The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, October 14, 1871, Image 2
THE DAILY SUN. Saturday Mobnino October U. West Oaf Office | tide of Broail street, Second Door Alabama. the Sun Building, W South of BalT Hew Advertisements always found on First Bage; Local and Business Notices on Fourth Bage. To Lawjrcn. We publish in full, the decisions of the Supreme Court; also the dailr “Pro ceedings” of the Court, and keep the “Order of Business” standing in our polumns. AfdmforTM •**» trol of mgs New Ttrkui New Orleani Cor* ruponffence. utun Mi Wimo u< l*»»M. Wo yi*kl oar Editorial *p*ee today to the following letter*—one from New York, the other foam New Orieann: tm> law York. New Yobs, October 10th, 1871. The Political Editor of Thb Atlanta Daily Sow will pereeivr, by the an nouncement in the New York World, of thin date, in large capitals, that “TAM MANY HALL IB DETHRONED!” which i* istle«il, ‘ ‘ayrsgf victory for the date igmton if the Reform party. "The Republi can Party ia rejoicing over the dtacoBititure of the Tammany King, notwithstanding the latter i hared the epoil* of Municipal victories with the former, even to the ex tent of turning dht Democrat* of ability and integrity to give place to Republi can; an, for instance, Joseph W. Jlonck, eon of the well known Democratic Gover nor of this Statis William C. Bonek, «» T. lirennan, in order to give placo to a Republican instead. But now, rfbtfcifli- standing the Sachem of Tammany were tho loyalest of the loyal kluring the war JfctwSen foe States, allowed Tammany Hall to We the headquarters m recruiting* to fight the rebels; gavo up tho balconies to Republican bands of music to discourse martial tunes every day, and on every Fourth of July, supplied the rostrum iu the main hall with poets, orators, wsr speeches and war whoops for the war-path. Nevertheless, the Republican press is triumphant over the down fall of the Tammany Sachems, Grant! Sachem William M. Tweed; Magnate of the Public Works, Sachem A. Oakey Hall, the Mayor of New York City; Sach em Peter B. Sweeny, President of the Public Central Park; Sachem Richard U. Connolly, the High Controller at the Publio Spoils of Taxation; Sachem Mat thew T. Urennau, Uia High Site,ill' of the City and County of New York; Hilda cm John J. Bradley, Grand Chamberlain of all the money bugs; Kaelu ius Isaac Bell and James B. Nicholion, the Com missioners of AH tho Public Charities, Joseph Dowling, Senior Police Justice, aud Saclmu Barnaul B. Garvin, District Attorney, and Sachems Emanuel B. Hart and Nathaniel JnrviB, the Grant Coadju tors. The expositions of the official turpi tude, embezzlements and flagitious di*. honesty of tho principal Sachems of the Tammany Society, iu which tho other Sachems have more or less participated, have excited tho utmost indig nation of ail intelligent citizens of both parties throughout the State, as was manifested 'id the 1 lucent State Convention. The Democracy has already ostracised Mayor Hall, Controller Connolly, Commissioner W. M.Tweed,Peter B.Sweonv and others, aud designated them as publio Thieves. Not one man in tho State said one word in defence of them, and the delegates of Um Tammany party did not have the effrontery to preeeut themselves before the Convention. The newspapers this morning are filled with the intelligence of the tre mendous conflagration in the city of Chicago. It is all Ja ruins by a fira which spread itself over uml through thb whme city, so that’ it was over whelmed with lira and flnmeH. No no- oouut is yet given of tho loss of human life, but tho loss of property will lie felt in all directions, ami tho insurance com panies and mercantile firms iu Now York city, will have to snffor immense losses. QlUOBVXB. From New Orleans. New Orleans, October 10, 1871. JuIUors tSum Orlenjm, iu oooiw inou with all our American cities, is startled by the terrible uews from Chicago, and a meeting of citizens is called to-day at tho City Hull to devise moons for tho relief of the unhappy sufferers. No such lire has occurred anywhere on the habitable globe sinoe with all iU attractions, down to jBflh, and how bo lifts tho toil w*rn, worldly- weary soul from earth up to Hearan, and reveals its richest consolation* I He, on Sunday lost, laid the corner alone of St. Joseph s Church, which is to be, when finished, one of our most magnifi cent cathedrals, and his discourse, on tho occasion, came fully up to publio expectation. It w; grand tribute to the power and triumphs i frag * upon the negr< of Catholicity. 1 did not hear it, but, in ] 8ta‘but that it nit aid was therefore forcible, fraudulent, and legally void. The lffth Amendutttit, we condemn, and can never approve, nor accept as a finality, because it is a direct at ib at our Constitutional liberties, and a complete revolution of our republican system. And it is upon this section that the Democracy of the Month or * the least un PlffmljYts, ©as Jitters, tie. EICHBER6 & LAJVGCESSER, Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, tin the morning |of Sunday, at a festival in honor of the Virgin Mary, I west to hear him quietly at St. Peter's CbinuU, in the French District of our great city, and eojoygd/tnch an intellectual treats*) seldom, if over, enjoyed before. It is the fiffit time I ever heard Father Ryan, but if I never h**r kirn again, I shall remember hie diaooonc on that occasion, aud his touching eloquence as long as I live. The ’’Citizen*’ Association," as it is called, is about to eeUMisti a new jonrnai iu this city, to he pieced nuder the con- the well-known editor, Mr. Din one of oar country perishes, bo, par esentience, an Independent journal, unassailable by flattery, unap proachable by money. When it appears, we shall then, and not till then, be able to uopreciate its value, if it is to rise above the common standard. Yours, Ac., _■ IVABHOB. Of Cows*. Dr. Bard thinks the Democracy would have been successful in Ohio and Penn sylvsnio, in the late elections, if it had not been tor the teachings of certain persons in the South, and the Sonthern people adhering to their teachings: in other words, if the whole Boutli had taken his advice there would have be a triumph foafanA of a defeat in the lute elections. He has been advising us to embrace Radicalism. Of course, if we, and the Democracy if Ohio and Pennsylvania also, bud all jomtd the Radical Party, wo would hnv* bean grandly successful. There would have been only one side to the question, and all would havo gone one way. After n wliil*, when the Presidential election comes on, do doubt, the Doctor, it be should then be publishing the so- called True Georgian, will advise us to vote for Grant; and if Grant should be defeated, the Doctor will blome ns for mot taking his advice ; and if Grant shuuld be elected, he will brag on his own wisdom, and congratulate and praise those who will have taken his odvio*. Doctor, begin in time. Don’t wait too long to advise us to support Grant. We all are very suro you are cautiously ap proaching that point, and that, sooner or later, you will land there and call out more lustily than over for us all to join you. Ji^t as well take the dose at once, and not put. off the evil day too long.— Come; jump into the ring, toss up your hat, ubtp your hands, and cry out, "Ho 1 every ono that desires Dr. Sum. Bard to holed out of Orant’s public-crib—gold- spebn, parade here; indorse Grant's prin ciples, swear by him, and vote for him. lit this way you make my gain I" suffrage at all, that its Usurpation Is the most palpable, and the m ist hi leniis.— The suffrage of the negro and the rouse quent counting of him iu the apportion- meot of poHtioal powers, is too t reat an element of power place.I iu our own hands, for us of the tt.mtb to object to it as a matter of policy, »nJ if left to our own selves, we would most certainly avail oatwelves ot it. Ho lor then tut a Southern prejudice against tlie negro is concerned, it anunot cuter into the argu ment, for that projudioo would bo mere than outweighed by the interest wc would have iu the political powers the negro would give us. We wish the Northern Democracy could appreciate - our sentiments upon this matter, ooultl understand that it is for them as well as for ourselves, that we are hftldiug up our hands and baring our breasts in defense of the Constitution of our fathers. There ore now no sectional differences to divide us. .Slavery is as dead as a nit, killed not by the 18th Amendment, bat by the result of tho war, and there are none who wish to revive it. But we never associated State right with slavery, and because slavery is dead we cannot consent to have tbo States mur dered too. No, let slavery go, but let us cherish ns the vita dicir of liberty the integrity of the States—when it is dead then indeed is the nation lost, and Amer ican liberty will becomo a heartless lie. A IV11 More Holds about the thuuifeat tire that uoourred iu Loudon in volvod iu this matter ura nut to'bo cir- YWYS, where ton thousand honses art, eumserltied by sectional bounds. said to have been eousumed by tho de vastating element. The South is everywhere suffering from foe efoeta of the war, fmt stiu edit respond *s gyyeromjy us she can to the mad* to hertmamnity, add the Crescent City will not fail of the sfoy' that devolves upon her on this oc casion. "Do us von would bo done by when a similar calamity leads you to in voke the kindly aid of your sister cities," will be her watchword now, It matters not that Chicago is a Northern city—greatly Broeporou* and a little boastful witliaL It is enough to kindle the sympathy of. American citizens everywhere, to know that she has suffered AoSt lerriWv, and requires the prompt succor of nit oh* eountavinen, iwaonliew of latitude, creed yFfoffJ. HuJSmty h*« Often pr,»v<f itself heretofore, aud will often prove it self again, a stronger bond of union thou tLe CgostifolMin-gtsong « tho ought to be. SfhiW.Hguu has tart boon winning golden opunous from all classes of oor citizen t. He U certainty one of the finest orator* that I have ever heard, and it is no bout on royiiart. while it ia_u fact, t tat I nave HtMefnu the host orators of No one regrets more than wo do tho untimely opening of this question. It was one Uncalled for l>y any emergency, and was BtrnngofyJ inconsistently and gratuitously thrust upon the parties by Mr. Vallandigham. No exigency of party policy demanded its enunciation, and wc for some time avoided its discussion ns we would havo refrained from touching the spring that was to open u Pandora box. But it was eagerly caught up by others, and stranger thnu all by Sonthern Democratic journals, and its iiernicioiis doctrines were forced before our people with a *e*l that would havo been praise worthy, had it been enunciated with in telligence, uml a hotter spirit of courtesy and respeot for tho opinions of tlioso who did not so readily fall into its specious doctrines. It is to be regretted that a spirit of in deoent virulence has seized upon those journals at tho South who advocate tho Now Departure, and the terms traitor- rebel—old Bourbon, and fogy, bavo boon freely hurled at the purest and best of our land who could not so easily lay aside the teachings of a life long experience, and a patriotic conviction of right and of duty. Even the matchless purity of Geor gia’s most gifted son has been rudely as sailed, and epithets creditable to a Five- point rough, havo been heaped upon him by journalistic poppycocks, who, in the highest conceptions of their puny braius were incapable of eomprelieudiug his most trivial thought. Such despicable arguments attest the weukuess of their positions, as well ua aviso** (he strength of their mental calibre, not to say anything of their moral stamina. They need no argument in reply, as they confute themselvos. It is to the sober thinking people we would address our words, the people at the North as well at tho South, for the principles ,ut hern A-itli Stine Are always Ready vltb a Fall Block of Wfttjuu find Water Oat*, Sf earn and Water Pipen! Lift anti Force 1*Hni/ts. of all Description; Math Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Basins, and a General Atssorlment of num bers’ and Gas Fitters’ Materials, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, Globes, Fir. hanta, they ore well prrjjar.d to execute all orders In a workmanlike manner and at if. Or. ■Sluctllntuon#. tsro wan, Proprietor Excelsior Plastering Works, 1\ O. Box 400, ATLANTA, GA. ang3fl 6m. ‘ ' Henry Bischoff & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DBALKHH IN Hlce, Wines, El<| uoi-re, He- gur*,ToDncco. <Sto. No. 107, East Ray Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. SISCHOVT. 0. W0LB X. B. riKI'XB. yViliiiiiliKtl-ntoi-’« gule. State or Gboboia, i • Taeiafkbho Coumtt. ) FY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of _ > aald county, will be aold on the flrat Tuesday In November next, 1871, between the lawful hours of Sale, before tho Ourt Houho door In Crawfordvllls, iu aaid county, the Plantation whereon Mra. Dovey Clemmons reaided at the time of her death. Thu aituation ia healthy, aociety good, convenient to railroads, churches, mill*, aud poat office. Land Suited to tho culture of corn, cotton, or small grain; In good repair. Mr. Alexander Clemmona ia They are eminently nutioiinl as well as con servative, nnd the hardy lumber man of Maino is as much interested in them, as is foe dashing cab,Mere of the Texan prairie. Wo would first havo them to know that it is no captious Sonthern preju dice that actuates the opponents of the New Departure’, hut it is a conservative national principle. We are opjtosod to tho amendments to tbo Constitution, not because they aWisli slavery, not because they regulate apportionments of tho fed ora! constituency, uot because they con fer tlrn privilege of suffrage upon the tgre>, but beueusc of higher and more aiktitutionaf grounds. Tho thirteenth amendment wo would net repeal eqdistnrli, nor do we believe Stal dsw is -one ins* it Aw flat would be willing to re-establish slavery in the land. The only objection that could be tiiffnl against it, it ik the violence its adoption did the national and tytetitu- tional doctrine of State* ltigkta.Tnlator- fering in the pokoe and local affairs of State. The elijeotious to Urn Uth Amendment arc more grave, inasmuch us it disfran- dnfsos a ncrgepotfihn of our citizens, and time, with approved paper*. Tbit, Heptomber 8, 1871. alAMEH M. TRIPLETT, ■cplMdii AdniiniRtrator. 00,000 DOIiliAHS TO LOAN, A T seven per cent* for atx months or longer, on Uold Collateral. Partiea wishing to borrow had best apply prompt ly to CHA8. J. JENKINS, Proaldent, Or, J- 8. DEAN, Cashier Merchants' aud Planters' National Hank, 2123 Hroad Street, aep29 lm Augusta. Georgia. HL G- SoliinaAsa Wholeaalo and Retail Dealer in BOOTS and SHOES, No. 67 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. H ah. NOW IN STORE HI8 FALL STOCK. EM- braciug full lines of T. Milea A Son. J. C. Wil- " *** ‘ oelobraL il Philadolj>hia ■ took of Eastern made goods. Prices guarantied to bo as low as any in this oily. Merchants buying for CASH, aud cuuaumcm generally, are invited to examine his stock before buying. octa-lm New Uoute to Mobile, New Orieuns Yick*burg and Texas, Blue Mountain Route V I A SELMA, ROME, AND DALTON Railroad and Its Connections. X >\UHKNGKBS LEAVING ATLANTA DY THE i/tl aWc K»J«5!S at 10 A.H.. makiug clone connection with FAST EXPRESS TRAIN Of 8olum, Rome aud Dalton Railroad, arri\ iug at »*(“*•* r. m. aud making close connections with train of Alabama Central Railroad, arrlviug at nwi.ioa,... two a. u. i*lk«vu 11:5U A. M vuuauir* sits r. m. ALSO, maka aloae ronWH-tion at CALEIIA willi trains ot SuutS and NoftA Alabama Iiallroal, ttriv- tngft Srlu* vracileal mt- Lani-a. Stag ora wallprrutr. 'bow»rr W8W Yfon* sstcek SII'HOUS’ BA NCI XU ACADK1 7. |JbO»E88oU NICHOLS’ RESPECTFULLY AN- A uouuce* that Uv will resume the exercises of his Academy At the Skating Sink, On Thursday. October 10,1871. Dave of Tuition-For ladies. Mifofo and Master*, ou Thuraday, at 4 v. M. t and Hatorday morning st 10 o’clock. Gcnta* Night Clasa--On Thuraday and Friday nighta Practicing Soirees on Friday nights. Private lessons given If desired. oct T-44 octa-dt HO! FOR THE FAIR XJV ATXiAJiTTA. T HE ATLANVIfl AMD GULF FREIGHT LINE will carry freights Intended for exhibition at the Fair to be held at Atlanta, commencing on the 10th October, for tariff ifoUe, and back to Haetern cities free. Pseecngere will be carried, utaamehlp, to Sa vannah, at |35 75. Ticket# good uutU December * 1871. O. IK OWENS, eepttt-tf General Agent. ‘Aftaata Son {kotpcctns. THE ATLANTA SUN! DAILY AND WEEKLY, ‘Live Paper on Live Issues’ PUBLISHED BY THB ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Proprietors, Alexander H. STEPHENS, Political A. R. WATSON* News Editor Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Business Manager. Tl’^UMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Bally—Stnale Copy. lobilL New Orleans 4:25 P. M, The Road has been recently equipped and its equipment is uot surpassed by auy in the ttoutk *•- strength and beauty of ftnieh. ig- No change of cart betwecu Rome and Selma. PULLMAN PALACE CARS through from ROME VIA MONTGOMERY to Mobile without change. NO DELAY AT TERMINAL POINTS. Twelve Month* Six Month* • 610 OO I Throe Months . 5 OO One Month • 3 OO 1 OO Olutos For Baily-For a*i**h*« , Three Copies . . . »7 OO I Eight “ . Four “ ... 3500 Ten *• Five “ . . . 4,11 OO | Hlngrlo Copy OS OO 84, OO 5C’ti Woolily-Per Ammm a 31n«lo Copy . . . 3 00 1 Ton Coplea . . . Three Copies . . . S OO | Twenty Copies . Five Copies . . , . 8 OO Fifty Copies . . One Hundred. Copies , 15 OO , US OO 05 OO 6135 OO Weoltly for fSlac BConthei Hiniflo Copy Throe CoploH Five Copies Ten Copies 1 OO 9 50 4, OO 7 50 Twenty Copies Fifty Copies One Hundred Copies Single Copy 15 OO 34 OO 05 00 5 Ct» No Subscriptions, to the WEEKLY, reoeived for a shorter period than atx months time expfrea!*** **" ^ ,0r * dT,knoc; Md wUl *>• *«cken from our Books when t CLUBS: 5™ tart S'SS.’rertonM.’*” 1 »natn«th.'p.pM forth, am. length Um Each sulwcriber’a MvanUgcH of Club r PPL fUaton Statt Joir. THE NEXT GREAT ANNUAL GEORGIA STATE FAIE wxx,i. m; kklu at Commencing Monday, October 33d, AMO CONTINUING a time, and that all bin taken l on PV^--the aatne In Clubs as otherwise. To secure tho •*«. Imll begin mi4 Tennyaon, feigUnJ, than au.v man living high and exponaivc brow, lumioooa ev and poatio face; and when ho opens big d|fo* mouth to apeak, what flowing, mualc4 —fit utterance* I What ygwex. and aplondor we won] . jiW^e or* juiy The rtioument clause of the 14th ameud- ul u a matter of . of principle, and were it diaaevered from the tlieaamo proscriptive olaiiso an.I the elauso com- lbm-baau TIckeis via Kingston at tbs General Ticket Omeo, ur at tbo U. 1. Kimball House. JD1IN B. PECK. General Passenger Agent. K. G. HARNEY, * ^ General Superintendent, E. V. JOHNSON. Local Agent. M l’UHf No. A Kimball House. AT AUCTION, THURSDAY OCTOBER 19, m. 1 W11.I, SELU AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, the 10th dev of October, under the NaUqual Ho wl, commencing at 10 o’clock a. si., the Suick of Ohitblng end in«c« Goode of IUUU CAMPBELL A CO., <\>nsi«ting of Clothing of tho latest styles, from tho largest manufactories of New York and Balti more. Fine Shirt*, comprising a mil stock of the CILE- lHUiy.1) DIAMOND SHIRT, perfect flUing aud mado only by Jno. M. Davie k Oo., Nwr York. I*. P. !>. This world renowned brand of Drawer* the varv beet made; Uudemhirt*. merino sad sii wool; Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Ac.; Splendid Silver Case;^French PUte Mirror; Elegant Ikonxe How -to Remit Mon^yi We will b i rj*p >aiibls for thj *afo ar.-iv»l of aU money sent ua by Mousy Order bv ReniBinred t «iia. tb.*^ r °i>“'lbI™rii?wS n g O m 0therWl ‘*' " lD “ ™«*l*tor«iltottM U*!S?TSiSSl5 pa’S’iff^pSi** ^ «u « h ^4 tor. m.4 t «i« win Kna b. etna wb., th. Um. Ebraoos sending money by Express must prepay nargea. To Correspondents ■ . ,^ r ’ Stephens will remain in Orewfordyflle. Hie oMBectioe with TMI MlflM will not chans* his **■ of Sure A U “ PoUUc * 1 fhunaas. ,Blt ’ —*»n>Toansi xwpartmma, ot«id The Weekly Sun IS.t;"*" f on»l *U«a wllh Un aholcret reading mattar. It contain, tho cram ^ U-n* o»*~«5lnU«a. iffSfcSiSSr re . 1 ™ “i 7 ? 1 * of «“ Foople, tho Advocate of Joatto* Um Dnitndnt of burdens beeped upon a tax-payinf people. It wjil adhere to the old, safe, time-honored landmarks of the Democratic Per- SP*?" th ^vtnen. Mr. STBPH1BV8 to thoroafohr Wock, and wiu contribute to It* oolluniM nlaioat a-Uy, PREPARATION ON A GRAND SCALE! THE FINEST PARE AND BEST RACE TRACK On the American Continent. Seven Magnificent Exhibition Halls! 2S0 SPLENDID HORSE COTTAGES! $10,000 IN CASH PREMIUMS OtTered for nut Horses—Trotting or Hanning. The Fastest Horses in the ATorthsoest and South tote Present. Superior -fecommodmlions for stoetc. GRAND STAND CAPABLE OF ACOOMMODAT1NQ FIVE THOUSANP PEOPLE. GRAND STATE REGATTA! Over $1,000 in Oaah Premium*! Boat Clubs invited from New York to New Orleene. Fifteen differ ent Clubs expected. River bank Terraced for One Mile, Ten Thousand spectator* can lj® seated ou tbo beautiful greonveward *t one time, Three Newspapers to In Printed on the Grounds. Tslegmph, Express and Posl-oBoaa In Bill oparetlon on tha fioanj, daj and night, tor th. convenlmc. of A HANDSOME COTTAGE With Privets Booms for Accommodation of Editor* end Newspaper **■*■—• GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION! Every Day at a P. M W ARC fatsok wjbwton, Th. dtaflngui.hM fJMc.trUn, f F3 m for|. B 1U of, Mogdig sad T^g, OtdHbar 3*l and 2(tli, |nd Illustrate hla wonderful powers of endoranos whiok hev* sr^isdtl^ * wonder and admiration of the world. Others Exhibitions of Rare Interest and Merit! WHl bo of Daily Occurroqce Throughout (be ge©k. STREET CARS! Will take Passenger* to and from the Park to any part of the City every fifteen minutes. FARE, ONLY TH CENTS I Hfoodksruhiefk, Ac.: .. «nch Plato Mirror; , , Gas Fixtures, together with eU the Furniture of i tint-class atom. The attention of partis* buying Winter Clothing. M well as merchants generally, is caUed to this mie an one that will supply the wants of aU. The sole will be poaltlva, without any reservation. tebfbcash. e. e. Kiimocx, QCUafild Assigns* of Ueau Campbell a Co. Atlanta Marble tv, and ntemly •oflsted in th* w « •* tta Wanda ot Utonr. arwynlwia to aid In .xtondin* ch ^> pgw. “*> u* Oab Bn are parttcolarly (avorabl.. ^ The 1-restdanOal rental tor UTt win ba th. most Import volrcd are momanlona, and an that patriots hold dear la at atala. V Woahlj Is a vary “>• »' Th. tan« in. WBUti HSTDEIAVOB. ITlovIrtre-UhnHnt tatartlj and aanlossl r NOW. BE- SPECIAL PREMIU1IS! Areoffsrad, amonnttn* toovar $10,000. VH* ~ ina| Dollnre oOHiAkvuomanl tees an*, with all th. Ihta threaten! th. oonnOp tarn ltar 1 I ftelght hava na Chisago to Works. t>f fooartt, »h*t toUarttew of Wing I Row it* rivet* attention! Ho« ko kin- «e*MvtatM*l How be damUwven, WILLIAM GRAY IMPORTER AND DBALKR IN American, Italian and all other Marble* AXU SCOTCH CJU.I7TE. Vases, Tombs, and _ >ly repu- Rieff|iioud- ttifiplion. Ttf ONUMENTB, 8tataee. ffnk Tk (Hhcr *7** of Marble Work dona . , . % . . ‘ AiUS , li ttoe and in the latest and mostapproyHI m WiB Beter put fairly before the people, Designs or ail cemetery workVarnU** fkkk m * iU adoptioa by the boutbern SUtee 9. hum. foreed at the point of the bayonet, | nn«9f »m The Radicals, with tbs aid of buyonete, have thrust upon us the ■?—«‘*nh» taOM*8 Uth a tau itan!G,,relioih? tta the nmjoci ty Faction in Congmm. Hie ----- til) farS^togowtih'. th« counsels of tbs Democratic Party’, TM^^SSbESSbOT* 1 - respectfully oak a Hair share of jmbttc Only m from NEW TORE to MACON AND RETURN , aratuttremmoa to Nurth and South, Wa reapretfally ask a Mr share of public pntronn, dll communication, or Uttar, on UuatnomahonUba , Amartcan than day.whioi J* HENLY SMITH, Manager, ATLX5TX. GA, Twenty Thousand Visitors Expected Doily -tn«lL re ’* T ‘•MhsSv. !.t« thb Grounds. SEND FOR SEVISE9 PREMIUM LIST* TO TH* UNDERSIGNED. on A. HOFF, Mayor.