The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, November 04, 1871, Image 1
THE VOL. II. SUN. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1871. NO. 456. THE DAILY SUN .jOEORGIA LEGISLATURE, lit., ! FrojtKtoM. A. R. Witeoa, .... Sew* Editor. J. Hodj Smith, General Miter u4 Bed- HHluipr, **• imel WM> WILLIAM M. MOOSE. v i. *. w. mix. x w. mbamb, |Omr Cite Cast ion 8. Wiu U our Agent for AUxuto Ha is authorised to roeolve subscriptions, make o< iMgara Term* of Subscription * Stuff Iff copy Per Annum ...*..$18 00 J , CLUBS FOR THE D^ILT- Three CopUa One Year 27 00 Poor “ ^ “ Eight - - " 88 00 Ten “ “ " WEEELT MB A**UH j gisd, Throe Five *• Ten “ Twenty M •••f/*¥ 5 CVtals. 2 00 5 00 c:JS 28 00 On- Hundred OopUto. Five “ Ten •• ...aJ* 00 ....tea 100 ...e, $50 4 00 7 50 Twenty “ On# Hundred Cople., Six Month. 65 00 5 frralff. Uniform Kate. •( Advertlemg Adopte* !|i|I|t be the PreM of Attests, T~ lllllii* Jft iiiiiiii !|i 8 IS 18 18 3 | S j X 13 liliiin it? i|?|i|? itiiiii i ;l ! 3|S|I|I |i|siiis Sis SiSimHlillli m\m ii is mi S|S|S|1 HliM II Mk IMII f T Kailroab dime Cable. ArrIVaU xu vneefunw a atlawtio (om state) i might rAaamoam nun—ootwaj . 6;Mim ftATLBOAD. man rAwnton nuw-ooTtAW. Leevee Atlanta m Arrives at Chattanooga dat raaaatMMJt nuia—outward. Leevee Atlanta ArtlTte #» Ch»H«nn«m. .......IMrm rut tar to turn loinimruii- l—sszzprr. Anlnaet Attest...... l.uem ml nmtlKi.. t»#i*—l*w»»r>. CbnUunM*#--,--,-- - f^*" 1 Arrl.m et Attests l:iUl>Iu uioaiuw. BP Mgkt Peeeoroinr Train anivee Might Peeseagor Irate laaraa P ® Day Passenger Train arrives ~ “ Day PassengerTrain leavoa Jug*• m Mona Mountain Accommodation arrlrea . .8:05 a. m Mono Mountain Accommodation leave*. UA.OOM AMD WMMTEEM aMLBOAD. Day Paaaaaaer Uau leave*...,..# 1^** ?!' Laaraa Maoou ..7:66 a. m. Day Passenger Train arrive. M P- ■ Arrive* Ht* Night Paamager lWa laaraa *•* P- ro - I mmmmm Ueehli P' n>. narrirea...,, 10:25 p.m. <.eBr38»m ATLANTA AND WEMT TOIML NAILMOAD. Night Pa**cuger Tmiu arrive. J i« »• *» Night Passenger Train leave* p. m Day Paaaeugar Train antra*. 6:«0 p. m Day PassengerTTalnlaaraa.... m ATLANTA MIMMW A1»U»8 NAILnOAD. Leave Gainesville .- • ?• -• Arrlre at Atlanta.;...*... l ® “ SriTeMoiS^flf.. i •** *, *|. r _k nod OuuiMtoa Hnilroad. J. Auaa. Agent. Atlanta. Oa. THIRD DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. .SENATE. MO*m HU lEallOI Fbipa y » November 3, 10 a. m. President Trammell in the cluur.— ' *>rayto'by Rev. Abmduui Wright. The roll waa called and the journal read and approved. A menage from the Houae, onnonne- tag its organization, was received. Mr. Brook offered a reeolation that •ocaauttee of thieo be appointed by the President to co-operato with kite commit tee from the House to notify the Gover nor of the organisation of the Legisla ture. The Senate refused to take it up. the standing oommitteoa were then announced. '* * ’ . Mr. Lksteb introduced a resolution providing for a joint committee to wait upon Governor Conley and notify him of the organisation of .the two Houses. Adopted; and Measro. Lester, Jones and Brock were appointed. Ur. Caniu.ku offered a remlution di rooting the Secretary to have printed one hundred oopiee of the Rules for the nae of the Senate. Adopted. Mr. Hillyer offered a resolution that s committee of three lie appointed to consider the beat meana q{ reducing the expense of the Journal of the Senate and the proper method of keeping the same correctly.' Adopted. Resolutions were adopted directing the Messenger to fdpnish each Senator with a copy of the Journal of the Legislature, and the Laws of 1870. Ur. Cahdueb offered a resolution that the Committee on Privileges and Elec tion be directed to inquiro into the right of Ur. William Heqnr to occupy a test Senator from the 44th District; also, of Ur. Thomas Crayton us Senator from the Twelfth District. Adopted. Bills were read the secoud time. Ur. Jordan offered a resolution pro viding for the settinc apart a certain portion.of the gallery fur the exoluaive use of ladies. Adopted. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Bruton. Ur. Jones, chairman of the speeial committee to procure the services of a Chaplain, reported the names of Rev. E. W. Warren, Rev. Arminiua Wright and Rev. J. C. Ketchum. Adopted. By Ur. Steadman—A bill to provide for the payment of the debt of Clarke eounty. - Mr. Hillyeh presented a memorial asking aid from the United States Gov ernment for connecting the Mississippi Riyer with the AUsotio, by the cutting of certain canals across the territory of this State, and offered a resolution that oar immediate representatives in Con gress be requested to use every exertion to secure the granting of the aid sought •'Special Notice#,•• » cent# per line fee me arn by the memorial, and- that the Governor mSBwi 10 cents for each tubeeqnent lneertlon. be requested to furnish oopies of this p^£r£3a&3£ S^SSeVE*.* memorial to such representatives and to per cent off thetalAe retee. Advariteansste** Else Companies net Ohnrchoe, half the nanal rate*. _ In ortter «> eatahMWi anlform rate# of affvarUaiaff fur tha Daily Preaa of Atlanta, we have adopted the foregotnff achednlenf prlcoe, and will be governed by them in the future. W. A. HEMPHILL k CO., Proprietor* of the Constitution. 6. W.. GRUBB, Duaiuos* Manager, of tho Now Era. J. HENLY SMITH. Manager. Of Tha Atlanta 8un, NlghtPaeaenger Train* Asriva* ta Maoot , akevenchattauoog*..,u« MUM _>hi*,aamo d*y..., Mail Tntai IfavM Chattanooga Arriwa* to HMuphla, aext day.... CO Ml MO KANT: ve* Meuipbli n, next morning . _ Mall Tnlf iaaveaM*mphU. l5 iJJ J {J Amve* to Chattanooga, next day..*........ 5001_M . 7Jf P.M Attantl* Ml tt*N SallroU. TrlBOM Savanaah. 0^. »to Alb*ny. JactoonvUU r *nd TaUabaaM*. to Quincy, Florida: Arrive at Jaekfttotrilhi dally l:toP. M Arrive at Tal la lyM*ea. daily (Mtodaya LtovatSSSS^ tod)...:^.h—... ,, NlteftSetlt 1:00 P. M ^ . IHw 1 // anr.ifA nmr* A1ID 1:11 A. to. i:lt P. to 5:41 r. m., ):ifi a. to I'ttfeto.ldtoA.M' Arrlre at Saw oertain other persons. By Mr. Smith—A bill to fix the salary of the members of the General Assembly at *240 per annum each, and the ofiicero at $320—allowing twolve clerks each to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House. By Mr. Lester—A bill to incorporate tho Savannah and Thunderbolt Railroad Company. By Mr. Candler—A bill to repeal an act to extend the lien of Bet off and re- oonpment to all debts contracted before June 1st, 1868. and to forbid the collec tion of the same until all legal taxes due thereon shall havo been paid. Mr. Bmith introduced a resolution al lowing the Messenger to employ an assis tant at three dollars per diem. Adopted. Adjourned until S r. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Senate met at 3 r. M. , Bills were reed the first time. By Mr. Brown—To provide for paying off tho bonded debt of this State and for othor purposes. By Hr. Reese—To provide for filling by law the uuexpired term of R. B. Bul lock by a sprcjpl ejection, and for other purposes. By Mr. Tratwiok—To repeal an act to organize the District Court and to define its jurisdiction. Also—To provide for the apportionment of Representatives iu the Gciicnil Assembly. By Mr. HIllter—To modify ami amend section 3523 of Irwin's Code, so as to raatriot the lien of judgiuuut so fur us re spect* real estate, to tho conuty where rendsfed Iir in which recorded, fijF Ur, Tray-wick— 1 To ameg4«BMtofc- oori»>mtingthe town of HuvAinsvjlld, te the county Of Pulaski, ami to define the limits of the seme. By Mr, Hillier—To revise the gmating of new trials in pertain eases. Adjourned until 10 a. m. to-ueorrow. JT HOUSE, /yu A The Hotese met, Speaker Smith pro- siding. Preyer liy Rev. Mr. Strickland, Hob. J. D. Woodall, of Talbot, and A. Dates,of Morgan, Bore swnffg in, and thelkmrnal read. was received announcing that the Senate was organized and ready for basin vision, for filling the nnexpired term of R. B. Bullock, late Governor. * Resolved, That oopies of there resolu tions be transmitted to the Hon. B. Conley, and the Hon. L. N. Trammell, and that they be reenectfully requested to inform the General Assembly of thoir action in view of these Resolutions. Mr. Scott moved the adoption of the ^'on'tfiis motion Mr. Pierce culled the previous question, which call was sus tained. On the motion to adopt the subetitate the yeas and nays were called, with the following result: Those reding is the affirmative are: • Messrs, Wee. P. Aadenoo, Baker -uf Pike, Ballanger, Barksdale, Barrow, Browner, Butts, Clark of Richmond, Cleghoru, (Jamming, Dell, Edwards, Farmer, Flyut, Goldsmith, Guerty, Guy ton, Hammond, Heidt, Jackson, John son of Clay, Jonee of Hart, Kennedy, Killim, Kuolee, Lampkin, Lang, Mo- Millan, Meadows, Motherland, Paxton, Fierce, Rounteee, Russell, Scott, Sel lers, 81aton, Bared, Stovall, Woodward, ^hoao voting in the negative are: Messrs. Allred, Bateman, Battle, Bease- ly, Bell, Berrien, Bine, Booth, Bowie, Braddey, Brady, Brenton of Tatuull, Bruton of Deoatar, Brown, Brann, Bush, Campbell, Carlton, Cato, Ohancey, Chas tain, Clower, Cody, Colby, Collins, Con verse, Cox, Craig, Crittenden, Daven port, Davis of Clarke, Davis of New ton, Dukes, Emerson, Etheridge, Fain, Floyd, Franklin, Glover, Goodman, Gra ham, Gray, Griffin of Houston, Griffin of Twiggs, Hall of Upson, Head, Hcnd- ley. Hillyer, Hoge, Howell, Hook*, Hud son, Hughes, Hunter, Jenkins, Johnson of Bpaidiug, Joiner, Jones, of Uwinnett, Jones of Macon, Jones of Terrell, Lewis, Lipaey, Mann, Mansfield, Martin, Mattox, McConnell, McNeal, McWhor ter, Moreland, Morris, Morrison, Mur phy of Burke, Murphy #f Harris, Oli ver, O’Neal, Ormond, Palmer, Patillo, Paulk, Payne, Peeples, Pentecost, Phil lip*, Poo, Putney, Rawls, Rent roc, Rich ardson, Riley, Rutherford, Bargent, Sim- mous of Gwinnett, Simmons of Hall, Simmons of Houston, Bmith of Cowe ta, Bmith of Oglethorpe, Spence, Bum mers, Tarver, Taylor, Trammell, Watters, Weet, Whatley, Williams, Wilson, Wof ford of Banka, Wofford of Bartow, Wood, Woodall. A message from the Senate was receiv ed notifying the House that the Senate had adopted a resolution providing for the appointment of a joint committee to notify Hon. Benjamin Conley, acting as Governor, that both branohee of the Gen eral Assembly are organized and ready to receive communications which he may see proper to transmit. Mr. Hoax's resolution was taken np aa soon as (he substitute was lost. On the motion to adopt, the yens and ivs weie called for. This call was not sustained. The motion to adopt Mr, Hoge'a reso lution was then put and carried. Mr. Hunteb offered a resolution de claring that the Legislature will prooeed at once to provide for the election of a Governor. It was only read. Mr. Jackson’s bill to repeal the Hol combe bill was read the second time. Mr. Hall, of Upson, offered the fol lowing Election Dill. Goldsmith, OoodmaB, Graham, Gray Griffin of Twiggs, Gucrrv, Guyton, Hiall of Upson, Harnmnn d, Hancock, Har vey, Head, Heidt, Hendley, Huge, Howell, Hook*, Hitdson, Hughes, Hunter, Jackson, Jenkins, Johnson of Clay, Johnson of Spalding, Jones of Gwinnett, Jones of Hut, Jones of Ter rel, Kennody, Killian, Kudos of j Lump kin, Lang, Lipaey, Mann, Martin, Mat- ^fcNeaLMc- 1* Harris, Net_ Psulk, Piston, oo it, Phillips, ] fral, Richards, d, Monte, . Murphy of Palmer, Patillo, , Peeples, PEnte- Pou, Rawls, Ren- Ronntree, Rus sell, Rutherford, Sostt, Sellers, Simmons of Gwinnett, Simmons of Hall, Slaton, Smith of Oglethorpe, Snead, Spence, Stovall, Summers, IVver, Taj lor, Tram mell, Waiters, WasA Whatley, Wilson, Wofford of Banks, Wofford of Bartow, Wood, Woodward, Wynn, J. M. Smith. Nays—Allred, Atkinson, Blue, Bruton of Decater, Brown,. Campbell, Clower, Colbv, Davis of Otmkn, Dukes, Floyd, lln of Honatal, nillycr, Joiner, Jonee of Maeao, Lewis, Oliver, O'Neal, Ormond, Putney, Richardson, Simmons of Houston, Smith of Coweta, amt Wil- "sms, Mr. Scon introduced a bill providing meaus for punishing parsons who have cheated and defrauded tho State out of public money. This bill was road, and aftur some dis cussion se to the propriety of printing bills, 200 copies of it wers ordered printed. On motion, the House adjourned until 10 A. w. to-morrow. Carolina, do exist; now, therefore,” Ac, Ao. It is stated that a clerical blunder, in writing “Marion" for “Union,” ne cessitated this supplemental proclama tion. Wendell Phillips talks thus to the bib ulous Bostonians: “If there isn’t states manship and law and morality and Chris tianity enough to oore the drinking hab its of our great cities, the Itepublio just as much fated to go down as the Ro man itepublio waa; and yoar children will live to see the soldier on horseback, or the aristocracy, fortified in wealth, who will tako possession of the Government Even great city in the United States is rnlodbjrsmob. [Applause.] And there isn't a Mayor, from the citjr of Boston to San Francisco, due west, who was not elected by the grog shape of his own city —not one.” TELEGRAPH NEWS Be it easated by the General Assembly, that a sposial election for Governor shall be had throughout the State on the Tuesday in December, 1871, to fill the unexpired term for which B. B. Bullock was elected, which said election shall be helfi as is provided J)y Irwin's revfecd Code, for tho regular election of Gover nor and members of tho Legislature. 2. Bo it furthor enacted” that the re- tarns of said election sbnll be sealed up by fee maoegers and directed to tk* President of the Senate rftid Speaker of the House of Representatives, and tho managers shall forthwith transmit the samo to the acting Governor, who shall, without opeuiug the same, and without delay, Cause the said returns to bo laid before the Senate, if the Senate bo in session when received, and-if received during the recess of the General Assem bly, ao soon as the General Assembly con venes the same shall bo laid before the Senate, and bo by that body transmitted forthwith to tho House or Represcuta- tives, and such prooeadiEgs shall there after he had for convening tho two Houses in tho Re: resentative Chamber, opening said returns, counting and pub lishing the vote, and declaring the result of sahl election, as is-provided by art 4, sec. 1st, par. 2d, of the Constitution. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, Tlint if > peraon l>e found to hsvo received a majority of the whole number of votes oast at said elsotion, or if tha election lie protested, such proceedings shall be had as is provided by art. 4, sec. 1. pa^ 2, of the Constitution. Sec. 4. Repeals all conflicting laws. Mr. Jackson offered tho following res olutions: Resolved, That Rufus B. Bullock, late Governor of the State of Georgia, who lias resigned his offico and left the State under circumstances creating grave sus- uiaions that be is guilty of high orimea and sitedarasnnoee, has, in ohSEgiag, inn IdiMkMtaa - jsaUmSAKSk Lnr* lUooikto.Tr........ —• ^ ■ iSSSJZxhZxmu. v4* r. M JrftmFFrvrxviTrlSM!. Western ItaUreadef AUbaasa. LsnMsa -a.-- J 1 ”*" Art.. •> mete»siW7 M ~ - ■ Arn»««I wSiWU — S S 1 «n*S2&iV.:.'^v.r:.v:: jiijF j* mourAfrcs ro* men to r to Clo•* Cotuifnmenli, WEIGHT, SCHMIDT k 00.. ForNjtk (Kffffito Mr. Rilni mowed to reooasider so much letter bearing date 28d October, 1871, “ ' ■ addressed to bis political friends and the people of Georgia, that a majority of the House of Reproeeatativee had pledged themselves to vote for articles of im peachment against him, without investi gation, and thst tha Senate had determ ined to unseat a sufficient number of Republican Senators to secure hie convic tion, without regard to the truth and va lidity of the charges, defamed this Gen eral Assembly by chargee which ere untrue. Resolved, That the statement in the nme letter to the eJTect that the people of Georgia have recently denounced or ignored the Constitution of the United tptit&is&xxsia&'i: assert that the people of this State do now, id M# AM tfx mootedtfinp (when, according to the [e^r of Rufus B. Bui- of yesterday’* proceedings as relate to ^rantingjeave of absence to Mr. Py, of after Mr. Jfeige, trto » under wn indict ment for crime. Joiner, of Dougherty, said that he knew Nr. Page wesaick, and thpt he ought not to be forced to attend. Mr. Jones, Of Macon, moved to lav the motion to rennttdsr on the table. Lost. Mr- tin—M Owinwtt, offered a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee to inquire into the canto of the sbeeuosof Mb Page. The motion to ranoneidnr prevailed. Mr. Binueons’ resolution wee then adopted. Naura. Simmon# of Gwinoett, Riley and McWhorter were appointed on retd 0 °MrBfooBmovoAto onepend tirespoo- ial order to have a resolution reed. Not agreed to, - . 1 , Hie drawing of seats next took ptac Mr, PqaaqffatBd.llMI follnwjpgL- wmflfciijiJnu'fcou- oommittoe of two from the Senate and three from the House, and informed that the Oencral Assembly is ready to receive lion hire any eommunicatious lie may may have to submit. the Ihst bn pan determined to stop imprison- S’taTh, S 7 wrtof O ft yrausiBifWfiww- WAMUNutoN, Novembnr 3.~Lienten- ant CotomaEder Jomre M. Pritchett is den*. J t J ()no nuuilred recruits have been sent to Son Antonio, Texas. Tito Bnasd of Bn |swvisbig Inepectore ! an Baker of Pike, Ballanger, Barkadol'e, has sdjonrned. Its proceeding* have KoSSSnj Richmond. „ffc-red Bmtow, Bemwtey, lh'11,Booth; *“*«"* * th ® by the General Assembly ‘ Sn"’if Tstnafl’, Bryan, Burns,' Sush, | Thol'resideut ha* issued a supplc- of ftronri* That in the Batts, Carlton, Cato, Chancey, Chastain,' mental Proclamation, which releases 0, „L o?^he G.n^f Ass^b ’v L li Clark of Richmond Clarke of Troup, Marion, South Carolina, and say. opramn of, the General Are*«b£L ^ Cody, Convene, "Whereas, it h« bre. moertutond thai lock, they were peiiceebly diapoeedG tfrilestein tbertauH <ff tUk*(Mr, saff ■ thexofitoftato soy hq^tiUty towi United States, nor deny to any within ten HUPS tbn eqnal protaetion of the laws. On the motion to adopt these resold saasuaux W. t. Anderson, linker of Dry- By tho New York Asuocimtal Pros®. FOREIGN. It is expected Hint Jules Favre will be ambassador to Berlin, Lord Horoourt resumes the ambassa dorship to Rome. A contract for the sale of tho Dutch settlement of Sumatra and the ooast of Guiaea, has been signed by the Dutch and English governments. The Italian government contemplates spending 7,000,000 francs upon Alpine fortifications. Sir Edwin Landseer, the great English painter, is Beriously ill. DOMESTIC NEWS. ARKANSAS Meputed Km-mimr Rtltmmd. Little Rock, November 3.— Advice* from Bluff report the acquittal of three Ku-Klux who were indicted a year ago. ILLINOIS. Cuicaoo, November.*-The Insurance companies have doubled tho insurance on grain. The Tribune suvs tho rate is simply ruinous, and if persisted in, will ruin business. OHIO. .ffore Rmdlral M^rmttd. Cincinnati, Novembers.—The Federal Grand Jury has indicted Bcnj. Davidson, tho stray contractor, for preamriing fraud ulent vouchers for forage, amounting to *70,000. MASSACHUSETTS. J. ttmtr,,l,r r.rtMrt. Boston, Novemlier 3.—Charles How ard, of the banking firm of Miller, Ward A Co., who was sentenced to three years ai prison moot /or embezaliug gov rn- ment bomla, lia* beon pardoaed by th« 1’resident. UILUUUL PENNSYLVANIA Tkt Turt. Philadelphia, November 3.—Gold smith Maid beat Lucy for $3,00(1 Time, 232* 2281, 2:18*—beating DffXtef* time over tha Suffolk Park trsok. SOUTH CAROLINA. r-tUMC Jmk -Bntr—Ua'-SUlIt emir. Chablehton, Novcmbor 3,— Four deaths from yellow fover have Iracfl re ported in the hut 2-4 hour*. ■Cardoza, tho colored Secretary of State, ha* resigned to sc coot a profemonhip in the Howard University at Washington. Oolvmma, NovemlterS.- -Preparations for the State F»lr have been nearly com pleted. The Fair will open on the Hth and close on the lltli. Colnmhia will offer many attractiouH for tho Fair week. A large crowd Is anticipated. Ocneml Early will speak befuro tbo' Associa- tiou. ~ NEW*YORK. Jltrlt-Tht DOOr, mtmrO-Prtrmrinr far Mra Toes, Nevemlmr 3,-Jf Priao* Alexia arrives betare Tuesday, he will go to Washington, in oognito. Of the thirty imprisoned debtors four were heard to-day and fire were de- taiaed, tbo decision* in their oases be ing taeotved- Tho bslntmo store die- charged. « ■ The wboi* aettae fore* is ordered on dntwTuoedey to preserve order. Under the reguletions, each oandidato is permitted to have a friend preaont to see fair plsy. ^ v “ Th” Supremo Court will ba open all day, mdepebdent of the usu4 teuinoas, to peotect lioueM voter* in their nght*. rExssttx&Tei& enrolled by the committee of seventy Id The New York 6'un tell* how Secretary Boutwell was recently served with a little writ As he was entering Steinway Hall, New York, ho was met by a tall, well- dressed man, who politely presented him with a paper, saying, “This is for you sir; a writ of the Supreme Court at the suit of B. C. Galvin.” Tho Secretary put the paper into his pooket and entered the hell, asemingly rather perturbed. The suit is to recover payment for losses under the financial policy adopted by Mr. Boutwell. Mr. Galvin sues tbo Sec rclory for $2,000,000. S. W. Brown, of Pulaski, got fonr pro- mium** at the State Fair on Georgia raised stock. Steamers from Charleston are no lon ger quarantined at Savannah. John Shepherd, of Savannah, grew jealous, and shot his wife. Colored, A six-pound potato has delighted tho Griffin Middle (leorgitm. Pitt M. Brown is pitted as a candidate for Mayor of Griffin. Ntm abutrtiEtmeiUG. Thi Last PrlHiir mi War* CAPTAIN JOHN C. Hit A IN, (L#t« C. H. N#vy.| Will l'Hturf #t DaOlW# Open Hott##. Friday and H*t«nlffiy Niglito, Noveiubor 3d ami 4»b, 3 o'clock. SUBJECTS: Capture of the Steamer Che**»pe**ko In New York Harbor, Dec. 5‘b, 1883. Capture of the U* State* Mali Steamship R*«ffiok«, OK the leh»4 of Crib*, Sept S*h. 18S4. ConfMlttot* Nar*l Kxpedltlon, MB” WITH If ANY ROKANTIC INCIDENTS.-«S Tlekett $1—For tale »t the Kimboll Hou*e, at rhilllp* k Crow'*, and at Kodwlnu k Fox’*. •pfroil Mata r—onred A* the Ltediea. < No. 47 Peachtree St. ri^ R- RIPLEY'8 CROCK Ell Y AUCTION-IsOOK X . out (grit THIS FRIDAY NKiHT, *t7o'elooh. TURDAY Morning at 10 o’clock. Mid »t night at ’clock. Bargalufi 1> be had. N. R. FOWTiRR, LITCHFIELD HOUSE, AC K WORTH. OKORdlA. IABLE ALWAYS FlUlN beat the market afford*. Suburban Property AT AUCTION, UllANK M. QUEEN, Anctlon’r FOB A. K. 8EAOO. W ILL BULL, WITHOfTT RBBBftVH, OM Tilt proiulws*, WEl)NE8«*AY, Hth November, bl atant. at 18 o’clock, forenoon, abont TWENTY VAL UABLE FIaATS OF LAND, located near Weat hud, Atlanta, containing J^ to 10 acre*, btoch. For tanna, etc., era large noatcra or maiw, at the office of A. K. BKAOO, Dealer in Real Katate, Office Corner Forayth and Mttcliell atr’a, novi-it Atlanta. Macon & Brunswick RAII.ROAl) COMPANY. Ohange of Schedules accommodation TIIAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 8:30 A. If. IliU F. M. Arrive at JackaouvlUe, Fla. 8:00 A. M. Leave JackaouvtUe, Fla 8:45 1*. If. Leave Brunswick 6:45 A. M. Arrive Macon P- M. THROUGH PASaSENGEB TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Qlmnecnunt*. DeGive’s Opera House Wopiiio Worrell • Blrcotreaa FOR THRmT~NIOHT8 ONLY! Mondsj EYCBlng, Horenbcr 0th, 1811* THE FAMOUS Worrell Siatera! SOPHS, IRENE. Aa*i*ted by the Protean Oomedian HARRY JACKSON, JENNIE WILLNIORB FRANCK, THE LCON BROTHERS, Aad a moat yawarfal COMIC OPEllACOMFY When will be presented tbo musical Extravaganca of OZNS1I HllZjIi JL| Or. THE LOVER. THE LACQUEY AND THE LITTLE OLA88 HUPPJCli. with aU the original am- alo; Introducing the LEON DBOTHER8 In the Bpo- cialtlea, and the entire Company in the last new sen sation of “IF EVER 1 CEASE TO LOVE," with new local hUa; and the laughable Faroe of ‘ THE FOOL OF THE FAMILY." Chango of programme lughUy.^p Admission, $1 00. Reserved scat*. 1 to Gallery, 75c. Colored Gallery, 50c. iteserved 8oata at Phil lips k Crew'a Book Store. nor THE ATLANTA BUN DAILY and WEEKLY ‘A Live Paper Ur* Iaraes.’ ALEXAXDEB B. ffPEMEEEl FoUtkal Idltw, A. X. WATSON, N.wa Editor. 1. HKELT SMITH, Oaaanl Editor aad Eetowte THI SUN In an earaeat advocate of Emmm principle*, and a defend ar of Til my Wtoffilng In tha tune-honored kjfavk* of trim Dammtte faith. Wn look npnn tkn ananamof tffiapngipEi the Hliutcllniuoua Office Home Insurance COMPANY. COLUMBUB. OHIO. Oot.M, 1«7|. M $35,072 05 hoaaea for aame time. Tha Company, by Ita prompt action, has gained a business standing that could not hava beau gained la OXtoen years buaineaa. No loaaes ainen Chicago Area. Bate* are from Fifty to One Hundred percent, higher than formerly. W. 0. M. BAKER. 8ec'y. novl-fft W. T. WATERS k OO., Lawal Agonta. . Office at Hamuel llape’a Dental bAo 75 000 81WC8 HBAYY CIXCIlaJATI 2G.000 lbs. Tennessee Rides and 10,008 lbs. Lar>l—barrels and oa 7.000 bble.—all grade*—Flour. 8 oar loads choice white and mixed Oorn: Barley, Oat*. Cement, Lime aiut Plaster, all in etoi id for aale at loweat rates. A. LEYDEN. W. M. Williams. octffiMf Atfentn Wnntod for A-H-STLim^lS GREAT HISTORY OF THE WAR. Complete In one volume. Bend for circulars with terms and a full description of the work. Address Nations! Publish ing Co., AUanta, Oa., Philadelphia, Pa., or 8t Louis, Mo.ociUdtf GEORGIA, DOUGLAS CO. OannunY’a Ornox, 1 October 19th. 1871. irtLIEABETH BERN AFIELD, bee applied for ex- XL* emption of poreouatty. and 1 wttl peas upon the same at my office at DouglaavlUe, on the 4th day of November next at one o'olock r. to W. W. HINDMAN, 123-if. Ordinary. Leave Macon Arrlre at Savannah Arrive Jacksonville, Fla,.... Leave Jacksonville, Fla. Leave Savannah Arrive at Macon--... ... 8:10P. M. .... 7:45 A. M. ... 7:00P.M. ... 7:00 A. M. closely at Jessup with trains tor Seven- da. and all points oa the A. k O. R. B. with the M. h W. It. E. trains to aad from No ohange of* and Macon and Jacksonville, Fla. iiawkinhvillb train, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Macon passenger shed $:05P. M Amve at Hawkinavtlle 8:45 P. M. Izeave - S Arrive al MacoO.. WM. MAORAK, General Superintendent *18.00 Saves I ***.00 Save*! PRICES AXD TEEMS Of WIIMON MIUTTLE Sewing Mnohines. main rrrrcrt*. SISraMO. lira mo. laUUatak »« »M M Ho. ». hall-toaa, pis bi 10 SO * do. i. to tool w a 1 KaV, Mdtatoovn TO *• Ita. a, rnn RablaM. 1*0 110 Ea.e.r.MletOero'. *•» WILSON SEW IMS machutb CO We Vlas It OlatlurU, uuO.ratood that tbaaa an om torn,, fmtn «bte* w. sane tovlete; anil », inana- taa our Machlato to hava eorrj point of tirrSam to b. foea4 la a»v UnOnton Hliuttl. Maehta., and aadunbta. mad# otaa «uod toatovtot as any Matelai Co-partnership Notice. effect from Aagust 1st, Inst CRANE, BOYLKTOS A CO. Atlanta, Os.. Nor. 1-novJ-St. UneitutE CatbB. at-. Tnnowsr Froprtetor Excelsior Plastering Work*, 400, ATLANTA, a A. P. O. 13. eug'Jfl 8m. G. J9. HOOK** C ontractor for brick and 8tone Work, of nU oleeees. Plastering and iruauiuutal work, Btono Cutting, etc. Griffin. On.. Mav 12. 1871. n_ if.if. juacjoe, Fainter aad flweral»r, O mOE.bov.W.O. Jaak’., Wbltahall Wret, r turns thanks to his old patrons for formal “S D RIBS MAKING.-Attention, lndtae of «M city Mrs. Id. F. BF.NSON, formerly of Rtehmond Va., has taken rooma In the Davie Hall building next door to the Candy Manufactory, Broad Streep where ah* wUl be pleased to have the ladies of the city call and examine her styles and patterns. Dresses cut. beab-d autl uisdn In tho verv latest jrlea, on sbotte nottos nod on aaoet reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. octl Us JOHN T. ALEXANDER. New Store! New Stock I NCW GOODS I POOP ADTIOLM! all new and elegmit. Ladles are Mpeoiafiy Invited to caltand oxamiue our Aret-olass family supplies. Eh tuferior articles sold. All goods delivered ftw, W. G. Robinson, Agent Wholeaala and Itetall Dealer in BOOTS and SHOES, No. 07 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. AN NOW IN RTOItF. HIS FALL STOCK, EM- - bracing fuU lines of T. Miles k 8on. J. O. Wil lis and Jontco M< Mu'lln's oflebrated PhUndalpbla Work, together with a good stock of Eaetam rondo goods. Prices guarantied to be as low as any in thin city. Merchants buying for CASH, and consumers generally, are Invited to examine hie stock before buying. oot9-im 1,000 BUSllElS Red Runt Proof Onto AT Mark W. Johnson's, urpuorra Cettra Warekewte, m. Bread Street. ALSO i 300 Ruth. MNHri^NdSErtiv, eso ten*, seed !■*«, to arrm, 500 math, had Whoat, *10 math. Red Clover, U* mush. Mod Tom hr made Orate. 1*4 math. Orchard Oram MM* math. Fall Orate, ta arrive, ITS are*, mtav Orate, aad aU other ateCai Oratett, Me. 500 Cat. rreth Taratpheep / A. Xmht O J® *^^ ^*^* ISO That hat Coatmtoraaand other Ownao, tor Wheel, lie. ALSOl goo Mows, from $3^$ to trnBsm. The a secure to t continent For this l ranks of the mighty _ love liberty and eqnal right* Tho gnat Interests of Georgia win be toetnroi. We shJl giro a eerMot ronert of the preroedings of the Iaegtalaturo, and puhliah the Decisions of the Supreme Court, with alt news of Interest n—entil with the State Government Mr. SUpheue ie Ihorenghly i work and contributes to the cc almost daily. Address 9. HENLY SMITH. 1 r5!S;« AtaSTte. TEllMM OJP HVUOCBimON Dnlly—Mingle Copy « Twelve Months....$10 001 Three Months $ 00 Six Months • 001 One Month ...tff Cl whs Ita Del1y-PerAna«M t Three Oopiee 27 001 Eight Copies ft 00 Few " 85 00 Tea « .M 00 48 00 I Single paper .\ $ eta Weekly—Per Annans * Five Five Oopiee 8 001 Fifty Copies One Hundred Copies l Weekly for six Menlks i Single Copy.... a... 1 001 Twenty Copies. Three Copies i 80 Fifty Oopiee j Five Copies 4 00 f OneHnadred Oopiee -OB Oopiee 7 50 | Single paper No Saheorlattena to the WKKKLY, received lorter period than alx months. AU snheertpttons meat he peid fee In *d aU names wUl be stricken from our he the Ume paid for expiree. QLUIIt lames for CLUES most all be sent ta Em aame time, and take tha paper for the aame length of Urns, and all beet the asms Poet Office. HOW TO REEIT MOMMY* We will be responsible for the info arrival off all money eeat us by Money (Mar, by leftsterod Let ter, by Express, er hg Draft, bet net eiisrwtm, if money sent in an unrogtiteeed letter ta lost, it must be the loos off the person sending It. Mo paper will be sent from the o«m tffl it ta utad will always he erased when the Ume Ta Correspondents. Xr. Stephens will remain In Orawfordvllle. Hie with Tnn Bun win not aha age hta xeta» letters Intended for him, either on (ri le or oeunectni with the PetMota De- »ta gpsbnom AU letters on buetneee*of any Mud, eeuneetad uffih Tun Son. except its Pollticel Department, should be to J. Manly Smith. Mi eager, ittanta. ftn. CITY ITEMS. To tke Msnake reef the Leg lets tnre. Than membera ErtaUBg to eEheetalie for The So* daring the eereioa at the Legislature, eon have it delivered at aaj poiut in the city, or left at the Poet Office, or it can bo token at The Sc* office, by lesviog their order* at thi* office. k_ W. B. Mows, at the Kimball House, alwajr* bat The 8t» for Etta. te 1,000 Old I’apen for ml* ia quaa- tltie. to eait pure baser#, at tee ti Bo* Oman T* Prtaun. Twelve new.paper choree, saitable lor paper* from 22x32 to 24x86, frill ~be told cheap. Addrere J. HieiLT Burra. tf. Uurine*. Manager Boa. M. Omen to Ba**,—Om non oa 2d floor; also a portion til the office, In cluding one window on the lint The Hr* Building, on Bread (treat Ap p| y - - ; '•"■Tato Our carrier* ere not authorized to re ceive money for eabscriptiotn, or **4* collection* lor a* on *ay oocoont, or to wll popere to any era*. Their t*l* dntjr ia to deliver paper* to oar oily eat. ori here—nothing etee. AuazirDEB H. Biei-hee* o* ran Btudx or m Law."—4 16 page pem- S hlet—one of tho profonndeet of Hr. tephene’ many productloB*. Single oopy 16 cent* ; 60 oopiee *6 Addrere J. Hbelt Bkre, Manager San Office, We offer for eal* a "Montagu*" Fewer Frees, which eon bo ren either by hand or steam—in perfect order aad re goad ae new. Addrere J. Handr Barra, Bun Office^ SUPREME COURT Of GXQBG1A. Regular Order et Beeitere—Orere yet to be Decided. September 6-tf Wei to reoeiv, P«>®p0j- , __ _ We will take it-**- a : they will regret tout every 1 oevie the paper. Ateo, any failure to tore it properl J delivered—just re it it requeetod kg > A rvttnadt any failure to rereive It ly—indo* area. -“ that tee aa So it to Sa tea totetae Wee* in thi* work. uaoobm