The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, July 27, 1871, Image 3

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THE DAILY SOT. Thotsdai Hoskins... ...Jolt 27. SUN-STROKES. It is officially announced that dark hair is again about to como into fashion. W9u Among the Southerners registered at the New York hotels, is Judge Erskine, of this city. WS“ Old times docs not always bear himself very stately ; but his August son is approaching. —j ► *@_ Hon. ffm. D. Kelly, of Pennsyl vania, has gone to Colorado for his health, Why didn't he go to Mobile? 4taS“- The Cincinnati GaicUe has a long article on the "National Democracy.” Why don't it write about that of which it knows something. KU A Radical exchange coIIb Akerman "our distinguished Attorney General."— He is “distinguished" as knowing leas about law than any of his predecessors in office. t&- The Memphis Appeal of tho 24th says: “Grant attended church at the Branch yesterday. The telegraph does not say that ho prayed.” It is generally understood that ho “preys without ceas ing." WR, The Pennsylvania Central has mode arrangements with the Ohio & Mis sissippi Railroad by which the two use jointly the bridge over the Ohio, at Lou- isville. The next thing for Tom Scott to do is to monopolize the bridge and make the Ohio and Mississippi pay toll. 1&, The Hew York Sun has au account of an Indiana man who “preaches like Mr. Beecher, lectures like John B. Gough, and gets married like C. C. Bowen.”— Now, if the man oould only travel like Grant, drink like Dick Yates, and Bteal like Ben. Butler he would be a perfect prodigy. 1&- Gail Hamilton affirms “as the most painful and unexpected result of my own observation that the grossest vio lations of courtesy, modesty, delicacy, and decency attributable to correspond ents have been perpetrated by women." If Gail continues to say naughty things in that way the publio will 'begin to fan cy that she is a woman. Mr. Greeley says: “I have done a lit tle, and hope to do more, toward secur ing to every human being opportunities to earn an honest living by his or her own useful labor.” And, in addition, he might have claimed that he has done more than any other man toward throw ing such a “protection” around those who are trying to “earn an honest liv ing," that they aro compelled to pay, on an average, for all tho necessaries of life, nt loast fifty per cent more than they are worth. love soxa. (.1 Mormon wife tings to the air of u O**can't Serenade’] JIT THC AUTHOR. Como shsro with mo my husband'* home, Our goods and chattels—come oh, come I The best of all I will divido, To have you with me by his side. Then eomo with me and share my love, We’ll livo like violets in a grove. And oh, th* arms of the sheltering troo Are broad enough for yon and me. There are many girls who are fair and true, Who would take tho love I offer you; But none in whom so sweetly blend My husband’s lover end my friend. Then do not turn your eyes sway, But let thorn hitherwopd kindly stray. For, dearest, all I say I'll prove When you concent to love my lovo. Then come my lovo, bo not afraid, You may bo the mistress, I the maid. Together we’ll love’s losson learn, And take our husband's love in turn, Then come and let those eyes bo kissed Till their toara shall vanish like a mist, For tho hoart of him whom I adore, Is largo euough for three or feur. Cun dn ran go. From tho New York Time*. The victims of cancer who have been anxiously looking forward to a time not far distant, when they would be able to procure a supply of the South Americau specific, “cuiiilu- rungo,” will be pleased to learn that Dr. D. M. Bliss, of Washington, ex pects very soon to obtain a sufficient quantity to furnish all who may be in need of it. Hon. A. II. Lanin, naval officer at this port, made appli cation a few days ago in behalf of a friend, for some of tho specific, and in reply Dr. Bliss wrote, on the 15th instant that he bod none to spare.— lie says: “I receive but a small quan tity at a time, and it being my pur pose to treat a few cases here, where they can be under my own observa tion, it will be impossible for me to send any away. The remedy, as well as myself, having been attaaked, I de sire to demonstrate to the public what it will do, which necessitates the nbove course.” In a circular note, however, the doctor says he expects to receive a sufficient qunntity by the 1st, or tho 16th of August at the farthest, to supply the profession of tho public as they may desire. He says that enough lias been developed by its use to assure him that it is the most powerful altcrativoever in the hands of the profession, and that it possess es a specific influence over the poison of cancer. “From the statements of the physicians of Quinto, and my own experience in its use, I am con vinced that the ‘cundurango’ is quite as reliable a specific in cancer, scrof ula and other ulood diseases an cin chona and its alkaloid have proved to lie in zymotic diseases.” The indictment upon which M. de Itochefort is to he tried contains the following four counts: “1. Provoca tion to hatred among the citizens.— 2. Incitement to civil war and pil lage. 3. Publication of false news and spurious dispatches, knowing them to be false—consequently coun terfeiting pnblic and private writings. 4. Complicity in murder by insti gating the arrest and execution of the hostages.” The Darts Scandal. The recent newspaper scandal affecting Hon. Jefferson Davis, hay ing originated in the columns of the Lonisyille Commercial, that paper, upon the publication of Mr. Davis' card, very properly makes tho follow ing creditable explanation: The article which appeared in oni Saturday's issue upon thu subject went to press before the telegraphic dispatch giving Mr. Davis’ card of denial, which appeared in the same issue, was brought to our attention. As Mr. Davis passed through Kuoxville on the 19th instant, on his way to Memphis, he lias taken the earliest opportunity to make the denial which he found on his arrival there, was “deemed necessary. ” As be has met the question like tho gallant gentleman which we have never doubted him to be, aud has given the story, as promptly as he could, a denial in the most emphatic and judicious language, we hope the scandal will bo consigned henceforth to that limbo reserved for suoh stories upon men who are called on to bear tho burden of unenviable conspicuity. No feeling which we have toward Mr. Jefferson Da vis is tiDged with any shade of malice.ond it was no disposition to do him injustice which led us to publish an item of nn- pleasant news abont him, which came to us apparently well authenticated. If the story is founded in malioe, as he asserts, we have no part either in the fabrication or the spirit which prompted it It is a pity that some of Mr. Davis’ friends and defenders are so much less judicious than he is himself. He may weil ask to be dehvered from suoh friends. The Air-Line Railroad. A Barnwell corresponeent of the Charleston Courier says: the citizens of Anderson are quite excited over the Air-Line Railroad, which they seem to think, and with very gi reason, too, should come through this place on its way from Gainesville, Ga., to Greenville S. C. They are now having surveys made by which they expect to be able to demonstrate that they will not deviate more than five or ten miles from an air-line by com ing to tliis town, which they think is but a small matter compared with the advantages to be derived by pass ing through this rich and thickly set tled county, which will contribute much local traffic to the road. The county has subscribed three hundred and fifty thouand dollars towards the road, providing it passes through this place. Should these inducements fail, hey claim that they have legal rights to fall hack upon which will compell them to come this way, as the origi nal charter, whicli lias never been re pealed or amended in that particular, provides expressly that the road shall iass through the town of Anderson, Should it come here it will make this the only railroad centre m the upper portion of the State, and as there is some probabilty that a road will he built from this place to Augusta, it bids fair, at no distant day, to become quite ail extensive place, having rail road communication with all portions of tho laud. The town has been crowded witli people to-day, who have come from all directions. From the Sarannah Non, 38th. ANOTHER “BORGIA” IN THE FIELD. {topnlar Jamils String fUatf)ine« ► A Husband Witnesses the Death of Us Wife and Three Little Children Poisoned by Her Own Hand. The most awful tod appalling tragedy that lias stirred the hearts of any oom- muniiy in this section for many a year, if ever before, occurred in Efflinghain county, about two miles above Station No. on the Central Railroad, about 3 'dock yesterday morning. Mrs. Ash, the wile of John H. Ash, formerly of this city, killed her three lit tle chitdien end afterwards committed suicide by administering a sufficient quantity of strychnine to prodaoe almost instantaneous death. It appears from what we oould learn from a gentleman who was an eye wit ness to the horrifying’ scene, that Mrs. Ash, formerly Miss Laura Dasher, of Ef fingham conntv, has for a short time past been slightly deranged, at least she was cted of being in this oondition from Curpet-Baggers. A short while since the New York Tribune paid its respects to carpct- ;ers after a manner that was not at all complimentary to tho genus. The Springfield Republican now falls in a belabors them in a manner as follows: They arc doing more harm to the country to-day than the locust or caterpillar, or auy other kindred iest. They are teaching the less in- elligent and discriminating South erners to despise and hate the North ern people more heartily than ever; they are debauching the freedom; they are bringing disgrace upon the rent Republican party and uiioii he National Government. That their rapacity is insatiable, and that they steal every penny they can lay their hands on, are comparatively tri- iul counts in the indictment against them. Yet this constant plundering is a very serious matter to tho com munities which are plundered. It means increased indebtedness and heavier taxation. It is just such ras cality that is making the name of Republican a stench in the Southern States, and bringing suspicion and enmity upon honest immigrants. And matters will not mend much so long as needy and greedy adventurers arc appointed to responsible Federal offi ces, and fellowshipped by Northern Republicans on the floor of Con gress. The Plague of New York City. There are 20,000 tenement houses in New York city, and in these, it is said, fully half a million of people are crowded. The greater portion of them are hugo barracks, littered all over with dirt and festering humani ty. There are 294,000 persons living in such as these in New York city, according to the report of the hoard of health. The death rate, taking the average of all these, is seven per cent per annum, while the rate of social destruction—crime engendered by the pestilent associations among the mass—is beyond calculation. It is probable that seven-tenths of all the crime committed in New York city—the murders and burglaries and those other demoralizing crimes that arc included in beggary and prostitu tion—spring from the training of tenement houses. One of these tene ments, Gotham court, is being rooted out Upwards of 84 families (384 persons) lived in the one bnildmg, all huddled together in a mess of amaz ing filth and wretchedness. una _ certain singular appearances and conduct noticeable to those nearest her and in most continuous association with her.— However, nothing serious was appre hended, exoept that her husband felt a little anxious abont her, and communica ted with her brothers on the subject.— This was all. No more serious apprehen sion was felt, although her husband con tinued to keep a strict watoh over her oondact. A short time previous he had urchased a small bottle of strychnine nr the purpose of destroying the rots end dogs that were rapidly killing off their poultry. This he seoreted in the night time, taking the precaution to lock it up in on old bureau drawer, hiding the key in a place least likely to be dis covered by his wife, no other person in the house knowing of the hiding place. Sunday night all went to bed as usual, though before retiring Mrs. Ash sat down and wrote a long letter, to whom we oould not ascertain, her husband read the letter but did not suspect anything, al though it contained an oocount of her feelings towards certain members of her family, with whom there was some un- S lessontness. Mr. Ash took all three of le children in bed with himself and his wife. Mr. George Patterson, s friend and relative of Mrs. Ash’s, occu pied an adjoining room. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning, he and Mr. Ash was aroused by the cries of two of the children, end entering the room found Mrs. Ash in the act of taki a spoon from the month of the old< child, a little girl, who had straggled and resisted until her cries woke her fa ther and his friend, both of whom feel ing alarmed, asked her what she was do ing. She replied, “only giving the chil dren a little powder, end am afraid I have not given them enough.” They begged and entreated her to tell them what she had given them—Mr. Ash tasting the powder which he discovered on the mouth of one of the ehildren, dis covered that it was quite bitter.— She finally took him to the bureau drawer and showed him the bottle of strychnine from whioh she bad dosed herself first and then each one of her three little ones. It was but a short time after this before the mother, a young wo man about twenty-five years old, and her three interesting littie children, two girls 0aoannal|.01)ipping Cine*. MURRAY'S LINE—NEW I IRK Or SAVANNAH. EYEBY TUESDAY took each roar. INHUKANCE BY STEAMERS 09 THIS LINK, ON* half per gent. CABIN PASSAGE ......,.$20 DECK, with subsist©** Jtife Jitanranre—Jlrooifit for ffie gelpteoe. PaPABWnmim SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMFY, $25.00 Saved! $25.00 Saved! PRICES AND TERMS OF WILSON (SHUTTLE .The first dees tea m ships! LKO,. - DEARBORN, Oouii VIHOO, BULKLET, Ooauudtr, Compose this line, and one of th leaves each port EVERY TUESDAY. Through bills of lading given by these steams by all railroad connections, and also through lading given In Savannah on Cotton destined for Liverpool and Hamburg by first class steamships. For freight or passage, apply to HOTTER A GAMJfELL, M Day street. PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH MAIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY. PHMMm.MMMEM.PUMA AJTMM 8A- 1'AJTJTAMM. EVERY SATURDAY from each pout. INSURANCE ON COTTON BY STEAMERS ON THIS LINE ONE HAL* PER GENT. CABIN PASSAGE $90 DEOX, with subsistence 10 This line is composed of the first class steamships WYOMING TEAL, Commander. TON A WANDA BARRETT. Commauder One of these steamships leave each port EVERY SATURDAY. Through bills lading furnlshod by these steamship# by all railroad connections. For freight or passage, apply to HUNTER ft OAMMELL, 84 Bay street. Sewing Machines. Fox* Boston. No. 6, l and one boy, were lying stiff and cold in tbo arms of death. Dying in rapid suc cession, one after the other, the mother, although the first to take tho poison, liv ed to see her children all die and then followed them herself. It is said the struggles of the poor little creatures were awful, the oldest falling baokwards was drawn together in suoh a manner that her bead and feet nearly tonohed each other. The afflicted father held his little ones and his wife in his arms till they breathed their last. The time was too short from the dis covery of the deed to procure any aid, although a physician was immediately sent for. Ho arrived in time to save the father, who, in his efforts to discover what the drug was, had swallowed enough to render his condition dangerous. Mr. Patterson eame to this city yesterday af ternoon to procure coffius to bury the dead, aud as soon os be returns an inquest will bo held previous to the intermont. i. Pin bx so No. T, Folding ^ 70 80 Si. 8, Full Cabinet, 100 110 Mo. 8, Folding Oorer. 130 WARRANTED FIVE YEARS BT WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. m tlurebl., made of a. good material aa any Machine In the world, aud that it wUA4o aa elegant work. • W. H. (MUFFIN, Oen. Agent. Jy7- >1 Peachtree S THE ATLANTA Ice Manufacturing Co IS NOW BEADY TO SELL ICE AT THEIR DEPOT, At the Bridge oa Broad Street* Where ell orders will be received and Tickets sold. mce sejtt air hail TO ALL CONVENIENT POINTS. TEB.M8 CASH. All orders should be addressed to EPHRAIM TWEEDY, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. P. 8.—Orders for tho delivery of lee at residence* BeapeotiVilly Solicited. Jr».2w Sad Accident. We learn of a sad occurrence at Gave On Saturday evening a Mr. •, who was there on a visit from Alabama, took Mil. Smith to ride. The horse he was driving wee very fiery, and ran away with him ng he was going down a steep hill. Both riders were thrown ont and injured; the gentleman it ia thought fatally, and the lady very geri- ousty. The gentleman wia not expected to five through hut eight—Item. Doily, HA GEORGIA NEWS. he dwelling of Mr. L. N. Callaway, of Milledgeville, was burned last Wed nesday night The Milledgeville Good Templars mus tered in only forty-five recruits last Fri day. Bainbridge is smacking her chops over a wagon load of the new crop of sweet potatoes. Tho people of Forsyth, Monroe oonn- ty, seem to be “terribly in earnest” in re gard to erecting a cotton factory. Col. B. G. Dockett, of Southwestern Georgia, was able to plant only five thou sand acres of ootton this year. The Mayor of Coiambus fines polico- men $22.50, and snspends them two months, for being drunk and disorderly. The Worrell Troup has engaged the Columbus theater for the Fair week the coming fall. The Branswiok Appeal of the 26th says: Mr. James Ward, late of Charleston, South Carolina, in the employ of Cook Bros. A Co., st their saw mill in this city, accidentally fell across s piece of timber lost week, and received internal injariea, from which he died yesterday morning.” From tb# Macon Telegraph, 38. Bill Macon, the cowardly blaok scoun drel who shot two women of his own col or near this city some two months ago, was arrested yesterday, and lodged in jiiL He had returned to the scene of bis das tardly act, thinking perhaps, it had been forgotten and was caught. From the Monroe Adrertteer. 3S4h. A few days sinoe one of our oldest and most esteemed eitioeoe woe the recipient of a letter and enclosure of a character seldom realised in this selfish age. We K ite from the letter: “Pleeae accept enclosed sight draft for $600, ass to, ken of the highest appreciation of yoa in every sense of the word, os well os the ploeeantnees end advantage* of the for mer business relations, and with the view that it mn aid, in some degree, an honest, charitable, Christian man in the cloning yean of his life.” From Iks Monro* Adratlaar, 38th. The colored folks enjoyed (?) a. Fast Day last week, after their own style.— How much punishment was inflicted up on the flesh and the devil, we will not pretend to estimate, bat auppoae there were many pious followers of the < Change o£ Schedule. OFFICE MASTER OF TRANSPORTATION,) Macon ft Wsbtxbm Railroad, } Maoon, July 12, 1871,) DAY PASSENGER TBAIN. Leave* Atlanta 7:55 A M Leavea Maoon 7:55 A M Arrive* at Atlanta 3:10 P M Arrives at Macon NIGHT PASSENGER TR PASSENGER TB All 5:0C Leavea A'lanta., Leavea Maoon.. Arrives at Atlanta.... Arrives at Maoon I Tlie above schedule goes into effect I e&r 7 Inly 16,1871. julylACt H. W. BRONSON, M. T. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE TO TUI NOllTII BAHT AND WB9T M Via IsoulavlUe. T HREE daily Express trains run through from Nashville to Louisville, making KTo© or Oars FROM LOUISVILLE TO St. Loots, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chic ago, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Sew York. ONLY ON* CHANGE TO Baltimore, Washington and Boston. ZiOTTXaVZXiXiXI. Thmsfh Tlch.t. and Baggage Cluck. pic of on breakfast and dinner religiously, to all j after the regular appearances, bat shortly dining hour tho wit dsUoted hiding array aa immense amount of mvory provender. Upon some surprise being oipramsd at her unfaithfulness to religions daty, an excuse was offered.- “Do Lor* l brens couldn’t stan’liim any longer. Do spirit was Trillin’ bat de flash wm wmk, braa de Lor* I” Tie bin done'perithed r. Despiril Pen Lucy School FOR BOYS, NEAR WAVERLY, TwoJVUUs JTorthof Baltimore. T HE undersigned, lately a Professor In the Uni. versitjr of Georgia, wiU reopen his achool at Pen Lucy, on Wednesday, 13th Sept’r Next. The position la highly herlUifdl, and near to aevc churches. Boya are treated aa member* of the family, and required constantly to observe the de portment of gentlemen. Testimonials to tho school are Item the very highest source*. It haa always, among tta papUa, eons of the very beat families of the South. R. M. JOHNSTON, Dutch Pete’s Restaurant, Under James' Bank, JJAS ME* RMOKMTLY FCRNI8HXD WITH A zero. ioo6k, AadiUothw modernmriiooM.i MO- Mom mrtruKD at all hotjra oo- REGULAR BOARD M FEE WISE. «*. TH1 Bin THE MARKET AFFORDE WIU. ALWAYS BE FOUND AT HU TABLES. ■ssti ». won. L*u T.ui ok kVa rank HOYT & JONES, Bankers and Brokers ATLANTA, QA., DwUn In > Gold, Silver, Stocks, Bonds, MortgOTM, Domestic and Foreign Uxohsags, Railroad and otker ■eowtUao. Biwolal Attention GIVEN T O COLLECTIONS. ■afar to (Margin National Banl^Ariaata, j THE BOSTON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LIN* The steamships Oriental, Capt. F. M. Bwii. Vicksburg, Capt, 8. H. Matthews. CABIN FARE $20 00 DEOE 10 00 Through bills of lading given by rallroed agents to “ by Steamship agents to pnn- Bobton, and in Boston L *9. Through bills of lading given to ProvMenoe, Pall River# Portland# Lowell, Lewrontc, fto. Paasego tickets sold at railroad depot, and stats * — *,dvanoa by writing agents in Ba- RICHARDSON ft BARNARD, Agents, Savannah. P. NICXERSON ft OO., Ajsnts, BoetotL For New York. ATLANTA, Grorgtn. JOHN B. GORDON. ilJVIVa PaaaiDXMT. A. H. COL QPITT, vtoaPtmeman w.c. MORRIS, BOARD OP DIRBOTOHS. J. B. GORDON, A. AUSTELL. WADS HAMPTON, B. O. YANCEY, W. A. CALDWELL, D. B. MURCHISON, JAMES A. GRAY. D. *. BUTLER. E. W. HOLLAND. WM. JOHNSTON, ROBERT THOMAS, F. J. PELKEB, H. V. M. MILLER. O. H. PHDfUT, J. J. ORRQO, A.R.C j. s.r GARB. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders and Dlreotor* of the Atianta'Dsipartasa t the* Southern >Insurance Company, the undersigned were appointed, in un—ylanet with the earnest ft>Mrs of the itary, a committee lo exi President and Secret S? tided In being able to state t o Company has been conducted by the offioeva with economy and fidelity; and that oar 1 the great success of the Company aud Its ability to furnish to Poliey-huhUra aa paths* o oountry, has bean strengthened. theOosnpaay** Nfisiii, and are policy -holders, that the bo shines of CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF TENNE88EE. AROLINA LIFE INaUR’NCE CO., of TOTmcpmh, vannr. Asset*, #1,086,703.00. OfYIoo No. 43. Xv4a,clija Oil Street, Memphis, Tenii c JEFFERSON DAVIS, President jet. J. H’MCKH, first wHee President. P. T. PETTIT, AmmsmI Flee JPreMident 9T.P. BOYERy decretory. THE GREAT SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. EVERY THURSDAY, Insuranoe by this Line can ba effected under oat open policy at one-half per oen^ CABIN PASSAGE $20 00 The first class steamer* Herman Livingstone, Cbeeseman, Com. Gen. Barnes, 7. O. Mallory, Com. WUl sail as follows: H. LIVINGSTON June 1st, at 5, r. u. 4:80, r. K. 2 9 4. i GEN. RARNES June 8th, at 8, p. •• 11 22d, at 1, r. u. Bills of lading given hereon ootton and wheat thro, to Liverpool and Hamburg via New York by flrsi olaas steamers. For passage or freight, apply to WILDER ft FULLAKTON. nov t-tf No. 8 Stoddard's Upper Range. For Baltimore. CABIN PASSAGE $90 The Baltimore and 8avannah Steamship Go’s, Steamers sail from Savannah during December aa follows: Saragossa Thursday .February 2d America, Thursday, «• 9th Saragossa, Thursday, •• 16th America, Thursday, •* 23d Saragossa Thursday, March 2nd JAB. B. WEST ft CO., Bay street, foot of Whitaker. SAVE YOUR FRUIT /. M, JTJMWJVWM-, dmermlJgeeeS, M. rMDrJSD, M. MS., Bed. MSmmmSmw. e. A KMUr, ms. j* mudzoaz. MSB. JJMBB MM. JSBXJLSrBM*. Team. Teon. 0. B. Church, i W. L Vano*, r F. W. Smith, President PsopUs I N. a. Bbdo*, W. B. Bruos £0a. J. 0. Fizeb, Goilbreatb, Stewart k Oo. E. W. Mcnfobd, Memphis, Teon. Natolson Hill, Hill, Fontaine k Co. enrando, Mia. Jeeferson Davie, Memphis, Teon. M. J. Wicks, President M. k 0. B. R. W. It. Hunt, Memphis, Tenn. Wm. Jotnbb, Joyner, Lemmon k Gala. J. T. Pettit, Pettit k Simpson. W. B. Ghxknlaw, Pos’t. Peoples In. Co. B. K. Poll**, Merchant. F. W. White, 1 rrtHIS COMPANY was organized in 18C7, with a Capital Stock of $200,000, and X hu .Bodily iBOTMUd lb IM. until sow tk.y .XMAS > million dolUrt. Uofore Mr. Dnvl, xoo.pted tA. PrMklenay, h. rMrnimd emjpeUoj to be ratond byte emery at Ms own .election, mid thoroughly Mtilfled hlm«elf of ft. Kunduu and th. Sddity ud MOnony et It. *■» vious management. The ••Carolina Life," notwithstanding the slanderous assaults ef rush tasuvaoe* Journal* as the Mew York Time*, oould. to-day, r*-in*ur* all of its outstanding risks, and hav* a surplus remaining tf near a half million dollars. JtST AOKHTS VA*T*I>.-** Apyly to TMOJTOR k UUMAES', Jllontryt. K A. ALS90JT Atlanta, May 16.1871. »m. [5,000 i oe Go. > SAFEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST FRUIT JARS In the market. McBRTDia dbOO., The Palace Dollar Store L. B. PIKE, PROPRIETOR. N. B,—-GOODS BENT TO ANY PART OF THE m»--ny4 Jylfi-lm R*x LANDSEER Q 9 8 LUMBER YARD, onomn ueobgia railroad dsfot. ATLA NTA,GA. ■awed Shlxxgloa jmolcS BUrnf AU Klssds est Dressed and Framing Idsmtser. tcbXl-ly A. LAKDSBIRO k 00.. FtoprMon, J. S. OLIVER & C0„ CommlMlon Merchants, Ceraef Fwrsytk ft Alabama Streets. JJAV* FOB BALE AND TO ARRIVE, Also, COEN# BACON, LARD, MAY, ft*, ▲gents Ms Jr*A6t K B. MARSHALL, .^Dlll mod Motional Fork Bank,! k cane inira DR. JON. P. L06AN, MEDICAL EXAMINE*, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. IT1HOSE contemplating Life Ingnrance are renpectfnlly reanMtad to an- JL lu. Ui. menu ofthl. Ootnpuy. Tk.y will And It Superior to Man? ud Inferior to None, in tk* Fi»wfl*h that give Sound Iaturenoe nt th* L—it Pwilkto Cmi - mi W. T. WATERS, GemATL nXO ly OTBMCM IT 1-0, NfMMM «r., AlUMTA, OA. SHails San Hook anb Job ©Wee. Ti 9BJ8 OFFICE T iie sun job office has just been supplied with a splendid assortment of the Latest Styles of J NEW AND ELEGANT TYPES, BOMBS, RULES 11 OTHER MATH And is how prepared to do theJSoatt Grades of JOB PRINTING! ( legal |lankj at FURNISHED TO ORDER. BLANK BOOKS, ftw *i tup aa) We have made ample arrangements to get up BJaak Bbota AT THE LOWE^lRjpirrES LEDGERS,