmA1* r the Fair la be held im ttlaala la October next. The bid made by you hem been « bails of yanr currency bid for fitter ling- silcer—D’JS-IOOO ftm f*i liillMaiff ta be 4 t'ammllte.t by the 1st day of October, IS70. K. K. .Utepote*- «• n. am m w.t, I /. . J. Jf. C'OmUiTT, j vomemM Entrance on HailroaH Street. The committee nud \>i Sterling* Silver Ware! A ihowmnn in Main* wanted to exhibit an Kg}-ptian muraav, and at. (fa CfauA Kouwto obtain hnvwigrt. ia it yon want to Show r incited tha Judge. “An ICgiptian mummy more than three thowaaad yean old," aaid the ahow- man. “l'hrae tbouiand yeara old!" hoe been fa the Radical peHjr two tong ■ eralaimed tha Judge, jumping lo hie ter alive?” IT GIVES VS PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAYS ADDED TO OUR CORPS OF WORKMEN A FINE EN GRAVER, RECENTLY FROM TIFFANY A CO.'S, NEW YORK, AND ARE NOW READY TO DO ALL KINDS OF PLAIN * ORNAMENTALLETTERiNC CIPHERS, MONODRAMS, AC., IN FACT, ENGRAVINC OF ALL KINDS IN ELEGANT STYLE, ANO AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. ALSO, THE ADDITION or A FINE MANUFACTURING JEW ELLER, AND A SHOP WITH ALL NECESSARY TOOLS AND MACHINERY, WILL ENABLE US TO MAKE JO ORDER ANY wVYLB OF NADOES, NINOS. PINS, * ALMOST ANY AMTIOLE WANTED, AND TO DO REPAIRING, HOW EVER DIFFIOULT, PR JiUR TL Y, AND INASUPERJOR !U ^NMf N PATRONAGE SOLICITED. , J* 7" SHARP * FLU YD, • »>nbcrlanA .*Wecry, 1EB£ my STONE, WHIT JHALL ST. KJXjBMBlD JVNOTION, TKNN., 1 >ROVF.8SOR GRORGR T. L. ROBINSON nwpect- ■ ftttls informs the eitiren* of AtlanU that he the H I. Kimball “POLITE ART,” AMD «ITM LMMBOMN AS FOLLOWS: Evary TUESDAY, THURSDAY snd SATURDAY. *t • o’clock p. M., for geutl< un-n. Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 10ifi o’clock a. m„ for ladies, and four o'clock p. M., for children. to commence Thursday, June 16th. for u Fiiday, " ntlnmen. ET a 16th, fur ladies and chib VMato Iffsoona gtroa when desired-^* 40T For further particulars call on PBOFFBROR ROBISON, At the n 1. Kim’ all Row» j comiietitor on exhibition— George Sharp, Jr., of Atlanta. Tboy wee* IsJJ 1 ? ed that for the Special Premium offored iu thin department there were othert entered, but ham |$M —** _ d,trover their goodi. They have, alter a careful examination of the Wstch-a, Jewelry and Wlvar Waff* impressed with the conviction l at tha exhihitou mule by George Sharp, Jr., ia of the highest otddh For beauty of finish, pa-liy of metal aud quality of jirecfou* stonee, they have never seen the Jiffph C red. and in our opinion, considering the quantity ae well aa the quality of these goods, tho fft^SP* not been sut-paa-ed iu our export. u.;e at any fair we have attended in the United fcffteff. JMfK commend a gold medal to be awarded to Mr. Sharp, for the best exhibition of Watchea, Jewelry mA War *’ C. M. BAKER. M. Y.. OBlIliJfl JAMES M. BAINE. Qootgte . Fai* OnorrcDs, October 2i, 1870. Mas. JOHN F. GRANT. Atlaffte- Roa <l WKat tlxo Oity Oounoll of aa ei »w* a<liptod 8tfU, * r mcoU ° 8 ot th * Citj of Atlanta, Ga , the following rasolntton v Tb * t th '' V* mn '" of ’ hi * hereby tendered to Oeorge Sharp, Jr., ftr 1 "ggry ecouogiioai manner In whioh h i»m f. • — ■ - - * - * ■mical recommon 1 him to any aoaocte'iun ,r-.t tut .u.l MpMtorJiiajm ui >n m, l,„« „r buiioMa. A A LOTA** Secretaries of Fairs, ALL YOUR ION'S WILL Bt 1’UOMPTLY ANBWBRKD. YOU WILL HAV t MONEY FOB YOUR bOCIEl'lEs uy CALLING O. I OR WRITING TO U8. I fa quit it witk a good $nca now. tort; “ and it tho oritur i (tAjanu-au-ToN tor'eiempti KSTft 7 4< LQVStk, OttiyKARYNl -J.dtu Mi eke liffs sp| In d «y. and I will pase ui".n teAhtoHUli numupLy ii.ixnuW 44* urthuary, ■AMLIN * BABNUKN. 0. W. FHARMAN, OINFRAL AGRHT. , /i>NAT variety u» fruit anJ ornMieuial Im m * n Now, vtnee. ete. fcvpr> tpwe or eh re l tear Mated. agllHMa n CANNOT BE 0NDKRS°LD. _ Sharp & Floyd.