The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, September 12, 1871, Image 3
THE DAILY SUN. Tuxsuay Morning September 12. tar- Hew AdOrtiuinmU alieayt founa on Firtl Page ; Local at l Business Notice* on Fourth Page. SCN-STKOKES. Ho smiled a most sarcastic ainlle— That Cour.-Jour. man ao grim, And cried, “ I'll i>oat tliia Ledger," but The Ledger "posted'* him. V&. Morton is to speak in Cincinnati on the 16th. He will be “all setting" on that occasion. K&- “Windy Jim” is the pet narno which the Mississippi papers hare ap plied to Governor Alcorn. Mgr- The Vincennes, Indiana, Heston Sun asks, “will Grant decline ?" He has never been known to “decline” bnt one thing, and that was a mangy dog, I®. The Fra says “Thje Sum pitches into Paul De Eoek and as usual spells his name wrong." That was an awkward mistake and tho printer ought to have known better. Every body knows that the name is De Cheque. *8F“‘Walt Whitman," the papers say, “is tho richest man in the country. He gets a salary of 81000 a year, and man ages to live on an average of nineteen cents a day." And on that amount he entertains more poetio genius than any other man in the country possesses. UW The New Yok Globe announces the anticipated arrival of the Grand Duke Alexis and asks "what shall we do with him ?" If he is inclined to be in dustrious almost any farmer would be willing to take him for his victuals and clothes. 8®. “It is said,” Bays the New York Globe “that Judge Watts, the now Com missioner of Agriculture, is weeding out the Democrats and half-way Republicans, which, like parsley, have crept into his department, choking down the true-blue loyalists. What could be more appropri ate than the weeding out of the Agricul tural Bureau?" Before ho went in, Judge Watts said that he should run the Bu reau in the interest of no party; but it seems that something has occurred to change his mind, and it would not be sur prising if he should finally agree to take a hand in the cultivation of the usual Radical crop—cabbage. GEORGIA NEWS. AUGUSTA. The Chronicle atul Sentinel of the 10th says: At seven o'clock yesterday evening a special train arrived here on the Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, bringing a large number of colored peo ple who were on their way to Atlanta. There was a brass bond on board, which was in full blast as it passed through tho town. SAVANNAH. The Republican of the 10th has these items: ' The breaks on the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad and on tho Florida Railroad have all been repaired, as wo have been informed oflicially. Tho train leaving at 10:16 hist evening went through. Tho break on tho Central Railroad be tween here and Macon has been so far repaired that the Macon passenger train arrived about 1 o’clock yesterday. The euterpriso of the Central in thus restor ing this imjiortaiit communication in so short a time is highly commendable. COLUMBUS. The Sun, of Sunday, Bhcds the follow ing rays: Rev. Dr. Skinner has returned from his summer vocation in New York. Tho Colbmbus Iron Works Company average for the year somo $1,000 per month in payment of their employees. In Stewart county, on Wednesday morning, Mr. F. M. Galloway, overseer tor Mr. Georgo Banks, was shot so dan gerously by a negro man that ho died Friday. As reported, it appears all hands were engaged that morning shelling corn. Two negroes stepped outaudcommeucod quarrelling. One went into his house to get a gun. Mr. G. told tho other negro to run. While running, his opponent appeared and fired his gun. Ono shot entered the tongue of Mr. G., the re mainder his breast. The murderer whose name is Henderson escaped. He was last seen at the Ten Mile House. Mr. Galloway leaves a small family. His age was about thirty-five years. He was a good soldier during Confederate days. The committee of citizens and Council met yesterday pursuant to cull. The correspondence between Messrs. Hulbcrt and Kimball, representing respectively theColumhus and Albany nml Bainbridge, Cuthlrert and Columbus rnilroada, with Council Committee, was rend. The re sult of the deliberations was that the committee agreed in substance to recom mend to Council at the meeting Monday, the passago of a city subscription of 8200,000 to the Bainbridge, Cuthbert, and Columbus Railroad, on the condi tions that the money be applied on this end; that the road be run east of Lump kin (surveys have been mado on both sides); that the Columbus and Albany road be allowed equal privileges of tho road, from tho point of intersection with it, to Columbus, provided said C. A A. Co., pays half the actual cost of said -distance; that the B., C. Sc C. shall never discriminate against the road between Cuthbert and Albany. MACON. The river at Macon fell six feet Satur day. Shropshire is smacking Ilia lips over broiled young partridges. COVINGTON. The Eeaminer of the 9th (which reach ed here yesterday) says: Mrs. Seymore, of Putnam county, on returning home from Madison, on lost Saturday, was thrown from her buggy and almost instantly killed. She was the mother of twelve living children. The sad occurrence happened near the reel dence of Mrs. Shepherd, where she was taken and received all the attention in the power of the family to render. It e deeply sympathize with tho distressed family. TALDOTTON. The Standard of last week speaks os follows of the crop prospects: Wo do not see any cause to change our estimate made in August in regard to the prospects in this county. The boll worm has not been so damaging as tho rust, which has spread throughout tho county, checking the growth and development of the top crop. The late storm prostrated fields of cotton and late corn, leaving a big hole around the former. In conse quence of rust, entire fields of cotton will soon bo opened. Tho crop will bo from one-half to two-thirds in Talbot. Con sidering the decreased acreage this year, we cannot realize much more than half tho number of bales of 1870. A few far mers report their crops as good as lust year; but this results from high manur ing and cultivation. Plenty of corn, with few exceptions, occasioned by over flows on low-grounds, will be made for home consumption. fllioetllaneons NLEFLOI-I .A-HSTTS1 BUY CROCKERY and GLASS No. 47 Peachtree Street, -FItOM— T- n.. HIPLiBY, JMPOBTER AND JOBDER. Air ESTABLISHED 21 YEARS. ■%» Keep* a Urge stock. Occupies THREE FLOORS—30x120 feet Inducement* offered to cub buyer* Equal to any Market. Atlanta, Ga., August 2, 1871. aug 0 2m. Mount De Sales Academy FOR rOUJTG LAMES, (Conducted by thb Bimtkbs or tux Visitation Noar Oatonavllle, Five Miles West of Baltimore, Md ding country—the City of Baltimore, the Patapsco River and the Chesapeake Bay. The ground* attached to the Academy are exten sive, and afford the pupil* ample space lor exercise. The hall for STUDY AND RECREATION, THE DORMITORIES, Ac., have been constructed with a view to PROMOTE THE COMFORT of the young ladiea. Address for particulars, MOUNT DE BALES. CatonsvilleP. O., Baltimore Co., aug!4 lm Maryland. B. if. DUTTON, PRACTICAL STENCII, CUTTER, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER 1 flliottllnnrons University of d'suthrlllc, Tenti. FOUNDED 1780. Tuition, board, washing, fuel, from f 150 to $ 175 per Term. The LAW SCHOOL opens 4th October, 1871. Tuition 110 per term. Apply to Oeu. E. KIRBY SMITH, aug23d2tw4t Chancellor. f I ’IMF and cash sales—Bacon, Flour, Mules, Ac.— * 40,000 pound* Bacon ; 1,000 bushels Corn ; 500 barrels Flour ; car load Molaaaes ; Coffee ; a valuable pair of Mules and Dray ; a first class second-hand Family Carriage, lor cash or uu time, until October or Vsnabtr ; Also, loo city or suburban vacant building lots. Terms easy. Apply at once to A. K. 8EAUO, Cor. Forsyth and MiU hell sfs. rcplInulAw Atlanta. Ga. STEAM ENGINES. Most Improved Styles and Best Makers, u the shortest notice, giving guarantee to aU sold. ON HAND FOR BALE ; One 15-horse Engine aud Saw Mill, complete, lias been used sixty days. Also—One New Portable Engine, 0-horse power. Will be sold at a bargain. A. MUBPHY. aug'JO lm AtlauU, Ga. 1 AM GLAD HE HAH COME. __ (he Matt Qesrg T CAN now cane your chairs, and make them look 1 new for the same you will pay for a bottom. No charge for varulahing chairs when I cane them, aud 1 warrant all l/yMsIfrisr, Furniture Mtpmlriop, iff., > give satisfaction. Furniture covers cut, mado and ap!5-6m C. B. BROWN. Late of Richmond. Va. JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Orant'a Building, corner of Marietta MAXVrAOTCKXK O B 1 ■ N. B.—Particular attention paid to Brand* ai d Rtencils for Merchants, Millers, Tobacconist* and Distillers; also, to Name Plates, for marking clothes, which will be sent to any addresa for seventy-five t*. Including Ink. Ac. seplfi * A OAIID. To, meet the demands of an INCREASING WHOLESALE BUSINESS We have secured Urge and commodious store rooms in the Kimball House, fronting on Decatur Street, nearly opposite Moore k Marsh and Silvey k Dough erty, which wo will occupy ON 1st OCTOBER NEXT, and where we will be glad to roceive our friends aud customers. With these increased facilities for doing a Wholesale i>rttg Business SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS to tho trade. Until 1st October wo will sell our present stock of Drugs, Medicines, PaiuU, Oils, Ac., at reduced trices, PK,nUKttTOJS\ TA1*1,0 It tC CO aug30 lm Atlanta, Uu. University High School ATLANTA, CA. University Building, corner of Washington Mitchell streets, on MONDAY, the 11th of Septem ber, 1871. This Term will be divided Into two quarters—the first ending 20th November, 1671, aud iho second ending 25th February, 1872. - rms per quarter : One-half before matrirula* and the remaining ball at tho end of the quar- Incidental fee for quarter. In advance, No student will be received for a less time than Quarter. No deduction will be mado except in Georgia—Fulton County. Fulton Supxbiob Count—April Term. 1871. Mautua F. Ryan ) vs, { Lib.l for Divorce in said Court. axoBox A. Ryan. ) . ... It appearing to the Court, bv the return of the Sheriff, that Georgo A, Hyau, the Defendant In tho above stated case, does uot reside in saul county ot Fulton, and It also appearing that he does uot reside in said State of Georgia, it is, therefore, ordered by tho Court that service of said libel be made on said Georgo A. Byan, by publication of this order in any public gaxotte in this 8t*te once a month for four months, previous to the next term ot this Court.— Granted by the Court. j. M. Calhoun A Bon., Plaintiff's Attorney. A true Extract from June 1st, 1871, June5-laiu4m__ iniuute* of said Court W. It. VENABLE. Clerk. MARTIN INSTITUTE, .lefferfton. Jackson Co., (Score!a. rnHE FALL TERM of the voar 1871 will opini on L MONDAY, the 21st of AUUl’HT, instead of odnesday. the 16th, a* it was announced. We think that very few if any institution* of the same grade can offer to patrons inducements equal to ours. Board is only $12 to $14 per month. The very low rates of tuition are reduced about one-third by the endowment, and tho qnlet, moral and studious habits of the pupils cannot be excelled, r applications from abroad are already nume- and those wishing to secure board wiii do well to apply immediately. For full information address Prof. I. W. GLENS. Pro!. 8. P. OUR, or JAH K. RANDOLPH. ang7 wlm. Heo. Board of Trustee*. Oglethorpe University. Atlanta, Goortgla. COLLGO K DKPAKTM KNT: Rev. DAVID WILLS, D. D.. President aud Profes- •or of Belles Lettrea and Sacred Literature GUSTAVU8 J. OllR, Professor of Mathematic* aud Rev! DONALD FRASER, A. M.. Professor of Utiu and Greek Language* and Literature. w. Leconte Stephens, a. b., Professor of Physical Sciences. „. v. T. A. HOYT, Professor of Metaphysics aud — (To be supplied) Professor of Modern Lad* ^J^A RICHARDSON. Professor of Natural rhlloao- pby and Principal of High School. “*anta Is one of the healthiest cities tu the United onsM*. Good board can be bail at from $16 to $18 per month. There wlU be two terms in the UsiUege. the first commencing FIRST MONDAY IN OCTO BER and eudiug T11K 25th OF FKliUUAUY; the secondN'gtuning the FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH aud ending JULY 6. ..... Terms of Tuitiou—$75 per annum; half In advauc aug28 dkwB . Adnilnlatrutor'a *4ulu. State or OxoaoiA, 1 Tauaff.bbo County. J B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of •aid county, will be sold on the first luasday Id No.en.bM next, imbanralto InMkom of at. .1 th. Court Uoim. dour In Crtwlordrtll. Id .11 con Mr, Ui« p'.oulion or iu<b boloeftog lo lb. estate of General Aaron W. Grier, deceased, late of said county. This plantation Is well adapted tolhe culture of corn, cotton, end small grain. Situation healthy, society good. Convenient to railroad, poet office, churches and mills. . . Mr. James A. Grier is on the place, and will take pleasure in showing tbe lands to any one wishing to to see tL Sold In lots to suit the purt-baseri plat of each survey will be exhibited on day of Hold for tbe benefit of ike heirs of said deceased. Terms, one and two years Ume for approved |>*p tv. This, September 11,1871. JAMES M. TRIPLETT, Administrate r, l>e bonus non, with the will annexed. CITY FLOURING MILLS, dTEdJUTd, tiFont}Id. If all tilings are equal, why not putro ize home manufacture 1 •ml IMPROVED MACHINERY, .ml grinding new wheat, and am prepared to and will guarantee ovary pound of flour that I soli to coiuo fully up to representation; otherwise, it can be ship ped back to me at my expense. 1 sm prepared to furnish the trade, in any quantity, in sacks, half sacks or quarter sacks: PRIDE OF DIXIE, from choice white wheat. CITY MILLS FAMILY, from selected red wheat. CAPITOL MILLS FAMILY. STAR MILLS FAMILY. BRAN, sacked or unsacked. J. E BUTLER, Proprietor. Util [FOUNDED 1838.] MOORE’S AUfullatuone. a. a. THROWX1R, Proprietor Excelsior Plastering Works, 1». O. llox 400, ATLANTA, UA. aug28 6m. MO IITV D CITY Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF ST. LOUIS, MO. MYEltS Sc JOHNSTON', Agent* for Northern (>\ >rgia. "iR'ArV.'j'IUNSTON. I Atlanta,Ga OFFioiina s JAM KM It. EADS, President. A. M. llUll'lUN. Vice-President. S. W. LOMAX. Treasurer. . McUATTON, General Agent. Me lieal Board. city as BRANCH BOARD OF TRUSTEE8: Colonel C. PKKPLEH. President. WM. U. TULLEll. ESQ.. Vioo-Presideut. TRUSTEES: Kv*u P Howell, J. C. Kirkpatrick, John A. Fitteii, Albert Howell. Andrew J. West, J. W. Morrow, O. W. Henderson, LodOWtc* J. Hill, Georgo E. Gibbon, Anthony Murpby. J. J. Williams, l)r. J. A. Liuk, SOUTHERN Business University, Cor. Broad & AlabamalSts, ATLANTA. CA. Open Day and Night. . course of instruction for Younir Mon and Adult.- Qualifying them for any Position in Finn n « ound Trade, Evening Sessions from 7 lo 9 O’elurk. Students can ertor at auy time. No teaching i classes. If Catalogues and Specimens of Penmanship mailed ou application. Address II. F. MOORE, snpt4-lra PRINCIPAL. Musical Instruction. J)ROF. HUTCHINSON, Musical Director of tho Beethoven Society, Atlanta, Teacher of Piano-Forte, Organ aud Mclodoon. Address—Care Lawshe and Haynes, Whitehall street, or P. O. box 261. aug24-lni Unclaimed Freight. rpUK following described article* will be sold at J- Auction, if not called for within thirty days, by Consignees : W. H. Broach, 1 box; T, Allen, 1 bag beans; John L. Conley, 2 boxes; James Freeman, 1 bedstead; It. L. Emery, 1 seed cleauer; Henry k Co., 2 bbls. liquor and 1 box; J. Jones. 1 package bedding; F. M. Klch- anlftou, 1 stove aud fixtures; P. Tbomas, 1 box; Wm. Wood, 2 packages moulding; O. A. Witty, 2 boxes ** ED. A. WIRNEIt, Agent. To Parties Desiring to Build rpHE undersigned would respectfully Inform th* JL citizens of Atlanta that be la now prepared to Superintend the ttuildimy umd Finishing-, mr * thpurtment •**///, mf — Haute they mmy tcieh tu Street. and a picked set of bandi feel* confident in giving general satisfaction. REFERENCE—Col. John L. Grant, Longlny k Robinson, aud Fay k Corput, Architects. JOHJT C. JFMCHOLSn OFFICE IN AIR-LINK HOUln, PRYOR STREET WttdW r. H. nOWiRD. C. H. HOWAXD W. n. HOWARD Sc SON, COTTON FACTORS AND W E again tender our services in the Warehouse business, iu all its branches, to ,our old pat- aud planters generally. CoitnitiHMtoii for Selling Cotton, One anti a Quarter l*er Cent. AU family supplies ordered Will be carefully se- lectcd by one of tbe firm, at the lowest market prices. ■ * ir* lor uuuinu i __ cash price, Liberal cash advances made on cotton house. W* extend ail the faciliUea offered by Ware house Merchants. Consignments solicited—satis- J.W1STAR VANCE, MD. J Examiners. AU i>olicicii issued by this Company In come non forfeitable after the payinont of one full auuual pre mium. No restrictions on travel or residence. Dividend* declared annually on all polinen which have been two years in force, and iu proportion to the amount of premium paid. Office t No. 45 Whltthall tit., Up Stalls. MYERS k JOHNSTON. aug23-lm Agents for Northern Georgia. SHARP & FLOYD, 8UCCE880B8 TO ano. SHARP, Jr. Whitehall St., dtlanta, Ga. MAKUFACTUK1NU AND MEIM'IIANT JEWELRY. DEALERS IN Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. FAIRS. PAIRS. PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPH, FORKS, SPOONS, KNIVES, Sic. To dgricullural Fair Commit tees. For monthly, county and yearly Fairs: Wo are pre pared to furulsh you on the shortest notice possible a full lino of PREMIUMS Of all kinds. We guarantee PERFECT SATISFAC TION. and will give the BEST TERMS. We do not desire to make any profit off of County Fairs Just starting, and will tako pleasure iu filling large c small orders. Oive us a call or write for prices. SHARP & FLOYD, aug8 lm. ATLANTA, OA. Henry Bischoff & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN WIim-w, IA<|u»i*m. M<>- prnriqTotmt'GO. .Vg. No. 197, East Ilaj Street, CHARLESTON, S. O. i. msciiorr. u. wulu t. u. pikpeu. July6-3ra i,noo ni'suKLs Red Rust Proof Oats Mark W. Johnson’s, OPPOSITE Cation Wnrclioiisc, on llroad Street. ALSO : 300 Hush. Selected Seed Harley, 260 Hush, seed Kye, to arrtre, 600 Hush. Seed Wheat, 210 Hush, tied Clover, •216 Hush. Red Top or Herds Grass. 221 Hush. Orchard Grass, IOO Hash. Tall Meadow Oat Grass, to arrive, 175 Hush. Vine Grass, atul all other useFul Grasses, Ae. 600 Ctrl. Fresh Turnip Seep ; ALSO: IOO Tons Sea Fowl Ellwan and other Guano, for Wheat, Etc. ( ALNO: 500 IHxle Plows and other Plows, from $:i;50 to $6 50, clu*|»er than home made “Hcootcra." ALHO: The Keller Patent Grain Brill, For sowing Wheat, Etc. AIho | Everything cl*o needed In tiio Agricultu ral lino, at W. Johnson’s, P. O. BOX 230. Atlanta, Ga. Fall Htocli s HatN Notice. I HEREBY consent for my wife, MUM. li. W. M.Ul* BETT, to be a Free Trader from^thls date. oglBwlmo H M. MABBKTT J. M. HOLBROOK, L S NOW IN NEW YORK PURCHASING hi. Fall and Winter Stork of Hals, Caps, Furs, Millinery Goods, he., Ami til'* first courlaamuou tre being roc.t».a md opened, which !h« public gcncrtllj »r« lurltod to caU aud examine. In the Mllincry line, wo h*v. rcccl»*I “THE T u R B A N tb * "cr uu,t “»• lor ladu.— A PERFECT OEM. oepIS^t die /lottnce Seining machine m s Mark The Palace Dollar Store L. U. PIKE, PROPRIETOR. N. E,-GOODS SENT TO ANY PART OP TU COUNTRY. .liaH-lniE A. J. HARALSON, Comor Marietta and Bioad Street* GEJTERAis AVCTiOJr AND co*v* yussiojr jherchajitt, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FURNITURE. Consignments solicited. Cash advances on consignments for auction in store. rxaxgcKs—Messrs. Gordon. Will Is k Co, Bank- srs, WaU Street, AtlanU augt 1m. ► ► 9 It § 1 o w u U1 o £ CD 0 }> h CT5 • CD 8 £ |> e+ 5 Ul O w fej o Ul a q f — B. Jittblan't Son* Jros Ulotk*. ‘ Macon Oomes to Atlanta Again! ” FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS. Q M tn S z H M U LANDS BERG'S LUMBER YARD, OPPOSITE OEOBOIA RAILROAD DEPOT. ATLANTA.GA. dll Hinds ot Dressed and Framtnq Lumber. MiU-lj A. LAEDESZEO A 00., PmwMora. Head of Third St., Sign of “The New Flag.” M|ACON,(GEORGIA. THE LAR.GE’ST IN THE SOUTH! Skilled Labor and Modem Machinery. All Work (Warranted. Northern Prices for Machinery Duplicated. STEdM EJrGIJTES OF dJTJT KIJtTD dJTO SIZE. Findlay's improved Circular Saw most approved kindst Sugar Mills Fronts, Window SUIs and ~ Mill, Merehsmt Mi Jills and Syrup Kettles; From lAntels f Castings of From and’Brass of Every Description, send Metchlne- I of aU kinds TO OH HER. RAILING, IRON Of Elegant Design*, and at Prlossthat Defy Competition. J9*No Charge lor Maw Pattern* la Outfit of Machinery for 8aw or Merchant Mills gfil REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ! Competent Workmen furnished upon application to overhaul Engines, Saw Mills, ate., la any aaaitoi a# the country. FINDLAY’S SAW-DUST GRATE BAR SHOULD BE USED BY EVERY SAW-HILL PROPRIETOR. HUIatonoa, Belting, Circular Sawn, Steam Fittings, Babbit Metal, eta., ate. FURNISHED TO ORDER. TERH8, CAHU 08 APPROVED PAPER. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Maoon, Ga. THE GREAT, ECLIPSE Screw Cotton and Hay Press, Fatented Feb’y 27, 1871, by Findlay ft Oraig. early day to supcruode ALL GT1IER Cotton Screws, bo they fabricated of Wrought or Oast Iron. CoLAPAnonu, Ga., December 2a, tom. R. FINDLAY'S HONH, Findlay's Iron Works. Maoon. Ga.: Dicau Bum - I Ate this fall 1 purcbaft*d from you one of your Findlay k Craig Eclipse Patent 8crew Cot ton Presses, and, after a full and fair trial, do not hesitate to pronounce It the most rapid, of lightest draught, most powcrful-in fact, the best (without an exception) Cotton Press 1 aver saw. Between this and all other Iron Kcrew Presses I have ever seen or used, there la Just simply no comparison. Every planter should use your Press. JOHN L GILBERT.. 1>. h.—You may consider my order in for two more of the above Presses for next season, and may look for many orders from this section : my neighbors are determined to have them, as they oan pack by band twice as fast as auy of the other Iron Screw Presses can by horse power. J. L. O. Hince last fall, and before accepting Patent, we added improvements and labor-saving convenience*— mi<li>ring It PBUPB0T lu every particular. Tho screw or pin, baa a pitch, or tail, of 6 l ; inches ; that is, l every turn of tho scrw, follower block descends (or ascends, as tho caso may be) fit* inches. * Ice of the lubo or nut in whloh the screw works, is such as to materially reduce the motion, so gras . imiraou screw ; thereby rendering it an easy task for three hands to pack a bale of coitou In HAL 1*1 ME OF ANY OTI1KU Iron Screw Pres* by horso-powor. [8eo J. L. Gllbort'a certificate.] When bio. an ordinary mule can be substituted for throe men without change of fixtures. STBENQTS. DURA BILITY, UAPIDITY, LIGHT DItAUGHT, end STANDING ItOOM attop of box, etc., etc.. In short, w* pro- ounce it the BEST Screw Press IN TIIK WOULD, and respoctfnlly invite ajmbllo test with any end all thsr Screw Presses. To purchasers we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION or REFUND PRICK MONET. BEND FOR PRICE LIST, ETC. II. FINDLAY’S SONS, Maoon, Oo. CRAIG’S PATENT HORSE POWER, FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS. gy Simplest, Strongest and Beat ever yet Invented. Requires no Wood Work. Bets upon Um gm—d, tel can be put up WITHOUT the aid of a Mechanic. HutlMfutlou Guarnntood or Money Refunded. BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Macon, Ga. Tlic New Portable Steam Engine For Driving Cotton Olni, PrlnUn, Pkim., .ml for .By pnrpoM raqulrln. Am f 2 f 1 - £ L protL avXTRA CHARGE where these engines ere need. . ^ . . ^ . There I* POSITIVE PROTECTION AGAINST EXPLOSION, hiss natural “egark emefr,** as WO HP A UK CAN ESCAPE. MO MATTER WHAT FURL 18 UfiRD-an important oonsUeratkm In eetfien in ning and similar work. Awarded first premiums by American Institute lMMB. Bead tor Desartjwve S.'-pnjMAVW BOMB. 1 UNURANGR OOMPA] FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. OA. WILDER FORCE DANIEL. DANIEL A. WBLLBOBB BUI. H I LjC a Cotton iactor* anb Cotton Joob ©nano Ctptn!*, €tr. COTTON FACTORS Agents Cotton Pood Guano, NO. 3.WAKHEN BL00K, OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEI*AUGUSTA, GA All bnaioos, entrusted to Uiem trill bare strict personal attention. Orders for Bagging, Tice or Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. COMMISSION I 1-4 PER CENT, aipinsioist ■ ad,. JOHN P. KINO. I-rto't Georgia Ball Road. 1 OoLL. H. BILL. IDIraetor Ga. 8. 8. president National Bank of Augusta and Angnata I Havings Bank of Angueta. I mi - MtDINKH. laq IVc.^l Dtckaoo Frrtlfcar Oo. (tqlS* •*.