The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 30, 1871, Image 2
THE DAILY SUN. WfCPNKtiDAY liOMMO .Al'Ol'hT 30. BaF Office in the Sim Building, West side (f Brand street, Second Boor South of Alabama. on First Pc on Foi Hew Advertisements always found ; Local and Business Notices We publish in full, tbc dociMuDb of the Supreme Court; alno tlie dailr "I’ro- peodlnga” of the Court, and keep the “Older M pfgtote” ® oolnmne. 9 Hume* ot our cctecporahta are very much concerned juat now alxmt a “New Party Morement ” The migration Lae been made that The Atlanta Sm and theeapepen which <>p- - eolation of the Penn- f ConTuntiaB eootem- i of a “Hew Party,” in cf$oriiioii to “the Democracy. e, be it known to all who hare any nuch IdNA that Twn Atlanta Soil, apeak- ‘ I to do no aoch thing. 1 it inlmdt not to do. Ite I are with the Democea- «7. ~ ' 1 ' _ I but two partiea in tbia ooun _ ___ _ mt Theao are the Demo- cnUio-or OneWftntifinal Party; and. the KadUi or Oeotralialng Imperial Party. If them be any contain plated “Hew Party” orgaaiartioe, it ii with the dimf- fected debris of the PaaocreMe and ludleal Partiea aa thay now axiat, who to*“oo«oa home, wiah to form e coalition nnd« the name and rtyle of the “Haw Departure Party.” Under tbia arrangement, Ike Radical portion of the oombtnation; are to “atoop to conquer, ” to far aa to abandon the* name « oadel to aware their principle*. Now, with this hideous ooa- lition, Thu Sun has no affinity, nor does it intend to gire it any quarter*. Aft+to wi* Ur “depart” from the Dentoaraoy to join it, in hopes of opoiri, can do so at their pleasure, jaat aa our neighbor of the Heir Era anil Gov. Bullock, and all other disappointed Kadi cols, Who see the day at their political doom coming, may do on their port; bnt with such “Hew Party Organisation' Thb Sub will take no part or lot. The flag under which it is enlisted, is the time honored banner of Jefferson De mocracy. Under this it will triumph, or under it, will pepeh. A, H. S. POLITICS IN*INDIAN A. I rns the I*» Hast! Juunui. Opposed to Central Despotism. Mr. Jcffciaon uttered no idle prophecy when he expressed himself onanist con solidation. r “If this country is brought under a single government,’ 1 he satil, “it will be one of the most ezteusive corrup tion, indifferent and incapable of a whole some core orcr so widespread a _snrfnoe. This will not lie Isirne.und you will have to choose lietwccn reformation and revo lution. If I know the spirit of the coun try, tlie ouo or tlio other is inevitable.— Before tlie canker lias lieoome inveterate, before tlie venom lisa reached so milch of the liody politic as to get beyond con trol, Alio remedy should be applied. ”— The 'Harrisburg Patriot says: “Ths Democratic party, as well by its past history as by its present declaration committed to a rigid interpretation of the Constitution. Its record is sntago nistio to tlie assumption of unwarranted and illegal powers. Itcallsnism all men, irrespective of party affiliations, to aid in wresting from unscrupulous rulers the trust which they have so shamefully mis applied. This question should not he regarded as a isditical abstraction Or as a mere party clamor. Thu glasses should Ik. educated in a sense of the respoiiki- hility wliioh weighs upon them to aiti- r have Ismn a man's sens. Whatever may 1 views in the post, M is wow for hint to do oide whether to will favor a limited or an absolnle goiyremant; wliether support ttocantialiaation or loo of its powers. Upon this tone the Demo- era ticwarty boa but one record, and oan have but one course that of devotion to local government and to the limitation of the Federal Government Its path in the future ia, therefore, plain, aud its tri umph assured."—71rr« Haute Journal, Aui/md, 1871. POLITICS IN UEOKUIA. From Ite IdUnufo Itapork r. The Way the “New Departure' Is Owing. In order to show onr readers the ten dency of the “new departure,” wr copied on the 4th instant, two paragraphs, one from the Montgomery Arfrerfirer, a Dem is;ratio paper running on the eliuk mow- uont, and the other from the Atlanta JVW Era, an out-and-out Radical paper. We now propose to republish them in juxta- puaitlon, followed by onr comments thereon at the time; uni os nil rtcrvasl rasa cron fnm Oe a AlQtmiry JS- Jvn. Uu AUmula Xrw Srm. rerneer. '■Aldlhul, Ibi imbud- -Wbol tb«n I. thl, -N.w Im.nt o< the -hwtanlu. LtelortOfV.* about which tin- end and tho middle at mo aiuch bio, and data- all that BouUx-rn lUpnlill lost rbatorio ho. boon .x dah, oan oak. or have oak- iwodrdl Wa aOne tkalrd.' Sontkarn am wko lU wholo nnnnlnq i. tin. liar, actad with nnd bnan S23agatasr.£3s&u& decli-tfciffiffiltAossatothto. It wmbtWh««th« eh- lutoad to Minttin before Um people that Um UVth io (kMMtUattna IN TM uuooary. Ml Mid raid. S£'B?IL£L£Z as valid part* of Um Coo stitutiou. This lw the be- of UMir 'Departure' * IMA, iM It it just where they stand to-day,” Olf^mniofniMNRn. Akd mw, reader. look upon thU picture anti upon that, u4«iU |M Uks th« company ik« Ad,wrftwr lakeepteg. Ut. Jdrrrltyer. bom do you lik. 5 Aftqy going the iwunds of going the rounds of the eraticy to aoowmderable extent, I Era, <m the nth into., copied the aim' into itg-ooiamna, with the following '• Onto, iilkn frlUlnsksiq. at tk, KrpwOr, donto Ion, rmi.lin tool la list. wh«u Uu -Stor- »b niatoi- to a f.w ww k. 1.. . .,«, tk. •OW want sack upas all lta irood roaohilmna, a local prflburr of public aouUm,bl w blob it A r—tot Tlsi odltor at Um Kta, howoto*, • to axdMo Uuasftglaal departure; and awn ddnmjn baa mad, a aaaand cdkst to ntato IS <*• to nwaocmttc bnrnndM and Mil •« atou act silk no. Mnct nbera 1S0T| we moat oordtouir wdomc i tkat a mop ■oUck- WdstUta.- crat very well. If it please* .lie l./.-sr* liter to mis'! the Era ho a, ['is’ It upon its own political ground, is is >' own business. But there isous tjiinge.itsin, the Atlrcrlisrr cannot thus uffitiate with both parties by claiming to l.o Detooerat- io and advocating Itepublieon prtticiples, and thereby good Democrats. We do not think consistent men of the Demo cratic party will allow themselves to be led Into the Radical party by tlio de ceptive sophistry of tho Ailcertipr in ite advocacy of tho “now departure." Tliu foregoing extracts are full and complete warning to tho Democracy of the country, as lo the real tendency of the .“Departulists;” and they should re member the old and familiar, but truthful adage, “ to be fore warned is to lie forearmed.” Every intelligent man must sec the tendency of (Ae clink movement. The man who doesn’t, can’t see anything; and seeing it, and following it, is only a Qaiumibiq.Quipping Cuuc. Columns advoeutts the “new departure.” This crrtaiulv is gratifying, not to ns alone, but to tlio trim aud! M' 'HRAY’S LINE—NEW earnest Drims rats throughout the L'nioiil Still all have not acquiesced in the ver diet of coudcinuution which it hus re ccircd cveiywhera. The New York If orlrf, tho loading organ, if not tlio originator, of the movement, lias still a faint hope of lreing endorsed by the convention of 1H72. A few of our politicians in this Htutc, who went into the movement early in the hopes of recaiving“valaable equiva lents" for their services, make their boast that it must go through, ami that uc will w IRK A- SAVANNAH. EVERY TUESDAY vkom tint kji.t. 1N6CKASOI! BY STtlXEHS or TUTS LIKE. ONE n u.v I BB (tan. CllilN lass, it DECK, with ....boiotwucw determination on his part to accept the usurpations and frauds of the Republi can party aa his political creed, and to make oommon cause with that party breaking down AH constitutional borrii in all national legislation. And how does tho Advertitrr like the fond welcome of the Era when it says to it, “we moat cordially weloome its return” to the path it started to pursue four years ago gad didn't ? Now we hops the Atl- 111 pans# Is involved in the Badioal meshes set for it by the “new departure” movement Let it halt before it leaps over the precipice. It has gone far enough towards Radical ism, but not to far that it may not return to its old political friends. If it will tnm book again, as it did in 1867, wo will ex tend to it as cordial a weloome aa the Era bow extendi to it The Advertiser It familiar with the dramaof “Ten Nights in nBarBoom;” and while it is politically personating Joe Morgan in that play, we will endeavor to represent little Martin onr appeals to it to “come home, rieur Advertieer, oome home.”—LaUrange (da.) Reporter, Au- gtut 23, 1871. POLITICS IN MISSISSIPPI. Kront tli* Foroat (Mint.) Itoglator. How it Dies. Thor* him uerer been nn innovation of so short and sweet a death aa that of tho Now Departure. ” Very many set out to moke it a winning card for tho Democ racy, but tho people who, thank our Heavenly Futluir, wo more than politi cians, could not be made to see tho wis dom of nuch a departure, Tho first advocates of it liave, therefore, within a little over two montlis embraced with ardor, examined with care and circum spection; probed with skill, dropped heavy, and re-dopartod from us unpopu lar. Tlie late coldness of journals m the mention of it ia matter of popular con gratulation. We tackled tlie monster at its birth be lieving the thing most dangerous to the welfare of the people, and odious to their just sense of }>nliticul rectitude. We did not misinterpret the will of the peo ple, It was seen at n glance that Demo crats could not unite on it, uud therefore it given up for * 'a dead cock in the pit. ” Friends, let it die an easy death. The poor little iufant was not exactly stre led, because it was a sickly child and the accoucheur saw it would die of it* own ac cord, or perhaps she would have given it some jerks she did not. It may cause about n half a tear apiece to some elderly gentlemen in tlieir political do tage, but the active, wide-awako people will say: “It was a good thing the poor little creature died, for it was too weakly to have enjoyed life, even if it hod lived.” Let ns keep Democracy pure, friends, and then when wo do win, our victory will not be one of dishonor. The silence of tho ureas is a sigu of deep mourning, in whicli wo sympathize with the afflicted relatives of deceased.—Forest {Mi**.) Reg ister, Aug. 11), 1871. POLITICS IN PENNSYLVANIA. Froiu tin' Jeffommlftu. The Advertiser doubtless feels very rnuah aatoateA by (to Rm to making (la band* of the Box •tot ii. weloome it receives at the Our Object. Y’ou Democrats of Chester county have anfflrienUy vuiilieatod yoiirwlvos; now why not coaeo iigituting this new ili'piirt nre ? This question liu* been iu.kc.1, not only the writer, bnt many other Democrats of thisconnty, by tlie “new tlepartiirists,” some of wnom'aHsisteil to --set up” tlie movement for the late State Convention In onr contest against the “new de parture” we do not seek vindication; nor ao we contend against tlio "departure" of any Democrat from the ancient faith of the party who may nee tit or deem it more profitable to desert and join the ranks of our enemy. Onr light is against the efforts of a fow i>oliticul hucksters who are endeavoring to prostitute the greatest, noblest and only party that could ever govern this country as it wa* intended liy the patriots of f?7liit should lie governed, in order to destroy the only bulwark remaiuiug to protect tlie Consti tution anil civil liliorty from the hands of tlie lni|H;rialist*. The Demoeratiu party i» the mile hope of the friends of a eon- stitutioual republic. Every other means of dofciuw 1ms Iweu captured by the onn- ■olidutionists; tho legislative, executive and judicial ihqiartmcnt* ore within their control! the patronage of these depart ments, vastly increased within tlie hist decade, ia •ystcuiatiually and constantly used for their nefarious purposes; and the army with thoir bayonets turned against their own countrymen have become the pliant tools of tho despots of this once free republic; and to-day tho life, liberty aud property of every nuui in this Union ia ut the maroy of a corrupt aud unscru pulous President, who may suspend cvoiy civil function of government, noth State and Federal, and place the whole oouutry under the rule of a lot of potty military totraiw. From tho commencement of the war down to tho present time the Democratic party has been the only object that caused the Radicals to halt in their march to wards a centralized and despotic govern stent. In all the trials and tribulations through which we hare passed daring thejjtotten years, the Democracy liave maintained an unbroken front which the Radicals, with all their power aud money, failed either to break or demor alise. It ia onr object to maintain the same unbroken line, and to bold fast to the eld creed, believing aa we do, that tlie ~ atio party has a high and holy to perform, and wliioh, without they can and will accomplish if but remain true to themselves. Net- ding tho 9th resolution depro- _ suasion, we intend to discuss and agitate this "new departure" heresy nntU lt ia buried so deep as never to bo Ul in the Convention of 1872 or (tor. The Republican party bus pdwaym advocated tho doc trims of the ' < mw departurists,” and all those desir ing, may depart into their ranks; but must not hope or expect to drag the whole yarty down to tneir own ignomin ious level The eoniae of the Democrats of this oonnty with their allies in other portions of the State have already had a good af- for wf believe that there is not to- rin the State, exoept I openly is its editorial ■ soy, repi ut before it is too Ijt< come Vlliuo, back to the fold from which you have ' departed aud you will lie forgiven; but do not flatter yourself with the idea that yon <am get the National Convention to stultify itself, for it will be composed of different material from that sent to Har risburg, and not so easily manipulated; and if by any misfortune it Bbould be in dorsed by that convention, it will only r<-stilt in the overwhelming defeat of tlio ticket nominated, for we do not believe it oould possibly receive a single vote in tho electoral college. Bo return to tho ranks: make no more “departures;” but remain with the friends of constitutional government nnd assist them in tbeir war upon the centralism of the Radicals.— Array yourselves with the friends of the Republic, anil with them fight on, fight ever against all attempts at Imperialism -Ionian Democrat, August, 1871. in this country.—Jeffcrumian West Chester, Pa., StSlh XTliotclUinrons. 3T. Or. THRO -W B n, Proprietor Escalator Flattering Worke, 1\ O. Box 400, ATLANTA, OA. »ug?H Cm. NOTICE. Central Railroad a rlrer, ia uow preutred to _ of fn-ight on it* crts direct from the whsrf for trmne- portRUuu to the interior. lij tlie let of November it ie expected that a Urge . % ... . ■■■ *— **- *—*' i of Mlt,gU- which por- The firet olMe eteomehlpe? I'ZAUBOlim, Co-timender. dL'LKLi.V. Commander, Coiapooo tine line, end one of ’three •'iMRiJiMhipo I«Rvce oRch port EVERY TUESDAY. Through Lilia of hiding given by theee maeniehlpe by all railroad connectioni, and »Uo throngli bills Uding given in Heviuiifth on Cotton d. «tinfed for Liverpool and Hamburg by flret ohwe eU«m«hlpe. - For freight or neeeege. apply to HUNTER h (SaMMELL. 84 IUy etreet. PHOjIDELPHU AND SAVANNAH MAIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY. f’/if/„f«f;f,p//u xr» v-f- t'jvrjrjtu. EVERY SATURDAY from each port. INSURANCE ON COTTON UY STEAMERS ON THIS LINE ONE HALF PER CENT. CABIN PASSAGE f» WYOMING TEAL. Commander. TOM AWANDA BARRETT. Commander One of theee etoamebipe leave each port EVERY SATURDAY. Through bllle lading fumielied by tbeee ateamehipe by all railroad connections. For >• ttppiy to HUNTER k GAMMELL, 84 Bay street. NORTH UKOHGIA FEMALE COLLEGE, IVY NTRRRT, TWEEN Wheat and l ine etreeta, Atlanta. Fall iM'Miion opeuM September 4, 1H71. For circnlare containing full i*rti<-ulars. apply at the Book aud M usi Htoree, or the Cfdlege. jyc dhw2iu A. J. k ANNIE D. HAILE, 9C Prindpala 1,000 UUHIIELS Red Rust Proof Oats Mark W. Johnson’s, OPPOSITE Cotton Warehouse, on Broad Street. ALSO : 300 Hush. Selected Seed Harley, •ISO Hush, seeti Itye, lo arrive, 500 Bush. Seeel Wheal, 210 Bush. Hetl Clorer, 215 Bush. Heel Top or Her els Crews. 224 Bush. Orchard Crass, lOO Bush. Tall Jlleadotr Oat Crews, lo arrive, 175 Bush. Blue Crass, and all other useful Crosses, ftr. ,700 Mr/. Fresh Turnip Seep ; ALNOt IOO Toms Sea Fowl Etiirau and other Guano, tor Wheat, Etc. ALMO: 500 BUie Plows and other Plowa, from $:i|50 to f5 M. cheaper thau h< made “Scooter*." ALHOl The Keller Patent Crain Brill freight o THE B08TCN AND SAVANNAH 8TEAM8HIP UNI The ateamahlpa Oriental, Capt F. M. Swan. Vlrkabnrg, Capt, S. H. Matthkwf. CABIN FARE $80 00 DECK 10 00 Through bllia of ladinS given by railroad agenta to Bottom, and iu Bouton by fttoamahip agenta to pnn Fail River. Portland, Lowell, Law rente, Ao. Paaaage tickets sold at railroad depot, and state rooms aecnred In advance by writing agents In 8e- HWUARDBON k BARNARD, novO-tf Agenta, Boston For IVew Yorlc. wing Wheat. Etc. > | Everything cUc n eded in the .tgrienltu- Mark W. Johnson’s, P. O. BOX 330, Atlanta, Ga. CHICKERING PIANOS! - TIIE PMDZItamNEIl 11K1M11 THE GENERAL STATE AGENT For tlie WOIIU) BENO\VNED Ohicker ing Pianofortes Is prci«ared to furuisb three admirable instruments from STOCK KKP T A THIS MUSIC STORE DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY, As parties may desire. CATAL.OOUE HOOKS, Giving PRICK. DESCRIPTION and ENGRAVING c each style, tent, poet-|«id, to any party, on applies tiou. ,tlanuleictnrer's Cerlinrale and Warranty ACOOUPXME* E.U’H INSTltl MEKT. EDWIN FAXON, CoRNta Broad augS Ini Unolnlmed Freight. ORE following described articles wUl be sold at J. F. Loyd, 1 package; Diamond. A..4 boxes tobac. >; Pettis k Bro., 8 boxes snap; 11. A. Alston, 1 box; r . H. Broach. 1 box; T. Allen, 1 bag beans; John L. Conley, 3 boxes; James Freeman, 1 bedstead; R. L. “ nary. 1 seed cleeuer; Henry k Co., $ bbls. liuuor id I onx; J. Jones. 1 package !«dding; F. M. KWh- ituree; P. eoMtac: ( KD. A. WARNER. Agent. University High School ATLANTA, OA- be—lent of the O*l*tho-ps I’nivsnity Duthling, ooroer of Weahiagvm sod MHi heD streets, on MON DAY, the 11th of fttfkam- WTI. rmow. J. a. eichaedgom. a. m., late of the Atlanta High School. Principal. Tprm* Ilohaonablc. ITIE GREAT SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. EVERY THURSDAY. Insurance by this Line can be effected under out open policy at one-half per oent, CABIN PASSAGE $30 00 The first class steamers Herman Llvlngitonr, Cheeaeman, Oom. Gen. Barnes, F. 0. Mallory, Com. Will sail as follows: . LIVINGSTON June 1st, at 8, r. M. M •• 15, 4:30, r. M. »• " 30 4, P, U. OEN. RARNE8 June Hth, at 8, v. u. • « 23d, at L la of lading given hereon cotton and wheat thro, to Liverpool and Hamburg via New York by fin ciaaa steamers. For passage or freight, apply to WILDER k FULLARTON, ov p-tf No. 8 Stoddard's Upper Bangs. For Baltimore. Pojmltic /umilii Suiting Xilail)tncB IN TUB CITY! 500 Crates assort ed granite and C C Ware for $80 per crate. Cheapest ev er offered in State. Send for list of con tents. to *-4 SAVE YOUR FRUIT! CADIN PASSAGE $30 MT The Baltimore and Savannah Steamship Co'i Steamers sail from Savannah during Decamber as follows; Saragossa Thursday, February 3d America #Pr. Thursday " Oth ....Thursday, " 16th America,....,, Saragossa Thursday, “ 33d Thursday, March 2nd nov9-tf JAS. B. WEST k CO., ltey street, foot of Whitaker. The Palace Dollar Store L. 14. PIKE, PROPRIETOR. n. n,-mx>D8 sext to axv part or the 00CHTRV. klwHMm :«m 1Juh1i,‘Im HpiI Clovor IOO UiinIicIn XiniotKy, 300 IIumUoIm ICy. Xlluo Grnaa, UOO HiimI.oIn Orchard Gpiiwh, rtiipliii|{ JL Alxiko Clover. purchased directly from the mteod fresh aud pure. ECHOLS A WILSON, Agricultural Warehouse aud Seed Store, aug33>6t Broad at, iby the bridge) Atlanta, Ga. Buy Your Agricultural Implements, MACHINERY, GraMaHocdR nnd Garden Hood AT ECHOL9 A WIL80N S. W K deal with manufacturer* and producers- pay cash, sell fur Cash—and cannot be un dersold. Call on aug33-8t ECHOLS k WILSON. KCHOLN Ac WUAON, TURNIP NEED, Broad st (by tho Bridge.) Huy the Hunt Proof Oat For Need, m SALE BY ECHOIC L Broad street (by the Bridge.) The Livest,_Best, Cheapest. THE RURAL SOU T M 1 R N I R . A LARGE TWENTY-FOUR PAGE AGRICULTU RAL and Family Monthly. Edited by SAM’L A. ECHOLS. ONLY ONK DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Address _ ECHOLS WILSON. Publisher*. Rev. li. A. BONHEIM’S 1 ENGLISH AND GERMAN SCHOOL, CORNER OF U Mitchell and Pryor streets, will he re-opened on the 4th of September. In this echool the usual branches, aa wall aa the German langwage a re taught. Tuition $5. $4 and $3, according to the branches taught, payable in advance. daughter of the Rev. 11. Bokurn. aug3:wi:t GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE l/flsUtlre Cluutor GrontfHl In 1849. Her. Geo. Y. llrown, President. rjYUK next Academic year begins on MONDAY, 8EFTEMBER 18. An Eclectic Class has been form oil for tho benefit of those graduate* who may desire still further to Improve themsHvea, or to prepare for teaching. »j»- New Patent Artoo Nguare Grand llanos are Expenses are aa moderate aa in other similar > SAFEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST FRUIT JARS S EE the testimony of Miss E. J. Hale, who ia known in Atlanta to be unexcelled in Pionerv ing and Canning Fruit: MeMrs. McBride tO Co.: Qentijcmkh: My success iu tbo uso of the “Vlo* tory” Fruit Jar is so groat that I desire to thank you for introducing it Into our vicinity. More thau ton years ago I began canning fruit for home use. having used of every can introduced, from the old tin can and “Arthur's Patent" glass can (1855) till l found the “Victory" And I unhesitatingly declare it to be tho clioapcst, most simple to use, aud the best for keeping fruit In its natural state that I have ever •eon. Vory Respect'ully, Zi ► F . a P K s i Z Us o W w3 7 B £ « 5 3 | 8 5 M e ll ? C B k 3 O ‘ * B 5 p -• H ^ -»x ts % P3 Cj © t L- • » i 2. XHisttllnncors 'Abotrliermtnls. CITY FLOURING MILLS, .1Tl..t.VT.l, CF.OHCKt. ■ It all Uiiue* an- rquol, nil, not ,iutro ire home uinnulUcturR ! n I HAVE furnished my MUls throughout with NEW ^ i 1 and IMPROVED MACHINERY, aud am 0 ^ : - A i s s| 09 H H r O P „ Si 5 o - w •g " > ii a » or 3 p r. ST 1 P ® #25.08 Saved I #25.00 Saved! PRICES AND TERMS OF WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing Machines. CNDEBTEED NETT CASH. $10 PB MO. $5 PE MO. No. 8, Plain Table $ 45 $ 55 $60. No. 6, half-ease, pin bx 60 60 65. No. 7. do ftn’y 55 65 70. No. 7, Folding cover 70 80 Na. 8, Full Cabinet, IU0 110 No. 8, Folding Cover, 130 WARRANTED FIVE YKAR8 BY WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO We wish it distinctly understood that these are our terms from which we never deviate; and wo guaran tee our Machines to kava every point of excellence to be found in any Underfeed Shuttle Machine, aud as durable, made of as good material as any Machine iu the world, aud that it will do aa elagant work. W. H. GRIFFIN. Gen. Agent, 32 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. Looking Glass Plates. hJnlytt. ltfl. Jyll-dMawAwYm. We offer the Cheapest and Best line oi House - Keep ers’ Goods in the City. Cut lery, Spoons, Forks,Knives Waiters, Cas tors, Vases & Toilet Sets. In fact, any thing needed in a well kept house. Call with the cash McBride & Co. y4-eodlv NATIONAL HOTEL BAR. THE BEST LrQUOKM AED THE Mont Export IVTixers SPLENDID NX* BILE LARD TABLES. flYHW establish newt baa hren refitted ta olegant X alyls, and supplied with Um l*st lienor* in the city. Tbs Billiard Tables are new and splendid. Special attention to Um comfort and plmaure of friasxda who give us a cull. Minim XAMrjxL traaxx. At Home! At Homo! And ready to furnish LUMP COAL Equal to any I have every sold in thin city, At $6 50 per Ten. by the Cor Lead. Order* for Coal to be delivered on any Railroad south of this point must he accompanied with the Cash or City reference. Thankful for past favors, during five year* In tho Coal trade, I trust I shall still merit a share of the N. B. Not to be undersold in this market be fouud at the office of Janies O. Allen, Decatur Street Lumber Yard. Respectfully. aug32-dlw EDWARD PARSONS Henry Bischoff & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AKD DEALERS 18 Rico, WIiioh. Liquors, Sr- Kiirx,ToDueco. .Vr. No. 107, East Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. u. bischoff. c. wur.n j. a. urn julyG-Jm A. J, HARALSON, Corner Marietta and Broad Streets a fi.ff, jt i/c;rtojr f ojnjussmjr jft kiwUoAJYT) ND Wholesale and R« Gil Hosier iu FURNITURE. A N V'l,. Consignments solicited. Cash advances ou consignments for auction in store. Repf HENCE*—Messrs. Gordon, Willis A Co, Bank ore. Wail Street, Atlanta aiigHlm- Georgia—Ciiltoii County. Fulton Sut-mion Count—Aran. Teem, 1871. MaKTUA F. liYArt ) re, [ I.ibul for Divorce in said Court, Gkoboe A. Ryan. ) It appearing to the Coart, by the return of the Sheriff, that George A. Ryan, the Defendant in the above stated ease, docs uot reside in said county at Fulton, aud it also appear!ug that be does uot reside in said State of Georgia, it is, therefore, ordered by the Court that service of said libel be made on said George A. Ryan, by publication of this order ll public gaxetto in this Stato ouco a mouth for four months, previous to Uie next term of this Court.— Granted by the Court. J. M. Calhoun fc Son., Plaintiff’s Attorney. A true Extract from the miuuto* of said Court |iui'wi«iu«iu »». u. u,n«ui,b, v iera. SHARP & FLOYD, SUCCESSORS TO ana. sharp, jr. Whitehall SI., Mlanta, Ca. MAMFACTLRINH AND MERCHANT JEWELRY. DEALERS IN Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. FAIRS. M anufacturer or gold, silver and DROhZE MEDALS for FAIRS. PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, FORKS, SPOONS, KNIVES, kc. To oMgHculiurai Fair Commit tee*. full line of PHEMIUMH or all kinds. We guarantee PERFECT SATISFAC TION, and will give the BE8T TERMS. We do not desire to make any profit off of County Fairs just starting, aud wiU taka pleasure in filling large or email order*. Give ns a call or write for prices. SHARP St FLOYD, augfi lm. ATLANTA. GAR pe<l hack to nit; at my expeuae. 1 am prepared u»Lu nuh Uac trade, in any quantity, is aack*, half sacks or quarter sacks: PRIDE OF DIXIE, from chelee white wheat. CITY MILLS FAMILY, from selected red wheat CAPITOL MILLS FAMILY. STAR MILLS FAMILY. BRAN, narked or uuaacked- J. B, BATTLER, Proprietor. angliau To Parties Desiring to Build ri-HR niri.nwl wU..^..UaU, laiarai Ui, t uUmi or AUuita UiM li„u sow jirep.rrxl lo "yer'HT*. **» *•"*"«• eiMMi.r, ~ ISe M'lmIMnr ll'.mrlou.l mC •arm, Cm. He has at hla command a picked aet of hands, and feela confident in giving general satisfaction. REFERENCE—Col. John L. Grant, Lon Kiev k Robinson, and Fay Jk Corput, Architect*. JOUJY C. JiriCIMOMsSm OFFICE IN AIR-LINE HOUSz. PRYOR ifrREKT ap37-8m NAM’L IT. STOUT, M. !>., Agent for Introduction of Harper St Brothers’ EDUCATIONAL, WORKS. MT Office at Phillip* k Crews*, corner Marietta and Peachtree streets, Atlanta, Ga. Judge T. S. Fos ter, clerk; always present to attend to business iu his absence. ang 1-lm WANTED. mo Exchange some unimproved Real Estate, iu X Atlanta, for a Stock of Goods (Dry Goods or Gro ceries!, for which a fair trade will be given. Address REAL R8TATR, 8un Office. Atlanta, (ia . Aug. 33. lH7l-4t I PM. JU.1CKIE, Painter andlOeco*-ator, O FFICE above W. G. Jack’s, Whitehall street, r turns thanks to his old patrons for fonuet favors, and hopes by attention to business tomerite a of the same. ap36-ly THO*. HAMPTON, *• D. BALMONS, P. A. BAKBOUK. Brake's Creek JVUIs. F. A. BARBOUR & CO., j^uuia is FLOUR, MEAL, k SHIP STUFF, rsux'M /.i.v, suurrucav. tO- HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB WHEAT. -*» All produce delivered at the depot free of charge* apr!3-6m Musical Instruction. J>R0F. HUTCHINSON, Musical Director of the Beethoven Society, Atlanta, Teacher of Piano-Forte, Organ and Melodeon. Address—Care Lawshc and Haynes, Whitehall street, or P. O. Box 361. ang34-lui JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Grant’s Building, corner of Marietta and Broad streets. Prit ticc* in the Courts of the city and county, aud the United States District Court aud the 8u- p r< me OnH of Georgia. aug31-lm I AM GLAD HE HAS COME. Georgia I CAN now cane yonr chairs, and make them look new for the same you will pay for a bottom. No charge for varnishing chairs when I oane them, and I warrant all Uph»lMl*rlnf. J-'mrmitmrt Ur pah-inf, tie., to give satisfaction. Furniture covers cut, made and a fit warranted. Hair and spring mattresses made to order. Ail kinds of household furniture aud up* holatery done at the shortest notice. I have re moved to DeGive’s Opera House, under May sou’s AucUon Ware room, ou Marietta street C. B. BROWN. apl5-6m Late of Richmond. Va. School Notice. flMIK Ninth Session of MISS LATIMER’S SELECT MONDAY, 25TH OF AUGUST, and close of the 16ih of December. Curriculum of studies same as adopted in best Schools and Colleges. TERMS: PRIMARY CLASS—$2 00. INTERMEDIATE—(Embracing all Etotlish branch- o*)—$3 (JO. CLASSICAL—(Including, with higher English, Latin and French)—$4 00, per scholastic month. Atlanta Marble Works. WILLIAM GUAY IMPORTER AND DEALER IN i merican, Italian and all other Marbles SCOTCH C H.l.t'ITE. tice and in the latest and most approved manner. Designs of all Cemetery work furnished FREE oi application. J. E. LEAS, Aokmt. HOME-MADE Carriages, Buggies, PHAETONS, cfco., dbc., dbo., dec. • —AT— A. T. Finney’S Carriage Emporium, NO. 5 KKOAD STREET, .< TiXrTJ, OEOROM. The Pioneer Carrliwe Vamifartarr of Atlaato. H IS work LQl’AIA If not SURPASSES, la Bnliili. tho Best JI'ortherH_Jtlaete Work, Aa.l ia Onnktlur i, FAB sUFHWMt-aV workke- inf pat up of tho ,wy boot HHoaok wood ud hr THE BEET WORKMEN, Whll. In PRICES, I cwn oorapeto with ANY MANUFACTORY IN THE UNITED STATES JMT Gall and examine for yourself, or asnd your orders -%* AOBNT for KIM 19 A 1*1* MBOS., Carriage Mama far turrr*, of Bostom. MM lm flarbwau, Qlatlm, 0mi, Me. W. CO-, I- WADSWORTH Ac IMPORTERS AND WHOLSALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, OATTtote MAliora and Bulldora Material and Toofri, Rubber and Xaoatlior Boltins. No. *t Whltohd Stroot, Oor. Abhuu, Oppootto Juim' Don* ATLANTA CA. ♦moere 1* SUBSCRIBE THK MVJT FOB . Tine SUN 1 Booty RUper year