The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 29, 1871, Image 1
VOL. II, SUN. ATLANTA, GEOKGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1871. NO. 398 THE DAILY SUN. l'ullltahod by the Atlanta Sun Publishing Con pur. Alexander H. lUpheni, ) Archibald M. BpdfhU, } Propriety J. Hcnljr Smith, ) Alexander H. Stepbena, Political Editor, A. B. Watson, .... News Editor. J. Xcadr Smith, Ueneral Editor aid Bosi- ness Manager. Trawellaf Agents i j. M. W. HILL. J. W. HEARD, WM.K4TCLL, Jr., Hews Agent, Savannah, keeps Th» Bum for ssle. To Tvatslkbs.—Versons passing through Chat tanooga, wtU And Tux Bun for sale by C. H. Qledhlll, News Agent. Agents for The Sun, Thomas N. Hopkins, Thomasvllle, Os. Ja«fwM tun Sum, Knoxville, Toon. Davx Bill, Athens, Oa. John T. Robnbts, Atlanta, Oa. J. L. Wnioht, Woodstock, Oa. J. O. Caldwell, Thomson, Oa. H. 0. Hamilton, Dalton, Oa. W. C. Da via, Jr., Eatonton. Oa. Tatpan, Mapp k Co., White Flatus, OrosuCo., Os HOW TO~ HIE MIT MON E V Wo will be responsible for the safe arrival of all money nut os by Money Order, by Kegietarod I*t ter bv Express. or by Draft, but not otherwise. If mone> ssutln an unregistered letter Is lost, it must be the loss of the person sending it lio paper will be Vent from the oOee till it Is paid for. andnames will always be erased when the dine money by Express must pre pay charges. , — Ts Corresponden ts. Mr Stephens will remain In Crawfordvllle. His connection with Thn Son will not change his resi dence. All lotlers intended for him, either on yil- vate matters nr connected with the Podttoal De partment of this paper, should be addressed to him * l AEn«tters on business of any kind, connected with The Bon except Its Political Department, should be ad^SSd toTHenly Smith, Meager, Atlanta. Ga. Terms of Hubsorlptlon * D AZZiT i Per Anuum •! Hix Months • E; Three Months. 3 00 One Month WEEKLY PER iNKUM Single Copy J Thnot Conies oo 60 00 Ningle Caplet . . » » » • • • • * Ventt. WEEKLY—8IX MONTHS Single Copy, Six Months, Three “ “ *' Three Copies.. Ten ** «. Twenty •* i. Fifty 1 00 2 26 1 00 ;;;;;;;;;; is oo iST” •• “ »» No subscriptions, to the Weekly, received for a shorter period than aix months. All subscriptions must bo paid for in advance ; . .. ■ — » books when Names for Clubs must all be sent at the same time and take the paper for the same length of time, and all be at the same post office. Terms of Advertising. 1 square i WIXX 2 wiui 3 wxxxa ( 3 60 6 00 7 60 9 00 11 00 12 00 14 no 16 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 27 00 40 00 ( 6 00 9 00 12 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 22 b0 24 00 27 00 30 00 32 00 36 00 38 00 65 00 ( 7 60 12 60 16 00 20 00 22 00 26 00 28 oO 81 00 S3 00 36 00 38 00 40 00 43 00 65 00 1 MONTH. t 8 60 16 00 18 00 24 00 27 00 30 00 S3 00 86 Or 38 00 40 00 42 00 44 00 47 00 76 00 For aleae period than one week. $1 per square ten liues of solid Nonpereil type, or occupying that much space] for the first insertion, and 60 cents for etch subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the Local Column marked with in asterisk, (*) wiU bo charged 26 cents per line each insertion. Advertisements loaded) for less tin H«r*AdvertiRer.ient*. except for established busi- nous housea, in this city, must be paid for in ad- Va NoroJucllon win be made on the above ratos for quarterly, Kcmi-anmial or yearly advertisement!!. THE DAILY SUN. Tuesday Morning 29. SUNSTROKES. The New York World says the ‘‘New Departure” is the “key-note” of Demo cratic success. What success did it meet with in Connecticut when it was first sounded ? The loss of a Democratic State. What success in the District of Columbia? What success wherever it has been sounded ? Has a single victory ever yet followed its ‘ 'blast f ” If the man of the World wishes to loam the “key note” of victory, let him listen attentive ly to the voice of the Democracy of Indi ana last year, and of New Hampshire this year, and to the late “roar” of Kentucky. The Atlanta Sun construes the 40,(XX) Democratic majority in Kentucky as a verdict in favor of the Georgia firm of Toombs, Stephens & Co. What does Kentucky think of this ? Is Kentucky willing to be tacked on to that worn-out coat-tail ?—Courier Journal. No such thing. The Sun construes the “Kentucky Roar” as a verdict iu fa vor of Democratic principles; and if the Georgia firm of Toombs, Stephens & Co. are gratified at it, following in the train, should Kentucky think auy less of it than if she, with the C. J., had abandoned their own principles, and wasgnow herself fol lowing in the Radical train, under the Radical flag of Dana, Trumbull & Co. ? »a»o it L tiipp .cud aro 'till bum d iu the d.-briu h bottom ui Um bay. A divur I h« accident lute c t tli i ty or forty pc .WAYOll’M t OlTIT. gloom over th«' whole city, mM pre! ■■ : crowded with people aud the excitement aud feeling is iutouee. The Ocean Wave liaa for aome time been consul ered uuaafe. The boat haa alwaya been au uulucky criniimil reapouaibility reata aome where, I Twenty-seven OffnuUri Appear—Rc for the Mourner* a Little St nice. EH and it should be visited upon thoae to whose reck- loaam km aud Incapacity it ia attributable. Th«* system ot ui.pectmiiH everywhere ia loose, careJeu* a^d reckless. The boiler was not ao much exploded aa it was torn open with a long seau was ao rotten aa to literally tear open. Had It stronger, so aa to explode with greater violence, the The f< FOREIGN NEWS. TELEGRAPH NEWS By the New Turk Associated I’rcsx. DOMESTIC NEWS. MASSACHUSETTS. Old Blenrtat—More Ittmlhi- Three Pet-tent IPratcned. Boston, August 28.—A violent wind blew down- two steeples iu Arlington. Many trees were pros trated. Malden, Everett and Medford suffered. Two additional deaths have occurred lrom the late railroad disaster. Three persons were drowned to-day by the upset ting of a boat In a fishing-pond at South Oraugc. R feign* Bit Position. Chicago, August 28.—B. C. Cook, of the 6th Illi nois District, has resigned his position. An election will take place iu Novoinber. WEST VIRGINIA. The Election. R White Sulphur Bprinos.—It will be two weeks fore the returns are all iu. bnt it is goueially J Thref Pranged .4 lUmnrt. Dkulin, August 28.—The Prussian Cross confirms the report that the second meeting of the Lmperor of Germany and Austria has been arranged am states that it will take place probably ou the 4th o September, at Salsehourg, Tho Einintror Fraud Joseph will be accompanied by Count You Beast, i firm basis was laid at G attorn for relations whnreb) Uermauy aud Austria ar*> t<> aamtmo a Joint attilud and Italy haa unconditionally agreed to the saim policy, aud comum niiationa hav<- passed l •’ ‘iiree governments looking complete uuderstandiug. The Npndlcale—Jttempt to Blow I'p m .Wmh- loan by a distribution of seveuty-fivo per < among subacribera. Attempts were made to day by unknown parties to explodo the monument to King George IV, at Kings ton, Ireland. Though it was much blackened by gunpowder, the monument received no real injury. The Fruuch deputation, who, aiuce their arrival in Ireland, have been met with a constant succession of enthusiastic greetings from tho people, will leave Dublin for England to-morrow. The report that a treaty of alliance; offeush defensive, has been concluded between Prussia aud Italy rests on tho authority of a special dispatch to processiou paraded the principal i iJeneral Intelligence, Paris, Aug. 28.—General Ducrot has been ap pointed military commander at Dergos. It is reported that the Radical Deputies will rcaigu their seats iu tho Assembly aud coutust tho election In all of the departments. Tho discussion of tho report of tho committee upon the motion of M. Rivet for the i>rolongation of the power of Thiers will begin In tho Aaaembly to-morrow. The municipal council of Paris haa resolved to issue, in the form of a lottery, a throe per cent, loau for a large amount. Deaths for the past week 823, including six from cholera. Versailles, Aug. 28.—Algerian advices are g All of Yabra village has been destroyed. The rebels attacking the tribes faithful to the French. SOUTH CAROLINA to discover auy new case* of tho yellow fever in the laat twenty-four hours. Tho whole number of pa tients now hardly exceeds a dozen. The disease seems to yield readily to medical treat ment, except in cases which were ueglocted iu the early stages. The apprehenaion of an epidemic ia gradually sub siding. GEORGIA. The Atlantic and Half Railroad. Savannah, August 28.—The trains will pass over the entire length of the Atlantic aud Gulf Railroad Wednesday, if wo have no more rains. No bridges are gone. NEW YORK. Arrivals and Departu of Train and from Atlanta. 1HK WESTERN A ATLANTIC (Olt STATE) RAII NIGHT l-ASSENUEU TRAIN—OUTW ARJ*. Loaves Atlanta l, ' ; Arrives at Chattanooga 0 1)AT r.WENOEU TRAIN —OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta ” : Arrives at Chattanooga * ■ K — OUTWARD. 2: Arrives at Dalton K10HT PASSKNCll Leaves Chattanooga 0 Arrives at Atlanta 1 DAY PAS8ENOKR TWAIN—INWARD. Loavca Chattanooga * Arrives at Atlanta J ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Dalton i Arrives at Atlanta.. .ff JVYgre Jsry—.f U'tttllfld Jury Charge— Unite again*! the Staten Island Company— Irishman charged with Shr-utilt.— ^ _ ch' inentJy agaiui-t being tried by uegroes wholly, that tho court took the responsibili ty of discharging the jury * j The French section of tii lit city has resolved to ae . forkingmen’s Uulon to taka part in monatration ou the loth ot' September •otioii is allowed to carry the red ling Suits have iieen commeuced again*.■ laud Ferry Compauy for fifty thousand dollars. The Brit sh steamer Luids i lands near Yarmouth. She i- bable that the crew was saved. Recorder Hnckett. in chargii the Westfield case, raid **a gri by holding tli« rrewin liblc.' id Dire. TRAIN—INWARD. Yacht Unca from Baud ntpoiMd until October. The Assistant AMeniiuu have . Aldermen in directing tho Mayor tliq liomodiaU’ recovery of ths i roperty. : is *" Stoue Mountain Accommodation leaves... .6:*» p. m MACON AND WRBTEUN RAILROAD. D.y l-Mw-naor tnan 1~*». ' 51 S’ I„th Xkoh -J;.® *• D»y PuniiierTnlu mtIvm “[■ m ' Mina TbH1«i« J; Night Passenger Train arrives Arrives at Macon ATLANTA AND WRRT FOINL RAILHOAD. Night Passenger Traiu arrlvee J- ® Night Paeeenger Train leaves aJ.J6 p. m Day Passenger Train J* Day Paasenger Train leaves 7.ioa. ATLANTA AND RICHMOND AIR-UNI RAILROAD. Leavo Gainesville ® A. Arrive at Atlanta. *0 Macon & Auiprata Railroad DAT FAEEHNORR TRAM D U.T. .URDATl RXERCTHD. Leave Angueta at W M. Arrive at Macon at... I S’ Arrived M ■■ ■■ Western Railroad of Alab Leave Selma 1-40 AM Arrive at Montgomery •;£ • " Arrive at W«aMal.M« Arrive at Montgomery V.f’Jf U»Ve Oolnmbfa Arrive at Ooluaabaa ^At a*meeting of tho Grand Jury to-day Record! Ha.kett doliveroda special charge upon ' the Westfield boiler explosion, The Jii«gci».»uu-.i it t!i<* provisions of the law applicable to the rase .d the clrcumsUuces uccet-hary to l»e found to exist , order to reach tlie President of the Comiwny, the iperiuleudeut and the Engiuoer. The Recorder said : It Is too ofleu the ca«o that subordinates ar<* made scafK< goats tor wring often) a who are over them aud who aro more powortul iu place aud mraus. If it ia possible, on the facts and Uw, to hold Presidents, directors, Ac., of Common Carriers, responsible for acoldeuts happening to pas sengers whose Uvea and limbs they are bound Iq in- sure'against negligence, then a gn at and boneflcial example would be set. These officials exact liberal il fare. They .should bo had to the laying "with a whole nation look- ry action upon this great < aso, let u tor altar reproaches lrom auy 5;U6 p- m. 10:25 p. m. ..8:33p. m. Atlantic and Qalf Kntlrond. gevenask, Qa, vis Albany, Ji Tallabaaaae, to Rainey. Florida: » r rive at Jacksonville dally 1^»P. M Arrive at Tallahassee daily |Hundaye ex- > Lcrr.tin.b.M'- ftoixtaj. iXttRSXo* iili UywnhlS Slid CIlHlI—UW MfrOfOdd. Mill Tmia cWMy JS! E 5 ArtT. u> Mwigblfc n r M OOMIM „ , w 6UUPM y llook has been incurred with tho to take r,t. ph for Id Bn k . hurch Pant Mht Chailln Beard Prom. Hum murkest, Latitude 70 degrees, 40 miuutes, July 25.—Du Chsillu, the famous Alricau explorer, has just returned from North Capo, tho extreme point of the European Continent. Since ho left the United States last spring, he has visited Sweden, Finland, Lapland aud part of Russia, aud lias becu up tho Gulf of Bothnia. WASHINGTON Jnother Railroad Bolocanet—Death at Char let Scribner—The Weather. Washington, August 28.—There is not yet any cine that promises to lead to tho identified ion of the young woman, who was shipped in a trunk from New York to Chicago, and died under abortion. A mail train going at tho rate of thirty-five miles au hour, and a freight train going at tho rate of 18 miles au hour, collided on the Eri* Road, neir West Point, Pa. Hix were killed, and there is a long list of wounded. The engiuoer, who was latally wounded, had orders in hia pocket forbidding the movement of the traiu, which caused tho disaster. Twenty-five railroads, mostly south of the Ohio river will carry people to the Cincinnati exposition at hail tare. Charles Hcrtbuor, head of tho New York pnhlshiug house, died in Europe of typhoid lever; ay. d 57. Subscription to the new loau to-day amounted to 1,600,OlX). Wiu. 8. Lawson, of Georgia, a clerk iu tiio H.xlli uditnr’a office, has been stricken by paralysis. II ts possible that (ho Custom House nt Charleston >d until the yellow fever > hall have sub- ■ collector and most of the employes aro 111 l»e irtod Tut collector au ud accliniatnd. Meteorological. Oiticb Chiei’ or Signal Service, ) Washington, D. C. August 28. ( record for tiie past 24 hours. The area of lot d eastward of .unday evening ou Lake Superior has oxt ml north ward, and G now b. yond our sta reaof low barometer which was then \nntory has moved northeastward nud t ral in northern liiinu.s. Its infiueuo outlieastward to tho BJ<e Ridge and uorl oud Ijako Supiri T. Th<> Ini-omebr l iiost ispidly from that 1 Ue to Lake F a ,Ui cloudy ith i .a-.oiial Sonthen ohablo l«*r Tuesday tearing weather fro westward. The I ■ i the. ; uilii' i i) and (iu f coa u l fonsin t ' ArksiiHss and st pr< . sun will proba* move northwestward over Lake Huron, with rain fresh southerly winds on tho lower lakes and easterly winds on Lake Superior. Threatening LKTTKK FROM FOSTER ULODUKTT. ALABAMA Mobile hete a Wetldeld Borror— Erplotlon of a Boiler—Mm Beecnroiott Party MangMered—M large JVnmber of Killed and Wonnded- Jtreadfnt Partlcnlart. Mobile. August 28—Tho low pressure steamer Ocean Wave's boiler exploded at 5k o'clock, on Sun day afternoon, at the Point Clear Wharf. There wei about two hundred excursionist* on board. Fifty« ■ixtv killed and wounded. A portion of the bodi. were brought to the city by steamers Fountain aud Annie last night. Others will be brought to-day. Efforts aro being made to recover tho bodies of the drowned. The cause of the disaster has not yet been ascertained. An investigation will suon be had. A Oreolo family was on board, numbering seven cersons. of whom eix wore killed. The captsiu, en gineer and pilot were killed. Only three officers os- caped. Later from the i»itatter. The Mobile Register kindly furnishes tho follow lng : The eteaoier ocean Wave left the city bundaj morning with about two hundred persona on hoard a excursion U> FUh river, shout twenty milei the city. (Jfo her return she stot»i>ed at Point Clear, reachiug there about five o’clock iu the alter- noon. The beet was made fast aud tho band aud nart of the pasaengem went ashore. After remain- tna there half an hour tho whistle was blown and the Dassengera had Just gotten aboard when the boil er exploded with great force. Following a rumbling, hissing sound, fragments of metal and Umber ttew in every direction. The forward part of the cabin was carried entirely away. The cnlmney fell back wards toward the rear of the boat, crushing the up uar aabtn. and tha boat immediately sunk, with U»e bow submerged. About maty or eeveuty persons were killed or injured by tho explosion. Bo tar the bodies of ulneteeu dead, eight ladiei amooa the number, have been recovered. Tweutj eight wounded have been brought to the city am of the Dumber, a little girl, haa since died. The iioMii wasoDDoliuR. b rriftc and heart-rxuding. «Mob. wvatmri. Tb. Inatte crtM at tb. wctloc. m lb-7 tot lurt«lm.dllUnB.nmsU ttiMW »''* nixing to all who had human sympathies. Many of ttma btaTtit 1 * the waves. The captain, WUiiam EataH. swam tar some «**#, Wtte both legs broken. A bust reached hiui just too late, and ha went down. Two pilot* wr w w.-— e kulsd, the engiuoer and his wife * aevsrety injamd rttd oU tie firemen % impomibk to correctly ctaimste the lorn. By uds fruiu Lako Hu Partially % l >udy aud cleariu 1st of Maryland. Probabilitict. is, with cloudy and rainy v The Court was crowded—there was a sound of revelry, caused by a nigger baby taking the colie—the Judge was happy— Jonsen win blooming, aud this reporter solemn. The idea of twenty-seven “fat takes” on the hook at one time was loo gay. The jierfornuuices opened to alow music as the books were spread out. The first livmn given out was sung by tho choir with much pathos and feeling, it was Monday, and most of the difficulties glow out of tho Saturday night’s brawls. It was the old song : His whirling wheel the miller stops, Tho smith tho silent anvil leaves. His rising axe tho joiner drops, No moro the weaver weaves; Urn loaded wain tho peddler drops, Beueath the tavern eaves. Acting upon this inspiration and feel ing tired JOHN lynch propped his loaded wain beneath the tavern eaves of a house on Decatur street, and when the police came up they knocked John’s props from under him. He owned up and paid ten and costs for the use of the eaves. *• There is a tide In the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, boars ou to fortuut*; Omitted, all tho voyage of life Abounda in shoals aud quicksauds.” The flood of Saturday night abounded in shoals and quicksands, and when H. R. Blalock omitted to toko the tide at the proper moment, he got into the shoals and was borne on to the lock-up instead of the odier place. His fortune was S10 and costs. A FREE FIGHT come off in tho neighborhood of the Rolling Mills, in which J. C. Dunigan, Wiley Hill, Pat. Gallagher, Dick Dough erty, and one or two other parties were interested, and several black eyes aud bunged faces, ten and costs were so mixed up that it was difficult to tell how the thing was. TUB TOWN DOTS. Several of these chaps were up for various indiscretions—some got off aud somo got stuck. Tho offences generally were of a mild type, and submitted to gentle treatment. JAMES KELLY did not get his “tod” at Muhleubrink’s, or he wouid not have raised as much fuss as was charged to him. If he would get “Alex.” there to mix his fluids for him instead of “pirootin” around and drinking promiscuously, he would not have been so. Tho court pourotl ten dollars worth of oil on his troubled wa ters and they were quieted. MARTIN BEAVERS didn’t have ou any beaver hat, but he cared very little for that. He got a brick in the hat he had on, which made Martin happy. He felt so good that he went home and cursed and abused bis wife fearfully. It was proven that a little correction properly administered in that quarter would be a good thing fur the prosperity of tho Beaver family, au-.l on that account Martin paid only and I .-aqua. She had Lizzie Smith I hired to make hash for tho boarders.— Lizzie put in about a pound of lard to a quart of flour, and made the biscuits rather too “short.” His Honor asked if she conld squeeze the grease out of them with her baud, and when said it could be done, he fined her five dollars for not knowing better how to cook. LIZZIE SMITH was Sued the same amount for putting on airs as cook. Through tbe kiU hou. pant tho well. With ith tin rup hung for ilriukiit,;; Down to t!:<* into at tho end of tho lau*-, Hwl'iglug her bonnet ami thiuluiv- Aud Jane mud she could hardly gel Liz zio to do a thing. Hhe paid the money, and swung her bonnet out the door, and left SLCRET SESSION. His Honor and Jonsen held a little se cret session, iu which the names of the parties were not called. SOME NICE CALICO was up for fruiltios, and frolics, aud got n young gentleman of town to puss up a two dollar check. Ho said, aud thought profound, Iso I drow; • love a girl Thao make a girl love you." The Judge thought that ho did not proceed in tho right way, and charged the amount for some information which ho gave him. WILSON HOLMES, pumpkin-headed, red-eyed nigger, keeps him un eating-house, and hired another nigger to do his cooking. This other buck stayed away too late Sunday evening to suit tho boarders, aud ho got discharged. He had Wilson arrested and Wilson had him arrested. It was proven that Wilson was not guilty and he got off. The other nigger was fined $5, and when he talked out loud about it, tho Mayor recalled him and put in for twenty days for contempt. This so affected Peter Dodson that lie bellowed out iu court, and was forced by tho police to stop cry ing. MOKES LANE was origiuully a Tenncssoo nigger, but had joined his fortunes with that of a Georgia belle, which was unfortunate for both parties. Tennessee and Georgia kept up such a quarreling and cursing that they wero up. Tho caso was dis missed after a long lecture on domestic economy, A DRUNKEN NEGRO was up, but was so drunk that ho could scarcely stand, and got ten dollars for his spree. Several other unimportant coses wero up, and small fines imposed. This was one of the biggest hauls the court has ever made. Hliecclluncono. The Palace Dollar Store * JL. U. PIKE, pitopniETon MOUND CITY Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF ST. LOUIS, MO. MYfiltS * JOHNSTON, Atn-ntM fur Northern Heor^in, l>HCAU Y p M 7o t UMHTON, I Atlanta,Oa OFFZOSZUI i JAMES J). EADS, President, A. M BRITTON. Vice-President. 8. W. LOMAX. Treasurer, ~ ~. McHATTON, General Agent, “ ” Medical Board. city as BRANCH BOARD OF TRUSTKU Colonel C. PEEPLES, President, WM. H. TULL EH, ESQ.. Vice-President TRUSTEES: John A. Kitten, Albert Howell, Andrew J. West, Calvin Fay, J. j. WUUamsi A. P. Thompson, ** T. Ilf. Klju«, John Koely, HENRY MYERS, Secretary, C. A. HIMPBON. M. D. t > Medical J. WIBTAB VANCE. M.D. Dr. J. A. Link. Richard P. Glenn. Charles U. Killian, ibio after the paymont of one full annual pre mium. No restrictions on travel or residence. DividcndH declared annually on all poUcios which have becu two years in lorce, aud in proportion to Uie amount of premium paid. Ofllrei No. 1.7 Whitehall Nt., Up Stairs. MYKRH k JOHNHTON, aug23-lm Agents for Northern Georgia. Rov. 15. A. RON HEIM’S •yor atreots. will bo rc-opei if Hcptoiubcr. In this school the brain-hen, an well aa tho German language are taught. Tuition $5, $4 and $3, according to the braneboa taught, payable in advance. RONIIKIM will bo assisted In the daughter of tho Rev, if. Bokum. aug23-12t lie Approves of What was Done. Office Scp’t W. Sc A. Railboad, I Atlanta, Oa., Aug. 28, 1871. | Hon. H. 1’. I-’akbow, Attorney Wee tern & Atlantic Railroad—Dear Sir: I have read with much internet the correepon- denco between yourself and the lato dis charged Book Keeper of the road in re lation to tho custody of the books, and heartily approve and fully endorse your course. There was no desire on my part to secrete, alter, take away, mutilate or destroy any hook or paper belonging to the road, and my whole object in turning them over to you was to have them in such hands as to prevent this being done by others. You have called on Messrs. Ham mock, Red wine and Rawson to be pres ent with you during the handling of the books. To this I have no objection, for though personally acquainted with only one of those gentlemen, (Mr. Rawson,) still I know them by reputation, and am satisfied that they will honestly dis charge the duties devolved upon them, and in OuU they shall have my cheerful and cordial oo-operation. Anything that I can do for their comfort, while engaged in this duty, will be done with pleasure; and if agreeable to you, I would re spectfully suggest that you oiler them the Attorney General’s office in which to keep such books and papera as the ap pointed Book Keepers may desire to re fer to. I desire to say that I wish every courtesy extended to these gentlemen, and to you as well ss to all eftuena who may desire to examine any of the books or papers of the Western and Atlantic >.U JOHN O’REFFE took the tiilo at it.*» flood, but it proved to be a flood of beer which John took, and when found he was saluting tlie American Eagle, and singing, -An hail! (hit ) tit- Atm rit tii a . V! Proud bird of (bic) freedom, all .’mil j The fowl that un ou< - au m.u-,,1-. Or put mtit on its bwiti.ihu'f Ini tall!” Oh! w. 11 (lii«’) vote for old V win tho Row, Oiilcl Pat ainl tho (hie) Ulu ru yog know, And wr’ll larrup thu (lilc) mur’theriu’ baythoin*. And—wo won ’t go homo tiU niunitu' Till daylight doth appi-ar. If a policeman had uot helped him ou, the lost line would litt/e been tho truth. He wits allowed something for his pat riotic manifestation*, and g«»t off with 85. FOR RIDING ON SIDEWALKS Georgo King paid $5. It was ut u place where the htreot hands were at work, and he merely rode around tho force. For thio he suffered. Whether right or not, R. A. ZAUIlEUA.i imbibed too much. He wanted to die, and wailed out, Oh. mother Earth, receive nv*. Take mo to tliy quiet breant; From all my wooh rumpbcll County Men In Atlnntn. The lust number of tho Fairbnrn Sen tinel congratulates Campbell county upon the number of prominent and firat-elass business men now in Atlanta. Among the number it me ut ions tin; names of Gen. Amtell, W. J. Garrett & Bm., M. ('. A J. F. Kiser, M. E. Dorsott, Col. A. J. McBride, Hunnicutt and John Si Ivey. All these aro Campbell county men. About Gen. Austell the Sndiuel says: Gon. A. Austell commenced business in good old Gampbelton, who was u young man, with, (I learn), about 3fWM) worth of goods ami by being polite and attentive to business, and as wo have been told after hi.s doom wore closed nt night, that lie would got his brush and blacking, aud rub, aud put a glows on his old looking shoes to make them Bale- able, and hence by In's not being afraid to soil his hands with labor, and his gn at energy, is now one among the most wealthy Bankor*, and railroad men of tho city of Atlanta. lie gets McBride in tho bhort ribs by buying: “Just think of u poor boy raised down hero iu Fuirburn, a few years since, and what u sloshing business lio is doing now. Wo might with all reasonable pro priety, pronounce him the Crockery King f tiro South, besides being ono of tho heal hoys iu the Christendom” Really, old Campbell may well feel proud of her representatives in Atlanta. i weary—let iuo e go, the Unlit 1 Railroad. Very truly yours, ¥■ Super: Rail _'OHTEB BlODOFT iatendent Western and Atlantis 'Uilrood. WMT J—I.L He wa. received in due form ut the lock up, aud the Court told him he might go, aa long oa ho was so weary, but he must loan him 810 boforo ho started. This was a gloom which cast a shade over his bouI, but it oouldn't bo helped. Tho Western Road you know. JULIUS CJiSAIt ANOEliSON wanted another nigger to render unto Closer the tilings which belonged to that gentleman, and he went to a negro res taurant for something to eat. Without much ceremony, ho yent into tho cook ing department aud pulled out u beef bone which was swimming around iu a pot of soup. To this proceeding tho proprietor objeoted, and ordered Julius to vamoose the rancho. Ho would nei ther eat the bone, pay for it, nor get out. Fine aud costs. JOBE C1UWFOIUJ another negro; had a hand in the above Itone of contention. When a yellow girl, tho cook at the restaurant, told him something, he galluntly remarked thut if she interfered with tho business, bo would ‘knook h—11 out of her.” Tbuao pro ceedings coat Crawford ten blazing dol lars. jane OAicrm kept a select colored boarding bouse. She was no kin to the nan who had so many oats, but sbe had on a mighty good black silk dress, tanked up at the aides, and a white lace {ode Jfcui TVbucrtioctncnts. University High School ATLANTA, OA. minie<l lit the basement of thn 0«lPtho”pe UatviTmty DiiildlUtf, rornnr of Washln^Um aud MiU heU street*, on MONDAY. Uie 11th of Htptom- bor. 1871. PROF. J. A. RICHARDSON, A. M., Lata ot tho Atlsuts High School, Principal. mh Roawmnhlo. ang2fi-if _ J. O-. THR own Ski Proprietor Excelsior Plattcrip* Works, P. O, llox 460, A'1'L.ANTA, OA. ang28 uni. University ot JtTakhvilit, Tenn. FOUNDED 17 8 6. 4th SKPTKMHJkU u Tuition (40 per term. SUg28d2tw4t _____ Gcu. E. KIRBY SMITH, Oglethorpe University. A.tlixnt«t, Gooi'tfiii. COLLEGE DEPARTMENT: Rev. DAVID WILLS, D. D-, Pmffident and Profes sor of Rcllce Lcttree aud Hat red Literature. UUATAVU8 J. OKU, Profeasor of Mathsmatics and Astronomy. Rev. DONALD FRAHF.R, A. M., Professor of Latin and Greek JdtUMuasi a aud Litsraturs. W. LkCONTE HTKPHENH. A. B., Professor of Physical Sciences. Rev. T. A. HOYT, Professor of Metaphysics ai\d Logic. ■ (To bo supplied) Professor of M»lem L*n- “^' lUCHAntmO*. FitthMO. of itatunl Fallow- nfcy and Principal of High BchooL Atlanta Is one of the hue lib lest cities In the United States. Good board can be bad at from (16 Ui There will be two terms in the College. FI BBT MONDAY IN GOTO- ezi BEK. a ffi'wdmfjUL? Terms of TuMioi ring F and ending J HE Pith OF FEBRUARY; the tha F11U4T MONDAY IN MARCH CHICKERING PIANOS! THE UNDER8IGNED BEING THE GENERAL STATE AGENT For the WORLD RENOWNED Ohickcring Pianofortes In prepared to furul «h them admirable ’inalrumouta STOCK KKP TA THIS MUSIC STOKE OH 1)1 HINT FROM THE FACTORY, CATALOGUE HOOKS, OlVluy PRICK, DESCRIPTION* and ENGRAVING O -tyle, sent, p'>*t-paid, hi auy i>arty, on applies- .JlaHiiincturer'M VrrHllcalt: nntl Warranty AlVOMl'AMKS LA0X1 INSTRUMENT. EDWIN FAXON, CotWBli IIIUMD and Marietta STnRKl*. A'i,:* lm AtUntt, Ca. 1,500 Red Rust Proof Oats Mark W. Johnson’s, orivwrrE Cetlon Wni cliouiu', un Ilreml SI red. ALSO : BOO Hash. Selected Seed Harley, 2AO Hush. Seed Rye, to arrive, 500 Hush. Seed Wheal. 2IO Hush. lied Clover, 2IS Hush. Red Top or Herd» OreuM. 224 Hush. Orchard dross, lOO Hush. Tall Meadows Oat dross, to arrive, 175 Hush, mine dross, and tail other useful drosses, He. 500 CM. Fresh Turnip Seep / ALSO: lOO Tons Sea Fowl Eliussn aud other Guano, for Wheat, Etc. ALHOi 500 nixie Flows and other Plows, from fTfK) to (6 60, cheaper than made "Mooetafi." ALNO; The Heller Talent drain Drill For sowing Wheat, Kt«. At«o « Everything also nesdsd la the AgnoaRu ral hue, at Mark W. Johnson's, P. O. BOX HO. Atlanta. Oa. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE Legislative Charter Uraatod la 184! Rev. Ueo. Y. Brown, PmMaa IjlHI next Acttlemle ,mr begin, on Monday, nmmu is An Iclnctic claw U. iMen Connttl fee tb. b.Mit of mow urttliwtoo wbo M.J A.ttr. mil f«rth.j tc Inaprov. ihonuolvw. or to n»m» (Or troohlng. ... N.w Fount Arton hjnnr. Grind Ftnnon tan ... ExpMuun nr. an uodmtn nt la otbu ttmUu 300 BumIauIm Uoel Clover lOO Htinheln Timothy, 300 Buahela Ky. Blue Gram, BOO Buahnla' OrvhaM • n dr-hem, Mmpltnir Sc AUlbiv ClovoJ. manKREBD wrro purotund ,Ur, rtiv frou tb. J. p—ajm gwmntwdTg.b*.^. Uj Your Agricultural Impicueutg, MACUtWEBY. GraanNcialHand Garden Oeoda AT ECHOLS S WILSON'S. \ITE deal with fuannlsclurtn and producer*— vv pay ( ash, sell for Cash—and cannot be un- deroold. OaU oa aug23-6t ECnoLH k WILSON. KCIIOLH Sc WILSON, W ILL MAIL their large and handsomely illustra ted CATALOGUE aud FRIGE LDT. postage prepaid, to applicants. aug28-6t TURNIP WEES JjllltdU AND GENUINE—Ail rtrlsUc*. at -T ECHOLB k WKbOTTS, Broad ah (by k Buy the Ruat ProofOat For Meed. 200 DUBHK U F0 B ^ o »* kTO( nugUOdt Broad .ml (bj thn Bridal.) The Livest,_Best, Cheapest. THK * RURAL JMMIT H KRNIft. LABGE TWENTY FOUR PAGE AGEICULTH- BAL and Famby Monthly. Edited by 8AM’L A. ECHOLS, ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Address MCHPLH W1LBON, Pnhllahers. Unolaimed Freight. TEA N8POKTA TZOV OFFICE Auction, If not called for within thirty days, by J. F. Loyd, 1 package) Diamond. A.. 4 boxes lobar- »; Pettis k Bro , 6 boxes soap; B. A. Alston. 1 bos; W. U. Broach, 1 box; T. Allan, i bag beaus; John L. Conley, 2 boxes; James Frssman. 1 bedstead; E. L. ardson. 1 stove and Ixtanim Wood. 2 package* moulding; O. A- Witty, % boasc tobacco. ED. A. WkltFEB, Agent. augOfilu NEW YORK. FLORIDA. University of Georgia. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR FACULTY. A. LIPSCOMB, D. D., LL. D., Chaxcxixor, H MELL, D. D„ Vlca CntnuUWkta SCHOOLS. Ancient Languagsa-W, H. WADDELL. A. M. Modern Laugoages-M. J. 8MEAD. Ph. D. Rhetoric and Bellos Letters—CHAS. MORRIS, A. M. kthios and Mstaphysics—P. H. MELL, D. D. Mathometlcs—WILLIAM RUTHERFORD. A. V. Natural Phdosophy-W. L. UROUN, A. M. Chemistry, Geology, and Agriculture—W. L. JONES, A. L. HULL, A. M.. B. T. HUNTER, A. M. 1HE next section opens September 16,1*71. tu* udeids ma^aolec?wfiatever Course they wWk!* 1 *" Special attention is paid to the d rota-tonal School * of Law, Agriculture, and Civil Engineoring, which have lieeu expanded to embrace a much larger fleUL Industrial Mclioola of Telegraphy, etc., are oatab- -hed in connection with the University High Hchool which opens upon September let » Tuition, Including all other fees. In all Depart ments, (100, viz . (40 upon 16th September, and upon 10th January. Board (16 to (30 a month. By mossing, students irdnoe.thts to (10 a month. Total tpecHex (275 per annum. for furthor Information, addren the Chancellor, WILLIAM HENRY WADDELL, Secretary of the Faculty, ang22-2twdlt University of Georgia, Athena, Ga. Dry Goods Notice. W E respectfully ask leave to notify our old frlomls and the public generally that we have com monced rooelving our STOCK OF GOODS, tractive axHortmcnt of mtY GOODS, bTRICTLY AT WHOLESALE. Our Goods aro bought Krprcssly for this Section, and will embrace all the NEWEST DESIGNS, and adapted exclusively to this market. J CRANE, BOYLBTON k 00. A. Z. Drills—f. Heist Botutos, Jo. w. a. Howamo. ft a. BBRUbK W. K HOWARD A SOX, COTTON FA< OOMMXMMIOM MHHOMdMTM. Mo. 1SAMMKB BLOCK. . . • AUUUMU.**. CsmmMta far grtfilCHtf, Dae aa4 a Qauto Par Cemt. AU IkmUj ttpcUtt .ttril wfll b. anMb m- laM b in. o/ ta. Urn. U ms III 1,1 i am Ubtnl .US ndTinoM nindn on oottan hours Wo extaad all IE# fcsHBtes iffiirsd h