The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, December 03, 1871, Image 3

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THE DAILY SUN, SuXDAX HOSJilKU DECEilliBB 3 KayjVeip Adrertisements always found on Fii-st Pane; Local and Business KM oh Fourth Pugs. THE CAPITOL. The procmJiugn of the Senate jenlar day arose vcryrlittle above the level of common place. The question of per diem was introduced, and stowed away, for the present, in the hands of the Com uittee on tho Judiciary. It is hoped that the Senate will not Imitate the nmple of the House, and waste.thehetter part of three days in the dJatoatlun of the matter. ' An attempt ww terete tn the Hone* to reconsider the action of the previous dsy relative to the Senate Sfll repealing: the aaaqr haws of the State. The matter Went drer for farther consideration to morrow, when the House will decide whether or not the bill, which was in definitely postponed, shsll be reoon sidered, It is hoped the members will give the matter mature reflection, and be {capered to eat prudently in the mat ter. The bail is cam that seema lobs . demanded by the business interests of the umutiy. It merely proposes to piece the nisti who does business in money on an equal footing with the merchant It will wrong no one; and the rate of inter- est will always be regulated by the lews of supply and demand, just as the prioes ol flour and bacon are regulated. The question, however, is by no means a one sided one. There is a groat deni to he ■aid pro and con, and we do not think the House has given it that thorough consideration which it demands. The Home transacted a Urge amount of business, of both local and general interest It it losing no time, but working right through the vest amount of work thstfwre mapped oat in the early day* of tbs session. Hr. Speaker Smith annotmoed the fol lowing Special Committees, under recent acts: To investigate the official conduct of R. B. Bullock—Messrs. Hoge, McNeil, and Payne. To Investigate the management and administration of the Western and At- antio Railroad—Messrs. Snead, Phillips, and Goldsmith. Tn iarssHgsts the fairness or unfairness of the State Road Lease—Messrs. Pierce, Netfaeriaod, and Hudson. To investigate the conduct of Commis sioners to audit claims against the State BoacU—Meaara. Wofford, of Bartow, Head, and Woodward. SUN-STROKES. KB- A thoughtful paper calls Cincin nati “the Ham-burg of America." Alabama hasa JudgeMudd. his decisions ss clear as his name ? JKST An exchange wonders if “a lady will ever he President?” Thero is roa, son to believe that a Indy has been Presi dent every term bnt one, and that was Buchanan's. Ho was a haoholor. North Georgia Conference. Athens, Ga., Deo. 2, 1871. Editors Sun: The North Georgia Con ference f the Methodist Episcopal Church South, assembled here lust Wednesday. On Monday and Tuesday, the candidates for the itinerancy were examined. Soveutccn out of nineteen applicants were recommended by the committee, who were quite exacting ii their criterion of an English education. On Wednesday, tBo conference was or ganlzed with Bishop Wightman in the •heir. 'His address on the oocaaion was pointed, eloqnent and im pressive. His advice to the young ministers on marriage was highly judicious, and was cordially approved by the fortunate and unfortunate in their oonteet with the “ ever-vanquishing god dess." An itinerant’s life-oompanion, he said, should be a woman of peculiar die- position and fortitude, that she might successfully and cheerfully sustain the responsibilities awaiting her in this noble Grant, in his message, will make no recommendation in regard to San Do mingo. He is sick of that “job.” JW* Judge T. A. B. Nelson has re signed his scat on the Supreme Bench of Tennessee. “The Illinois Legislature is asked to provide for the better education of II- linois dentists." Hadn’t it better bo an omnibus bill ? tW Secretary Fish has boon so offish about Cuban matters that the public has been led to be Here that he is only “Spanish mackerel" after aU. MB- Comptroller Green has concluded that sinecures are not the beet for the disease from which New York politics la suffering, hence ha removed ten of them ImI fandi^» KB- Connolly languishes in Ludlow street jail, and Tweed is likely to bear him oompeny. Who, now, can doubt that this terreetial ball has oeaaed to be r ? JNp'The New York Tribune says: “that thePneident win recommend, in his message, and Congress promptly pass, an set of sweeping amnesty, seems to ns inevitable.” Then the Tribune knows lessubont the President and Congress than is generally supposed. KB- The Courier-Journal says “ the pedagogues of Spain have taken an oath to teach no geography that in any way relates to America." If America would do her dnty she would very soon so change the boundaries of Spain’s possessions as to render an altogether new Spanish geography neoeeeary. KB- Soott, the Bodieal Governor of South Carolina, in hie message, says: “ The number of whites who are actire Republicans in this State may be counted on the fingers ol a man’s hand." This effectually substantiates the Democratic asseveration that the State Government of South Carolina is in the hands of s rab ble ol illiterate and irresponsible ne groes. with Soott at their bead. letter deval eld-Fisk litigation waa given !h this colflmn. This is found to vary some from tho etriet text of tho original, wbieh is ae follows: nU RAILWAY OOWAXT. JaiOovod, Inal'Bt Oiofl of the Conptvj, Mow York, . DfluDoilY: Ttvalghiweptor II to loo Jolly Whoa too pulMM kk«|iU teal Right without looking at mo my hart waa ptraad. Jab. Pm. Ja KB-The Savannah News’ telegrapher at Washington “scares op" an intorest- in* dot every once in awhile. Writtag on the 30th, he ays.- “A paper addressed to HOKee Greeley, asking him to become a candidate for the Preaid atopy, in oppo sition to Grant, hai been quietly circnln- tft* throughout the North and West for some time, and has received the signa tures of many leading Democrats and prominent Republicans—among them such names as Wm. H. Evarta, Charles .O’ttmete. Horatio Seymour, Senator Thurman, and many leading Repnbli- cona throughout the United States." It may be poesible that It is barely probable that this is the second stage in the development of the ’poeenm policy, to wbaoh public attention has Man called by a few politicians. Speeches were made by the elders on the characters of various applicants and reoognised ministers and itinerants, all of whom were recommended and passed. On Thursday evening Bev. W. M. Crumley, formerly the eloquent pastor of Trinity, in your city, preached, in the Methodist Church, where service Is held nightly. The thud day’s proceedings of this session of the North Georgia Anonal Conference began under rather unfavor able nuepioee. The sunshine yesterday produced only an abundance of mud. This,of course, was almost to much “wes- ther"for anybody bnt itinerant Methodist preoohers; consequently, the number of visiting friends was small. At- the usual preliminaries, four were elected Elders, three Deacons, and six were admitted into full connec tion. The Bishop, before questioning them according to the Discipline, took oooaeion to impress upon them the gre»< importance of the step thevrWote taking, and, also, something of f_Jh astute and responsibility. He spoke for, perhaps, thirty minutes, and when he had finished I don’t think it an exaggeration to eay there was not a dry eye in the boose— certainly not a heart but what bad been deeply moved. He pointed ia dear col ors the growing corruption of the times engendered by the writings of sach au thors os make man a development from the ape, and trace the origin of that ani mal os far bock as a couple of grains of albumen quickened into life by an dec- trio spark, bnt are here, aeoording to their dootrine, oompelled to searoh in vain for the origin of the matter and the force that movea it He pointed ont the schemes of the Devil operating to oppose the advance of the “Kingdom of God." He showed them how they would hare to sacrifice tbeir rights, their friends, and thdr earthly all upon the altar of Meth odiom, and itinerate from place to pli in aeaselees ootivity. Bat, he added, in conclusion, that if all the diadems of earth’s monarch., and all the glory that ever flashed from the proadeat conqueror’s brow, and all the glittering wealth ever exhumed from the bowels of the eartb, could be heaped to gether, lie would not give in exohange the single glory of being on unpretend ing, unknown preacher of tl e Gospel, and why? Beoause all these are bounded by the margin lines of the grave, while be leaps these bounds, and, with a con queror's tread, marches homo to reoeive the crown of life. Lost night was held the annual Sunday School celebration of the Conference; bnt, on account of the inclement weather, tho vario is Sunday Schools of the place oould not tarn out as they intended doing. The congregation, however, was very large for the night. Dr. Hsygood, the f rost Sunday School man of the Metho 1st Church, was compelled to be absent on business, a foot which was universally regretted, as all present expected to hear one of those inimitable Sunday School epeechea for which he is so fsmons. The Treasurer read the report of the com mittee, which showed the number of children who are members of the Sunday Sohools within the bounds of the Con ference to be 24,000, and the number of thoee converted during tbe year to be 1,689. Cen. Wm. Philupe, of Marietta, then delivered a very forcible addreea. He was foUowed by Col. H. P. Bell. They were foUowed by Dr. Jos. E. Evans, who, ns usual, produced a fine effect upon hie hearers. I wish the peo ple at large could have heard these three speeches, and oould fully realize their import But I refrain from further re- ark for the pieeeut. Nine ov Applicants for Amnsoiott: —Sidney Bryan, Christian, Davidson, Embry, J. D. Hammond, Holmes, Hardway, Wm. Lovejoy, Martin, J. M. Parker, George Park, Thomas Pierce, Rankin, John Richardson, J. H. Robe son, Wm. Wadsworth, J. R. Pate. These were all reoeived. Yours truly, M. C. Deoember 2d, 1871. GEORGIA MATTERS. The Newman Herald puts itself upon record with the oliampiou snake story. It says: A snake, having two natural heads and two natural eyes on each head, was killed and brought into Bowdon by Mr, E. Gibbs a few days ago. The Newnan Herald is determined to go to the front. In addition to the snake, it forwards tbe ohampion citizen, “a gentleman aged 45 years, who is now, and hoe been for a long time, engaged in active business, who never signed a note either os principal, security or in dorser, never nought anything on a credit, never borrowed a cent in bis life, nover lost bnt ten dollars of loaned money, never expects to loose any more, nor asked any one to oliange a bill for him anoe the dose of the war, although oompelled to change many daily fer his customers,” Coweta Democrats convene on Tnee- day. Troup Democrats trooped into a con vention yesterday. The Albany News says that argument was beard in Brunswick, on Wednesday, by Judge Sessions,an the liability at the Road and rolling stock of tha B. A A. Railroad to contractors and laborers for debts due. It eeeau that all tha suite were consolidated, nod that upon the hearing bis Honor decided that all the iroperty of the oompany ia liable; but n adjusting the equities, an auditor was appointed and sale postponed forty days for t final estimate at indebtedness, and to afford ample opportunity to the new organization to pay off ana proceed with the work. Albany has a “Fief d’Hanberts," sad has it come to that ? The Dougherty Superior Court meets to-morrow. Dougherty Democrats eonvened yes terday. The Albany News has been regaled with bran new strawberries. Robert Smith end Lawrence Farley, journeymen Savanneh bakers, had a carv ing mutcb, on Thursday. Smith oarved Farley in 21 places with u razor. The latter still lives. Smith is in jail. Tho Conyers’ Examiner, of the 24th, reached this office promptly, yesterday. Tho Albany News says: “Judge Har rell, of tho Pataula circuit, last week at Randolph court, sentenced J. Zackler to two mouths imprisonment and 925 fine for carrying concealed weapons; Payne Stevens four months and 811X1 fine; Ful ton four months and 8100, cud Cheshire four mouths and 8100 fine for some of- ■ense." Their weapons were not closely enough concealed. Bear Creek hoe a whole telegraph of fice to itself. Wild duck* are "Boating listlessly" OP Flint river. GainenvUle still improveth. It grow- eth metropolitan. Died, near Bowdoin, on the 30th nit, Mrs. A. O. Skinner, aged 41 GEORGIA SHERIFF SALES. LOOK JUntnal Cife Jnrnrotur. TO YOUR INTEREST! The Hutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. Cotton .factor* anb Cotton Jnt 0mm o. Ctc. New Cotton and Produce Warehouse. Sale Day First Tuesday in De- OORDOK OOUMTF, Laud lots Noe. 66,86, 87 and 95; fl. fa in favor of Warren Akins us. J. D. Land lots Nos. 48, 78, 79, 66, 66 end 42,20 acres at No, 80, 80 acres of No. 102, 80 acres of No. 114, 110 ncree No. 78; fl. fa. is favor of M. W. Brown vr J. M. Fields. ' Half interest in sixty acres of lot No. 139; fl. fa. in favor of R. B. Spears for John Hudgins, administrator. Land lota No. 64, and part of lota Nos. 97 and 59; fi. fa. in iav' of John T. Tolley vs. E. Frazier. An engine and fixtures; fi. fa. In favor of Joseph J. Printup vs. L. N. Tinsley. oobb ootuerr. The Smyrna Academy and land at tached; mechanics’ lien if favor of H. B. Wallace. Ten acres of lot 417, 60 acres of the Bull Sluioe” Property, fi. fa. in favor of J. H. Calloway vs. too. H. King. OBBKNR COUNTY. One house and lot in Greensboro; fi, fa. in favor of B. Johnson vs. Ann Dal ton. One hundred and eighty seres of land fl. fa. in favor of James 8. and Elizabeth Hall vs. Wm. S. CredilL CLAYTON COUNTY. One dwellingand lot in Jonesboro; fl. fa. in tar or of Frank T. Gaither re. D. Rhea. ITS CASH ASSETS OVER $50,000,000. • —■to. Income, Number Imuad ■(•of expenses of aaj oompeny Tbe MMtordfttfl wta gladly giro all luformailoa n 1099117 lo *«*<* Isauranoe 00 yonr Ursa. Do jam duty to teoMtWjoa tore hr taking a poltojria JHI OLD MUTUAL- Henry R. Christian, SPECIAL AGENT. OfUoo: s——orf. BUILDING. WliltoLull Street. J. P. 'ALEXANDER, M. I>., MEDICAL EXAMINER. ■fWEi FIjANTKDEUI LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK. rsutoaorlbedlOaplinl OWE MIL’LIOW D<W51£S3fcS. The .,, v . M -{ jouu.uxLhhhk;ti Warohonso of" cl a t ti Th irom.Li.T ’S Bank, ICor. Campbell and ItejfoWds I <jT, IS- rtf feats Wanted who are Workers. Public Schools. A N EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS FOB PO SITIONS M toeebere la the Public School* of Atlanta will be held on Wedneednr end Thun and 7th of December, aft the building know ' ry Street School, on Ivy street near Harris. The Teaonera required are ae follows: Principal of High School Principal* of , 1,100 00 leetotoal (Female) Grammar Sohoole 700 •* •• •« •• aoo 00 ..... 450 00 The • lamination of Female Teacher* will comprise the following eubieoto: Spelling. Beading. Geography, uglUh Grammar, together with 1 1 the Theory and Practice of Tea Mato apptioaats will he examined oa the yviaelpel •ubjeoto of the usual High School eouree of toady ae fraphy. Arithmetic, and r with questions relating of Teaching. Geometry, Latin, and Physical Geography, together with questions on methods of teaching and school management The examination*, with the exception of Reading, will be wholly by written question* and answer*; and none but member* of the Examining Commit tee or Hoard of Education and applicants will bo lag at Applications may T>e made, and further Inform*- on obtained at the Saperiatendent’a offloe, “ Whitehall etreet B. MALLON, norm—deodttieth Dec. RUPTURES! TO RUPTURED PERSONS OF ATLANTA. RADICAL CUBE OF ABDOMINAL HERNIA, I OR RUPTURE, Without inconvenience to the Patient, or restriction in ExerclM or Diet. L 1. L. ROW*. ARTUTIO ZUROION, 1 INO devoted his time exclusively to the study ol Building, Atlanta, Ga., where, during busi- hour*, each day, ha sen he consulted. Daring an experience of over twenty years, Dr. R. ha* treated several thousand ruptured patient*, of both sexes and of all ages, a great number of whom were reatored to health, vigor and a sound body. Thla has been effected by asaiduoua study and tha >of his invention*. In conjunction with hi* popu- remedies, being an asternal application, promot ing a speedy and permanent cur. .. without the Buf ferings and injuries resulting from the rigid sad lu- ■■" portable pressure of a Truss. reliable le this 1 nee* from 1 be annoyed by a return of t enabled to take the most active exercise on foot on boresbaik. with perfect security against th* danger* of strangulated Hernia. Belief and cure for Female, an. Corpulency [tot sod comfortable. Debility. Very Newport Methodist, of 9th May, IMt, highly recommends Dr. Bow< BUPTUUK8 end DEFORMITIES. The editor has extensive acquaintance with bis patients, and post tlva knowledge of very wonderful cures. He there fore Invite* the earnest attention of th* afflicted and tha cloeeef aanUlny of tha profession. No charge for examination under any clroumstan- _ js whatever. I Invito tha ruptured, and all per sons interested, to call and examine for themselves. Positive certUtoale* of many radio* 1 cures sen be town—among others, several clergyman. Don't forget the addrern, ML I. to BOWB, liquors ? Liquors ! BUY YOUR Ales, Wines § Liquors 1 At KENNY’S Chicago Ale Depot AND Wholeaulo Liquor Houa*. HV hare a Large -assortment at nil kinds of LIQUORS, aehtek trill be sold sst the Most Ressson- able Terms. wpdidm ^ NICHOLS’ fjar&uwre, (ffmkrp, ©nn«, SZi. W, L. WADSWORTH, Atlanta, Ga., | W. L. WADSWORTH & Importers and Dealers in fc CO- Hardware September 10-ly Oppoelto Jumna* Hank, Whl tell nil Htwot. ATLANTA, GA Atlanta Ban Proapctlno. THE ATLANTA SUN! DAILY AND WEEKLY, Live Paper on Live Issues’ T, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. [ Proprietors, Alexander H. STEPHENS, Political! Editor A. R. WATSON. News Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Business Manager. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Ilnsle Copy. Batty Twelv e Mont h, . . OlO OO I Three Month. Six Month. .... It OO | One Month Olutos Fox- Datty-Per Annum i Tliroe Coplof Four " Five “ s: Offioare, eepta5-8m be mode upon Cotton At Wzrehonae, ot stfaon RaUnfo# WaaJjW.' t- > .T M KV. Partire Storing; Cotton vrith the Bank will b* AenMUM.-rith reoeipU far Borne that will be available in this city at any other foi.bonfOMg mssej. Mflc- Tbe Bank is prepared at all time* to make LOANS ON PRODUCE or PROVISIONS on the moet reasonable terms. ' ' - m~ Parties would d» well, tq apply at the Warehouse, or aotukUlietoU with tbe CIIAKLEH J. JXMUIM, Pnehtent, .TIVO;i». Kurts- Vfoei^»r6Uie»Uri4- - 1 11 T, X?. BRANCH, OeaRlar, WILBBRFOHCE DANIEL.' ' ' ' '" ** *" L'eMiabi* hi iu DANIEL Ac I r * COTTON FACTOKST—7^7, Agents Cotton Food G-nahb, NO. 3.WAKHEN BLOCK, OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA All business entrusted to them will have dtiet personal attention. Orders for Bagging, Ties or Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. COMMISSION 11-4 PER CENT. RETSRBWOIS; Judge JOHN P. KINO, Prea’t Osorgla Hall Road. I Col. L. M. HILL, Director Ga. A . WUk« s County Prseitleut Rational Bank of Aagusta and Augusta I Saving* Bank of Augcsts. Factory. 1 National Bank of Nawaaa. Ga. T. Q ARDINKR, Esq., Pres't Dickson Fertflssr Co. | W. W. SIMPSON. ff*q.,Bt>svto, O*. AUguataM*rchant h Planter*' National Bank, Augusta 1 — ftogi BRANCH, SONS & CO., COTT O \ FACTOm -AMD — COM-MISSION MERCHANTS, Office at Planter•’ Loan gcMavlugw Bank Wareho>*e AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. J^IBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON, TO BE ELD HERE, or for Shipment to Domestic or Foreign Markets. 9W SPECIAL ATTENTION paid to the WEIGHING of Cotton. sept26-6m — familn Java rite Beating HUrijittc*. 'jb' w E I>. A3 OO htln«lo dap y Woekly-Por Annum ■ Single Copy • • Three Oopie* • • Five Copies • • One Hundred Copie 9 OO 8 OO 8 OO Ten Copies • Twenty Coplee Fifty Copies a 15 OO • 38 OO 05 OO •195 OO Weekly for six MontlUM Single Copy 1 OO | Twenty Coplee Three Coplee 9 50 Fifty CopIom Five Copies 4. OO One Hundred Copies Ten Coplee 7 50 I Mingle Copy No Subscription*, to th* WEEKLY, received for a shorter psriod than si* month*. All *ub*crlptton* mast be paid for in advance; and all names will be stricken iron time paid for expire*. CLUBN: ltwu for 0LUB8 nail th be Mat a th. ui Bmi, u>4 trt. Uk 'pspee lor th. ■ and all be at tbe auto * "" Each suboertbar'^.^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t tbe same Post Office. 15 OO 34 OO 05 OO 5 CtM r Book* when tbe How to Remit aconayi W* will be r*«p tutlbl* for the -af« srrival of all money sent ns by Mousy Order, by Registered Letter by Express, or by Draft, bnt not otherwise. If mousy ssnt In an unregistered latter is lost, it must be tbs loss of tbs person sending it Ho paper will be sent from th* t paid for empire*. s office MU It is paid foe. end will always he erased when th* Mom ITo Oorreepondente i idanca. All totters Intended for him, either on private matter* u of this payer, should be addressed to him at ttrawfordvills, Ge. AU letters on business of any kind, oonnsetod with T, be Addressart to J. Henly Smith. Manager, Atlanta. Oa. rith tbs Political Depart men- Tie Weekly Sun —everything which appoors in a ppser in the Weakly srd r duly 1MUO Uut U of imel lounat. All o( Mr. Hlr,ih,tu' oI the People, the Advooste of Juatioe, the DOelw of ■fghtos stod the opponent at bwrdena hespsd upon a tax-paying people, old, sate, time-honored lendmerke of the Dwmooretio Pit- le thoroeghly enlisted In the Work, end will oontrlbate to Its Puttar ..iX C naagmi at mil 1 It mSu IStoir? to thn *. Mr KTBFHKWfflto DANCING ACADKMY. SKATING RINK. H ours for oents at s f. m„ on Thurs day and Friday. Ladiee, Miaee* end Master*. Thursday Afternoon :td ; Saturday Mornings! II A. M. Fw terras, he., apply at Phthipa h Crews. UOTM-t/ goituniin Almost daiiy, W* ask the friends of liberty, everywhere to aid in extending our circulation. Our Weekly to s very cheep peper, end Its Club Rate* are particularly thvorehi*. The PvrtdflRrtal soatest lor lN7i will be the moot Important in the history of America. The issue* in volved are momentous, and all that patriots hold dear la at stel Fidelity to th* OoMtltetton tithe true toot *f Democracy in evei one who la a true friend to that sacred Instrument, a* a eo-wa Liberty. Tha rights and *lb«rttes of the whole people are Jeopardised—not auy la tea North i nod wesf gheUeuthhave no tuUresU at eteke In tha momentous Mansioornwem to North and Houth. alike. We respectfully aak a fair ■hart* of public patronge. AU eommunicaUons or letters on Uuatneea ebouki be J. £u2NLT r SMITH, Manager, ATLANTA, OA, Family Favorite Sewing: Machine. SIMPLE, DURABLE, ’ ECONOMIOA^. WILL DO A GREATER" VARIETY OF WORK, WITH FEWER chaugub than any other maonina. Sola on the Installinagt plan, in payments of en dollar a month. OSes and salesroom at GtrsustHe Bloals- (U Msuriett* etxMt,' ATLANTA. GEORG1! G. V. SHIPP, Gen. ! UNSECTIONAL, UNPARTI8AN, UNPOLITICAL &CH0QL-B0QJ3. The freshest series of Text-BoeJcs published—containing the latest results of discovery and scientide ———“ 1 Officially adapted by the VIrglak and (irergls State Beards of ] AM9 hoW LANam,T ik utg »» ' «• •ovpwmidimse ■•tedSfl ' And In many Noithn ■mtn. the several Southern State*, .««• School-Book* which should be cn- unpotitiral, which should present science—nro now ixiuing a com- Text-book* by th* eminent acbol- whicb arc the tire)? iwiiditoff, only J J<** plcto tenet of on sad educator, named Cheapest, Best, and Most Mow published. The “ Univenity Series" embrace, Maury’s Geographical Seri Beautiful School-Book* By Opmnaodon* M. F. Maury, of the YirfiaKa Military Institute. A nheafA mnifc nn era (n th** study of this aci- noe, and which, in the worU of n well knowm ui nc- complished bouthern teacher, “ nro chnractcrizcd hy n felicity of arrangement and simple TnwhncM of style which must ever render them attractive to the young, and which wtt be nH ( >y all who wish to trarh Geography ns a $eunrt, as eomfflhlNg la make pupile Umk, and not merely ns nn enumeration of dry facts." Holmes' Readers and Spellers, By (Isoms F. Hoi.ass, 1,1, IV, I‘mfM«or at History sad Oreerel IiHsatsre It aka Uat verdtv of Vinrinia. A tenet of Hi nder, onMuolled In eheepoeas, euvDaMO, sad m» gr*| le'auty. They are steadily progreaaire in chnractef, bright lad fresh In thdr ■elections of prose and vene, and illustrative of Southern sea ‘ *“ Venable’s Arithmetleat il/ CHARLts S. Vutablk, LL.D., Virginia. These books an received evu _ aatkfaction. as being moat admirably adapted for mental drill, a* vail U forhteduam tion. Their method*, rules, and reasoning* are clear, distinct logical, and niiffif iihifflrin. and tho aeries i* carefully graded throughout .. . i,.. 1 Holme*' r, bright sal Ibe ,Mdm-,saAI ertee, 1 11 D., PraOtmr of Msthretttia ti tbs TMrenky at cTorywhm by liMdllgnt tmekso vte.ltos htetert r adapted for mental drill, ss vail ss for baMmi tinea- History of tho United By Gsoaos F Holms,, LLD., of tha T7nl»rr*lty of Vtrgtais. It 0 saobth «s riy of thi< lutmirsbl, work, intamdng, ImpsrtM, and trethIU, ss wo* ss Sara sad srereid te style, that It 9 the only History of th* Coiled State, which is OiSb msOwl k roust down to tbs pnmat dots. Also, Do Vera’s Franch Grammar, Reader*, eto., Clldereloove’e Latin Sorlee, 001*09** Clemente of General HUMMl Holme*’ Cnglleh Grammar*. ^ Leconte's eetorrtMto e*rtes, Johnston** Bnatfah Duntonlei nUf new ll.M-STItAtKI) DIOSollPTlVlt OATALOOU*, wffit wUl hs V. uldls whss aaskam ibiak of Oa ksska sad mailol fire to say trarher or Khool officer. pi0» at reck UgUs whss aaskam tbfaked *• jtarim • uiiivERsrnr FtTBLisHmo oompaitt, ID m* JM Creak,! ■tofr ** **• W . A . S L A^Y MAKE*/ GENERAL A'dEWt; fltfliJWi ©rawer 10, Office: Corner Marietta and ... m t l Pedoftree