The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 15, 1871, Image 3

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Waterworks. ^fUsKsit.rr.. .*> *ss D&r *- Mt “ °- xuuiii ti^aj iS£Si*5?$ftQta SoLftfite#* to juadra fira .*hr. W* have luoartly made wmie t luuges in the cit^leUitxj. and the Corafiftoim of yesterday 1 or Atuiti -kni one of thoee — - at all repie- nation _ . why I bolted with lour Democrat* ot Council ou two invuioui, when a 1 g?3t>afctt fc^“ tt,twouid *«*• 1*- lh# Jtyord of GotuuinuMouera never ajrer- r bid* for the coutract, and if they have made nothing relative to the subject has eve* tilled for D *. i» *mfm° *» v*- IMy‘" r Wi- promise t tile cm! a 1I1 aoont>.« »auafa^Utily reme- 'ulftrfsjftfessr#. S. $. 5 ■TOur citizen* with Sir. wtif^w te irH" iti* aM*~“y vaati • had aoeeaa to it* door*. for £2Er IT !*•(*■ WJ»» •>< niMuaj ,/ _ a*-iW JV-WrU V >0 * uu, At** «| Th. Of tUr mm It .M rf Ul e '4 woftnftnff |hfo * !&, or mne one <*)## tn suffiori- l >1 w 1 ■ *n 1 n fJoytf 'street, be ing intoli-r.-bU*. noerall(Jllah. Ufve orgaufosdn [ froth fur eft-time hU*d fo* too copies of < ulst^d lb that r I Married / 1 'i JtoCouncii. of bonds to be issued baa not leant Hunaafi and unwise to en dorse blindly for the Oonnulaeionera. 3d. The board of Water Coninnaaionern has never oAcuilv aated tt at the hands of Council. .Ilk be eued forflUe.OUO damages on the ooutract made with last Council, and until resolved to m< ftajta»$li- Unity* is disposed of, 1 think inaction the best npMy delivered to very -uLsoIU*. 5^. The city hsrlag subscribed $S(JQ,0uo to the propsaad Oeasgia Western ttallroad- -a far more uu- nvrtaut enterprise for the city—1 deem it unwise to increase the bonded debt, uutaa# the benefits accru ing therefrom are mure equally distributed arnoug the citizens. I ffth. Th* Commissioner* claim the exclusive right b. issue the bou. they Should twar the whole rtapons.b iity, and not Lndiratly eudeavor to force it on Couuoil. Ilh. Woforwork* 10 oe beneficial to the city must b*- Huitahie for aisuufacturmg purposes. Nothing aliort of s canal wll* do. and until tlie city is in con- ditton to enter upon such a work, we should not en gage in scheme* promising but little beyond afford- mg w ater lot Arc purposes. C. W. Wklxs. e have two grounds of objection to the first par agraph 0/ the above. The first is the unnecessary t Mayor Hammond, who, apart from the su- ppr-fwfty manner In which he bccamc a candidate, iiakes a very excellent, honorable aud industrious Mayor. Seoond, we ohjppt to making water any thing but a Democratic nn-aaur -, for if anything in the world is Democratic it is water. Water works, * uouoeive, is not sufficiently s political question to authorize even four Democrats t • bolt » Next we will examine the other points in Mr. Wells* card, making our number coin-, are with hi*, aud confimug ourselves to s mere *tau-uinnt of fact* t of the "four Democrats of council" ye* stood the contract from being presented last Friday night. 2d. There is no necessity for any member to loree blindly” lor the water commissioners, a' t of the Legislature declare* that the issue of bonds shall not exoeed * certain limit. It will probably be necessary to go a* far aa that limit in order to intro- luce an adequate supply of water. “M. The b<>*rd of Water Commissioners ask of Cotuuil"on)y tpis and nothing more"—that that houorsble body agree to psy the interest seniJ-annu- ally instead of annually- By agreeing to do this the bonds wt 1 bring Just six cents in the dollar more, or 1 nett aggregate of $30,000, which amount would la> several mile* ot water pipe, or build two miles of th* Georgia Western Ball road. 4th. At the beginning of the year the Water Com- 1 asked the present Council if suy cou- j Water-works was in existenoe, sod they were answered truthfully in the negative. No contract had at that time been signed by any one authorized to perform that service on the part of the City ; e a suit for $108,000 Is not likely to be brought; aud If it should be the parties will find it difficult to recover upon a contract that doe* not exist. a app'aud the subscription to the Georgia Western Railroad and would lie g ad if the city e able to raise it to $1,000,000. But that does not * diminish the necessity for a supply of water imme diately for every use to which water cau be applied. 6th. The Commissioners hsve sought to shift no responsibility upon Council. What it has asked ot Coe noil we state concisely above. 7th. if available, it would be moat agreeable to have water-works "suitable for manufacturing pur- •. I pass*/' but as this will involve an expense of $13,- Jk»C ftUfod®* K'i tv*» misnlmon- 730,000. Ui# city cannot afford to undertake it lor IgbaioTud %n«l iw*pict«d by ailwfo. Ansur list, and room fifty or a hundred years yet. Agsin, water- wtowto—rstywgvs* to has* st-h**-heath. Ds. key 1* i works promise much "beyond affording water for himself tying very ill, with doubtful chances of hi* . fire purposes,” ss they promise su abundance of rsoovery. The los* of such people la O publ.c ca- j g >od water for drinfing purposes, and abundance lamity. ^ •’ m tmesanitary purposes, none of which exist now. In tbs center to. the business population ot Atlauta there 1* not a well that affords water that is fit to tie drunk ; and, as for firb purpose*, a fire that can hold its own on any of our principal street* for one hour can have its own way after that ; because the Fire Department is capable of exhausting all the cistorua within reach of a given point in oue hour. Tuk Bum Is in no "ring,” and has never been paid •«r dollar to advocate any system of water-works, or to write any article bearing upon the subject It has favored water-worka from the start, on the single ground that it ia a public and an immediate necessi ty; Th* city will not l>c better able to do the work ' iu s hundred year* than she i* now. Besides, wstcr- !Mial works is not an expense to the city, bnt an invest* very meat in profitable aud perpetual assets. Aa an evi* denoc 0f this, two weeks’ notice would prohsbly private comi*uies, who would be If to construct and operate wster-work* as a Um^Dourt^tln- private business specu'atiou. If it would pay s A DIVORCB OMII A Ocatlimaa Owes House $0 Vlads his Wifi 1« Cwmem a Lswy«f -y«a ifiakM We ask pardon for making a noto 0 dreumstenoe, which, not withstood time promised to prove 1 our very particular friends, we • temptation to tell it—but th* tela is unfolded 1 the least iuteutiou to wound the feelings of t parties—but simply to giv* Tu Bom reader! for which The Mom has b#o< The gentleman lu question has usually " worn th$ ~ttM jj breeches" and made himself oomfortahle "dow$ town" during the day in pursuit of butanes*, an# " happiness," never thinking of the importance <tf putting in an appearauos at dinner. He a-knoub i edged noticing that something appeared to be th$ "usrrEr WITH UilVtl," at home, but did not dream that she felt lu the lead ; ucglected, nor that th* " green-eyed taken up an abode in the heart of his pi gentleman, notwithstanding, persisted r iu pi his business, and dined with * *“ run amd a: day after day—treading unconsciously on a volcano all the Ume. On Monday evening, however, he closed up at an unusually early hoar, and repaired home to eqjoy the soorrrr or its ossa om, when ou entering, what a scene he beheld t Hi* ex. client, but suspieioug wife, seated at a table with oue of our prominent lawyer*, the latter with p«i aud paper, drawing a »nx or onfrefi rn The attorney, being a mutual friend, let the case l>efore the gentleman, whan an explanation wgs trade, and every tiling went as merry as a marriage be'ls. lustcad of drawing up papers, the law>er wrnt to drawing corks--an 1 soon saoseedsd In making the whole family «APffcl-. it . P" instead ot s breach that would have sridsapA until au ocean of misery rolled botwefin tfip. now happy couple. Moeal—This often oomes of a man's nagtegrto in form bis wife of the status of his business; but oftener on socount of his staying away all day. But staying out late o' nights, is a sure ease of divorce, THE A. A C. It. K. MV DOLE. passed instrteting the Msrshsl t f pffMiru WW4* itatLtan . '.Mk mu tmt ot » wh|ch has, J'»r soiuu lime, been in hi* hands. Dr. J. 11. K« Yesterday the U. 8. Marshal of Alabama came up on the Alabama and Chattanooga R, B. as Jhr as Wauhatchie, where his further progress was stayed by the order from the Superintendent at the Nash ville and Chattanooga R. R. to permit ho more trains of the A. k C. B. R. to pass over the track thence to L,. >1'^,^;cZiZtrilb S OoldV qmka raofory wu dertroyed by fire yeatenUy , u ,i .oui.i ur *GO,(j00, without in»ur .«“• ^ Bobinson, aud t< **3 **”■' f Fairest aud ioVrtllest of crested lunge, D woiuatY^ j V y •j in'i 1 * Axiate us ex tract fn m the n.. .mtes. ** TELEGRAPH :>ews Special Dispatches to The Si. MAUKKTS UV TKLEOHAPH. [N, Belli. Iimitll, »o III (OB.I IlBb mm mm—i AS—Tb tnd Wb,Iivilla New, A*syicy. *hf fat to « ■■■»■* mmm* I»w—T ■ IX)REIRN NKWH. toinmnr.i.E. inns 14. -Flour la quiet bnt inn; Family is quoted st .$7.00. The grain and hay mar * krtt are unchanged. Provision* quiet but firm a* I yesterday’s prices. Whisky I I.iwarooix. June 14.—The. cotton market U strong with an upward tendency, ft is quoted at fully 8 viftd. Mate* to day amounted to 17,000 bales. EVKirUfO. r Nr.w Y<»u*. June 14—Cotton market unchanged, r "" I nndddng uplands 30c; Orleans 80S Rate* 1.000 I ka’es. Money easy at 3 to 3. Gold H.V i Mecitnti * quiet snd firm. LiYEnrooL, June 14 —The market closed decidedly ^ ! firmer, with au upward tendency. Middling uplands ft—> JttRA 14. —rhft tXaCUHOng •till , quo ud at 8J4to*R; Orleans at 8)4. Males 30,000 aontitiae. Nattiben of workmen are di^ly ahot by tho VepaaillictH in the diu- j ^xacisMAn, June 14, P. M.—Flour unchanged.— trietb where dlRHatlRfuOtion Atill <‘Xiats. 1 i /)m gj-adea $5 4» U> $7.00. Corn In tfilr demand sad BacmrHfiUMOian hen entered the field | ancha^ed. Hay into $18 per tm. Provtelona tii) a Candidate for gnbenmton.U honors. ( Mi l a Pork heavy, and in light d< Th# Bonaparto paitj-, it is tmdon>tood, ; hard fl„ u at it*, whisky 90. will be largely repK Henteil at ‘ it is iiml«'i>t*M„l the forth- coming elections, and its candidates will probably poll a heavy rote. rrwtom Wjsalis- Trt«l et U«tJwC*, u, Jaae li.—lu agp«-ecli de lfbtiflttds before |be* Assembly yesterday, LATEST GEORGIA NEWS. Columbus has saflioiently aroused to talk about a park. Columbus, in one afternoon, sobeoribed Col. P. W. Alexander is lying in n very critical condition at Columbus. General Trochu said the defeime of Puriw, $50,000 for a Merchant*’ and Moohaniaa’ by the French army against the Oer- Bank, and it wee not a good afternoon mane, was am act ot heroic lolly to aavo j fur subscriptions either, the honor of France. Ho, from the very first, had alweye- 000 nidi >red the roais* tanoe that was then opposed to the Ger mane, to-be utterly vatu. | The editor of the Newnan Defender has The trial of Rochefort in appointed i*ome oats seven feet high. He wante for Monday next. The defense \\ ill three dollars a bushel for them when claim that the trilnuud before which he | they are threshed. 'ZZiS&SZSTtX,!?*!: I Newnftn bu had two bargtarie. within *i U H | a week. She will aeon begin to etyle her- 1 hclf a city if she keeps on awhile at that rate. I In addition to the decisions of the United States Court, at Savannah, and the City Court of Augusta, declaring the _ . . B __ Mefuee an .tgrmnmi. | relief law passed bv the last Liegislatnre Lomdox, June 14.—The liuited States unconstitutional, the Superior Court has envoys in £nf#j)e have opposed the va- also decided against its constitutionality, rione European powers iutetttWod iu the ^ In oaa® in this Utter court yesterday negotiation of a m«k interuntionul <ne defendant in t ease coming within agreement to a treaty for tha protection | the perview of the relief law, mrrred that of property at are during tinea of w ar, the plaintiff's suit be dismissed, on the the treaty to lie equally binding on gronud that the affidavit of ihe payment America and fhe girnatory powers. The announcement of U. Ferries, Hinfater to WtUMSgtao, ha* been tractod. R AIL.KOAD TEKPUI8E. EN- r t f taxes hod not been mode and Sled. 'ki.tuiioog. uutu Unit utue m.tter betweei, tt., d, M1 btfnl whether ttiawoiweiit ot Fraud-1 This motion was refused by Judge Gib- two mstl# “* **“ “** “’■* ~ T * .. - " sfisl rermisaion to proceed, which aforesaid sum was paid. The Siwlfi ing bimsolf to fix op the littls Houke when he arrived st Chattanooga, mission to proceed. But right then he was mot by a committee of employee* of the A. A C. Road, with notice that they, too, must be satisfied. The Mar shal, succeeding by promises in pacifying them, ob* taiued their consent, and safely arrived at Chatta nooga. It is Maid, upon reliable authority _ _ on yesterday telegraphed an th* stAtfAnPU on I «crvici»»i‘ A rFvicwcf one hnn*lr#(l thous-' p»tiug* facht ami figures regarJiag im- thc a. fi c. B. R. to pay no attentiooTo tfiFwrden <* 1 and troop« tK’Onrh »t Mia Champa «lo 1 provemeuts winch this company are mak- the V. 8. Marshal; that the Bead la still in his yo*- j Mars on Biintfiiy frnxt. The troojis urv < iug to meet the demands of a constantly leaving LaViHcttc. increaHiug busine^a, aud also showing road# ot $12,000 wee settled. The England cau be obtained to the 1 Hon, who declared the sections of the act telegraphed to Mupt. Thomas st Nashville fo *vj ' requiring this affidavit to be unoomatitu- ifiuinn to uNK-eed. which wa* i< .uMuteBiteh* ttie Xthknm, Grreob, June 14.—King tiou&l.—AtiguxUi Chron. Jt Sentinel, 14. OetMgM iks made awangem "Dta tx» visit \ $-•-* Copenhagen, and goes via Trioste. CENTRAL Raztgab#, nowmiulpter to Washington, 1 has been appointed AmLfihaador. Lom>oN, JuiW 14.— The steamer Anna | - — — — — — Smith hss b^n wrecked neartho Koglinli j luigypitiiii Facts and Fiiur coast. Ten lives were lost. i Fieri PeOtey will lm cpeate<l MMqtus | fcton. of Ripon as s rewavd fir his treaty | We present below some highly inter* XtUl ii and under hi* oontroL ANOTHER CASE OE JUtFAN- TICIDE. ? A Child DliMveni Is a Well. any color, class or previous cJ ThlafkctP^iy^ V l h'kc... audience ana FTtzgThbons, si.' fected that he shed a foitofiia 1 fie had the eofic. and J Jon iiig. wa* So af com] COntolty dpHSIff. I ovn pany. it would pay the city. The city ought to time the silence ( and operate the gas-works. Chartio Wells, our Alderman, we are sstiafled, 1 nkr- a ting Usnestly in tbt* matter. While Charlie is a • apitol good printer, he has not senrsd out hall an I | apprenticeship a* an Alder in mi, cou*equenUy when | tjik lie goes a Uttte wrong we attribute the error to his pertor head and not to his heart. Wo supported him hero- Opurt and aa some tcKtini'.ny was waiiHiT*. It was * icsBy. both beesnae be was a good fellow and a good J*»AlWw.VnI.wr. it wUlfismo j Detnocfat, aud would do so again under like circuru- np again. . mUuicc*. He will grow wiser after a while, and in a A css* against ‘ ‘ ’ j Mtfle more Ume will become one of the best Alder- CAW, mt ABNER, linen Atlanta has ever had. At preseut, however, he i- Ms sadly wrong, having been led to look too much at jouo side of the qnest.on, without reflecting that a Is zoottior aud possibly a stronger side. It is a he <!• feudal!t was di«- good plan, wbeu a public mail wants t j take *j>ar- i teltoa t 11#cam* i ticularsida ot a qucsU'>u. to take the other side iglay tewyer* tofff I fi ruland erf a; it well in hi* own mind, in order to 1 beiusstesad Of «U it* Strong points. A man always j s Mte'tJy ULbl be know* fully wlut he is op- 1 >«ing. If men would always discuss the other side. ; ■ well as their owu, it would not uufrequently h*p- en that they would flud the other aide right, and j ttuiir* wrong. This is the fix that our friend Well* ia tn upon the subjest of water-work*. AM ATKOClOL’H Ml'BDKR. selling j A Father Kill* His Mon in an Attempt to Murder Ills Wlf« *1 Kingston. a speech from a Is wye «‘*J« Uie.u- ; ' ( j ItA.-Hh t pe<vp»e ' npp« The police were notified yesterday that child was found in a well, on a lot to Houston street. I’pon repairing to body of au infant was taken from it had been throwu. Upon exam; cided that it had been there at least The body was tied up In a pieos dress. The police st once sot to wor$ JOjdJscover, if possible, the mother of the child. Aftef Poking around for some time, a portion of a dreas corree- ponding with the pieos in wbloh Ha wrapped, wu found in the possasaton of $ negro woman. Bhe wu taken into cuatodp.£ofipt^r with two other Women, and lodged in the calaboose. Af ter some questioning of the parties, and au eaantiS- nation by physicians, two of them were releaved, and the third, (supposed mother), wu retained in custody. Tho case will hav* yropsr vfin*Iat£>n to day, when, no doubt, the whole affair win be brought to light. ©fort iff ftorfonsly ill. Him trial tbtet the company well Apprecuttes the bfiff be©np<Mlpon©d. t oooegaity of keepiug pace with the timed. ^ The Committee of the Asnemhly on The improvement*! are of great practical * 'Uh^goFTsTthBWn W ftivor the' Wining of iiuporUmee. Among other advantages fcuiild bx JW$ $(•**• , * | / they will nave the druyage of heavy goods, A special to the Standard says that an eh an iron, cotton, lumber, etc. The there were twenty-one exetRitioim y.-iW- waul of thin extension to the river haa day in the Boib de Boulogne. long beeu acknowledged. The under- BKKftLAN, Jim? UL- iXit^ bladt Theatre taking of laying the treatle work wan hag been OTotIw commenced in the latter part of April San Philip, June 10.—A strong rebel > last, and has been pushed so vigorously j position in Guerrero has !>ct-n taken by forward as to have reached the river on the _g»vernmqtyt tftKipi. ^ [laat Saturday night The distance fin ’noanTnit'i ' The bomn ucut of TitinV'ico is et: :tl already is on* mile and a quarter, LOOKING FOB A DEAD If IGGKR. A Long Tramp With Ith a Fruitless Terwal- =• lgc »f. 1 jys cam* to town and rfcorledto >ody of a dsad oe## wfinsg was i to the left Of thS BHte Bowl, upend fiwtodAhf ** " T it altef*Bl»WtSfIfllrue. Wc notion that every nnm ho said beer, u nicut awful frown ' ■' Ftowfr* fkte.. and fi' MaSttHadkaowa a* mu.1,4- thi- r.p.Tt• r. the, A t'Umd In Human Form. fewest nMfror nf tffnA. fi* ewe don't improve, sotnelnxlv i* gouijMj.. »ute i Ma. pwll asOwosurl fit •or j*w ror Wc learu from a gentleman who arrived here on kKr , me State K«*d train, that a moat foul aud atrocious murder was committed at Kingston, yesterday morn ing, a little after daylight, by a man named Hum- ,IK idiries, who, in attempting to shoot his wife, while r * lying iu bed, billed hie sou, aged about thirteen A Bl( llB.k Worn, . s ;n . new yjuuixzn Ui< .11 B.flf.1!*“ K| Church in thl. cltv. u I. the u.u.1 cu.t m »*h the " than up rose Irom hug* black ‘JUU-poiiAniigKer^H «»ito ^■i.te.i themselves aisle of the church sudprvM '***#> *—la(W l gragation, and aakeu (nal t turn. deffee uwln* »iV* 'tsflV> made to our informant wu aa fol low*: It seems that Humphries tea resident of i pteken* county, where some six month# eioce he at- | tempted to kill his wife by cutting her throat. The ' wound did not prove fatal. Huiuphric* was confined j ill Jail. Hi* Wire and son after her recover) from ' her wound, came to Kingston, where she has pur- industrious woman, working hard T*olf by the aid of her son, who waa a boy <U good character, aud often employed about the depot there. Yester<Uty morning the murderer, whose wherea bouts we* formerly unknown to the mother and son, seems to have have inform- d himself as to their reel- deuce, to Which he wont aud over tlie top of ihe door discharge 1 the contents of a shot gun loaded with fit- tecu buckshot, intending, a* he coufeasea, to kill his Almost all of the shot w« re lodged in tho iw minutes af ward*. Th# screams of the womau a’armed the nelghbo ■ ' J .j. Who Miecoeded In arresting Humphries. Besides Jr i having previously attempted to murder his wife, it ttiSaSTblc ’ iM M>J nomphrle# had also attempted to kill Yesterday some boys tbs police that tho body seen in a briar patch and some two miles from the city. Policeman Ken drick dis. redited the story for some time, but $t last concluded to go with the boys anff see ffthe report was true. They carried kirn,to the pfree they had reported the corpee seen. But it waa not there. The entire neighborhood waa thorough! without finding anything of this appeared to be excited, sad no doubt what thoy supposed to bo s dead negro nn-rc than probable that ^ down drunk, which caused them to believe dead, and during their absence had IkscoIBS ly sober to move off. At any rate, the polirameu re turned considerably the worse Mr hit lottg tramp. hlv Searched, but I kind- Tic boys ibt they had seen o; Jut it B had la •ve she w tinned. | liavj- m-i'iivd Rfoiit ytnrting from the Central Road track at terror by tlieir nro, ana iittve silouped f the Augusta Rond crossing. Trestlew- - rk the governmeut batteries. 1 renmins to be built for about 1,600 feet Paris, June 14.—The Bunk of France along the river front, so as to reach the holds twenty-two miliou francs bullion. present wharf. In a few days the iron 1 for tlie track will be received by the oon- rue on e a rr * tractors, and the rails will be at once _ *^ une 4 ^ ^ ’ laid. The work of driving the spiles for Jt ‘ Jitr<> J^ 3 hy A*' ^*** t 1 the trest]work is being pushed forward night. The audience aud perfoimerit i llH ^ pimimHtuneeji w-ill admiL escaped. ' odM Msm crrxxf r.rrro«-*'3«V, oiih 4rtr.. Vn*A*l U U ™uU. ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES [CXBEVUU.I OOKBF/TKD DAILY.] Bengal Kentucky yd Double Fhcenii:. Kxoelsiur Iron Tics Bacon. Hhouldcrs.... Csuvsssed Hems.. Plata Hems bout Meat, 3 10* Bottom, Ooebeu lb *•# CamdZes^." ..*.** .*.*.'.* -* •" ■' ■ •. C, M Wf Cbaosems • Corn* - Bio » n# Java, ooounon to good • *** Det Goods— Prints, fancy.. yd \Brown Shirtings yd 7^# Ti Brown Mhsstlags yd lo M do do yd U l .# 1* Yarns. Ass't Bfo* yd >*» Foul, MsckersI, No. 1....haifbbl <lf » *® do No. 1 kite # *J* do No. 3... haifbbl # J 00 do No. 3 kite # 17* do No. 3, Urge kbbl # •## Herrings. No. 1 .box # * N*w Corn,.... bush 100 Oats (few In markM). ...buah SO# Hat— Timothy too $$ 00# 3* Off Labs, leaf ■» l»fo m Bee* bbl S to# LiQOOB*— Not quoted. — ffh/te .gal 31 Cuba (Bbls.) gul Golden By rap ^ N. O.Byrup gul Msac. fine bush Nails keg Oil*— 9S...T Lent gul Kerouene gal Machinery gal liflotH gal s **w Rice—Ciean Carolina ffi M# 10,Si ffPOAEj - Oruahedand If A White m IS O Kxtra ft 14 * Tallow 0 ft 13* ft. B. A ••son’s Brooms— No. 1 Stalk Brooms ft dou... $3 7r Ho. 3 do do No. $ do do Mo. 1 Hurl Brooms . No. 1 Hurl Fancy Handles... No. 3 Hurls # do*... Hearth Brooms $ do*... WASHINGTON NEWS. as rapidly as circumstances will admit Of the 1,800 spilings to be driven, fully two-thirds of them have been placed.und it is now confidently expected that a lo comotive will be running to the river The Ku-Hiujr Commit- j front by the Fourth of July next tee—-4*e». Teemb* to hr Hummuaed. I \y ( , understand that the company oon- WashtnotoN, June 14.—Strong efforts templates digging out a canal half a mile will be made, on the return of the Prcsi- long and throe hundred feet wide, with dent to-morrow, to have Bowen pardoned depth of water sufficient to admit ships Hwfriendtfh.ere have already commenced, of mv size to unload at the warehouses through newspapers here, to enlist pub- and cotton presses to be oreoied along- lio sympathy in his behalf, u-id they side the track. The canal will be paiwllel claim that he wan a victim of i ircurn- 1 with the track, aud will start from the stances, and alffo that Ihe prosecution JcUviumaJ] river aud terminate at a point against him war urged by South Curoli- at h ast half a mile south of the river. We mans. i mny also state that the track, when Several South Carolina witnesses wore built, will admit of an extension to the examined by tbe Ku-Klux Coiunift-to* to- whurves east of the Ogeechee canal, day. Among them waa Mr. Hoppor, u . The estimated coat of tbe treetlework District Attorney, who stated that tie and track will l>e in the neighborhood of State Government wu^roUen to th«- c«»re. - $*J0,000, uud will t>e borne by the Cen- All the testimony from South Carolina tral Railroad Company.—Savannah Re- ffhowH extraordinary corruption by the publican. Radical State Government. Savaunah t# Atlanta. OGLETHORPE FIRE COMFAJpa. OF KATfrlfN, KXFBENM TlffflB WrUlft ’ We have mesivsd from Uxe Beorstery ft Ogle- thorpe klro Company, <»f savafffi^jVMBM’*^ * nd Gen. Tpombf and Horace Gret ley will be summoned to testify. ’ * < • • , Gov, Lindsay, of AIbImoml testifies thfere have be©i» u4c»4ihtlfr lion (A tbe first ol o<M*V thsjob 1 i h Mi.t hut Humphrti . 1h>Ui lh** paroiite of hie wife. „ , pfirtng hsVrasltteocsst Kingston Mrs. Humpbri*# ' ' |,„ tnnu. u.nmH i. • I.pnt»bl" .omui The la- "WZiXfZiFiMr, h ih, — HnlwithriM U 4»rlh«a » A HeudUh-loohln* m«o, lie of mg*4 d«-gr*<te>l of bi* s|ieci*s. He ws* long list of rstoluttons a-iopftd hy Ototo it* return from Urn i>lebr*Uoa <m tbs Below we copy these resoluttoai iiunu dlately to their visit to At a u;c< tiug of tilt* Company b»>ld this 10ft day of June, 1871, tho following Pn smblr and Resolu tions were unanimously adopted; > , Whereas, bj too klmlly InvJtetfo* of ftWMaebsnn- Fire t'*>nip*ny No. 'J, ol Allants, the Oglethorpe* of Sitvsnnah werv. iKirn-itteff to take pait in tbe Annual < vl. bratiou of tbo Atlanta Firo agpmWpsht; and, «lu-iea*. tbo Oglethorpe* did r*c*iv* iftopoaiy from the Mocbauic Fire Couipan# No. 3. but frdm U|e Mevcral com pantos comprising the DsapMUnenfi* most cordial reception and Urn moat mffwy is treat meut; and whewee, tbe <>glot/*-rpw# yrf jimM the recipients of much si»o<'ial attetitton fry thO *-Rueiu< at large, and particularly by tbe ladiop^yberefon* be 1 Ui. That the moat profoEudafrilhra^eful n-knowl- q-lgeiuenta of tb:« rompsafor* them, *M are ffereftr tendered to the Mechaulo Fire OMmu N$. 3, W Atlanta, for their generous lnvitelluu, fhd tliat this company sssorca them tliM the pioiinrAenjoyed bave made a lasttug impMstonff NpgR fthtobuU of the member# of Ibl* onapstoy. Immd •J.I. That tho thanks of ibis Compan; are hereby tabdsrsd, to tfis aevoral cc l*'«lug the Atlauta lire I (opart use l)o|«rtiuent. as a who e, for their tug to Vie with llie othi and conn rt. tliua ieu« the Oglethorpe* wi-l d- pleasurable delight. to. That the thanks *4 t are hereby tendered to the seemed to unite so gladly « men of Atlanta in the determination and off tha Oglethorpe# should M#*, p®P °* j n led to tbe brim;h open the door* 1 thorpea a welcome never to fi _ 6tb. That Ule thaolta this Omppanii ar are hereby tehderethmssl staoarsiy ahd i til) to tha ftdlesol ZfHorerbee stlimcr Vtecked^stS*wreatba auoh aa wonuMt'i . n J'-a4M4ia a «8sUij botb a, Lu ,r..l bAOJ. vb,‘ v'lj'i ..IV , Il» J,*. iTrl-tfc ■! Iwaji^areia, wsft»»l by the gei.Uo firseteVr Max’s Aur ihiint speak in eloquence far awe. ter and t ‘ tuau human tongue could utter, ft sacked ly embalmed in pur oMfifii Anderson. ••Oh. what t-nder and Did If* l>'*ne«fh tfinse I Hid w-tfi.u the myatto 7th Wk .e, therefore, th* la we wool i extend «mr warmstei _ ledgemen^ .w« feel that wa do t«4te| hut give «\pre*s<«u to the of* rff#». our ueait« when we aay to Mr* U. Ai him _ ■K,MM Mia. stumUad uptn ► eagerness snd cortege up| end to uls p>ir nnk» mpt and unshorn, and his A* *0 f “ rbi ' 1 ,h<1 ■“PPU.Iti™ 1 I"** >»' •u 4 JoinFor Taw whlnh, . ^ A Vhod It H* seemed to be Sonl and rational aud confesses hi* intent t .<#> V* ">»■ •via.i fanwre reaWreww +n ‘*»lwM *• * Mm 0^4 Oul ^ ‘tour, to .Mirfor lo, A f T CUnKa,htHi» soiiso* • i lEfthtlrUt. Day befora yesterday aotesAiMU boy* wsce out in | either party. from the bu*he# aeer West End, and while rambling about I "TT vOdtiier they went. Tn«) . came across fto body of a uead negro Infant. The ji bmnAVt* etee, In Which case ’ fw t wa# Npcrted to a constable, who proceeded t» 1 M^Mth ia*ft * %fnd ai-t if the make gpmc aiqwat*. The ease was up before Juetise fi ''ffrst they are 11 ffftSFd fohffsfm yestenlag, Imt »- failed to obtain lh# farte « public expense T l i elleiU d at ll»e trial. that thferi* h«v?' b©©n u£’-4ih$firl>iuie«t gince the political meeting lust suuimta, aud looks uiiou the State tut bciqg in a more preecnil ©ondition than it hiut been Uqm in during the fifteen years, lie • Hchui points to the qnotabk price of aoooritjtft, i dies at io aud qoetM ftetiatica oi Wade to provr | Juuoi& this. .. ffnmmonod to i appear pelore thi« Gommitt©©, and ih ex- 1 Htoke* i pected to'arrivfrftfrxtWei k. ThePmtetnr Cet%0* Crap. Wamhikoton, June 14.-~Acartful esti mate of tin* cotton crop foi th <Zlje wfitn Undgrt. BTX.. PEACHES—At 50c. per peck, at Mtoken k Bro.’s ^ June 15 S>AT U. M. ROSE i CO., Wholksale 1>. alrra, Atlanta, Ga. Boss’ Bittors and «. Also, Shafer * Ginger and Cherry Bran- HNE WATCH REPAIRING. Wt HAVt atCURtD THE SER- VIOES OF MS. O. *. TAIT, AM EX KRIENCEO WATCH MAKES, BUT RECENTLY FROM SCOTLAND. MR. TAIT HA* WORKED IN SOME OF THEFINEST WATCH MANUFACTO RIES IN EUROPi, ND IS PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF FINE WONK SUCH AS REJEWELLED. MAKISC SEW ESCAPEMENTS. AND ADJUST ING FINE WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. ALL WATCHES LEFT WITH US WILL BE PROMPTLY AND THOSOUCHLY DONE. AND SATISFACTION GUA RANTEED IN EVERY INSTANCE, •pru-tf SHARP A FLOYD. RAILROAD MEN T A.KB NOTIO*. WS BA VS MSOMJVSB TO-DA T DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS A LARUE ASSORT MENT OF FI MR AMERICAN WATCHES, IN OOLD AND SIL VER OASES. OF FERFROT WORKMANSHIF AND NEW DESIGNS. OF THRFOLLOWINO MAKERS , K. Howard dt Co.. Boslos; A at erica m Waiek C#., IVailJiaiu; Rational Watch Cm.. Klgla; D. S. W atch Co., JfarloM, IV. Jg Giles Watch Co., also the Celebrated ate as Wladers or Ke less Watch. THIS STOCK. IS OFFEBED AT VERY ATTRACTIVE FIGURES, AMD YOU WILL FIND IT WILL F Y TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE UOODS AND THR PRIORS, AT SHARP a FLOYD'S JEWELRY STORR, ATLANTA. v>-18U -tl|ri '>>«!* in - £«.] I^ft door | R*i*l r#r dsiy, tsvi. OOt’KT HOI UK oof lutip cite ot Atlauta. ru.ton county, salhelMTUkMDAY tn J .ly *#xU withva honra of ahi*. the to. lift e lly Henry, i a mors or lass. at to said I-u clad* Bill for her |«IW r Mo. 51. to the Wth Dudru t ot Faltoa county, containing baMau tt hslag the 1st ooffre/ed to asld L S ara! Uls by W. M. Hill Haul Rfe aatete footed aa • property of Lucinda Hill, by ftft* of and aaliaf y # a fa issued from I*uitou Superior Court In ftvor ot Huuutoutt k Btlvey vs. Luciuda HUI. Brsperty pointed oot in sard n fa.. January 4, UT70. ALMO, 1 At the same Ume and plat*, fifteen acres of land, more or less, being part rt land lets Nee. M and *', In the 17th District of originally ii«ur>, mow Faltou county, Georgia- levied ou a* the piiipsit) ot W. M. i nuipkin. by virtue * f and to satisfy a fi. fa la med from th* Justice * t'ourt oi the lluoth ln*tn< t G M., in tavor of J. L. A' ernathy (oobtr»Ued b> j. B Wallace) v*. W. H. Luiupkiu. Levy made b> NN. J. Water, L. ii., and returned to me Jaae •. 1V71. ALMO, At the same Ume snd place, part of food lot No. 78. in the 14th DUtrU t. The part so levied ou is la Ward 6. fronting on "*ltou street ui the city of At tojta—containing 3tx8i h-t, more or h r on as Jhe property of r.diuoudaon k B«1L BUte.aad cxiuuty Tex ff. fa. tor hi* Ui to 1870. Property pointed out by John M. M# a ALMO. At the eeme lmejH* piece, all that 1 Ing at» point and nmutag with Peacht feet to the fins of a vacant lot, so a# to inet oak trees standing near a*ld house, making on Ivy street of 173 test from the line of path ••tending* at the pots*, nuking an angle tlie house and thn*e eights (*,) of an acre, lea#. Levied on as Uie projierty of Holms .Sell* vuyik. »f and to aatimiy a mortgage fi fa iaaucd Fitfcvn buiierior Coart, in fhvor «»f Gwthrle A <’ UotouttAU. Property pointed out by plamti attorney, .October 8M, 1868. ALMO, At Mie #aoae Hkhwj'I place, a small wood situated 00 a lot beire^jug Pi Kidd A Meeaaliu, the north aide of Det^Ljf street, in the city of Al ts. and adjoining th«- brtok hsilding now o et Ur MoBride k Mmitb. Letjed <tfi M the propel f. ft, Hill, by virtue <.f and t.. *teiafy • fl to ii Justice’s <’>>urt of the l Afoth Dfotriet. H.U11L 1 Uvorof B. 3 to It ror ol lebyf.T. I of Mat, 1«7 IiOvele»*, L.and handed 33d of ' a mo. At the same tiaar Add pV<-. e hou*e aud lot, te^l iu the 3d Ward m the city of Atlanta, at the J ot Peters. Crew aud Fair street*, fronting ii Pet ; i, east on Cr> w aml south •n Fair street; • or iw. Ls> - >. by virtue of aud to aatiafy a fi. fa. issu 1 from the Jusnoe^a Obi .. ' ' g| w. F. V property ;»ointeil oui the 1036th District. morelsud v* t. A. A e. intiff ■ attorney. I .<■ t intif C.,a \ made by J. R. Tbompv M4L# • i lot in the city said city, ed$Umug Dean, being pari ol of originally Henry aa the property of J to satisfy a fi. ta tasted f projMTty u n the l»t Ward of Jamea, Wood ami i the 14th Di**ri< t Fulton couuty. I-evled <>n the property of#, yt H. < arlton, by virtue <>( aud to satisfy a fi- ta tasted f om Fult >n Hnperior Court, in favor of Aunie L. <'arlt<>u »*. John M. B. Carlton. Property pointed out by pUiudifft attorney. Juuv 6th 1871. ALMO. At the tame time * ul ptor. mie 18 home-power Psrtablo Engine and ttoiit-r Lc\ led on aa the pro- (M«ty of Rondeau k Lai., b\ virtue •>! and to satisfy a mortgage u. to issued from Fulton buj^rior Court, ia fovor of A. H. Brown A Co. vs. Roudeau A Co.— Jane ith, 1871, ALMO, At the same time and place, 13 city lot*, lying in that portion of the ctt> of Atlauta known a* Weht 33, 34, 35,' ud 41. being tlie t AIM. At the same time and plwe. the east half of city lot So. 14. in the Whitehall survey, it being the place whereon T. 8. Garner Uv< d ou the 37th day of Juue. COTTAGE FOR SALE In Orlffin. a cottage, with sii rooms, newly fitted up sad well finished. Tbe lot ts a corner toe contain tug three-fourth* of an acre, and ia well enclosed. Water first rate. Will be sold low to a cash purchaser. For further information apply to 0. W. Blooaworih or to J. 11. Logan, Griffin. H. C. OOODWYN. t ffgu B. M. ROSE A CO. PEACHES—At 50c. per peck, at Bro.’s. Jnnslfl *0J RUSS' St. DOMINGO BITTERS * a most vslushte stomachic sad tonic, sad Is ss roll known, or better known than any othsr Bitters, ,nd l.-tter o*Ubll*hed. For sale by juuuli- KOBE A 00., Broad street. *i^ PEACHES.— A large lot of fine 'caches for sale by Stokes A Brot her. at 50c. .a ^* ,,ir plnoM 4he wkolu number of buK« ug hiw i aa 1 ( 900,■0401 Anohher (fotimaL «• to tlie I ''■'* 000 i In t North Cnrolin* tbe fnliinvolLm planting i ———♦ '15 pit Cent! Tl;o i\eatTTr has W AROMATIC SCHNAPPS-The lid, wet (Pij UnfUYUrublp, ail<I or»t* I Aiomatio Vhnapps. manufactured in Holland for toti is tmtlMUnllv |»oor. Houth Carolina A. Bu*#. hay* no #uii«ri.*r in the market They *• “ * * ‘ *—* ” -yer Ihs civilized workLand u but to lo\e them, but to praise.” ROME k GO., Bros 1 street f know the has one-flfth Icbbi'utteu * thiff jrefrr than sbe luul last. Tin* crni* [ , Kt ' Are v«ry inferior and mjproffiisinff.— t Nou OoriTfla decreoaaa hot acreage about 16 | r ° r h » nor oent. MisaiwlBpi doorcase, lj ,>*r I I™* 1 * cent, with the weather unusually mi- —— favorable. ArltWsas decream at the i /jrrrrs US PLEASURE same raift.~^(M|j«HUttktU‘croaMt>.Hltt>r acre- 11 <jrl Iu thia State the I TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE !* a dbre hwrehle than in the OUR CORPS aoMtaruSUt* uid the. prospccu OFWORK1/£ TITFANY * OO.’S, NEW YORK, AND ARE NOW READY TO DO ALL KINDS OF PLAIN* ORNAMENT AL LITTER.KC CIPHERS. MONOCRAMS, AC., IN FACT, ENORAVINO OF ALL for gotten are very fair. DOMKSTU' NEWS Mrstfins, jnn« I* —Two mw U<>ua of I KIND9 , N ELEGANT STYLE, AND IteUC Phok sunk to-day in SO feet, A T SATISFACTORY PRICES. MR while rekin«oae steamer. I,ev ALSO, THE ADDITION OF A ffgtW- • NOTICE. BROPO0AL8 for CLEANING. GKCBBING and GRADING a TURNPIKE ROAD brtweeu Atlanta and Decatur, will be received until July 1st rved to mjert any or al) bide. jane IS- till July 1st ax«bt o. non. paswiv o. iohm* Late Teller Ga. Nat Bank HOYT & JONES, Bankers and Broker#, ATLANTA. OA., I foalers in Gold, Silver, Stocks, Bondn, Mortgages, Domeallo and Foreign Fxohangs, Hnilrond mul other Heourities. Special A.t tent loth GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. fi. fa. issued from Faltou Superior fsvor ot Thomas G. Jacobs va. T. S. Garner. May 37th, 187L ALSO. At the same time and place, a city lot in Ihs city of Atlanta, situated ou the west *idu of West l’uachtr--.- *tr«et, on the corner <>f Raid Weal Peachtree aud a thirty-foot street adjoining the jiroperty ot 8trsu*e and others, in the 5ih Ward of .aid city, containing one-half acre, more or less, it beiug part of land lot 79. in the 14th Diati u-t ot oriinually Henry, now Ful- ton county. Levtol <>u a* the pr<q>erty ot Alaxauder .V I'asMls, by virtue t aud to xitisfr . fi. fa. issue.I from Liberty Mup«iior Court, iu favor ot William T. Bosbasva. Alexander A Cseael*. Property pointed oat ia said fi. to, May Ud. 1871. ALMO. At the same time au * pla-’c, a dty lot in tha city of Atlauta. ooutaiuiug nue-eigbth (‘ a i of an acre, frout- tnp on the We*t aide of FiyW street, near the corner of Wheat and Pryor street*, it beiug part of laud lot No. 78, in the 14th District of originally Henry, now Fulton county. On said lot ia a tvv »-story dweliiug house. Levied on a.- the property of Mrs. T. J. Pow er#, by virtue of aud to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from •the Justice's Court of the 12.14th District. G. M. — Levymade by J. T, Loveless, L. l\, snd returned to me May *>th, 1871. ALMO, At the svme time snd place, the following lots of wild lands: 180 sores, No 295. 13th district, 4 section, Walk- 130 acres, No. 298. 12th district, 4th section. Walker county. 180 acres. No. 279. loth district, 4th section, Walker county. 280 acres. No. 180. 38th distnck, 3d section. Walker county. 160 acres. Ho. 281. 12th district, 4th section, Walk er county. 780 ■ i. No. 241. Mth district. 4th section, Chat tooga __ 160 acres. No. 200, t-Mtga oonntv. 160 aena. No. 191 I"* 5 urty. 160 atYea, No. 12. 24th district, 4th section, GUmer ith district, 4th aectioQ, Chat- ith district, 4th section, Mur- 160 acre*. No, 361, 5th district, ith section, Gilmer county. 40 acres. No. 995, 11th district kiu county, Levied on a* the property of H. J. Spray berry c. . 4 th section, Lump- wiain, *iu iset, conuimug one naif a-re, more or leaa, adjoining the property of T. R. Riple>, J. K. Wallace and Langstou. it bci'^t part of laud lot No. 50, in tu* 14th district of o tgb ally Henry now Ful- hereby give# notice of hie ep- 1 mors enohanung , j D to __ FINE MANUFACTURING JEW . ELLER, AND A SHOP WITH B^-Juuv H.—Tliil In- ALL NECESSARY TOOLS AND kaCJPn 1 ■«»"'« MACHINERY, WILL ENABLE iro. At Huun-'. a nhIiiIi- nl < ca TO MAKE TO ORDER ANY *TYLt OF ‘m roa l ami munnar 1 BADGES, RINGS, PINS, * ALMOST ffurea tl... itmUfttinto ANY ARTIOLE WANTED, i Oorermir. It *lu> I AND TO DO REPAIRING. BOW- x I EVER DIFFICULT, PROMPTLY, ’ • I I "i i ) ■ I AND IN ASUPERIOR MANNER- . »■'»«■ 'M.h+hl. | PATRON AOS SOLICITED. : TKoift’K, Iowa, AWlteM hrWifa i 01r ** r <1>® Mi""i"t(io^i if oonijiU inl, ami .. Act. ) thataaiMia n>nping; In the District Cesrt of tfoo United tttntss for til* Northern District *f Iteer- ffln— In Rsnkrsptry i ATLANTA Juns, 1871. The undersigned hei pointmentss Assignee for the Atlauta Add and Fer tilizing Company, in the oonntv ot Fulton and Mteta of Georgia, within said Diet riot, which has been ad judged Bankrupt* upon the petition of their credi tors, by th* District Court of said District. J. J. WILLIAMS. Jnn3 lawtw. Assignee. In the District Cnnrt of the United fftntas for tft* Northsrm District of Ocor- gln—In Baahraptry. A T ATLANTA, C1EOUOIA, THIS 37th day of May. Iff71. Th* undersigned hereby gives noties of his ap- pointiBant as Assignee of Jones k Harper, and Charles M. Harper, of Rome, la the oounty of rioyd and State of Georgia, within said District, who hate bean adjudged Bankrupt* upon the petition of their «'ieditors, by the District »'ourt of said District. ROBERT T. HARGROVE, maylt-lawtw Assignee. JT 0 T I C K r POLLED before BMSsaa astray. on i_ 1 of April, litl. by Hsnry Brown, of tbs 1 district. O. M.. of rnfoon esnnty.Gestgfo.ona low sorrel Mara, about 3 or Iff yaorsof ana, ell blase in her foca and sumo white spots on her rt •boulder. Raid mare ha* shoe* on her Mni fost wTZgum^ a. Tha owner is tar rr. SHARP A FLOYD, ram Csesg nnff J. A. PfoM*'. ftv Mol. to bo worth fifty dolfor*. notified to appear before m* prove pwrrfi. M end npinoa, and tahe hot ewer, afto oho wifi jU by the IMieriff of stad county, within ft# in#preocrlbod by taw. and tn terms 01 ft* fow. ton oonot.v. On * house. I-evinl on *■> t fries, a* trustee for hu> virtue of and to satisfy a rt fa iwued from Fulton Mu' Court, iu favor ..f J. it. Wallace v#. Johu > trustee, Ac. Property pmuted out iu fl 1 wife Martha A. JoffMe* by KU? June the Mth. 1871. ALSO, orS. U eitnated near the \$r«trr itic Railroad, tlin •• of Atlanta. ! perty of Jet i th- city ot Atlanta, in said OfWMf. Lsvtsd Oonk by vtrtne ot and t. aattary a fl fa lasncd fro Fultou Superior Court, in favor of Edmund Lee Onok. — attornsy, Juue 6,3671. At tho a Uf one, ot Atlanta, and knm rrty ie>into«I out by plainUfl 'n half one, more or leas, I*i»» e, * lot containing one- u the 5th Ward of the city the plan or said city ** lot wam^m tha cap!- No. 63, situated t>» Mari. tal budding ; It bwlnj |>*rt of tho 14th dfotrlct ot oruiua ly Houry now Fulton county. Levied on as the property ul Willi* W. Westmoreland by virtu of and to a tisfy * ii fa issued from th* .1 untie- Court »t the iJ34ili district. G. M.. In ftvor of Thomas Kite v«. WU11# T. West Levy made by fte-.ry Holme#, L. C.. ■’ turil Irek, Dtil. M. PKltKKKLON, JnneT-8d A. M. PKKKKKLON, Dept. Mh’rf, SReriSfU Salt far JuJy, 1871. TT71LL be sold befor- v V the dty or Atlanta, oh thwtret Tuesday m July uixt wtthiu . honn of sain, th* folloWing ju»p rty, to v Oh* third Inforrst of a <Htv ton iu the city of •Heated on ft* mu ner ot A'abanw and Mro u __ __ , , _ »urt House door in v V the dty or Atlanta. Falun county. Georgia, on th*first Tuesday m July next, withiu the U gai of Atlauta. Mrovdstfssts, om Afobsiua strict tiity 0\«loot aud ruunim: ~ five feet. Ouaaid ivspieil by the nry Buildings. Maid stfo third iuterest l>eiug the interest of Mr*. Emily Robert# ** heir at law of tu« <**ut* of P. J. Rmraal, deceavd levied ou a, the property ot Mve. Easily Bobortt. by vrrtue ui and to satisfy a back along Broad street at.v,-.i.vy-five Lot toimibry Brick Building . New Bern oftoo aud also tvv» Uuc-a ft fa. issued f c . Fulton c iunt) . ourt In favor o v#. M L Rob- rt# a id his wit. |Mv>]Mrty pointed out by plaintiff A. tt. PEkkElteON. IVpt fihenff. fa Mt VdM mrntee t'»*rl for the Akrtte# JNttrtrl of tlMrft#, f|>UX under sighed heraby M iw* notioo o' 1 1 jMUthMHtaaAs*lg»(« of Jar,y] i. Wh. <8 Fulton oounty, Oeorgi*. wh” h i* bean a.lj adj udgre I . District i bln owu pei.luui. by tho fHatrfirt t #«rt~Northern Dut.efUa. . - V.'SiJRTSLSl,. J It* reokruota,. No. *1 A LL person* in term tad eee MtUted to show •aura A before Bra later Bla- k. at Atlanta. On . on the twentie.tTday or$win. ei Wfock, a. tt.. Why ntifi Bankrupt ahm ld not be dfo«h*ry*<t all bis debt*. The second and third m**un K of nrvditors alii be held at th# #ame time and plac# •* Ifi-lf W. B. HMTTW. Clark.