The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 23, 1871, Image 1

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<1 MIT'I THE SUN. VOL. II. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2:5, 1871. THE DAILY SUN Published bj the AUaata Sun PebllsUag J. Ucalf r II. IUph« Alexander H. Stephen*, Political Editor. A. B. Watson, .... News Editor, J. Hcnlr SaUtk, General Editor and Baal aewMaaacer. WILLIAM a. MOOBE. Tnnllaf A|»U i J. M. W. BILL. J. W. HEARD, Ag«>U for The San, Thomas N. Hopkins, ThomMTllle. Ob. James Allen Smith, Knoxville, Tenn. Dave Bell, Athena, Ob. John T. Roberts, Atlanta, Oa. J. L. Wbioht, Woodstock, Oa. J. O. Caldwell, Thomson, tie. II. C. Hamilton, Dalton, Oa. W. C. Davis, Jr., Eatonton, Oa. Tappan, Mapp k Co., White Plains, Green Co., Oa HOW TO RKltllT MOBfKY. We win be responsible for the safe arrival of all money sent us by Money Order, by Registered Let ter, by Express, or by Draft, but not otherwise. If money sent In an unregistered letter is lost, it must T« Correspondents. Mr. Stephens will Win In Crawfordvllle. His connection with The Sun will not change his resi dence. All letters intended for him, either st Crawfordvllle, Oeorgia. All letters on business oi any kind, connected with The Sun, except its Political Department, should be addressed to J. Henly Smith, Manager, Atlanta, Oa. Terms of Hubsorlptlon« Per Annum $7 00 Six Months 4 00 Three Months 2 00 One Month WEEKLY PEU ANNUM : Single Copy 2 00 Throe Copies 4 60 Ten ** 14 00 l'wcuty •• 2® 00 Fifty « Hiniff# Copies » C Twenty " " Fifty " *• ** 27 60 No subscriptions, to the Weekly, received for i shorter period than six months. All subscriptions must be paid for in advance Names for Clubs must all be sent at the same time and take the paper for the same length of time, and all be at the same post office. ot* Advortlslnff. A WERE 2 WEEKS 3 WEEKS 1 MONTH, -j $ 3 60 6 00 7 60 0 00 11 00 12 00 14 00 1G 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 27 00 40 00 6 0 00 0 00 12 00 10 oo 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 27 00 30 00 32 00 36 00 38 00 65 00 $ 7 5o~~ 12 60 16 00 20 00 22 00 26 00 28 oO 31 00 33 00 36 00 38 00 40 00 43 00 65 00 $ 8 60 15 00 18 00 . 24 00 •« 27 00 30 00 33 00 36 Or 38 00 T7 40 00 * 42 00 e 44 00 47 00 ° 75 00 W For a lees period than one week. »1 per square (ten lines of solid Nonpereil typo, or occupying that much space] for the first insertion, and 60 cents lor each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the Local Column marked with an asterisk, (*) will be charged 26 cento per line each insertion. „ Advertisements, except for established busi ness houses, in this city, must be paid for in ad- Arrlwals sad Departsr Leaves Atlanta 10:30 p n Arrives at Chattanooga G;10an DAT FASSENUKB TRAIN—OUTWABD. Leaves Atlanta ?:16 a n Arrives at Chattanooga. TELEGRAPH NEWS FOREIGN NEWS. By Ike New Turk Associated Fiw. DOMESTIC NEWS. NEW YORK. JFe YoUatc Jmtk—J Mutiny— The Wrecked Wyoming. New Yoke, August 22.—The reported dissemination of the Yellow Fever bj three sailors who eeoaped quarantine, was nnfoandod. Three sailors, from the ship Nevada, have been arrested on a charge of mati- ny. The wrecked steamer Wyoming hails from Perth-Amboy, and was on her way hence to Providence. The English steamer Wyoming is here, and sails for Europe to-morrow. SOUTH CAROLINA. immense Homage Is Crops. Charleston, Auguat 22.—Advices from every part of the coast section report im mense damage to the cotton und rice crops, especially cotton, from the recent heavy and continuous raius and gales.— Reports from the interior, on the other hand, represent cotton and corn to be BufferiDg greatly from the protracted drought. PENNSYLVANIA. rtot Jmy Cooke A* Co. Report. Philadelphia, Aug. 22.—Jav Gooke Co„ Fiscal Agents, report that they have received information from London that much more of the now loan than the amount allotted to Europe has been sub scribed, and it is believed tliat the amount reserved for this country will bo closed this week. RHODE ISLAND. The IWretk of the IWyoming. Providence, August 22.—The smack Ida May has arrived here with portions of a wreck, a part of which was the pilot house, marked Wyoming. She is a large vessel, with side wheels. Appears to have been blown up by powder and steam. KANSAS. .f Wetterm Merrymaking TorEKA, August 20.—A week ago in an election row at Newton, the terminus of the Topeka, Atchison and Santa Fe Rail road, a Texan was shot and killed by one McCloskey—the former being the aggres- Since that time McCloskey has been appointed a policeman and there has been a feud between him and the Texans which culminated last Saturday a general fight in which McCloskey and a Texan were killed and two others mortally, and four seriously wounded. There is little law in that region and more trouble is anticipated. Texan dro- WASHINGTON More Wreck*— The Nareeoo ot the JYote intern London, August 22.—The steamer Prince of Woles, from Hong Kong for Siam, was foundered. Fifty lives were lost. Thornton, recently Minister at Wash ington, has gone to Balmoral to take the oath as a member of the Queen's Privy Council. The subscriptions to the American loan at noon to-day wob fifty million. The introduction of $75,000,000 of the new United States five per cent, loon to day, by Jay Cooke, McCulloch A Co. was a marked sucoess, tho subscriptions ex ceeding, in a single day, the whole amount offered. Continental subscriptions arc reported to be large. The banks will be closed to-morrow, instead of Thursday, as advertised. Tho Times says further loans will bo required before tho city of Paris shall havo been restored to the condition it was in before the war. The meeting between tho Emperors of Prussia and Anstria has been postponed. FRANCE. Mailer* in General iu B*ranee. Versailles, August 22.—A tax of 20 francs per kilogram of paper has been subscribed for the newspaper stamp duty. It is reported that a compromise bus been made regarding Thiers’ tenure of office. He is to receive the title of Presi dent and hold during the present Assem bly. A bill providing for the dissolution of the present Assembly will soon be brought forward. The Deputies of the Left are preparing a manifesto demanding tho restoration of the Constitution of 1848. Before the court martial to-day, mem bers of the Paris fire department deposed positively that the Commune ordered the firing of public and private buildings, and forbade the extinguishing of the flames in the Palais Royale. The press hotly debate the disband ment of the National Guard. The Con servative journals advocato and the Radi cal papers oppose the step. Fears are enlertaincd that its enforcement will meet with opposition in Lyons and elsewhere. TELEGRAMS. aiisccllancons Aborrliontictuo. MOUND CITY Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF ST. LOUIS, MO. MYERS k JOHNSTON, Agents for Northern Georgia. SRY john’stox, i Atlanta,Gal ®he florcnce Sc win q flUichi ne H Leaves Atlanta.. > NEW YORK— OUTWARD. 2:46 pn Arrives st Dalton 7:63pu NIOHT PASHttNOKK TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Chattanooga 6:20 pn Arrives at Atlanta 1.42 a u DAY PA88KNUKR TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Chattanooga * n Arrives st Atlanta 2:20 pn ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Dalton j* : f" * B Arrives at Atlanta 0:10 an THE GEORGIA (AUGUSTAJ RAILROAD. (No Day Train on Sunday.) Night Passenger Trtin arrives ■ Night Passenger Train leaves P* 11 Day Passenger Train arrives.. Day Passenger Train leaves 7:10 a. t Stone Mountain Accommodation arrives.. .8:00 s. i Stone Mountain Accommodation leaves. ...6:36 p. t MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Day Passenger train leave ! Loaves Macon • * Day Passenger Train arrives 2:00 p. Arrives at Macou Night PUMOger Tmiu lc»ve> J-Jj P loan. Swan Night Passenger Train arrives Arrives at Macon 6:04 p- m. 10:25 p. ni. .8 33 p. in. 10:07 a. t . ,2:46 p. I ..6:00 p. I ...7:10a. I Night Passenger Train leav< Day Passenger Train arrives Day Passenger Traiu leaves. ATLANTA AND RICHMOND A IE* LINK RAILROAD. Leave Gainesville • A. M. Arrive at 10 A. M. Arrive at Gainesville 0:42 P. M. Maton k Augusta Railroad. DAT FASSENGER TRAIN D ILT. SUNDAYS EXPECTED. Leave Augusta at I 00 AM Leave Macon at... » 40 ?! E I llkl Western Railroad of Atabam#. Leave Selma ” Arrive at Montgomery t f!R » M Arrive at West Point Irg p Z Leave West Point :g p Z Arrive at Montgomery S Leave Columbus u u Arrive at r " .Atlantic mmd Half RallrraB. 1.1BOH s..Minrii, a*., r .qflglBIWH**. totJolWT. liurU*; U... (.vutuiOi iDlly m p " A rnv. at Albany Jelly-. • ■ IJSS' Arrir..1 Ju-monTtllr daily • ••• >•*»'• Arrive klTkllahoMt-e Jelly (Sunday. •*- «T2uL^e«' dAlly (Huudiy. •X««P- tod) 1 Leave Jacksonvllls dally Leave Albany daily Arrive at Savannah daily • • NORTH GEORUIA •Uur HI f hit... PWilp-r*. -V.M- Xmm— Tht t'err.H Hnmh.f—Tht Wtmthtr, Washington, Aug. 22.—The steamship ictor, from New Orleans to New York, icountered a hurricane on August 15th, Of JuDiter Inlet. Tho cabin was filled Masked men huDg a negro who com mitted a rape in Cleveland, Tenn. The Revenue Department has no dis cretion in extending the time for taxes due. A coroner’s jury in the case of the tug Starbuck charges the engineer and the government inspector, Stratton, with manslaughter. Warrants are out for their arrest It is announced at tho Treasury that some of the uew five per cents will be on the market after this week. Advices have boon received from the South Atlantic fleet All is well. The ship Euterpe, from New York, has foundered. A part of the crew lias ar rived at Bidiia. A small boat containing seven of the crew hits not yet been beard from. _ , , Full details of tho Coreau affair have been published. The Hevithrt article is under the caption—“A Great Victory and a Fizzle.” The Tribune says : “ Wc have failed in securing the avowed objects of the expedition, and the whole affair is worse than useless unless the force under tiie orders of Admiral Rodgers bo imme diately quadrupled and lie is ordered to reduce the country." Cadet Smith, negro, is in trouble again; this time for harsh treatment of his fellow-negro, cadet Ctee, from Ala bama. Metearelegteal. Office Chief of Sional Service, I Washington, D. C. August 22. f RECORD FOR THE PAST 24 HOURS. The rain which prevailed Monday even ing in Nebraska and northwards is now confined to Iowa; aud the barometer Inis risen in Minnesota. The area of high pressure which was then advancing upon New England now extends to Michigan and North Carolina, and the low barom eter which was off the coast of South Carolina has been apparently pushed to the southwest. The temperature has been highest tn-day in Tennessee and southward. Fresh and brisk winds in the northeast and southeast have pre vailed along tho Atlantic coast. Cloudy and threatening weather nave cleared sway from the Middle and Eastern States but continue with rain from North Caro lina to Florida. Telegraphic communi cation with southern 1-loridu is not yet restored, but it is believe a severe storm must lie in progress on its northeastern coast. Smoky anil hazy weather con tinue from Lakes Erie aud Michigan southward to Alabama and Texas, and Uie barometer lias fallen during the day de cidedly from Lake Erie to Michigan. rntdWIIs. Light local storms are probable for to night in Illinois aud westward, and an area ol low barometer, with threatening weather, be developed. Tho towmjakg are rising. The barometer, with easterly winds, will probably continue on tho Middle Atlantic Coast. Cloudy and threatening weather will probably coo tinue on Wednesday in the South Attan- FEMALE COLLEGE, It is stated that McCook has withdrawn from the Ohio gubernatorial candidature. The French Budget Committee fix their salary at a half million francs, ex clusive of ordinary expenses. The Kentucky Legislature stands— Senate, 35 Democrats, 3 Republicans; House, 82 Democrats, 18 Republicans. A fight has occurred between the peo ple of Limerick, in which several were injured. A committee of Conservative Catholics of Munich have invited the Catholics of Germany, Austria aud Switzerland, to a Congress, at Munich, September 23d. The Central Pacific Railroad elected the old Directory, except Crocker, whom Robert Robinson succeeded. The cholera is steadily increasing at Konigsburg. It has appeared at Dantzig. The Italian Government has taken stringent measures against the cholera. In the Saratoga races, Duffy won the steeple chase; Vesuvius threw liis rider; Midday won the second race—time 1:48; Joe Danidls won the third—time 1:53j, and Abdel Keoree won the fourth—time 3:48}. The Mayor of Montreal has ordered stringent measures regarding the cleans ing of the city in view of the possible approach of the cholera. Disinfectants are supplied gratuitously to the inhabi tants. JAMES B. EADS, PiwMeit, A. M. BKITTON, Vloe-PrealdfUt. H. W. LOMAX. Treasurer. 0. (». McHATTON, General Agent, MoSieal Hoard. The foilowiDK Keutleiuon, cbtU of whom hold i Polli'y iu this Coui]ianjr, have 1*#en oruauixed iutM* city an a BRANCH BOARD OF TRU8TKEB: Colonel C. PEEPLES. President, WM. H. TULLER. E8g.. Vlce-Pw*id««it. TItUSTKBB : Evan P. Howell. J. W. Morrow, J. C. Kirkpatrick. C. W. Henderaou, John A. Kitten, Lodowiok J. Hill, Albert Howell, Georfo E. Olblxm, Andrew J. West, Anthony Murphy. Calvin Fay, J. J. Williamw. A. P. Thompson, Dr. J. A. Link, T. M. Elyea, lliehard P. Gleuu. Charles II. KiUian, nENRY MYERS, Secretary J. WINTER NANCE, M. D..| Medical i). A. SIMPSON, M. D., j Examiners. All policien Issued by this Company Ixx omo non forfeitable after the payment <>f one* full annual pre mium. No restriotious oa travel or residenc e. Dividends declared annually on all policies which have been two years in force, and in pruportioi the amount or premium paid, ofllcei No. 43 Whitehall tit., Up Stairs. MYEItfl k JOHNRTON. uug23-lm Agouto for Northern Ooryia. 300 XJiih1i<*1h Kp<1 Clover lOO DukIk-U Timothy, 300 Buslinlai Ky. Blue Gruss, !2(K> BumIioIm OrcliUFil GraSt, Muyliug & Alsfbo Clover. ECHOLS * WILSON, Agricultural Warehouse aud Seed Store, aug23 Ct Broad st, (by the bridge) Atlanta, Gu. Buy Your Affricultanil Implements, MACHINERY. QrassNk'odflaiid OardonHecds AT ECHOLS Jt WILSON’S. a.i-xiii 1 *' sug23-Ct cash, sell tor * Call on ECHOLS k WIL80N. ECHOLS .V WILhON, W ILL MAIL thoir Urge Mid Imi.lnoiiu ly lllliitrv tad CATALOUUK «Hil PRICE LIST. p.J*tw> prepaid, to applicautn. augOMit TURNIP HEED, JjlllESH AND OENUINI—AUy»rt«Uc.. At _ Miias-ot The Howe Sewing Hnehlne. This celebrated Manufacturing Compa ny baa taken rooms on the corner of Broad and Alabama streets, aud fitted them up magnificently, and now have in what is probably the largest stock of Sewing Machines ever brought to Atlan ta. This Agency is in charge of Mr. Miller who, with a competent oorps of assistants, is always ready to reccivo calls from the ladies and cxplaiu to them the advantages of ono of the most excellent Sewing Maohines every made. It is use less at this late day in tho history of ma chinery to attempt to sot up any claims for tho Howe Mochino. There is scarce ly a lady iu tho land to whom it is not entirely familiar, and wo doubt if there is one who does not admit that, in every respect, it is a first-class machine.— The world is indebted to Elias Howe for the first Sewing Machine. It was ho who discovered that “ ior ono hundred anil twenty-three generations the world had been boring the eye through the wrong end of the uoedle.” His machine, keep ing pace with tho march of improvo ment, is still in the front rank—ono of the best among the best—simple, dura ble, efficient and manageable, a house hold favorite and fully commensurate with tho wishes of those who desire the aid of such s help-meet Jfcro XbuertiBemcnis. NOTICE. I T to ordoml that tharc be oolloctod by Samual R. Hoyle, Keq.. Tax Collecto* ot aaid county, or hla ■uooeaeors in office, 20 per cent, upon the State Tax to pay bonds and coupon* falling due the present vetr; io per cent, for Jory pnrpoee«; 10 per ceuL for Jail purpose* ; 10 per cent, for pauper purpose* ; 0 per cent- for bridge purpowe, *ud 20 per cenAfor general county purposes ; making in the egcr«g*u ff^TVent. upon the State Tax, which taUaby levied for the year 1h71 ; And it ta further ordered that the said Collector give bond iu the ram of Sixty Thousand Dollar*, with security to be approved by thl* Court, conditioned to faithfully collect and pay over the seme according to law. The State Tax i* 40 cento Tax to 30 cento 9100. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary Fulton Coupty. A true extract from tho minute* of aaid Court. »ug JJ-lt John T. Ooorn, Clerk. Rev. B. A. BONHEIM’S I 1NOU8H AND OEliMAN SCHOOL. (V1BNKR OF , Mitchell.uU Pryor .IrraU. *|U 1m on til. 4tk o( Hcplwuber. In tin. tSool it.- u.«l ..u.^ pul storm on the Georgia Coast urrwcn wa«i ma nns^rwu. . , i«.bieio«iT.n™. r> •wMonopw.fteptewliwbWL l^ Manus" _ I IfiT B A. BONUBill win k. w.iWal Is lb. oouisiuing lull wwaa sppbr Mih. Book uai ig 4 to 1 on Longfellow against yA,,.,, d^aruuoui h S" a. c. 1-^* ^‘TTaknii d^hails. I Z; ‘ four-mile to-morrow. ‘ Sfmwr o, u.. Rrr. S. Buy the Bust Proof Out For Need. OQQ llUSliKLS TOR SALN DV aug23-6t The Livest,_Best, Cheapest. THE RURAL SOUTHERNER. A LARGE TWENTY-FOUR PAGE AGRICULTU RAL and Fanil y Monthly. Vdited by SAM'L A. ECHOLS, ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Addrow ECHOLS WILSON, Publtohei NOTICE. N. H.—Please a*k i buaiucM. aug23-lt ORION DOZIER. > question* if you dou't m» WANTED. Atlanta, for lome unimproved Roal Estate, in — , .... _ Stock of Goods (Dry Good*or Gro ceries), for which a lair trade will he given. Address REAL ESTATE, Suu Office. Atlanta, Ga, Aug. 23, 1871*4t The LaGrange Reporter. A THOROUGH Democratic? Journal. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy of the Paper one year $2 60 One Copy of tho Paper six month* 1 One Copy ot the Paper three mouths 75 CLUB RATES; Five Copies of the Paper one year %l\ 26 Ten Copies of the Paper one year Twenty Coplea of tho Paper one year . Thirty Copies of the Paper one year Published and circulating largely iu one of the finest sections of Georgia, among a class of readers of the I test intelligence. THE.REPORT LU prenento to advertisers a splendid medium for advertising, nut surpassed by any weekly iu the Stale. ADVERTISING KATES L.1UEUAL. AddrcHH all orders to Dry Goods Notice. nmeneed receiving o public generally that STOCK OF GOODS, and shall lx* prepared to offer for their inspection by the 6th September next, su entirely Dew au tractive assortment of IXR.Y GOODS, fcTRICTLY AT WHOLESALF. Our Good, aro Kxprntly for IMu Section, NEWEST DESIGNS, and adapted eiciusi line of business. We cor.ii.iiy iaviU aa InaporUon ot ernr .tuck a your asxt vUlL DOTL9TDW k 00. Pryor Street, opixxslUi Kimball House. Individual Partners— J. R. BovurroN, A. Z. Dewxbest. Heebt Botdstoh, J«. PORTER FLEMING, COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MEnOHAMT, JACKSON STBKICT. KUGUKTA. <U. ComnilHioa for HMltal cot 140,1% tm Cel. aug21-6tw (Foiion /ntlor anb Cotion tool) ©nono Qlsenl, WILBERFOBCE DAIVIEL, COTTON FACTOR, Agent Cotton Food GnmtA, NO. 3,WARREN BLOCK, OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, ATrCTCSTA, All bnsinoss ontrasted to him will have strict penonai i Orders for Bagging, Ties or Rope and Familj 8u; COMMISSION 1 1-4 PER iirimoEi: s&isutssaz* itcmnw- Judge JOHN P. KINO. Pres’t Goo'gia Rail Rond. Prusidont National Bauk of Augusta aud Augusta Factory. J. T. UAltDlNKlt, Isq„ Pres t Dickson Eertitoar Co. ^ mllt Msutors* Nstionsl Bank. Augusta. National Bank of Newnaa. Ga. W W. HIMPHOlf, Esq . gpsa4a, Ca. M m ‘'Js/iH ■naa.i ttloiln Suit Book onb Job (BXEte. rFUIE SUN JOB OFFICE HAS JUST BEEN SUPPLIED • with a splendid assortment of the Latest Styles of NEW AND ELEGANT TYPES, And is now prepared to do the Finest Grades of JOB PRINTING! |ejal jjlanki si |vsry |einiptitB ttniorrsitn publishing Comjwnn. UNSECTIONAL, UNPARTISAN, UNPOLITIGAL 8CHOOL-BOOU. The freshest series of Text-llook* pubUsited —containing I results of discovery and scientific research. Officially adoplril by thn Tlrprlnla uml State BtanU st AKT) NOW I.AttOEi.Y IN I’RR IN lavumr aouTHHnw stats. And in many Northern SUtai. (The (Rt. An Atsocuuion composed of ninny the several Southern State*, feel School-Books which should lx* eti- unpo/itical, which thotild present science—aro now iitsuiuK u tom- Text-books by the emiuent »chol- whicb are the of the most eminaat cidaeas st log the necessity for a stria* of tirely uneectioaat, vnpartisan, tad only the facts st history and pfoce series of School aad Colkga ats and educators' named below L ’ B :h tbs hirhsst luioMsaliea. Cheapest. Vest, and Mont I Beautiful School Book* N.iw |>ubli,h,il Tlw 11 ljuiv. rsitv Rerlc.” rmbnoes Maury's Geographical Series, By Commodore M. F. Maury, of the VirjpnLi Military Institute. A series of books which mit^t <tn era in the study of this science, and yhirh. in 'the words of a well known aad ac complished Southern tenrhiY, ** are charncterb cd by :i fviieity of arrangement aad simple freshness of style which tnnst <*v«sr render them attr u-tive lo 'tlie voung, and whidi will be used by all who wish to teach Oeograptiy a* a ae>».»•*, m st tacthiag to make pnpQr fMMt, and not merely us an enumeration of «!ry fact*.” Holmes’ Readers and Spellers, By Gkorok F. Holmes, LL I) . Pn.fnssor of History and General Literatare in the Uni versity of Virginia. A series of ltcudcr* u neon tilled in rhenpnesa. excellence, sad typo- graphical lieanty. They are steadily progressive in rharnctrr, bright aad Arab in their selections of prose and verse, and illustrative of Southern scenes, incidenta, and histoiy. Venable’s Arithmetical Series, Bv Crabum S. Vkmablk, LLD., Pn>4mir of MatheaaSm in dk VArmmtj af Virginia. These books are received everywhere by intelligent teachey with the I * satisfaction, .is being most admirably adapted for mental drill, oa well as for k * tion. Their method*, rule*, and reasoning* nrc clear, distinct logical, and < and the series is carefully graded throughout Holmes' History o> tho Unltsd States, By Ghoror F Holmes, LL.D., of th' University «*f Virginia. It is enough to My of thi* admirable work, intctvning. impartial, and truthful, ns well as pom ana graeMbl fti style, that it is tho only History of the United States which is strietiy j-nrtiian ll comes down to the preseut date. Also, Do Vere’a French Grammar, Reader*, etc., Clldersleeve’s Latin Series, Carter’s Clements of General Hle*sry> Holmes’ English Cram mare, Leconte’s SolentWo Ssriea, Johnaton’a English Classics, Duntorilan Writing-Book*, *to., eta, RcnJ for uur rww IM.l'STUATKI) JIEBORI I' TIVK CATaLOOOB, ink nil ha mailed free to any tem-iu r or school ollin r. it tcll> what u achers of tha knaki. ami contains inn n pa^-s of each. AJires. UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1M ami 157 Street, Hew TmL W . A. SLAYMAKER GENERAL AGENT, ATLANTA, OEOAOXA. Dm\n i i’ 10. Oflioo: Corner Marietta and Peachtree July ZJ tll.wOiu Cife Jnonruncr—Provibe for tljr gelpleM. (6,000 ce Co. OK. JOS. r. IjOGAN, MKD1CA1, KXiSIJfER, ATLANTA, 6KMKOA. rjtHOSE oontemplating life Inaannee an requite* %0 SMr A la, Ui. merit, of lOI. Oompmay- Tke, VS U4 It Superior to Mur and Inferior to Homo, ta tho give Sound Inaurauce at the Lead PiratSI* Coat W. X. itATKHX, Gen.i*% n 37 i-a, rnrraui *r., A iLANTA, O list ’jwImII) t Cf. Mo JROOK8, C ontractor fob brtck and stone Work, of Ml eUssw. Rastaing sad ornxiuenui work. Moo* Outtlaj. stc. Griffin.Qa, May 111871. 'ME ATLANTA Daily and Weekly, THE CHEAPEST PAPES Of U Daily, *7 per MlMMtf WVeMp, S*per muiN