The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 15, 1871, Image 4

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•a4er—•Chieafl*’* MekVwi Chicago ha* once again **toni*h*d the worn with a firat olaa* novelty— a Bum moth “Stock Yard,” ahead of anything of the aort ever oonoaived out of that enterprising village. The « Union Stock Yard”—half an hoar by rail from the centre of the tv—contains 345 acres, and has a ■ city for *1,000 head of cattle, 7s,j00 hoge and **,000 sheep, with stalls for 118,350 animals; and when all the ground is covered with pens, it will accommodate *10,000 head of cattle. . There are 35 miles of under-drain age, 10 miles of streets and alleys, all paved with wood; 3 miles of water troughs, 10 miles of troughs, *300 gates, 1500 open pens, heavily fenced r with double plank, nailed to stoat frequent posts; 800 covered sheds r hogs and sheep—*8,000,000 feet lumlier were used on these «trnc- res, and 500,000 pound* of nails; miles of rail road traok, with 60 witches and frogs, oonnect every railroad which runs into Chioago with stock-yard by a special track. The water is supplied Ire artesian wells, dug one to tne depth of 106* feet, and another to the depth of 1190 feet. These send water into tanks 45 feet high, whence it is distributed in all the pens and sheds, there being a hydrant in each of these. The wa ter can he shut off from any or all of the divisions at pleasure, ana to graph lines to all ;>« l rv: u bank, and, of c guard loss by fire, fourteen fire plugs are distributed over the grounds, and 1,000 feet of three-inch hose are at hand. But the strangest story to me was to find this stock yard a complete little world within itself. It has, of course, a large resident population; from one hundred and seventy-five to two hundred men are constantly em ployed Ire the company, who' take charge of the animals as they are un loaded from the cars which rnn into the streets between the pens. To ac commodate its own servants, numer ous cottages have been built; hut to accommodate the drovers and the buyers and sellers, a large hotel, sub stantially built of brick and oomnlete in everv detail of a hotel, is found on the ground. Nor is this all. There is u roomy exchange office, and tele- " larta of the ooun- oourse, this being in" the United States, a newspaper— the Chicago Sun—published daily, so it asserts,at the “Union Stock Yard,” and the organ of the dealers in cattle and sheep. To oomnlete this inventory, there is a town hall for public meetin, church well attended, a Sunday school and an excellent day school. The company luis in a single day received, iienned, fed, watered and taken account of 41,000 hogs, 8,000 cattle and 2,000 sheep, without the least delay or confusion; and again, on another day, received 5,818 head of beeves. The whole enterprise has cost, so far, $1,675,000—a marvel of cheapness. Chicago is a great and distributing centre for cattle, hogs aud sheep. By ten different railroads they are brought hither, to lie sent off again eastward, or killed and cured here. In pork packing Chicago threatens to leave Cincinnati far liehiud; and in I860, 403,102 head of cattle, 1,661,869 hogs, and 340,071 sheep Were brought hither. _ AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE. A t I J t V f ft, jfy Prwspwcts at the Cotton Crop. A correspondent asks us ooncern ing the condition of tha cotton crop geiMrally—whether it has everywhere Defalcation in the Pa Department — Misappropria tion of Fuads hr Mr. F. ▲.Mac artney— Speculation, Insanity aud Ruin. greatly damaged by rain, as in his section. We have for several days been carefully examining our ex changes for information on this sub- mct,rd we are satisfied,hm .liegr.-a, t ST*” damage by excessive rams is g< in uil^ Pest office Department, ha but not quite universal. We do not make extracts from the reaper* of t he several localities noticed, because their accounts are so very similar as to amount to almost literal repetitions. Suffice it to snv that throughout the great “cotton belt,” extending from the Atlantic to the Mississippi river. jiltVkCB ari.vKw *kttro Hr*w Wahhinoion, June 9.—An announce ment wit* mndtt here thin morning that i-tney, disbursing deck of Department, had bate Hunt to the insane awyluin for treatment Ab lie wtui well and favorably known in j the community, great mvmpathy wai #K* ‘ pruned, aud later iu the day new excite ment wua created by the report that a de ficiency hail boeu found iu his accounts of from thirty to thirty-five thousand dollara. It in stated that for some months *ippi river, pay,t bills apuiust the department “have there are very few spots inaeod that i not been raid with usual promptness, have lately been dry enough for the and that fast month the pay of tons of vigorous and healthy growth of'lie’the was withheld for some cotton plant. In very many lowland , Postmaster OeuerJ CWeHwsa i , •, • — .. «/ x 'j,..,,, first informed of the defalcation on rn- localities the cotton has been drowned | . w hntBBdi . to | v emmewed to out. and the staud lost; and ou tile i u ; t , 8 u K Kt.' the matter. He has uot yet uplands the cotton has become so 1 ascertained the exact amount of the lose, grassy that a view of it is very dil-1 Imt it wilt uot Vary far from 880,000.— couraging indeed. The job of clean ” —jo. ing it looks as formidable as did 111 | Mr. Mao irtney, oil being oonfrouted with the Pc atm inter General, acknowledged tile defab-atiou, and said it was caused oonneetion fabled one of the Augean stable, (mvi lnvented , required the strength and skill of a w j (h F ” (; AlUm , j, Hercules. Much of the cotton m r this “belt” has not yet even been thinned out to a stand. From tile im|iortniit regions of Southwestern Georgia; from the rich country around and below Montgomery, including t be prairie lands of Montgomery, Bullock. Lowndes, it.; from the fertile uml productive “canebrake” region of Western Alabama, and from the rich bottoms of the river, come the same of overwhelming and long-pto- trnoted rains, overflow and grass.— In Florida the rain apjiears to have lieen more partial, but in many j.urts of that State, too, the season has been far too wet for cotton. In the country north of this “cotton licit” and east of the Mississippi, the rains have not ticcn so disastrous, but none of this region produces cotton vary largely, exyept West Tennessee anil the valleys of the Tennessee and Coosa rivers in Alabama. Our in formation from the heavy cotton pro ducing regions west of the Mississip- ' is not so general as from tl kroatioo la upowloau t tare atari* to HkLJTIUtoiM ateHsiT* in two spaeahv- tious—the water power at Harper? Fer ry, ternu-rty owned by the Government, aud the Duke marble quarry, above Har per's Ferry. Macartney told the secretary he did not know the exact amount be had reves ted in tbuae enterpriaes, but be asaigued the amount with his other effects to tbe sureties on hia bond; aud in tbe Depart- uient of Justice now investigating the matter, they are of opinion the Govern Alabama 1 meat will not lose a cent, accounts! Mr. Macartney bus been suffering for ' a long time from u bronchial affesBon, and for two years tias scarcely been able to speak above a whisper. His wife is also in bad health, and this, with other trouolta, greatly impaired his msatsl faculties. He is a man of culture education, aud at different times bald ed itorial positions on tbe Clironiole, Ex press aud Intelligencer of thiB city. He is believed to be hopelessly ill and also insane. In 186!i lie was appointed dispurwing officer of the P Mr. CreswelL seliooimatc ol Mr. Cruswell's and eruoy- ed his unbounded confidence, as indeed lie did of all who knew him intimately. Death at an Army Malar Gen eral in the Ti Major General Charles Muudee, of Tallahassee, Florida, for twenty years, and until recently, when he resigned, an officer of the regular army, and a man of consmcious social position and large w ealth, died in the Tombs on Sunday night, in a fit of delirium, after having been committed to a cell on a charge of larceny. It appears that a few weeks ago General Mint- dee left his home to attend the re union of the army of the Potomac, at Boston. He afterwards came to this citv, and visited, among others, Generals Wright, Newton and Ham ilton, who had formerly served With him He subsequently (probably were suffering from temporary insanity) bought for $250 a partnership in" a low drinking saloon, No. 110 West- street, uml sat daily behind the bar, although lie took no active part in the business. Ou Friday his bar keeper was arrested on a charge of ,w~ • , , , . .. stealing from a customer, aud on the vm< * ° r I'l^nte, but they think, or arc following day Genr’l. Mundee was also made to believe by interested parties. tion eastof that river. Ouraccounts lead us to the conclusion that in Ar : kini.ias and Texas the rains have been jiartial, as in Floridu on this side of the Mississippi, but that great dam age from rain has nevi rliielcss been sustained in these two Status. In Louisiana, both east and west of the Mississippi, the rains appear to have been as disastrous as here. Accounts like these have very ma terially reduced the estimates of the cropof this year. We do uot believe that any one in the South now thinks it at all probable than more than three millions of bales can he pro- dnoeiL The prevailing estimate ap pear to rauge from 8,600,000 to 28,- <810,000, hut some are coutident that the crop will not exceed 2,300,000, bales.—[Colnmhus Enquirer. Mutilated Treasury Notes. A question having heen raised as to the application of the rules govern ing the discount of mutilated U. S. notes, and the use of printed dia grams, Buldivided into twentieths, was orepoiuted dispuning ’est Office Department, by He bad been an old Mrs. Macartney, ou Thursday, addressed a letter to tbe Postmaster General, in which she says: “D ti* uomos my painful duty to tell you of till- sad calamity that has come upon us. Mr. Macartney was taken SO tbe insane asylum to-day. The progress of hia disease bas been aocompwniod for months poet liy mental peculiarities Urel puve me great uneasiness. Recently his symptoms have been more prouounoed, and, upon the advice of two physicians, I have consented to place him under' ireatment, a step to which he conaented without much hesitation. I only regret f did not carry onf my impulse to go to yon borne mouths since and tell yon my fears. Much trouble wonld have been saved.”—|Baltimore Hun. Tlie Divorce Business. From the Church Journal.] li iH wonderful to find how often a hua- band digoovero bin wife to be incompati ble, offensive aud good-for-nothing, whan some younger or more attractive woman ban taken bin fancy! It is no leas surpris ing to observe bow often a wife discovers for tbe first time, suddenly, that her hua- lmud is “diuukeu, brutish or fiendish/' when another richer or more prosperoua man annuls ready to marry her if her husband wire but out of the way I If the Furnished for use in estimating the j law should offer to grant divorces freely, deduction, the Treasurer has made i tenfold more freely than now, and at tne - . 1 * -Id - “ , ,a • same time should forbid persons from marrying again, does any one believe that there would be one divorce asked whara uow there are a hundred? Tears ago a legal gentleman, who procured a large number of divorces in his early Draotioe, and huo afterward renounced the business absolutely, .u speaking to us on the sub __ jeot, said. “1. all my experience I never ’the original proper- i 11 ‘Uviroi-o mked for the sake of be- thus:*There might * made for onto the aggregate propor tions missing, and this diagram is divided into spaces merely for con venience iu estimating the loss. No matter how many parts of spaces may lie in lasing, no deduction will tic umde unless the aggregate loss is more than onc-twentietn of tt tiouB of tlie note, be ino.tenth of each of nine spue missing, but as the aggregate loss would exceed not one-twentieth no deduction would be made; for a loss of more than one-twentieth, but no, more than one-tenth of the original irtions of a note, but one-twen tieth of the face value will be de ducted; for more thau pue-tenth, hut uot more than three-twentieths, but one-tenth will be deduct id, and so on until the loss equals half of a note, in which case one-half will lie deducted.” - ———- Tree IVddlrr*. Our Southern people generally ad here to the old mania, Ilia! anything brought from a distance is suiwrior to the same article that is produced id home. Our Southern farmers who wish to grow grapes or other fruits, do not perhaps care about sending to England or France for their grape preliminary to a wedding, and with men quite os much as with men.” arrested as a confederate and locked up. Ou Saturday evening he was seized with convulsions and di«d iu two hours. The body will be for warded to Florida by Generals New- a by Ue ton and Wright, Shaller and Hamil ton, General Mundee leans a wife and six children. General William F. (Baldy) Smith will take charge of the body after the inquest and for ward it "to his family.—[New York Evening Post Tax Dccitiaa. Secretory Boutwell, a few dajaogo re ferred to Attorney-General hkeraMi the quetttiou whether the Slate of ‘Maamohn- ■etta ia entitled to a return of tha Inter nal revenue tax paid on divkUadaaccni- mg to the State aa a atM^hM(r> fo* Boaton and Albany Badruad. The At torney-General baa just aahmHted to the Secretary hi. opinion hTUecaae. Ha ■Wes that ha does not uaderetand Ole law to oompell the CommiWooer to re- land tha tax which 1m may judge to hare been erroneously collected. He Is ao- thoriasd, but not obliged, to refund, hint representing a guvesncaant that abhor, injuetioe, the OmnWauuer ohould re-: fond in all caste of lltegai uohaettoti. ea ospt aa apparent fantt of the tax payer or Mi eoqatoerenos ‘ iiiffiei-r* circuum* elaim. Whether such in this oaae ia for the ountafferetjon t<! Ooumiwnouoi. The Attorney U^io alter Atiuaiug the aeuun at arrrikl «t JrizZ'zziz uHtanoe Wot credit 3fcr hia pndoaaaaore inoaeaaof a **re to M»« o— hadore hjat. aa anaal—on is reaiaad iai Um oa this atoek were act ftilautag to tax. tad iafona. the Secretary that ha riiooM aammr that this <>i »*• cot legally cut- taetad, that these thiugs can only be propa gated in perfection at the North, and are not satisfied uutil they have made the experiment and find themselves minus their money and their expected fruit. We have plenty of good reliable uurseries scattered ullover the South, from Luisiaua to Virginia, where plants of every variety suitable to our climate can lie obtained, aud that too, from perfectly responsible nursery men. Then let us quit the su]R'i lu- tive folly of buying eur fruit tux's and grape vines from every peddler who happens to oome along—who with slick tongue tries to make you believe his wares are the “ best in tlm world.”—| Field and Factory. The member* of the principal reli gious denominations in the world are estimated as follows; Greek church. 69,892,71)0; the six other prieutal, (Jhurulioa, 6,500,000: Roman Cotlio- Kcs, 195,000,188); Protestants, »«.- 139.000,000 Mohainmeduus, 860,000.- 000; Budhists, 340,000,(88); other Astatic religions, 260,000,1X8); Pa gans, 200,000,000; Jhws, 6,000,000. t A Viokabuiw correspondent of the Haw York Hetxh) detail, in a column’, length, the wiile revival of Vou Joolsm, Of which i WW mmle mSiMiuu SUUM-Wsya aiut.-l *• —■ —.1. l.s.C>,a4.f MWw Itl.t.Ma MMlsia) ICv'lt _ h»»» tare wftred Uni we ms«le uiSowou «uu». «l»y» «i»> ussa arss brought Up behire » sswrt, iu srhiuh a negro loan waiksi =a ia^KgR3»SSttS In tbe London Lancet we find the fol lowing “hint” concerning man’s antece dents: “At the Cliuical Society, on the 28th ult., the President related the ease of ii worn mi who had died from eating her hair—a si range hot not an uuexam • pled mode of iuvolnntary suicide, for other oases have been recorded. It seems, too, that a similar proclivity is apt to be found in the Angora cat, attended with equally disastrous results. The tion \>as made that the cause of this deney, which was apparently moti might he found in some all but extinot iustiuct which shows itself in a few of the lower auimals. Such an explanation is interesting and worthy of consideration. Wereitmvea- tigated, it might possibly throw hjgbt upon other tricks and habits which—like nail biting, for example—are otherwise unintelligible. These might, fornught we know, be shown to be derived from man’s n mote antecedents, like the quali ties of temperance and fidelity, which, widely spread as they are among other clabsi-N of mammalia, are still also occa sion; illy to be found iu specimens of the human family.” The Sun Francisco Bulletin wants it understood that San Francisco is not in a tremble over the prospect of a di sion of the China trade to the fut cities of Puget Sound. The Bulletin says : * We are told now and then the route from Puget Sound to Chinn is some hundreds of miles shorter from Ban Francisco to China ; and that Oriental commerce will be diverted to the new route via PugetSonnd. All this looks well on paper. But the shorter route is uot oue of controlling influewse Boston is nearer Southampton than New Xork. But this fact does not coaoentnafee the steamship lines at the former plea* It happens also that the China line ia no longer following extreme Northern "* Uds , thadlkadvantages of rough have boeu found to more than ollfcet tne advantage of the tower miles to be trav ersed. It is well, also, to note the feel that ban Fraucisco will probably be the tt'rmiuul'of uot loss than three eonti- i tenia I railroads, aud that the oombined iudurnce of these railroads will be fat greeter than that of the Northern Pacific.” Lacy Stevenson, a young twenty-two, on Wedueaday, hung ber- aelf in a piece of woods near Bingham ton, New Yorfc. Th* Republican, narra ting the aircematanee, says: ( The Voting . woman me iun*ed by herpmenteduNiif, the forepart «*.f the ai ternoon. and tewnid awmieg eourch to made for her, and her hode-mu. found uupended by a rope to creed. It i« euppoeed dhaWnction was the result of a Had tern aided by «u-< per* »nd in a 111 of anger aliedid thenah f°* Mess a rather net, by climbing into a tr***, faateningthe thehottom of the j iop*> around her neck and a limb, and ' then jumping off.” pngnaani In dhain hm een. Sm to weilnwr to^n^pOeug ^Un, ' ’ orwiL oompallad to mil OiChe ieg Njnv hat, but it hutnaaeVteHante dftdli*” MtmdhFi #; l,j ■ Utimmj men often nNHetwwi ■ igiiNeg titimthnr Son< < flhtl^, Ahaliean, weee hie tHkmtikm nf 0enM 0 '‘When to rite, like it, tot he Write tknpwW em^mwMMhniLMe peepte thWk thephdiie deepen they don\ which jxodaoaen good dnnk etffeo/- 'ssrafjsisti^sis.Si ■‘■■iliitare^mn y-vlii tassjre atet iMjlnyreanl 4hB> trill for SMtaritto bmi«*»3*T Hm Heir York Are tiokvt—“Th* fawn C _ President, rite great «nd | Grevly, nf Mnn” A Prool mnatlon. amonaxAs JSlSrtbe 2P ff r. lo thr Public. IN THE CITY! To Maots. 500 Crates assort ed granite and C C .(Ware for $80 per crate. Cheapest ev es* offered in State. Send for list of con tents. Silver & Plated fare! C fife Immt«—SNwttet 1m OifCiW—• CHARTERED BY THC RTATE OF TENNEMCC. AROLINA LIFE INSUR’NOE Arnett. *1,008,703.90. Offloe No. 42, Msteilnon Stmat, MnmptUn, Tnn JEFFERSON**DAVIs]* President J. m. BMXVMk', Sawl »M, jr. rMcniD, M. »., m r. Bon^lMretary. €. m. i wtmt MBSXOAXi ■nr Atfomaii am. jam* r. juju. Jeefkbsok Davih, Memphis, Tom. M. J. Wirxs, Prwuilent M. A 0. B. B. W. B. Hunt, Memphis, Taon. Wm. Joynsu, Joyner, Lemmon A Gale. J. T. Pkttit, Pettit A Simpvon. W. B. Gunan-AW. Pes't Peoples In. Cm B. K. Punura, Merchant F. W. ■White, f O.B.I W. L. Vuam. , V W ton. toMlkre ILmIi. ti. a'tacrW; A Brare AOo. /.Cl E. W. Moxfoas, 4 0a T HIS OOMPAIQr waa organised in 1897, with a OnpNal 0toak ol «W Uah Bterdily iucreRMd ttt msmO iuUjU sow may MMaad a nflltta OolWas. . ^ M before Mr. DavIm ai ieptod the ProsUUag^ttt fSasWaS way folay fto bs «bMl by oa mOh OF Cutlery, Tea Trays, flHTE 11 ( JRATES, UDBBIOAN HOWaU ■nU HERB AS, ^ .,o«i«nareite .perekretete tbr- Xre. Itnti., <toXMV-svwltre>ti"fc tewjte. OKI TBOOktelD pouaxs wd oriivicx «v th. res ari tevtavtAt*' i,ai..t,.8retre trite s*«krilUM«itk . ..» «. r.' U.1 h- svreresvi.Mv tore re* rite rere.rire, •* *• note el te. qrevrite tete,rik|9.*iy Jan. ta te. re aws2 qUHlIUWT AMEJHVT ROUTS WORTH MJJ0T "Atm W**D vu Uoittyllie. ttlHREE driUy Bkprere terriris ren M. terMsx riretererrertereMMte, reti.. No OhfoDRtaofOfore HLIreis, _ JB.ire TTTA TJ'MVIMM ■ V-T.-M ■ ■ irT' \tZ.t We offer the fpheapest and Best line oi House - Keep- ws’ Groods in [•[the City. Cut lery, Spoons, Forks,Knives Waiters, Cas tors, Vases & Toilet Sets. In fact, any thing needed in a well kept house. Call frrith the cash IcBrifla & Co. HENRY CARD, MIF SMOKER Commission Uerch&nt, etc., AOqOKteriSSTIO* Hitt, OMARMBTOH, te C. tor Cotton, Rloe, etc., also ■ ot teilpplas *“4 B.rotendiM m- DR. JOS. P. LOG Ah, MEDICAL EXAM 18 EM, ATLAETA, T HOSE contemplating Idle Insurance are reapeotfnlly reqreritad to ssres- ln« Um of tkU Oomrear. Ta«r will l&d a Superior to Many and tatorior to No*a, to tto Totrillsh give Sound lissurteteeo at (too Least FsriMk Cast. W. T. WATER*, Gre-AgH. nso 1J OTV1C* » •-»• rWVJritel* SV, A'lLANTA. OA. y FrwUag Fareiregtr Mepet, ^ ^ IftHRRIAI. * CO., T he sun job office has just been suppued tvith a splendid assortment of the Latest Styles of NEW AND ELEGANT TYPES, BORDERS, RULES AMD OTHEB MATERIAL! And is uow prepared to do the Finest Grades of JOB PRINTING! THE PLANTATION .In .ig-rimllurml Wtrklg 91 Mrlsra Ff II, Published in JHlanta^ ««., EVERY SATURDAY. F*rriM3 per Jsnmm fsr Mmg-h Oyy. $9 50 fsr ClmU m€ m*M. |H fsr Clmkt mt IWssly. ■ pifTS p*peris edited by Rev. O. W. Howard, 1 Misled by Col. H A Alston, and is equal to iuj /••nrn»l of the ktndtn the United lltaiii in point of Am mu advertising medium It has law eqoais, aa tta bona tide circulation la Five thousand, and staarttty increasing. *V SEND FOB A SPECIMEN COPT. •r GOOD AGENTS WANTED. ADDRESS, MORRIS k HOWARD. mylft-lm Drawer tl, Atlanta, Georgia. Removal Eichberg & Ltnggwser, PlumbinghGas-VItttng «?* reM-^ryjfa*—srerre, Auction & Commission. 8 have opened Mu auction and commiMMion buMin- rei Th* Dugan Bmtldl ou Hill ttwti, where we will be pleased to serve thoee who stag need our servicer. We propose to sail any yutw ••I prop rty, deal right aud make prompt r*tuna ef M.l t. .1pm. <v>nsignments solicited. Ubetel advaacea mmaj. ou go -dri in stora, to be aoid ataaotioa. Hag- uUr sale days. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sales a' Real Estate promptly attended to. J. A. CHERRY, Auctioneer. mcdowell a oo. ORIITIN, OA.. May l», 18U. aylMa HITCHCOCK Sr WALD EH, wholesale aw aaran. ■an— n Books and Stationery, •« mrHTHi* rrxxKT, (VOWXLLX BIOOX,) ATLANTA, GA. K E .‘ velopes. ELF on hand s Urge and •tov'k or STATIONERY, rack aa Pi 1 A. Trenholm k Son. Charleston n. President Sooth Carolina 1*. Chari, sta n. 8. C.; Charles d; Menare. duo. A Da> uud; Meaara. Ill Knives, etc, Pine stock of Initial Paper and Blank Also, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS aud KfejUIKITEK. Choice lot of A1J1UM8 and MOTTO! relapted (or Huuday tkliooU, a large Itod of Mb*el- OAS FIXTURES, ,tots HARDWARE I lareona aud TLeologtcai bOOKS. Eiohberg A Laaggess^r, 89 Peaohtree trtrtoi' ’ HOWE a HtJRBt^ FOMMiaa AMB a«aVl T, °