The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 31, 1871, Image 1
THE VOL. II. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1871. NO. 400 the daily sun l*ubliKhrtl by the Atlanta Sim l* till Halting Company. Alexander H. Itepkeni, 1 Archibald M. IpelgbU, { Proprietors. J. Healy Smith, ) Alexander U. Stephens, Political Editor. A. R. Watoaa, .... Sews Editor. J. llenli Smith, General Editor and Bnsl- neesXaaaper. Traveling A*«»<* l J. M. W. HHdl*. J. W. HKABD, Wm. E-texa, Jr., New* Agent. Savannah, keep# The Sum foe wle. To Travklees.—Person# passing through Chat tanooga, will find Tn Sum for mlehj C. H. GledhUl, No we Agent; Agents for The Sna, Thomas N. Hofjums, Thomaavllle, Ga. James A luck Smith, Knoxville, Teun. Data BO*. Afiha** Ga. JOHM T. Robkbts, Atlanta, Ga. J. L. Yuan, Woodstock, Ga j. Q. Caldwell. Thomson, Ga. H. O. Bamiltow, Dalton, Ga. W. C. Da via, Jr., Eaton ton, Ga. Tapfam, Mapp * Co., White Plain., Green Co., Ga TELEGRAPH NEWS Bjr the New York Associated Press. DOMESTIC NEWS. KENTUCKY. p.u « * a./iai.r—>'«r«i Mnmii«. Louisvillr, August 80.—The fourth floor of Whitney, Brown <fc Oo.’s grain warehouse fell to-day, killing two blacks and one white man. The building was crushed to the cellar. Two prorainei.t Alain street merchants were thrown into the streets by tho ooncussion. OHIO. HOW TO UKM1T MOSKV w, wm b. ».pon«lbi7tor the at. mtIt.1 of >U «... l.w ItAoiatmrHd Let- m r.T mat MtoMoW Order, by 10* U. tonal Let m0 “. I fSJwm. hr hr l>T«n, but nut othnrwfn. If j , • * I.Ha, la Inat. It m money mSttoin tmr.glrt.rnd letter U tort. It tnurt .. fm a Ik. eun/ai aAndlnff it- w it* pn lor.iXSIm.. will rtw»y. be ermed when the lime ‘^■'pmoM’eendlnf money by Eipreermuet pre- To Oorroapondanta. Mr. Stophen. will remain In Crawfordville. Hia connection with The Bum will not change hia reai- , _ an uHgri intended for him, either on pri- S maL or clectel wi.h the Political Im pertinent of thta paper, ahould be addressed to him at Crawfordville, Georgia. , nnnA .t M i with at Craw ft T^r'snnfernet't Ue^UticarDepartineuk ebould be iliSid to7 Uenly Smith, Hammer. AtlenU. Ok Tonus of Bubsorlptton« DAILY . Per Annum.. L Month* Three Mouths.. One Montu WEEKLY PKB ANNUM : Mingle Copy Three Copies.... . ... a oo 4 50 14 00 26 00 50 00 5 Cento. rweutf ** - Fifty “ ning-ie • • » ■ ■ WEEKLY—BIX MONTHS s Hiugle Copy. Six Months J ti.wm* •• •• “ 7 go .. I*!!!!!!!.! oo t *"‘ 27 50 aubacriptioua. to the Weekly, received for a shorter period than six month#. . All subscription* muat be paid for in aavaucc . and all name* wUl be stricken fro: the time paid for expires. Three Ten Twenty Fifty r book* when Name, for Club, muet ml bo tent at tho Ml. Unto end toko tho paper for tlio Mine length of time, end all bo at the same poet office. Terms of A.dvortlmlnfif. WEEK 2 WEEK* 1 60 6 00 T 50 0 00 11 00 12 00 14 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 27 00 40 00 0 00 12 00 16 qO 18 00 20 00 22 GO 24 00 27 00 32 00 35 00 38 00 $ 7 60 12 50 10 00 20 00 22 00 26 00 28 qG 31 00 33 00 30 00 38 00 40 00 43 00 65 00 1 MONTH. * 8 60 15 00 18 00 24 00 27 00 30 00 i 00 36 Or 38 00 40 00 For a lees parlod th*" ona week. $1 per square (ten 1 i uo* r ofaoUdN od pore il type, or occupy lug that much apace] for the first insertion, *Rd 60 ceuU lor “SdJSSSSSm’ffSH'&H Column marked with au asterisk, l*) will be ofappsd Spcfinlt per Hue each iiomenja under the *I»cW Tqr 1™ * tmip thftu oqe wSk. will be charged r^JrerlKeraonta. exoept for eatobliahcd bual- houeeeT in this oily, must be paid for in ad- hobs' houses, in this oily, V *Norednci!on wlU be made on tbs for quarterly. aeml«anuual or yearly advertisemeuta. Arrivals »»* D*?**!** THE WESTESN 4 ATLANTIC (OB STATE) HAILBOAU. MOUT PAH.1SNOKU TBAIN-OUTWAED. Leavot Atlanta « loS ui Arrive, at Chattanooga • • • •• M" •"* DAf PASSENONB TBAIS—OUTWABD. ^ ^ ^ ^ .’4:25 pm ""iiliW XORE— OU1WAED EAST LINE 1 Loeree Atlpit. 7:63 E " drrtvM rtDrtton ■ • ••• •”•••• • ;•";_ Arrtvi . 6:20 pn MISHT PASSENONtf WUIH-WWAIUL Leaves Chattanooga , .« Arrives a* Atlanta •••••■• * DAT PASSENOEB TEAIN—INWABD. g ^ ^ ^ Loavoa Chattanooga d m Arrives at Atlauta ACCOMMODATION TUAlN—INWABD. m Dalton a ui i at Atlanta TUS HEOEttlA (AUaUSTAJ BA1LHOAD. (JVo Day Train on Sunday. Night PoMenger Tim*"*"* t . m 1)5 Pekoewfer Tr*ln V" J| Stone --S** '‘SFSStSZ^ Day Paaaonger train leaves. * * * * * ’ * * * V.TA5 *1 Leaves Macon. Day Passenger Train arrives * » {fJSlC^rWn^iv-:::;::::. •; »*P p Arrives at Macon ATLANTA AMD WEST POINL EAILMOAD. . .5:00 p. PoltUes in Ohio, Columbus, Angusfc 30.—Pendleton and Thurman spoke. Pendleton, after a eu- logium on Vallandigham, repeated liis Loveland speech. Thnrman said the Democrats interpose no objection to the 13th amendment, but were os strongly opposed to the 14tli and 15th amendments as ever. He de nounced the reconstruction meusures of Congress, claiming that all the recon struction necessary when the rebellion surrendered, was for the Southern States to elect Senators and Representatives to Congress. He reviewed the reconstruc ted State governments in detail, aud said the debts of these States had beeu in creased by the negro and carpet-bag governments $190,000,000. He denoun ced the Ku-Klux bill, and the treaty of Washington. MASSACHUSETTS. ilsre mbout the Meatier. Boston, August 30.—Major George F. Browning, thirty-four years of age, died of excitement over the disaster in which bis brother was badly burnt No additional deaths lruin the disaster have been reported. Surgeon-General Dales, who refused to confirm a homeopathic physician as Brigade Surgeou, was strongly denounc ed to-day at a meeting of the Massachu setts Homeopathic Medical Society, aud a committee was appointed to iulineuce Governor Claflin to overrule the decision MISSOURI. trial of a JY’eu) Steam HraLe. St. Louis, August 30.—The now steam brake was tested to-day on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. A train of ears, going forty-five miles an hour, ou a down grade of forty feet to the mile, was stopped within a thousand feet in thirty-two sec onds. .J Huf'u JS'mtlonal Combination. Vienna, August 30.—The Free Press says a league for the preservation of the pence of Europo lias been formed at Gostein, and that Austria, Germany and Italy, and perhaps Russia, are its ad herents. NEW YORK. tborHonUte—l'outh Mardercd—.t Cap. tain f'raoed—iH tfnaramtine-^narSae New Yoke, August 30.—The ltosen- wig House was thoroughly searched and the only clue is cast off linen found in the cellar. A servant girl confessed to pre vious abortions in the house. The Dis trict Attorney thinks the evidence against Roscnwig is overwhelming; The latest theory is that the girl was » native of Dint. .I.hkI ntrnil 19. 1111*00 Of Dl\ Plutz, Poland, aged 19, nieoe of Dr. Boat?uwig, by whom she was ruined, lho corpse was undoubtedly taken from ltos- enwig’s house. The Manhattan, from Charleston, is detained in the lower bay witli lifty pas sengers. She will be detained until Fri day or Saturday. Coroner Jones, of Brookliyn, took tho dying confession of Emily Augusta Post, implicating Dr. Perry aud Mrs. Vanbuckirk of abortion. A private dispatch received by the AIIII - deal Clazelle this morning, dated Fernau- diuo, Florida, August 29, is as follows: Cupt. S. H. Patridge, of the steamer City of Houston, is crazy. Ho attempt-- ed to commit suicido-this owning. lUos, S. Ellis, agent of the Now York Board of Underwriters,and a doctor were watching him. , T . Thu steamer Tillier, of Mallory s Cine, about which some anxiety has been felt, left Key West this rooming. Her lit is slightly damaged. Emili imily Augusta Post is dead. Tlie pu- lice are after Dr. Perry and Mrs. Van- book ilk. A youth, name unknown, who was sent from Hoboken aitli a cheek on the Han over Bank for 81,000, is said to have beon killed and his body washed aeliorc. Hudson, August 80.—A sovera ram caused a break in the Delaware and Hudson canal, which will delay trans portation a week. VIRGINIA. 10:07 Nisia PMMDker Twin tokve. __ Lay lWMMSer roba •rr"™* ■"."‘.'.V.’.'.’lUa in D*y PuMDin TrBin auro x»° kicaao-* .am.muoip. ^ Lto-toOllitonrMto ..10 A. M. Arrive at .. 3 p. M. Leave Attaota...•• • P. M. A reive Et OlftMlfr '■ 1 ■ Macon Si A(!S»4“ Itollroad. n., ,**■» » Leave AttfUEU 6 0C A. M. Tu.a Vuvin at 7 40 P. M. 1 45 P*. M. Conotrratire Contention. BlCHUOND, August 90.—-The Conserva tive Convention, orgnmzed with Hum. ». Bocock as President. Delegates from « colored conservative dub were admitted ‘ U ‘a morion'toadmit Governor Walker to the privileges of the House was opposed on the ground that it was desirable to give no appearance of official influence to tile deliberations of ttie Convention. Judge Walker refused to serve on a Business Committee, on the ground of his not sympathizing with the progressive r6 ^°he President made a Rpeoch counsel ing the banal of tho dead issues. Le.™ Macon »t. Arrive .1 Macon ...... Arrive »tAa«nrt*^.t — • Western Hollroad of Alabama. 4:10 A M Leave Selma ... c 40 A M Arrive at .. 11 -.53 A M Arrive at West Point F M i etfo West Point 515 I’M Leave Columbus. p M Arrive at OoHsmImm...... • r - AtlSBtle EtaTtielr IUIUmM- x vRilM Bsvanuah, Oa.. via Albany, Jacksonville F wdTLtaU-U.teWui»cy, Florida: Ix-ave fiarximal 1 dkily. p' JJ ESSStStoa.—•'W’* **- cepied..* « isntoU,. CXC.S;,, „ |,e*vo Jacksonvili# daily p! M l/«ve Albfiny <UUy • .. 5 2C A. M amiaatMavaunab itady., Arrive BUtavEWtab Omly M - rTr m. and Chaitootoa Bailroad. ns, Asm*. Anjurrr, Or. TIMS TABLE Of TMS MBBrOI. .SO CSrUOtBLOS S- SOUTH CAROLINA. TA, *v»vr. Cuaiilkoton. August 80.—Three now cases of yoUow fever were reported to day, Ileturus for the week ending Sat urday show a total of six yellow lever deaths. _ . LOUISIANA. Mr. DeLattic btutnl tbov had boon giv- bia vote for the on to him to bccuro meiumra. Maj. Flanden stated that every niem- ber of the Council had beeu approached. He bad seen $100,000 worth of stock of fered to one of them. Administrator Walton stated that lie had been offered a sum which would make him independent for life to support the measure. The impression prevails that the scheme will eventually pass the Council, and the city will not ouly be fleeced of its water works, but out of $2,000,000 be sides. FOREIGN NEWS. MARKETS BY TEI.KliltAIMI. ENGLAND. .VUeellaueone Mattert from Many Ifnariert. London, August 30.—Six lives were lost by the wreck of the Dondicar, from Gronstadt for an English port. There w as a railroad collision at Bol ton—six persons were injured. The Duke D.Aumalehas again declined to l>u a candidate for the Presidency of the French Republic. Victor Emmanuel has appointed Count Helaphis arbitrator at Geneva under the Washington treaty. There has beeu a violent domoustruliou in the streets of Rome, made by a dnmk- en crowd, who were led by Toguetti. — 4 They rushed through tho streets cryiug against the priests. A fe.v shots from the soldiers sufficed to disperse them.— One was killed and many wounded. New York city loans are still excluded from the quotations in Berlin. Fresh disturbance has occurred be tween the people of Strasburg aud the German troops. Several on both sides were wounded. The cholera has appeared at Hambrug. There were sixteen deaths ut Altona during the post week. The ravages of the disease continues at Koenigsburg. On the 29th there were one hundred new cases aud twenty nine deaths and on the 28th eighty new cases aud fifty deaths. KV-4 AUSTRIA NOON. New Yoke, August 30.—Cottou quiet; luiddllui; uplands 19’,'c; Orleans 10\e; sales COO bales. Peodcce—Flour dull anil declining. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn dull and unchanged. PaovxsioNs—Pork $1362@13 80. Lard dull. Turpentine quiet and rather weak at 52';(5153 Ilosiu firm at $2 36@ 3 25 for strained. Freights firm. Financial—Stock* steady and Lightr. Govern ment* dull aud heavy. State bonds strong. Money Gold 12\. Exchange—long V, ; short 0‘«. London, August 30— no<to.—(Vmaols93';. Donds n\. Paris. August30.-lientea 56f. 6c. PitANxrour, Aug. 30.—Bonds Livebi'ool, August 30.—Noon—Cotton a shale firmer; uplands 0» 4 , Orleans 0' 4 ; afterwards be came buoyant; sales at li o'clock estimated at 25.- 020 bales; for speculation aud export 10,000. Latex—Cottou strong; uplands V)«(<v9V Cincinnati, Aug. 30.—Cotton steady but quiet; low middlings 17>ac; middlings 18 l 4 c. Whiskey higher at 00, aud flrmst the advauce. Flour quiet; aud steady superfine $4 75; extra $6 60; family #5 75. Corn quiet but steady; mixed shellod 54c. Outs stuadv with good demsud; prime mi 3444.27c. Muss pork quiet but steady at $12 50. llucoi good demand; shoulders ti^c; clear rib sides 7 eloar slles 7* s c., IIuuis steady witli good dema sugar-cured 14(<yl5c. Bulk meats steady aud in demand; shoulders 5’ 4 c; clear rib sidesfl.^c; cl sides 6',c. Lard dull and lower; oity kettle r dered 9o. Wheat strong: prime red $1 12. Bagging quiet at 20c. iUieeeUiincouo 1,000 1ILMIII01.S Red Rust Proof Oats H. -f mblan'a Quito Iron Uiorks. * Macon Comes to Atlanta Again I’* Mark W. Johnson’s, OPPOSITE Cotton WarrhoutP, on llroad Ml root. ALSO : FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS FRANCE. Thioro' Prolongation—Inter tiling Proetedhtgrt Paris, August 30.—The members of the Government have agreed npon a bill prolonging Thiers’ term, which slightly modifies the Committees’ bill. It will receive the unanimous support of the Left. It in stated that Gombetta withdraws his proposition for a dissolution of the Assembly. Garibaldi lias recovered. He pose only is necessary for the complete restoration of his health. The Him Public announces tlint the payment of the third installment of half a milliard of franca was completed to-day. Versailles, August 30.—In the Assem bly twdsy, there was » full attendance of Deputies, r.nd the galleries wero crowded, in expectation of decisive no tion in the prolongation of Thiers’ power. Revet announced that the special com mittee had agreed to accept the Amend ment proposed by DuFurre to the decree reported tiy them on Monday. It was thought the Government would- accept the decree. Loud protests were made by the members of the Left. Numerous amendments which had been proposed to the measure were withdrawn. The excitement in the Chumber dur ing their proceedings was intense. SPAIN tlmtrmi Jmtmly. Maiibid, August 30.—A decree of am nesty has been promulgated. It applies to ull political offences committed in Spain. Tho preamble recites that the government is well aware of tho power- lessueas of its adversaries, anil of it own ability to repress all revolts. JAMAICA. J hhnJ.1*. MJ. jy.It C’nbln. Kikoston, August 21.—An earthquake was felt yesterday. No damage was dono. , Suffolk is laying a cable from Trinidad to Demnram, and Dosi is laying a cable from Bardos to St. Vincent WASHINGTON. AFTE11NOOK. New York, August 30.—.Cotton dull sud heavy; icos nominal; solos sales 1133 bales; uplands IB; Orleans Flour dull aud lower; common to fair extra $57! (<$6 75; good to choice ffl HOMO 00. Wheat closed dull aud 1^2 cents lower; winter rod western $1 38@1 44. Coro closed heavy and oaaier at 66}i(a,67 l t c. Fork $13 GJ V«113 75. Lard dull| kc ttlo fjg. Turpentine 52,Itosin firm. Tallow quiet. Freight^ firmer. Money easy at 2&3. Uteri ing demoralized at 8 1 , ou right; 0^ a over counters. Gold 12*„<«*12V— Govornmeuts dull aud steady State bonds dull and steady; Tennessee* 75, new 76' 4 ; VirgiutaM 03' 4 new 70; Louisiana* 65, now 60; levees 60; 88 83% Alabama* 100; to 68; Georgias 8375^01% North CaroiiuaH 44, now 25; South Carolina* 70, uov 57%. London, August 30—Evening.—Consol* 93%.— Bonds firm at 93. Turpentine 37. I'akis, August 30.—Route* 50f 12c. Liveupool, August 30.—Evening—Colton easier; uplands O'^'J*,'; Orleans 9 Locisvili.e, August 30.—Flour active at full prices. Corn quiet. ProvlslouH firm; pork $12 75(<u$13; shoulder* 6' 4 '; dear sides 7 %. Whisky 90(q>91c. Baltimore, August 30.—Flour firm aud in good demand. Wheat quiet and firm. Corn firmer; white 7J(4>77; yellow 70&72; mixed western 68. Provisions unchanged. Whiskey 93o. Cincinnati, August 30.—l'lour firm. Corn quiet. Pork—no sales. Lard a shade lower, 9c. Bacon- shoulders fl.^'c; clear sides 7* a $^7 / t gC. Whisky 90c. Savannah, August 30.—Cotton Strong ; low mid dlings 17*,c. Net receipts 109 bales; exports coast wise 179; stock 3,349. Memphis, August 30.—Cotton scarce aud firm; middlings 18) a c. Galveston, August 30.—Cotton quiet, good ordi nary 16. 1 4 '; net receipts 149 bales; *»lo* 250; stock Augusta, August 30.—Cotton firm; middlings 17 Vc; not receipts 40bales; Hales 10. bile, August 30.—Cotton strong; middlings 18>4@19c; net receipts 67 hales; sales 50. Philadelphia, August 30.— Cotton Cim; mid dlings 19%'c. Wilmington, Aug. 30.—Cotton steady; middlings 17c; netrecoipts 10 halos; sale* 17; stock 552. Norfolk, August 30.—Cottou qulot; low mid dlings 17c; net receipts 147 bales; exports coastwise (H bales; stock 398. New Obleanh, August 30—Cottou in good do- maud; middlings 18){(&19c; net recoipU336; gross 429; export* to Groat UriUl.* 2.753; sales 600; stock 27.150. Charleston, August 80.—Cotton firm; middling* 18c; net receipts 98 halos; sales 100; stock 2,335. LATEST. New Yoke, August 30.—^Government* bomla—81s 1%, 02* 14(*14 V, fours 14%; fives 14*.. new 13*; ivensl'J*,; eight* 14; forties 14%. rCfto ’^bucrUBcmcma. b) call • mooting or tu thlo (Thurodoy) ovouIur ots o'clock, ot Concordlo H*il- BENJ. E. CRANE, President. aug31It HBMOVAIj ! STOKES & BRO. J .tic, KI.U « I. I*. • tit. New Oui.exns, August 30.—Governor Wormouth has suspended the Secretary of State, George C. Bor®, end appointed J N Herron in his stead. Borce is charged with the promulgation, as law. that which he knew was not law. He refused to obey the suspension n»rt was romovod by tiro police- While Borne wu* being oubtod from his office in Mechanic.’ Institute, a still more disgraceful iccno was m-carnng at the City Hall, At the last meeting of Gonacil, an ordinnnoo wa» pn»ed. a>- thoriziog the extentmu of the mty wa terworks upon the Holley ft?. ♦ iwvri-Tou tlifl lHHUiiuce of $2.t20U,WU Ol Q the spaeif ghoc eri ks itore room, next to B. M. Rose k Co’i ,2 Granite Block, where thoy have ample room to put in a large stock. ■ of the large aud lucroaslug trwlc Hhowa generously to u». mil for whir), we hike Hit* opportunity to return contiuuanco of their favor*. aug3l2w thank*. Wo oak HT0KK8 k BUG, CHICKERING PIANOS 1 Morning Y M Arrives m Memphis, same oay Mail Train taavaa Chattanooga :l5 p u Uriw tn, - APV* VI 500 P M Mall Train leaves Memphis Arrives in Chattanooga, next day. tborizes tbo isauauce — . . . Bonds for that purpouo. Au ordinanco wuh also introauced lea«iDg tlio water works to tho city Water-worka Compa ny, for 25 yearn, and authorizing lho narties to mortgage the works for v2,- 000 000. While dieeonsitig the propost- • ioQ to lease the works, Administrator DeLassie produced a eertiticato for one thousand sham of one hundred dollar! each of stock, issued to John Lockwood. Ta Alabama Clalmanto— The Weather. Washington, August 30.—Tho State Department lias issued circulars urging claimants to prepare and present their claims at once. No papers already tiled can be withdrawn, but additional papers may be filed. Claimants must prepare for themselves proof of their claims.— Uiien application tho State Department will furnish copies of the treaty and in structions regurduig the mode of prepur- ing proof. Meteorological. Office Chief of Signal Sebvice, I Washington, D. C. August AO. \ RECORD FOR THE PA8T 24 HOURS. The Barometer has rinon somewhat since Tuesday, r. M. from the Gulf const to Michigan and Nebraska, and still more ou lakes Superior and Huron. The area of the lowest Barometer after extending Northward beyond onr stations has moved Eastward and is probably now central and north of Lake Ontario, anil is extending its influence rapidly over New England, where threatening weather now succeeds the clearing weather of this morning, Southerly winds have continued on the lower lakes, increasing to brisk for a short time, and fresh westerly winds from the Ohio valley hi Lake Superior, rjoutti and Southeasterly winds continue on the New England coast. Light and fresh winds have prevailed in tho Southern and Gulf Unites. Numerous storms of smaller dimensions liavo passed over the Middle and Atlantic const, and similar ones are still threatening. rnbMUUrt. Clearing and pleasant weather are prob able for’flinrsihiy from Georgia to Lake Ontario aud westward, With brisk west erly winds for a short time from Lake ^'int^cTGulf and Sontii Atkntie States,'utlurti'* CtrtUUatt and TIIK UNDERSIGNED BEING THE GENERAL STATE AGENT For lho WOULD RENOWNED Obickering Pianofortes BOO Slush. Selected Seed llnrlty, 250 Hush, seed Ityc, to arrive, oOO Hush. Seed Wheat, •2IO Hush, tied I lover, •215 Hush, lied Top or Herds firats. 221 Hush. Hrrhard liras*, IOO Hush. T.ilf .Veadoir Oat lirass, lo arrive, 175 Hush. Ulue lirass, and all other tisr/ul tirasses, Ife. 500 Ctrl. O'rcsh Turnip Seep j ALNO: IOO Tuns Sea Fowl Kuwait aud A LHO: 500 nixie Hows, from lustlu “Scooters." Flows and ollter io $6 50, cheaper than homo A. LHO: The Heller Patent lira in Drill I For sowing Wheat, Etc. Head of Third St., Sign of “The New nag.” M|ACON4GEOROIA. Mark W ;,.S™ n MTHE LARGEST IN THE The Palace Do) lar Store u L. n. PIICE, PROPRIETOR. GOODS SENT TO ANY PART OF THE t. auffl9-lm STEAM ENGINES. Moat Improved Styles and Best Makers, the nhortest notice, Riving guarantee to all aolil. ON HAND FOR SALE . *e Engine aud Saw Mill, complete. Has Will bo sold at a bargain. aug30 lm « jA. card. rr\ X o mc-ot the demands of an IIU REA8IKO WI1ULK5ALE DU8IMBSB Wc have scoured Urge and commodious stort tu tin: Kimbsll House. fronUn* on Decatur nnsrly opposite Mooro k Marsh aud Hilvoy k Dough- rhit U wo wUl occupy ON 1st OCTOBER NEXT, ad whero wo will be glad to receive our friend* i dstomt-rs. With theso iucroased facilities for doing a HVtolcaalt Drug Uu&intss PUPEBIOR INLUCEMENTS the trade. Until 1st October we will sell our present stock of Drug*. Modlcines, l’atnts, Oils, he., at reduced aoo IIiimIk-Im Rod Clover IOO HitHliela Timothy, BOO UiinIioIh Ity. Ulue GrntiH, •200 RunIiuIh Orelmrd GnwN, HnpliiiK- A AImILo Clover. r|llIESE SEED purchmd directly from the wurs, aro guaranteed fresh sntl pure, * ECHOLS k WILSON, Agricultural Wareli MfH liny Your Agricultural Implements, machinery, < JiuiHM and Garden Heeds AT ECHOLS Sl WILSON S. W E deal with manufacturers and prodneera- l«y < ash. *«11 for Cash—aud cauuot bo ui ECIIOLS k WILSON. ▼ » pa lersold. aug23 fit \I TILL MAIL thoir lsjrgc uud hamlaomaly illu*tra- W ted CATALOGUE aud PRICE L1HT, i*»*tag# pdjiid, to applicant*. ang23-6t TUBNIP MB£D» j^UUSH AND GENUINE—AH varletii au«23-fit Buy tho ltiiMt Proof Out For Hood. 1JI'S111I.8 FOB HALE BY The Livest,_Best, Cheapest. THE RURAL SOU THERNER. A LARGE TWENTY-FOIHl I’AOF AGRIOULTU- llAI.and Faiuiiy Monthly. Edited by HAM'L SOUTH! Skilled (Labor and Modern Machinery. All WorR. Warranted. Northern Prices for Machinery Duplicated. sTF.i.n K.rairEs of jjrir tejrn buck. Findlay's Improved Circular Saw .Hill, Jtlerchant Mill Hearing, most approved kindst sugar .Hills and Syrup Hetties11 'r} Castings of Iron Fronts, Window Sill* and l.tnlels , and Urass of Every Description, and Machine ry of all kinds TO OHDER. IRON RAILING MpNo Charge for New Pattern* in Furnlahlag >r Merchant MlUs.^gl REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ! FINDLAY’S SAW -DUST GRATE BAR AHOULD BE USED BY EVERY SAW-MILL PROPRIETOR. MillMtoncK, Ilclting, Circular Saws, Steam Fitting*, Babbit Metal, etc., etc. FURNISHED TO ORDER. TERMS, OAA1I OB APPROVED PAPEB. R- FINDLAY’S SONS, Mao on, Ga. ECLIPSE THE GHEAT Screw Cotton and Hay Press I Patented Peb'y 27, 1871, by Findlay It Oralg. An ANTI-FIIIGTION HOHKW—A MECHANI0AI. WOHDIIL Thl, woHmfnl point ul HAP1DIXY .Dll L1I1HTNK0S of DHAUGUT, STANDS WITHOUTA KIVAU .ndik Cm n.rly d.y to .tin. r.«ao ALL OTUEB CoUou Screw., b. they f.briiAtod o< Wrolight or Cut Iron. Coupamixu, Ok., December n. we It. FINDIAY’A 80N8, Findlay'* Iron Works, Macon. Oa. Dkxh Hi as—La to this fail I purchased from vr * ton Press©*, and, after a full and fair trial, do . _ „ draught, most powerful—in tact, the beet (without an excepUoo) Cotton Preae aud all other Iron Hcrew Proeeoe I have evur seen o» used, there is Juri simply uo cousai planter *hmild use your Press. **• p. h.—You may consider ny order in for two more of the above Praseaa Ibr next seeeon, for many orders from this motion : my neighbors are determined^ tebave them, as mey mm twice a* fast as any of the other Iron Sort ..of your Findlay hOnlff EollptoPM.D1 So*w Cat. UuHitato to pronounce it the most rapid, of [lgUtest n exception) Cotton Preeel ever sew. Bstweatt tma used, there le Just simply b ed to have them, as they can yack bar ltatttt jw Crosses can ny nor** powe*. y last tail, and liofbm acoepUng Patent, we added improvements^*! rendering it PKUFEOT In every particular. The acrew o* pin, hae a f .t ..cry turu ot lho torw. f.Jlow.r block Uwwli (or MC.H., m th. UN HI •). ** vIcooftho tube oruutIn which thotor«w work.,U wohM toi MWUUyrjduo.itoiWotlon. ■ K n,w ; thereby rcuitorin. It ui nuy tMk lb, thw. h.nd. to gtok . H«Hrtitooin )F ANY OTHER Iron Screw Frees by horro-power. Bee J. L. OUbecTa attOttJtta ) „,,, ... „...inary mule can be *ub*Ututed foe three men without change of fixtures. BILITY. RAPIDITY. LIGHT DRAUGHT, and STANDING ROOM attqp ofbox, nuance* ttlto BEST Screw* Pro#* IN THE WWAtti reepect^y Jtnritaji^Wtoririfer^ other Hcrew Pres*©*. To purchasers w# GUAKAN ILK HAflHh ACTION or RSPUMD PRICE MPHI BEND FOR PRICK LIST, ETC. CRAIG’S R. FINDLAY^ SONS, Macon. Gto. PATENT HORSE P0WSE, von DRIVINO COTTON GINS. ayHimptetot. Htronge*t and B©*t o or Money H*tw4od. Hntiwlutiou Guarontood SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. • *• “ ‘ ***** 1 R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Mnoon, Go. I Vo furni»h tU'-sa admirable 'iustruments Iappipar. from STOCK KKP V AT MIS MUSIC STORE DIRKCTh'HOM THE EACTOKY, As pertica uisy desire. A. KCHOL8, ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Add ns* ECHOLS WILSON, Publisher*. iw. 15. A. BOXHEIM’S f^NOLISli AND GERMAN SCHOOL, CORNER OF I 1 J k.ib h. Ilaii.1 Pryor slrrote. will be r*-otx!U©«l on the 4tk of Hepteuite r. In this school ibe usual s the Oerman language i Tuition $5, f 4 ami f 3. Mcenliaf to th* branch** taught, payable In advance. Ukv. B. A. BUNHKIM will be aaeisted In Ut© English department by Mr*. 8. <\ Scuddor. the <\\TAT.O< il 'K Oiving PRICK, DESCRIPTION any party. OOKH. 1 ENGRAVING c each atylo, aeut, poet*paid. I with T ip* Bvoriu viMimto x .— y . sUiiuK southerly wind* with nun to night from New Jersey to Marne, anti local rturms ol some seventy from \ u-gimato V, w York, the whole cleanng away by Thursday evening, excoi>ting Maine. Warranty ACCOMPANIES EACH INSTRUMENT. EDWIN FAXON, CoEMEfi Rboxi* axd Marietta Stekt*. ac.g5 Im Atlanta, (R aug 4 J3*12t limit'liter or the Rev. H Bokum. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE Legislative Charter Granted In 1H411. Ilev. Geo. Y. Dron n, President. rpHE next Academic year begin* ou MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. An Eclectic Claaa has bgcn formed tor the benefit uf those graduate* who ut|jr ttesfre still further to as modfir^u aa la other aimllar 1%. ExjH-naea insututiofia. For further partietdfirs ^Wlress the Preaideni Madison, fulf 33, ISTl. Jy3l-d2tawhwV«. The New Portaltle Steam Kngiee For Driving Cotton Oln,, PrlnUug rmw,, »nd fw any parpat. r~julrtng tailH to toatorai tiam. £ ! » a. a S i I protection from fire. I. pro. EXTRA CHARGE Thor* ts FUMXIVB PROTML* SPARK CAN ESCAPE, HQ •rtoMi’tAaM. •Gi.tR 0 PBotTioAumr j — ^