The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 22, 1871, Image 3

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J DAILY SUN To HON. EPHRAIM TWEEDY IN TERVIEWED. MawaKa Jram *2 ' ‘f T| i|. , . .Tf *■ Wir l «A«»M.3^Wll>fcL^lVl (hr v, Trape*e—As t Koaimiillrr kt Is a ^hacs^ssUt ^WfoMre Uplt flu—a KH- lers |«t •<% Ds tifEtilf are lav 1. n anp|ii«f. N fa=^ fftflllfi [TY AFFAIRS. r City KabMrlbcn. E respectfully uk our city subscribers to notify • of failure to receive The Bur. We have node eoue chauges iu the city delivery, and ueuoe of this, some will probably be mi seed f fow day*—until the routes are perfectly learned e in charge. » abort time, we beg our city readers tobepa- I as they can, in case (ai'nres occur. We promise o that the evil will soon be satisfactorily nme- We are resolved to see that THE Bum Ip faith and promptly delivered to every subscriber. MAYOR'S COVET. : I J ft ' ■T.r.ggaWtMl Special Dlipatckes li fie la ■ The Bum has not yet fallen Into the habit of inter viewing distinguished men to auy considerable tout There ars twu raaaoiib why this is so. One la, diapoaitlou to become a bora to Unguiahed nr undtottngaiabed. and the other la. we have just as hUU disposition to be bored with list ening to opinions that In nine eases out of ten are not worth the paper they are written upon. The fW* is, the interviewing ftialueae tt a aflitf real bore, hearing heavily upon csUera. ah wall as .Epon those who perloruj the labor of talking and writing. G. W. Fine Clothing. But win. Hi (Mb uit un U invol.ol, s luuUtated murder, a railroad aocldent. a balloon ool- ••re-. a <» "Vjrt*NV |lu » »•“ be bbi and served up to a discriminating public, we are pot i be answers, merely to administer to the public appe tite Cor newt. An Instance of this kind occurred yea- terday. when sraunw j Y hoe- wmm+iu XWEEKX MdO Un*A« -HP to «U» dvBMl uf th, H r. Kimball House where Frank Marshall so courteously tmUo In *e admi: Yesterday morning, at the appointed hour fat Court. Alderman Lowry mounted the pedestal* Justice, and looked as stern and herolo as If born wipe out that crowd of old soaks he eepled In the dock. But it was all looks—he was putting on airs, really, which proved to be a mighty good thing for |he prisoners when it came their turn. Mr. Jack was taxed five dollars for disorderly con duct and firing off ^.pistol. Mrs. Cathoriue Brnith did not want any of the fain and foolish things of life. Hhe did not covet riches, lauds, houses, nor auy of Uxe perishable things of this world—she simply wanted “Jvnicx" gud that was all. Bhe said Nick Hwlth and another gentleman came to her house the other night, and ratted the very old Nick, to the greet disturbance of her peace of mind. Nick need some bad words to* wards the old lady, aud reminded her among other things, that she hadn't combed her hair nor wsabed her lace iu a week. This waa too much for Mrs. Smith, aud sh<* had Nick arrested. His Honor thought it was not much of a case, aud let him off with cos's. Going West, r friend W. H. Joiner informs us that he has o go to Shreveport, In., and cast his ' woe, amongst the Christian peo- Wbat is our loss is Bhrsveport’s that would have completely won the soul of Bacchus had they been dispensed anywhere in the v.ciulty of Olympus: Mere, we thought, la matter for an item, and we at oaoe determined to Interview him. Waiting until he had transacted the business he had in hand, and declining (as is our custom) a cor dial invitation PATRICK CALLAGHAN, was fined five dolibrs aud costs for profone language. He aud Mr. O'Shie’da tried cursiug aud quarreling A little, aud of course the Mayor took a baud. A go. -d deal of i.ti-aightfurward swearing was dons by the friouds of some splendid service Alderman Wells Wli i know of several other i improved. ay Concern. having left my bed and I hereby give notice to the t be responsible for auy debt » may make on auy account whatever, and s are warned not to give her cr< dit on m Bunn Thomas, Understand! ft T. 0. May sou is the ofl^inal ‘live Auction ‘•live Amtiou House" is at No term House, where parties will be pa. t < ' goods sent If they wish to have I y T. C. Mayson,—who is iu every way reliable * for all goods placed in his bauds. The I original Capt Barrett, the live Auctioneer, aud ■ accommodating man. is with T. (J. May sou. From West Point* oe young gt ntleman from this p 1 who Informed us that the only boats g done In that place now was by the --whittling that hia busiuess up here was to get him a 1 sharp knife, as all the metal there had been p on goods boxes, chairs and shade trees •ould do well to make a not of this, and i agent there with samples of his splendid Bedobteh —You appear to be a little lame, Mr. Twrkdt.-—Och, tbs bloody further of it. Its kilt that 1 am, entirely Both of me leg* she broken short off completely, and I'm in ordered generally. Kepobtke — flow did It all happen, Mr. Tweedy! Tweedy—Uegorrs, and tUiResojf that Uuu't lyjow that, I oau toil ysz. It all corns of an soddent ->u one of them murthersome railroads. 1 don't know for what they were ever Invlnted, If-they are to keep smashing deeent gintlwueti'a legs spin such a butcherly manner. Bad hick to the man that in via ted them I It's a bad business his mother was in when k » was e-boruin'. Uei-oeter.—But you ought not to wish to annihi late all railroads, Mr. Tweedy, because one of them happened to play IU with you. ffuoh an eodd'-ut may never happen again. Tweedy.—Be stay, now, umvourperui. It's all vsry nice for yes to be talkin' th$t w*\ when >ea got no broken legs to be drsggiu' arouud after >e»! But veait until you've besu wreck -d as I am, you're man ly beauty spoilt as mine la, and you’ll wish ihe dtvil had all the railroads aud yea had a pair of whole legs to walkwld. Reporter—But tell me how it happened. Tweedy—Well, I'ys lately been off to Louisiana, to see them fellows frase ios by ehtame. 1 didn’t quite be lave it could be done, and went down to see about it It’s all so, air. The hotter the sbtame is the solder the, toe comes out. It was cornin'back ti we ware and somewhere near Jackson, that the -ident happened. I was rldln* along se decently as yez place, not thiukin* of utjttun' in pertoulai, j HENRY HUMPHS1KS, eud Just the opposite was sworn to by old Mr. and Bsteree. They say Henry was drunk and came by the old man's house, wbeu the cur flew out st Henry asked the old niau If that dug would bite, aud upon belug auswerod in the affiriuativ# he replied that n that dog came out in the street (here would be a lively prayer meeting inaugurated right there. He weut on aud ilum came back aud pro posed to sever old Rateree's Jugular with a large knife which he carried. In other words, to get up a prayer meeting for his benefit. It was plain tint! Henry was a vicious uegro aud waa feeling h.e beer, lie however got off wiui a dollar aud costa. little imp of darkness, with hia hoad ( been throwing rocks at other boys. Bj o do so auy more he waa let off w .1 • >1 up, bad promising i cue dollar plead guilty to beiug druu*. Rooster, s negro wlt- wah the moat puaoabh-st druuk uuu be fact was so drunk that he could'nt task# veu if he had desired to do so. It coat him five dollars. THOMAS CONANT charged with being druuk and disorderly. He not attempt to waste the valuable time of the Court by an effort to disprove the charge, but plead guilty aud took a five aud costa. WILEY O'SHIELDS la doing business for somebody else, but takes as much pride and Interest in It as If It was hia owu house. Wiley was grossly insulted by an individual, loubt ol low breediug, which caused Wi ey's bl od wild, and he used some endecorou* language TELEGRAPH NEWS By Atlanta and Nartaflla Nava Acanoy. DOMESTIC NEWS. New Youe. Jane 21.—The woodwork arouud the boiler of the ooeat ateamehip Clay of Boston, lying at her pier in North Hirer, caught Are yesterday afternoon, and waa damaged to the extent of $3,000, whieb was fully covered by inanrauoe. The remainder of the' vessel waa unin jured. Died «f tear fasnji. Grace Sadler, who eat her throat here on Hobday, died of her injuries jester, day. Sha waa 82 yean of age. Great preparations are being made for the laying of the oumerstone of the Ho man Cathol ic Chapel of Oar L*dy of Victory, on MeDoagal street. The oere- mon; will take place next Saturday. Marta* Mmlltn. The ooming regatta of the New York Yacht Club to-morrow is the general topic of conversation. A considerable amount Of money is invested on the re sult. The Sappho ia still the favorite, though the Dauntless, Maggie and Os good, and the new yacht Dolnmbia have their backers. From present appear ances the number of speculators will be very large. James Gordon Bennett gives two challenge oupa, one for schooners, valued at $600, and one for sloops, valued at $100. Or* mi JbvffrMMl In th* SfwrJv Market. The wildest excitement exists in the New York Exchange this morning, with wider fluctuations in railroad securities than have taken place at anv previous time since the war. Rock Island stock, which opened at 1.30} this morning, dropped d^wn on an nvcf.tge dnclir?:* <v one per cent to 1.20. A * point Hn-iv waa a flnhscqu*-iii rally, uu«l **1 s weiw mule at 1.2U4- Another dediiu*, however, followed, and nt cloven o’clock the price declined to 1.154, and hL twelve o’clock it had reached as low aa 1.18. A perfect panic exists in these stocks, and other securities, iu sympathy with them, are excited. Northwest Common d«-ehm d from 77 to 754, but rallied to 7fig. New York Central declined from 08J to 97|. Meaty Fallmrta Mi ■te the LoaieviUe Ledger, xeys the foot that'«« wimri. f.\-. Secretary Fish lie* not renewed the l< eee l * u, " itonrei.i; >>— 1k - , v otl * * > *** x: of the bonne occupied by him, end i. ! -•*«■ -t-dxieo umotk,: now peeking up hia furniture, i« regerded ! “ ‘"i 1 *> "•n <n>n as eoncloaive proof that he intends to 1 J*" l,v * resign. J Ool. Pierae, Mayor of Entac. Al«ieun-, 1 “ ' S ve testimony still more demsging t-. “ e Kadioelprogrsmme. He proved tin'.’ the hot st Eutaw, upon which the Hedi- calx have laid greet etresa, wee eommenc ( !j,' ed by e negro firing at himself, liy which • vo.- augM t-iirail b**n» UNtolA'*- bar* U.u . k«ttl« i-euclei-eil to loaf V\(fcW. S-ogar j-i.. uicha-is «1, at U>«, IS, and 1SV Whi*k>—t n*y weak at 80 centa. Iron bound cotton to . ,: low louidUng ia*i«a'te. Hitscxllaneax. Dutch FeU’s Restaurant, riJwVf Jnmetf i “*T Tf.SWHlD WITH A he was wounded. Nobodv was killed and the negroes were rooted. Governor Alcorn and Judge Hemerall, of Missouri, are to be summoned by the conservative members of the committee. Another negro cadet has been appoint ed to West Point bv the negro member of Congress from the Belrna District of ▲ atiama. Jaoobeon, United States District Attor ney for the Southern District of Missis sippi, testsfied before the Congressional Ku — - Klnx Committee, to-day, that there is no Kn Klux organizations in tliat State, and no difticnlty in oarrying on the regu lar admiuirtration of justioe. FOREIGN NEWS. Thitrn JMmkm • JfrsMrM#*. VimaTT.T.US, Jane 21.—Thiers in speech in the assembly last night said that Franoe, after paying dearly for her error, would establish, in the near future, an immortal and imperishable name, which would efface the memory of her misfortunes. tevtf/cwf/Mr « London, June 21.—The Saint Thomas Hospital was formally opened this fore noon by the Queen. The Princess Lou ise and the Marquis of Lorne were pres ent The oooasion was very brilliant. The building was filled bv the most im" posing and distinguished assemblage. One one platform a great number of the royal family, noblemen aud ladies were gathered. trim Ui m FUmmmt JM—4. Vjknna, June 21.—In the Assembly to-duy Vuu Roust stated that the rela tions at present existing between Austria ami ..II foreign powers were of Uie most friendly nature. S/rtMN.y teuton m teJirfiM. Vb'.ihailleb, June 21.—The Germans object L> the proposal of the Military Comit-iiue lor organization of au active field l'•rev numliering 36,000. as that is great• • in excess of the number stipula ted iu the treaty of peace lately oouclu- ded between the two nations. The following failures are re|>ortcd among stock brokers m the result of the panic to-day: J. II. Gillespie, Jan. Ails Killed by Llghtalng. I private letter received at this office from » learn that on laitt Saturday eveiling, ga thunder storm, four mulea. belonging to , Bondoraiit k Co., were killed-by lightning, and r had ita leg broken. The loas was about one i dollars. e letter also says the rain continues almost daily ; t neighborhood. Superior Court. his Court convened yesterday morning, when nt iu the case of Harrlftou Weatmoi eland continued on motion for a new trial. The i, after reviewing the plea, ov«Trul< d the mo- 1 the verdict of the jury is in force, case of the Juror who departed from the f during the trial of the above case, a fine of fifty s waa entered. i divorce was granted in the Ponder case. 1 unimportant motions were made, among a several divorce cases, when the Court adjourn- A Set of Faithful Serv ■terday the Grand Jury »f Fulton county made report and were dismiased. F<>r twelve long f weeks this body of men, with but a few days. Of Intermission, have been incessantly on duty. Among the number were some of our most promi nent mercantile men, which of course has interfered materially wl*h their regular business. Day after day, through rain and heat have these me- been prompt in the discharge of the arduous duties they were selected to perform. How well they have done It the public la already familiar. In discharging them yesterday. Judge Hopkina complimented them in the highest language for their efficiency, and he had, in hia feeble way, endeavored to aid and assist them to the utmost of hie ability. These gentlemen are well deserving the thanks of every good citizen of Fulton ronnty. - - Joku Ke ecly Will Offer for Sulr on Hie Bargain Counter, Commencing Mondav, June Huh, a very desirable lot of goods at prices which cannot fail to ensure their speedy sale. Those goods consist in part of a job let of white muallns opened on Friday, Ifith, and also of other goods whlob have been added to this lot, from regu lar stock, but which be has decided to sell while there la still a demand for them. Amongst the goods offered on this counter will be found: White Mnalin in almost every grade ; White Pique from IU »,c per yard ; White Brilliants (beautiful styles); Towels, Table Linens, Napkins ; Child’s Linen Dresses (ready-male) ; ▲ faw Drees Goods, Gloves, eto. Prices guaranteed lower than similar goods have ever before been offered. JunlWJtJ Corner Whitehall an l Hunter HU Quick Time i Neva York. The long contemplated arrangement for double daily trains from Atlanta to New York has at last been consummated, and will go into effect on the 1st of July. The evening train, wh.cti will pro ably take tnost of the travel, will leave Atlanta at 3 p. m.. and teach Newj York the second evening afterwards making the unprecedented time of forty-u>ne h i .re and thirty-four minutes, which is soma seveu or eight hours better than has b en made hcrut ifoif. The fralna will reach Dalton for sapper, where tike pas ta will probably be able to take a sleeping car that will run through to Lynchburg without change, tod another will take them through from Lynchburg to New York. That flue mountainous country, tra versed by the Tennessee aud Virginia Railroad, will h* crossed during the day, instead of the night* as haretofore, giving travelers an opportunity to enjoy *• fine scenery as can be found on the confluent*— Those immense mountain ranges, that stretch for ■dies and miles along the road, and over which the trains pass, are a perpetual wonder to those who an In love with nature. Their beauty and their gran- toa unsurpassed au> ra in 'ie world, and we havsfrequently heard passe..,, rs re; * having to “we them by night. We remember, when we nasaed out of bllin' watlier, eud Jlet e-wou tierin' to meeetf the divil had to do wid it all. when suddintly e»»» oau in »• i a bump-bump- bump-bumpin' that t thought the bottom had .alien out of the universe end kingdom sone was about to be down upon us like a million of brick walls. I Just time to holler‘‘sbf'e offl" when off she lLtirely. Bad luck to her! Hhs gave ue uo true to be Either gettin oat of tuat But the b'oo ly baste- Just turned a double somerset a id emptied us all of ahape. BEi-onna—What was it that tamed the somerset ? Tweedy.—That murthertan car—the lnglue—the whole railroed—the universe the eon, moon and stare—<U waa about toa millions or stare that I saw, though the inn waa a-ahlnln’ aa bright aa ever it shone at midnight,) the ground, Hie spalpeen turned double summerset, and hit me all along of my body. Those men who were In the car wid me also turned several distinct eummen Bets. One of them lit on my log, and another on top of‘him, and the third of top of usaU.' I hollowed inUrther. fire, Ku- Klux and every other murtherin' thing 1 could think of, and then asked efoni of 'om was e pTaste. I just thought my time had come, and I'd letter be noein' about the baggage that i might i hi ck on the nunc train wtd me to the other world. I had per formed many trapeze trlks iu aud out of politics, aud had been in many tight plaoea, lint divil a one like Reporter.—But how did you get out ot the scrape, Mr. Tweedy f Tweedy.—Well, yez see, after the earth, sun, moon and stars qnlt turnin' somersets, aud resumed the regular ordag of business, I begun to understand the situation. I found tl»st>t!ii' - meu were on me leg, and each-ama weighed about a thousand atone. I gintly whispered to the oue next me, " Be Jaaui sir, yez hurtiu’ me leg I Be off wid yez!" He smil ed back at ■•* and aaid, " Acunhla. that I would, but teBOAre atop of After a while the top rolled off, add then the negj and the gan to <eel about fda^oself. t > fin ' what the divfi had.b* 000 * 6 of tii» |<a iV. I found I waa all there, bnt in »’ damaged c .nuition. No bones were broken, but all were bent tremenAmsly. Me left leg would have passed for an ox yok(* and me right would have made a Uraclau bend fori some datvnt girl. I thought I most have caught | bad case of the rheumatism by being so suddeufly thrown out lu the cold. Wbeu 1 got to Jackson I hunted a duct her and ask ed him could he mend a broken ncok, set a backbone that was unhinged, and unite the hard knots out of nia lega. He looked at me. aud folt of me aud aaked me for tin dollars, Iks bloody spalpeeu. He thought as mo body was so badly broke, be might ns well break me pmaa toa. 'bad luck to him, aud the divil wiUgsthim Boon enough. 1 asked h in what did be take me for at all. He aaid he didn't kuow, as he had nlver seen anything In my shape before; but would take me tin dollar*. "May it beamlll'on whin yer get it, says I. aud left him. 1 thou got some vinegar and red clay and made some mud wid it, and daubed meself up. And I managed to git tbfe far. But I ain't reoove.wd meself at Ell. I«a -’t uo more dance aa Irish jiu Ilian 1 cau look at Frank Marshall withoat Call lag tor a dhrop or two. $ei>obtrr—j(haA ffaffqiaite an accident, Mr. Twoe- ay. ’dt was eujbgfe to.pulyffu down oa railroads. Twf.edy— Begorra, they were dowu on me hard enough before lver I waa dowu ou them. Bad luck to the man who inrintod ’em I The interview uloeed with ah Irish whisky toddy. Miller tooting the bill ou condition that Warren give the toast. m A - *. • ATLANTA MINERAL STRING. It k«ts Passed last# l>w Hands* and will be ffladea Host Pleasant Resort. roed remember, wl in the spring, how we stra... oar yea, trough ths twilight, to catch the ikstgLiup-si ol graoefhl curves lying against the beautiful bite Virgin^ sky, and how, when It grew so dark that we 00Q M not see, and we were forced to abandon the ate fempt and seek rest iu the palace sleeping car, how Impressed it upon the minds of both the conduce tor and his sable “night bower," that we wanted to •rooaed Just as n*on as the first shimmer ot th^ ■’••mn, bla.h«d along the horizon. We were a*ak- toed at the appoint* l time, aud found the lumbering ta*ln almost ready to begin the descent of the moun- • In an Incredibly short time, we were dressed apon the platform, unwilling that a single view ■fcoold escape us. We sew the gray dawn broaden Into daylight, bathing those magnificent hills In •Meador, and we saw the sun-rise pat its kiss upon ike exalted brow of the Peeks of Otter, and were repaid for the few hours of lazy slumber We yesterday paid a visit to the Atlanta Mineral Spring, and waa most agreeably surp'iaed to find our friend F1UL Siam iu nharge. With his usual energy Mr.fftmsHs gone to work, and is thoroughly rr- novtUag, refitting - and repairing generally the building connected with the spring, llte streets leading to the spring are being well worked and graded, and, and In a day or two the drive there will be a pleasant one. The beat way for vehicles is to go out Mitchell street to the Macon k Western Hall- road. and thence down to the Spring. Every con venience ia being fixed up to make this a plcasan resort for invalids as well as those seeking pastime. The water ta excellent, and the atmosphere delight fill, pjiil. proposes tg keep a parlor asperate fori ladies VM may dedlra r*fr*«Si«antii « ben visiting the spiioff. and guarantors the beat of order. We are glad some one has taken this thing in band a bo ■rill make it what it ought to be—^a decent place of resort for our dtisecs a»d vl» itora. a the spur of the moment, which auy other cue-dug ' tlD, Hobart Wnih I*. Guor>?tt S. Rro\ man would have done. He o»ne<t up to it. and paid five and c-*ste. J his made Wiley groan. Several cases were not reedy for trial, li up this morning. gopher soyp. How Newspaper Reporters “Go for** It— Glued aud Wined—A Clrateuastu* John Wise, agentlowan well known In this ro munlty aa a man of very little leas wisdom tbai Solomon, had a small cargo of gophers brought to this city recently, determined to set lunches of gopher noup for his customers at the American Hotel Bar. But John's birds had uo idea of being picked by lunch eaters, aud night before last they escaped in a body, and broke Into the kitchen of the HoteL. On the arrival of the cooks In the morning, they were laying around loose, when an ad-Vance l meat waa made upon them. They were captured, aud cruelly pitched into boding water. The dinner hour arrived, and the disconsolate John was In. vitod to dinner, whi n, to his great horror, he «aA served with a plate i-f gopher soup. Tills local waa opposite him at the table; and B was hiartrending to witness John's agony when ha dipped up oue of the "liftle mca" of his favorlt- tK>- pher. He knew liy th - mark « f tli - string with which it had born Led. that it waa bis favorite Vance advanced to the rescue, amt appealed to phens to bring In a bottle of wino. It had the de sired effect; and John convalesced, and went for the gopher in good earnest. A second plate waa < for all around, after the first had been washed down with a capital glass ol "Modoc.” And thus the dinner progressed, till all were satis ted with good things It was unanimously voted that gopher soap was a good thing; and Vsn< knowledged that he had a sufficient number of go phers in reserve to fnrnlsh soup for dinner to day. Gallery of Ihe Presidents. Hon. Dev. W Lewis, Scoretary of the Georgia Aff-. ricultural Noctety, has begun a collection of Por traits of the Presidents, In oil, which are to b • the property ol the Society and an appropriate decora tion lor the Secretary's office. Two of these por traits are now completed aud are hanging in the office. That of the first President, Judge Thomas Btoeks, was tainted from a daguerreotype picture, taken quite a number of years ago. and those who kuew Judge Blocks fifteen years since, attost Ihe great accuracy of the llkenosa. The Judge'Is still living and Is lisle at the advanced sge of eighty- three. The other Is the portrait of the second Presi dent, Hon. Mark A. Cooper, and is aa admirable likeness of the “old Benin." The artist has not only mad - a correct drawing of hie subject, bat has caught the expreasmu of features whlcn in moat natural with Mr. Cooper, both portraits may be roga-ded as very exoelteut wo.ks of art, and entitle the artist—Mr. John Maier, of this city, to rank very high among the beet American portrait painter*. The picture of the third President we do not find In the Gallery. This gentleman was Hon. Dav. W. Lewis, the present Secretary, and It in p obable that uotious of modesty prevent him front hanging his own p >rtialt where it ou$ht to Ik*. It ia hoped, however, that Ool. Lewis will uot allow himself to be governed by such notions. The Gallery would he incomplete without hie picture, and It ought to be hung there now, in its proper place, beside those of hi* two predecessors. Certainly no one Wwulff at tribute auy motives of to hliu in so doing. The fourth President was H »n. 11 *n, W- Yaucey, whose term expired only a few months ago. We And only a large photograph of him iu tha Gallery, but the portrait will be supplied as soon as Mr. Yaa- o y can find time to give Mr. Maier a sitting. The portrait of General A. H (Totqultt, the fifth and preaeut President, will be added about the Mme h term expires. It is ths design, we understand, coutlnue adding these portraits as that as Pttal- doutial terms expire, thus adding a most admirable the collections of art aud nature which adorn the Becretary’s office. We observe that during the past two weeks the ffioe has been entirely renovated, ami Its appear ance changed for the better. Th* hook-eagr» s it4ka and tables have all been newly peiuted aud grained; much ot tha old rubbish has been removed, and e<ly vppearanco generally given h Colonel I/ewis returns, he will s. spar talents. removed, and a, . thin .s. • Whan In Searck of his 1 ink reHia. One at our city poticemaa !waa aapostu laf|ng vary ri *B exWkitosly an AHaffBg «ffidais siato ' i withajfitowff of talkative persona, and In order to elaborate aud ges ticulate, he laid down bis umbrella. While ha was talkiug, a wag slipped It awsy. aud put It In a store close by. As soon aa the M. P m soed It ha couclud- * —' “ ‘tM-.Wh itt khd anttag-upon the ed a Mttla Migger told M W impute.*, he struck ont up B°*ev*r, w* don't know that a>l this has anything i Hr n to Whitehall, 'Ughlarc, enquiring of afiy body with an I toil himJuukaf- < * 4o with the announcement we set ont to make > j ter getting book to hia poet, wet with i>erapiratioa ■eferanoe to the double daily trains aud quick aud tired out, his petasel wea hauded him. lo Mew York, the official announcement of Meaxi,—What hu loses has a DoUavipan With au Win tttBMff*la|tfsw days. * ' If Ul I » ' Failed. Mr. W. K. Fox, the well known fbrnlture dealer of tet-> city, waa closed Up J,**««erday by tha ageut of parties tn Boat n. Mi i ix ta- been hi t, furnl- bly know as a prompt bus in--a mi . He ba» suc cumbed to the emergem > nt the tuuu*. bnt retains his integrity as a bualuosa nuu. If crsdltora per sist in forcing their clairaa promptly at this season, there will doubtless be numerous suspenaiona. as money is extremely aeerce. Going a|t Hlgkar. The top of the store of Meeers. Hilvey k Dougher ty Is being removed, and another story wig hr pat** , at criminals ouly. The next regular tor A Wits flour! CfllivtiiM III lloLlher Earl k SaltonKtHlI, D.itro A Thom| and W. B. Woodward. It is pioliable that most, if not nil, of them will be able to resume, aud that their suspeusiou in onlj temporary. jssttrr Are /c <*d In Memphis, Juue 21.—A s[x*cial tr.-ui Little Rook says, iu Uie caee in bank ruptcy against the Mississippi A K«*d ]{ivpr Rnilroad Company, Judge Cald- Wrli has immed an order for the Company to show cause why they should not be I ul into bankruptcy, mid has enjoined he < ifioers from disposing of its irau- ehise. Hmd tAtlU itmlfhmrm. The conduct of the Germans in the occupn d districts in attracting much at tenti* it iroiu lac press. Many journals publish violent attacks upon the troops and severe reflections upon the military discipline of the Germans. It is alleged by the papers that man? instances have occmivd wlier * letuoles have buffered iu- suit did indignity. High Jink* An MlvUmtippl. Jackson, June 21.—Considerable ex citement was created here the day before yesterday by Governor Alcorn, who re moved Me ‘ easrs. Kimball, Raymond & C< of the Pilot, from the office of Pnh! i lie Printer. H»* also removed J. C. We ber from the ofli •« of Mayor of Vicks burg, and appoint' d Ur. c! A. Foster as his successor. Rouen J. Allison and H. T. Fisher have beeu appointed Public Printi rs. The cause of the removals has net yet been made public. It is understood that Alcorn will tsk Ronk, J.itic 21.—The disturbances whicn occurred ou the occasion of the Pope’s jubilee last Saturday, proved to the Itahan authorities the prudence of having a u oil armed aud powerful force at land to suppress such troubles. The Pope expresses the hope that it will soou be posM •!** to carry the cross through Rome without popular interference or outrage. ilj! Ciln Unbgd. use AT KUHN A SMITH’S popular Gallery sr** Out shod every day some of tha I ptcrures ever made In the State. Compare oar with that of other establishments, and yon Will at one* see the difference. Ho pictures mad* ■ Booms uii the Sabbath. Ws leave that to oon operators-#50 aud costa. That gets the beer on ll'iikius Juul7< RflJ* R. M. ROBE A CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Atlanta, Ga. Bass' Bitters and hehuajips. Also, Blister's Ginger and Cherry Bran dies at lowest figures. June's B. M. ROSE * 00. RUSS’ St. DOMINGO BITTERS la a most valuable stomachic and tonic, and is aa well kn->wn, or better known than any other Hitters, and bet'er established. For sal* by JuneLx- It M. KOBE k CO., Broad street. AROMATIC SCHNAPPS—Tli. Aromatic Schnapps, msniifsctaesd In Holland for Johii A. Hubs, nave uo snptolor In the market. Thrj Ere know a aud used all over the civilised worlj.snd “None know Uiem but to love them. None name them but to praise." For sale by B. M. BOHK k CO., June 15 Bros 1 street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. WE HAVE SECURED THE »CR- VICE8 OF MR. O. 8. TAIT, AN EX PERIENCED WATCH MAKER* NUT RECENTLY FROM SCOTLAND. MR. ’■’AIT HAS WORKED IN SOME OF THE FINEST WATCH MANUFACTO RIES INE J t OA i, N 3 IS PR VI * J TO DO ALL KINDS OF FINE WORK SUCH A8 REJEWELLED, MAKING NEW ESCAPEMENTS. AND ADJUST* I.4C FINE WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. ALL WATCHES LEFT WITH US WILL BE PROMPTLY AND THONOUOMLY DONE AND SATISFACTION GUA RANTEED IN EVERY INSTANCE, sprig u SHARP i FLOYO. RAILROAD MEN TAKE NOTICE. IVE HAVE RECEIVED TO-DAY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS A LA ROE ASSORT MEN T OF FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, IN OOLD AND SIL VER CASES, OF PERFECT WORKMANSHIP AND NEW DESI *N8. OF THE FOLLOWING MAKERS : B. Howard St Vo., Boston; American Watch t o., Waltham; National Watch Co., Klein; V. 8. Watch Co., Marlon, R. J.; Giles Watch Co., also tkc Celebrated ■tens Winders or Kejrloes Watch. THIS STOCK IS OFFERED AT VERY ATTRACTIVE FIGURES, ANH YOU WILL FIND IT WILL Y TJ TAKE A LOOK AT THE OOODS AND THE PRICES, AT SHARP * FLOYD'S JEWELRY STORE, ATLANTA. apl-ltof CTpu l COOK., An-l * . I,liter mode, u .ppUanas; a*. xr.vLs it all hours. A3- «*’•*"* ** 3 MAD *5 FEB WEEK. • L»H. IH.-r. rr.L M .BKXT AFFORDS WILL ALWAka aa FwUhD at his tables. INTELLIGENCER. Atiaxi t. Ga., June 15, 1S7I. J H Wl. liought, at Assignee's Sale, the entire In- tothgt-mwr newepeiier property. It ia open to pur chase fount me. or other sr.-angeniunt, till the first of July, as private business forbids my publication of It iimuedistely. ll not sold, the latflligeuoer will be revived and continued ae a DEMOCRATIC PAPER. Auy person desiring to buy or make any arran . ueut lx the meantime, can confer with Mr. N. ft.nior of die firm of Wall ce k Fowler. Atlanta B. O. YANCEY. jeWtljy dixwiw o. jovrs. HOYT & JONES, Ba. .ikera and Brokers, ATLANTA, GA., - in Gold, Silvox*, Stuck** lloade, Mortgages, ''oreign LxchHiige, ml other Heouritien. H|»o4!|«I Atlenllon G.VFrV TO OOLLtC TIONS Vorgtt* national Bank, Atlanta, • atioiuil Park Bunk, N. Y. LEE & HIGHTOWER Orlilln Ga. li/iry and sale stables, NLX r TO THE GEO . GIA H' »TFL. K ELI’S FINE and SAFE 81XX)K. sod ELEGANT HUOOIt 8. FH.E TONS aud CAHRTAt »ES. ■mg. Cba’.lebi- i oit Grilhu, bj- at- Hpriiigs. aud to any poiut iu reach u J L-ouveyance. i ta eouveuient to the above named places, NOTIO £]. CullFgn Commciiccmcuts. af CmI to AVuvre (* It. Londg>, June 21.—TLe lto.tul Com-; mission, i-veutly uppoutted t** inveeti*j gate* and i i» jt l upo.i coal l esourceh ol Gtvul iintaiu, Inw rujioi'teJ favorably. Tn*; (J-muuihHiou stales that there is coal i nottgii :o la t England a i ht n and years. r mkomi Th it Hptrch A speech was delivered by Thiers in It Assembly yesterday, in which lie deuouueed the policy of Napoleon os the lead throughout the campaign H “L-uid and the real souic-e of the diaus expresses confidence i!mt with a united whioh have befallen Franoe. The expresses party to back 1 easy aud certain. Ou the other lion«l the Democratic pa pursued by Gumbettu was ex eiisablc, though peace ought to have beeu made with Germany when success r ... aud leader* ar,‘ eq tally us confident I 011 tl "' P“ rt of tlle »nny ol the Loire be- u they were in the Dent oknvasn. h.-iiele«. It was thought by Thiers f that it is necessary to pay the German Omaha, Nebraska, June 21.—In the j indemnity quickly; still he was not in (Constitutional Convention, on Monday, ' favor of levying an income tax, or the re- rcsolution8 were offered instructing fin* 1 establishment of measures simply t«* re Committee on suffrage to inquire iut«> Me t stabitsh a few taxes whioh would pro vide the money necessary to meet the demiuius upou the couutry. Franoe, he < v-oueluded, should aud will derive many advantages from her misfortuuea. Parties wishing b W. P. B R. for h T.C. Msy«< propriety of striking the word from the Constitution; providing laws be passed abridging the rights citizens to enjoy themselves as they please ( on Bunday, or iu any way interfering „ _ with the customs of foreign born citizens f ** r ,9M 0r *"** ,HO * that day, also asking that a claim be in j A letter from the ArchbUhop of Cam- nerted prohibiting conuties from voting bria and the ilishop of Avres to the As aid to railroads. s«*mbly, demanding a resumption of j French protection in Home, has been GRCAT SNLEOF FINE HORSES. nr0lc,,f *' I presented to that lt<q]y. Memphis June 21.—Pnley Mackey, of, Enterprise, was drowned to-day, while " " ' '* * n intlier of arrests have been made <4 . tiles for ouiieotiou with the ■f.’ Ink Among those ar il are Juuoir and De La Motte. IT GIVES US PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT HAVE ADDED TO OUR CORPS OT WORKMEN A FINE EN- .•JtAVER, RECENTLY FROM * VF 6r CO.'S, NEW YORK, .iND A *E NOW READY TO DO J LL KINDS OF PLMN * ) 'N ' iVIcNTALLITTERING C)PH. *b. rfiONOQRAMS, AO., IN FAC f, ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS N ELEGANT STYLE, AND AT SATISFACTORY PRICKS. ALSO, TUG ADDITION OF 4 tl •• I M ANU.rAOTURINO JEW- El EH AND A SHOP WITH A.i. » FCESSARY TOOLS AND MACH NERY, WILL ENABLE US TO MAKE TO ORDER NY STYLE OF BADOC-S ttlNCS, PINS, A ALMOST ANY ARTICLE WANTED, AND TO DU REPAIRING. HOW EVERD I CULT, PROMPTLY, AND IN i SUPERIOR MANNER- PATRON 1G B SOLICITED. SH iRP A FLOYD, 1 JEWELRY STORE, WHITEHALL ST. j LEGES will be bold a COV N >TON. June 18th, 1871. OXFoitU. July 16th. 1871. ATHENS, July noth, 1871. s desiring to attend any of said Cftiutoenof*. (tetnru tickets good for fifteen days, froi i-afore the t'ommeuceineiit day. Jnlyl* till July 30 8. K. JOHNSON. Huj.'l ASSIGNEE’S SALE. ’* Nto V. A. tV-tlrirl C**rl Ur I hr .’y'mrthr, Oi.trlct mf V-rgim—iM the .Halter mf Mni Arm* ST f« Mimknptey. 1 'HIB is to give notice that I will soil, pursuant to so order from the lion. U. 8. District. Court .Northern District of Georgia, On .Houtlay JUomlng, st 10 o’clock, July 3d, 1871, subject to incumbrance t c Furniture Factory of Rondeau a Co., Bankrupt *.tuat- d on the corner of Butler aud Harris street in the city of Atlanta, consisting of the house au lot, and evert thing thereon or therein, at public out cry to tue highest bid ' " Jam* 15 W. R. HAMMOND, Assignee. UfiOflUfwf, Fulton County. OaDnunx's Office, ) Atlanta. Ga., June 13,1871. J 1 E**8K M. COOK has applied for exemption of per il sona'ty. and setting apart and valuation of u h -nie^.< s((. and I will pa-s upon the same at 10 o'clock t. M., ou the 37th day of June 1871, at my of- j.16 PEASE & HIS WIFE. s° rae if you a~« poor and need FINE PEACHES, • ill (fiv you your money's worth or guess a juuWdti The Live Auction House , No. *3 De Glare's Opera Hoasc. stepping from one coal ll if b> another. M—rmmti m€ the .YW»f*r .f JVr,fA«r-fs-lMc. Long Branch, Juu» 21.—Tin* Pr»*sident and Mist* Grunt left here thin morning to pay a visit to Elizabeth. Tnoy will return Friday morning. Th* MhU Hadirml Slat* Columbus, Ohio, Juue 21.—The Radi cal State Convention assembled at half past ten o’clock thia moruing. The Op era House “was jammed from pit to dome.” It is the largest Canveution ev er held by the Republicans in Ohio. Af ter music bv a brass band, the Conven tion was called to order by Hon. R. D. Harrison, Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. Gen. Chas. H. Grossevener, of Athene, was chosen temporary Cnainnan. Upon taking the Chair, General Ur*r aevonor made a speech, sayiug the future of the party must be judged by the pas . tosftwl .VWpss JY*mtn*ted. At 3 O'clock this afternoon Wade and Galloway were withdrawn and Geueral Noyes was nominated for Governor by acclamation. WASHINGTON NKWS. Washingon, June 21.—General Slior- an baa returned from his extended tour of inspection throughout the West aud Uottthwest and is again in hia office in excellent health and expresses himself much gratified with his inspection. He has given particular afteufcjcn to the con dition of Indian afhdvA n».»l *>*t**-id**r-. • e apridtcnHionn, fplt in . «»htd q uru .*■. *; . whic-npivad and devMHtaiiiig Iudion mu along the Western fronher am in a great measure unfounded. In regard to the sKitoida r oF«Vh» Indians on the future .3 M gh Stoat Kiti'mted Higher. The Gazette of to-dav announces the elevat to.i of Earl de Grey to a Msrquisatt. Th* .V. »r y.-tarh Lamm to sr LUt* Mat Vmk-m. Paris, J.tuo 21.—The new French loan ia proving highly successful. One per Cent, pr tuutiu has Iteon advanoed on the seculitre*. The Bimrse is ert>wded, and much exeitem nt prevails. A number of large tronoadious have already taken place. ./ Mrerrt Treaty Rxy—*d. Lon lx. , Juno 21.—It ia reliably stated here that'a M<vret diplomatic treaty ex- istn between the Austrian aud the French Governments, having for its object the prevention of the proposed transfer of the Italian Capital to Rome. TJ ii -tiny, Juue 1871. yy ILL HKI.L eight's F. C. MAYSON, X OB! KVKKVBODY KEEP COOL! Priced RcAmceS ! Wit Rim the Reach of J// ! ! r N ronseqnem-e of • redm-tion in cost of tr*un>or- totion. aud to tucrowM the oouuauii>bou, 1 have juuouu the p. tee of ICK: «c per FssBit by the 100 lb*, and Over, •#*r Panted Befall or Lc than 100 lb*. K 'Qexhbustibls supply of Pure l>-e on band. 4*srtir« aus.r.uM to wake six-cial srrsagoiuuute for v «.» the to* (IlEO ius.) o. b> the ca- !«ad, will iW». 0 ..-*l, aud liberal is.* o<irr**«ooitd with toe dn tl.»- be made. Jnn.-ii I -e floujos ou Wli.toluili -treat by hia. simI Mart Its street by JOHN H. GUO YES. oo WL MMHOIAL H F. BMERY, i* st 18\ route. ....fl Iu - sellmg I 13 *• ’ selllug 8 Exchange <mi New York, buying st par. SeUlof ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES fCAREFULLY COBRSTTED DAILY.] «*>* «rde derlna Gauds* U •bunkd be *•- red that these are WHOLE- HALE PRICKS, ffmall orders higher rates. The Huemg* at Felix Fymlt. Paris, June 21.—La Gaulois asserts that Fi in Pyutt lms escaped, and is now in Loudon. Double Au*-11or Put<0i«*«l Cloth... Double i’htsulx. Exivlslor The Ti-ial at Maehrtavt. Vbbhailles, June 21.—The trial of Henri Rochefort has been finally fixed for next Monday. Much interest is man i tested CU-or rttiOed I'anvsMMi-d ilsius. Plain M A ll lv I'TH BY TEI.EGHAPli. on ta a * o■. | Naw You*, June 31.—Ordinary < "ttou la quoted st 18, (Odd ordinary 1T*(. low mid tltng 19t%, mid dling 10),. good uuddUog'illa. Lovisv illv Juut* 31 —Coitou dn'.t aud lower, nmi. lUngs la qrotod st IVj^. Fl-nr is v. t) firm, wiUi a better tnqoiry, bat the eupply is light: XX Family is bald ol $8 18. Oort la Arm *1 Tic. lor shelled. Wheat Is firm; old is qnoted st fl.560$1.65. A note of a» bosh eto of thensw crop of oats was made rew'rvatiou, •‘OtenriK'Mtf 8herm»n »ay» ii -***-• (• h«M .1 »i.oo (.roertn u, qni.t bm i* IrtWI lh»* they h*v. recently nuuiifuited * CMtiye bouiuty uni desperation, and, faeareWySn Ml pWerr. tlx oblige- tTr’ , the first one of which peace, he will rmmud the oease furujaliiug tlu*m will then use viuorous auppraas aud puu- ■haUreab. The Srerotrey of War ha. giren order* forth immodnite (apply of MO honea to tl. mmIij i* (fowiil lfoynold 1 , d. fronl Wnliingtoa to-d*y to firm. Prime Mew Orleans sugar 11 So- Th* Hzy mark t 1* del. Oho4... is heM at $19. Frovtatous qu»v. a u-q. Jt»* i nk |UN. lis- oop sboul4*rs. «'»s; tt. r. otdas. h 49: |>ock*i s. c. house, 14S; plaiu luuus, 13', Lord—iu to*. 10».* in keg* US- far prim* leaf. Bulk Meats aru held st the quotations f->r Be. 0 .1 Whtsky is du 1 at Mo for raw. Lato Tobacoo is as- tiv* at full pries*. Hals* of 38 hogshsa-ls (438) were W*r* mads at f M SB. ffiLnramyoph* Japs 31—Ootton qoiat; mlddltog* M; Orleaas. bo qnotatlou. Ci»ctan*Ti. Jnne :t -F*W»r quoted low grades dull, *« u 7>asft <0 Qtnry toads f 7 U0«7 40. Cora lit IWr demand ths works! qitotoiious for white and Goldsu Syrup. N. O. Syrup. MUAto fins. Mails On-*— Hpt* ra. WLols.. lord 8 H i S .AX ...ffl 3 no 1 as «*l 1 38# 1 T8 **1 1 to# 1 U JUU17J1 Auction St Commission. t\ r ' rrstiy notify the putdlc a d business meu >it--rally test we have op«Uud *u suction HUuiMtu. business b- Usg« t prop, rty, deal right aud tusks prompt *11 a too. Oout-lguuieute solicited. 1 ibarsl odvi tusut- on goods iu st->rs, to be sold at an. tion. ul 1 1U1- -toys We ties levs sn t Saturdays. Ss It- ol Estate promptly attended to. 1 A. CHERRY. Auctioneer. Me IK) WELL k CO. GHI-FIM. 0A., May 13. 1871. my'W-Jm iNOTICE. CITY ENGINEER'8 OFFICE. Atlanta, Ga., Ju ; ilsieULS for CLEA2CING, GRUBBING and GUvDING s TURNPIKE ROAD betwtau Atlanta and e«stur. will bu received until July let. Right reserved to reject auy or all bido. jmtel*-till July tot UemglB—Fulton County. Pi'LTON Bvraaxos Count—Apuil Tuh, 1871. Mantua V- Utan) [ Libol for Divorv 1 a. Knx. > Court. ing that I ia aaid Mate Of Georgia, it >*. then-tor,-, ordered by the Court that aarvice of said libel be made ou said George A. H>an. by publication of this order in auy public gazette la this State once a mouth for fonr months, previous tit ths next term of this Court. — Granted by the Court. J. M. Calhoun 4 Boa.. Plaintiff's Attorney. A true ExtraJt from the minutes of said Court, Jan* 1st. igri, W. 1. VENABLE, Clerk. COTTAGE FOR SALE tv, arlfflu. I iirrdr j ——-—-- 1 "- ts. hoiu.u , .^.umTwM .(, (OM, n.«(T»ttai> u« u.1 nH*..(.5S/ 1S.MM , to. «m«iiU-(( *n.M(tM(ia to,-M* oil wtato. V,t,r ,»(.«(.. Wifl (w «,U tow to. ouh poroltoM.. For tatatw IIIl.^iiT*— to a. W. BtaoUwurt.1 or to Urt "*‘ S C. UOOUWTK