The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, September 05, 1871, Image 4

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(jSwaT <m Pint Pom ; Local and fiuimi Polka on Fourth Pag*. AFFAms 7 ^ A Tdn from r»»rlTUl>. Pa, Ao^ 30,1871. »nd iball do what Icantoeueolato it Heantbn* tend it to no regularly at Uiia plaoe, lor which I incloae 70a 82. JITSS^SSSS^' end the D—oraatfo party will be a unit 00 the gnat p taaly im MAYOR*! COURT. rk> R| Ilaal rflk< »>'k .Tk. Mayor laavM tk. cay, «M (wry Raws Iki The Mayor waa gone. The beautiful, bright, sunshiny September morning wooed him to the country. Lowry ap pear*, business depicted in every linea ment of his pallid countenance. Lowry baa a small dog which he has learned to fonaarfc* About This dog -ware favo rite v*h hie aiaster, and whan be lost him he “sonreil” on everybody be came in contact with. The whole aad tale in oooched in the following quotationa from Shakspeare: •onrnHo* aI the great frauds and revolu great principles ao dearly defined and an ably advocated by Mr. Stephens in the eolnmns of Tn Bra, vis: the acknowledgement of the sovereign right of local adf-govemment,'and .regulation of all inlM BM sfldrs, by the States tbem- advea—subject only to the Constitution of lbs United States. Leaser iasuea will claim our attention In different localities bat upon the moat important question ee«« sU he^aoped upon the dde of troth, Radar the guidance of such lights Mi Trr Boa. J* will be made a " lire tew” fa this State, in the coming cam ’round the comer.’ When Lowry heerd his darling's lets A word be scarcely said. But toddled home, end weeping cried, ‘•Mow put me in my little bed.*' Bat after taking a nap ha toddled up to the Oornt to try Twurn-THBEB CAsaa, which had been elaborately prepared by the police force. At we predicted, the docket was crowded from tbo effects of night and Sunday. Tba oontin ned case of Wm. Barret, for running bis hond-eart on the sidewalk, occupied a gri-ut deal of the valuable time of the Court.— 1C k^ - IT* Use people by dropping what Wiese call ■settled eontroversiea,” and making the context upon the personal merits of can didate* « by ado|»fi|^TII«W« *1^ onaoond planks in it, ia found to be too «Why, and assnot raowiye the sanction (i ton at poBtfral experience, Who hove the success of our ooose at heart Toon, truly, ■ t . >Aa. Ck The Auditing Board of the Western and Atlantic Railroad—Maj. Hillyer, Judge Welker end CoL Conley—havo audited on account to reimburse those who hove eogeged in the prosecution of the State Rood plunderers, to the extent of what Ary have actually paid out of their own money ii dl those who ore charged with the fronds upon the public. This aoeonfit, thus audited and allow ed, we are told, was yesterday present ed at the Executive offioe that a War rant might be issued for the pay ment of the same;'"and that Mr. Scott, in oharge of the offioe, refused upon the ground that he eould not ifeiia a warrant tor this purpose without the investigation and sanction of the Gover nor. Perhaps this position is sorted— Wo do oot know and shall not give an opinion—only we learn that Executive warrants for the payment of money ore bring made out for other parties evriy day. Wo have heard it stated that Mr. Scott waa, by aouie means, induood to issue an Executive warrant rerg promptg! —per haps ont of its regular order—before oth ers which wen previously filed—for the payment agaiaat tbs State Read (aad whioh reoent developments Indicate, waa either large ly, if wot wholly fraudulent,) bat ha now rafasea to issue one to pay the expenses of detecting with the perpetra It seems from Batter's own confession that ha prantieed stasiiag before ha be gan his raid npon the silver spoons and silk dramas of the ladies of New Orleans. Ha ia bow a candidate for the Radical nomination for Governor of his State. The faHowing recent utterance of bis will ro doubt help him to secure that nomi nation. He said:’ * •* “I do not love oavery much bettor than men wbo prated orach louder alxrat jt I aaa that I am told by every Spring- field paper that I voted thirty-seven times for Jeff. Davis. 1 did—to preserve tfeeUaieii. They tall you that every tfOM, bat they don't tail waa that the beat on which I came away from Charles fcohodsfagitira stovn» A correspondent of tba Chronicle and ftwlniri, alluding to one of the parties implicated in the frauds who havo volun tarily refunded what he obtained impro perly, says ho tasted the forbidden frail and it soared on bis stomach, and adds If MtookassM banuhnstd to swaiiot ■nob an emetic be would have no am for a twenty thousand dollar bam. I passed hr hta tana, asset three days in the ndghharhnnj and was almost indooed to wimt it by ana who amnnd me that it bos! itet Mm. I wm ilnoat sorry that I did not stop and look at it, fori indooed to think that he will bars to his forage, as there don't seem to ia that section of conn. We had a very pleasant ca» yaatmday from Dr. E. J. Kirkaoey, of Oolamboa. 1 the terms of t of Prof. J. A. Rich- 1 era annexed to tbo advar- T -'Al/ntfdf ftlaH* fupfif.M These gentleman have opened a fltat- afem Gants' Furnishing Store on Mariat- taB&eat, in Qm new Odd Fdlowa' bn Bonding. This wfil be a grata conven- «M to the Northern side of the city.— 8* their card. LowiyhUautu* do*. With hairs M black a* Jet. And every piece that Lowrv went The purp went too, yon bet. ft followed hMn to const qne day, Thet hiBjUlt to bn nenr And wbea htg^bbou* boutad him He wefts* tl on bin ear. SHmtaaakema uwt tk. m, Bbo Iwad him up ».Mi.m4rod fert, And, -Hew u uwt (or klak f" the peer Peer! ne'er an Aad Lowrr rutaii an officer, paid tan dollars and coats. X. LAXOKSKEB, for allowing his borso to stand on the sidewalk, paid costs of the suit. W. H. Walsh and John W. Griggs, for lieing drunk and disorderly, the former paid 85 and the Latter the costs. Miss'-s Mattie Wheeler, Mattie Itccvea and Julia Gann were arraigned for not heing exactly the “clean strain'' for honey, and pnt through a course of mu nicipal sprouts. One of the ladies paid $10 and the otker two looked on ia mournful silence. Charles Mart paid $5 for owning up to a big street drunk, and John Bpmyberry bad the spaoy oast oil over him for the same offense, which bath cost Johnnie •10. . , Thus were the lot dis]>oaed of, and we are informed that several other cases would lisve bean tried, but the calaboose was full Saturday night that two or throe applicants had to be turned away. Then when tbo motley crowd hod left, A hippy hash, * tranquil balm. Aa If Urn wrak-<lay work and cart Were lifted off and left Ua calm, Pernade tbe quiet air— A sense. aa a silent paalm, A Jeellug aa of prayer. After exhibiting diagrams of the cart wheels, the sidewalks and a picture of the nigger boy as be was caught in the very act of this fiendish outrage, the caw was ably argned, and the poor little negro got off with costs. The case of George Washington, con tinued horn Saturday, next came up.— George had a row with Zells Maddox all about a goat and a dog. Tbo wit nesses brought up on both sides were nu morons, and busy in performing their parts, aad reminded the Court of the picture of Dr. Helmbold's advertise ment—“Hottentots seen gathering bochu leaves for H. T. Helm bold. ” They were a pretty fair picture of this scene, and together with the sot of G. W. crossing the Delaware into Zella’a yard, ho paid $K and costs. KISS JAKE KILLY is but recently from Montgomery. Mias J. came sU the way to try her tooth on some of the celebrated whisky for whioh Atlanta is noted, and at ones got merry. She was “sloshing'' around under cor shed in company with n gentleman from the sumo city, who appeared to be perfectly indifferent about bow lie con. dnotod himself, and the two made a most disgraceful appearance. They .were hug ging, nnd kissing, and oating watermel ons, and billing and cooing to an olurm- ing extent. She and Charlie were heard by tbo police ill a sweet Me-u-lele, “Charley, what ia osculation?" ••OamUatfcm, Jenny, dear, la a learned expreasiou, queer, For a nice neunation. 1 put my arm thue round your waist Title Is approximation; You Deed not fear—- There'e no ouo hero— Your Ups quite near— 1 then — wen too many near for their good, and Lowry “osculated" thorn each for $15 and thirty days in the calaboose. “Oh, doar." niAMCIS UA 1(1 ON HOMES hod been " boin" in too much lager on Saturday night, which he owned np to, end gave os on excuse that “It is)i gooi for de hnsWind, it isli goot for do frsn, it ish goot for her tem per veu alio van La to kick up a row; it ish goot for de baby ven it fools a lectio queer; it is goot for do belly grubs, is das goot lagor ncer, do nice lager lieer, do goot lugor boor; dore’s noting in dis vurld like de bully lager boor." Tbo C-ourt though t $5 would bo “goot" for the Western Rood. JOB STEWART was too much affected by tin* situation to tell n lie. His full name ho said was “Josephus Orange-blossom," nnd when asked if he was on a fall drank he nicok ly said “yes," which litUoadmission cost him $5. ‘ LAWRXNCB TOUT W0S a small whits boy belonging to the rook brigade, and owned np to throwing roclu at a nigger boy. He said lie was mod and tried to hit his man. In 0011- aideration of his promise not to do so any more ha wm lot off with the under standing that he would be tripped the next time for a good Urge sum. JOB MARTIN martin with whom Tripp bad the rock dad. The samo lecture and the nunc results attended liis case as former. THOMAS HOWARD bad been arrested for disorderly and pro- tana, but the trial showed that the other negro who had him arrested bad stolon Tom's ooat, and be was only restraining him till a policeman could take him to the lock-up. The boot wm soon placed on the other lag and Tom turned loose. WM. WILSON is a toll fifteen hundred dollar nigger, - land keeps a beer saloon on Decatur tt, e attest Hifiv moved his store to another ’ stand and kept on telling with the same old license. This wm contrary to Uw, end upon his plfH'"g extreme ignorance X^ooAl »nd Business Not loce Alexander H. Stephens ON tiie Study or thz Law.”—A 16 page pam phlet—one of the profoundest of Mr. Stephens' many productions. Single copy 15 cents ; 50 copies $5. Address J. Henly Smith, Manager Sun Office, sept4*tf Atlanta, Ga. _ Pyc Gbbat Bakoains.—For sale—two finfeclaa, Engine* Apply to Porter A Butler, Machinists. Atlanta, Aug. 22-d6t _ Noogat de Maraeillcs, at Block's Candy Factory, jy29-tf )u Nougat de Marseilles, at Block’s Candy Factory. jy29-tf_ PrcMr. far Bab. A PIV.lino PBBAI (IKK AHHIITED. A Chxlx Uwxb Cuuvlct Arr-.t«d while ■aRlilal the Rrethrew. A notorious negro who, a year or so ago, was sentenced to the penitentiary from Auguate, was placed along with oth er convicts in charge of Grant, Alexan iler Sl Co. on the Air Line lluilroad. He escaped and name to this city. For some petty theft he was arrested and tried here and sent to the gang for six months.— Lost Friday ho escaped again, and on Sunday robbed a house about sixteen miles north of this city and came on here. Sunday, officer Langley, of the city police, arreated him at a baptising, where he wm performing in tbe capacity of miniater. lie certainly leads an exalting life. He was immediately returned to the Air Line works. Reduction of Letter Postage Be. tween the United States and Germany tty the Direct Mails via Bremen and Hamburg, Re spectively. On the 30th of August Hon. Joseph H. Blackfan, Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Post Oflloo Department, Washing ton, D. 0., by order of the Postmaster General, issued tbo following notice, which is of special interest to many thou sands throughout the United States: An arrangement lias jnst been conclu ded between the United States and Ger many, to take effect on tbo 1st of Octo- licr next, whioh reduces the rate of in ternational postage for prepaid fetters exchanged betweeu the two countries Ay the tlirtxi router, riu Bremen and Hamburg, rm]irctin'lg, from 7 td « cents per each single rate of ludf an ouuco or under. Unpaid leUert so cxcliunged are to be charged with double the prepaid rater; and the insufficiently paid letters with the portage for unpaid letUrr after deduction of the amount prepaid. It is particularly to be observed that this reduction applies to letters only; so that all correspondence other than letters posted in the United States for Germany will continue subject to the same rates of postage, and to the same conditions of compulsory prepayment M are now appli cable theieto. Postmasters will levy and oolloct post- X accordingly on and after the 1st of tober next, Fall Partlcwlnrs Of steamboat explosion on Pryor street, at Charles C. Hughes’ Boot Man ufactory, caused by too much pressure on his capacity for Manufacturing Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, in the latest, moat unique and original styles. This puts the beer on Mr. Thompson, his competent foreman. One “Henry” Power Printing arranged for hand or steam power—bed 33X47. The Sun is now being printed on this press. It makes from 1000 to 1500 imptwmions; is strong and easily managed, and with steam power, is a No. 1 press. It is new, having been worked only C months. Price $1260. The “Acme” Press works a sheet near ly as large as the “Henry,” at about the same speed. Is the best country news- paper preM built. It is new. Both these preaaea can be seen at work in Thb Sun Press Room. Address A. M. Sfeiohtb, Sun office. To PrluUr*. Twelve newspaper ebaaee, suitable for papers front 22x32 to 24x86, will be sold cheap. Address J. Henly Smith, II. Business Manager Bun. Coatractor, ond Builder. Will find a notice of C. P. Cousin, Esq., Chairman of the Building Com mittee of the City Council, in this morn ing’s paper. Merchant* and Other* Wonting a first-class Book-keeper would do well to consult an advertisement in this morning's Sun. What', la a Bam. 1 A oorreeponden t of the Chronicle and Sen tinel calls our big hotel the “Hi Kimball House." Another colls it the “Hi House.” OrSlaatT*. Coart. Yesterday was the regular session of this Court. No business of importance was IrauMcted. Administrator's, Execu tor’s and Guardian’s business Joccupied the time of the Court. Religious. A very interesting meeting is in pro gress nt tbe First Presbyteiian Clinrchin this city. A largo numbet was admitted on Sunday to the communion of the Church, nnd much larger accessions are anticipated. Personal. Bev. Mr. Little, of Quincy, Fla., pas sod through this city yesterday on bis way North. Dr. W. F. Westmoreland leaves the city for a Northern tour of recreation to- Wealey Chapel. Mr. Herbal Resign*.- At a meeting of tbo Director* of the Youug Men’s Library’ Association, held at their rooms yesterday evening, the re signation of Mr. Charles Herhst, as Li brarian, was tendered nud accepted, to take effect the 15th inst A meeting of the Board will be hold on Monday even ing next, to elect a Librarian. ltesolntions were adopted thanking Mr. Herl>st for his past efficient services. Clayton Bnpcrlor lovrt. Tbo Full term of tbe Clayton county Superior Court opened yesterday, Judge Hopkins preaidiug. There is a Urge amount of busiuess on tbe docket, but from the manner in which Judge Hop kins has commenced, it is believed that be will dispose of them all within a rca sonable time. Two negroea were sen- tenced to the penitentiary yesterday even ing—awe for ten yean for hone stealing, and another for twenty yean for larceny. Three important criminal cosm ore to be tried, and tbe Judge gave uotioo that he would commence on them to-day. a a—* 11 Mack and tan nigger boy, wm attoighd with dtauaderly conduct and profane Ungmgn. Ha showed a little gum even ia Court, but M tho ease wm b little mixed, he got off with the ooeta. frank xvoodhon, for disorderly conduct and profan fty, paid coats. negro, drank, disorderly, and resisting Th# Cl.lrM C.BMH. We stepped in for a few moments Uat night, at the concert given by the colored folks from Nashville. The Hall was full, and to their credit, we mast my, we nev er b> a better behaved or more decoot assemblage of negroes. The singing wm raol good. A mulatto girl presided st tbe piano aad performed very welL— The choir wm oompoeed of ten—six wo men and four men. Among the songs was that old genuine negro melody “Old Folks at Homo," which wm splendid. _ Altogether, the concert wm a highly tu regard to the Oity Cods, ha was let off creditable offtar for tbs colored folks wHfc a MttiiU pronriM if he should do bo "■ • , r UISTRICT COURT. ^ M ? Yeatanlay the regular September term of the District Court for thin county commenced. Only two caeea were die- poeedof. Ifimeuri Todd wai ©onvioted of larceny from the bouse, and fined $20 and coqta. Ed. and Xeliio Ferroll were charged with having xwoeived stolon goods. Tbe efcaiRe against Ed. waa dismissed, but Tho Church and congregation of Wes ley Chapel are earnestly requested to meet at the Church this evening at 8 o’clock, to make preparations for tbe holding of a Grand Fair and Festival at some future time. It is contemplated to get np a Fair that will eclipse anything of the kind ever seen iu Atlanta. At tend to night and take a hand in the work. Bill (tor Injunction. Yesterday a number of eitizons living along and in the immediate neighbor hood of West Mitchell street, filed before Judge Hopkins a bill for injunction to restrain tbe Trustees of the Atlanta (col ored) University from proceeding with the erection of the main portion of their college building across what the citizens claim to he the right of way of Mitchell street Edward Parson’s affidavit was secured, in which he states that he never intended to sell to the Trustees the right of stopping the street Mr. Parsons laid off these lots and gave tho right of way to the city, provided it would extend and improve Mitchell street through bis land The case comes before Judge Hopkins next Monday, when the Trustees wilt be required to show cause why tho injunc tion prayed for by the citizens should not be granted. Capt W. T. Newman is counsel for petitioners. IckMl Opeatlaff*. Atlanta Male and Female High School, at the junction of Whitehall and Forsyth streets, opened yeaterday with seventy sin ilenis. Tho enlargement of the building and all the improvements are completed, and Prof. Bray and his able corps of teachers are well fixed with facilities for Huccessfally conducting their flourishing school. There is every prospect of soon having over one hundred bnpila The Principals in the Male Department are Professors W. M. Bray and Wm. A. Bam; and in the Female Department Mrs. Bobertson and Mrs. Bray. Mrs. Robertson gives instruction in Music.— The two Departments are entirely sepa rate. Rev. Mr. Bonnbeim opened with forty pupik. It appears that a number have been attracted to his sohool on account of bis very marked su ‘cess in teaching the German language. Many of our readers will recollect the very interesting emamination of his school in July last. Mr. Seudder, who assists in the Eng lish Department, given instruction in Or|**lxsU«B of ihfi Ksartlfi BaptUt Clmrrh of Atlanta, Ga. J amiss’ Chapel, Wswr End, Ga., I September 3,1871. ( Upon invitation of the Baptist breth ren worshipping at James* Chapel, West End, Ga., a council compriuing brethren from the three Baptist Churches of At lanta, met to aid in tho organization of the Fourth Baptist Church of Atlanta. •Rev. W. T. Brantly, D. D., was elect ed Moderator, and Dr. W. T. Goldsmith, Secretary. Prayer by Bev. H. B. Buch anan, of the council. Delegate* from the three Baptist churches of Atlanta were present, as follows: 1st Baptist church—Bev. E. W. War ren, A. K. Heago, A. B. Bhmrpe. Becond Baptist Church—Bev. W. T. Brantly. Dr. J. W. Bozeman, J. H. Cal laway, J. H. James, W. M. James. Third Baptist Church—Bev. H. F. Buchanan, Tomer Goldsmith, Wm. T. Goldsmith, Thos. J. Buchanan, W. L. Stanton. Ministering brethren present were in vited to aid tbo Council, which invitation was accepted by llcv. ’s H. C. Homady, F. M. Daniel and E. C. Gordon. Council was then declared organized. The Church then presented Covenant and Articles of Faith, which were read. The Covenant being objected to by the Couu oil, it was referred to the Church for re vision, whioh being done and amended, was received with the Articles of Faith aa satisfactory. On motion of Bev. E. W. Warren, the Council then, by vote, unanimoaslv rec ognized the Fourth Baptist Church as of tbe same faith and order of Sister Bap tist Churches. After sioging, prayer was offered by Rev. H. C. Homady. The church was then welcomed into the Baptist Church family of the city and State by feeling and appropriate remurks by Revs. E. W. Warren, H. C. Hornady and W. T. Brautly; after which theCouu- cil adjourned. W. T. Bkantly, D. D., W. T. Gulusmith, Moderator. Secretary. Kimball IIoru Hop. Last night was the beginning of a se ries of Hops ut the Kimball House, in which the elite of Atlanta are interested. Tho season proper, opens on next Tues day evening, and those who may be fa vored with an invitation are fortunate. These weekly entertainments are got ten up solely for the benefit of the real guests of the House, and are introduced for their pleasure, and those of their friends who may be invited. The proprietors are fully able and suf ficiently prepared to make these weekly re-unions a source of pleasure to tbe vis itors and their friends. Every Tuesday night is set apart for these recherche entertainments, and visi tors will not forget it. A member of the New York bar sends us the following letter: New Yohh City, Aug. 22, 1871. J. Henly Bmiyu, Manager, Ac., Atlanta, Ga. : Included pleaac And $5 for fifty coplea of the great letter of llr. Stephens to hi* Law Student*. I want It to give away hero a* benevolent men purcluwe re ligion* tract* to di«tribiite grattiitou*ly among tho heatheu*. Thl* 1* miH*iouary gr< light thl* lnmlnuu* letter shed* ad, and need* the upon the lolty mls- . Hon it* practitioner high and often holy dntie* renting upon one of tho members of our noble pro fession. I havo never road anything that ao mnch Ailed with profound view* and conceptions of my profes sion. a* ha* thin glorious gift of this great Georgian. who hop* to win honor* I feel a double interest In this, a* It i* the produc tion of one whom I personally know, whose purity and pernoual virtues, give to all hi* scutiiueut*. opin ion* and argument* the weight of authority which other man'* opinion* or argumeut* ran command. Whatever Mr. Stephen* write* 1* read with u bounded avidity by all men, and his reader* a often smitten with wonder at the manelouH vigor which pervade*, not only the thought* but tho preasiona of this pain-riven invalid, toward wb the heart*, affections and gratitude of true mei naturally turn, aa the suu sends its ray* flowiug the God It worahi] i* God It worships. Long may he be spared to wield the glittering blade of hi* logic in defense of the Constitution which our Fathers gave us, against the eaainsiti as sault* of madcap adventurers, who art) sapping for ever Liberty's last foundation upon earth ; and whoae temple, if it ia now thrown down, will never be erected again. Yours, truly, - dealers in tho city, and may be relied on us correct Whisky trade ia dull bnt improving. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NOON. Kkw York, Sept. 4.—Cotton quiet; middling up- lauaal'JVc: Orioau* 30»’JO* # c; s&lee 400 Lalee. Produce--Flour qui«*t and heavy. Wheat a -hade Armor. Corn nominally unchanged. Provision*— Pork nteady, $18 00. Lard steady. Turpentine quiet at 60.‘ a (^hlc. Koaiu steady at $J 15(^3 ’•*> tor *train*d. Freight* Arm. Financial—Stocks Ann. Gold strong at ISfelS**. Government* doll and stead/, jptats bond* dull but Ueavjr. Money easy at J. Exchange—Ion* *; ■hurt »K. London, Sept. 4.—Consol* 95 *«• BondaOT. 1 ,, Frankfort, 8**pt 4.—Bond* 90. Pakis, Sept 4.—Rentes UTf 15c. Uvarfool. Sept 4.—noon—Cotton opened Arm; uplands 9' 4 &V',; Orleans litffcV*;. Later—Cottou Ann. bale* 10.000 bale*; for spec laUon and export 4,000. Cincinnati, Kept 4.—Cotton—Low middling* le middling* VJ^c. Whiskey active and Arm at 90c. riour <1*01 d.vdinjng; superfine $4 50; axtrs $5 40; family $5 5G. Corn firm aud lu good demand; mixed shelled 64c. Oats steady with good demand prime mixed 35fe J7c. Mess pork heavy and declining; at $12 26. Bacou dull aud lower; shoulders 6\e; clear rib aider 7c clear sides 7 ‘ 4 c. Hams steady with good demand ugar-cured I4(^16c. Bulk meats dull and neg lected; shoulders 8o; dear rib sides «; dear side* 4 c. Lard dull and lower; city kettle rendered 8* 4 Wheat dull and lower; prime red $110. Bagging 20c. aftkhnoo:;. Kkw Yore, dept. 4.—Money eaay at 2<&3 ; excep tions at 3>*. Several banks called in loans for ths purpose of advancing rates. Prime paper 5@7..— Sterling demoralized; prime bank no buyer*. Gold 18‘ 4 @l$*f; cash gold scarce. Governments steady. State bonds dull and much assier; Ten- ueiutees 74. Little change in anything else. Cotton dull and drooping; sales 1018 ba'.ea; up lands 19\e: Orleans 20.^o. Flour—Southern quiet; common to fair extra $5 60 ^r. GO; good to choice $6 66®$0. Whisky dull at 93 to 9s \e. Wheat l®2o batter; winter red western $1 $1 46. Corn heavy and lower at 66®03c. firm at 8\®0\c. Pork a shade Armor at $13 60. Lard steady; ket tle t>,c. Turpentine dull at 50>££51r, Basin and tallow steady, Liverpool, HepL 4 — Evening.—Cottou closed firm; uplands9>a®9>bi Orleans London. September 4—Evening.—Securities un hanged. Louisville, September 4.—Flour steady. Corn in fair demand; ear 66c. Provisions quiet and firm; small business; pork $12 60; shoulders 6\C: clear sides 7\c. Lard 9q$10.^c. Cincinnati, Sept 4.—Flour dull and lower. Corn full prices. Pork $12 60. Lard dull and unchanged, liaoon quiet; shoulders 6^c; clear sides 7' 4 ®7Sc; Whisky in good demand at 90c. New Orleans, September 4.—Cotton buoyant; low middlings 17>^@18c. Flour dull; superfine $4 60; XX $5 75; XXX $6 90 @0 26. Corn firmer; mixed 68c; white 72c. Oats quiet st 62c. Bran $115. Hay firmer; prime $29; choice $30. Pork quiet; mess $14. Bacon 7*, 7*. 8*. Su gar-cured hams 15@15>,c. Lard steady; tieroe 10's; keg 11®U> 4 . Sugar—common 9@9&; primel2c. Whisky dull st Well. Coffee— nothing doing. Bauk sterling 23>,. Bight 1 , premium. Charleston, Sept. 4.—Cotton firm; stock light; middling* 18c; net r ccipta 58; exports coastwise 66; sales 25; stock 3,5J3. Augusta, Sept. 4.—Cotton firm: middlings 18c; receipts 40; sales 20. Boston, Sept 4.—Cotton strong; middling* 20 l , (u!20' 4 c; net receipts 15 bales; gross 97; sales 400; stock 8,090. Galveston, Sept. 4—Cottou firm; good ordinary 17c; uoticceipt* 404; sales 100; stock 1245. Savannah, September 4 —Cotton firm; low mid dling* 17‘,c; net receipts 98 bales; exports coast wise 515; sales 26; slock 291. Mobile, September 4.—Cotton firm, low mid dlicgn 18' 4 ®18* 4 c; net receipts 187 bales; Males 26 stock 5,160. LATEST. attended licr funeral, and as a fearful warning to her surviving friends, ordered the remains to be interred with the head downward. He then preached a sermon over the closed grsTe, and terrified his hearers by declaring that the spirit of the deceased had alrcndy gone to the infernul regions, and that theirs would follow, on their heads also, if they did not immedi ately reform their lives. The deviu; re ally has tho merit of originality, and promises to work as well as did that of tho Chinese pricet in Nevada, who saw his charge coaling longing eyes on u hog pen, and prevented them from despoil ing it by representing that one of tho animals wm posenaaod of a devil COMMERCIAL. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. REMARKS. Trade is gradually improving, portion lorly in the provision line. To-day was, for the season, generally satisfactory.— We heard no one complain, bnt rather u hopeful and cheerfal smile betokened a gratifying change from tho past three months. Oorn is down a little, which is lmrd to account for, whilo flonr is brisk, lmt steady. Bacon is quiet and lard medium. Our quotations are made after the day’s trade ia over, and are therefore oorreot Wo quote : GBADi-Coni by car-load 85@87i oenta. Wheat—Red 61.50; prime white ji.60(ul 1.70. Oats 6M70. Ryo 81.15(01.25.— Barley 81,15(0X25. Baoos—Shoulders 8c; clear rib sides 9 cents; dear sides 9|c; canvassed hums 14(«)17c; bulk ic lower. Lard—Barrels lljo; kegs and cans 12} Flour—Superfine, 66-75; extra, 67; family, 88(rA8.26; fancy, 60. Meal, etc.—Quito an active demand exists, and many orders are received from a distance. Corn meal per bushel 90c. Bran, per cwk, 61.00. Oroorrubs—We quote A sugar at liic; extra O 14c; yellow C 18fo)13}c; fair to choice crashed, powdered and grannla ted 15|o; brown 12($13c. Rio coffee 17@19o; Java 26c; Lagnira ‘J0c. Mo lasses, in barrels, 88c; hogsheads 26(a30; New Orleans prims 70c.—This style of package is getting to be very common in this market, and buyers -will at once see the discrimination in prices. Liverpool salt 82.25 ; Virginia salt 8225. Rica lOK^llo. Ginafng 12(at22c. Candles—sperm, 18c; adamantine 12}(* 13|a Pepper 25c. Race Ginger 15o! Starch 8a Cigala, domestio, per thoa- 822(0)40. Tens—Green tea 81(3 1.60; black 90a@1.25. Soap 5(d)10a Crackers 6(atl5c. Country Produce. — Butter 30(390; m 18@25a Crrrkt amp Lime.—Market brisk. Cherokee lime 56oi Chewscla COo; hy draulic cameot, per bbL, 64; Jamas Riv er, 64; plaster of Paris, per bbh, 66. Hay—Moderate. Prime clover, per toe, 630; Tennessee, 630(433; Timothy, 882(436. Tobacco—Law grades 55(4600; com mon, 68(466; good, 75(490; line, 61(4 81 26, ohaioe brands, 81 26(41 60. Pnom.—Allens, 11} ; Sprague 11}; Popular iamils Scaring Hlorhmce New Yoke, September 2.—Gorernmeul bond*— 81. 12; 2M 111,; CM MKl C5* UK; new UK: S!« U; 08i 11',; 10 to. lgK- A Nevada man, anxious to marry young lady of his acquaintance, learned that her sister was about to marry, and without her knowledge procured a mar riage license, flatteriug himself that he could spring the question upon her, and that in tho excitement of her sister's mar riage she would consent to follow suit.— The idea was a brilliant one, but tho at tempt to aarry it into execution was a woeful failure. Albert Harrison, Jr., twenty-one years old, enraged by tho violence of his in toxicated father towards his mother, in Philadelphia, on Saturday night, seized n small sword and ran it through his body, inflicting a dangerous wound. He then went to a police station nnd gave himself up. He is said to be n quiet, sober youug man, and his father is a hard working, industrious man, who occa sionally gets drank, and is then very troublesome. Mr. D. H. Craig, late general agent of the New York Associated Press, is said to have perfected his new system of tele graphy, to tbo development of whioh he has been devoting his time and means for tlireo years past, with results that can hardly fail to effect an entire revolution in telegraphy, by reducing its cost to a rate very little aliove the present rates of postage. It is claimed that by thia new automatic system it is perfectly practica ble to transmit with absolute aocnrocy, over a single wire, more than sixty thou sands words an hour—a speed more than sixty times greater than by any of the systems now in use. Telegrams which under the Morse system now cost several dollars will, it ia said, be reduced to a comparatively few cents; whieh, if true, will make its value almost inestimable to the press, the mercantile community and tbe public at large- A Chinaman ia a source of sore trouble to your true Californian. Both political parties in thq State reoognize tho fact, and the leaders have paid the poor com pliment to their respective followers of introducing into their platforms resolu- lions opi>oeing Chinese immigration.— Not that the highly respectable Calif or. nians are afraid of the morals or religion of the heathen, but of his competition in labor. In point of feet, however, it is oonccded that the Chinese are disappear ing from tho Pacjffo slope. The highest number ever there is stated by the Sac ramento Union at 62,000, and the pres, ent number is placed at only 80,000. It would teetu, therefore, that the sound and fnry of the political orators were en rolled for, while the hopes whioh our Eastern matrons had indulged that the Mongolian wm to release them foam ser- 626.00 Save* t Bared! Pacific 11} ; Uncastar, 10}'; Wamsatto, raiitwMism ore diotined to be dashed! 8; Morn moos, 11}; Garners, 10}; Gloucester 11; Amoskegos 9}. HardvaR*— Nolls—lOd to dOd 64.70 „ „ _ . ... . 8d 64.96; 6d 66.90) 4d6A75; ?d66.70; The New York dipper of lest week Sniabcal, all grades, about 15o lower.— Mys Woollen and Haight's Empire City I Iron—Hwcde 7c; hone shoe iron 7e; Cirous will ship from St John, N. B„ to City Mills end Pittsburg bar 6c. A oolorod clergyman in Maryland, who seems to have bepn gradually losing coo- fool over his fiook, has stragk upon a very ingenious method of punishing backsliders and regaining his influence, A few days sinpe and old woman died ia Lite Stock.—Cattle—Tennessee, 2}(4 Sumter couutv, iu that State, who had Rnatan «— where thev will nerform ! raroex.—^uatue— xeunessee, a* ( ai oumier couutv, i NennJher!) eeeoiSrexhi- '■ ^ 0; S? aaU 7'5 4 f JiC i^ e fJ > T f0 ^. try ** * tone > ,ne . b ^ n “ “*-“ bcr o'>U cou- Neptouiber !>, and niter the evening's exbi- and fined 810 and | tion, they will ship far Savannah, On., where they will perform on the 14th. pricer and terms or WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing Machines. NETT CASH. $10 PR MO. $5 FB MO, $ 45 $ 66 . lAlf-esae, pin bz 60 60 No. 7. do Itt’j 66 66 No. 1, Folding cover 70 NO N*. 8. Foil Cabinet, 100 110 No. 8, Folding Cover. 190 WARRANTED FIVE YEARS BY WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO We wish it distinctly understood thst those are our term* from whieh we never deviate; and we gusrsu. tee our Machine* to have every point of exoelleuee to be found in any Underfeed Shuttle Machine, and a* datable, made ofa* good material a* any Machinu in the world, aud that it will do a* elegant work. W. H. GRIFFIN. Gen. Agent, 32 Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Ga. OXTY FLOURING MILLS, JT/«4.rrj, CEOHCfM. If all things arc equal, why ust pul ru ixe home manufacture 1 I HAVE furni*lied iny MiUs throughout with NEW and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and am now grinding new wheat, and am prepared to and will guarantee every pound of flour that I sell to eoine fully up to repreHontatiou; otherwise, it can be sbip- pod hack to me at my expense. 1 am prepared to furnish the trade, in auy quantity, in socks, half sacks or quarter sacks: PRIDE OF DIXIE, from choice white wheat. CITY MILLS FAMILY, from selected red wheat. CAPITOL MILLS FAMILY. 8TAR MILLS FAMILY. BRAN, sacked or uusackad. J. B. BUTLER, Proprietor, augll 2m JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY A.T LAW. Office tn Grant’s Building, corner of Marietta and Broad streets. Practice* in the Court* of the city aud county, and the United State# District Court and the fcu- preme Conrt of Georgia. amr-M-lm 1 AM GLAD HR HAS COME. Th« Beat Paper Hanger In the Stale of rfrla. I CAN now cane your chairs, and make them look new for the same you will pay for a bottom. No charge for varnishing chain when I caue them, and tfpkmH I erf Mg', Amrmilmr* JiepefHwf. «fr.. to give nattafiaction. Furnttare covers ont, made and s fit warranted. Hair and spring mattresses made to order. All kinds of honsehoUT furniture and up* holstery done at the shortest notice. I have re- ~ is*, undn t street. C. R. BROWN. CHICKERING PIANOS! THE UNDIR8IGNED BEING T|IK GENERAL 8TATE AGENT For tho WORLD RENOWNED Otuckering Pianofortes Is prepared to furnish these admirable 'Instrunu-utfi from STG CIC KKP T A THIS MUSIC STORK OR DIRECT FROM THE FACTOR V, As parties may desire. CATALOGUE BOOKH, Giving PRICE, DESCRIPTION and ENGRAVING o each style, sent, post-paid, to any party, on applica tion. JUmnuretetpurer*t CtrtlMentr and WtarraxMfy AUCOMEAKIia EACH 1HETIH UKM HD war FAXON. STEAM ENGINES. rpHE uAiUredU pHRnd w nml.h Si..m 1 a r Plantation u 3}c; Teaneaboe, ic; shoaU, 6(g^io, gregntjon, but biul fallen so far from i Our quotations are made np mainly gmoe as to huvo caused to atte nd the reg, from tbe largest ami moot responsible i alar service of tbe chnrcb. Tbe pastor Most Improved Styles aad Best Maker*, on th* shortest notice, giving gnartnlre to all « olJ ' ON BAND FOR SALE . One 15- hone Engine aad Saw Mill, oomplete. U»” been used sixty days. Also—One New Portable Engine, ahorse power. Will b« sold at * bargain 1 a. MtJBPHk. augSO lm Atlanta. Ga. r.w, JMCKIC, Patenter am* MUcoralor, t>ov# W. G. turns thanks to ] tavor*. sad hiyes^by a