The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, September 13, 1871, Image 1
il’t iiu i !iii 1 *tVI iI I .H'JH ft IT Ail & 111 V rJ» -■ -> --«*> -( *"*' *•"*<*» y~*+ ' v VOL. II. THE DAILY SUN. PabUArarty tfc-AthxEU Hm PaMUilav J. H«bIj l«l< vVHii.,in^ ri - I- vltxnrffT H. StofhMn, NlUnl EUitor. l.t’Wdm, ■ ■ H«w»HHUr. J. limb ttaitk, fltoeral Mttw jndBni- nest luuuirer. ■^™r WILLIAM B. KOOKS. Wn. Earrix, Jr., »..* AfMrt. Bnu* krapo Tm* Bum tor |«QW TO JUCM1T MW*f We win be reeponeible tor the aafe arrival of eU weaawr money oont In an unregistered MMrliMnLK Ml* be the loan of the peaaaa eendtng IS Mo paper wlU be sent from the ottos till it la paid for, aUHomo will always be erased when the lima paid lor aiplrae. I Matin la Crawfordm*. Hie IB Bum win not change hie reel- Intended for him, either on connected with the Political i paper, should be addreeeed to dSSr tt A5'to«Unintended tor_him. ofthMon Pj£ PENNSYLVANIA. MUd MfftndUf m Wtarm. Pbiladelps'i, September 11—A »e- ehanic, retaining from bis work, in tl tempting to aiiiuki it women front n i juv of ronghe, wee killed. The Orent Gouneil of the Improved Order of Bed Hen Mumbled here Urdu;. CALIFORNIA. i^rllu- /NS (A AebJV«lf:.'l. San Fbancuco, September 12.-BooIIi’b majoiitv ia 5,100. Hongbtonwea elected the hint dietrict, by 2.S76 majority.-— —' b'n and Saijent were dlcctSn in fbe _ end thhd d'riricta by large ma- jocittea. In the Senate, with the Lientenrui- Govemor'a caating vote, the RepcWicica have one majority. The Home stin:l? 51 Republicans, 22 Democrats and 1 in dependent Twenty ear lends of lea anil noflae went East yesterday. The China, which hai jest arrived from Hong Kong, brings 1 package of musk, 22 of merchandise. C7U of silk and 111,147 of tea for New Yolk, 1,718 for Cl cajo and 5,403 for Boston. Terms Of «nbectlpUon a ... »S3T5Tw |7 00 fiix Month* Throe Month*. One Month WEEKLY PEE i»»UM ! T®* . ** AAnA rwentj “ 30 w Fifty “ MimfU Copiot • • • • • • • • WEEKLY—HlX MOKTH8 Single CM M* Mouth*,-.-., Three * * * ■ J £$“»;• a - ....-■ *0 No enbecriptlona, to the Weekly, received for ■hurter period then six month*. * ■ nwt be gid^for ln •^ T * no# ubecrlpOoucjm the time peid for expiree. , 1 00 r book* when Neui." ,r be sent el the_emne Umo end take ike pepet fay lb, «•» length of time, and Ail be at the Ksch subscribe! 7JZ ere « effloe. j Mine will b* written ou his pa per—ui« »ud in Club# as otherwise. To aecuutht SvautsgeE of Club rates U ta only nooce«ry thetthe term of subscription for e*ch one shall begin **d oadAt themme time. snd that all be token at the nne Podomop. Term* of Adyortl*l»g. 3 00 11 00 12 00 14 U0 15 00 18 00 20 00 22 »*) 24 00 27 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 27 00 SO 00 32 00 36 00 38 00 55 00 12 60 16 00 20 00 22 00 26 00 28 00 81 00 33 00 36 00 38 00 * 8 60 16 00 18 00 24 00 27 00 30 00 33 00 36 Or 38 00 40 00 42 00 44 00 47 00 76 00 For *lew period than one week. $1 P«r*qo*re (ten linos of solid Nouperall type, or occupying that much «p*oe] for the first insertion, »nd 60 oenU for “S “rSSS.uw'ffSS'Sl- Column marked with An asterisk, l*) will be charged 26 cents per line e*ch ^Advertisements under the leaded) for less time than on* week, will be charged aw-'llverttaementa. exoeptfor established buai- nee* house*, in this city, must be paid for In ad- V> 5?reducllon will be made on the ebor* {or Bj^nojorjrnrJy^wdlJU™®®)*^, ntiT.Ma, ROME AND DALTON R. R. THAI ltd DAILY, SUNDAYS IBOLODXD. Leave Selma Ill» S" f : {S i U" Arrive at Borne . I’ 5" ifi Z 5 Arrive et Dalton f'lwl 1 leave Borne S.'too lilt. M i.nvn et ». XL, . j AHAKIC (on m.v) mmmoam- NIGHT PASSKNOKB TRAIN—O0TWABD. Leaves Atlanta 6 1C am Arrive*at Chattanooga.....• DAY PAAriKNO** TBAIN—OVTWARD. UBYM Atlanta J;' Arrive* at Chattanooga --"V' p vast ire a to 88* lau-omv^ .Laavea Atlanta Arrival at Dalton • ■ • •*” r mjut raoutaoan tham—: Arrive* a» Atlaat* ••••••••. "1” ' DAY X*AII»—4NWABD. Leave* • Arrives at AtlanU v AOOOHMOPATION TRAIN—INWARD. Leave* Dalton 9-Sa^ Airive. Jatlautm.^^- —’ •“(STSoyfrma-Sn-doyi Sight Paaaanger y^p. m Atone Mountain Accommodation leave*....6.86 p. m MACON AND WB*T**N RAILROAD. 7*6 a. m. 7:63a. m. 1:58 p. m. 6;U6 p- m. ... . 10:25 p. m. 8. 38 p. M to/to—anw< Leaves Maoon ..... • • lMy Passenger Train arrives.. Arrive* - at ■* co “r«r • ;•**•**' Night Paseenger Traiu leaves.. Leaves hasHi.e Night Passenger Train arrives. Arrive* at Macon ATLANTA AND WWt TOINL BAri-mUD. Night Paseenger Trdn W J • Night HM^«*Tr*i“ 8-Jo J. m SJ WZ^er Ttain ’■!« a m ATI.AHTA Abb .KaUOKD Art-Liak „ Leave ,1 Z 5; Arrive at . 3 p. M. Leave Atlanta..- v*• s ag p. m Arrtve at Uelneevills..... » ■MU A Ang«»U lUllrMi. DAI ,A—m»«at» » M4? > "”7.’r.V.. IX *. m. lasaveYlacnn 7 40 p. M. ArriventMmwnM.^...— 1 46 P. M Western KmtlmttSttf AlnkamA Arrive at IVaW li»?M Leave We 4 .... p u Arrive a Montgomery -40 A M Leave ^ p M Jb . I .W1'. M . liar, m snM©?w r; TELEGRAPH NEWS By tke lew Y£rk AMMUted Prcsu, DOMESTIC NEtVJ^. MAINE. r*. Mnutt ut ia. nittr.u Pobtland, September 12.—The ro- lurns up to midnight indicate that the Bepublican majority will be about 11,000. The Legislatu re will sliow a slight liem- ocratio gam. In the shipbailding towns the Bcpnb- licana have genera 1 ly lout. Augusta, September 12.—The ind'et- tioni here derived .rom carefully footing up the rotorns rreeived up to noon to d.iy are that Ferham’g majority win tic about 11,000. Hia exact otlicici majority lust year wrs 8,238. UTAH. ■I tVM-Mia Murdtrtr AAsf. Salt Lake Oia'Y, September 12.— Baum, a Mormon, who wag under a i in dictment for murder, faial'y sho. to- day while attempting to escape bid . MARIANO. BtpMjcoo C'earvofieo. BALTiworE, September 12.—TheKe- pnbl'can State Convention was organized to-day and pegged renoliitioiig indorsing Grant and Cn swell. . w-o ILLINOIS. J «r<a .V,« tfefr. ado. Cuicaoo, September 12.- There is a treat diamond excitement at Yankton, [iakoteli. It is luid that a diamond worth 8100,000 hrg been found oil the bank of Tine river. SOUTH CAROLINA- Voncbcu do, ; not violate bis arcoi il . Comptroller CoBktlly. il a long lelte to Mayor Hall, declines to resign. Kothafelder, the inventor of the Ktem winding watch, bos committed suicide. FOREIGN NEWS. CUBA- Wgrevaf. reWIWvargnmfa. \ Havana, September 12.—Advjcrifrenr Pneito Piincipe, rcpoit thatLient. Cal. Lopez Iticcio Borrero, with twenty-live insurgents, have surrendered. Among them are commander Fernando Aguero Betancour: and Captains Fan stive, Cabellero and Yacairano. tnlff «A< «*» *»ri% , , Ro» September 12.—The II' nu Minister of France,8i'aorfollr.fnteni to farm out the g- st t; Y on a plan simi lar to that by wl'- ; ch the proo«ed« of .k» gave, iment tolacco monopoly, are now c«' 'ect. i ENGLAND London, September 12.—It is denied that the cholera is abating in Rresla. Tbe Cardiff lias arrived ft Liverpool with four on bon d who bad d od of tbe cholera. Col. Rowland,'.he accredited Ameiice.n agent to ajist in the cai'se of emigra tion, has arrived iu London, and wi proceed at onco to Baundiuavia and Ueimany to commence the dutiri o' hi miasion. The French and Swiss governments have accepted invitationa to Bend repre sentatives to w itnesa the formrl opening at the Mount Cenia tunnel. A meeting in support of the Newcas tle strikers is announced to be held in Trafalgar Stp'ore, on Monday, the 2 , j iust Thi joinnal* to djy discuss the site, dp ofChiutse labor in America, in iisrek- tion to the recant s'rikeo in Englr .rd. 3Yie uewsnapeisclso commentirvago’v upon the trtty disaatcra that have •>. cently befallen the British ships of Wi' The vieto./ of tho Ward crew iu the Saratoga reg» ta isalso a general topic ci remi k, ana some of the joo nals expreto the opinion that the race w— won try tt'.o Wiml.i liecan c of the stuke-bo..t mr. ago. moot:;, which have been discarded England. FRANCE. I'riffrf.’uffi ef Ih j Jit i K/v Vfmjailles, September 12.—In tbo Af^embly to-day the Budget Committee reported adversely upon the bill prot ’ i- ioDnlly increa.‘iing tho toxei to meet the immediate domantl? of the ad mini:;;,ra- tion, peuding the inunction by the Assem bly of the new texe*. The Assembly has adopted a bill rc- visiug tbo peusion ’ist of the late impe rial governmen.. 1 abolishes a 1 ! pen sions, except in cr : of extreme poveity, or v.lieo tho giant'.vns made for distin guished seivicc3. Satjannah-Phipping tints. HI URRAY'S LINE—NEW ± IRK Sr SAVANNAH. EVERY TUESDAY from each port. rftgURANOE BY BTtAkllAS OP «l% UNK, ONE HALF FEll CENT. Faiu«, Sejji. 12.—Rcute*.kff 88ri - ♦- * 1 »• FiLgaf^g^Li ^timber 12.—Doui'e W;.. ^ Cincinnati, ,^epi IJl—2 t.n.- Cotton *teul> L qnlet; Low middling* If; aSdilOg* 20. Wkieky aetiv* ami llrui *A«U I»*odl'cx.—Flour buoyaat *Rd ulgbtr; Superfluo f 6 00. extra |6 60; totally M 76. Cora firm art In £OG<l demand; mixed nhclle4 BO. Oat* active with kood demand; prime mixed J5@37. Meaa pork steLdy but qrlei at $12 75. Dacoo ia good demand and* f-m; Aoulder- 6S'; ■klas 7>41 clear a44*a 1\. M»nr ac ve aa ■agar-cured 16#lfK- Bulk Meals da l and ueclect. ed; shoulder* Xt l cleat rib MdeeCS; clear aldea flv, Lard bald higher a -Uout bn yew; city kettle ren dered 9\. - • -> Wheat Arm; pilrne :ed $1 $3. Daggiag steady at 10. y . AFTERNPO-. Nkw Yoax, Bc;»l. 12.—Cottbn Arm for «Npp1-tj qua"ties; low g.-edea wi'-'l)' ar'ea 1.FJ8; upiaada Ji; Orleans 2)S. F our—Southern tU-mer; fommon to fair extra $6 15^7 00; good to choioe $T 05@9 00. Whisky act ver at We, Wheat3@4c better; winter red Western $1.6'K>1 1.6K * _ 1 j i )/; I ' I Corn activei bibber; large export at 7IkA7'\ Rice quiet, 8\£9*« . * Po:k activer, $13 70@13 &7'f Lr.ddqi'; k*t.le0S. ,'| T ’ peutiue ft m, 63^64),. IlOttiu *1 isdjr. Ti ’oar qr'et rieighta firmer. OoUoa—future rales to-fit„• »JjO br'ci; Septetlbt lf»4; October lfS#lt .-, ^orttuber If 1-16* 18Aj1 Decembe , 12@19 \:; January 1“ lyi ‘- |WY OM1 ft OV.. . .7.^7. .^TEALT Commander. ■o**7 2#3c. Odd 14&UK- 8tcrl2asJJ$G8, l +.~ TOXAWAKDA JHUUtXTT. Vouauuidtr Gove rmc *ts dec-'ned S; S^tes d. *• end hew •' ®®* of ■teamahlpe leave each port EVERY BATDllDAY. Through bills lading furnished _ these a team chi pa by all railroad connections. For daily Aio> TVEmBOLYz;?:; The Aral olasa ataamahlpaX LEO nxiimnuil Oommander. ▼IRUO ..!bDLKL1Y. Oommander, oo ^^J5.*-p3h«fc«‘T?aat-*^ Through bllle of lading given by these steamship* by an railroad connect!one, and also through MUs lading given in Savannah on Cotton destined for Liverpool and Hamburg by ftrat class steamship*.- For freight orpassMe. apply to HUNTKit A GAMMILL. 84 Bay atreet Rhii.admlfia and savannah MAIL BTEAM SHIP COMPANY. rUtI~4DEL*mA jiJM t rAjrjrjiH. f'rfr .o .v >11*3 .rcnjnfil 4> Jf olaX ,.«rL ^r/A<Z .0 W ttdf .BAYfLt EVERY B/TUIIDAY ntoM each poet. nwnutacEONcorr^T^iM. ontbi. CABIN PA88AOK $20 It, vIl j DEC*, wtth aubeiatoaee 10 Thia line la oompoeed of the ftrat class a team ships BELGIUM. Jretmni of Nlr.krt. Jta-i. -y< to frt^.-r. f F /;.* ft«r. Cl' • ".leston, Scptem jer 12.—Accounts coming in from all sections of this Shite, represent tbe continuous rains of the ~ past week as very destructive to the growing crops on the sea islands. Tbe expected yield hos been cut off by unfa- vorable weather at least one-half, while i no disturbances have occurred, from the interior, reports of the rust and ‘ of tho plant shedding its bloom are nui- ver:i\ , The Board of Health reports no deaths duiing the past twenty-four hours. KENTUCKY. d Flfftl I«l«n«a ka-ltta* to/dfit. . Louisville, September 12.—A collis-1 tugneie Ministry lias resigned, ion between the Federal forces aud I The foot o id mouth disease 1 alleged Ka-Klnr, in Russell comity, Ky., J ing alarmingly in Leicestershire, Kng- resultod in the kdling of one sohlier, aud land. S! jn Clztti Brussels, September 12.—The ma- chiue shops throughout the city have been dosed by their proprietors. The strikers are now parading the streets, but WASHINGTON. t.j root ««d Month i».\ m:— TJls KfMirn* Cimmittooio K. , mil.-- WosniNoTON, September 12. —The Por- i is mcreas- wounding a sergeant, tnreit two. The sokliers eap- NEW YORK. The President has left Long Branch for his Western trip. The Ku-Klnx Committee will re-assem He to-morrow. It it proposed to send sub-eommitt s to Mississippi and Ten nessee. It lias transpired that Comptroi'er Oonno'ley, on the 13th of August, trans ferred 8500,000 of registered bondi to hia son-i i-Iaw. TA. Mumiclpml ja**lj 1* illid <» BtJr.—r.ic’o— ..v 4t—tmmw** *>-:» rkrcVMI (• IA.- IW.itt.. Hew Yoke, September 12.—The World, commenting on tbe abstraction of the vouchers from the Comptroller's otice, says: “Every honest man in the city will indorse and- applaud the firmness and vigor of Mayor Ha" in demanding the immediate resignation of Compyrol- — ler Connolly, after the untoward met- The barometer remains, as on Mnndsy dent which has just occurred w de- ev41lillgi fts,m Korth Caro!isa *o Dartment It is too welt known that the (tone; „i w over Lake Mictngrtn, with Mavor has no power to remove the heads I aligbt depression from Like Ontario to of depsrtments. If he possessed that Mimomi. Tbo low barometer on the nowet tiw request now made wotid, of (julf has moved westward, but the at bourse, be followed up in the event of ' ' ~ '* CrrrcE Cbtep or Bkwal Sttticn, 1 Wasbinotoji, D. 0., Sep. Mj f t TWENTI-TOOBBOOkJ. __ , 7.15 r. w LM ,T.nSKA^-.i«r <“«n Memphis end Chertestoo Reltroed. w. i. tun A*CBt. 1T1ASTA.OA. bars chabiaaio*a. t uon-eomplianee, by aatepe<l u *lly promi’:, and still more decisive. Tbe c we i« too uraeut for the alow and dilatory prooe* of impeachment. Since «.» nn/ortunate occurrence the Comptroller Inn lost ell capacity to bo useful iu bis preeent office, and not only the public intercut, but too' self-respect of hie s-ooieta. » the city government demauds bis rctnoynt. The World oonclndes ss follows ! II Iu. is so mad or ro blind os to diareganl an ffm demand of tbe Mayor, be will find before night tbat sesrehing and re- aisUcss pnblio indignution will m.ko tbo city tp<> hot to hold him. B yj ■*•■}*!• misfortune and not his fault that ttuu alleged robbery of his dcjiartmcut occur red just in thia critical juncture, but it baa so suspicious aud .hmiuging a look that if he is an upright and innopeut man, with e reasonable eeoje of honor, he vrlU be too gift to afford the Mayor an opportunity to appoint a successor Tlioleaderaof .he \oung Democ.iicy held n meeting of the now organization lahl night. ... The two wings of tho Itcpnbbo.-. i requested Comptroller i ..nnijllv to resign on account of soy* ^TbHng a\Xd te him from tho d.»- appeerouou of vouchers. The Major lies JS^JJJerto remove him esoept by the Udions |>r<K«»of impeaching him. and he desire to replace him at once by a posaessing the confidence of the mospheric prcvsnre is quite uniformly dlstnbtried north of the Oolf ritatne. — Bain aud cloud have been rejiorted {■cm the Gulf aoaet and northward to South OaroHua and Iowa. Cloudy wea ther with little or no rain has prevailed from NorK Carolina to Now Yori^ — S^r.n'^ .. . ._ ■.- uif. - ■ A ■ 11..20A X a. «. tiooH*>. C ONTBACTOB FOB BRICK AND Stone Work, of all cltos. Flattering MiC Orumental work. Eton. Cutting, rtc. OrHHn.Un-.Mnr 11. UVL ’ Smoke and haze continno from the Ohio ralley to Iowa. Clear or partially dowdy wratber ig rsixwted from Lake Suptt-ior hiLake Onlvrio. The temperature has very generally risen. Light and fresh aatterlyvindn conthine on tho Atlentic coast. Brisk winds lmvo liecn reportod from Texas, in.UeaUona 6f storm in , mtigtiborhood of that coast. Tho bare uetor will protiaUy 4**tjue.‘ Id 1 # au<l Houlli of the , with *aaVe.iy ».u»lv aud < Undy wcatht south uf the Atumtie. Tho prewur* w i probably fad eligldly in the middle n id f. ateniUtu. 1 a'td over tho lake, wi T ptttiunv cloudy and pl.-aaat waoSb . and high wii da. No aerioi .ta-jic k amirehcmied for tic o veg ; v tv on Weduceday. ^ __ mXbKKTS PVJSLBGKAKH. NOON. new TJ; Vlrglnl*'* 63; new TO: LiuisisuA’s 69; now O; leveej 70,f; eight* 63: freight or p 100; lives 07; Georgis's 82; F*v*n* ■ | North CrroUns’s 43; now 24; Sou* i Csrolius's *w 57';, Cincinnati, Sept. U.—Flour firm, Corn id 3tt, a2. 1‘rot gsioos r.jler; * 'olg& <Ut11, Fork sold tt $12 -0. J-rdheld*^0' 4 . ( p t # Dacoq Iu domsud et lower ralej, clear rib 7' 4 '| ok * sides 9;,. Wl tk; in guud d«m**d *t ujo. London, September 12.— Evening.— Cousoh tJ*i •GUj Louds yj.u't *1 • Fai -i, feptcabtr lii-cintna 57*c«. Livebpool, Sept 12.—Eveniug.—Cotton closed dr", but s _iy; 'tt^ad* Orlssus 9 *. Mv- r'lesi :r *d\ icej lc.3 fcvo.;ble. RALHNDftn.8ej6.lR—Mic* I'isgsOO.^; det c -eip * 23; gross 107; e: .wrt* co?£.. 2* 5C; r sv87; r i 7,000. Flour flimsud ift go d usauhad. WhoAtflrm. Unsteady. I Fork unclL-ojed. ♦ • ' - liAcou active r.-d odv.iacio^ t .udoucy; sho. . t.s 7' 4 . Lsrd.-t . / Whisky 03. St. Loris, September lli-Fkmr bed flv’y; Coni higher; *. k.i 53. Whisky c...icr 1166 % Dvj' uj er. .»• ci UHa, 1» v . Pork f :ia st $13 4.^.4 oo. : a; shGui- Je.-s 7; B dta P. L d 9' LuuIoVillk, September 12 — Bagging, qr'ot»r.J at '*dy si lU'iilU on o ..o *. Flour active. Com cc :co »t 5% 57. r.otlHionnflrni; -ordr derasu-1. Foak $12.60^13. Dac tn—shculdora G,V> clear_ side-. 8. I .rd 9,'g(g» 10*4. 'VnlL-7 W®9'. Wilmington, September 1C.—Spirits Tur;>e *i to ■lrrngat49. Kosiu fm; $5.< t for No. J; $2 '>0for No. C; $4 0 ."ff- low N . 2; f3 75 to • p *o. Crude i - po nejp.ili, 53 id .’o' y< o*/ < j; $4 «J.o. t n, i- l . .dy *t $2 15. Nrw Obllans, September. 12—Cot to r—Middlings 19® 19 *4; net -ecelpti 067; - ■ 500; s-lec * 00; stock 21,219. Flore fl-o'er; t ip.r3ne $♦ 87;j; do.b ) $5 87ji ^$0; t.wb’e $6 2:^6 .0. * ITiy scarce ; ctc'cc $0.' Pork flymer; mess $14 37);. E .oon ' 4 ; Hu'jsr cured b-®s good to chc'« • , .15>;(^17. 8ugs.r felly fklr, 111 y*»'owcl i d Lou jlua12^ I*;; others nnc’.T 'jed. 8terl*o a bunk 23^. H ght h p?*m. Gold 13>*- Mobil*, Sept 12.—Cotton-middlings 19*;® 19*;; net receipts 112 bales; sties 5J; stock 5,181. Nobfole, September 12.—Cotton—L >w middlings I); net receipts 150; exports coaAwls* 71; stock Auousta, Sept. 12 —Cottou—middlings 18); a*t reoeipts 160; sales 100 bales. Savannah, September 12.—Cotton—low middlings 18q: net receipts 39: exports coastwise 98; stock 9t CH ableston, Sept. 12.—Cotton; low middlings Ift.q net receipts 801 bales; sties 35; stock 4,100. LATEST. New Youe. September 12.—Governmenta—81s 16*,; 61s 16fc; 4s 17),; 6s 16),; new M\; Tsli)*; 8e 14),; 40s 11V — - i, apply to amnstmenia. DeGive’s Opera House- THE GALA NIGHTS. , o-e-, LAST owomtJUtTY. *-♦-* ORLY FASHIONABLE PERFORNI- ANOE OF THE OLI) KAVOBITjBSOF ATLANTA D-W-S PLAYING NIGHTLY TO LARGE AND FASHIONABLE AUDIENCES. — * HKPTJnCBER, 11. 13. »Dd n-w-6 LAST NEW AND SELECT ATTRACTION. For IloNtou. .1: THE DOSTt N AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP UNI The steamships Oriental Cspt. F. M. Swan. Vicksburg, Cspt, & H. Mattbews. Boston, and iu Boston hr Steamship agents (a pnn cipal points la Georgia. Alsssss and Florida. ftft. Through bills of lading given to Frovldsnoc, Fall River, Portland, LowSB. Lswrento, kc. Passage rickets sold at railroad depot, and rial rooms seamed ln advance by writing agents la ■ ran nab. BICHARD0ON k BARNARD. A seats, ■svanssk. F. NICKERSON k OO., noYft-tf Ageatowlostoa For New York. THE GREAT SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. RVKRY THURRDAY. Insaranos bv this Lins can be a fleeted under ooi orftfl 0 'Her *t one-half per cent, CABIN »»»• ■terman LlviBg.una M Com. Ucn« flames,.r. G. Mallory, Com. Will sail as follow*: U. LIVINGSTON September 7th, at I. ft. M. •• •• 21, at 12 M. GEN. KAUNES “ 14, at 6, ft. M. •• " If, at f, ft. M. Bill* of lading given hereon cotton and wheat thro, to Live -pool aud Hamburg via New York by first class steamers. For jiaaiisge or freight, apply to WILDER k FULLABTON, novft-tf No. 8 Stoddard’s Upper Benge. X^or* Baltimore. CABIN PASSAGE IU gar The Baltimore and Savannah 8t*amahip Co**. Simmer* sail from Savannah daring December ss srs: rosea Thursday, February M rice Thuraday •• 9th Jtoeaa, Thuraday, •• 15th Smerica, Thuraday, •• 23d ^aragoesa Thsrsday. March 2nd jas. bTwest k CO., nov9-tf Bay street, foot of Whitaker. Names tor CLUBS must all to> ssnt at the mms ttftae, and take the’paper for the mm* length *f ttal ^Eaoh^wibLcrlbwT!bum ouTk, wiUttn o* kla pUMr-Ui* am ta Chib, M ottMwlM. Wowtij oi..nUu«or club miM it l. oolj MMoutifllaMN iiliiUi.n tt.ww>re«tta>tt^»reS end at the same time, and that all be taken at tha sm^e Post Otoe*. Dwellings to Bontt ITH Eight Room* and • Urge Lot, with Stable, Dairy and other Outbuilding*. Situated near the Junction of Marietta and Waltoa street*. None but responsible tenant wanted. Apply st Mias Leri- uu-’n School House, adjoining the premises, scpll-ft. TO R.EJ3STT, A STORE ROOM ON DECATUR STREET, J^RXT door to 0. A. lloweU. between WlUlcgham Building end Air-Line Depot. Apply to C. A. Howe" sepll-lw A.<linlnlmti*n.tor’fl» Is ale. soanty, will he sold on tbe first Tuesday in .•next, lMtl. between the tasrful hours of le, br.o «* Ute C-uirt House door ln Crawfordvilta, . said eouaty. tho Plantation whereon Mr*. Dovey j Cieuimous resided st the time of her death. The U lna. oa is healthy, aoeiety good, convenient to • - 'roadn, churches, mills, and post offle*. laaud S.tiled to the culture of corn, ootlon, or amall grain; I in goud repair. Mr. Alexander Clemmons ia on the place, and will taks pleasure in showing it to any person wishing to purchase. Terms, twelve months * 1,k ‘ ■cpll -td. Admin: Door. nr«» •< T'.-Ilirtain rlma A.MDM1UN fi cob-FuullJ clm>* Wc; lk>v. m* Colured Obllorj XI. CIUMrea bKf ?Hc.. Ke- 3rrr* (TOUtti k cr... Bottmwdi. mj» '’'Sip young man who acciilyuUlly shot hia mother while ileferKling liianvIf hia brutal uncle, waa honorably admitted. Hia mother ha, recovered. The abortionist Roseuueig was «■*d- I2 _ nM » ,. T ‘bra hetl Itf a fellow Manner in «“>: T °n » iid thlu'h. Ward, arc going to uicr-Cotton •' EnroiK) thia fall to race the Eogliah oorn Stm QUlDtriratiatma.^ ^ The Baltimore Clothing 1IOUHE. W K F4VB Ol'KNBP AT OUR NEW ENTAD- LMHMBNT. 6AWjIU •" a» •€•!, n brgn sto^k or .Wftt’*, ronlN’x amO So»'i ( lelMmr 1 *Uvo, • *e/itf stock mf Gr.itlcmcH’l Furnish .Ht Iu the South. CLP. is, xwttjto munuto :■« * Administrator. I nirt ,-sity or ATaihvilU, Ten* li’OUNDKU 1 7 fl 5. r I VUE Coitaglato Department and Academy V" X 4th SEPTEMBER asst. Discipline Military. — Tuition $40 per term. M*1*m*it W* have on«*of 4 * f.*e-» ■»*' tod look st t*># guodi. septl3-2t V. RICH A BRO Grand Auction Sale. O N TUI, WEDNXBDVY MonNliTO. 13TU '.FF- TtMliXl;. ami .:«aar. III. oI.CA dbnwr o# A iliil Mk.lrl .( «'• »« *H> -■ Ik* Yuma Hr Ft, h •» odnnt 21 'll .dr. ttt ■ .1 t J IbM, im-MOorK mwa: lw a*.**. Oormi- nimU firm mid airol.. HUlr b.,ud*4. 'oidm -»d5 (doorJ «MJ .1 a- OrM <> oU “ d ,3! ‘‘ t ‘ ch.nur—tong US! dmt 8!.. FWWCd-Flunr 3410c. b.4*r. Wkttl l«"c be tor. Cor* lc. better. * P»rk q...t»l 111 new «:<• IoMmc-az- Turpcnlin, f.rm »t Boko * |3 000,3 10 for .tnlbod. Fn igbt. rr.y firm. mpt, 13—no*a.—CbUouoprnrdrtraly. J,QUCCU, Auctioneer l» <>ad knd 1 Flue Ms'W. dr«»uc, 1 Hoto ; 1 Divaa, 2 Fine Casuiooi d R*>ckmg Cca 1 Kin. Co.a o.ird Arm Choir, 12 F.i e CuaLioned Fartor Cbai; \ 13 CMK3 B«H Cboru i » CUKbr. From. 1 Flo. nrO.lra.1 : 3 Offlrr Drxka , Dm* Wmb UUiAt. 1 Marble Top Bureau and i.entor I able, 1 Fo>d»*g Table; libs'* Bi’-Raus, Aid nu.ny other arl dr* toonn u. rous to msution. /«so. slotof Moek. It. H. BAPT1RT. Auct’ rcp!3-lt wsWsrrnw k BRUCE, Pram riori- ^Thcre ia still no clue to tho stolen vouchers. Connelly, in a letter to the Mayor, says that tho abetmetion of thejttv 9f&9\ uplands V),; Orleans mlrs 12.000 bales; export sod speculation 3.U00. jj re *dstnfl>-*hort k*?P»7 “ d ftrxu ’ Cora Rl 3d. B . loom,. Bcpt 13.-aoon.-ComolI It,.. Boei* XX) ,'.L POL, at i.i STOEE. AQOAETlXTOr W c m ' . < «*A «'■>.' . Hra8m, te... l ler lTh rommmr! «•» lo.’rlorl, •. M., r id 9P. M. Ktrxr ,er* sud ci* --*>u* kjtoty .• MIL opens 4 Apply *° Geu.E. KIRBY SMITH. CtoaaosBor. ♦ m mm. m~a 1-IlTLg— f IHME snd saah sal#*—ltaeou. Flour, Mules, he.— A 40,(610 pounds Itacou ; 1,060 bushels Corn ; 500 barrals riour ; car load Molasses ; Coffee ; • vsitisbu psir <*f Mules and Dray ; a first class second-hand Family Carriage., lor cash or *n time, until (VteWwr or Novemta r ; Also, 100 city or snburbsn vaesnt building lota. Terms eamr. Apply A. K. HEAGO. Cor. Forsyth snd MtteheU el*#. MJt4 lldhW Atlanta. <i* Oglethorpe University. Alluntu, Georgia. COL.I.liGl-: DUFAHTMENT: Rev. DAVID WILLS. D. D., President and rrofts- eor of Belles LeUres aud hatred Literature. GU8TAVUS J. ORU. Professor of Msthemi DONALD FBASEB, A V , Professor of IaUb snd Greek Langutges and I .Iterator*. W. LmX)NTK STEPHENS, A. B.. Prof*** of PhyNical Sciences. Itov. T. A. HOYT, Professor of Motaphystas i L °* tC *- (To be supplied) ProftoOWf *f Modern Lan- **?fr’BICHAHD0ON. ITofrseot of Natural Philoso phy aud Principal of High School. A tlanta Is one of the health** elite* in the United States. Good board can be bad at from $16 to $18 C mouth. There will be two terms la the Coltaae, 5rs4 commencing FIRST MONDAY tMOCTO- BKB. and ending THE 26th OF FEBRUARY; the Zmid hegfnuinSt the FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH and ending JULY 6. Wotlce. HI EBY consent for my wife, MBS. E, W. MAB- *rS.S!TnlSrr ATLANTA, lo ibja Alexander H. STEPHENS, Political Editor* A. R. WATSON. News Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Budnaia ** Uf n-rtn ig nm manager. ■ x : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DaUy Per Annum* fflnglaCDpr MunihH •7 OO | Three Koath, d OO One Month . moo 70 Por Win at Annum» ftinRlo Copy Xliro© Coplo» Ten Copioa . Fifty CopleM a oo A BO 14. OO ss oo 50 OO X L XT ■lx Hauthsi Single Copy—G Month, 1 OO ThMo Coplee “ S SS Ton Coploe “ T OO Twunly Coptea “ „ IS OO Fifty Cople. 81x Montba 07 OO Single C'tppirs oT the Da tty mn* W'reki)/. nt the Counter, . 6 Ct*. No HulocrlptioD., lo lb. WEEKLY, roalvod tor > llMkr pelod the. hi eon tbo, AU .ntocTlptfona mint bo laid for In alraacx Uif ^1 duom will bo .lrlck.ii from ou Hooka V Uni. ptld for expire. CLUBS: NO OLUB THE DAtLY. *o Hamit ifonsyi Wo wlU b i r i«p mitbio tor tb i mto arrlMl of jtt ttorep nml u Up Morey f^tor. b^ »<wl«to«.t Uttf bpEipreeor bp Draft,but aot othrawle ifttoMr Mat tore nanftotored Wtorl. Ati rittMttfc ^opoer wu/bfnuittoom ^hB*ottM HU It fa pal* tor, and raraMwflidwMr, k. MM whMtSatttM paid fur axpires- g&. Persona aendfag money by Expraas moat prepay m* Mr. Stephens will remain in Crawford vine. His aouuectfaw wHh TMI xrrrttraaas:” AU laitora on buxliMM of 111 kind, oonnoclod wlfh TriE W. —tt« *» MMim—t>o<.»reir«ra»h.MMiy>«V^*«- THE DAILY SUN DAILY IriWSFAFIB la Oootgla, wbOo It lira. M ml nra ran low, fox tho paxpooo at ptootn. It wllkla lb bM bran pat down ran * iboraick at all who HXB. tfa roMdkka n The Weekly Su /i to o tarn. , pwp. xhool ffa qurto of UK I>ml,—...rylhlnowhleb ippi Edlloftola appMX In IkoWottlx -AS-TssriCiw ' *1 «i • ♦ nsfQ >rif i'iiF m-•'* i.Uw of thw PeobU, Ou Affvocata of Jmxtioa, riu !*!**■ of at of banlntt hreped upon a tax-jrayta* pwOptn, Wo 88k lb. frlondo of Ubxxtj. ovpwbxxnM volved ora momutoao, and tU that iwtrtot. bold i hnyoxtwMbi to MxttnU'UttMu. MX To dlMomlnato trutb, wmnd doctrlao, and ooxrMt TV MM IT 01 TOO LATE ! xUrlT rapiltUln — wlrocalod by aom«, wbU. w. an Wni rapldlp