The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, December 06, 1871, Image 1

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/ B inj ip It) IMS 111 i m u a bu ' a Si, Ii VOL. II. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1871. NO. 482. THE DAILY SUN, PablUtori bjr tbe Attaata Sub fabluhliutc CumpUBJ. khxander I L sd J. Ileal? Hrelth, Heueral Editor i ■Hlliupr. Term* or Bubuerlpt . ,-tlOto Mi MontKi I. f 00 Tat Ueoapariod than Six Moot** •*> I- ruv^.C Smi'A” — •wjSgfflEga m^uv^u, ....mvmu. UnlMrto Mut WMrmliwf ulpM UEOHU\A LKUlsLATliKE. TWENTY-NINTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. senate. Tuesday, December . Senate met, President Trammell in the chair. Prayer by Her. Mr. lLtntum. XU.' rdLcdS WUmM *iT*jlonroal approved. , Mr. Nichpllq moved to reconsidepa bill to equalize taxation lout on yesterday, 'ng for the appointment, by- die ■on for each oounlv, paoded on yester day; carried. Mr. Cone moved to reoonsider a bill to create the Oconee Judicial Circuit ont of the ooantiea composing the Heuthern, Macoa and Middle Ciieoila. The notion is lost b?: Area 12; nays 19. A report of R, B. Woodruff, Architect, ■pointed by the Committee on Public __ [hidings to inapect the State House, as aa with various reoommeadations attached vso *Cain TStGrnXkZm* a thorough analysis of the oonstraotion of Um -building; and recommended the removal of the State Library, as prods* emg sii undue aad daagsiutu fraasui upon that portion. A message from the Governor, trans- JWnft tUh'^Mii of UtffBdrd of Vis itors to the Atlanta Univeraity, aad rec ommending a liberal appropriation thdrtt ‘ft " i'hysician of the tad referred. * ■ imittiag t4» iteodeut and itio Asylum; read mm JpUjl iSMiii n 8|i §|§|i|i|i[i[i|i PWTOf ► |« |s js|s !*|* |e Is smsmuHaiaiwt Mr. Erwin offered a resolution that the Governor be requested to have removed ft portion of the Library books to, other rooms in the Capitol; adopted. On motion of Mr. Nioholls the rales ware suapended'to take up a bill it number of contractors, and that a large number of ineffivwnt oonvicta who ootud not be farmed out at any rates, would be thrown upon the .State to be fed and guarded, and otherwise involve great ex pease t4.thafltate. Me Brodn eOnaiuefed the policy oi farming-put the convict* in small num bets dcoidedly the beat, lot they would bring higher rates, and would probably be fatter avbd IW MS arose humanely treated. <»lK»*>a flwviow qn The amendment of Mr. Kibbee < adopted. 1 , - Section let waa then adopted. 1 t Mr. Boras called the previous ques tion on the passage of the bill. Tbs call was sustained and the bill passed. Bins on third reading: To amend an act to protect the people el ibis State in the sale of ksvossns oil; and is little acquainted witli onr wants and desires; that under his management the system id Public Instruction is now, and will always, be a failure. Therefore be it resolved, That he be requested to resign at oaoe the offito ha mr holds. On the motion to adopt, th«>SKI and a pi vara called, with the following re- t; Yeas, 116; nan, 20. Mr. Hags offered a rssolntioa tender ing the nae of this ball to the Democrat ic Convention, which assembles in this otiy to-ISorrow, and providing ft* the ad)enrametit of this House from te-day over until f> a. re. Thursday. Mr. Usova offered a substitute provid ing for taking a Mesas from 11* q’clock a. u. to-merros until 7 r. to Tbs sub stitute was adopted. Tbs bill to make peaal the sals of ag ricultural psodneta between the hours of sunset and sunrise was read the third To provide las paying public defat of the State; vide the means therefor, earnings of the Western and Atlaaias Railroad. On motion of Mr. Borne the Mil waa made the special order for to-morrow. ^ tDb alio* Mft» Ordinary, of Pala^ ooonty to irene bonds to build a Coast the S3SgigaS , .. i 8g~g W. A. HKMHTUX k 00., Propetoftora of the Ooo*«ltutk>n. 8. W.. GRUBB, BailDmlbu|«r, i. h*i!r Srfsaniiw. Of Th. SUuU Sue, Rpikoflb dims (table. Arrivals aad Bwlrtana af Vaala aad VToai Atlaata. !■’. 1 * : ; iS SI DAT rAMKMGXB THAI If—OUTWARD. LM7MAtUuU. M t«.«l^ ArrlTM at Chatthnooga 1:21 pi FAIT LIMB TO nv TOU—ODTWAMD. I HIM OH—‘ ArrlTM it Dalton MIGHT rAMUOU TMAIM—IMWAMD. LMrMOaMDOgPr.^ 5:21 p at Atlanta.. L*» am Nuncally, faddy, Ridhardson, Simmons, Wallace, Wellborn and Welch—28. The substitute proposed by Mr. Nieh- ollswas adopted by: Ayes 28; Bays 1*. Thq following bills were read the thisd time: -“ To incorporate the Dahlonaga and Gainesville Railroad Company; passed. To incorporate the Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company; passed. To incorporate the town of Anstin, Thomas county: passed. To secure counsel fees in certain !^*ToBx CMSotapeasation el Clevis end Ordinance an npnl tea liana lac setting apart of homes teada and exemption ol out coaviots, and for other purposes Mr. MnnnaUy moved to make the bill the special order tor Thursday, and that fifty oeeies be printed. Mr. Candler spoke in favor of ,ttya mo tion and of the hill.. He considered it one cl the moat important measures that had oome befqip the Senate, and all nec essary time should be devoted to its con sideration, Soma suitable provision must be made, and it Behooves'tue Leg islature to tfaat if with the importance « demands. Mr. Himmons moved that when the Senate adjourns it shall adjourn to meet at If Aw.; carried. '• ** Messrs. Burns and Wellborn opposed the motion, on the ground that the ser sion is too near its close for the dels and nothing can be accomplished by it. The motion was lost. 1 Mr. Kibbeo moved to lake up the bill by sections; carried. . ’The’fltBt section atifhorfxes the trovei # nor to tanri out for n toten of years, not hlo.-..Sa«.a.».irap. a .£7.ST... rr.. :T4* a. zsssag&sEa&t Memphis 10:*B A M oorporate the lAudGraut Board, and for other purposes. • Mr. Nicbolls offered s substitute ap pointing the Executive Board of the Agii £ rioultuiai Society to receive the Agricul tural College Scrip, donated to tlie State; to laeate the lands under the same, hud report to the next General Assembly. Mr. Jones offered a substitute to oreate a board of Trustees to receive said scrip, and locate aaiff lands, composed of ’the Governor,- President of 'the Senate, Sunken of the House. Chairman of the To amend an act to incorporate the Atlanta and Blue Ridge Railroad Com pany, and for other purposes; passed. To change the time of holding the fall term of tho Superior Court; passed. To prescribe for the payment of insol- * TOW ofTJpeen Joint Committee on Agriculture and linn* •features, the Ftesrtent of the-Agticuh torn! Society—oi their aneoeaaon in oU flee; and to give the benefit of one-fonrtk of said donation to the* colored popula tion. Lost by: AyesM|naje 20. Mr. Braton offered an amendment to the substitute of Mr. Nicholls, that the benefit of oae-thiad of amd lands, whan chair. Mr. IP. V. Anderson moved lo reoon benefftof onedhtadof said lands, whan *W*r the aobonof theHouea bn yeater- -fhefhdswtnk hShwerarialtUa l ^4 k A«behl|pin4.tq.M -UUntp ^h^ijLaZTw '7 Kjto. hoped that- tbs «*£&£*%**«» »«-4wHpo^ ?J* ■at would not be adopted—nor anv ntent would aofi be adopted—nor any amendment which looks to the dietribu- tion of this fund nfflfl It Is secured. Up on tbs policy of scouring the fund all are' agreed, and after that has received due attention, the distribution can he aatjs- poaed to the amendment, because they acinsilnvnd no provision of that sort neo- eaaary until the fund is seomed. Mi. Jonas wa willing to allow portion to tfid colored population, but not to the Atlanta University exclu sively. By permission,' Mr. Bruton substi tuted colored people for Atlanta Univer aity. The amendment was lost by— Ayaa Manns Anderson, Brock,-Bru ton, Jones, Jordan, Reeae, Smith and Stesdman-jS, -' Naye- -Messrs. Black, Burns, Brown, Campholl,. Clark, Ooknan, Cone, De- ■auj, Kates, JBrwiu, Gpffln, Micks, .filfer, HiLfon, Hoyle, Jones, Kirkland, Kibbee, Lester, Matthews, Nioholls, vsul uusts to thsuoni oounty; passed. To amend ap ut tn-ASipnd and extend e charter of the Atlanta and Roswell ailroad-Compsmy; passed. To change the time of holding tlie Sn- perior Coart of Jasper oounty: passed. To amend ths attaohmeat laws of Ihis State, and to authorize the issuing of at tachment against tho purchaser of prop erty not paid f*r {oaths purchase mohey of the same; passed. To make {*mal the sale ol personal property subject to mortgage; passed. Senate sdjounjed until 10-mouow. HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES. Houee net, Speaker Smith in the hair. Prayer by Bey. Mr. Heidk Jonr- Msesm. Griffin ot Houston and Davis ol Clark opposed it. Vsriens asa'end- Mr. Johnsnn of Spalding moved lay the whole matter on the table. On "is motion the yeas aad nays wars Bad. least 78; nays, 66. TbsComanStae on Privileges and Elea tioas mpowled om the ease a! Mr. Tarver of Baker, declaring that from the law and evidence, it ia the opinion of said Committee that Mr. Threat is t citizen of Bakw county. On motion 61 Mr. Phillips the report wts taken np, and on motion of Mr. Simmons of Gwinnet it Wahlaidon the table. A report of A B. Woodruff, an Arch itect, on the safety of the Capitol build ing, was road. This report says that the bnildiog is safe under ordinary ctrcum- stances, and recommends some changes, suoh os the removal of the library to a lower floor, and the removal of the water tank from its present position. Bill to incorporate the Merchants' and Mechanics’ Having Bank of Colnmbua; passed. Bill to promote the propagation of shad fish in the Ha Yanosh river was read. Mr. Rawls moved to strike out Monday Iraki th»«Uase of the bilhvhioh provents IMMagtm Sunday And Monday. Mf, Rawls’ amendment waa lost The hill was then passed. Bill to incorporate the Mason and Chaltnhnoohob tUilsoar" iilsoad Ooaspany passed. The Governor approved the aat to ohange the line between the oountiea ol McIntosh ansi InbSrty. The House adjourned until 3 r. it. e.,»Aot A nun • at. «n»*n s.’ie*;afl8fjf«So wM“^“to r ik m welt as to the oottntvy. The Atlanta and Tennessee Railroaif will oover pretty muffl tbs Sams line, and theta eattainly will be no ass far both. Mr. flttuimons, -of Qwinwetk opposed the motion. Ha was in favor of allowing aahsMwsto any Road proposed to be built by private subscription. Mr. Jackson also opposed the motion to reconsider, remarking that the charter asked for now will oomplete a ohaiu of railroads through Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia. He waa willing to ohnrter any rood which private persons propose to build with their own mouey. Mr. Pou thought thero was no reason why fair competition between railroads should not be allowed, and was in favor of granting the ehartor asked for. More over, 816,000 per mile State aid has bocn granted to the read from Marietta, and yet not a lick had been struck on it; and refusing this charter might defeat a road through that eeetton of the oountry. The motion to reconsider was lost. Mr. Simmons of Hall moved to roeon- siderthe passage of a bill to amend (he charter of Gaineevflle, Ac., with a view billTwhic^ legalizes the subscription of Gainssvflte to the Gainesville and Dah- lonega Railroad. He said the people of Gainesville are almost unanimously op posed to that feature in the bill. This motioa to raeonsider prevailed. Mr. Hunter moved to reoonaider a bill to create a new judicial circuit, ia order to substitute a Senate bill therefor. The motion prevailed. , ’ Mr. McMillan moved to reoonsider ths loss of a bill to establish aayatam of pub lic instruction for Lnmpkin oounty. Mo tion prevailed. Mr. MeMillan moved to reoonaider the action of this House in laying the report of the oommittee in the case of Hoaatoa vs. Blue on the table. • Mr. Phillips, Chairman #! ths Commit, tee on Privileges aud Eleotions, said there vw only one question in the case, to-wit: whether or not the votes of per sons wbo had not paid their poll tax were legal or Qlegal He discussed Urn legal points involved, and argued that under the Constitution the votes moat be held illegal. Mr. Sitnmsuw waa opposed to recon sideration, and said, although the Con stitution requires that persons shall pay that no poll tax should be collected, and laz obUeeten wen instructed Sot to re ceive it; and if the non-payment ware sufficient, a great many Democrats would go out. Ho had an groat a contempt tor Repnblmana and thetr prinoiplea as any man, but be was prepared to do justice. ■j^&z&:rAirjr g result: Yeas, 31; nays. 111. Mr, Jackson moved to taka up the bill to asonre to educational purposes the fund now due to the Educational Depart- MSt ■ Heassd be thought he ogeldsug gest an amonnt to insert in the blank vrhaeh would meat general approval Mo tion prevailed. Ha proposed to la cert 6867,084, the amount of poll tax collected and the Donor tax oolleoted since 1868. Mr Putney said a maoh larger son 5 per capita. than the amount proposed Was due to the toil- _ -toad trom-Elbertom Georgia, to intersect inanr which has al- Ah 0 New York and New Orleans Air-Lias *» * * e • I s n 1 ItAilmfffl' ft/k nnihnnBA fttwa nnn\n*a*a AM AFTERNOON IWKW. , . a <X!rsssxx&jguz Mined by sections, The 1st sustain provides that the min jmnm prioe at which coilvl(As,shaU M iasmad out a" out shall be 26 ■ and insert 80. * Wit,06 ArrftfH •* OotambM.. r.eo AmdU WBlltW sut«] that that tbs result of oareful ealoalatlon as aa av. rate in view of. the tnaffieisboy of of tbs oonristt, sad their total iiy lar a aaaHsdsraMe time attm be* aa ■BSLissrattfi proposed shape would amount to Iqpbdi- atioa and render the law asHasa Mr. Jackaoa, also, moved to am aad the bill by ordering the listratHim ol all ben* Baaed by the Lsgtststurt in 16T6; carried. . , The motion to AH ths Wank with 6327, *s«»i* " •— nets in such numbers as be oeAdeaneat. 084 prevailed. a u tTrDUCUC IHAI rrnrniA mill Um Qowmot, io-wit—U6« for oducatio ^ rettooetb«wby—vn th©Y«ry ooo in« Uws. which ioflotnoed him in objecting to tho provision, for it would result in bsving OBEAT BI8TOBT OF THE WAS. OontpM* Is one FoltM. Msd for cireshtn with ttrmi and • Bill dMcrii>Uco of the work. Address Nations! Fnbliah- gjq*.Slants. aa,riulsqvb.lin.Pa. 0.ri|L»J‘* educationsl purposes under pre-exist tog laws. This amendment prevailed, And the bill ss amended was passed. Mr. Pierce offered ths folkrmiog rsao- Railroad; to authorize the oorporate au thorities of Dalton to purchase and do nate lands to the Selma, Rome and Dal ton Railroad Co.; to change tho time of holding Worth Huperior Court; to more effectually protect religions worship; to inoorporate ths town of Tilton; to require the Tax Collector of Wars oounty to reoeive bounty scrip for taxes, to prevtokt ths hounding and killing of dose ia the oouuties of Talbot, Marion, Tfeytor aad Lanrens in certain months. A message from the Governor was re oeived, saying that the act to exempt Bremen from jury duty aud a resolution providing for the arrest of certain purties had been approved and sigued. A sub stitute fur the bill to extend the juris diction of the City Court of Augusta, passed. Bill to authorize ths Ordinary of Randolph oounty to iasoe bonds to bnild a court-house, passed. Bill to an- thorixu the sale ol puiseual property at any place within the limits of Milton county,' passed. Bill to authorize Cal loway Campbell, of Murray county, to oreot a mill dam across Conuosanga river, pasted. Tb allow persons to make tax returns to Clerks of ths Superior Court in cer tain aaaea; passed. To regulate the system of farming oat Pen lien ti ary convicts, laid on the table. To require all deeiarstious and defenses in causes at common law to be complete at the first term was read. Mr. McMillan moved to disagree to the report of the committee, wlucli was adverse tath* .passage of the hill. Ha argued that the present practice of allow ing amendments was calculated to delay the administration of justioe. Mr. Pierce said that ths bill propossd to piece the ante whan it stood at com mon law. Mr. Hog^ Chairman of ths Judiciary Committee, said that he was never better with any report of of kis com mittee, and hoped the report would he Adopted. The report was adopted snd the bill is lost. To refund to Charles Latimer certain emneouaiy collected tax; last. To lay out a new connty from the counties of Coweta, Meriwether, Spald ing and Fayette, to be called Waddell, was laid on the table To amend the usmy’lsw so ns to make it lawful for persons to charge and oolleot 10 per cent, per aunum, and to fix the rata at 7 per oent. when on rata is men tioned, was road. Mr. Hunter moved to disagree fo the report ol the committee, whioh was ad- rse to the bill. Mr. Hqge sold that ho thought tho re port waa adverse on aoeount of the pend ing Henate bill to repeal tho usury law; but sinus the latter bill hod been indefi nitely postponed, he believed the major- ‘thei Banks county; pussed. To repeal the bastardy laws of this Stale was read third time. Mr. Bryan moved to disagree to tho report of the oommittee, which was in favor of the bill. Those wbo were in favor of the bill urged that the law is uaud principally for levying blac£ mail. (to toe motion to disagree to the re- portdf the committee, tiie yens and nays were called. Teas 53; nays U9. The bill was then passed, To change the line between the coun ties of Warren snd MeDnfflo; passed. T* alter the road laws bo far ns they relate to Bibb county; passed. House adjourned until U a. m. to- morroB. TELEGRAPH NEWS By the Yew Turk Associated Press. DOMESTIC NEWS. WA S IIINGT ON. SOUTH CAROLINA. Tb* hshtlal Trill. SSetlon to Slueab —able AlfVM.Sli sy Oowwsel, Charleston, December 6.—Ia the Ku Klin trial at Columbia yesterday, Mr. Btanberry, for the defense, moved to qnsah the indictment sgainst Crosby and others, upon these, among other grounds: Tbut the name'of tbeTpersoos inducted are not montioned in tho indictment; that the grand jury had decided as to ths law, inatoed of the facts; that the indictment wss defective in stating the deprivation of the right to vote as taking place at a future dale aa the United States Consti tution aed law do not secure to nny citi zens the right to vote, anil that tho State, and not the IVuleral courts, must redress ench perrons! grievances as those tom- plained of. Stanberry argued two hours in anpport of his objection. Counsel for 'the Government, asked’for time, and ro- roplies to-morrow. Messrs. Chamberlain and Corbin, for the Government, made elaborate replies to Htonberry’s argument yesierdnv—the main point of both replies being that the indictment was draws in the exact wonts of the Congressional Statute, and was, therefore, patent. Keverdy Johnson will brain the clos ing argument for the defense, on the motion to quash, at 10 to-morrow. Uv of the Committee weald favor the biU. ‘Mr, Hnqtcr’a motion prevailed. Mr. Fain called the previous question, whioh was sustained. On the passage of the bill the yeas and nays were called: Yeaa 89; nays 40. Mr. Simmons of Gwinnett moved to it the bill immediately to the Hen- ‘&iS&#joufa«dnb<ii r*3-TLI The fo llowing bills was* read the third time: .... are I repeal the set consolidating offices of Tax Collector and Tax Roceiver for Dade county; passed. [.’ Fkr reUtf at B. Ohs ■toy of Marly To ^incorporate tbs 1 l&fn of Dnblin; -Tty lay out a new ooonty In -tp'bf Jefairson; laid Bb'ttlc table.» Henris bills were read first time: To compensate Jurors m Urywfunl; To regulate the pay ol Jurors in the ooonty or Newton! passed. To require the Tax Receiver to Like with tax returns the number of acres of the convicts farmed out according to their . lotion: Whereas, the present State School: land cnltivat.-d in cereals; passed., ALABAMA. „ Masting eg Iks Agrtvaltnral (.B|[Nt> Bulks, Nov. 6.—The Agricultural Gou- gress met in this city to-day. Delegates from Kentaoky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennosshe and Alar bams were present, and ethers ore still arriving. An important session is an ticipated. The hospitality of the oily had been extended. General Lawton, of South Carolina, will address (he Con gress at 11 o’clock to-mcirrow. ft Prl6M-l!eaai«r Q,nar*a- tlBbd-Tkf Mtorm-Tki Pretn on the MfiiffRf-Omk«F Noll R«fmei to In* auKarate tit* Rew Board, Etc. New York, December 5.—A prisoner in tho JeffcruoQ Market Police Station was frozen to death last night. The jail ors say their application to the authori ties for fuel won disregarded. The steamer Anglia is quarantined with the small pox. A heavy gale has been blowing all night, aud continues from the northwest, frueziug hard. Interior papers Consider the canals dosed for the winter. Throe hundred boats were caught out, the car goes of which mast come by rail The Cuban Generals ltyau and Jordan aro pressing the Government for trial for alleged violation of iuleruaUoual laws. Th6 Times editorially announces that Fish will withdraw soon from tho State Deportment. It appliiud* the ineHsage, bat considers the report of the Euoretury of the Trcusaiw u disappointment The Hcra)a characterizes Boutwell's suggestions for reducing taxes as those of a small peddler. Tho Tribuuu opposes Grant’s policy of a postal telegraph, but fiuds more to commend than oppose in the message. The World views the messugs os on electioneering document The ttun thinks the message is bung* ling and boggling, aud anwonliier of re spect than o&y former President's mes- Mayor Hall declines to inaugurate the newly elected Aldermen and assistant Al dermen, «nl refers th^m to the courts. Connolly’s bail will probably be re duced to half a million dollars. Albany, December 5.—Judge Lamed, in Chambers to-dny. heard argument on a motion to reduce Tweed’s bond. Hon, John H. lioynolds and Mr. Htoughton unpeared And Charles (/Conor and Hon. H. J. Jilden iu opposition. KENTUCKY. OfBlh of b Rotrrf Horit-TIkc Krittuckjr Lr ( Ulster*. LuuisviLLa, December 6.—Doreoy'e atallion, Gold Dost, u dead. He waa vutuod at 690,000. The Kentucky Legislature has con vened. No organization. MISSOURI. tk. Klv.r ClauS. Hr. Loris, Dsoomlier 6.—The river is choked below. The ferries here are stopped. MARYLAND. A Jury Obtained lb <h. Wharton Caro. Ajcuxous, Dooomber 6.—The jure in Mrs. Wharton's osse wss completed to. iaj. —‘ ; NEBRASKA. Oiuna, December 6.—Tbs rostwsrd teams aro cow bouad at Elm Creek. Two angtnaa have been seat to thsir usswt- ansa. They are either Off the track or disal'lvd Tlie anew Is severe all along tkeeaNro track. Ths mercury vres wt- from the coun- f**®* Aegrsro below yesterday ssoretog. Meteorological# Thu barometer will probably rise on Wednesday in the Middlo and Eastern Rtntcs^ ana to a less extent in the South Atlantic States. Falling barometer through the Mpwiisrippi vaDev, with in- erease of southerly winds. Threatening weather, and possibly tain, on the Lou isiana and Texas coasts. Cloudy weather from Arkansas to Lake Michigan and westward. Northwest winds back to the Southwest, with rising temperature on the lower kikes, with cloudy and clear ing weather. Warning signals have been ordered, and cautionary signals cohtfoue this evening at Cape May, New London, Boston, Oswego, Rochester, Buffalo, Cleveland and Toledo. *» • A Wtrmnn.thr Lrarard, Oirri « Railroad OpfaUn—s«ver«* Weather— ltem<nr»l af White* from the Oeage L*k«i-Tral*« Ikelaye*—Meteaaalegleal. Wawiwoton, December 5.—The At torney General writes to tho Secretary of War that a railroad, sided by a donation nf public lands, is a public highway throughout its length, and the United States is not subject to a charge for the transportation of its property. The opin ion refers specially to the road from Chi cago to Mobile. Thoro is heavy ioe in tho Potomac and navigation to Acquia creek ia difficait. The removal of the whites from the Osage reservations has been ordered.— They consist of 600 families oi about 8500 people, and their removal at this season will cause much suffering. The northern train is nn hour behind time, and will probably miss connection out. XLII CQNGRE S S £U*c(llaneons QLbozrliatmtnts. PHILADELPHIA ADD ATLANTA WINE & IiiqigQR CO. Hlatr's nraolution or inquiry Dtrented* The Portal Telegraph Bmtllg TremleS. SENATE. Wahhinutom, Dsosmbeifi.— Mr. Blair' resolution of inquiry, oororing a dstei'.ru report of the Executive trader tbs Kn- klux bill, was dofsatsd by a strict psrty vote, except Tipton. ' Mr, EaUogg introduced a bill for mail service between New Orleans and several Mexican ports; also to reorganize the Dis trict Courto of Louisiana. A resolution calling for the Cstaaazy correspondence was adopted, Caiqaroq objecting. HOUSE. A sharp discussion ooonrred to-day be tween Messrs. Wood aad Dawes, regard ing the oouttnuanos ot the Oommittee on Insurrectionary States, in which Wood maintained that it waa atriok to continue the Reconstruction Committee. The Administration reoeived its fir* drah W tht mnvQ gg t ihl poiUl jtete* graph aobjeot. Mr. Dawea morad to re-' fer to a soloct oommittee eo oraoh of th^ President’s message as raeommended the absorption of the telegraph system into the postal service of the country. This was opposed by Messrs. Itauduil, Nib lick, Farnsworth, Beck and Banks, who contended that the subject should not be tnken from a standing committee and re ferred to a select one, which would ne cessarily, under the paiiioment^ry rule, have a majority in favor of the project. Alter an animated discussion, in whioh the scheme waa denounced aa one wtypji would bleed the Treasury to the amount of $70,000,000, and add 25,000 employee* to the civil service of the Government, the motion for a tyalect Committee wai detested, and tho whole subject referred to tho Committee on Appropriations, which is considered tuutaiuount to a re- Jf^Hfon of the subject. Mpeeial Notice*. N jtic* to Trayhum Qo«ho WffihT Yu Marin Tknx.—Tii* Proprietor* of the • t C , an»e*et*l EoUl 't ortfer of Front and Jeffcmon atrMta, Mcmphla, n- ■pcctially tb* tr*r«i*r* Arom OeorgU to put their etUbliihment. 1 b* Uotci U mo*t cour*- uleattf Bittuted. can accumiuodat* or*r (hr** hun dred rsr*t*. ban a Brat clasa table and charge* rerj ■»odv»rate, f2 SO per day. [Signal] ALUS BBOS. JVttb Aborrlisemtnts. QEOROIA—iAtoantaao Ooomtt. OanuABT** Ornca, Dao. 4.1STL INASMUCH AS THE ATLANTA SUM MAS THb A largest circulation in thl* county, of any g ted ia Ocorgia. noftiee la hereby flren erUaemeufta lor the Ordinary*# Odfto*. and Clark of th# Superior Court of aaftd covuty, wfll ar be pubUahad la that paper. Public* Mchoole. 1IIB BXa MI NATION FOB TEACHUn IN THE . i'ublio School* Trill bn held in the Hall of th* bnlidiag corner of White hall and Hunter atfla. '•r l'eok A de Saulle'a dry food* atore, (third floor,) I mot at the Iry btaeat Sch- * Bead. candidate* are expected to be preeant at • o’clock, — - of the Bo*n- Supt. tbla (Wadaaaday) morning. For Rent, A SPLENDID STObFcT THE BEST BUSIN EM locality on Wbitoball fttroet. For particular* ia quire at thia offlee. decSdtt 0. IT. Jinjttn. Auctioneer. ffmm MORNING, AT 10 O’CLOCE. I WILL SELL. .1. iu front of my office, th# Tdarn uaad by the glnaar Oorpa of tha Georgia Weatarn Railroad Compa ny on thetr recant anrvoylng tour, oouataMaflaf Four Splendid Young Mole*, a New Wagon and Bar- ■—a all in flm-nte condition. decSdlt • O. W. AX?ATE. 0. r. ADAnL> Auctioneer. 39 liESIDENCE LOTS. WILL DELL. ON THE MUUH8E* ON THUNE- day, the 7tb December, at 2 o’clock ia the after- w, Tblrtr-hla* RMldtMa Lata, a mated oa th* wu* aide ef YfcEimtel atreet,* krnhult diataao* auaih L. tb W‘“ ‘ _ “■—— well, and are within laaa i Mdilmd. Kaofc Lot wfH 1 ■uu irw a OHAH1TB WUCK, ** ATtArfTA. OA. rrmwE WAimwo bkicwb. n hr ixemmo- X dated, on abort notioe, by laarlng order at aiMMONajMJVNT'a, Junction ol MarWtU and auppUed. T. M-ELTEA. FOB SALS- A BAFB AND BTYL|^N FAMILY HORSE ! ABOUT Six Year* Old. P ERFECTLY KIND AND GENTLE. ANT LADY can drive him. Baa an fault Owwar haa no further nae for him. Inquire at office Clerk* Wanted. ^yANTKD, AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN FOB ahippteff clerk tM whotofrle booaa In thia city ) *l*o, a boy IS o**lf yhara okL Address, with rate- BOARDING. \fR*. OVERBY Announce* that ahahaaoua iVi. or two of harchoMt steal tea af BOOMS, auito- ble for flunlllea, at bar disposal.j e ., « iu • - , y ./ Is prepared to aooocnmodktaTnuftsia^t Oupsta at x JBODMtMTK rkJKIMM. *• <*>«**'>”** u Granite’Block,-Broo4 St. . tJOXJ^XY . Springs tom MALd ox anrr. I wtu. au, srerr ow inn tm ■ ten, u sta tero sairossM teitow, m nWn to • ’i'w ■it’i «’ —'irw i swam la • isw wrote tte Mto of te, jUr~Lhrt Jtaia-wwrel wui b. tod situs • BUv ad a arif of mr rolao. le property. Uao, (oa* vahftaMi plaeftation* In tha nffittfroriaod. Addreaa me at OrinaaTUla. . 8- ElfeCAMT. aovllwir uniool WANTED. yyMTTE HELP IN A STEAM LAUNDRY— STEAM SAUSAGE MAN UFACTOWT. nauaage, In can* or sfvflbd; Pudding, alwaya on hand or ootloa and in any quantity. NIOHOLS’ DAMCINC ACAG4UM - IKAtlBf BINE " tjotota roa ocm kr<V.>.. thr tacaa- For terms, no., apply at Phillip* A from 1 UPHOIAT Paper Hanging ■ . "P... FURNITVIIE REPAIRING 0U) CHUBS CANID AND NO CHAIOI FOB BZVAENISHDia. Tonofro Iroiliri. Ul0sv«o C. B. BROWN, GEORGIA REPORTS k'row Sale it the Offire wtttee S«. GREAT LANS LOUISIANA. TM* BvwlaMlag Eyre Clark Oalaas, New Oeleanr, December 5!—The Seo- ond District ’Court <l«etd«--> tha» Mrs, Gaines fa not the kgiuuiaic heir of Da vul Clark nor his uuiv \ legatee, anil C.-uk h will oi h invalid. Mm. tins will to nQb- revokra the protmte 1813, probated iu 185.“), Oa1u**8 rehed mainly ou ability for work to a large and indefinite 1 Commissioner is a stranger to oor people, I To reduce the bond of the Hherrff oi 1 Htantiate her claims.' The National Chil> and AGUE TONIC. A Certain Curel No Mlntoteal | WILL SEND A TWO-OUNCE BOTTLE OT TH> ai,rewe ***<iiekas y dNeh St 11 mb lor gay ansa) with faL -uxccttaaa, .rawof jhasja, — narfrl «*<$*., 'but* any "*e qjdering it; and Mill, also aaadths formula for this valuable preparttloa lo aay littii en receipt of |2.00 H. NEW0n l M- D. CrmwfordvlU*. Ga.—dacO-Sm t , JE\gaak..a dSoJatba suaa ttma sS&Z' <wnn' tokate/W Vfi. .nrraXAr